Vol. 33 No. 3-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 33 No. 3

Journal of BIRDING NSW -NSW Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
Volume 33 No.3 December 2004
ANNUAL BIRD REPORT 2002NSW BIRDING- New South Wales Field Ornithologists Club Inc
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
President Richard Dallimore
Vice -President Elisabeth Karplus
Treasurer Barrie Ayres
Annual subscription rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $33
Junior Member $15
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Editor Alan Morris
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Photographs Front Cover Kentish Plover at Old Bar NSW by Mike Carter. Taken on 18
February 2002, first confirmed record for NSW.
Back cover Canada Goose at Shoalhaven Heads, NSW. Taken on 29
October 2002, by Mike Carter. First confirmed record for NSW & Australia
Printed by The Village ScribeAUSTRALIAN BIRDS
Volume 33 No 3 December 2004
Alan K. Morris
3 Murray Street Bateau Bay NSW 2261
The thirty-second Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December 2002
and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers, frequency,
range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to assist
readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production
of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map references in
the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days, particularly if the
records are to be used in the Continuing Australian Bird Atlas which commenced in
August 2002. As all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the exact
co-ordinates for the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same co-
ordinates are provided when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 165Information on 321 species is contained in the 2002 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 421 observers from the NSWFOC, BMBO, CBOC,
IBOC, MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Canberra Ornithologists
Group, Central Coast Group of Birding NSW, Clarence Valley Birdwatchers, Eurobodalla
Natural History Society, Hunter Bird Observers Club & the Illawarra Bird Observers
Clubs; publications of other bird organisations and reports and messages from Birding-
Aus on the Internet. The number of records and the number of observers continue to
increase and the information provided is greater than before. Abbreviations for these
organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding; Birdline = Telephone
Info. Line for the NSW bird groups; BMBO = Blue Mountains Bird Observers Newsl;
Gang Gang = Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith. Group and their Annual report, the Canberra
Region Bird Report = CRBR 2001-2; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; CCBR
= Central Coast Group, Birding NSW Annual Report; CVBR = Clarence Valley Bird
Report, HBOC = Hunter Bird Obs. Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings Birdwatchers newsl.;
UBR = Illawarra Bird Report; MFNCN = Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.;
MVB = Manning Valley Birdwatchers; MVBO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA
= NSW Bird Atlassers; BNSW = Birding NSW; SOSSA = Southern Ocean Seabird Survey
Assoc.; TBO = The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds Australia Newsl. Other abbreviations
used include “A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male, and “AF” for adult female, “D” for
dead or beachcast, “E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for head calling, “HS” for
high school, “Im” immature, “N” for nest, “Pr” for pairs, “RK” for road kill and “RS” for
railway station.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with two new species,
the Kentish Plover at Old Bar in Feb and the Canada Goose at Comerong Island in Oct,
bringing the NSW total to 532 species. In addition, further extensions of range were recorded
for the Red-browed Pardalote (from North west NSW to the South-west Slopes!); and
irruptions of Freckled Duck, Great Crested Grebe, Bustards, Whiskered Tern, Black and
Pied Honeyeaters and many other inland species to coastal and near coastal NSW.
There was no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird mortality on the
coast. However as was the case in 2001, a large pool of warm water (20-24 deg C) persisted
off the the Coast, and surpressed the usual cold water upwellings normally experinced
during winter (15-17 deg C). Off the Continental Shelf, the lower edge of this warm pool
lay at a depth of 450m. As a result, very few albatrosses were observed off Bellambi-
Wollongong, the most important area for Albatrosses in NSW waters. The Southern Ocean
Seabird Group over 46 years of study, has not reported two succesive years where albatross
numbers have been so exceptionally low. However there was an influx of tropical seabirds
during the summer period. Inland NSW was relatively dry however good rains in south-
east Queensland and northern NSW in late 2001 were sufficient to cause above average
166 December 2004flooding along the Gwydir & Macquarie River systems, particularly for the Gingham
Watercourse & Macquarie Marshes so that the tail end of the breeding season from the
previous year carried over into the early part of the year. However in inland and coastal
areas, a most severe drought, particularly towards the latter part of the year, settled across
the whole of NSW. This drought has caused an exceptional movement of inland birds to
coastal areas due to lack of water in the inland lakes and this is evident in the reports for
various species that are particularly affected, viz Red -kneed Dotterel & Sharp -tailed
Sandpipers, while many other common inland species moved to the coast such as White –
winged Trillers, Black -tailed Native -hens and Masked & White-browed Woodswallows.
The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing rare
or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan & Bruce
(1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south, followed by
the tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from those of other
regions by semi -colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified with these regions.
However, in order to take account of the five annual bird reports, it is necessary in the text
to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie as the “Hunter Region”,
Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”, the County of Cumberland
northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to Springwood as “Sydney Region”,
the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as “Illawarra” and Eurobodalla and Bega
Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas co-incide with the reporting areas of their reports.
2002 saw the passing of a number of regular contributors and in particular mention must
be made of Canon Laurie Bartlett, Rector of St Michaels Anglican Church, Vaucluse and
a good observer of birds around South Head. Peter Disher of Barham, south-west NSW &
Keith Egan who died on 8 Feb, a keen bander, researcher, keeper of records and wader
study group member; The contribution of Laurie, Keith and Peter and that of others who
have died will be sorely missed. Some new young observers who have joined our list
include Kurtis Lindsey from Turramurra and Jason Horwood of Yarramalong, while older
ones include Mick Todd, Peter Madvig (CBOC) & Simon Blanchflower.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to identify
or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to the Australian
Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are unable to assist
to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS office for assistance.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 167ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Greg Clancy and Rod Gardner who reviewed
the draft. I would also like to thank Stuart Fairbairn who prepared the production and
layout of this issue of the journal. For the assistance and committment of these people, I
am extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae A Shark Bay, Bunjalung NP 28 May, present all year
Yuraygir NP, including A+2J near Red Cliff 3 Dec, A+3J Ellis Swamp, Tucabia 26 Jun
(GC); A+3J Red Hill, Terry Hills 8 Aug (BC), presumably an escapee but from where?; 12
Illawarra Region records Jan -Nov, at Belanglo SF, Sassasfras & Bangadilly NP including
4+3Y on 12 Jan & A+6Y on 11 Oct, all at Sassafras, the most furthest east known for
Illawarra Region (IBR); 60+ including J, Warragamba Dam 5 Oct (SAs); AM+3Y Binya
SF 23 Mar & on 22 Sep (KH);
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2 Goonoo SF Mogriguy 26 May (We); A visit to the Taleeban
Res Weethalle showed that none of the 6 mounds there were in use 29 Sep (BM), 2 Binya
SF Sep -20 Nov (KH); Bindi HSD Cobar 14-15 Jul (MT); Mt Tilga SF Condobolin 31
1 1
Mar (DMa), Nombinnie NR near Matakana 4 Apr (JBr), at mound Scotia Sanctuary,
1 1
Wentworth 26 Apr (CL). More sites mention than in recent years but not necessarily more
birds seen.
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami Reported from Glenrock SRA 21 Nov &
Red Head 31 Dec (HBR), unusual locations; Thornleigh 25 Apr (LBe), Gloucester St
1 1
Epping 12 Aug (LSm), I Lovetts Bay 15 Aug (RMc); 7 Illawarra records at Jamberoo
Mountain, Keiraville, Staffords Farm, Mt Kembla & the Wollongong Bot. Gardens Oct-
Dec, presumably released birds that are now breeding and spreading through the Region
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 6+ Clybucca Swamp 26 Nov (TM); 1-5 Fosterton
Loop, Dungog 23 Feb, Gloucester 3 Mar, Widden Valley 28 Mar- 1 Apr, Tomalpin 24 Aug,
Bureen 13 Oct (HBR), 4 Waukivory Rd Gloucester 14 Jun (PDb); 2A+4Y Kulnura 12 Feb
(CCBR), rarely reported breeding on the Coast; Richmond Turf Farms 14 Jul (EV), HC
Feamleys Lagoon 26 Dec (EV); 3 Jaspers Brush 27 Sep (BAs); 1 Moruya 20 Jan, 5
Wallaga Lake 16 Apr (ENHS); 3 Ilunie Range 25 May (MZ); 3+ in alpine herbfield at
1460 m nr Boggy Plains, Kosciousko NP 2 Jun (McDonald 2002); 2A+2Y Grenfell 4 Nov
(MZ); 7 Fivebough Swamp Jun (KH). Widespread coverage.
168 December 2004Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 4 Bicentennial Park 23 Feb (BR); 2A+4J Borah Res Barraba
5 Jan (JWh); 4 Leeton 31 Aug, 10 Fivebough Swamp 1 Sep, 2A+3Y Ariah park 11 Nov,
Nericon Swamp Griffith Dec (KH). Records on the western edge of range.
1 1
King Quail C. chinensis AM Belmore Swamp 3 Apr (KS), 2 Clybucca Swamp 25 Nov
(TM); 3 Pitt Town Lagoon 10 Mar (EV) & 2 6-14 Nov (KB,NR), HC Cornwallis Rd
Windsor 15 Sep (DH); 4 Killalea Lagoon 25 Mar (CC), 1″ Illawarra Region record since
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipaltnata 5 Geneebeinga Wetlands, Casino 19 May, max
19+ Waterview Heights 20 Apr -14 Dec (GC), max 34 Terranora 23 Nov -31 Dec (RMo);
9-11 at Cundletown & Chatham 12-29 Jan (DGe) a new site, 60-70 present Shortlands
WC & 10+ Seaham Swamp NR all year; 1 flying N over Burrewarra Point 5 Nov (ENHS);
9 Bolivia near Tenterfield Feb (MG); Corringle HSD Moama 6 Sep (GK). Lowest
1 1
number of birds since the peak of 1998/99.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni 21 Mogul Swamp, Taloumbi 29 Nov,
present all year Clarence Valley max 300 Coutts Crossing 12 Dec, being present also at
Alumy Creek,Grafton, Waterview Heights and Bom Bom SF, 40+ Eatonsville Apr
(CVBR,GC); Max 12 Pambalong NR & Lenehans Flat 7 Feb -9 Mar (RQ,HBR), max 93
Doughboy Hollow 12 Feb -4 May (HBR); 5 Bushells Lagoon 10 Mar (EV), max 104+
Pughs Lagoon Ricmond 30 Mar- 1 May (KB), 60 Fearnleys Lagoon 15 May & 26 Dec
(DH,TDy); I Bowral 21 Mar (CB), 1″ record for the Southern Highlands, max 12
Bomaderry STW 17 May -26 Sep, I’ Shoalhaven record since 1978 (IBR); 14 Dun 27
Feb (AA); 200 Werris Creek STW 19 Jul (JMi); 100+ Junee STW 3 Jan & max 123 Jul –
Aug (MC).
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata 2A+7Y Banora Point 28 Feb (RMo), 3 Bagotville
Barrage 13 Mar (CCo), Max 60 Woolgoolga 5-29 Aug (CCa,JSe), 11 Belmore Swamp,
Gladstone 12 Nov (TMo); Present all year Shortland WC & Market Swamp, max 62 on 6
Jan (HBR,PEk); 4+ Leeton STW 26-31 Dec (AR). Average year.
Blue -billed Duck Oxuyra australis 1 Lenehans Flat 19 Jul -13 Aug, 1 Walka Water
Works 26 Jun & Nov 16, probaly all the same bird, 2″° Hunter Region record (HBR); 2
Kandos Weir 26-31 Dec (DMa); 110 Quipolly Dam 12 Oct (GM), highest number in 10
year; 50 Ettamogah 16 Aug & 15 on 18 Dec (PMe); 9 Leeton SWT Jun (KH); Toollijooa
1 1
4 Nov (CPe). Drought has moved populations around.
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Present all year Colongra Lake, max 60 on 12 Apr (CCBR);
Present all year Potato Point, max 15in Feb (ENHS)
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 3 Shortland WC 1-3 Jan, then 3-5 13-15 Oct
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 169(WB,HBR), Lenaghan Drive Swamp Minmi 7-27 Jan, max 11 from 23 Jun -13 Aug
(ARo,EV,HBR); 24 Tuggerah STW 22 Jul -21 Aug, max 5 18 Aug -31 Dec (CCBR), I”
known records for the Central Coast; 5 Wisemans Ferry Rd Cattai 30 Jan -20 Mar (KB,TD),
3 Mt Annan Bot Gardens 20 Jan -5 Feb & 2 on 28 Jun (ALe,RJo), F McGraths Hill STW
13 Feb -22 May (ARo,EV, TDy) & I on 22 May (TD), 2 Bicentennial Pk Homebush 14-23
Feb (JHr), max 23 Pitt Town Lagoon 25 Apr -17 Jul (ARo,CG,CS,KB), Yeramba Lagoon
17 Aug (DMc), 2 Fearnley’s Lagoon 28-30 Aug, 3 Argyll Reach, Lagoon 13 Nov, max 5
Wilberforce 14 Nov -26 Dec (KB,TD), max 9 Bushells Lagoon 9 Jun -13 Nov (ARo,EV),
Fearnleys Lagoon, Richmond 15 Dec (EV); 3 Archgate Dam, Culburra 25 Jul, 5 Lake
Wollumboola 27 Sep (BAs), 5 Saltwater Swp Crookhaven Rd 27 Jul (SE), 3 Cecil Hoskins
Res Moss Vale 29 Oct -18 Nov (CB,CC); Trunketabella 11-12 Aug (ENHS), first
confirmed record for Region; 2 Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 11 Jan (BC); Present Lake Bathurst
& The Morass Jan -Jun, max 46 on 29 Apr (CRBR 2001-2), 2 Kellys Swamp 17 Aug -2
Nov (DMd,CBN 28,42); Max 10 Gum Swamp, Forbes 6 Jan -23 May, 2 on 21 Sep, 5 on 6
Oct (CG,DH,IMo,KS,RCo,SG); 2 Young 23 Jun (ASm), 3 Wonga Wetlands 20 Oct, 2
Corowa STW 22 Dec (MRa); Present Leeton STW 4 Jan -1 Jun, max 92 on 4 Jan & 142
on 5 Feb (KH,MT), max 50 Fivebough Swamp 20 Jan -30 Apr, 4 in Sep & max 20 from 1-
27 Dec (AR,DGr,GG,KH, NSm), 36 Hay STW 23 Mar (FOC), Brewster Weir, Lachlan
R 7 Jul (MT), max 78 Griffith STW 1-4 Apr (AM,MT), 20+ on 29 Dec (AR); Present
Green Lake, 100 km S of Tibooburra 10 May -7 Sep, max 15 on latter date (CPr,GD,MT),
4+ Bourke STW 2-9 Oct (GLC); 2 Copi Hollow, Menindee Lakes 20 Dec (AFo). The
most ever records for Freckled Ducks published in the Annual reports.
Black Swan Cygnus atratus 500+ Belmore Swamp 10 Apr (KS); 500+ Ash Island Ponds
Oct & Hexham Swamp] 9 Dec (HBR), large numbers for these sites; Present all year
Tuggerah Lakes, max 3428 in Nov, highest count since 1988, including 1448 Budgewoi
Lake 20 Nov (CCBR); 1000+ Swan Lake Cudmirrah 14 Jul -Aug (JP,KM); max 350 Potato
Point Aug, with nesting in the Eurobodalla Region reported Jan -Sep (ENHS)
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Shoalhaven Heads-Comerong Island 17 Oct -7 Nov
(LS,CC), first NSW record, referred to BA & accepted.
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides AM, 2F Upper Belmore, Gladstone 12-15
Dec (KS,TMo); John Brown Lagoon 21 Aug, 2 Dora Creek 22 Nov & 2 Hexham Swamp
19 Dec (HBR,PO); AM Tuggerah STW 14 Dec (RQ), V Central Coast record; AM
Fernleys Lagoon Richmond 15 May & M,2F 15-16 Dec (ARo,EV,TD); 2 Moss Vale 5
Sep (NR), 1 Lake Wollumboola 8 Dec (BAs), I Killalea Lagoon 15 Dec (CC); Present
Lake Bathurst Mar -Jun, max 59 Mar, numbers much lower than in the mid 1990s (CRBR
2001-2); 2 Junee STW 2 Sep, unusual location (MC); 2+ Macquarie Marshes NR 12-15
Sep (ACa). Some new coastal sites.
170 December 2004Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapu coromandelianus AF Top Tank, Minmi 3-21 Jul (ALi,
PDb,PH), then to Hands Lagoon, Bolwarra 8-10 Aug (HBR), Hunter Region record &
14th record for NSW. Record accepted by NSWORAC.
Mallard Anas platyrhynchus Reported from 6 sites in the Hunter Region, max 10+
Warabrook Nov (HBR).
Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis 10+ Cowan’s Ponds 20 Apr &18 May
(CVBR,GC), 300+ Seales Rd Swamp Belmore River 5-22 Jun (AM,KS); Large numbers
reported for the Hunter Region all year, max 300+ Leneghans Flat Swmp 7 Apr, 189 Ash
Island Ponds 15 Jun & 357 Morpeth STW 8 Aug, (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes & or
Tuggerah STW all year including 110 Chittaway Bay 26 Jun (AM), with the most ever
reports received (CCBR); 19 Lake Wollumboola 14 Jul (JP), 20 Cecil Hoskins NR15 Dec
(CC); Max 50 Coopers Island, with unsually large numbers in the Eurobodalla Region
May -Dec (ENHS); Present Lake Bathurst Jan -Jun, max 235 in Apr (CRBR 2001-2). Large
numbers on the move as the inland lakes and water storages dry up.
Northern Shoveler A. clypeta AM Deep Creek Ulmarra 8 Apr (RJ), Pelican Is, South
West Rocks 7-22 May (KS); AM Ash Island Ponds 28 Jul -1 Aug (RBa,HBR) & Clarence
Town 31 Jan (per Birdline). All records referred to BARC, and the Ash Island & South
West Rocks records have been accepted as the 3′ & 4rd confirmed records for NSW, the
others ares still under review. Note that an AM was also reported from the Sydney Airport
Swamps by some British bird watchers on 30 Jun but no submission was made at the time.
Grey Teal A. gracilis Large numbers reported in the Hunter Region all year max 1000+
Leneghans Flat Swamp late Jul, 27 Sep & at Hexham Swamp 3 Oct, 939 Morpeth STW 10
Feb (HBR); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 1341 in Dec, highest count since 1991
(CCBR); 5000 Lake Illawarra 18 Nov (CC); Present Lake Bathurst Jan -Jun, max 2353
Apr (CRBR 2001-2).
Chestnut Teal A. castanea Large numbers in the Hunter region including 1620 Ash
Island May & 944 in Mar (HBR); 1500 Lake Illawarra 24 Nov (CC), large number for
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Present Cowan’s Pond May -Jul &
Dec, max 140 Jun (CVBR,GC), 2 Dorrigo STW 30 May (JS); Present in the Hunter Region
in large numbers all year max 600 Leneghans Flat Swamp 23 Jul, 556 Morpeth STW 19
May & 350 Walka Waterworks mid May (HBR); Present in small numbers all year on
Central Coast, max 26, 9-31 Dec, the highest number reported since records kept in 1988
(CCBR); 20 McGraths Hill 27 Jan (SB), 6 Bicentennial Park 3 May DH), max 400 Pitt
Town Lagoon 15 May -2 Jun (ARo,KB); Small numbers in the Illawarra, but 23 Dunmore
wetlands 9 Aug (DG); 250+ Leeton STW 1 Jun (KH); 3000+ Green Lake Tibooburra 12
May (MT). Movements to the coast due to the drought.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 171Hardhead Aythya australis Present in the Hunter Region all year in large numbers
including !000! Myall Lakes system, 980 Morpeth STW 9 Mar & 1000+ John Brown
Lagoon Mulbring 14 Jul (HBR); Present Central Coast all year in large numbers, including
1600-2000 Colongra Lake17 Jul (CCBR); 5000+ Swan Lake Jun -14 Jul (JP,KM).
Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae 2 Susan Is, Grafton 12 Aug (GC),
record for Island.
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus Normally a winter visitor to the
Central Coast, but present all year this year max 200+ Colongra Lake 24 May & small
numbers on Tuggerah Lakes and Brisbane Water, most ever records (CCBR); 15
Bicentennial Park 13 Apr (BD), 80 Prospect Reservoir 19 Oct (EV).
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Extraordinary numbers on the North Coast
incl. 5 Stuarts Point & Urunga Jun -9 Jul (JS), 2 Clarence River estuary 8 Jun (RBr), 1
Smiths Lake, Moonee 13-19 Jun (GC), 6 Urunga Lagoon 19 Jun (JS), 50+ Clarence River
Grafton 19 Jun -31 Dec, 2-10 Lake Hiawatha, Wooli 26 Jun -16 Nov (GC,GT), 14 Nambucca
River Macksville 3 Jun -12 Jul (JSe,KS,RMc), max 16 Macleay R Kempsey to South West
Rocks Jul -Dec (ABi,KS,MHz), Crescent Head Beach 19 Jul (KS), 2 Corindi Blueberry
farm 23 Nov (JSe); More common than usual in the Hunter Region, max 200 Grahamstown
Water Storage 11 Nov, 20+ Lostock Dam I Sep, 13 Harrington 13 Jul, 12 Lake Glenbawn
11 Mar, smaller numbers eslewhere, A+2Y Walka Waterworks 21 May (HBR); 2 Colongra
Lake 17 Jul -3 Dec (AM), 2nd CC record; 2 Woolooware wetlands 26 May -23 Jun (JR,WS),
Bushells Lagoon 6 Jul (KB), in surf Bondi Beach 7 Sep (API), Present Sep -Nov in
1 1
large numbers Prospect Reservoir max 200 on 19 Oct (EV); Max 4 Swan Lake 15 Nov –
5 Dec (KM); 2 Nelligen 25 Aug, first record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); Present
Windemere Dam 26-31 Dec (DMa); 73 Quipolly Dam Aug (GM i). Drought related
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 3 Careel Bay 8 Apr (NB), 25 McMahons Pt Sydney
Harbour 30 Aug (TN); Reported on 57 occasions, all single birds, off Maroubra 11 Jan-
29Sep (RG).
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 2 off Wollongong 31 Aug & I on 21 Sep
(PM), 51-52″ records.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus off South West Rocks 19 Jul & 13 Sep
(LMc); 2, including white morph, Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 18 Aug, 4 on 14 Sep, 1 on
13 Oct (HBR,PH); 1-2 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 26 May -1 Sep (CCBR); 4 Sydney
pelagic 10 Aug (DH), North Head 16 Aug (MR), present off Maroubra 29 Jun -25 Aug,
max 5 including 1 white morph Magic Pt Maroubra 22 Aug (RMc); 1 Wollongong pelagic
172 December 200423 Jun 28-29 Sep (PM); Moruya Heads 30 Jun, 2 off Eden 14 Jul, on 29 Sep (ENHS),
1 1
1 11 Nov (SMs). Note that one banded Harmony Pt, Nelson Is, South Shetlands (Argentine)
27 Feb 2001 was recovered North Burrewarra Point 6 Jun; 8789 km from banding site
(SOSSA). Many records but only small numbers of birds.
Northern Giant -Petrel M ha/li 2 Swansea pelagic 14 Sep (RB); Magic Pt Maroubra
7 Jul (RG), Sydney pelagic 10 Aug (DH); Wollongong pelagic 28 Sep (PM); Eden
1 1 1
pelagic 14 Jul (EA). Average year.
Southern Fulmar Fu/marus g/acialoides Soldiers Pt Norah Head 24 Aug (RQ);
1 1
Magic Pt Maroubra 17 Aug (DM), North Head 28 Aug (MR). All records referred to
NSWORAC and were accepted. 36-396′ records for NSW and the first reported since
Cape Petrel Daption capense 1 off South West Rocks 13 Sep, 2 off Scotts Head 3 Oct
(LMc); Present Swansea pelagic 14 Sep -13 Oct, max 30 on 14 Sep (RB,HBR); Norah
Head 10 Oct (CCBR); 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 26 Jun & 21 Jul (RG), 6 Sydney pelagic 10
Aug (DH); 1 Wollongong pelagic 16 Nov (PM); 1-2 off Eden 14 Jul -10 Nov (ENHS,SMs).
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata 2 off South-west Rocks Mar, on 13 Sep, 2 on 27
Dec (LMc); 1 Sydney pelagic 9 Mar (DH) & 15 Dec (RMc); 1 off Wollongong 26 Jan
(RG), 2 on 23 Feb, on 28 Dec (PM). 35th -42’d records, sightings continue to increase.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera off South West Rocks 23 Jul (LMc); On
the Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 75 on 12-13 Oct, small numbers 23 Mar & 14 Sep
(RBa,HBR); 1 on 11 Feb, 6 Mistral Pt Maroubra 18 Apr & 12 on 29 Jun (RG), 1 Sydney
Pelagic 10 Aug, 120 on 14 Dec (DH,RMc); Present off 15 Wollongong all year incl 15 on
26 Jan & 25 on 23 Mar (PM,RG), 350 off Ulladulla Feb (RG); 60+ Batemans Bay
pelagic 24 Feb, 10 Eden pelagic 31 Mar (ENHS).
White -headed Petrel P lessonii 1 Swansea pelagic 14 Sep & 12 Oct (RB); 1 Sydney
pelagic 12 Oct (DH). As with Albatrosses, numbers are down again in 2002.
Providence Petrel P solandri Max 6 off South West Rocks 28 Apr -11 Jul (LMc); 3+
Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 23 Mar & 50 on 14 Sep, 75 12-13 Oct (HBR); 15 Sydney
pelagic 10 Aug, 8 on 15 Dec (DH,RMc); Present off Wollongong 23 Mar to 27 Oct, max
12 on the latter date (PM); Eden pelagic 31 Mar (ENHS).
Kermadec Petrel P neglecta 1 Sydney pelagic 9 Mar & 11 Oct (DH), the latter record
accepted by BARC; 1 Batemans Bay pelagic 24 Feb & 3 on 31 Mar (PM). This species is
on the Review List for BARC but very few observers make submssions to them.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 173Soft -plumage Petrel P mollis Sydney pelagic 14 Dec (RMc), accepted NSWORAC,
1″ since 1998, 7th confirmed record.
White -necked Petrel P cervicalis Off South West Rocks 6 Jan & 27 Apr (LMc);
I 1
Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 Jan & 5 Feb (RG), 1 North Head 1 Feb, 5 Feb (MR), 2 Sydney
pelagic 9 Mar (DH); 1 off Port Kembla, 2 off Ulladulla 1 Feb (RG), 1 Wollongong
pelagic 28 Dec (PM); Batemans Bay pelagic 31 Mar (PM). 38 -48th records.
Gould’s Petrel P leucoptera 2 off South West Rocks 23 Jul & I on 1 Sep (LMc); J blown
inland to Seaham & Muswellbrook 11 Apr (AK), 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 12 Oct,
2 on 13 Oct (RB,PH), 360 nestlings & 63 adults banded Cabbage Tree Is Mar, with an
estimate 488 fledglings for the 2001/02 season (HBR & Newcastle Herald 27/4/2002)); 3
Sydney pelagic 14 Dec (RMc). The breeding population continues to increase.
Cook’s Petrel P cookii 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 13 Oct (PH), 1 Sydney pelagic
14 Dec (RMc), referred to BARC.
Pycroft’s Petrel P pycrofii I Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 14 Oct, report and photographs
referred to BARC. If accepted, 1″ confirmed record for Australia.
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata 23 records Maroubra 29 Jun -2 Sep, max 6 on 23
Aug (DK,EV,RG), 3 Sydney pelagic 10 Aug (DH); 3 Wollongong pelagic 23 Jun (PM);
10 Eden pelagic 14 Jul (ENHS)
Fairy Prion P turtur 100s off South West Rocks 8-10 Jul (LMc); Present off Swansea-
Norah Head pelagic, 18 Aug -14 Oct, max 40 on 14 Sep (HBR); Present Off Norah Head –
Soldiers Pt -Bateau Bay 29 Jun -17 Aug, max 300+ (CCBR); 1000+ Cape Solander, Botany
Bay 28 Jun (DSm), present off Maroubra 26 Jun -17 Sep, max 330 (although most unidentied
prions but all likely to be Fairy Prions) on 6 Jul (EV,RG), 50 Sydney pelagic 10 Aug (DH);
300+ Wollongong pelagic 23 Jun, 2 on 29 Sep (PM); D Cudmirrah Beach 9 Nov (KM),
late date; 10 Moruya Heads 30 Jun, present off Eden Jul -Nov, max 40 on 14 Jul
Slender- billed Prion P belcheri 4 Swansea pleagic 18 Aug, 20 on 14 Sep & on 12 Oct
(RB); 6 Magic Pt Maroubra 28 Jun & 1 on 30 Jun (RG); 3 Eden pelagic 14 Jul & 6 on 29
Sep (ENHS).
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis Eden pelagic 31 Mar (EA), 21″
confirmed record.
Black Petrel P parkinsoni of Wollongong 23 Feb & 16 Nov (PM). 36 -37th records,
fewer reports than usual.
174 December 2004Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas Observed off Maroubra on 10 occasions
from 7 Jan to 21 Feb, max 4 on 21 Feb (DM,RG), North Head 9 Feb (MR), off Sydney
1 1
9 Mar (DH); off Wollongong 23 Mar (PM). 45 -58th records.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pactficus Unusually high numbers off Maroubra
with 2000+ on 7 Jan passing at a rate of 588 bph (RG). Departure: Wollongong 28 Apr
(PM). Arrival: off Sydney 10 Aug (DM), Newcastle 18 Aug (HBR) & Central Coast 20
Aug (CCBR).
Buller’s Shearwater P bulleri 1 Swansea pelagic 13 Oct (PH); 1 North Head 24-25 Jan
& 2 on 5 Feb (MR), 1 Sydney pelagic 14 Dec (RMc).
Flesh -footed Shearwater P carneipes Present off Maroubra 16 Feb -7 Apr, max 31 on
16 Feb (RG); 100+ Wollongong pelagic 23 Feb, 45 on 28 Apr & 50+ on 28/12 (PM));
Southern records: 2 off Batemans Bay 24 Feb & 5 off Eden 31 Mar (ENHS).
Sooty Shearwater P griseus I Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 14 Sep (HBR); 1 D Birdie
Beach North 8 Jan (CCBR); 23 records off Maroubra 11 Jan -30 May, mostly single birds
(RG); 3 off Wollongong 23 Feb, 4 on 28 Apr, 2 on 23 Jun, 2 on 16 Nov (PM), in a
burrow Big Island, Five Islands NR Oct (SOSSA). Arrival : 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 14 Aug
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris J blown ashore to Marrickville 28 Apr (DH), 2
off Mistral Pt Maroubra 24 May & 2 Jun, migrating south at a rate of 25,000 ph Maroubra
23 Nov (RG); 16 Wollongong pleagic 28 Apr & on 23 Jun (PM). Arrival: Many offshore
Avoca Beach 28 Sep (CCBR) & Magic Pt 29 Sep (RG).
Fluttering Shearwater P gavia Present off the Hunter Coast 4 Aug -14 Oct, max 400+
off Stockton 4 Aug (HBR); Present off Central Coast Jan, Jun -Dec, max 3000+ Norah
Head 19 Jun, 1000+ Soldiers Pt and 400+ Bateau Bay 12 Jul (CCBR); Present off Maroubra
all year, max 800+ 19 Sep (EV,RG), 500+ Wattamolla 25 Aug (DSe); Present off
Wollongonmg all year, 250 Wollongong pelagic 28 Sep, 150 on 29/9, 200 on 27/10, 1500+
on 16 Nov, 90 on 28/12 (PM);
Hutton’ Shearwater P huttoni 1 off South West Rocks 19 Jul, 1 Sep & 6 on 1 Dec
(LMc); Present Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 23 Mar -14 Oct, max 15 on 14 Oct (HBR);
3 off Soldiers Pt 17 Aug & 12+ on 24 Aug (CCBR); Present off Maroubra all year, max
130 on 17 Jul & 86 on 27 Aug (RG,RMc), 200+ Wattamolla 25 Aug (SAs); Present
Wollongong pelagic 27 Jan -16 Nov max 500 on 28 Sep, otherwise in small numbers
Little Shearwater P assimilis 1 be Old Bar Beach 18 Feb (AP) & 11 Mar (TN); I North
Head 7 Jan & 12 Jan (MR); 2 Wollongong Pelagic 23 Jun (LS); Eden pelagic 29 Sep
(ENHS). Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 175Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans First time none seen off South West Rocks for
at least 15 years (LMC); 1 Smiths Lake late May, I on 18 Aug (HBR), 6 Swansea pelagic
14 Sep & 5 on 13 Oct (PH); 1 Soldiers Pt 17 & 24 Aug (CCBR); 1 North Head 7 &12 Jan,
seen on 7 occasions off Maroubra 10 Jan -19 Sep, max 2 on 15 Aug, being the lowest
number since 1995 when sea -watching began (DH,DM,RG), Long Reef 6-7 Jun
(KB,MR), Sydney pelagic 9 Mar, 6 on 10 Aug, on 14 Dec (DH,RMc), 2 Wattamolla 25
1 1
Aug (SAs); Batemans Bay 6 Apr (PM), Eden pelagic 31 Mar & 14 Jul (ENHS).
1 1
Gibson’s Albatross D. e. gibsonii 6 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 14 Sep & 10 on 14
Oct (HBR,RB); 3 Magic Pt Maroubra Jun (RMc); Wollongong pelagic 23/3, 19 on 28
1 1
Sep & 2 on 29 Sep, on 26 Oct & 16 Nov (PM); Eden pelagic 10-11 Nov (EA,SMs).
1 1
Antipodean Albatross D .e. antipodensis Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 18 Aug & 14
Sep (HBR,RBa).
Northern Royal Albatross D. ephomophora sandfordi I off Wollongong 21 Sep (PDb),
referred to NSWORAC.
Black-browed Albatross D. m. melanophris 2 Im off South West Rocks 8-11 Jul & on
25 Sep (LMc); Present off the Hunter Coast16 Jun -14 Oct, max 15 on the Swansea pelagic
14 Sep (HBR); Small numbers (max 25) off Norah Head -Soldiers Point 26 May -21 Aug
(CCBR); 14 Long Reef 6 Jun (KB), present off Maroubra 18 Apr -30 Sep, max 56 on 6 Jul
(RG), 20 Sydney pelagic 10 Aug, 4 on 14 Dec (DH,RMc); Present Wollongong pelagic
28 Apr to 27 Oct, max 32 on 28 Sep (PM); Present South Coast region 31 Mar -1 Nov,
max 8 Moruya Heads 30 Jun (ENHS).
Cambell’s Albatross D. m. impavida 1 Soldiers Pt 10 Jul (CCBR); 1 Magic Pt Maroubra
7 Jul (EV); Present off Wollongong 28 Apr to 27 Oct, max 7 on 23 Jun (PM); 1 off
Batemans Bay 31 Mar & Eden pelagic 14 Jul (ENHS).
Chatham Island Albatross D. m. chathamensis 1 Sydney pelagic on 10 Aug (DH).
Shy Albatross D. cauta cauta off South West Rocks 27 Aug (LMc); 40 Swansea
pelagic 18 Aug, 1 on 14 Sep & 14 Oct (HBR,RB); Single birds off Bateau Bay & Soldiers
Pt 29 Jun -24 Aug (CCBR); Present off Maroubra 7 Apr- 29 Sep, max 6 on 7 Jul (DM,EV),
2 Sydney pelagic 10 Aug (DH); 1 Wollongong pelagic 28-29 Sep, 1 on 27 Oct (PM);
Present South Coast Region 24 Feb -3 Nov, max 50 Eden pelagic 14 Jul (ENHS).
Salvin’s Albatross D. cauta salvini Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 18 Aug (HBR); Im
Wattamolla 25 Aug (DSe); 6 Wollongong pelagic 27/10; lEden pelagic 29 Dep (ENHS).
176 December 2004White -capped Albatross D. cauta stead, 7 Sydney pelagic 14 Dec (RMc); Present
Wollongong pelagic 28 Apr- 16 Nov, max 18 on 27 Oct (PM).
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma J Magic Pt Maroubra 29 Jun, 13 Jul & 15 Aug
(DM), Sydney pelagic 10 Aug (DH). 27 -30th records, more records than usual.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos 3 Hastings River Mouth 6 Jul (GC), present
of South West Rocks 8 Jul -25 Sep, max 100+ on 8 Jul (LMc); 20 Swansea-Norah Head
pelagic 18 Aug & 6 on 14 Sep (HER), on sandbar, Wallis Lake estuary, then flew out to
sea 6 Sep (BCa); Present Crackneck, Bateau Bay & Soldiers Pt 31 May -24 Aug, max 20+
Crackneck 29 Jun (CCBR,TM); Present off Maroubra 21 Mar -17 Nov, max 56 on 27 Jun
(EV,RG), 3 Sydney pelagic 14 Dec (RMc); 1 Wollongong pelagic 28 Apr & 24 on 23 Jun,
max 2 28-29 Sep & 12 on 27 Oct (PM); Present South Coast region 14 Jul -1 Oct, max 5
Eden pelagic 14 Jul (ENHS).
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 3 A off Garie Beach, Royal NP 31 Mar (MR), North
Head 18 Aug (MR); 1 Wollongong pelagic 23 Jun & 28 Dec (PM); 2 Eden pelagic 21 Mar
& 1 on 14 Jul (EA), 3 off Batemans Bay 24 & 31 Mar (PM), 53-6V records, more records
than usual.
Light- mantled Sooty Albatross Phobetria palpebrata 1Wollongong pelagic 28 Dec
(PM), referred to NSWORAC
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Present of South West Rocks 8 Apr -3 Oct,
max 100+14 Sep (LMc); 60+ Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 23 Mar & 100 on 14-15 Oct
(HBR); 10 Sydney pelagic 14 Dec (RMc); Present off Wollongong pelagic all year in
small numbers but 1000+ on 27 Oct (PM,RG); Batemans Bay 24 Feb, 4 Eden pelagic 31
Mar & 19 on 2 Nov (ENHS), small numbers 9-10 Nov (SMs).
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel 0. nereis Wollongong pelagic 27 Oct (PM); Eden pelagic
1 1
29 Sep (ENHS); referred to NSWORAC
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 30 off South West Rocks 9 May (LMc);
Present Swansea-Norah Head Pelagic 1 on 23 Mar, 20 on 14 Sep & 5 on 13 Oct (HBR); 3
Sydney pelagic 10 Aug, 6 on 14 Dec (DH,RMc); 23 Wollongong pelagic 27 Oct & 2 on 28
Dec (PM); Eden pelagic 31 Mar (ENHS), present 9-10 Nov (SMs).
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 2+ Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 13 Oct
(HBR), referred to NSWORAC.
White- bellied Storm -Petrel F grallaria 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 13 Oct (PH),
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 177referred to NSWORAC.
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda blown ashore Woolgoolga 3 Feb and
went into care, subsequently released (MSm); North Head 26 Jan (MR); 2 Wollongong
pelagic 23 Feb & 23 Mar (PM). 55 -58th records.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator Present off the Hunter Region Coast 19 Feb -24
Nov, max 50 off Crowdy Head 24 Nov (HBR); Present off Central Coast 23 Mar- Nov,
max 80+ Norah Head 31 May (CCBR); Present off Maroubra all year but large numbers
Jul -Aug, max 1500+on 15 Aug (EV,RG); 400+ feeding off Long Reef 18 Jul (ARo).
Brown Booby S. leucogaster 1 going south at Maroubra 19 Feb (RG), 1 Wollongong 26
Jan (RG). 40-41″ records.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Breeding: 10+ Nests Ourimbah Creek Jan -May & Dec,
12 nests Wyong Ck Nov -Dec (CCBR); 2 nests Gum Swamp, Forbes 13 Feb -I4 Mar (KS).
Nesting activity well down on previous years.
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Present Tuggerah Lakes all year
max 13 in Dec, very low count (CCBR). Breeding: 2 nests Ourimbah Creek 3-10 Jan, 5
nests 16 Dec, 13 nests on a mangrove island Empire Bay 25 Sep (CCBR). Nesting activity
well down on previous years.
Black -faced Cormorant P fuscescens Up to 100 resident Twofold Bay with no indication
of a spread northwards (ENHS).
Little Black Cormorant P sulcirostris 150 in feeding flock Susan Is Grafton 11 Aug
(GC); 74 Careel Bay 19May (NBa), unusual location; 50,000 counted on Menindee Lake
as it was drying out (NS); Breeding: 1+ nest Lawrence Egret colony 16 Feb (GC).
Overall breeding in NSW has ceased because of the drought.
Great Cormorant P carbo Breeding: Nesting Cabbage Tree Island early Mar (HBR).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 400 The Broadwater, Clarence River 19
Oct (GC); 1000 Keepit Dam Aug (WBo). Breeding: Max 281 nests Ramsay Is, Blackalls
Bay, Woy Woy 19 Feb (CCBR);
Lesser Frigatebird F aerial off St Georges Head 9 Mar (ENHS).
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 80 Rainbow Reach, Jerseyville 6 May
(KS), high number.
178 December 2004Little Egret E. gazetta 2 Luddenham 23 Jun (TS), unusual location. Breeding: 3 nests
Shortland WC Nov -Dec (HBR), no nesting Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR).
Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra grey morph Station Ck, Yuraygir NP (GC); One Mile
1 1
Beach 4 May (HBR), only reports received.
White- necked Heron Ardea pacifica 1 Sawtell 8 Jul (131-1i); Common in the Hunter
region May -Jul, max 12 Hexham Swamp 27 Sep (HBR); Common on the Central Coast,
with more reports than usual (CCBR); Eve St wetlands, Arncliffe 23 Mar (TN), Royal
1 1
NP 1 Jul, 1 Nth Narrabeen wetlands 2 Jul (LB), 1 Cape Solander, Kurnell 3 Jul (JR), 1
Lidcombe 29 Aug (JRo), Chullora wetland 18 Dec (TNo), unusual location; Reported
from 6 Illawarra sites Jan -Apr & Dec ,max 2 birds (IBR); 8 The Morass 29 Apr (CRBR
2001-2). Many records from unusual locations in the Sydney area because of the drought,
and note that no breeding reported.
Great Egret A. alba 34 Lake Illawarra 24 Nov (CC), large number for site. Breeding:
10+ large nestlings Lawrence colonyl6 Feb (GC); No nesting Shortland WC in 2002/3
first time for many years (HBR).
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Breeding: 6 Y+ another nest Lawrence Egret colony
14 Dec (GC); 2 nests Shortland WC Nov -Dec (HBR). Numbers way down because of the
Cattle Egret A. ibis 18 Shell Point, Botany Bay 12 Apr (BR); at sea, 40 km E of
Wollongong 27 Oct (PM); 4 Goollooinboin HSD Glen Davis 26 Aug (TN); 2 Bogan
Weir, Nyngan 27 Jul (AM), unusual location; 100+ Fivebough Swamp 28 Jan, large
number for an inland site. Arrival: returned to Tuggerah 2 Feb, last date 26 Nov (CCBR).
Breeding: 2000 nests Lawrence Egret colony 14 Dec (GC), 436 nests Seaham NR, 200
Shortland WC Nov -Dec (HBR), numbers slightly up on the former site over the previous
year, but the lowest count for many years for the latter site;
Striated Heron Butorides striatus Iron Cove, Parramatta R 28 Feb (GG), Maroubra
1 1
Bch, an unusual location 20 Jul (RMc); Reported from 10 Illawarra sites all year (IBR);
Lake Tabourie 26 Jan (MZ), furthest south reported.
Nankeen Night Heron Nyticorax caledonicus 9 Mitchell Park, Cattai 2 Jun (NH), high
number for site, 1 Yeramba Lagoon Bankstown 18 Nov (BR); Up to 80 roosting Broulee
Dec, large number for Region (ENHS); 200+ roosting Coleambally 1-2 Feb (JWs);
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 1 West Kempsey STW 21 Nov (MHz), 1 Heritage
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 179Park, Moonee 26 Dec (JS); 1 McGraths Hill STW 22 Jan (MH) & 3 Nov (MR), 1 Pitt
Town NR 17 Sep (KB), 1 Homebush Bay 13 Nov (TS), F Centennial Park 18 Nov (ED),
3 Eastlakes GC 30 Nov -2 Dec (DH,DM), 2 Homebush Bay 30 Dec (TS); Glen Davis 25
Nov (CPr); 1 Jerramborah Wetlands 3 Jan (CRBR 2001-2); 1 Ettamogah 18 Dec (PMe);
Lake Wyangan 27 Dec (AR). More records than usual, drought has probably forced
more birds to the coast.
Black Bittern I. flavicollis Balickera 12 May, Paterson 25 May, Galgabba Pt
1 1 1
Swansea 26 Oct, Walka Water Works & Dungog Nov (HBR); A+J Ourimbah Ck
1 1
Ourimbah 12 Jan, 1 Porters Ck Wyong 14 Jan (AM), 1 Wingello Ck Wyoming 24 Apr
(PCw); Mitchell Park, Cattai 21 Apr (TDy), Deep Ck Narrabeen 6-7 Jun (DS,KB),
1 1 1
Newmans Rd Cattai Creek 28 Nov (JDu), 2 Glenorie 28 Nov (KB); Cudmirrah 10 Jun &
19 Oct KM).
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Maria River Telegraph Point 11 Aug
(TMo); 1 Ash Island ponds 13 Aug & Oct, 2 Hexham Swamp 19 Dec (HBR); 1 at roadside
wetland Berkeley Vale Indust Estate 27 May (KBu); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 1 Jul & 8 Oct
(PEw,KB), 1 Pitt Town Bottoms Rd 22 Sep (EV), 1 Homebush Bay 4 Nov (TS); 1
Bobundara Swamp 8 Nov (ENHS); Rose Lagoon 23 Feb (CBN 28,42); Ganmain
1 1
Railway Stn dam (GG) & HC Murrami (KH) 20 Jan, 1 Fivebough Swamp, Griffith 10
May & 3 on 10 Nov (MT,TW), 3 on 9 Nov (MT) & 1 on 1 Dec (KH). More coastal reports
than usual.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 10 Geneebeinga Wetlands Casino 19 May, 8+ S of
Cowper 20 Feb (GC), 2 Bellingen 4-6 Jun (CCs), Macksville 16 Jun (JS), max 100+
Belmore Swamp 5 Apr -23 Jun (AM,KS,TMo); Reported from numerous sites in the Lower
Hunter mostly Aug -Dec, max 79 Leneghan Flat Swamp 3 Aug (HBR); 23 Tuggerah Lagoon
23 Nov (AM); Max 30 McGraths Hill 15 Sep -5 Dec (ARo,CG,SB,TD); 4 Tallawarra Ash
Is Ponds 30 Nov (DG); Present Old Man Bed Swamp 31 Aug -23 Nov, when 30 present on
latter date (ENHS), large number for South Coast Region; 3 Wonga Wetlands Albury 20
Oct (MRa), 13 Ettamogarh 30 Nov (PMe); 300+ Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 3 Nov (PDb);
24+ Bourke STW 10 Oct (GC). No breeding reported because of the drought.
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Large numbers continue to roost at night in
the Hunter Valley Jan -Aug, max 4-5000 Shortland WC and 2000 in Irrawang Swamp
along with Straw -necked Ibis (HBR). Breeding: 6 nests Lawrence Egret colony 14 Dec
(GC), 40+ nests Ramsay Island, Blackalls Bay 25 Sep (CCBR).
Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis Flocks of 1000+ in the Clarence Valley through out the
year due to the drought (WT); As above, with 2-3000 Shortland WC and 5-6000 Irrawang
Swamp (HBR); 250 McGraths Hill STW 9-10 Jun (BR). Breeding: No reports!
180 December 2004Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 135 Pelican Island, Jerseyville 17 Jan (KS); Max in the
Hunter Valley being 39 Bedminster Swamp 11 Jan & 42 Hunter Estuary 16 Feb (HBR);
Max 47 Newstead Pond 26 Dec (ENHS).
Yellow- billed Spoonbill P. ficrvipes Common Clarence Valley all year, max 4 Levenstrath
20 Aug (GC); Common in the Hunter Valley all year in small to large flocks, max 20
Pambalong Swamp 9 Nov (HBR); Reported from 7 Illawarra sites Feb -Dec, max 3 birds
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Reported from the Hunter Region all
year from at least 14 locations including 2A+J at Shortland WC 12 Jul & 2 Ash Island
ponds 3 Nov (HBR,RQ); 1 Porters Ck wetland Wyong 6 Jun (BB), 2 Dairy Swamp,
Tuggerah 27 Aug (CCBR); 1 Bellawongah, Berry 21 May (RA); 1 Minbalup HSD Moonbi
25 Aug (HHy); Breeding: AM+Im Brotherson Swamp Coutts Crossing 17 Jan, 2A+3Im
Deadmans Swamp, Coutts Crossing 31 Jan -2 Feb (GC), 2A+N+J Cowan’s Pond Apr
(CVBR), 2A+J Hayes Swamp, Coats Crossing 20 Aug (WT).
Osprey Pandion hal iaetus Reported regularly from the Hunter Estuary, particularly
Stockton & Ash Island (HBR), Wyee Point Jun (DM), Bandon Grove on Chichester
1 1 1
River 27 Aug (MMh); I Woy Woy Bay 6 Jul (RP); Deep Creek 25 May (PDb), 1 Basin
Trail 25 Apr & West Head KCNP 31 Aug (AR,PC), 2 Long Reef 7 Aug (BWy), I Woronora
River 11 Aug (PR), I Penrith Lakes 3 Sep (KB), max 2 Narrabeen Lakes 8 Sep -5 Nov
(ARo,PDb); 1 Wallaga Lake 29 Mar, Durras 10 Apr & Tuross Heads 11 Nov (ENHS).
Breeding: 14 breeding records Woolgoolga northwards to the Clarence Valley (GC); 32
breeding pairs north of Taree of which 28 prs produced 22 young (ABi), 10 breeding
records for the Hunter Region, including nesting Woods Pt Lake Macquarie 27 Apr -7 Sep,
1Y on 7 Sep (VM), first nesting since early 1990s and the most current southern breeding
site in NSW (HBR). Presumably about 20 prs in the Richmond -Tweed, which makes
about 75 breding pairs in 2002.
Black- shouldered Kite Elanus axillaris I seen taking a Galah at Calala, Tamworth 23
Jul (PWr).
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata Reported from 3 sites in the Clarence Valley, r Urunga
5 Jan (GC), 1 Woolgoolga 24 Oct (JS), reported from 19 sites in the Macleay Valley,
including 7 together at Frederickton 2 Jul, and nesting reported from Frederickton &
South West Rocks (GC,MHz,KS); Many records and 5 breeding records for the Hunter
Region, including 1 Swansea 20 Jan (HBR,JCa); Reported from 16 locations all year
Central Coast including 2A+2J Mumnribung HSD Mardi 5-12 Jan (JC) & 2A+2J Palmdale
21 Jan (CCBR); Reported from 12 sites in the Sydney Region including A+Im Galston 10
Mar -28 May (RW), 2+J Pymble 5 Mar & 21 Apr (KBi,KMo), & N+1J St Ives Dec (TBO
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 181824-6); Report from 6 Illawarra region sites Feb -Nov, including 2 Barren Grounds NR
17-18 Oct (IBR); 1 Loomberah, Tamworth 26 Jun & 14 Sep (GGa); 3 The Ranch HSD
Kennebri 23 Mar (DJ). Increasing number of records both to the south and west of range.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Belligen 17 Mar (CA), many reports all year
from 8 Macleay Valley sites (ARo,GC,KS,MHz), reported from 9 sites in the Clarence
Valley all year (GC,WT), Bayldon, Sawtell 14 Jun (GC), Promised Land 27 Nov
1 1
(CCs), N+J near Port Macquarie Dec (Lutter et al 2003); Seen regularly in the Maitland
area, with 2J seen 26 May, single birds at Chatham 8 Jan, Medowie 11 Apr, Raymond
Terrace 14 May, Taree 13 Jul, Manning Point 27 Jul, Newcastle Water Res 9 Aug, Glenrock
SRA 10 Aug, Fullarton Cove 3 Nov & Harrington 7 Nov (DMo,HBR); 1 Bunning Ck Res
Yarramalong 26 Jun (MRb), first Central Coast record; Reported from 7 sites in the
Hawkesbury Valley all year as well as Blaxland 2 May (GT) & Lane Cove 9 May
1 1
(AP); Reported from 7 sites in the Illawarra (IBR) & 11 sites in the Far South Coast
Regions (ENHS); 1 Katoomba 21 Feb (CPr), I Cowra 1 Mar (Tdy), 1 Rockview HSD
Glen Davis 7 Sep (SMa); I Backyamma 21 Sep (CG). Most sites ever.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon 2 Fort Grey, Sturt NP 13 May (MT),
Yandama Ck 68 km W Milparinka 6 Sep (CPr), 2 Talywalka wetlands, Louth 1-9 Oct,
1 1
Tilpa (GLC). Average year.
Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Coffs Harbour 8 Jul (PHi), 1 S of Lawrence 30 Jul & 1
South Grafton 3 Sep (GC); 10 Grahamstown Dam 18 Mar, and then many records for the
Hunter Region most reports from the Maitland Waste Depot where 15-20 were regularly
reported, max 60, 17 Feb -3 Aug, other eastern records include Myall Lakes Apr & 1
Tuncurry 18 Jun (EV,HBR,MVBW); 3 Mangrove Mountain during bushfires 8 Dec, 3rd
Central Coast record (CCBR); 1 Glenorie 21 Jan (FOC), 1 Luddenham 25 Jan (RJo), 1
Avalon GC Mona Vale 23 Dec (AMc); Nelligen 2 Jan; Bellconnan Tip & Kambah
I 1
Pool Jan (CRBR 2001-2); 10 Dubbo 7-15 May (DGe); 7 Lavington Tip (IDa), 26 Junee
STW 7 Jun (MC); Max 72 Leeton Tip 28 Apr- 7 Sep, 50 Narrandera Tip 10 Jun (KH), 40+
Rockleigh HSD Narrandera 5 May (NSm).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus A at nest Lower Southgate 24 Aug (GC); Observations
south of Tuncurry-Forster (normal range) include Long Reef 4 Aug (MH), well south of
normal range.
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 3 Hunter breeding records Aug -Oct (HBR); 8 Kemps
Creek 21 Apr (TS) & 7 Prospect reservoir 18 May (EV), high numbers for Sydney, 1
flying over North Rocks 18 May (JDu), unusual location; 4 Macquarie Rivulet 19 May
182 December 2004White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster took a Little Penguin from the sea
Booderie NP 20 Oct (MHa). Breeding: Nesting reported from McPherson Crossing 22
May -7 Sep, Lower Southgate Jul -Oct, Elizabeth Island 17 Aug, 2Y in nest Hanging Rock
Broadwater, Cangai 22 Sep (GC,WT). At nest Cabbage Tree Island Mar, Galgabba Pt Res
16 Jul, Quorrobolong 3 Aug & Rankin Park 11 Oct (HBR); Nesting Gum Swamp, Forbes
3 Aug (ASm); N+Eggs Sandy Camp, Quambone 13-16 Sep (BWa); Seen along the Darling
River at Trilby HSD, Louth & at Louth 2-10 Oct (GLC).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimillis Lovelocks Creek 10 Feb (MHz), A Kangaroo Ck 12
May (GC), 2 km W of Wooyung 13 May (RMo), 2 Woolgoolga 20 May (JS), Maria
1 1
River Rd Crescent Head 9-11 Aug (KS,TMo), Lake Arragan, Yuraygir NP 24 Aug, A
south of Braunstone 7 Sep, Red Cliff, Yuraygir NP 17 Sep (GC); Major influx in the
Hunter Valley with many records at 12 sites including 7 over a canola field Merriwa 28
Sep and Dungog 19 Jul (EV,HBR,RJe); Hil!view HSD Yarramalong 6 Feb & 24 Apr,
1 1
first Central Coast records Lakes Bch dunes Budgewoi Jul (CCBR); Present
; 1 1
Hawkesbury Marshes May13 Nov (AD,ARo,CPr, KB,SB,TW, ZB), Warriewood
1 1
wetlands 21-26 Aug (BC); 1 Robertson 9 Jan (CB), 1 Oak Flats 27 Jul -1 Aug (CC), I
Killalea SRA 22 Sep & Kemblawarra 9 Nov (CC); Goollooimboin HSD Glen Davis
1 1
11 Jan (TH), 1 Cowra STW 8 Jun (AR), 1 Cowra 4 Aug (ASm); 1 Glen Davis 25-30 Nov
(CG,CPr); Bredbo 24 Aug, Chapman ACT Sep (CBN 28,43), Fyshwyck STW
1 1 1 1
ACT 30 Sep (DMd); Woodlands HSD Currabubulla 20 Feb, 5km SW of Dure 26 Jun
(IDo), 1 7km S of Currabubulla 24 May & 22 Jun (ACa), 1 Adams Res Manilla 22 Nov
(JWt), Kentucky Nov (JN); Molong 29 Jul (AB); Reported from 10 sites on the South
1 1
West Slopes 14 Apr -23 Nov (KH,MC,MHe); Reported from 7 sites in the Riverina including
nesting Binya SF 27 Oct -17 Nov (KH); 1 Wentworth 11 Jul (GD). Many coastal records
because of the drought. More records & more coastal records overall.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans 8 Leneghans Flat Swamp 7 Apr, 1 eating at White Ibis
at Moorlands 8 Aug (HBR).
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus Nesting reported from Hillsborough 10 Nov,
Krennans Creek Rd 23 Nov & Balickera Dec (HBR); Reported from 5 Illawarra sites
Mar -Nov (IBR); N+2Y Oaks Estate, ACT (CRBR 2001-2).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Reported from Clarence Valley (incl. 4 white morphs),
Belmore River, Kempsey & South West Rocks all year (GC,KS), Terranora 26 Sep
(RMo); 8km NE Fern Bay 8 Mar (JA), unusual location; Reported from 20 Central
Coast sites including I took a female (?) Satin Bowerbird at Yarramalong 1 Mar & 1 white
morph Kulnura 3 Mar (AH,CCBR); Reported from 8 sites in the Sydney region including
up to 2 Warriewood wetlands 25 Apr- 1 Nov, when I killed by a Swamphen & white morph
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 183Mulgoa 1 & 28 Jul (AB,BC,EV, HF,MH,NBr,SK); Reported from 12 Illawarra Region
sites all year incl. 3 separate white morphs (IBR); Common on South Coast with 2A+J
Wallaga Lake 24 Jan & 2 Old Man Beds Swamp Apr (ENHS), white morph Wallagoot
Lake 6 May (MZ); 2 records for surburban ACT white morphs on 14 Jul (PV,MF);
Baradine 5-6 Jun (DJ) & Odells Crossing Wittenbra 18 Aug (AM), the latter 2 records
well west of normal range.
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Reported from 13 Central Coast sites all
year (CCBR);
Rookwood Cemetery 25 Apr (JCo); Reported from 7 Illawarra sites Mar-
Dec (IBR); 1 caught a House Sparrow but an Australian Raven took it at Griffith 8 Jul
(EWh) ; 1 eating a Budgerigar Onepah HSD Tiboohurra 15 May (MT).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax nesting 2kms from Bellingen 21 Aug (JS); Ash
Island Ponds 11 May & 4 breeding records in the west Hunter Region (HBR); Obervations
continue to increase on the Central Coast, possibly being drought related, being seen at 10
sites (CCBR); Turramurra 26 Jan (TW), Cowra Ck 21 Aug & Appletree Bay KCNP
1 1
27 Dec (BD,TW); N+J Macquarie Marshes NR13-16 Sep (BWa); 7 together Square
Nob, Brobenah Hills Nov (MW).
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Reported from 7 Sydney Region sites, mainly
northern and Hawkesbury suburbs 20 Feb to 14 Sep (HR,KB); Reported from 10 Illawarra
sites, both coastal and hinterland all year (IBR); I feeding on a Nankeen Kestrel 30km W
of Willow Tree 16 Mar (KWy).
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 2A+2J Mount Arthur 16 Nov (HBR); Cremorne Point,
Sydney 22 May (RMc), unusual location, 2A+2J Helensburg 16-21 Jan (CRo).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis took a Common Starling Morpeth STW 23 Jun
(HBR); 2 Cabramatta Creek wetlands 21 May (TS); leating a Blackbird Griffith 25 Apr
(JS1); took Fairy Martin & another a White -plumed Honeyater Newfoundland HS Louth
1-10 Oct (GLC).
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 2 Willie, Carinda Jun (RJ); 2 Ardlethan 6 Jan (KH),
Colleambally 13 Sep (DPa); 2 Mutawinji NP 24 Sep (SJ).
Black Falcon F. subniger Presumably drought has driven these birds to the coast with
observations of 2 Morpeth STW 16 Jun & Martindale 24 Aug, and single birds Scone 18
Apr, East Maitland Tip 14 Jul, Jerrys Plains 29 Aug & Bolwarra-Morpeth 1-5 Oct
(EV,HBR); 1 Mangrove Mountain near a poultry farm 6 Apr & 9 May, 2nd Central Coast
record (CCBR); Cornwallis Rd Windsor 15 Sep & Bakers Lagoon 28 Dec (CT,DH);
1 1
1 Dunns Ck Rd 14 Sep (ENHS), unusual location; 1 10 km S of Cowra 4 Aug (ASm), 1
184 December 2004Glen Davis Rd Capertee 25 Nov (CPr); Canberra ACT 20 Nov -29 Dec (CBN 28,43);
Kings TSR Walla Walla 12 Feb (MHe), 2 Cucumgiliga 9 Jun, W of Boorowa 9 Jun
(AR); 1 Bodangora 9 Dec (DGe), 1 Gerogery 14 Oct (DWa); 1 Tullamore 1 Apr (DGe),
I Macqarie Marshes NR 12-15 Sep (ACa); 1 Barren Box Swamp 4 Apr (JMc), 1 Koonadan
7 Apr, 1 Leeton STW 1 Jun & 29 Oct, 1 Whitton 8 Jun & 1 Jul (KH), 2 Lake Wyangan &
2 Brobenah 27 Dec, 2 Griffith Airport 28 Dec (AR); 1 Green Lake, Tibooburra 12 May
(MT), 1 Newfoundland HSD Louth 5 Oct (GLC), 1 in aerial fight with Brown Falcon w of
Brewarrina 10 Oct (GC). More near coastal and coastal records, and the most ever records
Peregrine Falcon F peregrinus Many observations from 15 sites on the Central Coast,
more than usual (CCBR); 1 Enfield Marshalling Yards 5 Jan, took Rock Dove (AKa), 1
seen to take a Fairy Prion flying over the sea 17 Aug Wattamolla (DSe), 2 displaying
Lovetts Bay, Pittwater 23 Sep (RMc), I retreived a Rock Dove from the water at Church
Point, and proceeded to pluck and eat it 30 Aug (MTa); I seen to take a Rock Dove Kiama
19 Mar (WT). Breeding: 2 at nest hollow in eucalypt SE of Cowper 17 Jul (GC), 2 in
Brobenhah Hills Jul (MW).
Nankeen Kestrel F cenchroides Nesting Mount Arthur 16 Nov & A+4J Valentine 17
Dec (HBR).
Brolga Grus rubicunda 2-3 S of Ulmarra 2-15 Jan & 2 on 30 Jul, max 74 S of Lawrence
29 Jan -23 Mar, 2 Tucabia 11 May, 2A+J Pillar Valley 16 Nov, 2 Red Cliff Yuraygir NP
Dec, 2 in heath Yuraygir NP 3 Dec (EW,GC), 2 Kinchela 6 Apr (MVBP); 2 Walbundrie 3
Aug & 1 on 22 Sep, 2+2Y 30km W of Albury 6 Oct (MHe); 2+ Macquarie Marshes NR
12-15 Sep (ACa); Present Koonadan 12 Feb -14 Sep, max 89 on 8 Jun, (KH,PDr), 3 5km
W of Condobolin 8 May (MT), 85 Willow Park HSD Koonadan 3 Jun (PDr), 3 5km W of
Condobolin 5 May (MT); 2 Jerilderie 5 Oct (DW); 22 Bourke STW 27 Jul -3 Aug (NHa,SG)
& max 109 on 2-10 Oct (GLC,GC), 17 Green Ck Fords Bridge 29 Aug (CPr), 3 Tilpa 5
Oct (GLC). Average year.
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Many records for the Lower Hunter Valley
incl. 2A+J Shortland WC 9 Oct & 2+2J Balikera Jan (HBR); Many records from 10 sites
on the Central Coast but no breeding records this year including RK Mangrove Creek 5
May (CCBR,GC); 2 Magic Pt Maroubra 12 Feb (RG), 1 Warriewood wetlands 6 Jun -8
Sep (EV,KB), lIrrawong Res 25 Aug -8 Sep (EV), 2A+2Y Woolooware wetlands 23 Nov –
1 Dec (KG); 1 Centennial Park 1 Dec (DH); 4 Cudmirrah 1 Jan & 1 on 14 Nov, 1 Swan
Lake 5 Dec (KM), 1 Lower Macquarie Rivulet 9 Feb (IBR), 3 Windang Peninsular 9 Nov
& 18 Nov, 1 Kanahooka 10 Nov (CC); 1 Batemans Bay Water Gardens 24 Feb & 2 20
Aug -23 Sep (ENHS); I Kellys Swamp ACT 20 Jan (CRBR 2001-2); 1 Old Quipolly Dam
22-24 May (ACa), 2 The Valley HSD Bingara 5-8 Oct (TBOC); 1 Whitton 17 Jul (MS), 1
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 185Fivebough Swamp 27 Jul & 27 Dec (AR,MS).
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis D Medowie 20 Aug, HC Newcastle Uni Sep- Nov &
1 1
Glenrock SRA 29 Sep (HBR); 2A+J Adcock Pk Gosford 13 Nov (GCa); Long Reef
Pond 5 Jan (TW), 2 Malabar 14 Jul (TQ), 1 Warriewood wetland 8 Sep, 4 Irrawong Res 1-
8 Sep (EV,KB), 1 HC East Lakes GC 9-10 Nov (EV), 1 Maroubra 9 Nov (RG), I Centennial
Park 18 Nov -19 Dec (AB,CG,DH); 1 Tramway Ck Thirroul 23 Mar (JMn), 3 Windang
Peninsula 9 Nov, Kanahooka 10 Nov (CC), Broughton Mill Ck 10 Dec (BAs);
1 1 1
Ngunnawal 17 Feb (CRBR 2001-2), 1 Namadgi ACT 11 Aug (DMd); 1 the Valley HSD
Bingara 5 Oct(WB). Good spread of records.
Bush -hen Amaurornis olivaceus A+3J Pottsville 12 Jan (PW), HC Yamba STW 24 & 31
Jan, responding to tape (GC,RJ), Evans Head Dec (MCo). More records than usual,
breeding records rarely received.
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla Port Macquarie STW 17 Jan (TW), Belligen 23
1 1
Sep (JSe), Parker Rd Dam Lanitza 24 Oct (JSe), 3+J South West Rocks 13-19 Dec,
1 I
Maria R Road 27 Dec (KS); 2 Walka Water Works 27 Jan & Nov, Ash Is 27 Jan & 2
1 1
12-29 Oct, 1 Shortland WC 2 Oct, 1 Warrabrook 9 Nov, 1 East Maitland 10 Nov & 1
Antennae Swamp Hexham 18 Dec (DJe,HBR); 4 Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 2 Feb (CC);
Max 30 McGraths Hill STW 5-26 Jan (TDy,MR,SB) & max 20 14 Sep -9 Nov (IJ,JR,MR),
1 Pitt Town Lagoon 26 May & 2 on 22-29 Sep (DM,EV), 3 Warriewood wetlands 26 Aug –
22 Sep (BC,EV,NBr), 2 Pitt Town Bo rtt oms Rd 22 Sep (EV), 4 Mona Vale GC 24 Sep
(AMc), 3 Audley RNP 10 Oct (DSe), record for RNP, 12 Eastlakes, Botany 7-29 Nov
(DM,RG), Centennial Park 27 Nov (SF), 2 Chullora Wetland 18 Dec (TNo), Oatley
1 1
Pk wetland 22 Dec (JR), 1 Argyle Reech Rd wetland 26 Dec (EV); 3 Blackbutt Res
Shellharbour 31 Oct (CB), 2 Killalea Lagoon 24 Nov & 15 Dec (CB); 2 Nargal Lake 12-
16 Dec (ENHS); 2 Lake Wallace, Lithgow 25 Jan (CPr); I Gunning 9 Jan, 1 Kellys
Swamp, ACT 18-20 Jan (CRBR 2001-2); 3 Longyard GC Tamworth 27 Sep -25 Oct (EL);
2+ Ettamogah 1-6 Sep, 14 -31 Dec (PMe); 3 Warren STW 12 Sep (JC), 2 Macquarie
Marshes 12-15 Sep (ACa,IH); Fivebough Swamp 14 Aug (MS). Mostly coastal records
and the most records ever.
Australian Spotted Crake P fluminea Max 3 Pelican Is South West Rocks 20 Mar -1
Oct (KS,PVh); 2 Ash Island Ponds Jan -Apr & 20 Jul -Nov, 22 Leneghams Flat Swamp
6-7 Jan & 2 Walka Water Works 27 Jan (AM,AR,DJe, HBR); 1 Bicentennial Park 23 Feb –
3 May (BD,DH,HR), max 15 McGraths Hill STW 5-8 Jan (MR,TDy), on 9 Jun (BR), 2
on 29 Sep -12 Oct (GS) & 6 on 8-9 Nov (MR), 1 Warriewood wetlands 16 Jul & 8 Sep
(BC,PDb), 1 Eve St wetlands Artarmon 10 Jul (PDb), 3 Audley RNP 10 Oct (DSe), 2
Royal Bot. Gardens 12 Oct (Birdline), 3 Eastlakes 7-29 Nov (DM,RG); 1 Primbee 14 Oct
(DGo), 2 Lake Illawarra 18 Nov (CC), Windang 30 Nov (IBR), Windang Peninsular
1 1
186 December 200427 Dec (CB); 2 Old Man Bed Swamp 23 Nov (ENHS); 2 Lake Wallace, Lithgow 25 Jan
(CPr); 1 Kellys Swamp ACT 12 Jan -1 Feb (CRBR 2001-2); 4 Old Quipolly Dam 2 Mar,
1st record since Aug 1994 & 22 May (GM), 1 Longyard GC Tamworth 27 Sep -25 Oct
(EL); 1 Wonga Wetlands 26 Oct (MHe), 2+ Ettamogah 10-31 Dec (PMe); 3 Fivebough
Swamp, Giffith 10 May, 2 on 10 Nov & 6+ 28 Dec (AR,MT,TW). Mostly coastal records.
Spotless Crake P tahuensis 1 Shortland WC 13 & 27 Jan (ML), 1 Warabrook 11 Nov
(HBR), 1 Katoa Ck wetland 8 Sep (ML), 1 Macadamia farm, Yarramalong 4 Feb (CCBR);
5 McGraths Hill STW 5 Jan -13 Feb, 14 Jul & 4 on 9 Nov (CPr,JRe,MR,TW), Warriewood
wetlands 23 Mar, 7-8 Sep (DH,EV), 2 Mulgoa 14 Nov (MH), 1 Eastlakes Botany 9 Nov –
Dec (DM); Tilba Lake 27 Jul (ENHS); Kellys Swamp ACT 20-28 Jan, ANU
1 1 1 1
Campus ACT 2 Jun (CRBR 2001-2); Old Quipolly Dam 22 May (ACa); 2+3Y Ettamogah
14 -31 Dec (PMe); 1 Fivebough Swamp Griffith 10 May (TW), 3 on 10 Nov (MT) & 2 on
28 Dec (AR).
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra 1000’s on the Macleay River from Toorooka to Turners Flat
19 Oct (KS), unusual location, drought related; 1000’s present Myall Lakes all year (HBR);
600 Colongra Lake Jul -Sep (CCBR); 4000+ Prospect Reservoir 18 May (EV); Max 1500
Lake Wollumboola Sep -Dec (BAs,DGo).
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinulaventralis Ash Island ponds 16 Apr -Nov, Woodville
1 1
May -Oct, 1 Pambalong NR 12 Jun, 1 Shortland WC 5-7 Dec (AH,HBR,PDb,PSe); 2 Pitt
Town Ferry Rd Wilberforce 24 Aug -28 Nov (ARo,KB,CG), 1 Bushells & I Bakers Lagoon
26-28 Dec (DH,EV); 2+ Windemere Dam 26-31 Dec (DMa); 1 Kellys Swamp ACT 1 Jan –
3 Feb, 6-11 Nov (CRBR 2001-2,CBN 28,43); 1 Cox’s Ck Liverpool Plains 13 Jan (PEk),
1 Quipolly Dam 23 Nov (GM); 50 Colinroobie 14 Feb (KS), 1 Ulundi HSD Goorianawaa
8 Jun (AHu); 20 Wonga wetlands Albury Jun -Aug (MHe), 3 Young 23 Jun (ASm), 60+
Urana 11 Aug (MHe), max 50 Junee STW 1 Aug- Sep (MC), 40+ Corowa STW 22 Dec
(MRa); 5 Terridgerie Lagoon 17 Aug (CCFOC); Max 63 Koonadan 16 Jun -7 Jul, 5 Brewster
Weir 6 Jul (MT), 50+ Tuckerbil Swamp 29 Sep (KH), 1 Fivebough Swamp 10 Nov, 20+
on 28 Dec (AR,MT); 400+ Green Lake, Tibooburra 12 May (MT); 300 Kinchega NP
Menindee 19 Jun (SB), 17 Cobar New tank 3 Aug (SG). More records in the Eastern
Region of NSW than usual.
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis Murringo, Cowra 10 Nov (SM); Marinna
1 1
HSD Junee 14 Sep (per MC); Murrami 19 Jan -16 Feb (KH), Leeton Apr (per MHe),
1 1 1
Urana 21 Jul -2 Aug (CWe), 1 Griffith 24 Aug (BM); 2 Tindara Tk W of Tibooburra 16
May (JWa), 1 Wanaaring 15 May (ALi), 1 Green Lake, 80 km S of Tibooburra 11 Jul
(GD), 2 Trilby HSD Louth May (LM) & 1 on 28 Jul (DGe); 1 Willandra NP 31 May (TSi).
More records than usual and a number were much further east than usually reported.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 187Little Button -quail Turnix velox Rockview HSD Glen Davis 6-8 Sep (PRe); AM
Weddin Mountains 23 Nov (RAI). The least number of records in recent years.
Painted Button -quail T varia AF on road Kungala 6 Jan, N of Kempsey 10 Jan (GC),
1 Frederickton 1-3 Nov (KS); 6 Appletree Flat 26-28 Jan, 3 Widden Valley 28 Mar -3 Apr
(HBR), 2 Green Wattle Creek 17 Aug & 1 on 22 Aug (HBR); AM 5 km E of Bilpin 8 Jan
(DH), Mulgoa Jul (MH), 4 Comleroy Rd Sep (CG); F roadkill Malua Bay 26 Jan
1 1 1
(ENHS); 4 Billabong Ck Gunningbland 21 Sep (CG).
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus Present and breeding Oolambeyan NR Hay all
year (DPa).
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii Only 7 Pambalong NR in annual summer count,
cf 475 in Dec 1997 (HBR); 9 Mason Pk Strathfield 26-29 Aug (NH,MR), 22 Little Wheeney
Lagoon, Cattai 24 Sep (KB), present Centennial Park 13 Oct -17 Dec, max 20 on 17 Dec
(MSy,NR), 35+ Eastlakes GC 7-10 Nov (DM,RG); Deldefield HSD Kentucky 25 Jan
(IN); 15 Roses Lagoon 27 Jan (CRBR 2001-2); 1 3km W of Kentucky 10 Oct (JN); 1
Wittenbra Dam, Baradine 18 Jul (AM). Departure: 1 Newstead Pond 5 Feb (ENHS), 1
McPherson Rd Swamp, Tuggerah 12 Mar (CCBR), Alumy Ck 23 Mar (GC), Pelican Is
Macleay Estuary 26 Apr (KS). Arrival: 3 Morpeth SW 8 Aug (HBR); McGraths Hill
STW & Maria R Telegraph Point 11 Aug (CM,TMo), 4 Runnyford 27 Aug (ENHS).
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 2 Hexham Swamp 29 Sep & on 3 Oct (HBR);
1 1
Pitt Town Lagoon 13 Oct (DH), 2 Comerong Island 9-24 Feb (CC) & 1 on 3 Nov (SB), 1
Lake Illawarra 18 Nov(CC); 3 Nericon Swamp Griffith 1 Dec (KH); Summer Wader
Count Feb: 104 Clarence Estuary, 355 Hunter Estuary (HBR, J.Skewes 2003).
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica Max 1060 Hunter Estuary Oct & 112 Worimi NR Swan
Bay Jan (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 146 Nov including 49 Budgewoi
Lake Nov. Overall numbers lower than usual and birds were absent for some winter months
(CCBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 317 Tweed Estuary, 29 Richmond, 368 Clarence,
65 Hastings, 1045 Hunter, 61 Worimi NR Swan Bay, 18 Tuggerah Lakes, 49 Brisbane
Water, 145 Parramatta river, 314 Botany Bay & 196 Shoalhaven (CCBR,HBR, J.Skewes
2003). Winter Wader Count Jul: 90 Hunter Estuary & 60 Worimi NR Swan Bay (HBR),
150 Comerong Is (CC). Numbers well down on recent years.
Little Curlew Numenius minutus 5 Fearnlerys Lagoon Windsor 5-16 Dec (ARo,KB),
Sydney record since 1997.
Whimbrel N. phaeopus Max 20 Grassy Head 9 Nov (TMo); 185 Hunter Estuary Oct
(HBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 65 Tweed Estuary, 19 Richmond, 119 Clarence, 60
Hastings, 25 Hunter, 31 Botany Bay, 35 Moruya Hds (ENHS,HBR,J. Skewes 2003). Winter
Wader Count Jul: 32 Hunter Estuary, 4 Moruya Hds (ENHS,HBR).
188 December 2004Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis 20 Narooma 12 Jan & 49 Moruya Hds 23 Jan
(DH,ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 141 Tweed Estuary, 8 Richmond, 158 Clarence,
45 Hastings, 617 Hunter, 430 Worimi NR Swan Bay, 56 Brisbane Water, 241 Botany Bay
& 17 Shoalhaven (CCBR,HBR,J.Skewes 2003). Winter Wader Count Jul: 130 Hunter
estuary, 58 Worimi NR Swan Bay, 25 Moruya Hds (ENHS,HBR).
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatdis 3 Pelican Is Macleay Estuary 2 Sep (KS), 6 Sandon
River 16 Mar (CVBR), 2 Micalo Island 26 Oct (JSe), 6 Nambucca STW 22 Nov (CCs);
Max 342 Hunter Estuary Dec, including 100 Ash Island 7 Mar & 50 Hexham Swamp 27
Sep -19 Oct, max 8 Morpeth STW Sep -Oct & 2 Shortland WC Jan -Feb, Nov -Dec (HBR);
2 Tuggerah STW 4 Sep, 3 Chittaway Bay Nov, 1 Picnic Pt The Entrance 12 Nov & 6
Budgewoi Lake 23 Nov, more records than usual for the Central Coast (CCBR); 11 Pitt
Town Lagoon 28 Aug -29 Sep (ARo,DH,KB,SB), 1 Chipping Norton Lake 8 Oct (AF), 1
Eastlakes, Botany 29 Nov (DM), 8 Bushells Lagoon & 15 Bakers Lagoon 28 Nov -26 Dec
(EV,KB); 5 Ryans Creek 13 Mar (MJ), max 10 Windang Peninsular 9 Nov -8 Dec (CB), 1
Cudgerre Bay Lake Illawarra Dec (GB), Lake Wollumboola 8 Dec (BAs); Wonga
1 1 1
Wetlands 20 Oct (MRa), I Junee STW 7 Nov (MC); 4 Fivebough Swamp 5 Sep & 50+ on
10 Nov (MS,MT), 13 Tuckerbil Swamp 29 Sep, 43 Nericon Swamp 5 Oct & 151 on 1
Dec, 14 feeding in flooding rice bays Koonadan 3 Nov (KH), 2 Jerilderie 5 Oct (DPa).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 15 Tweed Estuary, 52 Clarence, 98 Hunter (HBR,J.Skewes
2003). More coastal records than usual.
Common Greenshank T nebularia 19 Ryans Cut Crescent Head 15 Dec (KS); Max 182
Hunter Estuary Dec (HBR); Small numbers Hawkesbury Marshes Jan, Sep -Dec (EV,TDy);
32 Lake Illawarra 18 Nov (CC), high count for site; 3 Wallaga Lake 24 Jan, & 4 on 8 Nov,
7 Coopers is 17 Nov, I Old Man Bed Swamp 23 Nov (ENHS), none recorded in 2001; 2
Ettamogah 4 Dec (PMe); 2+ Macquarie Marshes 12-15 Sep (ACa); 3 Little Topar 11 Sep
(JC), Bourke STW 3-10 Oct (GLC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 36 Tweed Estuaruy,
17 Richmond, 28 Clarence, 7 Hastings, 100 Hunter 5 Parramatta River (HBR, J. Skewes
2003). Winter Wader Count Jul: 14 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Wood Sandpiper T glareola Pelican Is South West Rocks 9 Aug -9 Sep (KS);
1 1
Shortland WC 30 Nov -2 Dec (HBR); max 6 Pitt Town Lagoon 29 Sep -8 Oct (EV,GS,KB),
1 Bushells Lagoon 15 Dec (EV); 1 Killalea Lagoon 1 Dec (GB); 3 Quipolly Dam 23 Nov –
7 Dec (GM); Fivebough Swamp 27 Dec (AR); Bourke STW 10 Oct (GC). More
1 1
records than usual.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Max 44 Hunter Estuary 16 Nov (HBR); Soldiers Pt
Norah Head 1 Jan (CCBR), 2″d Central Coast record (CCBR); 1 Shell Point, Kurnell & 1
Woolooware wetlands 9 Nov (BR); Windang peninsular 20 Nov (DGo), 2 Lake
Wollumboola 3-8 Dec (BAs,MJ). Summer Wader Count Feb: 50 Richmond Estuary, 18
Clarence, 41 Hunter, 1 Botany Bay (HBR, J.Skewes 2003). Winter Wader Count Jul: I
Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 189Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Tweed, Richmond & 2 Clarence Estuary 15
1 1
Feb (J.Skewes 2003), Toorooka 10 Jan, Aug -Nov, Rainbow Reach 19 Jan & 15 May,
Jerseyville 2 Nov (KS,MHz), 1 Yellow Rock Rd Urunga 1 Sep -27 Oct (GC,JSe); Max 2
Hunter estuary Jan -Apr, Oct -Dec but 5 on 16 Nov generally Ash Is and the Stockton
wreck, Glenrock SRA 21 Nov (AM,HBR), Stockton wreck 9 Nov (AM); Bicentennial
1 1 1
Park 15 Feb -5 Apr (JHr,NH), 1 Bonnievale RNP 5 Oct (SAs) In report for RNP, 1 Eastlakes
GC 9-29 Nov (DM), 1 Woolooware wetlands 13 Feb & 9 Nov (BR); 1 near Nowra Bridge
13 Mar (MJ); 1 Wallaga Lake 24 Jan (ENHS). Arrival: Yellow Rock, Urunga 1 Sep (JS).
Numbers increasing.
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Max 38 Hunter Estuary Nov, 28 Worimi NR
16 Mar & 17 Hawks Nest 27 Ap (HBR); 40 Bonna Pt Kurnell 17 Dec (JR); 4 Narooma 12
Jan (DH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 35 Tweed Estuary, 33 Richmond, 104 Clarence,
22 Hastings, 16 Hunter, 4 Tuggerah Lakes, 98 Botany Bay (CCBR,HBR,J.Skewes 2003).
Wandering Tattler H. incana 3 Hastings Point 12 Jan & 6 Apr (PH,PW), 1 Broomes
Head 10 Nov (GC); Long Reef 14 Sep (NB).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 20 Newcastle Baths 25 Mar & 10+ Nobbys Beach
14 Oct (HBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 2 Tweed Estuary, 17 Richmond, 29 Clarence,
31 Tuggerah Lakes, 39 Botany Bay (CCBR, J.Skewes 2003).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 20 Rabbit Is, Clarence River 9 Feb (CVBR); Max 49
Hunter estuary Oct, a large number, I Birubi Beach 20 Jan & 3 Smiths Beach 16 Nov
(HBR); Bonna Pt Kurnell 17 Dec (NR); Max 4 Comerong Island 23 Feb -17 Mar, 3 Lake
Woolomboola 3 Nov, 3 Windang 18 Nov (CC,EV); I Pambula Jan (MBu), 1 Narooma 12
Jan (DH), max 7 Tuross Heads 20 Nov -2 Dec (ENHS); Summer Wader Count Feb: 6
Richmond Estuary, 187 Clarence, 8 Hunter, 4 Comerong Is/Shoalhaven (CC,CCBR,GC).
Numbers higher than usual.
Red Knot C. canutus Max 560 Hunter Estuary Oct (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes 3
Sep -30 Nov, max 12 Picnic Pt on Nov; 50 Comerong Is 3 Nov (IBR); Present on South
Coast 7 Sep -26 Dec, max 15 Narooma 17 Nov (ENHS). Passage migrant to the south in
spring, however numbers much lower than usual. Arrival: 3 Chittaway Bay 9 Sep (AM).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 2 Richmond Estuary, 1 Clarence & 50 Hunter (HBR,J.Skewes
Sanderling C. alba 42 Flat Rock, Ballina 27 Feb (CCo), 1 Nambucca Heads 23 Sep
(JSe); Max 15 Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar 12 Feb -19 Mar, 3 on 31 Dec, 10 Harrington 30 Nov
& 4 on 30 Dec (ARo,DH,NH,HBR); 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 1 Jan (EV); 1 Long Reef
24 Feb & 6 Dec (MR,TDy), 2 Boat Harbour Kurnell 12-20 Dec (JCe,JDu); 1 Comerong Is
9 Feb (IBR), 1 Windang 18 Nov (DGo), 6 Shoalhaven Heads 1 Dec (DMc), 2 Lake
Wollumboola 13 Dec (CC). Numbers higher than usual.
190 December 2004Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Max 78 Hunter Estuary 11 Jan, 53 Worimi NR Swan Bay
12 Jan, 15 Old Bar 3 Mar (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes and coastal rock platforms all
year max 998 in Nov, highest Central Coast count ever (CCBR); 120 Lake Wollumboola
20 Jan (CC), 220 Lake Illawarra-Windang Peninsula 18 Nov -8 Dec (CC,SB); Present at
6 South Coast locations 10 Jan -19 May, 7 Sep -Dec, max 120 Tuross Heads 9 Nov (ENHS);
2 Koonadan 7 Apr (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 28 Richmond Estuary, 23
Clarence,11 Hunter, 23 Worimi NR Swan Bay, 80 Tuggerah Lakes, 66 Botany Bay, 120
Comerong Is (CC, CCBR,HBR,J.Skewes 2003).
Long- toed Stint C. subminuta I Pelican Is South West Rocks 26 Jul (KS); 1 Kellys
Swamp ACT 6-11 Dec (CBN 28,43); Tullakool Saltworks 20 Mar (CCb) two records
referred to NSWORAC but the Pelican Is record was not accepted.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos McGraths Hill STW 13-22 Jan (GR), Mason Pk
1 1
Concord 26 Jan -23 Feb & 15 Sep (CSh,MR,TS), max 5 Pitt Town/McGraths Hill/Bushells
Lagoon 18 Sep -15 Dec (ARo,DH, EV,KB,TDy), Grobo Farm Lagoon 23 Oct (KB);
1 1
Lake Wollumboola 13-20 Jan, 13-17 Oct & 30 Nov (DMc,GB,JP,LS), Windang
Peninsular 18-20 Nov & 22 Dec (CC,RTu); Kellys Samp, ACT 17-26 Nov (CBN 28,43).
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Max 1021 Ash Island ponds 22 Feb,1240 Hunter
Estuary 16 Mar and 1800 Hexham Swamp 20 Sep- 3 Oct, with other counts of 700+ Morpeth
STW 20 Oct, 600+ Pambalong NR & 400+ Leneghans Flat Swamp 9 Nov, all up it was
estimated that there were 3000+ in the Lower Hunter Valley Oct -Dec (AM,HBR); Present
Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Feb, 7 Aug- 31 Dec, max 2859 in Nov, highest count ever (CCBR);
Max 110 Pitt Town Lagoon 29 Sep (EV), 100 Eastlakes 7 Nov (DM), 194 Mason Pk
Concord 22 Nov (NH), 400 Bakers Lagoon 8 Dec (EV), 100 Penrhyn Rd Botany 17 Dec
(NR); 7 Comerong Island 17 Mar (EV), present Lake Illawarra 9 Nov -22 Dec, max 2000
on 22 Dec (CB,CC,SB); Present at 8 South Coast locations, max 320 Old Man Bed Swamp
Nov (ENHS), more birds than usual; 55 Tuckerbil Swamp 29 Sep, 32 Nericon Swamp 5
Oct & 102 on 1 Dec (KH), 100+ Fivebough Swamp 10 Nov (MT); 5 Cobar Town Reservoir
30 Mar (NS). Departure: 2 Bicentennial Park 14 Apr (DH), 2 Pelican Island South West
Rocks 7 May (KS). Arrival: 3 Pelican Is South West Rocks 26 Aug (KS), 1 Richmond 1
Sep (CG), 30 Fivebough Swamp 9 Sep (MS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 514 Clarencxe
Estuary, 640 Hunter, 74 Tuggerah Lakes, 49 Parramatta River (CCBR,HBR,J.Skewes
2003). Average numbers in coastal regions but not much suitable habitat inland.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Max 409 Hunter Estuary 19 Oct, 20 Old Bar 19 Feb &
Hexham Swamp 27-29 Sep (HBR); Max 20 Mason Park 7 Sep (DH); 54 Windang Peninsula
9 Nov (CC); 4 The Morass 11 Jan (CRBR 2001-2); 1 Nericon Swamp 13 Oct & 1 Dec
(KH). Arrival: 27 Mason Pk Concord 7 Sep (DH). Departure: 10 Toowoon Bay 10 Feb
(CCBR) Arrival: 4 Ash Island Ponds Aug (HBR), 2 Chittaway Bay 9 Sep & 2 Pelican
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 191Is, South West Rocks (CCBR,KS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 4 Tweed Estuary, 49
Richmond, 340 Hunter, 50 Tuggerah Lakes, 25 Parramatta River, 9 Botany Bay,
Shoalhaven (CCBR,HBR,J.Skewes 2003).
Buff- breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis Bushells Lagoon 14-15 Dec (KB),
first record since 1999 & 7th NSW record. Referred to BARC and accepted (Brandwood
Ruff Phdomachus pugnax Ash Island ponds 4-10 Mar (AH,AM); Bicentennial Pk
1 1
Homebush Bay 22 Oct (PS), Wilberforce-Fearnley Lagoon -Bakers Lagoon 23 Nov -29
Dec (ARo,EV,KB).
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 2 Pelican Is South West Rocks 12 Oct (TM),
Tweed Heads STW Nov (EB); Runnyford 28 Aug, 1s’ record for Eurobodalla Shire
1 1
(ENHS); AF Capertee Valley 23 Nov (CPr).
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea I Hillville Dam 25 Jan & 9 Jun, 2
Coopernook 24-25 Apr, 23 May (HBR,JDu), numbers way down on usual population
(HBR); Lake Parramatta 26 Oct (TD). Numbers low throughout NSW.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius Maria River Rd Crescent Head 22-23 Mar
(AK), 2 Glenugie SF 20 Nov (EW); 2+N Tanilba Bay, Lemon Tree Passage 4-17 Nov
(CP); 8 prs present Brisbane Water with 3 prs nesting 6-30 Nov, in addition 2A+J Kincumber
3 Apr (MTy) & 3 Henderson Rd Saratoga 1-9 Sep (CCBR); 1 Careel Bay 8 Sep (DH);
Usual bird all year Narooma, 9th year in a row (BL,ENHS); 1 Spicers Creek, Goolma 12
Sep (PCo); RK Gunnedah 30 Mar (DJ); Merrigal HSD Collie 4 Jun (DGe); 2 Brittas
TSR Walbunderie 15 Feb & 8 Oct (DMi), 2 1 km W of Walla Walla & 3 km SW Walla
Walla 23 Apr (MHe), HC Weddin NP 20 Oct (per MC).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus Urunga estuary 23 May (JS), 2 Red Rock 14
Jul (JS), Dolmans Pt Sawtell 4 Sep (CCs), Sandon Estuary 24 Aug, 2 Rabbit Is Clarence
1 1
Estuary 25 Sep, Station Ck Yuraygir NP 26 Sep (GC), 3 Nambucca Heads 15 Oct (JSe)
& 2 Bongil Peninsular Nov -Dec (MSm); 2 nesting Farquhar Inlet 23 Feb & reported
throughout the year there and at Harrington, Stockton Sandspit 7-12 Dec (ALi,BCr,HBR);
Present Comerong Island/Orient Pt Culburra 7 Feb -1 Nov (CC,DMc,MJ,DGo); 1 Moruya
Heads 26 -30 Dec (ENHS), Pt record for Eurobodalla Shire, Tathra 17 Dec (TDo).
Numbers continue to increase in NSW.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris Max 20 Hunter Estuary 21 Sep, 22 Stockton
Beach 16 Jul, 20 Harrington/Crowdy head all year, 20 Tuncurry 29 Jun, 10+ Southern
section Myall Lakes all year and 7 Worimi NR Swan Bay, c100+ for the Hunter Region
192 December 2004(HBR); 15 Brisbane Water Feb (CCBR); 38 Shell Pt Botany Bay 2 May (JR); 12 Comerong
Island 23 Feb (CC). Breeding: N+2E Sandon Beach 10 Nov (GC), 2A+3J Bongil Beach
Nov (MSm), 2A+2J Manning Point 28 Mar (ARo), 2A+J Swan Bay, Lake Macquarie 6
Oct (JCy); N+E Shoalhaven Heads Dec (MJ), 2A+J Lake Conjola 24 Oct -6 Dec, N+2E
Narrawallee Inlet 24 Dec (failed), 12 prs at 8 sites in Eurobodalla Shire fledged 14 young
from 13 nesting attempts, a good year (Keating & Jarman 2003).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus A total of 18 counted on Central Coast beaches 18
Nov (CCBR); 14 Cronulla Esplanade 12 May (BW); 22 prs Five Islands NR including 6
nests on Big Is Dec (MJ), 19 Coledale Beach 30 Mar (GM), 18 Orient Pt Culburra 23
Feb (CC). Breeding: Nested Flinders Is & Big Is, Five Islands NR Nov (LS); Nested at
Tollgate Is (1 pr) & Montagu Is (12 pr), 3 + fledglings survived (Keating & Jarman
South Island Pied Oystercatcher H. finschi 2 km N of Patches Bch carpark, Ballina
19 Jan -12 Feb (CCo,SD). First reported at same site in 1998 (see Morris 2003),
photographed mouth of Marra Ck Angourie 20 Mar (R1), 40 km south of the above site.
Black -winged Stilt Himatopus himatopus 400+ Seales Rd Swamp Belmore River 22
Jun -28 Jul (AM,TM); Max 761 Hunter Estuary including Ash Island 11 May & 700+
Hexham Swamp 27 Sep -13 Oct, lesser numbers at other times (HBR); Present Tuggerah
Lakes all year max 219 Nov (CCBR); 137 Bicentennial Park 19 Apr (NH); 125 Windang
Peninsula 9 Nov (CC); Present Nericon Swamp 5 Oct -1 Dec, max 309 in 13 Oct (KH).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 86 Tweed Estuary, 8 Richmond, 446 Clarence, 697 Hunter,
697 Parramatta River & 2 Shoalhaven (HBR,J.Skewes 2003). Winter Wader Count Jul:
542 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus AAsh Island Ponds 16 Jan -1 Feb (AM); A+
Im Comerong Is 7-24 Feb (CC,DMc); 300 Tullakool Saltworks 30 Mar -4 Apr (AM,CCo).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Max 3790 Hunter Estuary 16 Nov,
smaller numbers at 7 other sites in the Lower Hunter Valley (HBR); Max 21 Bicentennial
Park 10 Jan -22 Feb (BR,CSh,JHr) & 2 on 16 Jul -30 Aug (BD,NH,IJ) & 27 on 24 Dec
(JR,NR), McGraths Hill 4 Mar (CWa), Pitt Town Lagoon 29 Sep (EV), Bushells
1 1 1
Lagoon 27 Dec (CS); 1 Lake Wollumboola 11 Jun (CB), lst record for site; 1 Lake Bathurst
29 Apr (CRBR 2001-2); 10+ Lake Goran 13 Sep (ACa); 4 Ettamogah 18 Dec (PMe); Max
300 Fivebough Swamp 7 Jul -27 Dec, present Nericon Swamp 5 Oct -1 Dec, max 260 on
13 Oct (AR,KH,JSI,PDb). Summer Wader Count Feb: 2500 Hunter Estuary & 14
Parramatta River (HBR,J.Skwes 2003). Winter Wader Count Jul: 2500 Hunter Estuary
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 193Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Max 40 Hexham Swamp 13-19 Oct, max 20 Old
Bar 8 Sep & 2 Harrington 22-24 Nov (HBR); 30 Penrhyn Rd Botany 13 Oct (CG), 42
Bushells Lagoon 15-20 Dec (EV,KB); 35 Lake Wollumboola 20 Jan, 25 Windang Peninsula
9 Nov & 103 Shoalhaven Heads 13 Dec (CC); 12 Mystery Bay 25 Dec (ENHS);
Ettamogah 31 Oct (PMe), unusual location. Arrival: 8 Penrhyn Rd Botany 6 Sep (BWa),
1 Toowoon Bay reefs 12 Sep (AM), 1 Tuross Heads 15 Sep (ENHS). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 15 Tweed Estuary, 153 Richmond, 72 Clarence, 20 Farquhar Inlet, 197 Hunter,
15 Tuggerah Lakes, 5 Parramatta River, 9 Botany Bay, 100 Shoalhaven
(CCBR,HBR,PDb.J.Skwes 2003).
Grey Plover P squatarola 1 Stockton Sandspit 6 Nov & 2 on 21 Nov, 1 Kooragang
Dykes 16 Nov (HBR); 1 Lake Conjola 10 Mar (CH), 1 Shoalhaven Heads 21 Sep (DGo),
1 Lake Wollumboola 30 Nov (MJ); 1 Tuross Heads 9 Nov (ENHS). Average year.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 18+3Y Lake Cakora, Brooms Head 10
Nov (GC); Max 20 Hunter Estuary 16 Nov & 20+ Worimi NR 20 Apr, 30+ Old Bar 17
Feb -3 Mar & 22 on 31 Dec (HBR); Max 14 Pelican Pt Norah Head 14 Mar & 5 nesting
attempts Karagi Pt The Entrance Nov -Dec (CCBR); 120 Potato Pt Broulee Apr, 70 Tuross
Heads Nov (ENHS); 6 Koonadan 7-27 Apr, 24 Nericon Swamp Dec (KH). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 2 Richmond Estuary, 14 Tuggerah Lakes, 8 Parramatta River, 115
Comerong Is (CC,CCBR,J.Skewes 2003).
Kentish Plover C. alexandrinus One present Farquhar Inlet, Old Bar 14 Feb -6 Apr
where it was present with Red -capped & Double -banded Plovers (CH,PS,HBR), I” NSW
record, and record accepted by BARC, possibly of the race C. alexandrinus dealbatus.
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 46 Killick Bch Hat Head 20 Jun, 19
Jerseyville 3 Aug (KS); 40+ Old Bar 10 Feb -28 Mar, 10 Morpeth STW 11 Jul, max 5 Ash
Island Ponds 27 Feb -13 Apr (ARo,HBR); 41 Tuggerah Lakes Apr (CCBR); Max 48 Botany
Bay 29 Apr- 2 May (DH,NR); 84 Comerong Island 18 Apr (CB), max 61 Windang 18 Jul –
2 Aug (CC); 15 Moruya Heads 7 Mar (ENHS); 23 Lake Bathurst 25 Mar & 77 on 29 Apr
(CRBR 2001-2), large number for the site, where did they go when it went dry?; Koonadan
7 Apr -16 Jun (KH). Arrival: 4 Comerong Is 9 Feb (AR), 2 Old Bar 10 Feb (HBR),
North Birdie Beach 13 Feb (CCBR). Departure: 3 Tuross Heads Aug (ENHS), Karagi
Pt 18 Aug (CCBR), 2 Old Bar 8 Sep (HBR). Winter Wader Count Jul: 20 Old Bar/
Farquhar Inlet, 20 Worimi NR Swan Bay, 16 Stockton Beach, 40 Tuggerah Lakes, 19
Moruya Hds, 30 Windang, 4 Wallaga Lake (CC,ENHS,HBR),
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus 10 Flat Rock Ballina 27 Feb (CCo), Pelican is South
West Rocks 26 Mar (KS), 9 Iluka Bluff 17 Sep (GC); Max 15 Old Bar 17 Feb -3 Mar, 2
Worimi NR Swan Bay 13 Apr (HBR); 3 Boat Harbour Res 10 Apr (DY) & 2 on 20 Dec
194 December 2004(CSc); Dun- us Lake 9 Apr & 2 Tuross Heads 9 Nov (ENHS). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 12 Richmond Estuary, 41 Clarence, 8 Hastings, 15 Farquar Inlet (J.Skewes 2003).
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenauhii 30 Flat Rock, Ballina 27 Feb (CCo), 2 Woody
Head 12 Jan, 10 Broomes Head Mar (CVBR), 4 Iluka Bluff 17 Sep (GC), Nambucca
Heads 27 Sep (JSE), 2 Grassy Head 9 Nov (TMo); 2 Farquhar Inlet 23 Feb -3 Mar (SB,TQ);
1 Windang 8 Sep (CC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 63 Richmond Estuary 17 Clarence
(J.Skewes 2003).
Oriental Plover C. veredus 2 Gurneys Lane Raleigh 26 Oct (JSe); 8 Stockton Bight 10-
17 Nov (ALi). Both records referred to NSWORAC and accepted as 24th & 25th NSW
Inland Dotterel C. australis 43+ Newfoundland HSD Louth 1-9 Oct (GLC).Unusual
record & only one received.
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops Present in large numbers Morpeth STW
May -11 Jul, max 131 on latter date (HBR); Max 31 Mason Park, Concord 14 Apr (BD).
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis I Karagi Pt The Entrance 16-22 Jan, 1″ Central
Coast record (CCBR); 1Lake Conjola 30 Jan, 2+J Dec (MJ,MZ), 2 Wairo Beach Ulladulla
14 Sep -9 Nov (MJ,PDb), N Berrara 31 Oct & 12 Nov, both failed, 2 Swan Lake Entrance
Dec, 2 Murramurrang Beach Dec, 2A+3J Pretty Beach 8 Nov (MJ); Reported from 12
Eurobodalla Shire beaches with breeding recorded at 4 sites FL Nangudga Beach, pr,
1 1
2FL Bogola Head Bch, pr, 2 nesting attempts unsuccessful Pooles Bch (Keating &
Jarman 2003); 2 Saltwater Ck Ben Boyd NP 5 Jan (CW).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus Higher number than usual in Clarence Valley,
reported from 7 sites, max 14 Cowans Pond 22 Sep (GC), Urunga 25 Oct (JSE), observers
first record for site; Present Ash Island ponds Mar -Aug, max 148 on 11 May, while 40+
Shortland WC 30 Dec -2 Dec, smaller numbers at other sites, including N+J Pambalong
NR 25 Oct. Such large numbers are unprecedented and must surely reflect the inland
drought (HBR,AS); Present Tuggerah STw 28 Apr -30 Nov, max 20 on 24 Aug, 4 Lions Pk
Chittaway Bay 6-24 Sep, most ever records for Central Coast (CCBR); Max 40+ Pitt
Town Lagoon 9 Jun -22 Sep, max 18 Mason Park 11 May -20 Nov (APa,BD,EV,NH), 31
Silverwater NR 18 Jun (HC), 25 Little Wheeney Lagoon Cattai 23 Oct (KB), 8 Bicentennial
Park 20 Nov, 20+ Fearnleys Lagoon 13 Dec (ARo); Reported from 6 sites in the Illawarra
Region Mar -Dec, max 12 Pimbee 14 Oct (IBR); 2 Goollooinboin HSD Glen Davis 7 Dec,
unusual location (PDb).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 195Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 1 flew over Maria R Telegraph Pt 11 Aug (TMo); 1
in ploughed paddock Nana Glen 18 Nov (WT); 9 Largs/Bolwarra 5 Jan, then again 18
Aug -20 Oct, max 19 on latter date, 4 Ash Island 1-3 Aug (HBR); 14 Ferrnleys Lagoon 11
Jul (ARo), max 15 Cornwallis Rd Windsor Jan, max 8+2 nests 30 Aug -3 Oct (DH,KB,RMc);
Lake Bathurst 29 Apr (CRBR 2001-2); 18 Bullagreen 4 Jun (DGe); 4 Old Junee 16 Jun
(MC); 6 Brewster Weir 6 Jul (MT), 1 Fivebough Swamp 3 Nov (PDb); 2 Trilby HSD
Louth 28 Jul & 8 Oct (DGe,GLC,JSe).
Masked Lapwing V miles Hunter Region peaks included 70 Hunter Estuary Jan -Feb, 95
Morpeth STW 9 Mar & 150 on 23 Jun, 100 Phoenix Park 21 May & Hexham Swamp 19
Oct (HBR).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia Isabella Comerong Island 9 Feb (AR), Lake
1 1
Wollumboola 10 Sep (RGo); 8 Trilby HSD Louth 8 Oct (BA). The Pratincole is a new
species for the Illawarra Region.
Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 1-24 Jan (CSc,MFI),
originally reported 30 Dec 2001, observation accepted by NSWORAC.
Great Skua Catharacta skua Max off South West Rocks 23 Jul -27 Sep (LMc); 2
Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 18 Aug (HBR); 1 Norah Head Head 25 Jul & 17 Aug, 1
Soldiers Pt Norah Head 24 Aug (CCBR); Present off Maroubra 22 May -1 Sep, max 4 on
10 Jul (RG), Sydney pelagic 10 Aug (DH); 3 Wollongong pelagic 23 Jun, 3 on 27/10
(PM); Present Eden pelagic 31 Mar- 3 Nov (ENHS). Arrival: 1 Eden pelagic 31 Mar
(EA), Mistal Pt Maroubra 4 Apr (RG). Departure: 1 Eden 3 Nov (ENHS).
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus Nobbys Bch Newcastle 13 Jan, 10+ Swansea-
Norah Head pelagic 23 Mar & 7 on 27 Oct; Present off Maroubra Jan -Apr, max 62 on 21
Feb, and 357 birds were seen in the period Jan -Feb, being 4.4 bph passing the site (DM,RG);
125+ Wollongong pelagic 23 Feb, 120+ on 28 Dec (PM), large number; Present South
Coast Jan -31 Mar, 14 Jul -Dec, max 18 off Eden 31 Mar (ENHS). Departure: Eden 31
Mar (ENHS), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 19 Apr (RG), 5 Old Bar May (HBR). Arrival: 1
Eden 14 Jul, Swansea pelagic 14 Sep (RB).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus Smaller numbers in Newcastle Harbour than usual, max 3
on 13 Jan (HBR); 11 Mistral Pt Maroubra 21 Feb, where over the period Jan -Feb, 86 birds
passed at a rate of 1.5 bph (DM,RG), largest number reported; Twofold Bay 31 May &
2 Nov (ENHS); Departure: 1 Hunter estuary 30 Mar (HBR), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 26
Apr (RG). Arrival: 2 Magic Pt Maroubra 19 Sep (DM).
196 December 2004Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus 2 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 23 Mar (RBa); During
the period Jan -Feb at Mistral Point, 76 birds passed at a rate of 1.4 bph, max 24 on 16 Jan
(RG); 1 Wollongong pelagic 23 Feb & 3 on 27 Oct, 4 on 16 Nov, 7 on 28 Dec (PM).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Im Bass Point 10 Jun (GB), Im Wollongong pleagic 23 Jun
(PM); 8 Eden pelagic 14 Jul (EA). Fewer reports than usual.
Kelp Gull L. domincanus A+Im Henry Head, Botany Bay I Jan (ID), 2 on 23 Mar (TN),
Long Reef 16 Mar (DPI); Present all year off Maroubra with 80 records, mostly single
birds (RG); 15 Windang & 4 Bellambi Pt 23 Feb (CC), Wollongong Pelagic 28 Apr, 12
on 26 Oct, 7 on 28 Dec (PM).
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica 53 Jerseyville 28 Jul (KS); Large concentrations in the
Hunter Region inluding max 86 Stockton Sandspit 5-13 Oct, roosting Ash Island ponds 40
on 12 May, max 46 17-22 Aug. Birds were predating Little Tern colonies at Manning
Point & Farquhar Inlet Nov -Dec (HBR); 1 The Entrance 8 Sep & 22-30 Nov (CCBR);
Max 2 Comerong Is 23 Feb -18 Apr (CB), 3 Shoalhaven Heads 14 Sep (CP), 2 Lake
Wollumboola 20 Sep (CC), max 3 Shoalhaven Heads 3 Nov -1 Dec (CC,DMc); 2 Kellys
Swamp, ACT 27 Sep (DMd).
Caspian Tern S. caspia Small numbers present all year Hunter Region estuarine and
freshwater sites, max 13 Worimi NR 13 Jan (HBR); Present Central Coast all year max 35
Tuggerah Lakes Sep, lower numbers than usual (CCBR); 2 Wollongong pelagic 23 Feb
(PM), unusual location; Present South Cost all year max 14 Tuross Heads 30 Jul & Wallaga
Lake 8 Nov (ENHS); 1 Junee STW 6 Sep (MC), 1St record for Junee Shire.
Crested Tern S. bergii Several thousand nesting Cook Is off Fingal Head Dec (JDn).
White- fronted Tern S. striata 5 off South West Rocks 6 Aug (LMc); Present Central
Coast 29 Jun- 18 Aug, max 10+ Toowoon Bay reefs 11-18 Aug (CCBR); 2 Magic Pt
Maroubra 7 Jul (EV); 41 Wollongong pelagic 29 Sep, on 26 Oct (PM). Arrival: Im
Mistral Pt Maroubra 11 May (RG), I Burrewarra Pt 26 May (ENHS), 1+ Fingal Bay 1
Jun (HBR). Departure: 5 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 14 Sep (HBR), 2 Wollongong
pelagic 29 Oct (PM).
Common Tern S. hirundo 550 Old Bar 10 Feb & 210 Newcastle Harbour 22 Feb (HBR);
Max 40 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 30 Nov (CCBR), numbers down on previous years; 361
Penrhyn Rd Botany Bay 12 Jan (DM), 30+ McMahons Pt Sydney Harbour 4 Mar (TN); 4
Bellambi Point 10 Mar (TW). Departure: 21 Mistral Pt Maroubra 21 Mar (RG), 2 Soldiers
Pt Norah Head 29 Mar (CCBR). Arrival: 2+ Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 14 Oct (HBR),
6 Wollongong pleagic 29 Sep (PM).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 197Arctic Tern S. paradisea 4 off Maroubra 10 May & on 10 Jul, 25 Jul & 19 Sep
(DM,RG). 44 -47th records.
Little Tern S. albifrons Breeding Nov -Dec 2002/Jan 03: 2 prs raised I runner, no
fledglings Lake Cakora, 11 prs + 20 fl Station Creek, 20 prs+ 35 fl Bongi I Beach, 3 prs +0
fl Nambucca Hds, 60 prs + 60 fl Manning Point, 20 prs + 40 fl Old Bar, 28 prs + 25 fl
Karagi Pt The Entrance, 70 prs + 40 fl Botany bay including 5 chicks Mollineaux Pt, 40
prs + 0 fl Lake Wollumboola, 16 prs + 4 Fl Lake Conjola, 75 prs + 65 fl South Tuross
Heads, 1 pr + 1 fl Brou Lake, 2 pr + 4 fl Bega River Mouth, 74 prs + 102 Wallagoot Lake.
All up 422 prs raised 376 fledglings, which compares to 440 prs fledging 235 in 2001 but
similar to 2000 when 368 prs fledged 367 chicks (Keating & Jarman 2003, 2004, Morris
2004, CCBR,GC,GRo,MSm).
Fairy Tern S. nereis Lake Conjola 9-27 Jan nesting with a Little Tern (DMc); 4+ adults
and 4 nests appeared Bega River mouth early Jan but disappeared 4 days later (MS), 15
Wallagoot Lake 27 Dec (DMc). First breeding record for the I I Ilawarra Region.
Sooty Tern S. fuscata 20 blown ashore Coffs Harbour, Kalang & Bellingen during a
tropical low 30 Jan (MSm), 1 off South West Rocks 28 Apr, 6 on 8 Dec (LMc); 1 Old Bar
20 Feb (HBR); Mistral Pt Maroubra 4 Jan (RG); Wollongong pelagic 16 Nov & 14 on
1 1
28 Dec (PM); Batemans Bay 24 Feb (ENHS). Average year.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 60+ Lake Hiawatha 16 Nov (GC); Large numbers
in the Hunter Region Sep -Dec, max 100+ Hexham Swamp 27 Sep, 150+ Ash Island ponds
29 Sep & 150 Grahamstown Dam 29 Oct (HBR), 10 Newcastle Harbour 9 Nov (AM);
Present Tuggerah Lakes 21 Sep -31 Dec, max 460 in Dec first report since 1998 & highest
numbers ever (CCBR); max 150+ Prospect Reservoir 28 Sep- 19 Oct (EV), 15 Bushells
Lagoon Windsor 29 Sep (EV), max 50 Penhryn Rd Botany 13 Oct -17 Dec (CG,DH,JR),
max 90 Pitt Town Lagoon 6 Oct -21 Nov (SB,TDy), 44 Engine Pond, Botany 23 Nov
(RG), 50 Bushells Lagoon 15 Dec (EV); Large numbers in the Illawarra Region 28 Sep –
31 Dec, max 155 Lake Illawarra 18 Nov & 166 Terrara 24 Nov (BAs), Wollongong
pelagic 29 Sep (PM); Max 60 Tuross Lakes Dec where nested, 3 young hatched, 1st South
Coast breeding record, more reports than usual including 25 at Wallagoot Lake (ENHS);
max 28 Jerrambomberra Wetlands, ACT 27 Sep -1 Oct (DMd); 70 Murray R below Hume
Reservoir 23 Oct (PMe). Extraordinary numbers in coastal areas.
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus 6 Newcastle Harbour 31 Jan -26 Mar, 9 Nov
(AD,AM,RMc), 9 Grahamstown Dam 4 May (HBR); 3 Karagi Pt The Entrance 1-24 Jan,
& Ion 16 Nov, 3 from 15-31 Dec (AM); 3 Penrhyn Rd Botany Bay 10 Jan (DM): 7 Lake
Wollumboola 7-16 Jan (JP), 1 Bass Point 8 Jun (SB), 2 Lake Illawarra 18 Nov (CC), 2
Shoalhaven Heads 22 Nov -1 Dec (CC,DMc), 2 Windang 8 Dec (DMo). Average year.
198 December 2004Common Noddy Anous stolidus 1 North Head 5 Feb (MR). 47th record.
Black Noddy A. minutus off South West Rocks 20 Mar & 8 Dec (LMc). 32 -33rd
Grey Tern let Procelsterna cerulea 2 off South West Rocks 15 Feb & 1 on 3 Feb (LMc);
1 Swansea pelagic 23 Mar (RBa); 3 Sydney pelagic 9 Mar (DH); 1 Wollongong pelagic
23 Mar (PM). 33 -38th records, numbers increasing.
White Tern Gygis alba 1 Sydney pelagic 9 Mar (DH), 1 North Head 30 Mar (MR); I
Wollongong pelagic 23 Mar (PM). 34 -36th records.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela Numbers down in the Central Coast on
previous years, max 10 Hillview HSD Yarramalong 9 Jun, & 2A+N Katandra Res Oct
(CCBR); 30 Valley Heights 11 May (TS), 12+ Lane Cove River Valley 21 Jun (KL),
2A+3 im Westleigh garden 20 Nov (ARo); Reported from 13 Illawarra Region locations
throughout the year, max 15 Saddleback Mountain 12 Oct (KM). Gradually cementing
their range in the Illawarra.
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 14 coming to a garden feeder
Murrumbung HSD Mardi 8 Dec (CCBR); 6 in garden Woodford 11 May (GO).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 3 Willi Willi Timber Res 22 Dec (KS); 3 Appletree
Flat 26-28 Jan, Violet Hill, Myall Lakes NP 5-7 Oct, Awabakal NR 6 Oct, Harrington
1 1 1
22-24 Nov, Saltwater 31 Dec (HBR); Dunns Ck Rd 21 Sep (ENHS); Mt Elliott 14
1 1 1
Feb, 2 Katandra Res 12 Feb -26 Apr, 17 Jul -23 Aug (CCBR).
Spotted Turtle -Dove Streptopelia chinensis First breeding record for Queanbeyan with
nesting, A+J on 14 Jul & N+2E 9 Oct (McDonald & Rusk 2002).
Common Bronzewing P chalcoptera Mill Ck Dharug NP 28 Dec (CCBR), rarely
reported on Central Coast.
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans Myall Lakes NP 19 Jan, Darawak NR Jun, 2
1 1 1
Awabakal NR 25 Aug, 2 Diamond Beach 21 Sep -Oct (HBR); Reported from Munmorah
SRA & Bouddi NP throughout the year (CCBR); Kur-ring-gai Chase NP 7 Jul (SCa), 2
Kurrajong 13 Jul (CBOC), 2 Red Hill Park, Oxford Falls 8 Sep (EV); 2 Hymans Beach,
Jervis Bay 24 Mar (MZ).
Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata Yellow Rock Rd Urunga Sep (JS); Penrith
1 1 1
Lakes 6 Sep (KB), 2 Glenbrook 21 Sep (GT); 1 Mudgee 26-31 Dec (DMa); 1 Lake
Ginninderra ACT 14 Jul (JLy), I Marathguy Ck Gilgandra 4 May (MT); 3 Condobolin
21 Sep (CG); Wamboota, Moama 15 Jun (PA). A number of records for eastern NSW.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 199Peaceful Dove G striata Present all year in small numbers at Coutts Crossing except for
May & Aug, unusual situation (GC); 2 Mt Penang 3 Mar (ABg), first report since 1987; 3
Laughtondale 25 Apr, 1 Prospect Reservoir 18 May (EV); I Vincentia 21 Oct (KM).
Bar -shouldered Dove G humeralis 2 Shaws Ck Yarramundi 5 Jul (CPr), Maroubra
Rifle Range 24 Jul (RG), 2 Red Hill, Oxford Falls 8 Sep (EV); Reported from 7 locations
in the Illawarra throughout the year max 7 Windang 7 Oct (DWi); 2 Binya SF5 Apr- 17
Aug (KH). The population continues to increase in the Sydney and Illawarra Regions.
Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus Harrington 27 July (GP); M Wattle Flat,
Royal NP 3 Feb (SAs); 1 Broughton Vale 1 Apr & 1 Jamberoo Mountain 9 Apr (BV,BJ);
Im Pilot Stn Moruya Heads 28 Apr (ENHS). Consistent with known distribution &
movement patterns. It is surprising that there are no reports from further north!
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina 3 Sea Acres NR Pt Macquarie 15 Jan (TW),
HC Iluka NR 16-29 Sep, Woolgoolga Ck FR 23 Nov (GC), Bruxner Park 27 Oct & 6
Nov (GC,JS); 1 Harrington 27 Jul (GP); 1 Wattle Flat, Royal NP 3 Feb (SAs), Im West
Head, Kuring-gai Chase NP 11 Oct (TW), Im Burrewarra Point 17 May (ENHS). Consistent
with known distribution.
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus Many reports from the Far North Coast in
addition to reports from 5 sites in the Upper Macleay Valley, max 9 Anderson’s Sugarloaf
all year (MHz) & I Byabarra, Wauchope 10 Mar (JC); Max 4 Woko NP 24 Apr- 14 Jun &
Copeland NR Sep (HBR,PDb), Rookhurst 27 Sep (PSh).
1 1
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Present Apr- Nov in the Northern Rivers area,
max 80+ Burringbar Range 8 Jun (GC); Present Hunter Region all year, max 30 Booti
Booti NP 16 Feb & 25 Jul (HBR); Abundant on the Central Coast in 2002 Mar -Nov, max
200 Ourimbah 20 Mar -12 May (CCBR,PSe), 15-20 Wyrrabalong NP North 6 Jul (MRb);
30 Chatswood 22 Mar (HR), 12 Warriewood & Narrabeen & 80 Lady Carrington Dve
RNP 8 Sep (EV,HR); 29 Stanwell Park 3 Nov (MP); Reported as far south as Wallaga
Lake, 1 in Jan, with the largest group of 45 at Moruya Heads 10 Nov (ENHS).
Red-tailed Black- Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 2 The Ranch HSD Wanganella
22 Apr- 9 May (GN,JNe), AM died Singorimbah HSD Wanganella 22 May (MT), AF
Oolambeyan NR Hay 29 May -23 Jun & 30 Aug -13 Sep (AC,JBr,DPa), Goonawarra NR
Booligal 12 Sep (JBr), presumably all (both?) birds from the Threatened population in
NW Victoria?; 10+ Tilpa 27 Mar (NS), max 20+ on the river at Wilcannia 28 Apr- 20 Oct
(BCo,CPr,PD-B,TW), 10+ Trilby HSD Louth 28 Jul (DGe), 20+ Bourke Aug -Sep
200 December 2004Glossy Black -Cockatoo C. lathami Present all year South West Rocks max 10 on 7 Jun
(KS), reported from 9 sites in the Upper Macleay Valley all year (GC,MHz), 2 Telegraph
Point 21 May (BPa), 3 Crescent Head 22 Jun (AM), 6 Diggers Camp, Yuraygir NP 20 Jul
(CVBR), 4 10 km NW Woolgoolga 1 Sep (GBr), 4 Hungry Head 9 Jul & max 6 present in
the Coutts Crossing area all year, 2 Port Macquarie 2 Jul (GC); Many Hunter region
records including 2+J Laguna 1-2 Mar, 9 Violet Hill, Myall Lakes NP 5-7 Oct, 6A+J
Wyee Point Nov -Dec (HBR); Observed at 9 sites on the Central Coast all year down from
19 sites in 2001, including 2A+J at Empire Bay 30 Nov (CCBR); 2 Chiltern Rd Ingleside
19 Jan (BC), 3 Great Nth Rd Wisemans Ferry 2 Feb (ML), 2 Bents Basin 2 Apr (RK), 2
Laughtondale Gully 13 Apr (EV), 2 Towlers Bay, West Head 24 Mar (HR), AM Lugarno
29 May (MSt), 2 Berowra Waters 16 Jul (NH); Reported from 7 locations in the Illawarra
region, with 6 birds being seen at West Nowra 30 May & Culburra 18 Aug (IBR); Reported
from 17 South Coast locations with dependent young at Broulee Nov & Dec, and Mystery
Bay Dec (ENHS,KH); 13 New England NP 8 Oct (MHz); 2 Wombat Gully, Rylstone 3
Mar (CSp), 1 Newnes SF 9 Mar (JDu), 2 Pandoras Pass, Coolah Tops NP 7 Mar (JPt), 1
Wollamgamie River, Wollemi NP 10 Mar (LG), 6 Kings Tableland 4 Apr (CPr), 3
Willowglen HSD Tarago 18 May (CM), 3 Hazelbrook 24 Apr (JD), Koorawatha Falls
27 Apr (AQ), 2 Glen Alice 26 Apr (ID), 14 Rockview HSD Glen Davis 9 Nov (AR), 2
Munghorn Gap NR 26-31 Dec (DMa); 2 Wallabadah Rock 23 Mar (FRe), 2 Inverell 7
Apr (PHo); Max 4 Burra Creek Jan -May (CRBR 2001-2); 28 Paddys Dam Goonoo SF 8
Jun (JPe); 250+ Schwagers Bore, Pilliga East SF Oct (RJn), 4 O’Dells Crossing Wittenbra
17 Aug (AM); 4 Gilgandra FR 8 May (MT); 4 Woolshed Flat, Cocoparra NP 23 Feb
(LHa), 2 Binya SF 13 Mar (MT), 3 23.6 km E of Goolgowi 23 Apr (TR), 8 Bogolong 5-
8 May, 4 on 8 Aug & 11 Nov (NJ,Mwa,WSm), max 5 Brobenah Hills 18 May & 9 Jul
(KH), 2 Yarrabimbi HSD Collinroobie 10 Mar, A+J on 9 Jul (ATh); Gilgunnia SF Mt
Hope 14 Jul (MT). Wide range of observations from across the State.
Yellow -tailed Black -Cockatoo C. funereus Large groups include: 200+ Little Marley Tk
Royal NP 11 May (CSh), 80+ Alexandria 23 May (AT), 22 Stanmore 6 Jul (RWi), 100
flying across Sydney Harbour from Darling Point 31 Jul (SK); 142 Upper Cataract River
14 May, the largest number reported for the Illawarra Region (CC) & 130 at Barren Grounds
NR 13 Jul (MJ); 2 Limerick Ck Armidale 5 Mar (IDo); 3 Coolah Tops NP 7 Mar, western
limit of range (JPe), feeding on seeds of Blackwood Acacia melanoxylon.
Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalonfimbriatum 5+2J Widden Valley 28 Mar (HBR);
Max 28 Mangrove Mountain 3-23 Jan, including 8A+J 18 Jan, otherwise recorded on the
Central Coast Jan -May, Sep -Dec (CCBR); 10 Cowan 5 Dec (AB), 3 Devlins Ck Epping
26 Dec (TW); 14 Cudmirrah 23 Aug (KM).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita 100+ feeding on ground Dairy Flat 4 Nov
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 201Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 10+4J nesting in Cabbage Gum, Coutts Crossing
7-20 Dec (WT); 110 Bolwarra Aug, smaller numbers elsewhere in the Hunter Region
(HBR); Some large flocks on the Central Coast including 82 Berkeley Vale 25 Mar & 130
on 11 Apr, 90 Avoca Lagoon 22 Jun & 200 Toukley GC 8 Jul (CCBR); Mixed flock of
these & Little Corellas, 1000+ Fearnley’s Lagoon 15 May (ARo); Common in the Illawarra
max 100+ Tongarra 15 Nov (CC); 100+ Brewster Weir 6 Jul (MT), 93 Leeton Dec
Little Corella C. sanguinea 35 Middle Hd South West Rocks 13 Jun (KS); 75 Morisset
3 Mar, smaller numbers eslewhere in the Hunter Region (HBR); 500 Carlingford 28 May
(TS); Common in the Illawarra, max 80+ at Warilla 16 Jun & Windang 27 Jun CC,RI);
Estimated 4500 in flock at Broken Hill 7-8 Sep (CPr).
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri Some large concentrations reported including
18 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 10 Feb (DMr), 30 Griffith 26 Jun, feeding on walnuts 10 Feb
(JSe), 2 Binya 8 Sep (KH); 30 Coolibah 29 Aug (CPr).
Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus 2 Coolongoolook 9 Sep (TMo), unexpected locality;
25 7 km E of Currabubulla 26 Jun (IDo), east of usual range; 6+ Howlong 22 Dec (MRa).
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus 5 Coonabarabran 28 Jun (per DJ), unusual
winter visitor.
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet T. chlorolepidotus 3 Leeton 21-22 Jan (JHe), unexpected
location, escapees?
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna Influx reported from the Hunter Region with
many records, including max 50+ Gwandalan May & Toronto 23 May (HBR); Present
Central Coast all year particularly McMasters Beach & Bateau Bay, 100+ latter location
5-10 Nov (CCBR); Many Fairfield Mall 8 Feb (DK), 3 Charles Rd Putney 23 Feb (CGo),
100+ Cape Solander 2 May (JR,NR), 200 roostingb Pennant Hills May (NH); 10+
Balranald 15 Aug (MT), no previous known records for site.
Little Lorikeet G pusilla More records than usual in the Grafton-Kempsey area all year,
max 10+ Ramornie 15 Feb (GC); As above for the Central Coast, more birds than usual
and present all year (CCBR); 6 Kurnell 2 Jun (JF), 8 Mona Vale GC 9 Aug (RMc);
Wentworth garden 9-19 Dec (KRi), well outside of range in NSW.
Purple -crowned Lorikeet G porphyrocephala 5 Mulwala Golf Course 26 Oct (JMc); 2
Deniliquin May & Sep (DPa). 10-12′ records for NSW and first report since 1997.
202 December 2004Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii garden feeder Medlow Bath 1-17 Apr (LF) escapee?,
14 Boree Ck Cudal 24 May & 3 on 21 Sep (CG,GCa), 14 Cowra area 28 Sep (NR); Small
numbers Canberra ACT/Murrumbateman 5 Jan (CRBR 2001-2), 11 road kills, near
Boorowa 20-28 Sep (Summerell 2002); 20+ Marra HS Junee 18 Jan (MC), 1+ Young 23
Jun (ASm), many Jindalee SF 6 Oct (TN); 12 Minore Rd Dubbo 8-12 Jan (DH), 4 Woggoon
NR 7 May, 2 10 km E of Collie 8 May (MT), 12 Tailby SF Gulargumbone 4 Jun (DGe), 6+
12 km W of Binnaway 24 Sep (MT); 20 Marra, Junee 18 Jan, 20+ Old Junee 18-23 Jan &
Jun -Sep (MC), 10 Holy Camp, Weddin NP 9 Jun (AR), 12 + Temora 25 Aug Nov & 4
Ingalba NR 2-14 Nov (KI-I,MC), 4 Jindalee SF 17 Nov (JB); 30 5 km E of Dubbo25 Jan
(JHo), 10 Nyngan 12 Sep (CPr); 3 Ardlethan 13 Jan & 4 on 6 Oct, 14 Euroley 26 May, 7
Tabbita 3 Jun (MS), 12+ 17 km N of Kioira 7 May (MT), 3 Ganmain SF 14 Jul, 5 Waddi
15 Jul (BMc), 4 Fivebough Swamp 17 Jul (MS), 40+ Tuppal HSD Berrigan 3 Aug (DPa),
Yanda Rest area, Hay 12 Oct (DT), 15-20 Springdale 10 Nov & 8 Leeton STW 31 Dec
(KH), 2 nesting MIA SF Leeton 9 Nov (MT), also seen at Narrandera, Matong,Cudgel
Hills, Darlington Point & Yarramundi HSD Leeton Nov (DGr,EWh,MWa), 4 Leeton 27
Sep (JR), 2 MIA SF nesting & 5 Yanco 10 Nov (MT), 1 Brobenah Rd Leeton & Lake
Nericon 27-28 Dec (AR,CG).
Australian King Parrot Alisterus scapularis 30 Manilla 28 Aug (JMy); 2+ Thurgoona
2-3 Jun (ABr), western edge of range on South West Slopes.
Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus 20 in flight E of Collarenebri 0 Oct
(GC); 2 Nombinne NR 17 Jun (JBr), south-west limit of range.
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor Max 150+ South West Rocks 23 May -2 Aug (FCp,KS),
RK Laurieton Jun (DSa), 20+ Moonee Beach 15-19 Jun (GC), 40+ Wooli Caravan Park
13-20 Jul (CVBR,RJ), 9 Crescent Head 21 Aug (TM); 50+ Wyee Point, 80+ Lemon Tree
Passage, 120+ Williamtown, 30+ Forster, 30+ Medowie 30+, 30+ Galgabba Point &
Soldiers Point May -Aug (HBR), Bulga 26 May (EV), 49 Fingal Bay 16 Jun (SR), 30+
Morisset Hospital 23 Jun (EV), 6+ Toronto 23 Sep (MT); Present on the Central Coast in
extraordinary numbers from 14 May to 12 Nov, including max 280 Bateau Bay East 18
May- 6 Aug, 200+ Wyongah/Wadalba 4 Jun -18 Jul & 650 Charmhaven 14 August & reported
from 18 other separate locations (CCBR); 8 Lindfield 19-20 Apr (AB), 13 Warriewood
wetlands 25 Apr (MR), 8 Narrabeeen Lakes 15 Jun & 2 Bayview GC (RCI), 100+ North
Richmond 17-26 Jun (DP), 50+ Shaws Ck Yarramundi 23 Jun -14 Jul (CPr,DMc,TW), 2
Royal Bot Gardens 25-26 Jun (ALe), 5 Malabar Lake Maroubra 28 Jun (RG), 10 South
Granville 30 Jun (JD), North Sydney BHS 6 Sep (DFe), 6 Duck Ck Auburn 25 Aug
(BWd); 2+ East Beach Tourist Park 20 Apr (BBw), 25+ Warrawong 7 Jun (CC), max 20+
Wollongong Uni 4 Jul -19 Aug (GB,MJ.RT); 30 Batemans Bay 10-15 Apr (AO), 3 Mogo
SF 23 Apr (ENHS), 10 Merimbula 28 Apr (GT), 30 Pambula 15 Sep (MBu); 5 Newnes 4
May (RPo), 6 Glen Alice 5 May (DGe), 30 Burragorang Valley 2 Jun (DA); 4 Mulloon Ck
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 203Bungendore 15 Apr (DR), Weston 24 Apr (CRBR 2001-2), Mt Ainslie ACT 26 May
1 1
(SH), 15 Brungle Jul (MLe); 6 Pincham, Warrumbungles NP 15 Jun (SFi), 4 Callamindah
HSD Tamworth 28 Aug (JMe); 1 Dubbo 24 May (DH); 7 Greenthorpe 17 Apr (MCI), near
Coolamon 25 Apr (BMu), 3 Bannockburn Cemetery 27 Apr (PHo), 10+
Walbunderie,Mullenblah & Walla Walla 13 Jul -19 Sep (IDa,MHe), 6 Tabletop 23 Aug
(DMi), 1 Blue Metal TSR Woomargama 1 Sep (MHe), 3 Nail Can Hill Albury 12-21 Sep,
10 nr Albury 22 Sep (MHe), 100+ at 3 sites in Gundagai area Sep (MCr); 38 Monara Vale
TSR Berrigan 3-9 Aug (DPa). All up about 1250 birds recorded in NSW May -Aug, best
year since the Recovery Programme commenced in 1995.
Eastern Rosella P eximius Griffith Golf Course 28 Feb (CSe), western limit of range;
Pale -headed Rosella P adscitus near Cougal 4 Nov (WT).
Mulga Parrot P varius 3 (2 RK) 320 km SW of Collarenebri 10 Oct (GC), eastern edge
of range.
Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 200+ Goodmans Ford May -20 Jul (CB); 10 Rock
Forest W of Bathurst Apr (SW), 60+ Mudgee 1 May (DGe); 10 Capertee Valley 3 groups
1-25 May including Coco Ck Glen Davis (TH) & 50+3J 10-25 Nov (CPr,DGe), 60+
Mudgee 2 May (DGe), 20 Burragorang Valley 2 Jun (DA), which is about the close as one
can expect wild Budgies near Sydney, 2 15 km W of Orange (CG), 10+ Dapper SF 26-31
Dec (DMa); 100+ 20 km W of Warren 26 Jan (JHo), 10 Wellington Common 6 Jun (SW),
2 Dubbo 14 May (DGe), 10+ Terramungermine Res Dubbo 26 Jul (AB); 2 Weddin
Mountains NP 27 Apr (RA), 25 Cucumgiliga 8 Jun (DHa), small numbers Albury Holbrook
and Gundagai Jul (MHe); 2 Berenenbah 10 Apr (RWe). The Budgerigars at Goodmans
Ford are the 3rd Illawarra record, the previous records were in the Mt Keira-Port Kembla
areas 1895-1903 and in 1972 (CC). Many near coastal records but few inland records.
Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 2 30km W of White Cliffs 29 Apr, 4 Camerons
Corner, Sturt NP 30 Apr (TW), 2 Mutawinji NP 18 Jun (SB), 7 Trilby HSD Louth 2-9 Oct
(GLC,JG). Average year and within range.
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma 1 Wardens Hd, Ulladulla 26 Jan (MZ); 5
Waddi 19 Jul (BMc), Fivebough Swamp Sep (MS); Wonaminta HSD White Cliffs
1 1 1
18 May (MT), 30 Adelaide Gate Sturt NP 18 May (ALi). The Ulladulla record is for the
right habitat but rarely do they come this far north in coastal areas in summer.
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella Maria River SF 27 May (KS); 2 Appletree Flat 26-28
Jan, 2 Widden valley 28 Mar- 1 Apr, 2 Putty 20 Apr, 2 Green Wattle Creek 6 Oct, Myall
Lakes NP all year (HBR), 2 Bulga 26 May (EV); AM Chittaway Bay 3 Jan (AM), 1
204 December 2004Mangrove Mountain 10 Jan (CCBR); 12 Maroota 22 Mar (PB), max 3A+J Laughtonvale
13 Apr- 6 May (EV,KB), 10 North Richmond 20 May (WS); 2 Little Forest Plateau, Milton
27-30 Jan (MZ), 15 Stockyard Swamp, Avon River 6-7 Nov, 4 Molly Morgan Crossing 24
Dec (CC); 4 Illunie Range Cowra 27 Apr (TQ), 2 Koorawatha Falls 25 May (MZ), 8 Glen
Davis 26 May (SF), 15 Burragorang Valley 2 Jun (DA), 20 Spring Forest HSD Cowra 9
Jun (PMa), 3 Conimbla NP Cowra 7 Sep, 2 Long Point, Orange 9 Oct (SG), 30 Rockview
HSD Glen Davis 9 Sep & 30 Nov (AR,TK), 2 Hargreaves 26-31 Dec (DMa); 2 Canberra
ACT suburbs 14 Jul (PMi,ZM); 30+ Borah Crossing Manilla 29 Apr (RL), 60+Borah
TSR Barraba 2 Jun (MPe), 20+ 8 km E of Bingara (WE), 2 Fairlea HSD Dungowan 26
Sep (AA); F Nangar NP Mar (FC), 2 Back Yamma SF 9 Jul & 9 on 27 Dec (SG); 3+ Ben
Halls Cave, Weddin NP 21 Oct (MC); 4 O’Dells Crossing Wittenbra 17 Aug (AM); 21
Warrumbungles NP woolshed 4 Jun -6 Jul (AM,TS); Max 7 Binya SF 23 Mar -14 Sep
Scarlet -chested Parrot N. splendida 2 Newfoundland HSD Louth 8 Oct (JS), referred to
NSWORAC and accepted as the first confirmed report since 1961.
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 2 Red Rock heath 14 Jul & on 26 Dec (JSe);
1 1
Hyams Beach 24 Mar (MZ), 1 Budderoo NP 28 Apr (SD), 61 beaters at Barren Grounds
NR managed to find 21 in Aug, this being 19 years post fire (JBa); 2 Grey Rocks Merringo
Apr (ENHS).
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 Old Bar 21 Feb (DH), 1 Watui, Harrington 10
Mar (Birdline). Only reports and possibly the same bird.
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus 1 Mangrove Mountain 2 Nov (CCBR), only CC record; 1
Centennial Park 27 Jan (WBy), 1 Eastlakes 7 Nov (DM), unusual location. Departure:
Appletree Flat 28 Jan (HBR), Leeton 23 Feb (LHa), Canberra ACT 31 Mar (CRBR
2001-2), 1 Capertee Valley 26 Apr (CPr) 1 Kemps Creek 26 May (TS). Arrival: 5 between
Molong & Wellington 26-29 Jul (AM), 1 Bayswater Colliery 27 Jul (HBR), Binya SF 17
Aug (KH), 2 Cattai NP 15 Sep (SB), Orange 21 Sep (CG), Scheyville 22 Sep (DH).
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus 1 Surry Hills 17 Nov (CG), unusual location.
Departure: 1 Narara 1 Jun (CCBR). Arrival: I Myall Lakes NP 11 Aug (HBR), 1 Five
Day Creek & Scheyville 7 Oct (DH,MHz).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis J being fed by Brown Thornbill Green
Wattle Creek 27 Oct (HBR); J being fed by Superb Fairy -wren Woongarra 13 Jan, J Wadalba
Hill 27 Nov (CCBR); J Charcoal Tank NR 14 Mar (ARo), with an Eastern Yellow Robin
but feeding not noted; Binya SF 2 Jun (KH).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 205Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Martindale 28 Jan (HBR); Capertee
1 1
Valley 21 Mar (TH); Parraweena HSD Tamworth 30 Oct (KW); 2 Warraderry SF Grenfell
1-2 Dec (ALe); Store Ck Cocoparra NP 20 Aug, Craigielea HSD Leeton 25 Aug (JSI),
1 1
Campbells Swamp, Griffith 31 Aug (DMr); Fort Grey, Sturt NP 6 Sep (CPr). Average
1 1
Horsfield’s Bronze- Cuckoo C. basal is J being fed by White -throated Gerygone Temagog
3 Jan (MHz); J being fed by Suberb Fairy -wren Pambalong NR 7 Dec (HBR); 1 Surry
Hills 27 Dec (CG), unusual location; J being fed by Red -capped Robin Griffith Airport 29
Dec (AR).
Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus J fed by Yellow Thombills Pambalong NR 11 Dec
(HBR); Present Central Coast Apr- Nov, fewer sites and fewer reports than usual (CCBR);
J Rosedale Dec (ENHS); 1 Fairlea HSD Dungowan Oct (AA) & 1 10km S Tamworth Oct
(BMy), uncommon on the Plains; calling Junee 30 Jul (MC).
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus HC Temagog 5 Oct (MHz), 1 Turners Flat 25 Oct
(KS), HC Lake Hiawatha 16 Nov (GC).
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Reported as far south as Quandolo Is, 2 J on 26
Dec (ENHS); 3 Canberra suburb records 1-31 Dec (CBN 27,144); 1 Tamworth 23 Nov
(MPe); HC Albury 6-7 Nov (MHe), well west and south of usual range. Departure:
Levenstrath 4 Mar (WT), 2 Primbee 13 Mar (RI). Arrival: 1 Stanwell Park 27 Aug (PEw),
West Pennant Hills 29 Aug (SRo), Coffs Harbour 8 Sep (CCs), Saratoga 13 Sep (CCBR).
Breeding: J being fed by Noisy Friarbird Kempsey 10 Jan (GC), 2 breeding records with
Little Wattlebirds as hosts 3-14 Jan, 3 Red Wattlebird hosts 6 Jan -15 Feb & J with Red
Wattlebird 21 Dec (CCBR).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 9 together Ellanora 12 Jan (AF); 1
Batemans Bay 27 Dec (KH); jnct Queanbeyan & Molonglo Rivers 20 Nov (CBN 28,43).
Departure: Chittaway Bay 9 Feb (CCBR), Levenstrath Mar (WT), Figtree 8 Mar (KMc).
Arrival: I Bateau Bay, Irrawong Res Warriewood & Toolijoa 7 Sep (CCBR,HR,IBR).
Breeding: Fewer reports, 2J Taronga Zoo Mosman 12 Jan (DH) was unusual. Aspects of
migration, abundance and breeding mostly near Mangerton, Wollongong in the period
1984-2002 have been provided. Most nestes were attended by Pied Currawongs and one
and two Cuckoos fledged from 61% and 30% of hosts nests respectively (Woods 2004).
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Reported from 12 Central Coast sites throughout
the year (CCBR); Maddens Plains Nov (KMa).
1 1
206 December 2004Powerful Owl Ninox strenua HC Millbank Jan & May, Temagog 15 Jul, Toorooka 24
Nov (MVBO); 1 Balickera Feb -Jun, 1 East Seaham 2 Aug, 1 Maitland 11 Aug, A+2J
Buttaba Aug -Sep, A+J 3 Toronto 3 Sep, 1 Glenrock SRA 23 Sep, 2 Green Pt Res Valentine
27 Oct (HBR), HC Rookhurst 27 Sep (PSh); 2 HC Katandra Res 7 Mar -19 Aug, J Ourimbah
11 Mar, J Mountain Ash Way Umina 21 Mar (RP), 1 Mill Ck Dharug NP 13 Apr & 1 Jul,
HC Bateau Bay 12 May, HC Palmgrove 10-11 Jun, 1 North Bombi 16 Mar, 21 Jun, 22
Aug & Nov, J Norah head 21 Oct, inj Kang Angy 12 Nov (CCBR,EV,JMI,RP); A+J
Excelsior Res North Rocks 11 Jan (EV), 1 Whale Rock Res Epping 17-20 Jan (PC,TQ), 2
Middle Cove 21 Feb (LB), HC Westleigh 11-18 Mar, 3-8 Jun (ARo), 2 Ebenezer 13 May
(RT), 1 Galston 2 Apr (RW), 1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 13 Mar- 14 Jul (ARo,NH,TDy,TQ),
including 1 with Common Ringtail 14 Jul & A+2J 12 Oct (GS), 2 Bayview (AMc), 1 with
ringtail Gore Cove Res Greenwich 11 Jun (WBn), 1 Warriewood wetlands 1 Jul (PMa), 1
Waitara Ck Normanhurst 14 Jul (JLo), 2 Devlins Ck Epping 7 Apr & A+2J 18 Nov (CG,NH),
Im Gordon GC 8 Dec (KL); 2 Mollymook 9 Jan, 1 Bangadilly NP 20 Mar (KM), 1 RK
Mangerton with Pied Currawong 5 May (DF); Reported from South Brooman Boyne,
Mogo, Brooman & Clyde SFs, Tilba, Old Man Bed Swamp & Broulee Mar- Dec (ENHS),
1 Nelligen 26 Dec (KH); 1 Tidbinbilla ACT 12 Mar (CRBR 2001-2).
Barking Owl N. connivens HC Temagog 18 Jul (MHz); Im Somersby 25 May (PS), HC
Davistown 13-14 Nov & HC Bensville 24 Nov (CCBR); 1 Penrith (in factory) 1 Apr
(LHo); 2 12 km W Glen Alice 18 Sep (LHo); 1 Millthorpe 6 Jan (JCa); 1 Western Plains
Zoo Dubbo 23 May (DH): 2 Pucawan NR Temora 20 Sep (MT); 2 Bogan R Caravan Pk
Nyngan 28 Apr (TW), 2 16km NE Trangie on Macquarie River 5 May (MT); 1 Tilpa Weir
7 Oct (GLC). (See 2001 Addendum for additional Reports).
Southern Boobook N novaeseelandiae Sydney Uni Women’s College 6-27 Mar (PD).
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa 3 Gloucester Tops 5-10 Oct (HBR); 2 HC & seen Katandra
Res 13 Jan -27 Jul, 3 Hillview HSD Yarramalong 6 Sep & HC Palmdale 21 Oct (CCBR);
1 Blaxland 11 Aug (GT); 1 Jamberoo Pass 13 Oct (RJo); HC South Brooman SF 11 Mar
& 30 Jul, Clyde SF 4 Oct (ENHS); HC Blackheath 10 Jul -10 Aug (CPr).
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae RK Cangai Creek 20 Jul (GC); HC Appletree Flat 27
Jan, 1 RK Hexham 30 Jun, 1 Gloucester Tops 10 Oct (HBR); 1 McMasters Beach Jan &
RK Lisarow 30 Nov (CCBR), Hazel Dell, Dharug NP 27 Jul (EV), RK F3 Wyong
1 1 1
Creek 3 Oct (ABe); 1D Sydney Domain 12 Dec (ALe); 1 each Cataract, Cordeaux &
Avon Dam Catchments 21 Oct -6 Nov (NPWS); Pellets containing Antechinus stuartii
located at Cowan Oct (AB), Wallaga Lake 16 Apr, Boyne SF 10 May, South Brooman
SF 30 Jul, Clyde SF 4 Oct & 2A+J Currowan SF Dec (ENHS), 3 Nelligen 26 Dec (KH).
Good spread of records along the coast.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 207Barn Owl T alba 6 roadkills in Clarence Val ley17 Jul -17 Dec, on post Braunstone 28
Dec (GC), 1 South West Rocks 10 Jul, 1 Pelican is SWR 18 Oct, 2 RK Frederickton 24
Oct (KS), RK Clybucca Swamp 7 Sep & 2 on 26 Nov (GC,TMo); Reported from 11
Hunter Region locations all year (HBR), including RK with dead Bush Rat in talons
Moorland Nov (GC); 4 injured Berkeley Vale -Killarney Vale -Bateau Bay 1-14 Sep
(CCBR); 1 Central Colo 26 Jul (KB); 1 Primbee 13 Mar (RI), RK Wingecarribee Reservoir
26 Jun (BAs), Thirroul 29 Jun (DMo); Lake Burley Griffin ACT 20 Sep (ASm); RK
1 1
Coolah 15 Mar (KS); 1Gowrie 26 Sep (JMo); 1 RK 15 km S of Parkes 13 Feb & 95 km
S of Dubbo 27 May (KS); RK 17 km E of Ardlethan 14 Feb (KS).
Grass Owl Tyto capensis flew over house during daylight Sawtell 21 May (PHi), RK
1 1
Harwood Island 24 Oct (GC); Crowdy Bay NP 30 Sep (HBR). Average year.
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis Kempsey 9 Jan, Sherwood NR
1 1
27 Feb, 1 Fortis Ck NP 13 Mar (GC), where flushed from ground and flew to horizontal
branch, Scotts Head 23-24 Sep (GC), Yarravel 24 Oct (KS); 2+N Violet Hill, Myall
1 1
Lakes NP 5-7 Oct (HBR); Excelsior Res Baulkham Hills 4 Jan (EV); Austinmer 18
1 1
Nov (IBR), 1 Nepean Dam 13 Dec (NM); 2 Nelligen 3 Jan (KH); 2A+N Yanunumbeyan
Res Captains Flat 17-23 Nov (Taws 2003). Departure: Mount Vincent 4 May (HBR).
Arrival: Dungog 17 Oct (HBR).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 2 Taleeban Res Weethalle 5 Oct (MZ), HC Weddin NP 20
Oct (MC); Tibooburra 6 Sep (CPr), 2 Newfoundland HSD Louth 1-10 Oct (GLC); 2
Tasman HSD Ivanhoe 31 Mar (DMa).
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Daytime calling heard at Gwandalan
Jan & Apr, A+3J Woongarah 3 Nov (CCBR).
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus 5 Narrandera 3 Feb, 5 Leeton 5 Feb
(KH), unusual western record. Largest concentration: 300+ Awabakal NR Jan (HBR),
max 500 Broulee Dec (ENHS). Departure: 10+ Chittaway Bay 24 Mar (CCBR), 100+
Katoomba & South West Rocks 26 Mar (KS,TS), 10+ Burrewarra Pt 4 Apr (ENHS).
Arrival: 6 Five Day Creek 6 Oct (MHz), Sawtell 12 Oct (CCs), 6 South Grafton 17 Oct
(GC), 15 Mangrove Mountain 21 Oct (CCBR), 10+ Broulee 26 Oct (ENHS).
Fork- tailed Swift Apus pacificus 2 Broomes Head 18 Nov & max 50 on 3 Dec (GC,JS),
3 South West Rocks 30 Nov (KS); 15 Taree 30 Nov (HBR); 32 North Head 3 Jan (MR),
20 Roseville 22 Dec (AB); 5 Nerriga 15 Mar (CC); 1 18 km. E of Batemans Bay 24 Feb
(ENHS), 12 Nerriga 12 Mar (CC); 2+ Woden-Lyons ACT 9 Dec (CBN 28,44); Myola
HSD Barraba 27 Jan (PDb); Spring Ck Coonabarabran 20 Jan (JFe), 100 Bodangora 9
Dec (DGe); 10+ Junee STW 25 Nov (MSu), 10 Gundagai 27 Dec (CG); 200+ 20 km N
Barham 25 Mar (ET), 4 Nericon Swamp Griffith 11 Apr (RWe), 5 Euroley 30 Dec, 25
Venda 31 Dec (KH). The most records for a number of years.
208 December 2004Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azurea Peel R Tamworth 22 Jun (MPe), A+N Goonoo Goonoo
Ck Tamworth 26 Nov (JPa); 3 Castlereagh R Coonabarabran Jun (JFe), rare on this River;
Macquarie R Dubbo 7 Apr (DGe).
Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguinea 1 Wallangarra HSD Ivanhoe 31 Mar (DMa),
outside of normal range.
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayi Winter visitor to Terranora 16 May -5 Aug
(RMo), 1 Seales Rd Belmore River 4 Jul (TM); 1 Violet Hill Rd Myall Lakes NP 16 Jun
(HBR); 1 10 km NE Bugaldie 19 Nov (MV), well out of range but URRF submitted, white
windows in wings seen.
Red -backed Kingfisher T pyrrophygia 1 6 km E of Grafton 1 Oct (PMo); 2 records for
Canberra suburbs ACT 12 Oct (CBN 27,144); 1 Bureen 13 & 17 Oct (HBR); 1 Gerogery
& Walla Walla Nov (MHe), rarely reported from Albury area; Leeton 28 Sep (NR),
1 1
Tuckerbil Swamp 29 Sep (KH), Lake Wyangan 18 Nov (MT). Arrival: Wamoon 27
1 1
Sep (MS).
Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus 1 with small forest bat Moama 3 Oct (TB0822). Departure:
1 Coutts Crossing 4 Mar (GC). Arrival: 1 Erina 21 Sep (RQ), Cowans Pond 22 Sep (GC),
Jubilee 26 Sep (MHz), Warriewood Wetlands & Stannix Park 28 Sep (CG,NH). Overwinter
Records: 1 Moonee estuary 19 Jun, 1 Woody Head 25 Jun
(GC); Chittaway Point Jul (CCBR), Dragon Cowal, Collie 4 Jun (DGe).
1 1 1
Collared Kingfisher T chloris Max 4 Ukerabagh NR Tweed Heads 20 Mar -15 Oct
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus 12 Wyee Point 28-31 Dec (CCBR) & Wallaga
Lake 1 Dec (ENHS), both unusual locations. Departure: 25 Capertee Valley 21 Mar
(TH), Maclean 23 Mar (GC), 1 Cobar Reservoir 30 mar (NS). Arrival: 6 Toorooka, 2
Urunga, 2 Thurgoona & 20 Tamworth 1 Sep (ABr,JSe,MB,MHz), Coutts & McPherson
Crossings 4 Sep (GC), 4 Capertee Valley 6 Sep (TH), 5 Glossodia & North Griffith
(JBr,TS). Close arrival dates!
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 14 hawking together Maianbar 8 Nov (RV). Departure:
Broulee 3 Feb (ENHS), South Grafton 4 Mar (GC), Point Wollstonecroft 9 Mar (CCBR).
Arrival: 1 Maria R Crescent Head 17 Sep (TMo), 1 Bensville 24 Sep (PSh), Frederickton
26 Sep (KS), Walbunderie 5 Oct (MHe), Tuross Heads 16 Oct (ENHS).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor Coastal winter records include: Shelley Bch Yuraygir NP
14 Jul, 1 Susuan is Grafton 12 Aug (GC), 3′ record for site; 1 Cape Hawke, Forster 3 Apr
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 209(AB), Coopernook SF 6 Jun & Harrington 20-23 May & 28 Jul, 2+ South West Rocks
1 1
Aug -Dec; Three unexplained records include Appletree Flat 26-28 Jan, Bow Bow
1 1
Gorge 26-28 Sep, Glenrock SRA 3-6 Oct (HBR,JDu); HC Palmdale 12 Jun & Katandra
1 1
Res 8 Jun (CCBR); 1 North Curl Curl 4 Apr (DH), 1 Coxs Park Dundas 15 Apr (DH), I hit
window Randwick 10 Apr, 1 inj Bondi 11 May (JDa), 1 Irrawong Res, Warriewood 17
Aug -14 Sep (ARo,BC,DH,NH); Mount Keira 14 Oct (IBR); Akole near Tilba 6 Apr
1 1
(JW), this is the most southerly record for NSW and the 1″ Eurobodalla Shire record.
Overall there are more records than usual south of normal range and the two at Bow Bow
Gorge & Appletree Flat are west of usual range and the habitat is unsuitable.
Superb Lyrebird M superba Sherwood NR 25 Feb eastern edge of range in Clarence
Valley (GC); 10 seen Mill Ck Dharug NP 21 Jul (CCBR); 2 nesting Munghorn Gap NR 6
Jul (DPo).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens At least 5 records throughout the year at
Gloucester Tops, including 3+ Kerripit Trail 6 Oct (HBR,PDb).
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis 2 courtship feeding Binya SF 14 Sep &
seen again 22 Sep, on 26 Sep (BWy,KH); east of Tilpa 27 Mar (NS), 2 Cobar-Bedoora
1 1
Rd Cobar 28 Jul (DGe), 2 Gunderbooka NP Bourke 3 Aug & 2-9 Oct (GLC,SG); 2
Kajuligah NR 31 Mar (DMa), 2+ Scotia Sanctuary, Wentworth 26 Apr (CL), 2 Tarawi NR
Wentworth 1-8 Jul (MC), 2 Loch Lily HSD Wentworth 18 Aug (MT).
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 2 Sherwood NR 28 Jun (JSe), unusual
location; 2+ Stewarts Brook 7 May, an unexpected locality (HBR); 2A+J Glenara Rd
Kurrajong Heights 14 Apr (PE); Hazelbrook 24 Apr (JD).
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus 2 Cowans Pond 24 Oct & 2 Glenugie SF West 23 Nov
(JS), eastern edge of range in Clarence Valley, present all year in the Upper Macleay
Valley at Mackenzies Creek & Temagog (MHz); Violet Hill Rd Myall Lakes NP 6 Oct –
well east of range in this location (HBR); Stannix Park 14 Sep (CG).
Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus 12 Gloucester township 23 Mar (LJo), 2+
Fosterton Loop 10 Jan & 31 Aug (HBR), see previous reports.
Splendid Fairy -wren M splendens 4+ Taleeban Res Weethalle 6 Oct (MZ), eastern
limit of range; 5 Binya SF 20 Aug (JSI).
White -winged Fairy -wren M leucoptera AM 3km E of Pallamallawa 6 Oct (RWa); 4
near Bogan Gate 21 Sep (CG).
210 December 2004Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 2 Red Rock heath 26 Dec (JS); Reported
from 15 locations on the Central Coast throughout the year (CCBR).
Grey Grass -wren Amytornis babartus 8 Adelaide Gate, NE of Tibooburral7 May (ALi),
known site.
Striated Grass -wren A. striatus 4+ Red Tank HSD SW Cobar 31 Mar (NS) 1″ report for
this area for many years, 4+ Scotia Sanctuary Wentworth 26 Apr (CL), 2 Karwon HDSD,
Cobar 13 Jul, 2 Pine Hill HSD SW Cobar 14-15 Jul, 4+ Tarawi NR 15-17 Aug (MT).
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus 2 Brittas TSR near Albury Mid Nov
(IDa), HC Junee Oct (MC); Wambulgal 22 Oct, Wah Wah 23 Oct & Nericon 29 Oct
1 1 1
(RWe), 2 Goolgowie Nov (MT); 3 Newfoundland HSD Louth & 2 Trilby HSD Louth 2-
10 Oct (GLC). These records give an extraordinary extension of range, presumably drought
induced for this species which is usually only found in NSW in the far north-west corner
of the State.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Drawing Room Rocks 24 Mar (CC), 2
Hyams Beach 24 Mar, 3 Booderee NP 24 Mar (MZ).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus 2 Wattle Flat, Royal NP 15 Jan & on 24 Aug (BE,JR);
Reported from Monga NP, Wallaga Lake, Dampier SF, Bendethera, Mt Dromaderry &
Mutnmaga Lake in 2002 (ENHS); HC Nullo SF Rylstone 24 Feb (DGe);
Rock Warbler Origma solitaria 6 Appletree Flat 26-28 Jan & 2+ Table Bay Ck Widden
Valley 31 Mar, both records in the northern part of range (HBR); 6 Old Great North Rd
Dharug NP 15 Jun (MV).
Large -billed Scrubwren S. magnirostris 2A feeding Y in old Yellow -throated Scrub –
wren’s nest Strickland SF 2 Nov & 2A+J in nest in shed Palmdale Nov (CCBR).
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia I Sherwood NR 27 Feb (GC); 2
Booti Booti NP 27 Jan & 19 Oct, Table Bay Ck Widden Valley 31 Mar, Finchley 16 Aug,
Whitebridge 7 Oct, Sandy Creek 13 Oct, 3 at Ryhope 14 Oct (HBR); 2 Bushells Ridge 17
Jan & 18 Apr, 2 Brisbane Water NP Kariong 31 Jul (CCBR); 2 Kur-ring-gai Chase NP 14
Sep (TW); 1 7km S Kangaroo Hill 21 Apr (CC), I Barren Grounds NR 28 Apr (SD); 1
Illunie Range Cowra 27 Apr (TQ), Koorawatha Falls 25 May (MZ), 2 Lue 26-31 Dec
(DMa); 1 Tallanganda Res 3 Feb (CRBR 2001-2); 1 Tinkrameneah SF Mullaley 12 Jan
(PEk); 1 Gilgandra FR 8 May (MT), 2 Warrumbungles NP 14 Oct (JDu).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 211Shy Heathwren H. cauta I Taleeban res Weethalle 5 Oct (MZ); 2 Woggoon NR 7 May
(MT); 2 Binya SF13-17 Mar (KH,MT); 2+ Tarawi NR 15-17 Aug (MT), 2+ Nombinnie
NR 26 Jul (DGe).
Striated Fieldwren Calamanthus fultginosus 1 Woolooware Wetlands 17 Dec (JR),
well outside of known range; 1 7km S of Kangaroo Hill 21 Apr (CB).
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus AF 55 km NE Broken Hill 11 Jul (GD), 2
Umberumberka Ck Silverton 8 Sep (CPr), 2 Lakeview CP Broken Hill 21 Oct (PDb).
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2 Kungala 24 May (JS), 2 Coutts Crossing 3
Jun (GC); Nesting Wingen 24 Sep (HBR); 2 Goodmans Ford 11 Jul (CB), eastern limit of
range in Illawarra; M,F Yarrabimbi HSD Colinroobie 17 Feb (NSm), 3 Woolshed Flat
Cocoparra NP 24 Feb (LHa).
Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris 2 Temagog Jan -5 Apr (MHz), eastern edge of range.
Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster Nesting Ash Island Oct -Nov (HBR); Resident
Brisbane Water, seen & heard at 3 sites throughout the year (CCBR).
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca Reported in the Hunter Region east to Bulga 26
May (EV,HBR); 2 Taylors Res Barraba 9 Feb (NPWS), western edge of range.
White -throated Gerygone G olivacea overwintering Maralya 26 May (DMc), Malabar
1 1
Lake 6 Oct (RG), unlikely location, Thornleigh 8 Nov (CW). Departure: Primbee 27
Mar (RI), Cattai NP 6 Apr (NH), Chain Valley Bay Sth 24 Apr (CCBR). Arrival: Crescent
Head 28 Jul (TM), Mitchell Park, Cattai 11 Aug (PH), Somersby 6 Sep (CCBR),
Eurobodalla 22 Sep (ENHS).
Inland Thornbill Acanthiza apicalis 2+ Back Yamma SF 7 Sep (SGr), eastern edge of
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill A. uropygialis 5+ Walbundrie 3 Aug (MH), eastern edge
of range.
Striated Thornbill A. lineata 4 Taleeban Res Weethalle 29 Sep (BM), western limit of
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 2+ Canberra Region Mar (CRBR 2001-
2), 4 Oolong 18 Aug (ABs); 6 Back Yamma SF 9 Jul (SG). Eastern edge of range.
212 December 2004Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata 2 Brobenah Hills 5 May, 1 Binya SF 23 Jun,
Yenda 17 Nov & Leeton 18 Nov, western edge of range (KH).
1 1
Little Wattlebird A. chrysoptera 2 records for Canberra ACT suburbs Aug -Sep (CBN
27,144), western extension of range?
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Pelican Island, Jerseyville 2
Jul (KS); 6 Giants Creek, Sandy Hollow 16 Mar & 22 Jun, 3 Tomago 24-29 Aug (HBR);
1 Commaditchy Lagoon 16 Jun (GB), 2nd Illawarra Region record; 1 Long Pt Macquarie
River, Orange 9 Oct (SG).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata Nesting Jan (FY) Chittaway Bay 25 Jan,
nesting recommencing Berkeley Vale 17 Sep around Tuggerah Lakes foreshore (CCBR);
2 Thornleigh 9 Feb (BWa), exceptional record,
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculata 1000+ Fingal area late May feeding in flowering
Blackbutt (HBR).
Little Friarbird Philemon citrogularis Melba ACT 6 Apr (DPu), uncommon in ACT.
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza pluygia 2 Sherwood NR Glenreagh 13 Feb (DSc), I
Bellingen 8 Mar (HG), 1 Boambee Ck Sawtell 6-14 Jun (CCs), max 6 Maria R Crescent
Head 4-11 Aug (TMo), 6, 10km w of Kemspey on Macleay River 9 Oct (LMc); 10 Coal
Pt, Toronto 8 Apr (FCo), 2 Belmont Swamp 27 Apr (TL), 4 Warkworth 24-25 Apr, 4
Medowie 27 Apr (JWi), 5 Galgabba Res Swansea 25 Apr -29 May (AM), 25 Buttaba 2-9
May (LGr), 15+ Wyee Point 14 May -10 Jul (VM), 5 Goodwood Pk Morisset 28 Jun
(DGe), 70+ SE Morisset 1-7 Jul (ARi), 2 Warkworth 25 Apr, 2 Valentine 27 Oct,
Dudley 29 Oct (HBR), 2 Smiths Lake 18 Oct (DHa); 25+ Brisbane Water NP Kariong
feeding on insects & flowering Banksia ericifolia 11-31 Jul, present South Tacoma feeding
in flowering Swamp Mahogany 2-31 Aug, max 64 on 15 Aug, highest concentration at
any Central Coast site since 1995 and highest number observed since records were first
kept in 1988 (CCBR); 1 St Albans 17 Dec (BHn); 2 Capertee Valley 11 Feb & 1 26 Apr
(DGe,ID), 12 Glen Alice area 20 Mar, 20+ 20 Aug -7 Sep, (AR,DGe,DSe,TH), 6+
Warragamba Dam 5 Oct (SAs), 2+ Windemere Dam 26-31 Dec (DMa); 2 Conoor TSR
27 Oct (JN); 4+ Thurgoona 6 Sep -17 Dec, including N+2Y (JE,JHw,MHe). Fewer breeding
records in 2002 compared to previous years.
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 3 Jindalee SF 17 Nov (JB), rare at this site.
Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys 10+ South Avondale Feb (GB) unusual location;
2+ Lavington 20 Oct (DMi), western limit of range.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 213Black -eared Miner M. melantis 2+ Tarawi NR Wentworth 1-8 Jul (MC), this record
follows on from an observation on 18 Oct 2001 at the adjoining Scotia Sanctuary where 2
birds were seen in a small flock of 3 hybrids, 2 Black -eared Miners and Yellow -throated
Miner (RC1).
Lewin’s Honeyeater Meliphaga lewinii North Tamworth Nov (HPu), unusual location.
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration commenced on the Central
Coast on 12-15 Apr (AM), and by 25 Apr migration was well and truly underway with
3000 per hr passing north through Katooma 25 Apr (CPr). The return migration was noted
at Cecil Hoskins Res on 5 Sep, when 1000’s were passing southwards (JR).
Singing Honeyeater L. virescens 6 Paterson 1 Nov (HBR), well out of range; 1 Glen
Donald HSD Currabubulla 18 Jul -Oct (JDo), eastern edge of usual range.
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis HC Iluka Boat Ramp 16 Feb (GC).
White -eared Honeyeater L. leucotis 1 Calleminda HSD Tamworth 7 Aug (JMe), unusual
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 10+ Wyee Point 14-24 May, winter visitor to
coastal Swamp Mahogany site (CCBR); 3 Tamworth Bot Gardens 18 Jul (JPa), unusual
locations; 10+ Jindallee SF 17 Nov (JB).
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus 1 Paxton 13 Oct (DJ), well east of usual range;
1 Walbunderie 13 Jul & 3 Aug (MH,PSI); Reported from many places in the South West
Plains where normally they do not occur viz: I Rocky Waterhole, Narrandera 10 Jun (NJ),
max 15 Binya SF 23 Jun -27 Dec (AR,KH), 2 Murrami 7 Jul (RWe), 6+ Taleeban Res
Weethalle 29 Sep (BM); 4+ Cobar 27 Dec (NS), 10+ Tarawi NR Wentworth 15-17 Aug
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 4+ Winding HSD Ivanhoe 31 Mar (DMa), 4+
Tarawi Nr Wenworth 27 Apr, 1-8 Jul & 15-17 Aug (CL,MC,MT), 4+ Nombinnie NR 27-
28 Jul (DGe). Average year.
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Coastal records include present Eatonsville Apr, Southgate
SF May & Yuraygir NP Aug (CVBR), 100’s in Border Ranges NP & also near Tooloom
20 Jun (DC), 30+ Limeburners Ck NR 4 Aug (TM); 10+ Galgaba Res Swansea 28 Apr -5
May (AM), max 40+ Wyee Point May -Jul, 2 Shortland WC Jul -7 Aug (HBR), A large
incursion reported for the Central Coast being common from 8 May -11 Aug at 20 sites, cf.
214 December 2004some years not present at all (CCBR); 6 Primbee 13 Jun (RI); Nested in Aranda ACT May
(CRBR 2001-2), unusual location; 2 Junee 15 Jun (MC); 3 Nyngan Caravan Park 29 Aug
(CPr); 4+ Deniliquin Sep (DPa), the latter 3 records well west of normal winter range.
More near -coastal records than usual.
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 6 Nambucca Heads 6 May (GBe); 3 North
Wollongong 22 Sep & 2 nesting Berkeley HS Nov (GB,ALo), slowly extending Illwarra
Region range.
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 2 Kungala 24 May (JS), 2 Cowans
Pond 24 Oct (JSe), 2 Glenugie SF East 23 Nov (CCs); 6 Tomalpin 18 Jan, Widden
Valley 28 Mar -1 Apr (HBR); 3 Chipping Norton 25 Aug (JDi); 4 Illunie Range Cowra 27
Apr (AQ), 2 Warragamba Dam 5 Oct (SAs), 3 Spring Forest HSD Cowra 9 Jun (PMa); 4
Deenderra HSD Barraba 2 Apr (JWt); 2 Warrumbungles NP 3 Jun (TS), 1 Dandy Ck
Coonabarabran 7 Jun (TS).
White -throated Honeyeater M. albogularisN+Y Yuraygir NP 29 May (BMk), close to
southern limit of range.
Brown -headed Honeyeater M brevirostris 2 Gunderbooka NP 2-10 Oct (GLC), western
limit of range.
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta Gunderbooka NP 2-10 Oct (GLC).
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella pieta Glen Alice 20 Mar (DGe), Cowra District Oct
1 1
(CB), 2 Glen Davis 25-30 Nov & Dec (CG,CPr,VP), 2 Goolma 26-31 Dec (DMa); Present
in the ACT & adjacent areas 26 Oct -31 Dec, max 2 Hall, 6+ Campbell Park incl. 3 nesting
attempts 4 Mulligans Flat NR Intl nest 20 Nov, Gundaroo TSR, 2+ Sutton TSR &
1 1 1
Burra Creek, 2 Mugga Lane Riding School, 12+ Gunning, 3 Bilbaringa, a bigger influx
than usual to this portion of the Southern Tablelands (Bounds 2003, Lenz & Dabb 2003);
2 Adams Res Manilla 9 Feb (NPWS); 10 Back Creek SF 25 Sep -6 Oct (JR), Galore Hill
Lockhardt 11 Oct (DWa,MHe), 4+ Kentucky SF Balldale 26 Oct (PSI), 10+ Ingalba NR
Temora 3-27 Nov, 2 Currajong SF 5-11 Nov (MC); Max 4 Binya SF Yenda Jan -5 Apr,
first return AM 22 Sep, max 100+ on 3 Nov, present until 31 Dec (BWy,DWa,KH), 4+
Nericon Swamp 26 Sep -18 Nov, 7 Yanco 10 Nov & nested there Dec, 2 Yenda 17 Nov
(KH,LHa,NR), 1 McPherson Range, Griffith 4 Nov (LHa), 4+ MIA SF, 4 Widgelli, 7
Yanco 10 Nov (MT), 15+ Leeton, Lake Wyangan, Whitton Stock Res & Nericon Swamp
areas 18 Nov -31 Dec (AR,MT); 10+ Great Cobar Tank 30 Mar (NS). Good year in South
West Slopes.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 215Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 2 Mangrove Mountain 12-17 Jul
(CCBR); Wallaga Lake 24 Jan & 8 Nov (ENHS); 2 Bedoura HSD Braidwood 20-24 Apr
White -fronted Honeyeater P albifrons Max 10 Binya SF 23 Jun -16 Nov, 15+ Yenda 16
Nov, 7 Garoolgan 17 Nov, 3 Leeton 8 Dec (KH), 20+ Brobenah, Leeton 26-31 Dec, 2
Gum Ck Rd Griffith 28 Dec (AR); 10+ Great Cobar Tank 30 Mar & 27 Dec (NS), 4+
Winding HSD Ivanhoe 31 Mar (DMa), 10+ Kinchega NP 19 Jun (SB), 20 Nearie Lake
NR 14 Jul (MC), Tarawi NR Wentworth 15-17 Aug (MT). Average year.
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P melanops Laughtondale 8 May (KB).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger ID Singleton 23 Sep (HBR); Bot. gardens, Orange
30 Sep (GH); Calala 29 Sep (JWt), 2 Westdale, Tamworth Oct (MM), 4 in Jacaranda
Tree Tamworth 23 Oct -27 Nov (JPa), 2 Parraweena HSD Tamworth 30 Oct (KW); 10
Back Creek SF 8 Sep (DH), 3 Galore Hill SR Lockhardt 8-22 Sep & F on 6 Oct (MHe);
M,F 5 km W of Coonabarabran 29 Sep (SGy), 2 Chitty HSD Coonabarabran (HS),
Parkes garden 26 Dec (NS); 16+ Thurgoona at 3 sites 8 Nov -19 Dec (MHe,MRa); 2
Nericon Swamp 5 Oct -13 Oct, 20+ Yenda 16 Nov, max 10 Leeton 18 Nov (KH,LHa), 2
Campbells Swamp Griffith 28 Sep- 14 Oct (BM,JSI), 20+ Lake Wyangan, Nerricon Swamp,
Whitton TSR & Widgelli 18 Nov (MT), M,F, Griffith Ag. Stn 20-28 Nov (BM), 6+ Brobenah
Hills 26-31 Dec (AR); 3 Great Cobar Tank 29 Mar (NS), 10+ Louth & Tilpa 1-9 Oct
(GLC), 2A+J Broken Hill Lake 21 Oct (PDb). 24 sites, most records ever reported.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus Paxton 9-17 Nov (DJ,HBR); Armidale garden 21
1 1
Nov (KMc); AM Pinetrees CP Cowra 18 Nov (CB), 2+ Rimatora HSD Orange 10-20 Nov
(JK); AM Hoskintown 16 Oct (CBN 28,44); 3M Glen Donlad HSD Currabubula 21-23
Oct (IDo); 3 Between Eugowra & Forbes 6 Oct (Birdline); Galore Hill SR Lochart 21
Sep (MHe), 6 Warraderry SF Grenfell 30 Nov -2 Dec (ALe), 6 Thurgoona 10-19 Dec
(MRa); 2 Yenda 16 Nov, observers is’ record for 20 years & 4 on 17 Nov, 7 Garoolgan 17
Nov, max 5 Leeton 18 Nov -1 Dec (KH), 20+ Lake Wyangan, Nericon Swamp, Whitton
TSR & Wigelli 16-18 Nov (MT), 6+ Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 26-31 Dec (AR); 10+
Yathong NR Sep (BM), Broken Hill Lake 20 Oct, AF Living Desert Park, Broken Hill
(PDb). Reported from 21 sites and the most records ever reported including some sites
well east of usual range.
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta More common than usual on the Central
Coast being present Apr -Dec (CCBR); AM garden Westleigh 23 Jan (ARo), unusual
location; Reported on the South Coast Jan -8 May, 16 Aug to Dec, the most southerly
location being Wallaga Lake Jan, with nesting at Broulee Jan (ENHS); 1 Namadgi NP 15
Feb (CRBR 2001-2) & Mt Taylor ACT 2 Mar (MO).
216 December 2004Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor 2 15 km W of Barraba 23 Nov (RWa); 30+ Sturt NP
Jan -3 Apr (FOC), 30+ near Fort Grey on 15 May (MT), 10+ Trilby HSD Louth 28 Jul
(DGe); 3 Cobar New Tank 27 Aug -3 Aug (AM,SG).
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 9 Booligal area 1 May (MT), 1 Campbells Swamp, Griffith
Sep (JS1), 3+ Fivebough Swamp 19 Sep -10 Nov, 30+ on 27-28 Dec, 45-50 Nericon Swamp
1-29 Dec (AR,CG,KH,MS,MT), unprecedented numbers for Leeton-Griffith area, 5
Jerilderie 2-5 Oct (DW,MHe); 9 Freshwater HSD Booligal 1 May & 4 on 11 Aug (LHa,MT);
4+ near Tilpa 28 Mar (NS), 30+ Green Lake, Tibooburra 12 May (MT); 12 Little Topar
roadhouse 11 Sep (JC).
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Present throughout the year in favoured Hunter Region
locations, max 24 Stockton Sandspit 21 Sep, 25+ Worimi NR 12 Jan & 9 Foster 1 May
(HBR); AM Bushells Lagoon 8 Dec (KB); Reported from the Lake George/Lake Bathurst
area (CRBR 2001-2), 2 Oolong 18 Aug (ABs); 8 Arcadia, Leeton 10 Mar (JSt), 35 Nericon
Swamp 2 Jun & 2 in Oct (JS1,KH), 1 Booligal 11 Aug (LHa).
Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans 4 Greendale 24 Mar- 26 May (TS), 3 Nortons Basin
30 Jun (CBOC). Still holding in the County of Cumberland.
Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor 1 Temagog 6 Apr (MHz), 3 Koukandowe NR Kangaroo
Creek 16-18 Apr, AF banded Coutts Crossing 11 Jun (GC); 1 Putty 20 Apr & 1 Morisset
Hospital 27 Apr (HBR); Agnes Banks 19 Jun (KB)1 Sassasfras 15 Oct (KM).
Red -capped Robin P goodenovii AM Caves Beach 8 Sep, unusual location (HBR); 1
Agnes Banks 19 Jun (KB); 3 Kings Tableland 1 Dec (CM), unusual location; M&F Oolong
18 Aug (ABs); AF feeding J Horsfields Bronze -Cuckoo Griffith 29 Dec (AR).
Flame Robin P phoenicea AF Mangrove Mountain 30 Apr -2 May (CCBR), 4th Central
Coast record; AM Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 27 Jun (ARo), 2 Bents Basin Rd 30 Jun
(CBOC), AF Mayfair Rd Mulgoa 28 Jul (MH); 2 Cordeaux Dam catchment 28 Oct (KMa);
1 Badja 13 Feb (ENHS); 4 Spring Forest HSD Cowra 9 Jun (PMa); Winter Records in
South West Plains: Lake Talbot 23 May (BBr), AM Leeton 25 May, Max 11 Brobenah
Hills 8 Jun -14 Jul (KH), 8 Fivebough Swamp 27 Jul (HH).
Rose Robin P.rosea Holy Camp, Weddin NP 9 Jun (AR); Warrumbungle NP 6 Jun
1 1
(TS), western records.
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata Kungala 21 May (JS); 2 Howes Valley 17 Apr
(Tdy); 6 Goodmans Ford 11 Jul (RGr). Some interesting eastern records.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 217Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsahria australis Breeding study during the spring of 2002 in
Monterey Pine Plantation near Armidale found found a breeding success rate of 20%.
This was lower than reported for coastal localities and in native woodland near Armidale
(Debus et al 2004).
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 2+ Tarawi NR Wentworth 1-7 Jul, 15-
17 Aug (MC,MT), 2+ Yathong NR 30 Mar (MT), 2+ Nombinnie NR 31 Mar & 26 Jul
(DGe,MT). Fewer records than usual.
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 3 Barrington Tops via Chichester Dam 7 Sep (CG); 2
Bellawongarah nr Berry 21 Sep -24 Oct (CC), new location and first report south of
Jamberoo in 10 years, 1 Tannawanna escarpment 13 Oct (JDm), 2A+Im Barren Grounds
NR 18 Nov (JSp).
Hall’s Babbler P halli 10+ Comeroo HSD Enngonia 12 May (AA), this was the only
record received.
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum Koukandowie NR near Coutts Crossing
29 Mar & 15-16 Apr (GC), 4 Sherwood NR 28 Jun (JS), F Styx River, Kempsey 15 Jul
(JCe); 3 Widden Valley 28 Mar -1 Apr (HBR); 1 Bucketty 23 Jan, 1 Blackwall Mountain 3
Jan, AF Hillview HSD Yarramalong 25 May, 2 Old Grt North Rd Dharug NP 15 Jun
(MV), 2 Mardi 14 Dec (CCBR); 2 Comleroy Rd Upper Colo 1-28 Sep (CG), Ku-ring-
gai Chase NP 7 Oct (TP); 1 Wallaga Lake 24 Feb, 2 Currowan SF 20 Mar, 1 Clyde Mountain
SF 22 Jun & 20 Sep -4 Oct, 3 Bendethera 26 Jul, 2 Womban Sep, Mogo SF 2 Jul (ENHS);
2 Mt Boyce Lookout 6-21 Sep (AR,CG), 2 Mullion Range SF Orange 8 Oct (SG); Reported
from Namadgi NP, The Tinderry Mountains & Tidbinbilla NR (CRBR 2001-2), 2 Bedoura
HSD Braidwood 20-24 Apr (COG); 2 Duncans Ck Tamworth 18 Feb (DRo), 2 Bald Knob
HSD Bingara 4 Mar (IW), M,F Vickery SF 3 Aug (JPa), 2 Coolah Tops 24 Jul (IH); 2
O’Dells Crossing Wittenbra 17 Aug (AM).
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 2 Winding HSD 31 Mar & Tasman HSD, 2
Yathong NR 30 Mar (MT), 2 Nombinnie NR 31 Mar (MT), Ivanhoe Apr (DMa), Tarawi
NR 1-8 Jul, 15-17 Aug, 2 Loch Lily HSD Wentworth 18 Aug (MC,MT), 2 Lake Mungo
NP 26 Jun & 13 Oct (MC,NJ);
Chestnut -breasted Quail -thrush C. castaneothorax 2+ Comeroo HSD Ivanhoe,
Enngonia 12 May (AA), 2 Gunderbooka NP 3 Aug (SG), 2 Bourke-Wanaaring Rd 27 Jul
Crested Shrike -tit Fakunculus frontatus 3 Wyee Point 6-8 May, Mount Vincent 23 Jul
& Wang Wauk in Sep (HBR); Reported from 6 Central Coast sites throughout the year
(CCBR); 2 Yarrabimbi HSD Colinroobie 2 Jun (ATh), western edge of range; 4+
218 December 2004Newfoundland HSD Louth 2-10 Oct (GLC).
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis I Blue Mallee SF Wyalong 9 Mar (HP), 6+ Taleeban
Res Weethalle 5 Oct (MZ); BC Binya SF 30 Jun (KH). All records at the eastern edge of
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 2 Polblue Swamp 4 Mar, max 3 Gloucester Tops
26 Jul, 10-20 Oct (HBR); 1 Mt Dromedary 24 Feb & 2 on 8 Nov (ENHS); 7 New England
NP 7-9 Oct (MHz); The Big Hole & Tidbinbilla NR May (CRBR 2001-2).
1 1
Red-lored Whistler P rufogularis I Nombinnie NR Mount Hope 31 Mar (MT). Still
hanging on NSW!
Gilbert’s Whistler P inornata I Conimbla NP Oct (CB), 1 15 km E of Capertee Sep -Oct
(VP); AM Burrendong Dam 15 Mar (CDa), first record for site; 2 Taleeban Res Weethalle
5 Oct (MZ), 1 Ingalba NR 2 Nov (MC); 2+ Nombinnie NR & Yathong NR 30 Mar -1 Apr
(MT), Many Tarawi NR 1-8 Jul, 15-17 Aug, 1 Scotia Sanctuary Wentworth 17 Aug
Golden Whistler P pectoralis I Yelkin SF 8 May (MT), 1 Rocky Waterholes, Narrandera
9 May (NJ), F Store Ck Cocoparra NP 20 Aug (JS1). Western winter records.
Rufous Whistler P rufiventris Departure: I Warrah Trig, BWNP 20 Apr (LT), 1 Weddin
Mountains NP 27 Apr (PE). Arrival: Hawkesbury Marshes 12 Sep (KB), Warriewood
wetlands 22 Sep (NBr).
Little Shrike -thrush C. megarhyncha 2 Shark Creek, Tyndale 16 Mar, 3 Brooms Head
19 Oct (CVBR), 1-2 Susan Is NR 11-13 Aug (GC), 21’d record for site since 1870.
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Western limit records include: South
Tamworth 28 Mar (BMc); Im found in garden Coonabarabran 2 Mar (SGr). Departure: I
Mangrove Mountain 23 Feb (CCBR). Arrival: I Millbank 15 Sep (ND), 1 Gloucester 19
Sep (PCo), Bellingen 23 Sep (JS), Potters Gully, Ourimbah SF 24 Sep (CCBR), Broulee
26 Sep (ENHS).
Spectacled Monarch M trivirgatus Nest building Harrington 24 Nov & 4 present 24
Nov suggesting breeding success, 2 Fosterton Loop 9 Dec (HBR). Arrival: Port Macquarie
8 Sep (GC), Coramba 12 Sep (JS).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: 2 Moruya 18 Mar (ENHS). Arrival:
McPhersons Crossing 4 Sep, North Bombi 19 Sep (JMc), 2 Jubilee 26 Sep (MHz),
Wheeney Creek 28 Sep (CG), Broulee 11 Oct (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 219Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca F Chittaway Point 7 Feb (CCBR); Warriewood wetlands
25 Apr (BC); AM Parraeena HSD Tamworth 22 Nov (KW).
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta 1 Lane Cove River NP 7 Apr (NBr), rare in the Sydney
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons I Calala, Tamworth 21 Oct (BHe); 1 Albury 28 Dec
(GD), both records well out of range. Departure: Mangrove Mountain 7 Apr (CCBR).
Arrival: 1 Susan Is Grafton 12 Aug, 5th Island record (GC), 1 Matcham 2 Sep (CCBR),
Wollombi 14 Sep (HBR), Waterfall, RNP 5 Oct (CG).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 22 Clarenza Mar (EW), unusually large number,
departed Levenstrath 8 Apr (WT), 12 Yuraygir NP Jun (BMk). Western records include:
1 Callemindah HSD Tamworth 24 Feb (JMe), 1 Old Quipolly Dam 2 Mar (GM), 1 Duri
15 Mar (AA), I Ravensfield HSD Tamworth 22 Sep (EF). Southern records: 2 Moruya
9 & 23 Mar (ENHS); 1 Downer ACT 20 Apr (CBN 27, 96). Arrival: I Homebush Bay 21
Jan (DH), 1 Central Mangrove 15 Feb (CCBR), I Jesmond 19 Feb (HBR). Departure: 2
Norah Head 19 Sep (CCBR), Coutts Crossing 28 Oct (GC).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 1 Pelican Is South West Rocks 8 Dec, 1 Willi Willi TR
17-22 Dec (KS,MHz), 8 Macksville 5 Nov & 12 on 9 Dec (JS).
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina papuaensis Belmore River 23 Jun (KS), dark
morph, I Crescent Head 6 Jul (TM), 2 Yuraygir NP 17 Aug (CVBR); I Leneghans Flat
Swamp 27 Oct east of usual range (HBR); I Cumberland SF 3 Mar (IJ), all eastern limit of
range; 2A+N 20 km S of Bingara 25 Sep (IH); 2 Monkey Ck Bridge, Coolibah 28 Jul
(AM); 2 Trilby HSd Louth 28 Jul (DGe), western limit of range.
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Faulconbridge 28 Jan (CM), not previously reported at the
site. Departure: Broulee 17 Mar (ENHS), I Table Bay Ck Widden Valley 31 Mar (HBR),
A+J Wadalba Hill 1 Apr (CCBR), HC Koukandowie NR15 Apr (GC), 1 Bedoura HSD
Braidwood 20-24 Apr (COG), late date. Arrival: Murrumbung HSD Mardi 12 Oct
(CCBR), Bellingen 26 Oct (JS), Tuross Heads 18 Nov (ENHS).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 2 Goolma 26-31 Dec (DMa); 7 Balmoral HSD
Attunga 12 Apr (IMk), 3 Moores Ck Res Tamworth 25 Jul (JPa); 3 19km N of Mendooran
3 Jun (TS), 2+N near Gum Swamp, Forbes 4 Aug (ASm,SGr) & 2A+N 10km N Forbes
(BHu); 3 Terridgerie Ck Baradine 5 Jun (AM); 3 Macquarie Marshes NR (FCz); 2 near
Trangie 27 Apr (TW), 2+ Quambone Racecourse 12-15 Sep (ACa); 5 Brewster Weir 6 Jul
(MT), 2 Lister SF Ganmain 14 Jul (EWh), 2 N of Leeton 21 Sep & 27 Oct, Ardlethan 6
220 December 2004Oct (KH), 2 Griffith Airport 29 Dec (AR); 2 Sandy Ck Cobar 14 Jul (MT), 2+ Mirrabooka
HSD Cobar 28 Jul (DGe), 95 km S of Tibooburra 7 Sep (CPr). Average year.
White -winged Triller Lalarge sueurii Arrival: 2 Callala 11 Jul (JWa); 1 7km N
Walbunderie 3 Aug, 8 Pleasant Hills Albury 22 Sep (MHe), Pitt Town , Stannix Pk, Shares
Pk Blacktown & McGraths Hill STW 29 Sep (EV). Coastal records include: 1 Sawtell
10 Sep & Red Rock 17 Oct (JS), AM Brooms Head 30 Nov, 2 Sandon Estuary 10 Nov -17
Dec (GC), AM Pelican Is South West Rocks 2 Oct & 6 prs Nov (KS), 2+ Pottsville 28
Nov (TP), AM Crescent Head 6 Dec (TMo); Shortland WC 18 Jan & 6+ on 5 Nov,
nesting Balikera Feb & feeding young Hexham NR 15 Feb (HBR); 1 Tuggerah 16 Oct, 1
Narara 21 Oct, 2 West Gosford 14 Nov, AM Picnic Pt Res The Entrance 30 Nov, AM
Freemans Hill, Munmorah SRA 29 Dec & AM Tuggerah Lagoon 14 Dec (CCBR), more
records than usual; 1 Freemans Reach 11 Jan (RCI), 2 Richmond Turf farms 7 Oct (EV),
9 Eastlakes GC 7 Nov -1 Dec (DH,DM), 1 Fearnelys Lagoon Richmond 15 Dec (EV), 2
Mulgoa 20 Dec (MH); Primbee 30 Oct (DG), 4 Upper Avon Catchment 6 Nov (CC); 2
Wentworth Falls Lake 11 Feb (CPr). More coastal records than usual.
Varied Triller L. leucomela 1 Sandon River 16 Mar, 2 Yuraygir NP 17 Aug, (CVBR), 1
Susan Is Grafton 11-13 Aug, 2nd record for site, F Sherwood NR 27 Feb (GC), 2 Dorrigo
NP Skywalk 27 Aug (WE); 3 Harrington 26 Jul & 1 30-31 Dec (HBR).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Inland winter records include Euroley 28 May
& 1 Binya SF 23 Jun (KH), 2 Griffith 22 Jul (BMc), 2 Narrandera 27 Sep (NJ); 1 Balranald
calling 14 Jul (MC).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 2A+J Muswellbrook 13 Jan (HBR); Figbirds continue to
increase on the South Coast with records from Moruya, Narooma, Tuross Heads and
Bermagui (ENHS).
White- breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Bayview 19 Jan (GS), Penrith
1 1
Lakes 6 Sep (KB). Southern Coastal records: 3 Mogo SF 24 Sep (ENHS), 1′ record
for the Region. Departure: 8 Chittaway Bay 17 Apr (CCBR), 5 Binya SF 25 Apr (KH),
3 Nymboida 27 Apr (GC), 2 Ash Island 11 May (HBR). Arrival: 4 Lanitza 30 Aug (JS),
4 Colongra Swamp 14 Sep (CCBR).
Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus 2 Coutts Crossing 4 Sep & 10 on 16 Oct
(GC), 100+ mixed with below Broomes Head 19 Oct (CVBR); 300+ mixed flocks with
White-browed Woodswallows at Weston 25 Sep & 3 Nov, 200+ Rankin Park 25 Sep,
200+ East Maitland 24 Oct (HBR); 10 Murrumbung HSD Mardi 8 Oct (CCBR); Max 20
Sydney region, mostly Hawkesbury Marshes & Cumberland Plain 29 Sep -10 Nov but
Rifle Range Maroubra 16-18 Oct (RG); Max 100 Illawarra Region mostly Avon Cathcment
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 221& Gerringong 6 Oct -9 Nov (CC et al); Present Long Point, Orange 9 Oct (SG); Small
numbers nesting Canberra Region Nov -Dec (Dabb 2003). Arrival: 4 Geurie Res Dubbo
& Back Ck SF West Wyalong 6 Sep (DH,FC), 4 Pleasant Hills,Albury 22 Sep (MHe),
Wongarbon 21 Sep & Cessnock-Maitland 25 Sep (HBR). More coastal records than usual
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 6 Coutts Crossing 4 Sep & 5 on 16 Oct
(GC), 100+ Broomes Head 19 Oct (CVBR); See above re mixed flocks in Hunter Region,
1 Bolwarra 30 Mar & 3+ Kings Gap 26 Oct (HBR); 40+ Murrumbung HSD Mardi 8 Oct
(CCBR); 80+ Winston Hills 25 Sep (TDy), 80+ Mitchell Park, Cattai 29 Sep (SKn), 20+
Wallacia 19 Oct (TS); Large numbers in the Illawarra max 500+ Oct- 9 Nov Jervis Bay &
Bellawongarah areas (CC et al); 40 Broulee, 1″ record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS);
Nesting Canberra Region Nov -Dec (Dabb 2003). Arrival: 20+ Rockview HSD Glen Davis
6 Sep (DSe), 300+ Kurrajong 20 Sep (GT).
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus 30 Potato Pt 30 Mar, first return to South Coast, 6
Womban on 6 Sep (ENHS); 15 Jinderra, Albury 11 Sep (LW).
Black -faced Woodswallow A. cinereus 10+ Mulgoa 14 Nov (MH), 1″ County of
Cumberland record.
Little Woodswallow A. minor 15 Cordeaux Dam 24 Sep (CC); 4 20 km W Jerilderie 19
Sep (DB); 10+ Mutawuntji NP 10 Sep (CPr), 6 on Darling R. Newfoundland HSD Louth
2-10 Oct (GLC). Average year.
Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis 2A+1J Bango Lane, 7km NE Yass 23 Apr
(MF), unusual location.
Grey Currawong S. versicolor 1 Yetholme 21 Sep (CG); 2 Brown Mountain 5 May
(MZ); 2 Morgans Lookout, Walla Walla 25 Jul (MH), unusual location; 2+ Tarawi NR
Wentworth 15-17 Aug (MT).
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus F in remnant rainforest South-west Rocks 26
Mar, AF Ingalba SF 2-8 May, 7 Sep & 22 Dec 1Willi Willi NP 22 Dec (KS,MHz); AM
Gloucester Tops 10 Oct & AF Barrington House 14-18 Oct (HBR); HC New England NP
9 Oct (MHz). Some new locations.
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides Killed and ate a Spotted Turtle -Dove St Ives Nov
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus 2 at Long -nosed Bandicoot carcase Hungry Head 9 Jul
(GC); Max 5 Gloucester Tops 26 Jul, 10 Oct & 31 Dec, 2 HC Violet Hill, Myall Lakes NP
5-7 Oct, 6 Harrington-Crowdy Head 22-24 Nov, 4 on 31 Dec (HBR).
222 December 2004Little Raven C. mellori 15 Belltrees 26 Mar (HBR).
Torresian Crow C. orru Expanding range south including 2+ Shortland WC 23 Jun,
then Nov -Dec, 2+ Ash Island 16 Apr -13 Jul (AM,HBR), previously Gloucester & Mungo
Brush were the southern coastal limits.
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 6 Lanitza 13 Aug & 4 Levenstrath
13 Sep, rare in the Clarence Valley (WT).
Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea 6+ Walbundrie 3 Aug (MH), close to their eastern range
in NSW.
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chlysocephalus AM+4 South West Rocks mid Jun (PRm),
not common at this site.
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus F Gowrie, Tamworth 24 Sep & J in Oct
(JMo), bower in Bot. Gardens Tamworth Oct (MB), northwest limit of range in NSW.
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Jan -Feb drinking in garden Deenderah HSD
Manilla & 22 Jun (RWa), eastern edge of range.
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica 1 Bureen 13 Oct & 2 on 18 Oct (HBR); 3+ Richmond
Turf Farms 14 Jul, 2 Powells Lane Richmond 26 Dec (EV); 1 Wollogorang 25 Apr (PE);
8 Bullagreen, Narromine 4 Jun (DGe);4+ Tilpa 27 Mar (NS). Occurs in low numbers over
a large area.
Skylark Alauda arvensis Present Wallaga Lake 29 Mar, 16 Apr & 8 Nov (ENHS), a
known site.
Yellow Wagtail M flava Max 4 Ash Island ponds 23 Feb -9 Mar (HBR); Im Bakers
Lagoon 23-26 Dec (EV,KB). Referred to NSWORAC and accepted as 7 -8th confirmed
records for NSW.
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Present in the Macleay Valley, 8 Frederickton 6-25
Sep & 12 Willi Willi 11 Dec (KS,MHz); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 8 Nov (NR).
Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 100+ Appletree Flat 26-28 Jan (HBR); 2 Rhodes 7
Sep (DH), Red Hill, Oxford Falls 8 Sep (EV); 10 Moruya 26 May (ENHS); 2 Howlong
3 Dec.(NA), this is a probably extension of range westwards; 6 Yarrabimbi HSD Colinroobie
10 Mar (ATh), south-west limit of range.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 223Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 4+ Martindale 29 Mar -30 Apr, 1 Raworth 11
Jan (HBR); 10+ Dapper SF Dunedoo 26-031 Dec (DMa); 10+ Deenderrah HSD Upper
Manilla 7-14 Feb (JWt), 2A+3J Tamworth 28 Nov (JPa); 10+ Macquarie R Dubbo 7 Aug
(DGe), where resident, 20+ Warren STW 12 Sep (CCa), 10+ Nyngan 20 Oct (PD -B).
Fewer reports than usual.
Red-browed Finch N. temporalis 70+ Rocky Waterholes Narrandera 10 Jun (KH,NJ),
western limit of range.
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata Ramornie NP 15 Feb (GC), Temagog 8
1 1
Mar (MHz), 2 Glenugie SF West 23 Nov (CCs), eastern limit of range; Eastern records in
the Hunter Valley include 2+ Jerrys Plains 16 Feb and Putty area 20 Apr (HBR).
Beautiful Firetail S. bella 5 Little Marley, Royal NP 31 Mar (MR); 7 Barren Grounds
NR 15 Sep (SK); 2 Little Forest Plateau Res 26-30 Jan (MZ); Newnes SF 9 Mar (JDu),
Kings Tableland 4 Apr (CPr). All within range.
Nutmeg Mannikin Lonchura punctulata 10+ Rockdale Golf Course 12 Jul (PDb), 10+
Mulgoa 28 Jul (MH), 65 Mason Pk Strathfiled 29 Aug (NH), 10+ Pitt Town Lagoon 8
Nov (JR).
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax 3 Thrumpster Pk Lake Cathie 9 Mar
(FOC), 10+ Clybucca 4 Nov (KS); 12+ Gloucester Dairy Swamp 23 Mar (LJo), some
large concentratiuons include 125 Hexham Swamp 15 Jul & 50+ Shortland WC 5 Nov
(HBR); Small flocks at 5 Central Coast wetlands including 20A+20J Gavenlock Rd Swamp,
Tuggerah 21 Feb (CCBR); 20+ Richmond Turf farms 14 Jul, 200+ Pitt Town Lagoon 20
Oct -10 Nov (EV,NR), 10+ Mulgoa 17 Dec (MH); 100+ Emu Ck 10 km NE Walka 29 Oct
(KS); The Valley HSD Bingara 5 Oct (WB),4 Peel R Tamworth 10 Nov (MPe). Some
interesting records.
European Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 4 Eastlakes 9 Nov (DM).
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2 Kempsey 24 Jun (KS), observers 1″ record
for Macleay Valley; 1 Engadine 12 Apr (BE), 5 Pitt Town Lagoon 8 Nov (JR); 60+ Leeton
STW Jun & 20 Fivebough Swamp 7 Jul (KH).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 3 Temagog 8 Jun (MHz); 1 Capertee
Valley 26 Apr (CPr); 2 20 km S of Tamworth Nov (BMy); Nesting Taleeban Res Weethalle
5 Oct (MZ); 2 Koonadan 5 May -3 Nov, 1 Brobenah Hills 5 May (KH); Few Tarawi NR
Wentworth 15-17 Aug (MT).
224 December 2004Tree Martin H. nigricans 1 Surrey Hills 11 Aug (Birdline). Interesting inner Sydney
Fairy Martin H. aerial Arrival: Mistral Pt Maroubra 7 Jun (RG), 5+ Bents Basin Rd
30 Jun (CBOC), 25+ lrrawang Swamp 12 Jul (HBR), 10 Urunga 4 Aug (JS), Nyngan 29
Aug (CPr), 2 Fivebough Swamp Sep (KH), late date, but Sydney Region records earlier
than usual.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timorensis 3 Warriewood wetlands 24 Jan & 8 Sep (DS,EV),
2 Eastlakes Dec (DH); 2 Taylors Res Barraba 9 Feb (NPWS).
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Rare inland because of the drought, some
coastal records include Raleigh 23 Sep -14 Nov (JS), Clybucca 4 Nov, 2 Belmore
1 1
Swamp 15 Dec (KS); 2 McGraths Hill STW & max 2 Richmond Turf farms 14 Jul & 3-
7 Oct, 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 8 Nov (EV); 1 Capertee Valley 26 Apr (CPr). Departure:
Weddin Mountains NP 27 Apr (PE), 1 Bulga 26 May (DM). Arrival: 1 Kempsey 11 Sep
Brown Songlark C. cruralis 2 Kempsey 31 Oct -3 Nov, 3 Belmore Swamp 15 Dec, 2
Jerseyville 19 Dec (KS), 2 Red Rock Heath 19 Nov (JSe); Richmond Turf Farms 15 Jan,
2 on 14 Jul & 2 on 12 Sep -7 Oct (CSc,EV,KB,RMc), McGraths Hill STW 10 Nov (SB),
2 Fearnleys Lagoon Richmond 15 Dec (EV); 1 Meroo Meadows 8 Nov (KM); 1 Nericon
Swamp 17 Aug (KH), rare at this location.
Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata Dunns Swamp, Rylstone 4 Apr (JMi), western
edge of range.
Russet -tailed Thrush Z. heinei Bellbird Gully, Gibraltar Range NP 20 Jul 300 m
a.s.l.,, HC Iluka NR 17 Sep, Scotts Head 27 Sep, in garden Ellandgrove Estate South
1 1
Grafton 12 Oct, 2 Woolgoolga CK FR 23 Nov (GC), 1 hit window & died Temagog 11
Aug (MHz), 762m up in Dorrigo NP 19 Nov (CCs), 2 Willi Willi TR 22 Dec (KS);
1 1
Allyn River 21 Jan, 30 Sep & 11 Oct, I Waitui 26 Jan, 3 Woko NP 24-28 Apr, 1 Barrington
House 29-30 Sep, Chichester SF Oct (HBR).
1 1
Common Blackbird Turdus merula F Maitland 27 Jan, no previous records (HBR);
2A+N Bloodtree Rd Central Mangrove 23 Sep, 1″ breeding record for Central Coast
(CCBR); Reported from 7 South Coast sites in 2002, breding Moruya Heads Jan & Feb
(ENI1S ).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 3 Lake Cathie 16-20 Jan (DGe), 6 Five Day Creek
10 Oct (MHz), first record for location; Birds are now reportd to be at Forster, 20+ in
2002 (HBR); 1 Tambar Springs 13 May (DGe).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 225ADDENDUM AND CORRECTION TO 1983 REPORT
Vanuatu Petrel Pterodroma vanuatu A road- killed specimen collected near Kempsey 9
Apr, and lodged in the Aust. Museum, originally considered to be the first specimen of a
White -necked Petrel P.cervicalis for NSW, has subsequently been correctly identified as
the first Australian specimen of the recently described Vanuatu Petrel (Imber & Tennyson
Buff -breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis Lake Wollumboola Mar 1999, referred
to BARC as case 382 and accepted, 6th confirmed record for NSW.
Superb Fruit- Dove Ptihnopus superbus The report of one at Ku-ring-gai Council Nursery
Mona Vale 24 Oct in Ficus hilli (RRa), and then Castlecrag 25 Oct -5 Nov feeding in Port
Jackson Fig (AB,LCa), was wrong, in fact it was a Wompoo Fruit -Dove, correctly reported
under that name as well.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata Nesting Keinbah Dec 2001, one adult injured and 2
eggs & dead chick destroyed by Magpies (HBR).
Little Button -quail Turnix velox 1 in shrubland west of Clear Lake, Narran Lakes 13
Dec (Ley 2003).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus 2A+J Manning Point 20 Dec, pair at same location
successfully nested May 2001 (HBR).
White -winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 300+ Clear Lake, Narran Lakes 3
Mar (Ley 2003).
Barking Owl Ninox connivens 2 Collie Camp, Baradine Mar (MCw).
Shy Heathwren Hylacola cauta 2 reported from Ingalba NR on 31 December were
incorrectly enterted and should have been entered as Chestnut-rumped Heathwren. H.
pyrrhopygia for the same location, an editor’s error.
Black -eared Miner Manorina melanotis 2 in a small flock consisting of 3 hybrids and 1
Yellow -throated Miner at Scotia Sanctuary, Wentworth 18 Oct (RCa). See also Boulton &
Clarke 2000.
226 December 2004Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 2 prs west of Clear Lake, Narran Lakes 13 Dec
(Ley 2003).
Great -winged Petrtel Pterodroma macroptera Balls Pyramid Mar (McAllan et al
White -necked Petrel P cervicalis I near Balls Pyramid Mar, 3′ confirmed sighting
(McAllan et al 2004).
Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur I found alive ashore 28 Jun & 2 beachcast 7 Jul, rare
records for LHI (McAllan et a12004).
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus near Balls Pyramid Mar, record for
1 I
Island (McAllan et a12004).
Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Moseley Park Swamp 12-13 Feb,
unusual record (McAllan et a12004).
Eurasian Coot Fullica atra 1 Old Settlement beach 9-25 Nov, 3rd record (McAllan et al
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 3 Moseley Park Swamp Mar & 5 on 20 Dec
(McAllan et a12004
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 2 Hunter Bay 11 Feb, unusual record (McAllan
et al 2004).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris North Bay 24 Nov, 1′ record (McAllan et al 2004).
Curlew Sandpiper Callidris ferruginea North Beach 17-24 Mar Settlement Beach
1 , 1
(KR, McAllan et 2004).
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultia North Bay & Old Settlement Beach 6-
9 Sep, 3rd record (McAllan et al 2004).
Oriental Plover C. veredus 1 immature 5-10 Nov 2002, 2″cl record (McAllan et al 2004).
Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorcarius lonicauda between the main Island and Balls Pyramid
17-24 Mar (McAllan et a12004.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 227Common Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus F Neds Beach 24-25 Nov, 1s record (KP).
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Seen Kims Lookout 24 Nov & Old
Settlement Beach 17 Dec, unusual records (McAllan et al 2004).
Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae Immature at Leanda Lei 23
Nov, 9th record (McAllan et a! 2004).
Rajah Shelduck Tadorna radjahlm 20 km Se Macksville 2-9 Dec (JT), no submission
made to NSWORAC.
Herald Petrel Pterodroma arnmimjoniana 1 off South West Rocks 8 Apr (JMC), no
submission made to BARC.
Jouanins Petrel Pteradromajouaninii Wollongong pelagic 27 Oct (PM), no submission
made to BARC.
Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus Wollongong pelagic, no submission made to
Red -footed Booby Sula sula An adult was claimed to be washed ashore alive Nobby’s
Beach, Newcastle 31 Jan (AK), and died in care on 2 Feb 04. The specimen was lost and
so there is insufficent information provided to positively identify the bird, although the
initial reports fitted the description of this bird.
Greater Frigate -bird Fregata minor reported over Mona Vale GC and then flew
towards Warriewood 20 Jul (AMcB) but no submission was made to the NSWORAC.
Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus reported from Narooma 4 Jan but no
submission made to NSWORAC.
228 December 2004REFERENCES
Andrew, W. 2003 Ed Nature in Eurobodalla No 16. Eurobodalla Natural History Society
Boulton R. & M.F. Clarke 2000 The Status of the Black -eared Miner Manorina melanotis in New South Wales.
Unpublished report to NSW National parks & Willdife Service.
Bounds, J. 2003 “Painted Honeyeater Reports in the Canberra Region during the 2002-03 Influx”. Canberra
Bird Notes 28, 56-62.
Brandwood, K 2004 “A Fifth New South Wales Record of the Buff -breasted Sandpiper” Aust. Field Ornith. 21,
Canberra Ornithologists Group 2002 “Annual Bird Report 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002” Canberra Bird Notes
27, 145-202
Christidis L. & W.E. Boles 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds ofA ustralia and its Territories”, RAOU
Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Dabb, G 2003 “The Woodswallow Influx of 2002”. Canberra Bird Notes 28, 25-26.
Debus, S.J.S., Boland, B & A. Koboroff2004 “Breeding of the Eastern Yellow Robin in an Exotic Pinr Planataion
at Armidale New South wales.” Aust. Field Ornith. 21, 166-169.
Fullagar, P.J., Perkins, H. & C.J. Tiller 2002 “43′ Annual Assessment of Shearwater Breeding success on
Montagu Island”. Nature in Eurobodalla 16, 60-67
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
Imber M..J. & A.J.D. Tennyson 2001 “A new petrel species (Procellariide) from the south-west Pacific”. The
Emu 101, 123-128.
Keating .1 & M.R.Jarman 2003 “South Coast Shorebird Recovery Programme: 2002/3 Breeding Season in
Eurobodalla Shire”. Nature in Eurobodalla 17, 57-59.
Keating J. & W.R. Jarman 2004 Little Terns in New South Wales, a Six Year Review 1998/9 to 2003/4. NSW
NPWS Sydney.
Lenz M. & G Dabb 2003 “Breeding by Painted Honeyeater in the Canberra Region during the 2002-3 influx”.
Canberra Bird Notes 28, 1-9
Ley, A.J. 2003 “Birds of Narran Lake Nature Reserve, New South Wales”. Aust. Field Ornith 20, 38-54.
Lutter H., Dinnie, R. & S.J.S. Debus 2003 “Square -tailed Kite Breeding in Northern Coastal New South Wales.
Post ” Fledging Diet and Behaviour”. Aust. Field Ornith. 20, 94-104.
McAllan, I.A.W. & M.D. Bruce 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working List”. Biocon Research
Group, Turramurra.
McAllan I.A.W, Curtis C.R., Hutton, I & R.M. Cooper 2004 “The Birds of Lord Howe Island: A Review of
Records” Aust. Field Ornith. 21, Supplement.
McDonald, D. 2002 “Stubble Quail at 1460 metres”. Canberra Bird Notes 27, 77.
McDonald D. & R. Rusk 2002 “Recent Breeding Records of Spotted Turtle -Dove in Queanbeyan.” Canberra
Bird Notes 27, 133-134.
Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G Holmes. 1981 “Handlist of Birds in New South Wales”. NSWFOC Dubbo.
Morris, A.K. 2003 “NSW Annual Bird Report 2001”. Aust. Birds 33, 85-159.
Morris, A.K. 2004 “Central Coast Bird Report 2002”, CCFOC.
Skewes, J. 2003 “Report on Population Monitoring Counts 2002”. Stilt 44, 56-62
Stuart, A. 2003 “Hunter Region of NSW 2002 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers Club.
Summerell, R. 2002 “Superb Parrot Roadkill” Canberra Bird Notes 27, 136.
Taws,N. 2003 “A White -throated Nightjar breeding record”. Canberra Bird Notes 28, 24.
Wood, K.A. 2004 “The Channel -billed Cuckoo at Wollongong, New South wales. Notes on Migration, Abundance
and Breeding”. Aust. Field Ornith. 21, 89-106.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 229APPENDIX I
List of Observers
AA Annabel Ash ATh Andrew Thompson CCo Chris Corben
AB Andrew Burton BA Barrie Ayres CCs Craig Cassady
ABe Allan Benson BAs Bob Ashford CD Chris Davey
ABg Arthug Biggs BB Boris Branwhite CG Chris Gladwin
ABi Tony Bischoff BBr Betty Bradney CGo Chris Goswell
ABr Adam Bester BBw Bill Brown CH Chris Herbert
ABs Alister Bestow BC Bruce Cox CL Chris Lester
AC A. Cashmere BCa Brett Campbell CM Clive Meadows
ACa A. Carlson BCo Bob Cook CP Catherine Price
AD A. Davies BCr Brian Crisp CPe Chris Presland
AF A. Fergusson BD Brian Downer CPr Carol Probets
Afo Alison Foley BE Brian Everingham CRBR Canberra Region
AH Aimee Hutchinson BH Brian Hole Bird Report
AHu Andy Humphreys BHe B. Head CRo Chris Ross
AK Audrey Koosman BHn B. Henson CVBR Clarence Valley
AKa A. Katon BHu B. Huxtable Bird Report
ALe Alan Leishman BJ Barbara Jones CS Colin Scouler
ALi Ann Lindsey BM Bill Moller CSe Col Sell
ALo Alan Lowis BMk B. McKenzie CSh Chris Shinton
AM Alan Morris BMo Bob Morrow CSp Carmel Spark
AMc Alan McBride BMu B. Mullins CT C.Turner
AO Anthony Overs BMy B. McIntyre CTh Cassie Thornley
AP Tony Palliser BP Barry Payne CW Chris Ward
APa Andrew Patrick BR Bruce Roubin CWe Charles Webb
APe Tony Perri BV Barry Virtue DA Debbie Andrews
API A. Plant BW B. Willcock DB David Bourne
AQ Annie Quested BWa Brian Walker DC David Charley
AR Alan Richards BWd B. Ward DF D. Fisher
ARi Alan Richardson BWm Beth Williams DFe David Frew
ARo A.E.F. Rogers BWy Bob Way DGe David Geering
AS Alan Stuart CA Craig Arms DGo D. Goldrick
ASm Alistair Smith CB Chris Brandis DGr Dot Green
AT Andrew Taylor CC Chris Chafer DH Dion Hobcroft
230 December 2004DHa David Hair GBr G. Brook JCa John Carey
DJ David Johnson GC Greg Clancy JCe J. Clifton -Everest
DK David Koffel GCa Graeme Catt JCo Jan Colman
DM David Mitford GD Giles Daubenay JCy John Carey
DMa David Martin GG G. Gilmore JD J. Dark
DMc D. McKay GGa G. Garradd JDa J. Dawes
DMd David McDonald GK Graham Kinross JDe John De Heume
DMi D. Michael GLC Gould League JDi Jim Dixon
DMo Drew Morris Camp JDn Jill Denning
DMr Dennis Moretto GM G. Mitchell JDu John Duranti
DP David Potter GN Glenis Nevison JDh John De Heume
DPa David Parker GO G. Oakes JDm John Demol
DPI D. Purcell GP Graham Pittar JE J. Earl
DPo Dean Portelli GR Greville Reidy JF Jim Francis
DPu Dave Puchase GRo Graham Robinson JFa Jenny Farrell
DR David Rushton GRs Geoff Ross JFe J. Fearnley
DRo D. Roser GS G. Stevens JFn J. Fernhill
DS David Sawyer GT Graham Turner JFr Judy Frankenburg
DSa Debbie Saunders HBR Hunter Bird Report JG J. George
DSc D. Scotts HC H. Clifford -Taylor JH June Harris
DSm David Seims HF H. Fraser JHe John Hewitt
DT David Turner HG H. Gilmore JHr Judy Harrington
DW David Webb HH Henry Handcock JH1 Jack Holland
DWa David Watson HHy H. Hystek JHo Janis Hoskings
DWi D. Winterbottom HP Heather Pittar JHw Jonathon Howard
EA Eric Andrew HPu H. Pulver JK Jennifer Kenna
EB Eric Birt HS Helen Stevens JL John Leonard
EE Emma Denny ID Irene Denton JLo Janet Love
EF Eric Fair IDa Ian Davidson JLy John Layton
EL E. Lyon IDo I. Donaldson JMe Joke Meyer
ET Evan Thomas IH Ian Harpley JMi J. Mitchell
EV Edwin Vella IJ Ian Johnson JMI John McLennan
EW Eric Wheeler IMk I. McKnight JMn Jill Molan
EWh Eric Whiting IMo Ian Montgomery JMo J. Morris
FC Frances Czwalina IN Ian Nicholls JMy J. Molony
FCo Frank Cosgrove IW I. Wynne JN J. Norton
FCp Frank Cooper JA Joy Adams JNe John Nevison
FR F. Reed JB Jenny Bounds JP Joy Pegler
GA Glenda Datsun JBa Jack Baker JPa J. Peattie
GB Graham Barwell JBr John Brickhill JPe John Penhallurick
GBe G. Bedggood JC John Carpenter JPt Judy Peet
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 231JRo John Rosenthal LT L. Turner NA Narelle Ashford
JR Judith Russill LW L. Wheaton NB N. Bruiheizen
JRe John Reidy MB M.Bayliss NBa Nina Bardsley
JS John Seale MBu Max Burrows NBr N. Brimington
JS1 June Sell MC Marjorie Cochrane ND Neil Dykes
JSp J. Sparkes MCI Mark Clayton NH Nick Hodges
JSt Jan Strong MCo M. Coward NHa N. Hancock
JT James Tedder MCr Mason Crane NJ Neville James
JW J. Whitier MCw Mike Crowley NR Neil Russill
JWa J. Westphal MF Malcolm Fyfe NS Neville Schrader
JWi J. Williams MFi M. Flint NSm Nella Smith
JWs Jason Wilkinson MG Mery Goddard PA P. Allen
JWt Jenny Watts MH Michael Hunter PB Paul Burcher
KB Keith Brandwood MHa M. Havers PC Pierre Charboneau
KBi K. Biddle MHe Matthew Herring PCo Phil Conacher
KBu Kevin Butler MHr M. Harris PCw Peter Cowper
KG Kevin Gilmore MHz Matthew Hinze PD P. Donnelly
KH Keith Hutton MJ Michael Jarman PDb P. Drake -Brockman
KL Kurtis Lindsey ML Murray Lord PDr Peter Draper
KM Kevin Mills MLe Mark Lees PE P. Evans
KMa Kylie Madden MMa M. Marshall PEk Peter Ekert
KMc Kate McGregor MO Mike Ogden PEw Peter Ewin
KMo K. Moran MP Margaret Pointer PH Phil Hansbro
KO Kay Overton MPe M. Peattie PHi Peter Higgins
KPe Ken Petit MPo Martin Potter PHo P. Hobson
KR Kay Rogers MR Michael Ronan PM Peter Milburn
KRi Ken Rix MRa Michael Ramsay PMa Peter Madvig
KS Ken Shingleton MRb M. Robinson PMe R Merritt
KW Kelvin Wykes MS Michael Schultz PMi Peter Miller
LB Laura Bloom MSm Martin Smith PMo Peter Morgan
LBe L. Bennan MSt Malcolm Stokes PO Paul Osborn
LF L. Fisher MSu Michael Somerell PR Pat Ridgeway
LG L. Grey MSy Margaret Sykes PRa Peter Raine
LGr Lucas Grenadier MT Michael Todd PRe Primrose Raine
LHa Louise Harrison MTa M. Taylor PS Phil Straw
LHo L. Holmes MTy Maureen Tyler PSe Peter Settle
LJo Lorraine Johnstone MV Maret Vesk PSh Paul Shelley
LM Liz Murray MVBOMacleay V. PSI Phillip Seely
LMc Laurie McEnally Bird Obs PV Philip Veerman
LS Lindsey Smith MW Melissa Walsh PVh Peter Van Haeff
LSm Lola Smith MZ M. Zwankhauisen PW Paul Walbridge
232 December 2004PWr P. Wright RWe Rick Webster TH Timothy Hyde
RA R. Ashford RWi R Wiebe TQ Trevor Quested
RA I R. Allan SAs Steve Anyon-Smith TL T. Laverick
RB Robin Benson SB Simon TM Tim Morris
RBa Richard Baxter Blanchflower TN Ted Nixon
RBr Dick Branch SCa S. Casson TNo Terrill Nordstrom
RCa Rohan Clarke SCo Shirley Cook TP Terry Pacey
Cl Reg Clarke SD Sean Dooley TR Tony Russell
RCo R. Cook SDa Sue Dalton TQ Trevor Quested
RG Rob Gardner SF Stuart Fairbairn TS Tony Saunders
RGo R. Gosford SFi Scott Filmer TSc Tim Scrace
RI Ron Imisides SG Steven Gross TSi T. Sides
RI Ray Jones SGr S. Green TSt Tim Strange
RJa Russell Jago SGy Shirley Grey TW Tom Wilson
RJe Dick Jenkyn SH Steve Holliday TWa Trevor Waller
RJn Reg Johnson SJ Stan Jones VM Val Moon
Rio Richard Johnson SK Sue Kitchen VP Vicki Powys
RL R. Leslie SKn S. Knowles WBa Wilm Barden
RK R. King SM S. McInerney WBn W. Bannister
RMg R. McGovern SMa S. Matsui WBo W. Bowden
RMi Roger Millard SMs Simon Mustoe WBy Bill Bye
RMo Rob Morrow SMu Stuart Mulvenna WE Wilma Emerton
RP Robert Payne SR Steve Roderick WI W. Introna
RPo R. Pointer SRo S. Robinson WS Warren Sweeney
RQ Rod Quinan SW S. Wakefield WSm Warrick Smith
RT R.J. Turner TB Ted Blackburn WT Warren Thompson
RV R. Vale TBOC Tamworth BOC ZB Zona Brown
RW R. Walker TD Tony Dymond
RWa R. Watts TDo Tim Dolby
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 233Locations Belmont Swamp H 33 02 151 40
Belmore Swp, Gladstone NC 31 07 152 28
Adams Res Manilla NWS 30 26 150 35 Bendethera SC 35 56 149 44
Adcock Pk West Gosford CC 33 12 151 35 Benerenbah SWP 34 33 145 53
Adelaide Gate, Sturt NP FNWP29 00 142 40 Bensville CC 33 29 151 22
Akolele SC 36 22 150 10 Bents Basin S 33 57 150 37
Albury SWS 36 36 146 55 Berkeley 1 34 29 150 51
Alumny Creek Grafton NC 29 38 152 58 Berkeley Ck BerkeleyValeCC 33 21 151 27
Andersons Sugarloaf NC 30 47 152 33 Berkeley Vale IndustEstateCC 33 19 151 24
Angourie, Marra Ck NC 29 29 153 21 Berrys Bay, Sydney Hbr S 33 50 151 15
Agnes Banks NR S 33 39 150 42 Bibaringa, ACT ST 35 23 149 08
Apple Tree Flat, Denman H 32 27 150 43 Bicentennial Pk HomebushS 33 50 151 05
Arcadia, Leeton SWP 34 33 146 24 Bilpin S 33 29 150 31
Aranda ACT ST 35 16 149 04 Bindi HSD Cobar FNWP32 07 145 30
Archgate Dam, Culburra I 34 56 150 46 B ingara NWS 29 55 151 35
Arcoola Ck Strurt NP FNWP29 23 142 15 Binnaway, 11.7 km W NWP 34 37 148 32
Ardlethan SWP 34 23 146 53 Binya SWP 34 14 146 21
Ariah Park SWP 34 20 147 13 Binya SF Griffith SWP 34 14 146 18
Ash Island Ponds H 32 52 151 43 Birdie Beach Nth MSRA CC 33 12 151 36
Audley, Royal NP S 34 06 151 03 BlackbuttRes Shellharbour I 34 35 150 50
Austimer I 34 18 150 55 Black Rock Rd Seaham II 32 40 151 44
Avon Dam I 32 08 151 50 Blaxland S 33 34 150 36
Awabakal NR Belmont H 33 01 151 41 Blue Mallee SF Wyalong SWS 33 56 147 05
Back Creek SF Wyalong SWS 33 43 147 25 Boambee Ck Sawtell NC 30 22 153 07
Back Yamma SF Forbes CWS 33 20 148 13 Boatharbour, Kumell S 34 03 151 08
Badja SC 36 02 149 32 Bobundara Swamp SC 36 20 150 11
Bagotville Barrage NC 28 59 153 23 Bodangora CWS 32 27 149 00
Bakers Lagoon S 33 35 150 46 BoggyPlains,KosciuoskoNPST 35 53 148 34
Bald Knob HSD BingaraWNWS 29 44 150 25 Bolivia, Tenterfield NT 29 18 151 58
Balgownie I 34 23 150 53 Bolwarra H 32 43 151 33
Balickera H 32 45 151 43 Bomaderry STW I 34 51 150 37
Balmoral HSD Attunga NSW 30 56 150 50 Bondi S 33 54 151 16
Bango Lane 7 kmNE YassSWS 34 48 148 58 Bongil Beach Sawtell NC 30 21 153 07
Bangadilly NP I 34 27 150 10 Bonna Pt Kumell S 34 01 151 12
Bannockburn Cemetary SWS 29 35 151 01 Bonnie Vale Royal NP S 34 05 151 09
Banora Point NC 28 11 153 34 Booderie NP Jervis Bay I 35 10 150 40
Barraba NWS 30 22 150 38 Booligal Wetlands SWP 33 52 144 52
Barren Box Swamp SWP 34 10 145 50 Boorowa ST 34 27 148 44
Barren Grounds NR 1 34 38 150 40 Booti Booti NP The Ruins H 32 20 152 32
Barrington House li 32 09 151 31 Borah Res Barraba NWS 30 36 150 36
Barrington Tops H 33 07 151 24 Borah Crossing Manilla NSW 30 26 150 35
Bass Point I 34 36 150 54 Boree Creek, Cudal CT 33 16 148 44
Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28 Botany Bay S 34 00 151 10
Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 11 Bourke STW FNWP30 05 145 55
Bayview S 33 38 151 17 Bowral I 34 28 150 25
Bedminster Swp Seaham H 32 41 151 44 BowBow Gorge,Mulbring H 32 55 151 29
Bedoura HSD Braidwood ST 35 26 149 50 Boyters Lane,Jerseyville NC 30 55 153 02
Belango SF I 34 30 150 16 Braunstone NC 29 48 152 57
Bellawongarah 1 34 45 150 37 Brewster Weir, Lachland RSWP 33 24 145 59
Belligen NC 30 27 152 55 Brisbane Water CC 33 29 151 24
Belltrees, Scone H 31 58 151 07 Brittas TSR Albury SWS 35 41 146 46
234 December 2004Brobenah Hills, Leeton SWP 34 29 146 21 Church Point 33 38 151 17
Broke H 32 45 151 06 Clandulla SF CT 32 52 149 56
Broken Hill FSWP 31 56 141 29 Clarence River BroadwaterNC 29 26 153 08
Broughton Mill Creek I 34 46 150 42 Clarence River estuary NC 29 26 153 09
Broughton Vale I 34 45 150 43 Clarenza NC 29 42 152 58
Broulee Beach SC 35 51 150 10 Clybucca NC 30 54 152 55
Brungle ST 35 10 148 14 Clydebrook SC 35 43 150 11
Bugaldie 10 km NE NWP 31 03 149 10 Cobar New Tank FNWP3 1 30 145 49
Budderoo NP 1 34 40 150 40 Coco Ck Glen -D avis CT 33 07 150 17
Bulga H 32 29 151 01 Cocoparra NP StoreCk SWP 34 08 146 14
Bullagreen, Narromine CWP 31 25 148 10 Coifs Harbour North NC 30 18 153 07
Bulli Pass I 34 19 150 55 Coleambally SWP 34 49 145 51
Bundjalung NP NC 29 21 153 04 Coledale Beach 1 33 17 150 56
Bungendore ST 35 15 149 36 Colinroobie CT 34 24 146 34
Bunning Ck Yarramalong CC 33 12 151 15 Collarenebri NWP 29 33 148 34
Burragorang Valley CT 33 57 150 25 Collie Camp, Baradine NWP 30 48 148 55
Burreen H 32 26 150 42 Colongra Lake CC 33 11 151 32
Burrendong Dam CWS 32 41 149 11 Colongra Swamp Reserve CC 33 12 151 33
Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13 Comeroo HSD Enngonia FNWP29 40 145 50
Bushells Lagoon S 33 34 150 48 Comerong Island I 34 52 150 43
Bushells Ridge CC 33 11 151 28 Coomaditcherie Lagoon I 34 29 150 54
Buttaba H 33 02 151 35 Condobolin CWP 32 51 146 51
Byabarra, Wauchope NC 31 33 152 33 Congo , Moruya SC 35 58 150 09
Cabramatta Creek wetland S 33 54 150 56 Conimbla NP Cowra CT 33 48 148 31
Callemindah HSDTamworthNWS 31 12 150 57 Cook Island, Fingal Head NC 28 14 153 40
Cambell Park, ACT ST 35 17 149 19 Coolah 13 km S CWS 31 55 149 38
Camerons Corner, Coolah Tops NP CT 31 45 150 02
Sturt NP FNWP29 00 141 00 Coolongolook H 32 13 152 19
Cangai NC 20 30 152 29 Coonabarabran NWP 31 16 149 16
Cape Solander Botany By S 34 01 151 14 Coonoor TSR Barraba NWS 30 17 150 47
Capertee CT 33 09 149 59 Coopernook H 31 50 152 35
Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59 Coopers Is Tuross Lakes SC 36 04 150 04
Careel Bay S 33 37 151 20 Copeland SF (now NR) H 31 58 151 47
Carrington Falls MortonNP I 34 27 150 39 Cordeaux Dam I 34 23 150 48
Cataract Dam Catchment I 34 18 150 45 Corindi NC 30 01 153 12
Cattai Creek, Neumans Rd S 33 36 150 57 Cornwallis Ln Richmond S 33 36 150 46
Cattai NP S 33 35 151 53 Corowa STW SWS 35 59 146 24
Caves Beach, Swansea H 33 07 151 39 Corringle HSD Moama SWP 35 51 145 00
Cecil Hoskin NR I 34 32 150 24 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
Centennial Park, Sydney S 33 54 151 14 Cowan S 33 36 151 10
Central Colo S 33 55 150 47 Cowans Pond ResGraftonNC 29 43 152 55
Cessnock H 32 52 151 21 Cowper NC 29 35 153 05
Charcoal Tk NR Wyalong CWS 33 53 147 02 Cowra CT 34 01 148 40
Chatswood Golf Course S 33 07 151 49 Cox’s Ck Bundella NWS 31 27 149 56
Chatsworth Island NC 29 25 153 07 Cox’s Ck Rd Rylstone CT 32 55 150 04
Chain Valley Bay CC 33 10 151 34 Cox’s Gap Wollemi NP H 32 27 150 15
Chipping Norton S 33 56 150 56 Crackneck Lkt BateauBay CC 33 23 151 28
Chittaway Bay CC 33 19 151 27 Cremorne Point S 33 51 151 13
Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 28 Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59
Chitty HSD TooraweenahCWP 31 26 148 53 Cronulla Esplanade S 34 04 151 10
Chullora wetland S 33 53 151 02 Crowdy Head H 31 51 152 45
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 235Cudmirrah I 35 13 150 32 Fingal Bay H 32 45 152 09
Cudgerre Bay, L Illawarra I 34 31 150 52 Fivebough Swamp,Leeton SWP 34 23 151 05
Cumberland SF S 33 45 151 02 Five Day Creek NC 30 39 152 24
Cumbercoo HSD Bourke FNWP29 48 146 15 Flat Rock, Ballina NC 28 53 153 36
Cundletown H 31 53 152 33 Fords Bridge FNWP29 45 145 27
Currabubula NWS 31 17 150 13 Fortis Creek NP NC 29 29 152 56
Currajong St Coolamon SWS 34 35 147 20 Fosterton Loop, Dungog H 32 20 151 37
CUffowan SF SC 35 35 150 05 Frederickton NC 31 02 152 52
Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah CC 33 17 151 25 Freemans Reach S 33 34 150 47
Dangars Lagoon, Uralla NT . 30 41 151 30 Freshwater HSD Booligal SWP 33 52 144 42
Darlington Point SWP 34 35 146 00 Fyshwyck STW ACT ST 35 19 149 10
Darawank NR Old Bar H 31 58 152 30 Galgabba Res Swansea H 33 06 151 37
Deenderrah HSDManilla NWS 30 33 150 36 Galore Hill SR Lockhardt SWS 35 07 146 37
Deep Ck Narrabeen S 33 42 151 15 Galston S 33 35 151 07
Devlins Ck Epping S 33 48 151 08 Ganmain SWP 34 44 147 01
Diamond Beach, Tuncurry H 32 03 152 32 Garoolgan SWP 34 15 146 27
Domans Point, Sawtell NC 30 23 153 06 Geneebeinga Wetlands NC 28 51 153 03
Dora Ck Lake Macquarie H 33 05 151 30 Gerogery SWS 35 51 146 59
Dorrigo NP NC 30 19 153 42 Gerringong 1 34 45 150 50
Doughboy Hollow H 32 38 151 10 Geurie Res Dubbo CWS 32 24 148 49
Downer ACT ST 35 14 149 07 Gilgandra FR CWS 31 40 148 48
Duncans Ck Tamworth NWS 31 18 151 20 Gilgunnia SF Mt Hope FSWP 32 21 145 59
Dungog H 32 24 151 46 Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12
Dundas S 33 48 151 02 Glenbrook CT 33 45 150 36
Dunns Ck Rd Tomakin SC 35 47 150 09 Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17
Dunns Swamp,WollemiNP CT 32 53 150 17 Glendonald I ISD
Duri NWS 31 13 150 49 Glenorie S 33 37 151 01
Durras Lake SC 35 38 150 16 Glenrock SRA Dudley H 32 58 151 44
Eastlakes S 33 56 151 13 Gloucester East Wetlands 32 01 151 58
East Maitland Tip H 32 45 151 36 Gloucester Tops BTNP H 32 05 151 35
Eatonsv il le NC 29 38 152 49 Goodmans Ford 1 34 17 150 04
Ebenezer S 33 32 150 52 Goodwin Pk Morisset H 33 06 151 29
Eden SC 37 04 149 54 Goolgowie SWP 33 58 145 42
Elanora S 33 41 151 16 Goolgowi 23 km E SWP 33 54 145 58
Ellis Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 40 153 07 Goollooinboin HSD
Enfield Marsh.Yards S 33 54 151 04 Glen Davis CT 33 09 150 09
Engine Pond, Botany S 33 56 151 11 Goolma CT 32 22 149 16
Epping S 33 46 151 04 Goonawarra NR Booligal SWP 33 55 144 50
Ettamogah, Albury SWS 36 01 146 58 Goonoo SF Mogriguy CWS 32 05 148 50
Eugowra CWS 33 26 148 23 Gooralgool Lgn Cuba SF SWP 34 35 146 05
Eurobodalla SC 36 07 149 59 Gordon Golf Course S 33 46 151 08
Euroley SWP 34 33 146 25 Gore Cove, Greenwich S 33 50 151 44
Evans Head NC 29 06 153 25 Gowrie, Tamworth NWS 29 55 148 10
Eve St wetlands Arncliffe S 33 56 151 09 Grafton NC 29 32 153 06
Excelsior Res North Rocks S 33 45 151 00 Grahamstown Water Stor H 32 45 151 48
Explosives Res CastleCove S 33 47 151 13 Grassy Head NC 30 48 152 39
Fairlea HSD Dungowan NWS 31 13 151 07 Great Cobar Tank, Cobar FNWP3I 30 145 43
Farquar Inlet Old Bar H 31 58 152 35 Greendale S 33 57 150 41
Fearnleys Lgn Pitt Town S 33 36 150 49 Green Lake, Milparinka FNWP30 37 142 02
Fern Bay H 32 52 151 47 Green Pt Res Valentine H 33 01 153 08
Finchley, Laguna H 33 06 151 06 Greenthorpe CT 33 59 148 24
236 December 2004Green Wattle Creek H 32 40 151 38 Kangaroo Valley I 34 45 150 32
Grenfell SWS 33 53 148 10 Kangaroo Hill 1 34 46 150 32
Grey Rocks, Meringo SC 35 59 150 09 Kanahooka 1 34 30 150 50
Griffith Golf Course SWP 34 17 146 03 Karagi Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 30
Gum Swamp Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59 Karangi NC 30 15 153 03
Gundagai SWS 35 04 148 06 Kariong,BrisbaneWaterNP CC 33 12 151 35
Gundaroo TSR ST 35 03 149 10 Karoa HSD Terridgerie CWP 30 53 148 29
Gunderbooka NP Bourke FNWP30 35 145 45 Kars Springs H
Gunnedah NWS 30 59 150 15 Karwarn HSD Cobar FNWP32 17 145 24
Gunning ST 34 48 149 15 Katandra Res Matcham CC 33 25 151 23
Gwandalan CC 33 08 151 35 Katoa Ck wetland
Hall ACT ST 35 10 149 04 Warriewood S 33 41 151 51
Hands Lagoon, Bolwarra H 32 42 151 30 Katoomba CT 33 43 150 18
Hargraves CT 32 47 149 28 Kellys Swamp, ACT ST 35 18 149 09
Hastings Point NC 28 23 153 34 Kemblawarra I 34 28 150 50
Hawkhead Dye BouddiNPCC 33 32 151 20 Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49
Hawks Nest H 32 35 152 10 Kentucky NT 30 46 151 27
Hay STW SWP 34 29 144 52 Kerrabee H 32 24 150 19
Hazelbrook CT 33 44 150 26 Kiama I 34 41 150 51
Hazeldell, Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 00 Kikoira SWP 33 38 146 39
Henry Hd, Botany BayNP S 33 59 151 14 Killalea SRA Shellharbour I 34 36 150 51
Hexham Swamp H 33 50 151 40 Killick Bch Hat Head NC 31 05 153 02
Hickey Island, Yamba NC 29 26 153 21 Kinchega NP Menindee FNWP32 25 141 15
HillviewHSDYarramalong CC 33 14 151 18 Kinchela NC 30 59 152 59
Hillville Dam H 31 58 152 22 Kincumber Tip CC 33 28 151 23
Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 18 Kings Gap, Sandy Hollow H 32 23 150 32
Holy Camp, Weddin NP SWS 33 47 148 01 KingsTableland Katoomba CT 33 28 150 15
Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05 Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21
Howlong SWS 35 59 146 38 Kooragang Island H 32 53 151 47
Hyams Beach Jervis Bay I 36 07 150 42 Koorawatha Falls CT 34 02 148 33
Illunie Range, Cowra CT 34 04 148 38 Koukandowe NR NC 29 55 152 50
Iluka Bluff NC 29 24 153 22 Kulnura CC 33 14 151 13
Ingalba SF. Kempsey NC 30 53 152 47 Kungala NC 29 56 153 00
Ingalba NR Temora SWS 34 30 147 28 Kurnell S 34 01 151 12
Ingleside S 33 41 151 15 Kurrajong S 33 33 151 39
Iron Cove, Parramatta R S 33 52 151 10 Laguna H 33 59 151 08
Irrawang Swp RaymondTr H 32 44 151 46 Lake Arragan NC 29 34 153 20
Irrawong Res Warriewood S 33 41 151 17 Lake Bathurst ST 35 04 149 43
Jacana HSD Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58 Lake Burragorang CT 34 10 150 20
Jamberoo Mountain I 34 41 150 43 Lake Cakora, BroomesHd NC 29 36 153 20
Jerilderie SWP 35 22 145 44 Lake Conjola I 35 15 150 27
JerrabomberraWetlands ST 35 18 149 09 Lake George ST 35 05 149 25
Jerrys Plains H 32 30 150 34 Lake Ginninderra ACT ST 35 03 149 03
Jerseyville NC 30 56 153 02 Lake Hiawatha, Iluka NC 29 28 153 15
Jesmond H 32 53 151 41 Lake Liddell H 33 25 151 01
Jindalee SF Wallendbeen SWS 34 29 148 02 Lake Mungo NP FSWP 33 35 143 05
Jindera, Albury SWS 35 57 146 53 Lake Tabourie I 35 23 150 25
John BrownsLgn MulbringH 32 53 151 31 Lake Talbot SWS 34 44 146 35
Jubilee HSD Willarwarrin NC 30 55 152 36 Lake WallaceWallerawang CT 33 25 151 04
Junee STW SWS 34 55 147 35 Lake Wooloweyah NC 29 30 153 30
Kalujigah NR Ivanhoe FSWP 33 42 144 34 Lake Wollumboola I 35 00 150 46
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 237Lane Cove R Lane Cove S 33 48 151 13 McPherson Range, GriffithSWP 34 15 146 04
Lanitza NC 29 53 153 00 McPhersons Crossing NC 29 49 152 55
Laughtondale 33 25 151 01 Medlow Bath CT 33 40 150 17
Lauriton NC 31 39 152 46 Medowie H 32 44 151 52
Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06 Mendooran CWS 31 49 149 07
Leeton STW SWP 34 33 146 24 Menindee Lake FS WP 32 29 142 21
Leneghans FlatSwpMinmi H 32 51 151 37 Merimbula SC 36 54 149 54
Lester SF Ganmain SWP 34 52 147 46 Meroo Meadows 1 34 49 150 36
Levenstrath NC 29 49 152 56 Merrigal HSD Collie CWS 31 34 148 19
Lindfield 33 47 151 10 MIA SF Leeton SWP 34 37 146 20
Lithgow CT 33 28 159 10 Micalo Island NC 29 27 153 18
Little Forest Plateau 1 35 14 150 18 Mill Ck Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 02
Little Marley tk Royal NP S 34 08 151 07 Millers Forest H 32 45 151 12
Little Topar FNWP31 47 142 14 Millthorpe CWS 33 27 149 12
Loch Lily HSDWentworth FSWP 33 03 141 05 Minhalup HSD Moonbi NWS 31 02 151 04
Loftus Creek 1 34 03 151 04 Minrni H 32 51 151 37
Long Point, Orange CT 35 00 149 16 Minnore, Dubbo CWS 32 15 148 28
Long Reef 33 45 151 19 Minyon Falls,Nightcap NPNC 28 34 153 24
Lower Southgate NC 29 36 153 02 Mirrabooka HSD Cobar FNWP31 50 145 42
Luddenham 33 52 150 42 Mirrambeena, Lansdowne S 33 58 150 58
Mackenzies Creek NC 3052 152 27 Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 53
Macksville NC 30 42 152 56 Mistral Point, Maroubra S 33 56 151 15
Macquarie Marshes North CWP 30 24 149 29 Mogo SF SC 35 47 150 08
Maddens Plains 1 34 16 150 55 Mollineaux Pt Port Botany S 33 58 151 12
Magic Pt Maroubra 33 56 151 15 Mollymook 1 35 20 150 27
Maianbar, Royal NP 34 05 151 08 Molly Morgan Crossing
Maitland 32 44 151 33 Molong CWS 33 06 148 52
Malabar Lake, Maroubra S 33 57 151 15 Monara VaIeTSR Berrigan SWP 35 40 145 47
Malua Bay SC 35 47 150 13 Monkeygar Ck wetlands
Mangerton 1 34 26 150 46 Macquarie Marshes CWP 30 54 147 29
Manning Pt Harrington H 31 52 152 42 Moonee Beach NC 30 12 153 19
Mangrove Creek CC 33 21 157 08 Moore Park, Sydney S 33 54 151 13
Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11 Moorland H 31 46 152 43
Marayla 33 36 150 54 Morpeth STW H 32 44 151 37
Maria River NP NC 31 13 152 55 Morisset Hospital H 33 07 151 30
Maria R Telegraph Point NC 31 13 152 55 Moruya SC 35 55 150 06
Maria Reservoir Crescent HNC 31 12 152 39 Moruya Heads SC 35 55 150 09
Market Swamp, Sandgate H 32 53 151 42 Mount Ainlsie ACT ST 35 16 149 09
Marley Bch Royal NP S 34 08 151 08 Mount Annan Bot Garden S 34 03 150 46
Marra Ck Willie CWP 30 54 147 29 Mount Arthur CWS 32 34 148 55
Marrickville 33 54 151 10 Mt Bingar, Cocoparra NP SWP 34 07 146 14
Marrina HSD Junee SWS 34 50 147 39 Mt Boyce Lookout CT 33 35 150 18
Marrowie Ck Hillston SWP 35 26 145 18 Mount Dromaderry SC 36 18 150 01
Marthaguy Ck Gilgandra CWS 31 40 148 31 Mount Kembla 34 26 150 48
Martindale 32 28 151 40 Mount Penang CC 33 24 151 17
Mason Park, Concord 33 56 151 05 Mt Tilga SF Condobolin CWP 33 02 147 08
Matong SWP 34 44 146 55 Mudgee CT 32 33 149 37
Maulbrooks Rd Moruya SC 35 50 150 06 Mugga LaneACT ST 35 23 149 08
McGraths Hill STW 33 37 150 49 Mulgoa Valley S 33 50 150 38
McMahons Point 33 15 151 13 Mulligans Flat NR, ACT ST 35 09 149 08
McMasters Beach CC 33 28 151 27 Mullion Range SF Orange CT 33 05 149 10
238 December 2004Mulwala Golf Course SWS 35 59 146 00 Oleopoloko Lake Peri NP FNWP30 42 143 40
Munghom Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50 One Mile Beach, Forster H 32 45 152 10
Mummaga Lake SC 36 09 150 07 Oolambeyan NR Hay SWP 34 41 145 17
Murrami SWP 34 26 146 10 Orange CT 33 17 149 07
Murringo, Cowra CT 34 19 148 31 Orient Pt Culburra 1 34 54 150 44
Murrumbateman ST 34 58 149 02 Ourimbah CC 33 19 151 25
Muswellbrook H 32 16 150 53 Ourimbah Ck Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25
Mutawinji NP FNWP31 15 142 51 Paddys Dam Goonoo SF CWP 32 00 148 53
Myall Lakes NP H 32 27 152 25 Pallamallawa NWP 29 28 150 08
Myalla HSD Glen Alice CT 33 01 150 10 Pambalong NR Minmi H 32 53 151 38
Myolla HSD Barraba NWS 30 28 150 22 Pambula SC 36 57 140 52
Mystery Bay SC 35 50 150 13 Parker Dam, Lanitza NC 29 54 153 01
Namadgi ACT ST 35 26 148 50 Parkes CWS 33 08 148 10
Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00 Parkes 15 km S CWS 33 16 148 06
Nana Glen NC 30 37 153 00 Parraweena HSDTamworth NWS 31 43 150 24
Nangar NP CWS 33 22 148 57 Paterson River H 32 35 151 35
Narooma SC 36 15 150 07 Paxton H 32 54 151 17
Narrabeen Lakes S 33 43 151 13 Pelican Is Sth West Rocks NC 30 55 153 02
Narrandera SWP 34 43 146 35 Penrith S 33 43 151 41
Narrawallee Inlet I 35 19 150 28 Penrith Lakes S 33 43 150 41
Nellingen SC 35 39 150 05 Penrhyn Rd Botany S 33 58 141 12
Nepean Dam Catchment 1 34 25 150 34 Picton I 34 11 150 17
Nericon Swamp Griffith SWP 34 13 146 02 Pillar Valley NC 29 46 153 07
Nerriga SC 35 07 150 05 Pincham Camp,
Newcastle Water Reserve H 32 53 151 42 Warrumbungles NP CWS 31 16 148 57
New England NP NT 30 38 152 39 Pinehill HSD Cobar LSWP32 17 145 24
Newnes SF CT 33 11 151 33 Pine Trees CP Cowra CT 33 50 148 41
Newfoundland HSDLouth FNWP30 45 144 45 Pitt Town Lagoon S 33 36 150 50
NewnesForest RdClarence CT 33 11 150 33 Pleasant Hills, Albury SWS 35 28 146 47
Newstead Ponds SC 35 56 150 08 Porters Ck wetland Wyong CC 33 15 151 26
Nobbys Head Newcastle H 32 56 151 47 Potato Pt Bodalla SC 36 11 150 08
Nombinnie NR Mataranka FSWP 32 55 145 53 Pottsville NC 28 23 153 34
Norah Head CC 33 17 151 35 Primbee I 34 30 150 52
North Bombi McMastersB CC 33 30 151 24 Prospect Reservoir S 33 49 150 53
North Botany Bay S 33 58 141 12 Pucawan NR Temora SWS 34 27 147 20
North Narrabeen wetlands S 33 43 151 18 Putty H 32 57 150 41
North Rocks S 33 46 151 43 Pymble S 33 45 151 08
North Wollongong 1 34 24 150 53 Quambone CWP 30 56 147 52
Norton’s Basin S 33 51 150 37 Quipolly Dam NWS 31 34 150 44
Nowra 34 52 150 36 Rainbow Reach Macleay RNC 30 54 153 00
Nulla HSD Rylstone CT 32 42 150 02 Raleigh NC 30 27 153 02
Nyngan CWP 32 34 147 12 Ramomie NP NC 29 39 152 48
Oatley Park wetland S 33 59 151 05 Randwick S 33 55 151 15
O’Dells Crossing , Red Cliff, Yuraygir NP NC 29 34 153 20
Wittenbra NWP 31 04 149 14 Redhead H 32 57 151 34
Old Bar H 31 58 152 35 Red Hill, Beacon Hill S 33 45 151 15
Old Ford Res Megalong V CT 33 44 150 14 Red Rock NC 29 59 153 14
OldGrt Nth Rd DharugNP CC 33 22 150 59 Red Tank HSD Cobar FSWP 33 28 145 03
Old Junee SWS 34 50 147 31 Rhodes S 33 50 151 04
Old Man Bed Swamp SC 35 57 150 07 Richmond S 33 36 150 45
Old Quipolly Dam NWS 31 25 150 24 Richmond Vale H 32 51 151 30
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 239Rimatora HSD Orange CT 33 17 149 07 Stuarts Point NC 30 50 152 09
Rockdale 35 49 150 13 Sturt NP Tibooburra FNWP29 20 141 20
Rock Forest, Bathurst CT 33 20 149 22 Surry Hills S 33 53 151 13
Rockleigh HSD NarranderaSWP 34 34 146 33 Susan Is Grafton NC 30 42 152 53
Rockview HSDGIen DavisCT 33 09 150 08 Sutton Res Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28
Rocklands HSDGIenDavisCT 33 09 150 01 Sutton TSR ACT ST 35 17 149 15
Rookhurst 31 54 151 53 Swan Bay, L Macquarie H 32 43 152 00
Rookwood Necropolis S 33 53 151 03 Swan Lake, Cudmirrah 32 12 150 33
Rocky waterholes Swansea H 33 05 151 38
Narrandera SWP 34 45 146 33 Styx River, Jeogla NC 30 35 152 05
Rosedale SC 35 49 150 13 Tabbita SWS 34 06 145 54
Royal BotGardens Sydney S 33 52 151 13 Table Bay Ck Widden V H 32 25 150 23
Runnyford SC 35 43 150 08 Taleeban Res Vveethaile SWP 33 53 146 28
Ryans Cut, Crescent Head NC 31 08 153 00 Talournhi NC 29 34 153 16
Ryhope, Kurri Kurri LI 32 59 151 00 Tallaganda Res & SF ST 35 58 149 30
Saddleback Mountain Tallawarra 34 30 150 49
Saltwater 1-1 31 55 152 38 Tallegar SFGulargumbone CWP 31 08 148 10
Saltwater Ck BenBoyd NPSC 37 10 150 00 Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 57
Saltwater Swp,Crookhaven 1 34 54 150 45 Tanilba Bay H 33 43 152 02
Sandy Ck Cobar FSWP 32 04 145 40 Tarawi NR Wentworth FSWP 33 26 141 10
St Albans Common S 33 07 150 58 Tarrawana 1 34 22 150 52
St Georges Head SC 35 12 150 42 Tasman SF Ivanhoe FSWP 33 54 144 18
SandyCampHSDQuamboneCWP 30 52 147 44 Taylors Res Barraba NWS 30 22 150 28
Sandy Creek, Mulbring H 32 55 150 58 Telegraph Point NC 31 19 152 48
Saratoga CC 33 28 151 20 Temagog NC 30 59 152 34
Sassafras I 35 06 150 14 Temora SWS 34 27 147 31
Sawtell NC 30 22 153 06 Terramungermine Reserve CWS 32 10 148 05
Scotia Sanct Wentworth FSWP 33 17 141 05 Terranora NC 28 14 143 30
Sea Acres NR NC 31 27 152 56 Terridgerie Ck Baradine NWP 30 53 148 49
Seaham Swamp NR H 32 40 151 44 Terridgerie Lagoon NWP 30 53 148 49
Seales Rd Swp BelmoreR NC 31 06 152 07 The Valley HSD Bingara NWS 29 54 150 37
Shark Creek, Tyndale NC 29 34 153 16 Tilpa FNWP30 57 144 24
Shaws Ck Yarrmundi S 33 39 150 48 Tuerika HSD Tibooburra FNWP29 15 142 33
Shell Pt Botany Bay S 34 02 151 08 The Entrance CC 33 21 151 30
Sherwood NR NC 31 04 152 44 The Morass, L. Bathurst ST 35 03 149 41
Shoalhaven Heads 1 34 51 150 45 TheRanch IISDBooroobanSWP 34 59 144 55
Shortland WC N 32 53 151 41 The Ranch HSD, KennebriNWP 30 45 148 57
Singleton H 32 34 151 11 Thirroul 34 19 150 55
Smiths Lake, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30 Thomleigh 33 44 137 04
Soldiers Pt Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33 Thrumpster Pk L. Cathie NC 31 36 152 52
Somersby CC 33 22 151 17 Thurgoona SWS 36 02 146 59
Southgate SF NC 29 37 153 05 Tibooburra FNWP29 15 142 32
South Grafton NC 29 44 152 54 Tidbinbilla NR ST 35 26 148 50
South Tacoma CC 33 17 151 26 Tilba Lake SC 36 18 150 37
South West Rocks NC 30 53 153 03 Tilpa FNWP30 57 144 24
Spicers Ck Goolma CT 32 13 149 01 Tindara Tank Tibooburra FNWP29 47 142 33
Stanmore S 33 50 151 09 Tinkramenah SF
Stanwell Park I 34 13 150 58 Tambar Springs NWS 31 21 149 42
Stockton Beach H 32 53 151 47 Tomakin SC 35 50 150 10
Stockton Sandspit H 32 52 151 44 Tomalpin H 32 59 151 28
Stockyard Swp Avon River I 34 18 150 57 Toolijoa I 34 46 150 46
240 December 2004Toorooka NC 30 55 152 35 Wamoon SWP 34 32 146 19
Toowoon Bay Reefs CC 33 21 151 30 Wanaaring FNWP29 42 144 09
Toronto H 33 01 151 35 Wanganella SWP 35 13 144 49
Towlers Bay, West Head S 33 34 151 17 Warabrook Newcastle H 32 53 151 41
Tramway Ck Thirroul I 34 19 150 54 Wardens Head Ulladulla I 35 22 150 29
Trangie CWP 32 03 147 58 Warrawong I 34 19 150 54
Trapyard Dm,Kennibri NWP 30 47 148 58 Warriewood Wetland S 33 41 151 17
Trilby HSD Louth FNWP30 32 144 49 Warren STW CWP 31 44 147 43
Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06 WarrumbunglesNPw’shed CWS 31 16 148 57
Tuckerbil Swamp, Leeton SWP 34 27 146 21 Waterview Hts, Grafton NC 29 41 152 53
Tuggerah Bay CC 33 18 151 26 Wattle Flat Royal NP S 34 05 151 03
Tuggerah Beach CC 33 18 151 34 Watui, Harrington H 31 53 152 35
Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 39 Waukivory, Gloucester H 32 06 152 03
Tuggerah Lagoon CC 33 18 151 25 Weddin Mountains SWS 33 58 147 59
Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26 Wellington Common CWS 32 33 148 58
Tuggerawong CC 33 17 151 29 Werri Beach I 34 44 150 50
Tullakool Salt works SWP 35 24 144 12 West Head Kur-ringai CNP S 33 34 151 19
Tullamore CWP 32 37 147 34 Westdale, Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 51
Tuncurry H 29 57 152 29 Westleigh S 33 43 151 04
Turners Flat Macleay R NC 31 01 152 33 WesternPlains Zoo Dubbo CWS 32 18 148 34
Tuross Heads SC 36 03 150 07 Weston ACT ST 35 21 149 03
Tweed Heads STW NC 28 11 153 32 Whale Rock Res Epping S 33 46 151 04
Twofold Bay SC 37 07 149 55 Whitebridge H 32 58 151 43
Ukerabagh NR Tweed Hds NC 28 11 153 32 White Cliffs FNWP30 52 143 03
Ulabah HSD Coolah CT 31 41 149 42 Whitton Punt Reserve SWP 34 31 146 11
Ulindi HSD Bugaldie CWP 31 04 149 02 Whoey Tk Round Hill NR FSWP 32 57 146 09
Ulmarra NC 29 37 153 03 Widden Valley H 32 25 150 23
Umberumberka Ck Widgellie SWP 34 21 146 07
Silverton FNWP31 48 141 13 Wilberforce S 33 34 150 51
Unanderra I 34 17 150 50 Wilcannia FNWP31 33 143 22
Upper Belmore NC 31 08 152 58 Willala Hills, Boggabri NWS 30 50 149 47
Upper Cataract River I 34 22 150 50 Willandra NP Homestead FSWP 33 13 145 06
Urunga NC 35 20 146 16 Willala Hills, Boggabri NWS 30 50 149 47
Valley Heights S 33 42 150 35 Willandra NP Homestead FSWP 33 13 145 06
Valentine H 33 01 151 08 Willie Retreat, M Marshes CWP 30 54 147 29
Vincentia I 35 35 150 41 Willi Willi NP NC 30 57 152 25
Vineyard S 33 38 150 50 Willowglen HSD Tarago CT 35 05 149 39
Violet Hill,Myall LakesNP H 32 28 152 19 Windang Peninsular I 34 32 151 21
Wadalba Hill, Wyong CC 33 16 151 28 Wing Ding HSD Ivanhoe FSWP 32 35 144 52
Waddi, Griffith SWP 34 17 146 03 Wingecarribee Reservoir I 34 34 150 30
Wahroonga S 33 43 151 07 Wingello Ck Wyoming CC 33 24 151 21
Wairo beach, Ulladulla I 35 26 150 25 Windang I 34 32 150 52
Walbunderie SWS 35 43 147 33 Wingen H 31 54 150 53
Walka Waterworks H 34 43 151 37 Wisemans Ferry S 33 23 150 59
Walla Walla SWS 35 46 146 55 Woggoon NR CWP 32 47 146 57
Wallabadah Rock NWS 31 32 150 50 Woko NP H 31 50 151 52
Wallaga Lake SC 36 22 150 04 Wollombi H 32 56 151 08
Wallagoot Lake SC 36 47 149 56 Wollongong I 34 26 150 26
Wallangarra HSD Ivanhoe FSWP32 32 144 34 Wollongong Uni. Campus 34 25 150 22
Wallis Lake estuary H 32 15 152 30 Wollongong Pelagic I 34 26 150 56
Wamboota, W of Moama SWP 35 54 144 40 Wollongong Uni I 34 25 150 22
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 241Womboyn Lake entrance SC 37 15 149 55 Wooyung NC 28 28 153 33
Wompah Gate Tibooburra FNWP29 00 142 15 Woronora R, Woronora S 34 02 151 01
Wonaminta HSD, Woy Woy Bay CC 33 29 151 20
White Cliffs FNWP30 38 142 19 Wyee Point H 33 07 151 31
Wonga Wetlands, Albury SWS 36 06 146 52 Wyrrabalong NP north CC 33 17 151 32
Woodbury Pk Tuggerah CC 33 18 151 24 Yallah 1 34 32 150 47
Woodford CT 33 14 150 29 Yamba STW NC 29 26 153 22
Woodford Island NC 29 30 153 10 Yanco SWP 33 36 146 26
Woodlands HSD Yandara Ck Milparinka FNWP29 39 141 29
Currabubulla NWS 31 16 150 57 Yarrabimbi HSD,
Woods Pt LakeMacquarie H 33 08 151 31 Colinroobie SWP 34 29 146 30
Woody Hd, BunjalungNP NC 29 22 153 22 Yarramundi Crossing S 33 37 150 40
Woolgoolga NC 30 07 153 11 Yathong NR Cobar FSWP 32 22 145 30
Wooli NC 29 53 153 14 Yenda SWP 34 14 146 01
Woolooware Wetlands S 34 03 151 09 Yeramba Lagn Bankstown S 33 58 151 00
Wooloweyah NC 29 28 153 18 Yetholme CT 33 56 149 48
Woolshed Ft CocoparrasNP SWP 34 05 146 13 Yuraygir NP NC 29 35 153 15
K. Brandwood
K. Brandwood 121 George St Wilberforce 2756
The twelth report of the NSWORAC details 12 submissions considered by the Committee
as well as eight submissions dealt with by the Birds Australia Records Committee (BARC)
relating to records in NSW. Together with the 299 cases already dealt with previously
(Brandwood 2004) this brings to 318 the total number of cases resolved. Of the 317 cases
considered, 204 have been accepted, 66 not accepted and 46 not confirmed. As at 31
December 2004, (425) submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial appraisal
of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The membership of the
Committee for 2002 was R. Cooper (Chairperson), K. Brandwood (Secretary), D. Hobcroft,
A. Lindsey, A. K. Morris, A. Palliser, R. Turner & A.E.F. Rogers.
The Committee in February 2003 removed the Yellow Wagtail from the Review List from
1 January 2004 because there have been 8 separate records in the past ten years and more
records since then. The current Review List was re -published in the newsletters of the
contributing bird groups in NSW during the year 2004.
242 December 2004During the winter of 2002 the seas were again warm as in the previous year so that there
were fewer sightings of seabirds from the far south but more tropical rarities were noted.
The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee (BARC),
and four submission relating to reports received in 2002 for species on their Review List
were referred directly. Eight determinations (including four from previous years) were
subsequently received of which five were accepted (one, The Kentish Plover, Is’ record
for NSW and 3′ for Australia) and the other three were not accepted.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of
the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes
taken from memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple persons;
The completion of a RAC report form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary.
The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not accepted”
(NA), and those records “not confirmed” (NC) will be listed at the end of the Report.
Records “not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed without a
submission being received even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would
welcome further information on any record not accepted or not confirmed and is willing to
re -open to consider data additional to that already available.
Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first is
the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of
confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced), and the
third represents the number of that species recorded in 2002. English and scientific names
used in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged
to publish details in an appropriate journal.
Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same
time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of review
applied to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not confirmed” or “not
accepted” do not necessarily reflect mis-identification, rather that information to date is
inadequate to confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The support of all people in the
review system is appreciated.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 243REFERENCES
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories. RAOU
Monograph 2, Melbourne.
Brandwood, K. 2003 “Rare Bird Report for NSW 2001”. Aust Birds 33, 160-164
Morris, A. K. 2004 “New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2002”. Aust. Birds 33, 165-242
Palliser, T. 2003 “Rare Birds in 2002”. Wingspan 13, No 3, 22-23
Palliser, T. 2004 “Rare Birds in 2003” Wingspan 14, No 3, 38-39
Stuart, A. Editor. 2003 “Hunter Region of New South Wales Annual Bird Report Number 10 (2002)”. Hunter
Bird Obs. Club.
Case 379 /BARC 401 Canada Goose Branta canadensis 1.1.1
A single adult bird was present at Shoalhaven Heads-Comerong Island in the company of
Black Swans Cygnus atratus for the period 17 Oct -7 Nov 2002. All the significant features
were noted, many people saw this bird and many photographs were taken (see backpage
of this Report). BARC accepted the record unaminously and presumably the bird flew in
from New Zealand. First NSW & Australian record.
Case 344 Cotton Pygmy Goose Nettapus coromandelianus 16.4.1
A female plumaged bird of this species was seen by a number of observers on a well
watched lagoon at Minmi Sewage Treatment Ponds NSW on the 3 Jul 2002 and remained
there until 21 Jul. A bird in similar plumage was present at nearby Hands Lagoon, Bolwarra
on 8 Oct and remained there until 14 Oct (Stuart Ed, Hunter Bird Report 2002). The
record was unanimously accepted by the committee and is the first record since 1996.
Case 360/ BARC 348 Northern Shoveller Anas clypeata 6.4.2
This case details the observation of a single male bird in breeding plumage, seen and
photographed at a small wetland at Jerseyville NSW on the 13-15 May 2002 and later
another or the same bird seen at the Ash Island Ponds, Newcastle over the period 28 Jul –
1 Aug 2002 Case 367/BARC 379. There was also a unconfirmed record for this species
by a group of USA visitors in July 2002 seen in ponds near Sydney airport on the day
they were leaving. This is possibly the same bird as seen near Grafton in 2000 and
subsequently there have been a number of unconfirmed reports in the Clarence Valley
Region since that time (Palliser 2003,2004).
244 December 2004Case 392/BARC 231 Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica 9.9.1
One bird of this species seen off sea at Wollongong in July 1996 constitutes the first
BARC accepted submission however there were already prior to 1993, eight records for
Westland Black Petrels in NSW including a beachwashed bird at Wollongong 1956 and
another banded bird, beach washed at Mimosa Rocks NP 6 Jan 1993. In addition to the
record mentioned, also in 1996 there were three sightings off Sydney including 9 Jun, 6
Oct & 31 Oct and another off Wollongong 27 Oct!
Case 363 Red -backed Button Quail Turnix maculosa N/A.16.1
This case details the sighting of two birds of this species seen crossing a path between two
paddocks of Lucerne at Mc Graths Hill on the 10-1-1999. The report was not received
until 25-2-2003 due to the observer being away from his place of residence during the
intervening period. It required a second round of voting for the committee to reach a
Case 343 Long -toed Stint (Calidris subminuta) 19.18.1
This case details the sighting of a single bird of this species at Tullakool Salt Evaporation
Ponds approx 301(m north of Barham NSW on the 9 May 2002, the bird staying for two
months. Regular sightings of this species occur at Tullakool ponds.
Case 356 &383/ BARC 366 & 382 Buff -breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis
Case 383 detailed the sighting of a single bird of this species seen on the shores of Lake
Wollumboola,first reported in Jan 1999 but not confirmed until the 26 Mar 1999 by local
experts (Palliser 2004). The case was accepted by BARC but has not previously been
reported in this Journal. Case 356 gives details of another Buff- breasted Sandpiper seen
on 14 December 2002 at Bushells Lagoon, Wilberforce and is the sixth record for NSW.
It was seen by a number of observers throughout the day, relocated briefly the following
morning by one observer but was not seen again. It is interesting to note that there are
previous sightings of this species from this site in Feb and Mar 1983 and at nearby Bakers
Lagoon 19 Dec 1982.
Case 354 Oriental Plover Charadirus veredus 27.19.3
This case details the sighting of eight birds of this species at the north/eastern end of
Stockton Beach on the 10 Nov 2002 by a number of observers. There were a further two
sightings of this species viz: Case 353 which details the observation of a single bird at
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 245Clovelly Bowling Club Sydney 10 Aug 2002 and Case 357 reports two birds at Raleigh
25 Oct 2002. Again the last record was in 1996.
Case 361/BARC 343 Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 1.1.1.
On the 14 Feb 2002 a single bird of this species was seen and photographed at
Mudbishops’s Point, Old Bar by a number of observers while conducting a survey of
shorebirds on a arm of the Manning River. The bird stayed at the same location until 7
Apr and was seen by many observers. It was determined to be an adult female in winter
plumage of the race C. a. dealbatus, that occurs in Japan and East China (Stuart, Ed.
Hunter Bird Report 2002, Palliser 2003). A photograph of this bird is featured on the
front page of this Journal.
Case 364 Fairy Tern Sterna nereis 13.13.2
This case consists of a number of photographs recording this species breeding with Little
Terns S. albifrons at Wallagoot Lake and Lake Conjola in 2002. Fairy Terns were also
recorded breeding at Bega River mouth ( Mogareeka ) 1998/1990 &1999/2000.
Case 342 Yellow Wagtail (Mortacillaf/ava) 8.8.2
This case details the sighting of four birds on the 24 February 2002 and a single bird on
the I Mar 2002 at Ash Island Newcastle. The location and time of year is consistent with
the regular appearance of this species at this site in previous years. Case 355 details the
sighting of another single bird on the 23 Dec 2002 at Bakers Lagoon Richmond. Three
days later a different plumaged bird was seen by a number of observers over a period of
days. This latter bird is not the subject of this report. There is a previous record from this
site on the 29 Apr 1979
Case 349 Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri reported from West Byron 22 Nov 2001
(Palliser 2004). NA BARC
Case 352 Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta reported from Jerseyville 26 Jul 2002.
Case 351 House Swift Apus aflinis reported from Edgeworth December 1997 (Palliser
2004). NA BARC
Case 386 Spotted Nightjar Eurostopodus argus reported from Kurnell 23 Jun

  1. NA
    246 December 2004CASES NOT CONFIRMED (NC) IN 2002
    Rajah Shelduck Tardorna rajah lm 20 km South East Macksville 2-9 Dec. NC
    Herald Petrel Pterodroma arnmimjoniana 1 off South West Rocks 8 Apr. NC.
    Jouanins Petrel Pteradroma jouaninii Wollongong pelagic 27 Oct. NC
    Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus Wollongong pelagic 27 Oct. NC
    Red -footed Booby Sula sula An adult was claimed to be washed ashore alive Nobby’s
    Beach, Newcastle 31 Jan, and died in care on 2 Feb 04. The specimen was lost and so
    there is insufficient information provided to positively identify the bird, although the initial
    reports fitted the description of this bird. (Morris 2005 & Stuart 2003). NC
    Greater Frigate -bird Fregata minor reported over Mona Vale GC and then flew
    towards Warriewood 20 Jul. NC
    Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipamatras reported from Narooma 4 Jan NC
    1 .
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.3 247248 December 2004Volume 33 No 3 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS December 2004
    A. K. Morris New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2002. 165
    K. Brandwood Rare Bird Report for NSW 2002 242