Vol. 24 No. 3-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 24 No. 3

Journal of the
Volume 24, Number 3. March 1991
President P. Davie
Vice -President S. Fairbairn
Secretary R. Hill
Treasurer T. Florin
Minutes Secretary M. Sach
Activities Officer A.O. Richards
Conservation Officers E. Karplus
J. Melville
Journal Editor A.K. Morris
Records Officer R. Cooper
Newsletter Editor T. Karplus
Other Committee Members H. Biddle
D. Seims
H. Jones
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian
birds and the habitats they occupy.
Annual subscription rates of the Club (due October each year) are:
Adult Member $25.00
Junior Member (up to 17 years) $10.00
All members recieve a newsletter and a copy of the quarterly journal ‘Australian
Birds’. The price of the journal is $5.00 plus postage per issue to non members.
Club badges are available to club members at $2.50 or $3.00 if posted. The club
holds a meeting and a field excursion each month.
All correspondence should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary and all member-
ship fees should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer at: PO Box C436, Clarence St,
Sydney NSW 2000.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor at: 1 Wombat St, Berkeley Vale NSW
2259.Volume 24,(3) March 1991
The eighteenth Annual Bird Report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1987 and
summarisesthe more significant observations of birds in NSW during that year. Observations
were submitted by 92 individuals as well as contributions from the NSWFOC, Hunter,
Illawarra and Cumberland Bird Observers Clubs, the Gould League Camp and the
Eurobodalla Natural History Society.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:

  • to record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
  • to record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of the
    birds within NSW; and
    -to record observations which may indicate changes in species’ numbers, frequency,
    range or movements.
    Page 49 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3The format presentation conventions established in the 1985 report continue. The
    Location Guide, at Appendix II, lists locations not referred to in the 1985 or 1986 reports.
    This guide is intended to assist readers to better determine the general location of reported
    During 1987 reports of species new to NSW together with a number of ususual or
    otherwise significant records were recieved. The most outstanding of these are:
    Kermadec Petrel (off Woolongong), White -necked Petrel (off Ballina & Woolongong),
    White -bellied Storm -petrel (Off Woolongong), Greater Frigatebird (Yamba),Red Goshawk
    (8 reports), Redshank (Wallagoot Lake), White-rumped Sandpiper (Tullakool Salt Works),
    Long -toed Stint (three seperate observations), Red-lored Whistler (Round Hill NR) and
    Yellow Chat (nr Broken Hill).
    Some of these records are doubtful. Others, including some for which published
    reports exist, cannot be accepted due to lack of sufficient detail on the sighting.
    In the introduction to the 1985 report, I discussed the appropriateness of including
    unverified, doubtful or unacceptable records within an Annual Report such as this. Today,
    for example, there has still been no proper, documented record of either the first Australian
    record or any subsequent sighting of the Hudsonian Godwit. The first sighting occurred
    more than 9 years ago!!
    My concern was that inclusion might convey a unwarranted sense of credibility to
    such records. I had raised this issue with a number of people prior to publication of the 1985
    report and the view, that it was quite inapproriate to include anything other than acceptable
    records, was put quite strongly to me.
    The solution to this concern always existed, I merely overlooked it – perhaps because
    of a subconscious desire to be a little diplomatic. All records worthy of mention should be
    included. Some were mentioned because they are unverified, doubtful or unacceptable.
    Others may have gained unwarranted credibility, e.g. through publication elsewhere. It is
    hoped that before long a Rarities Committee will be established in NSW to review all rarity
    records and to ensure that proper descriptions are obtained.
    Any editor of this report is obliged to notify apparent shortcomings in published
    reports of observations. Underlying each annual report is a desire to further our knowledge
    of the birds occurring in New South Wales. Failure to query doubtful or inadequately
    documented sightings is particularly detrimental to the accumulation of such knowledge.
    Each editor must accept that some people may be distressed when doubt is expressed
    about their observation(s).
    March 1991 Page 50gratefully acknowledge the information, assistance and encouragement provided
    by Alan Morris in the compilation of the 1987 NSW Bird Report.
    R M Cooper ,RMB 374C Howlong Road, Splitters Creek via ALBURY, 2640.
    Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Male with 8 chicks Tailem Flat 15 Aug; 2 nr Gulmarrad 15
    Aug (GC), additional Northern Rivers locations.
    Black-browed Albatross Diomedea melanophrys Observed from Burrewarra Point, Moruya
    17 Mar -12 Nov max. 50+ in Aug (ENHS).
    Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos 40+ off Botany Bay 29 Aug (AEFR).
    Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus dead Emerald Beach 19 Aug (SGL), bird
    had a large piece of plastic caught in bill.
    Cape Petrel Daption capense 10+ 10-20kms off Botany Heads 29 Aug (FOC).
    White -necked Petrel Pterod roma cervicalis Sighted off Ballina Lighthouse early Mar following
    period of strong onshore winds (GH); off Wollongong 28 Feb (DSi). Represent
    12th and 13th NSW reports. First March record.
    Providence Petrel P. solandri c.10 off Botany Bay at shelf edge 29 Aug (AEFR).
    Tahiti Petrel P. rostrata 2 Cape Solander 29 Nov (DSa). An early date, more records Dec –
    Apr, the 17th record for NSW.
    Kermadec Petrel P. neglecta 1 off Wollongong 21 Mar (TBO 664); and 13 Dec (TBO 672).
    Represent 5th and 6th NSW records.
    Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis Sighted off Ballina Lighthouse early Mar following period
    of strong onshore winds (GH).
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off Wollongong 22 Mar (TBO 664), 13th
    NSW record, all records Jan -Mar.
    Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus First Seasonal Report: Botany Bay 29 Aug
    (AKM), Last Seasonal Report: South Head 29 Mar (AKM).
    Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleril2 off Ballina Lighthouse early Mar following period of strong
    onshore winds (GH). Off Wollongong 21 Mar (TBO 664).
    Sooty Shearwater P. griseus Pair nested Montague Is. Mar (ENHS).
    Newall’s Shearwater P. newelli Report of a bird of this species off Wollongong on 28 Feb
    (DSi) now considered to be a sighting error, publication details are awaited.
    Little Shearwater P. assimilis Reported off Wollongong 13 Dec (TBO 672); beachwashed
    Yuraygir NP 18 Mar (MTy).
    Wilson’s Storm -petrel Oceanites oceanicus off Wollongong 22 Mar (AKM), and 25 Oct
    (CBOC) presumably there were other records.
    White-faced Storm -petrel Pelagodroma marina 2 off Botany Bay at shelf edge 29 Aug
    Page 51 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3(AEFR), off Wollongong 25 Oct (CBOC).
    White -bellied Storm -petrel Fregetta grallaria 2 off Wollongong 24 Oct (CJC), 9th NSW
    Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 144 Homebush Bay 3 Jan (AfQ1); 25 Parramatta R,
    Meadowbank 24 Jan (BD); 20 flying west Artarmon 8 Mar (AB), large numbers for
    Australasian Gannet Morus serrator Present all year at Burrewarra Pt Moruya with peak
    numbers being 70+ in May and 160+ on 14 Aug when seen flying north in pairs
    and small parties (ENHS).
    Darter Anhinga novaehollandiae5+ nests Tyndale 3 Dec (GC) constitute additional breeding
    records for Northern Rivers Region.
    Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax varius Common around Pulbah Is, Lake Macquarie and
    west to Dora Crk 25 May (AKM).
    Little Pied Cormorant P. melanoleucos 20 nests Everlasting Swamp 3 Sept; small colonies,
    Tyndale 3 Dec (GC).
    Greater Frigatebird Fregata minor 1 female Clarence R. estuary Yamba 21 Feb (SGL, GC).
    First NSW record – details in press.
    Red-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethon rubricauda Sighted off Ballina Lighthouse early Marfollowing
    period of strong onshore winds (GH), consistent with known occurrence.
    White-tailed Tropic -bird P. lepturus Sighted off Ballina Lighthouse early Mar following period
    of strong onshore winds (GH).
    Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica Regularly nests at Gum Swamp Forbes (AKM, RMC). Heronry
    in dead tree Kerta HSD Moruya abandoned (cf. 1986 Report) but at least 2 nests
    in a nearby dead tree (ENHS).
    Cattle Egret Ardeola ibis Seen nr Walgett 19 Nov (TBO 672). 150+ nests Seaham Swamp
    Jan to Mar (AKM); 806 breeding pairs Shortland WC and 504 breeding birds
    Seaham Swamp Dec (MxM).
    Great Egret Egretta a/ba 38 breeding pairs Shortland Dec (MxM); 70+ nests Almond Rd.
    Swamp Leeton 16 Feb (AKM).
    Plumed Egret E. intermedia 172 breeding pairs Shortland WC Dec (MxM). 130+ nests
    Almond Rd. Swamp, Leeton 16 Feb (KH); 100+ Cowan Crk, Kuring-gai Chase NP
    8 Apr (BD), unusually large numbers and unusual location.
    Little Egret E. garzetta 34 breeding pairs Shortland WC Dec (MxM).
    Mangrove Heron Butorides striatus 1 Centennnial Park 10 Mar (TP); 1 Dandahra Crk,
    Gibraltar Range NP 18 Apr (GC). 1 Wolli Crk Res. 7 May; 1 Barton Park, Rockdale
    Mar (NRa). All unusual locations. Recorded from South Coast at following
    locations – Clyde R. estuary, Congo, Tomakin, Bermagui and Moruya R. estuary
    Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis 1 Flat Rock Dam, Nowra 16 Jan (CJC), 1 Webb’s Ck and
    Doyles Ck Nov (CBOC).
    1 1
    Brown Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Congo Crk 12 Sept (ENHS).
    March 1991 Page 52Black -necked Stork Xenorhynchus asiaticus Regular sightings throughout Northern Rivers
    incl. 2 breeding records (GC et al. ). 1-2 adults Smiths Lake 7-12 July (HBOC); 2
    Myall Lakes NP Jan (RAs). 1-2 adults or single immatures Hunter Region regularly
    bet. 9 Apr and 27 Oct (HBOC).
    Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 3 Tarro Swamp 14 Aug; 1 Seaham Swamp 5 Oct; 6 Minmi
    15 Dec (HBOC); 14 Shortland WC 7 Mar (AKM). Common on a flooded irrigation
    paddock nr Griffith 29 Sept -5 Oct (GLC).
    Straw -necked Ibis Threskiornis spinicollis Large flocks 200+ in several groups eating
    grasshoppers at Coombie HSD, Ivanhoe, an unusual location (JH).
    Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 4 Seaham Swamp 7 Mar (AKM) and 9 June (AB).
    3 Centennial Park Nov (AKM).
    Wandering Whistling -duck Dendrocygna eytoni14 on lagoon nr Emerald Beach 16 May and
    84 on 27 June (SGL). 2 Cedar Hill Drive, Minmi 14 Nov (HBOC); 4 Shortland WC
    15 Oct (AKM).
    Plumed Whistling -duck D. arcuata 811 Fivebough Swamp 24 Oct (KH) an exceptional
    Black Swan Cygnus atratus 1611 Lake Wollumboola 12 Sept (CJC), a large number for this
    lake. c.200 Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr (KH).
    Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa Present Gum Swamp, Forbes 13 Sep (MSa). 3 Lake
    Wyangan Griffith Oct (GLC). Few records received in 1987.
    Mountain Duck Tadorna tadomoides 32 Fivebough Swamp 15 Feb and 100+ 12 Apr (KH);
    4 Dee Why Lagoon 23 Nov (FC).
    Chestnut Teal Anas castanea 1-3 Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr to 26 Jul (KH).
    Blue -winged Shoveler A. rhynchotis 2 Tarro Swamp 5 Aug; 8+ Stockton Borehole Swamp,
    Teralba 6 Sept (HBOC). 369 Fivebough Swamp 19 Jul (KH), is an exceptional
    Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus 800+ Morpeth STW 15 Oct (KI). 2
    Shortland STW 6 Apr (HBOC).
    Hardhead Aythya australis 1000+ Morpeth STW 15 Oct (KI). 75 McGrath’s Hill STW 27 Oct
    Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 5 Morpeth STW 8 Feb (HBOC). 60+ Griffith STW 15 Feb
    with c.200 incl. pair with 4 downies Oct (AKM).
    Osprey Pandion haliaetus Nested successfully Eraring (HBOC). Burrewarra Pt. 18 Jan
    (ENHS). Rarely recorded on South Coast, but the Jervis Bay area is an important
    Black -shouldered Kite Elanus notatus caught, killed and eaten by carpet snake, Barren
    Box Swamp 13 Mar (JB).
    Crested Hawk Aviceda subcristata 5 Eleebana 6 Jul; 2 Wangi Pt 10 Jul (HBOC). 3 Kurmond
    26 Feb (AEFR). 2 nr Bathurst 11 Nov (JPa), rarely recorded on Central Tablelands.
    Black Kite Milvus migrans Yamba 21-22 Feb (SGL).1 Tamworth 30 Dec (SD). Kurrajong
    1 1
    26 Feb (AEFR). 2 Leeton 1 Mar (KH). 1 nr Burrinjuck 31 Mar (AKM). 1 Moruya
    Page 53 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3Heads 12 Aug (ENHS).
    Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 1 Clarenza Dec (EW) Pair Braemar SF 3 Dec; 1
    Gibraltar Range NP 30 Nov ; 1 Clouds Crk SF 29 Sep; 1 River SF 1 Oct
    bet. Uralla and Bendemeer 16 Jan. Pair Yambulla SF 3); also recorded
    . 1
    at Deep Creek, Batemans Bay; Maulbrooke Rd, Moruya; and Nerrigundah 6 Sep –
    8 Nov (ENHS). More coastal than inland records!
    Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus 1 South Head SHNP 12 Sep (TMo) was subsequently
    seen regularly in Sydney Harbour and subsequently found nesting Shark Island.
    Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrocephalus 11 sightings 1-3 birds throughout Northern
    Rivers Sep -Dec (SD). 1 Heathcote NP 19 Sep, 1 Mt Keira Dec (CJC). 1 Yambulla
    SF Oct -Nov (SD).
    Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae 1 Burringbar Range 21 Sep; Pair Gibraltar Range NP
    30 Nov; 3 Wollumbin SF 18 Dec (SD). Mt Hyland NR 29 Sep; Armidale 23 Feb
    1 1
    (SD). 1 Audley, Royal NP 31 May (AOR) and white morph 7 Sep (AKM). 1 Sublime
    Pt Lookout, Bulli 2 May (DSm).
    Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus 5 records within the escarpment and coastal country
    of North-East (i.e. north of the Clarence River and east of Glen Innes/Tenterfield)
    including reports for potenial pairs. Upper Bellinger River Jan (DPI per SD);
    1 1
    Cedar Brush NR Oct (PAB per SD); nr Cessnock Feb (DH per SD) are presumed
    As stated in earlier reports the Red Goshawk is an endangered species in NSW
    and to preserve the species in this State. For this
    reason more precise location details have been excluded for NE NSW. At present
    it is doubtful whether Red Goshawks are able to breed in NSW due to lack of
    suitable habitat (SD pers comm). Please notify Dick Cooper or Stephen Debus as
    a matter of urgency with details of possible NSW breeding records. These will be
    treated with the utmost confidentiality.
    White -bellied Sea -eagle Haliaeetus leucogasterinland records: Dangar’s Lagoon 26 Mar;
    1 Lake Keepit 26 Aug (SD). 1 Cox’s R. nr Breakfast Crk 9 Jul (CP). 1 flying WSW
    Artarmon 8 Feb (AB). 2 incl. one at nest Lake Brewster 17 Oct (CJC); Gogeldie
    Weir 7 Feb; immature Lake Wyangan 30 Apr (KH); Immature Fivebough Swamp
    3 May and 3 Oct (KH GLC).
    Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax 2 St. Albans 19 Jul (AB).
    Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides 1 Fivebough Swamp 15 Mar and 5 Apr (KH).
    Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis Armidale 23 Oct (SD). Richardson’s Swamp, Raymond
    1 1
    Terrace 24 June; 1 Belmont Lagoon 7 June (HBOC). Seen at Bomaderry, Barren
    Grounds and Berry May (RJ). 1 in mallee, Combie HSD, Ivanhoe 9 May (JH).
    Swamp Harrier Circus approximans Tyagarah NR Sep; 2 Bundjalung NP Sep; and 2+
    Station Creek Sep (SD). Uncommon in Northern Rivers area.
    Black Falcon Falco subniger 1 Lake Keepit 26 Aug (SD). 2 c.20 km SW of Kandos 30 Dec
    (CP). 1 Leeton district 1 Mar, 16 Aug and 3 Oct (KH).
    March 1991 Page 54Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Breeding pair Minyon Falls 16 Dec (SD). 1 Westleigh 1
    Jan; and sightings at North Sydney continued during 1987 (AEFR); Iron Cove
    Bridge 5 May; 1 Camp Cove SHNP 11 Apr (AKM). Nested, rearing 2 young Royal
    NP 31 Oct (JF). Nested in a Red Gum hollow, The Homestead, Darlington Point
    29 Sep -10 Oct (GLC); 1 in Leeton town area on several occasions from Feb -May
    and 2 birds on 8 June and 16 Aug (KH). Pair Coombie HS, Ivanhoe 30 Sep (JH).
    Helmeted Guinea Fowl Numida meleagris 4 Nelson’s Plains early Sep (HBOC). There are
    no prior reports of feral populations of this species in NSW and confirmation of the
    continued presence of these birds at this location is required.
    Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata Bird and active mound in western section of Pilliga SF (DJ).
    at mound Loughnan NR 9 Oct (AOR). Active mound, Coombie HSD, Ivanhoe 15
    Oct (JH).
    Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 1 Pokolbin SF 8 Feb (HBOC).
    Brown Quail Coturnix australis Numerous Lake Keepit 26 Aug (SD).
    King Quail C. chinensis Adult male Bakers Lagoon 19 Dec (CBOC).
    Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 2 adult males and female The Ranch HSD,
    Boorooban (usual site) 19 Apr (JF); and Wanganella 12 Sep (PM), Berangerine
    HSD, Gunbar in Oct (PM); and Caronboon HSD, Wanganella in Nov (RM). See
    Aust. Bird Watcher 13:249-252 for full details of NSW records.
    Banded Rail Rallus philippensis road -killed Coopernook 20 Apr (DSm).
    Lewin’s Rail R. pectoralis Heard regularly Katoomba Sep (CP). Towra Pt NR 25 Apr (JF).
    1 Mt Keira Feb; 2 in rainforest area at Corrimal Feb; 2 incl. 1 dead Bulli Pass Feb;
    and 1 dead Dunmore; 2 Korringulls Swamp, Primbee Aug -Sep; 1 Saddleback, Mtn
    Kiama 10 Sep (CJC).
    Marsh Crake Porzana pusilla 1 Baker’s Lagoon 26 Jan (JPe). 1-2 Fivebough Swamp 23
    Aug -8 Nov (KH).
    Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea Recorded Gum Swamp Forbes 13 Sep (AOR). 3 nr
    Lake Wyangan 1 Oct (GLC); 1-2 Fivebough Swamp during Jun -Aug plus 4 on 8
    Nov and 6 on 21 Nov (KH).
    Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 Belmont Lagoon 15 Nov (HBOC). 1 Centennial Park 24 Feb
    (RBr). 1 Fivebough Swamp on several occasions between 12 Jul -6 Sep (KH) first
    record for this location.
    Bush -hen Amaurornis ruficrissus 2 Upper Main Arm 16 Dec (SD) a new locality.
    Black -tailed Native -hen Tribonyx ventralis 30 Fivebough Swamp 22 Feb; 11 1 Nov (KH).
    Brolga Grus rubricundus Pair with chick Shark Creek 5 Sep; Pair Angourie 21 Sep (SD). 3
    Lake Brewster 17 Feb (AKM) and found breeding Oct (CJC); 2-3 Leeton District
    Jan -Mar and Oct/Nov (KH GLC).
    Comb -crested Jacana Jacana gallinacea Glenoak 5-16 Aug (HBOC).
    Bush Stone -Curlew Burhinus magnirostris Seen at several locations in vicinity of The
    Homestead, Darlington Point 29 Sep -8 Oct (GLC).
    Beach Stone -Curlew Esacus magnirostris 3 Nambucca Heads 19 Apr (AKM), now present
    Page 55 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3at this location all year.
    Pied Oystercatcher Haemotopus ostralegus 2 Shark Is SHNP 24 Aug (BR); 26 Botany Bay
    31 Jan (AKM) highest count for Botany Bay this century! 21 C:omerong Is. 14 Aug
    (CJC). 22 Broulee 3 May (EHNS).
    Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus 2 Newcastle Beach 23 Aug (HBOC). 20 Long Reef 21
    Mar (JPe); and 17 Long Reef 3 May (AB); 2 Towra Pt NR 22 Mar (AKM). 11
    Shoalhaven Heads 19 Jun (CJC). Higher maximum counts at regular locations
    than usual.
    Banded Plover Vanellus tricolor 110 Lake Brewster 17 Feb (AKM); 3 Fivebough Swamp 9
    Aug; 6 Brobenah Airport, Leeton 23 Aug (KH). 12 Cornwallis 15 Nov; 7 Comerong
    Is 7 Nov (CJC).
    Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola2 Bellambi Point 30 Oct; 1 Windang 9 Sep and 2 on 19 Sep;
    1 Comerong Is 11 Sep (CJC).
    Pacific Golden Plover P. dominica Max. numbers: 224 Jan -Mar Comerong Is. (CJC) and
    131 Botany Bay 31 Jan (AKM).
    Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus Present all year Fivebough Swamp max. 108
    6 Dec (KH).
    Hooded Plover Charadrius rubricollis 2 Adults and an immature Racecourse Beach, Bawley
    Point 20 Apr (JBy); 5 Wherro Beach, Jervis Bay 12 Dec (JSc). Recorded on
    following Eurobodalla Shire beaches: Congo, Tomalin, Chain Bay, Bermagui and
    Broulee-Moruya Heads with max. 5 Moruya Heads 14 Nov (ENHS).
    Black -fronted Plover C. melanops Present all year Fivebough Swamp max. 588 5 Jul (KH).
    Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus First Arrival: Windang 20 Feb (CJC). Departure date:
    Boatharbour 15 Aug (AKM). Max. winter numbers: 135 Botany Bay 20 Jun (AKM);
    150 Comerong Is. 19 Jun (CJC). Inland: 4 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 25 Apr (JB) and
    up to 8 present 8 Mar -9 May at Fivebough Swamp (KH) which were record
    numbers for this locality.
    Large Sand Plover C. leschenaulti 1 Towra Pt NR 25 Apr (JF). 2 Windang 9 Sep; 1
    Comerong Is. 11 Sep (CJC).
    Red -capped Plover C. ruficapillus 60 Botany Bay 20 Jun (AKM) is a high winter count here.
    Present all year Fivebough Swamp max. 113 22 Mar (KH).
    Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Max. 116 Homebush Bay 31 Jan (EH). 12
    nesting pairs Dubbo STW 9 Oct (AKM). Present all year Fivebough Swamp
    autumn peak of 322 on 24 May and spring peak of 542 on 29 Nov (KH).
    Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 800+ Kooragang Is. 3 Jan (AEFR);
    1000+ 15 Oct (KI) and 100+ 14 Nov (HBOC). 1 Homebush Bay 21 Jan (IC). 30
    Nericon Swamp Oct; bred successfully Fivebough Swamp where present all
    year max. 300 3 Oct (KH GLC).
    Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 57 Botany Bay (Boatharbour and Shell Point) 31 Jan
    (AKM) which is a lower number than usual in this area.
    Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 80+ Kooragang Is 3 Jan (AEFR); and 800+
    March 1991 Page 5615 Oct (KI). 62 Lower Shoalhaven estuary 19 Jun (CJC) a large winter grouping.
    Regularly recorded at suitable Eurobodalla Shire locations with max. 50 Moruya
    Heads Oct (ENHS).
    Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 2 Nericon Swamp 15 Feb; Present all year except bet. 4
    May and 3 Aug Fivebough Swamp max. 14 on 22 Feb (KH). 1 Baker’s Lagoon 25
    Jan (EH). Shellharbour 19 Sep (CJC).
    Common Sandpiper T. hypoleucos 1 in mangroves Homebush Bay 3 Jan (AKM). Least
    number of reports for many years.
    Greenshank T. nebularia 120+ Kooragang Is. 3 Jan (AEFR). 3 Lake Brewster 17 Feb (AKM).
    Present Fivebough Swamp 15 Feb -18 Apr. max. 23 on 18 Apr 1 on 3 May (KH).
    60 Windang Mar; 42 Comerong Is. 6 Mar (CJC).
    Redshank T. totanus 1 Wallagoot Lake 29 Dec (TBO 672). Details of this record which would
    be the first NSW record are presented in Aust. Birds 24:22 but are not conclusive.
    Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnatilis First Arrival: Killalea SRA 8 Aug (CJC). c.6 Kooragang Is.
    3 Jan (AEFR). 3+ Hawkesbury Marshes 26 Jan (JPe), 4 Bushells Lagoon 19 Dec
    (CBOC) and Pitt Town Common NR 27 Dec (TMo). Dubbo STW Oct (TMo).
    1 1 1
    Good numbers in Riverina as follows: 1 Lake Wyangan 15 Feb; 4 Nericon Swamp
    15 Feb (AKM) 1 in Jul (JT) and 36 on 1 Oct (AKM); present all year Fivebough
    Swamp, max. 82 on 6 Dec, 60 present on 15 Feb then declined to 1-5 by 5 Apr –
    these remained until 13 Sep numbers had risen to 15 on 19 Sep (KH). Illawarra:
    Koona Bay 15 Mar; Comerong Is. 6 Mar (CJC).
    1 1
    Terek Sandpiper T. terek 13 Shell Point 29 Nov (GF). 1 Comerong Is. 6 Mar (CJC).
    Japanese Snipe Gallinago hardwickii First Arrival: Shellharbour Swamp 17 Sep (CJC),
    late date if this was the first arrival.
    Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 8 incl. 3 in breeding plumage Nericon Swamp 17 Apr
    (JB). 1 Fivebough Swamp 21 Jun (KH). 4 Comerong Is. Mar (CJC).
    Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica 4 Shark Is. SHNP 12 Jan (BR). Summer maximums: 525
    Parramatta R. 31 Jan (H&BM); 520 Botany Bay 31 Jan (AKM). 430 Windang 30
    Oct; 864 Shoalhaven Heads 6 Nov (CJC).
    Red Knot Calidris canutus First Arrival: 6 North Botany Bay 30 Sep (AKM). Max. Numbers:
    60 Windang 31 Oct; 195 Shoalhaven Heads 6 Nov (CJC).
    Great Knot C. tenuirostris First Arrival: 4 Windang 9 Sep (CJC). 5 Kooragang Is. 3 Jan
    Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata First Arrival: Nericon Swamp 1 Oct (AKM). Departure
    date: 10 Homebush Bay 28 Mar (AKM). Present all year Fivebough Swamp max.
    521 on 1 Mar and 518 on 13 Dec (KH). 80 Homebush Bay 31 Jan (H&BM).
    Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotus 1 Bakers Lagoon 26 Jan (JR). 1 caught and banded Pitt
    Town Common NR 27 Dec (JHa). Windang Feb (JR). Fivebough Swamp
    1 1 1 1
    Jan -18 Apr with 2 on 15 Mar (KH). 1 Tullakool Saltworks 18 Dec (TBO 672).
    White-rumped Sandpiper C. fuscicollis Record of single bird at Tullakool Saltworks 18 Dec
    (TBO 672), however, a description was not lodged with Bird Observers Club, Vic.
    Page 57 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3If accepted would be the 2nd NSW record and 4th Australian record.
    Red -necked Stint C. ruficoffis Max. 546 Comerong Is. 29 Jan (CJC). 1 Fivebough Swamp
    7 Jun (KH).
    Long -toed Stint C. subminuta 1 Bushell’s Lagoon 1 Feb (EH). 1 FivtThough Swamp 8 Feb –
    12 Apr (KH). Tullakool Saltworks 18 Dec (TBO 672). 12th -14th NSW records.
    Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Maximum numbers: 2000+ Kooragang Is. 3 Jan (AEFR).
    498 Parramatta R. 31 Jan (H&BM). 2 Fivebough Swamp 14 Jun (KH).
    Sanderling C. alba 1 Comerong Is. 29 Jan; 2 Windang 2 Sep (CJC).
    Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Shell Point 29 Nov (GF); Shoalhaven Heads
    1 1
    6 Nov (CJC).
    Reeve Philomachus pugnax Dubbo STW 20-31 Oct (TK).
    Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 2 Hillston 22 Oct (CJC).
    Oriental Praticole Glareola maldivarum 11 Bakers Lagoon 26-28 Dec (SF) first Sydney
    record since 1973.
    Great Skua Stercorarius skua off Botany Bay 29 Aug. (FOC). off Wollongong 23 May
    1 1
    Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus First Arrival: South Head 25 Oct, Departure date: South Head
    11 Apr (AKM).
    Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicauda 47 off Ballina Lighthouse early Mar following period of
    strong onshore winds (GH). 1 off Wollongong 28 Feb (DSi) and 5 on 24 Oct (CJC).
    Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 2 pairs nesting Lake Brewster Oct (CJC).
    Pacific Gull L. pacificus 1 sub -adult North Botany Bay 5 Jan (AKM). Immature birds at Port
    Kembla Beach 4 Jan and 1-5 Windang 26 Jan -20 Sep (CJC).
    Kelp Gull L. dominicanus Regular sightings along coast from Long Reef to Cape Banks 5
    Jan -15 Aug max. 3 adults and 2 immatures Boatharbour 15 Aug (AB BR AKMJPe
    BD). c.25 following boat off Port Kembla Mar (AEFR).
    Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 8 Minmi 15 Dec (HBOC). First Arrival: 12 Fivebough
    Swamp 19 Sep; c. 3000 at same location 18 Jan (KH).
    White -winged Tern C. leucoptera 2 Kooragang Is. 7 Mar (AKM). Bushell’s Lagoon Feb
    1 1
    (JR); 1 Long Reef 31 Oct -1 Nov (NM). 1 Windang 15 Mar; 1 Lake Wollumboola 6
    Nov; and 1 Comerong Is. 4 Dec (CJC).
    Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica30 Kooragang Is. 7 Mar (AKM). 18 Fivebough Swamp
    3 Oct (KH) first record in last 5 years for this location.
    Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 4 Richardson’s Swamp, Raymond Terrace 10 Aug; 2
    Stockton Borehole Swamp, Teralba 6 Sep (HBOC). 35 Windang 20 Aug (CJC) was
    a large grouping.
    Common Tern Sterna hirundo Departure date: 4 Iron Cove 20 Mar. First Arrival: 6 South
    Head 25 Oct. Max. numbers: 320 Boatharbour 31 Jan (AKM).
    Arctic Tern S. paradiseae 1 Windang 19 Sep (CJC).
    White -fronted Tern Sterna striata Sydney Region: Boatharbour 15 Aug (AKM), 3 off Botany
    Bay 29 Aug (AKM).
    March 1991 Page 58Sooty Tern S. fuscata Juvenile inner harbour section of South Head 30 Jan (AKM). 1 off
    Wollongong 13 Dec (TBO 672).
    Little Tern S. albifrons First Arrival: 2 Windang 11 Sep (CJC). Departure date: 9 Nambucca
    Heads 19 Apr (AKM). Nest with 2 eggs North Botany Bay 26 Dec (SF); 41 incl. 19
    in breeding plumage and 3 pairs indulging in courtship Boatharbour 31 Jan; and
    22 incl. 3 dependant young on 5 Feb (AKM). 105 non -breeders Windang 31 Oct
    (CJC). Eurobodalla Shire breeding records all in Dec comprise 6 nests Tilba Tilba
    Lake; 4+ nests Tuross South Head; 14 nests Broulee (ENHS).
    Common Noddy Anous stolidus Black Head, Jeroa 24 Apr (BV).
    Black Noddy A. minutus 2 Broken Head 23 Jul and 3 Cape Byron 26 Jul (BD).
    Grey Noddy Procelstema albivittata off Wollongong 28 Feb (DSi).
    White Tern Gygis alba off Ballina Lighthouse early Mar following period of strong onshore
    winds (GH). off Wollongong 28 Feb (DSi).
    Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus Immature Pearl Beach, Brisbane Waters NP 29 Mar
    (GBt). Male flew into window at Burrewarra Point 30 Mar. while a female found
    same place on 28 Apr (ENHS).
    Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Bred Booti Booti SRA Oct -Nov (DT). Numerous
    Rodway NR early Sep (CJC). 10 below Pointers Gap, Milton 29 Nov (GF);
    recorded at Burrewarra Point 21 Feb -9 Mar max. 50 on 3 Mar; 1 Moruya 9 May;
    4-8 Tuross 25-31 Dec (ENHS).
    White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 2 Belongil Crk, Byron Bay 20 Jul (BD). Small
    numbers max. 3 Devlin’s Crk, Epping during year; also at Eastwood 30 Sep. and
    8 Oct (BD).
    Spotted Turtle -Dove Streptopelia chinensis 2 Nailcan Hill, Albury during Spring (NSWBA)
    first record for this location. Nearest known sightings are from Wangaratta (Vict.).
    Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis Mt. Victoria 14 Feb (CP).
    Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata Many birds present at stock dams Jan -Feb Coombie HSD
    Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 2 Towra Spit TP NR 30 Aug (AKM).
    Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera 1 Dundarra Gully, Washpool NP 21 Jan (GC) first
    Park Record.
    Brush Bronzewing P. elegans 1 Elouera Bushland Res. 29 Mar (AEFR); 1 Westleigh 5 Apr;
    2 Curra Moors, Royal NP (K&JH). Caves Beach, Jervis Bay 27 Aug (CJC).
    Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 2 Epping 9 May (EH) still an unusual location.
    Glossy Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami Present Coutts Crossing Jan -Mar and on
    1 Dec (max. 4, 21 Jan.); 2 Arrawarra Crk 11 Apr (GC). 19 Mt. Tuglo, Carrow 25 Feb
    was a large grouping for this species (HBOC). 3 Pokolbin SF 8 Feb; 2 Wattagan
    Mtns 2 Apr (HBOC). 4 Mt. Misery 8 Jun (KH). 3 Mogo 24 Sep; 3 records (of typical
    groupings of 1-3 birds) Maulbrooke Rd. Moruya 11 Oct -19 Nov (ENHS). Considered
    scarcer in Eurobodalla Shire in 1987 compared with prior years.
    Yellow -tailed Black -cockatoo C. funereus 50+ Balmoral Lake Macquarie Nov (HBOC). c.8
    Page 59 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3Lane Cove SRA 7 Jul (AB); 60+ Royal NP 10 May (TP). 100+ Darkes Forest 20
    May (PRR), some large concentrations.
    Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 4 McMaster Beach 2 Jun (JA) rarely
    recorded on Bouddi Peninsula. 1 Upper Cob 14 Mar (FOCB). 1-3 Pennant Hills
    Park throughout year (BD).
    Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 4 nr. Eugowra 25 Jan (DSi) no previous records in
    this area.
    Little Corella C. sanguinea 2 Lake Keepit 26 Aug (SD). 200 Gogeldie Weir 12 Jul (KH). 2
    Tuross Heads 23 Nov (AnT); 6 Kioloa 17 Apr (ENHS) with Sulphur -crested
    Pink Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Lake Wyangan 15 Feb (AKM). 1 near Leeton 1 Mar (KH)
    may have been an escapee.
    Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 200+ bet. Berry and Seven Mile Beach throughout
    Aug (CJC). Common to abundant in Eurobodalla Shire throughout year (ENHS).
    Little Lorikeet G. pusilla Numerous flocks throughout Blue Mtns Feb -Apr (CP). 5 Epping 2
    May (BD).
    Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonfi 2 Gooloogong 25 Jan (DSi). 1 West Wyalong 14 Feb
    (AKM). 1 nr Canowindra (3km W) 10 Apr (DSm).
    Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus 22 Foxground 1 Aug (CJC) unusual in Illawarra and
    possibly ex -aviary birds despite numbers.
    Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 2 Tianjarra Trig, Morton NP 25 May (AOR); and 2 seen
    separately nr Little Forest Trig Point, Morton NP 27 Dec (WM).
    Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Large flocks (several hundreds) Mootwingee 19 Sep –
    7 Nov (NSh). More common than usual at Coombie HSD Jan -Feb, Sep -Oct (JH).
    Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans 2 Coutts Crossing 18 Jun (GC) observer reports as
    rare locally.
    Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus 1 Pennant Hills Park throughout year (BD) likely to be ex –
    aviary. A Pale -headed X Eastern Rosella was seen in the park on 22 Mar.
    Mulga Parrot Psephotus varius 2 pairs Pulletop NR 17 Feb (AKM).
    Turquoise Parrot Neophema pulchella 1 Falls Creek Mt. Keira 24 Mar (CJC) rare in Illawarra
    region and not previously recorded at this location.
    Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus Immature Coutts Crossing 5-6 and 23 Feb (GC). These
    are the only reports for 1987 in contrast to 18 reports in 1986.
    Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus First Arrivals: Everlasting Swamp 3 Sep (GC), Worrigee Nowra
    17 Sep (CJC).
    Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus First Arrival: Horton’s Crk 17 Oct (GC): Departure: Susan Is.
    Grafton 11 Apr (GC).
    Fan -tailed Cuckoo C. phyrrophanus Single in garden, Coombie HSD 13 Jul, rarely recorded
    in region (JH).
    Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx oscutans One young being fed by White -breasted
    Woodswallow Longneck Lagoon 15 Dec (EH, Aust. Birds 23:35-36). Coombie
    March 1991 Page 60HSD 24 Jul (JH).
    Horsfield’s Bronze -cuckoo C. basalis First Arrival: Bonville 20 Oct (GC); Captain Cook’s
    Landing Place 15 Aug (AKM). Winter records from Western Division: 1
    Umberumberka 7 Jul; 12 Mootwingee 25 Jul (NSh) unusual in such numbers in
    Upper Western region and probably due to the generally good winter conditions
    across western NSW this year.
    Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. plagosus First Arrival: Bullaburra 23 Aug (CP); Departure:
    Towra Pt NR 31 Jan (AKM). Numerous autumn and winter records from Northern
    Rivers region 11 Mar -26 Aug included Aust. and NZ races (GC).
    Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. malayanus Immature 9 Mar and another bird 14 Dec Water
    Reserve, Sth Grafton; present Coutts Crossing 23 Jan -12 Mar and 7-30 Nov; (GC).
    Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea First Arrival: Coutts Crossing 12 Oct (GC); male
    Neutral Bay 22 Sep (DDa); Newstead Pt. Moruya 28 Oct (ENHS). Departure date:
    Juvenile Coutts Crossing 13 Apr (GC); Epping 25 Feb (BD).
    Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops Novaehollandiae First Arrival: Cowan’s Ponds 8 Oct
    (GC); Warrumbungles NP 9 Oct (AKM); Moruya 16 Sep (ENHS). Departure: Water
    Reserve S. Grafton 14 Dec (GC). 1 Cambewarra Mtn. mid -Aug (CJC); 1 Yerrinbool
    30 Oct (GF); common around Nowra Nov (CJC). Yambulla SF Nov (SD).
    1 1
    Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus road -killed Dorrigo Aug (SD).
    Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 1 Cherry Tree SF 30 Jun (SD). 2 Mt Dacey, Coricudgy SF 5-
    7 Dec (CP). 1 immature female Wooruba Crk, Royal NP 10 Jan; 2 Audley 28 Feb;
    and Bola Crk Royal NP 28 Feb (JF). Bass Point, Killalea SRA 25 May (CJC).
    1 1
    1 Yambulla SF 8 Nov (SD).
    Barking Owl N. connivens Single Coombie HSD 17 Jul (JH).
    Barn Owl Tyto alba 1 Dandahra Crk, Gibraltar Range NP 11 Jan (GC). 1 South Head SHNP
    23 Mar (JWy).
    Masked Owl T. novaehollandiae 1 road -killed near Yelgun (on Pacific H’way) 18 Sep (GC).
    Adult pair plus female fledgling Yambulla SF 4 Nov (SD Aust. Birds 24:29-36).
    Eastern Grass Owl T. longimenbris 1 Boambee Crk Estuary 7 Jul (SGL). 1 road -killed near
    Harwood Bridge (on Pacific H’way) 9 Aug (GC) now in Aust. Museum.
    Sooty Owl T. tenebricosa 1 possibly 2 Bola Crk, Royal NP 15 Jan (TO) and 2 heard same
    location 26 Feb (AEFR). Heard calling Askania Park, Ourimbah Mar and Bouddi
    NP 10 Jun (DOB Aust. Birds 24:13).
    Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides 1 brown morph Gibraltar Range NP 18 Apr (GC).
    Marbled Frogmouth P. ocellatus Pair Big Scrub FR 3 May (SD).
    Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristata 1 heard Westleigh 3 Jan (AEFR).
    White -throated Nightjar Caprimulgus mystacalis 2 Flaggy Crk 21 Oct (GC). 1 Yass 14 Feb
    (AKM). Nested successfully during year at Congo and Moruya (ENHS).
    Spotted Nightjar C. guttatus 1 Yathong NR 18-19 Apr (TQ). 1 Deniliquin 19 Apr (BM).
    Spine -tailed Swift Hirundapus caudacutus First Arrival: 30+ Trenayr 24 Oct (GC); Epping
    31 Oct (BD); 50+ Burrewarra Pt. 26 Oct (ENHS). Departure: 5+ Coutts Crossing
    Page 61 Australian Birds Vol 24 No36 Mar (GC); Epping 22 Mar (BD).
    Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 3+ Shortland WC 3Jan (AEFR); and 1 Stockton Sandpit 12
    Nov (HBOC). 4+ Westleigh 24 Jan (AEFR). 2 Lake Wyangan 15 Feb (AKM); 2+
    Wallacia 1 Dec (TS); 40+ Lapstone 4 Dec (DT); 2+ Forestville 12 Dec (SC).
    Azure Kingfisher Alcyone azurea Single birds Coombadjha Crk, Washpool NP 3, 12 and 28
    Jan (GC). Centennial Park 20 Aug (NM) first park record since 1972.
    Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii Port Macquarie 29 Jun. (GC).
    Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta First Arrival: Everlasting Swamp 14 Oct (GC); Epping 18 Oct
    (BD); Moruya and Pedro Swamp 17 Oct (ENHS), later than usual for allocations.
    Departure: Tucabia 28 Mar, Neilsen Park 21 Feb (AKM).
    Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus First Arrival: Tailem Flat 15 Aug (GC); Coombie HSD
    21 Sep (JH) Stockinbingal 28 Sep (AKM); Leeton 26 Sep (KH). Departure: Susan
    Is. 27 Mar (GC). Present Iluka 2 May (GC). Reported as being more common than
    usual in western Nowra with some birds observed near Nowra bridge and bred at
    Bamerang Dec (DW).
    Dollarbird Eurostomus orientalis First Arrival: Coutts Crossing 17 Oct (GC); Rankin Park,
    Newcastle 15 Oct (KI); Neilsen Park 27 Oct (AKM). First record for Epping on 31
    Oct (BD) was considered later than previous years. Departure: Iluka 14 Mar (GC);
    Botany Bay NP 13 Mar (AKM).
    Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 2+ Iluka NR 2 May and 30 May (GC). 1 Sea Acres NR 2 Aug
    (AOR). All records for known wintering sites.
    Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens 1 Surveyors Crk, Gibraltar Range NP 26 Apr, 13
    Jun and during Sep and Oct; heard Mulligans Gap, Gibraltar Range NP 28 Sep and
    16 Oct (GC). Immature caught and banded in old orchard, Pappinbarra FSC 19 Apr
    White -backed Swallow Charamoeca leucosternum 2 Fivebough Swamp 24 May (KH).
    Fairy Martin Cecropis arie/First Arrival: Coutts Crossing 19 Aug (GC); Departure: Shortland
    WC 7 Mar (AKM).
    White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina robusta Nested Stockinbingal 28 Sep (AKM).
    Katoomba Valley nr Wentworth Falls 19 Jul (CP). Pair nested twice Maulbrooke
    Rd, Moruya 7 Sep -25 Nov (ENHS).
    Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 1 Scrub Crk, Bonville 18 Nov (GC).
    Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 6 Bishop’s Bridge (near Kurri Kum) 2 Feb. and 27 Apr
    (H BOC).
    White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii First Arrival: Leeton 19 Sep (KH). male in partial
    breeding plumage mistnetted and banded Umberumberka 30 Aug (NSh). male
    Rookwood Cemetery 7 Oct (BD); 1 Hermitage Foreshore, SHNP 3 Mar (AKM). 1
    Pyree 11 Sep (C,JC). Uncommon Sydney, Illawarra and South Coast regions.
    Cicada -bird Coracina tenuirostris First Arrival: Coutts Crossing 1 Nov (GC); Epping 18 Oct
    (BD); Moruya 17 Oct (ENHS). Departure: Coutts crossing 12 Mar (GC).
    Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 2 Repton 5 Nov heard Sawtell 10 Nov (GC).
    March 1991 Page 62Reported to extend west to Lithgow where noted as present since beginning of
    1987 (CP).
    Blackbird Turdus merula 1 Epping 9 Oct -24 Nov (BD) observer’s first record for this locality.
    Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 1 Round Hill NR 12-13 Sep (JWa); 2
    Stackpoole SF 2 Oct (GLC). 3rd and 4th published records in 10 years!
    Rose Robin Petroica rosea First Arrival: Coutts Crossing 9 Apr (GC); Epping 2 May (BD).
    Departure: Neilsen Park 30 Jun (AKM).
    Pink Robin P. rodinogasterl partly coloured male Koringulla Swamp, Primbee 4 Sep (CJC).
    A female Montague Is. Mar (ENHS). A NSWFOC Newsletter report of a female at
    Sutherland on 21 May is considered to have been a young Flame Robin based on
    the plumage description provided.
    Scarlet Robin P. multicolor Adult female caught and banded Coutts Crossing 28 May (GC)
    first local record.
    Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii A male The Lagoon HSD, Araluen ValleyJun-Jul (ENHS).
    Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata Adult male Glenugie SF 11 Apr (GC) first local record.
    Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Winter visitor to mallee at Coombie HSD, arriving
    21 May (JH).
    Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus Small numbers in red gum saplings along Murrumbidgee
    R, The Homestead, Darlington Pt 29 Sep -5 Oct (GLC).
    Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 1 Mt Keira 15 Mar (CJC). 1 caught and banded
    Barren Grounds NR late Apr (RJ) seen again 5 Sep (CJC). Present Maulbrooke
    Rd, Moruya 8 Sep -17 Oct (ENHS).
    Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis Adult male and immature Round Hill NR 5 Sep (MjC). First
    published record for this location since 1969 and first report for the species since
  1. (NB. Note that G. Chapman 1991 Birds Intern. 2:20-25 states that these
    birds have been resident at Round Hill NR since 1968 but are rarely located).
    Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata 20+ Weddin Mtns 18-20 Apr (CJC).
    Golden Whistler P. pectoralis First Arrival (Winter): Dobroyd Head SHNP 14 May (AKM).
    Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris First Arrival: Centennial Park 12 Sep (AKM); Moruya 9 Oct
    (ENHS). Departure: South Head 11 Apr (AKM). Singing male South Head SHNP
    23-24 Oct (BR), calling males not previously noted at this location.
    Rufous Shrike -thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha Coutts Crossing 24 Jul and 26 Aug (GC),
    first local record. Caught and banded on 26 August.
    Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis First Arrival: Garrawarra, Royal NP 31 Oct
    (AKM). 1 Kuring-gai Wildflower Garden 29 Mar (TO); 1 Lugarno 3 Mar (BSt).
    Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus Present Iluka 14 Mar and 2 May; and at Woolgoolga FR
    11 Apr (GC).
    Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula First Arrival: Coutts Crossing 24 Sep (GC); Epping 3
    Oct (BD) where observer felt they were less common here than in previous year;
    and Moruya 26 Sep (ENHS). Departure: Coutts Crossing 20 Mar (GC); Nambucca
    Heads 19 Apr (AKM).
    Page 63 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca 2 pairs, pair with nest, Yarrongobilly Caves, Kosciusko
    NP 19 Jan (AKM); 1 Ingleside 23 Jul (FC).
    Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons First Arrival: Iluka 8 Aug (GC); Garrawarra, Royal NP 31
    Oct (AKM). Departure: Susan Is, Grafton 27 Mar (GC); South Head 4 Mar (AKM).
    1 Sydney Botanic Gardens 2 Mar (TP); 1 Camp Cove 3 Mar; 1 Neilsen Park SHNP
    4 Mar (AKM); 1 Lugarno 3 Mar (BSt). 1 Yarrongobilly Caves, Kosciusko NP 19 Jan
    Grey Fantail R. fuliginosa First Arrival: Katoomba 9 Sep (CP); Coombie HSD 10 Apr (JH).
    Departure: Katoomba 14 May (CP). Recorded at Umberumberka 7 Jul and 30 Aug
    (NSh) an unusual winter location presumably reflecting the generally good winter
    conditions across western NSW this year.
    Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 Ingleside 15 Nov (JHn).
    Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotum 2 Round Hill NR 12-13 Sep (MjC).
    Hall’s Babbler Pomatostomus halli 2 Mootwingee NP 10 Nov (JPa) there have been few
    records from this location and no published NSW records between 1980 and 1987.
    This lack of reports may reflect in part difficulties in distinguishing this species from
    the other babblers which occur in North-Western NSW. This may also reflect the
    fact that they have been overlooked in this locality because they occupy the mulga
    covered ridges and the White-browed Babblers are common in the valleys and
    Clamorous Reedwarbler Acrocephalus stentoreus First Arrival: Darlington Point 29 Sep
    (AKM); Koringulla Swamp, Primbee 28 Aug (CJC). Departure: Nambucca Heads
    21 Apr (AKM). 2+ Port Macquarie STW 28 Jun and 22 Jul (GC). 1 in garden
    Coombie HSD 21 Sep (JH). 1 mistnetted and banded Umberumberka 26 Sep
    Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis Dunmore Feb (CJC).
    Brown Songlark Cinclorhamphus cruralis female Rookwood Cemetery 7 Oct (BD), rarely
    recorded in Sydney Region.
    Southern Emuwren Stipturus malachurus Pair near Waratah Trig, Gibraltar Range NP 29
    Jan and 16 Apr; 3 near Anvil Rock Gibraltar Range NP 25 Apr and 11 Oct (GC).
    Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Present Murrays Beach, Jervis Bay NP 25 Jul
    (AOR) resident coastal population. Reports of sightings of this species at Mt.
    Kuring-gai during 1987 (BD et al.) are considered to have been Chestnut -tailed
    Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Mt Corongooba (CP). Observes at Thirlmere Lakes NP
    and Mt. Keira Dec (CJC).
    Rockwarbler Origma solitaria Pennant Hills Park 12 Jul and 19 Sep (BD) observer’s first
    records in this locality. 7 including 1 young bird Glow-worms Caves, Newnes 27
    Dec (G&LH).
    Chestnut -tailed Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 1 near Waratah Trig, Gibraltar Range NP
    16 Apr (GC). Recorded at Mt. Tuglo 25 Feb (HBOC).
    March 1991 Page 64Shy Heathwren H. cauta 6 including a pair with 2 young Stackpoole SF 2 Oct (GLC). 2
    Coombie HSD 4 Oct (JH).
    Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus Umberumberka 4 Jul (NSh), 2 Wentworth 10 Oct
    Striated Fieldwren Calamanthus f. fuliginosus 2 Tianjarra Trig Morton NP 25 Jul (AOR), a
    known location.
    Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagitatta to 2+ present Coutts Crossing 11 Mar -28 May
    Weebill Smicornis brevirostris Present Coutts Crossing 25 Feb -9 Sep and Water Reserve,
    Sth Grafton Aug (GC); 1 in garden at Eastwood 26 Dec (EH).
    Brown Warbler Gerygone mouki in dry forest Coutts Crossing 4 May (GC) an unusual
    Western Warbler G. fusca 1 Bolwarra 7 Aug (HBOC); 1 Bulga 4 Nov (JD).
    White -throated Warbler G. olivacea First Arrival: Taloumbi HSD 15 Aug (GC); Coonabarabran
    10 Oct (AKM); Epping 28 Sep (BD). 1 Hartley 2Jun (CP) an unusual winter record.
    Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops c.3 Blue Gum Swamp Crk, Blue Mtns NP
    7 Mar (RT). Single birds Pedro Swamp 5 Jul and Maulbrooke Rd, Moruya 25 Sep
    Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Present Coutts Crossing 11-25 Jun (GC) where
    observer indicates is rarely recorded.
    Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Kur ng-gai Chase NP 15 Jul and
    1 1
    Aug (CSe).
    Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus Arrival Date: Katoomba 12 Sep (CP).
    Little Friarbird P. citreogularis 4 Burrendong Dam 7 Sep (CJC).
    Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 4 Munghorn Gap NP 20 Apr (R&BSt). 20+
    Paterson 28 Jun (HBOC). 3 Empire Bay 31 May (MTy). 2 Upper Cob 14 Mar
    (FOCB); 2 Wilberforce 14 Mar (TQ); 4 Winmallee 7 Mar (TP); 4 feeding in flowering
    E. gummifera Blue Gum Swamp Crk, Blue Mtns NP 7 Mar (RT); 2 Rookwood
    Cemetery 20 Aug (JAi) could have been a pair because 4 birds incl. 2 dependant
    young were seen here on 7 Oct (BD).
    Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis Seaham NR 26 Mar (HBOC). 2+ Colo Hts.
    26 Feb (AEFR).
    Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Autumn migration through Blue
    Mountains noted at Katoomba as extending from 1 Apr to 11 Jun (CP) while around
    Sydney (Camp Cove and Watson’s Bay) migrating birds were first seen on 11 Apr
    Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Scrubby Creek 24 Aug (HBOC).
    Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus Present Round Hill NR 12-13 Sep (JWa), Coombie
    HSD, Roto in mallee Jun (JH).
    White-naped Honeyeater Melithreptus lunatus Present Coutts Crossing 28 May and 11 Jun
    (GC) where observer regards as rare. Autumn migration through Blue Mountains
    Page 65 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3noted at Katoomba as extending from Apr to 23 Jun (CP). Small flocks Henry
    Head heathlands, Botany Bay NP 16 May (AKM) represent only record in last five
    years at this location. 3 Seaman’s Hut, Mt Kosciusko (2035 m ASL) 19 Sep (CJC).
    Brown -headed Honeyeater M. brevirostris 5 Seaham NR 26 Mar; several Hunter Region
    Bot. Gardens 20 and 28 Sep (HBOC).
    Black -chinned Honeyeater M. gularis Present Glenugie SF 11 Apr and at Water Reserve,
    Sth Grafton Mar -Aug and in Dec (GC).
    Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 3 10km East of Griffith 16 Feb (AKM). Many seen at
    Wanganella 19 Apr (BM) a regular location.
    Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera Numerous near Yerriyong SF Aug (CJC).
    White-cheeked Honeyeater P. nigra 2+ Dundarra Gully, Washpool NP 17 and 24 Apr (GC)
    first park records. 2 Congo 12 Sep and Moruya 29 Nov (ENHS) represent unusual
    southern records.
    White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons Present Round Hill NR 12-13 Sep (MjC).Common
    Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Oct (JH). Large flocks (several hundreds) Mootwingee
    10 Sep -7 Nov (NSh); 57+ Mallee Cliffs NP Oct (JHo).
    Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger Present Round Hill NR 10 Oct (AOR). Common in
    mallee Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Oct (JH). c.10 Mootwingee 10 Sep -7 Nov (NSh).
    3 Ingalba NR Oct, first record for reserve (MjC), possibly first record for South-west
    Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus Large flocks (several hundreds) Mootwingee 10 Sep -7 Nov
    Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta First Arrival: Seaham NR 16 Oct (AKM).
    Departure date: Royal NP 30 May (AKM). Mt. Victoria 14 Feb; Jamison Valley
    1 1
    24 Sep; 1 nr Capertee (12 km W) 23 Oct; and 1 Newnes 20 Dec (CP); Common
    Blue Gum Swamp Crk Blue Mtns NP 7 Mar (RT). 1 possibly 2 Westleigh 14 Feb
    (AEFR). 1 female 15 Aug and 5 males and 3 females 12 Sep Congo; also recorded
    at Durras Dec (ENHS).
    Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor30+ Carrathool-Gunbar Rd. 2 Oct; 10+ Cocoparra NP 6
    Oct (GLC). Very common Coombie HSD, Roto Oct (JH).
    Orange Chat E. aurifrons 1 adult male Fivebough Swamp 13 Dec (KH) with flock of White –
    fronted Chats. Not seen at this location in over 10 years.
    White -fronted Chat E. albifrons c.50 Fivebough Swamp 13 Dec (KH). Present in garden
    Coombie HSD, Roto May -Jun (JH).
    Yellow Chat E. crocea Observation of single male c. 69 km east of Broken Hill 15 Oct (RPo)
    reported in Aust. Birds 23: 22-23. Considered doubtful refer McAllan & Bruce’s
    “The Birds of New South Wales A Working Lisrp .59 for details. Note there are two
    other unverified records of this species for NSW between the doubtful 1978
    Kinchega NP report and Pogany’s 1987 report. McAllan & Bruce discuss all four
    Yellow-rumped Pardalote Pardalotus xanthopygus 2 Loughnan NR 22 Oct (CJC).
    March 1991 Page 66Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2 Cockle Creek 19 Sep (HBOC) considered as breeding
    residents at this location. 100 Fivebough Swamp 17 May -8 Jun (KH) feeding on
    Bathurst Bu ..s. Possible decline in Eurobodalla Shire i.e. compared with 1986
    species was recorded at fewer locations and in shorter periods during 1987
    Beautiful Firetail Emblema belle 2 Curra Moors Trail, Royal NP 30 May (TMo). 1 Falls Crk,
    Mt Keira 24 Mar (CJC).
    Diamond Firetail E. guttata 3+ near Grafton 29 Aug (GC).
    Double -barred Finch Poephila bichenovii Seen every month max. 40 Westleigh (AEFR).
    Plum -headed Finch Aidemosyne modesta Weddin Mtns NP 25 Jan (DSi).
    Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax Coutts Crossing 12 Mar first local
    record; 2 Station Creek Yuragyir NP 31 Jan, first park record (GC). 40+ Comerong
    Is mid -Aug (CJC).
    Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus 2 Dobroyd Heads SHNP 26 Aug (AKM) an unusual
    Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 9 Artarmon 19 Apr and 14 same place 30 May (AB) where
    observer considers is irregular autumn/winter visitor.
    Spangled Drongo Dicurus hottentottus First Arrival: Balgownie 15 Mar (CJC). Departure
    date: Dobroyd Head 21 Sep (AKM). Reported for all months except December
    throughout Northern Rivers region (GC) and confirmed as summer resident
    Forster (DT). 1 Armidale 26 Mar (SD). 2 Quarantine Stn North Head 8 May (AKM).
    2 Primbee Aug -Sep; 2 Comerong Is. mid -Aug (CJC). 1 Birdland, Batemans Bay
    22 May (ENHS).
    Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradisdea 1 female Mt Royal Singleton 8 Nov and 1 female
    Tilligherry Forest Park 28 Aug (HBOC).
    Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus 2 The Entrance 24 May (RIn). An unusual
    location but birds are resident 3km away at Tumbi.
    Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus 1 Audley Royal NP 8 Feb (PDa), first park
    Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris Pair with young Wahroonga P.S. 29 Oct (MW), rarely
    observed in Sydney suburbs.
    Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Present The Ranch HSD Baradine Sep (DJ).
    Warren Caravan park 25 Jul (AKM), eastern edge of range.
    White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 4 Wamberal Cemetery 30 May (VTy)
    unusual this locality.
    White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus 6 Longneck Lagoon 5 Feb (NM)
    subsequently found nesting 15 Dec (EH) first breeding record for the County of
    Cumberland (Aust. Birds 23:35-36).
    White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus First Arrival: Stockinbingal 23 Sep (AKM).
    Large flocks (several hundreds) Mootwingee NP 10 Sep -7 Nov (NSh). Flock
    Narrow Neck (nr Katoomba) 3 Nov (CP) is an unusual (Blue Mtns) location. Large
    Page 67 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3flocks Coombie HSD, Roto in Apr, stayed all winter and nested in Oct (JH).
    Masked Woodswallow A. personatus Arrival date: Darlington Point 29 Sep (AKM). Large
    flocks (several hundreds) Mootwingee 10 Sep to 7 Nov (NSh). As above at
    Coombie HSD.
    Dusky Woodswallow A. cyaneus First Arrival: Dunmore 2 Sep (CJC). 10 Coombie HSD,
    Roto 28 Jul (JH). 3 East Lakes Golf Course 29 Nov (RMo) is an unusual location.
    Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis 1 Tomago 19 Oct; 3 Marmong Pt, Lake Macquarie
    26 Aug; 2 Speers Point, Lake Macquarie 30 Aug (HBOC). While known in the
    Lower Hunter Valley rarely recorded at these locations.
    Pied Currawong Strepera graculina First Arrival: Champions Swamp near Tucabia 28 Mar;
    Coutts Crossing Apr (GC).
    Grey Currawong S. versicolorl Wattamolla area Royal NP 31 Oct (AKM). 1 Moruya 29 Apr –
    Aug; 2 Tuross Jul -Aug; and 1 Malua Bay and Burrewarra Pt. 3-4 Aug (ENHS).
    Australian Raven Corvus coronoides c.10 flying north Hogarth Range (nr Casino) 30 Jun
    (SD) an easterly record.
    Forest Raven C. tasmanicus 2 Bonville Beach 26 and 29 Oct (GC).
    Little Raven C. mellofi Flock (c.20) between Walcha and Uralla throughout Jul (SD)
    represent further winter records from the Northern Tablelands (i.e. the only area
    in Australia where 4 species of Corvid occur).
    Torresian Crow C. orru 38+ 2 Feb; 28 26 Feb; and 40+ 11 May Coutts Crossing (GC). 2
    Irrawang Swamp, Raymond Terrace early Jun (HBOC).
    Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus Report of this species from Ballina-Broadwater area
    in 1985 Report is now considered unacceptable (SD pers comm).
    Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum 4-15 Apr (DiL) first island record.
    March 1991 Page 68APPENDIX
    Index of Observers
    JAi J Aitken JH Janet Houghton AEFR Alan Rogers
    RAs R Ashford JHn John Handel JRu J Russill
    JA Jim Auld JHo John Hobbs MSa M Sachs
    RBr Richard Bradley HBOC Hunter Bird DSa David Sawyer
    CB Christine Bonser Observers’ Club JSc Janet Scrivens
    PAB P A Bourke (Dec’d) KH Keith Hutton CSe C Seller
    JB John Brickhill KI Kay Imrie NSh Nick Sheppard
    JBy J Brierly Rln R Ingold DSi David Siems
    AB Andrew Burton DJ David Johnston DSm Darryl Smedley
    IC Campbell RJ Richard Jordan TS T. Saunders
    CJC C J Chafer TK Terry Korn BSt Betty Stokes
    SC S. Cherry DiL Diana Lade R&BSt R & B Stokes
    GC Greg Clancy SGL Bill Lane AnT Andrew Tatnell
    MjC Marj. Cochrane MLe M Lewis JT John Tarr
    RMC R M Cooper MxM Max Maddock TBO The Bird Observer
    FC F. Creer PM Philip Maher DT David Turner
    CBOC Cumberland Bird BM Betty Mannes RT Dick Turner
    Obs. Club H&BM H & B Mannes MTy Maureen Tyler
    DDa D Dallimore RM R Menadue VTy Vic Tyler (Dec’d)
    PDa Peter Davie WM Warren Martin BV Barry Virtue
    JD Jim Dixon NM Norma Maxwell JWa J Warbrick
    SD Stephen Debus AKM Alan K Morris EW Eric Wheeler
    ENHS Eurobodalla Natural TMo Tim Morris DW Diana Wright
    History Society RMo Rob Morrow JWy J Wyeth
    FOC NSWFOC Outing NSWBA NSW Bird Atlas MW M. Wood
    FOCB NSWFOC DOB Danny O’Brien SZ Stan Zucker
    Beginners JPa J Palmer
    SF Stuart Fairbairn DPI D Paull
    JF Jim Francis JPe Joy Pegler
    GF G Fry RPo R Pogany
    GLC Gould League Camp TP T Poynton
    JHa Jeff Hardy CP Carol Probets
    K&JH K & J Hepenstall TO Trevor Quested
    DH Dion Hobcroft BR B Ralph
    GH Glenn Holmes NRa Neil Rankin
    G&LH G & L Hopkins AOR Allan Richards
    EH E Hoskin PR Peter Roberts
    Page 69 Australian Birds Vol 24 No3APPENDIX 2
    Reported Location Approx. Grid
  2. NORTHERN RIVERS Yelgun (on Pacific H’way) 29 28 153 31
    Yuraygir NP (Station Creek) 29 30 153 18
    o o
    ‘S ‘E
    Angourie 29 28 153 12 2. MID -NORTH COAST
    Big Scrub Flora Reserve 28 06 153 18
    Braemar SF 29 02 153 00 Coopernook 31 49 152 37
    Broken Head 28 45 153 37 Myall Lakes NP 32 30 152 20
    Burringbar Range 28 25 153 26
    Champion Swamp 29 39 153 10 3. HUNTER
    Cherry Tree SF 28 55 152 43
    Clarenza 29 42 152 59 Belmont Lagoonm 33 03 151 40
    Bishop’s Bridge nr Kurri Kurri 32 15 151 27
    Clouds Creek SF 30 07 152 35
    Bolwarra 32 43 151 34
    Coombadjah Creek
    Booti Booti SRA 33 32 152 23
    Washpool NP 29 25 152 25
    Bouddi Peninsula 33 32 152 23
    Dorrigo 29 22 152 43
    Dundarra Gully Washpool NP 29 22 153 00 Cedar Brush NR 31 52 150 38
    Cessnock 32 50 151 12
    Emerald Beach 30 15 153 07
    Cockle Creek 32 55 151 38
    Everlasting Swamp 29 40 153 00
    Flaggy Creek 29 59 152 58 Empire Bay 33 30 151 11
    Gulmarrad 29 30 153 14 Lake Macquarie 33 05 151 35
    Harwood Bridge McMasters Beach 33 31 151 26
    Mt Dacey, Coricudgy SF 33 54 150 18
    (on Pacific H’way) 29 26 153 14
    Hogarth Range (near Casino) 28 45 153 48 Mt Royal nr Singleton 32 10 151 19
    Mt Tuglo 32 15 151 20
    Horton’s Creek 30 06 152 37
    Nelson’s Plains 32 30 150 48
    Kangaroo River SF 29 55 152 45
    Paterson 32 35 151 37
    Sawtell 30 32 153 05
    Pearl Beach 33 32 151 15
    Shark Creek 29 32 153 13
    Pokolbin SF 33 47 151 15
    Tailem Flat Yuraygir NP 29 30 153 16
    Scrubby Creek 32 58 151 35
    Taloumbi Station 29 33 153 16
    St. Albans 33 18 150 48
    Tyndale 29 32 153 12
    Tilligherry FP = Forest Park 32 14 151 45
    Upper Bellinger River 30 28 152 33
    Tomago 32 50 151 44
    Upper Main Arm 28 30 153 25
    Wollumbin SF 28 22 153 12 Wamberal Cemetery 33 27 151 27
    Yamba 29 37 153 12 Wattagan Mtns 33 05 151 12
    Wollombi 32 57 151 09
    March 1991 Page 704. SYDNEY Saddleback Mtn. Kiama 34 42 150 48
    Sublime Point Lookout
    Artarmon 33 47 151 12 Bulli 34 20 150 56
    Barton Park Rockdale 33 56 151 08 Tianjara Trig Morton NP 34 05 150 20
    Blue Gum Swamp Creek Wherro Beach Jervis Bay 34 05 150 45
    Blue Mountains NP 33 40 150 35 Yerrinbool 34 22 150 33
    Botany Bay 33 59 151 12
    Cape Banks 34 00 151 15
    Cornwallis 33 35 150 48
    Eastlakes Golf Course 33 56 151 14 6. SOUTH COAST
    Heathcote NP 34 05 151 00
    Hermitage Foreshore Araluen Valley 35 40 149 50
    Sydney Harbour NP 33 52 151 15 Bomaderry 34 52 150 35
    Ingleside 33 42 151 17 Broulee 35 52 150 11
    Iron Cove Bridge 33 49 151 05 Burdland Batemans Bay 35 42 150 10
    Kuring-gai Wildflower Garden 33 45 151 10 Clyde River Estuary 35 42 150 10
    Kurmond 33 33 150 41 Congo 35 56 150 10
    Lane Cove SRA 33 47 151 08 Congo Creek 35 56 150 10
    Lugarno 33 58 151 03 Deep Creek Batemans Bay 35 43 150 12
    Parramatta 33 48 151 01 Durras 35 38 150 17
    Shark Island Kioloa 35 33 150 13
    Sydney Harbour NP 33 52 151 15 Lake Wollumboola 35 57 150 45
    Sutherland 34 02 151 05 Malua Bay 35 47 150 14
    Sydney Botanic Gardens 33 52 151 13 Mogo 35 47 150 08
    Watson’s Bay 33 51 151 07 Montague Island 36 45 150 15
    Wangi Point 33 05 151 35 Moruya River Estuary 35 55 150 05
    Wilberforce 33 34 150 50 Nerrigundah 36 05 149 57
    Pedro Swamp 35 55 150 08
  3. ILLAWARRA Pointers Gap Milton 35 15 150 23
    Racecourse Beach
    Balgownie 34 14 150 55 Bawley Point 35 30 150 14
    Bulli Pass 34 28 150 55 Seaman’s Hut Mt Kosciusko
    Caves Beach Jervis Bay 35 05 150 55 (2035 m ASL) 36 27 148 18
    Corrimal 34 23 150 55 Tilba Tilba Lake 36 18 150 07
    Flat Rock Dam Nowra 34 53 150 45 Tomakin 35 50 150 12
    Foxground 34 14 150 56 Wallagat Lake 36 48 149 47
    Little Forest Trig Point Yambulla SF 37 05 149 45
    Morton NP 35 17 150 20 Yarrongobilly Caves
    Mt Keira 34 25 150 52 Kosciusko NP 35 44 148 29
    Primbee 34 31 150 53
    Rodway NR Berry 34 47 150 48
    Page 71 Australian Birds Vol 24 No37. NORTHERN TABLELAND 12. SOUTH-WEST SLOPES
    Bendemeer 30 48 151 31 Canowindra (3 Km W) 33 35 148 37
    Mt Hyland (nr Ebor) 30 26 152 21 Gum Swamp Forbes 33 23 148 01
    Uralla 30 38 151 29 Eurdley 34 43 146 21
    Walcha 30 38 151 29 Gogeldie Weir 34 33 146 15
    Gooloogong 33 37 148 26
  4. CENTRAL TABLELAND Nailcan Hill Albury 36 05 146 55
    Stockinbingal 34 30 147 52
    Bathurst 33 25 149 35 Weddin Mountains 33 39 148 44
    Blue Mountains 32 20 150 03
    Bullaburra 33 34 150 24
    Capertee (12 km W) 33 12 150 00 13. NORTH-WEST PLAINS
    Cox’s River
    nr Breakfast Creek 33 45 150 10 Baradine 30 56 149 04
    Glow-worms Caves Newnes 33 12 150 00 Coonabarabran 31 18 149 16
    Hartley 33 51 151 17
    Jamison Valley 34 01 151 12
    Kandos c.20 km SW 32 08 150 22 14. CENTRAL -WEST PLAIN
    Kurrajong 32 47 149 59
    Mt Corongooba 32 55 150 16 Walgett 30 03 148 07
    Mt Victoria 33 35 150 15 Warren Caravan Park 32 42 147 50
    Narrow Neck (near Katoomba) 34 01 151 12
    Winmallee 33 41 150 33
  6. SOUTHERN TABLELAND Boorooban 34 55 144 45
    Carrathool – Gunbar Rd. 34 15 145 30
    Burrinjuck 34 35 150 25 Darlington Point 34 45 145 35
    Darkes Forest 33 48 151 11 Deniliquin 35 32 144 52
    Yass 33 10 150 05 Stackpoole SF 34 03 145 03
    Wanganella 35 13 144 48
    Yathong NR 32 22 145 30
    Lake Keepit 30 55 150 30 16. UPPER WESTERN
  8. CENTRAL- WEST SLOPE Broken Hill 69 km E 31 50 142 00
    Burrendong Dam 32 40 149 08
    Dubbo STW 32 16 148 37
    March 1991 Page 72NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS
    Contributors are requested to observe the following points when submitting articles and
    notes for publication.
  9. Species, names, and the order in which they occur are to be in accordance with “Handlist
    of Birds in New South Wales”. A.K. Morris, A.R. McGill and G. Holmes 1981 Dubbo:
  10. Articles or notes should be type written if possible and submitted in duplicate. Double
    spacing is required.
  11. Margins of not less than 25mm width at the left hand side and top, with similar or slightly
    smaller at the right hand side of pages.
  12. No underlinings and no abbreviations except as shown in the examples.
  13. Photographs should be glossy finish and not too small.
  14. The Style Manual, CommonwealthGovernment Printing Office, Canberra (1966) and
    subsequent editions will be the guide for this Journal.
  15. Diagrams should be on plain white paper drawn with india ink. Any lettering is to be
    ‘professional style’ or lightly pencilled.
  16. Dates must be written “1 January 1990” except in tables and figures where they may be
  17. The 24 hour clock will be used, times being written 06:30, 18:30 for 6:30am and 6:30pm
  18. Mr, Mrs, Dr are not to be followed by a full stop.
  19. In text, numbers one to ten are spelt; numbers of five figures or more should be grouped
    in threes and spaced by a thin gap. Commas should not be used as thousands markers.
  20. References to other articles should be shown in the text – ‘…B.W. Finch and M.D. Bruce
    (1974) stated…’ and under heading
    Finch, B.W. and M.D. Bruce 1974 The Status of the Blue Petrel in Australian Waters Aust.
    Birds 9, 32-35
  21. Acknowledgements to other individuals should include Christian names or initials.Volume 24, No.3 March 1991
    R.M. Cooper 1987 New South Wales Bird Report 49
    Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. NBH0790
    Printed by Drummoyne Printing, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne. 811888