Vol. 2 No. 6-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 2 No. 6

Published by the Gould League Birdwatchers
1st May, 1968.
Hon. Secretary and Editor: L. COURTNEY HAINES.
10 Loquat Valley Road, Bayview.
Observations Committee: K.A. HINDWOOD and L.R. McGILL.
Field -day Organiser: F. E. ROBERTS
26 Bayview Street, Mt. Kuring-gai. (47-9240)
Art Adviser: E. S. HOSKIN.
Photographic Adviser: NORMAN CHAFFER.
Assistant Secretary: R. COOKE.
Assistant Field -day Organiser: G. DIBLEY.
December 23rd, 1967 found John Trudgeon howling up dingoes
from a rain-forest patch on Wild Cattle Creek, a tributary of
Wallaby Creek, Tooloon, in Mandle and Beaury State Forest No. 2.
From red basalt soil bared by logging operations came a silver-
blue flash reminiscent of a King Parrot or Dollar Bird’s wing.
Our binoculars revealed in setting sunlight, still, alert and
a creature of rare beauty, the Buff-breasted Pitta.
Next day, with our host Ned Hayes, we found two Pittas’ nests
recently vacated by young; twelve feet apart on the sloping rain-
forest floor among mossy rocks, maiden-hair ferns and fairly open
underbrush. Nearby, and about fifty yards from where we had seen
the Pitta the previous afternoon, we found a Pitta’s nest with a
freshly laid egg. The nest was in the V shaped buttress roots
of a large Booyong tree growing on a razorback between two small
The mossy domed top seemed to have been depressed to hide the
egg or to simulate disuse. No animal manure adorned the frontage
platform. The egg; nest and site were flashlit in two colour
On Boxing Day, Ned Hayes found the egg at the lip of the nest,
neatly holed and sucked dry.BIRDS – 42 – MAY 1, 1968
On the day we found the Pittas’ nests, we flushed a Spotted
Quail- Thrush from an eggless nest beneath a Tussook in open forest
country. We have slides of a previous nest and two eggs photo-
graphed in this sane area some years ago. While taking these
slides the Spotted Quail- Thrushes kept running and circling us
about twenty to thirty feet away, one moving clockwise and the
other anti -clockwise.
On 20-3-1968, Tumbulgum school pupils investigated insistent
bird calls from a playground Camphor Laurel tree and found two
Peewees feeding a young Koel, which they had apparently reared
in their nest in an adjoining Tea -tree swamp.

    Mr. Dibley has reported seeing a RED -BRi=p TREE CREEPER at
    Murphy’s Glen, Blue Mountains Park, on 2lith February, 1968.

I was interested to note in the Rooty Hill field day report, 19th
November, 1967, that the egg of the Horsfield Bronze Cuckoo had
been observed in the nest of the seed- eating Double -barred Finch.
One generally associates insect -eating birds as foster -parents
for the Horsfield Bronze Cuckoo.
Some years ago, 1st November, 1961 at Dee Why Lagoon, Mr.
Chisholm located a nest of the Tailor Rird containing 3 eggs, one
of which was that of the Horsfield Bronze Cuckoo! Mr. Hindwood
took an excellent coloured slide of this most interesting Tailor
Bird, Cuckoo clutch of eggs and I projected the slide at the
November, 1962 Meeting of the Ornith Section of the R.Z.S.
This is the first known instance of a Tailor Bird being para-
sitized by the Horsfield Bronze Cuckoo.
The Reedwarbler of England is greatly favoured as a foster –
parent by the European Cuckoo; but although I have examined for
many years nests of the Australian Reedwarbler, I have as yet
never found a nest oontaining a cuckoo’s egg.
-EDITOR-BIRDS – 43 – MAY 1, 1968
On Saturday, 16th March we were fortunate in having a bright,
sunny afternoon for our field outing to Long Reef with about forty
members present. Feeding on the reef at low tide we observed
Sooty Oyster -catchers, Golden Plovers, Red -necked Stintsr Turn –
stones, Double -banded Dotterels in eclipse plumage, a Reef Heron,
a Aimbrel and a Grey -tailed Tattler. A few Crested Terns and
many silver Nils were seen. Little Pied Cormorants and Gannets
were fishing close to the reef. A pair of Nankeen Kestrels fly-
ing overhead above the cliffs, enabled us to study their beautiful
feather movement in flight.
Our sincere thanks to Mr. Haines for leading us on this pleas-
ant outing.
Roseville, N.S.\/.
Approximately 50 observers attended the Field Outing at the old
Cook’s River Estuary, at Botany Bay, on Sunday afternoon, March
31, 1968. Mr. A.R. McGill was the leader, and about two hours
were spent watching a good collection of waders on the tidal flats,
with the tide well out, and for a brief time afterwards observing
the birds congregated on the adjoining Waterworks Swamp.
Bar -tailed Godwits were common, some showing advanced breeding
plumage. A party of four Black -tailed Godwits aroused interest
and these also were changing into brighter feathers. Double -band-
ed Dotterels were in smell numbers, having in the past few weeks
arrived on migration from New Zealand. Only one Mongolian Dotter-
el was noted. Red -necked Stints and Curlew Sandpipers were in
their usual abundance, many showing much red in their plumage,
whilst many of the Golden Plovers still remaining were well -advan-
ced in breeding attire. There were four Lesser Knots and extend-
ed views Imre possible of two Greater Knots. Only four Sharp-
tailed Sandpipers were present; Red -capped Dotterels were much in
evidence. A total of thirteen species of waders was reached with
a Black -fronted Dotterel and some Spur -winged Plovers on the ad-
joining swamp. Other species noted on the tidal flats were the
Crested Tern, Little Tern, about 15 Common Terns, Silver GullsBIRDS – – MAY 1, 1968
and Little Pied Cormorants. On the Viaterworks were Coot, Swamp –
hens Moorhens, 4. Chestnut Teal, Grey Teal, Black Duck, White –
eyed Duck, Black Swans, -‘white-faced Herons and Welcome Swallews.
Members of the large party enjoyed the afternoon and clear obser-
vations were possible of.most species.

Sundaza_Mv 19 a y
Albion Park
10 to 10.30 a.m.
Leader: Allan Sefton
This is a chance to visit some of the open forest country of
the near South Coast. Our hosts are Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Thomas, of
“Oakvale”, and the predominant trees on their property are apple
gum, red gum, stringy -bark and tea -tree.
The dense rain forest at Macquarie Pass will also be visited,
and there is an interesting swamp next to the town.
Albion Park is 65 miles from Sydney. On entering the town,
turn right along the Moss Vale Road for 2 blocks; at the Golden
Fleece Service Station turn right into Calderwood Road and follow
it for 2 miles. “Oakvale” is on the left, just past a small

Saturday. June 15
Berowra Creek
Leader: Pete=ers-(%7-924.0)
The venue is Bujwa Point, part of the waterfrontage of the Hall-
strom Reserve at Cowan. Ar2angements have been made to hire open
launches from Wilkinson’s Boatshed, near the western ramp of the
Berowra Waters Ferry; Bujwa Point is about an hour’s run downstream.
Each boat holds 5 persons (including children), and the Leader
-must be notified, preferZbly by June 1st, of all intending passen-
gers. Cost is about 1.20 per head, payable on the day. Depart
between 9 and 9.30 a.m.; bring fresh water.
Members not wishing to use boats may join the excursion by

  • hiking some 2:21 miles from Cowan by way of the Bujwa Trail, which
    is a very good area for bird -watching. Catch the 8.52 am train ex
    Hornsby; at Cowan walk along Frazer Rd and Park Rd to Bujwa Bay Rd
    which leads directly to the northern gate of the Hallstrom Reserve.
    The party will be met here by a guide who will lead off at 9.20,
    and link up with the mariners at Bujwa Point at about 10.30.
    Fireplaces are provided, and* .m.a *y * be used.