Vol. 34 No. 1-text


PDF version available here: Vol. 34 No. 1

Journal of BIRDING NSW NSW Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
Volume 34 No. December 2006
NSW BIRDING Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation
of Australian birds and the habitats they occupy.
President Dick Dallimore
Vice -President Elisabeth Karplus
Secretary Janene Jones
Treasurer Barry Ayres
Annual Subscription Rates (due 1st October each year)
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $15
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds
and are entitled to attend the club’s regular monthly meetings and
field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Editor Alan Morris
Production Dennis Arnold
Photograph Front cover: White- eared Monarch, Figtree Camp,
Crowdy Bay NP by David Mitford, November 2004; extension of range
Volume No. 34 No.1 December 2006
Alan K. Morris
3 Murray Street, Bateau Bay NSW 2261
The twenty-seventh Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December
2004 and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions
of birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers,
frequency, range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location
Guide, at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to
assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The
production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map
references in the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days,
particularly if the records are to be used in the Australian Bird Atlas which commenced
in August 1998. As all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the
exact co-ordinates for the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same
co-ordinates are provided when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Information on 406 species is contained in the 2004 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 489 observers from the Birding NSW, BMBO, CBOC,
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1
1IBOC, MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Central Coast Group of
Birding NSW, Eurobodalla Natural History Society & the Hunter Bird Observers Clubs;
publications of other bird organisations and reports and messages from Birding-Aus on
the Internet. The number of records and the number of observers continue to increase
and the information provided is greater than before. Abbreviations for these organisations
are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding; Birdline = Telephone Info. Line for
the NSW bird groups; BMBO = Blue Mountains Bird Observers Newsl; BNSW = Birding
NSW; Clarence Valley Annual Bird Report; Gang Gang = Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith.
Group; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; CCBR = Central Coast Birding
NSW Annual Report; FSCB = Far South Coast Birdwatchers Newsl; HBOC = Hunter
Bird Obs. Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings Birdwatchers newsl.; MFNCN =
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB = Manning Valley Birdwatchers;
MVBO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA = NSW Bird Atlassers; SOSSA =
Southern Ocean Seabird Survey Assoc.; TBO = The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds
Australia Newsl. Other abbreviations used include “A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male,
and “AF” for adult female, “BC” beach cast, “D” for dead or beachcast, “DM” dark
morph, “DY” dependent young, “FY” for fledged young, “E” for eggs, “GC” for golf
course, “HC” for head calling, “HS” for high school, “HSD” homestead, “Im” immature,
“N” for nest, “Pr” for pairs, “RK” for road kill, “RS” for railway station, “WM” for
white morph, “Y” young and “STW” for sewerage treatment works..
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with one new species,
the Elegent Parrot being added to the NSW List. There have been previous unconfirmed
reports of the Elegent Parrot being seen in western NSW but the bird at Fowlers Gap,
north of Broken Hill is the first confirmed report. In addition a number of species that
rarely occur in NSW were reported. These included the Pied Imperial Pigeon at both
Millingandi near Bega and on Lord Howe Island; a Greater Frigatebird at Yamba, a
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross off Wollongong and a Buff -breasted Sandpiper at Ash
There were no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird mortality on
the coast however overall Australia experienced warmer than normal conditions across
most areas. In January 2004, heavy rains in the Tropical North sent water down into the
Lake Eyre Basin, and to a lesser extent down the Paroo and Bulloo Rivers. However this
had limited impact on the seasonal conditions in NSW, but for the birds, things improved
out of the State! So inland NSW remained mostly subject to drought right across the
State except for the north-east and northern inland sections including parts of the Northern
Tablelands and the North West Slopes and Plains. In late December, heavy rain in the
Namoi and Gwydir River Catchments caused above average flooding along those River
system, particularly for the Gingham Watercourse, but the effect would not have been
felt until early 2005. Elsewhere many inland rivers were almost dry and most inland
lakes and lagoon systems were dry. Except in the Gwdyir River system no nesting of
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 2colonial nesting species took place in inland NSW and this has serious consequences for
species such as egrets, ibis and herons.
The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan &
Bruce (1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south,
followed by the tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from
those of other regions by semi -colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified
with these regions. However, in order to take account of the five annual bird reports, it is
necessary in the text to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie
as the “Hunter Region”, Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”,
the County of Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to
Springwood as “Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as
“Illawarra” and Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas coincide
with the reporting areas of their reports.
2004 saw the passing of a number of regular contributors and in particular mention must
be made of Norma Maxwell who died on 18 October 2004 and was a Life Member of the
Club and a great contributor to the Bird Report since its inception in 1970. Judie Peet
from Dubbo, a tireless worker for the Malleefowl and Glossy Black Cockatoos of the
Goonoo Forest in the Dubbo District died on 23 June. New contributors in 2004 included
Nevil Lazarus, Colin Driscoll, Nathan Waugh, Nigel Jackett, Michael Simpson, Chris
Coleborn, Frank Hemmings, Graham Turner, Bruce Roubin & Jason Horwood.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to
identify or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to
the Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are
unable to assist to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS
office for assistance.
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Chris Chafer, Greg Clancy, Tony Bischoff,
Warren Thompson and Rod Gardner who reviewed the draft. In particular, Greg spent
much time in editing the draft. I would also like to thank Dennis Arnold who prepared
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 3the production and layout of this issue of the journal. For the assistance and commitment
of these people, am extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Max 14 incl. 6J Main Camp Tea Tree Plantation 19
May -26 Nov, 9 km S of Maclean 25 Oct -3 Nov, A+4J Gulmarrad and Taloumbi 15 Oct –
18 Dec, 2 Shark Creek 15 Oct, Tyndale Nov, max 4 Brooms Head area 16 Jan & 18
1 1
Dec, 2 Ellis Swp Tucabia 29 Jul, max 6 +4J Crowsnest Swamp White Bridge, 17 Mar, 29
Jul & 31 Dec (GC); 2 Sassafras 15 May (BAs), 36 sthn Lake Burragorang 29 Jul (CC);
Present Tuross Estuary all year max 17 on 21 Sep (ENHS); 2 Munghorn Gap NR 18 Jul
(WS). The isolated population on the Lower Clarence appears to be doing well, while
the Tuross population appears to be on the increase.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2+N Goonoo SF 11-29 Sep (AR,JPt,MHa); 2+Scotia
Sanctuary 10-14 Apr (CCo), 46 km NW Cobar on Louth Rd 20-26 Oct (LSm), only
1 1
active nest found in aerial surveys in Mt.Hope/Nombinnie area in 100×10 km transects
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 17 Willi Willi 11 Dec (MHz); 2 nesting
Turramurra 31 Jul -9 Aug (TW), J Terrigal Dye Turramurra 21 Sep (KL), first confirmed
successful breeding for the Sydney Region for many years, nesting mound Kareela St
Chatswood 5 Dec, plus 4 other reports of chicks in the northern suburbs including 1 in
garage at Killara (AB), Middle Cove 23 Sep (AB), Deep Ck Narrabeen 3 Oct (MR).
1 1
A breeding population is now well established in Sydney’s northern suburbs to the extent
that householders make many complaints to the wildlife authorities; 3 Mt Keira 23 Aug
& 1 on 7 Sep & 17 Nov, nesting mound Mt Kembla 4 Dec, 1 Calderwood 12 Sep, 2 Mt
Pleasant 28 Dec (IBOC), now also well established in the Illawarra.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis Good year for this species, some coastal records
include HC Crowsnest Swp 8 Apr (GC) & 6 Pelican Is, Jerseyville 11 Dec (KS); Reported
from Mount Arthur, Wallabadah Rock, Dungog, Bootawa Dam, Fosterton Loop and
Bolwarra all year (HBOC); 1 Mt Penang 3 Dec (CCBR); 2 Scarborough Pk Rockdale 27
Mar (BRo), unusual east Sydney record; 4 O’Hares Creek 29 Feb (IBOC); 5 sthn Lake
Burragorang 29 Jul (CC), rarely reported from Illawarra Region; 7 Comerong 8 Nov &
3 on 22-26 Dec, 3 Coolagalite 27 Dec (GGu), uncommon on South Coast (ENHS).
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 2 Henry Hd Botany Bay 26 Feb (WBy), 4 Ermington 31
Oct (MBo), unusual sites for Sydney Region; 12+ Holbrook 26 Apr (MHe); 4 Wanganella
Swamp Aug (BPo), an unusual record for the South-west.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 4King Quail C. chinensis HC Crowdy Bay NP 27 Dec (EV); 2A+5Y Warrah Trig,
Brisbane Water NP 20-23 Apr (LT), first Central Coast record. Reports down on previous
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 5A+3 small “runners” Golf Course Swamp,
Casino 31 May -13 Jun, 2nd North Coast breeding record, ls’ in Apr 1999 at same location
(DGo), 3 Ocean Shores, Brunswick Heads 2 Jul (RWt), small numbers all year
Genebeeinga Wetlands, Casino, max 14 in Dec (SBr), Max 92 (57J) Waterview Heights
Feb -Dec, 5 Ellis Swp Tucabia 8 Apr, max 49 Clarenza 20 Oct -23 Dec, 12+ Crowsnest
Swamp 17 Mar- 5 May, 36 N of Coutts Crossing 29 Oct -31 Dec (GC); 20 Dunbogan 6
May (HBWN); Peak count of 74 Shortland WC on 22 Jun, 2+ Nulama Ponds, Taree 31
Jan & 5 Aug, with many breeding records in the Shortland-Sandgate area (HBOC); 4
nests, 10 birds Narromine Weir, juveniles hatched in 2005 (DG), lst nesting report in
recent times for the Central West Slopes Region.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present all year at 17 Clarence Valley
sites max 750 on 9 Sep N of Coutts Crossing, breeding 8A+5Y Cowns Ponds 21 Feb
(GC), Pelican Is Jerseyville 1-12 Nov (KS); Present Doughboy Hollow all year max
240 on 12 May, small numbers Pambalong NR & Leneghans Flat Swamp, max 20 on 20
Oct, 2A+3Y Pambalong 18 Feb & 2A+2Y Leneghans on 6 Mar, confirmed breeding
records for the Hunter Region; Max 80 Pughs Lgn Richmond 7 Mar- 8 May (GCm,TWa);
500 Mooki R Quirindi Oct (JHs), 9 7km SW Dun 13 Nov (IDo); 9 Warburn, Griffith 16
Dec (JT).
Wandering Whistling- Duck D. arcuata 2A+5Y Woolgoolga Crk Rd 31 Jan & max 12
16-26 Jun (GC,JS), 6 Tatham Dip 19 May, 62 Lake Smith, Moonee 16 Jun (GC), 76
Kingscliff STW 10 Sep (MA), 4 Pelican Is, Jerseyville 23 Nov (KS); Present all year
Shortland WC max 40+ on 29 Apr & 50 on 2-10 Oct, many breeding records in the
Shortland WC-Sandgate Swamp area and including 8A+2Y Pambalong Swamp, Minmi
6 Mar (BD,HBOC), present Leneghans Flat Swamp Minmi Jan -May, Sep -Dec, max 40
on 4 Dec 14 (EV,HBOC); 8 Long Wheeney Swp Cattai 3-12 Dec (KB), 3rd record for
Sydney and the largest number reported for the Region.
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 2 Clybucca Ck, Kempsey 4 Dec (SJ), unusual
location; 4 Bowral 23 Sep (GDy); 35 Dangars Lagoon Uralla 22 Jun (Mha); 3 Lithgow
STW 20 Jan & 2 1-5 Nov (CPr,FL); AM Jerrabomberra Wetlands ACT 8 Feb (COG), 4
Goulburn STW 20 Nov (JHI); Present Gum Swamp, Forbes all year max 3 on 8 Dec
(AR,ARo,KS); 20 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 23 Oct (PMe); 30 Leeton STW 11 Sep
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Reported from 7 Clarence & Richmond Valley sites all year
max 6 at Main Camp Teatree Plantation 19 May (GC); AF Woolooware Wetlands 3 Apr
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 5& 10 Jul (BR,EV), 5 Georges R Chipping Norton 5 Sep (JDi); 22 Narooma to Wallaga
Lake 19-21 Sep, large number for area, F+2Y Lake Brundee 8 Sep (ENHS); F+2Y Yerrabi
Pond, Gungahlin ACT 20 Oct, 1″ breeding report for site (Forshaw 2005). More reports
than usual for North Coast Region.
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa Shortland EC 27 Feb -19 Mar & Pambalong
1 1
Swamp, Minmi 4 Apr (EV,HBOC); 2 Booderie Bot. Gardens Jervis Bay 21-22 Sep
(PF); 1 Molonglo River, Canberra ACT 19 Apr (JH1), 15 Wollondilly R Goulburn 20
Nov (JHI), 4+ Jerrabomborah Wetlands ACT 13 Dec (PWi); 3 Old Quipolly Dam 15 Oct
(GM); Present all year Gum Swamp, Forbes max 4 on 15 Jan (AR,ARo,KS); 5 Corowa
STW 10 Jul (MRa), 2 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 17 Oct (PMe); Fivebough Swamp
Leeton 3 Jul (MHe), 5 Leeton STW 12 Sep (ED), Willow Dell HSD Deniliquin 2 Oct
(SWa); Max 5 Bourke STW 7-8 Oct (GC). Numbers now declining after peak counts in
the past two years.
Black Swan Cygnus atratus 700 Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore River 29 Oct (KS); 1056
Port Stephens 8 Feb (HBOC); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 2116 in Dec (CCBR),
a low figure; 4000 Lake Wollumboola 15 Feb (AR)
Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae 2 Deniliquin 27 Jul (TWh), first report
for Region since 1966 and first mention in the Annual Bird Report since 1990.
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides 1 Killalea SRA 22 Jan (CB), 2 Cecil Hoskins
NR Bowral 5 May & 23 Sep (GDy,MSy); 14 Barragoot Lake 10 Jul (BJ), Tuross
Estuary 24 Aug & 6 Eurobodalla Bot.Gardens 28 Aug (ENHS); 1000 Warburn 19 Mar
(DMt),150 Fivebough Swamp 17 Oct (KH). Typical year for the South Coast & Illawarra
Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis Reported from 9 Clarence Valley sites May –
Jul, max 38+ Broadwater Swp Tullymorgan 19 Feb -10 Jun (GC), 500+ Seales Rd Swp
Belmore River 8 Jun (KS); Present Morpeth STW all year max 165 on 19 Feb (HBOC)
& 30+ Leneghans Drive Swp Minmi 6 Jul (GBr); Present Tuggerah STW all year max
132 on 27 Apr (CCBR); 25 Bushells Lagoon 3 Dec (KB). Uncommon elsewhere because
of the drought.
Grey Teal A. gracilis Max 544 Broadwater Swp Tullymorgan 26 May -10 Jun (GC);
Present Morpeth STW all year max 743 in Aug (HBOC). Numbers down across the
State because of the drought.
Chestnut Teal A. castanea 70+ Broadwater Swp, Tullymorgan 26 May (GC);
Present Ash Island all year max 606 on 16 Aug (HBOC).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 6Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Small numbers Clarence Valley
May -Dec, including 2 prs with ducklings Lawrence 13 Oct (GC), rare breeding record
for North Coast Region; 57 Muswellbrook STW 11 Sep, large number for site (HBOC),
however for the first time since 1988, none recorded on Central Coast; In Sydney Region
max 80 UWS Richmond 9 Jun & 30 Bushells Lagoon 3 Dec (KB); A+J Gum Swamp,
Forbes 14 Sep (CCp).
Hardhead Aythya australis AF+5J Swan Creek 4 May, 1′ North Coast breeding record
(GC); 220 McKenzie Lake, Booderie NP 22 Sep (PF), high number for site.
Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Present Grahamstown Reservoir
all year max 519 on 24 Jul , a arge number for site (HBOC).
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus 14 UWS Richmond 24 Sep, 27
Prospect Reservoir 31 Oct, 25 Bushells Lagoon 3 Dec (KB), large numbers for these
sites; 300 Goulburn STW 20 Nov (JH1).
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Small numbers at 4 Clarence & Richmond
Valley sites, max 11 Main Camp Dam 19 May (GC); Present Walka Water Works all
year max 16 on 12 May, nesting Mar -May (HBOC); 15 Tuggerah Lake near Long Jetty
11 Aug 151 record for the Lake and 2′ CC Record (CCBR); Present all year Prospect
Reservoir max 140 on 31 Oct (EV); 60 Wingecarribee Reservoir 17 Aug (BAs), 4 Nepean
Dam Nov (IBOC); 5+ Lake Inverell 9 Oct (GC); 65 Lake Hume 5 Feb (KS); 3 prs
nesting Mathoura Reedbeds 14 Nov (KSt).
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor Big Hill, Limeburners Ck NR 24 Apr (TM), northern
limit of range; 140 prs nesting Cabbage Tree Is, 100 prs Boondelbah Is (Priddel & Carlile
2004), decrease on previous estimates; 16 Wollongong pelagic 18 Dec (PM), large number
for such a trip.
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 2 Mistral Pt Maroubra 25 Sep & 16
Oct (DM), 55-561h records.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus Present off South West Rocks Jun -6
Dec max 5 on 24 Aug, also on 31 Jul observed to catch and eat a Wilson’s Storm -Petrel
(LMc); 3 records of single birds at Central Coast sites 20 Jul -2 Oct (CCBR); 5 Mistral
Pt/Magic Pt Maroubra 18-20 Jul incl. white morph, another wm 21 Oct (DM,RG,SPi),
off Wattamolla, Royal NP 7 Aug (NR), 2 wm Cape Solander 9 Aug (KG), white morph
North Head 31 Aug (MR), 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 2 Oct & 2 on 29 Oct (RG); 12 off
Windang Island 19 Jul (NJ), 2 Wollongong pelagic 20 & 1 on 28 Aug, 3 Oct (CB,PM); 3
off Green Cape 10-14 Jun (DR), off Montague Is 30 Jun, Eden pelagic 29 Aug
1 1
(ENHS). More reports of white morphs than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 7Northern Giant- Petrel M. halli 3 off Newcastle Baths 31 Oct (HBOC); 4 Eden Pelagic
30 May (BJ).
Cape Petrel Daption capense 10 off South West Rocks 24 Aug & 2 on 5 Sep (LMc); 1
North Head 11 Jun, 3 on 20 Jul & 1 on 6 Oct (MR), 1 South Maroubra 3 Jul (RG), 2
Magic Pt Maroubra 11 Aug (EV), 5 Sydney pelagic 11 Sep (RMg); 1 Wollongong pelagic
3 Oct (CB): Eden pelagic 30 May, 2 on 29 Aug, on 30 Oct (EA). Average year.
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata off South West Rocks 27 Mar & 24 Aug
(LMc); 1 off Mimosa Rocks NP 5 Feb (LC). 45th -47th records, the August record is unusual
as they usually occur Oct -Mar.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 2 off South West Rocks 31 Jul & 10 on
24 Aug (LMc); 40 Swansea Pelagic 1 Feb (HBOC); 2 North Head 15 May (MR), 800
passing Magic Pt Maroubra 18 Jul & 1000 North Head 18 Jul (EV,MR), extraordinary
numbers for the Sydney Region; Max 11 Wollongong pelagic Feb -Mar, max 150 Oct –
Dec (LS,PM); 1 Eden pelagic 30 May, 6 on 29 Aug & 1 on 31 Oct (ENHS).
White -headed Petrel P lessonii 1 North Head 11 Jun & 6 Oct (MR), 3 Sydney pelagic
11 Sep (RMg), 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 19 Oct (DM); 9 Wollongong pelagic 28 Aug (PM);
1 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (EA). Average year.
Providence Petrel P. solandri Max 100 off South West Rocks 25 Jul -5 Sep, offArakoon
(LMc) & 1 blown inland 1 km W of South West Rocks 5 Nov (KS); 1 North Head 15
May & 27 Aug (MR); Present Wollongong pelagic 27 Mar -23 Oct, max 38 on 20 Aug
(CB,PM); 4 Eden pelagic 30 May & 8 on 29 Aug (ENHS).
Kermadec Petrel P neglecta 1 Sydney pelagic 11 Sep (RMg); 1 Wollongong pelagic
28 Aug (PM). 22nd -23rd records, being recorded throughout the year but with most records
Feb -Apr.
Soft -plumage Petrel P mollis Sydney pelagic 9 Oct (RM), referred to NSWORAC
and was accepted.
White -necked Petrel P cervicalis Swansea-Norah Head pelagic Feb (PH); North
1 1 1
Head 9 Jan (MR). 43 -44th records, average year, most records Dec -Apr.
Gould’s Petrel P leucoptera 2-3 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 10 Jan & Feb (RB,RQ),
900 breeding pairs Cabbage Tree Island, 25 prs Boondelbah Is. (Priddel & Carlile 2004).
Breeding population contiunues to increase.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 8Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur 300+ off Newcastle Beach 27 Jun (HBR). Poor year for
Prions, water temperatures too high during winter.
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis Mona Vale Beach 6-12 Jun (RPa);
1 Wollongong pelagic 3 Oct (PM); 1 Eden pelagic 30 Oct (ENHS). 25 -27th records.
Black Petrel P parkinsoni 2 Wollongong pelagic 24 Oct (PM), 2 on 18 Dec, one of
which was banded Great Barrier Is NZ 20/2/2002 (LS). 37 -38th records, and consistent
with known distribution.
Westland Petrel P westlandica Wollongong pelagic 28 Aug (PM), referred to BARC.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas 2 North Head 20 Jan, 10 Feb, max 4
daily 16-20 Mar (MR), Mistral Pt Maroubra 4 Feb, 2 on 13 Mar & single birds 7-20
Mar (EV,RG). 68 -80th records, this bird is getting to be a pretty common summer visitor.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Pulfinus pacificus 3500+ prs Boondelbah Is, 1050 prs
Cabbage Tree Is (Priddel & Carlile 2004); pale morph Mistral Pt Maroubra 10 Oct
(RG) & 8000 present 20 Oct (JSb); One banded Big Is Five Islands NR 8/3/1980 as a
chick, recovered same place 20 Nov, 24 years later (MJ); Departure: Mistral Pt
Maroubra 15 May (RG). Arrival: 1 Muttonbird Is Coffs Harbour 13 Aug (NSw), 8
Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug (PM), Malabar 25 Aug (RG).
Buller’s Shearwater P bulleri 2 North Head 15 Jan & 3 on 1 Oct, 1 on 6 Oct (MR), 1
Mistral Pt 2 Maroubra 30 Jan, 20-21 Mar (RG); 3 Wollongong pelagic 18 Dec (PM).
Average year.
Flesh -footed Shearwater P carneipes 10 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 10 Jan & 40
on Feb (HBR); Present off Wollongong Feb, 60+ on 27 Mar, 21 on 27 Nov, 14 on 18
Dec (LS); 3 Eden pelagic 30 Oct & 31 Oct (ENHS).
Sooty Shearwater P griseus Swansea-Norah Head pelagic Feb (HBR), 45 breeding
1 1
prs Cabbage Tree Is, 2500+ Boondelbah Is, this is a large increase from the estimate in
1976 (Priddel & Carlile 2004); Mistral Pt Maroubra 20 Sep (RG), 1′ return; 3
Wollongong pelagic 27 Mar (PM).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris Not reported to be nesting on Boondelbah &
Cabbage Tree Islands, where there were an estimated 500 prs in 1976 (Priddel & Carlile
2004). Departure: be Angourie Bch 24 May (GC). Arrival: Mistral Pt 20 Sep (AG).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 9Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia off Crescent Head 10 Oct (TM); 10000+ seen from
Dudley Bluff 14 Aug, 3000+ off Newcastle 29 Aug (HBR); 2000+ passing Magic Pt
Maroubra 20 Jul (SPi); 600+ passing Windang Is 9 Jul (NJ).
Hutton’ Shearwater P huttoni 2 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 10 Jan (HBR); 29
Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug, 17 on 23 Oct (PM); 3 Eden pelagic 30 May & 30 Oct
(ENHS). Average year.
Little Shearwater P. assimilis Wollongong pelagic 18 Dec (PM), fewer reports than
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans off South West Rocks 27 Nov (LMc);
1 1
North Head 27 Feb & 12 Mar (MR), 1Mistral/Magic Pt Maroubra 4 Feb, 3 on 18 Jul
(EV,RG); 6 Sydney pelagic 11 Sep (RMg); 1 Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug, 2 on 3 Oct, 2-
3 Eden pelagic 30 May, 29 Aug, 30-31 Oct (BJ), off Broulee 27 Aug (ENHS). Numbers
down on previous years.
Gibson’s Albatross D.e. gibsonii banded as an adult, Adis Is, Auckland Is Group in
1991, recovered (released with band) off Wollongong 21 Nov (LS), Wollongong pelagic
Feb, 2 on 20 Aug, 15 on 3 Oct, 4 on 23 Oct & 2 on 27 Nov, 5 on 18 Dec (PM); 1 Eden
pelagic 29 Aug (EA).
Snowy Albatross D.e. chinoptera Banded as an adult 12 Jul 1975 Auckland Is Group,
NZ (29+ years), found dead Palm Beach Oct (LS).
Antipodean Albatross D. e. antipodensis Wollongong pelagic 24 Oct (PM).
Southern Royal Albatross D. epomophora epomophora Sydney pelagic 9 Oct (RM),
referred to NSWORAC and accepted.
Black-browed Albatross D. m. melanophris Observed (1-3) off Norah Head/Soldiers
Pt 19 Jun -15 Aug on 4 occasions (CCBR); 7 Long Reef 19 Jun (JRe), 50 Magic Pt
Maroubra 18 Jul (EV), 20 Sydney pelagic 11 Aug (RMg), 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 14 Sep
(JRe); 5 Wollongong pelagic 26 Jun, 20 on 20 Aug, 5 on 3 Oct, on 18 Dec (PM); 4 off
Green Cape 10-14 Jun (DR).
Campbell’s Albatross D. m impavida Long Reef 19 Jun (JRe); Small numbers
Wollongong pelagic 27 Mar -23 Oct, max 10 on 3 Oct (PM); 2 Eden pelagic 30 May, 3 on
29 Aug & 6 30-31 Oct (BJ).
Shy Albatross D. cauta Max 3 South West Rocks 23 Jul -5 Sep on 4 occsions (LMc); 8
Soldiers Point 15 Aug (CCBR); 6 Magic Pt Maroubra 18 Jul & on 20 Dec (EV,DM);
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 10Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug (PM); off Green Cape 10-14 Jun (DR), 80 Eden pelagic
1 1
30 May, 60 on 29 Aug, 17 30-31 Oct (EA).
White -capped Albatross D. c. steadi 1 Wollongong pelagic 27 Mar, 5 on 20 Aug 4 on
3 Oct & 27 Nov, 5 on 18 Dec (PM).
Salvin’s Albatross D.c.salvinii 4 Eden pelagic 29 Aug (EA)
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma 2 Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug (PM), 31st
Yellow- nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos off South West Rocks 27 Mar, max 50
from 6 Jul -5 Sep (LMc), 3 Crescent Head 23 Jul (TM); 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 15
May & 15 on 9 Jul (RQ); Present off Mistral Pt Maroubra 13 May -18 Oct max 33 on 20
Jul (DM,JSb,RG), 1 off Wattamolla, Royal NP 7 Aug (NR), 14 Sydney pelagic 11 Sep
(RMg); Present Wollongong pelagic Jun -Nov, max 56 on 26 Jun (PM); 150 off Green
Cape 10-14 Jun (DR), present Eden pelagic 30 May -31 Oct, max, 8 on 29 Aug (ENHS).
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri Wollongong pelagic 22 May & 2 on 20 Aug (PM); 7
Eden pelagic 30 May & on 30 Oct (BJ). 66-69′ records.
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata off Wollongong 23 Oct
(PM), referred to NSWORAC and accepted, another off Lord Howe Island, see that
section of the Report.
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Max 10 off South West Rocks 22 Apr- 27
Nov (LMc); 8 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 10 Jan & 3 on 1 Feb (RB); Present off
Wollongong Mar, Oct -Nov, max 19 on 27 Mar (PM); 5 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (BJ).
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis Sydney pelagic 9 Oct (RM); & Eden
1 1
pelagic 30 May (BJ), both referred to NSWORAC.
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 3 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 10
Jan & 5 on 1 Feb (HBR), 140 prs nesting Boondelbah Island, cf 100 prs in 1976 (Priddel
& Carlile 2004); Wollongong pelagic 27 Mar, 27 Nov & 18 Dec (PM); Eden pelagic
1 1
31 Oct (BJ).
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda North Head 27 Feb (MR), 61′ record.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator 1000+ off South West Rocks Aug (LMc); 1000+
Mistral Pt Maroubra 5 Jul (RG).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 11Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 3 off South West Rocks 14 Mar (LMc); Terrigal
Haven 6 Jun, 1St Central Coast record (CCBR); 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 10 Mar (DM); Im
Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug (PM). Average year.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Breeding: Few breeding records because of drought.,
max 3 nests Boothbys Ck Southgate Mar- Apr & Dec (GC), Nesting small numbers Mar-
Apr, Nov along Wyong & Ourimbah Creeks, numbers well down on previous years
(CCBR); N+3Y Gum Swamp, Forbes 15 Jan (KS).
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Breeding: 2 prs Lawrence Egret
Colony 18-24 Sep, 2N+Y Boothbys Ck Southgate 11 Dec, 8 nests Hillville Dam 26 Dec
(GC), 10+ prs Newcastle Water Res Jan -Mar, Oct & Dec, 10+ prs Toronto wetlands 22
Dec (HBR); 2 nests Ourimbah Ck 21 Sep & 6 nests Toukley GC 22 Oct (CCBR); 100+
nests Tully Lake, Swan Hill 1-4 Jan (MHe). Fewer breeding reports because of the drought.
Black -faced Cormorant P fuscescens Seen off Green Cape 10-14 Jun (DR), 12 Eden
Harbour 31 Oct (EA), within known range.
Pied Cormorant P varius 458 counted Port Stephens 8 Feb (HBR); Present all year
Tuggerah Lakes max 194 Aug (CCBR). Breeding: Nesting all year Newcastle WR max
16 nest on 27 Feb, 10+ nests Market Swamp, Sandgate Jan -May, Sep -Dec (HBR); 50 prs
nesting Centennial Park Feb -Mar (JMa).
Little Black Cormorant P sulcirostris Present all year Tuross Estuary, max 240 in
Aug (ENHS); Breeding: 11 nests Market Swp Sandgate 5 Jan, 5+ nests Toronto wetlands
22 Dec (HBR). Fewer reports due to drought.
Great Cormorant P carbo Breeding: 40+ prs Cabbage Tree Island (Priddel & Carlile
2004), 30-40 prs nesting Centennial Park Feb -Mar (JMa), 8 prs Quipolly Dam Aug
(GM), 4prs Lake Hume 5 Feb (KS).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 350 Broadwater Swp Tullymorgan 7 Feb,
a large local count (GC); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 629 Feb (CCBR).
Breeding: 210 nesting prs Ramsay Is, Blackalls Bay Woy Woy 4 Dec (CCBR).
Great Frigatebird Fregatta minor 2+ Yamba 6 Mar (AW), 1 Lennox Head 7 Mar
(CGo), and 3 at other sites, all referred to NSWORAC.
Lesser Frigatebird E aria! 5 Yamba 6 Mar (AW), 8 Lennox Head, 2 Crescent Head &
1 Big Hill Limeburners Ck NR 7 Mar (CGo,TM); The most records for both Frigatebird
species for many years.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 12White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 76 Little Broadwater, Lawrence 31 Dec
(GC); N+3Y Gladesville 27 Aug -14 Nov (BAy), an interesting inner city breeding record.
Little Egret E. garzetta 1 Luddenham 22 Feb (TS); 1 Binya 26 Jan (KH); Breeding: 3
nests Shortland WC 14 Dec, 3+ nests Toronto wetlands 22 Dec (HBR); 1000+ Gwydir
Wetlands Nov -Dec (JSo). A return to inland breeding in 2004 together with a few reports
from unusual locations.
Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 14 Sep (JRe); 1 Little Lake 14 Feb
(MRw), 1 Killalea SRA 14 Mar (MCr), 1 Barrack Point 8 May (MRo), 1 Kiama 12 Dec
& 2 Gerringong Harbour 28 Dec (CC,KM); 1 Servers Beach 9 May (JN) 2 Camel Rock
19 Dec (DA), southernmost reports.
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica 40 Leneghans Flat area 31 Oct & 22 Woodberry
23 Oct, large number for sites (EV,HBR). Breeding: No reports because of drought.
Great Egret A. alba Breeding: 30+ nests Lawrence 26 Nov -13 Dec, 3 nests Cans
Creek 31 Dec (GC), 35 nests Shortland WC 14 Dec, 5+ nests Toronto wetlands 22 Dec
(HBR). No inland breeding reports because of the drought.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia 4 Moruya Hds Sth 13 Jul & 1 Wallaga Lake 14 Nov
(ENHS), uncommon on South Coast. Breeding: 10 nests Lawrence 26 Nov -11 Dec
(GC), 9 nests Shortland WC 14 Dec (HBR); 4000 nests Gwydir Wetlands Nov -Dec
(JSo), heralding a return to inland nesting.
Cattle Egret A. ibis 6 Goollooinboin HSD Glen Davis 24 Oct (CPr), unusual location;
took a Red-browed Finch that was feeding in grass near Lake Ginnenderra 21 Jun
(Layton 2004); 12 Goonoo Goonoo Apr (JW), 50 Callala Aug (JW), unusual locations;
Arrival: Breeding: 2000 nests Lawrence 26 Nov -11 Dec, 500 N+Y Cans Ck Grafton
31 Dec (GC), 182 nests Shortland WC 14 Dec, 381 nests Seaham Swamp 11 Dec &
nesting Toronto Swamp 22 Dec (HBR); 60+ prs Gwydir Wetlands Nov -Dec (JSo). An
increase in breeding activity due to coastal and near coastal rains.
Striated Heron Butorides striatus J at Genebeeinga Wetlands, Casino 4 Jul (GC), A+N
Pelican Is, Jerseyville Dec (KS); 1 Penrhyn Rd Botany 7 Mar (DH), 1 Rozelle Bay
Sydney Jun (ARi); N+3Y Tuross Estuary Dec (ENHS).
Nankeen Night Heron Nyticorax caledonicus 21 roosting Sportsmans Creek 11 Feb &
11-31 Dec (GC); Birds roost all year Wallbridge Res Raymond Terrace & Shortland
WC, max 85 on 12 Nov & 54 on 17 Oct respectively, also reported from many other
swamps in small numbers throughout the Hunter Region; 1 Korungulla Swamp 14 Jan
(CC), Is’ record since the former colony’s roosting trees were cut down in the 1980s.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 13Breeding: 500+ nests Gwydir Wetlands Nov -Dec (JSo), reflecting a return to inland
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Im Shortland WC 12-15 Feb (RMc); 3 Lake Tully
nr Swan Hill 1-4 Jan (MHe), 2 Fivebough Swp Leeton 7 Oct (MS), Lake Wyangan 29
Dec (JB). Average year.
Black Bittern I. flavicollis 2 Comara 27-31 Dec (MCo); Balickera Feb & Tenambit
30 May (HBR); Sunshine Res Ourimbah 31 Jan, 28 Feb & nesting Oct -Nov, Saltwater
1 1
Ck Long Jetty 31 May, I Lees Res Chittaway 31 Jul, 1 Wyong HS Wyong Creek 23 Sep
(CCBR), 1 Lintern Channel, Rileys Island 5 Dec (PS); 1 Nepean R. Penrith 11 Jan (MSi),
1 Newmans Rd Cattai Ck 12 Jan (NLa), J Sheldon Forest, Pymble 10 Apr (KL), 1 Field
of Mars Res Ryde 21 May (SHy), 1 Tench Res Penrith 31 May (MSi); 1 Collins Ck
Wonoona 12 Feb (IBOC), 1 North Wollongong 3 Mar (NJ), 1 Cudmirrah 13 Mar & 20
Nov (KM), 1 Oak Flats 11 Dec (CB). No records south of the Shoalhaven.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Ryans Cut 24 Jul, 3 Mingaletta 10 Aug
& 3 Maria River Rd Crescent Head 16 Aug (TM); Morpeth STW 12 May, Hexham
Swamp 30 Jun, Tenambit 25 Jul & HC Crowdy Bay NP 27 Dec (HBR); Bicentennial
Pk Glebe 12 Jun (PL); 1 Lake Tully nr Swan Hill 4 Jan (MHe), 1 Koonadan 5 Mar, 1
Fivebough Swamp Leeton 30 Apr & 7 Oct (MS). Average year, more coastal records
than usual.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Reported from 9 Clarence River sites Apr -Nov, max
100 Everlasting Swp 19 Apr & 54 ‘mesons Swp Lawrence 5 May (GC); Max 263 Seales
Rd Swamp Belmore River 3 Jun -22 Aug, 20 Pelican Is Jerseyville 21 Jul (KS); Small
numbers all year Hunter wetlands, max 32 Ash Island 15 Nov, 23 Woodberry 28 Feb &
16 Hexham Swamp 24 Jul (HBR); Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 17 Oct (CCBR); Max 30
Bushells Lagoon 12-25 Nov (CSc,KB); 15 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 23 Oct (PMe);
2 Quipolly Dam 15 Oct (GM), rare record for Tamworth area; Winter/spring visitors to
Fivebough Swamp arriving 9 on 15 Aug (KH), 60 on 11 Sep (AM), 6134 roosting at
night 31 Oct (MS); 43 Bourke STW 7-8 Oct (GC). No breeding reported.
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 400 South Grafton tip 31 Aug (GC);
Present all year Hunter wetlands max 1000+ in mixed flock with Straw -necked Ibis at
Irrawang Swamp 29 Jul & 1000+ Shortland WC 27 Feb & 19 Mar (HBR); 300 Eastern
Creek Tip 31 Oct (EV). Breeding: 12 N+Y Lawrence 18 Sep -11 Dec, 6 recently FY
Cans Ck Swp Grafton 31 Dec (GC), 10+ nest Shortland WC 14 Dec, 10+ nests Toronto
wetlands 31 Oct -31 Dec & Tomaree NP 20 Mar (HBR); 60 nests Ramsay Is Blackalls
Bay Woy Woy 4 Dec (CCBR); Many nests Centennial Park Oct (BNSW); 70 nests, 110
birds Big Is, Five Islands NR 16 Jan, 20 nests on 17 Oct (LS). Numbers increasing at
coastal tips and increased numbers nesting at coastal sites.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 14Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis 500+ S of Lawrence 5 May & 31 Dec (GC); 200-300
birds are various places in the Hunter Region all year, max 1000+ Shortland WC 27 Feb
& Woodberry 28 Feb (HBR); 1 Sydney Cricket Ground 13 May (MI); Breeding: 4000
nests Gwydir River wetlands Nov -Dec (JSo), however this nesting attempt failed when
water was turned off (see 2005 report).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 75 Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore R 22 Aug (KS).
Breeding: No reports.
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P flavipes Reported in small numbers from 7 Clarence &
Richmond Valley sites, Jan, Jun -Oct, max 6 Southgate 12 Aug (GC).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus 1-2 Leneghans Swp Minmi 21 Feb &
5 Mar, 1 Pambalong Swamp 20 Jan, 3 May & 27 Jun & Williamtown 14 Jul, more
common further north in the Hunter Region (AMt,CS,EV,HBR); flying over North
Ryde 25 Oct (JRe), a very rare Sydney record.. Breeding: Estimated 55 pairs resident in
NSW in 2004 of which 12 prs nested between Coraki & Maria River, 12 young fledged
from 8 nests, outcome unknown for 2 nests, 2 nests failed. (GC).
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Observations only reported south of the Hunter River,
including 1 Ash Island 21 Mar, Stockton Sandspit 13 Nov, Dudley 10 Nov & Swansea 7
Dec (HBR); 2 Ourimbah Ck Chittaway 31 Jan -31 Jul, Wamberal Lagoon 2 Jun &
1 1
Lintern Channel Davistown 30 Oct (CCBR); 1 Nepean R Penrith 8 May (MSi), 1 Penrith
Lakes 12 May (JM0,1 Wisemans Ferry Jun (KB), Saltpan Ck Riverwood 29 May
(JR); 1 Windang 22 Jan (CB), 1 Minnamurra Spit 1 Feb & Albion Park Rail 10 Feb
(IBOC), I Shoalhaven Heads 19 Jun (PSt), 1 Tallawarra Ash Ponds 6 & 28 Aug, 9 Oct
(MCr,NJ); 1 Wallaga Lake Jan, 1-2 Tuross Estuary 13 Feb -11 Jun, I overflying Tilba in
Sep (ENHS). Breeding: 20 nests in Clarence Valley and south to Valla, of which 5+
young fledged (GC); A total of 56 nests were surveyed in the Mid North Coast region, of
32 nests for which the outcome was known 18 were successful (56% success rate),
producing 22 young, mean brood size fledged was 1.2 birds (ABi); Southernmost nests
in 2004 were Manning Point 24 Jan & Tuncurry 17 Jul (HBR). Still no successful
breeding reported from south of the Hunter Region.No reports available in 2004 for
north of the Clarence Valley.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 13 reports from 8 sites in the Clarence Valley all year
(GC), 10 reports from 7 Macleay Valley sites including 9 together at Frederickton 1 Apr
and I taking eggs from Satin Bowerbird’s nest 10 km W of Kempsey 4 Dec
(KS,KSm,MHz); Taree 8 Aug (GC), Running Ck SCA Craven 13 Nov (PB); Reported
from 14 Central Coast sites all year, but only one breeding report 2A+2Y Mardi 19 Jan
(CCBR); Reported from 22 Sydney Region sites all year with nesting at 2A+3Y
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 15Turramurra 1 Jan -9 Feb (KL), 2A+2Y Jersey Springs, Royal NP 1-19 Jan (HR), 2+2 lin
West Pymble 31 Jan (RC1), 2+N Royal NP 28 Nov -11 Dec, chick lost in storm (BWi,FR);
1 Bulli 2 Jan (RTu), 1 Mt Ousley 4 May (IBOC), 1 Blackbutt Res Wollongong 12 May
(CB), 6 Kangaroo Valley 17 May (CJ), 2 Balgownie & 31 Jul (RTu,WE), 2 Macquarie
Pass NP 10 Oct (CC); 1 Nundle 22 Mar (JCa); 1 Faulconbridge 7 Nov (CPr); 1 Westdale,
Tamworth 3 May (MMa). Most ever Sydney & Illawarra records.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Lake Innes NR Jan, Coutts Crossing 5-15
1 1 1
Mar, South Grafton 26 Aug (GC), 1 South West Rocks 17 Mar, 1 Frederickton 12 Apr &
Oct, 1 Pelican Is Jerseyville 6-30 Aug, 2 Belgrave Falls 9 Aug, 1 Arakoon 16 Sep (KS),
Nested Port Macquarie, F killed on road, male found another F and chick fledged Sep –
Dec (JGI), 1 South Kempsey 18 Jul, West Kempsey 31 Jan -29 Jul, 1 Yarravel 13 Oct
(MHz); Cundletown 20-29 Mar, Grahamstown 20 Jul, Newcastle Uni 4 Aug, & N+2Y
Coopernook SF 21 Nov, 1-2 Shortland 10 May & 9 Nov, and present in the East Maitland-
Bolwarra-Woodberry area May -Sep (AM,EV,HBR); Murrumbung HSd Mardi 2-22
Sep & 13 Nov (JCa), 1 Wadalba, Wyong 19 Sep (BD) & 2 Gavenlock Rd Tuggerah 18
Nov (CCBR); Lapstone 28 Feb, 7 Mar & 24 Aug (RT), 1 Windsor 5 Mar & Wilberforce
18 Mar, Richmond 22 Apr & 7 Jun (KB), Freemans Reach Jun (KB), Oatley Park
1 1 1 1
6 Aug (JR), 1 Cattai NP 5 Sep (MR), 1 Garrigal NP Ingleside 2 Nov (RMg); 1 Cudmirrah
Jan (KM), Conjola NP 25 Jan (KM), Bomaderry 9-22 Mar (NJ), Shoalhaven Heads
1 1 1
29 Oct (MCr); Reported from 15 South Coast sites all year, but mostly Aug -Dec
(ENHS,FSCB); Glen Davis 31 Aug & 17 Dec (DH), Pearces Lkt Capertee 22 Nov
(CPr); 1 20 km S of Dubbo 3 Mar (DG), 1 Terramungermine Rs Dubbo & Cumboogle
12 Apr (DG, TW), 10 km S Dubbo 12 Oct (TW), 2+N Coonabarabran 24 Oct (JBr);
east of Bourke Jul (CCn); 2 Yathong NR9-12 Apr (NL).
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Mt Wood HSD 3-5 Oct,
1 1
Adelaide Gate 3 Oct, Fort Grey 5 Oct, all in or near Sturt NP (GLC). All within known
Black Kite Milvus migrans Coastal records include 1 Tullymorgan PS 12 Aug (GC); 1
Tarro 13 Mar, Old Bar 3 Jun (HBR) & Minmi 6 Jul (GBr); 1 Freemans Reach 27 Mar
(RCI), Mulgoa 21 Aug (MH), Picnic Pt Sydney 14 Dec (JP). In addition Wallerawang
1 1 1
6 Jan (LA); Albury 10 Nov (PSy); and 16 Leeton tip 23 Apr (KH), high number for
Brahminy Kite Haliastur Indus 2A+N Pelican I Jerseyville 2 Aug -8 Oct (KS), nesting
Clarenza 28 Aug -4 Sep (GC), nesting Port Macquarie Oct (HL); No reports south of the
Hunter Region except for Mimosa Rocks NP 23 Jan (LC), well south of usual range.
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 6 Eastern Creek Tip 14 Mar & 9 together at Prospect
Reservoir 29 Feb (EV), large numbers for Sydney Region.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 16White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 5 prs nesting lower Clarence River
area Jan & Jul -Oct (GC); A new pr has commnced nesting Homebush Bay 25 Aug (ML),
after previous pair died (see 2003 Report); Nesting 10 km W of Darlintgon Point 10 Feb
(HH), & feeding on im. Dusky Moorhen, Fivebough Swamp 31 Mar (MS).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimillis 5 records Richmond & Clarence Valleys Feb and
Jul -Nov including RK J at Braunstone 5 Feb (GC), 1 Levenstrath 15 Jun (WT); 1 Balickera
Apr, 2 Hexham Swamp 30 Jun, Yarrawa 28 Aug & Kooragang Island 19 Nov (HBR);
F Darkes Forest 15 Feb (IBOC); Fyshwick STW 21 Mar (PV), Kellys Swamp 22
1 1 1
Jun (MB); 1 NW Tamorth Dec (PSp); 1 Geurie 18 Feb (DG); A Bowning 28 Mar (KH),
1 Morgans Ridge Holbrook 12 Oct (MHe); 2 Bugaldie 4 Sep (GRe); 1 Boomagera Ck
Boomi 10 Apr (TBW); 1 Lake Tooim 1-4 Jan (MHe), 1 Gillenbah 27 Aug, I Jerilderie 14
Oct & 1 Binya 12 Dec (KH), 1 nr Lake Cargelligo 20 Oct (GBr); 1 x 2 sites Sturt NP 1-
7 Oct (GLC), 1 Toms Lake, Ivanhoe 30 Aug (JM1). Fewer records inland becaue of the
Swamp Harrier C. approximans 33 reports from 21 sites in the Richmond & Clarence
Valley all year but no breeding observed (GC); 1 Balmoral 21 Jun (TQ).
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 2+N Crescent Head 13 Nov (TMo), N+2Y
Christmas Ck 17 Dec (MHz); Reported from 24 Central Coast sites throughout the year
& nesting Worleys Gully, Mangrove Mtn 9 Dec & J at Toukley GC 14 Dec (CCBR);
2A+J Turramurra 1-4 Jan (KL), Im Arncliffe 22 Feb (KD), Warriewood wetlands 19
Jun (JRe); 16 records from 11 sites all year in Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); N+1J Dangars
Lagoon Uralla 20 Dec (JCe); N+2Y Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 19 Nov (PMe).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Upper Duck Creek 8-10 Apr (DMt),1 Jerseyville
13 May (KS), 1 Urunga 17 Oct (GC), 1 Willi 11 Dec (MHz); AF Shortlands WC 15 Jun
(YP), 1 white morph Lake Rd Glendale 26 Nov (CDr), 2 Ash Is 5 Dec (EV); Reported
from 23 Central Coast sites all year, only 2 white morphs & nesting Wadlaba Wyong 22
Sep (CCBR); St Ives 12 Jan (TW), Prospect Reservoir 29 Feb & 2 on 4 Dec (EV),
1 1 1
Lansvale 29 Feb (ASa,VC), 1 Warriewood Wetlands 17 Sep (BC), 1 Mitchell Pk Cattai
12-19 Nov (KB), Bluegum Swp Winmalee 16 Dec (NK), grey & white morph
1 1 1
Mulgoa 21 Dec (MH); Reported from 12 Illawarra sites all year including 5 white morphs
(IBOC); 14 records from 10 sites all year Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); Jerrabomberra
Wetlands NR 11 Mar (SH); 1 Inverell Mar (JMk), well inland.
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Nesting Myrtle Creek 26 Nov (GC);
Reported from 13 Central Coast sites & nesting 2A+2Y Murrumbung HSD Mardi 1-10
Jan (CCBR); 7 records from 5 sites in Eurobodalla Shire all year (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 17Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Nesting Ulmarra 29 Jul -9 Sep (GC); 9 together at
Mount Arthur 12 Apr, F3 Toronto Exit 30 May (ML), otherwise widespread throughout
the Hunter Region (HBR), N+IE Goonee HSD Cassilis 22 Aug (BPo); Reported from
14 CC sites all year but no breeding reports, most ever records (CCBR); 1 4 km N
Wahroonga on the F3 4 Jan (KL), St Ives 27 Feb, 2 on 16 Apr & St Ives Showground
4 Mar (CMt,RC1), 1 Audley, Royal NP 19 Jun (RCo), 2 Middle Dural 2 Jul (GR), 1
Bobbin Head KCNP 27 Sep (TW), Prospect Reservoir 4 Dec (EV); 2 Jamberoo Mar
1 1
(JHa); 15 together Glen Davis 15 Aug (CPr); 7 nests in the Canberra Region 2002-2004
(Olsen & Fuentes 2005); 17 together Oolambeyan NR 27 Nov (DPa). More Sydney
Region records than usual.
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides 11 reported from 7 Clarence Valley and Coffs
Hbr-Dorrigo sites all year (GC); Seaham Swamp 20 Jun (PB); Many records for Sydney
including 2 Castle Cove 25 Mar (11), 1 Duffys Forest 6 Jul (KPe), pr nesting Royal NP
6 Aug -Nov, I fledged (BR,RCo), 1 St Martins Village, Blacktown 10 Oct (EV); 1 Kiah
21 Dec (JMo) took Noisy Frairbird from nest; 3 nests in the Canberra Region 2003-2004
(Olsen & Fuentes 2005); 2A+J Tintinhull, Tamworth Jan (GOl); Nest +1Y Binya 31
Oct -12 Dec (KH).
Brown Falcon Falco berigora Boatharbour, Kurnell 27 Sep (Birdline), unusual
location; 13 together Appleby Lane Tamworth May (EFa) & 10 prs nesting within 15
kms of a Black Falcon’s nest in Peel Valley, Tamworth (Debus et a12005).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis Nesting Batemans Bay in Nov (AM); 2A+2Y
Tintinhull, Tamworth 25 Jan (GOl); 5 Fivebough Swamp 6 Mar catching dragonflies
Grey Falcon F hypoleucos Pr nesting near Wagga Wagga 19 Sep (RSh); 1 Mt Wood
Sturt NP 28 Sep (RJa); 2 Adelaide Gate track, near Sturt NP 8 Oct (GC). Average year.
Black Falcon E subniger Dora Creek 1-12 Feb (CDr), 1-2 Ash Island 14 Feb -20
Dec (DM,JCe), Woodberry 14 Feb, 23 Oct & 20 Dec, Bureen 10-25 Apr, Yarrawa 10
Apr, max 3 Morpeth STW 12 May -19 Aug, 1 Gilliston Heights 18 Dec (EV,HBR),
extraordinary numbers for this coastal region; The Bulwark, Castlecrag 20 Feb (LC),
1 McGraths Hill STW 22 May (KB); 1 Glen Davis 11 Apr (CPr), 1 Riverleigh, Mudgee
2-4 May (GCm), Capertee Valley 24 Nov (NK); Talbingo rubbish tip 9 May (IH);
1 1 1
Calala, Tamworth 22 Feb (BHd), 2 pr nesting between Tamworth and Lake Keepit Sep –
Dec (Debus etal 2005), 1 Borah Res Barraba 23 Jun (GG), 1 Tamworth Common 5 Nov
(JPt); Jindera 16 Feb (DWa), 2 Burrumbuttock Apr (DWa), with Galah prey Walla
Walla 3 -14 Jul (MHe), 1 Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah Dec (PMe); 1 Colinroobie 11
Jan, Leeton 24 Jan -28 Nov, 30 km W of Hay 30 Jun (CPr),1 Oolambeyan NR 3 Jul
1 1
(DPa), 2 Koondan 1-15 Aug, Fivebough Swamp 6 Mar & 12 Sep (KH), Benerembah
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 1825 Mar (JB), 30km W of Hay 30 Jun (CPr), Pr nesting Wanganella Aug (BN);
1 1 1
Tiobooburra 2 Oct (GLC). The number of reports is equal to that reported in 2003, being
the highest number ever reported.
Peregrine Falcon E peregrinus Regular in the Sydney Region including West
Chatswood 2 Mar (AB) & 2 Parramatta CBD 12 Aug (FW); Reported all year Eurobodalla
Shire with 24 records from 12 sites (ENHS). Breeding: N+2E Bennetts Head 8 Apr
(BB), A+J Tuross Heads Feb & 2A+Im Montagu Is 28 Nov, 12 prs nested in the vicinity
of Canberra ACT/Lake George, all cliff nesters apart from 2 prs that nested in trees, one
of which had previously fledged from a cliff nest in 1999 (Olsen et al 2006).
Nankeen Kestrel E cenchroides Mulgoa 29 Aug (MH), unusual at this location.
Brolga Grus rubicunda Present in the lower Clarence Valley all year including 8 nesting
attempts and max 83 Imesons Swamp, Lawrence 13 Jan & 35 on 2 Dec (CCa,GC,WT),
2A+J Maria River Rd Crescent Head 14 Jan -9 Feb & 2 on 12 Aug, 2 Mingaletta 10 Aug
(TM); 3 Nyngan STW 22 Jul (AM); 4 Sheet of Water Lake Cargelligo 10 Apr & 1-2 Sep
(AM,AR), 2 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton Mar, 16 on 30 Apr (MS), 2A+J Tuckerbill
Swamp 4 Jul, 5 on 15 Aug, 22 Koonadan 4 Jul (KH) 2A+N Deniliquin & Wanganella 19
Oct (DPa); 2 West Bouke 3 Oct (KL), 2 W of Tibooburra 5 Oct (GLC); 2 Euabalong 9
Sep (JA).
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 1-2 reported from 10 Clarence & Richmond
Valley sites Apr -Dec (GC), 2A+3Y Pelican Is Jerseyville 13 May & 2 on 23 Nov (KS),
2 Johns River 19 Jun (MVBW), 2 Spencerville 11 Aug (RW), 1 Port Macquarie STW 3
Nov (TW); Reported from 10 Hunter Region wetlands all year including A+6Y Bemont
South 14 Jan (ARo,HBR); Reported from 12 Central Coast sites with breeding reported
from Long Jetty 31 May, A+4Y Empire Bay 14 Nov & A+4Y North Bombi 15 Nov
(CCBR); 1 Oxford Falls 19 May (OF), 3 Warriewood Wetlands 5 Jun & 17 Sep (BAy,BC),
2 Mater Marie House, Warriewood 18 Jun (AMc), 2 Illawong Res 23 Jun (SH),
Centennial Park 24 Jul (SPi), 1-2 Royal Bot. Gardens 27 Jul, 14 Oct & 27 Nov
(FR,RK,TH), 1 Cattai 1-8 Sep (KB), 1 Limekilns Bay Sydney 31 Oct (DK),; 1 Berry 18
Mar (BAs), 1 Berkeley Harbour 2 Oct (MCr), 1 Horsley Ck Dapto 5 Nov (KM), 2
Balgownie 2 Dec (RTu); 1 Moruya 1 Jul, Batemans Bay watergardens 13 Aug, N+7E
Montagu Is 28 Nov (ENHS); 2 Willowdell HSD Deniliquin 29 Aug (BPo), Binya 24
Oct (KH).
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis 2 Pelican Is Jerseyville 31 Jul -1 Dec (KS); Ash Island
24 Jan, 1 Walka Water Works 25-26 Jan & Harrington 21 Nov (HBR); 1 Eastlakes GC 3
Apr & 18-23 Sep (IC,RE,SP), Limekilns Bay, Oatley 10 Apr (IC), 1-2 Malabar 11-17
Jul & 25 Aug (NL,RG), I Castlecrag 22 Sep (AB), 1 Prospect Reservoir 26 Sep (EV), 1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 19Long Bay 27 Dec (RG); 1 Eden 5 Mar (per KS); I Commonwealth Pk ACT 3 Aug -2 Sep
(HPe), Rye Park 2 Oct (TS).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla Pelican Is Jerseyville 16 Aug, 2 South West Rocks
14 Sep (KS); Newcastle Water Reserve 27 Feb, Shortland WC May & 22 Jun, Walka
Water Works 4 May & Tenambit 29 Aug & 18 Sep (HBR); Eastlakes 18-23 Sep (EV,SP),
Pitt Town NR 19 Dec (SB); 2 Burrumbuttock 14 Oct (DWa); 7 Fivebough Swamp
Leeton 12 Sep (JCa).
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea 4 Boyters Lane Jerseyville 4 Jul -21 Aug (KS),
4 Spencerville 11 Aug (RW); 1 Newcastle Water Res 27 Feb (HBR); 1 Ourimbah Uni
Campus 6 Jan (ABe); 2 Cattai 5 Sep (KB); 1 Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 21 Dec (JCe); 2
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 12 Sep (JCa), Hay wetlands 10 Nov (AB). Numbers down
on previous years.
Spotless Crake P tabuensis Port Macquarie STW Jan (GC), Cobaki 10 Jan (MA),
1 1 1
1 Belmore Swamp 7 Jun (KS), 3 Boyters Lane Jerseyville 4 Jul -21 Aug (KS,RW), 3
Spencerville 11 Aug (RW); 1 Walka Water Works 25 Jan, Croudace Bay 8 May & 2
Gloucester East wetlands 11 Jun (HBR); 1-2 Eastlakes GC 30 May, 29 Jun & 11 Aug
(DMi,SPi), 2 South Maroubra 11 Jul (RG), 1 Eastlakes 23 Sep (SP); 1 Ngunnawal ACT
3 Feb (ML), 1 Fyshwick STW 8 Mar (SH), 1 Jerrabomberra Wetlands ACT 2 Sep (SH);
2 Wonga Wetlands Albury 28 Nov (HM)4 Fivebough Swp Leeton 11 Sep (AM).
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis Penrith Lakes 24 Nov (JM); 12 Junee
STW 6 Aug (MC); 10 Yarrie Lake 6 Oct (JW). Fewer coastal and near coastal reports
than usual.
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra A+4Y South Grafton 25 Mar, 1″ local breeding report
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis A+2Y Packsaddle 3 Oct (DP1), only report.
Little Button -quail Turnix velox 1 Barrington House 11 Jan (HBR); AF Mulgoa 8-12
Dec (MH); 2 in oat crop Norfolk HSD Cassilis 2 Dec (BPo); I Brobenah 18 Jan (KH), 1
The Ranch HSD Wanganella 10 Apr, 1 Glenmire HSD Wanganella 2 Aug (MP); 3 along
Adelaide Gate Track near Sturt NP 27 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Painted Button -quail T varia 1 Tamban SF 2 Feb (TM), 2-3 Coutts Crossing 27 Mar –
13 Aug, 1 Ramornie 3 May, 1 Gibraltar Range NP 31 Oct (GC), 2 Temagog 13-31 Oct
(MHz), I Guy Fawkes River NP 13 Nov (TMo); 1-2 Quorrobolong 20 Nov & Green
Wattle Creek Oct -Dec (HBR); 4 Mangrove Mtn 27-31 Jul (CCBR), AF Dubbo Gully,
Mangrove Mtn 4 Sep (MP; 1 Lane Cove NP 5 May (BD), 1 Cooks Nose, Barren Grounds
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 20NR 26 Mar (RJo), HC Scheyville NP 18 Dec (EV); 1 Manna Park, Pambula 15 Oct (SR),
1 Meringo 5-15 Oct, 2 Pedro Swamp 1-19 Nov (ENHS); 1 The Verdun HSD Nundle 9
Oct (BPo); 1 Glen Davis 6 Nov (DB); 5 Morgans Ridge Holbrook Mar- Apr (MHe); 1
Campbell Is Barham 4 Jan (MHe).
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax 2 Scheyville NP 22 Dec (FH); 1 in oat crop
Norfolk HSD Cassilis 2 Dec (BPo); 2 Wallace Park HSD Gowrie 11 Mar (BMt); 2 The
Alloes, Pilliga East SF 6 Sep (GRe).
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 2M,1F The Ranch HSD Wanganella 10 Apr
(MP), 2M &1F Willow Grove HSD Boorooban Aug (JNe). Known sites.
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 25 East Swan Pool, Kinchela 23 Dec (TM); 73
Irrawang Swamp 10 Nov & 35 on 11 Dec, 45 Pambalong NR 12 Dec (BR,HBR,MT); 2
Binya 26 Jan (KH); Great Cobar Tank 18 Oct (LSc); Departure: Broadwater Swp
Tullymorgan 10 Mar (GC). Arrival: 1 Cattai 12 Aug (KB), 1 Mason Pk Concord 14 Aug
(MR), 1 Arakoon 15 Aug (KS), 3 Cowper 27 Aug (GC), 4 Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 2 Sep
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 1 Cowans Pond Grafton 13 Jan (GC,WT); Max
319 Hunter Estuary 6 Mar (HBR); 1 Point Clare 5 Jul, 4 Chittaway Bay 25 Oct & 4 The
Entrance Dec (CCBR); 3 Penrhyn Rd Botany 9 Nov (PMv); 2 Shoalhaven Heads 10 Jan
(CC). Summer Wader Count 15 Feb: 182 Clarence Estuary, 51 Port Stephens (Stuart
2005), 250 Hunter (HBR,J.Skewes 2005), Comerong Is (NJ). Average number for
recent years.
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica Present Hunter Estuary all year max 1220 in Mar, 20+
Swansea Channel 27 Jan, 97 Mudbishops Point 17 Dec (HBR); Max 147 Tuggerah Lakes
Dec (CCBR); Max 410 Shoalhaven Heads 17 Oct (MCr); Max 210 Narooma Nov
(ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 74 Richmond Estuary, 276 Clarence, 50+ Farquar
Inlet, 888 Port Stephens, 1200 Hunter Estuary, 214 Parramatta R, 441 Botany Bay, 300
Shoalhaven, 150 Narooma, 7 Tuross Estuary (ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2005,Stuart 2005).
Winter Wader Count Jul: 37 Richmond Estuary, 142 Hunter, 48 Parramatta River, 70
Botany Bay, 112 Shoalhaven, Tuross Estuary (ENHS,Skewes 2005).
Little Curlew N. minutus Lake Cakora, Brooms Head 16 Jan (GC); 7 Tuross Estuary
Sep & 1 on 2 Nov, Is’ South Coast record since 1991; 28 Jerilderie 10 Jan -15 Feb
(DWe). The latter is an exceptional record.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Clybucca Swamp Nov (TM), unusual location;
1 1
Present Hunter Estuary all year, max 110 on 6 Mar (HBR). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 13 Richmond Estuary, 6 Clarence, 218 Port Stephens, 5 Hunter Estuary, 86 Botany
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 21Bay (HBR,Skewes 2005,Stuart 2005). Winter Wader Count Jul: 9 Richmond Estuary,
53 Hunter, 17 Botany Bay, 2 Tuross Estuary (ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2005). Note the large
concentration of birds in Port Stephens.
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis Present Hunter Estuary all year max 520 on 11
Dec (HBR) & 649 in Port Stephens 8 Feb, largest number for any site in NSW (Stuart
2005); 53 Comerong Is 18 Jan (SB); Present Tuross Estuary all year max 71 in Dec
(ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 23 Richmond Estuary, 79 Clarence, 649 Port
Stephens, 475 Hunter, 201 Botany Bay, 109 Shoalhaven, 8 Tuross (ENHS,HBR,Skewes
2005). Winter Wader Count Jul: 9 Richmond Estuary, 108 Hunter, 25 Botany Bay, 3
Tuross (ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2005).
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Max 35 Pelican Is 2 Jan -19 Mar, max 13 25 Sep –
13 Dec, max 31 Rainbow Reach Jerseyville 13 Jan -27 Feb, max 3 3 Oct -12 Dec (KS),
max 28 Broadwater Swp Lawrence 13 Jan -10 Jun, 12 from 24 Sep -31 Dec, 4 Trenayr 31
Dec (GC,WT); Present Hunter wetlands all year max 140 on 10 Jan, 2 Morpeth STW 10
Sep & 3 at Tarro 23 Oct (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Sep -Dec including 11
Tuggerah STW 12 Jan & 8 Chittaway Bay 25 Oct (CCBR); 4 Bushells Lagoon 9 Nov
(KB); 1 Why Juck Bay 7 Jan (CB); 1 Jerrabomberra Wetlands ACT 13 Sep (HPe); 3
Lake Tooim 1-4 Jan (MHe), Returned to Fivebough Swap 12 Sep (KH); Summer Wader
Count Feb: 28 Lawrence (GC), 89 Hunter Estuary (HBR), 8 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR),
11 Comerong Island (BAs). Widespread along the Coast but few inland records because
of the drought.
Common Greenshank T nebularia Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -May, Aug -Dec, max
13 in Feb (CCBR); 2 Woolooware Wetlands 10 Jul (BR), 3 Bushells Lagoon 3 Dec
(KB). Summer Wader Count Feb: 2 Richmond Estuary, 6 Clarence, 251 Hunter, 13
Tuggerah Lakes, 1 Parramatta R, 7 Botany Bay (CCBR,HBR,Skewes 2005). Numbers
well down on previous years.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola 1 Pelican Is Jerseyville 12 Jan (KS); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon
15 Dec (ARo); 3 Fivebough Swp, Leeton 8 Feb & 1 on 6 Sep (MS); 1 Twin Tanks, W of
Tibooburra 6 Oct (GLC).
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 50 Richmond Estuary 8 Feb (Skewes 2005); Present
Hunter Estuary Jan -Mar, Oct -Dec, max 50 Fern Bay 4 Feb, 6 Port Stephens 8 Feb (HBR);
1 Shell Point 8 May (KG); 1 Shoalhaven Heads 5 Jan (NJ). Numbers down in 2004.
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 16 Clarence Estuary 15 Feb (Skewes 2005),
South West Rocks 13 Oct (KS), 1 Lake Cakora, Brooms Hd 13 Dec (GC); Max 3 Hunter
Estuary throughout the year, mostly Stockton Wreck, Kooragang Is & Ash Island, Port
Stephens 8 Feb (HBR,RD); 1 Long Reef 3 Jan (TW), 1 Penrhyn Rd Botany 7-10 Aug &
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 223 on 4 Oct (SH,TN), 1 Bicentennial Park 5 Oct (APa), 1 Newington 9 Nov (ARo); 3
Windang 5 Oct (TNo), 2 Berkeley Harbour 25 Sep -6 Nov, I Griffins Bay 17 Nov (MCr);
Uriarra Crossing ACT Jan (MB). More reports than usual.
1 1
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Present Hunter Estuary all year, max 37 on
11 Dec (HBR), 75 Pindimar, Tea Gardens 17 Dec (ASt); 2 Narooma 28 Jan (ENHS).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 55 Richmond Estuary, 25 Clarence, 44 Port Stephens, 6
Tuggerah Lakes, 2 Brisbane Water, 103 Botany Bay (CCBR,HBR,Skewes 2005, Stewart
2005). Winter Wader Count Jul: 2 Narooma (ENHS).
Wandering Tattler H. incanus Delicate Nobby Feb (TM); Harrington Breakwall
1 1 1
Nov (HL); 1 Boat Harbour Kurnell 10 Jan -4 Mar (CG,LB,PSt,SB), 1 South Maroubra 2-
6 Oct (DM), 1 North Head 2 Oct (MR); 1 Whale Pt Currarong 13 Apr (CC). Average
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Small numbers Newcastle’s coastal rock platforms
max 8 on 6 Mar (HBR); 14 Toowoon Bay Reefs 14 Oct (CCBR); 14 Woonona 12 Oct
(NW); Summer Wader Count Feb: 31 Richmond Estuary, 8 Port Stephens, 31 Botany
Bay (HBR,Skewes 2005).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Present Hunter Estuary all year max 16 on 17 Jan, 1
Mudbishops Point 21-29 Dec (HBR), Lemon Tree Passage 16 Mar (RT); 2 Chittaway
Pt 31 Jan, 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 22 May -2 Jun (RQ), 1 Picnic Pt The Entrance 18
Oct & 5 on 15 Dec, 21 Budgewoi Sandmass 5-31 Dec (AM,CCBR); 1 Penrhyn Rd
Botany 25-31 Aug (DH,RG); Shoalhaven Heads 10 Jan -15 Feb (AR,EV,SB); 4 Wallaga
Lake Jan (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 13 Richmond Estuary, 70 Clarence, 5
Farquhar Inlet, 7 Hunter Estuary, 1 Botany Bay, 1 Shoalhaven (HBR,Skewes 2005).
Winter Wader Count: 8 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Red Knot C. canutus Present Hunter Estuary throughout the year, max 560 on 16 Oct
(HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan, Jun, Oct -Dec, max 37 in Dec (CCBR); 14 Windang
5 Oct & 24 at Shoalhaven Heads 10 Oct GB,TNo); Arrival: 8 Stockton Sandspit 8 Sep
(DHa), Penrhyn Rd Botany 12 Sep, Windang 20 Sep (CB); Pesent Tuross, Brou Lake &
Narooma 24 Aug -Dec, max 33 Tuross Estuary Nov (ENHS). Summer Wader Count: 3
Hunter Estuary, 3 Botany Bay (HBR,Skewes 2005). Passage migrant to the south in
spring, numbers much lower than usual.
Sanderling C. alba 46 Richmond Estuary & 1 Clarence 15 Feb (Skewes 2005), 2
Hastings River estuary 4 Nov (TW); 35 Old Bar 17 Dec & 6 Nov -Dec, 2 Stockton Beach
17 Oct (HBR,PH); 2 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 26 Aug & 3 Oct (PCh), 1 Karagi Pt The
Entrance 12 Dec (AM); 3 Bellambi Point 4 Oct (GB), 1 Shoalhaven Heads 17 Oct (NJ),
1Windang 4 Feb, 2 on 30 Oct -22 Dec (CB,GB,MCr), 1 Cudmirrah 21 Dec (MJ); 2 Tuross
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 23Estuary 12 Jan & Wallaga Lake Jan (ENHS). More records than usual along the whole
of the coast.
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Max 579 Tuggerah Lakes Dec (CCBR); 207 Windang 7
Jan (CB), 305 Shoalhaven Heads 10 Jan (CC); Fowlers Gap Research Stn 10 Jul (DPo).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 71 Richmond Estuary, 20 Port Stephens, 93 Hunter, 420
Tuggerah Lakes, 194 Botany Bay, 200 Shoalhaven (CCBR,Skewes 2005,Stuart 2005).
Larger numbers than usual in the Central Coast to Illawarra Region, virtually none inland.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 2 Pelican Is Jerseyville 25-26 Sep (KS).
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata 100+ Broadwater Swamp Tullymorgan 11 Sep
& 83 Trenayr 31 Dec (GC); 1500 Hexham Swamp 23 Oct & 3 Morpeth STW 5 Dec,
large numbers for sites (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -May, Sep- Dec, max 4708 in
Dec, most ever recorded for the Lakes (CCBR); 40 Bushells Lagoon 28 Oct(KB), 100+
Fearnleys Lgn Richmond 7 Nov, 100 Ebenezer 14 Dec (EV,KB), unusual location, 150
Mason Pk Concord 12 Dec (HR); 34 Lake Tooim 1-4 Jan (MHe), 200 Barren Box Swamp
2 Feb (MS), 2 over -wintering Jerilderie 3 Jul (MHe); 3+ W of Tibooburra 28 Sep -7 Oct
(GLC). Departure: Tuggerah Lakes 2 May (CCBR). Arrival: 2 Junee STW 13 Aug
(MC), 1 Mason Pk Concord 14 Aug (MR), 1 Fivebough Swamp 26 Aug (MS), 11 Picnic
Pt 5 Sep (CCBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 28+ Clarence Estuary, 562 Hunter, 30+
Tuggerah Lakes, 261 Parramatta River, 30 Shoalhaven (GC,CCBR,Skewes 2005). Few
in late summer but many in the spring and early summer of 2006.
Curlew Sandpiper C. _ferruginea Max 420 Hunter Estuary 16 Oct (HBR); Present
Tuggerah Lakes Jan -May, Sep -Dec, max 21 in Dec (CCBR). Arrival: 1 Spencerville 11
Aug (RW), Boyters Ln Jerseyville 13 Aug (JD). Summer Wader Count Feb: 39
Richmond Estuary, 350 Hunter, 21 Parramatta River, 9 Botany Bay (Skewes 2005).
Buff -breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis Ash Island Ponds where seen by
many people 13-18 Feb (RW), accepted by BARC as the 7th confirmed Australian and
NSW record (Palliser 2006).
Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Ash Island ponds 1-11 Jan & 2 on 29
Feb (HBR,RB); max 4 Stockton Sandspit Jan -4 Apr, 2 Fullerton Cove Jun -Jul, the
latter records were the first known winter records since 1983 (EV,RQ,HBR); 2 Shoalhaven
Heads 4-6 Jan & on 13 Oct -6 Nov (DMc,SB). The most records since 1985.
Ruff Philomachus pugnax AM Stockton Sandspit 10 Oct & later that day at Ash Island,
Cemetery Swamp, Singleton 31 Dec (GRi,HBR); Moruya Heads north 24 Jan (ENHS).
1 1
Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 24Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 2 Melaleuca Swale, Ash Island Nov -Dec (JMc);
2 Lake Tully, Swan Hill 4 Jan (MHe), 1 Jerilderie 13 Jan & 12 Mar (DWe,KH), 2
accidentally flushed Fivebough Swp Leeton 4 Oct, subsequently chased by Peregrine
Falcon but it evaded capture (MS).
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea 42 records from 21 Clarence, Richmond
& Bellinger-Kalang Valley sites including 8 breeding reports, 11 together at Fairy Hill,
Casino 4 Jul (GC); 1 Frederickton 28-30 Nov (KS); 1 Murrays Run 27 Mar (JC), Ryhope
3 May & Leneghans Flat Swamp Oct -Dec (HBR), all Hunter Region records and the
southernmost reports in 2004.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius 2 Lake Cathie 8 Jan (DW), J Maria R Road,
Crescent Head 20 Mar (CPi), Jerseyville Apr (TM), 2 Comara, Macleay R 18 Nov
1 1
(MHi); 2A+N Lemon Tree Passage 8-22 Sep, 2Y on 3 Dec, nesting Salt Ash Oct, 2
Pindimar all year and 2 HC Warners Bay 13 Nov (HBR); 5-8 resident prs Brisbane
Water nesting 2A+J Kincumber Pony Club 8 Jan -4 Apr , N+2E on 29 Aug -12 Sep (AM),
N+2E St Huberts Is 5 Sep (CPi), nesting Saratoga 2A+J 20 Sep, 2+2Y Woy Woy Tip 12-
26 Sep (AM); inj South Nowra Feb (GDy), 2 HC Berry Mountain 6 Sep (AH); F+N2E
Narooma 25 Nov (ENHS); 26 breeding prs & 8 single birds found in a survey of NE Vic
& Albury-Corowa area in NSW in 2004 (ET,AC); 2 Kelvin SF Mar (TBW); 1 Double
Huts HSD Boorooban Mar (JNe).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus A at Salty Lagoon, Broadwater NP 2 Apr, also
present Red Rock & Bonville (GC), 2 Nambucca Heads 24 Oct (KS), 1 Pelican Is, Pt
Macquarie Jan & Lake Cathie Nov (DW); 2 Old Bar Beach & Mudbishops Pt 16 Mar
& 21 Dec, 1 Harrington 2 Jul (HBR,PB); 1 Towra Beach, Botany Bay 27 Jan -15 Feb
(TN), 1 Boatharbour Kurnell 3 Feb (TN), 1 Bonnie Vale 12 Mar (Birdline), 1 Maianbar
8 & 20 Mar (RV); 1 Shoalhaven Heads 20 Sep (SB). Possibly the same bird was being
seen between Botany Bay & Shoalhaven Heads.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 6 breeding reports in Clarence & Richmond
Estuaries and adjacent areas Jan & Sep -Nov (GC); 112 Port Stephens 8 Feb (Stuart
2005), up to 16 Hunter Estuary all year & 10-13 Farquhar Inlet 6 Feb (HBR), 34 Harrington
11 Apr (HVBW); 10 Brisbane Water 16 Oct (CCBR); 61 Botany Bay 15 Feb & 60 on 15
Jul (Skewes 2005); Present South Coast all year max 41 Brou Lake 3 Feb, 22 Wallaga
Lake 31 Mar & 18 Tuross Estuary 2 Nov (ENHS). Breeding: 2A+J Lake Cakora Brooms
Head 16 Jan (GC); 2 prs nested Stockton Beach 16-17 Oct, and 3 pairs nested the
Kooragang Dykes Feb -Apr & Sep (HBR).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fidiginosus 2A+J Corindi R Estuary 20 Feb (GC); 21 Newcastle
Baths 10 Feb & 3 Apr (HBR), 18 Port Stephens 8 Feb (Stuart 2005); 9 Toowoon Bay
Reefs 17 Feb (CCBR); 9 Long Reef 3 Jan (TW), 13 Boat Harbour Kurnell 4 Mar (PSt);
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 25Max 10 Black Head, Gerroa 1 Feb, 11 Crookhaven Heads 28 Mar (SEm) & 7 Bass Point
26 Dec (IBOC). Breeding: 3 pr nesting Big Is, Five Islands NR 17 Oct (LS).
South Island Pied Oystercatcher H. finschi 1 Stockton Sandspit 3 Feb (PH), but no
submission to BARC.
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Max 93 Little Broadwater Swp Lawrence
5 May (GC), Max 700 Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore River 3 Jun -24 Nov (KS); Max 743
Woodberry 6 Nov & 546 Hunter Estuary 11 Dec (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all
year max 106 in Nov (CCBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 34 Tweed Estuary, 11
Richmond, 92 Hunter, 144 Parramatta River, 4 Botany Bay (Skewes 2005). Winter Wader
Count Jul: 8 Tweed Estuary, 44 Richmond, 294 Hunter, 68 Parramatta River, 12 Botany
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus Stockton Sandspit 14 Nov -Dec (PH).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 24 Tweed Heads 9 Nov (MA);
Peak count for Hunter Estuary was 4503 on 18 Sep, 30 Morpeth STW 5 Dec & 3 on 24
Dec, 3 Woodberry 23 Oct (HBR); 2 Bicentennial Pk Concord 15-19 Feb, 8 on 28 Sep -23
Oct (APa,TW); I Junee STW 11 Sep (MC), a rare visitor to Junee LGA; 8 Lake Tooim
10 Jan (MHe), 60 Fivebough Swamp Leeton 11 Sep (AM); 1 Adelaide Gate 30 Sep
(GLC). Winter Wader Count Jul: 853 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 142 Lake Cakora, Brooms Head 16 Jan & 25
Ellis Swp Tucabia 19 Nov (GC); Max 206 Hunter Estuary (Kooragang Dykes) 18 Nov
& 113 Farquhar Inlet 17 Dec (HBR); 14 Bushells Lagoon 25 Nov (KB); 192 Comerong
Is 4 Jan (CC); Tuross Estuary 9 Nov, Cullendulla 22 Nov & Brou Lake 28 Nov
1 1
(ENHS) uncommon on South Coast; Fivebough Swamp 17 Oct (KH). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 57 Richmond Estuary, 86 Clarence, 30 Macleay 21 Feb (KS), 20 Farquhar
Inlet, 3 Hunter, 44 Tuggerah Lakes, 4 Parramatta River, 31 Botany Bay, 180 Shoalhaven
(CCBR HBOC,KS,Skewes 2005).
Grey Plover P squatarola 3 Kooragang Dykes 15-16 Nov & 1 Stockton Sandspit Nov –
Dec (HBR,MT); North Entrance 20 Nov (RQ); Long Reef 28 Nov (KB), Boat
1 1 1
Harbour, Kurnell 11 Dec (BR); 1 Windang 16-27 Oct (JR,TN); 2 Tuross Heads 12 Jan, 1
on Sep, Brou Lake 28 Nov (ENHS). Average year.
1 1
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 75 Pelican Is, Pt Macquarie Apr (DW), 8
nests produced 3+ fledglings Cakora Lgn Brooms Head 13-29 Dec (GC); Max 64 Fullarton
Cove 29 Jun & 18 Farquhar Inlet 17 Dec (HBR); 50+ Windang 27 Oct (TN); Present
South Coast all year max 100 Wallaga Lake Jan, 100 Brou Lake 16 Oct & 97 Tuross
Estuary 14 Dec (ENHS). Summer Wader Count 15 Feb: 4 Richmond Estuary, 7
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 26Clarence, 6 Farquhar Inlet, 4 Hunter, 9 Botany Bay, 41 Windang (CB), 40 Shoalhaven, 9
Tuross (ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2005). Winter Wader Count: 5 Richmond Estuary, 41
Hunter, 8 Parramatta River, 14 Botany Bay, 211 Shoalhaven (CCBR,Skewes 2005).
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 9 Bonville Estuary 16 Jun (GC); Max
180 Fullarton Cove 2-5 Jun the largest known count for the Hunter Estuary since the
1970s, 28 Worimi NR 8 May & 12 Wallis Lake 14 Apr (HBR); 2 Bushells Lagoon 14
Apr (KB), 18 Boatharbour Kurnell 3 Apr (EV), 43 Penrhyn Rd Botany 25 Apr (SP); 48
Windang 8 Aug (CC), 34 Tuross Estuary 16 Apr (ENHS), 59 Shoalhaven Heads 19 Jun
(PSt); 1 Junee STW 11 Sep (MC), I” record for Shire. Arrival: 1 Windang 1 Feb (EV),
Ash Is 14 Feb (EV), 2 Comerong Is 15 Feb (AR), 6 Tuross Estuary 16 Mar (ENHS).
Departure: 5 Pelican Pt 25 Aug (CCBR), 2 Mogareeka 11 Sep (JGr), 1 Wallaga Lake 19
Sep (ENHS), 1 Windang 4 Oct (TNo), 1 Boat Harbour, Kurnell 11 Dec (BR). Winter
Wader Count Jul: 43 Richmond Estuary, 38 Ryans Cut, Crescent Head, 100 Fullarton
Cove, 58 Botany Bay including 52 Penrhyn Rd Botany, 19 Shoalhaven
(HBR,KS,SPi,Skewes 2005,TM).
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus Lake Cakora Brooms Head 16 Jan, 2 Station Ck
BeachYuraygir NP 20 Feb (GC), 5 Richmond Estuary 15 Feb (Skewes 2005), 12 East
Swan Pool, Kinchela 21 Nov (TM); 5 Port Stephens 8 Feb (Stuart 2005), 1 Stockton
Sandspit 7 Mar (AM); 2 Boat Harbour, Kurnell 10 Jan -3 Apr & 15 Oct, 11 Dec
(BR,KG,SB); 5 Shoalhaven Heads 4-18 Jan , 3 on 28 Nov (DMc,KG,KM), 1 Windang
1-5 Feb (CC,EV); 1 Tilba Lake 30 Mar, 1 Tuross 4 May & 1 Brou Lake 28 Nov (ENHS).
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 40 Richmond Estuary 15 Feb (Skewes 2005), 1
Old Bar 6 Nov (PH); 1 Boat Harbour, Kurnell 10 Jan (SB); 1 Shoalhaven Heads 4 Jan
(KG); Bengello Beach 26 Jan (ENHS).
Oriental Plover C. veredus Comerong Island 18-23 Jan (CDy), referred to NSWORAC
and accepted as the 26th NSW record, being consistent with known occurrences Oct –
Inland Dotterel C. australis 2 Tibooburra airfield 18 Sep (AR), 1 Willandra NP 8 Sep
(JHo), seen same place and date, 12 months before.
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops Winter Wader count: 48 Hunter Estuary,
58 Parramatta River Wetlands 15 Jul (HBR,Skewes 2005).
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis 5 Berrara Beach 25 Jan, 28 Nov & 2A+N on 10
Dec (KM,MJ), 1 Lake Conjola 12 Mar (MJ), 2 Cudmirrah 10 Oct (KM), 1 Shoalhaven
Heads 13 Nov (DMc), 2 Bendalong 8 Dec (SE), 2A+J Bherwerre Bch Jervis Bay 11 Dec
(ASm); Arragannu Apr & 2 Middle Lagoon, Mimosa Rocks NP 3 Aug (DA,TH), on
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 27the South Coast 25 prs raised 14 fledglings from 73 eggs & 36 chicks (Keating & Jarman
2005), which is similar to last year.
Red -kneed Dotterel Ervthrogonys cinctus Reported from 6 Clarence Valley sites May –
Dec including 3A+J Washpen, Swan Creek 6 Aug & A+J Powers Swp Coutts Crossing
12 Nov (GC); 10 Ellalong Lagoon 20 Nov, smaller numbers elsewhere in the Hunter all
year (HBR); 1 Tuggerah STW 22 Apr (TWa); 6 Tallawarra Ash Ponds 28 Aug (DG).
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 6 Woodberry 6 Nov & 3 Bolwarra 20 Nov (HBR);
1 Everglades GC Woy Woy 2 Apr (JMI), 1 Pioneer Dairy Tuggerah 17 Oct (CCBR);
2A+5Y Adams Reserve, Manilla 9 Oct (RWt); 18 Beckom 11 Jan (KH); 3 prs + 2 prs
+4Y Pleasant Hills HSD Jindera 27 Sep (NLu); 2 nesting Gulargambone, and seen near
Quambone 27 Oct (DG); 6 nr Lake Cargelligo 24 May (GT) & 2 on 20 Oct (GBr);
Nesting Mt Wood & Adelaide Gate Track, in & near Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC); 2
Yathong NR 8 Apr (NL), 2 Willandra NP 14 Apr & 17 Nov (AB,NL), .5 NE Ivanhoe 30
Aug (JM1), 4 Mungo NP 16 Nov, Mossgiel 17 Nov (AB).
Masked Lapwing V miles Max 110 Seales Rd Swamp, Belmore River 15 Jul & 217 on
22 Aug (KS); 200 Fearnleys Lagoon Richmond 27 Jun & 285 Lowlands, Richmond 6
Jun (EV). Some large concentrations.
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella 2 40 km E of Warren 8 Mar (RWa); 2 Lake
Cargelligo STW 20 Oct -17 Nov (AB,GBr), Moulamein 19 Oct (DPa); 10+Js Adelaide
Gate Track, near Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC), Gambolalley HSD Louth 12 Oct & 2
Tambua HSD Cobar 16-17 Oct (LSm); 15 Willandra NP 17 Nov (AB).
Great Skua Catharacta skua Max 3 South West Rocks May -Sep, including one on 31
Jul, which took food from a Yellow -nosed Albatross (LMc); 1 Soldiers Pt 15 Aug (CCBR);
1 Long Reef 19 Jun (JRe), 3 Magic Pt Maroubra 18 & 24 Jul & 1 on 18 Oct
(CBOC,JSb,RG); 2 Bellambi Pt 19 Aug (MRo), 1 Wollongong pelagic 20 Aug (PM); 10
Eden pelagic 30 May, 2 on 29 Aug (BJ), 1 Montagu Is. 3 Aug (ENHS).
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus Max 2 off South West Rocks Feb -Mar, Aug –
Nov (KS), 1 Crescent Head 20 Dec (TM); 8-10 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic Jan -Feb
(HBR); 35 Maroubra 7 Mar & (EV,RG); 5 Wollongong pelagic Feb, 29 on 27 Nov, 45 on
18 Dec (LS,PM); 2 Eden pelagic 30 Oct (ENHS). Departure: 48 Maroubra on 13 Mar
(RG). Arrival: North Head 2 Oct (MR).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 2 Soldiers Pt 14 Mar (CCBR); 7 Wollongong pelagic Feb
(LS);4 Jervis Bay 6-7 Mar (ASm). Arrival: 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 25 Sep (RG), 3 North
Head 2 Oct (MR).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 28Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 8 Jan (HBR); 1
Soldiers Pt Norah Head 14 Mar (RQ); Max 5 North Head 9-14 Jan & 20 on 26 Feb
(MR), 7 Mabroubra 26 Feb, 1 on 7-10 Mar, 18 Ma, 21 Oct & 3 on 20 Dec (RG); 1
Wollongong pelagic 18 Dec (PM).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Im North Head 20 Jul (IC), Im Boat Harbour Kurnell 2
Aug & 15 Oct (KG); 1 Ulladulla 1 May (EV), 1 Woonona 11 Oct (NW); 32 flying north
at Green Cape 14 Jun (DR), max 9 Batemans Bay 7-9 Aug (DWe), 1 Surf Bch 12 Aug,
Barlings Beach 14 Aug (ENHS), 2 Eden Harbour 29 Aug, 6 Im 18-20 Sep (ARo), 2A
Womboyn 17 Oct, 8 Eden pelagic 31 Oct (BJ). Becoming more regular in NSW.
Kelp Gull L. domincanus ABC Wollongong 16 Dec, banded Bass Is, Five Islands 9/1/
1988 (LS), 11 Wollongong pelagic 23 Oct (PM). Breeding: 20 prs+nests Ferritts Wharf
Empire Bay 20 Nov (CCBR), 15′ nesting reported for CC 1995-2004.
Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae Breeding: 40,000 prs nesting Big Is. Five Islands NR
17 Oct (LS), 200 prs Bournda Island 16 Oct (DL).
Gull- billed Tern Sterna nilotica Present Stockton Sandspit all year, max 73 on 24 Sep
& 18 Stockton Beach 17 Oct (HBR); Max 5 Shoalhaven Heads 25 Sep -17 Oct (NJ,SB).
Caspian Tern S. caspia Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 69 in Feb, including 54
The Entrance Channel 3 Feb (CCBR) & 1 The Entrance Channel on 28 Nov, was colour
banded, banded Clonmel Is Corner Inlet Vic Dec 1999 (AM); Long Reef 2 Jun (ARo),
unusual location; 55 Windang 21 Jul (MCk); 2+N Wallagoot Lake 2 Jan (DMc), 26
Tuross Estuary 24 Aug (ENHS).
Crested Tern S. bergii 300 prs nesting Big Is , Five Islands NR 17 Oct (LS); 200+ prs
nesting Bornda Island 16 Oct (DL).
White -fronted Tern S. striata 15 Newcastle Ocean baths 25 Jul (YP); Present Soldiers
Pt & Norah Hd 27 May -19 Sep, max 60 on 29 Aug (CCBR); 8 Magic Pt Maroubra 18
Jul (EV); 2 Wollongong pelagic 26 Jun & 15 on 20 Aug (PM); 4 Congo 27 Aug, 9 Eden
pelagic 29 Aug (ENHS). Arrival: I Soldiers Pt Norah Head 27 May (RQ), 1 Maroubra
14 Jun (RG). Departure: 10 Soldiers Pt, Norah Head 19 Sep (RQ); 2 Wollongong
pelagic 23 Oct (PM).
Common Tern S. hirundo 250 Bombing Range Beach & 500+ Jerusalem Ck, both
Bunjalung NP 2 Nov (GC); 200+ Nobbys Breakwater/Stockton Beach Jan -Feb, 300+
Farquhar Inlet 6 Feb (HBR); 130 Penryhn Rd Botany18 Jan (DH); 40 Shoalhaven Heads
4 Jan (DMc), 20 Black Hd Gerroa 24 Oct (BA); 20 Montagu Is 26 Oct (ENHS).
Departure: 20+ Stockton 4 Apr (HBR), Arrival: Soldiers Pt Norah Head 19 Sep
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 29(RQ), 10 Wollongong pelagic 23 Oct (PM). Average year, but large numbers for the
North Coast.
Arctic Tern S. paradisaea 1Flat Is, Catherine Hill Bay 13 Oct (CCBR); Mistral Pt
Maroubra 20 Jul (DM).
Little Tern S. albifrons Max 400+ Farquhar Inlet 6 Feb (HBR). Departure: 22 Urunga
Estuary 7 Apr (CC). Arrival: 6 Berkeley 10 Sep (AL). Breeding: 2A+2Y Lake Cakora,
Brooms Head 16 Jan & again Dec (GC), Bongil Bch Sawtell, Harrington, 25 prs nested
Karagi Pt The Entrance Nov -Dec but foxes took all eggs and young, Towra Point NR
(124 nests, 284 eggs, 114 chicks banded, 60 chicks fledged), Windang & Lake
Wollumboola, nested South Tuross, Brou Lake & Wallaga Lake Sep -Nov but nests failed,
relocated to Murrah River, 90A,130 eggs, 60 chicks by late Dec & subsequently 45
fledglings & 14 from a late re -nesting at Wallaga Lake (Keating & Jarman 2005). Overall
221 young fledged.
Fairy Tern S. nereis 1 Windang 8 Feb (DMc); 20 Wallagoot Lake, 4+N Mogareka Inlet
Tathra 10-31 Jan (DMc).
Sooty Tern S..fuscata 1 inland at Nimbin 5 Mar (CGo), 1 Crescent Head 6 Mar (TM),
1 off South West Rocks 10 Mar & 12 Jun (LMc); 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 10 Jan
& Feb (RB); Sydney pelagic 14 Feb (SAs); Jervis Bay May (NJ), Wollongong
1 1 1 1 1
pelagic 23 Oct & 18 Dec (PM).
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus Present at 13 Clarence & Richmond River
wetlands Oct -Nov in small numbers incl. 415 at Little Broadwater, Lawrence 13 Jan
(GC); Many present Hexham Swamp Oct -Nov, max 200 on 23 Oct (HBR); Small numbers
Central Coast 29 Sep -Dec, max 24 Chittaway Bay 10 Oct, 6 Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 29
Sep & 12 Nov (CCBR); Centennial Park 18 Jan (DH); 10 Wallagoot Lake 22 Nov
(DL); 21 Grabine 7 Nov (TS), unusual location; Present Fivebough Swamp 4 Sep -31
Dec, max 400 on 16 Oct (KH).
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus Present Stockton Beach -Newcastle Harbour
Jan -4 Apr, max 16 Stockton 24 Jan (HBR); 1 North Head 12 Jan (MR); 1 Shoalhaven
Heads 9 Jan (GB); 3 Fivebough Swamp 27 Oct (DRe). Fewer reports than usual.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus 1 Yamba 7 Mar (Awa), 1 Back Bch Crescent Head 21
Mar (TM); Maroubra 20 Mar (GT). 48 -50th records.
Black Noddy A. minutus 1 Swansea pelagic 10 Jan (ARo); 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 11
Mar (RG); 1 Black Hd, Gerroa 30 Jan (NW), 8th Illawarra Regional record. 38-40 records
for the State.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 30Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 5 Sydney pelagic 14 Feb (SAs), 1 Maroubra 13 Mar
(SB), 1 North Head 29 Dec (MR); 3 Wollongong pelagic 28 Feb (LS), 1 Martin Is Five
Islands NR 9 Mar (MHn). 40-44’h records.
White Tern Gygis alba 6 off South West Rocks 26-27 Mar (LMc); Soldiers Pt,
Norah Head 13 Mar (RQ), 4th Central Coast record (CCBR); 1 Maroubra 13 Mar (EV).
40 -44th records.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela Glebe 30 Jan (AR); 2 Jamberoo Golf
Course 3 Mar (KM); Single bird at 4 adjoining Canberra ACT suburbs 8 Aug -5 Dec
(CBN 29,124).
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 40 coming to garden feeder Mardi 2
Nov (CCBR); 2A+N Lady Carrington Dve Royal NP 26 Jan -23 Feb (HR); 2 Lochiel 10
Apr & 3 Kalaru 1-22 Oct (FSCB), southernmost records.
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 2 Hogarth Range NR 8-10 Apr (DMt), 4 Willi
Willi 14 May & 11 Dec, HC Peedee Reserve 12 Dec (MHz), 1 Toorooka 18 Nov (KS); 1-
2 Allyn River 28 Jan, Brunkerville 22 Feb, Appletree Flat 23-26 Apr, Salt Ash 8 Jun -3
Jul (HBR), 2 Copeland NR 3 Jul & 1 on 10 Sep (PB); 1 Yarramalong Jan (CCBR); 1
Royal NP 16 Oct (EV); 1 Bellawongarah 15 Feb (BA), 1 Berry Mountain 20 Feb (NJ).
Common Bronzewing P chalcoptera 11 at a feeder Lower Kangaroo Creek 28 Oct
(GC); 1 Poulton Pk Hurstville Grove 26 Jan (JF), 1 Prospect Reservoir 29 Feb , 1-5
Mitchell Pk Cattai 27 Jun & 18-19 Dec (EV,SB), St Ives 24 Jul (GS), West Head,
1 1
KCNP 15 Nov (TW); 1 Jamberoo Mountain 29 Feb (RJo), 1 Albion Park 1 Nov (CB).
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans HC Crowdy Bay NP 21 Dec (HBR); Wyrrabalong
NP South 6 Sep & 3 Munmorah SCA 6 Nov (CCBR); Mona Vale 25 Jun (RPa), 1
Mitchell Pk Cattai 19 Dec (SB); Bawley Point 26 Sep (ARo); 2 Wonboyn 12 Oct (BJ);
1 Hazelbrook 14 Jan (JD); 1 Little River 15 Jan (CC), 1 Stockyard Swamp 27 Jan (CC);
2 Probets Place, Glen Davis 22-23 Aug & 20 Sep (CPr).
Flock Bronzewing P. histrionica 2 11 km S of Adelaide Gate, near Sturt NP 3-6 Oct, 1
near Mt Wood, Sturt NP 7 Oct (EW,GC). Only reports, but within usual range.
Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 2 Capertee Valley 24 Sep (DG); Binya 30 Oct
(KH); Small numbers Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 31Peaceful Dove G. striata 30 Clearfield 28 Nov, present Coutts Crossing 18 Jan -10 Sep
(GC); 20 Luddenham 13 May (JMi), 5A+J Prospect Reservoir 15 May (EV), 2 Scheyville
28 Aug (JR).
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 3 Waratah Pk Duffys Forest 5 Mar & 6 Jul (AB,KPr),
1 Penrith Lakes 9 Mar (JMi), 20 Sackville 14 May (KB), 9 Prospect Reservoir 15 May –
31 Jul, 2 Cape Solander 15 May (EV,WS), 2 North Richmond 5 Jul (GO), 1 Kurnell 19
Aug (MHm); Curramore 6 Jan & 25 May (KM), Comerong Is 25 Feb (MMo), 4
1 1
Minnamurra Spit 26 Apr & 25 Aug (MRo), 3 Albion Park West 28 May (IBOC), 4
Windang 11 Jul (DWi), 2 East Corrimal 2 Nov & 1 Bomaderry Creek 18 Nov (BA,DWi).
These records demonstrate a continued expansion of range in the Illawarra Region;
Observed Binya SF 26 Jan, 20 Sep & 31 Oct (KH), south-western edge of range.
Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus 9 Nightcap NP 10 Nov (MR); flew into
vehicle Killarney Vale 23 Mar (DJ); Im Pitt St Sydney 31 May (per DJ), F Sheldon
Forest, Turramurra 26 Jun -9 Jul (KL); Mimosa Rocks NP 23 Jan (LC) & Manna
1 1
Park, Pambula 25 Jul (SR), much further south than usual.
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina J Iluka NR 7 Jan & 2 HC 14 Sep (GC);
Coramba NR 15 Feb (JS), Kempsey 14 Nov (KS), Sea -acres NR Pt Macquarie 24
1 1
Nov & HC 28 Dec (EV,HL), Willi Willi 27 Dec (MHz); 4+ Harrington rainforest 5
Nov -21 Dec (HBR,PH); Mt Keira Rainforest 4 Nov (IBOC).
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus Many records for the Richmond, Clarence
& Dorrigo areas (GC) & Upper Macleay (MHz), 4 Yarrahappini 6 Aug (TM), in
Kempsey 11 Nov (KS); 1 Allyn River 28 Jan (HBR), 2 Copeland NR Barrington 10 Sep
(PB), Harrington rainforest 2 Nov (RLa).
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Reported from the Clarence Valley in good
numbers Apr -Jun, Aug- Oct max 350+ Kungala 26 Apr (GC); Reported from the Hunter
Region Jan, May, Aug & October at 7 locations max 300 Ravensdale I May (HBR,PS);
Max 250 Ourimbah 15 Apr -30 May, feeding on Camphor Laurel fruit (CCBR); 25 Lady
Carrington Drive RNP 17 Nov (BWi); 25+ West Cambewarra 22 Feb (CC), 50 Mt Keira
10 May (IBOC), 50+ Kellys Falls Helensburgh 17 Oct (CC), 29 Stanwell Park 3 Nov
((IBOC), pr nesting in a Kiama street tree 12 Dec (KM); Im Eden May (RA), max 30
Millingandi 29 Oct -7 Nov (ER) & 5+ Bermagui SF (DA).
Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor at garden feeder Millingandi Apr (BMa),
1 1
referred to NSWORAC and accepted, representing a remarkable southern extension of
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 32Red-tailed Black -Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii 4 10 km W of Gunbar 20 Dec
(RP), well outside normal range; 50 Trilby HSD Louth 18 May (PSe), 50+ North Bourke
29 Jul (ARo), 15 west of Bourke 15 Sep (AR), 4 km E of Wilcannia(LSm) & 30 Bourke
3 Oct (KL,LSm), 200 30 km E of Brewarrina 8 Oct (EW), 15 Mt Wood HSD Sturt NP 3
Oct (GLC), very unusual location.
Yellow- tailed Black -Cockatoo C. funereus 135 Mt White 7 May (CCBR); 70 Duffys
Forest 28 Apr (KP), 178 Waverley 31 May (FH), 100+ S of Wattamolla Royal NP 27 Jun
(HR) & 300 on 7 Aug (JR); 60+ 3km W Uralla 20 Sep (RWa); 15 Orange Jul -Sep (CK),
unusual location, 100+ Kings Tableland 24 Aug (CPr), a large number; 6 Moombi Ranges
24 Apr (JMy), well west of usual range; 4 Kyella HSD Gunbar 20 Dec (RMp), well out
of range of any known population.
Glossy Black -Cockatoo C. lathami 3 Mummel Ck NP Nowendoc 1 Jan (PB), reported
from 6 Clarence Valley locations on 7 occasions throughout the year including 2A+J
Myrtle SF 26 Nov (GC); 3 Hogarth Range NR 8-10 Apr (DMt), reported from 7 Upper
Macleay Valley sites including 4A+J Temagog 15 Oct (MHz), Max 6 South-west Rocks
Feb -Dec, 3 Arakoon Sep -16 Dec (KS), 2 Beranghi 15 May, 2 Crescent Head 30 May -3
Jun (TM); Reported from Hunter Region all year, incl. 2A+J Cooranbong 4 May &
Wyee 22 Nov (HBR); Reported from 11 locations with 4 breeding reports on the Central
Coast, max 8 Hillview HSD Yarramalong 6 Jun (CCBR); Reported from 11 Sydney
Region sites all year, max 4 West Head, Ku-ring-gai Chase NP 16 May & 28 Nov (TQ);
Reported from 12 Illawarra sites all year, max 4 Wollondilly Catchment 14 Jul (IBOC);
50 records at 22 South Coast sites including feeding dependent young Broulee Jan -Feb,
Jun -Oct & Pambula 17 Dec (ENHS,FSCB) & reported from 8 sites in Yambulla SF,
most ever records reported; 2 Wild Dog Mtn 13 Mar (CPr), 11 Lees Pinch, Goulburn R
NP 11 Apr & 5 on 30 Oct (GBr,TQ), 2 Rockview HSD Glen Davis 8 May (CG), 6 Glen
Davis 13 Jun (ML), 2 Kings Tableland 24 Aug, 6 Katoomba-Leura 5 Nov (CPr); 2 Mt
Majura ACT 8 Mar (SH); 2 Rocky Rd Baradine 6 Sep (GRe); 7 Goonoo SF 28 Sep
Mha); 2 Yarrabimbi HSD Brobenah Hills 11 Feb (ATh), 2 Wattle Drive, Binya SF 7 Feb
(JSl), 7 Bogolong Hills, Narrandera 10 Mar (DSm), 2 McPherson Range 21 Mar (LHa),
22 Leeton-Narrandera annual count 11 Sep (RWh), 13 Brobenah 16 Nov (KH). A return
to greater numbers in the Leeton-Narrandera area.
Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum Reported from 8 Hunter sites
throughout the year, max 30 Watagan Ranges 13-14 Jan, and 2A+J at Laguna Apr (HBR),
25 Olney SF 5-7 May (AF); Reported from 15 Central Coast sites Jan -Sep, max 8
Mangrove Mtn 26 Jan (CCBR); 5 McKell Ave Royal NP 6 Feb (KG), 12 Yarramundi 19
Jul (MK); 10 in sand dunes Moruya 23 Jan (GBa); 16 Glen Davis 11 Apr (CPr).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita 300+ Appletree Flat 23-26 Apr (HBR), a
large number for site.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 33Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 5Y in nest tree Cabbage Gum Eucalyptus
amplifolia Levenstrath 3 Jan (WT) & nesting same place 6 Aug -12 Nov (GC); 100+ Port
Stephens 14 Mar (RT); 6 Concord 8 May (DCa); Small numbers throughout the Illawarra
Region all year, max 50 Mt Warrigal 26 Sep (DG) & 20+ Bomaderry 5 Nov (DG); Max
125 Leeton 28 Nov -28 Dec (KH).
Little Corella C. sanguinea 46 Jerseyville 25 Jul (KS), a large number for a coastal
Western Corella C. pastinator with Little & Long -billed Corellas at Newry Is Urunga
10 Jun, however too early to say if this species could become established in coastal
NSW too.
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 3 Rankin Springs 4 Aug (BP); 1 Willowgrove
HSD Wanganella 11 Mar & 2 The Ranch HSD Boorooban, 1 Glenmire & Spring Plains
HSDs Wanganella 12 Oct (GN), nesting just south of Wanganella 19 Oct (DPa); 6, 30
km E of Balranald 9 Jun (JB), all unusual locations.
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus 3+ Calala, Tamworth 26 Nov (BMe); 2
Griffith 17 Apr (KH).
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet T chlorolepidotus 2 Bingara 6-8 Oct (RW), western edge of
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 2 Toorimba HS 7 Jan (JS), 80 Coutts Crossing
14 Jan and reported there and elsewhere in the Clarence Region Feb -Apr, Aug -Sep (GC);
Nested Blackalls Park 3 Aug -5 Oct, Nov -Dec, confirmed breeding in Hunter Region
for many years (HBR); Resident inn the Bateau Bay-McMasters Bch area of the Central
Coast (CCBR); Reported from 5 Illawarra locations 19-30 May, max 40+ Wollongong
Bot. Gardens 30 May (CC); 4 Chitty HSD Siding Springs 20 Feb (HS); 2 The Ranch
HSD Wanganella mid Nov (GN), well west of normal range.
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla Small numbers in the Clarence Valley Jan -Jun, Nov -Dec
Purple -crowned Lorikeet G. porphyrocephala 12 Thurgoona 3 Jul & 8 on10 Nov
(GDa,GS1), 13 -14th records for NSW, and well east of usual range.
Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus Tocumwal Golf Course 29 Nov (JMI), well east
of normal range, an escapee?
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 34Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 70+ 5 km E of Manildra 16 Apr (ARo), 3 Spring
Forest HSD Koorawatha 12 Jun & 31 Jul (JHI,TQ), 1 Woodstock 5 Jul (TS), 400-500
Warrapendi HSD Cowra Aug (NP), 20 E of Cowra 18 Oct (GBr), 3 8 km W of Cowra 15
Nov (JB); 40+1J Mt Rodgers, Canberra ACT 11 Jan (JPe), 2 Rye Park 28 Aug, 10 on 2
Oct & 15 on 9 Dec, 30+ Booroowa 3 Oct, 2 Frogmore 3 Sep (TS), 100 Sunnyridge HSD
Boorowa 26 Dec (HPu); 6 Old Junee 18 Feb (BM), 8 14 km W of Wyalong 18 Apr (JB),
6 Wallacetown 26 Sep (JPt); 4 Terridgerie 19 Mar & 10 on 19 Apr (DJo,JH); 2 Gap Rd
Narrandera 5 Feb (JSt), 6 Whitton Common 7 Feb (DGr), 12 Basset Rd Narranderra 29
Feb (DGr), 40 16 km S Darlington Point 9 Jun (JB), 13 Tuckerbil 14 Jul, 14 Fivebough
Swamp 1 Aug, 7 Leeton 27 Aug, 10 Cudgel 17 Oct (KH). Becoming a regular breeding
resident in northern ACT & the flock at Cowra is the largest concentration reported for
some years.
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 2 Crescent Head 12 Jun (TM); 8 Belmont Swamp 12
Apr, 3 Quorobolong, 1 Goodwin Pk Morisset & 9 Woods Point 23 May, 14 Blackalls
Park Res 20 Aug (ARi,HBR,MP); 2 Dooralong 4 Apr, 12 Kariong 13-16 May (MSe),
60+ Bateau Bay East 14 May -10 Aug (AM), 2 Everglades GC Woy Woy 14 Jun (FG), 4
Wyongah & 2 Tuggerawong 12-14 Jul, 2 North Bateau Bay Aug (AM), 120 Macumba
Res Buff Pt 2 Aug -18 Sep (DSa), 12 Middle Ridge Rd Ourimbah SF & 10 First Ave
Toukley 2 Aug, 8 McKenzie Pk Budgewoi 3 Aug, 10 Budgewoi Shopping Centre 24
Aug & Gorokan 7 Sep (CCBR); max 4 Prospect Reservoir 16-30 May (GT), Prestons
1 1
18 May (PBu), 1 North Richmond 5 Jul (GO), 1 inj. Valley Heights 7 Sep (JD); 13
Cudmirrah 25 Apr (KM), 30 Warrawong 6 May (CC), 5+ Mt Annan Bot. Gardens 8 May
(DPo); 8 Kiah 27 Apr (JMo), 9 Tura 6 May (Jbi), 2 Rocky Hall, Merimbula 10 May
(JN), 1 Eden 18 Sep (FSCB); 5 Min Min HSD Rylstone 15 Jun (TH), 2 Glen Alice 16
Jun (DSa), 3 Goonbang, Cudal 6 Aug (RSt); 1 MtAinslie ACT 15 Jan (COG), 15 Campbell
Park ACT 19 Sep (AO), 1 Higgins ACT 29 Sep (COG); 3 Walbunderie 15 May (DPa), 8
Mates Gully, Tarcutta, 65 Ingalba NR, 40 Combanning SF, 16 Jindalee SF 20-31 May
(DS), 9 near Hume Weir 20 May (ID), 5 12 km N Cootamundra 28 May (CA), 10
Thurgoona 3 Jul -30 Aug (GSI,MHe), 3 Posts TSR Tarcutta 1 Aug (DMd), 12 Blue Metal
TSR Albury 31 Aug (DWa). A good year for NSW.
Eastern Rosella Platycercus eximius 60+ in flock Levenstrath 5 Feb (WT).
Pale -headed Rosella P adscitus Yarramin, Wee Waa 18 Feb (TSm), 4 Moree 26-27
Sep (GC); Bourke 3 Oct (KL). Average year.
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus Pr South Kempsey 18 Jul (MHz), unusual
location; AM Kincumber Pony Club 14-17 Sep (CCBR); 30 Wilson Pk Silverwater 22
Jul (JHr), large number for site; 2 Wollongong GC & Barrack Point 25 Feb (IBOC), 2
West Dapto 9 Aug (CC). These records indicate how populations are rising in coastal
urban areas.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 35Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 30 Glen Davis 16 May, 10-25 Sep (CPr,JR,DPo),
6 Goolomboin HSD 14 Jun (ML); 5 10 km N of Rye Park 18 Jan (TS); 20+ Budelah NR
Boomi 9-12 Apr (TBW); 20+ Gulargambone 27 Oct (DG); 23 Lake Tooim 1-4 Jan (MHe),
4 Tuckerbil 6 Mar (KH), 100+ Woolshed Flat, Cocoparra NP 25-29 Oct (DRe); Small
flocks seen daily Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 3 Camerons Corner, Sturt NP Jun (CCn), 1-4
reported from Milparinka, Adelaide Gate, Olive Downs HSD & Gorge Loop Track, Sturt
NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC). Average year.
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma Im Pilliga NR Dec (CT); 2 Binya SF 7
Feb (JSi), 2 Benerembah 25 Mar (JB), 40+ Darcoola NR Hay 20 Jul -10 Aug (DE), 15
Wanganella 11 Aug (BP), 2 Deniliquin mid Oct (per DPa), 2 Fivebough Swp Leeton 5
Oct (JB), Nericon Swp Griffith 3 Oct (RWe), 4 Fivebough Swamp Leeton 7 Oct (MS),
2 Oolambeyan NR 27 Nov (DPa), late date; 15 Adelaide Gate Track 30 Sep (GLC); 2
Yathong NR 8-12 Apr (SL). More records than usual, the bird in the Pilliga is well east
of normal range.
Elegent Parrot Neophema elegaens Fowlers Gap Research Station, N of Broken Hill
14 Jul (DPo). Referred to NSWORAC and accepted as the confirmed record for NSW.
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 3 Richmondvale 13 Jun, 1 Appletree Flat 23-26 Apr
(HBR), 2 Beresfield 30 Sep (CD); 2 Nowra Showground 17 Oct (MMe), 9 Stockyard Ck
Avon R 6 Nov (CC); 1 Hazelbrook 14 Jan (JD), 12 Newmans Tk Glen Davis 2 Mar, AM
on May, 2 on 30 Oct (CPr,FC), 3 Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis 24 Feb (CPr), 8 Rockview
HSD Glen Davis 8 May (CG); 2 White Box Camp, Goulburn RNP 11-14 Jun (HBR), 30
Spring Forest HSD Koorawatha 11-13 Jun (TQ), 5 Coco Ck, Glen Davis 21-22 Aug &
max 8 10-25 Sep (DPo,MMo,NK), 5 at Probets Dam 6 Dec (JCe); 10 Moore Ck Caves 7
Feb (MPt), 4 Callemindah HSD Tamworth 10 Feb, 6 on 30 Mar & 4 in Jul (JMy), 6
Kelvin SF Aug & 28 Oct (JPt,MRo), Warrabah NP 29 Aug (MHa); 3 Warrumbungles
NP Woolshed 21 Feb, 2 on 12 Jun (AM,HS); 30+ Morgans Ridge Holbrook Mar- Apr
(MHe), 20 Red Light Hill Albury 6 May (ID), 1 The Rock NR 11 Jul (MRa), 2 Blue
Metal TSR Albury 31 Aug (DWa); 3 Trapyard Dam, Merriwindi SF 30 Oct (AM); 8
Binya SF 18-20 Feb, max 30 22 Aug -7 Nov (DMr,DRe,KH), 14 Falcon Falls Cocoparra
NP 29 Feb (HH). Average year, but some new sites.
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus Evans Head STW 28 Apr (JH); Barren Grounds
1 1
NR 2 Apr (NJ), 3 on 8 Aug during annual count, it is now 21 years since the last major
bushfire (JBk) & 2 on 3 Dec (DH), 1 Budderoo NP firetrail 21 Jul, 16 & 26 Oct (NJ); 1
Green Cape 10-14 Jun (DR). Fewer reports than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 36Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 2 Wyee Point 28 Nov (DMo,VM).
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus 1 Wallacia 22 Feb (TS); J being fed by Yellow -tufted
Honeyeaters 22 Dec (CPr). Departure: 2 Bulga 2 Feb (HBR), Capertee Valley 26 Apr
& 16 May (CPr), 2 Binya 9 May (KH). Arrival: N of Bourke & Enngonia 18 & 22 Jul
(AM), McPherson Range 10 Aug (JB), Glen Davis 14 Aug (CPr), Binya SF (KH) & 2
Cobar New Tk 22 Aug (JM1), Mangrove Mtn 27 Aug (CCBR), Hawkesbury Marshes
29 Aug (KB), Kempsey 7 Sep (HBR), Bournda 25 Sep (DL), Wallabadah 1-4 Oct
1 1 1
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus Departure: 1 Jersey Springs Royal NP 12 Mar
(KG). Arrival: New England NP 4 Oct (MHz), Coramba (GC) & Nethercote 17 Oct
(BJ), Castlereagh NR 22 Oct (KB), Mangrove Mtn 26 Oct (CCBR). Breeding: J being
fed by White-browed Scrub -wren with Grey Fantail nearby Ourimbah SF 29 Nov (CCBR).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelhformis Present Central Coast in good numbers
Mar -Dec (CCBR).
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Yarrawa 25 Sep & Pine Grove Rd
Broke 31 Oct (HBR); 1 Tom Thumb Lagoon 8 Dec (DWi); I Capertee Valley 1 Oct
(SD), 1 Glenlowan Bridge, Glen Alice 12 Nov (CPr); Dunwandren Lane, Jindera 19 Oct
(JHe); 1 Pilliga West SF 30 Oct (RBe); 1 Binya SF 26 Jan & 3 Oct (KH,SD); 1 Matakana
23 May (GT). Average year.
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis Only reported Central Coast Sep -Nov (CCBR).
Shining Bronze- Cuckoo C. lucidus Reported Central Coast 7 Apr -26 Nov (CCBR);
Returned to Lapstone 18 Jul (RT); Pulpulla HSD Cobar 14 Oct (LSm), well inland.
Little Bronze- Cuckoo C. minutillus AM+J Cowans Pond 7 Feb, HC Lawrence 13 Oct
& Clearfield 28 Nov (GC), in the Macleay Valley seen at Temagog 5 Feb, max 4 from 12
Oct -31 Dec, McKenzies Creek 4-5 Dec, Green Point 21 Nov & Gap Creek Rd 21 Nov
(MHz), 1 Nymboida 5 Apr (CC); 1 East Seaham 20 Apr (HBR), unsual location.
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea AF South Tamworth 16 Oct, AM on 23 Oct
(GM); Nethercote and Eden & & 20 Dec (BJ,Jmo), most southerly records. Departure:
HC South Grafton 25 Feb (GC), J Ourimbah 21 Mar (CCBR), Penshurst 27 May (NR).
Arrival: Woollahra 24-25 Aug (Birdline) but subsequently not heard again until later
in Sep, Yessabah 30 Aug (KS), 1 Newcastle 6 Sep (PH), 1 Terrigal 12 Sep (CCBR), 2
Emu Plains & Faulconbridge 15 Sep (CM). Breeding: 5 separate breeding events with
Red Wattlebirds Jan -Feb, 4-14 Dec (CCBR), 6 separate breeding events in Shellharbour
with juveniles being fed by Red Wattlebirds 6 Feb (CB), J fed by Red Wattlebird Calwalla
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 37Ck Pt Macquarie Feb (DW), J Awabakal 20 Mar (YP); A+2J Wyoming 18 Mar (VT); DY
at Tuross Heads Jan, Moruya Heads South Feb (ENHS), all Red Wattlebirds, J fed by
Little Wattlebird at The Junction 5 Nov (HBR).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 26+ flew from a fruiting Moreton
Bay Fig Woodford Is 11 Dec (GC); Max 9 flew from Moreton Bay Fig Dairy Swamp
Tuggerah 31 Jan (CCBR); Tura & Merimbula 19 Dec (SR); Lake Bathurst 7 Nov
1 1
(MLz). Departure: Mimosa Rocks NP 23 Jan (LC), Levenstrath 29 Feb (WT), J
1 1
South West Rocks 14 Mar (KS), 1 Woodford Is 24 Mar (GC), 1 F3 Palmdale 13 May
(JH). Arrival: 1 Shoalhaven Heads 2 Sep (DMa), 1 Toronto 6 Sep (CD), 1 Mosman &
Davistown 12 Sep (CCBR,SB), Moruya & Lawrence 24 Sep (ARo,GC), Katoomba 28
Sep (CPr), Tamworth Oct (MBy), Bermagui 2 Oct (SS). Breeding: 4 separate reports
of Y being fed by Pied Currawongs Jan (CCBR), DY Old Man Bed Swamp Feb (ENHS);
3J fed by Pied Currawongs Katoomba Feb (CPr).
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus AM Bobs Farm, Saltash 14 Aug (CM); 7
reports for the Central Coast throughout the year (CCBR); Mulgoa Creek 13 Oct
(MH), 1′ record in 20 years, 1 West Head, KCNP 15 Nov (TW), 2 Scheyville NP 23-26
Dec (EV); I Barrack Point 25 Jan (PD), 1 Pt Perpendicular 18 Aug (NJ), 1 Maddens
Plains 9 Nov & RK on 12 Dec (KMa), Shellharbour 15 Dec (IBOC). More records
than usual for Illawarra Region.
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Millbank Feb (KS); Reported from 12 Hunter Region
sites including 2A+JGlenrock SRA 30 Nov (HBR,SK,TMo); 13 reports from Central
Coast all year including J+ prey Somersby 4 Dec (CCBR); Reported from 22 Sydney
Region sites including 7 breeding records viz A+2J Epping 31 Aug -13 Nov (AR,DH),
2A+2J Berowra Valley Bush 11 Sep (JDr), 2A+2Y Middle Harbour Creek 7 Oct (JRs),
2A+2Y Chatswood 23 Oct (CCh), 2A+J Irrawang Reserve 23 Oct (TP), 2A+2J Beecroft
6 Nov (LJ), 2+J Blue Gum Swp, Winmalee 11 Oct -2 Dec (NK), A+J Devlins Ck, Lane
Cove NP 13 Nov (JR); 1 Excelsior Mine, Thirroul 10 Feb & 23 May (MMo,MRw); I
Old Man Bed Swamp Apr, HC Broulee 5 Jun, & 1 Aug, HC Womban in Jun, 1 Pedro
Swamp 6 Jul, Burrewarra Point 16 Aug (ENHS), HC Kiah 23 Feb (JMo), Tathra 19
Sep (KV), 2 Bermagui SF 12 Nov (GHo); Mt Victoria Jun (Birdline). Sydney has a
healthy population!
Barking Owl N. connivens on fence post at night Myall Ck near Whiporie SF 23 Jun
(GC), Alstonville 28 Jul (JG); HC Anvil Hill 26 Jun (HBR); Dixon Rd Dooralong 29
1 1
Jan, 1 Wamberal 10 Mar, HC Mt Ettalong 29 Apr, 2 calling Umina all Jul -8 Aug (RP), 1
Davistown 24 Oct (PS), HC Brisbane Water NP 12 Dec & Pearl Bch Arboretum 16-20
Dec (CCBR), the most Central Coast records ever; HC Freemans Reach 13 Dec (RCk);
HC Kalaru 14 Jan (EB), Congo in Aug, Pedro Swamp 9 Sep, Surf Beach 13-18 Oct
(ENHS); pr nested Dumaresq Dam Sep 2003 -Feb 2004, then again Sep -Dec (Debus et
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 38al 2005); Reported from Grassmere HSD Cowra and at nearby Hovells Creek & Lake
Wyanagla in 2004 (BASNA), 2 HC Glen Davis 17 Sep (CPr); 1 Wee Jasper 28 Feb
(PMa); 2 Billabong Ck Walbunderie Jul -Aug (SLu), 2 Morgans Ridge Holbrook 19 Sep
(SCo); 2 Duntulm HSD Holbrook 18 Oct (AMe), Norske Skog Dam, Ettamogah 22
Nov (PMe), 2 East Albury 8 Dec (RSc); 1 Sandgate SF 27 Oct (DG) & 8 prs located in
the Pilliga forests, with 9 birds banded and fitted with radios (Kavanagh et al 2006).
Most reports ever.
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa HC Durrumbul, Mullumbimby 16 Jan (KL), HC Wattle
Flat 4 Feb, 5 Day Ck New England NP 4 Oct (MHz); HC 3 sites Watagan NP 2 Jan & 31
Jan, 2 Gloucester Tops 8 Jan (HBR); 1 Palmdale 8 Jan & 1 Jun, HC Palmgrove 1 Jul, 2
Beach Farm Avoca 4 Jul (RP), HC Terrigal 24 Aug (CCBR); Lady Carrington Dve
Royal NP 15 Feb & 3 Apr (JR,SAs); 1 Jamberoo Mountain 1 Jan & 28 Feb (RJo), 1 West
Cambewarra 20 May (GDy); HC Kiah 23 Feb (JMo).
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae Yarravel 27 Feb & 2A+J Yarravel NR 10-18 Aug
(KS,MHz), Upper Duck Creek 8-10 Apr (DMt), A+J Berangi Rd Crescent Head 7 Aug
(MJo), Skillion NR 18 Aug (MHz), RK McPhillips Ck South Grafton 28 Aug (GC); HC
Gloucester Tops 8 Jan, Appletree Flat 23-26 Apr & Anvil Rock 26 Jun (HBR); 1 roosting
Kanwal 1-10 Jan and nesting nearby at Wadalba in winter, Triple Springs Matcham 4
Jul, HC Ettamalong Swamp 21 Dec, RK Mt Ettalong 22 Dec (CCBR,RP); HC Kiah 23
Feb (JMo). Good range of records from northern NSW, only one from the South Coast.
Barn Owl T alba Reported from 8 Clarence Valley sites Aug -Dec (GC); Reported
from 4 Upper Macleay Valley sites 25 Apr -23 Nov (MHz), Crescent Head 7 Sep (TM),
RKs Jerseyville 16 Oct & Kemspey 12 Oct (KS); 7 Hunter Region records 17 Aug -30
Oct (HBR); 3 Central Coast records only 31 Jul -21 Sep (CCBR); 1 Eastlakes GC 24 Oct
(DM), Sydney Olympic Pk 28 Oct (JHr); Tullys Hill 22 Jan (KH), HC every night
McPherson Range Apr- May (JB), Oolambeyan NR 27 Nov (DPa); Mt Wood HSD
1 1
Start NP 29 Sep (GLC);1 Yathong NR 9-12 Apr (TG). More reports Sep -Oct, than any
other time of the year.
Grass Owl Tyto capensis RK Swan Creek 26 Oct (GC), 1 Thrumpster Park, Port
Macquarie 23 May (ABi), Pelican Is Pt Macquarie 29 Aug & Nov (HL,KS,RL),
1 1 1
Crowdy Head west 5 Nov & 27 Dec (HBR,PH). All within known range.
Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigoides 2A+2Y Sydney Bot. Gardems 17 Jan (TN).
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis N+E Glenugie SF 26 Jan (JS),
Levenstrath 30 Nov (WT), Toonumbar Dam 20 Dec (PE); 1-2 Watagans Range 2-9
Jan, 3 Gloucester Tops 8 Jan, 1 Clarencetown 13 Feb & 1 Balikera Mar (HBR); 1 inj
Homebush 13 Oct (TH), Westleigh 25 Oct (ARo); Reported from the South Coast at
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 39Womban, Broulee, Congo, Pedro Swamp, Burrewarra Point, Maulbrooks Rd Moruya &
Bermagui SF Jan -Apr, Oct -Dec (ENHS); HC Probets Block, Glen Davis 16-29 Sep (CPr).
Departure: 1 Congo & Upper Duck Creek Apr (DMt,ENHS). Arrival: 1 Glen Davis 7
Sep (DG), Lower Portland 26 Sep (KB), Pedro Swamp Oct (ENHS).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 1-2 Brobenah 13 Jan -21 Mar, 9 Sep -31 Dec, 2 prs nesting
Nov -Dec (KH); 2 Mt Wood HSD Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus Scheyville NP 2 May (TWa),
1 1
Castlereagh NR 24 Aug (ARo), interesting Sydney Region records; N+3E Binya SF 19
Sep, 2Y fledged (KH).
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Largest concentration: 120 Canton
Beach 8 Jan (CCBR), 200 Broulee 16 Jan (ENHS), 300+ Nethercote 22 Jan (BJ), 250
South West Rocks 15 Feb (KS), 200 Illawarra Escarpment 14 Dec (AO), 1000 20 km S
Dubbo 9 Dec (DG). Departure: 25 Eatonsville 17 Mar (GC), 15 Ourimbah 20 Mar
(CCBR), Broulee 22 Mar (ENHS), Clybucca 26 Mar (TM). Arrival: 2 Crescent Head 11
Oct & 20 Temagog (MHz,TMo), 1 Torrington SCA Tenterfield 15 Oct (JW1), 6 South
West Rocks 16 Oct (KS), 4 Ourimbah 17 Oct (CCBR), Broulee, Tanja & Castlereagh
NR 22 Oct (ENHS,KB,RHa), 3 Baradine 30 Oct (RBe).
Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 3 Fingal Point & Kingscliff with Needletails 24 Dec
(PE); 6 Saltwater 5 Feb, 10+ Cundletown 11 Feb (BLa), 3+ Wingham 19 Mar & 1
Shortland WC 22 Apr (HBR); 75 Mistral Pt Maroubra 11 Feb (RG), 5 South Maroubra
& 12 Ryde 12 Feb (RG,SHy), 15 Long Reef 15 Feb (CBOC), 3 Manly 18 Feb (DM); 30
Cook ACT 11 Feb (NT), 5 Smiths Lake 30 Nov (FH); 100 Kentucky Dec (JNo); 4 Leeton
9 Feb (KH). The observations around Feb 11 are of special significance.
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayi Reported from 9 sites all year Clarence
Valley including nesting Glenreagh 6 Nov (GC,WT), 10+ Belmore Swamp 3 Jun, 2 on
15 Jul & 1 on 29 Oct, 1 Crescent Head 29 Oct (KS), 1 Beranghi 15 Oct (TM); 1
Brunkerville 5 Oct (HBR); 2 FY in tree hollow Pilliga NR Dec (CT), exceptional record
and details provided.
Collared Kingfisher T.chloris 2 Tweed Heads 10 Jun & 5 Ukerabagh Is NR 13 Jun
(MA), only location in NSW where they occur.
Red -backed Kingfisher T. pyrrhopygia 1 Bellmont Forrest ACT 31 Oct (SL), unusual
Canberra record.
Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus Departure: Mangrove Mountain 6 Mar (MP), Lower
Kangaroo Ck 10 Mar (GC). Arrival: Hawkesbury Marshes 2 Sep (KB), 2 Bonnie Vale
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 404 Sep (JR), Coutts Crossing 11 Sep (GC), 1 McMasters Bch 16 Sep (CCBR), Warriewood
Wetlands 21 Sep (BC), Pambula Towewr Hill 1 Oct (DWI), McPherson Range 4 Oct
(JB). Overwinter Records: 9 records for the Clarence Valley (GC,WT), elsewhere 1
Worimi NR 8 May & 17 Jul (HBR), 2 Wolli Ck Tempe 8 Jun (NR), 1 Jerseyville 22 Jun
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Departure: Binya SF 13 Mar (KH), 2 Crowsnest
Swp Lawrence 17 Mar (GC), 2+ flying nth Morgans Ridge Holbrook (MHe) & 30+
flying north Iluka 5 Apr (CC). Arrival: 5 Stuarts Point 24 Aug (MHz), 4 Kemspey 26
Aug (KS), 6 Crescent Head 29 Aug (TM), 2 Iluka 30 Aug (GC), Tamworth Bot. Gardens
17 Sep (MBy), McPherson Range, Griffith & Yarramalong 18 Sep (CCBR,JB), 5 Binya
19 Sep (KH).
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 3 Toongabbie Creek 27 Jan (EK), an interesting
inner city record. Departure: Moruya Heads Sth 14 Feb (ENHS), Waterview Heights
10 Mar (GC), Freemans Reach i 3 Mar (RCI), 2 Budgewoi 16 Mar (CCBR). Arrival: 2
Empire Bay 15 Sep (CCBR), 1 Maclean 16 Sep (GC), 2 Jerseyville 2 Oct (KS), Stannix
Park 10 Oct (KB), Burrumbuttock 11 Oct (DWa), Bingie Pt Meringo 16 Oct (ENHS),
McPherson Range 26 Oct (JB). Arrivals spread over a long period this year.
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 1 Coramba NR 15 Feb (JS), 1 Gibraltar Range NP 3 May &
9 Oct (GC), 1 Goolawah 12 Jun, Hat Head NP 2 Jul & Grassy Head 17 Jul (KS), 1 Tweed
Heads 21 Sep (MA); 2A+J Main Creek 25 Jan & 1 on 25 Feb, 1 Barrington House 28
Jan, 2A+2J Copeland SF 8-18 Feb, 1 Brunkerville 22 Feb, 1 Crowdy Bay NP 19 May
(AMa,HBR,PB), I Telegherry SF 29 Oct (MRo); 1 Empire Bay 22 Jul, zith Central Coast
record and 1′ since 1989 (CCBR).
Albert’s Lyrebird Menura alberti Reported from 5 ten minute grids around Upper
Duck Creek 8-10 Apr (DMt).
Superb Lyrebird M. novaehollandiae HC above Sherwood Cliffs, Glenreagh 26 Jun,
near northern limit on coast (GC); F Warriewood Wetlands 5 Jun (OF).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens New England NP 5 Jan & 2 Oct (MHz), 16
seen and or heard Border Ranges NP, 18 Werrikimbe NP, 16 Gibraltar Range NP & 14
Barrington Tops NP during surveys in Sep (PE), 1 at former site 30 Oct (GC per AM); 1
Kerrapit Rd Gloucester Tops 30 Jan, 19 Sep & 27 Nov (HBR).
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis 1 Binya SF 29 Feb & 4 Apr (KH); I
Yarrabimbi HSD Leeton 12 Sep (CMn); 2 Gundabooka NP Jul (CCn); 4 Scotia Res
Wentworth 10-14 Apr (CCo), 2 +J Mungo NP 18 Nov (AB). Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 41Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 4 Gloucester Falls, Barrington Tops
NP 31 May (JH); 5 Federal Falls, Mt Conobolas 15 Jul (SG), western edge of range.
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus 1+ South Grafton Water Res 5 Jul (GC), MacKenzies
Creek I May & 2 Temagog all year (MHz), all eastern edge of range.
Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus 4 Fosterton Loop 14 Mar & 3 on 3
Oct, southern limit (HBR).
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 1 Boorkoom , Yuraygir NP 9 Jan, 1 Red
Rock Heath 7 Jun (GC), AM Evans Head STW 28 Apr (JH), not many North Coast
records; 2 Wattamolla Royal NP 27 Jul (HR).
Striated Grass -wren Amytornis striatus 10 Scotia Sanctuary Wentworth 10-14 Apr
Grey Grass -wren A. barbartus Max 12, 11 km S Adelaide Gate, near Sturt NP 6 Oct
(EW,GC) & 3+ at Adelaide Gate on 28 Sep -5 Oct (GLC). Within known range.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Surveys in 1999-2001 found birds at
Barren Grounds NR, Red Rock NR, Booderie NP & near Huskisson but not in Ku-ring-
gai Chase NP nor Beecroft Peninsular (Bain & McPhee 2005), Reported from Barren
Grounds NR all year max 12 on 2 Apr (DH,FH,NJ), 1 Red Rock NR 13 May (BAs), 1
Currarong 25 Sep (SB).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus 2 Lady Carrington Dye RNP 30 Aug (NR); All year
Barren Grounds NR max 6+ 8km Track 9 Nov (NT); Kings Tableland 24 Aug (CPr),
1 1
gorge in Glen Davis 7 Nov (DB).
Rockwarbler Origma solitaria 8 Appletree Flat 23-26 Apr, north -westernmost record
(HBR); 5 Karloo Pool, Royal NP 18 Jul (RCo), 2 Wattamolla, Royal NP 7 Aug (NR); 2
Cordeaux Creek 23 Mar (CC), 2 Morton NP 16 Jun (ENHS); 10 Katoomba area Mar
(CPr), 2 The Drip, Ulan 11 Nov (MHa), NW limit.
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia Jerrys Plains 24 Jan, Old Bar
1 1
3 Jun, 1 Awaba SF 26-29 Nov(HBR); 2 Warrah Trig, Brisbane Water NP 6 May (JC); 2
Wattamolla, Royal NP 3 Apr, 28 May, 7 Aug & 29 Oct (LB,NR), Mt Wilson 4 Nov
(RT), 1 West Head 28 Nov (KB); I Cave Ck, Hilltop 15 Mar (IBOC), 1 Barren Grounds
NR 26 Oct (NJ), 3 Bargo 17 Nov (BA); White Box Camp, Goulburn RNP 11-14 Jun
(HBR), 2 Wombat Gully HSD Rylstone 13 Jun (CSp), 1 Capertee Valley 1 Oct (SD); 1
Canberra ACT 6 Oct (ACo). Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 42Shy Heathwren H. cauta 2 Buddigower NR 7 Oct (JB); 4 Nombinnie NR 23 May
(GT), 2 Whoey Tk, Round Hill NR 11 Apr & 19 Oct (AR,GBr), 4 Scotia Res Wentworth
25 Apr (CCo). All known sites.
Striated Fieldwren Calamanthus fuliginosus 2 Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 10-14 Jun
(DR), within known range.
Rufous Fieldwren C. campestris 2 Fowlers Gap Reseach Stn 14 Jul (DPo).
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus 4+ Adelaide Gate Track, near Sturt NP 28 Sep -7
Oct (GLC), only report.
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata Coutts Crossing 27 Mar, 2 caught & banded
28 Mar, on 5 Jun (GC) & 2 Glenugie SF 17 Feb (JS), all eastern edge of range; 2 Putty
30 May (JR), 1F Mayfair Rd Mulgoa 27 Jun (MH); 12 Riverlea Mudgee 27 Jun (GCa).
Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris 2 Glenugie SF 17 Feb (JS) & HC Arndilly, Tullymorgan
24 Sep (GC), both eastern edge of range.
Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster Bi-centennial Park 5 Oct (APa), within
known range.
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca 4 Bulga 2 Feb, Laguna 19 Sep, easternmost
records in Hunter (HBR); 2 Brittas TSR Walbunderie 3 Jul (MHe), unusual in winter.
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea Departure: 1 Cattai 24 Mar (JDu), 1 Caravan
Pk Tumut 8 Apr (ARo), 1 Gloucester May (HBR). Arrival: 1 Scheyville NP 25 Aug
(JDu), Bundarra 27 Aug (DG), 6+ Vacey 6 Sep (HBR), Somersby 7 Sep (CC BR) &
Maroubra 9 Sep (RG), 1South Pambula 27 Sep (BJ).
Chestnut-rumped Thornhill Acanthiza uropygialis 3 The Rock NR 11 Jul (MRa),
eastern edge of range.
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis Glen Davis 27 Apr (CPr); 2
Callumbrae ACT 7 Nov (SEd), eastern edge of range.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Wingen garden 9 Aug (HBR);
1 Quibray Bay 5 Jun (BR), 1 Uloola Falls Royal NP 6 Jun (RCo) rare Sydney records; 1
Emu Ridge ACT 15 Sep (NT); Overall some un-expected coastal and near coastal records.
Little Friarbird Philemon citreogularis 3+ Harrington 6 Feb, 6+ Appletree Flat 23-
26 Apr (HBR), closest records to Newcastle & Sydney.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 43Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 1 Wauchope garden 10-11 Mar (HG),1 Port
Macquarie 4 Apr (KCh), 2 Broadwater NP 31 Jul (DC), 1 Toorooka 18 Nov (LMc); 10
Quorrobolong 9-10 Aug (AM); 1 Milton 6 Mar (Per DG); 1 Burrewarra Point 29 May
(JWh); 1 Ilford 6 Feb (KS), 2 Home Hill HSD Capertee 21 Feb (MLa) , 3 Capertee
Valley 29-31 Mar (CPr), 3 Min Min HSD Rylstone 7 Apr (TH), 2 Pt Macquarie Rd Glen
Alice 10 Apr (DG), 10 5 km E of Wollar 25 Jul -9 Aug (DG), 8 Murrumbo Gap (Bylong)
23 Jul (DG), 1 Wattamondara 1 Aug (SV), 3 prs Glenlowan Bridge, Glen Alice 22 Aug
(MMo), 15+2N Glen Alice -Glen Davis 11-25 Sep, 32 incl 16 nesting pairs in Nov, still
nesting 22 Dec & present until 29 Dec, estimated 50-100 Aug -Sep (CPr,DG,NK), 2
Home Rule 3 Nov (LHe); 1 Mt Ainslie 15-16 Jan (COG), 1 Campbell Park ACT 10 Sep
& 1 Callum Brae ACT 7 Nov (COG,SEd); 6 Borah Res Barraba 10-11 Apr (AS), 30+Ns
Gwydir Pk TSR Torryburn 29 Jul -28 Aug (DG,GL), 3 Merrifield HSD Barraba 2-21
Aug (BW), 1 Kiah HSD Barraba 5 Oct (WRu), Harpers TSR Torryburn 14 18 Nov -21
Dec (DG); 2 pr N Warrumbungles NP 20 Aug -8 Oct (DG), 1 Coonabarabran garden 9
Aug (HN); 2 Jindera 8 May (JHd); I Pilliga NR Jul (CT).
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 2-3 Freemans Reach 14 Feb, 13 May &
2A+3J on 4-10 Jul (KB,RC1), 2 Kurrajong 15 Oct (TBr), rare in the Sydney Region; 6
Bermagui 23 Jan, last reported at site in 1985 & only South Coast report in 2004 (ENHS).
Lewin’s Honeyeater Meliphaga lewinii 2 Bingara 6-8 Oct (JW), western limit.
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration commenced N across
the Blue Mountains 31 Mar (CPr), about average time.
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 2 Tweed Heads 10 Jun, 21 Sep & 9 Nov (MA),
HC Goodwood Is Clarence River 24 Sep (GC). All within known range.
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 2 Coolendal 14 Jan (BAs), 8 Bargo R Crossing
Tahmoor 19 Sep (IBOC); 14 Callemindah HSD Tamworth 30 Mar (JMy), western edge
of range on the North West Slopes.
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus 6 Coolbaggie NR 21 Mar (GM), a known
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 4+ Yathong NR 8 Apr (NL), 10+ Scotia Res
Wentworth 10-14 Apr (CCo), 6+ Mt Hope Rd Cobar 21 Oct (GBr).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 2 Warriewood Wetlands 23 Jun (SH), 30+ Scheyville
NP 28 Aug (JR).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 44White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 1 Newtown 27 Aug (AMt); 1 East Corrimal
28 Mar, & 3 on 30 Apr , 4 on 1 Jul (DWi,GB), 3+ Towradgi 1 May (JBk), 3 North
Wollongong 22 Sep (GB), 2 Berkeley Nov (ALo). Continuing their expansion of range
within Inner Sydney & the Illawarra Region.
Black- chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 4 Pheasants Nest 29 Aug (NR), HC
Clearfield 29 Aug, Swan Creek 3 Feb & 7-26 Aug, HC South Grafton Water Res 5 Jul,
Ramornie NP 10-14 May (GC); 4 Iomar HSD Quorrobolong 31 Jul (MB); nesting 3
Km E Tahmoor 29 Aug (CBOC); 6 Glen Alice 12 Feb, 4 Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis 24
Feb, 2+ Glen Davis 11 Apr & 10 on 25 Sep (CPr,DPo,JR), Probets Place, Glen Davis 24
Aug -22 Dec (CPr), 10 Spring Forest HSD 12-14 Jun (AQ), 4 4 km E Wollar 9 Aug
(AM), 7 Glen Alice -Glen Davis 11-12 Sep (DPo); HC Cranky Rock, Warialda 9 Oct
(GC); 6+ Thurgoona 3 Jul (Mhe), 4 Ingalba NR 15 Jul (MC). Average year.
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 4 Buddigower NR 2-4 Oct (PME), south-
west limit.
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 2 Crafts Ck Mangrove Mtn 26 Sep (KP),
Central Coast record since 1982; 4 Binalong HSD, Glen Davis 3 Oct -22 Dec (CPr,NK),
Coco Ck Glen Davis 6-17 Dec (JCe); 2 Bellmont Forest ACT 31 Oct (SL); 2 Ingalba
NR Temora 15 Jul (MC) unusual date, 2 West Albury 26 Sep (MHe), 10-12+N Bethungra
30 Sep -6 Oct (AM,PM), Morgans Ridge Holbrook 12 Oct (MHe); 10+ Rangiri Ck
Boggabri 30 Oct (MRo); 2 Marra Hall 30 Oct (DG); Koonadan Rd Leeton 5 Jan (MS),
present Binya SF 26 Jan -4 Apr, 19 Sep -31 Dec, max 6 on 26 Jan, nesting Nov
(DPo,KH,SD), HC Lake Wyangan 1-29 Dec (JB); 10+ Yimkin & Tara HSD Cobar 6-9
Oct (LSm). Departure: Binya SF Apr (KH). Arrival: 2 Wattagong HSD Holbrook 16
Sep (DWe), Binya SF (KH) & 2 Glen Davis 19 Sep (CPr).
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera Reported from Gloucester Falls,
Gloucester Tops & Barrington Tops May -Dec (HBR, PB); Bobbin Hd, Ku-ring-gai
Chase NP 31 May (TW); 1 Barren Grounds NR 21 Jul (NJ), 2 Carrington Falls 31 Jul
(CC); Yambulla SF 14 Feb feeding in mistletoe (RT).
New Holland Honeyeater P novaehollandiae 2+ Santa Barbara, Booti Booti NP 21
Aug, northernmost coastal record, and Gloucester Tops 22 May.
White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 3 Cudmirrah 10 Oct (KM),
southernmost record in 2004.
White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons 2A+2Y Round Hill NR 19 Oct (GBr), few
breeding reports for NSW.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 45Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P melanops 3+ Diggers Camp Rd Yuraygir NP 28 Aug
(GC), 1 Limeburners Ck NR 3 Jun (KS); 2 Awabakal NR May -Oct, Santa Barabara,
Booti Booti NP 21 Aug (HBR); 12 Bass Fire Trail, Royal NP 4 Sep (JR), N+1Y Wattamolla
3-29 Oct (FS,NR) & 2 Curra Moors, Royal NP 11 Nov (TQ).
Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris Arrived Coutts Crossing 28 Mar (GC).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger Ingalba NR Temora 31 Mar (DE); Binya 24
1 1
Oct (KH), 4 Woolshed Flat, Cocoparra NP 25-29 Oct (DRe); 10+ at 4 sites around Cobar
3-18 Oct (LSm), 2 Fords Bridge & Bourke 23 Oct (GBr); 8+ Round Hill NR 19 Oct
(GBr). Numbers down, cf recent years.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 6 Ingalba NR Temora 31 May (DSa); 2 Binya SF 24
Oct (KH); 4+ South Myers Tk Sturt NP 1 Jul (CCb), 2A+J 11 km S Adelaide Gate, near
Sturt NP 6 Oct (EW).
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Arrived Glen Davis, Capertee Valley 26
Sep (CPr), whereas resident all year Central Coast in 2004 (CCBR).
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor 20 near Timor Rock, Warrumbungles NP 14-16
Oct (KCo); 2 Widgee HSD Holbrook 24 Sep (DWe); Nested in Pilliga NR Dec (CT); 30
Macquarie Marshes 22 Oct (GBr), 60 Quambone 30 Oct (DG), 2 Marra HSD Marra Hall
1 Nov (CC); 12 Woolshed Flat, Cocoparra NP 25-29 Oct (DRe); 10 Fort Grey Jun (CCn),
common & widespread Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC); 50 Yathong NR 8-12 Apr (GD).
Rarely reported from east of Warrumbungle Ranges or in the Pilliga Scrub.
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 6 70km NE Hay 30 Jun (CPr), 2 Lake Cargelligo 20 Oct
(GBr); 4 North Bourke 4 Oct (KL). Usual sites but few reports submitted.
White -fronted Chat E. albif ions Peak count of 80 on Ash Island 17 Apr (HBR); 10
Tallawarra Ash Ponds 28 Aug (DG); 12 Wallaga Lake 13 Jun (RM); 100+ Taylors Ck
Tarago 24 Oct (COG); 8+ Lake Cargelligo STW 20 Oct (GBr).
Gibberbird Ashfiyia lovensis 2 Mt Wood HSD Sturt NP 15 Sep & 5 Oct (AR,EW), also
Milparinka & Adelaide Gate Track, near Sturt NP 28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans Greendale 30 May (WS), Longneck Lagoon 27
1 1
Jun (EV), rare in Co of Cumberland.
Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor Winter visitor to Coutts Crossing, a banded AF was
retrapped there 5 Jun (GC); AM Mulgoa Valley 2 May (MH), Illawarra GC Waterfall
1 1
Jul (BR); 1 Bendemeer 19 Aug (JDu); 2 Cordeaux Dam 11 May (CC), 1 Darkes Forest 2
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 46Jul (BRo), 2 Bungonia SRA 25 Jul (MRt), 1 Sassafras 15 Oct (KM); 10 Newnes Valley
8 May (MR).
Red -capped Robin P goodenovii Reported from 6 Hunter Valley sites, including 2 at
Bulga 3 Sep, being the most eastern report (BR); AM Glen Davis 10 Apr (CPr); 2 Cordeaux
Dam 28 Oct (KMa), Im M Wollondilly R Goulburn 20 Nov (JH1).
Flame Robin P phoenicea 12 Gloucester Tops 28 Sep & 12 Nov (APa,PB), F at Putty
30 May (PMv), 2 O’Briens Crossing Goulburn River & 1 Maitland 14 Jun (HBR), 1
Karuah 6 Nov (TW); 2 UWS Richmond 10 Jul (KB); 1 Budderoo Firetrail 28 Mar (GB);
Kentucky 19 Apr (JNo); 10 Newnes Valley 8 May (MR), 2 Glen Davis 22 May & 12
Sep (CPr,PMv), 10 Spring Forest HSD Koorawatha 11-13 Jun, 31 Jul (TQ), 2 Rye Park
22 Jun (TS), 1 Mt Wilson 8 Nov (RT), 1 Mt Canobolas Res 18 Dec (SG). Winter Records
in South West Plains: 2 Fivebough Swamp Leeton 14 May (MS), 3 Jerilderie 3 Jul
(DWe) & 2M Tullys Hill Narrandera Aug (KH).
Rose Robin P.rosea Nesting Gloucester Tops 28 Oct, Hunter breeding record since
1984 (HBR).
Pink Robin P rodinogaster Mt Dromadary 18 Jun (ENHS), few reports annually in
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata 2+N Rylstone Dam 3 Apr (MSt); 2 3km N
Barraba 19 Jun (JDe).
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Nesting Copeland SF 24 Oct, Hunter breeding
record since 1982 (HBR).
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 4 Scotia Res Wentworth 10-14 Apr
(CCo), only report.
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 2 Grassy Head 17 Jul (KS) & 2 Yarrahappini 6 Aug
(TM), uncommon in lower Macleay area; 2 Lady Carrington Dye Royal NP 15 Feb
(SAs); 1 Helensburgh 1 Feb (CRo), 4 Excelsior Mine, Thirroul 26 Feb (MMo), 1
Minnamurra Rainforest 27 Mar (KM), 2 The Grotto Nowra 12 Apr (CC), 1 Tarrawana
Escarpment 14 Oct (IBOC), 2 Bellawongarah 24 Oct & 20 Nov (BA). The numerous
sightings in the Illawarra are in stark contrast with their virtual absence in the Sydney
and Central Coast Regions.
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis Nesting Cessnock Aug -Oct, and
fledged young Quorrobolong 20 Nov, easternmost Hunter records (HBR); Duntroon
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 47Golf Course ACT 24 Sep (AO), virtually absent now from ACT ;1 Burrumbuttock 25
Dec (DWa), vitually extinct in this area.
White-browed Babbler P superciliosus 4 Red Light Hill Albury 25 Aug (GS1), unusual
Hall’s Babbler P halli Recorded 4 days, near Adelaide Gate Track, near Sturt NP 28
Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2-3 Mt Sugarloaf 21 Jan -15 May, 2-3
Laguna 28-29 Feb & 9-12 Apr, 3 Watchinbark NP Curribark 4-5 May & 4 Nov, 2 Wollemi
NP 24 Jun, 2 Awaba SF 17 Jul (HBR,PB,PBe), 2 Kurri Kurri 29 Oct (MRo); Yarramundi
13 Mar (MK); 2 Belanglo SF 4 Jan (CC), 1 Cataract Scout Camp 19 May (JMi), 2
Thirlmere Lakes NP 15 Jul (CC), 2 Bungonia SRA 25 Jul (MRt); Potato Point 25 Jun,
2 Womban Jun -Jul, 3 Wagonga Dye Narooma 26 Sep & Moruya SF 22 Nov (ENHS),
2A+J South Pambula 6 Dec (FRe); AM Mummel Gulf NP Nowendoc 1 Jan (PB); 3
Glen Davis 10 Apr -15 Jun (CPr), max 5 Newnes Valley 8 May -Jun (MR); 2 Womorgama
NP 4 Oct (SD).
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 4 Scotia Res Wentworth 25 Apr (CCo), 2
Round Hill NR 22 May (GT), only report received.
Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum 2 Camerons Corner, Sturt NP 20 Apr
(RW), 2 Fowlers Gap R.Stn N Broken Hill 10 Jul (DPo), 4 Gorge Loop Tk, Sturt NP
28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Chestnut -breasted Quail -thrush C. castaneothorax 2 at 2 locations 9 & 11 kms
west of Tibooburra 29 Aug -7 Oct (GLC), extension of range westwards.
Crested Shrike- tit Falcunculusfrontatus2 Prospect Reservoir 15 May (EV), 2 Winmalee
15 May (CM).
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis 1 Binya 6 Jun (KH), eastern edge of range.
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea Windy Hill 2 Jan & 5 Oct, Wrights Lkt, New
England NP 2 Jan (MHz); 1 Boorganna NR Comboyne 14 Aug (CS); 2 5 km NNW of
Macksville 20 Sep (GBe); 2 Kerripit Tk 22-30 May, 19 Sep, 28 Dec & 2 Pheasants Ck
Barrington Tops NP 30 Dec (HBR,TDo); Brown Mountain 25 Dec (ES).
Red-lored Whistler P rufogularis No reports in NSW in 2004.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 48Gilbert’s Whistler P inornata 2 Momo SF Tomingley 22 Jul (DG); 2 Buddigower NR
2-4 Oct (PME); 4 Scotia Res Wentworth 10-14 Apr (CCo).
Rufous Whistler P ruliventris Departure: Clybucca 26 Mar (TM). Arrival: Calala,
Tamworth 23 Aug (JW); 2 Tongiland, Dubbo & Castlereagh NR 29 Aug (DG,KB),
Mingaletta 3 Sep (TM).
Grey Shrike -thrush Colluricincla harmonica Pr nested 3 times in the same season
Back Ck The Oaks Sep -Dec (KC).
Little Shrike -thrush C. megarhyncha HC McPhersons Crossing 29 Feb, 11 Mar & 10
Apr (GC), 1 Kingscliff 28 Aug, 1 Ukerabagh Is NR 22 Sep (MA). Interesting records but
all within range.
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Parraweena HSD Willow Tree Mar
(TBW), western limit of range. Arrival: Broulee 22 Sep (ENHS), Maria River Rd
1 1
Crescent Head 23 Sep (TM), Long Neck Lagoon 27 Sep (KB), North Bateau Bay 28 Sep
(AM), 1 Bega River 5 Oct (TJ).
Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus 2+N Sea Acres NR 5 Nov (TW); The Glen,
Barren Grounds NR 14 Jan (CC), 4 Balgownie 21 Oct (TE), 12th & 13th Illawarra Regional
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 1 Wedding Bells SF Woolgoolga 17 Jan (JS), 1
Durrumdull, Mullumbimby 17-25 Jan (KL), 1 Iluka NR 7 Apr -14 Sep, HC Woody Head
Bundjalung NP 16 Sep (CC,GC), 1 Oysterwalk Tweed Heads 13 Jan & 22 Aug (MA), 2
Nightcap NP 10 Nov (MR); 1 Figtree, Crowdy Bay NP 5 Nov -21 Dec (HBR,PH). The
Figtree record indicates a pattern of continued southern extension of range.
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Springs Plains HSD Wanganella Feb -17 Apr
(GN), well west of normal range. Departure: 1 Forest Grove Kanahooka 8 May (IBOC).
Arrival: 1 Hazelbrook & Clearfield 29 Aug (CM,GC), 1 Crescent Head 21 Sep (TM), 2
Gloucester & Pelican Is Jerseyville 23 Sep (KS,PB), Glen Davis 28 Sep (CPr),1 Broulee
5 Oct (ENHS), 2M Wonboyn 12 Oct (BJ).
Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca AM Mt Keira 16 Oct (NR), AM Katoomba 12 Nov
(CPr); 1 Wallaga Lake 30 Jun (HBO. Departure: 1 Bellambi 2 Mar (ACu). Arrival: 1
Barren Grounds NR 16 Sep (NJ), Hornsby 19 Oct (RM).
Restless Flycatcher M. inquieta Mason Pk Concord 22 Feb (NH), Duck Ck Auburn
1 1
15 May (MBo), 1 Kemps Creek 30 May (WS), 1 Eastlakes 11 Aug (SPi), 2 Stannix Park
11 Sep (NR), a winter visitor to Sydney.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 49Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons 1 Parraweena HSD Willow Tree Mar (TBW); 1
Mt Canobolas Res 18 Dec (SG). Departure: McPhersons Crossing 11 Mar & Iluka NR
6 May (GC), Mt Tomaree 10 Apr (JDu), 1 Cessnock SF 22 Apr (HBR), 1 Devlin St
Epping 5 May (BD). Arrival: I I uka NR 30 Aug (GC), Arakoon 9 Sep (KS), Strickland
SF 3 Oct (CCBR), Pambula Tower Hill 29 Oct (DWI). Possibly some overwintering
Iluka NR
Willie Wagtail R. leucophrys 92 Pelican Is Jerseyville 14 Jun & 40 on 21 Aug (KS),
large numbers.
Magpie -lark Grallina cyanoleuca Flock of 120 at Frederickton 20 May (KS).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 10+ Coutts Crossing 26 Jan (GC); 1 Mason Pk
Strathfield 8 May (SF); Present 5 locations Illawarra Region from Barrack Point 29
May, 1 East Corrimal 4 Nov, max 4 Primbee 25 Aug (CC,DWi,MRo); 1 South Tamworth
11 Jul (IDo), I Tamworth Dec (MBy). Southern records: 1 Wallaga Lake 17 May, 1″
report since 1980s; 1 Koorungulla Swamp 1 Sep (DO); 2 Pambula Beach 15 Apr & 1
Kalaru 16 Apr (EB). Arrival: 1 Mulgoa Valley 13 Jan (MH), Penrith garden 18 Jan
(MSi), Shortland WC 2 Feb (HBR). Departure: Warriewood Wetlands 21 Sep (BC).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 14 Upper Duck Creek 8-10 Apr (DMt), 5 Light House
Bch Port Macquarie 8 Apr (CC), 5 Nightcap NP 10 Nov (MR); 1 Harrington Rainforest
5-21 Nov (HBR,PH).
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina papuaensis DM Iluka NR 5 Apr & Coutts
Crossing 10-15 Dec (CC,GC), 1 Toonumbar Dam 17 Dec (PE); 1 Cumberland SF 25
Apr (KS), 3 Scheyville 28 Aug, 1 Wilberforce 3 Sep, 1 Mitchell Park 29 Sep (KB,NR),
1 South Maroubra 11 Nov (TW), 1 Mulgoa 21 Dec (MH); 4 Hoskins NR 28 Feb (CC), 5
Bargo R Crossing Tahmoor 19 Sep (CC); 2 Crown Stn Rd Glen Davis 24 Mar & nesting
Glen Davis Res 22 Dec (CPr); 1 Greenwood HSD Kootingal 27 Mar (SBu); 1 Willow
Dell HSD Deniliquin Jul (SWa); Jindalee SF 31 Jul (JHI).
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris AM Field Of Mars Res 24 Oct (SHy), unusual location.
Departure: Coutts Crossing 27 Mar (GC), A+Im Pambula Hill 21 Apr (DWI). Arrival:
Murrumbung HSD Mardi 8 Oct (JCa), South Kempsey 12 Oct (MHz), Sydney Olympic
Pk 19 Oct (PMv), Coutts Crossing 21 Oct (GC).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 2 Yarrawa 5 Jun (HBR); 1 Conimbla NP 5 Oct &
15km W of Cowra (PM); 3 Ninia HSD Willi 13 Oct (DG); 4 McPherson Range 20 May
(JB), 3 Buddigower NR 4 Oct (PME), 4 Oolambeyan NR 27 Nov (DPa); 3 Euabalong
West 22 May (GT). Numbers down on recent years.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 50White -winged Triller Lalarge sueurii Reported from 4 Clarence Valley sites 16 Oct -28
Nov (GC), not near the Coast; 13 nests in the one tree Glenbawn Dam 20 Nov (BPo).
Arrival: 2 Scheyville NP 25 Aug (JDu); 4 28 km NE Hillston 31 Aug (AM). Coastal
records include: 1 Pelican Is Jerseyville 2 Oct (KS), Maria River Rd 1 Nov (TM); 2
Shortland WC 27 Feb & Ash Is 2 Nov (HBR); 7 sites in Sydney Region Malabar, Tregear
Res, Richmond, Eastlakes, Ebenezer, Wilberforce & Mulgoa Sep -Dec, Cf 22 prs Prospect
Reservoir Nov 2003 (EV); I Cullendulla 22 Nov & I Comerang 11 Dec (ENHS), 1
Primbee 30 Oct (DG), 1 Dapto 4 Nov & 2 Purry Purry Point 6 Nov (IBOC,RI), 4 Upper
Avon Catchment 6 Nov (CC), 1 Avondale 5 Dec (ALo); Many records for the Far South
Coast from 16 Oct to end of year (FSCB)
Varied Triller L. leucomela Reported from 5 sites in the Clarence Valley Jan -Apr, 2
Sep -16 Dec (CC,GC), AF Grassy Head 17 Jul (KS), 2 Oysterwalk Tweed Heads 22 Aug
(MA); 1 Harrington 11 Aug (RW), max 5 on 20-27 Dec (EV).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus 20+ St Marys 13 May (JMi); Arrived McPherson
Range, Griffith 10 Oct (JB).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis Booderee Bot. Gardens 22 Sep (PF); 4 Moruya Oct-
Dec,1 Tuross in Oct, 2 in Dec (ENHS), 2 Bermagui 21 Feb & 18 Oct (DA,JMs),
continuing South Coast extension of range; Moombi Common 10 Aug (JW), western
limit of range.
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Present all year Clarence Valley
although fewer records for winter (GC). Southern Coastal records: Cuthill Rd Cobbity
5 May (KB), 1 Malabar Weir 29 Nov & 6 on 30 Nov (ENHS). Departure: 4 Dairy Swp
Tuggerah 29 Apr (CCBR). Arrival: 2 Arakoon 15 Aug (KS), 2 Leeton 24 Aug (KH), 2
Westfield Tuggerah 26 Aug (DJo), Warriewood Wetlands 16 Sep (BC).
Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus An unexpected invasion of the Illawarra
Region max 300+ Upper Avon Catchment 6 Nov (CC), smaller numbers at Vincentia,
Gerringong & Bellawongarah 24 Oct -9 Nov (IBOC).
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 20 Jerrys Plains 24 Jan, 8+1DY Moonan
Flat 14 Jan (HBR); Large numbers in the Illawarra Region 23 Oct -9 Nov, max 500+
Vincentia (MJ); 1000s nesting Capertee Valley Nov (CPr). Arrival: 10+ McPherson
Range 22 Aug (JB), 40 Barnato HSD Cobar 28 Aug (AM), 5 Blue Gum Swp Ck Winmalee
21 Sep (NK), Glen Davis 26 Sep (CPr), 5+ Scheyville 29 Sep (KB).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 51Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus 2 Cooks R Bridge 24 Sep (JCI). Coastal
Departure: 40 Royal NP 23 May (BE). Coastal Arrival: 3 Barrack Pt 26 Aug (MRo), 2
Mangrove Mtn 2 Sep (MP).
Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen 2A+2 fledged young Levenstrath 17 Feb, late
breeding record (WT), 104 Everlasting Swamp Lawrence 21 Dec (GC), large number.
Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Arrived Griffith for winter 2 Jun (JB).
Grey Currawong S. versicolor 1 Cordeaux Dam 23 Mar & 2 on 28 Jul (CC), 1 Maddens
Plains 10 Oct (IBOC); 2 Wentworth Falls 15 Aug (BW), 1 Clarence 18 Oct (GBr); 4
Scotia Res Wentworth 10-14 Apr (CCo).
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus 1 Urunga Lagoon 16 Jun, HC Gara TSR Armidale 1 Jul
(GC); A+J Mudbishops Point 21 Dec (HBR).
Torresian Crow C. orru 2 Tank Paddock, Minmi 12 Jul, southernmost record for
Hunter (HBR).
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 5+ Tyndale 4 Sep -20 Oct, eastern
limit in Clarence Valley (GC); 4 Cupitts Lane Richmond Jul (MSi), 8+N Windsor Downs
NR Richmond 18 Oct (FH), 8 Mitchell Pk Cattai 19 Dec (SB); 11 W of Penrose 25 May
(KM), eastern limit of range in Ilawarra Region.
Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea 2 The Rock NR 11 Jul (RMa), eastern edge of Range.
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris Tilba 27 Mar -11 Apr (ENHS), southern
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus IF (female plumage) Albury 17 Jul,
southern interior limit (MHe).
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus brown bird Bucca Bucca Creek 28 Apr
(GC), unusual location.
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata AM + bower Bingara 6-8 Oct (RWt); 1
Yathong SF 23 May (GT), eastern & western limit of range respectively.
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica 1 Station Ck Yuraygir NP 7 Apr (CC), 1 Touses Rd
Bellbrook 4 Dec (MHz); 1 Yarrawa 25 Sep (HBR); 1 Richmond 29 Sep (KB); 20 Attunga
SF 2 Feb (JPt); 4 Kintyre HSD New Molyan 16 Feb (JFe).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 52Skylark Alauda arvensis 1 Fernleys Lagoon 8 Sep (KB); 1 Bushbank Mill, Kiama 3
Jan (CC), 2 Gerringong Boat Harbour 28 Dec (CC).
Yellow Wagtail M. flava 1 Ash Island ponds 14 Feb -24 Mar, 1 on 23 Nov
(AA,EV,HBOC), continues to return to the usual site. 12 -13th records for NSW.
Eurasian Tree -sparrow Passer montanus 6+ Penrith garden 18 Jan (MSi); 2 Main St
Tumut 7 Apr (ARo).
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata 20+ Bolwarra 13 Apr & 19 Aug, well east (HBR); 50
Mudgee 17 Jul (TS).
Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 10 Haslams Ck Sydney Olympic Park 22 Jul & 4
Sep (Amt,JHr)); 2 Cordeaux Dam 5 Jan (CC), 4 Bargo R Bargo 28 Feb (CC), 25 sthn
Lake Burragorang 29 Jul (CC); 4 Rocky Hall 13 Mar (FSCB); 10 Nailcan Hill Albury 8
Jun (MHe), southern interior limit; 8 Brobenah Hills 2 Feb (HH), 6 Bilbul HSD Binya
22 Mar (JCo), south-west limit.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 15 Evans Head STW 28 Apr (JH), very rare
on North Coast, drought related?; 2 Tarro 24 Jan, 4 Wallabadah Rock 1-4 Oct (HBR);
2+N Capertee Valley 21 Mar (TH), 80 Glen Alice 8 May, 100+ on 10-25 Sep
(CG.DPo,MR), Bylong 16 Nob (RCk); 20+ Fairlea HSD Dungowan Mar -Jul (AA);
10 Budelah NR Boomi 9-12 Apr (TBO).
Red-browed Finch N. temporalis 200+ Prospect Reservoir 16 May (EV), 30 Sydney
Olympic Park 22 Jul (JHr).
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata 1 Ramornie SF 13 May (GC); 2 Walka Water
Works 13 Apr (HBR); 6 Belowra 17 May (ENHS); Max 2A+3Y McPherson Range 21
Nov -3 Dec (JB), western limit of range.
Beautiful Firetail S. Bella 12+N Curra Moors Royal NP 10 Apr & on 29 Oct
(NR,RCo), 2 Cape Solander 15 May (WS); 30+ Barren Grounds NR 8 May (JR);
Morton NP 1 May (EV), 1 Carrington Falls 12 Dec (TS); I Mount Wilson 28 Mar (MM),
2 Linden 12 Apr (EV). The Cape Solander record is most unusual.
Nutmeg Mannikin Lonchura punctulata 4 Kingscliff STW 24 Jun (MA), only
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax 10+ Upper Duck Creek 8-10 Apr
(DMt), A+10 Im West Kempsey 16 Apr (MHz), 11 Clybucca 12 Jul (KS); 70+ Leneghans
Rd Swamp Minmi 6 Mar (JLo); 70 Tuggerah STW 4 Mar (CC); 6 Prospect Reservoir
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 5321-31 Jul (EV,SHy); 44 North Shel harbour Beach Aug (MRo); 100+ Warialda 28
1 1
Aug (MHa).
Greenfinch Carduelis chloris HC Rylstone Park 2 Oct (CPr); 6 Red Light Hill Albury
25 Aug (GSI), unusual location.
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Magic Pt Maroubra 20 Mar (EV).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 2+ Jones Res Rd 24 Jun, 21 Aug &
25 Sep, 2 Muswellbrook 11 Sep, 2 Laguna 19 Sep & Wallababdah Rock 1-4 Oct (HBR);
12 Lees Pinch, Goulburn R NP 11 Apr (TQ), 2 Capertee R Glen Davis 11-12 Sep (DPo);
4 Fairlea HSD Tamworth Jul (AA); 2 Keepit Dam 28 Oct (MRo); 2 10 km NE Holbrook
6 May, 2 Cookadinia 11 May (MHe), 2 Tocumwal GC 7 Nov (JMI); 4 Lake Cargelligo
STW 24 May (GT); 6 Tongo HSD White Cliffs 20 May (PSe), small numbers Sturt NP
28 Sep -7 Oct (GLC); Mungo NP 16 Nov (AB).
Fairy Martin H. aerial Arrival: 20 Hawkesbury Marshes 6 Aug (KB), Fivebough
Swamp 8 Aug (KH).
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 3 pr Newling Dam, Armidale 6 Nov (SBu),
western limit of range.
Rufous Songlark Cincloramphus mathewsi Maria River Rd Crescent Head Nov
1 1
(TM); 1 Stockton Sandspit 13 Nov (HBR); 1 Richmond 13 Oct (KB), 1 South Maroubra
11 Nov (TW); 1 Barragoot Lake 9 Oct (FSCB) & Rocky Hall 21 Dec (DWI). Arrival:
McPherson Rnge Griffith 22 Aug (JB), Jones Res Rd Jerrys Plains 25 Sep (HBR), 2
Richmond & Capertee Valley 24 Sep (BC,KB).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis 1 Port Macquarie west 1 Nov (DBa); 4 Richmond 13 Oct
(KB), Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 Oct (RG); Meroo Meadows 8 Nov (KM); AM Ilford
1 1
4 Jul (DG); 2 Grabine 7 Nov (TS).
Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata 4 Willi Willi NP 28 Jun (MHz); 1 Illawong Res
Warriewood 2 Jul (BD); 1 Lawson 5 May (TS), 2 garden Valley Heights 15 May (KBu),
Ferntree Gully, Rylstone 3 Oct (MSt).
Russet -tailed Thrush Z. heinei 1 Willi Willi 23 May & 4 on 11 Dec (MHz); 1 Copeland
NR Gloucester 3 Jul (PB), 1 Telegherry SF 29 Oct (MRo); 1 Palmdale 11 Aug (KB), a
rare Central Coast record.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 54Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 31+ Levenstrath 5 Feb (WT), now common
throughout Coutts Crossing-Levenstrath (WT); Moruya 24 Apr (JHn), southern coastal
limit for the present!
Whistling Kite Haliastur sphenurus The breeding diet of 2 pairs nesting near Canberra
ACT was detailed for Aug -Sep (Fuentes et a12005).
South Island Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus finschi Also reported at Arrawarra 24-
26 May (ARo), dates wrongly given as August in the Rare Bird Report.
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa The 2 RK owls at Tyndale on 8 Sep & 10 Nov were in fact
Masked Owls and not Sooty Owls as shown in the Report.
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 3 at sea Balls Pyramid area 30 Mar (RW) &
plenty on 10 Apr, Blinky Beach (ARu).
White -necked Petrel P cervicalis 1 at sea 11 Apr (ARu).
Gould’s Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera 1 off Island 11 Apr (PH).
Black -winged Petrel P nigripennis 2 Transit Hill Mar (ACa), Neds Beach cliffs &
Blinky Beach 10 Apr (ARu).
Little Shearwater Puffinis assimilis 2 at sea 1 Apr (RW) & 1 on 10 Apr (ARu).
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palebrata seen over a two day period
and photographed in offshore waters 20 Jul. Referred to NSWORAC and accepted, 1″
record for Island.
White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta grallaria 30+ Balls Pyramid 30 Mar (RW &
c. 12 on 20 Apr (ARu).
Swamp Harrier Circus approximanss over Island 4 Apr (PD)& over the
Admirality Islands 10 Apr (ARu).
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 55Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Seen various places in Apr, viz Airport,
aircraft wreck etc.
Silver Gull Larus novaehollandae sub -adult Neds Beach 5-12 Apr (PD).
Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor Middle Beach 21 Mar (McAllan et a12004).
This observation came at a time when another bird was seen on the NSW South Coast
and another bird on the Mid North Coast. record for the Island.
Newell’s Shearwater Puifinus ? 1 Wollongong pelagic 28 Aug (PM). No submission
made to BARC.
Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himatopus A report of a bird at Stockton Sandspit 7 Feb
(EV), was subsequently not accepted by BARC and withdrawn in 2005 (Palliser 2006).
Andrew, E. 2005 Nature in Eurobodalla Number 19 (2004). Eurobodalla Nat. Hist.
Bain, D. & A. McPhee 2005 “Re -surveys of the Eastern Brsitlebird Dasyornis
brachypterus in Central -Eastern New South Wales 1999-2001. Their relationship to
fire and observer competence”. Corella 29, 1-6.
Christidis L. & W.E. Boles 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and
its Territories”, RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Debus, S.J.S., Hatfield T.S., Olde G.S. & A.B.Rose 2005 “Breeding Behaviour and Diet
of a pair of Black Falcons Falco subniger in Northern New South Wales. Aust. Field
Ornith. 22, 165-181.
Debus, S.J.S., Ford J.A & A.B. Rose 2005. “Breeding -Season diet of a pair of Barking
Owls near Armidale, New South Wales”. Corella 29, 15-16.
Esteban F., Olsen J. & A.B. Rose 2005 ” Breeding Diet at two Whistling Kite Nests near
Canberra”. Aust. Field Ornith. 22, 122-125.
Forshaw, J.M. 2005 “Musk Duck Breeding on Yerrabi Pond”. Canberra Bird Notes
30, 159.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
Kavanagh, R., Stanton M. & T. Soderquist. 2006 Habitat selection by the Barking Owl
Ninox connivens in the Pilliga Forests of north-western NSW. ABSA AGM Abstracts.
Keating,G & M. Jarman 2005 “South Coast Shorebird Recovery Program 2004-5
Breeding Season in Eurobodalla Shire.” Nature in Eurobodalla No 19″.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 56McAllan, I.A.W. & M.D. Bruce 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working
List”. Biocon Research Group, Turramurra.
McAllan I.A.W., Curtis B.R., Hutton I. & R.M. Cooper 2004 “The Birds of Lord Howe
Island Group: A Review of Records”. Aust. Field Ornith. 21, Supplement Sep 2004.
Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G. Holmes. 1981 “Handlist of Birds in New South
Wales”. NSWFOC Dubbo.
Morris, A.K. 2006 “Central Coast Bird Report 2004”,CCFOC.
Olsen, J & E. Fuentes.2005 “Collapse in numbers of Breeding Little Eagles in the
Australian Capital Territory”. Canberra Bird Notes 30, 141-145.
Olsen J., Fuentes E., Dykstra R. & A.B. Rose 2006. “Male Peregrine Falcon Falco
peregrinus Fledged from a Cliff- nest Found Breeding in a stick nest”. Aust. Field
Ornith. 23, 1-14.
Palliser, T. 2006. “Rare Birds in 2005”. Wingspan16, 36-37.
Priddel D. & N. Carlile 2004 “Seabird Islands, Boondelbah & Cabbage Tree Islands”.
Corella 28, 104-109.
Skewes, J. 2005 “Report on Population Monitoring Counts 2004”. Stilt 48, 54-60.
Stuart, A. 2005 “Hunter Region of NSW 2004 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers
Stuart, A 2005 ” Survey of Shorebirds of Port Stephens, February 2004. Stilt 47, 20-
Stuart, A. 2005 “The Shorebirds of Port Stephens. Recent and Historical
Perspectives”. HBOC Special Report No.2
BAs Bob Ashford
AM Alan Morris
APPENDIX I BAy Barry Ayres
AMc Alan McBride
BB B. Bosward
List of Observers AMe A. Meiklejohn
BC Bruce Cox
AMt Alan Matthews
BD Brian Downer
AO Anthony Overs
BDb Bill De Belin
AP Tony Palliser
BDe Barry Deab
APa Andrew Patrick
AA A. Ashworth BE Brian Everingham
AB Andrew Burton APi A. Piper BH B. Head
AQ Annie Quested
ABe Allan Benson BH1 Brian Hole
AR Alan Richards
ABi Tony Bischoff BJ Barbara Jones
ARo A.E.F. Rogers
ABs Alastair Beston BM Bill Moller
ARu Tony Russell
AC Andrew Carter BMa B. Martin
ACa Ashley Carlson AS Alan Stuart BMe Barbara Meers
ASa Alan Saunders
ACo Andrew Cockburn BMt B. McIntyre
ASm Alistair Smith
ACu Anne Cousins BN B. Nevison
ASt Alan Stuart
AF Adam Fawcett BP Barry Pointer
AH Alan Henigan AT A. Taylor BPo Ben Pointer
AL Alan Lowis ATh A. Thompson BR Bruce Roubin
ALe Alan Leishman AW A. Walter BW Beth Williams
ALi Ann Lindsey BA Bob Ashford
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 57BWi B. Wilcox DJ Dellas Johnston
FC Frances Czwalinna
CA Chris Armstrong DJo David Johnson
FG Fred Van Gessel
CAn Charlie Andrews DK David Koffel
FH Frank Hemmings
CB Chris Brandis DL D. Lambert
FL Fiona Lumsden
CC Chris Chafer DM David Mitford
FR F. Rheindt
CCa Craig Cassady DMa D. Marshall
FRe F. Reed
CCb Chris Corben DMc Darryl McKay
FS Fran Smith
CCh Chris Charles DMd D. McDonald
FSCB Far South Coast
CCo Chris Coleborn DMo Don Moon
CCn Carl Corden DMr Dennis Moretto
FV F. Valckenborgh
CCp Carole Carpenter DMs D. Moss
FW F. Weynton
CD C. Driscoll DMt David Martin
GB Graham Barwell
CDy Chris Dwyer DO Danny Odinea
GBa Colin Barnes
CG Chris Gladwin DP David Potter
GBe G. Bedggood
CGo Carl Gosper DPa David Parker
GBr Grant Brosie
CJ C. Jackett DPI D. Pleasance
GC Greg Clancy
CK Cilla Kinross DPo Dean Portelli
GCa Graeme Catt
CL Chris Lester DR David Rosalky
GCm G. Campbell
CM Clive Meadows DRe David Rees
GCo G. Cottle
CMn C. Mann DS David Sawyer
GD Geoffrey Dabb
CMt C. Martin DSa Debbie Saunders
GDy Garry Daly
CPi C. Price DSe David Secomb
GG G. Garradd
CPr Carol Probets DSm Dot Smith
GGu G. Guy
CRo C. Ross DT David Turner
GH G.Huxtable
CS Colin Scouler DTh D. Thompson
GHo Geoff Holden
CSp Carmel Spark DW Dave Whitfield
GL Greg Lollback
CT Chris Timewell DWa Dave Watson
GLC Gould League Camp
DA D. Adams DWe David Webb
GM G. Mitchell
DB D. Brady DWi D. Winterbottom
GN Glenys Nevinson
DBa David Bassett DWI Di. Waldon
GO G. Oakley
DC David Charley EA Eric Andrew
GOl Graham Olde
DCa D. Castle EB Evelyn Bearlin
GR Greville Reidy
DD Dick Dallimore ED Ern Dunkley
GRi Gerry Richards
DE David Egan EFa E. Fair
GRs Geoff Ross
DF David Frew EK Elisabeth Karplus
GS Graham Stevens
DGo Dennis Gosper ER E. Rice
GS1 Greg Slade
DG David Geering ES Elizabeth Simkus
GT Graham Turner
DGo D. Goldrick ET Elisa Tack
HB Howard Blackburn
DGr Dot Green EV Edwin Vella
HBi Helen Biddle
DH Dion Hobcroft EW Eric Wheeler
HB1 H. Black
DHa David Hair EWh Eric Whiting
HBRHunter Bird Report
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 58HD H. Davies JHd Jon Howard KC Kaye Cruthel
HG H. Griffith JHe Jack Healy KCh Kaye Chandler
HH Henry Handcock JH1 Jack Holland KCo Kathy Costello
HL Hans Lutter JHo Jason Horwood KD K. Duke
HM Hugh McGregor JHn Jim Hone KG Kevin Gilmore
HN Henry Nix JHr J. Harrington KH Keith Hutton
HP Heather Pittar JHs Janis Hosking KL Kurtis Lindsay
HPe Harvey Perkins JLa John Layton KM Kevin Mills
HPu Helen Pulver JLu Janene Luff KMa Kylie Madden
HR H. Roberts JM Jane Miller KO Kay Overton
HS Helen Stevens JMa John Martin KP Kaye Pointer
HW Hans Wohlmuth JMc J. McNaughton KPr Karen Pearson
HWo Hal Wootton JMk Janet Makepeace KS Ken Shingleton
IC I. Chapman JM1 John McLennan KSm Karen Smedley
ID Ian Davidson JMo J. Morris KSt Keith Stockwell
IDo I. Donaldson JMs J. Miles LA Louise Archbold
IF Ian Fraser JMy Joke Meyer LB Lorna Bloom
IH Ian Harpley JN J. Newman LC Laurie Conole
IJ Ian Johnson JNe John Nevinson LC Lorraine Cairns
IM Ian McKinlay JNo Jenny Norton LHa Louise Harrison
IMa Ian McAllan JO Jim O’Shea LHe Lynn Heywood
JA Joan Adams JP Joy Pegler LHo Linda Holmes
JB John Brickhill JPe J. Pellhallurick LJ Lorne Johnson
JBi J. Biggins JPo Jenny Powers LMc Laurie McEnally
JBk Jack Baker JPt Jack Peattie LS Lindsey Smith
JBr J. Broomhall JR Judith Russill LSm Leigh Schmidt
JC John Carpenter JRe John Reidy LT Lorna Turner
JCa J. Carr JRs J. Rees MA M. Angus
JCe J. Clifton -Everest JS John Seale MB Martin Butterfield
JCo Jan Condon JSb Johan Stallberg MBa Mike Barth
JD John Duranti JSi J. Sirker MBo M. Bourman
JDa J. Dark JS1 June Sell MBy M. Bayliss
JDe John De Heume JSt Jan Strong MC Marjorie Cochrae
JDi Jim Dixon JSo Jen Southeron MCk Martin Cocker
JDn Jill Denning JT J. Tarr MCo Murray Coward
JDr Jeff Drudge JW Jenny Watts MCr Martin Crocker
JF Jim Francis JWa James Watson MH Michael Hunter
JFe J. Fearnley JWh J. Whitier MHa M. Harris
JG J. Glass JW1 John Walter MHe Matthew Herring
JG1 Janet Glasscock KB Keith Brandwood MHi M. Hinze
JGr J. Greenwood KBa Keith Barrett MHm Margaret Hamon
JH June Harris KBu K. Burroughs MHnMartin Henderson
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 59MI M. Isbell NT Nicki Taws RJa Russell Jago
MJ Michael Jarman NTa Nicholas Talbot RJo Richard Jordan
MJo M. Johnson NSw Narelle Swanson RK Ray Kirby
MK M. Kaine NW Nathan Waugh RL Russell Lamb
ML Murray Lord OF 0. Frischknecht RLa Bob Langdown
MLa M. Lagoni PB Penny Brockman RM R. Mason
MLz Michael Lenz PBe Peter Beard RMc R. McDonald
MM Madeline Murray PBu Paul Burcher RMg R. McGovern
MMa M. Marshall PC Pierre Charbonneau RMo Rob Morrow
Mme Matt Meischke PCh Pat Chapman RMp Robert Makepeace
MMo Mike Morphett PD Pauline Duren RP Robert Payne
MMx Max Maddox PE Peter Ekert RPa R. Palmer
MP Margaret Pointer PF Peter Fullagar RQ Rod Quinan
MR Michael Ronan PFa Peter Fackender RR R. Rind
MRa Michael Ramsay PH Phil Hansbro RS Ray Stokes
MRo M. Roderick PL P. Liell RSc Robert Schultz
MRt Margaret Robertson PM Peter Milburn RSh R. Shanks
MRu M. Rutkaukis PMa P. Mahoney RSt R. Stapleton
MRw Michelle Rower PME P. Morse -Evans RT R.J. Turner
MS Michael Schultz PMe Peter Merritt RTu Roger Truscott
MSe M. Selfe PMv Peter Madvig RV R. Vale
MSi Michael Simpson PS Paul Shelley RW Bob Way
MSm Martin Smith PSe Peter Settle RWa Robyn Walker
MSt Mal Stokes PSp P. Spark RWe Rick Webster
MSy Margaret Sykes PSt Phil Straw RWh Rowena Whiting
MT Mick Todd PSy Phillip Seeley RWt Russ Watts
MVBO Macleay V. Bird PV Philip Veerman SA Sasha Adin
Observers PWi Peter Wilkins SAs Steve Anyon-Smith
MZ M. Zwankhuisen RA R. Alcock SB Simon Blanchflower
NC Nicholas Carlile RB Richard Baxter SBr S. Brooking
ND N. Dreyer RBe Robin Benson SBu S. Burrows
NH Nick Hodges RC Dick Cooper SCo Stuart Cooney
NJ Nigel Jackett RCg Ricki Coughlan SD Stuart Dashper
NJn N. Jones RCk Richard Clark SE Sheila Emery
NK Neil Kirby RCI Reg Clarke SEd Sue Edgar
NL Noel Luff RD R. Doyle SF Stuart Fairbairn
NLa Nevil Lazarus RE Rees Edwards SFr Sonya Frew
KLu Neville Lubke RG Rob Gardner SG Stephen Gross
NP Norm Palazzi RH R. Harwood SH Steve Holliday
NR Neil Russill RHa R. Hamilton SHy Simon Hayes
NS Neville Schraeder RI Ron Imisides SJ S. Johnson
RJ Ray Jones SK Sue Kitchen
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 60SL Sue Lashko TDo Tim Dolby TW Tom Wilson
SLu Scott Lucas TG Tom Green TWh T. Wheller
SM S. McInerney TH Timothy Hyde TWa Trevor Waller
SP S. Pickering TJ T. Jarman VC Viv Colman
SR Sue Romane TK Tim Kenney VM Val Moon
SS S. Swensson TKa Tom Karplus VT Viv Trusler
SV S. Vine TM Tim Morris WBy Bill Bye
SWa Stephen Walters TN Ted Nixon WE Wal Emery
SWi Sheila Witt TNo Terri! Nordstrom WR W. Rumsby
SWI Steve Wilson TP Tun Pin Ong WS Warren Sweeney
TB T. Breaden TQ Trevor Quested WT Warren Thompson
TC Tony Crittenden TS Tony Saunders WW W. (Bill) Watson
TD Tony Dymond TSm Terry Smith YP Yasha Posmenko
Adelaide Gate, Sturt NP FNWP 29 00 142 40 Belanglo SF 34 30 150 16
Agnes Banks NR S 33 39 150 42 Belgrave Falls, Kemspey NC 31 05 152 04
Albion Park I 34 34 150 46 Bellambi Point 34 21 150 55
Albury, Nail can Hill SWS 36 36 146 55 Bellbrook NC 30 49 152 30
Albury, Red Light Hill SWS 36 36 146 55 Belmont Swamp 33 02 151 40
Alleyn River H 32 07 151 25 Bendalong 35 14 150 32
Alstonville NC 28 50 153 36 Bendemeer NT 30 53 151 09
Angourie Beach NC 29 29 153 21 Benerembah SWP 34 33 145 53
Anvil Hill H 32 16 150 40 Beranghi NC 31 09 152 54
Apple Tree Flat, Denman H 32 27 150 43 Berara Beach 35 12 150 33
Arakoon NC 30 53 153 04 Beresfield 32 48 151 39
AmclitTe S 33 56 151 09 Berkeley Harbour 34 29 150 51
Arragannu, MimosaRk NPSC 36 39 149 57 Bendalong 35 14 150 32
Ash Island H 32 50 151 42 Bengello Beach SC 35 51 150 10
Ash Island Ponds H 32 52 151 43 Bermagui SC 36 25 150 03
Audley, Royal NP S 34 06 151 03 Berowra Waters 33 37 151 09
Avoca Beach & Lagoon CC 33 26 151 32 Bermagui SF SC 36 25 150 03
Avondale I 34 31 150 45 Berry Mountain 34 50 151 43
Awabakal NR Belmont H 33 01 151 41 Bethungra SWS 34 43 147 53
Balgownie I 34 23 150 53 Bherwerre Bch Jervis Bayl 35 09 150 38
Bal ickera H 32 45 151 43 Big HillLimeburners CkNRNC 31 18 152 58
Balmoral S 33 49 151 15 Big Is,
BargĀ° R BargĀ° I 34 17 150 35 Five Islands NR I 34 29 150 56
Barlings Swamp & BeachSC 35 50 150 11 Bilbul HSD Binya SWP 34 17 146 10
Barnato HSD Cobar FSWP 31 36 144 59 Bingie Pt Meringo SC 35 59 150 09
Barraba NWS 30 22 150 37 Binya SWP 34 14 146 21
Barrack Heights 1 34 33 150 51 Binya SF Yenda SWP 34 14 146 18
Barragoot Lake SC 36 28 150 08 Blackalls Park 33 00 151 35
Barren Grounds NR I 34 38 150 40 Blackbutt Res Wollongongl 34 25 150 53
Bass Is, Five Islands NR I 34 29 150 55 Black Head Gerroa I 34 37 150 49
Bass Point I 34 36 150 54 Blue Gum Swamp Creek
Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28 Blue Mountains NP CT 33 39 150 39
Batemans Bay Water GdnSC 35 43 150 11 Boatharbour, Kumell S 34 03 151 08
Beecroft S 35 45 151 03
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 61Bobbin Hd Kur-ing-gaiCNPS 33 39 151 09 Cape Solander 34 01 151 14
Bobs Farm, Saltash 32 47 151 56 Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59
Bolwarra 32 43 151 33 Carey Bay, Valentine H 33 01 151 38
Bomaderry 34 31 150 37 Carrington Falls 34 27 150 39
Bongil Bch Sawtell NC 30 21 153 07 Carrs Ck Swamp Grafton NC 29 38 152 56
Bonnie Vale 34 05 151 09 Castle Cove 33 37 151 13
Booderie Bot Gardens, Castlecrag 33 48 151 13
Jervis Bay 35 10 150 40 Castlereagh NR 33 41 150 45
Boorganna NR ComboyneNC 31 36152 34 Catherine Hill Bay 33 08 151 37
Bootawah Dam 32 24 152 12 Cattai Creek Cattai 33 36 150 59
Boothbys Ck Southgate NC 29 37 153 05 Cecil Hoskin NR 34 32 150 24
Booyong FR Alstonville NC 28 52 153 27 Cedar Point NC 35 51 150 10
Borah Res Barraba NWS 30 36 150 36 Centennial Park, Sydney S 33 54 151 14
Border Ranges NP KyogleNC 28 20 152 27 Cessnock 32 52 151 21
Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56 Chatswood West 33 47 151 09
Bournda SC 36 48 149 56 Chittaway Bay CC 33 19 151 27
Bowning SWS 34 46 148 50 Chitty HSDSiding SpringsCWS 31 15 149 09
Bowral 34 28 150 25 Clarencetown 32 35 151 47
Boyters Ln Jerseyville NC 30 55 153 02 Clarenza NC 29 41 152 58
Brittas TSR Walbunderie SWS 35 41 146 46 Clearfield NC 29 08 152 56
Broadwater NP NC 29 15 153 20 Clybucca NC 30 54 152 55
Broadwater Swamp, Clybucca Ck Kempsey NC 30 54 152 15
Tullymorgan NC 29 35 153 08 Cobaki NC 28 12 153 27
Brobenah SWP 34 29 146 21 Cobar New Tank FNWP 31 30 145 43
Brogo SC 36 31 149 49 Coco Ck Glen Davis CT 33 08 150 06
Broulee Beach SC 35 51 150 10 Comara, Macleay River NC 30 46 152 44
Brown Mountain SC 36 34 149 33 Combanning SF SWS 34 34 147 42
Brunkerville H 32 56 151 29 Comerang SC 36 04 150 01
Bruxner Pk Kororo NC 30 14 153 06 Comerong Island 34 52 150 43
Bucca Bucca Creek NC 30 10 153 07 Concord S 33 56 151 05
Budderoo FT Budderoo NPI 34 42 150 42 Comleroy Rd Kurrajong S 33 33 150 04
B B Buu u lg f afa d Pl ed o li ae in h t , Budgewoi N CCW P 3 3 31 23 0 217 45 1 1 154 519 2 0 3 136 2 C C Co o on n ng i jm oo l, ab lM a N o PNr u Py Ca owra S CC T 33 3 535 5 4 169 8 11 1 545 080 20 3 919
B Bu ul lg ga a Pinegrove Rd H 3 32 2 2 29 9 1 15 51 1 0 01 9 Cook ACTST 35 16 149 04
Bundarra NWS 30 10 151 04 Cookadinia, Holbrook SWS 35 33 147 14
Bungonia SRA CT 34 52 149 57 Cooks River Bridge S 33 54 151 10
Coolagolite FSC 36 24 149 55
Bureen 32 36 150 42 Coolbaggie NR CWS 31 58 148 41
Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13 Coolendal 34 50 150 26
Burrumbuttock SWS 35 50 146 47 Coonabarabran NWP 31 16 149 16
Bushells Lagoon 33 34 150 48 Coopernook SF H 31 50 152 35
Byrock FNWP 30 39 146 24 Coorabark NP NC 31 58 152 35
Cabbage Tree Island H 32 41 152 13 Cooranbong H 33 04 151 26
Calala, Tamworth NWS 31 13 150 28 Copeland NR Barrington H 31 58 151 47
Calderwood I 34 35 150 42 Cormaba NR Coffs Hbr NC 30 14 153 04
CalemindaHSD TamworthNWS 31 12 150 57 Cordeaux Dam I 34 23 150 48
Cambewarra West I 34 49 150 43 Corowa STW SWS 35 59 148 40
Camerons Corner Sturt NPFNWP 29 00 141 00 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
Campbell Is Barham SWP 35 35 144 II Cowans Pond ResGraftonNC 29 43 152 55
Campbell Park, ACT ST 35 17 149 19 Cowper NC 29 35 153 05
Campbells Swamp, Griffith 34 13 145 58 Cowra CT 34 01 148 40
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 62Croudace Bay 33 01 151 38 Euablaong West FSWP 33 03 146 23
Crafts CkResMangroveMt CC 33 20 151 09 Eurobodalla Bot.gardens SC 35 46 150 10
Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59 Evans Head STW NC 29 06 153 25
Crowdy Bay NP 31 50 151 08 Everglades GC WoyWoy CC 33 30 151 18
Crowdy Bay, Fig Tree Cp H 31 43 152 37 Everlasting Swp LawrenceNC 29 32 153 04
Crowsnest Swamp, Fairlea HSDDungowan NWS 31 13 151 07
White Bridge NC 29 42 153 06 Fairy Hill, Casino NC 28 46 152 59
Cudmirrah 35 13 150 32 Falcon Fits CocoparraNP SWP 34 07 146 13
Cullendulla SC 35 40 150 12 Fearnleys Lgn Richmond S 33 36 150 49
Cundletown 31 53 152 33 Federal Falls MtConobolasCT 33 20 148 57
Currarong 35 01 150 49 Femtree Gully Rylstone CT 32 39 150 02
Curra Moors, Royal NP S 34 10 151 03 Field of Mars Res Ryde S 33 48 151 07
Cut Hill Rd Cobbitty S 33 59 150 40 Figtree, Crowdy Bay NPH 31 46 152 15
Darcoola NR Hay SWP 34 24 144 32 Fishwyck STW ACT ST 35 19 149 10
Darkes Forest 1 34 13 150 54 Fivebough Swamp,LeetonSWP 34 23 151 05
Darlington Point SWP 34 35 146 00 Fords Bridge FNWP 29 45 145 27
Davistown CC 33 29 151 21 Fort Grey, Stunt NP FNWP 29 04 141 14
Delicate Nobby NC 31 15 152 58 Fosterton Loop, Dungog H 32 20 151 37
Deniliquin SWP 35 32 144 57 Fowlers Gap Reseach StnFNWP 31 28 141 40
Devlins Ck Epping 33 48 151 08 Fullerton Cove 32 51 151 45
Diamond HdCrowdy BayNPH 31 43 152 47 Gamboalley HSD Louth FNWP 39 58 145 20
Dooralong CC 33 11 151 21 Gara TSR Armidale NT 30 38 151 49
Dora Creek H 33 05 151 30 Garrigal NP Ingleside S 33 42 151 15
Doughboy A H uoll bow u rnSH 32 38 151 10 Gees Lagoon, Colo S 33 27 150 50
Duck Ck 33 50 151 51 Geneebeinga Wetlands NC 28 51 153 03
Dubbo Gully Mangrove MtnCC 33 18 151 07 Gerringong Harbour 34 45 150 50
Dubbo, Macquarie River CWS 32 15 148 45 Geurie CWS 32 24 148 49
Dudley Bluff 32 58 151 43 Gibraltar Ranges NP NC
Duffys Forest 33 40 151 11 Gillieston Heights H 32 45 151 32
Dumaresq Dam, ArmidaleNT 30 30 151 40 Ginninderra, ACT ST 35 12 149 07
Dunbogan NC 31 40 152 39 Glebe S 33 53 151 12
Dungog 32 24 151 46 Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12
Dungowan NWS 31 13 151 07 Glenbawn Dam, Scone H 32 07 151 00
Duntulm HSD Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 20 Glendale H 32 58 151 40
Duni, Tamworth NWS 31 13 150 49 Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17
GlenlolanBrdge GlenAliceCT 33 02 140 09
Mullimbimby NC 28 30 153 27
Glenmire HSDWanganellaSWP 35 04 144 48
Eastern Creek Tip S 33 48 150 51 Glenora HSD Louth FNWP 30 08 144 48
East Albury SWS 36 36 146 55
Eastlakes S 33 56 151 13 Glenrock SRA Dudley H 32 58 151 44
East Seaham H 32 40 151 44 Glenugie SF NC 29 47 153 04
Eastwood S 33 48 151 04 Gloucester East Wetlands 32 01 151 58
Ebenezer S 33 32 150 52 Gloucester Falls BTNP H 32 05 151 35
Gloucester Tops BTNP Ii 32 05 151 35
Eden SC 37 04 149 54
Eglington CT 33 46 149 36 Goodwin Pk Morisset H 33 06 151 29
Ellis Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 40 153 07 Goolawah NC 31 15 152 58
Goollooinboin HSD
Empire Bay CC 33 30 151 22
Glen Davis CT 33 09 150 09
Emu Plains S 33 45 150 40
Goobang, Cudal CT 33 01 148 14
Enngonia FNWP 29 18 145 51
Epping S 33 46 151 04 Goonoo SF Mogriguy CWS 32 05 148 50
Gorokan CC 33 14 151 33
Ermington S 33 48 151 03 Goulburn STW ST 34 44 149 40
Ettamalong Swp, Umina CC 33 29 151 20
Euabalong FSWP 33 06 146 28 Grahamstown Reservoir H 32 45 151 48
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 63Grassmere HSd Cowra CT 34 02 148 53 Jindalee SF Wallendbeen SWS 34 29 148 02
Grassmere HSD WilcanniaFNWP 31 20 142 40 Jingo Ck Eden SC 36 58 149 40
Grassy Head NC 30 48 152 39 Junee STW SWS 34 55 147 35
Greendale S 33 57 150 41 Kalaru SC 36 44 149 56
Green Cape, Ben Boyd NPSC 37 24 150 03 Kanahooka 1 34 30 150 50
Greenwood HSD, Kangaloon I 34 52 150 32
Kootingal NWS 31 03 151 03 Kangaroo Valley 1 34 45 150 32
Griffith SWP 34 16 146 03 Kanwal CC 33 16 151 27
Gulargambone CWP 31 20 148 27 Karagi Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 30
Gulmarrad NC 29 29 152 14 Kariong CC 33 12 151 31
Gum Swamp Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59 Karloo Pool, Royal NP S 34 05 151 02
Gunbar SWP 34 02 145 23 Kars Springs H 31 54 150 34
Guy Fawkes River NP NC 30 09 152 19 Katandra Res Matcham CC 33 25 151 23
Gwydir Pk TSR BundarraNWS 30 11 151 04 Katoomba CT 33 43 150 18
Harrington 31 53 152 41 Keepit dam NWS 30 50 150 31
Hastings River estuary NC 31 27 152 54 Kellys Falls, Helensburgh I 34 10 150 59
Hawkesbury Marshes S 33 36 150 50 Kellys Swamp, ACT ST 35 18 149 09
Hay SWP 34 29 144 52 Kelvin SF NWS 30 49 152 20
Hay wetlands SWP 34 29 144 52 Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49
Hazelbrook CT 33 44 150 26 Kemps Creek S 33 53 150 47
Helensburg S 34 10 150 59 Kentucky NT 30 46 151 27
Henry Hd, Keripit Tk BarringtonTNPH 32 05 151 36
Botany BayNP S 33 59 151 14 Kiah SC 37 06 149 52
Hexham Swamp H 33 50 151 40 Kiah HSD Barraba NWS 30 22 150 37
Hillville Dam H 31 58 152 22 Kiama I 34 41 150 51
Hillston SWP 33 29 145 33 Killara S 33 45 151 09
Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05 KillaleaSRA Shellharbour I 34 36 150 51
Horsfield Bay CC 33 29 151 17 Killarney Vale CC 33 21 151 28
Howes Valley H 32 51 150 50 Kincumber Pony Club CC 33 28 151 23
Hume Reservoir SWS 36 02 147 21 Kingscliff NC 28 15 153 34
Hungry Head NC 30 31 153 01 Kings Creek, Wauchope NC 31 28 152 43
Huntingdale HSD G.Alice CT 33 03 150 08 Kintyre HSD New MolyanCWS 32 35 149 13
Huskisson 35 02 150 41 Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21
Ilford CT 32 58 149 51 Kooragang Island H 32 53 151 47
Illawarra Escarpment I 34 28 150 43 Kootingal NWS 31 03 151 03
Illawong Res, Korrungulla Swamp 34 30 150 53
Warriewood 33 41 151 17 Kungala NC 29 56 153 00
Iluka NC 29 25 153 22 Kurrajong S 33 33 151 39
Iluka NR NC 29 24 153 22 Kurri Kurri 32 49 151 29
[mesons Swamp, LawrenceNC 29 33 153 03 Kyella HSD Gunbar SWP 34 02 145 23
Ingalba NR SWS 34 30 147 28 Kyogle NC 28 37 152 59
lomar HSD Quorrobolong H 32 57 151 21 Lady Carrington Drive,
Irrawang Swp RaymondT.H 32 44 151 46 Royal NP 34 06 151 03
Jacana HSD Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58 Laguna 33 59 151 08
Jamberoo 34 38 150 48 Lake Brunderee SC 36 05 150 07
Jerilderie SWP 35 22 145 44 Lake Burragorang CT 34 10 150 20
Jerrabomborah wetlds ACTST 35 18 149 09 Lake Cakora, Brooms Hd NC 29 36 153 20
Jerrys Plains 32 30 150 34 Lake Cathie NC 31 36 152 52
Jersey Springs Royal NP S 34 05 151 02 Lake Ginninderra ACT ST 35 03 149 03
Jerseyville NC 30 56 153 02 Lake Keepit NWS 30 50 150 31
Jervis Bay 35 03 150 44 Lake Inverell NWS 29 47 151 08
Jibbon Head 33 04 151 10 Lake Smith, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 64Lake Tooim, Goodnight SWP 35 55 143 22 Mckenzies Creek NC 30 52 152 27
Lake Tully, Goodnight SWP 35 55 143 22 McPherson Range, GriffithSWP 34 15 146 04
Lake Wollumboola I 35 00 150 46 Merimbula SC 36 54 149 54
Lane Cove R Lane Cove S 33 48 151 13 Meringo SC 35 59 150 09
Lansvale S 33 53 150 57 Meroo Meadows 34 49 150 36
Lapstone S 33 55 150 49 Merrifield HSD Barraba NWS 30 22 150 37
Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06 MIA SF Leeton SWP 34 37 146 20
Lawson CT 33 42 150 26 Middle Dural 33 38 151 02
Lees Pinch,GoulburnRNP CT 32 18 150 04 Millingandi, Merimbula SC 36 57 149 50
Lees Res Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25 Milparinka FNWP 29 45 141 52
Leeton Tip SWP 34 33 146 24 Milton I 35 19 151 26
Lemon Tree Passage H 32 43 152 02 Mimosa Rocks NP SC 36 39 149 57
Lennox Head NC 28 47 153 35 Mingaletta NC 31 11 152 51
Lenaghans Dr SwpMinmiH 32 51 151 37 Minmi 32 51 151 37
Leura CT 33 43 150 21 Minnamurra Rainforest 1 34 38 151 43
Levenstrath NC 29 49 152 56 Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 53
LighthouseBch PMacquarieNC 31 29 152 55 Mogareeka Inlet Tathra SC 36 42 149 58
Limebumers Creek NR NC 31 17 152 54 Molonglo R Canberra ST 35 20 149 16
Limekilns Bay, Oatley S 33 57 151 04 Momo SF Tomingley CWS 32 25 148 22
Limri Rd Cockburn RiverNC 30 59 151 14 Mona Vale Beach 33 41 151 18
Linden CT 33 43 150 32 Montagu Island SC 36 15 150 13
Lithgow CT 33 28 159 10 Moombi Common NWS 31 10 151 04
Little Broadwater Swamp NC 29 28 153 04 Moombi Ranges NWS 30 59 151 01
Little Langothlin Lagoon NT 30 08 151 47 Moore Creek Caves NWS 31 00 150 55
Little River 34 21 150 43 Morgans Ridge Holbrook SWS 35 44 147 23
Lochiel SC 36 56 149 49 Morpeth STW 32 44 151 37
Long Jetty CC 33 21 151 28 Moruya SC 35 55 150 06
Long Reef 33 45 151 19 Moruya Heads Sth SC 35 55 150 09
Long Wheeney Swp CattaiS 33 33 150 55 Mosman 33 50 151 14
Lower Kangaroo Creek NC 29 54 152 51 Mossgiel FSWP 33 16 144 34
Luddenham 33 52 150 42 Mount Annan Bot GardenS 34 03 150 46
Macgregor ACT ST 35 13 149 01 Mount Arthur 32 34 148 55
MachinsCrater Blue MNPCT 33 50 150 34 Mt Bingar, Cocoparra NPSWP 34 07 146 14
Macksville NC 30 42 152 56 Mt Brogden CNP SWP 34 12 146 17
Maclean NC 29 28 153 12 Mount Canobolas ReserveCT 33 19 148 59
Macquarie Marshes NorthCWP 30 24 149 29 Mount Dromaderry SC 36 18 150 01
Macquarie Pass NP I 34 33 151 38 Mount Ettalong CC 33 30 151 20
Macquarie Uni Ryde S 33 49 151 06 Mount Gunderbooka FNWP 30 35 145 45
Macumba Res Buff Point CC 33 14 151 55 Mount Hope Rd Cobar FSWP 32 55 145 53
Maddens Plains 1 34 16 150 55 Mount Keira 34 24 150 51
Main Camp Teetree Plant NC 28 40 152 15 Mount Kembla 34 26 150 48
Maitland 32 44 151 33 Mount Majura ACT ST 35 17 149 12
Manildra CT 33 12 148 37
Mount Ousley 34 24 150 42
Manna Park, Pambula SC 36 57 149 54 1
Manna Springs HSD 4 km SC 36 57 149 54 Mount Penang CC 33 12 151 35
Maria R.Rd Crescent HeadNC 31 15 152 52 Mount Pleasant 33 25 150 51
Mount Rodgers, ACT ST 35 12 149 03
Market Swamp, Sandgate H 32 53 151 42
Mount Skillion NC 30 58 152 43
Maroubra 33 56 151 15
Mount Wilson CT 33 31 150 22
Marra Hall CWP 30 51 147 22
Mount Wood Sturt NP FNWP 29 29 142 14
Mason Park, Concord S 33 56 151 05
Mudbishops Point 31 57 152 36
Mates Gully, Tarcutta SWS 35 15 147 40
Mulgoa Valley 33 50 150 38
Mathoura Reedbeds SWP 35 50 144 56
Mummel Gulf NP NC 31 27 151 24
Maulbrooks Rd Moruya SC 35 50 150 06
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 65Munghom Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50 O’Hares Creek I 34 06 150 50
Mungo NP Wentworth FSWP 33 33 143 03 Old Bar Beach H 31 58 152 35
Munmorah SCA CC 33 12 151 35 Old Quipolly Dam NWS 31 25 105 24
Murrays Run, Wollombi 11 33 04 151 09 Oleopoloko Lake Peri NPFNWP 30 42 143 40
Murrumbo Gap CT 32 24 150 11 Olive DownsHSDSturt NPFNWP 29 05 141 51
Murrumbung HSD Mardi CC 33 18 151 15 Olney SF H 33 07 151 25
Muswellbrook H 32 16 150 53 Orange CT 33 17 149 07
Mutawinji NP FNWP 31 15 142 51 Ourimbah Ck Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25
Muttonbird Is Coffs HrNC 30 18 153 08 Ourimbah SF CC 33 16 151 22
NambucCa Heads NC 30 39 153 00 Ourimbah Uni Campus CC 33 21 151 22
Narooma SC 36 15 150 07 Oxford Flls S 33 34 151 14
Narrabeen Lagoon S 33 43 151 13 Oyster Cove H 32 44 151 57
Narrandera SWP 34 43 146 35 Packsaddle FNWP 30 08 142 06
Narrawallee Creek N.R. I 35 19 150 28 Paddington SF Cobar FSWP 32 08 145 02
Narromine Weir CWS 32 12 148 48 Pagoola TkGardens OSNPCT 33 15 150 10
Narrow Neck, Katoomba CT 33 43 150 13 Palm Beach S 3 3 36 151 20
Nellingen SC 35 39 150 05 Palmdale CC 33 19 151 23
Nem ingha NT 31 07 150 59 Palmgrove CC 33 19 151 18
Nericon Swamp Griffith SWP 34 13 146 02 Pambalong NR Minmi H 32 53 151 38
Nethercote SC 32 53 151 42 Pambula SC 36 57 140 52
Newcastle Baths H 32 55 151 47 Parramatta CBD S 33 48 151 00
Newcastle Uni Callaghan H 32 53 151 41 Parraweena HSD,
Newcastle Water Reserve H 32 53 151 42 Willow Tree NWS 31 43 150 24
New EnglandNPS Day CkNC 30 38 152 39 Patonga Rd BrisbaneWNPCC 33 34 151 16
New England NP Pearl Beach CC 33 23 151 18
Wrights Lookout NC 30 31 152 24 Pedro Swamp, Moruya SC 35 56 150 09
Newling Dam, Armidlae NT 30 31 151 41 Pelican Is Port MacquarieNC 31 27 152 54
Newington Wetlands S 33 50 151 03 Pelican Is Sth West Rocks NC 30 55 153 02
Newnes Valley CT 33 10 150 14 Penrith S 33 43 151 41
Newtown S 33 54 151 11 Penryn Rd Botany S 33 58 141 12
Ngunnawal ACT ST 35 10 149 07 Penshurst S 33 58 151 05
Nimbin NC 28 35 153 14 Pheasants Ck Rd BTNP H 35 57 146 55
Ninia HSD Willi CWP 30 54 147 29 Pheasant HillsHSDJinderaSWS 35 57 146 51
Nobbys Head Newcastle H 32 56 151 47 Picnic Pt Sydney S 33 58 151 00
Nombinnie NR MatarankaFSWP 32 55 145 53 Pindimar, Tea Gardens H 32 40 152 06
Norfolk HSD Cassillis H 31 53 149 54 Pitt Town Lagoon S 33 36 150 50
Normanhurst S 33 43 151 06 Port Macquarie West NC 31 26 152 53
Norske Skog Dam, Posts TSR Tarcutta SWS 35 15 147 44
Ettamogah SWS 36 00 146 59 Potato Pt Bodalla SC 36 11 150 08
Nth Bombi,McMastersBchCC 33 30 151 24 Poulton Pk HurstvilleGrovS 33 59 151 04
North Bourke FNWP 30 02 145 57 Probets Place Glen Alice CT 33 00 150 13
North Head, Manly S 33 49 151 18 Prospect Reservoir S 33 49 150 53
North Richmond S 33 37 150 43 Pughs Lagoon Richmond S 33 36 150 45
North Ryde S 33 45 151 06 Putty H 32 57 150 41
North Wollongong I 34 24 150 53 Quambone CWP 30 56 147 52
Nowra I 34 52 150 36 Quibray Bay, Kumell S 34 00 151 11
Nulama Ponds, Taree H 31 54 152 27 Quipolly Dam NWS 31 34 150 44
Nundle NT 31 29 151 08 Quorrobolong H 32 55 151 22
Nymboida NC 29 39 151 13 Rainbow Reach MacleayRNC 30 54 153 00
Oak Flats 1 34 34 151 14 Ramomie NC 29 39 152 48
Oatley Park S 33 59 151 05 Rankin Park H 32 55 151 40
Ocean Shores,BrunswickHdNC 28 31 153 34 Ravensdale H 33 09 151 18
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 66Red Rock NR Beaumont 34 46 150 33 Spring Plains HSD,
Richmond S 33 36 150 45 Wanganella SWP 35 08 144 48
Richmond Park NC 28 51 153 35 Stockton Beach H 32 53 151 47
Rileys Island NR CC 33 29 151 20 Stockton 32 52 151 44
Riversleigh, Mudgee CT 32 23 149 37 Stuarts Point NC 30 50 152 09
Rocky Hall SC 36 26 149 30 Sturt NP Tibooburra FNWP 29 30 152 09
Round Hill NR Mt Hope FSWP 32 57 146 09 SunnyridgeHSD BooroowaST 34 28 148 45
Ryans Cut, Crescent HeadNC 31 08 153 00 Sutton Res Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28
Ryde S 33 49 151 06 Swan Pool, Kinchela NC 31 01 153 00
Rye Park, Boorowa ST 34 30 148 55 Swansea H 33 05 151 38
Ryhope H 32 59 151 00 Sydney CBD S 33 53 151 12
Rylstone Dam CT 32 48 150 00 Sydney Cricket Ground S 33 57 151 13
Salamander Bay H 32 43 152 04 Sydney Olympic Park S 33 50 151 04
Saltash H 32 57 151 54 Sydney Pelagic S 33 50 151 20
Salt PanCk Riverwood S 33 56 151 02 Tahmoor 33 13 150 36
Saltwater H 31 55 152 28 Talbingo ST 35 34 148 18
Sandgate SF Gular CWP 31 12 148 12 Tallawarra 34 30 150 49
Saratoga CC 33 28 151 21 Taloumbi NC 29 34 153 16
St Huberts Island CC 33 29 151 20 Tamban SF NC 30 53 152 53
St Ives S 33 44 151 10 Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 57
Scarborough Pk,RockdaleS 33 59 151 07 Tamworth, Appleby Lane NWS 31 06 150 57
Scheyville NP Windsor S 33 38 150 54 Tara HSD Cobar FNWP 32 02 145 51
Scotia Sanct.Wentworth FSWP 33 20 141 09 Tatham Dip NC 28 55 153 09
SeaAcres NR PtMacquarieNC 31 27 152 56 Tathra SC 30 45 149 59
Seaham Swamp NR H 32 40 151 44 Temagog NC 30 59 152 34
Scales Rd Swp Belmore RNC 31 07 152 58 Tenambit 1-I 32 44 151 36
Severs Beach SC 36 55 149 50 Terramungermine Res CWS 32 10 148 35
Shark Creek, Tyndale NC 29 34 153 16 Terridgerie Lagoon NWP 30 53 148 49
Sheet of Water, Terrigal Haven CC 33 27 151 27
Lake Cargelligo SWP 33 13 146 27 Terrigal Ck Sandy Camp NWP 30 52 147 44
Shelden Forest, Pymble S 33 46 151 07 Tarro 32 49 151 40
Shellharbour I 34 35 150 52 The Alloes, Pilliga EastSFNWP 30 45 149 07
Shelley Bch Bateau By CC 33 23 151 28 The Drip, Ulan CT 32 13 150 46
Shoalhaven Heads I 34 51 150 45 The Entrance CC 33 21 151 30
Shortland WC N 32 53 151 41 The Junction 32 56 151 46
Singleton Cemetery Swp H 32 34 151 11 The Ranch HSD,
Skillion NR Kempsey NC 31 02 152 44 Wanganella SWP 35 03 144 52
Smiths Lake Bungwhal H 32 23 152 28 The Rock NR The Rock SWS 35 15 147 04
Smiths Lake, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30 The Verdun HSD Nundle NT 31 29 151 08
Soldiers Pt Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33 Thumpster Park, L.CathieNC 31 36 152 52
Somersby CC 33 22 151 17 Thurgoona SWS 36 02 146 51
South Grafton NC 29 44 152 14 Tilba Lake SC 36 18 150 37
South Kempsey NC 31 06 152 50 Timor Rock, WNP CWS 31 16 149 09
South Maroota S 33 29 150 57 Tintinhull, Tamworth NWS 31 04 151 00
South Maroubra S 33 57 151 15 Tocumwal GC SWS 35 46 145 33
South Myers Tk Sturt NP FNWP 29 16 141 59 Toms Lake Tk Booligal FSWP 33 40 144 48
South Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 54 Tom Thumb Lagoon I 34 29 150 54
South Tuross Estuary SC 36 03 150 07 Tongiland, Dubbo CWS
South West Rocks NC 30 51 153 19 Tongo HSD White Cliffs FNWP 30 30 143 14
Spencerville NC 30 55 153 03 Toongabbie Creek 33 47 150 58
Spring Ck Resv, Orange CT 33 24 149 10 Toorooka,Upper Macleay RNC 30 55 152 35
Spring Forest HSD, Toose’s Rd ? NC 30 49 152 29
Koorawatha CT 34 01 148 40 Toronto 33 01 151 35
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 67Torryburn, Gwdir Pk TSR NWS 30 27 151 13 Wantagong HSD HolbrookSWS 35 44 147 30
Torryburn, Harpers TSR NWS 30 27 151 13 Warburn, Griffith SWP 34 11 145 47
Towra Point NR 34 02 151 11 Warialda NWS 29 32 150 34
Trapyard Dm,Kennibri NWP 30 47 148 58 Warrabah NP Manilla NWS 30 34 150 54
Tregear Reserve 33 44 150 47 Warrah Trig,BrisbaneWNPCC 33 33 151 17
Trenayr NC 29 37 152 57 Warrapendi HSD Cowra CT 33 53 148 26
Trilby HSD Louth FNWP 30 39 144 56 Warratah Pk Duffys ForestS 33 40 151 11
Triple Springs, Matcham CC 33 23 151 26 Warriewood Wetland S 33 41 151 17
Tuckerbil Swamp, LeetonSWP 34 27 146 21 Warren STW CWP 31 44 147 43
Tuggerah CC 33 17 151 25 WarrumbunglesNPW’shedCWS 31 16 148 57
Tuggerah Dairy Swamp CC 33 17 151 25 Washpen, Swan Creek NC 29 40 152 58
Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 39 Watagan Range SF & NP H 33 00 151 25
Tuggerah Lagoon CC 33 18 151 25 Watchinbark NP CurribarkH 31 42 151 38
Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26 Waterfall S 34 07 151 00
Tuggerawong CC 33 17 151 29 Waterview Hgts Grafton NC 29 41 152 53
Tullakool Salt works SWP 35 24 144 12 Wattamolla, Royal NP S 34 08 151 07
Tullys Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 28 146 29 Wattamondarah CT 33 58 148 35
Tumut ST 35 18 148 13 Wauchope NC 31 28 152 44
Tura SC 36 50 149 55 Waverley S 33 54 151 15
Turramurra S 33 44 151 07 Wedding Bells SF NC 30 05 153 09
Tuross Heads SC 36 03 150 07 Wee Jasper ST 35 07 148 30
Tuross Lakes SC 36 04 150 08 Wentworth Falls CT 33 42 150 22
Tweed Heads NC 28 11 153 32 Werrikimbe NP NC 31 11 152 13
Tyndale NC 29 31 153 13 West Chatswood S 33 48 151 10
Ukerabagh NRTweed HdsNC 28 11 153 32 Westdale, Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 01
Uloola Falls Royal NP S 34 06 151 02 West Head Kur-ringai CNPS 33 34 151 19
Upper Avon Catchment I 34 27 150 41 West Kempsey NC 31 03 152 49
Upper Duck Creek NC 28 31 152 41 Westleigh S 33 43 151 04
Uralla NT 33 29 15130 Whale Pt Currarong I 3500 150 50
Urriara Crossing AC ST 35 14 148 57 Whale Rock Res Epping S 33 46 151 04
Urunga Lagoon, Urunga NT’ 35 20 146 16 Widgee HSD Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 20
UWS Richmond 33 36 150 45 White Box Camp,
Vacey H 32 40 151 05 Goulbum River NP CT 32 17 150 03
Valley Heights CT 33 42 150 32 Whitebridge H 32 58 151 43
Vincentia 35 35 150 41 Whoey Tk Round Hill NR FSWP 32 57 146 09
Wadalba Hill Wyong 1 C C 33 16 151 28 Wilberforce S 33 34 150 51
Wadi, Griffith SWP 34 17 146 03 Willandra NP Homestead FSWP 33 13 145 06
Wagga Wagga SWS 35 09 147 22 Willi Willi NC 30 57 152 25
Wagonga Drive Narooma SC 36 13 150 07 Willi Willi NP NC 31 02 152 20
Wahroonga 33 43 150 47 Willow Dell HSD,
Walbunderie SWS 35 43 147 33 Deniliquin SWP 35 31 144 58
Walka Water Works H 34 45 151 37 Willowgrove HSD
Wallace Park HSD GowrieNWS 31 19 150 51 Wanganella SWP 34 59 144 54
Wallacia S 33 53 150 39 Wilson Pk Silverwater S 33 49 151 03
Wallacetown, Junee SWS 34 58 147 28 Windang Island 34 32 150 52
Wallabadah Rock H 31 32 150 50 Windsor S 33 36 150 48
Wallaga Lake SC 36 22 150 04 Wingen H 31 54 150 53
Wallagoot Lake SC 36 47 149 56 Wingham H 31 52 153 22
Walla Walla SWS 35 46 146 45 Winmalee CT 33 40 150 36
Wallerawang CT 33 35 150 03 Winston Hills, Curtin ResS 33 46 150 59
Wamberal CC 33 26 151 26 Wisemans Ferry 33 23 150 59
Wanganella SWP 35 12 144 48 Wollar CT 32 23 149 57
Wolli Cl Tempe 33 56 151 09
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 68Wollondilly R Goulbum ST 34 45 149 43 Woy Woy Bay CC 33 30 151 17
Wollongong Pelagic I 34 26 150 56 Wyoming CC 33 25 151 20
Wombat Gully HSD Wyong HS Wyong Ck CC 33 16 151 24
Rylstone CT 32 43 150 07 Wyongah CC 33 16 151 29
Womorgama SF Bowna SWS 35 07 147 21 Wyrrabalong NP South CC 33 23 151 28
Wonboyn SC 37 15 149 55 Yamba NC 29 26 153 21
Wonga Wetlands, Albury SWS 36 04 146 31 Yambulla SF SC 37 15 149 32
Woods Pt Morisset H 33 07 151 31 Yarrabimbi HSD Leeton SWP 34 29 146 30
Woodberry H 32 48 151 41 Yarrahappini NC 30 47 152 59
Woodstock CT 33 42 148 53 Yarramin, Wee Waa NWP 30 12 149 26
Woodville H 32 40 151 36 Yarramundi Crossing S 33 37 150 40
Woolgoolga NC 30 07 153 11 Yarravel NC 31 03 152 45
Woolgoolga FR NC 30 07 153 09 Yarravel NR NC 31 01 152 44
Woolomin, Tamworth NWS 31 16 151 10 Yarrawah H 32 24 150 36
Woolooware Bay S 34 03 151 09 Yathong NR FSWP 32 22 145 30
Wooloweyah NC 29 28 153 18 Yellow Rock 34 36 150 45
Woolshed Ft CocoparraNPSWP 34 08 146 14 Yerrabi Pond, Gungahlin ST 35 13 149 08
Woonona 1 34 21 150 54 Yessebah NC 31 05 152 41
Worley Ck Res MangroveCC 33 18 151 10 Yimkin HSD Cobar FNWP 31 18 146 12
K. Brandwood
K. Brandwood 59 Kurmond Road, Wilberforce 2756
The fourteenth report of the NSWORAC details 13 submissions considered by the
Committee as well as 2 submissions dealt with by the Birds Australia Records
Committee (BARC) relating to records in NSW. Together with the 329 cases already
dealt with previously (Brandwood 2005) this brings to 344 the total number of cases
resolved. Of the 344 cases considered, 231 have been accepted, 71 not accepted and
46 not confirmed. As at 31 December 2006, 432 submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial
appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The
membership of the Committee for 2004 was R. Cooper (Chairperson), K. Brandwood
(Secretary), D. Hobcroft, A. Lindsey, A. K. Morris, A. Palliser, R. Turner & A.E.F.
The Committee in February 2004 removed the Yellow Wagtail from the Review List
from January 2005 because there have been 16 separate records in the past ten years
and more records since then. At the Meeting in February 2005, the Kermadec Petrel
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 69was removed from the Review List due to the increase numbers being seen in NSW
while in February 2006, the White -chinned Petrel was removed for similar reasons.
The current Review List was re -published in the newsletters of the contributing bird
groups in NSW during the year 2006.
During the winter of 2004 the seas were again warm as in the previous year so that
there were fewer sightings of seabirds from the far south but more tropical rarities
were noted.
The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee
(BARC), and submission relating to reports received in 2003 for species on their
Review List were referred directly. xx determinations were subsequently received of
which xx were accepted and the other xx was not accepted.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many
of the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief
notes taken from memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those
on the Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple persons;
The completion of a RAC report form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary.
The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not
accepted” (NA), and those records “not confirmed” (NC) will be listed at the end of
the Report. Records “not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed
without a submission being received even though invited by the Secretary. The
Committee would welcome further information on any record not accepted or not
confirmed and is willing to re -open to consider data additional to that already
Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first
is the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number
of confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced),
and the third represents the number of that species recorded in 2002. English and
scientific names used in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged
to publish details in an appropriate journal.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 70Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the
same time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of
review applied to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not
confirmed” or “not accepted” do not necessarily reflect mis-identification, rather that
information to date is inadequate to confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The
support of all people in the review system is appreciated.
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia
and its Territories. RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
Brandwood, K. 2006 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 2003”. Aust Birds 33,
Morris, A. K. 2007 “New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2004”. Aust. Birds 34, –
Palliser, T. 2005 “Rare Birds in 2004” Wingspan 15, No 3, 38-39
Stuart, A. Editor. 2005 “Hunter Region of New South Wales Annual Bird Report
Number 12 (2004)”. Hunter Bird Obs. Club.
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 11.10.1
Case No. 388 details the sighting of a bird observed on 11 October 2004 on a pelagic trip
off Sydney. The bird, seen by many observers, flew within 15 metres of the boat giving
good views of the white primary shafts on the upper wing, describes as “white flashes”
by the observer. These white primary shafts are reported as diagnostic in all field guides
for this species.
Soft -plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis 8.8.1
Case No. 389 reports the sighting of a bird observed on a pelagic trip off Sydney on 3
September 2004 This bird was observed for a period of 20 minutes down to a distance of
10 metres giving all the observers present excellent views of the bird. The combination
of all dark underwings, full breast band, pale breast and belly, and brown/grey crown as
reported by the observer, identifies this as a light morph of the Soft -plumaged Petrel.
Southern Royal Albatross Diopmedea epomophora epomophora 9.8.1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 71Case No 390 details the occurrence of a large albatross seen on a pelagic trip off Sydney
on 5 September 2004 and this bird was observed at close range for a period of 90 minutes.
The observer noted the front to rear whitening of the upper wing, the dark cutting edge
to the bill, and the all white tail, and the lack of angle where the bill meets the forehead.
These are all key identification points for this species.
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata 13.13.1
Case No 387 details the occurrence of an all dark albatross that was observed on two
successive days during marine surveys off Lord Howe Island on 20 July 2004. The
photograph was taken by an international but known observer who was visiting the Island
for Research purposes. The photograph clearly shows the salient features of a Light –
mantled Sooty Albatross being the dark head, white circle around the eye, the pale mantle
on the back. There are no previous reports for Lord Howe Island for this species.
Case No. 425 details the presence of an all dark albatross photographed on the Wollongong
pelagic of 23 October 2004 by a well known seabird observer. No written submission
was supplied for this sighting but the record was substantiated by way of a photograph
supplied by the observer. Again the photograph showed the black bill with blue sulcris,
dark head, white circle around eye, light mantle on back, dark brown wings and lighter
brown elsewhere.
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis
Case No.391 details the sighting of a small storm -petrel seen on the Sydney pelagic on 5
September 2004 and it was observed at close range for a period of 15 minutes at a
distance of 20 metres. The observer noted the following identity points: similar in size to
White-faced Storm -Petrel, grey upper plumage, lack of white rump, dark head and neck,
and toes protruding past the end of the tail in flight. All of these features are diagnostic
for Grey -backed Storm- Petrel.
Another Grey -backed Storm -Petrel was reported on the Eden pelagic on 30 May 2004
but no submission was received.
Great Frigatebird Fregata minor 6.6.1.
Case No 374 details the sighting of a bird at Clarence Head, Yamba where it was observed
following a serious storm for 10 minutes at a distance of 150 metres on 6 March 2003.The
bird was with eight other Frigatebirds believes to be all Lesser Frigatebirds F. aerial.
The bird was described as being all black body and underwings, which is consistent with
that on an adult male Great Frigatebird. All previous records have been for the period
February -May, so that this record is consistent with previous records. Other Greater
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 72Frigatebirds were reported at the time in the same general area but no submissions were
made to the Committee.
Black -breasted Button- quail Turnix melanogaster 9.7.1 (2000)
Case No 409 was a submission from an observer who with other people, saw two large
quail on the Minyon Falls walking track, in Whian Whian National Park on 24 September
2000 at a distance of four metres. The black head, white eye, dark breast, scalloped with
white and mottled and streaked on the back, identifies these two birds as Black -breasted
Button -quail. While reported previously close to this site, there is no previous published
record for the Whian WhaM SF (or now, National Park).
Buff- breasted Sandpiper Tringytes subruficollis 7.7.1
Case No. 394 (BARC 416), details the sighting of a bird at the Ash Island Ponds,
Kooragang Island 13 February 2004. This bird was seen by many observers as it remained
in the same small section of saltmarsh for a period of five days. The streaked crown,
whitish throat, lovely buff coloured face, neck, flanks, breast and back, with yellow legs
and yellow base to the bill, were features all clearly noted.
Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus 29.27.1
Case No. 375 details the sighting of a bird at Comerong Island, Shoalhaven Heads on 18
January 2004 that was seen and photographed by a number of observers. The photograph
shows a bird in typical non -breeding plumage, with a pale throat, apricot coloured wash
to the breast, whitish belly, pale brown head and upper parts and yellow legs. The
characteristic and unusual running style of this species, with its long yellow legs, is
clearly depicted in the photograph.
Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor 3.2.1
Case No. 384 describes the sighting of bird, photographed near Pambula on April 2004
where it was seen drinking at a bird bath at 75 Stringybark Place, Millingandi. The
sighting represents a huge southward extension of the range of this species in NSW as
the only two previous sightings have been on the far North Coast of NSW. Twelve months
after this bird was reported records were submitted for one of the same species at both
Port Macquarie and Lord Howe Island. The bird that was described conforms in very
way to a Pied Imperial Pigeon.
Elegant Parrot Neophema elegans 1.1.1
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 73Case No. 385 details the sighting of a Neophema parrot seen over a two day period at
Fowlers Gap Arid Zone Research Centre, north of Broken Hill 13-14 July 2004. Notes
were taken at the time of observation and submitted with the Report. When in flight, the
observer noted a blue diagonal line separating the inner wing from the dark primaries.
This thin blue line is diagnostic for the species. This is the first record for NSW, although
there have been a number of unconfirmed reports.
White -eared Monarch Monarcha leucotis N/A
Case No. 376 details the sighting of a bird at Fig Tree Camp, Crowdy Bay National Park
from 5 November -21 December 2004. The submission included a comprehensive
description plus a photograph of the bird in which all salient features could be seen.
White -eared Monarchs were first reported at this site in 1993 and again in 2003, but up
until now no submission had been made. A submission was subsequently requested
because of the substantial extension of range south. This report indicates a pattern of
continued southern extension of range for the species.
Case 393 Stilt Sandpiper Micropalama himantopus. Reported at Stockton Sandspit
on 7 February 2004. NA. (BARC 422)
Case 386 Spotted Nightjar Eurostopodus argus Reported from Woolooware Wetlands
near Cronulla 23 June 2004. NA.
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis Reported from the Eden pelagic 30
May 2004. NC
Greater Frigatebird Fregata minor Reported from Lennox Head 7 March 2004. NC.
A.E.E.E Rogers, 26 Westleigh Ave. Westleigh NSW 2160
The distribution of the Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor and Orange Chat E..aurifrons
in New South Wales is listed as widespread west of the Great Divide but only occurring
occasionally on the western slopes of the Divide and in the Tablelands Regions, mainly
during irruptions during inland droughts (HANZAB, 5, ). Such an event occurred in
September -October 1981 with large numbers of both species being recorded in the Central
West of the State with numbers seen east to Coonamble, Wellington and Molong, and
south to the Riverina (T.R.Lindsey 1982 Aust. Birds 17, 1-26). Smaller numbers of White –
fronted Chats E. albifrons also seem to have been involved with observations from
locations where they are seldom recorded.
This note belatedly records the details and extent of a memorable influx of all three
species on Turrawonga property, 20 kms north of Molong NSW. The following
information was provided to me by James Pottie, who made careful notes on the species
over a three month period from late September to December 1981. He also noted the
comparable numbers of all three species were seen in the same period on the neighbouring
property and on Eurimbla property 8 kms west of Turrawonga.
Crimson Chat
Crimson Chats arrived on 28 September, with up to 30 birds present and with five pairs
considered to have nested . One nest with two chicks was located about 15 cms above
the ground in a Variegated Thistle and at the other sites, males would regularly perform
broken wing behaviour to distract attention. The chicks were fed mainly on a diet of
small grubs and females often became agitated when approached, making soft whistling
calls as a warning to their mates. On completion of breeding this species made a gradual
departure over about a two week period in early December.
Orange Chat
Orange Chats arrived on the same or following day to the Crimson Chats and the two
species maintained close company. Seven pairs appeared to be holding territories and
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 75three nests were found, each containing three speckled pink eggs. All nests were built in
Variegated Thistle. The first was about 30 cms above the ground and was eventually
abandoned probably as a result interference by stock. The second was about 15 cms
above ground and was not monitored. The third nest was at ground level and the eggs
were laid about 20 October. When disturbed the female would fly quietly away whereas
the male often displayed broken wing behaviour. This pair hatched their eggs successfully
and raised two chicks. This species was noted as being the moist wary and were difficult
to photograph. They also departed earliest in late November and all within a few days.
White -fronted Chat
The arrival date for the White -fronted Chats was a few days alter on 2 October and they
appeared to keep separate from the other two species. About 20-25 birds were present
and although no nests were found, some pairs exhibited agitated behaviour on approach.
The duration of their stay in the ware was consistent with a breeding cycle over a two
week period from early to mid -December.
I am grateful to James Pottie for his recording of these events and for his permission to
publish them.
Australian Birds Vol 34 No.1 76Volume 34 No.1 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS December 2006
A.K Morris New South Annual Bird Report for 2004.
K. Brandwood Rare Bird Report for NSW 69
A. E. E. F. Rogers Historical record of Crimson and Orange Chats
Breeding near Molong 75