Vol. 26 No. 4-text

Vol. 26 No. 4
Journal of the
Volume 26, Number 4. June 1993
President P. Davie
Vice -President S. Fairbairn
Secretary R. Hill
Treasurer B. Powell
Minutes Secretary P. Drake Brockman
Activities Officer A.O. Richards
Conservation Officer P. Mackey
Journal Editor A.K. Morris
Newsletter Editor T. Karplus
Records Officer R.M. Cooper
Other Committee Members A. Burton
H. Jones
T. lvison
H. Biddle
D. Siems
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian
birds and the habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due October each year) are:
Adult Member $25.00
Junior Member (up to 17 years) $10.00
All members recieve a newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal ‘Australian
Birds’. The price of the journal is $5.00 plus postage per issue to non members.
Club badges are available to club members at $2.50 or $3.00 if posted. The club
holds a meeting and a field excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all member-
ship fees should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: PO Box C436, Clarence St,
Sydney NSW 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: 1 Wombat St, Berkeley Vale NSW
2259.Vol 26, (4) June 1993
The Twenty-first Annual Bird Report (ABR) covers the period 1 January to 31
December 1990 and summarises the more significant observations of birds in NSW
during that year.
The main aims of the ABR continue to be:

  • to record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW.
    -to record observations which more precisely define the normal d istributionsof
    the birds within NSW, and
    to record observations which may indicate changes in species’ distribution
    and abundance.
    The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Location
    Guide (Appendix 1) lists locations not referred to in the 1985-1988 reports. This guide is
    intended to assist readersto better determine the general location of reported observations.
    The production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map
    references in the manner set out in the Appendix. For those unable to do this, an accurate
    description of the location of sightings would be valuable.
    Information on 339 species is contained in the 1990 report. This information was
    obtained from 239 sources, including 228 observers and a number of bird associations
    Page 89 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4and the publications of such organisations. Abbreviations for those organisations are as
    follows: – ABW – Australian Bird Watcher; AMSR = Australian Museum Specimen
    Record; ARA = Australian Raptor Association; CABR = Canberra Annual Bird Report
    1.7.89 – 30.6.90, Canberra Bird Notes 15:82-122; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Observers
    Club Newsletter; ENHS = Nature in Eurobodalla 1990 (1992), Eurobodalla Natural
    History Society; IBOC =Illawarra Bird Observers Club Newsletter; MVBW = Manning
    Valley Bird Watchers Newsletter; NSWBA = NSW Bird Atlassers; QMSR = Queensland
    Museum Specimen Record; TBO = The Bird Observer. Other abbreviations used include
    FR = Flora Reserve, NP = National Park, NR = Nature Reserve, SF – State Forest,
    SR = Scenic Reserve, STW = Sewerage Treatment Works and HSD = Homestead.
    A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received. These
    include reports for Southern Fulmar, Kermadec Petrel, White -necked Petrel, status report
    on the breeding of Gould Petrels on Gould Island NR, Black Petrel (2), White -chinned
    Petrel (1), Grey -backed Storm -petrel (5th NSW record), Black -bellied Storm -petrel (6th
    NSW record), Brown Booby (2), a resident pair of Black -necked Storks in the Tuggerah
    Lakes/Wyong Creek area, an invasion of Magpie Geese into the Northern Rivers Region,
    a Painted Snipe on Lord Howe Island, Black Tern (3rd NSW and Australian record), Grey
    Falcon (4) and a second Shining Flycatcher record.
    With the RAOU Records Appraisal Committee (RAOURAC) and the NSW
    Ornithological Records Appraisal Committee (NSWORAC) both now operating, many
    records of vagrants are now being reviewed. The first report of the NSWORAC, giving
    the results of its decisions in 1992, was published in Australian Birds 25, 71-83 and the
    second report is in this journal while those of the RAOURAC have been published by the
    RAOU. In future, unless the record of a rarity has been received and the results published
    by either the NSWORAC or the RAOURAC, the record will not be listed in the ABR.
    On the 19th December 1991 the NSW Parliament passed the Endangered
    Species (Interim) Protection Act which includes a revised Schedule of Endangered
    Species. The Act was amended in March 1992, expired in December 1992 and
    subsequently extended. All observations of Endangered Bird Species listed on the
    Schedule are published in this report to ensure that accurate distribution and status of all
    species can be recorded. The exceptions are the Osprey and the Black -necked Stork
    where only records outside the Northern Rivers and Mid -north Coast regions are
    published but a summary is provided of their status within the areas mentioned. Red
    Goshawk records are identified by Region only.
    A number of important records for 1989 were omitted from that Report and so have
    been included in this Report under the species concerned. A location map can be found
    on p. 133.
    We gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by C. Chafer, R. M. Cooper,
    S. Debus, E. S. Hoskin, I. McAllan and A. Stuart in the preparation of this report.
    A.C.G. Burton, 4 Sydney St., Willoughby, NSW 2068.
    A.K. Morris, I Wombat St., Berkeley Vale, NSW 2259.
    June 1993 Page 90SYSTEMATIC LIST
    Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae3 at Cassons Knob, Yurayagir NP 12 Jan. Scats nearby
    contained the fruits of Geebung Persoonia stradbrokensis. Other sightings at
    Brooms Head and Taloumbi Jul -Aug maximum 14 west of Taloumbi 7 Aug (GC).
    Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae 97 McGraths Hill STW 26 Jan, 23
    including many chicks, Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 24 Feb (AB) and 37
    on 4 Mar (BS), (cf. Morris of al, Aust. Birds 23, 44-64). Large number for the
    Sydney region.
    Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 15 + 1 chick Walka Waterworks 11 Jun and 17
    on 25 Nov (P&MMcL); Pair with chicks Cecil Hoskins NR, Moss Vale 21 Apr
    (CBOC); Troy STW, Dubbo 8 Apr. Very rare Dubbo district (ABi).
    Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 20 found dead on Tilba Beach during winter (ENHS).
    Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophrys Arrival: Off Norah Head 19 Jun (AKM).
    Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos Recorded off headlands in Eurobodalla Shire,
    usually single birds 5 Jul -11 Sep (ENHS).
    Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus 1 Long Reef 16 Sep (R&GK); 1 Potato
    Point 8 Sep (ENHS).
    Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides beachwashed at Tilba Lake Sep (ENHS).
    Referred to NSWORAC.
    Cape Petrel Daption capense 2 off Wollongong 24 Jun (CB). Only report received.
    Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 1 off Wollongong 21 Jan (ABe); 1 Moruya
    Heads 10 Sep (ENHS).
    Providence Petrel P. solandri 1 off Wollongong 24 Jun, 1 on 22 Jul (CBOC). Only reports
    received, consistent with known distribution.
    Tahiti Petrel P. rostrata 2 on four occasions 18 km NNE of Wollongong 24 Feb (DH).
    Record accepted by NSWORAC, 19th record for NSW. (Aust Birds 26, 76)
    Kermadec Petrel P. neglecta 1 off Cape Solander 28 Oct (KB et al); 1 off Wollongong 24
    Feb (DF). Both records referred to the RAOU RAC.
    White -necked Petrel P. arminjoniana 1 off Wollongong 21 Jan (ABe).
    Cook’s Petrel P. cookiil off Wollongong 22 Sep (CB). Referred to RAOU RAC but record
    not accepted (Aust. Birds 26, 127).
    Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera 142 pairs breeding on Gould Island NR 1989-90 (Aust.
    Ranger Bull. 24, 46, 1992); off Wollongong 21 Jan (ABe).
    Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata 1 off Wollongong 26 May and 24 Jun (CB); cal 0 off
    Eden 19 Aug (TP, TBO 704).
    Slender -billed Prion P. belcheri 1 off Wollongong 24Jun (CB); 3 off Eden 19 Aug (TP, TBO
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 1 off Wollongong 22 Sep (CB). Accepted
    by NSWORAC (Aust Birds 26, 127).
    Black Petrel P. parkinsoni 1 off Wollongong 24 Feb and 15 Nov (TO, DF). Referred to
    Page 91 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus Departure: Off Norah Head 7 Apr (AKM).
    Arrival: Off Norah Head 21 Sep (AKM). 1 light -phase bird off Wollongong 24 Feb
    Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri 1 off Norah Head 8 Jan (AKM); 1 off Wollongong 21 Jan
    (ABe) and 1 on 15 Nov (TO). Average year.
    Sooty Shearwater P. griseus 100+ off Wollongong 15 Nov (TQ). A large number.
    Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni Single birds off Wollongong 15 Nov (TQ). Only report,
    consistent with known occurences.
    Wilson’s Storm -petrel Oceanites oceanicus 1 off Wollongong 21 Jan (ABe), an early date.
    3, 30 km off Wollongong 23 May (DH) and 1 on 15 Nov (TO).
    Grey -backed Storm -petrel 0. nereis 1 off Eden 19 Aug (TP, TBO 704). Record accepted
    by the NSWORAC, 5th record for NSW (Aust. Birds 26, in press).
    White-faced Storm -petrel Pelagodroma marina 2 chicks Five Islands NR 16 Dec. The first
    successful breeding known since 1977 (HBa, LES).
    Black -bellied Storm -petrel Fregetta tropica 1 died Lake Cathie beach, sent to Aust.
    Museum 28 Feb (DW AMSR 0.62106). Record accepted as 6th for NSW by
    NSWORAC (Aust. Birds 26, 126).
    Common Diving -petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Eden 19 Aug (TP, TBO 704). There
    are few published records for NSW.
    Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 340 pairs nesting, + 67 large young on
    unnamed island in Blackalls Bay, Woy Woy 13 Oct (AKM). 3rd regular breeding
    site on NSW coast, the others being Wallis Lake and Five Islands NR; 500+
    Roping Pole Swamp, Uranquinty 8 Jan (CJC).
    Australasian Gannet Sula serrator Numbers high off South Coast particularly Jun -Sep,
    maximum 200 at Burrewarra Point 22 Jul and 3 Sep (ENHS).
    Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 1 off Norah Head 16 Jan (DT), record accepted by
    NSWORAC. (Aust. Birds 26, 126); 1 off Wollongong 15 Nov (TO). Record
    referred to NSWORAC.
    Darter Anhinga melanogaster 1 nest with 2 large young, South Arm, Woodford Island 7
    Apr (GC); 1 at Malabar Weir, Moruya River 25 Jul -3 Aug. Rare on the South
    Coast (ENHS).
    Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 55 active nests Newcastle City Water Reserve 11
    Jun (AB); 4 pairs nesting Centennial Park 26 May (EH), 2nd breeding record for
    the County of Cumberland; 6 pairs nesting Noola HSD, Junee Reefs 30 Nov
    (MjC); 150 nests Lake Bullogal 31 Jan (JB). Not previously known as a nesting
    Pied Cormorant P. varius Recorded throughout the year at Tuggerah Lakes, maximum
    88 on 26 Dec (AKM).
    Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris A few dozen adults on nests Lawrence egret colony
    13 May ’89. Nesting at Lawrence egret colony 11 Feb (GC); Recorded throughout
    the year at Tuggerah Lakes, maximum 347 on 15 Jul but no nesting observed
    Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos 10+ nests, 1+ with nestlings, Coutts Crossing 21
    Oct ’89 and 3+ nests with young Middle Boambee egret colony 26 Dec ’89 (GC).
    2 juveniles at nest colony, South Arm, Woodford Island 7 Apr (GC); 32 birds
    nesting, Roping Pole Swamp, Uranquinty 8 Jan; 5 nests and 2-3 chicks (CJC).
    New nesting location.
    June 1993 Page 92Least Frigatebird F. aria/ 1 male Muttonbird Island NR 12 Feb (IC), rarely recorded in
    White-tailed Tropicbird Phatheon lepturus found exhausted Sandy Beach, Woolgoolga
    and subsequently died 4 Feb (SGL). Very uncommon in NSW.
    Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica Nesting on a dam at Killabakh Creek, Taree 20 Mar ’89 (DS);
    1 in Pearl Beach Arboretum after bushfires in Brisbane Water NP 18 Dec (SZ);
    1 pair nesting Kerta HSD, Moruya 21 Jan (ENHS).
    Great Egret A. a/ba Nesting Urunga Jan (DS), nests with nestlings at Lawrence egret
    colony 11 Feb, adults feeding large young in two dozen+ nests same place 13
    May, a couple of dozen pairs nesting 26 Oct and 2+ nests with young at Middle
    Boambee colony 26 Dec (GC) (all 1989 records); 50 pairs nesting Almond Road
    Swamp, Leeton in Jan (KH), 200+ nests Wilbriggie 7 Feb (JB).
    Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Nests with nestlings at Lawrence egret colony 11 Feb,
    two dozen+ active nests same place 13 May and 3+ pairs nesting 26 Oct (GC)
    (all 1989 records); 2 Lake George south 22 Apr and 5 on 24 Jul (CBN19: 91).
    Rare on Southern Tablelands; 200 pairs nesting Almond Road Swamp, Jan
    (KH), 1000+ nests Wilbriggie 7 Feb (JB).
    White-faced Heron A. novaehollandiae33 flying from the coastline before landing at Lake
    Arragan, Yuraygir NP 3 Mar. A migrating flock? (GC); Recorded throughout the
    year at Tuggerah Lakes, maximum 254 on 24 Feb (AKM).
    Little Egret A.garzetta 5 in breeding plumage at Lawrence colony 26 Oct ’89 (GC); 22
    nests, 23 nesting attempts and 16+ fledged at Chittaway Point, Tuggerah Lakes
    Oct -Dec. Largest number of nests recorded since the colony first started in 1981
    (AKM); 2 pairs nesting Almond Road Swamp, Jan (KH).
    Eastern Reef Egret A. sacra 1 Eden Harbour 19 Aug (MJC). Towards the southern limit
    of its distribution.
    Striated Heron A. striate 2 pairs nested Chittaway Point Sep -Nov (AKM); Georges
    River, Lansvale 25 Mar (JDi), 1 Silverwater Bridge 10 Jul (KB); Recorded during
    the year at 10 locations in Eurobodalla Shire, with juveniles noted at Bermagui
    and Akolele (ENHS). 1 male Pambula 16 Jul (HMD), 1 Nelligen 10 Sep (AC) and
    1 Eden Harbour 19 Aug (MjC).
    Cattle Egret A. ibis Nesting Urunga Jan ’89 (DS), hundreds of nests with nestlings at
    Lawrence egret colony 11 Feb (GC); 50 pairs nesting Tuggerah STW Jan, all
    nests destroyed in a severe thunderstorm. The first nesting record for Gosford
  • Wyong (AKM); 1 Homebush Bay 3 Nov (BDo); Present South Coast Mar to 25
    Nov, maximum 200 Moruya River flats in Jul. Late departure date (ENHS); 6
    pairs nesting Almond Road Swamp, Jan, 370 feeding in paddock at Leeton 11
    Mar (KH) and 30 feeding at Griffith 8 May (JB).
    Rufous Night -heron Nycticorax caledonicus Royal NP 24Jan (LA), male Bicentennial
    1 1
    Park, Homebush 19 Feb (BdB); 2 000+ nests Paika HSD, Balranald 3 Jan (JB,
    PM), 200+ nests Wilbriggie 7 Feb (JB).
    Little Bittern lxobrychus minutus Legges Camp, Smiths Lake (no date) (JS); adult male
    1 1
    Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 18 Nov (KH), adult male Merrimajeel Creek,
    Booligal 27 Nov and calling same place 5 Dec (PM). An average year.
    Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis 1 Valla 8 Aug ’89 (DS) and 1 juvenile Jerusalem Creek,
    Bundjalung NP 18 Feb ’89. Rare on the North Coast (GC). 1 Urunga 15 Jun (GC);
    Page 93 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.41 killed and taken by Wedge-tailed Eagle at Glennies Creek 1 Apr (FVG); 1 Deep
    Creek, Narrabeen 8 Sep (AB); 1 Korrungulla Swamp, Primbee 14 Sep (CJC)
    and Gerroa 25 Jun (KM). Endangered fauna, all records published.
    Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Bootawah HSD, Taree 1 Oct (P&I0); 1 Boat
    Harbour Reserve 2 Jul (H&BM); 5 Lake George north 7 Jan and 1 on 25 Feb
    (MLe, CBN15: 66); 1, 7 km north of Lake Cargellico 9 Jun (T&CQ); 2 calling in
    floodwaters of Merrimajeel Creek, Booligal 20 Oct (PM). Endangered fauna, all
    records published.
    Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus : A pair at Corindi raised 1 young Jun –
    Oct, adult in nest 5 Dec, and 1 nestling Waterview Heights 18 Sep (BBr per GC)
    (1989 breeding records). Many records for Northern Rivers and Mid -north Coast
    with breeding recorded as follows: 2 adults and 1 juvenile Brothersons Swamp,
    Coutts Crossing 22, 25 & 27Jan and 12 Dec, 3 adults and 4 juveniles/immatures
    Chaff in Swamp, Tucabia 24Jan, adult pair with 2 juveniles Sandon 3 Mar, adult
    pair and juvenile near a nest south of Crowsnest Swamp 31 Mar, adult pair and
    juvenile at swamp, Lower Kangaroo Creek 7-18 Nov (GC), 2 adults and 2
    juveniles/immatures Roberts Creek, Woodford Island 16 Nov (RBe). An adult
    male found dead Micalo Island in June, another dead adult at the same place
    9 Aug (GC) and 1 dead adult under a powerline, Woodford Island 14 Sep (RBe);
    3 Woodberry and Buchanan Swamps, Maitland 19 Jan -14 Mar (AZ, JSm) and
    pair present throughout the year at Tuggerah Lakes and adjoining wetlands (MT,
    BCo, MPI, DaS, AB, GWg). Endangered fauna, all records published for areas
    outside Northern Rivers and Mid -north Coast.
    Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 80+ Crowsnest Swamp, Tucabia 31 Mar and 100+ 7 Apr
    (GC); 4 Lake George north 17 Jan (CBN 15: 19); Ca 1 500 pairs nesting
    Merrimajeel Creek, Booligal with ca 20 000 pairs of Straw -necked Ibis 5 Dec
    Australian White Ibis Threskiomis molucca 2 at nests Lawrence egret colony 13 May ’89
    (GC); Approximately 500 on the Moruya River flats late Apr. A large number
    (EN HS); 2 pairs nesting Cooba HSD, Bethungra 13 Nov and 10+ pairs nesting
    Noola HSD, Junee Reefs 30 Nov (MjC). First breeding records for the South-
    west Slopes; 3 pairs nesting Yearinin North HSD, Yearinin Sep -Oct (MMcB).
    First breeding record for the Coonabarabran district; 30 000 pairs nesting in
    many colonies Macquarie Marshes NR 1 Oct (WJ); 10+ nests Almond Road
    Swamp 4 Jan, with egrets (KH), 10 000+ nests Booligal and 5 000+ nests Cuba
    Dam, Merrowrie Creek Dec (JB). Best breeding for many years.
    Straw -necked Ibis T.spinicollis 900+ Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 25 Mar. A large
    concentration for the Sydney region (JDH); 70 000 pairs nesting in many
    colonies, the largest being 40 000 pairs in Zoo Paddock, northern Macquarie
    Marshes Oct (WJ); Ca 20 000 pairs nesting Merrimajeel Creek, Booligal 5 Dec
    (PM, JB) and 10 000+ nests Cuba Dam, Merrowrie Creek, Dec (JB). Best
    breeding for some years.
    Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 10+ nests in Forest Red Gum Eucalyptus tereticomis,
    Alumy Creek School near Grafton 19 Aug ’89 (GC). 44 at swamp, Lower
    Kangaroo Creek 14 Nov, high local count, and 4 nests with single young Calliope
    17 Nov (GC); 45 Chittaway Point 16 Apr (JD), the maximum seen at Tuggerah
    Lakes 1988-90; 52 Windang 17 Apr (CJC).
    June 1993 Page 94Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. fiavipes 5 Coolangatta near Shoalhaven Heads 27 Feb and 1
    on 4 May, 1 Windang 17 Apr (CJC, J&GP). Uncommon in the Illawarra region.
    Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Present Richmond – Tweed Valley Mar -Jun at
    Bagotville, Round Swamp, Casino, Cudgeon Lake, Codrington, Alstonville and
    Lindendale, maximum 232 at Codrington 10 Jun (DC, RK, RM, SP), present
    Clarence Valley Mar -Jul at Coldstream wetlands, Colletts Island and Cowper,
    maximum 373 at Cowper 11 Jul (GC, SGL) and 200+ 4 km east of Ulmarra 2 Dec
    (SHe); Up to 8 at wetland on Oxley Island, Manning River 12 May (per GC); 32
    Macquarie Marshes including a nest with eggs Willencorah HSD 1 Oct (WJ).
    Exceptional records, possibly reflecting drought in Queensland.
    Plumed Whistling -duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present throughout the year in the Grafton
    area maximum 250+ Cowans Pond 24 Jul (GC); 6 Shortland WC 25 Feb
    (CBOC), ca 200 Doughboy Hollow, Singleton 8 Sep (AOR), 30+ Singleton 30
    Sep (AKM), 30+ Hexham Swamp 28 Oct (AKM) and 50+ Beresfield Swamp 1
    Nov (JC); 30+ Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 25 Mar (JDH); 150 Fivebough Swamp
    25 Feb and 250 Oct -Nov (KH).
    Wandering Whistling -duck D. arcuata 24 Mirrumvale 17 Mar (DC), 13 Bagotville 4 Apr
    (RM), 40+ in one group Bagotville May (KL) and 1 with D. eytoni Cowans Pond
    24 Jul (GC); 40+ Shortland WC 10 Jan (TMo), 51 on 19 Jun and 42+ on 28 Oct
    (AB); 6 Fivebough Swamp 14 Jan and 16 Sep -Oct with 2 present 25 Dec. First
    record for this location.
    Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 1 Walka Waterworks 25 Nov (PMcL); 1 adult male
    Kurnell Lagoon 3 Dec (KC). 4th record for the County of Cumberland (Hoskin
    E.S., 1991 The Birds of Sydney); 25+ Dangars Lagoon 27 Aug (TT, 00S News!.
    Musk Duck Biziura iobata 1 adult and 1 female or immature, Lake Hiawatha, Yuraygir NP
    10 Feb and 1 adult male on dam Cam ira Creek 24 Nov (GC).
    Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 11 Lake George north, Apr and present Lake George
    south 26 Apr -26 Jul, maximum 8 on 27 Jun (MLe, CBN15: 66 and CBN17: 91);
    Several pairs, probably breeding Black Swamp, Boorooban Jan (PM), 8
    Fivebough Swamp 18 Mar, 4 on 25 Mar, 1 on 13 Apr and 27 May, and 5 on 23
    Dec (KH); 25 Lignum Lake, Oxley 17 Jan (JB), 6 including 2 adult males
    Merrimajeel Creek, Booligal 5 Dec (PM).
    Black Swan Cygnus atratus 300+ south of Cowper 22 Apr, a high local count (GC);
    Present throughout the year at Tuggerah Lakes, maximum 1 759 on 26 Dec
    (AKM); 920 Lake Wollumboola 15 Dec (CJC) and up to 150 on Tilba Lake Jan –
    Apr. Large number for the latter site (ENHS); 36 nests at Mother of Ducks
    Lagoon, Guyra 5 Jul (M&BB). Good number for coastal lakes.
    Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae 1 Port Kembla golf course 10 Oct (EG),
    origin unknown. 2nd Illawarra record.
    Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadomoides 15 Belangalo SF dam 26 Dec and 6 Cecil
    Hoskin NR 26 Dec (CJC); 1 adult male Moruya STW 7 Feb -10 Mar and 2 on 12
    Feb. Rare on the South Coast (ENHS).
    Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus 2 Tuggerah STW 15 Apr (MT&JD); 2
    north Botany Bay 17 Feb (AB). An unusual location; 1 at Moruya STW 25 Feb
    and on 10 Mar (ENSH). Rare on the South Coast; 2 000 on Lake Bullogal 31
    Jan (JB).
    Page 95 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Grey Teal Anas gracilis Recorded throughout the year on Tuggerah Lakes, maximum
    2915 on 26 Dec (AKM). Highest number on the Central Coast for 3 years.
    Chestnut Teal A.castanea A pair with 7 ducklings Deep Creek near Ulmarra 16 Jun (GC);
    Recorded throughout the year on Tuggerah Lakes, maximum 2 010 on 26 Dec;
    460 Lake Wollumboola 15 Dec (CJC); 200 regularly at Tilba Lake Jan -Apr and
    in Dec (ENHS). Large concentrations.
    Mallard A. platyrhynchos Resident populations are located on the Central Coast at Woy
    Woy Bay, St Huberts Island, Rileys Island, Long Jetty and Wyong River (AKM);
    adult male Meringo 28 Mar (ENHS).
    Australasian Shoveller A. rhynchotis 21 Casino 2 Apr (RM) and 3 illegally shot at
    Lawrence 20 May (GC); 346 Tuggerah Bay, Tuggerah Lakes 31 Mar -1 Apr
    (AKM, TMo); 10 McGraths Hill STW 26 Jan (AB); 100 Tilba Lake during Mar.
    Rare on the South Coast but consistent with other coastal occurences (ENHS);
    50+ Roping Pole Swamp, Uranquinty 8 Jan (CJC).
    Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 5-8 at 000m altitude Wattle Flat Picnic Area, Styx River
    SF 16 km s -e of Wollomombi 24 Mar ’89 and nesting Valla Nov -Dec ’89 (DS).Ten
    other 1989 reports from 5 Northern Rivers locationsJan, Apr -May and Sep -Dec
    (GC). Reported from the Northern Rivers at nine locations and during all months
    except Oct -Nov (GC, WT, SD, ARA 12: 9), and 1 adult on nest being fed by a
    second bird at Coffs Harbour Regional Botanical Gardens 20 Dec (AB); 1-8
    Rankin Park 14 Feb -4 Aug (JS), 16 feeding in ironbarks at Warkworth, Apr
    (BMcG), 8 Floraville near Belmont 20 May (BL), 2 Old Brush HSD, Brunkerville
    20 May (HBOC May 1990), 5 (1 adult plus others) Yattalunga 10 Jun (DWi), 1
    Newcastle Uni campus Sep (PO), Somersby Falls, Brisbane Water NP 27 Oct
    (KB), Normanhurst 12 Aug (HMcG). Note, still no nesting records for Sydney;
    2 young, in nest, being fed with large frog, Coolatai 7Jan (perBW), western limit
    of range (see 1989 report). More records than usual for Sydney/Hunter regions.
    Black -shouldered Kite Elanus notatus 5 pairs displaying at Tuckerbil Swamp, Yanco 29
    Jul. An unusual concentration (KH).
    Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Speers Point 1 Oct (CM), 1 Broke 29 Apr (N&JR); 1 Royal
    NP 27 Jun (MW); 2 Moruya Heads 22 Mar and 1 on 25 Apr (ENHS); 1
    Cudgewong Waters Park 2 Jan (MS); 1 Parkes 17 Apr (CBOC). Some unusual
    coastal records.
    Brahminy Kite Haliastur Indus on nest Lower Southgate 25 Aug. Other sightings as far
    south as the Hastings River near Port Macquarie (GC).
    White -bellied Sea-eagleHaliaeetus leucogaster Aduft on nest near Coutts Crossing 1-8
    Sep (GC); A pair Oatley-Lugarno 3 Nov (ES); 1 adult flying along the Gwydir
    River, 4 km south-east of Bundarra 11 Jul (BW); Single adults Lake Bathurst 21
    Jan, 8 Apr, 23 Sep and 20 Oct, and Lake George 21 Jan, 8 Apr and 25 Sep. Rare
    on the Southern Tablelands (MLe, CBN 16: 59); 1 male at Fivebough Swamp
    10 Jun (KH), 2 Paika HSD, Balranald 3 Jan and 2 Lake Bullogal 31 Jan (JB).
    Some interesting inland records.
    Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis adult Tomki Creek 12 Aug ’89 (GC).1 adult north of
    Coutts Crossing 4 Jun (GC); 1 juvenile Bakers Lagoon 9 Dec (TQ); 1 Wallaga
    Lake 29 May. Very rare on the South Coast (ENHS); 1 Mudgee 16 Apr (BdeB);
    June 1993 Page 961, 2 km south of Bungendore 1 Feb (CBN 15: 19); 1 Gooloogong 23 Feb (AC);
    Bunganbil near Leeton 14 Jul. Rare winter visitor to the Riverina (KH).
    Marsh Harrier C.aeruginosus 16 reports from the Northern Rivers May -Aug and Oct -Dec
    all single birds apart from 2 in Yuraygir NP 28 Jun (GC) and 9-10 individuals,
    some displaying pairs Jul -Aug Bundjalung NP (SD) confirming that this bird is
    primarily a winter visitor to Northern Rivers; 1 Maddens Plains 15 Nov flying over
    recently burnt heath (TO); 1 seen taking and eating an egg from an Australian
    Little Grebe’s nest Widgett HSD, Bodalla 31 Oct (ENHS: 82); 2 on fence post at
    Old Junee in wheat fields during mouse plague 2 Mar (MjC).
    Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae A pair, 1 grey and 1 white, Elouera Bushland
    Reserve, Westleigh 19 Aug ’89 (KMcC, AEFR); Reported at three locations in
    the Hunter Region (Bouddi NP, Matcham and Milbrodale) and three in the
    Sydney Region (Cumberland SF, Winston Hills and Royal NP) Apr -Dec, with
    breeding reported at Milbrodale (2 young on 26 Dec) and 1 white -phase bird at
    Royal NP 14 Jul (MT, AKM, DSm, RT, BdB, CJC); Reported at 13 locations in
    Eurobodalla Shire including 3 white -phase birds.
    Brown Goshawk A. fasciatus A pair nesting Scotia HSD, Cobbadah 2 Oct (GLC).
    Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus 1 Sheepstation Creek, Border Ranges NP 22
    Mar, 1 Coffs Harbour early May, 1 Woodburn Aug, a pair, an adult male, a
    juvenile male and a female all in Bundjalung NP Aug (SD); 1 Deep Creek,
    Narrabeen 25 Jun (RA), 1 Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden 27 Jun (MT), 1
    harassing magpies Royal NP Jul (JF), and a pair on the southern freeway at
    Campbelltown 29 Jul and 26 Aug (CDu); 1 caught Crested Pigeon at Armidale
    in Aug (ARA 12:7); 1 Lachlan River, Hillston 13 Apr (SF), 1 Loughnan NR 14 Apr
    Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax1 killed and carried off a Black Bittern at Glennies Creek
    Apr (FVG); Calmsley Hill Farm, Fairfield 20 May (MS); Nesting Murga Apr
    1 1
    (1B0C134); 1 killed Emu chick between Hay and Deniliquin 16 Oct (ARA 12:10);
    100+ roosting in a creek bed then soaring after being disturbed, Onepah HSD,
    Tibooburra (PM).
    Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides 19 single birds and 2 light morphs. (a pair?) reported
    from the Northern Rivers in all months except for Feb and Jun (GC); 1 Middle
    Brother SF near Kew 15 Dec (AB); 1 Morrisett 25 Feb (ALH), 1 Matcham 21-22
    Jul (FVG) and following bushf ire near Pearl Beach in Brisbane Water NP 23
    Dec (JW); Shoalhaven Heads 5 Nov (G&JPa). Uncommon in coastal areas;
    attacked Forest Raven at Armidale 10 Sep (ARA 12:14); 5 Windamere Dam,
    Mudgee 7 Jun (1.1). Unusual concentration.
    Black -breasted Buzzard Harnirostra melanosternon 1 Thornton Sep (AR). An exceptional
    Hunter Region record; 1 Rylstone 20 Dec (MS); 1 Sturt NP 25 Sep (RA).
    Endangered species, all records published.
    Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Single adults Coutts Crossing 5 Feb and 27 Aug
    (GC) and 2 Hungry Head 20 Sep (DS) 1 Wallacia 9 Apr (TS), (1989 records).
    1 adult Coutts Crossing 25 Feb, 1 adult in flight Tyndale 19 Nov and 1 South
    Grafton 6 Dec (GC); ; 1 flying over Shoalhaven High School, Nowra 28 Nov
    (JWa); 1 Maulbrooks Road, Moruya 17 Jan (ENHS); 1 Torryburn, flying over a
    well -timbered travelling -stock reserve 11 Nov (AL, Aust. Birds 26, 1-12); 1
    Breakfast Creek, Rylstone 3 Jan (MS); 1 Cowra 3 Jan (AC); 1, 10 km west of
    Page 97 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Purleywaugh 6 Jan (DR); 1 Loughnan NR 15 Apr (LDS). Endangered species,
    all records published.
    Osprey Pandion haliaetus 49 nests reported for the Northern Rivers and Mid -north Coast.
    (GC- The Biology and Management of the Osprey Pandion haliaetus cristatus
    in NSW. NP&WS Species Management Report No. 6 1991). Nesting Forster 10
    Jun (IJ); 1 Stockton 29 Apr and 9 Dec (N&JR, HBOC), 1 Throsby Creek,
    Wickham, Jul (TC); 1 male and 1 female Toronto, Sep (BMcG); 1 Narrabeen
    Lake 18 Aug (AB); 1 Tomakin 26 Apr and 1 McKenzies Beach 14 Jun (ENHS).
    Brown Falcon Falco berigora 3 including a breeding pair Bundjalung NP late Aug (SD).
    Australian Kestrel F. cenchroides 80 along roadside between Hay and Griffith 9 Mar (JB)
    and 37 together in small treeless paddock at Conargo 31 Jul, with a further 50+
    along Old Man Plain Road towards Hay (KH). Numbers high in the Riverina
    throughout autumn and winter.
    Australian Hobby F. longipennis 1 Dee Why Lagoon 5 Aug (NM); Recorded at eight
    locations in Eurobodalla Shire with nesting (2 fledglings) at Bermagui Sep -Oct
    (ENHS); Pair observed attacking Budgerigars and Fairy Martins Upper Horton
    30 Sep -6 Oct, and Little Lorikeets at Woods Reef 5 Oct (GLC).
    Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 1Tilba Lake 21 Jul, first record for the South Coast (ENHS);
    1 Old Dromana HSD, Moree in watercourse country 7Jan (JSo); 3, 25 km south-
    east of Hungerford 26 Jul (AB W14: 28) and 2 Mootwingie NP 31 Jul -1 Aug (JM).
    Endangered species, all records published.
    Black Falcon F. subniger 1 Dolans Bay 17 Feb (PRa) and 1 male Masons Park, Concord
    (RA); 1 between Goulburn and Collector 28 Dec (SD, CBo); A pair regularly
    throughout the year at Harpary HSD, Baan Baa (DR); 2 Gum Swamp, Forbes
    (AKM), 1 Leeton 11 Feb and 19 Aug (KH) and 1 Wanganella, over swamp at
    dusk, 15 Apr (TQ).
    Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus 1 Dungog 25 Sep (ALH) and 1 Dudley 9 Sep over coastal
    heath (TO); 1 took Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena over the canal at Mason
    Park, Homebush Bay 17 Mar (RD), present Hornsby 2-3 Jul (RMa), 2 Centennial
    Park 28 Jul and 1 on 21 Aug, 1 Qantas Centre, Sydney 11 Aug, 1 Deep Creek,
    Narrabeen 7 Oct (AB), 1 Quarantine Station, North Head 13 Oct (AKM) and 1
    over freeway at Helensburgh 15 Nov (TQ); 2 Mount Cambewarra 21 Jan (TM);
    2 adults and 1 young on eyrie at Pretty Beach, Murramurrang NP 21 Oct (SB);
    1 Matong SF 8 Jan (CJC); 1 Fivebough Swamp on many occasions 6 Jan -13
    Apr, 2 on 18 Mar (KH) and Brewster Weir 15 Apr (AKM).
    Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2 on fire trail between Coombie and Yathong 2 Oct ’89 and
    22 Oct ’89 (JaH); 1 adult and 1 young Loughnan NR 15 Apr (RMo). The only
    report received for 1990.
    Australian Brush -turkey A/ectura lathami 1 Yarrahapinni 22 Jul (GC); 1 Mill Creek, Dharug
    NP 19 Sep (BC), 1 in garden Avoca Beach 17 Sep (RMa), up to 8 birds nesting
    as a group between Scenic Road and Tabletop Road, Terrigal in private gardens
    and a small reserve 8 Dec (AKM) and Milbrodale 26 Dec (DSm); Balgownie
    1 1
    9 Apr (KM). The Central Coast population is expanding into urban gardens
    adjacent to bushland areas but the Illawarra population is again declining.
    Stubble Quail Coturnix novaezeelandiae 4 Appin 17 Jan (CJC) and Greenwich Dec
    (TK); 3 seen Wanganella 15 Apr and 1 heard calling Bulga at 0500 hours 13 Oct
    (TO). These observations are not unusual but few reports are received.
    June 1993 Page 98Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 1 Forestville 14 Nov (RMcG).
    King Quail C. chinensis 4 Valla 17 Jul. 1 on 23 Aug. 1 on 12 Sep and present Hungry Head
    Jul ( all 1989 records) (DS);1 adult male Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 19
    Feb (RCI). Not previously recorded at this site (E.S. Hoskin loc. cit.)
    Painted Button -quail Tumix varia 1 Bulge 13 Oct (TQ); 3 O’Hares Creek 11 Mar (KM); Not
    recorded in 1990 in Eurobodalla Shire where none have been reported since
    1987 (ENHS). Is this species declining? Recorded Yambulla SF 26 Oct (RT);
    Present Coombie to Yathong track 17 Nov ’89 (JaH).
    Little Button -quail T. velox Rarely seen at Cooyal during 1990 (NKu); Nesting Nombinnie
    NR 24-28 Oct (FOC). A few Coombie Nov ’89 (JaH).
    Red -chested Button- quail T. pyrrhothorax A pair Balmoral HSD, Cooyal 18 Apr. Seen
    here throughout the year in small numbers, including an adult and 5 chicks in
    Dec (NKu); Nesting Nombinnie NR 24-28 Oct (FOC).
    Brolga Grus rubicundus 16 reports from the Northern Rivers Feb -Apr, Jun -Sep and Dec
    maximum 13 south of Lawrence 3 Mar (GC); 7, 25 km south of Griffith 21 May
    (JB), a pair with 1 well grown young Jerilderie Plains 14 Oct (KH), 215 km north
    of Lake Cargellico 25 Oct (H&BM), 2 Barmedman 26 Nov; 2 Fords Bridge, Qld
    border 23-24 Jul (GG). Numbers down on recent years. Present south of
    Lawrence Feb and Apr -Jun ’89, 26 including a juvenile 18 Feb and maximum 31
    on 22 Apr ’89 (GC).
    Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis Reported on 8 occasions in the Urunga-Macksville area
    through ’89 (DS) and 1 heard at Red Rock 12 Oct and 4 Nov ’89 (GC); 1 heard
    Port Macquarie STW 4 Jul ’89 (GC); 1 in heath, west of Patonga Road, Brisbane
    Water NP 1 May (JW); 1 male Woolooware Swamp 21 Dec (JF); 1 Mount Keira
    26 Aug (DH); Eden 15Jan (H&BM), Guyangal, Bermagui 7-11 Nov (ENHS);
    1 1
    roadkill Adelong 28 Jan (RDy). No previous records forthe South-west Slopes
    region and rarely reported on the South Coast.
    Buff -banded Rail R. philippensis 17 reports of single birds (including 3 roadkills) from the
    Northern Rivers, all months except Jul and Nov (GC) and 2 adults and 3 young
    Yellow Rock Road, Raleigh 24 Dec (AB). 11 of the 18 reports were of birds on
    roadsides 2 adults and 3 young Pearl Beach Lagoon 17Jan (JK), 2 adults and
    1 young Kincumber 24 Jan (JA), present Swansea 24 Feb (CS), 1 on roadside
    at Tuggerah 25 Jul (TMo) and 1 on roadside Yarramalong 3 Dec (MC); 1
    McGraths Hill STW 26 Jan (AB) and Bakers Lagoon 24 Sep (TO); Terara
    1 1
    near Nowra 4 Feb (RT); Present Montagu Island in Apr, Congo Creek 2 May -8
    Jul and Moruya SF Oct (ENHS); 2 in floodwaters of Merrimajeel Creek, Booligal
    20 Oct (PM). Most of these records are for summer which conforms with The
    Atlas of Australian Birds (1984) which states, “widely regarded as a spring /
    summer visitor to southern Australia”.
    Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 1 Shortland WC 10 Jan (TMo); 2 Bakers Lagoon 9 Dec
    (TQ); 6 Lake George north 7 Jan and 3 on 21 Jan (MLe, CBN 16: 60); Ca 10
    feeding on floating beds of miifoil at Merrimajeel Creek, Booligal 9 Dec (PM).
    Australian Crake P. fluminea 1 Newcastle WR 10 Jan (TMo); 1 in a Roseville garden 19
    Dec (RPo), 1 Woolooware Swamp 21 Dec (JF), 1 Homebush Bay 29 Dec (TO);
    1 on Muggabah Creek, 15 km west of Booligal 31 Jan (JB).
    Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 Shortland WC 4 Jun (AOR); 1 Bakers Lagoon 9 Dec (TQ),
    2 Woolooware Swamp 21 Dec (JF); 10 heard calling and 2 seen Merrimajeel
    Creek, Booligal 9 Dec (PM).
    Page 99 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Eurasian Coot Fulica atra 3 at Brothersons Swamp, Coutts Crossing 10 May. The first
    record at this site (GC).
    Kori Bustard Ardeotis koril Onepah Gate, north of Tibooburra 27 Jul (GG). Endangered
    species, the only report received.
    Bush Thick -knee Burhinus magnirostris 2 Saratoga 3 Aug (AKM); 1 Wedderburn
    throughout the year (CW); 1 The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 8 Jan (DJ).
    Beach Thick -knee Esacus neglectus Pair Hickey Island, Yamba 13 Mar, 1 Bonville
    estuary 7 Jun and 10 reports of 1-2 birds Red Rock where 2 separate eggs
    located during the year but both apparently lost (GC); Pelican Island, Port
    Macquarie 19 Aug (GC). All 1989 records; Reported nesting on Eureka Island,
    Clarence River in Jan (ARe, HM), a pair with 1 runner Red Rock 1 Feb, 2 same
    place 14 Feb, 30 May and 27 Aug (GC) and 2 with egg 7, 13 and 20 Dec (GC,
    SGL), South Ballina Feb, 2 Jul and 2 Nov, and 2 Lighthouse Beach, Ballina in
    May (KL), 2 Dart Island, Clarence Estuary 15 Jul (GC), 2 Hickey Point, Yamba
    17 Jul (EB), 1 Shark Bay, Bundjalung NP Oct (JAr) , 1 Hickey Island 25 Oct
    (MrsD). More records and locations than in previous years.
    Comb -crested Jacana Hydralector gallinacea 1 Bootawah HSD, Taree 1 Oct (SH); 20+
    Buchanan Jan (AZ), Shortland WC 20 May -11 Jun (AB, AOR), 4 Girvan near
    Stroud Jun (JM), 3 C&A Dam, Mulbring 1 Nov (JC); 2 Long Swamp, Bermagui
    7 Jun (cf S & B Ramsay Aust. Birds 24, 42-43).
    Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 2 males and 1 female in goosefoot / canegrass
    swamp on plains north of Conargo 26 Jan (PM, DH) and 1 Fivebough Swamp
    16-23 Dec (KH). Endangered species, the only records received in 1990.
    Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 2 males near Conargo 26Jan (DH), Endangered
    species, the only report received.
    Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles 60 McGraths Hill STW 10 Mar (AB), largest number
    reported; 1 Dareton 13 Mar of the nominate race V. m. miles with 14 others of
    the novaehollandiae race (JH).
    Banded Lapwing V. tricolor 3+ Broadmeadow, Newcastle 28 Oct (AKM) and 6+ adults
    plus chicks Kooragang Island 4 Nov (FVG); 2+ Kingswood 19 Jul and 2+
    Werrington 20 Jul (MS); 20 Gilgandra 30 May (H&BM); 1 Fivebough Swamp 23
    Sep and 4 on 9 Dec (KH).
    Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Departure: The Entrance 30 Mar (AKM). Arrival:
    Norah Head 22 Sep (AKM); Mason Park, Concord 8 Sep (RD). Summer Wader
    Count: 44 Tuggerah Lakes, 66 Botany Bay, 36 Parramatta River annd 228
    Comerong Island 10 Feb and 312 same place 15 Dec (JPe, H& BM, AKM, CJC);
    15 Coffs Harbour Airport 30 Mar (GC); Only small numbers recorded on the
    South Coast with no more than 2 at any of the five locations in Eurobodalla Shire
    (ENHS); Inland records: 29 Lake Bathurst 26 Feb and 28 on 25 Mar (MLe, CBN
    15, 67) and 1 on 29 Jul (CBN 16, 83); 1 Fivebough Swamp 23-29 Dec (KH).
    Grey Plover P. squatarola 1 Nambucca Heads 7Jan ’89 (DS); 1 Forster 3-11 Dec (DTu);
    1 Berkeley Vale, Tuggerah Lakes 11 Dec (TMo); 1 north Botany Bay 17 Nov
    (MSa); 1 Windang 5 Oct (CJC); 1 Moruya Heads 10-17 Oct (ENHS); 3 Lake
    Bathurst 14 Dec (CBN 16, 40). Smaller numbers than usual.
    Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus Arrival: 1 The Entrance 3 Mar (AKM); 1 north
    Botany Bay 26 Jan (KE); 4 Comerong Island 10 Feb (CJC); 3 Tullakool 3 Mar
    June 1993 Page 100(PM). Winter Wader Count: 40 Dart Island, Clarence Estuary 15 Jul (GC), 144
    Botany Bay 30 Jun (JPe), 10 Congo Beach Jul (ENHS).
    Mongolian Plover C. mongolus 3 Picnic Point, The Entrance 8 Jan (AKM), 12 Kooragang
    Island 25 Feb (CBOC); Maximum 26 Botany Bay / Boat Harbour 10 Feb (JPe),
    7 airport runway, Botany Bay 18 Nov (KE); 1 Congo Creek 29 Jul (ENHS); very
    rare on the South Coast
    Hooded Plover C. rubricollis 2 adults and 1 juvenile Bull Pup Beach, Bawley Point (BF,
    CBN 15: 37-38), 2 South Narooma 26 Jan (RA), 2 Bullengella Lake Beach,
    Narooma 11-14 Jul (PDa), 2 Lake Conjola Beach 29 Jun (VC), 2 Burrill Lake
    Beach and 1 Middle Beach 5-10 Jul (N&JR) and recorded at 11 sites in
    Eurobodalla Shire with successful breeding only reported from Moruya Heads
    (ENHS). Poor breeding success in 1990 which suggests declining population.
    Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 2 Mason Park, Homebush Bay 19 Feb and 6
    on 24 Mar (AEFR, CJC, CB); 130 (only 5 Immatures) Lake George north 8 Apr
    (MLe, CBN 16: 60).
    Latham’s Snipe Gaflinago hardwickii Departure: 3 Newstead Pond, Moruya 15 Mar
    (ENHS). Arrival: Chittaway Point 12 Sep (AKM): McGraths Hill STW 26 Aug
    (DH); 120+ Mother of Ducks Lagoon, Guyra 3 Nov (PDa); ca 10 in goosefoot /
    canegrass swamp north of Conargo Jan (PM).
    Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Summer wader count 10 Feb: 80 Botany
    Bay; 225 Comerong Island; 51 Moruya Heads, 33 Tuross Lakes (JPe, CJC,
    Whimbrel N. phaeopus Winter records: 1 The Entrance 19 Jul (AKM); 6 Towra Point 30
    Jun (JPe); 3 Comerong Island 5 Jul (CJC); Present throughout the year in
    Eurobodalla Shire, maximum 30 Moruya Heads in Nov (ENHS).
    Little Whimbrel N. minutus 1 on the south bank of the Bermagui River with Whimbrels 28
    Jul and again on 18 Aug. There are few winter records for Australia and no
    previous records for the South Coast (ENHS).
    Greenshank Tringanebularia Recorded Tuggerah LakesJan-Apr and Aug -Dec maximum
    25 on 26 Jan (AKM); 42 Windang 6 Feb and 62 Shoalhaven Heads 26 Dec
    (CJC); 2 Tilba Lake Feb. Uncommon on the South Coast (ENHS); Single birds
    Lake Bathurst 29 Jul and 15 Dec (MLe, CBN16, 83); Present Fivebough Swamp
    Jan -24 Apr and 9 Sep -Dec (KH).
    Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnatilis 1 in partial breeding plumage Sandon River 19 Aug ’89
    (GC); 60+ Kooragang Island 28 Oct (AKM); 2 McGraths Hill STW 30 Apr (KB).
    Fewer records than usual.
    Wood Sandpiper T. glareola 1 Kooragang Island 4 Nov (FVG); Present Fivebough
    Swamp Jan -13 Apr and 19 Aug -Dec, maximum 16 on 4 Feb (KH).
    Common Sandpiper T. hypoleucos 1 Nambucca Heads Golf Course 19 Jan ’89 (DS) and
    1 Station Creek, Yuraygir NP 9 Sep ’89 (GC). 1 Crystal Waters,Yamba 11 Feb
    (GC) and Bellinger River estuary, Raleigh 24 Dec (AB); Kooragang Island
    1 1
    25 Feb (CBOC); 20 Brou Lake 14 Nov and 1 Rosedale in Dec (ENHS); 1
    Fivebough Swamp 6 Jan (KH). Fewer records than usual.
    Terek Sandpiper T. terek 40+ Stockton Bridge 28 Oct (RH); Summer maximum 8 Botany
    Bay 10 Feb and winter maximum 1 on 2 Jun (JPe). 1 north Botany Bay 6 Nov
    Page 101 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Wandering Tattler T. incana 1 Broken Head, Byron Bay 26 Dec (00S News! 22/3).
    Grey -tailed Tattler T. brevipes Maximum summer count 80 Botany Bay 10 Feb (JPe).
    Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 90 Lake Woobweyah 9 Feb ’89 (GC).9 Joss Island 15
    Jul (GC); Present Fivebough Swamp 17 Feb -13 Apr and 25 Nov -29 Dec,
    maximum 5 (KH). Fewer inland records than usual.
    Bar -tailed Godwit L lapponica Lake George north 22 Oct (MLe, CBN16, 59); Summer
    Wader Count 10 Feb: 217 Tuggerah Lakes; 780 Botany Bay, 293 Parramatta
    River; 997 Comerong Island; 225 Wagonga Inlet, Narooma (JPe, H&BM,AKM,
    Red Knot Calidris canutus 3 The Entrance 20 Feb and recorded Tuggerah Lakes Sep –
    Der: maximum 122 on 22 Nov (AKM); 112 Griffiths Bay, Lake Illawarra 24 Sep
    (CJC); More sightings in Eurobodalla Shire than in previous years, maximum
    200 Brou Lake, 48 Moruya Heads, 180 Narooma and 100 Tilba Lake in Dec
    (ENHS). Arrival: 21 Chittaway 24 Sep (AKM).
    Great Knot C. tenuirostris 15 Lake Wooloweyah 9 Feb ’89 and 2 Red Rock 23 Jun ’89
    (GC). 18 Dart Island 11 Feb (GC); 4 Swansea 28 Oct (DH, TQ); 1 north Botany
    Bay 2 Jun, an unusual winter record (JPe); 1 Moruya Heads 11-31 Oct, 1
    Narooma 11 Dec, the first records since 1986 for the South Coast (ENHS).
    Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 1 Kooragang Island 6 Jan (DH); 1 north Botany Bay 10
    Jan (MeR) and Mason Park, Concord 9 Feb (H&BM). Fewer records than
    Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar and Sep- Dec,
    maximum 501 on 26 Dec (AKM). Departure: The Entrance 31 Mar (AKM);
    Fivebough Swamp 13 Apr (KH). Arrival: 3 Mason Park, Homebush Bay 25 Aug
    (JSe), 1 McGraths Hill STW 26 Aug (DH); Fivebough Swamp 9 Sep (KH).
    Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Arrival: Mason Park, Concord 8 Sep (RD); 4 Fivebough
    Swamp 16 Sep (KH).
    Red -necked Stint C. ruficoiis Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar and Sep -Dec, maximum
    231 on 26 Dec (AKM); 568 Comerong Island 15 Dec (CJC); Many more records
    for Eurobodalla Shire than in previous years with more birds at Brou Lake than
    other sites, maximum 25 on 23 Dec (ENHS).
    Sanderling C. alba 1 Boat Harbour 1 Dec (JPe); 1 Moruya Heads 25 Nov (ENHS).
    Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Kooragang Island 26 Jan (TQ) and 2 on 25
    Feb (CBOC).
    Ruff / Reeve Philomachus pugnar1 Mason Park, Homebush Bay 19 Feb -10 Mar (EH, AB,
    BDo, AEFR) and again 29 Dec (TKy, TO). Not recorded in the Parramatta River
    Wetland Survey (Morris et al, Aust Birds 23, 44-64).
    Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 150+ south of Cowper 29 Mar. A high local
    count (GC); Present all year at Tuggerah Lakes, maximum 216 on 26 Dec
    (AKM); 5 nests Masons Park, Homebush 21 Oct (BDo).
    Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 40+ Kooragang Island wetlands 28
    Oct (TMo); 1 McGraths Hill STW 15 Jun -8 Jul (KB, AB, TKe); 1 Lake George
    north 21 Jan (MLe, CBN 15, 67).
    Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Nested Red Rock Dec ’89 (GC). 40 Ten Mile
    Beach, Bundjalung NP 3 Apr (RM) and 4 including 1 juvenile Red Rock 7 Dec
    (GC); Nested unsuccessfully Chittaway Point, Tuggerah Lakes in Dec. First
    breeding record for many years on the Central Coast (cf Morris Aust Birds 9, 53);
    June 1993 Page 102Maximum 24 Botany Bay 10 Feb (JPe); Recorded at 9 locations in Eurobodalla
    Shire with pairs or small numbers breeding at Moruya Heads and South Tuross
    beaches (ENHS).
    Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus 4 adults and 2 immatures Wooli 10 Feb (GC); Present
    all year on the Central Coast with observations at Munmorah SRA, Norah Head,
    Toowoon Bay, Bateau Bay and Bouddi NP, maximum 9. Previously considered
    rare in this area; 16 Sandon Point 12 Feb (JJ), 23 Red Point, Port Kembla 25 Mar
    (DWr); Recorded at eighteen locations in Eurobodalla Shire with 5 pairs present
    on Montagu Island (ENHS).
    Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorcarius bngicaudus 1 dead alongside canal at Hastings Point
    22 Feb. AMSR 0.62096; 1 off Long Reef 8 Apr; 4 off Wollongong 21 Jan (ABe).
    Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus Departure: 2 off Norah Head 3 Mar (AKM); present Montagu
    Island and Tilba Lake Apr (ENHS). Arrival: Tuross 15 Nov (ENHS).
    Pomarine Jaeger S. pomarinus Present off Wollongong 21 Jan (ABe) and 10 on 15 Nov
    Great Skua Catharacta antarctica 1 Seal Rocks 7 Jul (JP); 1 Long Reef 7 Oct (KB);
    2 off Wollongong 22 Jul (CBOC).
    South Polar Skua C. maccormicki 1 off Wollongong 24 Jun (CB, TBO 702). Referred to
    Pacific Gull Larus pacificus 1 male Long Reef and Boat Harbour 6 Jun (AF, RA) and 1 adult
    Long Reef 6-12 Jun (SSc); 2 imms Windang 10 Jun -24 Sep (LS, CJC), 1 male
    Shellharbour 2 Jul (CJC) and 1 Bass Point 25 Aug (CBOC); 2 Tilba Lake Oct
    Kelp Gull L dominicanus male The Entrance 11-14 Jun (RH, AKM). Rarely recorded
    on the Central Coast but previouslynested on Moon Island in the Hunter region;
    2 adults and 2 immatures Long Reef (R&GK); 12 Windang 7 Feb (CJC).
    Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae 707 nests with eggs to fully fledged young on 1.2 ha island
    Lake Bathurst 24 Sep (CDa) and 500 nests, all with eggs, on ca 1.5 ha island
    Lake Jindabyne 25 Sep (PS, CBN16, 1-2); 1 000 pairs nesting on three islands
    Mourquong Evaporation Basin 30 Aug (JH).
    Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 60+ Breadalbane Plain, west of Goulburn 5 Jan
    (CJC). A large number for the Southern Tablelands.
    White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus 2 Homebush Bay 17 Feb (EH) and 1 imm Bakers
    Lagoon 9 Dec (TO); 5 Windang 2 Feb, 2 on 15 Apr and 3 on 24 Dec (CB, CJC,
    LS, H&B); Present Lake Bathurst 20 Jan and 25 Jan (CBN 17, 107).
    Black Tern C. nigerl Boat Harbour 10-20 Mar (TO, JPe, Aust. Birds 24, 5). 3rd NSW and
    Aust. record, accepted by RAOU RAC (Aust. Birds 26, 71-83).
    Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 2 Budgewoi Lake 24 Feb (AKM). No previous
    records for Gosford / Wyong; 1 Lake Bathurst 24 Nov (CBN16, 40); 1 Fivebough
    Swamp 20 Jan and 23 Sep (KH); 2-300 pairs nesting on island in shallow
    floodwaters Wooroondara HSD, Booligal 6 Dec (PM).
    Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia Recorded all year on Tuggerah Lakes, maximum 47
    on 29 Sep (AKM); 2 Narrabeen Lake 3-12 Jun (AB, AF).
    Common Tern Sterna hirundo Departure: The Entrance 31 Mar (AKM). Arrival: 3
    Swansea 13 Oct (AMcB); 1 100 north Botany Bay 6 Nov (RJ).
    White -fronted Tern S. striata 1 adult 30 km east of Wollongong 23 May (DH). An early
    record; present Eurobodalla Shire 15 Mar- 8 Sep, maximum 8 Congo Point 15
    Mar (ENHS).
    Page 103 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Little Tern S. albifrons 362 Windang 28 Feb and 205 on 3 Mar (CJC, H&BM); pair South
    Tuross Beach 12 Nov (JL). Departure: The Entrance 31 Mar (AKM). Arrival: The
    Entrance 26 Oct (AKM). Breeding: 4 breeding pairs Red Rock Sep -Nov ’89, the
    lowest number for many years (GC). 6 pairs nested Red Rock in Dec but were
    subjected to interference. 2 juveniles, 1 nestling and 3 nests with eggs 18 Dec
    (GC), 7 nests, 16 eggs Nambucca Heads 11 Dec and 6 nests, 15 eggs and 2
    runners on 15 Dec (DS); Maximum 23 pairs nested Wallis Lake Oct -Dec. Most
    pairs nested twice and Silver Gulls took the eggs of most early nests (DTu); 8
    pairs nesting Botany Bay 6 Nov (RJ); 1 pair Comerong Island 15 Dec (CJC); 50
    birds, 21 nests, 24 eggs, 4 runners Tilba Lake 12 Jan. Minimum 100+ adults with
    18 nestsBrou Lake in Nov and 25 nests in Dec with many flying juveniles, and
    2 nests with eggs and 4 nests with hatchlings remaining on 29 Dec. No nesting
    Tilba Lake in 1990/1991 as the water level was unsuitable (JL, ENHS).
    Black Noddy Anous minutus 1 Station Creek, Yuraygir NP 13 Dec (GC).
    Grey Ternlet Procelsterna albivittata 1 off Wollongong 24 Feb (DF). Record referred to
    Superb Fruit -dove Ptilinopus superbus 1 adult male Cardiff Heights 10 Oct; 1 female
    injured when it flew into a window in Mosman in Dec. Sent to zoo (Morris Aust.
    Birds 26, 91-94)
    Rose -crowned Fruit- dove P. regina 1 Moonee 18 Nov (GC).
    Wompoo Fruit -dove P. magnificus 3 feeding on fruits of White Cedar Melia azerdarach
    var. australasica Hortons Creek s -w of Nymboida 15 Jul, 2 in fruiting Moreton
    Bay Fig Ficus macrophylla 22 Jul and 3 same place in fruiting Blue Quandong
    Elaeocarpus grandis 19 Aug (GC). All 1989 records. 2 Bruxner Park FR 28 Dec
    (AB); 1 Chichester SF 27 Jan (BD). The only records received.
    Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Total of 235+ in 4 flocks Nana Glen 24 Mar, 20+
    Karangi 27 Mar, 300+ 3 Apr and 30+ 26 Apr (GC); 100+ feeding on Camphor
    Laurel Cinnamomum camphora berries at Ourimbah 2 Apr (AKM); 30+ Pymble
    21 Apr (I&PH); 20+ Jamberoo 13 Nov (AKM) and 50 Berkeley, Wollongong 7
    Nov (CJC); 1-15 birds reported at five localities in Eurobodalla Shire 21 Jan -23
    Jul (ENHS). Fewer reports than 1989.
    White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 3 breeding records Grafton city Jun ’89, 1 in
    Jacaranda, 1 in Mango and 1 in small unidentified tree (GC); 14 Horsfield Bay,
    Woy Woy (JA), 9 feeding on the ground on privet and Camphor Laurel seeds
    beside Pacific H’way, Narrara, 1 killed by a car (AKM) and 5 Morisset 28 Sep
    (ALH), an unusual location; recorded Devlins Creek, Pennant Hills Park 10 Jun –
    14 Oct maximum 14 on 10 Jun (BDo); 1 Rosedale 10 Mar and 1 imm 22 Sep –
    1 Oct , and 1 Preddys Wharf, Moruya 7-15 Sep (ENHS); 2 Kurrajong Heights 25
    May and 1 Mountain Lagoon 16 Jul (MCo). Few records for the lower Blue
    Spotted Turtle -dove Streptopelia chinensis 1 (immature?) Coutts Crossing 9 Nov.
    Observers first record at this site and bird not subsequently seen again (GC).
    Brown Cuckoo -dove Macropygia amboinensis 3 Roses Creek, Dharug NP 23 Jan (KA);
    1 Mogo SF 27 Feb, 2 Bermagui 27 Oct, 1 Mount Dromedary 18 Dec (ENHS) and
    2 Bodalla SF 4 Oct (CJC).
    Peaceful Dove Geopelia placida 1 in garden Westleigh 21 May ’89. Observer’s first record
    for the area (AEFR).
    June 1993 Page 104Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 1 Coramba 2 Dec (GC); 1 Woonona 9 Mar (KM).
    Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera 1 in house yard at Ryde 3 Nov (JSe). Unusual
    Brush Bronzewing P. elegans Recorded throughout the year on the Central Coast at
    Munmorah SRA, Wyrrabalong NP and Bouddi NP (AKM); 1 West Head, Ku-ring-
    gai Chase NP 26 Nov (RA); 1 Congo Road 21 Oct and 1 calling persistently
    Maulbrooks Road, Moruya 17 Oct -7 Dec, probably nested nearby. (ENHS).
    Bar -shouldered Dove Geopelia humeralis 1 Norahville 24 Feb (CBOC); 3 Bass Point 4
    Feb (CJC) and 6 Comerong Island NR 20 Nov (G&JPa); Recorded Bereen HSD,
    Upper Horton, Glacial Reserve at Rocky Creek and at Terry Hie Hie 30 Sep -6
    Oct (GLC).
    Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 41 in a dead tree, Yallah 4 Apr (Rim), the largest
    concentration recorded in Illawarra.
    Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 120 near bridge over Darling
    River, North Bourke Oct (CG). Endangered species.
    Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami Maximum 3 present Goutts Crossing Feb, Jun and
    Nov, present Hortons Creek 15 Feb, adult pair Avocado Heights, Moonee 8 Mar,
    a pair and 1 juvenile feeding in Forest Oak Allocasuarinatoruiosa north of Wooli
    16 Apr, 2 Kungala 26 May and 3 on 28 Oct, 5 Corindi 11 Aug, 2 Red Rock 4 Nov
    and present Moonee 25 Nov (GC). All 1989 records. A pair of adults and a
    juvenile feeding in Black Oak A. littoralis Matenga Creek, east of Pillar Valley 10
    Feb, 10 Kangaroo Creek 5 Jul, 11 freeding in Forest Oak Mount Mitchell SF 6
    Oct, 4 near Minniewater 17 Nov (GC) and 2+ Acacia Plateau (00S Newsl. 22,
    1);1 male, 1 female and 1 juvenile Katang Reserve, Wauchope 8 May (DWi) and
    present all year Wildridge HSD, Pappinbarra. Maximum 4. (JVDL); 2+ Wallingat
    SF 10 Jun (CBOC); 2 Burragurra, Yengo NP 14 Jan (AH), 2 adults and 1 imm
    Roses Creek, Dharug NP 23 Jan (KA) 3 Corrabare SF 26 Jan (CBOC), 2 on 24
    Sep and 4+ Oct (TO), 3 Calga 16 Feb (AKM), 3+ Kildare Heights 3-8 Mar (per
    MT), 3 Bradys Gully, North Gosford 17 Mar (E&PD), 2 Dharug NP 25 Mar and
    6 on 1 Sep (AB), and 4 Little Beach, Bouddi NP 15 Nov feeding on the seeds
    of Shrub She -oak A. distyla (AKM); 3 Annangrove 2 Apr and 22 Jun (KB) and
    12 Sutherland 11 Jul (JBa); 2+ Nelligen 10 Sep (AC), present Mogo SF 16 Jan,
    maximum 5 Maulbrooks Road, Moruya 17 Feb- 19 Dec (ENHS) and 12 in 1 000
    ha. of logged and unlogged forest, Yambulla SF 22 Oct -4 Nov (RT).
    Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus 6 Wyee Aug (ALH). Not common in this area;
    5 Crows Nest 3 Jan (RD), 50+ Audley, Royal NP 28 May (JF), 4 Hurstville Grove
    2 Jun (GF), 3 St. Ives 25 Jul (DL) and 10 in pine trees, Ramsgate 9 Oct (KMcC).
    Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 2 Devlins Creek, Pennant Hills 11 Dec
    Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 2 McPhersons Crossing 30 Nov and 12 Dec and
    2 Levenstrath 3 Dec (GC); Present throughout the year with a maximum of 90
    in the flocks based around Wyong-Tuggerah-Berkeley Vale -Killarney Vale -The
    Entrance (AKM); 2 Lugarno 5 Jun (BS) and 8 St Marys 23 Dec (KMo); 1 Kiora
    9 Jul (ENHS) and 6 Calderwood 16 Jul (CJC); 3 just west of Goulburn 27 Dec
    (SD); 100+ Deniliquin 24 Apr (RT).
    Little Corolla C. sanguinea Present Raymond Terrace 23 Nov (MMu); 9-12 Mossy Point
    1-14 Jan, 2 Dalmeny 26-31 Dec (ENHS); 4 ca 3 km north of Willow Tree 13 Sep
    (BJL). All locations where there are no previous records.
    Page 105 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Pink Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 20 Griffith Airport 8 Aug (KH) and flocks of 2-10 over
    orchards, south side of Griffith 20-30 Sep (JB).
    Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita 120 roosting at Narrabeen Lake 3 Jun. A large
    number (AB).
    Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 32 Tuggerah Lakes foreshore, Berkeley Vale 19
    Mar (AKM); 22 feeding in Coast Banksia Banksia integrifolia Long Reef 3 Jun
    Purple -crowned Lorikeet G. porphyrocephala with Scaly -breasted Lorikeets
    Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus at Gymea Bay 26 Oct -6 Nov (RB). Presumed
    Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 2 Pretty Beach, Murramurrang NP 21 Oct (SB). An unusual
    location; 2 flying over Baradine 27 Nov (DJ). Western limit of range.
    Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 1 flushed from small area of swampy heath near
    Jerusalem Creek, Bundjalung NP 18 Feb ’89 (GC); 23 seen in annual spring
    count Barren Grounds NR 9 Sep (PDa).
    Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 1 Mcgraths Hill 20 Aug (LD) and 1 on 26 Aug (TT, QOS
    Newsl. 21/9); 2 Mount Warrigal 13 Aug (CBR). Endangered species, the only
    records received.
    Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus Common Upper Horton district 30 Sep -6
    Oct (GLC).
    Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 18 on Darling River 5 km from Bourke 8 Jun ’89 (per
    MM); 2 Japanese Garden, Cowra 21 Sep (AC); Maximum 20 Warren 13-16 Apr
    (HJ); Maximum 40, 30 km east of Deniliquin Jun -Aug and female near
    Collingullie 10 Nov; Ca 30 feeding on berries of Pale -fruit Ballart Exocarpus
    strictus Gulpha Island SF 21 Dec (PM); Flocks of 25, 15 and 10+, 25 km north
    of Walgett 25 Jul. Well north of usual winter range (DJ); 6 Mirrool 13 Apr (CQ).
    Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus being attacked unsuccessfully by an Australian
    Hobby at Pitt Town Bottoms Lane 16 Jun (TO).
    Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Small flock at Upper Horton 2-5 Oct (GLC); 7
    Kurrajong SF near Coolamon and 20+ at edge of Junee 30 Nov (MjC).
    Yellow Roselle Platycercus flaveolus 10+ Deniliquin 24 Apr (RT).
    Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus A pair at The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 22 Apr (DJ),
    normally not recorded this far south in the Coonabarabran district; A pair at the
    junction of the Darling and Bogan Rivers, 40 km east of Bourke in Mar, further
    west than previous records for northern NSW (MM).
    Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus at Tomakin 23 Sep (ENHS). The only
    record for Eurobodalla Shire, rare on the South Coast.
    Mulga Parrot P. varius 5 Loughnan NR 15 Apr (RB) and 2-5 Brobenah Hills 21 Apr -20 May
    Blue Bonnet Northiella haematogaster Pair nested at Quakers Hill, Sydney, rearing 3
    young Sep -Oct (EA, FOC News!). Presumed escapee but an exceptional
    Bourke’s Parrot Neophema bourkii A pair Fort Grey camp, Sturt NP 29 Sep (PM).
    Blue -winged Parrot N. chlysostoma 1 in redgum forest south of Deniliquin 9 Sep, 4 in
    saltbush 30 km north of Wanganella 7 Oct and 10 Black Swamp, Boorooban 16
    Oct (PM); 1 Bulloo Overflow 25 Sep (RA).
    June 1993 Page 106Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 1 adult male Mount Manning near Bucketty 15 Dec (IC):
    Flocks of 20, 7 and 2 Glen Davis 23 Jun (BP, TBO 702) and a few on 26 Sep
    (TO); 2 Currabubula HSD, Tamworth 13 Apr (BC), observed Upper Horton,
    Killarney Gap, Glacial Reserve at Rocky Creek, and at Woods Reef during the
    Gould League Camp 30 Sep -6 Oct; Present Warrumbungles NP 21 Jul (M&BB);
    12 Maryvale 22 Jul (ABi), 6 Backyamma SF 13-17 Apr; 1 adult female Kentucky
    SF, Balldale 27 Sep (AG, TBO 704); 3 Brobenah Hills 7 Jul and 2 on 14 Jul (KH).
    Endangered species, some new locations.
    Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 dead at Blackmores Road, Alstonville 25 Mar.
    AMSR 0.634421 (perAKM); 1 Cattai SRA 3 Mar (BC); 1 Blue Mountains NP near
    Mulgoa 23 Mar (RT). A rare visitor to the Sydney region with most records in late
    summer and autumn.
    Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Arrival: Wyong 14 Oct (AKM); Greendale 16 Jul (JDi) and
    Menangle 12 Aug (TS); Moruya Heads 25 Sep (ENHS); Abundant Upper Horton
    district 30 Sep -6 Oct (GLC).
    Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus 1 Menindee Lake 6 Sep (BG, TBO 704). Exceptional location,
    full details provided. Arrival: Chittaway Point 11 Oct (AKM); Maulbrooks Road,
    Moruya 13 Oct (ENHS); Wollemi NP 6 Oct (AB) and Winmallee 17 Oct (NK).
    Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans 1 Backyamma SF 13-17 Apr (CBOC);
    Observed twice at The Ranch HSD, Baradine Jun -Jul (DJ); 1, 15 km west of
    Nevertire 21 Aug (HJ).
    Horsfield’s Bronze -cuckoo C. basalis 1 Foreshore Reserve, north Botany Bay 16 Oct
    (PMy). Uncommon in inner Sydney. Departure: Tuggerah 24 Feb (AKM).
    Arrival: Matcham 22 Jul (AKM).
    Shining Bronze -cuckoo C. lucidus Calling Taronga Zoo 26 Jun (DH); 1 juvenile being fed
    by Leaden Flycatcher at South Naroom a (RA); 1 Mootwingee NP 1 Aug (JMo).
    Departure: Munmorah SRA 7 Apr (AKM). Arrival: Koolewong 18 Jul (AKM).
    Little Bronze -cuckoo C. malayanus Present Coutts Crossing Jan, Oct -Dec, heard
    Moonee 8 Nov and Kungala 17 Nov (GC), present Valla 25 Sep, 30 Oct and 12
    Dec (DS). All 1989 records.
    Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea5 young were reared in the Oatley area in Jan (BS)
    and a female banded and released at Taronga Zoo in Mar was observed at
    Balgowlah Heights 26 Jun (RI). Departure: Valla 7 Mar ’89 (DS); Chittaway Bay
    27 Jan (AKM); Artarmon 4 Mar (AB); Lake Heights 19 Jan (CJC); Bermagui 23
    Apr (ENHS). Arrival: South West Rocks 17 Sep ’89 (DS); Killarney Vale 25 Sep
    (TMo), Norahville 5 Oct (IB), Berkeley Vale 9 Oct (AKM), Narrara 11 Oct (ED)
    and Morisset 19 Oct (ALH); Neutral Bay 11 Sep (RD) and Artarmon 2 Oct (AB);
    Moruya Heads 7 Oct (ENHS).
    Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 2 juveniles with Pied Currawongs at
    Point Clare 26 Dec (ABe) and 2Jan (perAKM), 1 fledged from Pied Currawong’s
    nest at Matcham 30 Dec (AS), single birds being fed by Pied Currawongs at
    Charmhaven 2 Jan, Terrigal and Umina 15 Jan and East Gosford 16 Jan (per
    AKM); Juveniles being fed by Pied Currawongs at Beecroft in Jan (PR) and
    Normanhurst 14 Feb (BH). 1 Yowie Bay (JF). An unusual location; Juvenile(s)
    being fed by Pied Currawongs at Trunketabella in Jan (ENHS), 1 Yambulla SF,
    Eden end of Oct (SD). Departure: Wyong 11 Feb (AKM). Arrival: Brightwaters
    25 Sep (ALH), Matcham 1 Oct (AS), Berkeley Vale 10 Oct (AKM) and Narrara
    Page 107 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.410 Oct (ED); Lugarno 11 Oct and 1 Grays Point 17 Dec (JFo); Arm idale 4 Oct
    (SD); Winmallee 20 Sep (NK).
    Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus 2 Morisset Hospital 25 Nov (ALH); 2 Ingleside
    3 Sep (RA). Only small numbers remain in Sydney’s northern beaches area.
    Powerful Owl Ninox strenua heard Bellbird Rest Area, Washpool NP 25 and 27 Jun,
    1 1
    heard during day Washpool Creek, Washpool SF 9 Aug and 1 juvenile roadkill
    Orara River, Kungala 17 Sep (GC) and Nambucca Heads 10 Oct (DS). All 1989
    records.1 Mebbin SF 22 May, 1 Wollumbin SF 8-12 Aug and a pair Bungabbee
    SF, Casino mid -Aug (SD); 2 Barrington Tops 27 Jan (DSi); 1 calling Lisarow 17
    Mar (JHa), with Greater Glider Petauroides volans, Gillie Gillie Gully, Yengo
    NP 21 Sep (GB), 1 The Basin Wattagan SF 13 Oct (TQ), 1 Kincumba Mountain
    Reserve 24 Nov (DO) and 1 Cape Three Points near Avoca 11 Dec (GG); 1
    Davidson SRA, Gordon 4 Feb and 2 on 29Jun (JuW), Annang rove 10 Apr (KB),
    1 calling in garden South Turramurra 23 Jun (DL) and 2 Devlins Creek, Pennant
    Hills 2-11 Dec (SSa). Royal NP sightings: 2 adults and young Burowa Brook
    20-21 Jan (JF et al), 2 Worrell Creek 27-30 Jun (AOR), 1 Wattle Flat 24 Sep
    (RMo) and 1 adult and 1 juvenile 17 Nov -1 Dec (JF); 1 Bass Point 28 Jan -7 Nov
    (TP, CJC); holding Pied Currawong, Doctor George Mountain, Bega, Mar
    (CBN16: 27), 1+ Araluen in Aug (ENHS), a pair Mount Tantawangalo Mar -Sep
    (Tantawangalo Forest Protection Assoc’n Report 1991), and a pair Bellbird
    Creek NR, Eden 1-2 Nov (JK, SD); Mount Mitchell SF, Glen Innes and
    1 1
    Washpool NP 15 Mar (SD, HF, JC); 1 Winmallee 24 Feb and 2 on 25 Mar,
    subsequently calling until 29 Oct (WS, NK) and 2 Mung horn Gap NR 10 Mar -26
    Apr (ABe, Li, AKM, TMo). Endangered species, many new locations.
    Boobook Owl N. novaeseelandiae 1 in suburban garden Artarmon 18 Jan (AB).
    Barking Owl N. connivens 1 heard calling Strickland SF 27 Oct (AB, AKM); 3 Stannix Park
    12 Jan (ABe) and 1 on 2 Sep (RT), 1 heard calling Patricia St., Eastwood 4 Aug
    (EH); Rocky Ponds Mill, Pilliga SF Jul (DJ).
    Barn Owl Tyto a/ba 1 on road Lisarow 4 Apr (JHa), 1 found alive Toowoon Bay Beach 13
    Aug (JHa); 7 seen at night along 150 km of road between Hay and Griffith 5 Jan
    Masked Owl T. novaehollandiae 2 Border Loop Trail, Border Ranges NP Mar -Apr, 1
    Nightcap NP and 1 Whian Whian SF 11 Apr, 1 Mount Chowan, Nullum SF 20
    May and 1 Bungabbee SF, Casino 14 Aug (SD). One would expect this species
    to be found in the Border Ranges NP but it was not previously on the park’s list;
    1 Gloucester Tops, Barrington Tops NP 28 Oct (TO et al); 2 adults and 2
    fledglings Nullica SF, Eden late Oct and 1 Bellbird Creek NR, Eden 2 Nov (RPK).
    Endangered species, some new locations.
    Eastern Grass Owl T. longimembris 1 probable spotlit Moonee 24 Aug ’89 and 1 roadkill
    Curreeki Creek, Coolongolook 19 Sep ’89 (AMSR) (GC).
    Sooty Owl T. tenebricosa 1 hit by car, Nambucca Heads 15 Aug ’89. Rehabilitated and
    transferred to Taronga Zoo (DS). Recorded at 5 locations in Border Ranges NP
    Mar -Jul including 2 separate pairs with fledgling, 2 locations in Nullum SF 19
    May and 14Jun, 1 Mebbin SF 17Jun, 2 Whian Whian SF 7 Aug and 1 on 13 Aug,
    1 Mooball SF 8 Jul and a pair plus 1 other Bungabbee SF, Casino 14-15 Aug
    (SD, RJK); Rumbalara Reserve, Gosford 22Jan (RP), calling Lisarow 29 Mar
    1 1
    and heard and seen 19 Jun (JHa), Brush Creek Road, Kulnura 26 Sep (TQ),
    June 1993 Page 1081-2 calling at Strickland SF and 1-2 calling at Katandra SR 27 Oct (AB, AKM);
    1 Jamberoo Pass 15 Nov -11 Dec (RJ); 1 Nullica SF, Eden late Oct (RPK); 1
    Jenolan Caves 8 Jan (ABe). Endangered species, some new locations.
    Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus using a nesting box on Bootawah HSD,
    Taree Oct (P610); Helensburgh 10 Jan (DWa).
    1 1
    White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalis 1+ Mooball SF, Murwillumbah 8 Jul 1
    Wollumbin SF 13 Aug and 1 Bungabbee SF 21 Aug, 4 in various parts of
    Bundjalung NP 23-31 Aug. Unusual winter records for the Northern Rivers (SD);
    2 calling Muogamarra NR 22-27 Oct and 3 near Cowan same period (PR et at);
    2 calling near Colo 27 Oct (JDH). Departure Bluegum Swamp Creek, Winmallee
    11 Mar and arrival 23 Sep (NK).
    Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus 1 Loughnan NR 13-17 Apr (FOC). The only record received.
    Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus Maximum 200+ Artarmon 5 Dec (AB); 3
    Leeton 17 Feb. The only record for the year (KH). Departure: Gosford 22 Mar
    (AKM); Artarmon 3 Mar (AB) and South Turramurra 7 Apr (DL); Bermagui 25
    Jun, a late flock (ENHS). Arrival: Munmorah SRA 28 Oct (AKM); 20+ Royal NP
    21 Oct (TQ), Epping 27 Oct (BDo); 50-60 Burrewarra Point 23 Oct (ENHS).
    Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 3+ Norah Head 28 Dec (CSe); Many at Neutral Bay 23
    Dec (RDa); 2 Mount Warrigal 30 Dec (CB); 3 North Bourke 29 Mar (ABi). The
    only records received.
    White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalia spodiopygia 4+ Bowraville 12 May (J Skinner, TB0704:
    124). Record referred to NSW ORAC but not accepted (Ault. Birds 26, 127).
    Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus Trumper Park, Edgecliffe (DPa); Wollongong
    1 1
    University duck pond 17 Apr (CJC). Unusual suburban locations.
    Red -backed Kingfisher Halcyon pyrrhopygia 1 Mullaley 6 Apr (BJL); 1 Griffith 30 Sep (JB);
    2 Round Hill NR 24-28 Oct (FOC). Observations consistent with known range
    but irregularly reported at each location.
    Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta Departure: Long Jetty 31 Mar (AKM); Davidson SRA 4 Mar
    (AB). Arrival: Berkeley Vale 11 Sep (AKM); Deep Creek, Narrabeen 8 Sep (AB);
    Maulbrooks Road, Moruya 5 Oct (ENHS); Leeton 5 Oct (KH). Overwintering: 1
    Elizabeth Bay 1 Jun (DH); 1 Narrawallee Creek NR 4 Aug (AB).
    Rainbow Bee -eater Merops omatus 2 Ourimbah Creek, Chittaway 4 Nov (TMo). Rarely
    recorded on the Central Coast but common in the Hunter region generally.
    Departure: Flying north from Griffith 18 Mar (JB). Arrival: Corrabare SF 25 Sep
    (TO); Leeton 30 Sep (KH).
    Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 1 Leeton 17 Jan and 11 Feb. An unusual location (KH).
    Departure: Davidson SRA 4 Mar (AB). Arrival: Brightwaters 14 Oct (ALH) and
    Forrresters Beach 15 Oct (AKM); Epping 22 Sep (BDo); Potato Point, Moruya
    Heads 22 Oct (ENHS); Armidale 11 Oct (SD); Winmallee 26 Oct (NK);
    ManillaRiver near Barraba 4 Oct (GLC).
    Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor Present Nambucca Heads Feb -Sep and Valla Sep -Oct (DS)
    and present Susan Island, Grafton 5 May and 2 Jun. 2nd and 3rd recent records
    for the Island. 1 Woolgoolga Creek FR 9 Sep (GC). All 1989 records.1 Border
    Loop Trail, Border Ranges NP 21 Mar (SD), 1 roadkill Alstonville 30 Jul, 1 Dead
    Uralba via Alstonville 30 Aug, 1 Broken Head NR Aug, 1 Border Ranges NP 3
    Sep (RM) and nest with 2 young Woolgoolga Creek FR 15 Dec where also found
    nesting 5 Nov 1983 (SGL); 1 Sea Acres NR 23 Jul (M&RN) and 2 Boorganna NR
    Page 109 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.417 Nov (ML); juvenile Jamberoo Pass 15 Jan (MB). 6th record for Illawarra and
    possibly a breeding record. Note the winter records for Sea Acres NR and
    Broken Head NR.
    Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae 5 together on the roadside at Macquarie Pass
    26 Dec (CJC).
    Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichomis fufescens Present Rasberry Picnic Area, Gibraltar Range
    NP 21 Jan and near Surveyors Creek, Gibraltar Range NP 28 and 31 Jan (GC).
    All 1989 records.; 5+ in three places at Gloucester Tops, Barrington Tops NP 18-
    19 Aug (SH) and 1 female Sharpes Creek Road, Gloucester Tops 22 Sep (TO)
    at a lower altitude than usual.
    Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica Present in crops at Upper Horton and Rocky Creek 30
    Sep -6 Oct (GLC); 1 singing in crops Fivebough Swamp 9 Sep (KH).
    Skylark Alauda arvensis Resident on north side of Wallaga Lake entrance and fairly
    regular throughout the year at Tilba Lake, the only records for Eurobodalla Shire
    (ENHS); Wombeyan Caves Road 3 Nov (TO). A declining species.
    White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucostemum 22 with Tree Martins Capertee Valley
    24 Jan (N K); 1 Fivebough Swamp 27 May, the only record for the year (KH).
    Tree Martin Cecropis nigricans Departure: Munmorah SRA 7 Apr (AKM). Arrival: Tuggerah
    STW 6 Aug (AKM).
    Fairy MartinC. atiel Departure: Tuggerah 21 Jan (AKM). Arrival: 5+ South Arm Road,
    Woodford Island 25 Aug (GC); Tuggerah 9 Aug (AKM); 10+ Mason Park,
    Concord 20 Jul (H&BM); Fivebough Swamp 26 Aug (KH).
    Australian Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae 4 resident at Christison Park, Vaucluse (LB). A
    small isolated population in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.
    Little Cuckoo -shrike Coracina robusta 1 Annangrove 6 Apr (KB); Common in woodlands
    around Upper Horton 30 Sep -6 Oct (GLC).
    Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 1 adult feeding in fruiting Port Jackson Fig Ficus
    rubiginosa Macquarie NR, Port Macquarie 2 Jan ’89 (GC). 2 adults, 1 feeding
    on fruit, in Weeping Fig F. microcarpa Evans Head 23 Nov, 2 adults and
    1immature in Small -leaved Fig F. obliqua Iluka 11 Feb and 1 adult and 1
    immature feeding on fruits of same species MacLean Rainforest 3 Mar (GC).
    Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Arrival: Winmallee 26 Sep (NK) and Wollemi NP 6 Oct (AB).
    Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 1 Back Yam ma SF and 2 Yarrabandai in more typical
    habitat 15 Apr (RT) and 1 Gooloogong 17 Dec (AC).
    White -winged Triller La/age Sueurii Abundant Upper Horton district 30 Sep- 6 Oct (GLC).
    Arrival: 2 males at Mount Thorley near Bulga 13 Oct (TO).
    Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 55 in garden in Westleigh 11 Jun ’89. A large
    number (AEFR).
    Scaly Thrush Zoothera dauma A pair with 2 young at Boorganna NR 17 Nov (ML); 1 Mill
    Creek, Dharug NP 10 Jun (U); 3 pairs with young, Royal NP 25 Oct (JF); 1 pair
    in a garden at Faulconbridge 1 Dec (BP).
    European Blackbird Turdus merula 3 immatures Nowra 21 Dec. The second record for
    the district (DWr); Reported throughout the year at Bermagui, Congo, Tomakin,
    Moruya Heads and Meringo in Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 5+ West Wyalong
    gardens 13 Apr (AKM).
    Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia Common at Round Hill NR 9 Oct (TO).
    June 1993 Page 110Rose Robin Petroica rosea 1 adult male at Mount Arthur Reserve, Wellington (PA) and
    4 at Old Junee 27 Apr (RT). Unusual winter locations. Arrival: Coutts Crossing
    Jun (GC); Epping 14 April (BDo), Deep Creek, Narrabeen 22 Apr (AB).
    Departure: Epping 12 Aug (BDo), Deep Creek 18 Aug (AB).
    Flame Robin P. phoenicea 1 adult male east of Nymboida 15 Jul ’89. Identical location
    as in 1988, rare locally (GC); 1 adult male Bunglegumbie Road, West Dubbo 20
    May (ABi), unusual record for this location; 3 immatures Coombie HSD 12-14
    Jul ’89 (JaH). Arrival: Leeton 28 Apr (KH).
    Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii1 Munghorn Gap NR 10 Mar (AS). Rare at this locality.
    Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata A pair at Greendale 16 Jul (JDi). There are very few
    recent records for the County of Cumberland.
    Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatusObserved in woodland at Upper Horton, Cobbadah
    and Rocky Creek and nesting at the latter location 30 Sep -6 Oct (GLC).
    Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea Gloucester Tops, Barrington Tops NP 18-19 Aug
    (SH); Wattagan SF Jun (10). This is an exceptional record as there has been
    1 1
    no other record for the southern Hunter region.
    Gilbert’s Whistler P. inomata adult male Burrendong Arboretum 22 Jun (DSm); Present
    Back Yamma SF 13-17 Apr, many in Cypress Pine regrowth, present Weddin
    SF 10 Jun (LD) and 3+ Weddin Mountains NP 9-11 Jun (PWe).
    Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: Munmorah SRA 7 Apr (AKM); Long neck Lagoon
    18 Mar (AR). Arrival: Berkeley Vale 29 Jul (AKM); Lane Cove River SRA 25 Aug
    (AB), Epping 22 Sep (BDo).
    Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Departure: 1 Spring Creek, Bodalla 1 Apr
    (ENHS). Arrival: Woolgoolgooga 29 Sep (GC); Ourimbah 21 Oct (AKM);
    Epping 14 Oct (BDo); Bermagui 30 Sep (ENHS).
    White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 2 Iluka NR 26 Oct ’89 (GC).
    Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Arrival: 1 adult male Evans Head 24 Aug (SD) and
    1 (female plumage) Iluka 5 Sep (GC); 1 Mogo Creek, Yengo NP 18 Oct (AKM);
    2 Deep Creek, Narrabeen 29 Sep (AB), Epping 14 Oct (BDo); 1 adult male
    Murramarang NP 25 Oct (ENHS).
    Shining Flycatcher M. alecto 1 adult female in mangroves at Cobaki Broadwater, Tweed
    Heads 15 Jul (GH) where one was located in 1989. Accepted by NSWORAC
    (Aust. Birds 26, 133) and the second record for NSW.
    Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca 1 male with 2 young at Yarrongobilly Caves (CJC). An
    expected location, no other records received.
    Restless Flycatcher M. inquieta 1 Morisset Hospital grounds 12 Sep. Rare in the Hunter
    region coastal areas (ALH); Mootwingee NP Aug (JMo).
    1 1
    Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons 1 found dead at Gordon 16 Nov (JSe). Departure: 1
    Winston Hills 5 Apr (BdeB). Arrival: Matcham 24 Oct (AKM).
    Grey Fantail R. fuliginosa 200+ seen moving through the Lower Jamberoo Valley
    between 0700-0800 hours 8 Sep (PDa). Arrival: Grifffith 7 Apr and Willandra NP
    21 Apr (JB).
    Chestnut Quail -thrush Cinclosoma castanotum Present Loughnan NR 13-16 Apr (RMa);
    Common Coombie HSD Oct ’89 (JaH). Round Hill NR 9 Oct (TO).
    Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis A group known to be resident at the
    C&A Dam, Mulbring, seen Nov (JC).
    Page 111 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Clamorous Reed -warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus Arrival: Tuggerah STW 13 Sep
    (AKM); singing Fivebough Swamp 22 Jul (KH).
    Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Abundant Upper Horton 30 Sep -6 Oct
    Brown Songlark C. cruralis Present in crops Upper Horton and Rocky Creek 30 Sep -6 Oct
    Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 3+ Allworth, Karuah River 25 Mar (RPa); 4
    Morisset Hospital grounds 25 Feb (ALH).
    Striated Grasswren Amytornis striatus 4-5 Coombie HSD Nov ’89 (JaH).
    Grey Grasswren A. barbartus 2 seen and many calling at Onepah Gate north of
    Tibooburra 26 Jul (JMo).
    Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Present Barren Grounds NR 5 Jan (AB), well
    known locality, the only record received. Endangered species.
    Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus 1Royal NP 26 Oct (MeR). Heathcote NP and Royal NP are
    the only areas in the County of Cumberland where this species occurs.
    Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 1 Ingleside 7 Aug (RA) and 1
    Davidson SRA 3 Nov (BHa); Present Weddin Mountains NP 9-11 Jun (COG).
    Redthroat Pytrholaem us brunneus Imperial Lake, Broken Hill 29 May (ABi) and 4 on 24
    Sep (RA). An unusual location.
    Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2 Scheyville 23 Jun (RT). Together with Windsor
    Downs NR this is the only area in the County of Cumberland where this species
    still occurs; Present in woodland Upper Horton and Rocky Creek 30 Sep -6 Oct
    Weebill Smicromis brevirostris 4 Coutts Crossing 28 Mar (GC).
    Brown Warbler Gerygone mouki3 near Mitchell Library, Royal Botanic Gardens 11 May.
    The first record for the Gardens since 1965 (EH).
    Mangrove Warbler G. /evigasterObserved in mangroves on four occasions at Brooklyn
    in 1990 (DH). Not previously reported for this location although it has been
    recorded in Botany Bay further south.
    White -throated Warbler G.olivacea Warren 13 Apr (HJ). At the western limit of its range
    and not reported from this block during the Atlas. Arrival: Tuggerah STW 22 Sep
    (AKM); Longneck Lagoon NR 30 Sep (AB).
    Red-browed Treecreeper Climacleris erythrops 1 O’Hares Creek 11 Mar (KM) and 1
    Stanwell Park 14 Jul (IBOC 136). Unusual Illawarra locations.
    White-browed Treecreeper C. affinis 2 Eumermering HSD, 20 km south of Hillston 14 Oct
    (TO). The eastern edge of this species’ range.
    Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata A pair feeding a Koel fledgling at Collaroy 16
    Dec (SS).
    Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Upper Cordeaux 22 Jun (RS).
    The 2nd Illawarra record.
    Noisy Friarbird Philemon comiculatus lower North Shore, Sydney 25 Aug (RDa)
    Little Friarbird P. citreogu/ans2 Murrumbateman 16 Oct (CBN16, 19). An unusual record.
    Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 1 near Patonga in Brisbane Water NP 2 May
    (PW); 4 Pedro Swamp, Moruya 9 Jun (ENHS); 2 adults and 3 young Ross Hill
    HSD, Torryburn (BW); Recorded Glen Davis 27 Apr -30 Dec with a maximum of
    12+ in flowering Yellow Box Eucalyptus mel/iodora near river 26 Sep (BP, RI,
    KMo, JMi and TO, TBO 702), recorded Munghorn Gap NR 10 Mar -5 Nov,
    June 1993 Page 112maximum 4 on 15 Apr (AS, ABe, P&I0, PN) and 2, 6 km north of Glen Alice 16-
    27 Oct (JMi); 1, 18 km south of Captains Flat 15 Jan (CBN 15, 20); Present
    Warrumbungles NP woolshed area Oct (N&JR); pair Ingalba NR 23 Jun
    1 1
    (MjC) and present West Wyalong 8 Jul (QOS Newsl. 21/8). Some unusual winter
    coastal records. All records published.
    Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 2 Tea Gardens 14 Dec (AB) and Rankin
    Park 3 Aug (TKe).
    Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys Colony located at Milbrodale 26 Dec, not a location
    previously recorded (DSm).
    Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Northward migration was first recorded
    in Eurobodalla Shire at Burrewarra Point 6 Apr with thousands passing on the
    16th and with northern movements at Maulbrooks Road, Moruya and Moruya
    Heads in the same month. 200+ passing north at Maulbrooks Road, 000+ at
    Burrewarra Point on 19 and 26 May. Many migrating at Durras in the same
    month. Passage continued at Burrewarra Point through Jun with maximum
    3000+ on 26th then declining to flocks of 15-20 mid -Jul (ENHS).
    Singing Honeyeater L. virescens 1 feeding in grevillea and from a nectar bottle in Leeton
    garden throughout Jul (KH). Unusual at this location but common at Griffith to
    the west.
    Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 1+ Dart Island, Yamba 9 Feb ’89 and 1 on 30 Jun
    ’89 (GC). 3+ Hickey Island, Yamba 17 Jun (GC).
    Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 2 Coutts Crossing 12 Jun -20 Oct (DP). Unusual
    at this location, possibly a winter visitor; Nesting at Scotia HSD, Cobbadah 2 Oct
    Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus Present Weddin SF 10 Jun (LD).
    Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Arrival Coutts Crossing 26 May (GC); 1 Durras in May. No
    other records for Eurobodalla Shire for this previously regular winter visitor
    (ENHS); 10 in Deniliquin gardens May -Aug (PM).
    White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicilatta 3 North Wollongong 13 Mar (LW). This is a small
    relict population centred along lower Fairy Creek, the only known surviving
    population in the Illawarra region (CJC).
    Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis Heard Glenugie SF 10 Feb, 2+ Purgatory
    Creek near Lilydale 19 May, present South Grafton Water Reserve 16 Jun & 18
    Aug, and 2-3 including 1 juvenile Skinners Swamp, Blaxlands Creek 26 Dec
    (GC); 3 Cowra 1 Jan (AC), present Weddin Mountains NP 21 Apr (JDi) and
    Murga, Apr (IBOC 134). The only records received.
    White -throated Honeyeater M. albogularis Present Coffs Creek 19 Mar, Nana Glen 24
    Mar, Kungala 2 Jun and Corindi 7 Dec (GC).
    White-naped Honeyeater M. lunatus 3+ in Deniliquin garden (PM). An unusual western
    Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 10 Bonna Point, Kurnell 22 Jul (N&JR); Present
    in melaleucas along streams at Plumthorpe HSD, Barraba and Scotia HSD,
    Cobbadah 30 Sep -6 Oct (GLC); a pair Round Hill NR 23 Sep. Possibly the first
    record for the NR (PM).
    Painted Honeyeater GrantiellapictaPresent Munghorn Gap 29 Sep (N&JR); 2 Barmedman
    23 Nov feeding in mistletoe in Belah Allocasuarina christata (MjC); 1, 170 km
    north of Nyngan 15 Sep (JD); lin mistletoe in Red Box Eucalyptus polyanthemus,
    Roto 26 Oct (PM). The only records received.
    Page 113 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera20-30 Chichester SF 27 Jan (BD); 2 South
    Nowra 8 Jul (DWr).
    White-cheeked Honeyeater P. nigra 1 Burrewarra Point 25 Oct, 1 in a Bermagui garden
    and Wallaga Lake Nov (ENHS). Unusual southern records.
    1 1
    White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons Common Nombinnie NR 24-28 Oct (FOC).
    Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops 1 male and 1 juvenile Yeramba Lagoon 18 Nov
    (MSa). First record for this reserve for some years.
    Black Honeyeater Certhionyx nigerl Leeton 11 Feb and 30 Dec (KH); Ca 6 + nest, 60 km
    north of Cobar (PM), 1 Sturt NP 25 Jul (JMo), 1, 105 km west of Wanaaring 23
    Aug (HJ) and 40+, 20 km south of Bourke 1 Oct (CG); Common Nombinnie NR
    and Round Hill NR 24-28 Oct (FOC).
    Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 1 adult male Back Yamma SF 14 Apr. A vagrant to this
    forest from further west; the first location record in 20 years (RT).
    Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta 8+ Mullion Brook and Wollara Creek, Royal
    NP 13 Apr (JF); 1 adult male Wollongong Botanical Gardens 27 Sep (per BP);
    Reported in six localities in Eurobodalla Shire throughout the year with a
    maximum of 2 birds (ENHS); 1 adult male Munghorn Gap NR 26 Apr (AKM,
    TMo), bird(s) feeding in flowering Beyers Ironbark Eucalyptus beyeri, planted
    Mullet Creek Grevillea Grevillea shiresii and Rondeletia Rondeletia sp at
    Lapstone 2 Sep (RT) and a pair in a garden Faulconbridge 24-27 Sep (BP).
    Arrival: Morisset Hospital Sep (ALH).
    Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor 7, 20 km south of Bourke 1 Oct (CG); Common
    Nombinnie NR 24-28 Oct (FOC). The only records received.
    Orange Chat E. aurifrons Nesting 15 km north of Lake Cargellico 25 Oct (H&BM). The only
    record received.
    White -fronted Chat E. albrfrons 5 including 1 fledgeling 6 km s -w of South West Rocks 26
    Feb ’89 (DS); 10+ Swan Bay, Port Stephens 22 Apr (JI); 56 Roping Pole Swamp,
    Uranquinty 8 Jan (CJC); 10+ Fort Grey, Sturt NP 16 Oct (MjC), no previous
    records for this location.
    Yellow-rumped Pardalote Pardalotus xanthopygus Present Loughnan NR 13-17 Apr
    (FOC) and a pair nesting in Grey Box Eucalyptus microcarpa area between
    Deniliquin and Mathoura Oct -Nov. The 2nd record for the district (PM).
    European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Reported from five localities in Eurobodalla
    Shire. This species now seems far less plentiful than it was 10-15 years ago and
    is now seemingly confined to a few known habitats where only small numbers
    are recorded, namely Tomakin, Tilba, Bermagui, Meringo and Moruya SF
    European Greenfinch C. chloris 2 males and 2 females South Head Beach, Moruya
    Heads in Jul. The first record for the South Coast since 1973-74 (ENHS); 2
    calling not seen Machattie Park, Bathurst and 1 with European Goldfinch 1 km
    north of Kelso 17 Sep (BJL). Previously reported from these locations. Declining
    in the Illawarra (CJC).
    Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Mixed flocks with House Sparrows P. domesticus at
    Cowra 16 Apr (FOC).
    Beautiful Firetail Emblema bella 2 Uloola Trail, Royal NP 26 May (HJ) and 5 Aug (BHa);
    Present Barren Grounds 5 Jan (AB); 2 O’Hares Creek 23 Dec (KM); 3 Pulpit
    June 1993 Page 114Rock Walk, Blackheath 14 Apr (ABi) and 1 Glenbrook, Blue Mountains NP 22
    Jun (BP, TBO 702).
    Diamond Firetail E. guttata 10-12 Wallacia 2 Jun (BC), 12 Picton 22 Sep. Declining on the
    Cumberland Plain (N&JR); Moderately common Upper Horton 30 Sep -6 Oct
    Double -barred Finch Poephila bichenovii 6 South Nowra 27 Jun (DWr); 100+ Attunga SF
    near Tamworth 20 May (BS); Small flock 60 km north of Cobar 24 Sep (PM).
    Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta Present Mudgee 16 Apr (BDeB), 20 Glen
    Davis 13 May (RH) and 10+ 20 Oct (RA); 2 Currabubula HSD, Tamworth 13 Apr
    (BC); 5 feeding on Phalaris grassheads, Baradine wheat silo 21 Nov (DJ).
    Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax 80+ Bluff Point, Lawrence 25 Aug
    and 2 near Wilsons Headland, Yuraygir NP 17 Nov. Rarely recorded in the NP
    (GC); 60+ Oak Flats 13 Feb (MP), the only Illawarra observation for 1990,
    possibly declining in this region (CJC).
    Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus 1 Leeton 10 Sep (KH); 1 Mootwingee NP 1 Aug
    (JMo). Unusual inland winter records.
    Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 100+ in Ficus virens Grafton 21 Jun ’89 (GC). 1 Primbee 22
    Jan (JJ), 15 Dunmore 27 May (CB), 2 Comerong Island 15 Dec (CJC) and 6
    Nowra 30 Dec (DWr). Becoming more common in the Illawarra region.
    Spangled Drongo Dicrurus hottentottus 1 Muswellbrook 26 Jun; 1 Darling Point (JR),
    unusual locations. More records for Eurobodalla Shire than in previous years
    and an extremely late departure date from Tuross (see below). Arrival: 1
    Munmorah SRA 30 Mar (AKM); Royal NP 17 Feb (MG), Canley Vale 20 Mar and
    Artarmon 28 Apr (AB), the observer’s first record for Artarmon in 7 years of
    residence; Berry Mar (BV); Moruya Heads 12 May (ENHS). Departure:
    Gorokan 5 Aug (AKM); Artarmon 16 Jun (AB); Tuross 14 Oct (ENHS).
    Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus 1 (female plumage) Maclean Rainforest 14
    Jul. observers first record at this location (GC); 1 adult male Green Point near
    Erina 18 May (AKM), present Killcare 16 Jun -9 Jul with a maximum of 1 adult
    male and 2 brown birds 8 Jul (KS) and 3 males, 1 female and a bower at Katandra
    SR 23 Sep (JS).
    Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculate Common Upper Horton favouring Peppercorn
    Trees and house gardens 30 Sep -6 Oct (GLC).
    Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Present Dorrigo NP 24 Jan (ABe)
    White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus 10 in swamp forest at the edge of
    Tuggerah Lakes, Norahville 24 Feb (CBOC), a pair nesting Tuggerah STW 28
    Oct and a pair nesting Dora Creek 24 Nov (ALH); 2 Centennial Park 28 Sep
    subsequently found nesting, rearing 2 young 29 Sep -3 Nov (EH, MMu, TP). The
    2nd breeding record for the County of Cumberland. Departure: Brightwaters 1
    Mar and Munmorah 7 Apr (AKM). Arrival: 4 Tuggerah STW 13 Sep (AKM) and
    Brightwaters Oct (ALH).
    White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 1 Winmallee 22 Oct and 75+ on 30 Oct
    (N K). Rare in eastern NSW this year.
    Black -faced Woodswallow A. cinereus 2 Fivebough Swamp 14 Jul. The first record for this
    location (KH).
    Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Departure: Munmorah SRA 4 May (AKM). Arrival:
    10 Morisset Hospital 1 Sep (ALH), Munmorah SRA 12 Sep (AKM).
    Page 115 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4Little Woodswallow A. minor Present in small numbers Upper Horton, Killarney Gap,
    Mount Kaputar NP, Rocky Creek and Woods Reef 30 Sep -6 Oct (GLC); 2 in
    mallee Yathong NR 25 Oct (PM), 2 in mallee Round Hill NR 24-28 Oct (FOC) and
    present Yathong 16 Nov ’89 (JaH).
    Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Arrival: Leeton 22 Apr (KH).
    Grey Currawong S. versicolor 16 Belangro SF 26 Dec (CJC); 1 Clyde Mountain 9 Sep
    and 22 Nov (AC, ENHS).
    Forest Raven Corvus tasmanicus Gloucester Tops at main camp and more on lower
    slope 22 Sep (TO).
    Australian Raven C. coronoides 1 Braemar SF, Casino 21 Mar (SD). Few records in the
    forested hills of the Northern Rivers region.
    Little Crow C. benneti Present in mallee Yathong NR 25 Jan (PM)
    Little Raven C. mellori 12 Gerringong 19 Mar and 10 Nowra 22 Mar (G&JPa); 100+ East
    Cookseys Plains SF 15 Apr (RT); 7, 20 km north of Mullaley 6 Apr (DR).
    Buff -banded Rail Rallus phillipensis 3 on 10 Aug (KB).
    Painted Snipe Rostralata benghalensis male 25-28 Feb. The first record for the island
    (AOR et al).
    Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae 5 on 10 Aug (KB).
    Fork -tailed Swift “Moree” should read “Moonee” and be attributed to “(DG, GC)”.
    White -backed Swallow Should read “….present at Coutts Crossing “
    Pied Currawong “Arrival: Coutts Crossing 14 Jan” should be “….17 May, departure 25
    Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glaciabides off Wollongong 22 Aug (ABW14, 172). Record
    submitted to NSWORAC.
    Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Adult plus 8 young Taloumbi NR 19 Aug (GC) was
    incorrectly attributed to Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus.
    Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata found dead at Tallow Beach, Byron Bay =Fallow Beach
    27 Apr (AMSR 0.60826).
    Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis The bird reported at Nambucca
    Heads 26 Feb was in fact observed 4 km. south-west of South West Rocks (DS
    pers. comm.)
    June 1993 Page 116APPENDIX 1 4. SYDNEY
    CalmsNy Hill Farm, Fairfield 33° 53′ 150′ 51″
    Dolan Bay 34* 04′ 151.08′
    LOCATION GUIDE Kingewood 33′ 45′ 150′ 43′
    Mulgoa 33° 50′ 150° 39′
    Ramegate 34.00′ 151.09′
    Wedderburn 34° 08′ 150′ 49′
    Warrington 33′ 45′ 150″ 45′
    Reported Location Approx. Grid Reference Yeramba Lagoon 33. 58′ 151.00′
    Yowls Bay 34°04′ 151’08’
    Avocado Heights, Moonee 30′ 10′ 153′ 09′
    BagotvIlle 28″ 59′ 153° 23′ Berkeley 34′ 29′ 150′ 52′
    Brooms Head 29′ 3T 153° 20′ Jan-beroo 34′ 38′ 150’48’
    Coramba 30° 13′ 153’01’ Macquarie Pass NP 34′ 33′ 150.40′
    Cowper 29′ 35′ 153° 05′ North Wollongong 34′ 25′ 150′ 53′
    Dart Island 29° 25′ 152′ 18′ Oak Flats 34° 34′ 150′ 49′
    Levenstrath 29.49″ 152′ 58″ O’Hares Creek 34° 13′ 150′ 52′
    McPherson Crossing 29′ 49′ 152′ 54′ Upper Cordeaux 34′ 25′ 150′ 47′
    Middle Bombes 30° 21′ 153′ 04′
    Muttonbird Island, Colts Harbour 30° 18′ 153.09′
    Nana Glen 30′ Oli 153′ 01′ 6. SOUTH COAST
    Raspberry Picnic Area, Gibraltar
    Range NP 29′ 33′ 152° 15′
    Sandon River 29′ 41′ 153° 19′ Bellbird Creek NR, Eden 37′ 02′ 149″ 55′
    Surveyors Creek, Bocialta SF 36′ 10″ 150′ 02′
    Gibraltar Range NP 29′ 31′ 152° 18″ Buil Pup Beach, BaNley Point 35.31′ 150′ 24′
    Washpool Creek, Washpool SF 29′ 16′ 152′ 27′ Clyde Mountain 35° 33′ 149* 57′
    Doctor George Mountain, Begs 38’40’ 149′ 54′
  3. MID -NORTH COAST Narrarwallee NR 35.18′ 150’28’
    Nullica SF, Eden 37″ CO’ 149′ 45′
    Trunketabella 38′ 04′ 150″ 04′
    Alhvorth, Karuah River 32* 33′ 151° 58′
    31° 37′ 152′ 24′
    Bootawah HSD, Tares 31.55′ 152° 23′ 7. NORTHERN TABLELAND
    Middle Brcther SF 31.41′ 152′ 44′
    Swan Bay, Port Stephens 32′ 44′ 151° 57′
    Tea Gardens 32′ 40′ 152′ 10′ Mother of Ducks Lagoon, Guyra 30.13′ 151.40′
    Wallis Lake 32′ 15′ 152′ 30″
    Beresfield 32° 48′ 151°39′ Balmoral HSD, Cooyal 32° 27′ 149′ 45′
    Breakfast Creek, Spencer 33* 28′ 151′ 09′ Burrendong Arboretum 32′ 40′ 149′ 08′
    Bdghtwaters 33″ 07′ 151° 33′ Cowra 33′ 50′ 148′ 41′
    Bunaguna, Yengo NP 33° 04′ 151° 01′ Jenolan Caves 33′ 49′ 150′ 01′
    Floraville 33° 01′ 151°40′
    Forresters Beach 33’25’ 151′ 28′
    Glrvan 32’29’ 152°02′ 9. SOUTHERN TABLELAND
    Green Point, Goeford 33′ 27′ 151° 21′
    K L Moo ano tg cle hw J aeo mtn t yg 3 3 33 3 3′ ‘ ‘ 2 2 21 58 ‘ ” 1 1 15 5 51 1 1* ° ° 1 2 29 9 5’ ‘ ‘ CB Laau kpn etg a e Ginn esd o o rFr gle a e t (2 ( N1 ok 8m r tk h m so u st oh u to hf ) o f) 3 3 35 5 5° ‘ ‘ 4 01 058 ” ‘ 1 1 14 4 49 9 9’ ‘ ‘ 2 2 26 8 4’ ‘ ‘
    Morlsset 33′ 07′ 151°29′
    Mogo Creek, Yenpo NP 33′ 10′ 151* 04′
    Old Brush HSD, Brunkervilie 32° 57′ 151′ 29′
    Point Clare 33′ 28′ 151’20’ 10. NORTH-WEST SLOPES
    Somersby FaIs 33′ 22′ 151* 17′
    Tacoma 33′ 18′ 151* 28′ Attunga SF 30′ 55′ 150′ 55′
    Terrigal 33′ 27′ 151.27′ Barraba 30’22’ 150’38”
    The Basin, Kulnura 33′ 13′ 151′ 13′ Mount Kaputar NP 30′ 15′ 150′ 10′
    Toowoon Bay 33′ 22′ 151* 30′ Rocky Creek 30′ 02′ 150′ 18′
    Yarramabng 33′ 14′ 151′ 17′ Upper Horton 30′ 08′ 150′ 26′
    WIliOW Tree 31°40′ 150’44”
    Woods Reef 30° 23′ 150′ 47′
    Page 117 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.411. CENTRAL -WEST SLOPES APPENDIX II
    Gilgandra 31°43′ 148°42′ Index of Observers
    ABW Australian Bird Watcher journal
  6. NORTH-WEST PLAINS L GB B GL .a u Bri ae r wB ea lr l tlett
    HBa Harry Battarn
    Mullaley 31° 05′ 149″ 56′ ABe Allan Benson
    Mullaley (20 km north of) 30° 55′ 149′ 56′ RBe R. Berman
    Purleywaugh (10 km west of) 31° 18′ 149° 25′ ABI Tony Bischoff
    Terry Hie He 29’45’ 150° 10′ EB E. Blackman
    YearinIn North HSD, Yearinin 31° 05′ 149° 10′ RB Rona Bolton
    MB M. Bramwell
    MBr M. Branch
  7. CENTRAL -WEST PLAINS CBr Chris Brandy
    KB Keith Brandwood
    JB John Brickhill
    Nevertlre (15 km west of) 31° 50′ 147° 35′ BB B. Brown
    MB Pk Brown
    SB Stan Brown
  8. RIVERINA BBr B. Bryant
    IB Ivor Buckland
    CJC Chris Chafer
    DC David Charley
  9. UPPER WESTERN GC Greg Clancy
    AC Athol Colemane
    Bourke (20 km south of) 30° 14′ 145° 56′ RCI R. Clark
    Bourke (40 km east of) 30° 05′ 146′ 22′ TC T. Clarke
    Cobar (60 km north of) 30° 58′ 145° 55′ MtC Man Cochrane
    Fords Bridge 29° 45′ 145° 26′ BGo Barry Collier
    Fort Grey, Stun NP 29° 01′ 141° 02′ VC Val Cooper
    Hungeriord (25 km south-east of) 29° 04′ 144’40’ KC Keith Corbett
    Tlbooburra 29° 27′ 142° 02′ MOD Miriam Con
    Waigett (25 km north of) 29° 50′ 148° 07′ BC Bruce Cox
    Wanaaring (105 km west of) 29° 43′ 143° 04′ FC Fred Creer
    JD Jane Dalby
  10. LOWER WESTERN RD Richard Daliimore
    CD Chris Davey
    Pda Peter Davie
    Lake Bullogal 34° 07′ 144’30’ LD L. Davis
    Lignum Lake, Oxley 34’14’ 144° 01′ BdB 88 de Bain
    Mernmajeel Creek. Booligal 33° 50′ 144* 50′ SD Stephen Debus
    Merrowle Creek, Booligal 33° 40′ 144° 49′ JDi Jim Dixon
    NombInnie NR 33° 10′ 1 l4 a5 r° 53′ BD B. Dowling
    Palka HSD, Balranald 34° 28′ 34′ BDo Brian Downer
    Roto 33° 03′ 145° 28′ HMD H. M. Doyle
    Wooroondara HSD, Booligal 33* 54′ 144° 41′ ED Em Duniterly
    Yathong NR 32° 22′ 145° 30′ PD Pat Dunkerty
    CDu C. Dunstan
    MrsD Mrs DurrIngharn
    Page 118
    June 1993KE Keith Egan BMcG B. McGregor
    HMcG H. McGregor
    SF Stuart Fakbalm PMy Peter Mackey
    FOC Fled Ornithologists Club MMcL M. McLauchlan
    DF David Fischer PMd P. McLauchlan
    BF Brian Fkzgerakl MM Michael Maher
    JFo Judy Forgan PM Phillip Maher
    AF Alan Foster CM C. Mann
    JF Jim Frartcle Hai BM H. & B. Manna
    GF Graeme Fry HM H. Manning
    TM Troy Martin
    BO Barbara Garret RIAa Richard Mason
    EG E. Gay LM Lisa Menke
    GG Glen Ghtfard JMI Jane Miller
    CO Chris Gladwin KM Kevin Mills
    GLC Gould League Camp RM Bob Moffat
    EG Eric Grlerson JMo Jill Nolan
    AG Anne Gugger AKM Alan Morris
    KMo Keith Morris
    SH Su* Harnonet TMo llm Morris
    JHa Jeff Hardy RMo Rob Morrow
    BHA Barbara Harvey JM J. Moyse
    i&PH I. & P. Harvey MMu Michael Murphy
    ALH Anne Hatton
    SHe Shirley Henke PN P. Nagle
    RH Robyn Hill M&RN M. & R. Newman
    DH Dion Hcbcroft
    JH John Hobbs Kt I. Osbom
    GH Glenn Holmes PO P. Osborn
    AH Tony Norwood
    EH Emig Hoskin DP David Page
    JaH Janet Houghton TP Tony Palliser
    BH Barbara Howls G&JPa G. & J. Parker
    HBOC Hunter Bird Observers Club Newsletter RPa R. Parker
    KH Keith Hutton MP M. Parkinson
    BP Barry Pascoe
    IBOC Ilawarra Bird Observers Club Newsletter RP Robert Payne
    Rim R. Imiskies JPe Joy Pegler
    JI J. Imrie JP Jim Perry
    RI Rita Ingroultle SP S. Phillips
    GP Graham Pittar
    JJ J. JenkIn MPI M. Plaske
    DJ David Johnson RPo Robyn Pogany
    IJ Ian Johnson BP Beryl Potzole
    WJ BNI Johnson TP Torn Poynton
    KJ Hugh Jones
    RJ Richard Jordan DOS Queensland OrnIth Club Newsletter
    CO Cilia Quested
    RPK Rod Kavanagh TO Trevor Quested
    TKy Torn Kelsey
    The T. Kendall PRa Peter Ramm
    R&GK Rex & Gail Kenner J R J. G. Reidy
    RK Richard Kingsford MR M. C. Reidy
    NK N. Klrby ARe A. Remanls
    JK J. Knaggs DR Del Richards
    NKu Norman Kurtz AOR Allan Richards
    AR A. Richardson
    SGL S.G. Lane MeR Men/ Roberts
    ML Marie Langdown PR Peter Roberts
    DL Dariel Larkins JR John Robertson
    BL Beth Lee AEFR Alan Rogers
    BJL Brendan Lepschi JuR Judy Russill
    MLe Michael Lenz NR Neil Russiil
    JL John Liney WR Bill Ryan
    KL Kay Lloyd
    MSa Merlyn Sachs
    Wk4cB Witt McBeth SSa Sandy Sansorn
    AMcB Alan McBride TS Tony Saunders
    KI41cC Kate McCulloch DS! David Schlunke
    RMcG Roger McGovern SSc Stan Scotchmer
    Page 119 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4CS C. Scouler
    JSe John Seale BV Barry Virtue
    DS David Sebornb JVDt. J. van der Linden
    DSI David Sierns FVG Fred Van Gassed
    CSe Col Sedans
    RS R. Smart DWa D. Watson
    DSm Darryl Smedley JWa James Watson
    DaS Dan Smith JW John Waugh
    LS Lindsey E. Smith MW Miles Wheeler
    LoS Lola Smith DWI David Whitfield
    JSm J. Smith JuW Judy Wise
    JSo Jen Southerton BW Beth Williams
    AS Andrew Sourry LW L. Williams
    JS J. Stephenson DWI David Wilson
    GS Graerne Stevens GWg Gee Winning
    SS S. Stevens JWo J. Woolster
    BS Betty Stokes DWr Dianna Wright
    MS Makblm Stokes
    PS Phil Straw CY C. W. Yates
    WS Warren Sweeny
    K7S K T.a r Ts
    DT Don Taylor
    RTa R. Taylor
    WT W. Thompeon
    MT Maureen Tyler
    DTu David Turner
    RT Dick Turner
    The second report of the NSWORAC details 38 submissions considered by the
    Committee and together with the 29 cases dealt with in the first report (Morris 1993 Aust.
    Birds 26,71-83) brings to 67 the total number of cases determined. Of the 67 cases dealt
    with, 36 have been accepted, 24 not accepted and seven not confirmed. Altogether the
    Committee has now received 121 submissions in the first 18 months of its operation.
    While there has been a considerable backlog of records, gradually the Committee is
    getting on top of this and hopefully, just as the backlog of the NSW Field Ornithologists
    Club Annual Bird Reports is being overcome, so will this backlog. The objective of the
    Committee, to provide an informed, discerning and impartial appraisal of claimed records
    of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island, remains the same.
    The Review List, as published previously (Morris bc.cit) remains unaltered but this
    will be reviewed at the Annual Meeting of the Committee in January 1994. The Committee
    continues to work closely with the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union’s Records
    Appraisal Committee (RAOU RAC) and submissions relating to any species on their
    Review List are referred direct to that organisation. Six determinations by the RAOU RAC
    are reported upon briefly in this report, and it is expected that full details will be provided
    in the next “Opinions and Case Histories” of the RAOU RAC to be published shortly.
    Members of the NSWORAC for 1993 are R. M. Cooper (Chairman), A.K.Morris (Secretary),
    W. Barden, C.J. Chafer, D. Hobcroft, I. McAllan, A. Palliser and R. Turner.
    The quality of submissions continues to improve. Those people considering
    making a submission to the Committee are urged to include a photocopy of any field notes
    and sketches made at the time with their submission, along with any photographs.
    Considerable attention is given by Committee members to the original field notes so that
    observers should not leave home without their note books! People who find beachcast
    specimens, should take particular attention to recording soft part colours and a written
    description of the plumage in the event that the specimen becomes damaged at some
    later stage. It will be noted that the Committee has not accepted most submissions for
    difficult species such as Fairy Terns Sterna nereis and Arctic Terns S. paradisea in NSW.
    Observers who claim these species should make very comprehensive field notes of the
    A full report of each decision is available from the Secretary, and for RAOU RAC
    decisions, unless already published, contact should be made with the Chairman, R.M.
    Patterson, C/- RAOU, 21 Gladstone Street, Moonee Ponds Vic 3021, for details.
    Page 121 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
    wish to acknowledge the support of all members of the Committee in the preparation of
    this Report and in the review of various drafts. In particular I would thank Chris Chafer for
    his meticulous editorial assistance.
    Alan K. Morris, 1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale NSW 225
    CASE No. 1 Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca
    Observation of 2 August 1987 at Moruya was reported without description and no
    submission was subsequently received.
    Verdict: Unconfirmed
    CASE No. 4 Great Frigate -bird Fregata minor
    Details not published
    A frigate -bird was observed at the Clarence River Estuary at Yamba on 21 February 1987
    in fine weather conditions and light winds. The description noted a black body, huge white
    throat, dark hindneck lacking a white collar, black breast and belly, and dark axillaries.
    These features are consistent with a female Great Frigate -bird. The Committee accepted
    the record as the first confirmed for NSW but has under consideration another record for
    15 February 1981, which if accepted, would make the Yamba record the second for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted
    CASE No 6 White-rumped Sandpiper Calldris fuscicollis
    (RAOU RAC Case No.143)
    Not published
    A small wader, considered to be a White-rumped Sandpiper, was observed at the
    Tullakool Evaporation Ponds on 18 December 1987 and stayed there for several months,
    but full description, sketches and photographs were not taken until 19 January 1988. The
    field notes obtained from a number of observers enabled the RAOU RAC to accept the
    submission of that of a White-rumped Sandpiper in non -breeding plumage, the third
    record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    June 1993 Page 122CASE No. 8 Little Stint CaWas minute
    Details not published
    The case concerns the observation of a stint at the Tullakool Evaporation Ponds from 23
    November 1987 to 24 January 1988, where it was seen by many observers and two
    people provided notes. The bird was in full breeding plumage and described from notes
    made on 23/11/87 and 6/1/88 as having a bright orange -coloured head, being very well
    scalloped on the back with black, chestnut and white edges to the coverts, tertials and
    scapulars, with a pronounced V pattern of pale edge to the scapulars. There was a
    noticeable white throat when seen front on, and the breast was light chestnut with some
    dusky speckling, legs and bill were dark. The Committee considered that the described
    features were consistent with that of a Little Stint in complete alternate plumage and the
    description ruled out the possibility of other stints. The record is the second for New South
    Verdict: Accepted.
    CASE No. 10 White- chinned Petrel Procellarla aequinoctlalls
    Details not published.
    A large all dark petrel was seen about 10 nautical miles off Botany Bay on 13 February
    1988 and identified as a White -chinned Petrel by a thick pale bill, large size compared to
    the accompanying shearwaters, all dark plumage and a white chin patch. The bird was
    separated from the Black Petrel P. parkinsoni and the Westland Black Petrel P.
    westlandica by the small patch of white on its chin as seen by two observers, no other
    procellaria shares this feature. This is the 12th confirmed record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 13 Arctic Tern Sterna paradises
    Observation of 17 April 1988 off Wollongong was reported in Aust. Birds 24,99 without
    description but no submission was subsequently received.
    Verdict: Unconfirmed.
    CASE No. 14 Herald Petrel Pterodroma anninjonlana
    Observation of 17 April 1988 off Wollongong was reported in Aust. Birdwatcher14,172
    without description but no submission was subsequently received.
    Verdict: Unconfirmed.
    Page 123 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4CASE No. 15 Asiatic Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus
    Not published.
    A godwit-like shorebird was seen at the Stockton sandspit on 2 August 1988 where it was
    roosting with 12 Bar -tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica. This bird was slightly smaller and
    was described as having a black bill which appeared to be distinctly thicker, shorter and
    bluntish at the tip compared to the Bar -tailed Godwit’s bill, shorter dark legs, and the
    plumage superficially similar to the accompanying godwits. The Committee accepted the
    record, the 3rd for NSW, noting that the bird’s dark legs and compared to the Bar- tailed
    Godwit, the marginally smaller size precluded the smaller pale -legged American Dowitchers
    Long -billed Limnodromus scolopaceus and Short -billed L. griseus. The observer was
    aware of the pitfalls of mud -caked bills in godwit/dowitcher identification and considered
    the dowitcher observed to be distinctive given the very close views and small numbers
    of Bar -tailed Godwits with which it was associating.
    Verdict: Accepted.
    CASE No. 16 Arctic Tern Sterna pardisea
    Not published
    An observation on 22 October 1988 of a lone medium size tern resting with a group of Bar –
    tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica was considered to be an Arctic Tern. However the
    Committee was concerned that not enough detail was provided to eliminate the Common
    Tern S. hirundo because the bird under observation was not aged and was not available
    for side by side comparison with Common Terns found further up the beach. The most
    important features that would separate the two species was not described in any detail
    viz: (a) The amount of translucency showing in the wing. The extent of the black shown
    on the trailing edges of the primaries was not detailed (it is much less in Arctic than in
    Common Terns); (b) the uniformity of the primary upper -wing. Except in fresh plumage,
    the outer 4 primaries of the Common Tern are much darker than the inner ones. In flight
    this shows as a distinct wedge at the wing tip. In Arctic Terns the primaries are uniform;
    (c) A carpal patch should have been visible in a non -breeding Arctic Tern unless hidden
    by body feathers; and (d) Rump and tail was described as “pale” compared with back, but
    in Arctic Tern, it should be “white”.
    Overall the Committee considered that the bird may have been an Arctic Tern
    however there was a lack of information on the more important features that would confirm
    Verdict: Not Accepted
    June 1993 Page 124CASE No. 20 Squatter Pigeon Phaps scripts
    Observation of 31 October 1989 at Hillston was reported without description.
    Verdict: Unconfirmed
    CASE No. 22 Pled Heron Ardea
    Not published
    This case concerns a heron flushed from the roadside somewhere in the Riverina Region
    on 30 September 1989. The observer claims that he identified the bird from a fieldguide
    and saw the distinguishing feature of the black cap. No field notes or full description were
    submitted. As the Pied Heron has not been previously reported from NSW, the Committee
    considered that a more detailed description for such an important observation was
    Verdict: Not accepted.
    CASE No. 26 Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas
    Not published.
    Observation of 31 October 1989 off Wollongong in Aust. Birds 26,44 without description
    and no description was subsequently received.
    Verdict: Unconfirmed.
    CASE No. 29 Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
    Not published
    This case concerns an observation of a large booby near Norah Head Lighthouse on 16
    January 1990 where it was sitting on the water close inshore. The observer was able to
    record its bright yellowfacial mask and bill, even dark brown colouration, white belly, white
    underwing coverts and a sharp line of demarcation between the white belly and brown
    throat. The bright yellow facial mask distinguishes the bird as an adult female. The
    Committee accepted the observation as the 29th accepted record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted
    CASE No. 34 Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropics
    Not published
    This case concerns a black and white storm -petrel found beach -cast 500m south of Lake
    Cathie Entrance near Port Macquarie on 28 February 1990. The specimen was sent to
    the Australian Museum AMSR 0.62106 where it was recorded as a White -bellied Storm –
    Petrel F. grallaria The Committee subsequently examined the specimen and correctly
    Page 125 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4identified it as a Black -bellied Storm -Petrel because of the central black line on the belly
    and the measurements of wing -span 411mm and wing 151mm. The Committee accepts
    this specimen as the 6th record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 35 White-rumped Swiftlet Collocalla spodlopygla
    Not published
    This case concerns an observation of two small swiftlets flying over a patch of forest and
    surrounding open country containing wet sclerophyll forest at Bowraville on 12 May 1990.
    The weather was fine and clear and the birds were only seen briefly but long enough to
    identify them as swiftlets. The observer described them as flying bat -like and erratic,
    looked small, and making a contact call “chip”. The Committee did not accept the record
    due to the inadequate description; the call description not compatible with expected
    species; and lack of comparisons with similar size swiftlets, swallows, martins and swifts.
    Verdict: Not Accepted.
    CASE No. 36 Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cookll
    (RAOU RAC Case No. 145)
    Not published
    Af ull description of a small gadfly petrel seen off Wollongong on 22 September 1990 taken
    from the notes made at the time, were submitted to the RAOU RAC for review. The bird
    was observed for two brief periods of a minute and twenty seconds. it showed the typical
    small petrel flight of gliding with steep arcs and little flapping. From 70-100m, the
    observers were not able to note a white forehead or white outer tail feathers against the
    light grey tail and concluded that the distance prevented a clear observation of these
    features. The RAOU RAC sent the submission to New Zealand and the United States for
    review by experts. The RAOU RAC accepts that of the smaller gadfly petrels, the evidence
    is sufficient to limit the possibilities to either Pterodroma cookii or P. pycrofti, but not to
    decide which species was observed so they declined to accept the record.
    Verdict: Not Accepted.
    CASE No. 37 White -chinned Petrel Procallarla aequlnoctlalla
    Not published.
    This case concerns a large “black” petrel seen 20 nautical miles east of Wollongong, first
    observed feeding about 100m behind the boat on 22 September 1990. The bird
    approached the boat at the stern and flew with strong wing beats, frequently gliding and
    no arcing was noted. it was described as largeish, black -plumaged petrel, noticeably
    bulkier, about 25%, than the accompanying Flesh -footed Shearwaters Puffinus cameipes.
    June 1993 Page 126There was no white that could be seen under the chin. The diagnostic bill was solid and
    yellow in colour with a black saddle in front of the nose tube and dark cutting edges were
    seen when the bill was open. Feet and eyes were black. The Committee accepted the
    record as the 13th for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted.
    CASE No. 46 Fairy Tern Sterna nerels
    Not published.
    This case concerns a small tern photographed at Long Reef, that was present from 9
    August to 14 September 1991. The Committee, following a review of the photographs and
    description, considered that the bird was a first year Little Tern S. albifrons, moulting into
    breeding plumage because of its orange -brown bill and legs; grey not white wings; black
    primaries (grey in Fairy Terns with the outer primary having a white shaft); dark carpal bar
    (absent in Fairy Tern).
    Verdict: Not Accepted
    CASE No. 49 Royal Albatross Diomedes epomophora
    Not published
    A large albatross was seen at 0800 hrs, at a distance of 800m from the Green Cape
    Lighthouse, Ben Boyd National Park on 26 August 1991. The same bird or a similar bird
    was seen heading south at the same distance at 1530 hrs later that day. A full description
    was provided. The Committee notes that the identification of a Royal Albatross of the
    southern race D.e. eponophora from that of a Stage 6-7 plumage bird in the Wandering
    Albatross D. exulans is very difficult, and although the bird seen may well have been a
    Royal Albatross it is for this reason that the Committee declined to accept the record.
    Verdict: Not Accepted
    CASE No. 50 Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus
    Not published
    A large Charadrius plover was found feeding in short grass at Bombah Point, Myall Lakes
    National Park, adjacent to Boolambayte Lake on 12 September 1991. The sketch and
    written description provided enabled the Committee to accept the record. The golden –
    coloured breast and nape, and the long straw-coloured legs and buff breast and nape, as
    described, is consistent with that of a juvenile Oriental Plover which is appropriate for
    September. This record is the 20th for NSW, all previous records being for the period
    September -April, and all have been coastal with the exception of those birds seen at
    Moree October -April 1929-30.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    Page 127 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4CASE No. 56 White -chinned Petrel Procellarla aequlnoctialls
    Not published
    Full notes and a sketch was provided on two Procellarias seen 20 nautical miles east of
    Wollongong on 15 November 1991. The bird was described as larger than P. carneipes;
    long winged, heavy bodied; bull-headed appearance; with entirely blackish -brown
    plumage, black feet, no white on chin, and feet trailing beyond what appeared to be a short
    tail which looked more square than wedge-shaped when not fanned. There was a silvery
    area under the wing, reminiscent of a Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera. The
    bill was heavy, well hooked, straw-coloured and the saddle between the maxillary and
    mandibular ungues was dark. The Committee accepted the record as the 14th for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 57 Cook’s Petrel Pterodroma cook!!
    (RAOU RAC Case No. 136)
    Not published
    This case concerns an observation of a small petrel, about the same size as a Gould’s
    Petrel P. leucoptera, seen off Wollongong on 2 December 1991. Again the RAOU RAC
    forwarded this submission for overseas opinion as with case No.36. It was concluded that
    the evidence for accepting the record as Cooks Petrel fell just short of that necessary to
    confirm the identification on present knowledge.
    Verdict: Not Accepted.
    CASE No. 64 Cotton Pygmy -Goose Nettapus cormandellanus
    Published Aust. Birds 26, 31-37
    This case concerns a pygmy -goose seen on a freshwater dam and then on a tidal
    backwater channel of Stringybark Creek, Lane Cove on 6 July 1991. The bird was
    subsequently observed in the general area until 8 February 1992, and almost certainly the
    same individual was located at Lane Cove River National Park on 25 November 1992
    through to the end of the year and seen by many observers. The bird was photographed,
    copious notes were made at the time and a full description published. The Committee
    accepted the observation of that of an adult female Cotton Pygmy -Goose although
    concern was expressed that it was possible that the bird was an escapee from a private
    waterfowl collection. The observer made extensive enquiries and was unable to find any
    waterfowl collector, private or A Class Zoo, or fauna park which kept the species in NSW.
    Presumably it was therefore forced south by the then drought that was occurring in
    northern NSW and south-east Queensland. This observation represents only the 7th
    record for NSW this century.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    June 1993 Page 128CASE No. 67 Franklin’s Gull Laws piplxcan
    (RAOU RAC Case No. 137)
    Not published
    Photographs and notes taken at the time were referred to the RAOU RAC that described
    a small black -headed gull seen at Lake Cowal on 29 January 1992. Field notes from two
    observers were submitted. The photographs, including one of the bird in flight, supported
    the descriptive details. The RAOU RAC accepted the record, which is the second
    confirmed record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 71 White-rumped Swiftiets Co&walla spodlopygla
    Not Published
    A small flock of 40/50 swiftlets were observed hawking for insects along a lightly timbered
    ridge -top at Richmond Hill, Lismore for a period of ten minutes on 21 February 1992.
    Notes taken at the time were provided together with a full written description that showed
    the birds were gliding and soaring with occasional wing -beats; the wings were not sickle
    shaped but were held more at right angles to the body, described as wider and rounded
    at the tip; tail was short and squarish, and occasionally a slight indentation was observed
    at the tip; colour dark chocolate overall, with a small pale patch high up on the rump; no
    calls were recorded and no notch was mentioned as being seen in the wing. The
    Committee considered that the submission was well prepared and the observation was
    accepted as the third confirmed record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 76 South Polar Skua Catharacta maccormickll
    (RAOU RAC Case No. 144)
    Not published
    A large skua was seen over pelagic waters off Wollongong within 100m of the vessel on
    20 June 1990. The field notes describe a bird similar in size to a Pomarine Skua
    Stercorarius pomarinus, with a bulky body, a smallish head, broad wings with large white
    wing flashes on both surfaces, and no sign of tail streamers. It had a white forehead,
    becoming ginger on the crown, paler on the nape and streaky where it merged with the
    mantle; an even dark brown dorsum, upperwings and tail; even dark brown underwings
    and undertail with no barring; and a pale chin and a light brown underbody, with some
    bully tinges but no visible streaking. it had a small dark bill and black legs. The RAOU RAC
    accepted the record as a probable intermediate morph bird, and the fourth record for
    Verdict: Accepted
    Page 129 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4CASE No. 80 Cox’s Sandpiper Ca/Idris paramelanotus
    Not published
    Observations of 6 & 12 March 1988 at Stockton were published in Aust. Birds 25,98
    without description. No description was subsequently received. it is probable that it was
    the same bird dealt with in Case 63.
    Verdict: Unconfirmed.
    CASE NO. 81 Arctic Tern Sterna paradises
    Not published.
    Observation of 22 October 1988 at Windang was published in Aust. Birds 25,99 without
    description and no description was subsequently received.
    Verdict Unconfirmed.
    CASE NO. 82 Flock Pigeon Phaps histrionica
    Not published
    A Flock Pigeon was observed between the Birrie and the Culgoa Rivers, in north-western
    NSW on Bullabelalie HSD, Weilmoringle on 30 June 1988. The bird was sighted in
    saitbush grasslands and a photograph taken. The photograph showed the diagnostic
    features of the species viz typical bronzewing shape, white face and forehead, black head
    and chin, white mark behind the eye, small white breast bar, grey belly, chestnut back,
    all features indicative of a male
    The Committee’s decision to accept was based upon the photographs showing the
    diagnosticfeatures and the habitat being consistent with other reports for the species. The
    location however is well east of the recently known range but well within its historical range
    for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted
    CASE No 83 Soft -plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis
    Not published
    A medium-sized Pterodroma was seen off Wollongong on 23 October 1988 at 1300 hrs,
    flying with many high arcing manoeuvres before feeding on the surface of the water
    behind the boat and was watched for over one hour. Photographs and full description was
    taken, and this enabled the Committee to accept the submission as the fourth accepted
    record for NSW. The photograph clearly showed the dark head and collar markings which
    rule out the closest contender P. Iessoni, while other similar species were ruled out by the
    Page 130
    June 1993underwing pattern which showed all dark with a pale area on the leading edge of the
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 85 Streaked Shearwater Calonectrla leucomelas
    Not published
    A large Cabnectris shearwater was seen off Wollongong on 29 April 1992 in overcast
    weather and light south-east winds. The bird fed behind the boat for some time allowing
    full plumage details and photographs to be taken. The photographs show a typical
    Streaked Shearwater with long narrow, pale grey bill; dark bar across nails; dark streaking
    on white forehead and fore chin; brownish grey crown with white streaking; dark trailing
    edge and dark markings on pale underwing; feet pinkish; and greyish brown upperparts
    of back, upper wings and rump. The Committee accepted the submission as the 16th
    record for NSW.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 86 Shining Flycatcher Mylagra alecto
    Not published
    A single female Shining Flycatcher was observed in mangroves at a distance from 5-15
    m at Cobaki Broadwater, Tweed Heads on 14 November and 5 December 1989 during
    fine and clear weather. Cobaki Broadwater is a shallow tidal estuary lined with mangroves.
    On the first occasion the bird was seen to fly across the water and land in the mangroves,
    on the second occasion, the bird was located in mangroves but did not call. The field notes
    described the bird as a flycatcher with rufous back and wings, white underparts and a
    shining, black head. The Committee accepted the record, the first confirmed for NSW, as
    that of a female Shining Flycatcher south of its usual range but in typical habitat for the
    species Queensland.
    Verdict: Accepted Unanimously
    CASE No. 87 Shining Flycatcher Mylagra alecto
    Not published
    A second female (or the same bird) was located at Cobaki Broadwater in mangroves on
    15 July 1990. One of the two observers on this occasion was the same person who saw
    a Shining Flycatcher there on 14 November 1989. On this occasion the bird responded
    to the playing of a tape recorder on which was the call of a male Shining Flycatcher
    recorded in the Northern Territory. Both the habitat and the observers’ experience with
    the species was taken into account by the Committee in their decision to accept this
    Verdict: Accepted
    Page 131 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4CASE No. 90 Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanokles urInatrIx
    Not published
    A small prion-sized sea- bird was seen on 22 January 1989 about six nautical miles east
    of Kiama. When seen, the bird had flown across the bow of the boat and was 50m away
    to the right and then diving into the water about 200m distance and not seen to
    subsequently emerge. Field notes describe the bird as prion-size, rather stout looking,
    being black/dark brown on top; wings lighter brown with coverts appearing to be in moult;
    undersides and underwing white to off-white; direct flight with easy wing beats, just above
    the surface of the water; bill shape and feet colour not described.
    The Committee considered that the description was not precise enough to identify the bird
    as a Diving -Petrel, and noted that the wing shape and proportions of Prions is more similar
    to Little Shearwaters Puffinus assimilis than to Diving petrels, and that P. assimilis has a
    pure white underwing, and therefore more likely to show conspicuous upper wing moult
    than the grey -backed Diving -Petrel.
    Verdict: Not Accepted
    Case No. 91 Red Goshawk Erythrotrlochls radlatlus
    Not published
    A large raptor, similar in size to a Spotted Harrier Circus assimiliswas seen in the Northern
    Rivers Region of NSW flying over sand dunes on 20 April 1990. Field notes and sketch
    of underwings, described the bird as similarto a Spotted Harrier, but darker mottled brown
    above and mottled -brown below.; white (pale) face; wings were sometimes held upturned
    like a harrier but at other times horizontal; tail fanned and used like a rudder as per Black
    Kite Milvus migrans; primaries “fingered” like Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus; and a
    small pale area on the underwing, near wingtips. The bird was observed to fly about 5-
    20m above the vegetation. The Red Goshawk should show barring on the tail, primaries
    and secondaries, bright yellow legs and prominent streaking on the breast. None of these
    features were indicated leaving a strong element of doubt.
    Verdict: Not Accepted.
    CASE No. 98 Sooty Albatross Phoebetrla fusca
    (RAOU RAC Case No. 150)
    Not published
    A dark albatross was observed from Long Reef within 10m of the shoreline in overcast
    conditions at high tide on 10 July 1992. A full description and notes taken at the time were
    June 1993 Page 132submitted to the RAOU RAC, resulting in a vote against acceptance by them based on
    the circumstancers of the sighting, the inconsistencies in the description and lack of other
    observers. Although the bird seen may well have been a Phoebetria, evidence was such
    that acceptance was not possible without further corroboration.
    Verdict: Not Accepted.
    Alan K. Morris, Secretary NSWORAC, 1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale NSW 2259.
    Page 133 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4NOTES ON THE POWERFUL OWL IN NEW SOUTH WALES
    A.B. ROSE
    The Powerful Owl Ninox strenua is classified as ‘rare’ (Garnett 1992), and it has been little
    studied in New South Wales (Chafer 1992). Mainly in the 1970s and 1980s, I obtained
    casual records of this species in New South Wales. Those not previously reported in the
    FOC annual bird reports are presented here, as they include prey records, further
    evidence of a population of the owls in urban bushland around Sydney, and other locality
    records. Records are presented in date order within regions.
    Sydney region
    Bobbin Head, Kur-ing-gai Chase National Park 28 August 1970: owl holding remains of
    Australian Raven Corvus coronoides as previously reported (Rose 1973). In remnant
    rainforest; roost tree was a Coachwood Ceropetalum apetalum, under which were bones
    of Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps.
    Richmond Park, Gordon 27 October 1970: Powerful Owl feather found (checked against
    museum specimens).
    Apple Tree Bay, near Bobbin Head 19 July 1973: Powerful Owl pellet contained adult
    Common Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula
    Normanhurst 2 December 1973: live fledgling, with down particularly around its head,
    found by a boy (name unknown) in a gully. It had limited flight capability and later died
    (now AM 0.5164). It was very thin (1040 g), gall bladder distended, and its yellow eyes
    had a 1.5 mm thick, opaque skin over them. K. Muller (then of Taronga Zoo) suggested
    (pers. comm.) that it was possibly cataracts from a vitamin A deficiency. A similar case
    in a fledgling Rufous Owl Ninox rufawas noted by Fleay (1968). The stomach of the young
    Powerful Owl contained feathers and some insect remains including Christmas Beetle
    Anoplognathus sp.
    Hornsby Sewage Works 5 May 1975: Powerful Owl heard calling.
    Eastwood May 1975: K. Armstrong (pers. comm.) heard a Powerful Owl on his backyard
    aviary at 21:00 hrs first night, 01:00 hrs second night, and on the third night it was seen
    by torchlight perching on his clothes -hoist. Observer noted chevrons on owl’s underparts;
    he was alerted on each occasion by its mournful call.
    Illawong Bay, Kur-ing-gai Chase National Park 5 June 1977:thin (925 g) sub -adult female
    found dead, undamaged, stomach empty. Given to Australian Museum (reg. no. not
    Page 134
    June 1993Kalkari, Kur-ing-gai Chase National Park 1977: Powerful Owl heard calling for some
    weeks leading up to 24 September.
    Wahroonga, edge of Kur-ing-gai Chase National Park 24 June 1980: Powerful Owl heard
    Marra Marra National Park near Arcadia 11 January 1982: adult with two well -grown
    fledglings seen in a gully (experienced observer; name or other details unavailable).
    Other regions
    Gloucester: in 1959 about 15 km north (31°55’S, 151°55’E), owl flushed from roost in an
    old fig Ficus sp. in a rainforest gully. On 25 and 30 November 1974 one was heard in open
    grazing country 4 km south-east of town (32°05’S, 151°55’E).
    Dorrigo National Park 7 April 1975: owl seen to drop remains of Common Ringtail Possum
    Pseudocheirus peregrinus.
    Brisbane Water National Park 15 May 1976: two owls in gorge, reported by NPWS ranger.
    Wallingat State Forest near Forster 14 September 1977: Powerful Owl spotlighted at
    Manobalai Nature Reserve, Muswellbrook (32°15’S, 150°35’E) 14 December 1978:
    visited a Powerful Owl roost used regularly in an old fig tree overhanging a gully. Three
    pellets contained adult Common Brushtail Possum; other remains were bird, beetle and
    juvenile Common Brushtail.
    Marble Arch Caves, Deua National Park (35°45’S, 149°45’E) April 1979: Powerful Owl
    flushed from top cave in daytime by NPWS ranger P. Cope (pers. comm.). Deposit of prey
    remains below roost contained mainly Common Ringtail Possum and Greater Glider
    Petauroides volans. Cave roosting has been reported once before for this species
    (Hindwood & McGill 1958).
    Washpool State Forest 6 July 1980: Powerful Owl heard calling.
    Nowra December 1980: owl found with damaged wing, given to Taronga Zoo (G. Vincent
    pers. comm.).
    The above records add further examples of Powerful Owls roosting in rainforest trees, and
    further sites at which insects have been recorded as prey (cf. Chafer 1992).
    Page 135 Australian Birds Vol. 26 No.4ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
    thank rangers Preston Cope, Geoff Vincent and other NPWS field staff for their records,
    and staff of The Australian Museum for facilitating museum work. Stephen Debus
    assisted in the preparation of this paper.
    Chafer, C.J. 1992, ‘Observations of the Powerful Owl Ninox strenua in the Illawarra
    and Shoalhaven regions of New South Wales’, Aust. Bird Watcher 14, 289-
    Fleay, D. 1968, Nightwatchmen of Bush and Plain, Jacaranda Press, Brisbane.
    Garnett, S. 1992, Threatened and Extinct Birds of Australia, RAOU Report 82.
    Hindwood, K.A. & McGill, A.R. 1958, The Birds of Sydney, Royal Zool. Soc. NSW,
    Rose, A.B. 1973, ‘Food of some Australian birds’, Emu 73, 177-183.
    A.B. Rose, Associate, The Australian Museum (present address:
    Forster, NSW 2428)
    June 1993 Page 136NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS
    Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting articles and
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  11. Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with “The
    Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds” . S. Merchant & P. Higgins (Eds.)
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    G. Holmes 1981 Dubbo: NSWFOC.
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    Finch, B.W. and M.D. Bruce. 1974. The Status of the Blue Petrel in Australian Waters Aust.
    Birds 9, 32-35
  23. Acknowledgements to other individuals should include Christian names or initials.Volume 26, No.4 June 1993
    Burton, A. C. G.
    & A. K. Morris 1990 New South Wales Bird Report 89
    Morris, A. K. Second Report of the New South Wales Ornithological
    Records Appraisal Committee, June 1993 121
    N.S.W. Locality Map 133
    Rose, A. B. Notes on the Powerful Owl in New South Wales 134
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