Vol. 34 No. 2-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 34 No. 2

Journal of BIRDING NSW NSW Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
Volume 34 No. 2 December 2010
ANNUAL BIRD REPORT 2005NSW BIRDING- New South Wales Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
President Dr Tom Karplus
Vice -President Judith Nancarrow
Secretary vacant
Treasurer Barry Ayres
Annual Subscription Rate (due October each year):
Adult Member S35
Junior Member 515
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds and
are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Editor Alan Morris

Photograph Front Cover: Radjah Shelduck, Bombah Point, Myall

Lakes, NSW, Rare visitor to NSW 3/10/2005
Volume 34 No. 2 December 2010
Alan K. Morris
3 Murray Street, Bateau Bay NSW 2261
The thirty-sixth Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December 2005 and
summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers, frequency,
range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location Guide, at
Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to assist readers
to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production of future
reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map references in the manner
set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days, particularly if the records are to
be used in the continuing Australian Bird Atlas which commenced in October 2005. As all
records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the exact co-ordinates for the
sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same co-ordinates are provided when
submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Information on 403 species is contained in the 2005 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 472 observers from Birding NSW, BMBO, CBOC,
IBOC, MFNCN, MVBW, NSW Bird Atlassers & COG; the Annual Reports of the Central
Coast Group of Birding NSW, Eurobodalla Natural History Society, Canberra Ornithologists
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2
1Group, Clarence Valley Bird Observers & the Hunter Bird Observers Clubs; publications
of other bird organisations and reports and messages from Birding-Aus on the Internet. The
number of records and the number of observers continue to increase and the information
provided is greater than before. Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Birdline
= Telephone Info. Line for the NSW bird groups; BMBO = Blue Mountains Bird Observers
Newsl; BNSW = Birding NSW; CVBO = Clarence Valley Annual Bird Report; Gang Gang =
Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith. Group, and annual report = COG; CBOC = Cumberland Bird
Obs. Club Newsl.; CCBR = Central Coast Birding NSW Annual Report; FSCB = Far South
Coast Birdwatchers Newsl; HBOC = Hunter Bird Obs. Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings
Birdwatchers Newsl.; MFNCN = Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB =
Manning Valley Birdwatchers; MVBO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA = NSW
Bird Atlassers; SOSSA = Southern Ocean Seabird Survey Assoc.; TBO = The Bird Observer;
Wingspan = Birds Australia Newsl. Other abbreviations used include “A” for adult, “AM”
for adult male, and “AF” for adult female, “BC” beachcast, “D” for dead or beachcast, “DM”
dark morph, “DY” dependent young, “E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for heard
calling, “HS” for high school, “HSD” homestead, “Im” immature, “N” for nest, “Pr” for
pairs, “RK” for road kill, “RS” for railway station, AMSR for Australian Museum Specimen
Record, and “STW” for sewerage treatment works.
One new species were added to the NSW bird list, viz Dusky Honeyeater, confirming
unsubstantiated claims of its occurrence in areas just south of the Queensland border around
Tweed Heads and Piggabeen. There were also a number of unusual or otherwise significant
records. Due to the drought, Freckled Ducks were still being recorded in large numbers at
artificial water impoundments, while Whiskered Terns were plentiful in coastal areas. The
rarest birds were that of a Pied Imperial Pigeon at Port Macquarie, 4th NSW record, an adult
male Northern Shoveler near Kempsey, 5th NSW record, Radjah Shelducks at Urunga and
Myall Lakes 9th & 10th records, a Westland Petrel off Wollongong, 11th record, while a number
of Masked Boobies were seen. A Green Pygmy Goose at the Belmore Swamps near Kempsey
was the first record for that species since 1975.
There were no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird mortality on the
coast, however overall Australia experienced warmer than normal conditions across most
areas. Inland NSW therefore remained mostly subject to drought right across the State except
for the north-east and northern inland sections. However in early October heavy rains in parts
of the State flooded sections of the Gwydir wetlands, the Macquarie Marshes, some of the
Murray River wetlands around Mathoura and also the lower Lachlan Swamps. Straw -necked
Ibis, Glossy & Australian White Ibis bred at these locations and there was good breeding
of Nankeen Night -Herons, all the egrets and White -necked Herons. Elsewhere many inland
rivers were almost dry and most inland lakes and lagoon systems were dry. The rains gave
some respite from the drought that was present still in about 60-70% of the State.
The operations of the Birds Australia Rarities Committee and the NSW Ornithological
Records Appraisal Committee continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report
in reviewing rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the
level of credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 2The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan & Bruce
(1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south, followed by the
tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from those of other regions
by semi -colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified with these regions. However,
in order to take account of the five annual bird reports, it is necessary in the text to refer to
that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie as the “Hunter Region”, Gosford &
Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”, the County of Cumberland northwest
to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to Springwood as “Sydney Region”, the County
of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as “Illawarra” and the Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as
“South Coast”, as these areas coincide with the reporting areas of their reports.
2005 saw the passing of one of our regular contributors namely Janet Aitken, who died on 9
April 2005 aged 76 years. Janet remained an active bird watcher unil her death and was always
remembered as the person who found the Blue -winged Parrot at Towra Point in 1986!
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to identify
or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to the Australian
Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are unable to assist to
have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS office for assistance.
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Greg Clancy, Tony Bischoff, Warren Thompson,
Stephen Debus and Dick Cooper and Rod Gardner who reviewed the draft. In particular, Greg
spent much time in editing the draft. For the assistance and committment of these people,
am extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Regularly reported throughout the year at Main Camp
and 15 lower Clarence Valley & Clarence Coast sites with many breeding records (GC,WT);
A+4Y Belangro SF 10 Apr (CB), rare Illawarra breeding record; 2 40km E of Dunedoo 8 May
(DG), rare in this area.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata RK Goonoo NP nr Mendooran 8 Jul (LJ); 1 Woggoon NR
Condobolin Oct (DG). Only published reports.
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 1 Levenstrath 16 May, only 2nd report from this
site (GWI); 1 Mt Yengo HSD Yengo NP 11 Aug (RP), unusual location; 1 Lindfield 3 Jul &
26 Nov (LW), 1 Old Mans Valley Hornsby 13 Aug (AJo), 1 Parraween St Cremorne 11 Oct
(AB), P’ record for North Sydney LGA, Deep Ck Narrabeen 30 Oct (APa), Thornleigh
1 1
18 Apr & 10 Nov (JLo), 1 Hunters Hill 5 Dec (JPk); 1 Mt Keira 7 Jan (MRw), 1 Mt Kembla
15 Jul & 3 Aug (LE,MRw), 5 Balgownie 31 Jul (TE), 1 Woronora Heights 6 Oct(IBOC), 1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 3Gibson Tk Thirroul 26 Oct (IM); near Ashford 2 Dec, well west of normal range (AV).
These records indicate the spread of Brush Turkeys through the northern suburbs of Sydney
and Wollongong, they are now such a problem in Sydney’s northern suburbs that licenses are
issued for their removal.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 3 Jerseyville 3 Jan (TM), present most months Pelican Is
Jerseyville, A+4Y 18 Dec, 1″ breeding record for lower Macleay, 2 Belmore Swamp 11 Dec
(KS); Reported in small numbers form 7 Hunter Region sites Feb -Sep (HBR); 3 Mangrove Mtn
24 May (CCBR); 2 Hawkesbury Marshes 9 Oct (KB); 3+ Nethercote 14 Dec (BJ); 2 Capertee
Valley 22 Feb & 6 Mar (CP,RT), 1 Canowindra 13 Mar (MV), 20+ nests & young Norfolk
HSD Cassillis 21 Feb (BPo), 4 Glen Alice 6 Mar & 9 Jul (CP); Good year in Canberra Region,
many reports all year (COGR); 12 Loomberah, Tamworth 28 Feb (BNo), 1 Goonoowigall
Res Inverell 19 Sep (RT), many Manilla-Barraba area 27 Sep -6 Oct (GLC); AM Willowgrove
HSD Wanganella 24 Apr (RN), 15 Fivebough Swp Leeton 4 Jun, 20-30 in crops Leeton 3 Nov
(KH), many Oolambeyan NR 17 Dec (NW). A good year for Stubble Quail.
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 4 Curl Curl Lagoon 8 May (DS), 6 Maroubra 8 Aug (DM),
McMahons Pt 17 Jul, 2 Luna Park 4 Sep (TN), 3+ Pitt Town Lagoon 8 Oct (TN); Also the
most reports for Canberra Region since 1993-4 (COGR); Recorded at Fivebough Swamp on
5 occasions Apr -Nov, max 4 on 16 Jul (KH).
King Quail C. chinensis 1 Chullora Wetlands 4 Mar (DMc) 1″ record for Bankstown area,
HC Cornwallis Rd Richmond 25 Jun (DH).
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 8 Vintage Lakes 6 May (MA), 4 Casino 28 Sep (RT),
present all year Clarence Valley, mostly Clarenza, Crowsnest Swamp & Coutts Crossing,
max 50 Clarenza on 7 Sep & 35+ Coutts Crossing 23 Nov (GC,JB); Present all year Hunter
Wetland Centre, max 66 on 27 Jun, also at wetlands in the Shortland area plus Seaham and
Pambalong NR including 2A+6Y 13 Mar -26 Mar & 4 breeding records in or adjacent to HWC
(HBR,VC); A+2J Berowra Creek May (CCh); 12 Tidbinbilla, ACT 2-8 Aug (NTa); 10+8Y
(4 prs nesting) Narromine Weir 5 Jan (DG), 3 Wylandra 15 Jan (TK), rare breeding records for
the Central West; 5 9k N Burrumbuttock Oct -Dec (GSc), 12 Corowa STW (NLa) & 4 Govt.
Tank Res Henry 1-10 Oct (BL); 4 Tiger Bay, Warren STW 4 Oct (ABi), 5 Macquarie Marshes
18 Nov (RJ) & 100+ on 19 Dec (MMh), with one nest (RJ); 5 Darlington Point 7 Oct (NJm),
present 25 Sep, then 6+ nests Fivebough Swp Leeton 10-24 Oct, produced 10Y on 15 Oct,
still 6 on 23 Nov & there were 7A+Js on 16 Dec (KH,NSm), 3 Benerembah 19 Oct (JB), 1
Five Mile Res Narrandera 22 Oct (NSm), 3 on a rice farm Koonadan 1 Nov (PDa). Records
are widespread across the State.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni 380 McMahons Pond Rd Tatham 18 Oct
(GC), common Clarence Valley all year incl 200 Gilletts Ridge & 600+ Coutts Crossing 6 Sep
(GC,Mha,WT), with breeding reports including 2+10Y Woodford Is 12 May, 2 pairs with small
young Cowans Pond 2 Mar, 2+3Y Poley Bridge Orara River 30 Jan (GC), max 165 Belmore
River 10-19 Feb (KS); Present Hunter WC Jan -Sep, max 12 on 8 Apr, 2+4Y Pambalong NR
16 Jan, 10 on 5 Feb (HBR); 3 Auburn Bot. Gardens 8 Jun (RWi); 1 Jamberoo 22 Oct (JMo);
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 430 Dangars Lagoon Uralla 12 Nov (JCe); 15 Woodford 3 Apr (MLe), unusual location & 1″
record for Blue Mountains; 6, 9km N Burrumbuttock Oct (GSc), Burrumbuttock 22 Nov
(DWa); 200+ Bunnor HSD Gwydir Wetlands 5 Jul (GC); 13 Finley Lake 7 Aug (DPa), 9
Fivebough Swamp 21 Jan (NSm), 15 on 20 Oct , 2 on 12 Nov (JCm,KH), 10+ Deniliquin Oct
(DPa). Also widespread across the State.
Wandering Whistling- Duck D. arcuata 75+ Kingscliff STW 11 Aug (GC), max 6 Pelican
Is Jerseyville 31 Jan -10 Feb (KS), 2 Smiths Lake & 12 Woolgoolga Ck Rd 28 May & 14
on 30 Jul (GC); Resident Hunter WC, max 49 at night roost 4 Aug, 30+ Charlestown GC
23 Feb, present Pambalong NR Jan -Oct, max 20+ Jan, with 2A+2Y Pambalong Swamp
13 Mar, 2 Leneghans Swp Minmi 13 Nov, also Newcastle Uni Wetlands max 30 in May
(AM,CS,HBR,JCo,KG,NR); 1 Tuggerah STW 13 Mar (RQ), 2″d Central Coast record; 8
present Pitt Town Lagoon 24 Jan -5 Mar, max 10 on 10 Feb (CP,JD,KB,SP), Auburn Bot.
Gardens 8 Jun (RWi), 2 Bushells Lagoon 23 Oct (TN), rare records for Sydney Region.
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis Im M McMahons Lane Pond, Tatham 9 Jun (GC); 4
Ash Is Deep Pond 8 Aug & 2 on 23 Jul (HBR); 30 Little Llangothlin Lgn Guyra 10 Aug
(JCe); 2M,1F Karoo HSD darn, Meadow Flat 3 Apr (CC), 3M,1F Nuffield Dam, Meadow
Flat 22 May (CM), 3M,2F Lithgow STW 15 Oct -4 Nov (CP,JLu); Small numbers Fyshwyck
STW, max 12 in Feb & 20 on 30 Oct (COGR); 10 Gorman Rd STW Goulburn 26 Nov (JHI);
1 Quipolly Dam, Quirindi 7 May (PB); 2A+2Y Gum Swamp, Forbes 19 Mar, 6 on 25 Sep
(GB), 2 on 19 Nov (DG,RT); 1 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 6 Jan (MHe), 2 Corowa STW
26 Feb, 4M 1F on 5 Oct (EC), 2 Junee STW 11 Nov (MC), 1″ record for LGA area, 7 Wonga
Wetlands, Albury 11 Dec, the observer’s highest count for the site (MHe); Breeding Tony
Plains HSd Booligal Oct (MMh); 3+ Fowlers Gap dams 25-30 Sep (FH).
Musk Duck Biziura lobata 2 Swan Creek 30 Mar, AM Smiths Lake, Moonee 28 May, 2F
Camira Creek 2 Jun & F on 6 Sep, 2 McMahons Lane Pond Tatham 9 Jun & AM on 18 Oct,
8+ Main Camp Plantation 9 Jun, 2F Glenugie 31 May & 1 on 30 Oct, F Lake Hiawatha 5 Nov
(GC); 2 Bombah Pt Myall Lakes 29 Oct (MH);AM Lake Inverell 5 Jul (GC); F+2J Dunns
Swamp, Rylstone 15 Oct (JCo); 10 Wonga Wetlands Albury 11 Dec (MHe). More North Coast
records than usual.
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 1 Smiths Lake, Moonee & Newman Swp Woolgoolga 28
May, 8 Tatham 9 Jun (GC); 2 Coralville 21 May, max 4 Hunter WC 19 Jun -27 Jul (HBR); Present Pitt
Town Lagoon 4 Feb -25 Jun, max 18 on 4 Jun (BF,CSc,DH,EV,DK,SP), Eastlakes GC 13-22 May
(DM,SP), 4 Fearnleys Lagoon 3 Nov (TDy)); 3 Tallawarra 9 Mar (CB); 13 Barlings Swamp, Moruya
9 Apr -5 May (ENHS); 2A+3Y Karoo HSD Meadow Flat 3 Apr (RW), F Lake Wallace 4 Nov (CP);
Present Jerrabomborah Wetlands ACT Jan -12 Jul, max 7 on 27 Mar (COGR,TW); Quipolly Dam,
Quirindi 7 May (PB); 23 Gum Swamp, Forbes 19 Mar, 20 on 6 Jul & 5 on 26 Dec (DG,DH,RSt),
6 Parkes STW 17 Oct (JMd); 21 Corowa STW 26 Feb (DWe), 3 Norske Skog Dam 7 Feb (PMe);
Present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 21 Jan -16 Jun, max 85 on 14 Jun (AM,KH,NJm,NL,NSm),
Deniliquin STW 24 Apr (PMh); Tony Plains HSD Booligal Oct (MMh); AM Merrylands HSD
Cobar 4-6 Sep & 4 Booroondarra HSD Cobar 7 Sep (LSm), 3+ Sandstone Tk Fowlers Gap 25-30
Sep (FH). Due to the drought, still being reported at artificial wetlands across the State.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 5Black Swan Cygnus atratus Large numbers Belmore Swamp Apr -Jul, max 2000 2 Jul, 14+
nests 9 Nov (KS); 100+ birds, 20 nests Lake Bathurst 17 Sep (NTa).
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides 2 Bushells Lagoon 6 Apr (KB); 2 Berrima 15
Jul (NJ); 28 Bemboka 26 Jun (SR), large number for site; Increased numbers in the Southern
Tablelands including 50 Canturf Dam & 93 Readymix Dam, Bungendore 12 May & max 114
Lake Bathurst Nov -Dec, nesting Lade Vale, Gunning 25 Jul (COGR); 15 Macquarie Marshes
NR 18 Nov (WJ); 150 Fivebough Swamp 27 Nov, highest number for many years (KH).
Radjah Shelduck T radjah 2 2km S Urunga 2-18 Aug (JBu), 9th record for NSW and
the first since 1968. Record accepted by NSWORAC; 2 Mungo Brush 27 Sep -31 Dec
(DM,GW,HBR,PH), 10th record for NSW, referred to and accepted by NSWORAC, probably
the same pair that were at Urunga.
Green Pygmy -Goose Nettapus pukhellus Single bird in flock of Shovelers at Seales Rd
Swamp, Belmore River 23 May (BMa). Recorded referred to NSWORAC and accepted.
Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis 21 McMahons Lgn Tatham 26 Mar (DB), present
Broadwater Swamp Lawrence May -Jul, max 70+ on 4 Jul (GC), large numbers Jun -Aug,
max 1000 Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore River 19 Jun (KS); Notable Hunter Region records
include 100+ Ash Island ponds Feb -Apr, max 120 Morpeth STW May -Jun, 207 Hunter WC
27 Jun (HBR); Fewer reports from Central Coast than usual where present Apr- Oct, max 32
Tuggerah STW on 14 May (CCBR); Present Pitt Town Lagoon 5 Mar -21 May, max 100 on
24 Apr (EV,SP).
Northern Shoveler A. clypeata AM Seale’s Rd Swamp, Belmore River 25 Jun -6 Jul
(AM,KS,TM), referred to BARC and accepted, 5th NSW record.
Grey Teal A. gracilis Max 300+ Arndilly HSD Broadwater Swamp 4 May & 500+ Belmore
Swamp 23 Aug (GC); Present all year Ash Island wetlands, max 2055 on 9 Apr while 1576
was the max at Morpeth STW 18 May (HBR); 1100 The Morass 1 Aug an unusually large
number (COGR).
Chestnut Teal A. castanea Large number Belmore Swamp Apr -Aug, max 2500 on 25 Apr
(KS); Present Kooragang/Ash Island all year, max 1000+ in Feb -Apr (HBR).
Pink- eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus 3 McMahons Lgn Tatham 29 Mar (DB),
66 Tatham & 3 Main Camp Plantation 9 Jun, large number for the Richmond Valley, max 20
Lawrence Egret colony 28 Jan -24 Nov, nesting Aug, Calliope 31 May, 2 Cowans Pond 16
Jul, 3 Clarenza wetlands 1-3 Dec (GC), 3 Pelican Is Jerseyville 1-15 May (KS); Present at 10
Hunter wetlands all year max 143 Ash Island on 9 Apr (HBR); Present Tuggerah STW May –
Jun, max 6 on 14 May, fewer birds than usual (CCBR); Present Pitt Town Lagoon 5 Mar -17
Jul, max 150 on 24 Apr (DK,SP,TN); 300 Dangars Lgn Uralla 23 Oct (JCe), large number for
site; Present Jan -Jun Kellys Swamp ACT, max 72 on 28 May (COGR); 6+ prs with ducklings
Gum Swp Forbes 19 Mar (DG). Overall more common at coastal sites than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 6Hardhead Aythya australis 500 Belmore Swamp 7 Sep (KS); Present all year at 9 Hunter
wetlands, and A+Y at Muswellbrook STW 3 Feb, 1″ confirmed breeding record for Hunter Region
in 20 years (HBR); 700 Cochrone Lgn McMasters Beach 2 Jul (JM); 18 Curl Curl Lagoon 18
May (KG), unusual location; 300 Lake Bathurst 28 Aug & 220 Fyshwick STW 2 Sep (COGR).
Large numbers in coastal areas due to the drought.
Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae 200 Prospect Reservoir 2 Jul (EV), large
Hoary- headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus Small numbers at 5 Clarence/Richmond
Valley sites 4 May -30 Oct, max 31 Main Camp Plantation 9 Jun (GC); Present all year Grahamstown
Water Res, max 247 on 15 Jul, smaller numbers elsewhere in Hunter Region (HBR); 95 Prospect
Reservoir 6 Aug (EV), high number for site; 12 pr nesting Tallawarra impoundment 5 Mar, 1″
recorded lllawarra breeding record; 100+ Dangars Lagoon, Uralla (JCe).
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Max 16 Main Camp Plantation 9 Jun -24 Nov, Lake
Hiawatha 28 Oct (GC), unusual locations; Present Grahamstown Reservoir all year max 70 on 10
Dec, 2 Mt Arthur 9 Jan & 15 on 2 Apr (GS,HBR); 200 Prospect Reservoir 14 Aug, 44+2 nests
on 13 Nov (EV), high number for site; 23 Fitzroy Falls Reservoir 16 Apr (BA); Lake Burley
Griffin 22 Jan & 29 Oct, 2 on 29 Nov (COGR); 400+ Lake Keepit 14 Jan (DJt); 5 Lake Inverell
26 Apr -5 Jul (JH,GC); 1 Corowa STW 6 Oct (PSe), 2 Bethungra Dam 14 Nov (MC), 18 Wonga
Wetlands 11 Dec (MHe); 1 Cobar Water Sports Dam 11 Oct (ABi).
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 6 Fish Rocks, South West Rocks 18 Jul, northern limit (LMc),
1 Crescent Head 24 Nov (TM); Two breeding colonies noted on Broughton Island 9-10 Jan
(HBR); Estimated 60 breeding prs Manly Cove/Spring Cove (NPWS-Mambana Spring 2006), 7
Balls Hd Kirribilli 9 Jul & 2 Longueville 23 Jul (PD), daily McMahons Point 10-17 Jul (TN).
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus 1 imm sp? near Diggers camp, Yuraygir NP12
Jul (GC), 7 reports (1-6 birds) off South West Rocks 24 Jun -28 Sep, including one banded South
Shetland Is 22/5/2005, recovered South West Rocks 6 Aug (LMc); 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 17
Jul (CCBR); 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 3 Jul (JRe), 1 South Head 10 Jul (SB), J at Maroubra 28 Nov
(Birdline); 4 Present Wollongong pelagic 29 May- 4 Sep, max 6 on 24 Jul (PM); BC Pambula
31 Jul (BJ), subsequently released back to sea, I Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO). Fewer reports than
Northern Giant -Petrel M halli 1 Ben Buckler, Bondi 25 Jun (FH), 1 North Head, Sydney 2
Jul (SB), 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 3 Jul, 27 Aug & 4 Sep (GT,JRe,RG), 4 Sydney pelagic 13 Aug &
2 on 22 Sep (RM); 1 Bendalong Point 12 Apr (GA), present Wollongong pelagic 29 May -4 Sep,
max 2 on 29 May but only 5 records (CB,PM); 4 Eden pelagic 31 Jul (EA). Average year.
Cape Petrel Daption capense 1 off South West Rocks 7 Jul & 5 on 23 Jul (LMc); 8 Sydney
pelagic 13 Aug, 9 on 22 Sep (RM), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 4 Sep (SP), 1 Maroubra 28 Nov
(Birdline); Present Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun- 4 Sep, max 27 on 26 Jun (CB,PM); Eden
pelagic 31 Jul (EA). Fewer reports than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 7Great- winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera bc Angels Beach,Ballina 17 Apr (WM),
max 6 off South West Rocks 23 Jul -18 Aug (LMc); 3+ Newcastle pelagic 3 Apr (HBR);
Present 400 Sydney pelagics 18 Jan -12 Nov, max 400 on 18 Jan (RM), 4 Mistral Pt 14 May,
25 Magic Pt Maroubra 10 Jul (MR,RG), 4+ Long Reef 30 Oct (APa); 55 Wollongong pelagic
26 Feb (PM); Eden pelagic 30 Oct (EA).
White -headed Petrel P lessonii 1 blown ashore Toukley GC 1 Jul (DJ), 4th CC record; I bc
Collaroy Beach Jul (DS); Wollongong pelagic 24 Jul (PM). Fewer reports than usual.
1 1
Providence Petrel P solandri Max 50 off South West Rocks 23 Jul -3 Aug (LMc); 3 Newcastle
pelagic 3 Apr (HBR); Present Sydney pelagics 9 Apr -12 Nov, max 45 on 22 Sep (RM); 10
Wollongong pelagic 4 Sep (CB); Eden pelagic 30 Oct (EA).
Kermadec Petrel P neglecta 3 Newcastle pelagic 10 Apr (RB); 4 Sydney pelagic 9 Apr
(RM); 1 Eden pelagic 5 Nov (SMo). More records than usual, referred to NSWORAC.
Black -winged Petrel P nigripennis 1 Eden pelagic 5 Nov (SMo), 32′ NSW record..
Soft -plumage Petrel P mollis Sydney pelagic 9 Apr (RM) referred to NSWORAC.
White -necked Petrel P cervicalis 1 Newcastle pelagic 10 Apr (PH); 1 North Head, Sydney
3 & 8 Jan (MR), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 25 Jan & 10 Mar (DM), being the 45th -49th records.
Gould’s Petrel P leucoptera off South West Rocks 25 Jan (LMc); single birds Newcastle
pelagic 3 & 10 Apr, 800-1000 prs continue to nest Cabbage Tree Island, with 400+ fledglings
produced each year and 20 prs breed on Boondelbah Island (Priddel & Carlile 2007).
Broad -billed Prion Pachyptila vittata Single bird blown ashore in storm at Bensville and
taken into care where it died 7 Jun (AM), rarely record in NSW waters. The record was
referred to and accepted by BARC.
Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur 50 off Newcastle Beach 29 May, 20 Newcastle baths 8
Jun & 40+ on 25 Jun (HBR,PH); Small numbers off Norah Head 21 Jun (CCBR); Present
Wollongong pelagics 29 May -24 Jul, max 130 on 26 Jun (PM).
Slender -billed Prion P belcheri 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 13 May (DM).
Black Petrel P parkinsoni 1 Sydney pelagic 12 Feb (RM); 1 Wollongong pelagic 26 Feb &
5 on 17 Dec (PM). Less than usual and being the 39th -41″ records.
Westland Petrel P westlandica 1 Wollongong pelagic 25 Feb (PM), 4th Illawarra & 11th
NSW record.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas Trial Bay 23 Jan (LMc); 2 Soldiers Pt
Norah Head 16 Jan (RQ), 3rd CC record: A total of 32 birds seen from Magic/Mistral Pt
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 8Maroubra 23 Jan -13 Mar, on 12 separate days, max 7 on any one day (DM,RG,RMc), Long
Reef 25, 26 Feb & 3 Mar (MR), 14 North Head 23 Jan (MR), exceptional Sydney records;
1 Wollongong pelagic 22 Jan & 25 Feb (PM). Departure: 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 13 Mar.
Arrival -: 1 North Head 9 Sep (MR). The most ever records and highest number of birds, being
the 81st 100th records.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 1500 on Newcastle pelagic 3 Apr, 500+ on
10 Apr, 100+ off Awabakal NR 15 Sep (HBR); 3000 present off Magic Pt Maroubra 20 Feb,
2000 on 26 Feb (DM,EV), some large numbers for Sydney & Newcastle. Departure: Birdie
Beach 30 Apr (CCBR). Arrival: 2 Sydney pelagic 13 Aug (RM), 4 Pelican Pt Norah Head
20 Aug (AM).
Buller’s Shearwater P bulleri 3+ off South West Rocks 21-23 Jan (LMc); Norah Head
8 Jan (RQ); 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 8 Jan (RG), 1 Sydney pelagic 18 Jan (RM), 1 Magic Pt
Maroubra 12 & 26 Feb (EV,SP); 3 Wollongong pelagic 22 Jan & 25 Feb (PM). Numbers
continue to increase.
Flesh -footed Shearwater P carneipes 100+ Newcastle pelagic 3 Apr (HBR); 150 Sydney
pelagic 12 Mar, 500 on 9 Apr (RM) last date, 20+ Magic Pt Maroubra 20-26 Feb, 8 on 15 Mar
(DM,EV,RG), then 4 Sydney pelagic 30 Sep, first return, on 12 Nov (RM).
Sooty Shearwater P griseus 2 Magic Pt Maroubra 26 Feb (EV), 1 Sydney Pelagic 12 Mar,
30 Sep (RM); 1 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO).
Short -tailed Shearwater P tenuirostris with extensive white under the wings beachcast
Station Ck Yuraygir NP 6 Jan (GC). Departure: Wollongong pelagic 26 Jun (PM); Arrival:
1000+ South West Rocks 25 Sep (LMc), 100+ Magic Pt Maroubra 27 Sep (RG). No major
reports of wrecks in 2005.
Fluttering Shearwater P gavia 10 Crescent Head 25 Jun (TM); 20+ off Broughton Island
9-10 Jan, 50+ off Awabakal NR 15 Sep (HBR); 1000+ off Soldiers Pt 21 Jul & 800+ flying
north 21 Aug, 3000+ off Birdie Beach 1 Sep (CCBR); 15,000 off Maroubra 17 Sep (SP), a
large number; 250 Eden plagic 31 Oct (RO). Average year.
Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni Reported from Feb -Aug off South West Rocks max 20 on
18 Jul (LMc); 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 1 Sep & The Entrance 17 Sep (CCBR); 1100+ Mistral
Pt Maroubra 18 Sep (RG), 2 Sydney pelagic 12 Mar & 12 Nov (RM); 150 Wollongong pelagic
4 Sep (CB). Average year
Little Shearwater P assimilis 1 Trial Bay 12-14 Feb, 1 off Fish Rock South West Rocks 18 Jul & 6 Aug
(LMc); 1 Wollongong pelagic 28 May & 17 Dec (PM); 1 Eden pelagic 5 Nov (SMo). Average year.
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 9 reports off South West Rocks, 1-6 birds 15 Apr –
28 Sep (LMc), most records since 2001; J Newcastle pelagic 10 Apr, A+J on 9 Jun (HBR); A
off Norah Head 21 Jul, 1 be Avoca Beach 5 Nov (AM,CCBR); Seen off Mistral Pt Maroubra
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 9on 5 occasions 9 Mar- 8 Oct, max 2 (DM,EV,RG); 1 Sydney pelagic 12 Jun & 42 on 30 Sep
(CMa,RM), max 29 North Head 27-30 Sep (MR); 3 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun, 1 on 26 Jun
(PM); 3 Eden pelagic 31 Jul, 27 on 30 Oct, 1 on 31 Oct (EA,RO).
Gibson’s Albatross D. e. gibsoni 1 Sydney pelagic 12 Feb, 15 on 22 Sep, 4 on 12 Nov (RM);
Present Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun- 17 Dec, max 11 (PM); 7 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO).
Antipodean Albatross D. e. antipodensis 1 Sydney pelagic 22 Sep (RM); 1 Wollongong
pelagic 22 Jan & 23 Jul (PM).
Northern Royal Albatross D. epomophora sandfordi 1 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO), referred
Black-browed Albatross D. m. melanophris 7 reports (1-6 birds) off South West Rocks 23
Jun -28 Sep (LMc), more records than usual; 1 off Bar Beach 8 Jun, 3 Newcastle pelagic 25
Jun (HBR); Present Central Coast May -Oct on 6 occasions, max 10 Soldiers Pt Norah Head
on 17 Jul (AM); Present off Maroubra 14 May -30 Sep, max 15 on 6 Aug (GT,RG,SP), max 2
seen off North Head 26 Mar- 10 Jul (MR,SB), South Head 10 Jul (SBy), 6 Sydney pelagic
22 Sep, 2+ 30 Sep (DH); 35 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun, 60 on 26 Jun, 10 on 4 Sep (CB,PM);
Eden pelagic 31 Jul, 9 on 30 Oct (EA)
Campbell’s Albatross D. m impavida 1 Ben Buckler Bondi 25 Jun (FH), 1 South Head 10
Jul (SBy), Magic Pt Maroubra 27 Aug (RG); 12 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun, 15 on 26 Jun,
2 on 4 Sep (CB,PM); 2 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO).
Shy Albatross D. cauta 1 Fish Rock, Sth West Rocks 18 Aug (LMc); 1 Soldiers Pt Norah
Head 18 Jun, 1 bc Avoca Beach 23 Nov (CCBR); 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 23 Mar, 3 on 27 Aug,
1 on 30 Sep (DM,RG), 1 Sydney pelagic 12 Jun, 30 Sep (CMa,DH), 2 North Head 27-30 Sep
(MR); 2 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun, 1 on 26 Jun 1 on 4 Sep (CB,PM); Present Eden pelagic
31 Jul -31 Oct, max 40 (EA), 1 bc Merimbula 11 Dec (GGr).
White -capped Albatross D. c. steadi 1 Sydney pelagic 18 Jan & 2 on 22 Sep (RM); 1
Wollongong pelagic 25 Jun, 1 on 26 Jun, 6 on 4 Sep & 1 on 17 Dec (CBV,PM).
Salvin’s Albatross D.c.salvini 2 Eden pelagic 21 Jul, 1 on 13 Oct, 1 on 30 Oct (EA).
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 23 Jul (JRe); 1 offWollongong
16 Jul (GB), 32″ & 33″ records.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos Many off South West Rocks 24 Jun -17 Aug,
max 100 on 2 occasions (LMc), 1 Point Plomer 26 Jun, 1 Crescent Head 27 Aug (TM); 1-2
off Bar Beach 8 & 25 Jun, Newcastle Baths 8 Jun (HBR); 4 reports Soldiers Pt Norah Head
29 May -21 Jul, max 5 on 3 Jul (CCBR); 20 Mistral Pt Maroubra 29 May & 18 on 6 Aug, 14
Magic Pt Maroubra 27 Aug, 1 30 Sep (DM,EV,RG), 3 Sydney pelagic 22 Sep, 1 on 30 Sep
(DH,RM), 2+ North Head 27-30 Sep (MR); 12 Wollongong pelagic 4 Sep (CB).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 10Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 Cape Three Points 29 May (MR), 1n Central Coast record; 1
North Head 27 May (MR); 1 Wollongong pelagic 23 Jul (PM); 1 Eden pelagic 30 Oct (EA),
70 -73rd records. Average year.
Wilson’s Storm- Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 4 off Grassy Head May, present off South
West Rocks 25 Jun -15 Dec, max 7 on 23 Jul (LMc); 50+ Newcastle pelagic 3 Apr (HBR);
Present, max 5, Sydney pelagic 12 Mar -9 Apr, 22 Sep -12 Nov (RM).
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 1 Newcastle pelagic 10 Apr (HBR); 1
Sydney pelagic 22 Sep (RM).
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 2 Newcastle pelagic 11 Apr (PH), referred to
NSWORAC and accepted.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator 41+ off Back Beach Bundjalung NP 21 Jun (GC),
1000+ off South West Rocks 24 Jun & 23 Jul (LMc), 150 off Cape Byron 16 Aug (BMo);
Regularly reported from the Hunter Coast 8 Feb to 20 Sep (HBR); 200+ off Magic Pt Maroubra
27 Aug (EV); 200+ off Merimbula 8 May (SL). Average year.
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra Max 6 off South West Rocks 20 Jan -1 May (LMc), 16 km
E of Cape Byron 8 Sep (RMo), both records referred to NSWORAC and accepted, increased
numbers being recorded.
Brown Booby S. leucogaster 2 South West Rocks 21 Mar (LMc) & on 17 Dec (PM), only
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Breeding: Nesting Belmore River Jan -Feb, Nov -Dec max
10 nests, single nests Kinchela & Nambucca Heads Mar & Nov (KS), nesting Boothbys Ck
Southgate 29 Oct (GC); 36 Central Coast nesting reports all year, mostly lower Ourimbah
& Wyong Creeks, fewer nests than usual (CCBR); Nesting throughout the year Lake Burley
Griffin East Basin/Molonglo River a total of c.22 nesting attempts, also Black Mtn Peninsula
(COGR), 2N+Y Gum Swamp Forbes 19 Mar (DG); 10N+Y Tony Plains HSD Booligal 15
Dec (JB).
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Common and widespread all waterways,
44 recorded Port Stephens survey 12 Mar (HBR). Breeding: 4+N Boothbys Ck Southgate 29
Oct (GC), max 25 nests Belmore River Jan -Feb, 4 nests Nov -Dec (KS); 4 prs nesting Market
Swp Sandgate 13 Oct, 50 prs Toronto wetlands 11 Dec (HBR); 8 prs nesting Newcastle Water
Res 12 Sep -13 Oct, 1 nest Market Swp, 3 prs Bungwahl 4 Dec & nesting Toronto wetlands 11
Dec (HBR); 14 nests Ourimbah Ck, Chittaway Oct -Dec fewer than usual (CCBR); Nesting
throughout the year Lake Burley Griffin East Basin/Molonglo River a total of c.20 nesting
attempts, also Black Mtn Peninsula & Yowani Country Club 12 N on 27 Sep (COGR), 50
nests Torry Plains HSD Booligal 15 Dec (JB).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2
11Black -faced Cormorant P fuscescens 9 Eden pelagic 30 Oct (EA), 1 Womboyn 23 Dec
Pied Cormorant P varius 47 Port Stephens survey 12 Mar, roost regularly at night Newcastle
Water Res max 78 on 4 Aug. Breeding: 7 prs nesting Newcastle Water Res 13 Oct (HBR); 3
pr Everglades GC Woy Woy 11 Oct (CCBR).
Little Black Cormorant P sulcirostris 300 Jerseyville 4 Jul (KS), 1000+ Goodwood Is
Clarence R 26 Aug (GC); 2000 Lake Keepit 6-9 Jun (MVBO). Breeding: 6 prs nesting
Market Swamp, Sandgate 13 Oct, 10 prs Toronto wetlandsll Dec (HBR); Nesting throughout
the year Lake Burley Griffin East Basin/Molonglo River c.20 nesting attempts, also Black
Mtn Peninsula (COGR); 500 nests Torry Plains HSD Booligal 15 Dec (JB).
Great Cormorant P carbo Max 64 roosting over- night Newcastle Water Res Jul -Oct (HBR).
Breeding: N+4Y Belmore River 3 Jul (KS); 2 nests Market Swamp Sandgate & 2 Newcastle
Wetland Res 13 Oct (HBR).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 436 in
Jan, average year (CCBR). Breeding: Nesting Ramsay Is. Woy Woy all year (CCBR).
Lesser Frigatebird F arial 2 21(m N of Lake Cathie 14 Apr (HL); 2 Wollongong Harbour
10 Jul (VD).
Little Egret E. garzetta 1 Binya 16 Jan (KH). Breeding: 3 prs Shortland WC Nov -Dec &
2 prs Toronto Wetlands (HBR,MMx); no nesting Central Coast (CCBR), 2000 prs Gwydir
wetlands Dec (JSo), 18 prs Almond Rd Swamp Leeton 18 Dec (MS). Coastal breeding
numbers in decline, but a welcome boost at the Gwydir wetlands.
Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra c. 5 prs South West Rocks Jun (LMc); Reported from 3 Central
Coast sites all year (CCBR); 1 Kiola 11 Mar (NJ).
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica 109+ Deep Ck Ulmarra 11-16 Jul (GC), a large
number; 18 reports from 14 sites on the Central Coast, more than usual (CCBR). Breeding:
No reports!
Great Egret A. alba Breeding: 13+ active nests Lawrence Egret colony 19 Jan -16 Mar
(GC); 35 prs nesting Hunter WC Nov-Dec,10 nests Toronto wetlands 11 Dec (HBR,MMx),
20+N Fivebough Swamp 20 Nov (MS), 250 nests Willriggie Swamp, Griffith 11 Dec (BM),
200 pr Pollen Ck Tony Plains HSD Booligal in Redgums 15 Dec (JB), 300 prs Almond Rd
Swamp Dec (MS). Some encouraging inland breeding records.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia 6 Greenwell Point 7 Jun (BA), unusual location; 11,
mostly in breeding plumage Wonga Wetlands 11 Dec (MHe); Arrived Fivebough Swamp 15
Sep (KH). Breeding: 3+N+Y Lawrence Egret Rookery Jan- Mar (GC); 9N Shortland WC
Nov -Dec (MMx); Many successfully bred from Gwydir Wetlands 18 Feb (MMx), where
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 12nested again in Dec; IN+ Willbriggie Swp Griffith 11 Dec (BM), 800 pr Almond Rd Swamp
Leeton Dec. Except from the Gwdyir Wetlands & Leeton. Poor breeding success in NSW in
Cattle Egret A. ibis 400 Kinchela 4 Jul (KS); 400 in total roosting Seaham, Hunter WC &
Irrawang Swamp 20 Apr (HBR); 3 Blighty 27 Aug -10 Sep (EWa). Breeding: 2000+ young
Lawrence Egret rookery Jan, 300+ nests again 24 Oct -24 Nov (GC); 182 N Hunter WC Nov,
381 N Seaham Swamp & 60 N Toronto wetlands Nov -Dec (HBR,MMx), 100 prs Gwydir
wetlands Dec (JSo).
Striated Heron Butorides striatus No breeding reports for Central Coast, first time since 1995
when reports began (CCBR).
Nankeen Night Heron Nyticorax caledonicus 90+ Belmore River 4 Jan (KS); Roost each night
in Hunter WC, max 152 on 13 Oct (HBR); 2 Warriewood Wetlands 5 Jan (HR). Breeding: 5000
prs nesting Gwydir wetlands Dec (JSo), 100 nests Torry Plains HSD Booligal 15 Dec (JB).
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 1 South West Rocks GC 23-24 Jan (KS); 1 Little Quipolly
Dam 29 Oct (MRo); 1 Macquarie Marshes NR 29 Oct (CP); Max 4 Fivebough Swp 3-17 Dec
Black Bittern I. flavicollis 1 Ash Island 9 Mar (HBR), 1 Smiths Lake Mar (SD), 1 Kenrose
Channel, Forster 29 May (ACa), 1 Cockle Ck & 1 Stoney Ck Toronto 2 Sep, 6 Dora, Stockton &
Jigadee Cks, Lake Macquarie 27 Sep -29 Oct, 1 Barnsley Sep (HBR,MT); 1 Dharug NP 29 Jan
(EV), 2 Sunshine Res Ourimbah Ck 29 Jan & 1 on 20 Nov, 1 Chittaway Point 21 Nov (CCBR);
1 Nepean R Penrith 18 Oct (MSi), 1 Deep Ck Narrabeen 6 & 29 Oct (BC,DT); 1 Oak Flats
Railway 7 Jan (CB).
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Maria River Road, Crescent Hd 10 Mar, 1
Kinchela Ck Belmore River 24 May & 1 Swan Pool Kinchela 31 Aug (TM); HC Nepean River
nr Penrith 26 Dec (BMBO); 1 Pamboola 15-26 Sep (BK,RGa); 1 Jindera Feb (JHo); 1 Little
Quipolly Dam 29 Oct (MRo); 1 Macquarie Marshes NR 29 Oct (DG); 1 Deniliquin East 26
Apr (PMh), 1-2 Fivebough Swp Leeton May, then max 4 HC, 23 Aug, -Dec (KH,.MS,NSm),
1 Innesfail Rd Euroly 22 Jul (NSm), 1 Campbells Swp Giffith 2 Dec (JS). Good spread of
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Present Clarence Valley all year max 50+ Cowper Wetland
24 Apr -13 May (WT) & 55 Little Broadwater Swp Lawrence Jan -Jul (GC); Present Seale’s Rd
Swamp, Belmore River Apr- Sep, max 600 on 7 Jul (GC,KS,TM); Present in small numbers in
the lower Hunter wetlands throughout the year, max 10 Hexham Swamp 11 Nov & 7 Morpeth
on 27 Feb (HBR); I Bi-centennial Park 3 Jul (NP); 38 Pamboola Wetlands 11 Nov (BJ); 5
Fivebough Swp 4 Jun & 1 on 31 July, then returned 60 on 15 Sep, rising to 4945 roosting on 24
Nov, 1600 on 17 Dec (KH). Breeding: 100 prs nesting Tony Plains HSD Booligal Nov -Dec
(MMh), 500 prs nesting Macquarie Marshes 2 Dec (RJ), but overall, numbers of breeding pairs
well down.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 13Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Large numbers roosted at a number of sites in
the Hunter Apr- Oct max 2848 Hunter WC 14 Apr (HBR); 1000+ roosting Ramsay Is Woy
Woy 16 Apr (CCBR). Breeding: 6+ nests Lawrence Egret Rookery 24 Oct -24 Nov (GC),
14 N Shortland WC Nov (MMx), 200+ nesting Ramsay Is Woy Woy Oct -Dec (CCBR), 5 pr
on island Yowani CC Canberra ACT 27 Sep (COGR), 100 prs nesting Fivebough Swp & 115
prs Almond Rd Swp Leeton Dec (MS), 12 nests Willbriggie Swamp, Griffith 11 Dec (BM),
1000 prs nesting Torry Plains HSD Booligal 15 Dec (JB); 100 prs nesting Macquarie Marshes
Dec (RJ).
Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis Max 10,000 Colletts Is Lower Coldstream 19 Feb (WT),
5000 Belmore River wetlands 6 Jul (KS); Many at roost in the lower Hunter wetlands Apr -Oct,
including max 11586 Hunter WC & 10,999 Irrawang Swamp, total 24420 on 14 Jul (HBR).
Large numbers in coastal areas this year. Breeding: 4000 prs nesting Gwydir wetlands Dec
but nesting aborted early Jan 06 when water was stopped (JSo), 20,000 prs nesting Torry
Plains HSD Booligal Oct- Dec (JB,MMh), 8000 prs Mutherumbung HSD Booligal 15 Dec
(JB), 100 prs nesting Macquarie Marshes Dec (RJ).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia Present Clarence Valley all year max 114+ Woodford Is 10
Aug & 114 Belmore Swamp 23 Aug (GC); Present in lower Hunter wetlands all year, max
40 Leneghans Swamp 10 Sep (HBR). Breeding: 3 nests Urunga 15 Dec (MVBO); 3 nests
East Maitlands 26 Nov, 10 prs Paterson Rd Maitland 21 Oct (HBR); 6+ nests Willbriggie Swp
Griffith 11 Dec (BM), 300 prs nesting in lignum Torry Plains HSD, Booligal 15 Dec (JB).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P flavipes 15 Leneghans Flat 5 Jul (HBR); 7 Bushells Lgn 9 Jan
(EV), high number for County of Cumberland; 1 Canberra 12 May, rare in Region (COGR).
Breeding: 5 nests Torry Plains HSD Booligal 15 Dec (JB).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus 3 roadkills in Clarence Valley Aug -Oct; 1
Leneghans Flat 23 Jan, East Seaham 27 Feb, Coolongolook 26 Apr & 3 May, Dyers Crossing
17 May (HBR); 1 Illawong, Hurstville Bay 19 May (DAn), 1″ Sydney record since 1978-9;
Carmel Lagoon, Baradine 21 Apr (DJo), Garah 7 Nov (JLo) two rare western records.
1 1
Breeding: An estimated 56 prs reported for NSW, with 14 breeding attempts in NSW 15
young fledged from 11 nests (GC), including 2A+2Y Collett’s Swamp, Tucabia 19 Feb, 1 the
2003 chick and the other the 2004 chick (GC), N+2Y Gumma via Macksville Oct 24 Sep -17
Oct (NCr); 2+N+3Y nesting Moree Watercourse Mar- May (JSo).
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Breeding Resident as far south as Port Stephens, all records
south of this area are listed. 1 Wyee Point, Lake Macquarie 26 Apr (DMo), 1 Cockle Ck
Edgeworth 3 Apr, 19 Aug & 11 Sep, 1 Bolton Pt Lake Macquarie 28 Oct (CD,JSm, HBR));
10 reports from 6 sites around Tuggerah Lakes & 2 birds present from Sep, which could
indicate that a pair are becoming established in this area & 4 Murrumbung HSD Mardi 14
Nov (CCBR,JC); 1 Narrabeen Lake & Head 27 Jan, 22 May & 24 Sep (APa,DS,JRs), 1
Peace Park, Ashbury 1 May (LJ), 1 Collaroy Bch 1 Jul & 31 Dec (DS,TW); 1 Windang 16-
19 Mar (CB), 1 Dapto 23 Mar (RF), 1 Burrill Lake 21 Apr (KM), 1 Haywards Bay, Yallah
12-22 May (CB,KM). Breeding: A total of 53 nest sites in the Mid North Coast, 37 nesting
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 14events for which the outcome was known, 26 successful (70% success), producing 33 young
(0.9 per pr). Mean brood size at fledging was 1.3 (B/1 x 19, B/2 x 7), 5 Juv coloured banded
from 3 nests, estimated 111 Osprey (42 breeding prs). Up to 50 breeding prs on the Far North
Coast; Nesting pair studied at Emerald Beach 2003-5 (Kennard et al 2006), nesting Tahlee 23
Aug & 23 Oct, N+2Y Johns River 4 Aug (HBR), nesting Narrabeen Lake 12 Aug -3 Oct, but
nesting failed, attempted re -nesting 10-11 Oct (BC), ISt Sydney breeding record and the most
southerly breeding record for NSW.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 19 records for the Clarence Valley with breeding records at
Bunjalung NP, Lawrence & Waterview Heights (CVBR,GC), while 6 Lower Macleay Valley
records all year including 7 Frederickton Feb (KS); 1 Martinsville Cemetary 12 Apr (AM),
nesting Balickere Oct -Nov, 2Y in Dec, nesting Newcastle University Oct -21 Nov (HBR);
2A+J Murrumbung HSD Mardi 25 Jan (JC), returned the following spring again 3 Oct, N+3Y
on 23 Dec, subsequently nest fell from tree, 1J died the other 2 rescued and placed in a
temporary nest where the parents returned to feed them and both subsequently fledged (CCa),
elsewhere reported from 12 sites including A+J Bensville 1 Feb (CCBR); 1 North Epping 5
Jan (JA), 1 Cheltenham 7 Jan (NH), 2 North Turramurra 13 Feb (TW), 2A+2Y Cowan 25
Feb (PBu), 2 Lapstone Oval 4 Mar & Dec, 2 Galston 4 Mar (RT,RWa), 1 Turramurra 6 Jun
(TW), 2 Hornsby 7 Jun (DM), 1 Pymble 2 Aug (MSu), I Little Wheeney Lagoon 25 Aug
(KB), 1 Vimiera Rd Epping 7 Sep (SFr), 3 Wheeney Ck Res 6-10 Oct (KB), Lady Carrington
Dve Royal NP 23 Oct (HR), 1 Sun Valley late Dec (LBe); 1 Albion Park 26 Feb (MRw), 1
Kangaroo Valley 1 & 7 Mar, 2 on 30 Mar, 2 on 29 Apr (CJ,NJ), 2 Beaumont 7 Mar (CJa), 1
Kangaroo Valley 14 May (CJa), 1 Haywards Bay Yallah 22 May (CC), 1 Narrawallee Inlet 16
Jul (RAI), 1 Albion Park 30 Jul (MRw); 1 Wolumla 15 Jul & 2 on 18 Sep (LD), furthermost
south report; 1 Tibooburra 7 Jul (Green et a12007), extraordinary record, well west of range,
record submitted to and accepted by NSWORAC. Population continues to expand southwards
and westwards.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Reported from 3 Clarence Valley sites Apr- Oct,
1 Urunga 22 Aug (GC), reported from 10 lower Macleay Valley sites Feb -Apr, Jun -Dec
including 2 Ryans Cut 13 Dec (KS), 1 Urunga 25 Mar & 1 Mylestom 25 Mar (ABi), 1 Frazer
Ck Nulkamanna Sep (SD), 1 North Haven 8 Sep (GC); 1 Karuah 13 Sep (PS); Reported from
6 Hunter Region sites Jan -Sep, nesting Coopernook SF (HBR); Murrumbung HSD Mardi
23 Sep (JC) & 1 Mangrove Mountain 19 Nov (PSe); Reported 7 sites in western Sydney
including 2 birds regularly seen at Wilberforce (KB,RRo,TDy); Plumpton 25 Jan (NJ);
1 1
Oakhurst 25 Jan, 1 Bomaderry 5 Feb & 19 Mar (NJ) 1 Nowra 12 Feb & 25 Aug (BA), 1 South
Nowra 22 Feb (CC); 1 South Pambula 14 Jan BJ), 1 Broulee 19 Nov & 2 on 29 Dec (MZ,AT);
1 Coco Ck Glen Davis 18 Feb (NK), 1 Min Min HSD Rylstone 15 May (TH), 1 Glen Alice &
Glen Davis 19-21 Sep, 28 Sep (CP,JTu); 1 Wongarbon 17 Feb (ABi), 1 Goonoo NR 25 Sep
(ABi), 1 Coonabarabran cemetery nesting 18-29 Oct (DJt); 1 Culcairn 23 Sep (TS); 2A+N
Baradine Ck Baradine 22 Sep -29 Oct (DJo); 1 Darcoola NR Hay 2 Oct (BM).
Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Freemans Reach, Windsor 17 Jul (RCI); 3 Norske Skog Dam
Ettamogah 21 Apr (PMe), 1 West Albury 10 Oct (PSy), some eastern records.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 15Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus Resident south to Manning Estuary, 2 Bulls Is Port Stephens
Jun, Crowdy Head NP 24 Jan, Taylors Beach 30 May & Hunter Estuary 18 Sep (HBR).
Breeding: Nesting behaviour studied at Laurieton 2004-5 (Lutter eta! 2006), nesting Waugh
Res North Haven May -Oct, when nest was deserted (HBW).
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 10 Prospect Reservoir 28 May (EV), a large number for the
Sydney Region.
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Im Sydney Olympic Park 19 Apr (NR);
4 prs nesting 2002-4 in the Canberra ACT Region where they did not compete with local
Wedge-tailed Eagles for food in the breeding season, but maintained a diet of fish, water
dragons and turtles and waterbirds (Olsen et al 2006); Nesting Murray River Howlong 25 Jul
(PMe); 6 Narrandera Common 9 Apr (NSm), unusual concentration.
Spotted Harrier Circus assimillis 5 Clarence & Richmond Valley reports Apr -Oct (GC), 1
2km S Telegraph Point 9 Sep (LMc); 11 reports from 9 Hunter Region sites Mar -Oct including
1 North Taree 17 Sep (AMa,HBR); 1 Tuggerah Reserve 7-8 Sep (AM); 1 Luddenham 11 Jun
(JMi), 1 Wilberforce 11 Jul (KB), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 3-9 Aug (KB); 1 Glen Davis 6 Mar &
19 Oct (CP,NK), 1 Burragorang Valley 18 May (DAn); 1 Yass Valley Way 13 Jun (COGR), 1
The Morass L. Bathurst 19 Sep (MLz); 1 Mt Russell, west of Inverell 3 Jul (GC), 1 Bugaldie
21 Oct (JA); 1 Brittas Res Walbundrie 15 Feb (MPe), I Lockhart 25 Apr (RQ), 1 Morven 28
Apr (DMi), 2 Morgans Ridge Holbrook 23 May (MHe), 1 4 km W Howlong 24 Oct (MHe);
3 Deniliquin 26 Apr (PMh), 1 Narrandera 2 May, 1 Fivebough Swamp 8 May, 13 Aug, 1
Whitton 8 & 30 Aug, 1 Oct, 1 Binya 2 Oct, 1 Leeton 24 Dec (KH,DRe), 1 Corbie Hill, Leeton
26 Sep (JCm), 1 Norwood NR Hay 3 Oct (BM), 1 Lake Cargelligo 27 Dec (EV); 1 Wilcannia
24 Sep & Fowlers Gap 29 Sep (FH). Widespread across the State and many coastal records.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans 6 Bakers Lagoon 2 Aug (KB), nesting Warriewood
Wetlands 9 Oct (HR).
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 2A+3Y North Bombi, McMasters Bch 20 Jan (JM);
2A+2Y Wingen 15 Jul (HBR); 1 Greenacre Community Park 1-10 Apr (LP), unusual location;
N+2Y Tuross Heads 21 Dec (ENHS).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae 3 Clarence Valley records (GC), 1 Emerald Beach 7 Mar
(GC), 1 Crescent Head 10 May, I Swan Pool, Kinchela 27 Aug (TM); 14 reported from 12
sites in the Hunter region including N+2Y Whitebridge 21 Feb (HBR); There were 39 reports
from 28 Central Coast sites, including 4 white morphs (CCBR); There were 17 reports from
the Sydney Region with breeding reported at Prospect Reservoir 2A+N on 9 Oct, N+2Y 13
Nov (EV); 19 reports from the lllawarra throughout the year (CC); There were 11 reports from
the Far South Coast with breeding at 2A+2Y Nethercote 30 Dec (BJ); 1 Bullaburra 6 Jul (CP);
Kaleen ACT 26 Aug (COGR).
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus AF took a Bar -shouldered Dove at Coutts
Crossing 6 Apr (GC); 1 took a Brown Thornhill at Bangor 8 Jan (KC); N+2Y Winmalee 25
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 16Nov (NK); 2J Jervis Bay 1-17 Jan (RGo); The most recorded garden raptor in the Canberra
Region with 104 records from 26 sites (COGR); Fledged young Binya SF 16 Jan (KH).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Nesting Swan Creek May -Oct, J fledged (GC);
Widespread in the Hunter Region including 6 Bulga-Broke area 18 Jun (PH) , 3 nesting pairs
in the Cassillis area (BPo) & 2A+N Rothbury 4 Aug 2A+Y Mount Arthur Oct (HBR);
20 reports from 11 Central Coast locations, the most ever including one injured Wyee 20
Jan (CCBR,DJ); 2 Prospect Reservoir 14 May (EV), 2 Apple Tree Bay KCNP 4 Jul (BD),
1 Beecroft 12 Jul (RMu), 1 East Chatswood 24 Jul (AOd), more Sydney records than usual;
Nested Pedro Swamp Jul -Sep, 2 DY Sep -Nov, Im Tuross Estuary 11 Apr (WNHS); Results
from studies of 10 prs nesting within 20 km radius of Armidale (Debus et al 2007); 40 years
after surveys around Canberra ACT found 32 territories, surveys in 2002/3 found 44 territories
in same area, a number close to human habitation, and the prey items in 1964, mainly Rabbits
and Hares, has changed to a greater dependence on macropods & birds (Fuentes et al 2007);
Marinna, Junee 24 Apr (AE), a rare species in Junee Shire. More regularly reported in Sydney
and Central Coast Regions than ever before.
Little Eagle Ifieraaetus morphnoides Nesting Jersey Springs, Royal NP 31 Jul -13 Aug (BR);
23 records for the Canberra Region 2004/5, all single birds from 11 sites perhaps indicative
of the decline of breeding birds in the ACT (COGR, Olsen & Fuentes 2005); N+2Y Norske
Skog Pine Plantation 24 Jan (PMe); 1 killed & ate Buff- banded Rail Fivebough Swamp 18
Aug (KH).
Brown Falcon Falco berigora Small influx into ther lower Macleay Valley Jul -Sep, seen at
10 sites including 8 Doughboy Swamp, Kempsey 17 Jul (KS).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis 1 took Red -necked Stint at Comerong Island 25 Sep
(NW); 4 Fivebough Swamp 10 May (KH).
Grey Falcon F hypoleucos 1 Barraba 31 Jul (per RWt); 1 circling over Parkes 1 Dec (NS);
1 Community Gardens Griffith 4 Feb (EAt) & 1 circling over Griffith 27 Aug (BM), 1 West
Merribee 28 Aug (MFN); 2 near Lake Cargelligo 26 Sep (TNo). More records than usual and
more eastern records.
Black Falcon F subniger Present all year Morpeth STW except Jul -Aug, including 2A+2Y
10 Nov (Newman & Lindsey 2007), also 2 Hunter Estuary 12 Jan, 1 Ash Is 18 Apr, Hunter
WC 26 Jul & Hexham Swamp 9 Sep (HBR,NLi), Dora Creek 19 Feb, where sighted same
time previous year (CD); 1 Wilberforce 30 Jul, 1 Bushells Lagoon 2 Aug (KB), 1 Pitt Town
Lagoon 28 Aug (CAn); 1 Moruya Baths 12 Jan (MCw), 1 Tuross Estuary 10 May & Pedro
Swamp 29 Aug (ENHS); 1 33 km NE Cowra 10 Dec (PW); 1 Brindabella 6 Mar & 1 Chapman
ACT 2 Jun (COGR), 1 Murrumbateman 6 Apr (SHo), 1 Narrabundah Hills ACT 2 Jun OHO,
1 The Morass, L. Bathurst 28 Aug (MLz); 1 Gunnedah 10 Mar (ABi), 1 Oakhamapton HSD
Manilla 28 Sep & 1 30 km W of Manilla 3 Oct (GLC); 1 Dubbo Zoo 30 May (DG), 1 6 km
S Binnaway 17 Oct (ABi); Morven 28 Apr (DMi), Goombargana Hill 25 Sep (MOb);
1 1 1
NW Moree 5 Jul (GC); 1 Hermidale 10 Jun (NJ), 1 Nyngan 28 Jun (LJ), 1 Coonamble STW
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 1713 Oct (ABi); 3 The Ranch HSd Wanganella 24 Apr (RN), 2 Deniliquin East 26 Apr (PMh),
1 Koonadan 7 May & 12 Jun, 1 Whitton 28 May (KH), 1 Darcoola NR 17 Jun (JB), 1 Leeton
9 Aug (KH), 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 24 Jul, 30 Aug, 18 Sep & 4 Dec (KH,MS), 1
Norwood NR Hay 3 Oct (BM), 2 Oolambeyan NR 17 Dec (NW); 1 Canbelego 10 Jun (NW),
2 Willandra NP Hillston 16 Oct (JB). The drought has pushed more birds to the Coast.
Peregrine Falcon F peregrinus Some unusual Sydney records include 3 Bondi Junction 7
Mar (FH), 3 Surry Hills 11 Mar (LJ) & 2 St Marys Cathedral SCBD 6 Jun (LI); 1 Bethungra
railway cutting 14 Nov (MC); 4 hunting parrots Bimbimbi HSD Corbie Hill 20 Mar (ATh).
Breeding: Pr at nest South West Rocks 14 Jul -10 Sep (KS), N+3Y Bennetts Head, Forster 12
Aug -Nov (BBo), 2A+2Y Crescent Head 7 Nov (TM), 2A+J North Bombi tower 29 -31 Dec
Brolga Grus rubicunda Reported from 21 lower Clarence Valley sites all year, max 51
Everlastinbg Swamp, and three breeding recoprds (GC,WT), 2 Clybucca Swamp 10 May, 2
Mingaletta 4 Aug (TM), 2 Maria River Rd 10 Jul (MVBO); 1 flying over Morpeth 27 Nov
(ABe); 2 Milvale, Young Jul (HvH); He Bunnor HSD Gingham Watercourse 5 Jul (GC); 2
Colleambally 15 Mar (NB), 11 Koonadan 20 Mar (KH), 3 Fivebough Swp Leeton 25 Feb,
max 90 roosting 20 Apr- 20 May (AMt,KH,MS), 12 Sheet of Water, Lake Cargelligo 10 Jul
(JE), 2 Lachland River Kiacatoo 18 Sep (IHo), 1 Coolah Swp Narrandera 9 Oct (BB); 49
Ford’s Bridge 24 May (MHa).
Buff -banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Single birds at 10 Clarence Valley sites Jan -Nov
(CVBR,GC), 1 Belmore Swamp 20 Feb & 8 Sep (GC,KS), N+8 eggs Pelican Is, Jerseyville
6-21 Nov & again on 28 Dec, A+8Y Rainbow Reach Jerseyville 28 Dec (KS); A+2Y Ash
Island 22 Jan -5 Feb (GS), 2 Nelsons Bay Jan -28 Feb (ARo), 1 Crowdy Head 8 Feb (GBr), 1
Gloucester garden 15-17 Apr (llt), 1 Oyster Cove 23 Feb, 1 Widden Valley 13 Oct (HBR);
15 reports from 10 Central Coast sites all year including A+4Y Mardi 25 Nov (CCBR); 10
Sydney reports from 6 sites including 1 Bushells Lagoon 15 Aug & 30 Aug (FV,KB); 1 Sussex
Inlet 6 Jan (KM), A+5J Meroo NP 7 Jan (TW), 1 Cambewarra 1 Aug (BA); 1 Surf Bch
Moruya 13 Feb (ENHS), 1 Masulbrooks Rd Moruya 26 Mar, 1 Moruya Jun, 3+ Montague
Island 25-30 Mar (where nesting ENHS), 1 Merimbula Boardwalk 28 Mar (DRe); 1 Kellys
Swamp ACT 7-19 Jan, 5 (As+DY) Jerrabomberra wetlands Dec (COGR); Newling Dam,
Armidale 7-8 Jun (Pro); 3 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 13 Jan (PMe), 1 Burrumbuttock 16
Oct (DWa), RK 10 km W Walbunderie 15 Nov (SLu); 1 Binya 16 Jan, 1 Fivebough Swamp
8 May, 22 Sep & 11 Dec, 1 killed & eaten by Little Eagle Fivebough 18 Aug (KH), 1 Blighty
29 Aug (EWa), 10 km N of Griffith in roadside grass 19 Oct (JB), A+3Y Willowdell HAD
Deniliquin (EWa). Good range of records across the State.
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis Boyters Lne Jerseyville 12 Mar & South West Rocks
1 1
14 Jul (GC,KS), HC Wooloweyah Village 12 Sep (GC), HC Kookaburra 22 Oct (MHz); 1
Blackbutt Res 18 Feb, probably 2 Hunter WC Jul -Sep, 1 Glenrock SCV 26 Aug (DMs,HBR);
HC Terilbah Island The Entrance 10 Jan (CCBR); 1 Maroubra 6 Aug & 2 on 30 Sep (DM,RG);
1 The Gully Katoomba 7 Feb (CBk); 1 Fyshwyck STW ACT 26 Mar (NTa); 1 Fivebough
Swamp 25 Sep (per NW).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 18Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 4 Pitt Town Lagoon 4-18 Sep (SP); Pamboola Wetlands
19 Oct (FSCB); 2 Kellys Swp/Jerrabomberra Wetlands ACT 1-26 Jan (COGR); Wonga
Wetlands & 1 North Albury 6 Jan (DO,MRa), 10+ Norske Skog Dam Ettamogah 6-13 Jan
(PMe), 2 Burrumbuttock 15 Jan (DWa); 1 Lake Cargelligo STW 20 Oct (JMd), 1 Fivebough
Swamp 24 Jul, 26 Sep & 3 Oct (DRe,KH,NW).
Australian Spotted Crake P fluminea 1 Rainbow Reach Jerseyville Jan, Apr & Oct max
2 Pelican Is, Jerseyville Apr -Sep (KS); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 14 Aug, 3 on 18 Sep (BF,EV);
1 Racecourse Swp Moruya 11 Mar (EA); 1 Keyys Swamp ACT 22 Oct (COGR); 1 Wonga
Wetlands 1-5 Jan, 2 North Albury 6 Jan (MHe), Max 20+ Norske Skog Dam Ettamogah 6-13
Jan & 2 on 21 Apr (MHe, PMe); 5 Fivebough Swamp 30 Apr, 1 on 21 May, 3 on 18-26 Sep,
on 17 Dec (KH,NJm,NW).
Spotless Crake P tabuensis 1 Cobaki 16 Jan (MA), 2 HC Belmore Swamp 4 Aug & 1 on
8 Sep (GC), 1 Boyters Lane Jerseyville 20 Aug & 1 Pelican Is Jerseyville 29 Dec (KS); 1
Walka Waterworks 3 Feb & 14 Dec, 1 Ash Island 22 Oct (HBR); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 4 Jun
& 19 Oct (KB,DWh); 1+ Jerrabomberra Wetlands ACT Jan -2 Apr (COGR); Old Quipolly
Dam Quirindi 10 Dec (GMi); 2 Wonga Wetlands 6 Jan (DO), 2 Norske Skog Dam Ettamogah
7 Apr (PMe); 1 Tiger Bay, Warren STW 4 Oct (ABi); 1 Fivebough Swamp 29 May, 24 Jul &
26 Sep (KH,NW).
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis 5 Ash Island ponds 11 Apr -26 May (AMc),
1 Walka Water Works 13 Sep (HBR); 2 Pitt Town Lagoon 1 May -4 Jun (EV,SB), 1 Long
Reef GC 23 Apr -2 Jul (RW), 2 Bushells Lagoon 10 May (KB); 5 Cowra Abattoir 19 Jun &
10 Dec (MV); 1 Gorman Rd STW Goulburn 26 Nov OHO; 1 Quipolly Dam 16 Apr (IDo);
4 Parkes STW 18 Sep & 1 on 17 Oct (JMd,MBa); 10 Wonga Wetlands 12 Jan & 4 on 11
Dec, present all year (MHe), 20 Junee STW 1 Apr -2 May (MSu); 110+ Merah North 14 Apr
(TSm), 4 Terridgerie Lagoon Baradine 12 May (BPe), 2 Yarrie Lake 17 May (DR); 36+ Lake
Cargelligo STW 20 Oct (JMd); 2 Yathong HSD dam 18 Oct (JMd). Drought has forced birds
into eastern NSW.
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra Some large concentrations include 3000 Prospect Reservoir 8
May, 4000 on 2 Jul (EV); 2000+ Fivebough Swamp 19 Oct (KH).
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 1 Wanganella HSD Wanganella 17 Apr (PMh), 1
Deniliquin Airport 20-26 Apr (SSe); 1 19 km W of Wilcannia 11 Jun (NW).
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa RK Brushgrove 9 Feb (GC); Norfolk HSD
1 1
Cassillis 28 Jun (BPo). Both records referred to NSWORAC and accepted.
Little Button -quail Turnix velox 1 Hat Head National Park 22 Jun (KS); 1 Ponderosa Forest
Park 10 Dec (TJu); 1 Amaroo ACT 22 Mar (MCy); 5,9 km W Baradine 24 Feb (ABi); AM+2Y
Oolambeyan NR Hay 26-28 Oct (DPa), 2 on 17 Dec (NW); 1 Dead Horse Gully, Sturt NP 13
Jun (NW).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 19Painted Button -quail T varia 10 records from 6 Clarence Valley sites May -Oct (GC)
including 5 Ramornie NP 16 May. 2 Frederickton Feb & 22 Sep, 1 15 km NW Kempsey 15
Oct (KS,MVBO); I Howes Valley 14 Feb (CD), 4 Anvil Hill 22-25 Apr, max 8 Werakata NP
24 May -7 Jun, 3 Pelton SF 7-24 Jun, 2 Warkworth 21 Jun, 1 Kurri Kurri Hospital 24 Aug, 1
inj Black Rock, Martins Creek 3 Oct & another Green Wattle Creek 27 Sep (HBR); 1 Fairview
HSD Dubbo Gully 3 Sep, 2 Mangrove Mountain 25 Sep -22 Oct (CCBR); 4 Castlereagh NR
28 Aug but up to 6 previous visits (GT), 1 Glenbrook 21 Sep (CP), 2 Yarramundi 2 Oct (KB);
1 Tapatallee Ck Nowra 15 Apr (BA), 2 Cordeaux Dam 4 Oct (PE); 1 Percy David Dve Broulee
25 Mar & 2 on 9 May, I Moruya 11 Mar & 9 Apr, 1 Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 3 Oct, 1 Old Man
Bed Swamp 10 Oct (ENHS); 3 Glen Davis 6 Mar & I on 22 Sep (CP,JTu), 1 Koorawatha
NR 18 Jun (MV); 1 Mt Gundangaroo Glen Davis 8 Jul (CP), 2 Glenlowan Bridge, Glen Alice
28 Sep (JTu); Several Canberra Region records (COGR); 1 Spring Ridge SF 13 Aug (TJ); 1
Charcoal Tank NR 25 Sep (GB), 1 Ingalba NR 29 Nov (MC); 2, 11 km W Gulargambone 10
Dec (ABi); Cobar Common 10 Dec (ABi) well west of usual range.
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax AF & Im M Widden Valley 2 Oct (HBR); 5
Capertee Valley 6 May (RT); RK Gara Gorge, Armidale 14 Nov (AMSR 0.71654).
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus Oolambeyan NR 16 Apr (NW), AF Willowgrove
HSD Wanganella 24 Apr (RN) & AF on 26 Apr (PMh), 2 Spring Plains HSD Wanganella Sep
(PN). Consistent with known distribution.
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardivickii Some notable Hunter Region counts include
120 Pambalong NR survey 23 Jan & 66 on 4 Dec, 47 lrrawang Swamp 15 Jan, 47 Walka
Waterworks Feb, 34 Newcastle Water Reserve 23 Jan (HBR); 8 Ourimbah Uni Campus
(ABe); 11 Pedro Swamp 11 Feb (ENHS); 2 Cowra Abattoirs 10 Dec (MV); 3 Talbingo STW
17 Jan (IH); 2 Quipolly Dam Quirindi 10 Dec (ACa); 9 Wonga Wetlands 1 Jan (MHe); 5
Five Mile Res Narrandera 22 Oct (NSm), 3 Fivebough Swamp 6 Dec, 5 on 14 Dec (KH,MS),
1 ricefarm at Stanbridge 5 Dec (PDa). Departure: 1 East Seaham 8 Apr (HBR), late date.
Arrival: 3 Little Cattai Lagoon 14 Aug (KB), I Swan Pool, Hat Head NP 22 Aug (GC), 1
Fivebough Swamp 28 Aug, 3 on 6 Dec (KH), 1 South West Rocks 7 Sep (KS), 2 Eastlakes
GC 11 Sep (SP).
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Pelican Is Jerseyville 7 Sep (KS); Max Hunter Estuary
count 225 on 12 Mar, very low count (HBR); 3 Budgewoi & 7 The Entrance 27 Jan, 3 Picnic
Pt The Entrance 30 Jan & 8 on 13 Mar, I on 17 Dec (RQ), 1 North Chittaway 30 Oct (CCBR);
Fivebough Swamp 20 Mar & 2 Oct (DRe,KH); Summer Wader Count 15 Feb: 5 Old Bar,
200 Hunter Estuary (HBR). Winter Wader Count Jul: 30 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica Max Hunter Region counts include Hunter Estuary 1450 on
22 Oct, 227 Worimi NR Oct- Nov, 286 Port Stephens 12 Mar & 113 Old Bar (HBR); Present
Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 135 in Sep (CCBR); Present Narooma & Tuross Estuaries
all year max 300 Narooma 10 Dec & 85 Tuross Estuary Nov (ENHS); 1 Lake Bathurst 7
Nov (MLz), rarely reported from inland NSW. Summer Wader Count Feb: 228 Richmond,
297 Clarence,1103 Hunter Estuary, 33 Port Stephens, 105 Tuggerah Lakes, 224 Parramatta
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 20River, 336 Botany Bay, 346 Shoalhaven, 60 Tuross Estuary (AM,HBR,Rayner & Nelson
2006,Skewes 2007), Winter Wader Count Jul: 26 Richmond, 226 Hunter Estuary, 46
Parramatta R., 87 Botany Bay (HBR,Skewes 2007).
Little Curlew Numenius. minutus I Tuross Estuary 31 Mar (ENHS).
Whimbrel N. phaeopus 16 Patches Bch S of Ballina 4 Oct (GC); Max Hunter Region
counts Hunter Estuary 136 on 9 Apr, Port Stephens 248, the latter being 2% of the Australian
migrating population, a significant record; 2 Lake Cargelligo STW 20 Oct (Al), a rare inland
record. Summer Wader Count Feb: 41 Richmond, 59 Clarence, 7 Worimi NR, 43 Hunter
Estuary, 84 Botany Bay (HBR,Skewes 2007). Winter Wader Count Jul: 10 Richmond, 6
Hunter Estuary, 13 Botany Bay (HBR,Skewes 2007).
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis Max Hunter Region counts 443 SHunter Estuary
17-18 Sep, 400 Morimi NR 20 Nov, 35 Old Bar (HBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 54
Richmond, 103 Clarence, 20 Old Bar, 300 Worimi NR, 391 Hunter Estuary, 238 Botany Bay,
34 Shoalhaven (HBR,Skewes 2007). Winter Wader Count Jul: 2 Richmond, 122 Hunter
Estuary, 38 Botany Bay (HBR,Skewes 2007).
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 2 Pelican I Jerseyville 7 Sep, 12 on 21 Nov (KS),
Present Broadwater Swamp Jan -Mar, Sep -Nov, max 40 Kalangadoo HSD 24 Nov (GC); Max
124 Hunter Estuary 22 Jan (HBR); I Picnic Pt The Entrance 21 Mar, 3 Tuggerah STW 12
Oct, 1 Budgewoi Lake 20 Nov, fewer reports than usual (CCBR), 2 Little Wheeney Lgn 23
Aug (KB), max 3 Mason Pk Concord 24 Oct- 15 Dec (APa,MR,NH); 1 Whyjuck Bay 15 Jan
(CB); 3 Dangars Lgn Uralla 23 Sep & 6 on 23 Oct (JCe); 10 Lake Bathurst 19 Sep & I on 4
Dec (MLz); 1 Parkes STW 23 Jul (NS); 15 Tullakool Wetlands 25 Sep (NW), 45 Fivebough
Swamp 11 Dec (KH). Departure: 20 Ash Island 11 Apr (HBR). Arrival: 1 Tuckerbil Swp
Leeton & 11 Fivebough Swamp 28 Aug (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 112 Hunter
Estuary (HBR).
Common Greenshank T nebularia 17 Ryans Cut 15 Nov (KS); Max 166 Hunter Estuary
& 8 Port Stephens 12 Mar (HBR); Present Tuggerha Lakes Jan -Jun, Aug -Dec max 21 The
Entrance in Oct (CCBR); 1 Bellambi Lagoon 29 Apr (DWi); 8 Tuross Estuary 11 Jan; 1
Dangars Lgn Uralla 22 Sep (JCe); 2 Lake Bathurst 4 Dec (COGR); 1 Fivebough Swamp 10
Sep, 2 Tuckerbil Swamp 3 Oct, 2 feeding in rice bay Willow Park 20 Oct (KH). Summer
Wader Count Feb:. 12 Richmond, 3 Clarence, 152 Hunter Estuary; 5 Tuross Estuary
(ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2007).
Wood Sandpiper T glareola 2 Cowra Abattoirs 11 Dec (MV) & 1 Fivebough Swamp
Leeton 17 Dec (KH).
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Max 33 Hunter Estuary (Fern Bay) 1 Jan, 22 on 13 Mar
& 19 on 17 Dec (HBR,VC); 1 Shoalhaven Heads 4 Dec (SL); 1 Narooma 10 Dec (ENHS).
Lower number of records than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 21Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Jerseyville Jan, Mar & 2 15-27 Nov (KS); 3-6
1 1
in the Hunter Estuary Jan, 7 May, Oct & Dec (HBR); 1 Penrhyn Rd Botany 20 Nov (SP), 1
Woolooware Wetlands 7 Dec (KG); 1 Berkeley Wetland 22 Jan (MCk); 1 Narooma 14 Jan
(TW); Present Uriara Crossing ACT Jan -26 Mar (Perkins 2005).
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Max 47 Hunter Estuary 12 Mar, the largest
count since 1998, 52 Pindimar Bay, Port Stephens 3 Jan, 15 Worimi NR 25 Jun (HBR).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 73 Richmond, 199 Clarence, 1 Hunter Estuary , 94 Botany Bay
(HBR,Skewes 2007).
Wandering Tattler H. incanus Flat Rock Ballina 5 May (JH). Only record this year.
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Max 17 Newcastle Baths 28 Dec, 20 Port Stephens
12 Mar, 4 Broughton Island 9-10 Jan (HBR); Regularly seen on Central Coast reefs Jan -May,
Aug -Dec, max 49 including 24 Soldiers Pt 14 Jan (CCBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 27
Richmond, 19 Clarence, 49 Tuggerah Lakes, 26 Botany Bay (CCBR,Skewes 2007).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 1 Rainbow Reach Jerseyville 6 Jan, 3 18-22 Sep, 1 Pelican
Is Jerseyville 8 Oct (KS); Max 15 Hunter Estuary 18 Sep (HBR), 4 Stockton Sandspit 13-
26 Mar (BD,EV); 1 The Entrance 17 Sep & 2 Soldiers Point 30 Oct (CCBR; 1 Boumda 5
Jan (DL), 2 Tuross Estuary 4 Oct & 4 on 9 Oct (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 16
Richmond, 74 Clarence, 4 Hunter Estuary (HBR, Skewes 2007).
Red knot C. canutus 40 Stockton Sandspit 26 Mar (EV); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan, 27
Sep -Dec, max 17 The Entrance 17 Sep (CCBR); 3 Penrhyn Rd Botany 17-18 Sep (RG,SP);
23 Shoalhaven Heads 25 Sep (NJ); Max 35 Tuross Heads 27 Sep -12 Oct (ENHS). Summer
Wader Count: 70 Hunter Estuary (Skewes 2007).
Sanderling C. alba 2 Station Ck Bch 6 Jan -26 Feb (GC); 29 Mudbishops Point, Old Bar 29
Jan (HBR)GBr); 1 Boatharbour Kurnell 19 Mar (SP); 2 Windang 2 Feb & 1 Sep (CC,NW); 2
Tuross Estuary 23 Feb, 1 on 9 Oct, 2 on 14 Dec (ENHS) & 3 Congo 19 Nov (MZ). Summer
Wader Count: 11 Richmond, 20 Old Bar (GBr,Skewes 2007).
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Max 168 Back Bch Bundjalung NP 14 Jan (GC); Max 350
Ash Island 5 Mar, largest Hunter count since 1995 (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes and coastal
reefs all year max 451 Jan, including 142 Soldiers Pt/Pelican Pt (CCBR); 123 Tuross Estuary
Oct (ENHS), 5 Cuttagee Lake 29 Oct (EA); Max 54 Lake Bathurst 19 Sep -4 Dec (COGR).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 104 Richmond, 60 Clarence, 23 Worimi NR 74 Hunter Estuary,
273 Tuggerah Lakes, 130 Tuross Estuary (CCBR,HBR,Rayner & Nelson 2006,Skewes 2007).
Winter Wader Count: 26 Hunter Estuary (HBR). No inland reports.
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta 1 Fivebough Swamp 4-11 Dec (KH). Only report.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. me/anotos 2 Pelican Is Jerseyville 25-26 Sep (KS); 1 Bushells Lgn
23 Apr (KB), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 19 Oct (KB), 1 Mason Pk Concord 20-30 Oct (APa); 2
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 22Lake Bathurst 19 Sep & 1 on 10 Oct (MLz); 1 Fivebough Swp Leeton 4-14 Dec (KH,MS).
Average year.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Max 1675 Ash Is 5 Mar & 1613 on 3 May, high counts
for the Hunter Estuary, 141 Morpeth STW 10 Oct (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan- May,
Aug -Dec, max 2069 in Jan but heavy rain in early Feb moved the waders away (CCBR); Max
120 Bushells Lgn 9 Jan & 150 on 16 Oct, present Pitt Town Lagoon 8-30 Oct, max 350 on
30 Oct (EV,KB), 9 Centennial Pk 19 Nov, unusual location (MSy); 12 Tom Thumb Lagoon
17 Oct (MMo); Present Tuross Estuary Oct -Nov, max 18 on 25 Oct (ENHS); Max 300+
Wilgus Lgn Uralla 23 Sep -24 Oct (JCe); 300+ Tullakool Wetlands 25 Sep (NW), max 2500
Fivebough Swamp 4-11 Dec (KH); 9 Cobar New Tank 10 Oct (ABi). Departure: 5 Picnic
Pt The Entrance 1 May (AM), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 4 Jun (EV). Arrival: 7 Hunter Estuary
10 Aug (HBR), 2 Chittaway Bay & Cronulla 14 Aug (AM,KG), 1 Fivebough Swp Leeton 18
Aug (Jvls on 5 Oct KH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 4 Richmond, 3 Clarence,539 Hunter
Estuary, 149 Tuggerah Lakes, 35 Parramatta River (CCBR,HBR, Skewes 2007).
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Max 461 Hunter Estuary 19 Nov (HBR); Present Lake
Bathurst 19 Sep -4 Dec, max 5 on 4 Dec (COGR); 1 Tullakool Wetlands 25 Sep (NW). Arrival:
1 Fivebough Swamp 13 Aug (KH), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon & 2 Picnic Pt 21 Aug (EV,CCBR),
40 Stockton Sandspit 4 Sep (HBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 12 Richmond, 131 Hunter
Estuary, 46 Tuggerah Lakes, 2 Botany Bay (CCBR,HBR,Skewes 2007).
Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola fakinellus 2 Stockton Spit 26 Mar (EV), numbers down
on 2004.
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 1 Kilnyana HSD Savernake 10 Feb (BS); 3 Macquarie
Marshes 3 Dec (RJ), Fivebough Swamp May (MFNC). Average year.
Comb -crested Jacana kediparra gallinacea Reported from 18 Clarence Valley sites with
numerous breeding records, however there were fewer records overall (GC), max 4 Belmore
Swamp 19 May -6 Nov, including 2 breeding records (GC,KS); A+2Y Kings Ck Swamp
Wauchope 28 Nov (DW); None reported in the Hunter wetlands in 2005, first year absent
since 1994 (HBR).
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius 1 Coldstream R. Apr (GJ), 1 Tweed Heads GC
11 Aug (GC), 2A+J Lemon Tree Passage Feb -Mar & renested 23 Aug -Nov (CPr,Csy,HBR),
N+IE Fenninghams Bay 6-27 Sep (GDe), occasional reports from Pindimar, Green Point
Forster 23 Dec (HBR), also RK Lemon Tree Passage 6 Jan (AMSR 0.70889); Approx 8 prs
reported from 14 Gosford LGA sites mostly associated with Brisbane Water with 3 known
breeding attempts and possibly 3 juveniles fledged (CCBR); 2 Wisemans Ferry 21 Feb (PBu);
1 Narooma SF all year (ENHS); 1 Fivebough Swamp , Leeton 25 Jul (NSm), 1 Innesfail
Rd Euroley 6 Oct (KMa); 2HC Parkview HSD Boorooban 21 Apr (DN), 2 Euroley 10 Nov
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 23Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus 1 Two Rocks Beach, Evans Head 16 Aug (MF), I
Woody Head 21 Jun, 2A Rabbit Is, Clarence Estuary 20 Oct, 3 Red Rock 26 Feb (GC), 1
Sandon River Estuary 11 Dec (RJ), 1 Boambee Creek, Sawtell 30 Oct (LT); 2A+J Manning
Point 18 May -1 Jun & presumably same pair at Mudbishops Pt 1 Jun (HBR,JHe), 2 Harrington
Waters 30 Jun (GP) & Farquar Inlet Old Bar 23 Dec (BH1). This makes about 8 breeding prs
for NSW including the known pair at Nambucca Heads.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 14-18 prs reside on the 17 kms of South Ballina
Beach including a trio that have maintained their unit for the period 1994-2003 (Totterman
& Harrison 2007); 20 Tuncurry/Wallis Lake 4 Jan, 26 Harrington 30 Jan, 30 + Port Stephens
Survey 12 Mar smaller numbers elsewhere in the Hunter including 2+ Broughton Island 9-
10 Jan (HBR); c 8 prs Brisbane Water & 2 prs Tuggerah Lakes present all year (CCBR); 22
Mogareeka 7 Jan (DL). Breeding: 34 pairs were located between Sussex Inlet & the Vic.
Border during the 2005/6 breeding season, 44 nests found, 82 eggs laid, 39 chicks hatched &
18 fledged (Keating & Jarman 2006). Summer Wader Count Feb: 3 Richmond, 6 Clarence,
12 Hunter, 74 Botany Bay & 8 Shoalhaven (Skewes 2007).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Present all year Newcastle Baths max 22 on 14 May
& 8 Jun, 8 Broughton Island 9-10 Jan where nesting & max 8 Kooragang Dykes throughout
the year (HBR); Present all year Central Coast Reefs, max 7 Toowoon Bay Reefs 16-28 Feb
& 9 Bateau Bay Reefs 8 Jun (CCBR); 10 Austinmer 10 Mar (IBOC). Breeding: 38 prs
nested on 5 off shore South Coast islands viz Bowen, Brush, Belowla, Tollgate & Montague
in the 2005/6 breeding season, 38 eggs laid, 6 chicks hatched & 1+ chicks fledged, with one
apparent nesting on the mainland at St Georges Basin but the chick went into care and died
(Keating & Jarman 2006).
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Present all year lower Macleay Valley, max
500 Belmore Swamp 7 Jul & 19 Aug (KS); Present Hunter Estuary all year max 762 on 9
Apr, 203 Morpeth STW 22 Dec (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 98 in Apr,
mostly Budgewoi Lake, 13 nesting attempts, at least 9 chicks fledged (CCBR); Max 9 at
Comerong 9-30 Sep (ENHS), rare on the South Coast; Present The Morass Lake Bathurst 28
Aug -31 Dec, max 60 on 7 Nov, including one on nest (COGR); 1000+ Fivebough Swamp
1-21 Oct (JB,DRe). Summer Wader Count Feb: 8 Tweed, 28 Richmond, 4 Clarence, 478
Hunter Estuary, 120 Parramatta River (HBR, Skewes 2007). Winter Wader Count Jul: 12
Tweed, 5 Richmond, 92 Lawrence, 321 Hunter Estuary, 35 Parramatta R, 14 Botany Bay
(GC,HBR,Skewes 2007).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 9 Broadwater Swp Lawrence 15-23 Jun
(GC), Boyters Lane Jerseyville 24 Mar- 12 Jun (KS), 1″ record for Macleay Valley; Present
all year Hunter Estuary max 4208 on 25 Jun, 230 Morpeth STW 22 Dec, 16 Oyster Cove 10
May & 2 Worimi NR 16 Dec (HBR); 3 Budgewoi Lake 1 May, 1St CC record (CCBR); Max
65 Sydney Olympic Park 19 Mar- 14 May, 2 on 27 Sep (APa,BD), 43 on 15 Dec (APa,NH),
max 40 Mason Pt Concord 10-15 Dec (DH,NH); 1 Lake Bathurst 10 Oct (MLz); 1 Junee
STW 26 Aug (MSu); 2 Coonamble STW 1 Mar (ABi); 117 Lake Cargelligo 26 May (APa).
Few inland records because of the drought. Summer Wader Count: 2899 Hunter Estuary,
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 2430 Parramatta River (HBR, Skewes 2007). Winter Wader Count Jul: 4208 Hunter Estuary
(HBR). First records for Macleay Valley and Central Coast.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 120 Pola Creek, Kempsey 20 Feb (KS); Present
Hunter Estuary Jan -Apr, Oct -Dec, max 239 26 Feb -7 Mar, 93 Mudbishops Point 30 Jan &
25 Oystercove 22 Nov (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes & associate coastal reefs Jan -1 May,
13 Sep- Dec, max 24 Feb (CCBR); I Penrhyn Rd Botany 28 Jul (DM), overwintering birds
are uncommon; I Brou Lake 9 Oct, 4 Tuross Estuary 25 Oct & 2 on 7 Dec (ENHS), rare on
South Coast; 1 Lake Bathurst 10 Oct & 14 on 7 Nov (MLz), lst record since 2001 (COGR).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 53 Richmond, 97 Clarence, 8 Worimi NR, 239 Hunter Estuary,
24 Toowoon Bay/Norah Head Reefs, 3 Parramatta River, 18 Botany Bay (CCBR,HBR,Skewes
Grey Plover P squatarola 1 Bonville Ck Sawtell 30 Oct (MCh); 1 Windang 13 Sep (TNo);
2 Tuross Estuary 1 Feb, 1 in Sep, 1 22 Nov, 1 Brou Lake 9 Oct (ENHS). Average year.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus Present Hunter Estuary all year max 73 on 12
Mar (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 24 The Entrance Channel (highest local
count) 1 May & 13 Tuggerah Bay saltmarsh 23 Jun (CCBR); Present Tuross Estuary all year,
max 142 in Sep (Rayner & Nelson 2006); Present Lake Bathurst all year max 150 on 4 Dec
(COGR). Summer Wader Count 15 Feb: 1 Richmond, 16 Clarence, 24 Hunter Estuary , 10
Botany Bay, 48 Shoalhaven (HBR,Skewes 2007).
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus Max 6 Back Bch South West Rocks Jun, max 6
Ryans Cut 15-25 Jun (KS); 55 Worimi NR 23 Jul & 53 Stockton Beach 16 Jun, highest counts
for these sites (HBR); 10 The Entrance Channel 1-14 May & 12 Toowoon Bay Reefs 7 Aug
(CCBR); 18 Penrhyn Rd Botany 19 Mar (SP) & 40 on 26 Jun (DH); 10 Bengello Beach 24
Mar & 15 Tuross Heads 11 Apr (ENHS), highest local counts; 5 Koonadan 12 Jun, 1 Fivebough
Swp 16-17 Aug (KH). Arrival: I Stockton Sandspit 14 Jan (HBR), 3 Back Bch Bundjalung
NP 7 Feb (GC), 3 Old Bar & 1 Windang 9 Feb (CB,RMc), 1 Brooms Head 21 Feb (CVBR), 1
Toowoon Bay Reefs 3 Mar (CCBR), 1 Narooma 12 Mar (ENHS). Departure: 3 Pelican Pt 21
Aug (CCBR), 2 Botany 18 Sep (RG), 1 Windang 25 Sep (NJ). Winter Wader Count Jul: 5
Jerseyville, 47 Shoalhaven, 4 Tuross Estuary (KS,Rayner & Nelson 2006,Skewes 2007).
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus 69 Clarence Estuary Feb (Skewes 2007), 11 Back Beach,
Woody Head 11 Apr (GC); Max 6 Stockton Sandspit 22 Jan -20 Mar, 2+ Pindimar 3 Jan, Port
Stephens 12 Mar & max 8 Worimi NR 26 Feb -9 Apr, and again 1-2 on 10 Sep (AM,HBR);
60+ Norah Head 10 Jan, presumably a migrating flock & Soldiers Point 30 Jan (CCBR);
1 1
Boatharbour, Kumell 19 Mar (SP); 1 Windang 9 Jan (CB), 1 East Corrimal 31 Mar (DWi);
Present Tuross Estuary in small numbers Feb -Apr, Dec, max 4 on 19 Apr, 1 Narooma 12 Mar
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 36 Back Beach, Woody Head 14 Jan, 26 on 11 Apr
& 63 on 7 Dec (GC); 1 Stockton Sandspit 14 & 26 Jan (HBR); 1 Bengello Beach 13 Nov
(ENHS). Summer Wader Count: 23 Richmond & 64 Clarence Estuaries (Skewes 2007).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 25Inland Dotterel C. australis 10 Darcoola NR Maude 10 Mar (DE), 2 Willow Grove HSD
Wanganella 24 Apr ((RN); 20 km W Tibooburra 13 Jun (NJ), 4+3Y N of Tibooburra Aug
(PCo), 4 South Myers Tk Sturt NP 10 Sep (GLa), 1 RK White Cliffs & 2 Tilpa 7 Nov (GT),
24+ Bellara HSD Bourke 18 Nov, 26 on 28 Dec (DAm,EV). More sites than usual.
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis 3 nesting Berrara 2 Jan & 25 Mar (BA), 2 Bawley
Point 30 Jul (CP); A total of 25 prs were monitored in NSW between Sussex Inlet & Vic.
border in the 2005/6 breeding season, 36 nests were found, 96 eggs laid, 19 chicks hatched &
7 fledged. Despite some fox and human management, the population continues to remain low
(Keating & Jarman 2006).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus Reported from 14 Clarence Valley sites all year,
max 15 Cowans Ponds 28 May, overall more common than usual (GC); Present Ash Island
Feb -Jun, max 122 on 7 May, smaller numbers at Mount Arthur & Irrawang Swamp (HBR);
Small numbers Tuggerah STW 14 May -5 Jun, max 12, least number of reports in recent
years (CCBR); Present Pitt Town Lagoon 28 Mar- 15 May, max 21 on 21 May (DK,SB,SP), 1
Badgerys Creek 17 May (JMi); Present Kellys Swamp ACT Jan, Mar -Jun, max 5 on 28 May
(COGR); 100+ Merah North 14 Apr (TSm).
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 2 Bolwarra 26 Oct (HBR); 1 Ballimore 20 Dec (WJ);
Present Lake Bathurst Jul -Dec, max 9 on 7 Nov (COGR); 12 Marinna, Junee 20 Apr (AE),
only the 2″ record for Junee Shire; 20+ N,E,Y The Ranch HSD Wanganella 21 Feb (JNe),
32+2Y Willowgrove HSD Wanganella 24 Apr (RW1), 4 Hay East 10 Sep (JTu), A+4Y near
Lake Cargelligo 26 Sep (TNo), 4 Norwood NR Hay 3 Oct (BM); 2 Bellara HSD Bourke 29
Dec (EV); 4 Yathong NR 18 Oct (JMd).
Masked Lapwing V miles Flock of 102 Powers Swamp, Coutts Crossing 7 Jan (GC).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 10+ Tibooburra-Camerons Corner Rd 27 Sep (JL).
Great Skua Catharacta skua Max 2 South West Rocks 7 Jul -25 Sep (KS,LMc,RDa); 1
Soldiers Pt Norah Head 29 May (RQ); Present Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 May -8 Oct max 8 on
6 Aug (DM,EV,RG), 1 Sydney pelagic 22 Sep (RM); Present Wollongong pelagics 25 Jun -4
Sep, max 6 on 26 Jun (CB,PM); 1 off Eden 31 Jul, 30 Oct & 28 Oct (ENHS). Arrival: 1
Sydney pelagic 9 Apr (RM), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 May (RG), 1 Norah Head 28 May
(RQ). Departure: 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 Oct (RG), 1 Eden pelagic 8 Nov (ENHS).
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus Newcastle pelagic 3 Apr (HBR); 2 Norah Head
15 Jan & 1 Soldiers Pt 25-26 Jan (CCBR); 62 Magic Pt Maroubra 13 Feb, 85 on 20 Feb & 7 on
28 Mar (EV); 38 Wollongong pelagic 26 Feb (PM); 2 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO). Departure:
5 Sydney pelagic 9 Apr (RM).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 1 Soldiers Pt 25 Jan (CCBR); 3 Magic Pt Maroubra 26 Feb
(EV), 4 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (RO). Departure: 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 May (RG), late date.
Arrival: Sydney pelagic 30 Sep (RMc), Soldiers Pt Norah Head 2 Nov (RQ).
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 26Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus Present off Maroubra 7 Feb -23 Mar, max 64 on 20 Feb
(DM,EV,RG), 5 Sydney pelagic 12 Feb (RMc); 4 Wollongong pelagic 22 Jan, 15 on 25 Feb, 4
on 26 Mar (PM). Arrival: Mistral Pt Maroubra 21-24 Oct (RG).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus 1 Coogee Beach 20 Apr (MI), Im Bondi-Maroubra 25 Jun -10
Jul (FH); 20 Eden pelagic 21 Jul & 12 on 30 Oct, 1m 31 Oct (EA,RO), Tuross Heads 4 Nov
Kelp Gull L. dominicanus 2 Windang (A+J) 25 Sep Windang (NJ). No Breeding reported.
Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae Breeding: 300 prs Black Rock, 8 km SE South West Rocks
2 Feb (KS).
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica 9 following plough Ashby Is Clarence River 26 Aug (GC);
12 Stockton Sandspit 26 Mar & 6+ Worimi NR 29 Aug (EV,HBR); 2 Shoalhaven Heads 28
Aug & 25 Sep (NJ,SB).
Caspian Tern S. caspia Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 64 The Entrance Channel 1-21
Sep (CCBR); Present Tuross Estuary all year max 30 on 29 Aug (ENHS); Lake Bathurst 23
Jan & Aug (COGR,MLz).
White -fronted Tern S. striata 5-8 Newcastle Baths 8 Jun & 21 Jul, 4 Worimi NR 23 Jul
(HBR); Only recorded Central Coast in small numbers 3-21 Jul (CCBR). Arrival: Moruya
Heads 10 Mar (ENHS), 1 Newcastle pelagic 3 Apr (HBR), 1 Brooms Head 15 May (BMo), 5
Wollongong pelagic 28 May, 5 on 4 Sep (CB,PM). Departure: 5 Wollongong pelagic 4 Sep
(CB), 12 Mistral Pt Maroubra 20 Sep (RG), 1 Eden pelagic 30 Oct (EA), 1 Tuross Estuary 9
Nov (ENHS).
Common Tern S. hirundo Present in large numbers Back Bch Woody Head Jan -Apr, max
1000+ on 23 Mar (GC), 100 Mudbishops Point Bar 30 Jan & 20 on 8 Feb, 10+ Newcastle
Harbour Dec (HBR). Departure: 5 Sydney Harbour 12 Mar (RM), 1 Brooms Head 15 May
(PMo). Arrival: 100 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 24 Sep (CCBR), 5 Windang 23 Oct (TN).
Little Tern S. albifrons 154 mostly non -breeders Station Creek Bch 6 Jan (GC); A chick
banded Karagi Pt The Entrance 30 Dec 2002, recovered at nest Tathra 12 Jan (DMc), 320 birds,
mostly non breeding present The Entrance Channel 28 Dec (CCBR). Departure: 9 Back Bch
Bundjalung NP 11 Apr (GC), 1 Wollongong pelagic 23 Apr (PM). Arrival: 15 Windang 23 Oct
(TN). Breeding: 140 prs Manning Pt/Farquhar Inlet,74 nests fledged 64 Y 7 Jan -7 Feb (BHI),
60 J fledged Towra Point colony 10 Jan (CMa); 3 pr Brooms Head 19 Nov (GC), 7 prs Station
Ck, 16 prs Red Rock, 35 prs Nambucca Head & 40 prs Bongil Bch 20 Nov (MSm), no nesting
Karagi Pt The Entrance (CCBR), 4 prs Windang 13 Nov (TNo), 2 prs Shoalhaven Heads,
58 prs Lake Wollumboola, 41 prs Lake Conjola, 1 pr Tuross Heads, 1 pr Murrah Estuary,
1 pr Middle Beach & 1 pr Nelsons Bch, 80 prs Mogareeka. Overall at 21/12/06 there were
935 non -breeders, 675 breeding birds, 165 nests, 159 eggs, 17 chicks & 2 fledglings (JK,MJ).
Subsequently 158 J fledged from 5 South Coast sites (Keating & Jarman 2006).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 27Fairy Tern S. nereis 1 Flat Rock Ballina 31 Dec (ASm); 20 prs nesting Wallagoot Lake &
3 pr nesting Bega River Estuary 1-15 Jan (DMc).
Sooty Tern S. fuscata Im Magic Pt Maroubra 20 Feb & 1 on 23 Mar (DM), 11 Wollongong
pelagic 17 Dec (PM).
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 92+ Imesons Swp Lawrence 15 Jul (GC), unusual
winter record, 2 Belmore Swp, Kempsey 5 Sep (TMo); 5 Morpeth STW 6 Jan, 1 on 10 Oct &
4 on 22 Dec, 1 Newcastle Harbour 3 Feb & 17 Dec (HBR); 12 Centennial Pk 29 Sep (DH), 30
Pitt Town Lagoon 22 Oct (HR), 14 Homebush Bay 9 Nov (APa): 15 Hooka Pt Lake Illawarra
3 Oct (MCk); 1 Brou Lake 9 Oct (ENHS); Nesting Racecourse Lgn Uralla 18 Nov (JCe);
Present Lake Bathurst Oct- Dec, max 76 on 10 Oct (COGR); Nesting Fivebough Swp Leeton
18 Nov, 8000 present 16 Dec (MS). Arrival: 11 Fivebough Swamp 23 Aug (KH), 7 Fearnleys
Lagoon Richmond 2 Oct (KB), 2 Homebush Bay 9 Oct (NP), 6 Coomaditchie Lgn Pt Kembla
15 Oct (JR). Increased numbers in coastal areas.
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus 1 non -breeding bird Corindi Estuary Red Rock 18
Jan (GC); Ash Island 30 Oct (HBR), least number of records for many years.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus 6 off South West Rocks 30 Jan (LMc), 51″ record.
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 1 Sydney pelagic 12 Feb, 12 Mar & 2 Mar (RM), 1 North
Head 23 Mar (MR), 46th -49th records.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 30 Buladelah feeding on the ground 29 May
(RP); On the South Coast recorded in all months from Durras, south to Bermagui, nesting
Wallaga Lake Jan, Tuross Heads Apr & DY at Tuross in Dec (ENHS); 1 Queanbeyan 13 Oct
(COGR). Extension of range south and south west continues.
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 30 at garden feeder Murrumbung HSD
Mardi 20 Jul (CC); 1 Tomalla NR Nundle, western edge of range (TJu).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 2 Oyster Walk Kingscliff 15 Mar & 26 Apr (MA), F
Johns River 6 Apr (MBa), 2 South West Rocks 9 Apr (KS), 2 Rocky Creek Dam 2-4 Sep (IH);
1 Chichester Dam 23 Jan, 1 Bobs Farm 8 Feb, Copeland Tops 25 Feb, 2 Glenrock SRA 16 Jun
& White Rock, Chichester SF 19-20 Nov, 1 Awaba SF 14 Aug (HBR); 1 Palmgrove, Ourimbah
20 Mar (PO); 1 Irrawang Res Warriewood 8 Apr -3 Jun (AR,BAy,BW), 2 Connemarra Pkwy
Thornleigh 4 Apr -29 May (NH); 1 hit window Berry 10 May (BV), 1 Bellawongarah 16 May
(BA), Jerrah Dam Jamberoo 16 Oct (TB). Average year.
Common Bronzewing P chalcoptera 20+ Widden Valley 30 Sep -4 Oct (HBR).
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans 2 Seal Rocks-Mungo Brush Rd Myall Lakes NP 24 Aug
(GC); 1 Lake Rd Tuggerah Bay 24 Jan & 1 Munmorah SCA 22 Sep (CCBR); 1 Royal NP 29
Aug (RM); 1 Cordeaux Colliery 27 Apr (CC), 1 Callala Bch Jervis Bay Jul (SSh); I Old Man
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 28Bed Swamp Mar & Sep, Clyde Mountain on 19 Dec (ENHS), 1 Tura Beach 11 Oct (JBi); 1
Fort Rock, Blackheath 7 May (CBk).
Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 1 Gundee HSD Cassilis 1 Nov (BPo); 1 Cornwallis Rd
Richmond 2 Apr (NR); 1 Curtin ACT Mar (COGR); 4 Trinkey SF 1 Oct (J130, 2 Ravensfield
HSD Tamworth 12 Oct (EFa); 1 Warrumbungle NP 1 Jul (HS), rare at this location, 1 Boorook
HSD Morven 1 Nov (SS); 2 Merriwindi SF Kennebri 29 Oct (RBe); 4 Cocoparra NP at 2 sites
31 Dec (PE); 3 Cobar STW 10 Oct (ABi), 20 40 km E of Bourke 30 Dec (EV). More records
in eastern NSW than usual.
Peaceful Dove G. striata Reported all year at 12 sites in the Hunter Region (HBR).
Bar- shouldered Dove G. humeralis 1 Leppington 2 Jan (MPa), 3 Prospect Canal 3 Jan
& 1 Prospect Reservoir 15 Oct (EV), 1 Warriewood Wetlands 25 Sep (EV); 2 Puckies Res
Wollongong 27 Apr (DWi), 2 The Oaks 15 May (EV), 1 Windang 8 Jun (CC), 1 Primbee 7
Aug (GB); 3 The Gully Katoomba 20 May (CBk), unusual location; 2 Binya SF 12 Oct (KH),
HC McPherson Range Griffith, 1st record for some time (JB).
Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus AM Isaacs Rd Johns River 22 Jan (MBa), IM into
care South West Rocks 15 Mar (KS); 1 Pambula 31 Jul (ABr), unusual vagrant.
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina 1 Shelley Bch Pt Macquarie 4 Jan (DW), 1
South West Rocks 14-16 Nov (KS); J Harrington rainforest 8 Feb (GBr).
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 1 HC Pigeon Gully Yuraygir NP 1 Feb (GC),
4+ Rocky Ck Dam 2-4 Sep (IH); 1 White Rock 23 Jan & 2 on 19-20 Nov, 1 Allyn River 28
Jan & 30 Oct, 2 Copeland Tops SCA 24-25 Feb, 1 Mount George 22 Apr & Barrington House
30 Oct (HBR).
Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor 1 photographed in garden at Port Macquarie west 23
May (CCa). Referred to NSWORAC and record accepted. 4th NSW record.
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus 40 reports from Clarence Valley, 95% May -Aug,
feeding mostly in Camphor Laurel, max 93 Tucabia 25 Jul (GC), reported Apr -Nov, Lower
Macleay Valley at 6 sites on 9 occasions max 150 Kempsey & Frederickton 12 -17 Jul (KS);
Reported all year in Hunter Region, max 100+ Mungo Brush 18 Aug & 42 in Watagan NP
27 Apr, smaller numbers elsewhere. First Hunter breeding record at Branxton 25 Aug -29
Sep (HBR); Present Ourimbah 19 Apr -21 Sep, max 100 on 5 Jun & 150 Ourimbah Ck Rd
Ourimbah 21 Jun (CCBR); 15-20 West Roseville 16 Jul (AB), 30 Oatley 22 Nov (DK); 18
Shoalhaven Heads 25 Sep (NJ), 400+ Kiama late Sep (NW); Present of the South Coast mostly
Jan- Mar, Jul, Oct -Dec, including 40 Pedro Swamp Moruya Feb & 5 Milligandi, Merimbula
30 Oct (BJ), southern most record south in 2005.
Wonga Pigeon Leucoscarcia melanoleuca One record for Namadgi NP 27 Feb, very rare
post bushfires (COGR);
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 29Red-tailed Black- Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii 40 Bourke 15 Aug, 7 on 29 Dec (EV,PS).
Yellow -tailed Black- Cockatoo C. funereus 100+ Eastlakes GC 13 May (SP); 100 Marulan 24
Apr (KH), some large Sydney flocks.
Glossy Black- Cockatoo C. lathami 10 reports from Urunga to Clarence Valley, 2 breeding
records including A+J feeding in Allocasuarina rigida ssp. rigida Little Dandahra Ck, Gibraltar
Range NP 30 Oct (GC), 1 roadkill Gumarrad 30 Sep; 3 Lake Cathie 13 Feb (AFo), 2 Arakoon Jan
& 3 on 4-6 Apr (MBVO), max 5 South West Rocks Feb -Dec, 1 Spencerville 2 Jul (KS), 2 Hat
Head NP 2 Jul (RP); Reported from 12 sites in the Hunter Region all year in small flocks max
6 birds, including 5A+1DY Wyee Point on 26 Jul (DH,HBR,PE,RP); Resident on the Central
Coast, with 35 reports from 16 sites and 7 breeding records (CCBR); 11 reports from Sydney
Region mainly Lower Blue Mountains and northern areas including 3 Bobbin Head KCNP 25
May (TW); 11 reports from the Illawarra Region 2 Boxvale Mittagong 19 Mar & 5 pn 16 Oct
(RMi,MRw); Reported on the South Coast all year in 17 locations max 8 Broulee in Dec, with
4 breeding records (ENHS,MBh,DWI)); 3 Styx River Crossing 30 Sep (JCe); 1 Capertee Valley
18 Jan (NK), 2 Ulan 26 Apr (TS), 2 Wolgan Valley 24 May, 4 Wentworth Falls 25 Jul (CBk),
4 Kings Tableland Dec (CP); 14 records for the Canberra Region all year, max 14 mostly Burra
Creek, Mt Ainslie & Mt Majura NP, possibly breeding Mt Majura 28 Mar (COGR); 8 Trinkey
SF Oct (JPt); 40+ Goonoo NP 19 Mar (JHs); 3 Pomingalama Res Wagga Nov (SS); 2 Yarrie
Lake, Narrabri 17 May (DR); 10 Yarrabimbi HSD Brobenah 10 May & 6 on 1 Nov (ATh). More
records than ever before.
Gang- Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 18 Watagan SF 20 Apr, a large number for
the Hunter Region, while 2+ Widden Valley 30 Sep -4 Oct, was the most western Hunter record
(AF,HBR); Present Central Coast all year, 25 reports from 10 sites max 17 at Mangrove Mountain
GC on 11 Jun (CCBR); 12 Kirrawee 15 Apr (RC), 9 Akluba Park, Turramurra 4 Jun (AMi), 2
Pennant Hills Pk Beecroft 6 Mar, 4 north Epping 13 Jun, 1 Beecroft 16 Sep & 3 Nov (NH),
12 Lower Portland 5 Jul (GWh), nesting Wheeney Ck Winmalee 16 Oct (KB), 2 Springwood
Cemetery 24 Nov (NK); 2 Bylong 3 Sep (KS); AM between Cookadinia & Morven 26 May
(DPa), near western limit of range in southern NSW.
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris Max 10 Levenstrath 15 May -14 Oct (WT); Present
Hunter Region all year, reported from 12 sites usually less than 6 birds, with the exception of 20+
Wyee Point 7 Jun (HBR); Resident on the Central Coast in small to large flocks max 92 Lions
Park, Chittaway 15 Jun (CCBR); 250+ Cobbitty 4 Jun & 300 on 12 Jun (TS); 82 Albion Park 3
Mar (MMo); 113 Leeton 29 Nov (KH).
Little Corella C. sanguinea 25 Jerseyville 3 Sep (KS), max 4 Levenstrath 26 Sep -18 Oct (WT)
and 150 Ballina 4-6 Mar (GC); Present in Hunter Region all year but in greater numbers than
above including 150 Kooragang Island 19 Nov & 100+ New Lambton, while N+Y Kings Gap
9 Nov, was the In confirmed breeding record for the Region (HBR); Resident Central Coast in
small to large flocks max 210 Budgewoi 16 May (CCBR); 190 Caringbah 28 Jun (PR); Recorded
all months on South Coast max 100 at Batemans Bay 26 Apr (ENHS); 2000 Yanco Research Stn
5 Feb (KH) & 3000 at Darlington Point 2 Oct (DRe).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 30Sulphur- crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita 600 near Bylong on Rylstone Rd 5 Jun (KS)
was a large flock.
Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus 2 Gundee HSD Cassilis 28 Apr (BPo), eastern record.
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Mow Rock Binnaway 19 Oct (VMo), much
further east than usual; 2 Bectric, Coolamon 12 Jun, eastern edge of range (JB); 22+ Lake
Cargelligo area 26 May (APa), 30+ Beelbangera 15 Jun, typical winter flock (JB).
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Up to 1000 roosting Coutts Crossing 19 Mar –
8 Apr (GC); Reported from 8 Canberra Region sites Mar -May, and feeding DY at Page in Apr
(COGR) increasing range in ACT; 1 West Albury 21 May (MHe); 2 Leeton 7 Feb & 2 Griffith
7 May (KH), extending westwards in NSW.
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet T chlorolepidotus 2 Lapstone 2 Mar (RT), unusual location.
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna Present all year Clarence Valley in small numbers
(GC), 30 Valla 18-24 Dec (MVBO); Increased numbers in the Hunter Region, reported from
16 sites all year, with breeding records at Blackalls Park, Green Wattle Creek and Timor
Caves May -Nov (HBR); Resident Central Coast, mostly at coastal sites, max 80 Bateau Bay,
including 2A+J on 12-16 Nov (CCBR); Demonstrated decline 1967-2005 in the Inverell Disict
due to loss of tree cover (Courtney & Debus 2006); 3 Gunnedah 9 Mar (ABi); 9+ Dubbo 1-20
Nov & 5 10km E of Dubbo 16 Nov (DG,MFI), rare in this area.
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla Reported from 9 sites in Clarence Valley in small numbers Jan –
Nov (GC), 10 Racecourse Headland, Crescent Hd 29 May (TM), 3 Belmore River 2 Jul, 15+
Tamban SF 14 Jul & 5 on 15 Aug (KS); Widespread in the Hunter Region including 100+
Richmondvale 26 Mar (EV) & Pelton SF 6 Jul (HBR); Present Central Coast Mar -Dec, in
small flocks, there being 10 reports from 8 sites including 20 Mangrove Mountain 17 Dec
(CCBR); 50+ Scheyville 28 Mar (SB), 12 Garrigal NP Ingleside 13 Apr (RM); Resident South
Coast in small numbers max 100 Narooma on 12 Jun (ENHS); 20+ The Verdun HSD Nundle
19 Mar (BPo); Not common Canberra Region, reported Jan -Feb from 3 sites & 4 Hackett
mid Oct (COGR); 12-30 in flocks in urban South Tamworth Apr (GM), unusual location,
demonstrated decline 1967-2005 in the Inverell District due to loss of tree cover (Courtney &
Debus 2006); Nesting Wonga Wetlands 6 Mar (DO).
Purple -crowned Lorikeet G. porphyrocephala 1 Bermagui 18 Nov (DA), there is a previous
report for Bega in 1958 (Morris et al 1981).
Australian King Parrot Aprosmictus scapularis 2A+3J Dubbo 1-20 Nov (MF1), western
limit of range.
Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus 2 Tooleybuc 11 Sep (NTu), only report.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 31Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus 2 Cassillis 13 Apr (BPo), 2 Gulgong 28 Apr
(TS); 20 Wonga Ck W of Manilla 7-8 Feb (KS) all 3 records at eastern edge of range; 22 Yarrie
Lake, Narrabri 16 May (DR), large number for site.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 10+ Frog Hole Ck Frogmore 25 Apr (JBo), 12 Woodstock
12 Sep, 3 near Cowra 23 Sep (JTu) & 60 on 3 Nov (LW), 100+ Meroo Ck Cudal 2 Oct
(BHu), 150 Gundamain HSD Cudal 15 Oct -7 Nov (RSt), 12+ Canowindra 26 Dec (PE); Small
numbers Canberra ACT Jan, Apr & Jun, Oct -Dec at 5 sites, nesting Gooyooyaroo NR 26 Dec
(COGR), 7 Yass 19 Oct (ABi), 7 Rye Park 4 Oct & 5 on 2 Dec (TS); 2 Carroll May (AA), 4
Adams Res Manilla 9 May (LF); 12 km E of Parkes 15 Sep (RBr); 10 Grenfell 19 Mar & 30
Mar , 200+ on 2 Oct (BWa,NL), small numbers Ingalba NR 12 Jun & 27 Oct (MC),15 Bectric
Coolamon 12 Jun (JB), 10 The Rock 8 Oct (PT), 6 Weddin NP & 1 Eurabba SF Quandialla
16 Oct (MZ), 10 nr Junee 20 Oct, Eurongilly 12 Nov & Marinna 21 Nov (MC), Between
Holbrook & Cookadinnia 7 Nov (SS), 3 Colac 30 Dec (RBe); 2 Kenebri & 12 Biambil HSD
Baradine 5 Feb (DJt), 4 Yarrie Lake, Narrabri 17 May (DR); 2 75 km W Nyngan 15 Jun (NJ),
20 Bogan Gate 27 Dec (EV), 20 km E Wyalong 26 Dec (PE); 16 Fivebough Swamp 21 Jan
(NSm), 4 on 24 Jul, 12 on 30 Jul, 8 on 28 Aug & 2 on 12 Sep (KH), 9 Leeton Tip 9 Apr (KH),
2 Gillenbah, Narrandera 12 Apr (DGr), 14 Pretty Pine 24 Apr (GN), 5 Euroley 14 Jun, 3 Tullys
Hill 30 Jul (KH), 6 Corbie Hill Rd Leeton 29 Jul (DGr), 5 Gilgai HSD Yenda 5 Aug (SCD),
60 20 km S Leeton 26 Sep (NJ), 2 Moira Lake 16 Oct (KSt), 2 Five Mile Res Narrandera
22 Oct (NSm), max 6 Narrandera wetlands 28-29 Oct, 8 Narrandera NR 22 Nov (NJm), 10
Narrandera Fisheries 5 Nov (ST), 4 Cocoparra NP 6 Nov (DGr), 10 Euroley 10 Nov (MVN),
10+ Narrandera 3 Dec (DGo), 2+ Willbriggie Swp Griffith 11 Dec (BM), 12 Lake Wyangan
17 Dec (JBt).
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 5 Lake Innes 11 May (ABi), 2 Nulama Ponds, Chatham 7
Jul (WF), the only two North Coast reports. Many in the Hunter Valley including HC Toronto
18 Mar (MT), max 84 North Rothbury, Aberdare SF, Pelton & Werekata SF Abermain 3
May -18 Jun, 120 from 24 Jun -13 Aug (ALi,SRo), 30 Singleton Army Base 12 Jul (DS), 1-5
birds Branxton 3 May, Weston 12 Jun, Balikera in Aug, 20+ Ravensworth 12-14 Jul, 22+
Eraring Power Station 25 Jul (HBR); 2 Budgewoi 18 May (ABe), only Central Coast report;
2 Blacktown 19 Jun (RWi), 2 Lapstone 5 Jul (GT), 2 Mulgoa & 2 Prospect Reservoir 14 Aug
(EV,MH); 2 Bellambi Lagoon (IBOC); 8 Moruya Heads 7 Apr (ENHS), 20 Broulee 30 Apr –
Jul, 6 Old Man Bed Swamp Apr- May, 9 Burrewarra Point 11 Aug (ENHS); 5 Coco Ck Glen
Davis 12 May, 4 Glen Davis 7-17 May (CPr,NK), 7 Capertee Gorge, Glen Davis 17 Jun (MO),
25 Min Min HSD Rylstone 3 Aug (TH); Max 67+ Mt Majura NR 13 Mar -late Apr, single birds
Campbell Pk, Cook, ANU & Curtin Apr -May (COGR, Taws & Saunders 2005); 2 Little Ck
TSR Barraba 29 Jul (per RWt), 6 Spring Ridge SF Werris Creek 12 Aug (TJu); 20 Burrendong
Arboretum 3-6 June (JMc); 40+ Morven 27 Apr (MCr), 2 Mitchell Pk Thurgoona 28 Apr (ID),
7 Nail Can Hill, Albury 5-9 Jun (DMi), max 10 Gundagai 26-28 Jul (ACo).
Crimson Rosella P elegans 2 Maria River, Crescent Hd 8 May, unusual location (TM), 3+
Blaxlands Creek 3 Sep, rare winter visitor to Clarence Valley lowlands (GC); 1 “crimson”
morph at Narrandera 11 Apr (TWO.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 32Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 100 Bents Basin Res 15 May (EV), large
number for Sydney Region, 2 Eastlakes 24 Jul (SP).
Mulga Parrot P varius 6 Bogolong Hills, Narrandera 10 Feb (NJm), eastern limit of range;
4 Trilby HSD Louth 15 Aug (PS), unusual location.
Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 4 Mt Arthur 7 Sep (HBR); 10+ Goondee HSD Cassilis
10 Feb (BP); 2 Canberra ACT 10-12 Jun (COGR), 3 Frogmore 10 Jul (TS); 40 Bimbi SF 15
Oct (MZ), 20+ Marinna, Junee 29-30 Nov (MC), 4 Widgee HSD Holbrook 1 Nov (MHe); 2
Koonadan 30 Mar & 4 on 13 Aug (KH), small flocks 10 km N Griffith 15 Oct, increasing
to 100s late Dec, breeding probably occurred (JB), 12 Narrandera Common 24 Oct (NJm),
300 Binya 16 Oct & 500 on 17 Nov (KH), 50 Cocoparra NP 22-31 Oct (PE,JSt), 1000+
Oolambeyan NR Hay 26-28 Oct, 100s on 18 Dec (DPa,NW), 20 Yarrabimbi HSD Brobenah
21 Nov (ATh), nesting Willbriggie Swp Griffith 11 Dec (BM); Common Cobar-Wilcannia 24
sep (FH), common Sturt NP 27 Sep (JL), 500 Barringun 29 Dec (EV); 20 Whoey Tk Round
Hill NR 17 Oct, 50 Yathong NR 18 Oct (JMd). Good year for Budgies!
Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 6 15 km W of Tibooburra & 4 Fort Grey, Sturt NP
13 Jun (NW), nesting Sturt NP Aug (MCI), 1 50 km N White Cliffs 27 Sep (JL). All within
known range.
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma 1 Green Cape 20 Nov (JHi); 1 Darcoola NP 21
Apr & 2 on 11 Oct (DE,JB), 4 The Ranch HSD Wanganella 24 Apr (JNe), 1 Glenmire HSD
Wanganella 20 Sep (RN), 2 Kalyaar NP Hay 19 Oct (JB); 5 Mulga Res Fowlers Gap 27-28
Sep (FH); 42 c 40 km NW of Balranald 4 May (AM). Average year but the Green Cape record
was unusual.
Turquoise Parrot N. pukhella AM Camira Creek 2 Jun (GC); AM Elliston, Scone 28 Mar
(BPo), Anvil Hill 25-28 Apr (HBR), 1 20 km E of Denman 18/6 (DG), 4 Quorrobolong 2-21
Jun (AM), 2 Blackmans Flat Wollemi NP 1 Jul (HS), 2 Wambo Rd Bulga 24 Jul -12 Aug, 2
Widden Valley 30 Sep -4 Oct (HBR); 3 Laughton Vale 2 Jan (EV); Reported in the Capertee
Valley Jan -Oct at 8 sites, max 22 Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis 28 Jun (CP,JTu,NK,TN); 20
Morongla, Koorawatha 10 Mar (D01), 2 Spring Forest HSDF Koorawatha 10-13 Mar (MV),
3 Wolgan Valley 23 May (CBk); 1 Orroral Valley ACT 29 Oct (COGR); 2 Balinjindi HSD
Kootingal Mar (JWa), 6 Borah Reserve, Barraba 24 Apr (PRo), 12 Kelvin SF Boggabri 14
Nov (JPe); 1 Nail Can Hill, Albury 28 Aug (MHe); 2 Gingham Watercourse 6-7 Jul (GC), 6+
O’Dells Crossing Baradine 23 Oct (JCh); 2 Wattle/Moss Dams, Binya SF 12 Apr & 15+2 Dec
(DM,NSm), 2 Binya SF 6 Sep (KH).
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus HC at dusk at Sandon Rd Yuraygir NP 29 Oct (GC); 3+
Green Cape 20 Nov (DBt), only reports.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 Rainbow Reach Jerseyville 5 Mar (VS), only report.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 33Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Departure: 1 Lake Talbot Narrandera 2 Feb (NJm), 1 Pedro
Swamp, Moruya 11 Feb (ENHS), Campbell Park ACT 15 Feb (COGR). Arrival: 1 Mangrove
Mountain 29-30 Jul (CCBR), 1 McPhersons Range, Griffith 3 Aug (JB), Spencerville 30 Aug
(KS), Whiporie 6 Sep (GC), Jerrabomberra Grasslands 7 Sep (COGR), Nethercote 30 Sep
(BJ). Breeding: J fed by Figbird Bolwarra 5 Dec (HBR).
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus Departure: Anvil Hill 25 Apr (HBR). Arrival: 2
Comerong Is 25 Sep (NJ), Widden Valley 30 Sep (HBR), 3 Nethercote 3 Oct (BJ), I Gloucester
6 Oct (PB), Pelican Is Sth West Rocks 21 Oct (KS), I Greens Swp Lower Portland 27 Oct
(KB), Gudgenby River ACT 29 Oct (COGR). Breeding: J fed by Large -billed Scrubwren
Bellawongarah 15 Feb (BA).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Cacomantisflabelhformis Arrived Fyshwyk ACT 2 Aug (COGR).
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Giants Creek 28 May (HBR); Gwydir
1 1
Park TSR Uralla 23 Oct (JCe); 2 Goonoo NP 17 Mar (JHs); 1 Dunwandren Lane Jindera 19
Oct (JHy); 1 Billenbah SF 1 Oct (DRe), 1 Tullys Hill 6 Nov (KH); 1 Whooey Tank, Round
Hill NR 26 Sep & 17 Oct (JMd,TNo).
Horsfield’s Bronze- Cuckoo C. basalis Only 3 reports lower Macleay Valley 5 Nov -12 Dec
(KS), Present Hunter Region 24 Apr -Dec (HBR); Only one Central Coast report Dubbo Gully
29 Oct (CCBR); Arrived Womboyn 13 Oct (BK); Arrived Tidbinbilla, ACT 20 Sep (COGR);
Darcoola NR Hay 3 Apr (DE), unusual date. Breeding: J fed by Superb Fairy -wrens Coco
Ck Glen Davis 4 Nov & Pitt Town Lagoon 19 Dec (CP,EV).
Shining Bronze- Cuckoo C. lucidus 2 of the spp lucidis Kings Ck Lawrence 8 Jun (GC);
Unlike the Horsfields Bronze -cuckoo, moderatyely common on the Central Coast, 16 reports
Feb -Oct, from 14 sites, most records ever (CCBR); 1 Cattai 20 Mar (PMv); arrived Womboyn
21 Sep (BK),
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus HC Coutts Crossing 4 Nov & Tyndale 5 Nov (GC).
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea 1 Kalaru 25 Oct (BJ) furthermost south report; 1
Hughes & Pearce ACT 1-15 Jan (COGR); 1 Balinjindi HSD Kootingal 15 Sep (JWa); 1 South
Dubbo 14-21 Nov (MFI); some western vagrants. Departure: Bateau Bay 7 Mar (CCBR),
Potato Pt Bodall 10 Mar (ENHS), 1 Bunyip Ck Trenayr 16 Mar (GC), 1 Bolton Pt, Toronto
30 Mar (CD), 1 Roseville 3 Apr (TW), HC Glenbrook 11 Apr (CS). Arrival:1 Toronto 30
Aug (MT), 1 McMasters Beach 8 Sep (MBa), 1 Bateau Bay 14 Sep (AM), South West Rocks
16 Sep (KS), 1 Beecroft 18 Sep (JRe) & 1 Teralba 19 Sep (PE). Breeding: J fed by Red
Wattlebird Corlette 28 Jan, Cessnock 30 Jan, and Little Wattlebird at Lemon Tree Passage 4
Feb (HBR), J fed by Red Wattlebird Woodford 11 Mar & Fern Bay 13 Mar (BD,JDa), J fed by
Little Wattlebird Old Bar 20 Mar (LH) & Port Macquarie Feb (AU), J fed by Red Wattlebird
Bateau Bay 10 Nov, Berkeley Ck 25 Nov & Picnic Point 3 Dec (CCBR), Leura Dec (JLw) &
Murrays Beach 25 Dec (KH).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 34Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 1 10 km E of Dubbo 27 Oct (DG);
Departure: 1 Chittaway Point 19 Feb (CCBR), 1 Raymond Terrace 27 Feb (RJk), 1 Irrawong
Res 7 Mar (BC), 1 Moruya Heads 15 Mar (MCw). Arrival: 2 Pymble 16 Aug (MSa), 1
Penrith 30 Aug (MSi), 1 Pennant Hills 1 Sep (NH), 1 Morpeth 6 Sep (DM), 1 Bateau Bay 7
Sep (AM), Hazelbrook 10 Sep (JD), Gloucester 16 Sep (PB), South West Rocks & Swan Creek
20 Sep (GC,KS), 1 Yowrie 9 Oct (GGu). Breeding: 2J fed by Pied Currawong Ourimbah
5 Jan (ABe), Forresters Bch 5-26 Jan (CCBR), South West Rocks 13 Feb (KS), 1J Moruya
Heads Jan -Feb (ENHS), Belmont Sth 8 Feb (HBR), Nelsons Bay 4 Mar (ARo), at Irrawang
Res Warriewood 7 Mar (BC), and at Mount Wilson Dec (ER), Bateau Bay 28 Dec (AM), 1.1
fed by Australian Ravens Kootingal 9 Mar (SPu), and another by Australian Magpies Belmont
Sth 8 Feb (HBR).
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus 1 Gundy, Scone 19 Nov (MH); F+J Palmgrove
7 Jan & 1 on 21 Jul (PO); 1 in heath, Royal NP 10 Jan (TDu), 2 Royal NP 29 Aug (RM), 1
Waitara Ck Normanhurst 14 Sep ((HD), 2 Warriewood 3 Nov & 2 Irrawong Res 10 Nov (BC),
1 Westleigh garden 15 Dec, 1″ record in 30 yrs (ARo); 1Coalcliff 26 Apr (DFa), southernmost
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 1 Ironpot Ck Toonumbah NP 15 Mar, HC Wrights Lkt
New England NP 25 Mar (DE), HC Mulligans Hut, Gibraltar Range NP 24 May (TM), 2
Frederickton 8 Jul -11 Aug (MVBO), 1 Sea Acres NR Nov (MVB); 10 reports from Hunter
Region including HC Blackbutt Res Newcastle 27 Mar where nested from May onwards
(CW) & 2A+2Y Mirrabooka, Morisset 19-23 Oct (HBR); Present Mountain Ash Way, Umina
Jan -Jul, then 28 Dec, HC Mt Ettalong 10 & 29 Mar, HC Murrumbung HSD Mardi 15 Mar,
inj Summerland Point 7 May & HC North Avoca 8 Sep (CCBR); 22 reports from 16 Sydney
Region sites with breeding: A+2J Campbell Dve Wahroonga 11 Oct (NBi) & A+2Y Pennant
Hills Park 23 Oct (PMv), and 3 roadkills; 8 reports from Illawarra Region including 3 Excelsior
Mine Thirroul 6 Apr (MMo); 10 reports from the South Coast including HC Pedro Swamp
all year, J on 8 Feb (ENHS); 1 Megalong Valley 24 Apr (EV), RK Mt Tomah Jan (AMSR
0.70891); 2 Tallanganda SF 21-26 May (COGR).
Barking Owl N. connivens Feather found at Waterview Hgts Grafton 29 Jan (GC), 2
Bungawalbyn 31 Dec (CA); 1 Putty 30 Apr (AF), 2 prs HC & seen Mt Yengo HSD Yengo
NP 12-15 Aug (RP); 2+DY Umina Oct -Dec (CCBR); 2 HC Kurrajong Hills all year (EF); 2
HC Surf Beach, Moruya 5-7 Apr (JWh), HC Burrewarra Point 30 Apr, Pedro Swamp 28
Oct & 27 Dec (ENHS); 1 Raintree-Marra HSD Cowra 13 Mar & 10 Dec, 1 Pinetrees CP
Cowra 18 Jun (MV), 2 Glen Alice 28 Jun (NK), 2 Min Min HSD Glen Alice3 29 Jun (LH),
2 HC Glenowlan Bridge Glen Alice 27 Oct (TN); 1 Sheep Stn Ck Cobbadah 2 Oct (GMc);
2 Duntulm HSD Holbrook 22-28 Feb & Oct (AMe), 3 Murray R Albury 2-6 Mar (PSy), 2
Kiewa St Albury 2 Mar (GSI); 2 Rocky Ck Mill Baradine 24 Feb, 1 7km S Gulargambone
28 Feb, HC Coonamble 2 Mar, 2 Gulargambone 6 Mar (ABi), 1 Nyngan, 2 Warren 3 Oct 2
Oct (ABi) & resident in the Baradine area (J.Schoenjahn et al 2008). Good spread of records
across the State.
Southern Boobook N novaeseelandiae 1 Helen St Lane Cove, 1″ sighting in 8 years (DF).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 35Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa RK Passionfruit Ck Johns River 22 Dec (GC); 2 J seen, others
heard Copeland NR -SF 7-24 Jan (RJ), Wollemi NP nr Bulga 31 Jan (DH), A+Im Awaba
SF Toronto 31 Jul -3 Aug & 2 Toronto 3 Aug (ABe,MT), 1 HC or seen Wallingat SF 29 Mar,
Awaba 31 Jul, Bow Bow Gorge 23 Oct, Telegherry SF 29 Oct & White Rock Chichester SF
19-20 Nov (HBR); RK Wattanobbi 25 Jan, 2 HC Ourimbah Ck Rd 2 & 12 Mar, HC North
Bombi 4 Mar & HC Palmdale 18 Apr (CCBR,MMc); I Kenthurst 19 Jun, 1 Glenorie & 1
Maroota 22 Jun (PI), pr resident Bola Ck Royal NP, where pellets from roost site revealed
that Brown Antechinus, Sugar Glider, Common Ringtail & Bush Rat represented 95% of the
prey items, however Long -nosed Bandicoot was more important as a prey item for the period
1994-96 from the same site (Bilney et al 2007); 1 West Camberra 8 Jun (GDy); 1 Yowrie Feb
& 22 Oct (GGu), South Pambula 14 Mar (FR). Most ever reports.
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae 2 Bagotville Barrage Mar (SD), RK AF S of Grafton 22
Aug, HC Clarenza 29 Oct (GC); 2+2J Awaba SF 2003-2005 (Todd 2006), 2 immatures Lake
Macquarie (Thomson 2006), RK F3 Ryhope 2 Oct (ABe), 2 Taylors Beach 10 May, singles
Copeland SF 24 Jan, Barrington Tops NP 2 Mar, Nelsons Bay 22 Apr, Anvil Hill 22-25 Apr,
Hunter Main Trail Wollemi NP 2 Oct & East Gresford 29 Oct (HBR); 1 Dharug NP 29 Jan
(EV), North Wyong and Mardi 6 Apr (CCBR); RK Kulnura 3 Aug (JGa); HC Berowra
1 1
Regional Park Jun (Birdline); 1 Hunter Main Range, Wollemi NP 2 Oct (MRo); 1 Griffith 23
Aug (BMc).
Barn Owl T alba 43 road kills in the Coffs Harbour -Byron Bay area, mostly Jul -Oct (GC)
& 1 km NW Port Macquarie 5 Mar (KBs), 1 Crescent Head West 29 May (TM), 10 RKs + 4
live birds lower Macleay Valley 5 Aug -30 Dec (KS), more RKs on North Coast than usual
(GC,KS); Present Hunter Region all year seen at 12 sites most records Apr -Aug (HBR); 1
Ourimbah Uni Campusl9 Oct, only Central Coast record! (CCBR); 1 Richmond Turf Farms
8 Jul (KB), 1 Castlereagh NR Jul (GT), 1 Waitara 5 Aug (AMa), 1 Agnes Banks 26 Aug (JMi),
1 St Albans 27 Aug (KB), 1 Webbs Ck Ferry 28 Aug (JLu), I Kenthurst 29 Dec (PI); 1 Lake
Illawarra south 18 Jan (CB), I Fairy Meadow 5 Oct (RMi); 1 Pedro Swamp all year (ENHS),
1 Tura Beach 20 Sep (FSCB); 1 Raintree-Marra HSD Cowra 13 Mar (MV); 1 Braddon ACT 3
Aug (COGR); Parkes ACT 21 Jun (COGR); HC every night McPherson Range Griffith Jan,
and then regularly throughout the year (JB), 1 Willowgrove HSD Wanganella 24 Apr (RN), 1
RK Wanganella & ID Wanganella Weir 25 Apr (AM), 1 Tuckerbil 31 Jul (KH), 1 Leeton PS
9 Aug (DGr), 1 Whitton Punt Reserve 1 Oct (DRe), Darcoola NR 2 Oct (BM); 1 Nombinnie
NR 27 Dec (EV).
Grass Owl T capensis 1 RK Chatsworth Island & another Clarenza 18 Aug, 1 Jerusalem Ck
Bundjalung NP 17 Aug (GC), RK Swan Creek 18 Aug (AMSR 0.71096) and Pacific Hwy
Bellimbopinni 22 & 26 Oct (KS).
Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus 2 Rocky Ck Dam, Dunoon 2 Oct (LJ), known
White- throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis RK Tucabia 16 Mar, feathers found
Coutts Crossing 1 Apr (GC); 1 Bombah Pt Bulandelah 6 Mar (PE), 1 Balikera Jan & Dec,
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 36Gloucester Tops 15-16 Jan, Seaham 20 Mar, Wallingat SF 29 Mar & N+E Green Wattle Creek
2 Jan (HBR); HC Palmdale Feb -Mar (CCBR); 2 Malabar Headland 19 Nov (RG); HC Nepean
& Avon Catchments 3 Oct (PE); HC Pedro Swamp Jan -Mar, Sep -Dec, Broulee Jan & Mar &
2 Dec, Maulbrooks Rd Moruya Feb, Oct & Dec, 1 Burrewarra Point Nov (ENHS), 1 South
Pambula 4 Nov & 1 Pambula Tower Hill 14 Nov (FR,DWI); 1 O’Dells Crossing Baradine 29
Oct (AM). Departure: 1 Bombah Point 6 Mar (PE), 1 Braunstone 10 Apr (GC). Arrival:
2 Pelican Is Jerseyville 25 Sep (KS), Hunter Main Range Wollemi NP 2 Oct (MRo), Avon
Dam 3 Oct (SB), 1 Wapengo & Merimbula 12 Oct (JHi,PRb).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 1 Tullys Hill Leeton 1 Mar & 3 Nov, 1 Brobenah Hills 22 Apr
(ATh), 1 roosting in pine chips in garden Willow Park, Leeton 28 Jul, 2-3 HC north of Leeton
20 Sep (KH), 1 Talleban Res Rankin Springs 25 Sep (BM); I Nombinnie NR 27 Dec (EV).
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 2 Cattai NP 2 Feb (KB) 2-3 HC Kiola 11
Mar (NJ), both unusual coastal records.
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus On the Central Coast there were
45 reports from 26 sites, the highest number since reports began in 1995 (CCBR); 30
Loomberah, Tamworth 28 Feb (PNo) & 60+ Cookamidgera 1 Dec (NS); 10 Goonoo NP 19
Mar (JHs); 8 McPherson Range Griffith 5 Feb (JB); all westernmost records for 2005. Largest
concentration: 300+ Surf Bch Moruya 5 Jan (ENHS), 450+ 6 km W of Branxton 4 Mar (CD),
200 Fosterton Loop, Dungog 26 Jan & 24 Dec, and Bolton Point 30 Jan (HBR), 150 Mortdale
3 Apr (DHa). Departure: Comerang (ENHS) & 150+ Mortdale (DHa) 3 Apr, 10 Mangrove
Mtn GC 10 Apr (CCBR), 1 Mt Elliott ACT 10 May (COGR). Arrival: Broulee 2 Oct (ENHS),
10 Station Ck Yuragir NP 20 Oct (GC), 20+ Putty 27 Oct (KB), 3 Baradine 29 Oct (MBa), 6
Iluka & 26+ Womboyn 29 Oct (SRo,RJa), 10 Clybucca & 4 Lake Arragan Nov (GC,TM).
Fork- tailed Swift Apus pacificus 10+ Shelley Bch Pt Macquarie 4 Jan (DW), 35 Woody
Hd Iluka 7 Feb (GC), 5 Lawrence 10 Feb (RJa), 3 Levenstrath 19 Feb (WT); 2 Treachery
Hd Seal Rocks 9 Feb (CD), 6 Crowdy Head (GBr) & 3000+ Newcastle 10 Feb (RM), 50 6
km SW Branxton 4 Mar (CD), 2 Bombah Point 5 Mar (PE), 20 Chichester Dam 6 Mar (PD);
200 Matcham 3 Mar (MR), 8 Ourimbah Ck Chittaway 5 Mar (AM); 2 Oatley 4 Feb (DK), 3
North Head 8 Feb (MR), 11 Mistral Pt Maroubra 9 Feb (RG), 30+ Curra Moors Royal NP, 10
Long Reef & 60+ Turramurra 19 Feb (BF,SB,TW), 50+ Curra Moors, Royal NP 5 Mar (EV),
1 St Ives 13 Mar (RCI), 20+ Chipping Norton 20 Dec (JD); 100+ Racecourse Bch, Bawley
Pt 8 Jan (TW); 1 Eden 21 Jan (RMi), 3+ Tathra 24 Jan (BT), 24 Tilba 2 Apr (ENHS); 3 Coco
Ck Glen Davis 9 Feb (CP); 150 Myall Vale, Tamworth 15 Mar (TSm); 5 Goonoo SF 19 Mar
(JHs); 20 Nombinnie NR & 10 Mt Hope 28 Dec (EV); Departure: 100 Wonga Wetlands 14
Mar (MHe), 15 Cook ACT (COGR), 30 Deniliquin 17 Apr (PMh), this is the latest departure
date for NSW the previous latest date was 8 April 1956; 4 Nombinnie NR & 10 Mt Hope 28
Dec (DM). Arrival: 6 Crescent Head 24-25 Dec (KS,TM). More reports and larger numbers
than usual.
Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo gigas 2 each attacked and killed a Noiry Miner South West
Rocks14 Nov (PR)
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 37Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayi Kempsey 20 Apr, 2+ Belmore Swamps 16 Jun –
19 Aug (KS).
Collared Kingfisher T.chloris 1 Cobaki 15 Mar & 4 Ukerabagh Island NR 30 Apr -11 Aug
Red -backed Kingfisher T pyrrhopygia 1 Nyngan 2 Oct (ABi); 2 Merrylands HSD Cobar
4 Sep (LSm).
Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus Departure: Hidden Valley, Ourimbah 16 Feb (CCBR),
Lawrence 16 Mar (GC), Hall ACT 27 Mar (COGR), Pitt Town Lagoon 24 Apr (DK). Arrival:
Mangrove Mountain 9 Sep (CCBR), 2 South West Rocks 10 Sep (KS), 2 Euabalong 18 Sep
(MBa), Swan Ck Grafton & Condobolin 19 Sep (GC,JC), Sydney Olympic Pk 20 Sep (DSt),
Glen Alice & Homebush Bay 22 Sep (CP,DS), 1 Calala, Tamworth 30 Sep & Callum Brae
ACT (BMe,COGR); Binya & McPherson Range 2 Oct (JB,KH). Overwinter Records: 4
records South West Rocks area 16 Jun -2 Aug (KS), 2 Sydney Olympic Pk 8 Aug (TS),
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus 2 Pitt Town Lagoon looking for nesting sites 3 Oct
(EV,PE). Departure: 28 Aranada ACT 25 Feb (COGR), 6 Capertee Valley 6 Mar (CPr). 4
Wyee Point 11 Mar (CCBR). Arrival: 2 Tamworth 30 Aug (JW), 4 Dubbo & 3+ Frederickton
9 Sep (DG,KS), 2 Glenlowan Bridge Glen Alice 14 Sep (CP), 6 Binya 22 Sep (KH), Dunlop
Grasslands ACT 14 Oct (COGR).
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 1 Macquarie R Warren 5 Oct (ABi); 1 Kalyarr NR Hay
19 Oct (JB), furthest west reported in 2005, 1 Binya 6 Feb (KH). Departure: St Ives 3
Mar (RC1), Belowra 4 Mar (ENHS), Stockton Bridge 6 Mar (PEk), 1 Budgewoi 5 Apr (AM),
Corindi 7 Apr (GC). Arrival: Tuross Heads 20 Sep (ENHS) & Swan Creek (GC), 2
1 1
Stockton Ck Lake Macquarie 24 Sep (MT), Illawong Res Warriewood & Mangrove Mtn 25
Sep (CCBR,EV), Bateau Bay & Frederickton 28 Sep (AM,KS), Millingandi 1 Oct (JDw),
Callum Brae 23 Oct (COGR).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor None recorded in coastal areas of the lower Macleay Valley this
winter (KS); J Gloucester Tops 15 Jan, 1 Copeland Tops 25 Feb, Alleyn River Chichester SF
30 Oct, Barrington House 30 Oct & White Rock Chichester SF 19-20 Nov (HBR).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens Kerrapit Rd Gloucester Tops 24 Jan & 3 on 3
& 13 Sep (HBR).
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis Binya SF 16 Jan (KH); 6 Gunderbooka
NP 29 Dec (EV).
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops Kulnura 6 Feb, rare on Central Coast
(CCBR); 3-4 sthn end Lady Carrington Dye Royal NP 1 Jun & 18 Nov (ARo,CSs); South
Coast records include Broulee all year, Mt Dromaderry 31 Jul (ENHS), 2+J Ludwigs Ck
Merimbula 10 Dec (BK); 1 Tallanganda SF Jul & Namadgi NP Oct (COGR).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 38Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus HC Glenugie SF 6 Aug (GC), eastern limit of range in
Clarence Valley; 4 Rugby 28 Mar (WS), unusual location; 30-40 Yarrada SF 26 Nov (MFN).
Red -backed Fairy -wren M melanocephalus 3 Warakeila, Dungog 7 Apr (HBR) southern
most site in NSW.
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 2 Lake Cakora Brooms Head 19 Jan (GC); 3
Pambalong NR Minmi 3 Jun (PH), 4 Wesley Rd Barrington 24 Jul (ML) both unexpected
locations, nesting Balickera Oct (HBR); 2 Tomakin 17 Feb (ENHS).
Striated Grass- wren Amytornis striatus 5 Yathong NR North 26 Sep (JL), first reports from
this area for some time.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus 2 Budderoo Plateau 30 Apr (NW), Hyams
Beach 8 Jul (SE), 1 Currarong 25 Sep (SB). During the period 2003-2005 50 birds were
transferred from Booderee NP to the Beecroft Peninsula. Radio -tracking of individuals has
shown that they have settled into the new habitat quickly, and birds were still calling at the
new site in Oct 2006 when 21 individuals were seen and or heard (DBn).
l’ilothird Pycnoptilusfloccosus 3+2Y Katoomba 3 Jan (CP), 10+ Hunter Main Trail Wollemi
NP 1-3 Oct (MRo) where present in 1997.
Rockwarbler Origma solitaria 3 Anvil Hill 22-25 SApr (HBR); 2 Evans Lookout & 2 Echo
Point 17 Sep (JTu).
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 2 Wollemi NP nr Bulga 30 Jan -5 Feb
(DH), 2 Giants Ck Rd 28 May, 2 Widden Valley 30 Sep -4 Oct, 2 Finchley Tk Yengo NP 3 Sep,
and 5+ Awaba SF throughout the year (HBR); 3 Laughtondale 2 Jan (11), Freemans Reach
10 Mar (RCk), 3 Woodford T1 Glenbrook 21 Sep (CC), 2 Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 29 Sep (SP);
1 W of Sussex Inlet 17 Aug (KM); 1 Min Min HSD Glen Alice 14 May (TH); 1 Rob Roy NR
ACT 13 Feb (COGR); 1 Callemindah HSD Tamworth 3 Feb (JMy).
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 4 at 2 sites Buddigower NR Jun (JB); 2 Yathong NR 25 Sep (JL),
4+6 Nombinnie NR 28 Apr near railway line (DG), 6 on 19 Oct, 4 on 27-28 Dec (EV,JMd).
Rufous Fieldwren C. campestris 3 Sturts Meadows HSD Broken Hill 11 Jun (NJ).
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus 5 Salthole Ck 30 km N Broken Hill 9 Jun (NW); 8+ 40
km NW Balranald 4 May (AM).
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2 Coutts Crossing 22 May & 16 Oct (GC); 7
Shanes Park, Blacktown 17 Apr & 4 on 21 Aug (EV), 5 Scheyville NP 16 Dec (PI).
Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris HC Arndilly HSD Tullymorgan 30 Oct, eastern edge of range
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 39Brown Gerygone Gerygone mouki 3 Mount Arthur, Singleton 7 Sep, an uncommon &
westerly location (HBR).
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca Present all months in the upper and western Hunter
Regions (HBR); Present all months Canberra Region except for Jul -Aug (COGR), 1 10 km S
Jindabyne 28 Dec (BC). Arrival: 2 Capertee R Glen Davis 21 Sep (CP).
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea Departure: 1 Cox’s River, Jenolan 2 Apr (CP),
1 Peats Ridge 8 Apr (RBe), Tharwa 10 Apr (COGR), 1 Mulgoa 11 Apr (MH). Arrival: I
Campbell Park ACT 1 Aug (COGR); 1 Warriewood Wetlands 13 Aug (ML), 1 Cockle Ck
Teralba & Hawkesbury Marshes 2 Sep (KB,MT), Mangrove Mountain 8 Sep (CCBR).
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis 4+ Broula Rd 16 km SW Cowra 18 Dec
(MV), east of normal range.
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 2A+N Capertee Valley 26 Nov (PSe); 2
Bigga 14 Sep (TS); 2 Borah Res Barraba 2 Oct (JWa), rare at this location; 1 Marinna, Junee
24 Apr (EA), rare bird in Junee Shire.
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Migrating north through Nethercote 1000 passing
in 15 minutes Apr- May (BJ), 250+ migrating south at Yowrie 25 Sep (GGu).
Little Wattlebird A. chrysoptera 1 Ravensfield Tamworth 22 Oct (EFa), out of range.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis I Anvil Hill 22-25 Apr, Yarraman
Estate Denman 24 Apr & Giants Creek Rd 21 Oct, uncommon in the Hunter Region (HBR);
2 Capertee Valley 25 Jun -4 Aug (AR), 2+ Ulan Jul -Aug (MAt), uncommon on the Central
Tablelands; Tamworth 22 Sep (HPu).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhynchas lanceolata Regularly reported around the shores of
Tuggerah Lakes, with 5 breeding reports Jan -Feb, Sep -Nov (CCBR).
Little Friarbird Philemon citreogularis 3 Anvil Hill 22-25 Apr & 1 Jones Res Rd 19 Mar
(HBR); 1 Royal NP 9 Apr (SBa); 6 Glenlowan Bridge Glen Alice 25 Jul -4 Aug (CR); 1
Watson ACT 12 Mar (COGR), rare in Canberra Region;
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia Scotts Head 4 Feb, Sawtell 10 Feb (JWo)
1 1
& 22 Mar, 1 Valla Beach 20 Mar (per DG), 1 Maria River Rd 20 Apr (MVBO); 3 Pelton
SF Kitchener 8 Jun -12 Jul (SRo), 8+N Widden Valley 2-4 Oct, 2A+2Y at nearby Widden
Ck 29 Oct -Mid Nov (ALi,AS, HBR); 6 Burragorang Valley 6 Aug (DAn); 2 Mowbray Pk
Chatswood 12 Feb (SFr), 1 Waldrons Swp Moruya 6 Aug (DG), 1 Percy David Dye Broulee
9 Aug (ENHS), 2 Lower Towamba 22 Nov, 2A+J Dec (MBe); 9 Newhaven TSR Bundarra
3-12 Mar (GL), 6 W of Armidlae 6 Aug (DG); 19 Capertee Valley 18 Jan, 4 on 19 Mar &
17 Apr (MHa,NK,TPe), max 12 Glenrowan Rd Glen Alice 30 Apr- 8 Jun (CPr,JR,NL,SP), 9
Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis 9 Jun (NJ), 6-8 Min Min HSD Glen Alice 19 Jun (TM), max 140
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 40seen throughout the Valley 29 Jun -4 Aug (DG), then max 24 + nest 5 Aug -5 Nov (CP,JTu,
NK,TN,RT), 2 Long Pt Macquarie R Orange 5-16 Aug (SG); 1 ANU Campus ACT 16-21 Apr
(ASm,Dabb 2005); 1 Woods Res Barraba Sep (per RWt), 1 Central Rd Lavington 15-21 Feb
(RSa); 1 Mt Kaputar NP 15 May (DG).
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 6+2 Im Pelican Beach Swansea 6 Jul (VM),
unusual location; 2 Willow Park, Koonadan 1 Nov (PDa), rare at this site.
Yellow -throated Miner Manorina flavigula 2 Quandialla 18 Oct (MZ), eastern edge of
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration commenced in Blue Mountains
at Katoomba 1 Apr (CP); Migration commencing Southern Tablelands with 64 Gossan Hill
ACT 31 Mar (MB).
Singing Honeyeater L. virescens 1 Ulan 6 Aug (MAt), unusual location; 1 Glen Donald HSD
Tamworth 22 Apr (IDo); 1 Chitty HSD Coonabarabran 18 May (HS), rare at this location; 1 6
km E Barooga 29 Jun (DWe), unusual location.
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 2 Saltwater Inlet Clarence Estuary 12 Jan, HC Dart
Is Yamba 10 Sep (GC).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops Only Central Coast report from Bucketty Waterhole
23 Jul (CCBR); 6 Bobbin Hd Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 17 Jul (TW), winter visitor to site;
Nesting Tindery 18 Dec (COGR); 3 in garden Tamworth 27-5 Jun (HPu), but also Limbri,
East Tamworth & Porcupine Lane Jun (GM) & Tamworth Bot. Gardens Jul (MBa), unusual
locations, winter visitors or drought affected?
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus I Leeton 5 Jun, many Binya SF 27 Aug (KH).
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 10 Round Hill Nr Mt Hope 19-20 Mar (NL), 10+
Yathong NR 26 Sep- 18 Oct (JL,JMd), 3+ Nombinnie & Round Hill NRs 17-18 Oct (JMa),
50+ Nombinnie NR 28 Dec (DM).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 4 Staples Lkt Brisbane Water NP 3 Aug, only CC report
where irregular winter visitor (CCBR); Small numbers Maulbrooks Rd Moruya & Broulee
May -Jul, 5 Eurobodalla Gardens Jul (ENHS).
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 1 Hornsby 26 Aug (KL); 1 Corrimal I Aug
(GB), isolated records.
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 4+ Ramornie NP & 6+ Moonee Beach 16
May -16 Aug (GC), 2 Coast Range, Station Creek 18 Jun (CVBR); 5+ Ellalong 4 Jun , max 7
Pelton SF 13 Jun -12 Jul, 1 Kurri Kurri Hospital 13 Jul -12 Aug, 3 Wambo Rd Bulga 24 Jul &
1 Werakata NP 6 Aug (HBR): 1 Kentlyn 13 Jan (MPa); 3 Callala Bch Jervis Bay Jul (SSh); 5
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 41Capertee Valley 18 Jan (NK), 10 Glen Davis 6 Mar (CP), 4 Frog Hole Ck Frogmore 25 Apr
(JBo), 2 Wolgan Valley 23 May (CBk), 50 throughout Capertee Valley 28 Jun (NK), 4 Glen
Davis 17 Jul (SB); 3 Bigga 17 May (TS); 1 Goonoowigal Res Inverell 24 Sep (RT).
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 7 Frederickton 29 Nov (KS); 1 Dairy Swamp,
Tuggerah 29 Jan (CCBR); Spring Forest HSD Koorawatha 13 Mar (MV); 6 East Dubbo 27
Aug (DG), this and the previous 3 reports are all unusual locations; Max 4 Binya SF 16 Jan,
25 Jun, 1-2 Sep (KH), south-west limit of range.
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 2 Widden Valley 2 Oct -mid Nov (MR), 1 Medhurst
Bridge Martindale 21 Oct (HBR); 2 Capertee Valley 18-19 Mar & 1 on 23 Sep, 12 Nov
(CP,PI), 2 Glenlowan Bridge, Glen Alice 19-28 Sep (CP,JTu), 5 Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis
19 Oct (NK); HC Oakhampton HSD Manilla 28 Sep (RJa); 6 30 km W of Manilla 4-5 Oct
(GLC), Coonabarabran Cemetery 29 Oct (AM); 6 Trapyard Dam Merriwindi SF 29 Oct
(AM); 3+ Rifle Range Rd Warren 4 Oct (ABi), 2 Sandgate SF Gulargambone 29 Oct (CM);
2 Lake Wyangan 18 Sep (JB), c. 30 prs nesting Binya SF Oct -Dec (JTu,PE,Barea & Watson
2007), Widgelli 27 Oct (NJm), 2 Leeton 30 Oct (JBt), 2 Nericon 11 Nov & 17 Dec (JBt,JS);
Present Round Hill NR 26 Sep (TNo). Departure: Binya SF 12 Feb (Barea & Watson
2007), 1 Capertee Valley 19 Mar (PI). Arrival: 1 Binya SF 4 Sep (KH), 4 Capertee Valley
11 Sep (CP), 6, 25 km NW Condobolin 16 Sep (AM).
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 2 Barrington Tops NP 6 Jun (KS); 1 Moonee
Bch Trail, Munmorah SCA 25 Apr, Pt record since 2003 (GCa); 1 Warriewood Wetlands 1
May (TW); 2 Durras 23 May, Narooma 12 Jun, 2 Mt Dromedary 31 Jul & Broulee 13 Nov
(ENHS); Leura 23 Jun (CBk).
White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra Reported in small numbers on the South
Coast, south to South Pambula 4 Jul & Coila Lake 28 Sep, nesting Broulee Jun -Nov
White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons 1 Binya SF 17 Jul (KH); 10 Round Hill NR 19-20
March & 3 on 23 Sep (FH,NL), 1 Cobar 12 Oct (ABi,FH) & 28 Dec (DM); 10+ Yathong NR
25 Sep (JL), 3+ John Hobbs Res Dareton 20 Oct (SMu), 10+ Nombinnie NR 26 Sep & 27
Dec (EV,TNo).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P melanops Limeburners Ck NR 22 Apr (KS), HC Sandon
Rd Yuraygir NP 29 Oct (GC); 2+ Awabakal NR Jul -Sep (HBR); 2 Bushells Ridge 13 Aug,
unusual location (CCBR); 5 Curra Moors, Royal NP 5 Mar (EV), 20 in heath, Heathcote NP
Jun (ARo); Maddens Plain 23 Aug (NJ).
1 1
Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris Pelican Is Jerseyville 19 Apr, an usual
location (KS); in garden Glen Donald HSD Tamworth 19-20 Apr (IDo), out of range.
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 6 Morongla, Koorawatha 10 Mar (DOI) unusual this far
east; 1 Narromine 16 Nov (TMa); 1 Willie, Macquarie Marshes 29 Oct (CP); Many feeding
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 42in Eremophilas at Garoolgan, Leeton 16 Oct (KH); 8+ 4 sites around Cobar 4-11 Sep (LSm),
4+ Wanganella 29 Oct (DPa); 4+ Merrylands HSD Cobar 4-10 Sep, 2 Cobar Old Reservoir
11 Sep (LSm), 2 Cobar Cemetery 23-30 Sep (FH), 2 Old Reservoir, Cobar 10 Oct (ABi); 10
Yathong NR Cobar 26 Sep & 16 on 17-18 Oct (JL,JMd), 10+ Round Hill NRs 26 Sep & 17-18
Oct (JMd,TNo), 10+ John Hobbs Reserve Dareton 19 Oct (SMu), 10+ Nombinnie NR 28 Apr,
26 Sep (DG,TNo) & 1 on 27 Dec (EV). More records than usual.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus Max 17 Darcoola NR 20 Feb -3 Apr & max 10 from 2-11
Oct (BM,DE,JB), 10 Norwood NR Hay 1-3 Oct (BM), 2+ Boorooban 29 Oct (DPa); 13+ 5
locations around Cobar 6-12 Sep, 4M Living Desert Park, Broken Hill 12 Sep (LSm),10 Cobar
Cemetery 23-30 Sep (FH), 12+ Nombinnie & Round Hill NR 26 Sep, 7-18 Oct (AI,TNo), 8+
Whoey Tk Round Hill NR 17 Oct, 4+ Yathong NR 18 Oct (JMd). More records than usual.
Dusky Honeyeater Myzomea obscura Single bird feeding in a garden shrub Piggabeen west
of Tweed Heads 18 Aug (JR), referred to and accepted by NSWORAC, confirmed NSW
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Present Green Wattle Creek all year, 1″ winter
records for 10 years (HBR); Present Central Coast all year, with many autumn and winter
records (CCBR); Present during winter in Sydney including 12 Ryland Tk St Ives KCNP 28
May, 10 Ku-rin-gai Wildflower Garden 29/5 (MV); AM Florey ACT 27 Oct (COGR).
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor 10 Gingham Watercourse 7 Jul (GC); 2, 20 km N
Leeton 5 Jun (KH), out of season, 100+ nesting Binya SF Yenda 5-21 Oct (JB,KH), 8+ Lake
Caagelligo STW 20 Oct (JMd), 2 Fivebough Swamp 2-23 Oct (KH,MS; 4 8km N Broken Hill
17 Sep (API), 100s Fowlers Gap RS 26-30 Sep (JL), 30+ Cobar New Tnk 10 Oct (ABi), 4+
50 km N of Cobar 28 Dec, 20+ 40 Km E of Bourke 30 Dec (EV); 20+ Yathong NR 25 Sep -19
Oct (JL,JMd), numerous around Dareton-Gol Gol 20 Oct (SMu).
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 9 Jerilderie 14 Mar (DWe), 30+ The Ranch, Wanganella 24 Apr
(JNe), 18 Koonadan 12 Jun (KH), unusual winter records, 2 Glenmire HSD Wanganella 19
Sep (RN), 6+ Fivebough Swamp 17-23 Oct (MS), 6+ Lake Cargelligo STW 20 Oct (JMd);
5+, 50 km N of Cobar 28 Dec (EV);
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons 2 Chitty HSD Coonabarabran 18 May (HS), unusual
location; 34 Koonadan 12 Jun (KH).
Gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis 3 27 km W Tibooburra 13 Jun (NJ), 2 N of Tibooburra Aug &
28 Sep (JL,PCo).
Red -capped Robin P goodenovii In the Hunter Region reported from Bulga, Anvil Hill,
Mount Arthur & Jerrys Plains Feb -Aug, all known sites (HBR); Aranda ACT Apr & Jun
(COGR), rare in Canberra Region.
Flame Robin P phoenicea 2 6 km W of Dorrigo 8 Aug (DJ); 16+ Polblue Swamp 4 May
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 43(HBR), large number; F Pitt Town Lagoon 6-17 Jul (DH); 1 Barren Grounds NR 25 Aug (DG); 2
Comerang 24 Apr -24 Jul, 2 Belowra 28 Aug (ENHS); 1 The Verden HSD Nundle 19 Mar (BPo);
1 Jenolan & 2 Boyd R Kanangra 2-3 Apr (CP), 3 15 km W of Cowra 6 Jul (DH), 1 Medlow Bath
19 Oct (JDa); F Daniel St Albury 6 May (MHe), unusual location. Winter Records in South West
Plains: Max 6 Fivebough Swp Leeton 22 May -14 Jun, 10 Yanco AHS Lagoon 24 Jul (KH), 1
Petersham HSD Leeton 8 Nov (JCm).
Rose Robin P.rosea Arrived Coutts Crossing 2 May (GC); 2 arrived Royal NP 1 Apr (NR), 1
Wahroonga 24 Jul (NG); 1 Wombat Gully HSD Rylstone25 May (CSp).
Pink Robin P rodinogaster Pedro Swamp, 26 May (ENHS), AM Kiah 10 Jul (RMi); 2
Kosciuszko NP 23 Jan (BWi), 1 Thredbo R Thredbo 25 Jan (CP), 1 Tallangandra SF 2 Oct (NR).
All within known range.
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito 2A+N Dunoon 22 Oct (EV); 2A+N Jerusalem Ck Barrington
Tops NP 23 Oct (EV), and a pair on nest Dungog 22 Oct (HBR), the southern limit of range.
Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis 2 Karoo HSD Cobar 6-10 Sep, 1 Booroondarra HSD
Cobar 7 Sep (LSm), western limit
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia Nombinnie NR Mt Hope 26 May (APa), 12+
on 28 Dec (EV).
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 2 RTA Reserve Ourimbah 11-15 Jul, unusual location (CCBR);
3 prs resident below Black Ash NR Jamberoo (BA), 1 Barren Grounds NR 30 Apr (SB), 1
Bellawongarah 8 Jul & 25 Aug (BA).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 1+ Turrill HSD Cassillis 25 Apr (BPo), N+2Y
6 km SE Gloucester 8 Aug, 2+N Gloucester District 12 Sep (PB), early date, breeding reported
from the usual Hunter Valley sites (HBR); lone bird Duntroon GC ACT 24 Sep 04 to 15 Feb,
during which time it built a number of roosting nests (COGR).
Hall’s Babbler P halli 15 Yantabulla 12 Aug (MHa), only report.
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 Wollemi NP nr Bulga 31 Jan (DH), 2+ Awaba
SF Apr -May, Jul -Sep, 2 Laguna 12-13 May (HBR), 2 Hooks Ck Res, Barrington 18 May (PB), 2
Toronto Ridge 30 May, 2 Pelton SF 7 Jun, 2 Tomalpin 31 Jul, 2 Werakata NP 6 Aug, 1 Watagan
SF 13 Aug, 1 Bow Bow Gorge Mt Vincent 27 Sep & Widden Valley 30 Sep -4 Oct (HBR), 1 Tinda
Ck Putty 31 Jul (TDy); HC Garigal NP St Ives 15 Oct (AB); 3 Belanglo SF 10 Apr (CB); 1 Clyde
Mountain 18 May, 1 Old Mill Rd 9 Jun (ENHS); 2 The Verden HSD Nundle 26 Feb (BPo), 2
Nundle 19 Apr (R-), 1 Styx River Crossing 30 Sep (JCe), 2 Oxley Wild Rivers NP (west) 18 Nov
(PRo), 2 Tomalla NR Nundle 10 Dec (TJu); 3 Winbumdale NR, Bathurst 2 Apr (AM), AM Jenolan
2 Apr (CP), 2 Copperhania NR, Bathurst 7 Apr (JB), 2 Wombat Gully HSD Rylstone 4 Jul (CSp) 2
Gundee HSD Cassilis 18 Jul (BPo); 3 Nursery Creek ACT 29 Oct (COGR); 1 Geurie Cemetery 3
Apr (RPr), 2 Siding Springs Observatory 24 Jun (JB), feeding in snow patches.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 44Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 2 Yathong NR 25 Sep (JL), 3 found dead same place
12 Sep, 8 & 9 Nov (AMSR 0.71092,131 &133).
Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum 2 Dead Horse Gully, Sturt NP 12 Jun (NJ), 3 prs
plus N+3E Fowlers Gap 26 Aug (DPo), AM on 30 Sep (FH).
Chestnut -breasted Quail -thrush C. castaneothorax 3 Merrylands HSD Cobar 4-6 Sep
(LSm), 1 Mt Gunderbooka 29 Dec (DM).
Varied Sitella Daphoenositta chrysoptera 2 Winston Hills 3 Jul (APa), unusual Sydney
record; 37 in mixed flock of birds Goodmans Ford 17 Jan (BA), exceptional record.
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus 3 South West Rocks 2 Aug & on 10 Sep (KS),
unusual at site (KS); N+Y Blue Gum Swamp, Winmalee within 30 m of Collared Sparrowhawk
nest (NK).
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis I Jones Rd Reserve Jerrys Plains 19 Mar (HT), well
east of usual range; Binya 6 Jun (KH), eastern edge of range.
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 4 pr Kookaburra 22 Oct (MHz); 3 Gloucester Tops 24
Jan & 2 on 15-16 May (HBR); 1 Mt Dromedary 25 Mar & 2 on 31 Jul (ENHS), 1 South East
Forest NP 29 Oct (MZ), 1 Imlay Ck Eden 4 Dec (BK); J Blundells Ck Rd Brindabella Range
20 Jan (Allan 2005), 2 Kosciuszko NP 23 Jan (BWi), Tallanganda SF 25 Jul (COGR).
Gilbert’s Whistler P inornata 1 Spring Forest HSD Koorawatha 10 Dec (MV), 4 Nombinnie
NR Mt Hope 28 Dec (DM), only reports.
Rufous Whistler P rufiventris 3 overwintering Cowra Common & 2 Warrawong HSD Cowra
18 Jun (MV). Departure: 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 19 Apr (KB), Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 22 Apr
(ENHS), Clybucca 10 May (TM). Arrival: 1 Sydney Olympic Park 8 Aug (TS), 1 Pola Ck
Kempsey 19 Aug (TM), 1 Lady Carrington Drive RNP 3 Sep (BWi), 1 Nethercote 11 Sep
(BJ), Broulee 12 Sep (ENHS), Mt Taylor ACT 29 Oct (COGR).
Little Shrike -thrush Colluicincla megarhyncha 3 Iluka NR 2 Oct (RT), within known
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Tarpoly Res Barraba 30 Sep (GLC), outside
of normal range. Departure: 1 Kiah 7 Apr (RMi), 1 Potters Gully Ourimbah SF 11 Apr
(AM). Arrival: 1 Tathra 28 Aug (HMe), exceptionally early and not consistent with other
records, Mardi & Tuggerah 21 Sep (AM), Palmdale, Pambalong NR & Mangrove Mtn 22 Sep
(AM,CD,MP), 4+ Hazelbrook 2 Oct (CSc).
Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus Nesting White Rock, Chichester SF 19-20 Nov, most
southern usual breeding range (HBR); A+J Bellambi 24 Feb (TE), In breeding record for the
Illawarra. Departure: 1 Corindi 5 Apr (GC).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 45White -eared Monarch M leucotis 2 Woody Head, Bunjalung NP 21 Jun (GC), 1 Iluka
NR 15-30 Oct (CVBR); Nesting Mebbin NP 2 Nov, 1 Nightcap NP 4 Nov, 2 Wilsons Crk Rd
Mullumbimby 13 Nov (MR); Max 2 Kylie Bch Figtree Parking area, Crowdy Head NP 24-29
Jan & 4-28 Nov (HLu,HBR).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: Narara Ck Narara 21 Feb, an early
date (CCBR). Arrival: Glossodia Park 14 Sep (KB), Mardi 22 Sep & Kinchela Swan
Pool (JC,TM), Warriewood Wetlands & Katoomba 25 Sep (BC,CP), Black Mtn ACT 2 Oct
Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca Cattai NP 23 Oct (MR), AM Winmalee 24 Nov (NK);
1 Goodmans Ford 17 Jan (BA), 1 Jamberoo 8 Feb (IBOC); 2 Nethercote 15 Jan -5 Feb (BJ);
2A+J Hanging Rock, Nundle 24 Feb (JNo). Departure: 1 Thirroul 5 Mar (IM). Arrival: 2
Styx River Crossing 30 Sep; (JCe), 2 Ludwigs Ck Merimbula 23 Oct (BK) & Macquarie ACT
(COGR), AM Blue Gum Swamp Ck Winmalee 24 Nov (NK).
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta Nesting Widden Valley 30 Sep -4 Oct, V confirmed Hunter
Region breeding record in 20 years (HBR); 1 Kyeemagh 9-11 Mar (CPy), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon
& Bushells Lagoon 3 Oct (EV), winter visitor to Sydney Region; Uncommon on the South
Coast, occurs mostly in winter but A+Js Tuross Heads Apr (ENHS).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Albury 28 Feb (GDa), well out of usual range.
Departure: Loftus Creek Sutherland 5 Apr (DWi), Corindi 6 Apr (GC), 1 Glenbrook 8 Apr
(CS), 1 Wattle Forest Royal NP 9 Apr (DWi), 1 Kincumba Mtn Res 16 Apr (RCu). Arrival: 2
Iluka NR 19 Jul (JP) possibly overwintering?, 1 Munmorah SCA 14 Sep (DMo), Warriewood
wetlands 3 Oct (BC).
Magpie -lark Grallina cyanoleuca 156 in flock Frederickton 1 Jun (KS).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus N+2J Valla 22 Dec (MVBO), most southern breeding
record for NSW; Greystanes 26 Feb (TS), a bit more inland than usual for the Sydney
Region; I Orange 16 Feb (GH); 1 Appleby Lane Tamworth Jan, then 13-14 Nov (EF, MBy).
Southern records: 1 Bevian Rd Moruya 9 Apr & 1 Pedro Swp Moruya 15 Apr (ENHS).
Arrival: Hunter WC 26 Jan (HBR), Bateau Bay mangroves 7 Feb (AM), Neilsen Pk Vaucluse
9 Feb (SPI), 1 Engadine 12 Feb (JBI). Departure: 1 Gloucester 22 Sep (PB), 1 Windang 14
Oct (DWi), 2 Lemon Tree Passage 17 Nov (HBR).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 1 Woolgoolga 3 Mar (KP), 1 Moore Ck NR Kyogle 16
Mar (DE), 1 Valla Beach 26 Jul (MVBO), 3 Willi Willi 23 Oct (MHz), 1 Crescent Head 14
Nov (SJ), 10 Mebbin NP 16 Nov (MR).
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina papuaensis 1 DM Belmore Swamp 18 Apr (KS);
Reported from 13 Hunter Region sites Apr-Oc (HBR); 1 Mitchell Pk Cattai 23 Oct (HR); 2
North Nowra 23 Apr (BAs), 1 Wollongong Bot. Gardens 4 Aug (NW); 2 Narrabunda 25 Apr
& Curtin ACT 5 May (COGR).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 46Cicadabird C. tenuirostris I Scheyville NP 16 Dec (PI) unusual location; 1 Goorooyaroo
NR 15 Nov, lrt Canberra Region record since 2003 (COGR). Departure: Bombah Pt Myall
Lakes NP 7 Mar(PE), 1 Yaegl NR Harwood 23 Mar (GC), HC Wheeney Ck Winmalee 8 Apr
(KB), HC Freemans Waterhole 9 Apr (CD). Arrival: 1 Mardi 30 Sep (CCBR), 1 Kalaru 17
Oct (EB), 2 Mitchell Pk Cattai 23 Oct (HR), Crescent Head 30 Oct (TM).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 2 Norfolk HSD Cassilis 28 Jun, 2 Dalkeith HSD Coolah
21 Nov (BPo), both records at the eastern liumit of range; 3 Kentucky 22 May (JNo); 8 Calala
Tamworth Mar -Apr (BH), 4 Oakhampton HSD Manilla 29-30 Sep (GLC); 5 Temora 5 Apr
(DE); 5 Baradine 25 Aug (DJo); 2 Tullys Hill 16 Apr (KH), 3 Leeton Tip 10 Aug, 4 Norwood
NR Hay 3 Oct (BM), 2 Oolambeyan NR 18 Dec (NW).
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii 1 Wilberforce 25 Jul (KB); 8 Goodmans Ford 17 Jan
(BA). Departure: 1 Googong Dam ACT 29 Jan (COGR), 2 Woodville 28 Mar (HBR), 1 Regal
Hgts Albion Park 8 Apr (BCo). Arrival: 1 Wilberforce 25 Jul (KB), 1 Bulga Aug, 2 Lapstone
2 Sep (GT), 3 Binya SF 14 Sep (KH), Canberra ACT 24 Sep (COGR), 1 Womboyn 10 Oct
(BK). Coastal records include: 1 Pelcan Is Jerseyville 7 Oct (KS, 3M Elthan, Lismore 12
Oct (JH); 2 prs nesting Bolwarra 24 Oct (HBR); 3 nesting Brownsville 17 Feb, Pt breeding
record for Illawarra Region; A+J Pamboola 19 Jan (BJ), 6 incl I DY Belowra 16 Feb (ENHS),
however no CC reports (CCBR).
Varied Trifler L. leucomela 1 Killick Ck Crescent Head 8 May (TM), 1 South West Rocks 7
Aug (KS); 1 New Forest, Harrington 26 Aug (GP). Some southern records.
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Present all year Central Coast although numbers
highest Jan -Mar, Aug -Dec (CCBR); Arrived at McPheson Range Griffith 15 Oct (JB).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 1 feeding juvenile Pallid Cuckoo Bolwarra 5 Dec was unusual,
and a colony of 14 nests at Swansea Aug- Nov (HBR); 6 feeding on Privet berries Belmore 12
Jul unusual location (AK); 6 Bermagui SF 17 Apr (DA).
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Sydney Olympic Park Nov (JGk).
1 1
Southern Coastal records: Continues to spread south on coast including 6 Broulee 12 Feb, 1
Wallaga Lake Feb, 3 Malabar Weior Moruya 26 Feb & 1 on 23 Feb, 3 Old Man Bed Swamp
25 Sep (ENHS). Departure: 1 Cowan Pond 9 Apr (GC), 2 Chittaway Pt 16 Apr (CCBR), 7
South West Rocks 19 May (KS). Arrival: 2 Leeton 6 Sep & Tuggerah Lgn (CCBR,KH), 7
Belmore Swamp 7 Sep (KS).
Black -faced Woodswallow A. cinereus 2 in mixed woodswallow flock Kiah 22 Feb (BJ),
rare coastal record.
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 2 Kiah 22 Feb (BJ) uncommon South Coast
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus 7 winter records for the Hunter Region of 1-5 birds,
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 47but 40+ Ellalong 13 Jun & 15 Jones Reserve Rd 16 Jul were big numbers (HBR); 2 winter
records for Central Coast viz Munmorah SCA 4 Jul & Staples Lkt Brisbane Water NP 3 Aug
(CCBR); 4+ Barringun 16 Aug (PS), north-western limit? Coastal Departure: 2 Mangrove
Mtn 29 Apr (CCBR). Coastal Arrival: 2 Mangrove Mtn 25 Aug (CCBR), 4 Pambula 3 Sep
Little Woodswallow A. minor 3 Pindari Dam 27 Sep (RT), only report.
Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularus Im Wollstonecraft 25 Mar (Birdline), HC Ashbury
near Dulwich Hill 28 Mar (LJ), Wisemans Ferry 4 May (CSc), 3 Hunters Hill 20 Nov (AN)
rare Sydney records, drought induced?; 1 Curtin ACT 3 Sep (RAI).
Grey Currawong Strepera versicolor 2 Hunter Main Trail, Wollemi NP2 Oct (HBR); 2
Budderoo Plateau 30 Apr (NW), 2 Paddys R Canyonleigh 4 May (DG), 2 Cordeaux Dam 25
May (CC), 2 Darkes Forest 1 Jun (ARo), 1 Belanglo SF 22 Jun (MRw); 1 South Pambula 27
Mar (FR), 1 Mongarlowe River 18 May (ENHS); A+J Blackheath 2 Jann (SPo), 1 Katoomba
27 Jul (CBk), Medlow Bath 23 Sep (FH).
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Southern records include Chichester SF 30 Oct &
White Rock, Chichester SF 19-20 Nov (HBR).
Forest Raven Corvus tasmanicus 1 Mudbishops Point 8 Feb, Mungo Brush MLNP 12 Apr
& 2 there 12 Nov (HBR); 5 Ebor Falls 27 Jan (AR).
Little Raven C. mellori 1 Wilberforce 8 Aug (KB) & 6 Mittagong 15 May (CC), uncommon
winter visitor to the Sydney and Illawarra Regions.
Torresian Crow C. orru Southern records include Hunter WC Jun -Sep, Morpeth STW 18
May & nesting Clarencetown 18 Sep (HBR).
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos Rare in the Clarence Valley with 4
Rogans Bridge Grafton 5 Oct & 2 Levenstrath 25 Oct (WT); 6 Maralya 2 Jan, unusual at this
loacation (NH).
Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea 30 Minchinbury 30 Apr (EV), 20+ Pinegrove Memorial
Park, Kellyville 11 Jul (LH).
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris Floraville on the outskirts of Newcastle 14 Apr
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus Woko NP 25 Apr (GGh).
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata 1 Beni 15 Jan (MMh), 1 Warrumbungles NP
woolshed 30 Jan (SFr), rare at that location, 1 East Dubbo 5 Apr (MMh); 1 Gunbar 7 Aug
(LHa); 2 Mt Gunderbooka NP 29 Dec, 2 40 km E of Bourke 30 Dec (EV).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 48Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica 1 Mount Arthur 2 Apr, other Hunter Region records
for the Baerami-Kings Gap area Oct -Nov, and Singleton Army Range 5 Dec (HBR);
Richmond Turf Farms 14 Sep (KB); 2 Glenolan Bridge Glen Alice 19 Sep (CP); 20 Lake
Bathurst 13 Jun rare over -wintering record & on 7 Nov (COGR,Lenz 2005).
Skylark Alauda arvensis 4 Kooragang Island15 Nov & 2 on 17 Dec (HBR); Comerang
9 Sep (ENHS). Declining in NSW.
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla (lava 1 Ash Island Ponds 13 Mar -11 Apr & 1 on 13 Nov,
consistent with previous patterns although harder to find this year (HBR,JSh,KG,NMc);
Stannix Park 5 Feb (DAr).
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus AM David St Albury 6 Jan, 5 Coles Carpark
Lavington 26 Jul, AM Albury 5 Nov (MHe), one of the few places when this species can
be found in NSW.
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Some large Hunter Region flocks included 80+ Flat Rd
Largs 4 May, 100+ Medhurst Bridge & 60+ 4km E of Jerrys Plains 30 Jul (HBR); 8 Eastern
Creek 20 Apr (EV); 2 Burrumbuttock 20 Mar (DWa), 2 km N Morven Jun (MCr); 200+
Tuckerbil Lagoon 31 Jul (KH)
Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 3 Kempsey 19 Sep (KS), uncommon in lower Macleay
Valley; 2 Rhodes 24 Apr (APr), interesting Sydney record; Max 10 Comerang Jan (ENHS),
2 Tura Headland 12 Jun, 6 on 30 Oct (BJ,WG); 2 Thurgoona 1 Mar, 2 Wonga Wetlands 11
Dec (MHe); 4 Shady St Narrandera 9 May (JSu), 20 Lake Talbot, Narrandera 14 Jun (IH).
Southern & south-western limits of range.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 26 Kingscliff 13 May (RJa), 30+ Main Camp 24
Nov (GC), unusual locations; 4 Muswellbrook 3 Feb, max 80 4 km W Jerrys Plains 16-2
Aug, 25 Abbey Green, Singleton 14 Sep, 9 Widden Valley 13 Oct, 30 Goulburn R Crossing,
Wollar 17 Oct, 4 Baerami Creek 3 Nov (AMt,HBR); 100+ Glen Davis 16 Mar (GBr), 50
nr Munghorn Gap NR 25 Sep (KS), 20A+Js 26 Nov (PSe); 20 Yarrimanbah Ck Tamworth
6 Jan (KW), 10+ Myall Ck, Bingara 15 Mar (DE), 10+ McIntyre Stn Barraba 6 Apr (SCI),
4A+2J Callemindah HSD Tamworth May (JMy), 10+ Kelvin SF 10 Nov (JPe), 20+ Barraba
CP 14 Nov (RCt); 40+ Coonabarabran Weir 21 Apr (JH). There are no previous records for
the North Coast, the Kingscliff & Main Camp records are an extension of range, and there
were more records for the Upper Hunter Region than usual.
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata 3 Ramornie NP 20 May (GC), 2 Coast Range
& Station Ck 16 Jun (CVBR); 12 Wallaby Swp Rd Bulga 18-21 Jun (EV) & 8+ Wambo Rd
Bulga 7 Aug, eastern limit oif range in Hunter Valley (HBR); Cornwallis Rd Richmond
2 Apr (JR), unusual location; Max 4 Belowra all year, nesting 3-5 Mar, Old Man Bed
Swamp 14 Nov (ENHS), 20+ Kameruka Nov (TNI); 7 Six Foot Tk Megalong Valley 23 Jul
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 49Beautiful Firetail S. bella 2 Mt Bass Firetrail, Royal NP 26 Feb (TdB); 2+ Curra Moors,
Royal NP 5 Mar (EV); 2 Monoliths Valley, Morton NP 27 May (HS), 2 Barren Grounds NR
30 May (SB), 1 Cordeaux Dam 3 Oct (PE); 5A+6J Nadgee NR (BK); 2 Kings Tableland, Blue
Mtns NP 9 Feb, 3 on 16 Mar, nesting Dec (CBk,CP,NL), 1 Grand Canyon 12 Mar (CBk), 1
Pierces Pass, Blue Mtns NP 24 Apr (11), 1 Katoomba 8 Jul (CBk), 1 Glen Davis Rd Glen
Davis 24 Jul (KG).
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax 20 Everlasting Swamp Lawrence 23 Feb,
80+ Lismore-Tatham Rd 9 Jun, 300 Woodford Island 8 Jun (GC), 20 Grafton Ag Res Stn 19
Mat (CVBR), 9 Doughboy Swp Clybucca 13 Feb & 4 on 28 Mar, max 7 Belmore Swamp
19 Aug -8 Sep (GC,KS), 70 Emerald Beach 23 Aug (AH), 12 Kinchela Swan Pool 29 Aug
(TM), 20 Summer Is Kemspey 29 Sep (KS), 50 Coffs Harbour 21 Oct (PCa), 15+N Maria
River Rd Crescent Head 15-18 Nov (MVBO); 2+ Jewells Swamp 24 Jan, 4+ Hunter WC 9-
20 Jan, Oct & Dec, 8 Leneghans Rd Swamp, Minmi 13 Mar- 30 Oct, 5+ Pambalong NR 5 Jul
(AM,HBR); Reported from Gavenlock Rd wetlands, McPherson Rd wetlands & Tuggerah
Industrial Estate throughout the year (CCBR); 2 Harrington Park 21 Jan (MPa), 20 Prospect
Reservoir 2 Jul (EV), 10+ Pitt Town Lagoon 19 Dec (EV); 15 Tallawarra 4 May (CB); 10+
Myall Ck Bingara 15 Mar (DE), western limit of range.
European Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Regular Jerrabomberra Wetlands (COGR).
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2A+3Y Kooragang Is 22 Jan & 4+ Ash Is1;and 11
Apr (HBR); 39 Fivebough Swamp 4 Jun, 50 Koonadan 12 Jun with 18 Orange Chats and 34
White -fronted Chats (KH).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 3 Wollombi Bridge, Bulga 3 Feb, 26
Mar & 1 on 31 Jul , 2 12 Km W Jerrys Plains 3 Apr, 3+ Fordwich Rd Broke 7-15 Sep, 2 sites
Widden Valley Oct & Timor Caves Nov (AM,PH,HBR); 6 Glen Davis 25 Jan & 2 19 Oct
(CP,TN), 6 Cucum Hill, Cowra 13 Mar (MV); 6 Split Rock Dam, Manilla 23 Apr (PRo); 2
Gilgandra 18 Feb (ABi); 4 Fivebough Swamp 16 Jul (KH)2 Lake Cargelligo 17 Sep (JA); 2
Tibooburra Rd 27 Sep (JL).
Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 100s reported dying in a shed near Griffith early Feb
(JB) due to a severe cold snap at a time when Tree Martins also were found dead and there
were stock losses.
Tree Martin H. nigricans Some large Hunter Region concentrations included 200 lrrawang
12 Mar, 350 Morpeth STW 13 Mar & 300 Ash Island 27 Dec (HBR); 25 found dead in
shed Lake Wyangan, Griffith after extremely low temperatures for 2 successive days 2-3 Feb
Fairy Martin H. aerial Arrival: 8 Freemans Reach 20 Jul (KB), 3 Eastlakes 24 Jul (SP),
4 Fivebough Swamp 9 Aug (KH), Tuggerah 12 Aug (CCBR), 4 Pola Ck Kempsey 19 Aug
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 50Red -whiskered Bul Bul Pyncnonotus jocosus HC Whitebridge Sep (HBR).
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis I Warriewood Wetlands 7 Jan & 7 May
Rufous Songlark Cincloramphus mathewsi Hunter Estuary 22 Oct (HBR); Pitt Town
1 1
Lagoon 3 Oct (EV). Departure: 4 Anvil Hill 22-25 Apr (HBR), Watson 28 Apr & Urriara
Forest ACT 13 Jun, late dates (COGR). Arrival: Barraba 9 Aug (DG), McPherson Range,
Griffith 27 Aug (JB), 1 Tullys Hill Leeton 6 Sep (KH), 1 Glossodia Park 14 Sep (KB),
Chapman ACT 3 Oct (COGR).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis 1 Port Macquarie 2 Apr (HL); 2 Baerami 9 Nov , 3+ Kings Gap
12 Nov (HBR); 2 Richmond Turf Farms 6 Oct (KB); Kameruka 24 Nov (TN1), Interesting
coastal records reflecting the drought; 3 breeding records Dunlop Grasslands NR 29 Oct
Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata 1 Nambucca Heads 18 Aug (MBVO); 1 Mt Yengo HSD
Yengo NP 14 Aug (RP); Uncommon on the Central Coast, in 2004 there were 23 reports from
18 sites, in 2005 there were only 6 reports from 5 sites (CCBR); 2 Mt Dromadary 25 Mar but
not recorded on coast either scarce or overlooked (ENHS); 2 Sunny Corner SF 3 Apr (RW1);
1 Aust. Nat. Bot. Gardens ACT 17 Jul (COGR).
Russet -tailed Thrush Z. heinei 1 Corindi 5 Apr (GC); 1 Boarding House Dam, Watagan
NP 1-3 Jun, all other Hunter Region records for Chichester SF, Barrington Tops & Mt Royal
NPs all year (HBR).
Common Blackbird Turdus merula Present in the Maitland/Bolwarra area Nov -Dec, while
single birds were seen at Scone and Aberdeen (HBR).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 6+ Wandella 2 Jan & 6 Bega 15 Jan, still expanding
range on South Coast; 2 Orange 2 Mar (SG), 1s` record; 1 Armidale Oct, and established at
Kingstown & Bundarra (SD); 1 Albury 12 Nov (MHe); 1 Narrabri 23 Nov (RMt), 1″ record,
many Bondi HSD Warialda Dec (SD).
Black -breasted Button -quail Turnis melanogaster AF+ 1 Minyon Falls, Whian Whian NP
24 Sep (VS). Record submitted to NSWORAC and accepted (Brandwood 2006). First record
in NSW for many years.
Broad -billed Prion Pachyptila vittata Single bird seen Sydney in Jun, record was reviewed
and accepted by BARC.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 51ADDENDUM AND CORRECTION TO 2003 REPORT
Red-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethon rubricauda An immature found dead at Balmain 19 Dec,
62nd record (RGt).
Buller’s Shearwater Puffinus bulleri bc Broadwater Beach 17 Oct (AMSR 0.70945).
Grey Falcon Falco hypoleucos On further investigation it was found that the breeding report
near Wagga Wagga 19 Sep was in fact a breeding record for a Peregrine Falcon.
Painted Button -quail Turnix varia M+4Y Brindabella Ranges 26 Dec (Maconochie & Perkins
2005), rare breeding record for Canberra Region.
South Island Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus finschi 1 Stockton Sandspit 3 Feb (PH). Referred
to BARC and accepted as the 3rd confirmed record for NSW.
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulean bc Five Islands Nature Reserve 9 Mar (AMSR 0.71061),
45th record.
Chestnut Quail -thrush Cinclosoma castanotus 1 killed by train Nombinnie NR 5 May (AMSR
Rufous Scub-bird Atrichornis rufescens Common Daisy Plains near Carrai NP mar (SD).
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus Group Cochram rd Carrai Mar (SD).
Forest Raven Corvus tasmanicus Common on Carrai Plateau Mar (SD).
Hardhead Aythya australis on Island 23-24 Mar (DC1), record for the Island (McAllan et
al 2004).
Black -winged Petrel Pterodroma nigripennis 1 in a burrow at Blinkys Beach 29 Oct, an
early date (CMa).
Little Shearwater Puffinis assimilis 15 occupied nests at Blinkys Beach 29 Oct (CMa).
White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta grallaria 6 Balls Pyramid 29 Oct (CMa).
Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 6 Middle Beach 2 Nov (CMa), 14th record.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 52Cattle Egret Ardea ibis 16 Neds Beach 24 Mar (DC1), a regular visitor.
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardtvickii 3 Lord Howe Island 24 Mar (DC1), 2 Blinkys Beach
28 Oct (CMa), a regular visitor.
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 2 North Bay 12 Nov (IH,HF), probably the 1″
record since 1888 (McAllan et al 2004).
Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus Adult in striking breeding plumage photographed
on the Island on 7 April 2005 (IH), 3rd record for Island (McAllan et al 2004). Referred to
NSWORAC and record accepted.
Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus 6 Airfield Swamp 24 Mar (DCI). A regular visitor.
Herald Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana 1 Wollongong pelagic 26 Mar (MR), no submission
made to BARC.
Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus 1 reported from Kooreelah NP Kyogle 26 Sep
(DNi). Submission made to NSWORAC but record not accepted, see Brandwood (2008).
Franklins Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan Avoca Beach 26 Mar (MH), referred to BARC, but
record not accepted (Palliser 2007)
White Wagtail Motacilla alba One reported for the Far South Coast of NSW was in fact at
Mallacoota in Victoria.
Allan, B. 2005 “A Juvenile Olive Whistler at Blundells Creek Road”. Canberra Bird Notes
30, 86-87.
Andrew, E. 2006 Nature in Eurobodalla Number 20 (2005). Eurobodalla Nat. Hist. Soc.
Barea, L.P. & D.M. Watson 2007 “Temporal variation in food resources determines onset of
breeding in an Australian mistletoe specialist”. The Emu 107, 203-209.
Bilney, R.J., Kavanagh R. & J.M.Harris 2007 “Further observations on the diet of the Sooty
Owl Tyto tenebricosa in the Royal National Park, Sydney”. Aust. Field Ornith. 24, 64-69.
Brandwood, K. 2006 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 2004” Aust. Birds 34, 69-75.
Christidis L. & W.E. Boles 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its
Territories”, RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) 2006. “Annual Report: July 2004 to 30 June 2005”.
Canberra Bird Notes 31, 1-70.
Courtney, J & S.J.S. Debus 2006 “Breeding habits and conservation status of the Musk
Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna and Little Lorikeet G. pusilla in northern New South Wales”.
Aust. Field Ornith. 23, 100-124.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 53Dabb, G. 2005 “Regent Honeyeater at ANU”. Canberra Bird Notes 30, 86.
Debus, S.J.S., Hatfield T.S., Ley A.J & A.B.Rose 2007 “Breeding Biology and Diet of the
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax in the New England Region of New South Wales”. Aust.
Field Ornith. 24, 93-120.
Fuentes, Esteban F., Olsen J. & A.B. Rose 2005 “Breeding diet at two Whistling Kite Nests
near Canberra”. Aust. Field Ornith. 22, 122-125.
Fuentes, E., Olsen J & A.B. Rose 2007. “Diet, occupancy and breeding performance of
Wedge-tailed Eagles Aquila audax near Canberra, Australia 2002-2003: Four decades after
Leopold and Wolfe”. Corella 31, 65-72.
Green, R, Turnbull. R. & D.M. Watson 2007 “An inland record of the Pacific Baza at
Tibooburra, far north-western New South Wales”. Aust. Field Ornith. 24, 26-29.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
Keating,G & M. Jarman 2006 “South Coast Shorebird Recovery Program 2005-6 Breeding
Season in Eurobodalla Shire.” Nature in Eurobodalla No 20.
Keating, G & M. Jarman 2006 Southcoast Shorebird Recovery Newsletter May 2006.
Kennard S. & D. 2006 “The Breeding Cycle of a Pair of Ospreys Pandion haliaetus in
Northern New South Wales”. Aust. Field Ornith. 23, 165-176.
Lenz, M. 2005 “Overwintering Singing Bushlarks near Lake Bathurst”. Canberra Bird
Notes 30, 83.
Lutter, H., McGrath, M.B. McGrath M.A & S.J.S. Debus 2006 “Observations on nesting
Brahminy Kites Haliastur Indus in northern New South Wales”. Aust. Field. Ornith. 23,
Maconochie, M. & H. Perkins 2005 “Brindabella breeding of Painted Button -quail”.
Canberra Bird Notes 30, 81-2
McAllan, I.A.W. & M.D. Bruce 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working List”.
Biocon Research Group, Turramurra.
McAllan I.A.W., Curtis B.R., Hutton I. & R.M. Cooper 2004 “The Birds of Lord Howe Island
Group: A Review of Records”. Aust. Field Ornith. 21, Supplement Sep 2004.
Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G. Holmes. 1981 “Handlist of Birds in New South Wales”.
Morris, A.K. 2007 “Central Coast Bird Report 2005”, Central Coast Group, Birding NSW.
Newman, M & A. Lindsey. 2007. “The Status of the Black Falcon in the Lower Hunter
Valley”. The Whistler 1, 49-50.
Olsen, J. & E. Fuentes 2005 “Collapse in numbers of Breeding Little Eagles in the Australian
Capital Territory”. Canberra Bird Notes 30, 141-145.
Olsen, J Fuentes, E & A.B. Rose 2006 “Trophic relationships between neighbouring White –
bellied Sea -eagles Haliaeetus leucogaster and Wedge-tailed eagles Aquila audax, breeding on
rivers and dams near Canberra”. The Emu 106, 193-201
Palliser, T. 2007. “Rare Birds in 2006”. Wingspan 17, 43.
Perkins, H. 2005 “Common Sandpiper at Uriarra Crossing”. Canberra Bird Notes 30, 73-
Priddel D. & N. Carlile 2007. “Population size and breeding success of Gould’s Petrel
Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera on Cabbage Tree Island, New South Wales 1996-97 to
2005-6″. Corella 31, 79-82.
Schoenjahn, R. Kavanagh, M.Stanton & U. Weber 2008 “Barking Owls holding Partly Eaten
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 54Prey at Diurnal Roosts”. Aust. Field Ornith. 25, 36-39.
Skewes, J. 2007 “Report on Population Monitoring Counts 2005 & 2006”. Stilt 51-52, 20-32.
Stuart, A. 2007 “Hunter Region of NSW 2005 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers Club.
Stuart, A 2006 ” Survey of Shorebirds of Port Stephens, February 2005. Stilt 47, 20-25
Taws, N. & D. Saunders 2005 “Swift Parrot invasions 2004-05”. Canberra Bird Notes 30,
Tottenman, B. & A. Harrison 2007. “A long-term breeding trio of Pied Oystercatchers
Haematopus longirostris. “Aust. Field Ornith. 24, 7-12.
Thomson, C.N. 2006 “A trial of the use of artificial nest -boxes for the Masked Owl Tyto
novaehollandiae near Newcastle, New South Wales”. Aust. Field Ornith. 23, 192-197.
Todd, M. 2006 “Prey partitoning and behaviour of breeding Masked Owls Tyto novaehollandiae
on the Central Coast of New South Wales “Aust Field Ornith. 34, 186-191.
List of Observers
AA A. Ashworth APr A. Pritchard BPe Banie Penzhorn
AB Andrew Burton AR Allan Richards BPo Ben Pointer
ABe Allan Benson ARo A.E.F. Rogers BR Bruce Roubin
ABi Tony Bischoff ASk Alan Skinner BS Bill Sloane
ABr A. Browning ASm Alistair Smith BT B. Thatcher
ACa Ashley Carlson ATh A. Thompson BV Barry Virtue
ACo Alison Colyer AT Andrew Taylor BWa Bruce Ward
AE A. Eisenhauser AV Alexander Voss BWi B. Wilcock
AF Adam Fawcett BA Bob Ashford CA Craig Arms
AFI Arnold Fleishman BAy Barrie Ayres CAn Charlie Andrews
AFo Anne Foran BB B. Bradney CB Chris Brandis
AH Andrew Hamilton BBo B. Bosward CBk Clive Barker
AI Alan Ible BC Bruce Cox CC Chris Chafer
AJ A. Johnson BCo B. Coyte CCa Cath Chandler
AK Anthony Katon BD Brian Downer CCh Chris Charles
ALi Ann Lindsey BF B. Ferdinande CD C. Driscoll
AM Alan Morris BH B. Head CJ Carla Jackett
AMa Ann Manion BHI Brian Hole CM Clive Meadows
AMc Alan McBride BHu Bernard Huxtable CMa C. Marsh
AMe A. Meiklejohn BJ Barbara Jones CMc C. McGilchrist
AMi A. Mitchell BK B. Knight COGR Canberra Omth.
AMm A.McMahon BL Bruce Lieschke Group Annual
AMt Alan Mathew BM Bill Moller Report
AN A.Nasti BMBO Blue Mountain CP Carol Probets
AOd A.O’Donovan Bird Observers CPi C. Price
AP Tony Palliser BMa Belinda Martin CPy C.Payne
APa Andrew Patrick BMc B. McCann CR C. Richardson
API Andrew Plimer BMo Bev Morgan CS Colin Scouler
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 55CSp Carmel Spark DWe David Webb GSt Garon Staines
CVBR Clarence Valley DWh D. Waterhouse GT Graham Turner
Bird Report DWi D. Winterbottom GW G. Wuele
DA D. Adams DWI Di. Waldon GWh G. Whitmont
DAm David Armstrong EA Eric Andrew GWI Greg Wilcox
DAn Debbie Andrew EAt Enid Atkinson HBe H. Bevan
DAr Dennis Arnold EB Evelyn Bearlin HBR Hunter Bird Report
DB D. Blunt EC Eileen Collins HD H. Davis
DBn David Bain ED Em Dunkley HF H. Fooks
DBr D. Barton EF Eric Finley HGo H. Gould
DBt D. Bright EFa E. Fair HL Hans Lutter
DC1 Debbie Colbourne EK Elisabeth Karplus HMe H. Meek
DCo D. Cotton ER Ellis Reynolds HPu Helen Pulver
DE David Egan EV Edwin Vella HS Helen Stevens
DF David Frew EW Eric Wheeler HT Harold Tarrant
DFa Damien Farine EWa E. Waters HvH Henry Van Haeff
DGo Dennis Gosper FH Frank Hemmings ID Ian Davidson
DG David Geering FR F. Reed IDo I. Donaldson
DGo D. Goldrick FSCB Far South Coast IH Ian Harpley
DGr Dot Green Birdwatchers. IHo I. Holmes
DH Dion Hobcroft FV F. Valckenborgh IHu an Hutton
DHa David Hair GA George Appleby IM Ian McKinlay
DJ Dellas Johnston GB Graham Barwell IMc Ian Meiklejohn
DJo David Johnston GBr Grant Brosie JA Joan Adams
DK David Koffel GC Greg Clancy JB John Brickhill
DL D. Lambert GCa Graeme Catt JBI John Blomsteadt
DM David Mitford GDa Glenda Datsun JBr J. Broomhall
DMc Darryl McKay GDe G. Den Engelse JBo Jenny Bounds
DMi Damian Michael GDy Garry Daly JBt Joanna Botman
DMo Don Moon GGh G. Ghysel JBu J. Butler
DMr Dennis Moretto GGr G. Greenwood JC John Carpenter
DMs Drew Morris GGu G. Guy JCe J. Clifton -Everest
DN D. Nevinson GH G. Huxtable JCm John Cameron
DNi D. Niland GJ Geoff Jones JCo Jan Colman
DO D. O’Donnell GL Greg Lollback JCp Janet Chapman
DPa David Parker GLa Gil Langfield JCy Josh Coyte
DPo Dean Portelli GLC Gould League Camp JD John Duranti
DR Del Richards GM G. Mitchell JDa J. Dark
DRc D. Reckord GMc Geraldine McCarthy JDw J. Dawson
DRe David Rees GN Glenys Nevinson JE John Ervin
DS David Sawyer GP G. Pittar JF Joan Fearn
DSt David Stowe GR Greville Reidy JGa J. Gale
DT David Turner GS Graham Stevens JGk J. Garlick
DW Dave Whitfield GSc Graham Schilg JH June Harris
DWa Dave Watson GSI Greg Slade JHa Julie Hale
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 56JHd Jon Howard KSt Keith Stockwell MO M. O’Donovan
JHe John Hole KW Kelvin Wykes MOb M. O’Brien
JHi J. Hibberd LB Lorna Bloom MP Margaret Pointer
JEI Jack Holland LBe Lindsay Benaud MPa M. Paul
JHs Janis Hosking LD L. Davy MPe Marie Petrow
JHy Jack Healy LE Leo Edgar MPo Martin Potter
JK Jillian Keeting LF Les Fraser MR Michael Ronan
JL John Leonard LH Linda Holmes MRa Michael Ramsay
JLo Janet Love LHa Louise Harrison MRo M. Roderick
JLu Janene Luff LJ Lorne Johnson MRw Michelle Rower
JLw John Low llt Lorraine Johnstone MS Michael Schultz
JM John McLennan LMc Laurie McEnally MSa M.Sanderson
JMd Jenny Madeline LP Lloyd Pitt MSe M. Stewart
JMi Jane Miller LSm Leigh Schmidt MSi Michael Simpson
JMy Joke Meyer LT Liam Trice MSm Martin Smith
JNe John Nevinson LW L. Warren MSu M. Summerill
JNo Jenny Norton MA M. Angus MSy Margaret Sykes
JP Joy Pegler MAt Mark Atkins MT Mick Todd
JPk Janet Prott-Keys MB Martin Butterfield MV Maret Vesk
JPo Jenny Powers MBa Mike Barth MVBO Macleay V. Bird Obs
JPt Jack Peattie MBh M. Behr MZ M. Zwankhuisen
JR Judith Russill MBy M. Bayliss NB Norm Bull
JRe John Reidy MC Marjorie Cochrane NBi Nick Billington
JRs J. Rees MCh Michael Cheers NCr Neville Crompton
JS June Sell MCk Martin Cocker NH Nick Hodges
JSh Jack Shapiro MCI Maggie Clowes NJ Nigel Jackett
JSm J. Simpson MCr Mason Crane NJm Neville James
JSt Jan Strong MCw Michael Crowley NK Neil Kirby
JSo Jen Southeron MCy Mark Clayton NL Nevil Lazarus
JSu John Sullivan ME Mary Eskdale NLa Natasha Lappin
JTu J. Turner MF M. Four NMc N. McNaughton
JW Jenny Watts MFI Mike Fleming NP N. Phillips
JWh Jill Whitier MH Michael Hunter NR Neil Russill
JWo Judi Wood MHa M. Harris NS Neville Schraeder
KB Keith Brandwood MHe Matthew Herring NTe Ngarla Tetley
KBs Kay Bassett MHi M. Hinze NTu N. Turner
KC Keith Corbett MHv M. Havers NSm Nella Smith
KG Kevin Gilmore MI M. Isbell NW Nathan Waugh
KH Keith Hutton MJ Michael Jarman PB Penny Brockman
KL Kurtis Lindsay ML Murray Lord PBr Philip Brook
KM Kevin Mills MLe M. Ley PBu Paul Burcher
KMa K. Mahy MLz Michael Lenz PCa R Cairns
KMo Kristie Morris MMh Michael Maher PCo Peter Cockram
KP Kaye Pointer MMo Mike Morphett PD P. Doyle
KS Ken Shingleton MMx Max Maddox PDa Peter Draper
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 57PE Peter Ewin RJa Russell Jago SPo Sasha Poramateuko
PEk Peter Ekert RJk R. Jenlcyn SPu S. Pullman
PH Phil Hansbro RM R. McGovern SR Sue Romane
PI P. Irish RMi R. Miller SRi S. Rigby
PM Peter Milburn RMo Rob Morrow SRo Steve Roderick
PMe Peter Merritt RMp Robert Makepeace SS S. Sass
PMh Phil Maher RMt R. McNaught SSe S. Seymour
PMo Peter Morgan RMu Ross Mulholland SSh Sheila Shipton
PMv Peter Madvig RO R. O’Brien ST Steve Thurston
PN P. Nevinson RN R. Nevinson TB T. Du Bois
PNI Peter Nolan RP Robert Payne TdB Teresa Du Bois
PNo P. Northcott RPr Robyn Price TE Terri Edwell
PO Pam O’Sullivan RQ Rod Quinan TH Timothy Hyde
PR Peter Ramm RR Robert Rind TJ T. Jarman
PRb P. Roberts RRo Red Rodgers TJu Trevor Jurd
PRo Pam Rooney PSe Philip Seely TKo Terry Korn
PS Paul Shelley RSt R. Stapleton TM Tim Morris
PSe Peter Settle RT R.J. Turner TMa T. Manley
PSy Phillip Seeley RTu Roger Truscott TN Ted Nixon
PT Phil Tenison RW Bob Way TNI Tim Nolan
RAI Richard Allen RWa Robyn Walker TNo Terril Nordstrom
RB Richard Baxter RWe Rick Webster TP Tun Pin Ong
RBe Robin Benson RWh Rowena Whiting TPe Tony Peri
RBr R. Broomham RWi R. Willard TQ Trevor Quested
RC Dick Cooper RWI Rowena Wallace TS Tony Saunders
RCg Rikki Coughlan RWt Russ Watts TSm Tanya Smith
RCk Richard Clark SB Simon Blanchflower TW Tom Wilson
RCI Reg Clarke SBy S. Brady TWa Trevor Waller
RCt Ray Cuthbertson SC Shirley Cook TWI Tom Walsh
RCu R. Curtin SCD Sue Chittick-Dalton VC Viv Colman
RDa R. Davidson SCI Steve Clark VD Val Dolan
RF R. Fackender SE Sheila Emery VM Val Moon
RG Rob Gardner SFr Sofia Frew WF Win Filewood
RGa R. Gardaya SG Stephen Gross WG W. Gotley
RGd R. Goodman SH Steve Holliday WJ W. Johnson
RGo Robert Gosford SJ Stuart Johnston WM W. McFadden
RGr R. Green SL Sue Lashko WT Warren Thompson
RGt Robert Griffith SLu Scott Lucas YP Yasha Posmenko
RHa R. Hamilton SMo Simon Mustoe
RJ Ray Jones SP S. Pickering
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 58Locations
Aberdare SF Kitchener H 32 53 151 18 Beecroft S 35 45 151 03
Adams Res Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43 Bega SC 36 40 149 45
Agnes Banks NR S 33 39 151 42 Belanglo SF I 34 30 150 16
Albion Park I 34 34 150 46 Bellambi Point 34 21 150 55
Albury SWS 36 36 146 55 Bellawongarah I 34 45 150 36
Albury, Nail Can Hill SWS 36 36 146 55 Bell imbopinni NC 31 03 152 51
Albury, Red Light Hill SWS 36 36 146 55 Belmore Swp, Kempsey NC 31 07 152 53
Alleyn River H 32 07 151 25 Belowra SC 35 33 150 23
Amaroo ACT ST 35 10 149 08 Bendalong Point 35 14 150 32
Angels Bch Ballina NC 28 53 153 35 Bendemeer NT 30 53 151 09
Angourie Beach NC 29 29 153 21 Benerembah SWP 34 33 145 53
Annangrove S 33 40 150 37 Bengello Beach SC 35 51 150 10
ANU Campus, ACT ST 35 17 149 06 Beni, Dubbo CWS 32 12 148 45
Anvil Hill, Muswellbrook H 32 16 150 40 Bennetts Head, Forster H 32 11 152 32
Apple TreeBay KCNP 33 27 151 04 Bensville CC 32 29 151 22
Aranda ACT ST 35 16 149 05 Beranghi NC 31 09 152 54
Armidale NT 30 52 151 38 Berara Beach 1 35 12 150 33
Arndilly HSD Lawrence NC 29 24 153 06 Bermagui SC 36 25 150 03
Ash Island H 32 50 151 42 Berowra Waters S 33 37 151 09
Ash Island Deep Pond H 32 52 151 43 Berry 34 46 150 42
Ash Island Ponds H 32 52 151 43 Bethungra SWS 34 43 147 53
Ashbury S 33 53 151 05 Betric, Temora SWS 34 31 147 16
Ashford NWS 29 20 151 06 Baimbil HSD Baradine NWP 30 51 148 54
Auburn BotanicalGardens S 33 50 151 01 Bicentennial Pk Homebush S 30 50 151 04
Audley, Royal NP S 34 06 151 03 Bigga ST 34 05 149 08
Aust.NatBot.GardensACT ST 35 17 149 06 Bilbul HSD Binya SWP 34 17 146 10
Avoca Beach & Lagoon CC 33 26 151 32 Billenbah SF SWP 34 38 146 21
Avon Dam 34 30 150 34 Bimbi SF SWS 33 55 147 55
Awaba SF Toronto H 33 01 151 30 Bingara NWS 29 51 150 34
Awabakal NR Belmont H 33 01 151 41 Bingie Pt Meringo SC 35 59 150 09
Back Bch Bunjalung NP NC 29 21 153 21 Binnaway CWS 31 34 149 23
Balgownie I 34 23 150 53 Binya SWP 34 14 146 21
Balickera H 32 45 151 43 Binya Forest Dam, Yenda SWP 34 12 146 16
Balinjindi HSD Kootingal NWS 31 04 151 03 Binya SF Yenda SWP 34 14 146 18
Ballimore CWS 32 12 148 54 BirdieBch, Munmorah SCACC 33 12 151 36
Balls Head, Greenwich S 33 51 151 11 Black Mountain ACT ST 35 16 149 05
Balranlad FSWP 34 28 143 33 Black Rock, SthW.Rocks NC 30 57 153 05
Bangor I 33 59 151 02 Blackalls Park H 33 00 151 35
Bar Beach, Newcastle H 32 57 151 47 Blackbutt Res Kotara H 32 57 151 42
Barlings Swamp & Beach SC 35 50 150 11 Blackbutt Res Wollongong 34 25 150 53
Barooga SWP 35 55 145 41 Blackheath CT 33 38 150 16
Barraba NWS 30 22 150 37 Blighty SWP 35 37 145 20
Barraba Little Ck TSR NWS 30 22 150 37 Boatharbour, Kurnell S 34 03 151 08
Baradine Ck Baradine NWP 30 55 149 03 Bobbin Hd Kur-ing-gai CNPS 33 39 151 09
Barren Grounds NR 34 38 150 40 Bobs Farm, Saltash H 32 47 151 56
Barringun FNWP 29 01 105 43 Bogan Gate CWP 33 06 147 49
Barrington Tops NP H 31 57 151 25 Bolton Point, Toronto H 33 00 151 38
Barrington, Westleys Rd H 31 58 151 57 Bolwarra H 32 43 151 33
Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28 Bomaderry I 34 31 150 37
Batemans Bay Water Gdn SC 35 43 150 11 Bombah Pt Myall Lakes NPH 33 20 152 18
Bawley Point 35 31 150 23 Bondi Ben Buckler S 33 54 151 18
Beaumont I Bondi Junction S 33 54 151 15
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 59Bongil Bch Sawtell NC 30 21 153 07 Campbells Swp, Griffith SWP 34 13 145 58
Bonville Ck Sawtell NC 30 23 153 04 Canbelego FSWP 31 33 146 19
Boorook HSD Morven SWS 35 39 147 07 Candelo SC 36 38 149 41
Bootawah Dam H 32 24 152 12 Canowindra CT 33 29 148 44
Boothbys Ck Southgate NC 29 37 153 05 Cape Byron NC 28 38 153 28
Borah Res Barraba NWS 30 36 150 36 Cape Solander S 34 01 151 14
Border Ranges NP Kyogle NC 28 20 152 27 Cape Three Points CC 33 29 151 26
Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56 Capertee Gorge CT 33 08 150 20
Botany S 33 58 151 12 Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59
Boumda SC 36 48 149 56 Carey Bay, Valentine H 33 01 151 38
Bow Bow Gorge H 31 58 152 31 Caringbah S 34 02 151 07
Boyd River Kanagngra CT 33 58 150 03 Carmel Lgn Baradine NWP 30 51 148 54
Boyters Ln Jerseyville NC 30 55 153 02 Carroll NWS 31 59 150 26
Braddon, ACT ST 35 16 149 06 Carrs Ck Swamp Grafton NC 29 38 152 56
Branxton H 32 40 151 20 Casino NC 28 52 153 03
Braunstone B 29 47 152 57 Castlereagh NR S 33 41 150 45
Brittas TSR Walbundrie SWS 35 41 146 46 Cattai Creek Cattai S 33 36 150 59
Broadwater NP NC 29 15 153 20 Cemetery Swp Singleton H 32 34 151 11
Broadwater Swamp Centennial Park, Sydney S 33 54 151 14
Tullymorgan NC 29 35 153 08 Cessnock H 32 52 151 21
Broke H 32 45 151 06 Champions Ck Tucabia NC 29 40 153 10
Broken Hill FNWP 31 57 141 27 Charcoal Tank NR SWS 33 53 147 02
Brooms Head NC 29 37 153 20 Chatswood S 33 47 151 09
Brou Lake SC 36 08 150 06 Cheltenham S 33 46 151 04
Broughton Island H 32 37 151 19 Chichester Dam H 32 10 151 40
Broulee Beach SC 35 51 150 10 Chipping Norton S 33 56 150 56
Brushgrove NC 29 34 153 05 Chittaway Bay CC 33 19 151 27
Bruxner Pk Kororo NC 30 14 153 06 Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 37
Bucca Bucca Creek NC 30 10 153 07 Chitty HSDSiding Springs CWS 31 15 149 09
Budderoo FT Budderoo NPI 34 42 150 42 Chullora Wetlands S 33 54 151 01
Buddigower NR Wyalong SWS 34 00 147 05 Clarenza wetland NC 29 41 152 58
Budgewoi CC 33 14 151 33 Clybucca Swamp NC 30 54 152 55
Bugaldie NWP 31 07 149 06 Clyde Mountain SC 35 35 150 03
Buladelah H 32 24 152 12 Coalcliff 1 34 14 150 58
Bulga H 32 29 151 01 Cobbadah,SheepstationCk NWS 30 14 150 34
Bunjalung NP NC 29 21 153 21 Cobaki NC 28 12 153 27
Bunnor HSDGwydir Wetl. NWP 29 16 149 20 Cobar New Tank FNWP 31 30 145 43
Burra Creek ACT ST 35 53 149 59 Cobar Common FNWP 31 28 145 50
Burragorang Valley 33 57 150 25 Cobar Old Reservoir FNWP 31 28 145 51
Burrendong Arboretum CWS 32 42 149 06 Cochrone Lgn McMasters CC 33 29 151 35
Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13 Cockle Ck Toronto H 32 58 151 36
Burrill Lake I 35 23 150 27 Coco Ck Glen Davis CT 33 08 150 06
Burrumbuttock SWS 35 50 146 47 Cocoparra NP Griffith SWP 34 08 146 14
Bushells Lagoon S 33 34 150 48 Coffs Harbour NC 30 18 153 07
Bylong CT 32 35 150 05 Coila Lake SC 36 02 150 06
Cabbage Tree Island H 32 41 152 13 Collaroy Beach S 33 44 151 18
Calala, Tamworth NWS 31 13 150 28 Colletts Swp Tucabia NC 29 41 153 06
CallemindaHSDTamworth NWS 31 12 150 57 Comerang SC 36 04 150 01
Calliope NC 29 35 153 05 Comerong Island I 34 52 150 43
Callum Brae ACT ST 35 22 149 08 Condobol in CWP 32 51 151 15
Cambewarra 34 49 150 43 Congo, Moruya SC 35 59 150 09
Camerons Corner Sturt NP FNWP 29 00 141 00 Conimbla NP Cowra CT 33 48 148 31
Camira Creek NC 29 14 152 57 Conjola NP 35 16 150 29
Campbell Park, ACT ST 35 17 149 19 Coogee Beach S 33 55 151 15
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 60Cook ACT ST 35 16 149 04 Doughboy Swp Clybucc NC 30 59 152 55
Cookadinia, Holbrook SWS 35 33 147 14 Dubbo, Macquarie River CWS 32 15 148 45
Cookamidgera CWS 33 12 148 28 Duntulm HSD Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 20
Coomaditchee Swp 34 31 150 52 Dural, O’Haras Creek S 33 38 151 00
Coonabarabran Weir CWS 31 16 149 16 Duns Swamp, Rylstone CT 32 53 150 17
Coonamble STW CWP 30 55 148 22 Durras SC 35 38 150 16
Copacobana CC 33 29 151 25 Eastlakes S 33 56 151 13
Copeland NR Barrington H 31 58 151 47 East Maitland H 32 45 151 36
Coralville H 31 52 152 36 Ebor Falls NT 30 25 152 30
Corbie Hill, Leeton SWP 34 34 146 27 Echo Point CT 33 34 150 18
Copperhania NR Cowra CT 33 52 149 12 Eden SC 37 04 149 54
Cordeaux Dam 34 23 150 48 Eden pelagic SC 37 04 150 00
Corindi NC 30 01 153 12 Elliston HSD Scone H 31 49 151 18
Corowa STW SWS 35 59 148 40 Ellis Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 40 153 07
Corrimal 1 34 22 150 54 Eltham, Lismore NC 28 44 153 24
Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54 Emerald beach NC 30 10 153 10
Cowan S 33 36 151 10 Epping S 33 46 151 04
Cowans Pond ResGrafton NC 29 43 152 55 Euabalong FSWP 33 06 146 28
Cowper Wetland NC 29 35 153 05 Eurraba SF Quandialla SWS 34 04 147 48
Cowra CT 34 01 148 40 Euroley, Innesvale Rd SWP 34 33 146 25
Croudace Bay H 33 01 151 38 Eurongilly SWS 34 54 147 47
Crescent Head NC 31 11 152 58 Evans Head, Rock Bch NC 29 06 153 25
Cremome S 33 51 151 13 Evans Lkt Blackheath CT 33 38 150 19
Cronulla S 34 04 151 10 Everlasting Swp Lawrence NC 29 32 153 04
Crosslands Reserve S 33 38 151 06 Fairview HSD Dubbo Gyl CC 33 19 151 07
Crowdy Bay NP H 31 50 151 08 Fairy Meadow 1 34 24 150 53
Crowdy Bay, Fig Tree Cp H 31 43 152 37 Farquhar Inlet H 31 55 152 35
Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 16 Feamleys Lgn Richmond S 33 36 150 49
Crowsnest Swamp, Fenninghams Bay H 32 45 152 01
White Bridge NC 29 42 153 06 Fern Bay H 32 52 151 37
Cucum Hill, Cowra CT 34 40 148 40 Finchley Tk Yengo NP H 33 06 151 06
Cudal CT 33 17 148 44 Fingal Head NC 28 12 153 34
Cudmirrah 35 13 150 32 Finley Lake SWP 35 39 145 34
Culcaim SWS 35 40 147 02 Fitzroy Falls Reservoir I 34 39 150 28
Curl Curl Lagoon S 33 46 151 16 Fivebough Swamp,Leeton SWP 34 23 151 05
Curramore 34 37 150 57 Five Mile Res Narrandera SWP 34 47 146 30
Curra Moors, Royal NP S 34 10 151 03 Flat Rock, Ballina NC 28 53 153 06
Curtin ACT ST 35 20 149 04 Floraville H 33 00 151 40
Cuttagee Lake SC 36 29 150 02 Fords Bridge FNWP 29 45 145 27
Dalkeith HSD Coolah H 31 53 149 54 Forest Ck Narrandera SWP 34 44 146 33
Dangars Lagoon, Uralla NT 30 41 151 30 Fowlers Gap Reseach Stn FNWP 31 28 141 40
Dapto 34 30 150 48 Frederickton NC 31 02 152 52
Darcoola NR Hay SWP 34 24 144 32 Freemans Reach, Windsor S 33 34 150 47
Darkes Forest 34 13 150 54 Freemans waterhole H 32 59 151 29
Davistown CC 33 29 151 21 Frog Hole Ck Frogmore CT 34 15 148 51
Dead House Gully, Fullerton Cove H 32 51 151 45
Tibbooburra FNWP 29 30 152 09 Fyshwyck STW ACT ST 35 18 149 08
Deep Ck Narrabeen S 33 42 151 15 Galston S 33 39 151 02
Delicate Nobby NC 31 15 152 58 Garah NWP 29 03 149 37
Deniliquin SWP 35 32 144 57 Garrigal NP Ingleside S 33 42 151 15
Denman H 32 23 150 41 Gavenlock Rd wetlands CC 33 17 151 24
Diggers Cp, Yuragir NP NC 29 48 153 17 Gerringong Harbour 34 45 150 50
Dora Creek H 33 05 151 30 Geurie CWS 32 24 148 49
Dorrigo NC 30 22 152 44 Giants Creek H 32 19 150 33
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 61Gibraltar Ranges NP NC 29 28 152 20 Hackett ACT ST 35 14 149 09
Gilgai HSD, Yenda SWP 34 14 146 12 Hall ACT ST 35 10 149 04
Gilgandra CWS 31 45 148 45 Hanging Rock, Nundle NT 31 29 151 12
Gilletts Ridge NC 29 38 153 06 Harrington H 31 53 152 41
Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12 Hat Head NC 31 03 153 03
Glenbawn Dam, Scone H 32 07 151 00 Hat Head National Park NC 31 03 153 02
Glenbrook S 33 45 150 36 Hawkesbury Marshes S 33 36 150 50
Glenbrook, Woodford Tk S 33 44 150 38 Hay wetlands SWP 34 29 144 52
Glenbrook, Nepean Lkt S 33 44 150 38 Hexham Swamp H 33 50 151 40
Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17 Hidden Valley, Ourimbah CC 33 18 151 16
Glen Donald HSD Hooka Pt Lake Illawarra 31 40 149 48
Currabubula NWS 31 16 150 44 Hooks Ck Res Barringtin H 31 58 151 55
GlenlowanBdge GlenAlice CT 33 02 140 09 Hornsby S 33 42 151 05
Glenorie S 33 37 151 01 Howes Valley H 32 51 150 50
Glenrock SCA Dudley H 32 58 151 44 Howlong SWS 35 59 146 37
Glenugie SF NC 29 47 153 04 Hughes ACT ST 35 20 149 06
Glossodia Park S 33 32 151 37 Hunter Main Rge Wollemi H 32 41 150 35
Gloucester East Wetlands H 32 01 151 58 Hunter WC Shortland H 32 52 151 41
Gloucester Falls BTNP H 32 05 151 35 Huntingdale HSD G.Alice CT 33 03 150 08
Gloucester Tops BTNP H 32 05 151 35 Illawong, Oatley S 33 59 151 02
Goodmans Ford 34 17 150 04 Illawong Res Warriewood S 33 41 151 17
Goombargana Hill Albury SWS 35 43 146 36 Iluka NC 29 25 153 22
Goodwin Pk Morisset H 33 06 151 29 Iluka NR NC 29 24 153 22
Goodwood Is Lawrence NC 29 43 153 20 (mesons Swamp, Lawrence NC 29 33 153 03
Goolawah NC 31 15 152 58 Ingalba NR SWS 34 30 147 28
Goonoo NR Mogriguy NWS 32 05 148 50 lomar HSD Quorrobolong H 32 57 151 21
GoonoowigallRes Inverell NWS 29 46 151 07 Irrawang Swp RaymondT. H 32 44 151 46
Goondee HSD Cassillis H 31 59 149 54 Jacana HSD Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58
Goonoo SF Mogriguy CWS 32 05 148 50 Jerilderie SWP 35 22 145 44
Goorooyarroo NR ACT ST 35 11 149 08 Jerrabomborah wetlds ACT ST 35 18 149 09
Gordon S 33 46 151 09 Jerrara Dam, Jamberoo I 34 38 150 46
Goulburn R Cross Wollar CT 32 09 150 02 Jerrys Plains H 32 30 150 34
Goulburn STW ST 34 44 149 40 Jersey Springs Royal NP S 34 05 151 02
Grafton NC 29 32 153 06 Jerseyville NC 30 56 153 02
Grahamstown Reservoir H 32 45 151 48 Jervis Bay 35 03 150 44
Grassmere HSd Cowra CT 34 02 148 53 Jigadee Creek, Tomoto H 32,59 151 35
Grassmere HSD Wilcannia FNWP 31 20 142 40 Jindera SWS 35 57 146 53
Grassy Head NC 30 48 152 39 John Hobbs Res Dareton FSWP 34 04 142 02
Greenacre Comm Park S 33 52 151 01 Johns River H 31 24 152 43
Green Cape, Ben Boyd NPSC 37 24 150 03 Junee STW SWS 34 55 147 35
Green Wattle Creek H 32 40 151 38 Kalaru SC 36 44 149 56
Grenfell H 33 53 148 10 Kaleen ACT ST 35 03 149 08
Griffith SWP 34 16 146 03 Kalyarr NR Hay SWP 34 20 144 32
Gudgenby River ACT ST 35 40 149 00 Kangaroo Valley 1 34 45 150 32
Gulargambone CWP 31 20 148 27 Karoo HSD Meadow Flat CT 33 27 149 55
Gulgong CT 32 21 149 32 Katoomba CT 33 43 150 18
Gulmarrad NC 29 29 152 14 Karuah H 32 59 151 57
Gumma, Macksville NC 30 43 152 58 Kellys Swamp, ACT ST 35 18 149 09
Gum Swamp Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59 Keiraville 34 25 150 53
Gundagai SWS 35 04 148 06 Kelvin SF, Boggabri NWS 30 49 152 20
Gunbar SWP 34 02 145 23 Kennebri NWP 30 46 149 01
Gundamain HSD Cudal CT 33 17 148 43 Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49
Gunnedah NWS 31 00 150 15 Kenthurst S 33 40 151 01
Gwydir Wetlands, Moree NWP 29 14 149 15 Kentlyn S 34 05 150 49
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 62Kentucky NT 30 46 151 27 Leacock Res Casula S 33 58 150 54
KerrapitTk BarringtonT NPH 32 05 151 36 Lees Res Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25
Kiacatoo, Lachland River SWP 33 03 146 06 Leeton SWP 34 33 146 24
Killara 33 45 151 09 Lemon Tree Passage H 32 43 152 02
KillaleaSRA Shellharbour 34 36 150 51 Leneghans Dr SwpMinmi H 32 51 151 37
Killick Ck Crescent Hd NC 31 11 152 58 Leumeah S 34 03 150 18
Kilyana HSD Savemake SWS 35 45 146 02 Leura CT 33 43 150 21
Kinchela Ck BelmoreRiver NC 30 59 152 59 Levenstrath NC 29 49 152 56
Kincumba Mtn Reserve CC 33 28 151 23 Limeburners Creek NR NC 31 17 152 54
Kincumber Pony Club CC 33 28 151 23 Lindfield S 33 47 151 10
Kingscliff NC 28 15 153 34 Lithgow STW CT 33 28 159 10
Kings Ck Swp Wauchope NC 31 28 152 43 Little Cattai Lgn Cattai S 33 33 150 32
Kings Tableland, BMNP CT 33 28 150 15 Little Langothlin Lagoon NT 30 08 151 47
Kingstown NT 30 24 151 07 Lockhart SWS 35 14 146 14
Kiola SC 33 35 150 20 Loftus Ck Sutherland S 34 03 151 04
Kirrawee S 34 03 151 04 Long Bay S 33 58 151 06
Kookaburra NC 31 01 152 20 Long Hole Swp, Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06
Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21 Long Pt Orange CT 35 00 149 16
Kooragang Dykes H 32 52 151 46 Long Reef S 33 45 151 19
Kooragang Island H 32 53 151 47 Longueville, Lane Cove R S 33 50 151 01
Koorawatha NR CT 34 02 148 33 Loomberah, Tamworth NWS 31 14 151 02
Koreelah NP Kyogle NC 28 18 152 27 Lower Coldstream NC 29 45 153 07
Kotata H 32 56 151 45 Luddenham S 33 52 150 42
Kungala NC 29 56 153 00 Luna Park, North Sydney S 33 51 151 12
Kuringai Wildflower Gdn S 33 43 151 10 Maclntyre Stn Barraba NWS 30 13 150 43
Kur-ing-gai Chase NP S 33 38 151 12 Macksville NC 30 42 152 56
Kyeemagh S 33 59 151 08 Maclean NC 29 28 153 12
Kyella HSD Gunbar SWP 34 02 145 23 Macquarie Marshes North CWP 30 24 149 29
Kylie Bch Crowdy Hd NP H 31 46 152 45 Maddens Plains 34 16 150 55
Lade Vale, Gunning ST 34 46 149 16 Magic Pt Maroubra S 33 57 151 15
Lady Carrington Drive, Main Camp Plantation NC 28 40 152 15
Royal NP S 34 06 151 03 Maitland H 32 44 151 33
Lake Bathurst ST 35 04 149 43 Majura Nr Canberra ACT ST 35 14 149 10
Lake Brunderee SC 36 05 150 07 Malabar Headland S 33 58 151 15
Lake Burley Griffin ACT ST 35 17 149 05 Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11
Lake Cakora, Brooms Hd NC 29 36 153 20 Mangrove Mtn GC CC 33 17 151 14
Lake Cargelligo STW SWP 33 19 146 22 Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43
Lake Cathie NC 31 36 152 52 Manning Point H 31 52 152 42
Lake Ginninderra ACT ST 35 03 149 03 Mardi CC 33 18 151 15
Lake Hiawatha NC 29 28 153 15 Maria R.Rd Crescent Head NC 31 15 152 52
Lake Illawarra South 34 33 150 51 Maroota S 33 27 151 00
Lake Ines NC 31 31 152 52 Marra Hall CWP 30 51 147 22
Lake Keepit NWS 30 50 150 31 Marrina, Junee SWS 34 50 147 39
Lake Inverell NWS 29 47 151 08 Martinsville Cemetery H 33 03 151 24
Lake Smith, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30 Marulan S 34 43 150 00
Lake Talbot, Narrandera SWP 34 47 146 35 Mason Park, Concord S 33 56 151 05
Lake Wallace, Lithgow CT 33 25 151 04 Matcham CC 33 25 151 26
Lake Wollumboola 35 00 150 46 Mathoura Reedbeds SWP 35 50 144 56
Lake Wyangan SWP 34 34 146 01 Maulbrooks Rd Moruya SC 35 50 150 06
Lane Cove R Lane Cove S 33 48 151 13 McMahons Lgn Tatham NC 28 54 153 10
Lapstone S 33 55 150 49 McMahons Point 33 15 151 13
Laughtonvale S 33 25 151 01 Masters Beach CC 33 28 151 27
Lavington SWS 36 03 146 57 McPherson Range, Griffith SWP 34 15 146 04
Lawrence Egret Rookery NC 29 30 153 06 McPherson Rd wetlands CC 33 17 151 24
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 63Mebben NP NC 28 26 153 07 Murrays Run, Wollombi H 33 04 151 09
Medlow Bath CT 33 40 150 17 Murrumbateman ST 34 58 149 02
Merah North NWP 30 11 149 18 Murrumbo Gap CT 32 24 150 11
Merimbula SC 36 54 149 54 Murrumbung HSD Mardi CC 33 18 151 15
Meroo Lake SC 35 28 150 23 Muswellbrook H 32 16 150 53
Merriwindi SF Kennebri NWP 30 47 148 58 Mutawinji NP FNWP 31 15 142 51
Merrylands HSD Cobar FNWP 30 57 145 26 Mutherabung HSD Booligal FSWP 34 41 144 30
MIA SF Leeton SWP 34 37 146 20 Muttonbird Is Coffs Hr NC 30 18 153 08
Middle Bch MimosaRocks SC 36 38 150 02 Myall Creek, Bingara NWS 29 45 150 47
Millingandi, Merimbula SC 36 57 149 50 Myall Vale, Tamworth NWS 31 05 150 56
Milvale WSW Young SWS 34 19 147 56 Mylestom NC 30 28 153 01
Minchinbury S 34 47 150 50 Namadgi NP, ACT ST 35 26 148 50
Mingaletta NC 31 16 152 51 Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00
Minmi H 32 51 151 37 Narooma SC 36 15 150 07
Min Min HSD Glen Alice CT 32 59 150 07 Narrabeen Lagoon S 33 43 151 13
Minto Heights S 34 02 150 53 Narrabri NWP 30 20 149 46
Mistral Pt Maroubra S 33 56 151 15 Narrabundah Hill ACT ST 35 20 149 08
Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 53 Narrandera SWP 34 45 146 42
Mittagong I 34 27 150 27 Narrandera Common SWP 34 45 146 42
Mogareeka Inlet Tathra SC 36 42 149 58 Narromine Weir CWS 32 12 148 48
Moira Lake SWP 35 50 144 56 Neilsen Pk Vaucluse S 33 52 151 15
MooneeBch Munmorah CC 33 10 151 37 Nepean Dam Catchment I 34 25 150 34
Moore Creek NR Kyogle NC 28 26 152 52 Nelsons Bay H 32 43 152 08
Morgans Ridge Holbrook SWS 35 44 147 23 Nelson Bch Mimosa RNP SC 36 35 150 03
Moree Watercourse NWP 29 13 149 15 Nericon Swamp Griffith SWP 34 13 146 02
Morongla, Koorawatha CT 33 57 148 11 Nethercote SC 32 53 151 42
Morpeth STW H 32 44 151 37 Newcastle Baths H 32 55 151 47
Mortdale S 33 58 151 05 Newcastle Uni Callaghan H 32 53 151 41
Moruya SC 35 55 150 06 Newcastle Water Reserve H 32 53 151 42
Moruya Heads Sth SC 35 55 150 09 Newcastle pelagic H 32 55 151 47
Morven SWS 35 39 147 07 Newhaven TSR Bundarra NT 30 13 150 54
Mount Arthur H 32 34 148 55 Newling Dam, Armidlae NT 30 31 151 41
Mount Dromaderry SC 36 18 150 01 Newington Wetlands S 33 50 151 03
Mount Ettalong CC 33 30 151 20 Nombinnie NR Mataranka FSWP 32 55 145 53
Mt Gundangaroo, Glen DavisCT 33 08 150 04 Norfolk HSD Cassillis H 31 53 149 54
Mount Gunderbooka FNWP 30 35 145 45 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah SWS 36 00 146 59
Mt Kaputah NP Narrabri NWP 30 35 150 10 Nth Bombi,McMastersBch CC 33 30 151 24
Mount Keira I 34 24 150 51 North Albury SWS 36 04 146 55
Mount Majura ACT ST 35 14 149 10 North Chittaway CC 33 19 151 26
Mount Ousley I 34 24 150 42 North Epping S 33 05 151 05
Mount Victoria CT 33 35 150 34 North Haven NC 31 38 152 49
MtYengo HSD Yengo NP H 32 56 150 54 North Head, Manly S 33 49 151 18
Mow Rock Binnaway CWS 31 28 149 20 North Richmond S 33 37 150 43
Mudbishops Point H 31 57 152 36 North Rothbury H 32 40 151 18
Mulligans Hut North Turramurra S 33 43 151 08
Gibraltar Range NP NC 29 31 152 02 Norwood NR Hay SWP 34 14 141 20
Mullumbimby NC 28 33 153 30 Nowra I 34 52 150 36
Mummel Gulf NP NC 31 27 151 24 NuffieldDam,Meadow Flat CT 33 27 149 56
Munghorn Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50 Nulama Ponds, Taree H 31 54 152 27
Mungo Brush, Myall LNP H 32 32 152 18 Nullamanna, Frazer Ck NC 29 39 151 13
Mungo NP Wentworth FSWP 33 33 143 03 Nyngan Tip & STW CWP 31 31 147 12
Munmorah SCA CC 33 12 151 35 Oak Flats I 34 34 151 14
Murrah Estuary SC 36 32 150 03 Oakhampton HSD, Manilla NWS 30 34 150 33
Murrays Bch Jervis Bay I 35 03 150 44 Oakhurst I 33 44 150 50
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 64Oatley Park 33 59 151 05 Quandialla SWS 34 01 147 48
Ocean Shores,BrunswickHd NC 28 31 153 34 Quarrantine Stn Manly S 33 48 151 17
O’Dells Crossing Baradine NWP 31 00 149 08 Queanbeyan ST 35 21 149 14
Old Bar Beach H 31 58 152 35 Quipolly Dam NWS 31 34 150 44
Old Man Bed Swamp SC 35 56 150 07 Quorrobolong H 32 55 151 22
Oolambeyan NR Hay SWP 34 41 145 18 Racecourse Bch BawleyPt I 35 30 150 23
Orange CT 33 17 149 07 Racecourse Hd CrescentHd NC 31 15 152 58
Ourimbah SF CC 33 16 151 22 Racecourse Lgn Guyra NT 30 13 151 39
Ourimbah Uni Campus CC 33 21 151 22 Racecourse Swp, Moruya SC 35 53 150 03
OxleyWildRivers NPwest NT 31 08 151 51 Rainbow Reach Macleay RNC 30 54 153 00
Palmdale, Ourimbah CC 33 19 151 23 RaintreeMarraHSD Cowra CT 33 45 148 42
Palmgrove, Ourimbah CC 33 19 151 18 Ramomie NC 29 39 152 48
Pambalong NR Minmi H 32 53 151 38 Ravensfield HSD Tamworth NWS 31 10 150 55
Pambula SC 36 57 140 52 Ravensworth H 32 26 151 03
Pamboola SC 36 55 149 52 Red Rock Valley Capertee CT 33 08 150 11
Parkes CWS 33 08 148 10 Richmond, Comwallis Rd S 33 36 150 46
Parkes STW CWS 33 09 148 11 Richmondvale H 32 52 151 28
ParkviewHSD Boorooban SWP 34 55 144 45 Rileys Island NR CC 33 29 151 20
Pearce ACT ST 35 21 149 04 Rocky Ck Dam, Dunoon NC 28 37 153 20
Peats Ridge CC 33 21 151 18 Rocky Ck Mill Baradine NWP 30 45 149 15
Pedro Swamp, Moruya SC 35 56 150 09 Roseville S 33 47 151 10
Pelican Bch Swansea H 33 04 151 39 Rossmore S 33 56 150 46
Pelican Is Jerseyville NC 30 55 153 02 Rothbury H 32 44 151 19
Pelton SF H 32 53 151 18 Round Hill NR Mt Hope FSWP 32 57 146 09
Pennant Hills S 33 44 151 04 Royal Bot. Gardens S 33 52 151 13
Pennant Hills Park S 33 41 151 03 Rugby CT 34 21 149 01
Penrith S 33 43 151 41 Ryans Cut, Crescent Head NC 31 08 153 00
Penryn Rd Botany S 33 58 141 12 Rye Park, Boorowa ST 34 30 148 55
Picnic Pt Riverwood S 33 58 151 00 Ryhope H 32 59 151 00
Picnic Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 29 Salthole Ck Broken Hill FNWP 31 57 141 28
Piggabeen NC 28 11 153 27 Sandgate SF Gular CWP 31 12 148 12
Pindari Dam NT 29 22 151 15 St Albans S 33 17 150 58
Pindimar, Tea Gardens H 32 40 152 06 St Huberts Island CC 33 29 151 20
PinevaleMemPk Kellyville S 33 51 150 55 St Ives S 33 44 151 10
Pitt Town Lagoon S 33 36 150 50 Sawtell NC 30 23 143 06
Plumpton S 33 45 150 50 Scheyville NP Windsor S 33 38 150 54
Point Plommer NC 31 16 152 58 Scotia Sanct.Wentworth FSWP 33 16 141 05
Pola Creek, Kempsey NC 31 04 152 51 Scotts Head NC 30 34 153 13
Polblue Swp Barrington H 31 57 151 35 SeaAcres NR PtMacquarie NC 31 27 152 56
Poley Bridge, Orara River NC Seaham Swamp NR H 32 40 151 44
Pomingalarna Res Wagga SWS 35 07 147 18 Seales Rd Swp Belmore R NC 31 07 152 58
Ponderosa Forest Park NWS Shark Creek, Tyndale NC 29 34 153 16
Port Macquarie NC 31 26 152 53 Sheet of Water, Lake
Port Stephens H 32 41 152 08 Cargel I igo SWP 33 13 146 27
Potato Pt Bodalla SC 36 11 150 08 Shellharbour 34 35 150 52
Poulton Pk HurstvilleGrov S 33 59 151 04 Shelley Bch Pt Macquarie NC 31 27 152 55
Pretty Pine SWP 35 26 144 52 Shoalhaven Heads 1 34 51 150 45
Primbee 34 30 150 52 Shortland WC N 32 53 151 41
Probets Place Glen Alice CT 33 00 150 13 Siding Springs Observ. CWS 31 16 141 03
Prospect Reservoir S 33 49 150 53 Singleton Army Range H 32 38 151 10
Puckeys Res Wollongong 34 24 150 55 Smiths Lake, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30
Putty H 32 57 150 41 Soldiers Pt Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33
Pymble S 33 45 151 08 Somersby CC 33 22 151 17
Pyree, Nowra 34 57 150 43 South East Forest NPEden SC 36 59 149 29
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 65South Grafton NC 29 44 152 14 Terridgerie Lagoon NWP 30 53 148 49
South Head S 33 50 151 16 Tharwa ST 35 34 151 03
South Maroota S 33 29 150 57 The Entrance CC 33 21 151 30
South Myers Tk Sturt NP FNWP 29 16 141 59 The Morass, L. Bathurst ST 35 01 149 43
South West Rocks NC 30 51 153 19 The Ranch HSD Wanganella SWP 35 03 144 52
Spencerville NC 30 55 153 03 The Rock NR The Rock SWS 35 15 147 04
Split Rock Dam, Manilla NWS 30 52 150 41 The Verdun HSD Nundle NT 31 29 151 08
Spring Forest HSD Thornleigh S 33 43 151 03
Koorawatha CT 34 01 148 40 Thredbo River Thredbo ST 36 30 148 18
Spring Plains HSD Thurgoona SWS 36 02 146 51
Wanganella SWP 35 08 144 48 Tibooburra FNWP 29 15 142 32
Spring Ridge SF Quirindi NWS 31 25 150 15 Tidbinbilla ACT ST 35 26 148 56
Springwood cemetery CT 33 41 150 33 Tilpa FNWP 30 56 144 25
St. Huberts Island CC 33 21 151 20 Timor Caves H 31 40 151 05
St Ives S 33 43 151 09 Tinda Ck Putty S 32 58 150 41
St. Marys CathederalCBD S 33 52 151 13 Tinderry ST 35 40 149 18
Stanbridge SWP 34 31 146 13 Tomakin SC 35 49 150 11
Stannix Park S 33 31 150 51 Tomalla NR Nundle NT 31 57 151 09
Station Ck Yuraygir NP NC 29 56 153 15 Tom Thumb Lagoon I 34 29 150 54
Stephens Ck Reservoir FNWP 31 52 141 34 Tongiland, Dubbo CWS 32 12 148 27
Stockton Ck Toronto H 33 00 151 35 Tooleybuc SWP 35 01 143 20
Stockton Sandspit H 32 52 151 44 Toonumbah NP lronpotCk NC 38 27 152 45
Stoney Ck Toronto H 33 01 151 35 Toronto H 33 01 151 35
Sturts Meadow HSD Torry Plains HSDBooligal FSWP 34 30 144 03
Broken Hill FNWP 31 17 141 33 Toukley Golf Course CC 33 17 151 33
Stuarts Point NC 30 50 152 09 Towamba SC 37 05 149 41
Sturt NP Tibooburra FNWP 29 30 152 09 Towra Point NR S 34 02 151 11
Sturts Meadows, B.Hill FNWP 31 17 141 33 Trapyard Dm,Kennibri NWP 30 47 148 58
Styx River Crossing NT 30 35 152 09 Treachery Hd, Seal Rocks H 32 27 152 21
Summer Island Kempsey NC 30 58 152 58 Trenayr NC 29 37 152 57
Summerland Point H 33 08 151 33 Trial Bay, Arakoon NC 30 52 152 04
Sunny Corner SF Bathurst CT 33 19 149 53 Trilby HSD Louth FNWP 30 39 144 56
Surf Bch Moruya SC 35 45 150 12 Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06
Surry Hills S 33 53 151 12 Tuckerbil Swamp, Leeton SWP 34 27 146 21
Sussex Inlet 1 35 09 150 36 Tuggerah CC 33 17 151 25
Swan Creek, Grafton NC 29 41 152 58 Tuggerah Bay CC 33 18 151 26
Swan Pool, Kinchela NC 31 01 153 00 Tuggerah Dairy Swamp CC 33 17 151 25
Sydney Harbour S 33 50 151 16 Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 39
Sydney Olympic Park S 33 50 151 04 Tuggerah Lagoon CC 33 18 151 25
Sydney Pelagic S 33 50 151 20 Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26
Talbingo STW ST 35 34 148 18 Tullakool Salt works SWP 35 24 144 12
Tallaganda SF Braidwood ST 35 58 149 30 Tullymorgan NC 29 23 153 07
Tallawarra I 34 30 150 49 Tullys Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 28 146 29
Talleeban ResRankin Spgs SWP 33 51 146 27 Tura Beach SC 36 50 149 55
Tamban SF NC 30 55 152 48 Turramurra S 33 44 151 07
Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 57 Turrill HSD Cassillis CT 31 54 149 49
Tapatallee Ck Nowra I 34 52 150 35 Tuross Heads SC 36 03 150 07
Tarpoly TSR Barraba NWS 30 32 150 36 Tyndale NC 29 31 153 13
Tatham NC 28 55 153 09 Ukerabagh NRTweed Hds NC 28 11 153 32
Tatham, McMahons Lane NC 28 54 153 09 Urunga Lagoon, Urunga NT’ 35 20 146 16
Tathra SC 30 45 149 59 Valla Beach NC 30 35 152 58
Tilligerry SF Anna Bay H 32 44 152 03 Vincentia I 35 35 150 41
Telegraph Point NC 31 25 152 45 Vintage Lakes NC 32 23 152 30
Terilbah Is, The Entrance CC 33 20 151 30 Wahroonga S 33 43 150 47
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 66Waitara S 33 42 151 06 Wingen H 31 54 150 53
Waitara Ck Normanhurst S 33 43 151 05 Wingham H 31 52 153 22
Walbunderie SWS 35 43 147 33 Winmalee CT 33 40 150 36
Waldrons Swp Moruya SC 35 51 150 10 Wisemans Ferry S 33 23 150 59
Walka Water Works H 34 45 151 37 Woggoon NR Condobolin CWP 32 47 146 57
Wallagoot Lake SC 36 47 149 56 Woko NP Ravensworth H 31 48 151 47
Wall ingat SF H 32 29 152 26 Wolgan Valley CT 33 19 150 06
Wandella SC 36 18 149 51 Wollar CT 32 23 149 57
Wanganella SWP 35 12 144 48 Wollemi NP near Bulga H 32 38 150 39
Wapengo SC 36 34 149 59 Wollongong I 34 26 150 26
Warakeila H 32 15 151 31 Wollongong Bot. Gardens I 34 25 150 22
Warriewood Wetland S 33 41 151 17 Wollongong Pelagic I 34 26 150 56
Warren STW CWP 31 41 147 50 Wollstonecroft S 33 49 151 11
Washpen, Swan Creek NC 29 40 152 58 Wolumla SC 36 50 149 48
Watagan Range SF & NP H 33 00 151 25 Wombat Gully HSD RylstoneCT 32 43 150 07
Waterview Hgts Grafton NC 29 41 152 53 Womorgama SF Bowna SWS 35 07 147 21
Watson ACT ST 35 14 149 09 Wonboyn SC 37 15 149 55
Wattanobbi CC 33 15 151 25 Wonga Wetlands, Albury SWS 36 04 146 31
Wattle/Moss DmsBinyaSF SWP 34 14 146 18 Wongarbon CWS 32 15 148 45
Wattle Forest, Royal NP S 34 05 151 03 Woodcroft Lake S 33 45 150 52
Webbs Creek Ferry S 33 21 150 56 Woodford CT 33 14 150 29
Wentworth Falls CT 33 42 150 22 Woodford Island NC 29 30 153 10
Werrikimbe NP NC 31 11 152 13 Woods Res Barraba NWS 30 21 150 38
West Head Kur-ringai CNPS 33 34 151 19 Woodstock CT 33 42 148 53
Westleigh S 33 43 151 04 Woody Head, Iluka NC 29 22 153 22
West Merribee HSD Griffith SWP 34 18 146 20 Woolgoolga NC 30 07 153 11
Whale Pt Currarong 3500 150 50 Woolgoolga FR NC 30 07 153 09
Whale Rock Res Epping S 33 46 151 04 Woolomin, Tamworth NWS 31 16 151 10
Wheeny Ck Res Wollemi S 33 28 150 05 Woolooware Bay S 34 03 151 09
Whitebridge H 32 58 151 43 Wooloweyah NC 29 28 153 18
White Rock,Chichester SFH 32 06 151 28 Worimi NR, Tanilba H 32 43 151 59
White Cliffs FNWP 30 50 143 04 Wyalong SWS 33 55 147 13
Whitton SWP 34 31 146 11 Wyee Point H 33 08 151 30
Whitton Punt Reserve SWP 34 31 146 11 Wyoming CC 33 25 151 20
Whoey Tk Round Hill NR FSWP 32 57 146 09 Yanco AHS SWP 34 38 146 22
Whylandra CWS 32 12 149 49 Yantabulla FNWP 29 21 145 01
Why Juck Bay I 34 32 150 50 Yarrabimbi HSD Leeton SWP 34 29 146 30
Widgee HSD Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 20 Yarrada SF SWP 34 33 145 48
Widgelli SWP 34 19 146 07 Yarrahappini NC 30 47 152 59
Widden Valley H 32 31 150 20 Yarraman Estate Denman H 32 15 150 38
Wilberforce S 33 34 150 51 Yarramin, Wee Waa NWP 30 12 149 26
Wilcania FNWP 31 33 148 22 Yarramundi Crossing S 33 37 150 40
Willandra NP Homestead FSWP 33 13 145 06 Yarravel NC 31 03 152 45
Willbriggie Swp Griffith SWP 34 28 150 32 Yarravel NR NC 31 01 152 44
Willi, Macquarie Marshes CWP 30 54 147 27 Yarrie Lake Narrabri NWP 30 21 151 21
Willi Willi NC 30 57 152 25 Yathong NR FSWP 32 22 145 30
Willi Willi NP NC 31 02 152 20 Yowani CC Canberra ST 35 14 149 07
Willoughby S 33 48 151 11 Yowrie SC 36 19 149 44
Willowgrove HSD WanganellaSWP 34 59 144 54 Yuragir NP NC 29 36 153 19
Willow Park Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21
Wilson Pk Silverwater S 33 49 151 03
WinbumdaleNR Bathurst CT 33 24 149 47
Windang Is & Estuary 34 32 150 52
Windsor S 33 36 150 48
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 67RARE BIRDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES REPORT FOR 2005
K. Brandwood
K. Brandwood 59 Kurmond Road, Wilberforce 2756
The fifteenth report of the NSWORAC details 15 submissions considered by the Committee as
well as 5 submissions dealt with by the Birds Australia Records Committee (BARC) relating
to records in NSW. Together with the 344 cases already dealt with previously (Brandwood
2006) this brings to 364 the total number of cases resolved. Of the cases considered, 248
have been accepted, 74 not accepted and 52 not confirmed. As at 31 December 2007, 456
submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial appraisal
of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The membership of the
Committee for 2005 was R. Cooper (Chairperson), K. Brandwood (Secretary), D. Hobcroft,
A. Lindsey, A. K. Morris, A. Palliser, R. Turner & A.E.F. Rogers.
The Committee in February 2005 removed the Kermadec Petrel from the Review List due to
the increase numbers being seen in NSW while in February 2006, the White -chinned Petrel
was removed for similar reasons. The current Review List was re -published in the newsletters
of the contributing bird groups in NSW during the year 2007.
During the winter of 2005 the seas were again warm as in the previous year so that there were
fewer sightings of seabirds from the far south but more tropical rarities were noted.
The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee (BARC),
and submission relating to reports received in 2005 for species on their Review List were
referred directly. Five determinations were subsequently received of which 3 were accepted
and the other 2 were not accepted.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of the
difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes taken from
memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the Review List will
require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple persons;
The completion of a RAC report form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 68The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not accepted”
(NA), and those records “not confirmed” (NC) will be listed at the end of the Report. Records
“not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed without a submission being
received even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would welcome further
information on any record not accepted or not confirmed and is willing to re -open to consider
data additional to that already available.
Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first is the
number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of confirmed
records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced), and the third represents
the number of that species recorded in 2005. English and scientific names used in the text are
in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged to
publish details in an appropriate journal.
Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same time
do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of review applied
to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not confirmed” or “not accepted”
do not necessarily reflect mis-identification, rather that information to date is inadequate to
confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The support of all people in the review system is
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its
Territories. RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
Brandwood, K. 2005 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 2002”. Aust Birds 33, 242-247
Brandwood, K. 2007 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 2004”. Aust Birds 34, 69-74
Palliser, T. 2005 “Rare Birds in 2004” Wingspan 15, No 3, 38-39
Green Pygmy -Goose Netapus pukhellus 3.2.0
Case 396 describes a small duck observed feeding in a flooded paddock at Seales Road Swamp,
20 km E of Kempsey on 9 December 2004. It was seen feeding together with Chestnut Teal
Anas castanea and Australian Grebes Tachybaptus novaehollandiae. The observers noted that
the size of this duck was smaller than that of the Chestnut Teal and larger than the Grebe. It
was viewed through a telescope for 20-30 ms and the observer noted a distinctive white band
on the face with a dark head and neck, and a short bill. The size, dark head with distinctive
white cheek patch identify this as a male of the species claimed. This is the 4th confirmed
record for NSW, and the first since 1975, however two birds were observed at Louden’s
Lagoon, Macquarie Marshes by NPWS staff on 21 October 1998. No submission was made
to NSWORAC but the record was accepted into the NPWS Wildlife Atlas Data Base.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 69Radjah Shelduck Tardornah radjah 10.2.2
Case 404 relates to a report that includes two photographs of a pair of Radjah Shelducks seen
at Urunga on 2 August 2005 by a number of observers. This pair is more likely the same pair
recorded at Mungo Brush Camp Site, case No 406 on 12 October 2005, for the simple reason
that the birds were both so friendly. The photographs clearly show all the relevant details of
the species.
Case 406 presumably relates to the same pair of birds that became established at Mungo Brush
Camp Ground, Myall Lakes NP on 12 October 2005 and remained there until mid 2008. At
times the same birds have been recorded at Bombah Point and other localities around Myall
Lake. Many people have seen the birds over the intervening years.
Northern Shoveler Anas rhynchotis 7.5.1
Case 410 (BARC Case 469) relates to the sighting of an adult male Northern Shoveler seen
at Seale’s Road Swamp, 20 km E of Kempsey on 25 June 2005, associating with up to 1000
Australasian Shovelers A. clypeata. It is possible that this is the same bird seen at nearby
Jerseyville 20 July to August 2002 (Brandwood 2005). This was male bird in full breeding
plumage and was seen by over 160 observers and remained at this location until 6 July 2005.
Kermadec Petrel Plerodroma neglecta 12.11.1
This Case 434 is represented by a photograph taken from the SOSSA website. The photo was
taken on a pelagic off Wollongong on or about 28 May 2004. The bird was seen by a number
of competent observers but no description was submitted. The photo shows the salient features
that identify this as a Kermadec Petrel.
Broad -billed Prion 8.6.0
Case 447 (BARC 507) relates to the sighting of a Broad -billed Prion off Long Reef, Sydney on
17 June 2000. The record was only recently submitted for review and the written description
was accepted by BARC.
Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora 10.9.1
Case 422 details the sighting of a large white albatross at sea off Sydney by a number of
observers on 9 October 2005. The bird fed on burley at the back of the boat for about 90
minutes at distances to a metre from the boat. The dark cutting edge to the bill, the angularity
of the forehead where it meets the bill, and the whitening pattern of the upper wing were
noted and discussed by the observers who all arrived at the conclusion that that the bird was a
Southern Royal Albatross. D.e.epomophora.
Black- bellied Storm -Petrel Fregatta Tropicana 13.13.1
This submission, Case 399 reports the sighting of a storm -petrel during a pelagic off Newcastle
on 10 April 2005. Fourteen observers saw the bird including some experts. All the critical
identity points were noted such as the extent of black on the breast and whether the feet extend
beyond the tail, and photographs were submitted which confirmed the features claimed.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 70Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 13.12.5
Case 397 details the observation of a Booby at Trial Bay, South West Rocks on 20 January
2005 and seen over a period of 10 minutes. The black face and tail, yellow bill and white
head was clearly seen and these plumages and bare patch colours are indicative of a Masked
Booby. Australasian Gannets Morus serrator were present for comparison Subsequently the
observer saw two immature Masked Boobies at Trial Bay on 17 February, max 6 during the
period 3-7 March, and 2 adults perched on buoy at Trial Bay on 18 March 2005 The records
are the 8 -11th confirmed records for NSW.
Case 421 relates to a Gannet like bird seen off Cape Byron on 8 September 2005 which was
watched for 5 minutes at a distance of 30-40 metres. The observer was familiar with the
Australasian Gannet and immediately noted that the bird was different because of an extensive
dark facial mask black separating the bill from the all white head. These two features are keys
to separating the two species.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subscripta N/A
Case 405 relates to a bird not on the NSWORAC’s Review List but it is included in this Report
because the record extends the range of the species westward a considerable distance. The
bird was seen and photographed at Tibooburra on 7 July 2005 as it was perched in a street tree
in the village where it was being harassed by Australian Magpies Gymnohina tibicen The
photographs and detailed description show the yellow eye and crest, white and brown barring
on the chest, rufous underbelly, grey tail with black and darkish bands that have a scalloping
appearance. Typical plumage of a Pacific Baza.
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa N/A.18.2
Case 400 reports on the finding of a road killed button -quail on Woodford Island ENE of
Brushgrove on 9 February 2005. The photographs and description of a thin bill, with yellow
base and the black crescents on the wings and chest are indicative of an immature male Red –
backed Button- quail and eliminates the other button -quail species.
Case 407 reports on the sighting of two button -quail at Norfolk HSD Cassilis, west of Merriwa
on 28 June 2005. The birds were observed for five minutes, and the yellow feet, legs and iris of
the birds as well as the black crescents identified these birds as Red -backed button -quail. This
location is further west than usual for the species.
South Island Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus finschi 3.3.0
Case 450 (BARC Case 491) concerns the sighting of of an unusual looking Oystercatcher
at Stockton Sandspit on 3 February 2004 where it was resting with Pied Oystercatchers H.
longirostrisat at the high tide roost. The bird did not stay around but there was time to record
all the pertinent features. First record since 2003
Oriental Plover Charadrius veredeus 30.28.1
This submission consists of an excellent photograph taken of this species on Lord Howe
Island on 7 April 2005. The bird was in almost full breeding plumage leaving no doubt as to its
identification. The white face and flank, broad chestnut breast band, narrow black band below
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 71the breast band, and no dark line connecting the eye to the brown neck, separates this species
from the Caspian Plover C. caspia.
Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor 4.3.1
Case 398 reports the sighting of a mainly white plumaged pigeon seen and photographed at
Port Macquarie coming to bird feeder from 26 to 31 March 2005 by a number of observers.
Black wing tips, white tail with black band on distal half, black barring on under tail and yellow
bill identifies this bird as a Pied imperial Pigeon. This bird accompanied two White -headed
Pigeons Columbia leucomela to the feeder and all were seen feeding in nearby Camphor
Laurel trees. This is the 4th confirmed record for NSW and was recorded at a time when one
was observed near Bega and another on Lord Howe Island in 2004 (Brandwood 2007).
Dusky Honeyeater Myzomela obscura 1.1.1
Case 411 details the sighting of a uniform brown honeyeater feeding with other honeyeaters at
Piggabeen on 17 August 2005 by a number of competent observers. They initially considered
the possibility that the bird was a female Scarlet Honeyeater M sanguinolenta the only
species that it could be confused with in NSW but the larger size and large black bill excluded
that species. This location is close to the Queensland border where Dusky Honeyeaters are
resident. Since this sighting there have been a number of other sightings at the same locality.
This is the first accepted record for NSW.
Case 381/BARC 387 House Swift Apus affinis Reported from Dungog January 2003.
Case 401/BARC 459 Franklin’s Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan Reported from Avoca
Beach 26 March 2003. NA.
Case 408 Fairy Tern Sterna nereis Reported from Flat Rock, Ballina 27
December 2005 NA
White -eared Monarch Monarha leucotis Reported from Pearl Beach 2005. NC
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.2 72Volume 34 No. 2 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS December 2010
A.K. Morris New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2005
K. Brandwood Rare Bird Report for NSW 2005 68