Vol. 33 No. 4-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 33 No. 4

Journal of BIRDING NSW – NSW Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
Volume 33 No.4 March 2006
NSW BIRDING New South Wales Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
The object of the club is to promote the study and conservation
of Australian birds and the habitats they occupy.
President Dick Dallimore
Vice -President Elisabeth Karplus
Secretary Janene Jones
Treasurer Barry Ayres
Annual Subscription Rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $15
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal
Australian Birds and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and
field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Editor Alan Morris
Production Dennis Arnold
Photographs Front Cover Soft -plumaged Petrel, Batemans Bay NSW
by David Webb, 6th October 2003, 7th NSW record.
Back Cover Masked Booby nesting Norfolk Island by
Volume No. 33 No. 4 March 2006
Alan K. Morris
3 Murray St, Bateau Bay NSW 2261
The twenty-seventh Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December
2003 and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions
of birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers,
frequency, range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location
Guide, at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to
assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The
production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map
references in the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days,
particularly if the records are to be used in the Australian Bird Atlas which commenced
in August 1998. As all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the
exact co-ordinates for the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same
co-ordinates are provided when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 249Information on 425 species is contained in the 2003 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 446 observers from the NSWFOC, BMBO, CBOC,
IBOC, MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Canberra Ornithologists
Group, Central Coast Group of Birding NSW, Eurobodalla Natural History Society &
the Hunter Bird Observers Clubs; publications of other bird organisations and reports
and messages from Birding-Aus on the Internet. The number of records and the number
of observers continue to increase and the information provided is greater than before.
Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding;
Birdline = Telephone Info. Line for the NSW bird groups; BMBO = Blue Mountains
Bird Observers Newsl; BNSW = Birding NSW; Gang Gang = Newsl. of the Canberra
Ornith. Group; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; CBN = Canberra Bird
Notes; CCBR = Central Coast Birding NSW Annual Report; HBOC = Hunter Bird Obs.
Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings Birdwatchers Newsl.; MFNCN = Murrumbidgee
Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB = Manning Valley Birdwatchers; MVBO = Macleay
Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA= NSW Bird Atlassers; SOSSA = Southern Ocean Seabird
Survey Assoc.; TBO = The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds Australia Newsl. Other
abbreviations used include “A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male, and “AF” for adult
female, “D” for dead or beachcast, “E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for head
calling, “HS” for high school, “Im” immature, “N” for nest, “Pr” for pairs, “RK” for
road kill and “RS” for railway station.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received although for the
first time for a number of years no new birds were added to the New South Wales list. Of
significance were the first records for the Orange -bellied Parrot for many years and
many records of Budgerigars, Fork -tailed Swift, Superb, Regent and Turquoise Parrots,
Freckled Ducks, Great -crested Grebes and other birds, most probably drought related.
Equally there was a great decline in the nesting of colonial waterbirds, particularly in
inland NSW. Over 7000 Red -necked Avocets were recorded at high tide roosts during
July in the Hunter Estuary, the largest aggregation recorded for NSW. Fairy Terns
continued to increase in number and breeding success on the NSW far South Coast,
while the breeding success of Little Terns in the 2003/4 season was the best for many
During 2003 there were no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird
mortality on the coast and if anything the mild winter meant that there were few winter
seabirds along the Coast and Albatross numbers were down on previous years. Inland
NSW however was exceptionally dry and little rain fell across the State as the drought
The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 250rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan &
Bruce (1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south,
followed by the tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from
those of other regions by semi -colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified
with these regions. However, in order to take account of some of the annual bird reports,
it is necessary in the text to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake
Macquarie as the “Hunter Region”, Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the
“Central Coast”, the County of Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin
and west to Springwood as “Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven
Shire as “Illawarra” and Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas
co-incide with the reporting areas of their reports.
We welcome new contributors to this report including Ricci Coughlan (Sydney), Grant
Brosie (Hunter) and Stuart Pickering (Sydney).
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to
identify or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to
the Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are
unable to assist to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS
office for assistance.
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Greg Clancy, Chris Chafer, Tony Bischoff and
Rod Gardner who reviewed the draft. I would also like to thank Dennis Arnold who
prepared the production and layout of this issue of the Journal. For the assistance and
committment of these people, I am extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 18A+11) Main Camp 27 Nov, 24 Shark Ck, Ellis
Swamp & Tucabia Apr- Jul, A+J Taloumbi Apr -Jul (GC,WT), 5 between Maclean &
Brooms Head 16 Aug (ARo); Iluka NR 22 Oct -22 Nov (GC,KS); 2 Backfellows Point

  • 1
    28 Jun re -introduction? (CC), 8 Newhaven Gap, Saffafras 8 Sep -28 Oct (GD); Max 12
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 251Tuross-Tuross Heads, J in Oct & A+Js at Brou Island Nov -Dec (ENHS); 3 White Box
    Camp, Goulburn R NP 4 Oct (HBR); A+5Y Thredbo 8 Jul (BC); M+4Y Quambone 30
    Aug (CCa). Small numbers remain in some coastal locations.
    Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2 Goonoo SF at nest mound 28 Jun & 1 Sep (IDe, PMa); 1
    Binya SF 18 May, 2 feeding by road, on 26 Jul, subsequently killed by vehicle (KH),
    new site; 2 active nests in 100 x 10 km helicoptere transects Round Hill/Nombinnie NR
    22 Oct, had N+3E+ hatched on 12/11, small clutch size (JB), active mound between
    1 1 1
    Canbelego & Nymagee 10 Oct (LS). Breeding records down due to drought.
    Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami Iluka NR 27 Oct (GC), 1″ record for site;
    Population continues to increase in Sydney’s northern suburbs where conflicts have
    arisen with local gardeners and the NPWS is involved in managing the problem. Records
    include in 2 streets, North Turramurral7-19 Jan (HJ), A+Im Westleigh garden 13-19
    Apr (ARo) 1″ record for site, 18 Church Point 31 May (BC), Warrimoo Ave St Ives 12
    Jul (LDo), 18+ Cans Ck Rd Church Point, nesting mound found 31 May, reported to
    have first been seen at this site occasionally from 1970 to 2000 but more common since
    (BC); Max 3 Mt Keira 16 Feb -15 Mar & I on 19 Sep (AF,CKi,RSi), 2 Balgownie Feb/
    Mar (TE), Staffords Farm, Illawarra SCA 21 Apr (GB).
    Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis Reported from 6 locations in the Hunter Region
    including 1 Gloucester 18 Mar & 6+ Martindale 8 Nov (HBR); 2 Glenola Res, Bunning
    Creek 11 Jan (CCBR); 2 Eastlakes 24 Jan -18 Feb (DM), 1 Castlereagh NR 2 Apr (KB);
    2 Jamberoo 11 Jan (DMc); 2 Kelvin SF 12 Oct (JPe); 1 Macquarie Marshes 7 Mar (DH);
    2 Boorooban District 13 Jan& 11 Apr (BB,JB). Note all records were Jan -Apr, Oct -Nov.
    Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 4 Eastlakes GC 31 Mar (LW), 16 Wattamolla 6 Apr (TQ)
    some interesting coastal records; Present Conimbla NP 1-8 Oct (GLC); 4 Leeton 12 Feb –
    Mar (HH), western limit in NSW.
    King Quail C. chinensis 2 Connection Ck Kinchela 2 Jan, 2 Maria River Rd Crescent
    Head Jan (TM); HC Crowdy Bay NP 19 Nov (EV); AM Albury 22 Mar (GDa), possibly
    1″ record for Region.
    Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Max 11 Terranora 1 Jan -27 Feb & 22 Oct
    (RMo), 45 Cowans Pond Grafton 3 Mar (EW) & max 40 Waterview Heights Sep -Dec
    (GC); Present all year Shortland WC max 68 on 26 Nov, nesting Aug, elsewhere in
    small numbers at Seaham Swamp NR, Warrabrook & Cindletown Jan & Dec (HBR); 9
    Mirambil HSD Dubbo 24 Aug -2 Sep (DO), 10 Narromine Weir, 19 Rawsonville 3 Sep
    (DG); 10 Junee STW & Junee wetlands 12-26 Sep (MC), 16 Ettamogah 23 Nov (PMe),
    new site; A Narrabri Ck Narrabri 18 Oct (TSt), 4 Brays Dam, Wilbriggie 22 Oct (RWe).
    Fewer numbers in coastal areas but some unusual inland records.
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 252Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Max 300+ on property N of Coutts
    Crossing Jan -Feb (GC), 90 Jacana HSD Clarenza 23 Feb (EW), 22 Newmans Rd Dam
    Woolgoolga 9 Mar (JS), Pelican Is, Jerseyville 23-24 Dec (KS); Resident Doubhboy
    Hollow, max 373 on 22 Jul, max 5 Pambalong NR Jan -Apr, 7-29 Dec, 3 Shortland WC
    4 Jan & 3 Dec (HBR); Max 22 Pughs Lagoon Richmond 27 Mar- 12 May, & 60 on 1 Jun
    (HR,SB,TP); Spring Ck Resevoir, Orange 30 Sep (TSm); 30 Quandialla 24 Sep & 35
    on 6 Oct (GLC,RMc); 10+ Gravesend 18-19 Apr (BS); 15 Yenda 12 May (JCn). Average
    Wandering Whistling- Duck D. arcuata 18 Kingscliff STW 19 Feb, 74 on 10 Aug -8
    Nov (EW,MA), 2 Newmans Rd dam Woolgoolga 20 Feb -6 Mar (CCy,GC), 3 Urunga 15
    Apr, 30 Lake Smith, Moonee 21 Apr (JS), 2+ Macksville Lake 19 Jun (GBe), 150 Kings
    Ck Rd Swamp Wauchope Jul (MMc); Present Shortland WC & Newcastle WR all year
    max 27 on 9 Oct, 3 Pambalong NR 29 Dec (HBR), 3 Ash Is Ponds 24 Feb (PB); 33
    Everglades GC Woy Woy Aug -3 Nov, Central Coast record (CCBR,JMc,LT).
    Blue -billed Duck Oxuyra australis Rocky Ck Dam, Lismore 4 Feb (MKa); (either
    1 1
    F or Imm male) Walka Waterworks 19 Jan -9 Feb & Warrabrook 8 Oct (HBR), 2 Wallsend
    Wetlands 4 Mar (RP); Max 60 Spring Ck Res Orange 7 May -16 Jul (BHu); 1 Old Quipolly
    Dam 3 Jan (GM); Max 3 Gum Swamp, Forbes 1 Sep- 8 Oct (AS,EV,GLC,PMa); 4
    Ettamogah 2 Mar 42 on 11 Oct (PMe,PSe); Max 10 Fivebough Swamp Leeton 26 Oct –
    15 Nov (CC,NSm), many Griffith STW 19 Apr (MG); 25 Stevens Ck Reservoir Broken
    Hill 24 May (LSc).
    Musk Duck Biziura lobata 40 Colongra Lake 17 Jan, numbers high from preceding
    year (CCBR); Towra Pt Botany Bay 23 Apr (PB), unusual location.
    Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 9 Brunswick Heads STW 31 Jan, 10 Newmans Rd
    Dam Woolgoolga 20 Feb (GC), 8 Gundarimba Lismore 16 May (DC); Max 6 Warrabrook
    8 Oct -10 Nov, 2 Walka Water Works Jan, 2 Shortland WC 6-31 Jan, 29 Mar, 20 Nov -22
    Dec (HBR); Max 9 Tuggerah Dairy Swamp & Tuggerah STW 1 Jan -31 May
    (CCBR,CCa,JC); 2 Eastlakes GC 26 Jan -18 Feb (DH,EV,TQ,TW), 2 Penrith Lakes 7
    Feb, Marley Lagoon 9 Feb, 8 Wilberforce 16-18 Apr (JCe,KB), Max 8 Little Bushells
    Lagoon 24 Apr -28 Aug (JSi,KB), max 13 Mt Annan Bot Gardens 9 Feb -9 Apr (ALe,RJ),
    Eastlakes 22 Feb (RG), Max 7 Wilberforce Lagoon 2-27 Apr (EV,KB,JDu); 32 Lake
    Mckenzie, Jervis Bay 19 Feb & 35 On 5 Mar (CDa,RJo), 7 Koona Bay, L. Illawarra 26-
    31 May (NJa), Tallawarra Ash Ponds 29 May (CC), max 7 Warrawong 24 May -17 Jun
    (BAs,CC,NJ), 35 Lake MacKenzie, Booderie NP 5 Mar (Rio); 7 Cowra STW 3 Mar
    (SS), 2 Pretty Plains Rd Orange 26 Apr (BHu), 8 Spring Ck Reservoir Orange 16 Jul
    (JHu); Max 7 Jerrabomberra wetlands & Fyshwyk STW ACT Jul -Nov, max 5 Bungendore
    2 locations Jul -Oct (CBN 30, 6); 1 Quipolly Dam 15 Feb (GMi); Max 30 Gum Swamp,
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 253Forbes 6 Mar- 12 Oct (AS,DG,DH,KS,PMa); max 12 Corowa STW 8 Jul -8 Aug (MRa,SS),
    2 Ettamogah 1 Mar (PMe), 5 Wonga wetlands, Albury 2 Nov (KD); 24 Denniliquin
    STW 14 Jan (BB), 3 Lake Talpie 17 Feb (MHe), Max 45 Fivebough Swamp/Leeton
    STW 23 Mar -26 Oct (CC,JDu,MS,MT), Griffith STW 19 Apr (MG); Yalda Downs
    1 1
    HSD Tibooburra26 Aug (RC). Numbers remaining high with reports from locations where
    previously unknown.
    Black Swan Cygnus atratus 1000 Belmore Swamp 30 Jun (KS); Larger concentrations
    than usual including 4-500 Morpeth STW May -Jul, max 350 Pambalong NR 30 Mar &
    Swan Bay 13 Dec (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 3515 in Feb, being the
    highest count since counting began in 1988 (CCBR); 13000 Lake Wollumboola 2 Jan –
    13 Feb (EV,PF), 500 Shoalhaven Heads 10 Aug (DMc); Max 538 and 57 nests Fivebough
    Swamp 28 May -7 Aug (MS).
    Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides Kalangadoo 27 May (GC); AF Morpeth
    STW 14 Mar & 25 May (HBR); 4 Killalea Lagoon 15 Feb (CC); 2 Wyalong 4 Sep
    (MCa), 2 Leaders Lgn Eugowra 1-8 Oct (GLC); Max 4 Lake Bathurst Jul -Dec, 2A+Y
    Bungendore 22 Oct (CBN 30, 7); Monkeygar Ck Macquarie Marshes 25 Oct (MT);
    Max 20 Barren Box Swamp 11 Jan (MBo), 2000 Tullakool Saltworks 17 Mar & 400 in
    Oct (MHa,VD), 8A+J Lake Cargelligo STW 5 Oct (CM), 3 Nericon Swp Griffith 20
    Nov (CSe); 5 pr Stevens Ck Reservoir, Broken Hill 25 May (LSc). Compared to the
    1970s & 1980s, these are very low numbers except for the Tullakool wetlands.
    Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosus 737 Morpeth STW 25 May, large number
    Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis 227 Broadwater Swp Tullymorgan 27 May &
    53 Tucabia 7 Jun (GC), present Lower Macleay Valley Jan -Aug, max 40 Belmore Swamp
    30 Jun (KS); Present in the Hunter Region all year, max 68 Ash Is Ponds 9 Aug, 68
    Morpeth STW 8 Jun & 50+ Shortland WC 25 May (HBR); Present on the Central Cost
    Feb -Aug, max 30 Tuggerah STW 10 Aug and lesser numbers at Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah
    Lakes (CCBR); 8 McGraths Hill STW15 Mar (HR), 20 Badgerys Creek 27 Mar & 6 on
    30 Nov (JM); 150 Killalea Lagoon 28 Feb -6 Mar (CC).
    Grey Teal A. gracilis 1737 Morpeth STW 26 May (HBR); 1425 Tuggerah Lakes Feb,
    highest count since 1991, and 2 breeding records Glenola Res Bunning Creek & Empire
    Bay Oct -Nov (CCBR); 2000 Lake Wollumboola 2 Jan (EV). Some high coastal counts.
    Chestnut Teal A. castanea Max 625 Hunter Estuary 18 Jan, the high number persisting
    for some months (HBR); 1500 Windang Peninsular 5 Jan (CC); I Dangars Lagoon,
    Uralla, unusual location 30 Sep (ARo,TK).
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 254Pink- eared Duck Malacorhynchus meinbranaceus 117 Cowans Pond 19 May -19 Jun
    (EW), highest number recorded at site, 2 Pelican is Jerseyville 15 Jun, only 2″d report for
    site (KS), max 8 Bungawalbin 16 jul-1 aug, 2 Main Camp 26 Aug,5 Lawrence Egret
    colony10 Nov -20 Dec, 58 Ulmarra 21 Aug, 20 Southgate Lagoon 12 Aug, 2 Swan Ck 11
    aug (GC); Peak counts for the Hunter Region were max 400 Walka Water Works 6-28
    Jan & 500 on 12 Jul, & 500 Morpeth 12 Jul (HBR); Present Tuggerah STW Jan -Sep,
    max 37 on 16 Jun, highest count since 1988 (CCBR); 2 Eastlakes 24 Jan & 6 on 21 Nov
    (DM), Max 27 Bicentennial Park 9 Jun, 4 on 31 Oct (JHa); 150 Spring Ck Res Orange
    16 Jul (JHu); Max 70 Jerrabomberra wetlands, ACT Jul -Aug (CBN 30, 8); 172 Quipolly
    Dam 15 Feb, largest count made (IDo); 500 Fivebough Swamp 25 Oct (CC).
    Comparatively high numbers in coastal areas, particularly the CFlarence valley, that are
    drought related.
    Hardhead Aythya australis 1000+ Myall Lakes system Jan, 1600 Morpeth STW 4 Jul
    (HBR); Present Tuggerah STW all year max 700+ on 18 Jul & 500 Colongra Lake 15
    Jun (CCBR), large numbers for site.
    Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus Small numbers at Bungawalbin,
    Tullymorgan & Swan Creek May -Oct (GC), unusual for Region; 20 Penrith Lakes 11
    Apr (JM), 100 Prospect Reservoir 2 Aug & 50 on 11 Sep (EV,TS); 35 Swan Lake,
    Cudmirrah 9 Jun ,90 on 27 Jul (KM), 17 Lake Wollumboola 19 Jul (EV); small numbers
    on the South Coast but 60+ Potato Pt Bodalla Feb (ENHS); 198 Fyshwyk STW 24 Jan
    (CBN 28, 131). Larger numbers than usual in coastal and near coastal regions
    Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 4-5 Fairy Hill, N of Casino 22 May -9 Jul,
    max 13 Main camp 6 Aug- 6 Dec, 4 Cowan Ponds 29 Nov, l’t record for site and all
    unusual observations (GC); Max 4 Corindi Jan -Jun, Sep -Dec, Lake Smith, Moonee 24
    Mar (JS), 2 Steurt Macintyre Dam 23 Jan (MHz), 1 Macleay R Kempsey 26 Jun & 25
    Oct (KS), Lake Innes 19 Jun (FL); Present Grahamstown Reservoir all year max 250 on
    Dec, smaller numbers elsewhere (HBR); 3 Penrith Lakes 11 Apr (JM), 120 Prospect
    Reservoir 2 Aug -8 Nov (EV), 1 Eastlakes 17 Oct (DM), 1 Iron Cove Bay Sydney Hr 15
    Nov (GSt); 13 Lake Wollumboola 9 Feb & 33 on 11 May (JP), 6 Swan Lake 28 Jun, 4 on
    19 Oct (KM) new site?; 1 Little Llangothlin Lagoon, Uralla 7 Jan (JCe); 20 Spring Ck
    Res Orange 7 May (BH); 3 Ettamogah 25 Sep -11 Oct (PMe). Many coastal records
    because of the drought, even present in estuarine areas.
    Little Penguin Eudyptula minor Single birds South West Rocks 26 Jun, 3 Aug & 2 Nov
    (LMc), northern limit; McMahons Pt Sydney HBr 17 Jun (JGr), present off Magic Pt
    Maroubra Jul -Aug, one record in Nov (RG).
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 255Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 2 Eden pelagic 29 Jun (EA) & 2
    Batemans Bay 6 Oct (ENHS).
    Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus 1 off South West Rocks 5 Jul & 3 Aug
    (LMc); 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 7 Sep (RBa); I Soldiers Pt Norah Head 19 Jul
    (CCBR); 1 white morph North Head 31 Jul (MR), 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 1 Jul & 10 Aug
    (DM,RG), 1 Sydney pelagic 4 Oct (CG); 1 Eden pelagic 31 Aug & 2 Batemans Bay 6
    Oct (ENHS). Note one banded as a chick King George Is South Shetlands, was recovered
    alive at sea off Bellambi on 27 Jul 2003 (LSm). Numbers down in 2003, least number at
    Magic Pt since 1995.
    Northern Giant -Petrel M. halli 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 7 Sep (RBa); 1 Eden
    pelagic 29 Jun & 30 Nov (EA), 1 Moruya Heads 16 Aug & 1 Batemans Bay pelagic 6
    Oct (ENHS). Average year.
    Cape Petrel Daption capense Small numbers off South West Rocks 15 Jun -3 Aug, max
    6 on 5 Jul (LMc); max 4 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 27 Jul, 10+ on 16 Aug, 1 on 5 Sep
    & 10 on 25 Oct (RBa); Norah Head 27 Oct (MR); 2 North Head Aug (MR),
    1 1 1
    Sydney pelagic 4 Oct (CG); 1 Batemans Bay pelagic 6 Oct, 2 Eden pelagic 29 Jun & 31
    Aug, 8 on 26 Oct (ENHS). Numbers lower than usual due to warmer seas in winter.
    Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata South West Rocks pelagic Apr (LMc);
    1 1
    Wollongong pelagic 22 Mar & 26 Apr (PM). Fewer reports than usual 43-44’h records.;
    Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera Present off South West Rocks 27 Jul -28
    Oct, max 10 on 28 Oct (ACa,LMc); 200 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 25 Oct, small
    numbers on other trips (RBa); 150 Sydney pelagic 12 Jan & 170 13 Dec (AP,RMc), 50
    North Head 31 Jul (MR); 56 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jan, 3 on 26 Apr (PM); 150 Eden
    pelagic 30 Mar, 5 on 26 Oct & 10 on 30 Nov (EA), 100 Batemans Bay pelagic 16 Mar &
    6 on 6 Oct (ENHS). Average year.
    White -headed Petrel P. lessonii 10 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 29 Jun, on 26 Jul &
    3 on 26 Aug (RBa); 1 North Head 15-16 Aug, 3 Sep (MR); 1 Wollongong pelagic 27 Sep
    (DM); Eden pelagic 31 Aug & Batemans Bay 6 Oct (EA,ENHS). Average year.
    Providence Petrel P solandri Present off South West Rocks 18 Jun -28 Oct, max 50 on
    27 Jul (ACa,AM,LMc); Seen on all Swansea-Norah Head pelagic trips, max 50 on 16
    Aug & 6 Sep, smaller numbers at other times (RBa); 5 Mistral Pt Maroubra 3 Apr (DM),
    45 Sydney pelagic 9 Aug (JR); 39 Wollongong pelagic 26 Apr (PM); 5 Batemans Bay
    pelagic 5 Jan, 3 on 16 Mar & 1 on 6 Oct, 5 Eden pleagic 29 Jun & 31 Aug (EA,ENHS).
    Average year.
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 256Soft -plumage Petrel P mollis 1 Batemans Bay pelagic 6 Oct, 7th confirmed record for
    NSW & 1′ south of Wollongong, accepted by NSWORAC.
    Mottled Petrel P inexpecta 1 b.c. Bherewerre Bch Jervis Bay 11 Dec (CC), specimen
    in Aust. Museum, referred to and accepted by NSWORAC, being the 21′ NSW record.
    White -necked Petrel P cervicalis North Head 22 & 24 Jan (MR), Magic Pt Maroubra
    1 1
    9 Mar (DM); Wollongong pelagic 22 Feb (PM). Average year.
    Black -winged Petrel P nigripennis 1 Batemans Bay pelagic 11 Jan & 9 on 12 Jan
    (PM), referred to NSWORAC.
    Gould’s Petrel P leucoptera J blown ashore to Tea Gardens Hotel 3 Apr (CE), 1
    Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 30 Mar & 2 on 25 Oct (RBa); 3 Sydney pelagic 12 Jan
    (ARo); 17 in total Batemans Bay pelagic 11-12 Jan (PM). More records than usual away
    from the Cabbage Tree Island breeding site.
    Fairy Prion P turtur 10+ Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 16 Aug (RBa), 1000+ flying
    north at Newcastle Beach 28 Aug (HBR); 7 Eden pelagic 29 Jun, 6 on 31 Aug & on 26
    Oct (BJ), 10 off Burrewarra Point 6 Oct (ENHS). All Prion species were scarce this year.
    White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 29
    Jun & 16 Aug (RBa); 1 North Head 12 Jan (MR) , 22′ – 24th records.
    Black Petrel P parkinsoni Sydney pelagic 4 Oct (CG), an early record, and fewer
    reports than usual.
    Westland Petrel P westlandica be Flat Rock Ballina and photographed 12 Jan (WM),
    first confirmed record since 1996, referred to BARC and accepted as the 10th NSW
    Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off North Head 29 Jan, 4 Feb & 14
    Feb (MR), 1 Mistral Pt/Magic Pt Maroubra 12 Feb, 1 on 18 Feb, 2 on 21 Feb, I on 22 &
    23 Feb, 6 Mar (DM,RG). Average year, 59th -67th records.
    Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 3J blown inland to Gloucester 3 May
    (HBR); 1000 off Magic Pt Maroubra 31 Aug & 1500 on 16 Nov (EV,RG); J blown
    inland to Goulburn 9 May (DH); Arrival: Swansea 16 Aug (RBa), 200 Magic Pt Maroubra
    23 Aug (GC). Breeding: 6 juv found in burrows, Green Island, South West Rocks 5 Apr
    (MVBO), Nesting Delicate Nobby Is 9 Aug (TM); Numbers continue to steadily increase
    on Montagu Is from about 10% to nearly 50% of the total nesting pairs of Shearwaters
    (Heyligers et al 2003).
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 257Buller’s Shearwater P bulleri Mistral Pt/Magic Pt Maroubra 4 Jan, 23 Feb, 10 Mar,
    11 Mar, 12 Mar, 2 20-21 Dec (DM,RG), 1 Sydney pelagic 12 Jan (ARo), 1 North Head
    29 Jan, 9 Apr, 10 Dec (MR); Wollongong pleagic 26 Apr (PM); 5 Batemans Bay pelagic
    5 Jan (PM). More records than usual, numbers continue to increase.
    Flesh -footed Shearwater P. carneipes b.c. North Shelley Beach 26 Feb & North
    Entrance 27 Dec (CCBR); 550 Wollongong pelagic 22 Feb (PM); 10 Batemans Bay
    pelagic 16 Mar & 3 on 6 Oct, 2 Eden pelagic 30 Nov (ENHS).
    Sooty Shearwater P griseus on 16 Feb, 23 Nov & 6 Dec Mistral Pt Maroubra (RG),
    2 observed off Royal NP 10 May (DSm); 1 b.c. Bherewerre Bch Jervis Bay 11 Dec (CC);
    1 Eden pelagic 30 Mar & 3 on 26 Oct, 1 off Malua Bay 4 Sep, Narooma 17 Sep, 1
    Burrewarra Point 23 Dec (ENHS).
    Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris 37 beachcast South West Rocks 18 Nov (KS);
    1000’s passing Magic Pt Maroubra heading south 12 Oct (DM) & 3000 p.h. on 7 Nov
    (RG); 2500 b.c. Bherewerre Bch Jervis Bay 11 Dec (CC), a very large wreck!; The trend
    of densities of nesting Short -tails on Montagu Island has shown a decline since the peaks
    of late 1960s to early 1980s. It is suggested that the decrease in breeding densities for
    Short -tails and the increase in densities for Wedge -tails could be due to improved food
    resources for the latter and a deterioration of these resources for the former. If so it could
    be an indication that the ocean warming due to global climate change is already influencing
    the ecology of these two species (Heyligers et al 2003). Departure: many flying north
    at Munmorah SCA 26 Apr (CCBR), late bird beachcast Fishermans Bay 4 May (HBR),
    4 Wollongong pelagic 24 May (PM). Arrival: 30 Batemans Bay 6 Oct (ENHS).
    Fluttering Shearwater P gavia 3000+ off Newcastle late Aug -early Sep, 200+ Swansea-
    Norah Head pelagic 25 Oct (HBR); 1000+ passing Soldiers Pt Norah Head in 20 minutes
    30 Jul, reported off the Central Coast Jan, Jul -Nov (CCBR); 500+ off Magic Pt Maroubra
    31 Aug (EV)8500 passed Mistral Pt on 23 Nov (RG); 1000+ off Windang 12 Oct (CC).
    Hutton’ Shearwater P huttoni 20+ South West Rocks pelagic 27 Jul (ACa); Present
    Swansea-Norah Head pelagic Aug -Oct, max 60+ on 6 Sep (HBR); 4+ North Head 31 Jul
    (MR); 1500 Magic Pt Maroubra 23 Nov, a late date (RG).
    Little Shearwater P assimilis b.c Flat Rock Ballina (WMc), b.c. Hat Head 15 Nov
    (KS); Wollongong pelagic 24 May (PM); Eden pelagic 30 Nov (ENHS). Four records,
    1 1
    average year.
    Wandering Albatross Diomedea e. exulans off South West Rocks 3 Aug (LMc); 6+
    Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 3 Jul, 2 on 16 Aug, 4 on 6 Sep & 8 on 25 Oct (RBa); 1
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 258Magic Pt Maroubra 12 Jan, 12 Oct (DM,SB), 3 off North Head 3 Jul & 6 Oct (MR), 6
    Sydney pelagic 4 Oct (CG); 7 Wollongong pelagic 5 Oct (PMa); 2 Batemans Bay pelagic
    6 Oct, Eden pelagic 31 Aug, 26 Oct & 30 Nov (BJ,ENHS). More records overall but
    few seen off Magic/Mistral Pt Maroubra..
    Gibson’s Albatross D. e. gibsoni 8 Swansea- Norah Head pelagic 16 Aug, 8 on 6 Sep
    (RBa); 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 12 Jan (EV).
    Antipodean Albatross D.e.antipodensis 2 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 6 Sep (RBa).
    Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris Present South West Rocks 5 Jul -3 Aug, max
    5 on 3 Aug (LMc); 12 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 16 Aug & 5 on 6 Sep (RBa); Max 2
    off Norah Head Head 7 May -14 Jun (CCBR); present Magic Pt Maroubra from 8 Jun -31
    Aug, max 6 on 26 Jun (DM,EV,RG), 1 Long Reef 29 Oct (TW), Sydney pelagic 13 Dec
    (RMc); 3 Wollongong pelagic 24 May (PM); Moruya Heads 16 Jul, 20 Aug & 8 on 24
    Aug, 1 Batemans Bay pelagic 6 Oct, 2 Eden pelagic 31 Aug, 26 Oct & 1 on 30 Nov
    (ENHS). Fewer numbers off Sydney than usual.
    Campbell’s Albatross D.m impavida 2 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 16 Aug & 15 on
    6 Sep (HBR); 2 Wollongong pelagic 24 Apr, 2 on 24 May(PM); Batemans Bay pelagic
    6 Oct (ENHS), Eden pelagic 30 Nov (BJ).
    Shy Albatross D. cauta cauta 3 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 6 Sep (RBa); 25 off
    North Head 3 Sep (MR); 2 Magic Pt Maroubra 10 Aug & 3 on 12 Oct (DM), 2 Sydney
    pelagic 9 Aug (JR); Regularly on the South Coast Jan -Nov, max 70 on Eden pelagic 31
    Aug & 100 on 26 Oct (ENHS).
    Salvin’s Albatross D.c. salvini 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 6 Sep (RBa); 1 Eden
    pelagic 26 Oct (BJ).
    White -capped Albatross D.c. steadii 24 off Batemans Bay 5-12 Jan (PM).
    Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchus Present South West Rocks 18 Jun -3 Oct,
    max 20 on 5 Jul (ACa,AM,LMc); 15 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic & 50 on 6 Sep (HBR);
    Max 7 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 19 Jul -10 Aug (CCBR); Present off Magic Pt Maroubra
    26 Jun -12 Oct, max 13 on 26 Jun, fewer numbers than usual (DM,RG), 6 Sydney pelagic
    9 Aug, 3 on 4 Oct (CG,JR); 8 Wollongong pelagic 24 May (PM); Batemans Bay
    pelagic 5 Jan & 2 on 6 Oct (PM), 30+ Eden pelagic 29 Jun, 3 on 31 Aug & 1 on 26 Oct,
    Moruya Heads 20 Aug (ENHS).
    Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 16 Aug & 5 Sep (RBa),
    first Hunter and Central Coast records; 2 Wollongong pelagic 5 Oct (PMa); 1 Eden
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 259pelagic 26 Oct (BJ). 62 -65th records. The continuing increase in records could be explained
    by the continuing increase of numbers of breeding pairs on The Snares & Solander Island,
    New Zealand (Sagar & Stahl 2005).
    Pacific Albatross D.b. platei Swansea-Norah Head pleagic 25 Oct (DH), there appear
    to be few records of this sub -species in NSW.
    Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Present South West Rocks 5 Jul -28 Oct,
    max 6 on 5 Jul (LMc); Max 5 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 29 Mar, 6 Sep & 25 Oct
    (RBa); North Head 9 Apr (MR); 5+ Sydney pelagic 12 Jan (AP); Wollongong pelagic
    26 Apr (PM); 3 Batemans Bay pelagic 5 Jan, 5 on 6 Oct, 3 Eden pelagic 26 Oct (ENHS).
    Grey -backed Storm -Petrel 0. nereis Eden pelagic 26 Oct (BJ), referred to
    White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 1 be Little Gibber, Myall Lakes NP 5
    Jan (HBR), 50 Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 16 Aug, 3 on 6 Sep & 2+ on 25 Oct (RBa);
    1 blown ashore Terrigal Haven 18 Aug, cared for and subsequently released, 25 Broken
    Bay 22 Sep (CCBR,PRe); 5 Sydney pelagic 12 Jan. 2 on 9 Aug & 11 on 13 Dec
    (AP,JR,RMc); Wollongong pelagic 25 Jan, 2 on 26 Apr (PM); b.c. Wallaga Lake 26
    1 1
    Feb, 4 Batemans Bay pelagic 6 Oct, 4 Eden pelagic 26 Oct & 3 on 30 Nov (ENHS).
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 2+ Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 25 Oct
    (RBa), referred to NSWORAC.
    Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda 2 South-west Rocks 6 Mar & one on 4
    May (LMc), 59-60 records.
    Australasian Gannet Morus serrator First return to North Coast 1 Woolgoolga 19 Apr
    (JS). Some large concentrations reported including 400 Swansea-Norah Head 24 Jun
    (RBa); Maxima off Magic Pt Marooubra 120 on 6 Jun & 30 Jun (RG); 50 Burewarra
    Point Mar (ENHS).
    Masked Booby Sula dactylatra Im 11 n.m. off Wollongong 24 May (CB), referred to
    NSWORAC; near Haywards beach, Bermagui 17-19 Apr (ENHS), referred to

Brown Booby S. leucogaster F blown ashore Nambucca Heads 31 May, cared for by

WIRES and released (JWo); North Head 24 Mar (MR). 42nd 43rd records.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 24 in Jul (CCBR).
Breeding: Max 14 nests Newcastle WR Mar- Apr, 2 nests Stoney Ck Toronto 25 Dec
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 260(HBR); Small numbers nesting Ourimbah Creek Chittaway Jan -Feb, Sep -Nov (CCBR);
Numbers continue to increase in the ACT Lakes with 7 breeding reports & 50 on 19 Apr
(CBN 28, 131-132); 4N+Y Gum Swamp, Forbes 6-15 Mar (DH,KS). Fewer breeding
reports than usual.
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Breeding: Lawrence Egret
rookery 10 Nov (GC); Nesting Newcastle WR all year (HBR); 4+ prs Ourimbah Ck
Chittaway 20 Oct & Cochrone Lagoon 25 Oct (CCBR), 3+ actiove nests Bicentennial
Pk Homebush Bay 10 Oct (GC); 3 breeding reports from Lales Gininderra & Burley
Griffin 19 Nov (CBN 30,9). Few breeding records compared to previous years.
Black -faced Cormorant P. fuscescens 120 Eden Harbour 30 Mar, 48 on 29 Jun & 3 on
31 Aug (EA).
Pied Cormorant P varius 150 Saltwater Lagoon, Arakoon 10 May (KS); 70 Corrie Is
Pt Stephens 15 Feb (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 218 Jan, being the
highest count for the Lakes (CCBR). Breeding: 15 nests Saltwater Lagoon, Arakoon 10
May (KS), new site; 8 nests Newcastle WR Mar- Apr, 10+ nests Toronto wetlands 4 Jan
(CMc), 12 nests Korrungulla Swamp 7 May (GB). Fewer breeding records than usual.
Little Black Cormorant P sulcirostris 80 Deep Ck Narrabeen 29 Aug (BC), high
number for site; 230 Tuross 20 Feb (ENHS), high number for site. Breeding: 2+N
Lawrence Egret colony 10 Nov (GC), virtually breeding reported because of the drought.
Great Cormorant P carbo 330 Tuross River 10 Sep, large number for site (ENHS).
Breeding: Small numbers nesting Newcastle WR all year (HBR).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Breeding: Nesting Ramsay Is 80 prs
with young & 129 prs on eggs 22 Feb, 80+ nests 30 Aug, 40 prs on nests & 30J 18 Oct
(CCBR); Nesting on Big Is I & 2, Bass Is, Five Islands Group 100+ prs? (LSm).
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 200 Belmore Swamp 7 May (KS); 56
Morpeth STW 8 Jun & 55 on 26 May (HBR).
Little Egret E. gazetta 3 Luddenham 20 Aug (TS); 13 Windang Peninsular 5 Jan (CC).
Breeding: 4 in breeding plumage Lawrence Egret colony but breeding not confirmed
10-25 Nov (GC), 4 nests Shortland WC 26 Nov (HBR), onlyconfirmed breeding report.
Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra Reported Mar -Dec at 4 sites at South West Rocks, max 2
(MVBO); 1 Cabbage Tree Is 2 Apr (HBR); 2 Boat Harbour 2 Feb (CBOC); 3 Illawarra
records Nov -Dec; Narooma Harbour 29 Jun (CC), Wallaga Lke Jan -Apr, Jun -Dec
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 261(ENHS), 3 Bermagui 7 Jul (SC) 1 Nelsons Bay, Mimosa Rocks NP & at Lennards Is Ben
Boyd NP 18 Jul (SB).
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica 11 Tank Paddock, Minmi 30 Nov (HBR); More
records than usual Central Coast including 10 Yarramalong Valley 3 Jul (CCBR); 1 flying
over Darling Harbour 18 Jan (Birdline). No breeding reported.
Great Egret A. alba Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 71 in Feb, the highest count
known for the Lakes (CCBR); Breeding: 14 N Lawrence Egret colony 10 Nov -20 Dec,
small nestlings present on latter date (GHC), 4 nests Shortland WC 26 Nov (HBR); 30
nests with eggs Toronto wetland 4 Jan (CMc). No inland colonies.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Luddenham 31 Aug (TS); Kellys Swamp ACT
1 1
22-31 Dec (CBN 30, 11). Breeding: 3N Lawrence Colony4 Nov -20 Dec (GC); 2 nests
Shortland WC 8 Jan (HBR); 10-15 prs nesting Willbriggie Wetalnd, Griffith Nov -Dec
Cattle Egret A. ibis 12 5km S Tamworth 25 Oct (JMi), coming into breeding plumage;
5 Lake George 2 Nov -22 Dec (CBN 30, 11). Breeding: 2000+ nestlings & fledglings
Lawrence colony 2 Feb, 2000+ nests 25 Oct -20 Dec, with large nestlings on latter date
(GC), 10 nests Toronto wetlands 4 Jan (CMc), 100 nests Shortland WC 26 Nov, 430
nests Seaham Swamp NR 9 Dec (HBR). Numbers down at Shortland, but up at Lawrence.
Striated Heron Butorides striatus Newbold Lkt, Clarence R 5 Sep, well up River
(GC); Reported from 8 Hunter Region estuarine sites all year (HBR); Reported from 9
Central Coast sites all year but for the first time since 1992, no breeding reported (CCBR);
Reported from 4 South Coast locations throughout the year, furthest south was Bermagui
on 28 Feb (ENHS); Eden Harbour 29 Jun (EA).
Nankeen Night Heron Nyticorax caledonicus Present all year Stockton Sandspit, max
21 on 13 Jul (HBR); Reported from 8 South Coast locations all year max 25 at Broulee
Jan (ENHS).
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus South West Rocks 4 Feb (KS), Parker Rd Dam,
1 1
Lanitza 6 Nov (JS); M,F Walka Water Works 19 Jan -10 Mar (RJn); 1 Warriewood
Wetlands Jan (TW), Hacking R Royal NP 4 Jan (Birdline), AM Eastlakes 26-27 Jan,
1 1
F on 3 Feb (DH,DM,EV), F Homebush 8 Feb (PW); 1 Hewitts Ck Thirroul 24 Feb (IM);
Lake Burley Griffin 6 Jan (CBN 28, 134); Terrigal Ck Macquarie Marshes 24-25 Oct
1 1
(JC,MT); Fivebough Swampll Oct (MS). More records than usual, mostly in coastal
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 262Black Bittern I. flavicollis 1 Maria R Road Crescent Head 18 Mar (TM), 1 Beechwood
Apr (BS), 1 Nambucca STW 14 Sep (CCy); 2 Wyong CK South Tacoma 31 May, 1
Ourimbah Ck Chittaway 18 Jul but no breeding reported (CCBR); Cattai Ck Cattai 10-
14 Jan (MHu), Eastlakes GC 27 Jan (TQ), Mitchell Pk Cattai 10 Oct (JDu), 2 Deep
1 1
Ck Narrabeen 25 Nov -21 Dec (BC,CSc,SB), 1 McGraths Hill STW 29 Nov (LB1), 1
Maraylya 11 Dec (SA); 1 Swan Lake 1 & 6 Jan, Juv Swan Lake west 26 Jan (KM), 1
Broughton Ck Berry 15 Dec (MW). Average year.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus South West Rocks GC 6 Feb (KS);
1 1
Tank Paddock, Minmi 5 Aug & 27 Sep, 1 Walka Water Works 3 Dec (HBR); 1 Porters
Ck Wetland Wyong 3 May, 1 in reeds Bluebell Pk Berkeley Vale 11 Jun (CCBR,RP); 1
McGraths Hill STW 18 Jan & 24 Mar (MR), 1 Eastlakes GC 23 Jan (JR), 1 Newington
wetlands 18 Aug (JHa); 1 Gerroa 10 Jan (KM), 1 Killalea Lagoon 4 Feb -22 Mar (CB,CC),
Cecil Hoskins NR 16 Dec (DN); Monkeygar Ck Macquarie Marses NR 7 Mar (DH);
1 1
1 Stanbridge 13 Mar (PD), Max 4 Fivebough Swamp Leeton 9 Sep -23 Nov (CC,HH,MT).
More sites and more coastal reports tha usual.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 10+ Maroon Lake, Woodenbong 10 Oct (BTO 823),
reported from 4 Richmond River wetlands Feb -Aug, max 4 Henderson Swp, Coraki 22
May -26 Aug (GC), present at 7 Clarence River wetlands Mar- Oct, max 48+ Colletts Is,
Tucabia 3 Jun (ARo,GC), present Macleay Valley Mar- Dec, at 4 locations including 6
Clybucca 30 Jun (TM), 100+ Belmore Swamp, Kempsey 7 May -14 Jun (HL) & 100+
Kempsey 15 Dec (KS),; 40+ Shortland WC 20 Jan, 100 Leneghans Flat 15 Feb, max 40
Pambalong Swamp 2-9 Mar, max 100 Hexham Swamp 15 Feb & max 58 from 7 Jun -13
Jul, smaller numbers elsewhere (EV,JF,HBR,SB); 50+ Woodbury Pk Res Wyong 3 Jul
(JHr); 7 McGraths Hill STW 15 Mar & 3 on 24 Aug -31 Aug (GSm,HR,JSi); 8 Killalea
Lagoon 24 Feb -23 Mar (CC,RJo); 18 Bungendore 30 Jan (CBN 28, 134); 6 Gum Swamp,
Forbes 23 Sep (AS),10+ Warren STW 19 Oct (JC), 10+ Macquarie Marshes 30 Aug &
24 Oct (CCa); Max 2500 roosting Fivebough Swamp 8 Nov & 5000 in Dec (MS); 10
Bourke STW 22 Oct (JC). No breeding.
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 600 Pelican is South West Rocks 16 May
(KS); 6300 counted in Sydney 15 Nov, including 3800 Lake Gillawarna. Breeding:
100s nests Middle Boambeel Jan, 4-6N Lawrence colony 10 Nov -20 Dec (GC); pr
Shortland WC 8 Jan (HBR); 20 prs Ramsay Is, Blackalls Bay 18 Oct (CCBR); 130 prs
Lake Gillawarna 22 Jul & 800 prs by 19 Sep (TN), an increase of 70% in 3 years and
about 3000 birds being present, other Sydney nesting sites in Nov were Royal Bot.
Gardens, Centennial Pk, Cabramatta Ck & Eastern Creek; 9 prs nesting on Big Is, Five
Is Group (LSm). The number of coastal breeding sites continues to increase.
Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis 3000 Clybucca Swamp following heavy rain in Region
5 Mar (TM), 1000 Upper Kinchela 17 May & 1000 South West Rocks 16 Jun (KS); 1000
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 263Manning River Flats, Taree 15 Mar, max 3000 Irrawang Swamp May -Jul (HBR); No
breeding because of the drought, large concentrations in coastal areas.
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 166 Clarence River Broadwater 9-16 Jun (GC); 25
Irrawang Swamp 11 Jan & 11 Mar, 22 Seaham Swamp NR 12 Sep (HBR); Present
Tuggerah Lakes all year max 68 in Jan & Feb (CCBR); 2 Fivedock 31 Aug (Bay),
unexpected location; 58 Coopers Island 2 Jan, high local count (ENHS). Breeding:
Nesting South Kempsey 28 Apr, nest failed (KS),
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes 40 records of 1-5 birds at Richmond & Clarence R
wetlands Mar -Dec (GC); Max 24 Pambalong Swamp 9 Mar (SB) & 11 on 8-22 Nov
(HBR). Increase coastal numbers due to inland drought.
Black- necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus 3 prs in the Hunter Region all year,
at Karuah-Buladelah-Tea Gardens, Taree-Harrington & the Lower Hunter area including
Ash Island (HBR, PSv,SB); No records further south or from Western areas. Breeding:
9 prs nested in the North Coast Region including Tullymorgan, Coraki &
Bungawalbinfledgling 12 young, 3 dying shortly after leaving the nest (GC); 2A+N2Y
near Buladelah Jan, re -nested Sep -Dec, rearing 2Y (HBR) of which both banded,m and
one found dead Casino Apr 2004. Altogether 9 prs nested out of a known population of
55+ prs. No breeding reports from the Macleay, Hastings or Manning Valleys (GC pers.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Only records south of Port Stephens reported or those inland
from the Coast. 1 Karuah 18 Mar (CBy), nesting again at Wood Pt Lake Macquarie 18
Jun (DM); 2 Davistown early Jun, 1 Pearl Beach 29 Jun & 1 Lees Res Chittaway 19 Jul
(AM,CCBR); 1 Cape Solander, Kurnell 12 Feb (KG), 1 Long Reef 8 Jun & 2 Aug (JRe);
1 Narrabeen Lake 18 Jun, 2 on 14 Sep, 1 on 17 Nov (ARo,BC,KL), I Nepean R Penrith27
Jun (JM); Lake Conjoa 30 Jun (CC), Berrara 23 Aug (KM); 2 Rosedale 8 Jan,
1 1 1
Tuross Lakes 29 Apr & 10 Oct, Burrewarra Pt 20 May & 17 Jun, Coopers Is 10 Jun,
1 1
Tuross River 30 Jul & 24 Sep (ENHS); Lake Inverell 18 Jul (RJn). Once again more
1 1
records south of the breeding area in Port Stephens but as yet Lake Macquarie remains
the furthest south successful breeding site. Breeding: 40 breeding pairs north of Lake
Macquarie to Coffs Harbour, of which the outcome of 31 nests were known, 21 nests
were successful rearing 25 young, with 105 Ospreys estimated for the Mid North Cost
Region (Bischoff 2004); 78 nests Coffs Harbour to the Queensland Border. Altogether
118 nests (cf 90 nests in 2002), of which 81 were in trees, 24 on dedicated nesting poles,
4 on active power poles, 3 on dedicated towers, 2 on a light pole and an active tower, a
nest on a railway bridge span & one on a pontoon, a nest on the ground & a nest on a
disused crane derrick (PE).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 264Letter -winged Kite Elanus scriptus Max 3 Boorooban/Wanganella area 22 Feb -31
May (AB1,MP,RJo).
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata Frederickton Jan, South West Rocks all year (KS),2
1 1
Temagog 12 Jan & 17 Mar (MHz), Ironpot Ck Toonumbah NP 6 Oct (BTO 823), 2
Shelley Bch, Pt Macquarie Nov (HBG), Coopernook SF 10 Dec (EV); Swansea 20
1 1 1
Jan (JCa); Reported from 16 sites on the Central Coast throughout the year including 7
Hillview HSD Yarramalong 25 Apr, A+J Warnervale Airport 16 Jan & 2A+2J Wyee
Point 19 Jan (CCBR,JHr); Reported from 16 sites in the Sydney Region including 2A+N
Sheldon Forest Pymble 7 Nov (KL); A+Im Cudmirrah NP 12 Jan (LM), 2 Balgownie 14
Jan (KM), Worrigee 16 Jan (KM), 2 Albion Park 22-24 Jan (DG,JCy), Cordeaux
1 1
Heights (IBOC), 2 Wollongong Uni 4 Feb (RTu), A+J Wollongong Bot.Gardens 14 Feb
(MJ), 1St breeding record for site and 3rd for Illawarra Region, 1 Broughton Vale 14 Sep
(NJ); Terridgerie Lagoon, Baradine 17 Sep (CV), 2nd record for site. More Illawarra
records and an interesting western record.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Reported from 18 sites on the North Coast all
year including at Nulla 2 Apr which took an Oriole, and 2+J Port Macquarie all year,
2A+J Roto House,Port Macquarie Jul -Dec (ABi,RD,Lutter et al 2003 & 2004); Max 2
Maitland-Tenambit-Raymond Terrace Jan -Aug, single birds Bureen 3 May, Cundletown
Jun, Watagans NP 21 Aug, N+2Y Coopernook SF 20 Nov -Dec, N+2Y Brimbin Jul –
Nov 9 (HBR); 1 Murrumbung HSD Mardi 13 Dec & 1 at nearby Tuggerah Westfield 17
Dec ,2 -3rd Central Coast records (CCBR); I Wilberforce 5 Mar (KB), 1 Lapstone 18
Mar (GT), Richmond 27 Mar (WS), Mitchell Pk Cattai 30 Mar (SB), Vineyard 18
1 1 1
Apr (JCe), Maralya 31 Jul (KB), Scheyville NP 19 Oct (KG); 15 Illawarra Region
1 1
records, Nowra south to Cudmirrah all year including 2+N+J Mogo SF 29 Aug -Nov
(DW) & 5 records Jervis Bay area 5 Nov -30 Dec (IBOC); 12 records from 8 sites on the
South Coastincluding nesting Bodalla SF Nov -Dec (ENHS); I Delderfield HSD Kentucky
4 Mar (JN); 1 Coonabarabran 11 Jan (KL), seen twice between Dubbo & Toongie 22-28
Mar (DG); 1 Pilliga West SF 7 Sep (JB1), Alloes Well, Pilliga East SF 8 Sep (IH); 1
Yathong NR 9 Apr (NL). More reports than usual.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Marra Ck Willi 29 Aug (CCa),
much further east than usual; Yancannia Ck Crossing 26 Aug, Adelaide Gate 27-29
1 1
Aug (RC), Trilby HSD Louth 22 Oct, Louth 23 Oct (JC). Average year.
1 1
Black Kite Milvus migrans Ballina 25 May (CW), Cowper 21 Aug (GC); Max 9
1 1
Maitland Tip May -Jul, smaller numbers at other times including Kooragang Is 14 Jun
(EV,HBR); Long Reef 22 Mar (RW), Richmond 26 May (WS); Cowra 6 Apr & 9
1 1 1
Oct (AM,GC); 6 records for the Canberra Region following the Jan Bushfires 21 Jan -14
Feb & 1 Queanbeyan Nov (CBN 28, 136, Fuentes & Olsen 2005); 1 Forbes 5 Oct (EV);
Max 25 Lavington 30 Jan -10 Mar (GS,MHe), Howlong 16 Feb (MHe), 37 Heywoods
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 265Bridge, Hume Weir 20 Feb (RFe), 1 Wonga wetlands 27 Feb, 3 Trout Farm Albury 28
Feb, 4 Albury airport 8 Mar (GS), 1 Howlong 16 Mar (PMe). More coastal records than
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus Regularly reported from Tuncurry-Forster northwards,
1 Warabrook 11 Mar, 1 Hunter Estuary 15 Mar & Stockton Sands Spit 14 Nov
(HBR).Breeding: J Rominaka Is Yamba 30 Nov (GC).
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus Nesting Lake Liddell 11 May & Newcastle Water Res 9
Apr & Swan Bay 16 Aug (HBR); 14 Prospect Reservoir 2 Aug & 12 on Nov (EV),
large numbers for Sydney Region.
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 2A+14 Im Seelands Fish Farm 10
May (GC); 7 Ash Island 13 Feb, including 5 Juv-Imm (HBR); 1 took a Eurasian Coot
Batemans Bay 12 Aug (NL); 2 Yarrada SF 21 Aug (MT), unusual location; in tree on
Peel R 19 km N Tamworth Feb (EF), eating dead sheep at Ravensfield HSD Tamworth
1 1
18 Apr (EF).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimillis Reported from 12 North Coast sites 5 Feb -19 Aug
including 1 Coffs Harbour Racecourse 5 Feb & Bonville 30 Mar (JS); 15 records from 9
sites in the HunterValley Jan -Sep, being more records than usual (HBR); Bateau Bay
west 5 Jan, 3rd Central Coast Record (CCBR); 1 Cornwallis Rd Richmond 27 Mar & 6
Apr (KB,SB), max 2 Pitt Town Lagoon, Windsor 10-11 Jun, 9 Jul & 2 on 27-31 Jul, on
Oct (KB,KG,TD), Orchard Hills 29 Jun (DM); Jamberoo Feb (GB) & Dapto 21
1 1 1 1 1
Mar (PFa); Capertee River Flats 31 Aug (DG); Kellys Swamp ACT Mar & Jul (CBN
1 1
136); 1 2km S Warral, Tamworth 7 Jun (TSc); 1 Backyamma Rd & 1 Bimbi SF 6
Oct (GLC), Grenfell Nov (DLo); Warren 7 Mar (DH); Kyalite 24 Mar & Koraleigh
1 1 1
25 Oct (MHe), 1 60 km W of Hay 17 May (MS), Merungle Hill Leeton 11 Dec (NJ).
More coastal records than usual presumably drought related.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans Rhodes, Sydney 29 Nov (BDo), unusual location.
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus AF RK N of Coutts Crossing 24 Apr (GC);
Common Hunter Region including 2 lomar HSD Quorrobolong 29 Aug (JC1) & N+2Y
Shortland WC 26 Nov (HBR); Present all year Central Coast, reported from 15 sites
and A+J Palmdale 10 Jan (CCBR).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Reported from 8 North Coast sites all year (GC,
HL,MHz,KS,TM); Two breeding reports for the Hunter, Newcastle nest I Oct & N+2Y
Mt Vincent Nov (HBR); Reported from 24 sites on the Central Coast, the most sites
ever, and 2A+N Crangan Bay, Gwandalan, 1′ Central Coast breeding record (CCBR);
Reported from 9 sites in the Sydney Region all year with white morphs at Warriewood
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 266wetlands 5 Jan (BC,RMc), Undercliffe Jul (Birdline) & Earlwood 20 Jul (Birdline);
Present Illawarra Region all year, from Thirroul in the north, south to Red Rock NR at
20 sites, 50% of all records are for white morphs, no breeding reported, commonest
accipiter reported (IBOC); Resident South Coast, reported fom 11 sites including carrying
food at Old Man Bed Swamp Nov (ENHS) & a white morph at Cobargo 7 Jul (JB,MF,SC);
Hackett ACT 16 Mar (CBN 28, 136).
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Reported from 10 sites in the Hunter Region
throughout the year including 2A+N Paterson 23 Nov, 1′ confirmed breeding record for
Hunter Region in 15 years (HBR); Reported from 11 Central Coast sites & A+2J
Murrumbung HSD Mardi 10 Jan, nesting again 20 Sep -31 Dec, 2 Y reared (CCBR);
2A+N Field of Mars, Ryde (GW); Reported from 13 Illawarra locations throughout the
year (IBOC); 2A+2Y Griffith Ag,. Res Stn 29 Dec (BM).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax 2A+N Everlasting Swamp, Lawrence Aug & J in
nestTucabia 11 Sep (GC); Reported from 8 lower Macleay Valley sites all year, more
records than usual (KS); 1 Newcastle West 9 Feb, close to CBD & N+1Y Mt Arthur 3-15
Sep (HBR); Reported from 12 sites on the Central Coast, most sites ever (CCBR); I
Freemans Reach 3 Feb (RCI), 2 Cattai 5 Mar (KB), 2 Lady Carrington Dve Royal NP 9
Feb & 15 Apr (BWi,TQ), 2 5km S Campbelltown 26 Apr (MT), 3 North Richmond 25
Jul (DPo); Reported from 19 Illawarra locations throughout the year, from Maddens
Plains south to Sassafras and west to Belangro SF (IBOC); Leura 29 Apr (TS).
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Present Terranora 29 Apr- 5 Jun (RMo), winter
visitor?; Nested unsuccessfully at Tuross River Sep (ENHS); 2+N Min Min HSD Rylstone
2 Sep (TH); Nesting Lake George 21 Sep, & I East O’Malley ACT 9 Nov (CBN 30, 14).
Brown Falcon Falco berigora Surrey Hills, Sydney 18 Jan (CG); A+J Tuross Lakes
Nov (ENHS).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis caught and ate a Tree Martin at Tullymorgan
29 Oct (GC); 2A+Im (J?) Dungog 8 Jan, where previously have nested (HBR);
Grey Falcon E hypoleucos Nyngan 19 Aug (RC); 2 Mt Wood, Sturt NP 28 May
(MHe), 2 Bootra HSD Tibooburra 26 Aug & 1 on 1 Sep, 1 Camerons Corner 27 Aug
(EN,RC). A good year!
Black Falcon E subniger Reported from 9 sites in the Hunter Region 6 Feb -9 Nov,
including regularly in the Maitland area and at Maitland Tip 13 Jul -9 Aug (EV,HBR); 1
Cornwallis Rd Richmond 27 Mar (KB), Bakers Lagoon 4 Jul (JDu), Eastern Creek
1 1
Tip 24 Aug -18 Oct (EV,JDu); Coila Lake, Tuross Lakes and Tuross estuary 10-18
May, nearby Tuross River 24 Jul & 27 Aug (ENHS), unusual location; Old Greylands
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 267HSD Eugowra 6 Jun (AR); 1 Campbell Pk ACT 9 Jan (CBN 28, 137), 1 Lake George 17
Jan (BE); 1 10km W Bingara 18-20 Apr (BS); 2 Warren STW 25 May & 28-29 Aug
(AM,GCt); Ettamogah 2 Mar (PMe), Nesting near Weddin Mtns 1-8 Oct (GLC);
1 1
Deniliquin District 22 Feb (NB), 1 Tullakool 10 Apr (JB), I Morunda 18 Apr (MG), 1
Urana 24 Apr (MG), Barham 25 Apr (MHe); Mt Wood, Sturt NP Jun (SCo),
1 1 1 1
Multara Tk, Polpah HSD Whitecliffs & Whitecliffs 24-25 Aug, Adelaide Gate 27-
1 1 1
29 Aug (RC), 1 60km S Broken Hill 1 Oct (AS); I Emmdale 23 Aug (RC). Again more
coastal records than usual.
Peregrine Falcon E peregrinus One took a Noisy Miner at Maitland Tip 15 Jun &
another a Common Starling 11 Nov (HBR); 2 Goodnight 25 Oct (MHe), unusual location.
Breeding: 2Y Illawill Quarry 15 Oct (GC); A+J Big Nobby, Crescent Head Nov (MVBO);
2A+2Y Walka Water Works 19 Jan, nesting Ash Island 16 Aug (HBR); A at nest Brou
Lake Dec (ENHS); Nesting Conimbla & Weddin Mtns NPs Oct & Gum Swamp, Forbes
where 2 chicks fledged early Dec (GLC,WMa).
Nankeen Kestrel E cenchroides 1 killed a Crested Pigeon at Dubbo 13 Aug (Oliver
Brolga Grus rubicunda 2 Tullymorhgan 18 Apr, N Jerusalem Ck Bunjalunbg NP 16 Jul
, 2 Coraki 20 Aug, 2 HC Bungawalbin Ck 22 Oct (GC), 50 Ulmarra 6 Apr (JEc), 2
Kinchela 2 Apr -9 Jun, 4 Scots Head Rd 30 Jun, 10 Lower Southgate 22 Nov (KS), 20
Ulmarra 4 Apr (HMa), 2 Maria River Rd Crescent Head 6 May -16 Jul (KS, TM), 2
Kinchela Creek 6 May (TM), 2 Newmans Rd Dam Woologoolga 17 Jul (JS), 8 nests +J
Tucabia & Lawrence 14 May -30 Jun (EW,GC), 15 Everlasting Swamp +N 27 May, 3
Broadwater Swamp 28 May, x2 at nests Tucabia 3 Jun , J on 25 Jul, 2A+J Crons Nest
Swap, Pillar Valley Jun -Oct (GC); 5 Monkeygar Ck Macquarie Marshes 18-20 Jul, 2 on
25 Oct (JCe,MT), 7 25 km E of Nyngan 6 Aug, 2 Willie area & 2 Mullengudgery
(CPr,LSc), 2 Merrigal HSD Warren Nov (APy); 17 Willow Park HSD Koonadan, 2 Round
Hill Murrami & 2 Brewarrina HSD Griffith 2 Feb (PD) Max 123 Tuckerbill Swamp/
Leeton area 8 May -10 Jun (MHe,MS) is the biggest concentration in southern NSW and
northern Vic since the 1970s (MHe), 6 Gullangully HSd Lake Cargelligo Sep -Dec (JI), 2
Euabalong 31 Aug & 5 Oct (CM,JG), N+2E Morundah 9 Oct (HH), 2 Tuckerbill Swamp
27 Oct (MS), 2 Beelbangra 12 Nov (DMo); 65 Greens Ck, 7km N Fords Bridge 7 Jul
(MT), 9 Bourke STW 8 Aug & 34 on 28 Oct (DH,JSm), 3 Yalda Downs HSD White
Cliffs 26-27 Aug, 2 Fortville Gatel Sep (RC).
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis Reported from 8 Clarence Valley sites Sep –
Dec (GC), reported throughout the year from 6 Lower Macleay sites, with breeding
observed at Pelican Is (3) and South West Rocks (KS); Reported from 8 Hunter Region
sites all year including Shortland WC where breeding was recorded (HBR); Reported
from 9 Central Coast sites all year with 2A+5J Point Clare 4 Jan & 2A+J Gavenlock Rd
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 268Swamp 19 Jan (CCBR); Reported from 7 Sydney region sites including Bicentennial
Park 10 Oct & 18 Oct (HR,TP) & 2 Prospect Reservoir 8 Sep (EV); Reported from 5
Illawarra Region sites including 2A+Y Burrill Lake 26 Jan (MZ); 1 Bermagui 10 Feb,
Batemans Bay Water Gardens 3 Mar, & Eurobodalla 23 Nov (ENHS); 1 Duntroon ACT
18 Jan (CBN 28, 138). Virtually no inland records.
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis Resident South West Rocks max 4 on 5 Oct (KS); 1
Walka Water Works 7-9 Feb & 16 Mar, 1 Glenrock SRA 3 Mar & 2 on 5 Oct (RJn); 1
Warriewood Wetlands 2-4 Jan (BC), 1 Eastlakes 14 Feb (Birdline), 1 Maroubra Sth Bch
13 Mar & 5 on 14 Jun (RG), 1 Woolooware Wetlands 26 Nov (GC,KG); 1 Figtree 2 Feb
(BZ), 1 Killaea Lagoon 8-10 Feb (CC,GB); 1 Meadow Flat 6 Aug (RBr); 1 Conapaira
Range 27 Apr (NSm).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 2 West Byron Bay STW 15 Jan (JH), 4 South West
Rocks 2 Jan -10 Feb, incl.A+J on 5 Feb (KS); 1 Walka Water Works 20 Jan -2 Feb,
Greenwattle Creek 14 Jan, Bolwarra 25 Jan, Shortland WC 2 Feb, Woodville 4-7 Feb
(HBR); 1 Dubbo Gully Res 3 & 25 Oct (CCBR); 1 Eastlakes 12 Jan (EV), Max 8 McGraths
Hill STW Jan -Feb & 3 Sep -31 Oct (KB,MR,TH,TW); 1 Killalea Lagoon 10 Feb (CC): 2
Jerrabomberra Wetlands Jan, 2 Black Mountrain Peninsular ACT Jan (CBN 28, 138); 1
Oakhampton HSD Upper Manilla Oct (RWa); Terridgerie Lagoon, Baradine 7 Sep
(AM); 6 Terrigal Ck Macquarie Marshes 24-25 Oct (DG,JC,MT); 2 Deniliquin District
13 Jan (BB), 2 Fivebough Swamp22 Aug (MS). Good spread of records.
Australian Spotted Crake Pfluminea West Byron Bay STW 15 Jan (JH), 4 Rainbow
Reach 8-11 Feb (KS); 2 Walka Water Works & Ash Island Jan -Feb, single bird latter site
5-20 Jul (HBR); Bicentennial Pk Homenbush Bay 27 Jan (BDo), 2 Eastlakes 26-28
Jan (DH,DM), max 4 McGraths Hill STW 1 Feb -24 Mar, 1 on 23 Aug -21 Sep
(MR,NH,TH), 1 Mulgoa 4 Mar (MH); 2 Killalea Lagoon 4 Feb (CB); 1 Coopers Is 2-21
Jan (ENHS); 1 Kellys Swamp 17 Jan (BE), 1 Black Mtn Peninsular ACT Jan (CBN 28,
138); 2-3 Wonga wetlands 13 Jan -16 Feb (MHe,PSe); 2 Deniliquin District 13 Jan (BB),
I Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 23 Mar & 3 Sep (MT, 1 Wangamong Ck Jerilderie 18 Nov
Spotless Crake P tabuensis 2 South-west Rocks GC 6 Feb (KS); 1-2 Walka Water
Works 1 Jan -28 Mar, 2 Market Swamp Sandgate Sep- Oct (HBR); 1 Bicentennial Park
27 Jan & 8 Feb (BD,PW), 1 Audley Weir, Royal NP 16 Feb (DGt), 2 Eastlakes 3-20 Feb
(DM,EV), McGraths Hill Feb -Mar, 2 on 21 Sep (MR,TH); 10 Killalea Lagoon 10 Feb
& 1 on 5 Apr (CC,GB), 1 Tallawarra Ash Ponds 28 Jun (IBOC), 1 Meadow Flat 6 Aug
(JBr); Coopers Is 12 Jan (ENHS); 2 Black Mtn Peninsula 14-16 Jan (CBN 28, 138), 2
Fyshwyk STW ACT 17 Jul (MG); 5A+3Y Campbells Swamp Griffith 3 Jan (EA), 1
Fivebough Swamp 9 & 23 Mar, 3 Sep -15 Nov (CC,MT,NSm).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 269Eurasian Coot Fulica atra Some large concentrations in the Hunter Region included
3000+ Myall Lakes all year & 600+ Lake Liddell 4 Jan (HBR); 600 Colongra Lake 17
Jan (CCBR); 100+ Prospect Reservopir 2 Aug (EV); 4000+ Lake Wollumboola 2 Jan -9
Feb (JP) & max 5000 Swan Lake 6 Apr -27 Jul, 1000 on 19 Oct (KM); 300-400 Potato
Point Jan -Apr (ENHS). Some large coastal aggregations.
Black -tailed Native- hen Gallinula ventralis 1 resident in garden at Woodville Sep –
Dec (HBR); 23 Wonga Wetlands 13 Jan (MHe), 3 Myee wetlands Grenfell 1-8 Oct
(GLC); 10 Monkeygar Ck Macquarie Marshes 24-25 Oct (JC,MT); 16 Trilby HSd Louth
20 Oct & 2 Bourke STW 21 Oct (JC). Fewer reports than usual.
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis found dead north-east of Nyngan 27 Mar
(DG); 1 Gullangully HSD Lake Cargelligo Mar (JI); 1 Camerons Corner Sturt NP 20
May & 27 Aug (PS), 4 Mt Wood Sturt NP 1 Jun & 1 on 2 Oct (GDu,MHe), 2 Yalda
Downs HSD White Cliffs 24 Aug, 1 Adelaide Gate 27-29 Aug, 2 Fortville Gate, Sturt NP
1-2 Sep (RC), Marengo HSD Walgett 24 Sep (WD). More records than usual, obviously
an influx into the far NW of the State in Aug -Oct.
Little Button -quail Turnix velox I Ourimbah Uni Campous 26 Nov (ABe); 1D
Unanderra 13 Sep (WB), 1D Bulli 26 Sep, Thirroul 28 Sep (JMo) & Bulli early Oct
1 1
(KL); 8 Moore Ck Rd Tamworth 21 Apr (JPe); AM+3Y McPherson range, Griffith (JB)
& 3+ Kyalite 25 Oct (MHe), AM+2Y Denilquin District Nov (LC); 1 nr Broken Hill 3
Oct (GDu); 2 Whoey Tk, Round Hill NR 27 Sep (GDu). More records than usual and
some unusual coastal movement Sep -Nov.
Painted Button -quail T varia AF RK NW of Lawrence 15 Aug, AF Southgate SF 25
Oct, 2 Glenugie SF 26 Oct & 2 Beanball Ck Orara 31 Oct (GC), AM Tamban SF 11 Oct
(TM), 2 Kungala 25 Oct (JS); Bootawa 28 Nov & ID Bandon Grove 28 Dec (HBR);
1 Somersby 4 Sep (CCBR); 2 Mulgoa Reserve10 Apr (JM); 2 Upper Flying Fox Ck 10
Jul (CC), 1 Berry Mtn Rd 21 Nov (BAs), Boyd Lk Morton NP 6 Dec (CC); 2 Conimbla
NP 1-8 Oct (GLC), 2 Glen Alice 12 Dec (CPr); Mt Taylor ACT 10 Apr, 7 Springfield
HSD Goulburn 28 Apr, 1 Mt Majura 13 Oct & 2 on 26 Nov (CBN 28, 139 & 30, 17); AM
Albury 18 Mar (MPe), 2 Weddin NP & Weddin SF 1-8 Oct (GLC), 2 Ingalba NR 6 Oct
(MT); 1 Deniliquin District Nov (LC). A good spread of records across the State.
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax Cornwallis Rd Richmond 20 Jan (KB),
1 1
Yarramundi 16 Mar (MK); 1 Tuross Estuary 4 Oct (ENHS), 1″ record for Eurobodalla
Shire; 1 Binya SF 17 Feb (MHe); AF 20 km N Bourke 3 Jul (MT).
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus M,F Boorooban District 13 Jan, 22 Feb & 6
Aug, M+4Y on 11 Apr (BB,DH,JB,NB), 2 Oolambeyan NPAug (DP), 3 Denilquin District
Nov & 6 Dec (LC,RJe). All at known sites.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 270Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 35 Pambalong NR annual count 7 Dec, lowest
count ever, 40+ Irrawang Swamp I1 Jan -11 Mar (HBR); 1 Abbotsbury 14 Jan (PBu)
unusual location, max 24 Eastlakes 12 Jan -3 Feb (EV), max 4 Mason Pk Concord 24
Sep (NH); 1 Grenfell STW 28 Sep (GLC); 11 Wangamong Ck Jerilderie 18 Nov (DP),
further west than usual, 2 Fivebough Swamp 17 Sep (MS), 1 Five Mile Res Narrandera
7 Nov (NSm). Departure: Ourimbah Uni Campus 3 Mar (CCBR), Lake Burley Griffin
ACT 16 Mar (CBN 28, 140), Boyters Lne Jerseyville 28 Mar (GC). Arrival: I Cattai 10
Aug (KB), Pamboola wetlands, Pambula 15 Aug (JBo).
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Rainbow Reach 7-14 Nov (KS), 200 Dart Is
Yamba 30 Nov (GC); 425 Hunter Estuary 18 Jan, highest count since 1989, 10 Winda
Woppa, Pt Stephens 8 Nov (HBR); 2 North Chittaway 19 Jan & 10 Picnic Pt Res The
Entrance 29 Nov, 1′ records since 1998 (CCBR); Dangars Lagoon Uralla 30 Sep
(TK); Summer Wader Count Feb: 166 Clarence Estuary, 131 Hunter Estuary
(HBR,Skewes 2004),
Bar- tailed Godwit L. lapponica Present all year Hunter Estuary max 1500 3 Jan &
1335 on 6 Dec; Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 308 in Nov (CCBR); 330 Shoalhaven
Heads Nov (SB); 180 Narooma 5 Oct (ENHS); Summer Wader Count Feb: 146
Richmond, 296 Clarence, 229 Conic Island, 50 Worimi NR, 100 Old Bar, 858 Hunter
Estuary, 62 Tuggerah Lakes, 216 Parramatta R, 351 Botany Bay, 390 Shoalhaven, 20
Wallaga Lake (CCBR,ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count Jul:
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Present Hunter Estuary all year, max 85 on 11 Oct, the
lowest count since 2000 (HBR); Penrhyn Rd Botany 20-26 Sep (EN), unusual location.
Summer Wader Count Feb: 18 Richmond, 29 Clarence, 16 Hunter Estuary, 60 Botany
Bay, 28 Shoalhaven, 33 Moruya Heads (ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader
Count Jul:
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis Present all year Hunter Estuary max 570 on 7
Dec, 3rd lowest count since 1993; 7 Shoalhaven Heads 1 Nov (SB); 64 Tuross Heads 18
Nov (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 13 Tweed, 37 Richmond, 173 Clarence, 86
Conic Island, 240 Worimi NR, 100+ Farquhar Inlet, 520 Hunter Estuary, 56 Brisbane
Water, 207 Botany Bay, 129 Shoalhaven, 52 Moruya Heads Sth
(CCBR,ENHS,HBR,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count Jul:
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 7 Geneebeinga Wetlands, Casino 6 Dec (DBt),
small numbers Broadwater Swp, Tullymorgan, Micalo Is, Everlasting Swp Clarence
Valley Mar, Sep -Oct (GC), Present Lower Macleay all year max 34 Rainbow Reach Dec
(KS); Max 300 Ash Island 13 Feb -1 Mar, 200 present 21 Sep -8 Nov, 1 Morpeth STW
17 Sep (HBR,SB); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Sep -Dec, max 38 Feb & 30 in Sep.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 271This is the highest count for Tuggerah Lakes since counts began in 1988 (CCBR); 4
Mason Pk Concord 5 Sep (TKe), Centennial Park 21 Nov (Birdline); Lake
1 1
Wollumboola 2 Jan (EV), 9-11 Cudgerre Bay, Lake Ilalwarra 26 Jan -22 Feb (CC), 3
Kilalea Lagoon 4 Feb (CB); 1 Junee STW 16 Sep (MSu); Max 11 Barren Box Swamp
11 Jan (MBo), 2 Hay wetlands 31 Mar (MT), 2 Fivebough Swamp 2 Feb (MS) & max 7
from 7 Aug -15 Nov (NSm), 51 Tuckerbil Swamp 28 Sep (MS), 2 Lake Cargelligo STW
6 Oct, 4 on 15 Nov ((JG,SGo). Arrival: 4 Fivebough Swamp 7 Aug (MS), Dairy Swamp,
Tuggerah 8 Aug (AM), 15 Ash Is Ponds 9 Aug (DK); 5 Mason Pk Concord 5 Sep (TKe);
Summer Wader Count Feb: 27 Clarence, 168 Hunter Estuary, 21 Tuggerah Lakes, 11
Lake Illawarra (CCBR,HBR,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count Jul:
Common Greenshank T nebularia Small numbers(1-2) Clarence Valley wetlands
Mar, Sep -Dec (GC); Max 191 Hunter Estuary Jan -Mar & 194 Sep- Dec (HBR); Present
Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, 16 Sep -Dec, max 23 in Jan (CCBR);1 Phodes 26 Jan (DH); 6
Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 15 Oct (TK); 2 Lake Bathurst 28 Nov (CBN 30, 17); Barren
Box Swamp 11 Jan (MBo), 5 Lake Cargelligo STW 17 Mar, 1 Hay wetlands 31 Mar
(MT). Summer Wader Count Feb: 2 Tweed, 11 Richmond,34 Clarence, 65 Hunter
Estuary (HBR), 18 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR), 7 Botany Bay & 2 Shoalhaven (Skewes
Wood Sandpiper T glareola 3 Pelican Is, South West Rocks 3-13 Nov (ABi,HL,KS);
1 Killalea Lagoon 6 Mar (CC); 1 Durras Lake 11-13 Nov (ENHS); 1 Fivebough Swamp
15 Nov (NSm); 2 Thegoa Lgn Wentworth 7 Dec (BMc). Average year.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 2 Tweed, 31 Richmond & 18 Clarence Estuarys Feb
(Skewes 2004), Rainbow Reach 3-8 Nov (KS); Present Hunter Estuary spasmodically
throughout the year max 53 on 21 Nov, however 54 Fern Bay 3 Jan & max 35 on 15 Oct –
13 Dec (ARo,CSc,HBR); 1 Shell Pt Botany Bay 14 Jun (KG), 2 Woolooware wetlands 3
Dec (BR), Penrhyn Rd Botany 14 Dec (TN). Average for this decade.
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1 Micalo Is Yamba 21 Mar (GC), 1 South
West Rocks 6 Mar & 1 Rainbow Reach 8 Oct (KS); Present Hunter Estuary Jan -Apr,
Oct -Dec, max 3 Stockton Wreck Feb -1 Mar (AM,HBR); 2 Eastlakes 19 Jan -8 Feb
(DM,EV), 1 Penrith Lakes 7 Feb (JM), 1 Botany Bay Feb (Skewes 2004); 2 Wallaga
Lake 15 Feb, 1 Moruya Heads Sth 4 Oct (ENHS); 1 Dangars Lagoon,Uralla 15 Oct
(TK); 1 Uriarra Crossing ACT 29 Dec (Perkins 2005); 4 Lake Cargelligo STW 5 Oct
(CM). Average year.
Grey- tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes Present Hunter Estuary all year max 33
Stockton/Fern Bay 14 Nov, 17 Worimi NR 6 Apr & 23 on 12 Sep (HBR); 11 Bonna Pt
Kurnell 13 May (PDb); 4 Orient Point 6 Apr (GB), rarely reported in the Illawarra.
Summer Wader Count Feb: 23 Richmond, 32 Clarence 15 Hunter, 8 Tuggerah Lakes,
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 27286 Botany Bay, 9 Moruya Heads (CCBR,ENHS,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count
Wandering Tattler H. incana 1 Flat Top Rock, Woolgoolga 18 Mar & 11 Apr, Arrawarra
Beach 25 Sep (JS); 1 Boatharbour, Kurile11 29 Nov & 20 Dec (BR,SB).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 20 Newcastle Baths 22 Dec (HBR); Lake
Wollumboola 12 Feb (GT), 4 Bull Pup Bch Kiola 6 Jun (JH1); 2 Mystery Bay 19 Jan &
1 Tuross 5 Oct, rare on the South Coast (ENHS); 1 Junee STW 25 Aug (MSu), few
inland records. Summer Wader Count Feb: 36 Richmond, 22 Clarence, 13 Botany
Bay (Skewes 2004), 31 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR).
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 2 Pelican Is Pt Macquarie 26 Sep (HBG), Flat Top
Rock, Woolgoolga 1 Nov (JS); Max 60 Stockton Sandspit 11 Oct, 1 Harrington 20-21
Nov (HBR); 1 Picnic Pt The Entrance 11 Jan & 5 on 15 Nov (AM); 2 Long Reef 22 Jun
(MM), 2 Penhryn Rd Botany 20-26 Sep & 6 on 14-20 Dec (DM,EN,KPi,SB,TN),
Sandringham 14 Nov (PR); 1 Shoalhaven heads Feb (Skewes 2004); 1 Tuross 21 Sep
(ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 25 Richmond & 300 Clarence Estuaries (Skewes
2004), 3 Hunter Estuary (HBR),
Red Knot C. canutus 48 Pelican Is Port Macquarie 10 Oct (BS), 5 Dart is Yamba 30
Nov (GC); 450 Stockton Sand Spit 15 Oct (ARo); Present Tuggerah Lakes 17 Sep -Dec,
max 22 in Oct (CCBR); 40 Shoalhaven Heads 1 Nov (SB); Present Tuross estuary 13
Sep -31 Dec, max 24 on 5 Oct & present Wallaga Lake 4 Nov -5 Dec, max 60 on 4 Nov
(ENHS); Arrival: Passage migrant to the south in spring, numbers much lower than
usual, Penrhyn Rd Botany 25 Aug (DH), 4 Tuross River 10 Sep (ENHS). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 9 Hunter Estuary (HBR)
Sanderling C. alba 56 Richmond Estuary Feb (Skewes 2004); 11 Old Bar -Farquhar
Inlet Feb -Mar, max 12 for Nov -Dec (EV,HBR); Boatharbour Kurnell 26 Oct (Birdline);
1 Windang 29 Oct -8 Nov (CB,CC); I Wallagoot Lake 23 Sep (BJ), 1 Wallaga Lake Nov –
Dec (ENHS).
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 23 Woody Head rock platform 15 Feb (GC); Max 150
Ash Island 21 Sep, 8 Old Bar/Mudbishops Pt 21-28 Nov (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes
all year max 272 Nov, a high local count (CCBR); 10 Bushells Lagoon 22 Feb & 7 on 1
Nov (KB); 60 Lake Wollumboola 2 Jan (EV), 200 Windang Pemninsular 5 Jan (CC),
120 Commerong Is 27 Jan, 180 Shoalhaven Heads Nov (SB) large numbers for the
Illawarra Region; Present South Coast in small numbers all year mostly at Tuross Estuary,
Congo, Wallaga Lake & Brou Lake, max 12 Tuross Estuary 23 Dec (ENHS); 2 Lake
Bathurst 28 Jul & 3 on 28 Nov (CBN 30, 17); 2 Ettamogah 2 Mar (PSe); 3 Lake Tooim,
Goodnight 25 Aug (MHe). Summer Wader Count Feb: 83 Richmond, 63 Clarence, 52
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 273Hunter Estuary, 144 Tuggerah Lakes, 50 Boatharbour Res Kurnell, 160 Botany Bay, 57
Shoalhaven, 150 Lake Wollumboola (GT), 12 Tuross Estaury (CCBR,CBOC,
ENHS,GT,HBR,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count Jul: 12 Wallaga Lake (ENHS).
More numerous this year in coastal areas because of the effects on the drought in inland
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta Ash Island ponds 8-10 Nov, referred to NSWORAC
and accepted.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos West Byron STW 15 Jan (JH), 4 Pelican Is South
West Rocks 6 Nov -9 Dec & Rainbow Reach 28 Nov (ABi,KS); Ash Island 8-10 Nov
1 1
(HBR); 1 Bicentennial Park 1-3 Jan (BE,TW)1 Pitt Town Lagoon 20 Jan (KB), 1 Eastlakes
11 Feb (ARo), 1 Bushells Lagoon 4 Nov (KB); 1 Lake Wollumboola 2 Mar (CC); 1
Kellys Swamp, ACT, 17-25 Jan (BE). More records than usual.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Max 200+ Broadwater Swp Tullymorgan 20
Oct with smaller numbersEverlasting Swp Ulmarra & Deadmans Swp Cooutts Crossing
Sep -Nov (GC), 220 Rainbow Reach 8 Feb & 300 6-14 Nov, 250 Pelican Island 28 Oct –
6 Nov (KS); 1500 Ash I Ponds 1 Mar (AM), 200 Irrawang Swp, Raymond Terrace 21
Nov (EV); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Aug -Dec, max 1682 in Jan, 3rd highest
count for Coast (CCBR); Max 160 Mason Pk Concord 24 Sep -19 Oct (CG,NH), 100
Bushells Lagoon Nov (KB); 2000+ Windang Peninsular 5 Jan & 8 on 4 Feb (CC) a
record number for the Region; Only small numbers on the South Coast 2 Brou Lake 14
Sep & 5 Wallaga lake 4 Nov (ENHS); Max 250 Dangars Lagoon Uralla 12 Aug -15 Oct
(ARo,TK); 32 Lake Bathurst 6 Sep & 2 on 28 Nov (CBN 30, 17); Max 96 Barren Box
Swamp 10 Jan -5 Apr (RW), 10+ Hay wetlands 31 Mar (MT), 4000 Fivebough Swamp
& 4000+ Tuckerbil Swamp 27 Oct (MS) & 100+ Tullakool Salt Works 10 Apr & 27 Oct
(JB,MHe). Departure: 10 Craigie Res Tuggerah Lake 29 Mar (CCBR), 5 Bushells
Lagoon 27 Apr (JDu). Arrival: 3 Ash Island 5 Jul & 2 on 17 Aug (PH), 5 Chittaway Bay
22 Aug (AM) & Junee STW (MC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 4 Richmond, 95
Clarence (Skewes 2004), 220 Macleay Estaury (KS), 1201 Hunter Estuary (HBR), 1055
Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR), 220 Eastlakes 3 Feb (EV), 800+ Lake Illawarra (CB), 500
Lake Wollumboola (GT), Wallaga Lke (ENHS). Higher coastal numbers than usual.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea 7 Rainbow Reach 10 Oct -8 Nov (KS); Present Hunter
Estuary throughout spring ands summer, max 812 on 18 Jan, largest count since 1989
(HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Jul -Dec, max 106 in Jan (CCBR); 2 Brou
Lake 14 Sep (ENHS); Max xx Barren Box Swamp 11 Jan (MBo); 4 Lake Cargelligo
STW 6 Oct (JG), 100+ Tullakool Saltworks 10 Apr & 26 Oct (JB,MHe). Arrival: Picnic
Pt The Entrance 30 Jul (AM), 2 Mason Pk Concord 10 Aug (MR), 40 Ash Island 25 Aug
(PH); Summer Wader Count Feb: 241 Hunter Estuary (HBR), 73 Tuggerah Lakes
(CCBR), 4 Parramatta R & 4 Botany Bay (Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count Jul:
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 274Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 1-3 Stockton Sandspit and occasionally
Ash Island 7-31 Dec, 1′ Hunter Region record since 1995 (HBR).
Ruff Philomachus pugnax F Sydney Olympic Park 29 Oct (ARo); 1 Windang 3 Feb
then Cudgerre Bay, Lake Illawarra 3 Feb -5 Mar (CB,GB), 151 record.for the Region.
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis AM Pelican Is South West Rocks 9-10 Nov
(KS); 2M Irrawang Swamp 6 Jan (HBR); F+3M Carmel Lagoon, Baradine 25 Oct (AM).
Good year for Painted Snipe!
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea 2 Pelican Is, South West Rocks 10 Apr –
13 Jul (KS); 1 Hillville Dam 3 Apr (HBR). Numbers down because of drought overall
but plenty of records for the Richmond & Clarence wetlands.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius Coraki May -Jun (per GC); HC North Ck
Warners Bay 21 Jan (GP), nested Lemon Tree Passage and raised one chick Nov -Dec,
which subsequently went missing before it could fly (HBR); 10 resident prs Brisbane
Water and Broken Bay, of which 2 prs nested successfully & 3 other prs nested but eggs
disappeared, failed to hatch or the the chicks were lost or died (CCBR); all year Narooma
(NR,ENHS); 2 HC Thurgoona 10 Apr (CG), 4A+3 Im Buraja, Corowa Jan (ARb); 2
Sandgate SF 25 Oct (MT), 2 Merrigal HSD Warren Nov (APy); 2 Oolambeyan NR Aug
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus Yamba 22 May (ARo), 2 Sando Estuary 28
Jun (GC), 2 Dart Is Clarence R 22 Jul & 30 Nov (TB), 3 Namburrca Heads 25 Aug (NC);
Goolawah 9 Nov (KS), Pelican is Port Macquarie 21 Nov (HL); 2 Old Bar/Farquar
Inlet 14 Mar -26 Apr (ABi,BR,JL,PB), nesting 21 Nov, chick subsequently hatched and
died (EV,DP); Woolooware wetlands 29 Nov (KG), Boatharbour, Kurnell 20 Dec
1 1
(SB); Orient Pt Comerong Is 13-14 Feb (GT); Tomago R. Mossy Point Feb & Nov
1 1 1
(ENHS), Merimbula Lake/Pambula Estuary Feb-Mar,5 May -17 Aug (BJ,JBo,JR).
1 1
Note post breeding dispersal of young birds south of breeding sites.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris Max 29 Stockton Sandspit Feb -May, 40
Nelsons Bay 6 Jan, 29 Harrington 15 Mar, 47 Tuncurry 18 Mar (HBR); Present Tuggerah
Lakes and Brisbane Water max 4 & 15 resp (CCBR); 51 Shell Pt, Botany Bay 14 Jun
(KG); 21 Black Hd, Gerroa 27 Nov (BV); 39 Brou Lake 15 Sep & 25 Tuross River 21
Oct (ENHS). Breeding: 3 breeding reports Clarence R estuary (GC); 2A+J Ramsay Is,
Blacklalls Bay 18 Oct (CCBR); In the Illawarra Region 5 prs fledged 3Y, 12 prs nested
at 8 sites in Eurobodalla, raising 14 fledglings from 16 attempts, 14 prs nested at 12 sites
on the Bega Shire coast, raising 7Y, 24 young fledged on the whole of the Illawearra &
South Coast Regions (Keating & Jarmans 2004). Summer Wader Count Feb: 12
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 275Richmond, 12 Clarence (Skewes 2004), 12 Corrie Island, 29 Hunter Estuary (HBR), 4
Tuggerah Lakes,15 Brisbane Water (CCBR), 50 Botant Bay (CBOC), 16 Shoalhaven,
28 Wallaga Lake (ENHS)
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Max 16+ Newcastle Baths 25 Mar (HBR); Max 11
Bateau Bay Reefs 18 Jul (CCBR); Max 14 Boatharbour 7 Apr (Birdline); 17 Crookhaven
Heads 18 Apr (APa), 11 Huskisson Harbour 23 Aug (LA); 13 Wallaga Lake 26 Feb
(ENHS). It is estimated that there were 74 breeding prs on 13 offshore Islands of the
Illawarra & South Coast Regions (Keating & Jarman 2004).
South Island Pied Oystercatcher H. finschi Patches Beach Ballina 12-18 Apr (BT),
bird still present, first reported in 1998.
Black -winged Stilt Himatopus himatopus Max 323 Ellis Swp Tucabia 3 Jun, breeding
Cowper & Deadmans Swmp Coutts Crossing Aug -Oct (GC); Present Lower Macleay
valley all year max 300+ Belmore Swamp 7 May & 1000+ on 30 Jun (KS); Present
Hunter Estuary all year, max 910 on 15 Feb, highest count since early 1970s, 1000
Hexham Swamp 12 Jul (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 311 in Feb, highest
count ever (CCBR); 2 Marley Lagoon, Royal NP 21 Sep (SAs), unusual location & lst
Park record, nesting Woolooware wetlands Dec (BR); 197 Windang Peninsular 5 Jan
(CC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 1654 Tweed, 68 Richmond, 323 Clarence, 910 Hunter
Estuary (HBR), 311 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR), 241 Parramatta River (Skewes 2004).
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus 1 Wallagoot Lake 15 Feb (BA), 1 Windang
Peninsula 13 Mar (CC); 20+ Tullakool Saltworks 17 Mar (MHa).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 58 Trustes Bay, Tweed Heads 19
Dec (MA), 80 Micalo Is prawn farm 21 Aug (GC); Present Hunter Estuary all year, max
4802 on 12 Jul & 7000 6-7 Aug, highest count ever for the Estuary, 2+ Walka Waterworks
26 Jan, Shortland WC 2 Mar, Pambalong NR 22 Mar, 13-22 Nov (HBR); Max 40
Bicentennial Pk Homebush Bay 27 Jan -Feb & 51 on 2-26 Jul, 21 on 7-29 Nov
(BD,BR,JHa,SPi), 1 Bushells Lagoon 18 Sep (KB); 12 Shoalhaven Heads 11 Feb (RJo),
ls’ Illawarra Region sighting since 1997; 7 Dangars Lagoon, Uralla 9 Jan (JCe); 6 Lake
Bathurst 28 Jul (CBN 30, 18); 1 Quipolly Dam 15 Feb & 11 Oct (JMi); Max 150+ Lake
Cargelligo STW 6 Oc-15 Nov (CM,JG,SGo), 200+ Tullakool Salt Works 17 Mar & 26
Oct (MHe), Fivebough Swamp 15 Nov (NSm); 10+ 21 km SE Fords Bridge 7 Jul (MT),
2 Bourke STW 23 Oct (JC). Summer Wader Count Feb: 119 Clarence, 3869 Hunter
Estuary, 24 Parramatta R (HBR,Skewes 2004). Winter Wader Count Jul: 4802 Hunter
Estuary (HBR). Overall, high numbers for coastal NSW this year.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 4 Dart Is Yamba 22 Jul (TB), 57 Bonville Ck
Estuary 8 Nov, 11 Broadwater Swp Tullymorgan 28 Oct, 8+ Lake Cakora Brooms Head
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 27622 Dec (GC); 20 Manning Point 22 Jan & 27 Apr (EV,PB); 20 Boatharbour & 26 Penryhn
Rd Botany 20 Dec (SB); 106 Comwerong Is 27 Jan (SB). Arrival: 2 Shoalhaven Heads
10 Aug (DMc), Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 53 in Feb, one remaining until 22
Jun, first arrival 27 Jul (CCBR); 2 Wallaga Lake 4 Nov (ENHS). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 114 Richmond, 118 Clarence, 29 Worimi NR, 149 Hunter Estuary, 53 Tuggerah
Lakes, 5 Parramatta R, 10 Botany Bay, 105 Shoalhaven (CCBR,HBR, Skewes 2004).
Winter Wader Count Jul: 4 Dart Is (TB).
Grey Plover P squatarola 3 Nelsons Bay 6 Jan, max 2 Stockton Sandspit 21 Sep -7
Nov (HBR); Penrhyn Rd Botany 20-24 Sep (EN,KPi,DM), 1 Eastlakes GC 3 Nov (DM);
1 Windang Peninsula 5 Jan & 2 on 7 Oct (CC,CB), 1 Shoalhaven Heads/Comerong Is 27
Jan & 16 Nov (SB,RTu); 2 Tuross Heads 21 Sep -23 Dec (ENHS); 1 Quipolly Dam 11
Oct (JMi). More records than usual.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 59 Hunter Estuary count 14 Jun (HBR);
60 Tuross Heads 28 Mar & 37 Brou Lake 14 Sep (ENHS); Max 225 Lake Bathurst 28
Jul -28 Nov (CBN 30,18); Max 162 Barren Box Swamp 11 Jan -5 Apr (MBo), 50 Tuckerbil
Swamp 8 May (MS); Summer Wader Count 15 Feb: 22 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR),
Winter Wader Count Jul: 57 Wallaga Lake (ENHS)
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 3 South Tweed Heads 29 Mar & 2 on 26
Apr (TDi), 10 South Smokey BCh & 13 Killick Bch, South West Rocks 9 Jun (KS); 16
Old Bar 14 Mar (AM), Ash Island Ponds 9 Mar (SB); Max 2 Bushells Lagoon 22 Feb,
25 Apr- 1 Aug (KB); 10 Tallawarra Ash ponds 18 Apr (DG), 48 Windang 20 Apr, 218
Comerong Is 18 May (CC) highest count ever for site, 80 Shoalhaven Heads 9-17 Aug
(DMc); 1 Ettamogah 2 Mar (PSe); I Tullakool Salt Works 10 Apr (JB). Arrival: Eastlakes
GC 3 Feb (EV), 6 Nambucca Heads 13 Feb (JS), 2 Durras 18 Mar (ENHS). Departure:
2 Bushells Lagoon 28 Aug (KB), 6 Lake Bathurst 6 Sep (CBN loc.cit)1 Stockton Sandspit
7 Sep (HBR), 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 29 Nov (CCBR), 1 Casino 8 Dec (DBt). Winter
Wader Count Jul: 38 Richmond estuary, 11 South Smokey Beach, 28 Worimi NR, 15+
Tuggerah Lakes, 58 Botany Bay, 72 Shoalhaven, 30 Blackfellow Point, 19 Wallaga Lake
& 37 Tuross Eastuary, 25 Merimbula Estuary 18 Jul (SB), 212 Lake Bathurst 28 Jul
(CBN 30, 18,CC,CCBR,ENHS,HBR,KS,Skewes 2004).
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus 4 Bundjalung NP 15 Oct, 3 Lake Cakora Brooms
Head 22 Dec (GC); 1 Dolmans Pt Sawtell 22 Oct (CCy); 1 Worimi NR 8 Jan (HBR); 1
Picnic Pt Res The Entrance 15 Jan (CCBR); 2 Boatharbour, Kurnell 15 Feb & 4 on 20
Dec (SB); 1 Comerong Is 27 Jan (CC), 1 Windang 13 Oct (CC); 1 Durras 18 Mar & 1
Tuross River 5 May (ENHS); 1 Tukllakool wetlands 17 Mar (VD), unusual location.
Numbers continue to decline.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 277Greater Sand Plover C. leschenauliii Woody Head 15 Feb, 6 Bundjalung NP 15 Oct
(GC), Arrawarra Beach 26 Sep (JS), Dolmans Pt Sawtell 26 Oct (CCy); Boatharbour,
1 1
Kurnell 26 Oct (Birdline); Windang 7 Oct (CB). Summer Wader Count Feb: Tweed,
1 1
31 Richmond & 13 Clarence estuaries (Skewes 2004).
Inland Dotterel C. australis 4 Boorooban District 13 Jan, 22 Feb, 12 Apr & 6 Aug
(BB,DH,NB), 3 Deniliquin area 18 Mar (RJo), 13+ 40 km N Deniliquin 25 Apr (BC) &
1 in Nov (LC); 20+ Mt Wood, Sturt NP 29 May -2 Jun (SCo), 3 5km N Mulga Valley
HSD White Cliffs 24 Aug, Bootra HSD Tibooburra 26 Aug, 20 Binnia Downs HSD
Tibooburra 28 Aug & 3 10 km SE Wompah Gate 29 Aug (RC), 2 Cobham Lake Oct
(CCo), 10km S Tibooburra 2 Oct (GDu), 18 Bourke 25 Nov (MR); 1+3Y Willandra
NP 10 Sep (JH). More records than usual.
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops 47 Hunter Estuary count 12 Jul (HBR);
Max 87 Bushells Lagoon 23 Apr- 7 May (KB). High coastal counts.
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis 2 Pretty Bch Murramurang NP 5 Jan (PBu),
2A+J Manyana 8 Jan (MJ); Absent from the 70 km of coastline between Batemans Bay
& Narooma. 4 prs nested betwen Narooma & Wallaga Lake (Nadgudga, Bogola Head &
Tilba beaches, but no chicks survived). On the whole of the South Coast, 11 fledglings
survived from 19 prs, representing 0.58 per breeding pair (Keating & Jarman 2004), in
addition 2 Meringo 2 Sep & 2 Wallaga Lake 5 Dec (ENHS).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus Small numbers (1-20 Richmond & Clarence
wetalnds Mar -Nov, max 7 Bunjalung NP Jul (GC), present Lower Macleay Valley all
year max 10 Pelican Is Jul -Aug, including 2+2J 28-30 Aug (KS), North Bank Rd
Bellingen 23 Oct (JS); Present Ash Is ponds Jun -Sep, max 18 on 9 Aug, 2A+2Y 16 Sep,
also max 6 Shortland WC Jan, 6 Oct -18 Nov, nesting reported, smaller numbers elsewhere
at 5 sites (DK,HBR); 1 Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 11 Jan (CCBR); 8 Mason Pk Concord
14 Aug -30 Oct (TKe); 10 Killalea Lagoon 5 Apr (GB); Max 16 Kellys Swamp, ACT 1-
14 Jan (CBN 28, 141); 78 Fivebough Swamp 8 Aug (MS). More common than usual in
coastal and near coastal areas because of the drought.
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 2 Austral Eden 14 Aug (KS), 2 Barnets Lgn Kempsey
7 Sep (LMc); Max 14 Phoenix Pk Morpeth 21-26 Jan, 6 Bolwarrra 28 Sep (HBR); 2+N
Cornwallis Rd Richmond 1-31 Oct (CG,KB,TW); 2 Lake Bathurst 28 Jul -6 Nov (CBN
30, 18); 2 23 Km N of Urana 16 Mar (KS), 3 Grenfell & 3 Back Creek 1-8 Oct (GLC), 2
Chacoal Tank NR 4 Oct (EV); 3 Coobal Ck Kyalite 21 Oct (MHe), Boorooban District
11 Apr (JB), 40 km N of Deniliquin Nov (LC); 20+ (7 groups) W of Wanaaring 19 May
(PS), 2 Eureka HSD Ledknapper Crossing, 4 Gerara HSD Ledknapper Crossing 3 Jul, 4
Yantabulla 7 Jul & 65 7km N Fords Bridge (MT), 6 east of Louth 3 Sep, 8+2Y on 22 Oct
(JCa); 6 Mungo NP 20 Jun (RCk), 2A+3Y Menindee Oct (AS). Numbers down inland.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 278Masked Lapwing V miles 121 Hunter Estuary count 15 Mar (HBR); 92 Nowra Paper
Mill 5 Dec (MJ), high number for Illawarra Region; Summer Wader Count Feb: 472
Tweed, 12 Richmopnd, 68 Clarence, 73 Hunter Estuaries, 76 Tuggerah Lakes, 39 Brisbane
Water, 52 Parramatta R & 2 Shoalhaven (CCBR,HBR,Skewes 2004).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella Ash Is Ponds 14-21 Sep (HBR,PH), well east
of usual range; 40 km N Deniliquin Nov (LC), 2 Fivebough Swamp 5-7 Nov (NSm); 2
Milparinka 29 May (SCo), 60 Mt Wood, Sturt NP 2 Jun (MHe), a late date & 40+ on 2
Oct (GDu), 6 Trilby HSD Louth 20 Oct (JC), 15 Bourke 25 Nov (MR). Arrival: 10+
Camerons Corner 12 Aug (DH).
Great Skua Catharacta skua 1 South West Rocks 9 Jul & 2 on 22 Oct (LMc); 2 Swansea-
Norah Head pelagic 6 Sep (RBa); 1 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 19 Jul, 20 & 25 Sep (CCBR);
Present off Magic Pt Maroubra 30 Jun -12 Oct , max 4 on 13 Jul (DM,RG); 1 Wollongong
pelagic 26 Apr, 24 May, 27 Sep (PM); max 7 off Eden 29 Jun -26 Oct, 2 Batemans Bay
pelagic 6 Oct (ENHS). Arrival: Wollongong pelagic 25 Apr (PM). Departure:
1 1
Eden pelagic 26 Oct (BJ). Note that colour- banded 29/9/97 east of Wollongong was
observed at Macquarie Island on 1/11/2003.
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus 3 Crowdy Head 16 Mar (AM), 3 Swansea-
Norah Head pelagic 29 Mar (HBR); Present off Magic Pt Maroubra Jan -4 Apr, 25 Nov –
Dec, max 60 on 20 Feb (RG); Max 10 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jan -26 Apr (PM); Present
off Eden Jan -30 Mar, 26 Oct -Dec, max 10 on 16 Mar (ENHS).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 10 Crowdy Head 19 Mar, unusually none present Newcastle
Harbour Oct -Dec (HBR); 13 Magic Pt Maroubra 20 Mar (RG); 2 Rosedale Jan (ENHS),
1 Eden pelagic 30 Mar (BJ). Departure: 1 Eden pelagic 30 Mar (ENHS), 1 Mistral Pt 17
May (RG). Arrival: 1 Penrhyn Rd Botany 12 Oct (DM).
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 29 Mar (PH); Max
18 Mistral Pt/Magic Pt 4 Jan -18 Mar & 5 on 27 Nov (DM,RG), 1 Sydney pelagic 13 Dec
(RMc); 2 Wollongong pelagic 25 Jan, 1 on 22 Feb & 3 on 22 Mar (PM); 2 Batemans Bay
pelagic 12 Jan (ENHS). Average year.
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Im Boatharbour, Kurnell 2 Jul (KG); Burrewarra Point
23 May (TL); Eden Harbour 30 Mar (BJ), Bermagui 27 Apr, Burrewarra Pt 23
1 1 1
May, 6 Congo 13 Oct (ENHS), 2 Womboyn Lake Inlet 19 Jul (SB). Average year.
Kelp Gull L. domincanus A Pelican Is Pt Macquarie 18 Sep (HF); 2A The Entrance 12
Oct (CCBR), 4th Central Coast record (CCBR); Im Woolooware wetlands 3 Dec (BR);
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 279Max 8 Wollongong pelagic 26 Apr (PM). Numbers are declining in the Illawarra cf
66A+32J in Illawarra Region in 1995 (C. Chafer pers. corn).
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica Present Stockton sandspit all year max 80 on 27 Jan &
36 on 15 Oct , Present Harrington/Old Bar max 6-8 throughout the year, predating Little
Tern eggs at Harrington 21 Nov (ARo,HBR,RT); 7 Bicentennial Park 29 Oct (ARo); 2
Comerong Island 17 Aug (DMc), 4 Shoalhaven Heads 1 Nov (SB); 3 Lake Wollumboola
18 Jan -12 Feb & 20 Jul (DM).
Caspian Tern S. caspia 17 Broadwater Swamp 28 May (GC); Present Hunter Estuary
all year max 12 Jun -Aug (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 76 in Sep, highest
local count including 43 Chittaway Bay 18 Sep (CCBR); 1 Dee Why Lagoon 19 Mar
(ARo) & 1 Prospect Reservoir 2 Aug (EV), unusual locations, 1 Narrabeen Lake 18 Jun
& 4 on 29 Aug (ARo,BC); 83 Windang 16 May, largest concentration reported for Lake
Illawarra, the birds being attracted to the breaching of the Lake (CC); Present Tuross
Heads throughout the year max 30 in Jun (ENHS).
White -fronted Tern S. striata 6 off South West Rocks 18 Jun (LMc); 1 Kororo Coffs
Harbour 22 Jun (JC); 7 Newcastle Baths 15 Aug (HBR); 25 Birdie Beach Munmorah
SCA 27 Jul (AM); 7 Orient Pt Culburra 7 Jul (EV); 15 Burrewarra Point 24 Aug (ENHS).
Arrival: 20 Stockton Breakwater 2 Apr (HBR), 2 Magic Pt Maroubra 6 Jun (RG) 2
Norah Head 22 Jun (CCBR). Departure: 5 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 20 Sep (CCBR), 20
Wollongong pelagic 27 Sep (DM), a late date, I Batemans Bay pelagic 6 Oct (ENHS).
Numbers down on previous years.
Common Tern S. hirundo 300 Farquhar Inlet Feb -Mar, 100 Newcastle Harbour Feb –
Mar & 100+ Stockton Beach 22-30 Dec (HBR); Max 200 Penryhn Rd Botany 12-18 Jan
& 450 on 31 Jan, 30 on 26 Nov & 300 on 23 Dec (BR,EN,SB,TN); 200 Wollongong
pelagic 18 Jan (PM). Departure: 40 Newcastle Harbour 12 Apr (HBR), 1 Point Plommer
16 Apr (ABi), 2 Bermagui in May (ENHS), 1 Wollongong pelagic 24 May (PM). Arrival:
7 Swan Bay 12 Sep (HBR), I Penrhyn Rd Botany 26 Sep (DM).
Arctic Tern S. paradisea Penrhyn Rd Botany 25 Nov (IC); Max 6 Moruya pelagics
28-30 Mar (PM), both adults and sub -adults mostly heading north.
Little Tern S. albifrons 450 Farquhar Inlet 14 Mar & 500+ on 28 Nov, 1 Newcastle
Harbour 15 Jul, a late date (HBR); 32 (21 im) Eastlakes GC 8 Feb (RG). Arrival: 26
Karagi Pt The Entrance 3 Oct (RQ), 1 Penrhyn Rd Botany 5 Oct (DM). Breeding 2003/
4 2+ prs, I flg Lake Cakora Dec (GC), 28 pairs,12 fledged Station Ck ,18 prs, 16 fl Red
Rock, 25 prs,26 fl Belongil Beach, 3 prs Nambucca Heads; 50 prs, 60 fl Harrington, 35
prs 20 fl Old Bar; 26 prs, 26 fl Karagi Pt The Entrance; 2 prs, 2Y Penryhn rd Botany Bay
30 Nov -8 Dec, 52 prs, 2f1 Towra Point; 22 prs, 2 fl Windang, 10 prs Shoalhaven heads,
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 2805 prs Lake Wollumboola, 3ps Lake Conjola; 10 prs, 14 fl South Tuross Head, 60 prs, 42
fl Brou Lake, 70 prs, 18 fl Wallaga Lake, 65 prs, 65 fl Mogareka Inlet & 10 prs Wallagoot
Lake In all 487 nesting pairs & 332 chicks fledged, a big increase over the past 6 years
(Keating & Jarman 2004, DMc,PMa,GC, MSm ,CCFOC).
Fairy Tern S. nereis 7 Bird Is Wallagoot Lake 23 Sep (BJ), 10 Wallaga Lake Nov
(ENHS). Breeding: 15 nests Wallagoot Lake 9-21 Jan, nesting with Little Terns (DMc),
13 nests Wallaga Lake, 2 or 3 fledged young, extent of hybridization unknown Nov -Dec
(ENHS). Numbers continue to increase in NSW.
Sooty Tern S. fUscata 1 off South West Rocks 8 Mar (LMc); 1 be North Shelley Bch,
Bateau Bay 26 Feb (AM); 2 Sydney pelagic 11 Jan & 1 on 13 Dec (ARo,RMc), 2
Mistral Pt Maroubra & Lilly Pilly Pt Hacking 23 Feb (BRu,RG); Wollongong pelagic
1 1
25 Jan (PM), 100+ off Windang 12 Oct (CB); Max 15 off Batemans Bay 5-12 Jan & on
16 Mar (PM), 1 Eden pelagic 3 Mar (EA). More records than usual.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 60 Everlasting Swamp 27 May, 400+ Little
Broadwater Swp Lawrence 15 Oct, 74 Main Camp 27 Oct (GC); Present again in the
Hunter Estuary wetlands Sep -Oct, with 35 Ash Island ponds 14 Sep -6 Oct, 135 Hexham
Swamp 28 Sep, 15 Grahamstown Reservoir 5 Oct, lesser numbers elsewhere (HBR);
Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Sep -Dec, max 430 Jan including 132 Chittaway Bay
and 279 Budgewoi Lake 11 Jan, 2nd highest count for Lakes (CCBR); 3 Eastlakes 12 Jan
(DM), max 185 Penrhyn Rd Botany 22-28 Sep (DM,KPi), 23 Centennial Pk Sydney 24
Sep (KPi), 40 Prospect Reservoir Nov (EV); 236 Windang Peninsular 5 Jan (CC),
exceptional number, Wollongong pelagic 27 Sep (DM); 10 Kiah 20 Sep & 5 Wallagoot
Lake 23 Sep (BJ), unusual location, max 20 Tuross estuary Jan, 21 Sep -15 Oct (ENHS);
100o Fivebough Swp 23 Sep (MS).
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus Present Newcastle Harbour 15 Feb -4 Apr,
max 13 on 15 Mar, 6 Old Bar 7 Dec (AM,EV,HBR), 1 Stockton Sandspit 15 Oct (ARo);
2 Chittaway Bay 1-25 Jan, max 3 Karagi Pt The Entrance 1-19 Jan & 1 on 14 Dec, 3
Budgewoi Lake 3 Dec & 1 on 15 Dec, 3rd -5th Central Coast records (CCBR); 1 Penrhyn
Rd Botany 3 Jan & 2 on 26 Nov -20 Dec (BR,EV,SB); 1 Lake Cargelligo STW 5 Oct
(CM). Departure: 1 Kingscliff 9 Apr (TDi), 1 Bundjalung NP 14 Apr (GC). Arrival: 1
Fivebough Swamp 15 Aug (MS).
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea Mistral Pt Maroubra Mar (RG), 39th NSW
1 1
White Tern Gvgia alba Swansea-Norah Head pelagic 29 Mar (RBa); 2 Mistral Pt
Maroubra 23 Feb (RG), North Head 23 Mar (MR), 37 -39th record.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 281White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 25 Ourimbah 29 Jun (ABe); 3 Kirrawee,
Royal NP 28 Feb (Al), 11 Pymble-Turramurra 10 Jun (KL), 1 Galston 15 Jul (RWI); 16
Jamberoo 13 Jun & 11 on 4 Sep (BHd,KM), large number for site; Present Eurobodalla
Shire from Durrus to Bennagui throughout the year, max 11 Lilli Pilli in Jul, dependent
young at Tuross Heads on 12 Dec (ENHS), 19 Tathra 20 Jul (SB)., most southern report;
1 recorded in the Canberra ACT suburbs of Bruce, Hughes & Ainslie 2 Jan -8 Dec (CBN
28,76, 28, 142 & 30, 19).
Spotted Turtledove Streptopelia chinensis 1 Bellbrook 7 Jun (MHz), 1′ record for
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis 20 garden feeder Murrumbung HSD
Mardi 12 Dec (CCBR); Recorded on the South Coast from Batemans Bay to Potato
Point where there was in Jul (ENHS).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica HC Sheepstation Ck Nymboi-Bindery NP 3 Ap
(GC), 1 South West Rocks 3 Jan, 15 May & 27 Oct, 2 Arakoon 12-21 Oct (KS), 2
Andersons Sugerloaf all year, 2 Willi Willi 27 Jul (MHz), Big Hill, Limeburners Ck
NR 9 Nov (TM); 2 Chichester SF 25-27 Jan, 1 Barrington House 5 Feb, 2 Copeland NR
8 Jun & 3 on 21-22 Nov, Allyn River 26 Jan & 18 Oct, (EV,HBR,PDb); Mill Ck
1 1
Dharug NP8 Jun (CCBR); 1 Bellawongarah 8 Feb & 12 May (BAs), 1 Foxground 29
Aug (RTu).
Common Bronzewing P chalcoptera 6 near Wybong 24 May (AM); Dubbo Gully,
Mangrove Mtn 3 Oct (CCBR), eastern limit of range.
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans 1 Corindi Beach 8 May (WD); 1 Awabakal NR 7
Apr & 2 on 13 Nov (HBR), 1 Myall Lakes NP 5 Dec (GC); 1 Lilli Pilli Trail, Wyrrabalong
NP23 Oct (CCBR); 2 Kur-ingai Chase NP 24 Apr (TW), 2 Deep Ck Narrabeen 25 Apr &
7 Nov (AB,BC), 1 Marra Marra NP 2 Nov (CBOC); 1 Robertson 12 Nov, 1 Warganderry
15 Dec (MT), reported from Barren Grounds NR Belanglo SF & Morton NP Nov- Dec
(IBOC); 2 Bournda NP 13-18 Feb (MF), 1 Broulee Jan, Congo Mar & Potato Point in Jul
(ENHS); 1 McMahons Lkout, Blue Mtns NP 13 Oct & Kings Tableland BMNP 15-17
Oct, 1 Katoomba 3 Dec (MT); 2 Mt Majura ACT 23 May (CBN 28, 142). Good spread
of records along the whole Coast.
Flock Bronzewing P histrionic I Yalda Downs HSD Whitecliffs 26 Aug (PB). first
record since 2000.
Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 1 killed by a Nankeen Kestrel at Dubbo 13 Aug
(Oliver 2004).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 282Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata Kayuga, Muswell brook 21 Jun (HBR);
1 1
Castlereagh NR 21 Jun (RT); 2 Glen Alice 16-17 Aug (DG,KL); 1 MoOmbi Common,
Tamworth 2 Jan (JWa), 4 Parraweena HSD Tamworth 20 Feb (KW); 3 Charcoal Tank
NR 26 Nov (DM); 4 Binya SF 30 Nov -19 Dec (JSI,LHa,MT); 20+ Trilby HSD Louth
20-24 Oct (JC).
Peaceful Dove G. striata 4 Prospect Reservoir 1 Sep (SHa); 1 Conjola NP 19 Oct -8
Nov (KM), rare in Illawarra Region;
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 1 Audley Royal NP 1 Feb (NR), 1 Shaws Creek 2
Apr (KB), 2 Prospect Reservoir 2 Aug & 7 Windsor Turf Farms 29 Nov (EV); Reported
throughout the year from Bass Point, Bellambi Pt Comerong Is, East Corrimal, Killalea
SCA, Puckeys Res & Windang, still extending their range in the Illawarra; Bimbi SF
1-8 Oct (GLC). Still extending range in Sydney & Illawarra Regions.
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca N+E Yarravel Jan (KS); Deep Ck
Narrabeen 20 Sep (AFo).
Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus 1D flew into window Arakoon 14 Jul (KS), 4
Nightcap NP 7 Nov (MR); Im M Chatswood 31 Mar & Mosman 3 Apr (DH) both flew
into windows; 1Jamberoo Mountain 12 Feb (RJo).
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina HC Iluka NR 19 Nov & 29 Dec (GC), 6+
Glennifer 6 Apr (JS), 2 Levers Plateau 31 Dec (LK); 2 Mungo Brush, Myall Lakes NP
Mar, 1 Harrington 19-28 Nov, 5 Seal Rocks rainforest 24 Sep (HBR); Im Greenwich,
flew into window 21 Sep (HM).
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus Present Upper Macleay area all year, max
8 Andersons Sugarloaf 5 Jan (MHz), 2+ Mt Warning NP 12 Oct (BTO 823), 1 Yarriabini
NP 25 Oct (KS); 6 White Rock, Chichester SF 25-27 Jan, 3 Woko NP 24-26 Jan, 2
Harrington rainforest 19-21 Nov, 3+ Copeland NR 27 Apr & 22 Nov, 2 Gloucester Tops
30 Sep (HBR,MR,PDb), southern limit of range;
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Present Richmond & Calrence Valleys all
yar at 27 locations max 15 Corindi 9 May (GC), present Macleay Valley May -Nov at 6
locations max 80 Andersons Sugarloaf 9 Nov (MHz); Reported from 13 Hunter Region
sites Jan -Jun, Sep -Nov, max 200 White Rock, Chichester SF 25-27 Jan (HBR); Regularly
reported on the Central Coast Jan -Jul, and then Sep, max 47 Mt Penang 14 Jan, 2A+N+J
Matcham 15 May -16 Jun, 2nd Central Coast breeding record and first successful fledgling
(CCBR); max 200 Lady Carrington Dye Royal NP 9 Feb (AQ), 6 on 16 Sep (JR), 25
Bilgola 10 Oct (AMc); 50+ Red Rock Trig 15 Jun (IBOC) & 30 Bulli Pass 27 Sep
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 283(RMi); Reported on the South Coast Feb, Oct -Dec, as far south as Tuross River, on 4
Nov ENHS).
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorizynchus banksii 6 Macquarie Marshes 24 Oct
(JC); 10 Bourke 19 Apr (ABe), Max 80 North Bourke 2-4 May (DH,JL), 2 on 16 Sep
(SF), 35 Bourke 17 Jul (LSc) & 70 on 23 Oct (JC), 70 W of Walgett 26 Aug (Birdline).
Usual sites.
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C.funereus Regularly reported in the Hunter region, 80
flying over Harrington Sep (HBR); 70 Malabar 27 Mar (SKn), 71 Darling Point 9 Apr
(SF), 200 Centennial Park 23 Apr (BR), 150 Middle Ck Narrabeen 25 Apr (AB); 160
Wattamolla, Royal NP 3 Aug (RTu); 30+ Manoora HSD Holbrook 12 Oct (CGr).
Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami Recorded 6 Clarence Valley sites all year max 6
Urunga 9 Sep (GC), present South West Rocks & Hat Head all months except Apr &
Nov, max 2 previously up to 13 before clearing of Casuarinas has recently taken place
(KS), present Upper Macleay at 5 sites all year max 4 West Kempsey 4 Feb (MHz), 2+
Wooli Feb (JDu), max 14 Crescent Head 17 Mar -31 Aug (TM), 1 Racecourse Trail,
Werrikimbe NP 26 Apr (GG), 2 Queens Lake SF 18-25 Nov (APe); Reported from 12
Hunter region locations throughout the year including 2A+J Laguna 7-8 Nov (HBR);
Reported from 16 Central Coast sites all year, with 2 breeding records from Mangrove
Mountain & Wyee Point (CCBR); Reported from 24 sites in the Sydney region including
2 Westleigh 22 Feb & 4 on Aug (ARo), observer’s 1st records for site, 5 Red Hill 4 Apr
(BC), observer’s P record for site,; 20 records from 14 sites in the Illawarra Region,
from Avon Dam in the north to Cudmirrah in the south, mostly for period Jan -Apr, Aug –
Nov, max 20+ New Haven Gap, Sassafras 28 Oct (CB,CC,GDy,KM,MT,RM,RTu);
Reported from 12 South Coast sites all year, max 10 Bermagui 26 Feb, and with dependent
young at Broulee Oct- Dec, Burrewarra Point & Meringo in Nov (ENHS,MF); 2+ Boonoo
Boonoo NP Oct (BTO 823), M Hanging Rock Rd Nundle 2 Sep (G01); 35 Wentworth
Falls 10 Apr (CP), 3 Hazelbrook 14-15 Apr (GT,JD), 2 Gardens of Stone NP 17 Apr
(MT), 2 Leura Cascades 10 May (WW), 3 Faulconbridge 21 Jul -2 Aug & 4 on 28 Dec
(BPo,TH), Capertee Valley 26 Sep (CPr); 6 Lake George 29 Aug (SGu); 304 Goonoo
SF 9 Mar, 26 on 20 Apr & 126 on 28 Jun (DG,IDe), 2 Goobang NP 20 Sep (TBO 823);
2 Back Ck SF Wyalong 2 Aug (Birdline); 3 45 km SE Moree 4 Sep (NM); 3+ O’Dells
Crossing, Baradine 22 Sep (TBO 823); Max 10 McPherson Range, Griffith 14 Feb -30
Mar & 10 Nov (JB,LHa), 28 Bogolong Hills 23 Mar (NSm), 4 Colinroobie Hills 22 Apr
(MBI), 2 Jimberoo SF 18 May (MT), 2 Myalstone HSD Griffith Oct (MBo). Not a
declining species!
Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 5 Cullingral Rd Merriwa 20-25 Apr,
most north-west site & 5 Iomar HSD Quorrobolong HSD 21 Aug (AM,HBR); Reported
from 6 sites across the Central Coast all year, max 16 Mt Yengo HSD Yengo NP 24 Jun
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 284(CCBR); 4 Mulgoa Feb (MH), 2 St Ives 8 Aug (RG1); 25 Corrimal 25 Jun (JDm); Reported
from South Coast sites all year max 55 Broulee in Jan & dependent young there in Feb
(ENHS); 20+ Albury 13-21 Feb (PSe), & 2 on 17 Mar (MRa), western edge of range.
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris Max 13 Coutts Crossinbg all year& at nest
hollows May,Oct & Dec (GC)), 30 Port Macquarie 10 Nov (HL); Widespread across the
Hunter Region, max 13 Hunter estuary 12 Jul (HBR); Common and widespread across
the Central Coast max 70 Wyong GC 27 Mar and 60+ Chittaway Creek 16 Jun (CCBR);
250 Shellharbour Square 26 Feb (IBOC), 100 Warrawong 24 Apr (CC), 24 Greenwell
Point 20 Jul (BAs) & 20 Ulladulla 23-31 Jan (MZ), largest numbers reported for Illawarra;
2000 Deniliquin & 2000+ Pretty Pine 13 Jan & 14-18 Mar (BB,VD), 10+ Leeton area 19
Nov -31 Dec (PTe), rarely reported at this location. Both coastal and inland populations
still increasing.
Little Corella C. sanguinea 30 Brunswick Heads 4 Aug (JAm); Widespread across the
Hunter region, max 60+ Warabrook 2 Sep (HBR); 100 Wallarah Bridge, Gorokan 1 Aug
& 20 Sep (CCBR); 30+ Ulladulla 23-31 Jan (MZ).
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 3 West Wyalong 26 Nov (DM), eastern
limit; 2 Tooleybuc 3 Jan & 24 Oct (MHe,RWo), 40 Edward St & 50 Wood Pk Griffith 25
Jun, 2 15 km N of Ardlethan 20 Sep (MT), 2 1 km S of Goodnight 28 Aug & 25 Oct
(MHe), the Goodnight & Tooleybuc records both eastern limit of range in that part of the
Riverina; 50, 35 km N of Bourke 19 Apr (ABe), 200 Cobar 3 May (DH). Some large
concentrations reported.
Cockatiel Nynphicus hollandicus 8 Rockley, Bathurst 7 Feb (CPr), 8 15 Km W of
Canowindra 2 Nov (RMc); 30 Willow Tree to Blackville 7 Apr (KS). Some eastern
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematonotus 4+ Armidale 18 Nov (DG); Reported
from Orange Oct (NS); 10+ Tamworth, feeding in in Silky Oaks 18 Nov (DG); 10
Burrumbuttock 6 Apr (DW), reported from Wagga Wagga (DBo);
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet T chlorolepidotus 20 East Seaham 25 May (HBR); Small
numbers Central Coast including 2 Woy Woy 5 May, 2 Sutton Res Bateau Bay 24 Aug &
2 Kincumber 27 Aug (CCBR); 300+ Gulf Creek, 20 km NE Barraba Feb, feeding in
flowering Eucalypts (RWa), 2 Oxley Vale, Tamworth 18 Oct (MBa).
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna Max 16 Coutts Crossing 21 Jan -25 Mar, 17-18
Nov (GC), reported in small numbers from Millbank, Termagog & Bellbrook Feb, Oct –
Nov (MHz); Reported from 8 Hunter Region sites throughout the year max 50+ Dunns
Creek 3 Apr & 26 Wingen 19 Nov (HBR); Numbers continue to remain high on the
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 285Central Coast 100+ Bateau Bay Jan -Jun, smaller numbers elsewhere (CCBR); Many at
Kurnell during May (Birdline), 3 Glebe 30 Jul (BWa); Reported throughout the South
Coast all year, max 100 Tuross Heads in Jun (ENHS); 2+ Kajuligah NR 5 Apr, well
outside normal range (MT).
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 50 Temagog 21 Nov (MHz); Many Hunter Bot.Gardens 14
Mar, 20+ Glen NR 25-27 Apr & 50 Wyee Point 5 Oct, elsewhere in small numbers in
Hunter Region (HBR); Numbers high on the Central Coast Jan -Jun, max 100+ Bateau
Bay & McMasters Beach during this time, smaller numbers elsewhere remaining until
Jul (CCBR); 6 Yarramundi 25 Nov (DPo); 20 Gerroa & 30 Shoalhaven Heads 18 May
(CC), rare in the Illawarra Region; 3 Wentworth 3 Oct (GDu), no previous records for
this site.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 11 Cowra 7 Jun (AM), 6 Lyndhurst 24 Sep & 10
on 4 Oct (EV,RMc), 5 Cudal 19 Oct (CG), 9 Bimbi, Cowra 24 Oct (CC), 6 15 km W of
Canowindra 2 Nov (RMc), 7 Rye Park 7 Dec (TS); 4 Boorowa Oct (HPu); Gundaroo 9
Jan & Melba Jan, Gundaroo 11 Oct -31 Dec including breeding Gundaroo & Mt Rogers
(CBN 28, 145 & 30, 22-23), 2 Mulligans Flat NR ACT 20 Nov (JBo), 10+ Mt Rogers
ACT 17-31 Dec, where creching of new fledglings occurs (Blemings 2005); 30 Baan
Baa May -Jun (LHe); AM Ulamambri 19 Apr (AM), eastern edge of wintering range, 2
20km S of Dubbo Nov (RL), note that they have been found breeding at four locations
between the Lachlan River and Molong, extending the known breeding range north by
75 km (Chistie 2004); 2 15 km E Temora Jan (MT), 6 Grenfell Sep, 20+ 1-10 Oct
1 1
(GLC,PMa), 4 Charcoal Tank NR 4 Oct (EV), 6 Wanterbadgery 20 Oct, 2 Billabong Ck
Eurongilly 22 Oct, 30 Old Combanning School 10 Oct (MC), 9 Bimbi 24 Oct (CC), 6
Harden 8 Nov (HH), 17 15km W of Tumut 15 Nov (IH), 6 17 km W Wagga Wagga
(RCk); 14, 20 km SW Baradine Jan(JW); 20-30 Nevertire Jan -Feb (GHo), 10+ Warren
24 May & 29-31 Aug (CCa,GCt,PS), 7 Mullengudgery 26 May (AM), 4+ Merrigal HSD
Warren Nov (APy); 20 Coleambally 12 Feb -1 Mar & 30 Brobenah Hall Road (HH,JWI),
8+ Pretty Pine 15 Mar (VD), 11 Wamboo HSD Moama 25 Apr (KSt), 8 Boree Creek 27
Apr (VB), 3 MIA SF 23 May (MS), 7 Hanwood 2-7 May (BM), 10 Wilbriggie 26 May
(JSe), 10 Widgelli 8 Jul, 10 Oolambeyan NR Aug (DP), 40 Yarrada SF Leeton 3 Aug
(MFN), 8 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 7 Aug & 3 on 3-9 Sep (MS,MT), Euabalong 5
Oct (CM), 5 Gilgai HSD Yenda (SD), 7 70 km W of Narrandera & 7, 10 km S of Leeton
Nov (RL), 5 Boona SF Colleambally 30 Nov (MFN), 5 Deniliquin Nov (LC), 2 Lake
Talbot, Narrandera 8 Dec (NSm); Max 15 Yimkin HSD Cobar 19-23 May (LSc), AM
50km E Cobar 3 Jun, 103 & 150 km S of Byrock 17 Jul (DT). Overall, the numbers
appear to be increasing.
Regent Parrot R anthopeplus 2 15km E of Balranald 18 May (MS), 2 Kyalite 24 Oct
& Goodnight 25 Oct (MHe); 2 Mallee Cliffs SF, Tapalin Mail route, 50 km E of Euston
29 Mar (MT), 4, 10 km W of Euston 19 Jun (RCk).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 286King Parrot Alisterus scapularis AM Chiswick 25 jul (BAy), unusual inner City record;
Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus 1 Duni, I Premer & 2 nr N of Coolah
20 Sep (GC), 50+ Pandora’s Pass, Coolah 28 Dec (PDb); 5 Euabalong West 20 Mar
(JFo), southern limit of range and no previous reports.
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 15 Queens Lake SCA 27 Aug (ABi), 50 Lake Cathie
30 Aug -10 Sep (DS,HL); 7 Whitebridge 16 Jun, 9 Wallsend 26-27 Jun, 2 Valentine 30
Jun, max 20 Lemon Tree Passage Aug -Sep (ABe,HBR); Present on the Central Coast
Apr- 9 Jul, max 20 Murray St Bateau Bay 18 Apr- 31 May, 5 Sutton Res Bateau Bay 28
Apr- 23 Jun, 4 Toukley 23 Jun, 2 Wyong GC 9 Jul, numbers well down on 2002 (CCBR);
2 Snowy Res Seven Hills 26-30 Apr (EV), 30+ Nepean Hosp Penrith 13-30 Jun & 2
North Penrith (CPr), 4 Rouse Hill 16 Aug (JOn), 14 Penrith Leagues Club 12 Sep (SA);
5 Bass Pt Shellharbour 5 Jun (WSm); 11 Potato Point 7 Jun (ENHS); 4 Merimbula Airport
24 Aug (CSI); 2 Glen Alice 15 Aug (DG); 1 Higgins ACT 24 Mar (CBN 28, 145), 2
Queanbeyan 1 May (PCw); 50+ Henty I Jun, 2 Burrumbuttock & Nail Can Hill, Albury
2-5 Jun (MHe). Arrival: 2 Chain Valley Bay 1 Apr (HBR). Departure: 1 Capertee
Valley 20 Sep (MR), Morisset 21 Sep (ARi).
Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans Coolamon 14 Oct (RR), well west of normal
Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus 1 Tamworth 18 Nov (DG); 2 North Bourke 16 Jul
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 2 Jerseyville 6 Nov (KS), unusual
location; 2 Mazlin Res Norah Head 21 Aug, AM Gosford Golf Course 30 Dec (CCBR),
rarely reported on the Central Coast.
Mulga Parrot P varius 2 Tallimba 4 Oct (EV), 3 Weddin NP 24 Oct (CC), eastern
edge of range; 8 Binya SF 16 Dec (JS1).
Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 50+ Capertee Valley 16 Aug -20 Sep, nesting Glen
Davis 1-2 Sep (DG), 30, 15 km W Canowindra 2 Nov (RMc), 20 Borenore Caves 25
Nov (BHu); 6 Dun SF 9 May & 22 May (JPe), max 20 Gowrie HSD Tamworth 15 May –
24 Jun (JMo), 2Kiora HSD Bingara Jun (IW); 20 Dubbo City Centre 11 Dec (DG); 2
Holbrook 15 Aug & 35 in Dec (CGr,DMi), 30 2 km N of Culcairn Dec (CGr), 5 5km N
Henty 29 Dec (GS); 10 Willi Retreat, M Marshes 18 Jul (JCe); 20 pr nesting Barren Box
Swamp 1-4 Mar (MT), 10 Tabbita 19 Oct (DMo),6 Goodnight 24 Oct (MHe), 20+
Stackpoole SFD Leeton 26 Oct (MFN), 30 N of Lake Cargelligo 31 Oct (CC), 20
Fivebough Swamp 7 Nov (NSm), Whitton TSR 9 Dec (MT), 12 Binya SF 15-19 Dec
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 287(JSI,MT); 100s Whitta Brinna HSD Sturt NP 29 May (MHe), 20+ Wilcannia 4 Jun
(DT), 5 Silverton 12 Sep (MHz), many nesting Mutawinji NP 18 Sep (ML); 20+ Kajuligah
NR 5 Apr (MT), many in the Cobar area 1-4 Dec (CB); Small flocks Whoey Tk, Round
Hill NR 25 Sep (MT). More reports than usual.
Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 2 Milparinka 29 May (SCo), 2 Mt Wood HSD
30 May (MHe), 2 Camerons Corner, Sturt NP 2 Aug (RCo), 2 Multara Tk & Questra
Park HSD Whitecliffs 25 Aug, 12, 12km N Yalda Downs HSD White Cliffs 25 Aug, 3
Bootra HSD Tibooburra 25 Aug, 2 Onepah HSD Tibooburra 29 Aug, 4 Pinehole Tk Sturt
NP 29 Aug (RC). More reports than usual, due in part to the NSW Bird Atlassers Camp
at Tibooburra.
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chtysostoma The Rocks HSD Tamworth 24 Feb
(JDu), well out of usual range; 9 Booligal 9 Apr & 1 on 22 Jun (JB,RWe), 3 Koraleigh 26
Sep (MHe), 4 Binya SF 16 Dec (JSe); 60 Camerons Corner 27 Aug -2 Sep, 2 Lake Stewart
HSD Tibooburra 30 Aug (EN,RC); 4+ Whoey Tk Round Hill NR 4 Oct (JG), 2+ Yathong
NR 4 Oct (per CM).
Orange -bellied Parrot N. chtysogaster Bass Pt Shellharbour 20 May -30 Jun (GS,JSt),
(same bird?) Maroubra heathlands 9 Aug -9 Sep (BH,CB,DH), a first year bird banded
in Tasmania in Feb. First record for NSW since a bird was seen at Comerong Island 9-13
Jun 1986, prior to that, last seen 1907. Referred to NSWORAC and accepted. There was
subsequently an unconfirmed report of one at Curl Curl 29 Jul (SGa).
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 10+ Cullingral Rd Merriwa 15-18 Jun present Myall
Lakes NP all year (HBR); AM Warrah Trig Firetrail, Pearl Beach 28 Sep (CCBR);
Laughtondale 10 Jun, 2 on 25 Jun, 2 nesting 18 Aug (EV,JDu,KB); Windang 10 Mar
(DWi); 2 Min Min HSD Rylstone 6 Jun (TH), 2 Munghorn Gap NR 13 Sep (GBr), 8
Long Point, Orange Apr & 1 Glen Alice 16 Nov & 3 on 13 Dec (CPr,SGo), 6 Crown Stn
Rd Glen Davis 16-31 Aug (DG); 2 Boorowa District 6-7 Jul (SE); 2 Nemingha Jan
(G01), 2 Kootingal 25 Mar (JDu), 8 Trinkey SF 25 Apr (JPe), 8 Callemindah HSD
Tamworth 31 Jul (JMe), 2+ Borah Res Barraba 26 Sep (BTO 823), 2 NE Limbi 30 Sep
(GC); 2 Warrumbungles NP 19 Jul (JCe), 4 on 7 Sep, 2 at the Woolshed 9 Sep (IH); 3
Wonga Wetlands 13 Jan & 25 on 14 Aug (KD,MHe), 6 Jindera Gap Mar -Apr (JCo), 2
Morgans Ridge, Holbrook Apr (MHe) 2 Seatons Camp, Weddin NP 4 Oct & 5 on 24 Oct
(CC,JH), 2 Grenfell Nov (DLa), Max 4 Weddin SF 24 Sep & Nov (DLa,RMc); 2+ O’Dells
Crossing, Baradine 22 Sep (BTO 823); 2 Monkeygar Ck Willie 6 Aug (LSc); Max 8
Binya SF several sites throughout the year (AM,JS1,MT), 2 Conapaira Rge, Rankin
Springs 27 Apr (MFN); Yimkin HSD Cobar 14 Oct (LSc).
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus None found by 50 beaters during annual surveys
Barren Grounds 10 Aug (JB), cf 60 beaters saw 21 in 2002, vegetation getting too tall,
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 2881 Barren Grounds NR 9 Aug (JB), 15 Porters Ck Dam 28 Oct (GDy); 2+ Endeavour
Moor Nadgee NR Jan & Mar (MAn), 1 Goalen Head, 12 km S Bermagui 27 Apr (ENHS),
new site.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus AM Coomba Park, Tuncurry 9 Mar (MV); 1
Killara 18 Nov (KL).
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Prospect Reservoir Nov (EV); Present at Meringo Jul
1 1
& August, with J at Tuross Heads 4 Jan (ENHS); 1 Goolma 1 May (AM); 1 Byrock 5
May (AM); all unusual dates; Departure: Gum Swamp, Forbes 6 Mar (DH), Broadwater
Ck Tullymorgan 4 Jun (GC), late date. Arrival: many Macquarie Marshes calling Jul
(JCe), HC Nth Bourke 15 Jul (DT), 1 Tatham Dip 12 Aug (GC), Capertee Valley 15 Aug
(DG), Hillgrove ACT 31 Aug (CBN 28, 146), Hawkesbury Marshes 3 Sep (KB),
Martindale 6 Sep (HBR), Manning Pt 15 Sep (ABi), Rouse Hill Reg. Park 18 Sep (DD),
Clybucca 24 Sep (TM), Mangrove Mountain 15 Oct (CCBR), a gradual move from
western NSW to the east.
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus HC Mulligans Flat NR ACT 30 Nov (JBo).
Departure: HC Broadwater Ck Lawrence 4 Jun (GC),1 Laguna 8 Jun (HBR). Arrival:
Cattai 3 Oct (NH), Bodalla SF 4 Oct (ENHS), Mangrove Mountain 15 Oct (CCBR),
Burragorang SRA 16 Oct (MT), Gundaroo 24 Oct (CBN 30, 24).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Cacomantisflabelliformis 1 Byrock rockholes 3 Jul (MT), unusual
western location.
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Wingen 2 Mar, Cullingral Rd Merriwa
1 1
15-18 Jul, 2 Bulga 19 Oct (HBR); 1 Wattamolla RNP 16 Oct (SAs), 1″ Park record; 1
Capertee Valley 19 Dec (RW); Oakhampton HSD Manilla 16 Jun (MPe), Attunga SF
1 1
24 Jun (JWa); Bimbi SF & Warraderry SF 1-8 Oct (GLC); 2 Binya SF Yenda several
1 1
sites 22 Feb, 14-30 Sep, 7 & 16 Dec (AM,MT,RJe); 1 Coogar Tk, Mt Drysdale HSD &
Coronga Downs HSD White Cliffs 22 Aug, Camerons Corner Sturt NP 28 Aug (RC),
1 Trilby HSD Louth 4 Sep (CCa); 1 Nombinnie NR Mt Hope 7 Aug (DH), 1 Whoey Tk,
Round Hill NR 27 Sep (GDu). More records than usual.
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis HC Micalo Is 15 Oct (GC), only Clarence
Valley record. Present Hunter Region Jan -22 Apr, 3 Jul -Oct (HBR); Only one record for
Central Coast, Yarramalong 3 Oct (CCBR). Present throughout the South Cost 31 Mar –
Dec, no breeding records (ENHS); 1 Campbell Is SF 25 Nov (MHe); Yellow Thornbill
feeding J McPhersons Range Griffith 9 Nov (LHa). Rare in coastal areas in 2003.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 289Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus Present Central Coast Apr -Nov, many records
(CCBR); Present throughout the South Coast 19 May -Dec, as expected (ENHS); Jacks
Ck Cocoparra NP 26 Aug (MT).
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus Broadwater Ck 13 Jun & Arndilly HSD
1 1
Tullymorgan 30 Jun (GC), HC Nymboida River 26 Oct (TM), HC Temagog 13 Nov
(MHz), all within known range.
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea 2 prs Wingen 30 Oct (HBR); Present South
Coast Jan -Feb, Sep -Dec (ENHS); Hughes ACT Mid Jan, then 9 Nov -24 Dec (CBN 28,
147 & 30, 24); J Oxley Vale & 2 South Tamworth Feb (JDu,MBa), 1 Oakhampton HSD
Upper Manilla Nov (AM), Tamworth Bot. Gardens 14 Oct (MBa), Pineview HSD
1 1
Narrabri 31 Dec (MT), western edge of Rarnge. Departure: AM Narara 19 Mar (CCBR),
Wingen 2 Apr (PF), Arrival: Centennial Park 17 Aug (GD), Toronto 20 Aug (PO),
Matcham 10 Sep (CCBR), Tuross Heads 11 Sep (ENHS). Breeding: 2 Magpie -larks
feeding J 5km W Kempsey 29 Apr (KS), 2J Lower Kangaroo Ck 28 Dec, appeared to be
tended by Noisy Friarbirds (GC), 4 records of Red Wattlebirds rearing Koels 3-28 Dec
(CCBR). Western and southern extensions of range still being reported.
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scvthrops novaehollandiae Present South Coast Jan, Sep -Dec
to south to Wallaga Lake (ENHS); Bruce ACT 22 Sep (EM), Kallen ACT 24 Oct
1 1
(MCI) & Lake Bathurst 7 Nov (CBN 30, 24); 20 km S of Dubbo Dec (DG), unusual
1 1
location. Departure: 1 Bicentennial Park 12 Feb (JHa), Port Macquarie 6 Mar (ABi), 2
Porters Ck Wetland 20 Apr (RP), late date. Arrival: Cooks R Bridge, Arncliffe 8 Aug
(JCe), Kincumber 17 Aug (IT), Killara 7 Sep (KL), Tamworth 9 Sep (JDn), Curramore
10 Sep & Mardi, Tuggerah (JCa,KM), Jesmond,Glebe & Seven Hills 11 Sep
(ATy,EV,HBR), Moruya 20 Sep (ENHS), Crescent Head 7 Oct (TM). Breeding: 2 records
of Pied Currawongs feeding Channel -bills Jan (CCBR) & at Engadine a pair of juveniles
were being fed (BE). Gradually extending range southwards and inland.
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Reported from Mangrove Mountain, Chain
Valley Bay & Palmgrove, fewer Central Coast reports than usual (CCBR); Marramarra
NP 2 Nov (CBOC), Deep Ck Narrabeen 17 Nov (BC), Ingleside 12 & 18 Nov (RMc),
1 1
Dundas 23 Nov -1 Dec (CWi), Leppington 18 Dec (MPa).
1 1
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Cottan Bimbang NP 3 Mar (ABi), Boorgana NR Apr
(ABi), I Plateau Beach, Werrikimbe NP 25 Apr (GG), 2 Millbank Jun, 1 on 19 Aug, 1D
Yarravel 15 Sep (KS); 2 Fennell Bay 6 Jan, HC Copeland NR 22 Mar, 1-2 Blackbutt
Reserve 16 Apr -2 Aug, 2+2Y Floraville 10 Oct & 2 Dec, HC Gloucester 13 Oct (PDb),
2 Rankin Park 28 Oct -8 Dec, RK same place 16 Oct (HBR,PDb); Crangan Bay 17
1 1
Aug (JE), HC North Bombi 31 Aug & Mangrove Mountain 31 Nov, A+2Y feeding on
Rainbow Lorikeet carcase 2 Dec (CCBR), 1 Gwandalan 18 Nov (HBR); 1 Gannons Pk
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 290Peakhurst 7 Feb (JR), 1 Marsfield 7 Mar (CRo), 1 UWS Richmond 24 Apr (TS), HC
Westleigh Apr, Jun Oct (ARo), Mitchell Pk Cattai 10 May, 25 Sep & 29-31 Oct, with
Ringtailed Possum (JR,KB,TQ,TW), 1 St Ives 8 Aug (RC1), 1 Hyde Pk Sydney 11 Aug
(TDy), 1 Whale Rock Res 13 Sep & 2A+J 8 Oct (APa,JA), 2A+2J Devlins Ck Epping 30
Sep -8 Nov (JA,AMc), Galston 25 Sep (RW1), Upper Lane Cove River 30 Sep (JA),
1 1
found alive in duck pond, Royal. Bot. Gardens, taken into care, subsequently released
11 Nov (ALe); 1 Wollongong Bot. Gardens 10 Jun (MJ), 1 West Cambewarra 6 Sep -11
Oct (GDy), Excelsior Mine, Thirroul 25 Aug -21 Sep (MMo), Thirroul Nov (MM),
1 1 1
Jamberoo Mtn 7 Nov (RJo), Wog Wog Ck Morton NP 20 Dec (CC); Old Man Bed
1 1 1
Swamp Feb, Mogo 6 Mar, Boyne SF 20 Mar, Tallangandra SF Mar & 12 May, Bermagui
SF 13 Jul, Dunns Ck Rd 24 Jul, 20 Oct & 9 Nov (ENHS), 1 Bournda NP 13-18 Feb
(MF); HC Hazelbrook all months Jan -May (JD). Only one report from the Tablelands.
Barking Owl N. connivens 1 Tinonee 7 Jan , 1 Cundletown Mar & near Gloucester 10
Oct (HBR); Saratoga 19 Jun, 2 Glen Rd Ourimbah 15 Dec (CCBR); Puckies Estate
1 1
11 Jul (AF); 2 Min Min HSD Glen Alice 4 Jun, 1 Hazelbrook 8 Aug (TH), 1 Glen Alice
Church 6 Sep (EV); Millthorpe 6 Jan (JCa), HC Toongie 27 Mar (DG), 2 Castlereagh
R. Gulargumbone 25 Oct (MT); 5 pr resident between Hume Weir & Albury along Murray
River and another pair on Nail Can Hill, Albury (DSt,ID), Duntulm HSD Holbrook 15
Jul (AMe), 1 Ingalba NR 6 Oct (MT); 2 He Rocky Ck Mill 11 Jun, 1 HC Aloes Well 10
Jan, both Baradine District (MT); HC Macquarie Marshes 7 Mar (DH); HC Gullangully
HSD Lake Cargelligo Sep -Dec (JI); 2 HC Bourke boat ramp 10 May (DH), HC
Collarenebri 17 May (PS). Good spread of records.
Southern Boobook N. novaeseelandiae A+J Glen Oak 13 Oct (HBR); HC Bobbin
Head Rd Turramurra 24 Mar (TW), unusual location as no previous records for 5 years,
Phillip St Sydney CBD 23 Oct (PC).
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa 2 RKs Tyndale 8 Sep & 10 Nov (GC), HC Cottan Bimbang
NP Mar & Boorganna NR 31 Mar (ABi), HC Werrikimbe NP 16 Jun (MT); 1-2 White
Rock, Chichester SF 25-27 Jan, Copelasnd SF 22 Mar, Boarding House Dam, Watagan
NP 21 Sep, Gloucester Tops 30 Dec (HBR); 3 McMasters Beach 5 Jan (CCBR); 1
Jamberoo Mountain 29 Jan (RJo), West Cambewarra 7 Sep -11 Oct, Porters Ck Dam
1 1
28 Oct (GDy); HC Mt Dromadery 13 Jul & Mogo SF 6 Sep (ENHS); 2 Jenolan Caves 27
Sep (Birdline).
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae HC Cottan Bimbang NP 2-3 Mar, Boorgannna NR
Apr, E of Comboyne 2 Apr, Johns River SF 14 Aug & Queens Lake SCA 28 Sep (ABi);
HC Copeland NR 22 Mar (PDb), 2 Sharpes Ck Gloucester Tops 2 Jul (ML); Wallarah,
Munmorah 7 Aug & Crangan Bay Munmorah 2-7 Sep (CCBR); D The Domain, Sydney
12 Jan, 1 Central Colo 13 Ap[r (KB), 1D Royal Bot. Gardens 5 Jun (ALe); 2 Kiola SF 5
Jan (PBu); Mt Dromadery & Bermagui SF in Jul (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 291Barn Owl T alba 7 reports from Clarence Valley incl. 2 RKs May -Nov (GC),
Comboyne 2 Apr (ABi), South Jerseyville Oct & Arakoon 15 Oct (KS); Single birds
1 1
reported from Mount Arthur, Hinton, Warabrook & Dungog Jan -Oct (HBR); Single birds
Gosford, Somersby & Palmgrove Jun- Oct, fewer reports than usual (CCBR); Macquarie
Uni Ryde 29 Apr (GE), Richmond Turf Farms 24 May (EV), Castlereagh SF 22 Jun
1 1
(GT), Freemans Reach 2-8 Jul (DPo), Botany warehouse 17 Aug (Birdline), Epping
1 1 1
16 Sep (BDo); Wallaga Lake, 20 May, Potato Point 26 May & Dec (ENHS); Glen
1 1
Alice 12 Dec (CPr); 1 ANU ACT 31 Mar & 1 Captains Flat 3 May (CBN 28, 147); 1
Yarrada SF 31 Mar (MT), 1 Deniliquin District 17 Mar (VD), 3 seen in 7km 18-25 km W
of Hay, but none seen on remainder of 400km trip Euston -Griffith 29 Jul (JB), 2 Gilgai
HSD Yenda Oct (SD); N of Hillston 22 Feb (MT).
Grass Owl Tvto capensis RK Chatsworth Jun (GC), Partridge Ck 17 Sep & 22 Oct
1 1
(DWh,PRd), 1 Port Macquarie 21 Oct & 2 Limeburners Creek NR 18 Nov (ABi).
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis 2 Glenugie SF Jan (JS), RK Coutts
Crossing 31 Jan, Southgate SF 26 Oct, Coutts Crossing 21 Sep (GC); 2 Hannan Vale
1 1
Mar, N+2E Laguna 3-6 Oct (HBR); 1 Mitchell Pk Cattai 18 Oct, max 5 on 26-28 Dec, 1
Maroota 1 Nov (EV), 5 Marramarra NP 5 Nov (CBOC); 1 Maddens Plains 7-24 Mar
(KM); Present South Coast Jan -23 Feb, Sep -Dec at Burrewarra Point, Broulee & Womban
(ENHS); 1 Conimbla NP 1-8 Oct (GLC), 3 Bungonia Gorge 18 Oct (TQ); 1 Big Hole
Camp, ACT 5 Dec (CBN 30, 25); 1 Manoora HSD Holbrook 12 Oct (CBr). Departure:
.Crescent Head 21 Mar (TM), 1 Bolwarra 6 May (HBR). Arrival: Womban 20 Sep
(ENHS), Silverwater 23 Sep (MHo), unusual location & Mandalong 5 Oct (HBR).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 3-4 Tallimba 4 Oct (EV); wheatfield, Nombinnie NR 24
Sep (MT), Whoey Tk Round Hill NR 4 Oct (JG).
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus HC during day Bunjalung Cl Trenayr
6 Nov (GC); 2 Jenolan Caves 27 Sep (Birdline).
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus A number of sightings in the Cobar
area 3 70 km N of Mt Hope 1 Dec, 30 Bindi 12 & 3 60 km S of Cobar 3 Dec (CB).
Largest concentration: 1000 Capertee Valley Jan (CPr), 300 Tuross Heads Jan
(ENHS), 400 Canberra ACT 2 Mar (PM1), 2000 Wells Stn ACT 8 Mar (MZ,PT), 1000+
Casino 26 Nov (DC). Departure: Broulee 25 Mar (ENHS), 30 Fountaindale 26 Mar
(CCBR), 6 Nymboida-Binderey NP 6 Apr (GC), 2 Lithgow 11 Apr (MH). Arrival: 6
Southgate 16 Oct (GC), Putty & Broulee 25 Oct (ENHS,HBR), 10+ Temagog 26 Oct
(MHz), 15 Barrington Tops NP 27 Oct (DJe), 300 Norah Head 28 Oct (DPr), 30 Pelican
Is SWR 28 Oct (KS). Departure & arrival dates very close, note larger numbers than
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 292Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus Iluka NR 2 Jan (GC), 10+ Port Macquarie 12 Feb,
30 Nambucca Heads 28 Feb (GBe); 3 Harrington 22 Jan (HBR); 200+ Ourimbah &
Bateau Bay 18 Jan (ABe,AM); 10+ Warriewood Wetlands 2-4 Jan (BC), 10 Taronga
Zoo, 3 Garie, Royal NP 18 Jan (DH,PC), 40+ Burning Plams 26 Jan (SAs), 30+
Boatharbour 30 Jan (JDu); 60 Kiama 8 Jan, 2 Bellawongarah 15 Jan, 30 Figtree 11 Jan &
30 Jan, 6 Windang, 60 Kiama, 50 Barren Grounds NR, 100 near Berry 18 Jan
(BA,BZ,CB,DM,DMe,JR), 30 Corrimal 18-30 Jan, 2 Feb & 10 on 7 Mar (GB,JWy), 30+
Burrill Lake 26 Jan (MZ); 8 Surf Beach 30 Jan (ENHS) & 350 Boatharbour, Kurnell
(KB); 8 Blackheath 3 Feb (IE), 4 Manildra 20 Apr (SBo); 1 Canberra 8 Mar (CBN 28,
148), 2 Mulligans Flat ACT 5 Dec (DCo); 4 Tamworth 4 Mar (MBa). A good year for
Fork -tails!
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azurea NW Gloucester 19 May (CTh); Nesting Peel R
Tamworth 13 Dec (JPe); 1 Campbell Is SF Barham 23 Mar (MHe), western edge of
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayi Tweed Heads STW14 Aug (MA), 2 Belmore
Swamp 30 Jun, resident this area (KS), also reported from Woodford Is, Trenayr, Tucabia,
Lanitza & Pillar Valley (GC).
Red -backed Kingfisher T. pyrrophygia 2 Wonga wetlands Albury 3 Feb (FS), 1 Gum
Swamp, Forbes 1-8 Oct (GLC), both east of normal range. Arrival: Myalstone HSD
Griffith Oct (MBo).
Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus Anzac Bridge Pyrmont 24 Feb (ML), Gore Pk Greenwich
(Birdline) 8 Jul & 1 Surry Hills 24 Oct (CG), unusual locations. Departure: Empire
Bay 28 Mar (CCBR), Swan Creek 31 Mar (GC). Arrival: Bingie 3 Aug (ENHS), Pinecrest
HSD Mt Penang 26 Aug (ABg), Gin Gin nr Trangie 30 Aug (GCt), McPherson Range
Griffith 22 Sep (JB), Glen Donald HSD Currabubula 23 Sep (IDo) & Capertee Valley 26
Sep (CPr). Overwinter Records: Stockton Sandspit 18 Jun & 5 Aug (HBR), Patonga
Creek 29 Jun (CCBR), Meadowbank Pk 2 Jul (MR), Georges R Como 28 Jul (NR).
Collared Kingfisher T chloris Tweed Heads 4 Sep & 4 Ukerabagh NR 20 Sep, 8
on 29 Dec (MA). Known sites.
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus Departure: 5 Mulgoa Reserve 21 Mar (JM),
Arrival: Glen Alice 16 Aug (JD), 2 Min Min HSD Rylstone 17 Aug (LHo), Pelican Is
SWR 22 Aug (KS), 2 Point Plomer 30 Aug (TM), 2 Hawkesbury Marshes &, 4 Hazelbrook
3 Sep (JD,KB), McPherson Range, Griffith 6 Sep (JB).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 293Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 1 Culgoora 12 Oct 12 Oct (TSt); 1 Mirrool Cl
Floodway 22 Oct (RWe), 1 Myalstone HSD Griffith Oct (MBo), 2 Darlington Point 25
Nov (HH), Campbell Is SF 26 Nov (MHe), all western limit in NSW. Departure:
Lower Southgate & Swan Creek 11 Mar (GC), Burrewarra Point 7 Feb (ENHS), Budgewoi
2 Apr (AM), Terranora 3 Apr (RMo). Arrival: Coonabarabran 6 Sep (SBt), Yattalunga
19 Sep (CCBR), Calala 23 Sep (Jwa), Meringo 28 Sep (ENHS), Crescent Head 11 Oct
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor I Woolgoolga FR 24 Apr (JS), 2 Levers Plateau 31 Dec
(LK); 2 White Rock, Chichester SF 25-27 Jan & 26 Oct, southern limit of range in NSW,
I Copeland SF 21-22 Nov (HBR,MT).
Albert’s Lyrebird Menura alberti I Levers Plateau 31 Dec (LK).
Superb Lyrebird M. novaehollandiae 8 Copeland NR 26 Apr (PDb), A+J Mandalong
24 Aug (HBR); in a Helensburg garden 10-15 Jan (CRo), 2F in Galston garden 19 Feb
(RW); Nesting Annandale South HSD Woomargama Sep, western limit of range in
southern NSW (AWFNC).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens Spokes Mountain 30 Mar (MHz);
1 1
Gloucester Tops NP 2 Jul & 4 on 29-30 Dec (EV,HBR,ML). No previously published
records for the former site.
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis 2-3 Binya SF 30 Mar (JB), 19 Apr
(JDu); 1 Little Mtn Gunderbooka NP 3 May (AM).
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris elythrops 2 Carrai Rd Willi Willi NP 26 Jan
(TM); 2 Mt Royal NP 22 Mar (ABe); 2 Lady Carrington Drve Royal NP 5-19 Sep
(BRo,KG); 2 sites near Robertson 13 Nov (MT); 2 Bengello Beach 21 Apr & 24 Aug
(ENHS); 2 Mt Conobolas SCA 18 Jul (SGo), expected but rarely recorded.
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus 6+ Tomalpin 20 Jul, most easterly report for Hunter
Region (HBR); 2 Wirrimbirra Sanctuary 23 May (GB) & 2 Belanglo SF 31 Aug (CC),
eastern edge of range; Sandy Ck Bigga 24 Mar (TS).
Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus Southern records include 2 Queens Lake
SF 11 Nov (APe); 3 Dungog 5 Nov & 2 Harrington 21 Nov (HBR).
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus Reported from 9 Central Coast sites
including 3 Colongra Swamp Res 15 & 27 Jul (CCBR); 4 Towra Pt NR 23 Apr (PB).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 294Striated Grass -wren Amytornis striatus Located at 4 sites Paddington SF Cobar 15-16
Mar & 6 Apr, 2 sites Hampton HSD Cobar 6 Apr, being 30 km NE of the known Red
Tank site where first reported by Bob Miller in the 1970’s. (MT).
Grey Grass wren A. barbatus 1,3 & 2 near Adelaide Gate at Carapundy Crossing and
Teurika Tank 28 Aug (RC).
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus Mt Wood HSD Sturt NP 30 May
(MHe), 3 breeding prs Yalda Downs HSD White Cliffs 25-26 Aug (RC). No reports
away from the far North West in 2003.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus 2-3 Barren Grounds 2 Jan & 31 Mar
(EV,TN), 1 Red Rock Trig 15 Jun (IBOC), 1 Caves Bch carpark, Jervis Bay 11 Dec, 1
Cape St George, Jervis Bay 12 Dec (CC), population at Jervis Bay estimated at 700 birds
in Dec, area subsequently burnt in a wild fire and now pop. estimated at 450, 1000 birds
estimated for Barren Grounds/Budderoo NP (JBa); 2 Nadgee Moor, Nadgee NR 8 Mar
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus 5 Royal NP 12 Sep (BC); 1Valley of Waters 16 Jan
(HR); 1 Dharawal SCA 4 Jan (CC); 2 Narrowneck, Blue Mtn NP 2 Dec, 2 Katoomba 3
Dec (MT); Uriana HSD ACT 30 Nov (BL), above Thredbo in Kosciuosko NP 28 Dec
1 1
Rock Warbler Origma solitaria 5 Wybong 24 May, most northerly report (HBR), 2
Mogo Ck Rd Yengo NP 14 Jun (MT); Wheeney Ck Yarramundi 23 May (KB); 2 Glen
Davis 19 Sep (DG).
Large -billed Scrubwren S. magnirostris 2+ Monga NP Braidwood 26 Oct (TG).
Western edge of range.
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrropygia 6+ Cullingral Rd Merriwa 15-18
Jul, 1 Jones Res Rd 24 Jan & 8 Nov (HBR); 1 Mangrove Mountain 3 Jul (CCBR); 2
Mitchell Park, Cattai 30 Mar (SB), 2 Red Hill 4 Apr (BC); 2 Noorinan Mtn 21 Apr (CC),
1 Conjola NP 19 Oct (KM); 1 Bumbaldry 5 Apr (SG), 1 Glen Davis 31 Aug (DG), 2
Gardens of Stone NP 17 Apr, 2 Sunset Rock, Blue MNP 6 Sep (MT), 1 Conimbla NP 1-
8 Oct (GLC); 1 Tinderry 27 Apr (MZ); 1 Ingalba NR 1 Jan, 22 Jul & 6 Oct (MT), 1
Weddin NP Nov (DLo).
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 3 Charcoal Tank NR 4 Oct (EV); 2+ Woggoon NR 13 Apr
(NL); 4 Buddigower NR 22 Apr, 3 Jimberoo SF 18 May, 2 Binya SF 24 May, 2 Jacks Ck
Cocoparra NP (MT); 2 Nombinnie NR 17 Mar, 3 at 3 sites 3 Apr (JB,MT), 2 Wheat
paddock, Round Hill NR 4 Apr, 17 May, 2 Warraway, Round Hill NR 18 May, 2 Jimberoo
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 295SF 17 May, 2 Nombinnie NR nth of railway line 16 Apr, 17 May & 13-25 Sep (JB,MT);
2+ Whoey Tk Round Hill NR 4 Oct (JG). More records than usual thanks to Mick Todd!
Striated Fieldwren Calamanthus fidiginosus 2 Newhaven Gap Sassafras 28 Oct
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus 5+ Teurika HSD Tibooburra 28 Aug, 10+ Adelaide
Gate area 27-29 Aug (RC), 2 40 km SW Broken Hill 11 Sep (MHz); 1 20 km E Penarie
13 Jul (MT). Within known range.
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 1 Shanes Park 6 Aug , 1 Llandilo 24 Oct (FC)
; Present Mt Nobby SF 11 Apr & 2+ Booberoi Ck Condobolin 20 Apr (NL), western
edge of range.
Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster Well established in Brisbane Water with
reports from Bensville, Point Clare, Narara Creek, Rileys Island and Empire Bay
throughout the year (CCBR); 2 Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 2 Jan (BE), 2 Careel
Bay Nov (JGa).
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca Easterly records include Seaham 18 Jan, Wingen
2-3 Mar & Wambo 23 Mar (HBR).
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea Departure: Oakhampton 6 Apr (HBR), Cattai
11 Apr (JDu). Arrival: 2 calling strongly Toukey STW 16 Jul (CCBR), Toronto 24 Aug
(PO), Iomar HSD Quorrobolong 29 Aug (AM), North Richmond Sep (DPo), Lapstone
3 Sep (GT), Broulee 12 Sep (ENHS). Other than the Toukley record the other arrivals
are fairly close together.
Buff-rumped Thornbill A. reguloides Many reports from the Central Coast mostly
Wyong Shire including 5+N Gwandalan 15 Jul (CCBR).
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 5 Sandy Ck Bigga 14 Apr (TS); 3
Dalton Park Gunning 12 Oct (PMa).
Banded Whiteface A. nigricincta Murdorf Swamp, Tibooburra 29 Aug (DDi).
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis Resident lower Merriwa River
area with many sightings Apr- Jul (HBR); Goollooinboin HSD Glen Davis 9 Oct (CPr);
1 Ginninderra ACT 21-23 Nov (CBN 30, 31); 1 Lavington Nov (GS). The latter 3 records
well out of normal range.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 296Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata Coastal breeding records include Crowdy
Head 2A+2Y 16 Mar & 2A+N Tuncurry 4 Dec (HBR); Breeding at three sites around
Tuggerah Lake Jan, Sep -Dec (CCBR).
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculata 100+ Wambo Colliery 22 Mar (HBR), large
number for site; railway crossing, Round Hill NR 25 Sep (MT), western edge of range.
Little Friarbird Philemon citrogularis Melba ACT 2 Feb (CBN 28, 154).
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 2 Wauchope Garden 10-11 Dec (HG);
Ellerlong 25 Jan, 72 Iomar HSD Quorrobolong 2 Aug -3 Sep, including N+Y (AM,HBR);
1-2 South Tacoma 31 May -22 Jun (JC); 1 Mt Colah 20 Apr (MHm); 1 Tuross Heads 24
Nov (ENHS); Min Min HSD Rylstone 6 Mar & 6 Sep (TH), 5 Moolarben Rd Munghorn
Gap 19-21 Apr (EC), 1 Wolgan Gap, Newnes 20 Apr (MR), 8 Capertee Valley 18-19 Sep
& 3 on 6 Oct (DG,NKi), 1 Glen Alice 10 Oct (CPr), 2 Gunnary TSR 6 Sep (MZ), 1 13
km N of Booroowa 6 Sep (ASm); 3 Tarpolly HSD Manillal 2 Jun (RWa), 5 Borah Res
Barraba 19-23 Jul (SFi); 2+N+2Y Nemingha 7 Sep -8 Oct (G01), 3A+2Y Fairlea HSD
Tamworth 7 Sep -Nov (AA), also Kootingal (2A+2Y), Pialamore,Dungowan & Moore
Creek in the Tamworth area Sep -Oct (DG,GM), a minimum total of 18 birds at 9 locations;
2 Thurgoona 9-18 Aug, 3-14 Oct (GDa,ID), 1 Lavington 8 Nov (MSc); 1 2km N Narrabri
7 Sep; 2 Warrumbungles NP 30 Sep -2 Oct (JWa); One colour -banded bird, banded Glen
Alice 30/8/99 was reported from Quorrobolong 6/8/2003 (DG).
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cvanotis Swansea 25 Oct (DH), unusual location;
Present at 2 properties at Wyong Creek, west of Wyong 23-30 Oct, 1 Central Coast
record in 8 years (CCBR); 2 Freemans Reach 11 Feb (NH), 2A+2Y Wisemans Ferry 20
Feb & 5 Apr (KB).
Yellow -throated Miner M. flavigular Crowdy Head garden 15-16 Mar (AM); 4
Grenfell 1-8 Oct (GLC), eastern edge of range at this site.
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops 200-300 constantly moving through
Awabal NR 22-28 Apr (HBR); 1000’s annual migration Katoomba 25 Mar- 30 Apr &
again returning on 25 Aug, with a maximum of 4132 b.p.h. and increasing to 5304 b.p.h.
later in the day on 21 Apr (CPr).
Mangrove Honeyeater L. .fasciogularis 2 Fingal Peninsular Tweed River 3 May & 4
on 26 Aug (DC,MA), 2 Hickey Is Yamba 22-23 May & 15 Oct (Aro,GC).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 3 Sandy Ck Trailo Nymboida-Binderey NP 3
Apr (GC); 6+ Currawong Flat, Royal NP 13 Jan (BE); 3+ St Georges Basin 12 Jan (BE),
2 Cudmirrah 18 Jan & 2 Endrick River 12 Mar (KM), not previously reported from these
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 297sites; 4 Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 1 Mar & 3 on 8 Jun, Wagonga Inlet 1-4 Oct & Wallaga
Lake Nov (ENHS), again unusual locations, drought affected?
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus Present Mt Nobby SF 11 Apr (NL); 2
Bololong Hills, Narrandera 5 Jan (NSm), 4+ Binya SF Jun (MT), 4 Koraleigh 26
Sep (MHe).
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 2+ Borah Res Barraba 26 Sep (BTO 823); 2
Weddin NP 24 Oct (CC); Present Mt Nobby SF 11 Apr & Woggoon NR 13 Apr (NL); 2
Gilgai HSD Yenda 3 Jun (SD); 6+ Nombinnie NR 18 Apr & 13 Sep (MT,NL), 4+ Whoey
Tk Round Hill NR 4 Oct (JG).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 8+ Wadalaba Hill 23 Jun & 1 Cohens Ck Spencer 9
Aug, few reports cf 2002 (CCBR); 20+ Scheyville NP, usually present but hard to find
26 Jul (JR); 1 Wallaga Lake 12 Nov, few reports (ENHS).
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 1 Hat Head NP 11 Jun (KS), unusual location;
Shellharbour Square 24 Oct (KM).
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis Reported from 5 Clarence Valley
sites Mar -Oct (GC); 5 Bulga 12 Mar, 5 Wambo Colliery 22 Mar, 5 Broke & Kings Gap
Jun 15, 5 Vacy 5 Jul, 6 Tomalpin 20-23 Jul, 4+ Iomar HSD Quorrobolong 2-6 Aug, 5 Mt
Vincent Sep (ABg,HBR); 2 Castlereagh NR 24 May -21 Jun (BC,CS,RT), Cabramatta
Creek 9 Aug (JDi); Capertee Valley 16 Feb (NH), 8+ Conimbla NP & Backyamma SF
1-8 Oct (GLC), I Glen Alice 16 Nov & 1 on 13 Dec (CPr,SGo); 4 Attunga SF 24 Jun
(RWa), 2+ Borah res Barraba 26 Sep (BTO 823); 4+ Toongie 27 Mar (DG), 3 Geurie
Cemetary 20 Apr (JLu); 4+ Campbell Is Barham 21 Apr & 24 Nov (MHe).
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 52 present in mangroves around Carrington
4 Oct, 1 Walka Water Works 22 Nov, most westerly record (HBR); 2 Quibrey Bay 10 Oct
(GC); Binya SF 17 Feb (MHe).
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella pitta Max 2 Martindale 5-30 Oct (HBR); Coco Ck
Glen Davis 11 Jan & 2 Glen Alice 26 Sep -15 Oct, 1 on 12 Dec (CPr,DG,VP); 1 Mt
Taylor & Tidbinbilla NR 11-18 Jan & Naas Valley 22 Nov (Bounds 2004), Campbell
Park ACT 6-29 Nov (SH); Pandoras Pass, Coolah 29 Dec (PDb); 1 Sandgate SF 10 Oct
(DG); 4 Caragabal 24 Sep (RMc), 2 Back Ck SF 7 Oct -26 Nov, 5 on 6 Dec (DM,MT,RJe);
1 Ninia HSD Quambone 25 Oct (MT); 2 Deniliquin District 13 Jan & 21 Feb (BB,NB),
1 Binya SF 19 Jan, 5 on 14 Sep -30 Sep, 2 on 6 Dec (DJe,KH,MT), 4 Nericon Swamp,
Griffith 12 Oct (PMo), 1 McPherson Range 9 Nov (LHa); 4+ Tara HSD Cobar 15 Oct
(LSc); 2+ Fort Bourke Hill, Cobar 18 Oct (LSc), 65 km S of Cobar 29 Oct (JB).
Numbers less than usual.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 298Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera Royal NP 13 Aug (TD); 6 Meryla
SF 6 Apr (CC), 2 Killalea SF 29 Jul (TE), no previous records for site, 3 Fitzroy Falls 17
Jul (BAs); Reported in small numbers 1-3, from 7 Eurobodalla Shire sites Mar -Sep,
which is an increase in records (ENHS), 2+ Monga NP 30 Nov (MZ); 2 Pierces Pass,
Blue Mtns NP 7 Sep (MT); 2 Garuwanga HSD Nimmitabel 26 Apr (JH1), 9 records from
Canberra suburbs Jul -Oct & Wee Jasper (CBN 30, 34).
New Holland Honeyeater P novaehollandiae Petroi 18 Oct, unusual location (MHz);
Fairlea HSD Tamworth 15-20 Oct (AA), not previously seen at site; Albury 23 Mar
1 1
(GDa) & Holbrook 20 Jul (AMu), west of normal range for NSW. Some range
White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 2+ Meroo NP, Narrawallee Creek NR
& Ulladulla Wildlfower Garden 23-31 Jan (MZ), 1 Vincentia West 22 Jul, 2 Conjola NP
8 Nov (KM), 3 Sandon Point 2 Sep (JMo), unusal locations & more southern records
than usual.
White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons 1 Binya SF 19 Apr (JDu), Deniliquin District
14 Jan & 5-6 Dec (BB,RJe); 10+ Little Mtn Gunderbooka 3 May (AM), 30+ Whitta
Brinna HSD Sturt NP 29 May (MHe), 4 Ledknapper HSD Enngonia 5 Jul (MT), 1 Trilby
HSD Louth 4 Sep & 20 Oct (JCa), Silverton 12 Sep (MHz), many Mutawinji NP 18
Sep (ML); 6+ Nombinnie NR 18 Apr (NL), 4 Wentworth 3 Oct (GDu).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P melanops Bunjalung NP 16 Jul & 2+ Sandon River
15 Oct (GC), A+J Limeburners Ck NR 23 Jun (KS); 1-5 Awabakal NR 7 Apr & 2 Dec, 1
Glenrock SRA 4 Nov (HBR); 2 Basin Tk Kur-rin-gai Chase NP 22 Oct (JRo). Unusual
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 2 10km S of Tamworth 10 Feb (BMc), 4 east of
Bingara on Gwydir River 18 Nov (AM); 20 Old Carabobala HSD Holbrook 13 Mar
(MCr), 2 Burrumbuttock 6 Apr (DW); 6 Nyngan 23 Nov (MR); 3 Deniliquin 20 Jan
(RG), 1 Ag Research Stn Griffith 21 Feb (BM), 6 Moama 16 Apr (KSt), 1 Binya SF 19
Apr (JDu), McPherson Range Griffith 22 Oct (LHa), Leeton 22 Nov (HH), Deniliquin
1 1
District 20 Jan, Sep, Nov & 5-6 Dec (LC,RJe,PMh); 10+ between Louth & Cobar 3 Sep
(JCa), many 5 km S of Tibooburra 13 Aug (DH), HC Yimkin HSD Cobar and at Cobar
10-16 Oct (LSc); 2+ Round Hill NR Oct (CCo). Good year.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 2 Wingen 2-3 Mar, an extraordinary eastern record
(HBR); 4 Wddin SF Nov (DLo), feeding in flowering Silky Oak; 12 Deniliquin District
22 Feb, Nov & 5-6 Dec (LC,NB,RJe); Many, including 2+N Whitta Brinna HSD
Tibooburra 29 May (MHe), many 5 km S Tibooburra 13 Aug (DH), 30 Trilby HSD
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 299Louth & between Louth & Cobar 1-3 Sep (JCa), 2+ Mutawinji NP 18Sep (ML), 4 Cobar
2-3 Oct (AS), 4+ Yimkin DHS Cobar 16-17 Oct (LSc), 8 Bourke 25 Nov (MR); 2 Round
Hill NR 27 Sep (GDu). Another good year.
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzornela sanguinolenta Present all year Central Coast, which is
unusual, numbers highest Jan -May (CCBR); 2 Loftus & Yarrawarrah 21-27 Apr (BW),
2 Winston Hills 13 Sep (APa), 5 Bicentennial Park 10 Oct (HR); 1 Ainslie ACT 2 Feb
(CBN 28, 156).
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor AF Glen Alice 7 Oct (DHa), 2 Orange Oct (LSc); 5
Frogmore 11-15 Nov (ALe,TS), 4 Yerrabi Pond, Amaroo Ck ACT Nov (JFo), the latter
2 records the most furtherst east in 2003; Many Dubbo 10 Nov (DG); 1 Old Junee 5 Oct
(MC), 1 Gunningbland 19 Oct (CG), 8+ Henry 17 Nov -18 Dec (MSh), 1 Back Creek SF
& 15 Charcoal Tank NR 2 6 Nov (DM), 5 Weddin NP 24 Oct (CC,RA); 4 Borah Ck,
Pilliga NR 22 Oct (JB1); Small numbers Macquarie Marshes NR 13-15 Oct (DG), 2
Ninia HSD Quambone 25 Oct (DG), many Nyngan 24 Nov (MR); 4 Binya SF 14 Sep –
15 Dec (LHa,MT), 3 Koraleigh 21 Oct (MHe), 30+ Stackpoole SF 26 Oct (MFN), 2
Barren Box Swamp 27 Oct (RW), 10+ Fivebough Swamp 7 Nov (NJ) & 4 Arcadia HSD
Narrandera (JSo), 10A+J McPherson Range 9 Nov (LHa); Overwintered in the Tibooburra
area viz many Whitta Brinna HSD 29 May (MHe), 6 15km SW Broken Hill 8 Jul (AP) &
many 5 km S of Tibooburra 16 Aug (DH); many in the Broken Hill-Mutawinji NP area
15-18 Sep (MHz,ML) & Cobar area 1-4 Dec (CB). Departure: 4 Yimkin HSD Cobar 23
May (LSc). Arrival: 60+ Trilby HSD Louth 2 Sep (CCa), 4 Binya SF 14 Sep (MT).
Good year.
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 60 Barren Box Swamp 11 Jan (MBo), 4+ Fivebough Swamp
7 Nov (MS), 2 Lake Cargelligo STW 15 Nov (SGo); 30+ Whitta Brinna HSD Sturt NP
29 May (MHe), many 5 km S of Tibooburra 16 Aug (DH); 2 Kinchega NP 8 Jul (AP).
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons 6 Forster 21 May, 6 Swan Bay 16 Aug, 51 Hunter
Estuary Count 6 Dec, mostly Ash Island and Stockton Sandspit (HBR); 5 Towra Pt NR
16 Aug (DM); 20 Shoalhaven Heads 9 Aug (DMc) & 15 Lake Wollumboola 2 Jan (EV);
Reported from Brou Lake, Wallaga Lake & Tuross Estuary all year, max 15 Brou Lake
21 Jan, N+3E Tuross River 4 Nov, 2Y on 18 Nov (ENHS); 7 reports from Lake Bathurst
including one breeding record Jul -Dec (CBN 30, 34); 4 Charcoal Tank NR 4 Oct (EV),
15 Urana 19 Apr (MG); 20+ Macquarie Marshes 30 Aug (CCa); 4+ Fivebough Swamp,
Leeton 23 Mar & 3 Sep, 23 Nov (HH,MT).
Gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis 2+ Camerons Corner Sturt NP 20 May (PS), 30 km E of
Tibooburra 27 Aug (RC), 2+ Clifton Bore Oct (CCo). Known sites.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 300Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans Ebenezer 2 Apr & 2 Wallacia 25 May (KB,TS),
unusual Sydney Region records.
Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor 2 Mangrove Mountain 6 May (CCBR), unusual
record; 1 Wilberforce 1 Aug (KB), 1 Marramarra NP 2 Nov (CBOC); 1 Old Man bed
Swamp24 Mar (ENHS), least number of records for many years.
Red -capped Robin P goodenovii Reported from Jones Res Rd, Wingen, Wambo,
Martindale, Cullingral Rd Merriwa & Bulga, wher 3 prs nesting 19 Oct (HBR); 1
Castlereagh SF Londonderry 3 Apr (KB); 2 Capertee Valley 16 Feb (NH); 2 Lavington
21 Feb (GS), east of range.
Flame Robin P phoenicea Mt Banda Banda 2 Nov (TM); Mount Royal NP 22 Feb
& Cullingral Rd Merriwa 15-18 Jul (HBR); 2 Bents Basin 30 May (JR), I Pitt Town 29
Jun(KB); 2 Belanglo SF 31 Aug (CC), 2 Tallangandra SF 29 Mar (LBa); 2 prs Little
Llangothlin Lagoon, Uralla 7 Jan (JCe); Many Boorowa 5-6 Jul (SE) & 4 Monga NP
Braidwood 26 Oct (TG); 18 Grenfell GC 8 Jun (BWa), Im M Watagong HSD Holbrook
Apr (MHe); Winter Records in the North-west Slopes: AF Appleby Lane Tamworth
15 Mar (EF), AM+4 brown birds Loomberah, Tamworth 29 Apr (GG); Winter Records
in South West Slopes/Plains: 5 Bogolong Hills 5 May (NSm), max 2 Fivebough Swamp
8 May -3 Jun (MS), 2 Big Bush NR Temora 18 Jul (MT). Inland records down.
Rose Robin Prosea More records than usual on the Central Coat, being reported from
16 sites (CCBR); 1 Woodford 29 Aug (GO); 1 Chitty HSD Coonabarabran 2 Aug (HS);
Stackpoole SF, Leeton 26 Oct (BCr), the latter 2 records well west of normal range.
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata 2 Carrai Rd Willi Willi NP 26 Jan (TM), unusual
location, 2A+Y Kungala 31 Aug (JS), eastern edge of arnge; N+Y Lake Liddell 14 Sep
(HBR); 2 Sandy Creek, Bigga 2 Apr (TS); 3 Nail Can Hill, Albury 19 Oct (LB), unusual
location; F Murrakool, Kyalite 5 Jul (MHe) very rare in this area.
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Yarriabinia NP 25 Oct (KS), Coramba NR 8
1 1
Nov (GC); Frying Pan Ck Chichester SF 12 Jan (ABe), southern limit?
Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Breeding success in exotic pine planations
at Armidale see Debus et al 2004.
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 2-4 Nombinni NR Mt Hope 17 Mar,
3 Apr & 18 Apr (JB,MT,NL), 2 Wheat Paddock & Whoey Tank, Round Hill NR Mar-
May (MT,TG).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 301Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 7 Boorganna NR 16 Mar (Birdline), 2 Werrikimbe
NP 17 Jun (MT); 2 Copeland NR 19 Jan (PDb); 1 Lady Carrington Dye Royal NP 13
Aug & 3 on 12-26 Oct (RCo,TD); Well distributed throughout the Illawarra Region Viz
2 Barren Grounds 22 Jan (EV), 5 Jamberoo Mountain 11 Feb (RJo), 3-4 Excelsior Mine,
Thirroul Feb & Oct (MM) & 6 O’Briens Rd Illawarra SCA 11 May (CC).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis Breeding records in the Hunter
Region included N+Y Woodville 16 Aug, nesting Buchanan 8 Jun, Quorrobolong 2 Aug,
As+Js Dartbrook Rd Scone 28 Oct (HBR); 5 Frogmore 11 Feb (TS), eastern edge of
range; 12 The Rock NR 26 Mar (GS), rare in this section of the South West Plains; 8
Paddington SF Cobar 17 Mar, 6+ 10 km N Kajuligah NR 5 Apr (MT), western limit of
White-browed Babbler P supercilliosus 2 Tabletop Apr (JWi), 6+ Goodnight nr
Kyalite 24 Mar & 6 Murrakool, Kyalite 5 Jul (MHe). SW limit of range.
Hall’s Babbler P halli 6 Mutawingie NP 29 Aug (PB), only report.
Chirruping Wedgebill Psophodes cristatus 2 Trilby HSD Louth 2 Sep (JCa), eastern
limit of range;
Spotted Quail- thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 1-3 Laguna 26 Feb, 20-22 Apr, Cullingral
Rd Merriwa 15-18 Jul, Watagan NP 13-20 Jul & 11 Oct, Tomalpin 23 Aug (HBR); 1
Wise’s Trail, Royal NP 11 Apr (KG), 1 Wisemans Ferry Rd 18 Aug (EV); 1 Sassafras 12
Mar (KM), 5 Darkes Forest 6 Apr & 2 Meryla SF 17 & 30 Apr (CC), 2 Martins Ck
Nattai 18 Aug & 2 Belanglo 31 Aug (CC), 2 Avon Dam at 3 sites 22-26 Sep & at 6 sites
on 30 Oct, 3 sites 14 Nov, 2 sites Burrigundy, Horse Flat 17 Dec, 2 Teering, Horse Flat
18 Dec (MT); 2 Wallaga Lake 26 Feb & 20 Jun, Tallaganda SF 13 May (ENHS); 2
Boonoo Boonoo NP Oct (BTO 823); 4 Conimbla NP 23 Mar & on 1-8 Oct (GLC,SP),
1 1
1 Kanangra Walls NP 28 Apr (JCe), 1 Munghorn Gap NR 8 Jun & 13 Sep (GBr), 1
Carlons HSD, Megalong Valley 31 Aug (CPr), 2 Kings Tableland Blue Mtns NP 14 & 23
Oct (MT), 3 Bungonia Gorge 18 Oct (TQ); 2 Garuwanga HSD Nimmitabel 26 Apr
(JHI), Orroral 26 Jul, Smokers Trail Aug & Mundoonen NR 25 Nov (CBN 30,
1 1 1 1
36); 2 Manoora HSD Holbrook 12 Oct (CGr). Good spread of records across the State.
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 2 Nombinnie SCA 16 Apr, 2 Nombinnie NR
15-16 Mar, 2 sites Keewong HSD Cobar 5 Apr, 2 sites Paddington SF Cobar 6 Apr
(MT). Locations rarely visited by birders!
Cinamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamonoun 1 Mt Wood 30 May (MHe), 1 Quarry View
HSD Tibooburra 25 Aug, NE Yancannia HSD 26 Aug, 2 Camerons Corner Sturt NP
28 Aug, Theldorspan HSD Tibooburra 2 Sep (RC);
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 302Chestnut -breasted Quail -thrush C. castaneothorax 2 Wilga Downs HSD Cobar 22
Aug (RC).
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus Reported from 5 Central Coast sites including
A+2J Bucketty 7 Dec (CCBR); 3 Prospect Reservoir 2 Aug (EV), another Sydney site; 2
Ingalba NR Jan & 6 Oct (MT); 3 Darling R Louth 3 Sep (JCa).
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis 2 near Bundarra mid Jun (GL); 1 Weddin SF 9
Jun (MT); 2 Regenbah HSD Quambone 14 Oct & 25 Oct, 1 Ninia HSD Quambone 25
Oct (DG); The Weddin & Bundarra birds are at the eastern edge of their range.
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 1 Cotan Bimbang NP 3 Mar (ABi), HC Petroi
18-20 Apr (MHz), 2 Werrikimbe NP 17 Jun (MT), 2 Mt Banda Banda SF 2 Nov (TM); 4
Gloucester Tops 30 Dec (HBR); Porters Ck Dam 28 Oct (GDy); Tallaganda SF Mar,
13-14 May, 4 Mt Dromedary (ENHS), 2 Monga NP 29 Nov (MZ); 2 10 kms E of Captains
Flat 30 Nov (CBN 30, 36). Good range of records.
Red-lored Whistler P rufogularis 1 Nombinnie SCA 18 Feb & 15 Apr, 1 Round Hill
NR, 5km N of railway line 17 May, Nombinnie NR 13 Sep & wheatfield 24 Sep (MT).
Many thanks to Mick Todd who found these birds!
Gilbert’s Whistler P inornata 1 Glen Alice 13 Aug (VP), unusual eastern record; AM
Geurie Res 20 Apr (DG); 1 Ingalba NR Temora 1 Jan & 21 Oct, F on 9 Aug, 3 on 16 Aug,
3+ on 9-31 Aug, (MC,MT), 2+ Weddin SF Grenfell 21 Aug & 8-10 Oct, 2+ Warraderry
SF 1-8 Oct (GLC,MC), 2 Weddin NP Nov (DLo); 2+ Woggoon NR 13 Apr (NL); 1
Binya SF 17 Feb (MHe), HC McPherson Feb (LHa), 1 Rocky Waterholes Narrandera 10
Mar (NSm), 3 Campbell Is Barham 24 Apr, 20 Oct & 24 Nov (MHe), 2 Yelkin SF Rankins
Springs 13 Sep (AM); 2+ wheat paddock, Round Hill NR 17 Mar, 18 May (MT) & 1 on
15 Nov (SGo), 3+ Nombinnie NR 13 Sep (MT), 2+ Whoey Tk Round Hill NR 12-14 Apr
& 23 Sep -4 Oct (AS,JG,TG), Stackpoole SF 26 Oct (MFN);
Golden Whistler P pectoralis F Binya SF 16 Dec (JSI), unusual location for that
time of the year.
Rufous Whistler P rufiventris Shortland WC 13 Jul (EV), Departure: Moruya 6 Apr
(ENHS), Arrival: Bengello Beach 24 Aug (ENHS), Capertee Valley Sep (DG), 2
Mason Pk Concord 24 Sep (NH).
Little Shrike -thrush C. megarhyncha 2 Andersons Sugarloaf 1-5 Jan, 1S1 record for
site (MHz), Tweed Heads 9 Sep (MA).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 303Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Lowden Forest Pk ACT 2 Feb & 19 Oct
(CBN 28, 159 & 30, 37), Bot. Gardens ACT 26 Oct (EM); Parkes 28 Oct (NS), well
1 1
west of known range. Arrival: Avondale 12 Sep (PO), Faulconbridge & Garrigal NP 20
Sep (CM,NMi), Mangrove Mountain 21 Sep (CCBR), Broulee 11 Oct (ENHS). The
tightness of the arrivals is of interest.
Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus One over -wintering at Willi Willi 27 Jul (MHz); 4
White Rock, Chichester SF 25-27 Jan (HBR), furthest south record for 2003.
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 2 Nightcap NP 7 Nov, 5 Mebben SF 8 Nov, 2 Iluka
NR 15 Nov (MR); 1 Figtree Carpark, Diamond Hd, Crowdy Head NP 26 Nov & 29 Dec,
this is an extension of range southwards by about 200 km (HBR).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: F Wadalba WHill 29 Mar (CCBR),
Moruya 6 Apr (ENHS), Arrival: South West Rocks 28 Aug (KS), Baradine 7 Sep (DJo),
I luka 18 Sep (GC), Wadalba Hill 20 Sep (CCBR), Warriewood wetlands & Campbell
Park ACT 27 Sep (CBN 30, 37,HR), Burrewarra Point 6 Oct (ENHS).
Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca Pelican Is South West Rocks 4-17 Dec (KS);
1 1
Wadalba, Wyong 29 Mar (JC); AM Warriewood Wetlands Nov (AFo); 2 Goodmans
Ford 22 Jan (CB), 1 Lake Wollumboola west 17 Nov (per CC); 1 Wallaga Lake 6 Dec
(ENHS); 2 Katoomba 27 Feb (CPr). Departure: F Tallangandra SF 29 Mar (LBa).
Arrival: 1 Katoomba 17 Oct (CPr), Benandarah SF 23 Oct (ENHS).
Restless Flycatcher M. inquieta Mangrove Mountain 24 Feb, unusual record as most
visits are in winter (CCBR); Kemps Creek 31 Jul (TS).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura ruldrons 1 Susan Is Grafton 30 Oct, 6th Island record (GC);
1 Lavington 17 Jan (AMg), Ettamogah 11 Mar (GS) & Albury 13 Mar (GDa), west of
usual range; Departure: Patonga 18 Mar (CCBR), Shortland WC 25 Mar (HBR), 6
Glenleigh Estate Penrith 24 Mar (JM), Lowden Forest Pk ACT 29 Mar (CBN 28, 159).
Arrival: Teatree Ck Grafton 23 Aug (GC), Meringo 26 Aug (ENHS), Grants Rd Somersby
29 Sep (CCBR), Warriewood wetlands 12 Oct (HR), Avondale 14 Oct (PO).
Magpie -Lark Grallina cyanoleuca 31 together on powerlines South West Rocks 20
Jun (KS).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 1 took a Silvereye Wollongong 5 Jun (CB); 1
Glen Donald HSD Currabubulla 16 Dec (IDo), west of normal range. Southern records:
1 Bermagui 28 Feb (ENHS), Arrival: 1 Ellanora Heights 4 Feb (TKe), Budgewoi 17
Feb (CCBR), Shortland WC 20 Feb (HBR), Barrack Swamp 9 Feb (GB). Departure:
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 304Tuggerawong 12 Oct (CCHBR), Balmain 25 Oct (TKe), North Wollongong 9 Nov (PP),
Harrington 19-21 Nov (HBR).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike C. lineata 2 briefly visited a fig tree Anderson Sugarloaf 5 Jan
(MHz); 4 Boambee Ck Sawtell 20 Feb (JS); Harrington rainforest 15 Oct & 21 Nov
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike Coracina papuaensis Crowdy Bay NP 7 Dec, unusual
location (HBR); 1 Hillville 19 Nov (EV); 1 Scheyville 27 Mar & 2 on 11 Apr (JDu,KB);
1 Wirrimbirra Res 3 May (GB), rare in Illawarra region; 2A+J Percy David Dye Moruya
26 May (BA), 2 Maulbrooks Rd 8 Jun , 1 Mogo SF 22 Sep (ENHS); 2 Conimbla NP 1-
8 Oct (GLC), 2A+N Capertee Valley 12 Oct (AMa); 1-2 Kambah ACT 12 & 29 Jun,
Gooroo NR 21 Jul, Bruce 4 Sep, Curtin 12 Oct (CBN 28, 160 & 30, 39); 4 Trinkey SF 25
Apr (JPe), 1 Moombi Common 26 Aug (ER); 2 Warraderry SF 1-8 Oct (GLC); 2 Booberoi
Ck Condobolin 20 Apr (NL).
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris 1 Cattai NP 18 Jan & 2 on 25 Oct (EV,SB). Departure:
Broulee 15 Mar (ENHS), 2 Fountaindale 26 Mar (JC), Dry Ck Scone 4 Apr (HBR), 2
Nymboida-Binderey NP 7 Apr (GC), 3 Hoddles Tck Mt Kembla 21 Apr (CC), 2 Cattai
NP 11 Apr (JDu). Arrival: 2 Cordeaux Dam 12 Sep (CC), 2 Glenola Res Bunning
Creek 3 Oct (CCBR), Mt Majura ACT 13 Oct (CBN 30, 39), Benandarah SF 25 Oct
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 4 Back Creek 1-8 Oct (GLC), 3 Charcoal tank NR
4 Oct (EV); 7 Nyngan 2 May (JL); 2 10.5 km W of Berrigan 27 Apr (MHe), 2 Kyalite 25
Sep (DPa).
White -winged Triller Lalarge sureurii Departure: 1 Scheyville 11 Apr (CSc,JDu), 3
Limkin HSD Cobar 19-23 May (LSc). Arrival: AM Cardinda 6 Aug (LSc), Four Mile
Lane Holbrook 19 Aug (MHe), Warren 29 Aug (CCa), Junee 24 Sep (MC). Coastal
records include: pr Clybucca 30 Jan (KS), 1 Maria River, Crescent Head 13 Nov (TM),
2 Pelican is Port Macquarie 21 Nov (HL), 9 Clarence Valley records 20 Sep -29 Nov
(GC); Nested Jones Reserve Rd 24 Jan (HBR), 2 Hawksnest 9 Dec (GC); 3 pr Mangrove
Mountain GC 27 Sep & 3 Mangrove Mountain 1-3 Oct (CCBR); AM Pughs Lagoon 10
Jan (SB), Allambie Flat, Royal NP 16 Sep & 29 Nov (JR), 4 Toongabbie 23 Sep (TS), 2
AM Mason Pk Concord 28 Sep (CGo), 5 Richmond 1 Oct (KB), 40 Prospect Reservoir
8 Nov (EV), 1 Scheyville NP 9 Nov (CWa), 3 Noorangingy Res Doonside 26 Nov (BDo);
Avon Dam 26 Sep (MT), Conjola NP 19 Oct (KM). There were many more records
1 1
in rural coastal areas but just away from the Coast, while Canberra ACT had the most
records for the last 12 years (CBN 30,39).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 305Varied Triller L. leucomela Max 5 Harrington rainforest 22 Jan -16 Feb, 15 Oct -29 Dec
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Influx into Old Junee and Junee 17-24 Oct
(MC); 2 Barham area latet June (MHe).
Australian Figbird Sphecotheres vieilloti 40 Concord West13 Jul (JHa); Reported
from Eurobodalla Shire Jan -Jun, 20 Sep -Dec, max 10 Bodalla 12 Jan & Moruya 29 Sep
(ENHS), range continues to expand.
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus No reports south of the Central
Coast in 2003. Departure: Booti Booti NP 27 Apr (DT), 2 Ramsay Is Blackalls Bay 5
May (CCBR), 1 Cowans Pond 1 May (GC), 2 Belmore Swamp 30 Jun (KS), Arrival: 2
McPherson Rd Tuggerah 15 Aug (AM), 6 Pelican Is SWR 23 Aug (KS).
Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus 30 Ginderra Creek McGregor ACT 22
Sep (MB) then present until the following year; 10+ Marra Hall PS Willi 30 Aug
(CCa); 40 Carrabear SF 25 Oct (MT).
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus Present in the western section of the
Hunter Region Sep -Dec, max 60 Martindale 18 Nov, and nesting Jones Reserve Rd 8
Nov & Moonan Flat 28 Dec (HBR); 10 Winmallee 23 Sep (NKi), 1 Blacktown 18 Oct
(EV), 6 Scheyville NP 9 Nov (CWa), 30 Hornsby 20 Nov (MR); 100+ Barren Grounds
NR 16 Nov (RJo), unusual location; 300 Lawson 5 Nov (TS). Arrival: 20+ Toongie,
Dubbo 11 Sep (DG)
Black -faced Woodswallow A. cinereus 2 Nattai Catchment 18 Aug (CC), lst Illawarra
Region record.
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Present Canberra ACT all months except May &
July, suggesting that some birds overwinter (CBN 30, 40). Departure: 2 Mangrove
Mountain 14 Apr (CCBR), 2 Greystanes Creek 19 Apr (TS), Potato Point 20 Apr (ENHS),
25+ Leura 28 Apr (TS), Booti Booti NP 7 May (DT, 6 Chipping Norton 30 May (JDi).
Arrival: 6 Maria River, Crescent Head Aug (TM), Booti Booti NP 7 Sep (DT), Broulee
10 Sep (ENHS)2 Mangrove Mountain 14 Sep (CCBR).
Little Woodswallow A. minor 4 Split Rock, Warrumbungles NP 12 Jan (KL); 4+ Sturt
NP 20 May (PS); 4 Paddington SF Cobar 17 Mar (MT), 80 km N of Wentworth Oct
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 306Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis Helensburgh 21 Aug (CC), unusual location.;
Namina Rd ACT 29 Jul & 2 Tharwa 31 Jul (CBN 30, 41), 2 Yass 31 Aug (CBN 28,
162), unusual location.
Grey Currawong S. versicolor Tallangandra SF Jan, Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 8 Jun,
Old Man Bed Swamp Aug -Nov & Malua Bay 13 Nov (ENHS); 1 Mt Tomah BMNP 1
Jun (HR); Thurgoona 27 Apr (GS).
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus 4 Willi Willi 19 Oct (MHz), 2 Border Ranges
NP 4 Nov (MA); AM+Im White Rock, Chichester SF 25-27 Jan, 1 Monkerai NR 12
May, 2 Jerusalem Ck 12 May & 27 Oct (HBR).
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 2 Broadwater Swamp, Tullymnorgan 24-27 Jul,
HC Upper Mongogarie 19 Aug, Busbys Flat 26 Sep(GC). All coastal lowland records
where not normally present.
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus 2 Petroi 18 Apr (MHz); 1-5 Smiths Lake 12 Mar, 24 Sep,
Farquhar Inlet 14 Mar, Old Bar 19 Mar, Vacy 5 Jul & Barrington 21-28 Nov (HBR),
birds continually extending their range south.
Little Raven C. mellori 20 Castlereagh NR 21 May -22 Jun & subsequently at St Clair
(KB), 5 UWS Hawkesbury 20 Jun, 6 Yarramundi 22 Jun (TS), flock of 10 flying over
Turramurra 18 Oct (TW), rare in the Sydney Region; Reported from 8 locations in
Eurobodalla Shire all year from inland to the coast, in flocks up to 100 birds, in numbers
much greater than reported previously (ENHS); 150+ Griffith Dec (BM), large number.
Torresian Crow C. orru 112+ Seelands Fish Farm 30 May (GC); Reported again
regularly from Ash Island & Shortland WC, and I Mandalong 14 Jul (HBR); 1 Bonnievale,
Royal NP 31 Dec (JR). All these records demonstrate an extension of range southwards.
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 4 Clarenza 16 Apr (BMo), Pt
record for site.
Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea Many reports from Sydney Region where now resident
including 27 Eastern Creek 5-7 Aug (RW), 4 Pinegrove Memorial Pk Eastern Creek 1-
31 Aug (TQ), also Mt Druit, Blacktown Showgrounds & Mitchell Park Cattai throughout
the year (EV,KB); 8 6 km SE Cowra 6 Apr (JM1), eastern limit of normal range; 8
Buckie Is Kyalite 24 May (MHe).
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris 2 Mt Dromedary 5 Oct (MGo), southern
limit in NSW.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 307Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus 10 Big Hill, Limeburners Ck NR 9 Nov
(TM); 6 Crowdy Bay NP Harrington 16 Feb (EV); Reported from 12 Central Coast sites
throughout the year (CCBR).
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus 2 Nail Can Hill, Albury 2 Oct (GDa), last
seen 2 years before (MHe), sout west limit of range.
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Merriwa 11 May (DG); 2 Kangatoo 18
Maty (MT); 2 Collarenebri 17 May (PS); Keewong HSD Cobar 25 Apr (MT).
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica Mount Arthur 25 Jan, Bureen & Yarrawa 16 Oct,
Jones Rd Reserve 8 Nov & Goulburn River NP 9 Nov, 2 Martindale 8 Nov (HBR); 1
Glen Davis 9 Oct & 13 Dec (CPr); 6 reports Lake Bathurst area 9 Oct -28 Dec (CBN 30,
43); 1 Back Creek SF 15 Mar (KS); Boorooban area Feb & Apr (JB).
Skylark Alauda arvensis Yarrawa 29 Nov (HBR); 4 Wanganderry, 2 sites 16 Dec
(MT), 4 Swamp Rd Dunmore 10 Oct (DG); Resident Akolele in small numbers (ENHS).
Yellow Wagtail M. flava Max 6 Ash Is Ponds 22 Jan -2 Apr, many reports, records
accepted by NSWORAC, subsequently max 3 same place 26 Nov -7 Dec, these
observations constituting the 9 -10th NSW records (HBR,BS1); 2 Eastlakes GC 18 Jan -11
Feb (ARo,DH,EV,TQ,TW), having been present in 2002. This bird was identied as a
male coming into breeding plumage of the race Mf. simillima.
House Sparrow Passer domesticus 10+ Camerons Corner, Sturt NP 19 May (PS), a
known site but still there!;
Eurasian Tree -sparrow Passer montanus 2 Thurgoona 21 Apr (MG).
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata 2 Willi Willi 27 Jun (MHz); 80+ Yarrawa 8 Jun
(HBR); 150+ Chullora wetlands 6 Jan (TN), 25 Richmond Turf farms 10 Jan (SB), 4
Bicentennial Park, Homebush 9 Jul (JHa); 12 Shellcove 24 Oct (DG).
Double- barred Finch T bichenovii 50+ Vacy 14 Sep, high number for Hunter Region
(HBR); 2 Red Hill 4 Apr (BC); Brown Snake Pseudoraja textilis ate nestings from nest
east of O’Malley ACT Dec (Dabb 2004); 2 Binya SF 19 Jan (MT); 2 Willandra Ck, E of
Roto 16 Mar, western limit of range (AM).
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta Max 30 Glen Alice/Glen Davis 16 Aug & 1-
13 Sep (DG,EV,GBr,TH); 6+ Daruka Rd Tamworth Jan (JPe) 6+ Nemingha Jan (G01),
2 Parraweena HSD Tamworth 19 Feb (KW), 2 Peel R Tamworth 13 Dec (JMe), 10+
Cox’s Creek, Murrumdi 29 Dec (PDb); Macquarie R. Dubbo 20 Apr (DG), 4+ Geurie
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 308Cemetary 15 May (Birdline); 10+ Warren 29-31 Aug & 2 on 24 Oct (CCa). Fewer reports
than usual.
Red-browed Finch N. temporalis 5+ Campbell Is SF, Barham 23 Sep (MHe), most
westerly population in NSW.
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata Glenugie West 19 Oct & 6 Nov (CCy);
Reported from 10 Hunter Valley sites, the most furtherst east being at Bulga 30 Jul & 9
Oct (HBR); 5 Lavington 21 Feb (GS), unusual location, 10 Wantabadgery 15 Aug (MC),
large group for site; 2 Quambone 24 Oct (JC); 2+ Binya SF Sep -Dec (MT), 2 Warganderry
15 Dec (MT), western edge of range.
Beautiful Firetail S. bella 8 Wattamolla Royal NP 6 Apr -22 Jun (BW,JR,NR,TQ); 1
Barren Grounds NR 2 Jan (EV), 6 Little Forest Plateau 26 Jan (MZ), Maddens Plains
4 Feb (KM), Fitzroy falls 28 Apr (IDe), Upper Wanandoola Ck 25 Jun (CC); 2+
1 1
Nadgee Moor, Nadgee NR 8 Feb (MAn); 4 Mt Hay Carpark BMNP 10 Aug (DPo).
Nutmeg Mannikin Lonchura punctulata 8+ Alumny Ck Grafton 15 Feb, 10+ Macquarie
Pk Windsor 16 Aug (TWa). Overall the population appears to be declining.
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax 5+ Lawence Ferry Woodford Is 18
Nov, 1 Nymboida-Binderey NP 5 Apr (GC), observer’s only records for Clarence Valley;
3 West Kempsey 6 Jan (MHz), 4 Clybucca 30 Jan (KS); 15 Dairy Swp Gloucester 14
Mar & 30+ with DY, Leneghans Flat 30 Mar, smaller numbers elsewhere (HBR,RJn);
Nested Wadalba Hill & Tuggerah STW Feb -Mar (CCBR); 2 Prospect Reservoir I Sep
(SHa); 3 Sandon Pt Thirroul 17 Feb (IMc), 50 Barrack Point 19 Jul (TE), 18 Bellambi
Lagoon 13 Aug (TWy), 4 Shellcove 24 Oct (DG).
Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 6 Penrith Lakes 11 Apr (JM); 2J Moruya Heads 9 Sep &
2 Malua Bay 18 Sep (DW), first Eurobodalla reports since 1990; 4 North Albury 16 Jan
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 6 Bellingen 16 Sep (CCy); Wyong 10 Jan
(CCBR), only report; 50+ Mulgoa 4 Mar (MH) & at Bicentennial Park, Homebush 6 Jul
(BRu); Present Eurobodalla Shire at Coopers Island, Yarragee & Wallaga Lake all year
in flocks up to 40 birds (ENHS); 2 Fivebough Swamp 7 Dec (MT).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 7 Bellbrook 1 Feb & 1 on 8 Mar
(MHz); 1-2 Wambo Colliery 22 Mar, Cullingral Rd Merriwal 15-18 Jul, & at 2 Bulga
locations 15 Jun (HBR); Bakers Lagoon 3 Apr, 1 Cornwallis Rd Richmond 6 Apr (EV);
2 Sandy Ck Bigga 24 Mar (TS); 2 Capertee R Glen Davis & Glen Alice 16 Aug -1 Sep
(DG), 2 Gooloogong 1-8 Oct (GLC); 3 Peel R Tamworth 22 Mar & 4 on 15 Jun (JPe), I
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 309between Limbi & Kootingal 30 Sep (GC); 5 Dubbo Zoo 20 Apr (DG); 2 Back Creek 1-
8 Oct (GLC); 12 Deniliquin Garvel pit 22 Feb (AB1), 4 Pretty Pine 15 Mar (VD), 1
Kyalite 22 May (MHe), 6 Koonadan 10 Jun (PD), 2 Shepherds Hill Quarry, Euabalong 4
Oct (JG).
Tree Martin H. nigricans 1 Surry Hills 17 Aug (CG); Summer migrant Europbodalla
Shire (ENHS). Departure: Congo 11 May (ENHS), Arrival: 20 Coopers Island4 Sep
Fairy Martin H. aerial Arrival: 10 Chullora wetlands 21 Jul (TN), Nelligen 6 Aug
(ENHS), Windsor & Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 16 Aug (AM,KB), 12 Mason Pk Strathfield
19 Aug (NH).
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus South West Rocks 23 Oct (KS), P’ record
for location.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timorensis 1 Cupitts Lane Richmond 5 Mar (KB), 1
Eastlakes 3 Nov (DM), unusual location; 3 Killalea Lagoon 4 Feb (CB,CC) & 3 Tallawarra
Ash Ponds 29 May (CB). Furtherst south records and general southern limit of range.
Little Grassbird M.gramineus Moore Res wetlands, Oatley 16 Nov (GF), unusual
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus matheivsi Glenugie West 6 Nov (CCy), unusual
location; Common in the western section of the Hunter Region 26 Oct -31 Dec, max 15+
Kerrabee 26 Oct (HBR); 1 Towra Pt NR 18 Jan (BR); 1 over -wintering Capertee 2 Jul
(JDu); Urriara HSD & Mulligans Flat NR ACT 30 Nov (BL,JBo), unusual locations:
Arrival: Warren 29 Aug (CCa), Crown Ck, Capertee Valley 6 Sep (EV), Quanda NR
10 Sep & McPherson Range, Griffith 16 Sep (JB).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis Jerseyville 3 Jan (KS); 4 Morpeth STW 4 Jan & 20 Feb,
Hexham Swamp 6 Feb, then seen in small numbers at 3 sites 8-25 Nov, max 4 Martindale
8 Nov (HBR); 2 Richmond 1-31 Oct (KB,TW); 3 Swamp Rd Jamberoo 11 Jam -1 Feb
(DMc,GB), 4 Dunmore 14 Nov (CB); 1 SW Woolbrook 30 Sep (GC); 1 Glen Davis 13
Dec (CPr); Lake Bathurst Nov (CBN 30, 45). Small numbers in coastal areas escaping
the drought!
Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata 1 Andersons Sugarloafd 11 May (MHz); 5 Mill Ck
Dharug NP5 Aug (TD); in Galston garden 4 Feb (RWa), 4 Wheeney Ck Yarramundi 7
Aug (TD); 1 8km S of Silverdale 17 Oct (MT); 1 hit window Oberon 31 Jan -3 Feb
(EDy; Melba ACT garden Apr, 4 records from the Brindabella Ranges pre the Jan fires
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 310and none since but present Canberra Bot Gardens May -Jun (CBN 28, 167), Ettamogah
7 Dec (PMe).
Russet -tailed Thrush Z. heinei HC Iluka NR 2 Jan (GC), 4 Willi Willi 19 Oct
(MHz); 1 Peach Tree PA, Chichester SF 7 Sep, 1 Sharpes Ck Gloucester Tops 23 Sep,
1 Allyn River 18 Oct, 6+ Copeland SF 21-22 Nov & 1 Wingham 7 Dec (HBR).
Common Blackbird Turdus merula Lorn Sep -Nov (HBR); Brentwood Village
1 1
Kincumber 8 Sep, new site (CCBR); 2+ Garuwanga HSD Nimmitabel 26 Apr (JHI).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Present at anumber of Clarence Valley site, max
26 LowerKangaroo Creek and nesting in Grey -crowned Babler’s nest 30 Dec Coutts
Crossing (GC), now present from the coast to the foothills of the Macleay Valley (KS);
2 Corowa 9 Sep (CT).
Little Shrike -thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha It was reported that 11 were at
Grassy Head , an error for 1 bird.
Australian Darter Anhinga melanogaster Nesting was reported the Belmore River in
May instead of March.
Pink Robin Petroica rodinogaster Single birds at 2 different sites Kosciuszko NP 4
Mar (IH).
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata Active nest + 1 bird 10 Apr (late date for nest) & 2 nests in
10,000 ha (helicopter survey) Round Hill NR Nov (NPWS).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Nesting Appletre bay, Kur-ringai Chase NP Oct –
Dec, first known nesting in Sydney Region for some time (MTy).
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Cockle Bay wetlands 26 Oct (CCBR),
Central Coast record.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 3 1 1Glossy Black Cockatoo Calyptohynchus lathami 30+ Gap dam, 33 km E of Goolgowie
4 Jan, western section of Threatenbed Riverina population (JB).
Gilbert’s Whistler Pachycephala inornata Back Yamma SF 30 Sep (IH).
Providence Petrel Pterodroma solanderi Current estimate of population is 40,000 prs
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 5 Balls Pyramid, mostly dark phase Apr
Black -winged Petrel P nigripennis Present at sea off Lord Howe Island 29 Nov (MBa),
current population estimated at 300 prs (McAllan et al 2004).
Little Shearwater Puffinis assimilis The colony on the main Island estimated now to
be between 30-50 prs (McAllen et al 2004)
White -bellied Storm -Petrel E grallaria off Balls Pyramid 14 Mar (CCa), 10-12
same place 3-8 Apr (GWa);
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda Population estimated to be 500-1000 prs,
cf 300 prs in 1974 (McAllan et al 2004).
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus Up to 2 birds seen between North Bay &
Old Gulch & at Neds Beach 26 Feb -22 Mar, 7th record (JC,McAllan et a12004);
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 500 prs are reported to now nest annually on the Lord
Howe Island Group cf c 600 prs 1970/71 (Priddell et al 2005),
Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 3+ around the Island Jan -Oct,
13th record (McAllan et al 2004).
Great Egret Ardea alba at several localties including North Bay, Neds Beach &
South Reef 2 Mar -11 Sep, 5’h record (McAllan et a12004).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla Old Settlement Creek 19 Jun & 13 Oct, 4th record
(McAllan et a12004).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 312Latham’s Snipe Gallinago harwickii 4 near airstrip 11-15 Mar (CCa), a rare regular
Little Curlew Numenius minutus 2 Old Gulch 11 Mar, 7th record (McAllan et al
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia Old Settlement Beach 5-13 Mar & Mosely
1 1
Park Swamp 12 Dec, 12-13″ records (McAllan et a12004)
Wandering Tattler Heteroscelus incanus Neds Beach 13 Mar (JC), a rare regular
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotus Moseley Park Swamp 9-15 Mar, 4th record
(McAllan et al 2004).
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Old Settlement 9 Nov & 21 Nov, 10th
record (McAllan et al 2004).
Double- banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 14 feeding together at Neds Beach 2 Dec
(MBa), this is a late date and the birds should be back in New Zealand at this time.
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus 4 Mosely Park Swamp & golfcourse 5-22
Mar & North Bay 24 Nov, 13 -14th records (McAllan et a12004).
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus One 3 y.o. bird seen at North Beach (MB), subsequently
one found dead by Ian Hutton 9 Dec, 4th record (McAllan et a12004).
Caspian Tern Sterna caspia at airstrip 30 Oct & 2 Nov (McAllan et al 2004), 2nd
White -winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus Moseley Park Swamp 11-31 Dec,
6th record (McAllan et a12004).
Black Noddy Anous minutus 146 nests Old Gulch 18 Dec, max 200 nests previuos year.
Bred only on the main Island once cats were removed in mid 1980s (McAllan et al
Black- faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae 1 at airstrip 13 Oct, 11th record
(McAllan et al 2004).
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii 1 Mosely Park Swamp 8 Nov, golf course 9 Nov
& Soldiers Ck 11 Nov, 1″ record (BH).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 313Richard’s Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae Malabar 16’h Sep, 1″ record (McAllan et al
Goldfinch Carduelis carduleis Max 5, 19 May -20 Sep, mostly in airstrip area, 11″
record (McAllan et al 2004).
Murphy’s Petrel Pterodroma ultimna Wollongong pelagic 26 Apr (PM), no submission
prepared for BARC. If this record had been accepted it would be the I st Australian record.
Franklin’s Gull Larus pixican 1 Little Bay Maroubra 14 Dec (GBu), no submission
made to BARC.
Anon “Annual Bird Report July 2002 to 30 June 2003”. Canberra Bird Notes 28, 125-
Anon “Annual Bird Report I July 2003 to 30 June 2004”. Canberra Bird Notes 30, 1-64.
Bischoff, A. 2004 “Mid North Coast Region, Osprey Breeding Survey 2003”. NPWS
Blemings, R. 2005 “Observations of the Superb Parrot on Mt Rogers, ACT” Canberra
Bird Notes 30, 79-80
Bounds, J. 2003 “Painted Honeyeater Reports in the Canberra Region during the 2002-
03 Influx”. Canberra Bird Notes 28, 56-62.
Christie, P. 2004 “Extension of the known breeding range of the Superb Parrot “. Corella
28, 75-78.
Christidis L. & W.E. Boles 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and
its Territories”, RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Dabb, G. 2004 “Brown Snake eats nestling Double -barred Finch”. Canberra Bird
Notes 29, 31-32
Debus, S.J.S., Boland, B. & A. Koboroff 2004 “Breeding of the Eastern yellow Robin in
an Exotic Pine Plantation at Armidale , New South Wales”, Aust. Field Ornith. 21, 166-
Fuentes E & J. Olsen 2005 “Breeding Status of Birds of Prey living in the Canberra
Region 2002-03″ Canebrra Bird Notes 30, 65-72.
Heyligers,P.C., Fullager P.J., & H.D.Perkins 2003 “44′ Annual Assessmentof Shearwater
Breeding Success on Montagu Island 24-28 March 2003″ Nature in Eurobodalla 2002
(No 17)
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 314Keating, J & M.R. Jarman 2004 “South Coast Shorebird Recovery Program 2003-4”
Lutter H., Dinnie, R. & S.J.S. Debus 2003 “Square -tailed Kite Breeding in Northern
Coastal New South Wales. Post Fledging Diet and Behaviour”. Aust. Field Ornith. 20,
Lutter, H., Lutter, M., Rose A.B. & S.J.S. Debus 2004 “Breeding Biology and Diet of
the Square -tailed Kite on the Mid -North Coast of New South Wales”. Aust. Field Ornith.
21, 141-157.
McAllan, I.A.W. & M.D. Bruce 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working
List”. Biocon Research Group, Turramurra.
McAllan I.A.W., Curtis B.R., Hutton I. & R.M. Cooper 2004 “The birds of Lord Howe
Island Group: A Review of Records”. Aust. Field Ornith. 21, Supplement Sep 2004.
Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G. Holmes. 1981 “Handlist of Birds in New South
Wales”. NSWFOC Dubbo.
Morris, A.K. 2003 “Central Coast Bird Report 2003”,CCFOC.
Oliver, D.L. 2004 “Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides takes a Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps
lophotes.” Aust. Field Ornith 21, 47-48.
Perkins, H. 2005 “Common Sandpiper at Uriarra Crossing” Canberra Bird Notes 30,
Pridell, D. Hutton, I. Olson S. & R. Wheeler 2005 “Breeding biology of Masked Boobies
(Sula dactylatra tasmani) on Lord Howe Island , Australia”. Emu 105, 105-114.
Sagar, P.M. & J.C.Stahl 2005 “Increase in the numbers of breeding pairs of Buller’s
Albatross (Thalassarche bulleri bulleri). Emu 105, 49-56.
Skewes, J. 2004 “Report on Population Monitoring”. Stilt 46, 86-92.
Stuart, A. 2004 “Hunter Region of NSW 2003 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers
APPENDIX I ALi Ann Lindsey ARi Alan Richardson
AM Alan Morris ARo A.E.F. Rogers
List of Observers AMa Alan Mathew AS Alan Stuart
AA Annabel Ash AMc Alan McBride ASm Alistair Smith
AB Andrew Burton AMe A. Meiklejohn AT Andrew Taylor
ABe Allan Benson AMg Andrew McGrath BA B. Allan
ABg Arthug Biggs AMu Andrew Murdoch BB Bill Benner
ABi Tony Bischoff AP Tony Palliser BAs Bob Ashford
AB1 A. Blackwood APa Andrew Patrick BAy Barry Ayres
AC Alan Cousins APe Anne Pears BC Bruce Cox
ACa Ashley Carlson APy Anne Perry BCr Barbara Cressy
AF A. Foley AQ Annie Quested BD Brian Downer
AFo Alan Foster
AR Alan Richards BDb Bill De Belin
Al Alan Ible ARb Alistair Robb BE Brian Everingham
ALe Alan Leishman BH B. Hensen
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 315BHd Betty Hudson CW Chris Watts EAt Enid Atkinson
BH1 Brian Hole CWa C. Ward EC E. Crawford
BHu Brian Huxtable CWi C. Wilson ED Ern Dunkley
BJ Barbara Jones DB David Blackwell EDy Emma Denny
BL Bruce Lindeneyer DBo David Bourne EFa E. Fair
BM Bill Moller DBt Dan Blunt EM Eric Meijaard
BMc B. McLean DBu David Burns EN Ted Nixon
BMo Bev Morgan DC David Charley ER E. Reed
BPo Beryl Popple DCo David Cook EV Edwin Vella
BR Bruce Roubin DD Dick Dallimore EW Eric Wheeler
BS Bill Saunders DDi D. Dixon EWh Eric Whiting
BSI Bill Sleight DG David Geering FC Frances Czwalina
BT Bo Tottenham DGb D. Gottlieb FL F. Loughland
BV Barry Virtue DGo D. Goldrick GB Graham Barwell
BW B. Wilcock DGr Dot Green GBe G. Bedggood
BWa B. Ward DGs Dennis Gosper GBr Grant Brosie
BW1 B. Wilson DH Dion Hobcroft GBu G. Buchan
BWm Beth Williams DHa David Hair GC Greg Clancy
BZ Bill Zealy DJo David Johnston GD Gerry Duane
CB Chris Brandis DK David Koffel GDa G. Datsun
CBy Carol Bye DLa Doug Laing GDu Giles Daubenay
CC Chris Chafer DM David Mitford GDy Garry Daly
CCa Carole Carpenter DMc D. McKay GE G. Everton
CCo Chris Coleborn DMd D. McDonald GF Graham Fry
CCy Craig Cassady DMi Damian Michael GG G. Garradd
CD C. Davis DMo Dennis Moretto GHo G. Hogendyk
CE C. Edwards DN David Nicholls GL G. Lollback
CG Chris Gladwin DO Damon Oliver GLC Gould League Camp
CGo Chris Goswell DP David Parker GM G. Mitchell
CGr Craig Grabham DPo David Potter GO G. Oakes
CK Cath Kirby DPr D. Price GOl G. Olde
CM Clive Meadows DPt Dean Portelli GP G. Pritchard
CMa Cathy Mardell DS Debbie Saunders GRs Geoff Ross
CMc Chris Mclean DSe David Secomb GS Greg Slade
CP Chris Presland DSm David Seims GSm G. Smith
CPr Carol Probets DSt Donna Stone GSo Garry Southwell
CRo C. Ross DT David Turner GSt G. Stewart
CS Colin Scouler DTh D. Thompson GT Graham Turner
CSI C. Slade DW David Webb GW G. Weule
CT Carol Temple DWh Dave Whitfield GWa Geoff Walker
CTh C. Thorley DWi D.Winterbottom HBR Hunter Bird Report
CV C. Van den Burgh EA Eric Andrew HF Harry Foran
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 316JGa John Gale KH Keith Hutton
HG H. Griffith
JGr J. Graves KL Kurtis Lindsay
HH Henry Hancock
JH June Harris KM Kevin Mills
HJ H. Jones
JHa Judy Harrington KP Kaye Pointer
HL Hans Lutter
JHd J. Harding KPi K. Pickering
HM H. McNamara
JH1 Jack Hollands KS Ken Shingleton
HMa Hilary Mannes
JHo Jim Hone KSt Keith Stockwell
HPu H. Pulver
JHr Jason Horwood KW Kelvin Wykes
HR H. Roberts
JHu John Huxtable LA L. Archibold
HS Helen Stevens
JI John Irvin LB Louise Bull
IC I. Chapman
JJ Janice Jenkin LBa Lian Battison
ID Ian Davidson
JL Janet Love LB1 Lorna Bloom
IDe Irene Denton
JLu Janene Luff LC Lisa Cockram
IDo I. Donaldson
JM Jane Miller LDo L. Douglas
IE I. Evans
JMi J.Mitchell LHa Louise Harrison
IF Ian Fraser
JMc Julie McEnally LHe L. Hensen
IH Ian Harpley
JMe Joke Meyer LHo Linda Holmes
IMc Ian McKinley
JM1 John McLennan LK L. Knight
IR Ida Riach
JMo Jenny Morris LM L. May
IT I. Travers
JN Jane Norton LMc Laurie McEnally
IW I. Wynne
JO J. O’Neill LS Lindsey Smith
JA Joan Adams
JP Joy Pegler LSc Leigh Schmidt
JAm J.L. Amundsen
We Jack Peattie LT Lorna Turner
JB John Brickhill
JRo J. Rossiter MA M. Angus
JBk Jack Baker
JR Judith Russill MAn Mark Antor
JB1 J. Blackmore
JRe John Reidy MB Mark Butterfield
JBo Jenny Bounds
JS John Seale MBa Malcom Bayliss
JC John Carpenter
JSh Jack Shapiro MB1 Melissa Balas
JCa John Carey
7Si J. Sirker MBo Melani Brougham
JCe J. Clifton -Everest
JS1 June Sell MBr Michael Braby
JCo Jane Coye
JSm Jim Smart MC Marjorie Cochrane
JCn Jan Condon
JSo Jan Strong MCa M. Cameron
JCy Josh Coyte
JSt J. Starks MCI Mark Clayton
JD J. Dark
JW J. Whitehead MCr Mason Crane
JDi Jim Dixon
JDm John Demol JWa Jenny Watts MF Malcolm Fyfe
JWi Jan Willinck MG Mal Gilfedder
JDn J. Dunne
JWl John Wilkinson MGo M. Goswell
JDu John Duranti
JE John Eaton JWo J. Wood MH Michael Hunter
JWy Joan Wylie MHa Margaret Harmon
JEc John Eccleston
KB Keith Brandwood MHe Matthew Herring
JF Jenny Farrell
JFo Joe Forshaw KD K. Doughty MH1 M. Hall
JG J. Goldie KG K. Gilmore MHm Margaret Hamilton
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 317MHo M. Hocking NS Neville Schraeder RD Robert Dinnie
MHu M. Hughes NSm Nella Smith RF R. Fearns
MHz Mathew Hinze PB Philip Brook GFe Rob Fenton
MJ Michael Jarman PBu Paul Burcher RG Rob Gardner
MK M. Kaine PCw Peter Cowper RI Ron Imisides
MKa Mort Kaveney PD Peter Draper RJ Ray Jones
ML Murray Lord PDb P. Drake -Brockman RJn Richard Johnston
MM M.M. Havers PE Peter Ekert RJo Richard Jordan
MMc M. McNaughton PF P. Flack RJn Dick Jenkyn
MMg M. McGrath PFa Peter Fackender RM Bob Moffat
MMo Mike Morphett PG P.Gilmore RMc R. McGovern
MP Margaret Pointer PGr Phil Green RMo Rob Morrow
MPa M. Paul PH Phil Hansbro RP Robert Payne
MPe Maree Petrow PM Peter Milburn RQ Rod Quinan
MPo Martin Potter PMa Peter Madvig RR Ralph Reid
MPr Michael Price PMe Peter Merritt RSi Ron Simcock
MR Michael Ronan PMh Phil Maher RT R.J. Turner
MRa Michael Ramsay PM1 Peter Mellor RTu Roger Truscott
MRe Mandy Reid PMo Patty Moller RW Bob Way
MS Michael Schultz PO Paul Osborn RWa Russell Watts
MSc Marj Scherleitner PP Penny Potter RWe Rick Webster
MSh Murray Scholz PR Peter Roberts RW1 Robyn Walker
MSm Martin Smith PRa Peter Ramm RWo Bob Wooley
MSu Mick Summerell PRd Phil Redpath SA Sasha Aldin
MSy Maragret Sykes PRe Peter Reimer SAs Steve Anyon-Smith
MT Matthew Taylor PS Peter Settle SB Simon Blanchflower
MV Maret Vesk PSe Phillip Seely SBo S. Boxall
MVBO Macleay PSt Phil Straw SBt S. Bottomley
V. Bird Obs PSv Peggy Svoboda SC Stuart Cooney
MW Mark Wittaker PT Paul Taylor SCo Stuart Cooney
NB N. Blackwood PTe Phil Tennison SD Sue Dalton
NC Neville Compton PW Peter West SE Suzanne Edgar
NCa Nicholas Carlile RA Richard Allen SF Stuart Fairbairn
ND N. Dreyer RB Robin Benson SFi S. Filmer
NH Nick Hodges RBa Richard Baxter SG Sue Gilmore
NJ Neville James RBr R. Broomham SGa Sally Garman
NJa Nigel Jackett RC Dick Cooper SGu Sue Guiffe
NKi Neil Kirby RCe Roy Cleveland SGo Stephen Gross
NL Noel Luff RCk R. Cook SH Steve Halliday
NM Noella Marr RCI Reg Clarke SHa Simon Hayes
NMi N. Miller RCo Ricci Coughlan SK Simon Kennedy
NR Neil Russill S Kn S. Knowles
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 318SL Sue Lasko TDi T. Dillon TP Tony Peri
SMa S. Madden TE T. Edwell TQ Trevor Quested
SP Sue Proust TG Tom Green TS Tony Saunders
SPi S. Pickering TH Timothy Hyde TSc T. Scrace
SS S. Starr TK Tim Kenny TSm Terry Smith
TB T. Blackman TKe Tom Kelsey TW Tom Wilson
TBr T. Breadon TL T. Lipscombe TWa Trevor Waller
TD Tony Dymond TM Tim Morris TWy Tom Wylie
TN Terrill Nordstrom
Bateau Bay, Murray St CC 33 23 151 28
Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 11
Adelaide Gate Sturt NP FNWP 29 01 142 39 Beechwood NC 31 36 152 41
Akolele SC 36 22 150 16 Belanglo SF I 34 31 150 14
Allambie Flat Royal NP S 34 05 151 34 Bellambi Lagoon I 34 21 150 55
Alloes Well, Pilliga East SFN WP 30 46 149 07 Bellawongarah I 34 45 150 36
Allyn River H 33 07 151 25 Bellbrook NC 30 49 152 30
Albion Park 1 34 34 150 46 Belmore Swamp,
Albury SWS 36 36 146 55 Kempsey NC 31 06 152 56
Andersons Sugarloaf NC 30 47 152 33 Belrose S 33 34 151 12
Annandale S 33 53 151 H Bengello Beach SC 35 51 150 10
Annandale Sth HSD, Benanderah SF SC 35 38 130 14
Woomagama SWS 35 46 147 23 Bents Basin S 33 57 150 38
Appletree Bay KCNP S 33 27 151 04 Berkeley Ck,
Arcadia HSD Narrandera SWP 34 45 146 34 BerkeleyVale CC 33 21 151 27
Arndilly, Tullymorgan NC 29 24 153 06 Bermagui SC 36 25 150 03
Arrakoon NC 30 53 153 04 Bermagui SF SC 36 25 150 03
Arrawarra Beach NC 30 03 153 12 Berrara I 35 12 150 33
Ash Island Ponds H 32 52 151 43 Berrigan SWP 35 10 145 48
Attunga SF, Manilla NWS 30 56 150 56 Bhewerre Bch Jervis Bay 35 10 150 37
Audley Weir, Royal NP S 34 05 151 04 Bicentennial Pk Homebush S 33 50 151 05
Austral Eden NC 31 03 152 55 Big Bush NR Temora SWS 34 22 147 24
Avondale 34 31 150 45 Big HillLimeburnersCkNR NC 31 17 152 57
Avon Dam 34 30 150 34 Big Marley Lgn Royal NP S 34 08 151 08
Back Creek SF Wyalong SWS 33 53 147 21 Big Nobby, Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59
Back Yamma SF SWS 33 19 148 15 Bilgola S 33 39 151 20
Badgery’s Creek S 33 54 150 45 Bimbi SWS 34 02 147 51
Bakers Lagoon S 33 35 150 46 Bimbi SF, Grenfell SWS 33 58 147 55
Balgownie 34 23 150 53 Bingara NWS 29 35 151 35
Ballina NC 28 53 153 56 Binnera Downs HSD,
Balranald FSWP 34 28 143 33 Sturt NP FNWP 29 26 142 28
Baradine NWP 30 56 149 04 Binya SWP 34 14 146 21
Barham SWP 35 38 144 08 Binya SF Griffith SWP 34 14 146 18
Barraba NWS 30 22 150 38 Blackfellows Point SC 36 10 150 07
Barrack Point 34 34 150 23 Blackheath CT 33 38 150 16
Barren Box Swamp SWP 34 09 145 49 Blacktown S 33 46 150 54
Barren Grounds NR 34 38 150 40 Blackville NWS 31 45 150 35
Barrington House 32 09 151 31 Boambee, Sawtell NC 30 20 153 06
Barrington Tops H 33 07 151 25 Boarding HsDam Watagan H 33 00 151 24
Bass Point 34 26 150 54 Boatharbour, Kumell S 34 03 151 08
Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28 Bobbin Heads, KCNP S 33 39 151 09
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 319Bodalla SF SC 36 10 150 02 Burning Palms S 34 11 151 02
Bogolong Hills SWP 34 43 146 42 Burrcen H 32 28 150 43
Bolwarra H 32 43 151 33 Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13
Bonville Coffs Harbour NC 30 23 153 04 Burringundy, Horse Flat 34 19 150 11
Booberoi Ck Condobolin CWP 33 01 146 34 Burrumbuttock SWS 35 51 146 48
Booligal Wetlands SWP 33 52 144 52 Bushells Lagoon S 33 34 150 48
Boona SF Coleambally SWP 34 44 146 00 Byrock Rockholes FNWP 30 40 146 23
Boonoo Boonoo NP NT 28 48 152 10 Byron Bay STW NC 28 28 153 38
Boorganna NR Comboyne NC 31 36 152 34 Cabbage Tree Island H 32 41 152 13
Boorooban SWP 34 55 144 46 Calleminda HSD,
Boorowa ST 34 29 148 24 Tamworth NWS 31 08 150 55
Bootra HSD Tibooburra FNWP 30 02 142 57 Campbell Park ACT ST 35 17 149 08
Borah Ck Pilliga NR NWP 30 50 149 32 Campbell Is SF Barham SWP 35 32 14359
Borah Res Barraba NWS 30 36 150 36 Campbells Swamp,
Boree Creek SWS 35 06 146 35 Griffith 34 13 145 58
Border Ranges NP Kyogle NC 38 20 152 27 Canbewarra West 34 35 150 32
Borenore Caves, Orange CT 33 15 148 56 Canowindra CT 33 29 148 44
Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56 Cape Solander, Kumell S 34 01 151 14
Bourke STW FNWP 30 05 145 55 Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59
Boxvale Tk Mittagong 34 28 150 32 Caragabal SWS 33 50 147 45
Boyne SF SC 35 37 150 13 Careel Bay S 33 37 151 20
Brewarrina HSD Griffith SWP 34 16 146 06 Carrai Rd Willi Willi NP NC 31 00 152 22
Brimbin H 32 42 150 20 Casino STW NC 28 52 153 03
Broadwater Ck Lawrence NC 29 35 153 08 Castlereagh SF/NR S 33 41 150 45
Broadwater Swamp Cattai Creek, Cattai S 33 36 150 37
Tullymorgan NC 29 35 153 08 Cecil Hoskin NR 34 32 150 24
Brobenah Airstrip & Hall SWP 34 29 146 21 Centennial Park, Sydney S 33 54 151 14
Brogo SC 36 31 149 49 Chaffin Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 42 153 08
Broke H 32 45 151 06 Charcoal Tk NR Wyalong CWS 33 53 147 02
Broken Hill FSWP 31 56 141 29 Chatswood West S 33 47 151 09
Brotherson Swamp NC 29 50 152 54 Chain Valley Bay CC 33 10 151 34
Broughton Ck Berry 34 46 150 42 Chichester Dam & SF H 32 10 151 40
Brou Island & Lake SC 36 08 150 06 Chiswick S 33 51 151 08
Broulee SC 35 51 150 10 Chittaway Bay CC 33 19 151 27
Bruce ACT ST 35 16 149 04 Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 28
Brunswick Heads NC 28 32 153 33 Chullora Wetlands S 33 54 151 01
Brush Island, Bendalong 1 35 32 150 25 Church Point S 33 39 151 17
Buchanan H 33 50 151 31 Clarence R Broadwater NC 29 27 153 08
Bucketty CC 33 08 151 12 Clareville S 33 38 151 18
Buckie Is Kyalite SWP 34 55 143 27 Clifton Bore FNWP 29 43 152 38
Buckingbong SF SWP 35 05 146 28 Clybucca NC 30 55 152 55
Budgewoi CC 33 15 151 32 Clydebrook SC 35 43 150 11
Budgewoi Lake CC 33 15 151 32 Cobham Lake,
Buladelah H 32 24 151 12 Packsaddle FNWP 30 08 143 04
Buldobney SF Albert CWP 32 31 147 11 Coco Ck Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 10
Bulga H 32 29 151 01 Cohens Ck Spencer CC 33 28 151 07
Bulli 34 19 150 55 Coila Lake SC 36 02 150 06
Bulloo Overflow FNWP 29 45 142 42 Colinroobie Hills SWP 34 25 146 34
Bull Pup Bch Kiola 1 35 33 150 23 Colongra Lake CC 33 11 151 32
Bumbaldry CT 33 55 148 57 Colongra Swamp Reserve CC 33 12 151 33
Bundarra NWS 30 10 151 04 Comboyne NC 31 35 152 25
Bungendore ST 35 16 149 26 Comerong Island 34 52 150 43
Buraja, Corowa SWS 35 52 146 23 Conapaira Rge R Springs SWP 33 53 146 15
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 320Congo SC 35 58 150 09 Dorrigo NC 30 22 152 44
Conjola NP 35 15 150 27 Dowe SF Keepit NWS 30 46 150 30
Connection Ck NC 31 12 152 56 DubboGullyMangroveMtn CC 33 18 151 07
Coogar Tank Whitecliffs FNWP 31 15 145 45 Dundas S 33 49 151 01
Cooks R bridge Arneliffe S 33 56 151 09 Dungog H 32 24 151 46
Coolamon SWS 34 49 147 11 Dungowan NWS 31 13 151 07
Coomba Park, Wallis Lake H 32 15 152 28 Dunmore I 34 36 150 56
Coonabarabran NWP 31 16 149 16 Dunns Creek H 33 38 151 38
Conimbla NP Cowra CT 33 52 148 25 Duntulm I-ISD Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 18
Coonoor TSR Barraba NWS 30 17 150 47 Duri, Tamworth NWS 31 13 150 49
Coopemook H 31 49 152 36 Durras Lake SC 35 38 150 16
Coopers Island SC 36 04 150 04 Earlwood S 33 57 151 07
Cootamundra SWS 34 38 148 01 Eastern Creek S 33 48 150 51
Cooyal CT 32 27 149 45 East Maitland H 32 45 151 36
Copeland NR H 32 00 151 52 Eastlakes S 33 56 151 13
Copeland SF/NR H 31 58 151 47 Eden Pelagic SC 33 56 151 13
Cordeaux Colliery 1 34 23 150 48 Eleanora Heights S 33 41 151 17
Corindi Beach NC 30 01 153 12 Ellalong H 33 21 151 20
Cornwallis Ln Richmond S 33 36 150 46 Ellis Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 40 153 07
Coronga Downs, Emmdale HSD Cobar FNWP 31 35 144 15
Whitecliffs FNWP 31 05 145 55 Empire Bay CC 33 29 151 22
Corowa STW SWS 35 59 146 23 Ettamogah SWS 36 00 147 00
Corrie Island H 32 40 152 09 Euabalong SWP 33 04 146 25
Cottan Bimbang NP NC 31 25 152 05 Euabalong West SWP 33 03 146 23
Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54 Eureka HSD Ledknapper FNWP 29 30 146 16
Cowans Ponds ResGrafton NC 29 43 152 55 Eurobodalla SC 36 08 150 00
Cowra STW CT 34 01 148 40 Eurongilly SWS 34 54 147 47
Cox’s Creek Murrundi NWS 31 27 149 54 Euston FSWP 34 34 142 45
Crowdy Head H 31 51 152 45 Everglades GC Woy Woy CC 33 30 151 18
Curly Is Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 27 Everlasting Swp Lawrence NC 29 32 153 04
Crescent Head NC 31 II 152 58 Excelsior Mine Thirroul 34 19 152 54
Crookhaven Heads 34 54 150 45 Fairlea HSD Tamworth NWS 31 11 151 05
Cudal CT 33 17 148 44 Farquhar Inlet H 31 55 152 35
Cudmirrah NP 35 13 150 32 Faulconbridge CT 33 42 150 24
Culburra 1 34 56 150 46 Fern Bay H 33 52 151 47
Culgoora, Narrabri NWP 30 17 149 35 Fingal Point, Tweed Heads NC 28 12 153 34
Cumboogle, Dubbo CWS 32 19 148 35 Fishermans Bay H 32 47 152 06
Dairy Swamp, Gloucester H 32 00 151 58 Fitzroy Falls I 34 39 150 28
Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah CC 33 17 151 35 Fivebough Swamp,
Dangars Lagoon, Uralla NT 30 41 151 30 Leeton SWP 34 23 151 05
Darling Point S 33 52 151 16 Five Islands NR PtKembla 34 27 150 56
Darlington Point SWP 34 35 146 00 Flat Rock, Ballina NC 28 53 153 36
Dartbrook Rd Scone H 32 01 150 50 Flat Top RockWoolgoolga NC 30 07 153 12
Dart Island, Yamba NC 29 25 152 18 Fords Bridge FNWP 29 45 142 27
Deadmans Swamp, Forresters Beach CC 33 25 151 28
Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 56 Fort Bourke Hill, Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 55
Deep Ck Narrabeen S 33 42 151 15 Fountaindale CC 33 20 151 33
Delderfield HSD, Foxground 34 44 150 46
Kentucky NT 30 45 150 56 Frederickton NC 31 02 152 52
Delicate Nobby Island NC 31 15 152 57 Freemans Reach S 33 34 150 47
Deniliquin SWP 35 31 144 58 Frogmore ST 34 15 148 51
Diggers CampYuraygirNP NC 29 48 153 17 Frying Pan Ck Chichester H 32 12 151 07
Dolmans Pt Sawtell NC 30 23 153 06 Fyshwyck STW ACT ST 35 18 149 08
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 321Galston S 33 39 151 02 Hanging Rock Rd Nundle NT 31 29 151 12
Garie Beach, Royal NP S 34 10 151 04 Hannam Vale H 31 43 152 35
Garuwanga HSD, Hanwood SWP 34 20 146 03
Nimmitabel ST 36 31 149 15 Harrington H 31 53 152 41
Gavenlock Rd Swamp, Hat Head NC 31 03 153 03
Tuggerah CC 33 17 151 34 Hay SWP 34 31 144 50
Geneebeinga Wetlands NC 28 51 153 03 Hay Wetlands SWP 34 29 144 29
Gerera HSD Bourke FNWP 29 57 146 00 Hazelbrook CT 33 44 150 26
Gerroa 1 34 47 150 49 Helensburg 34 11 150 59
Geurie Res Geurie CWS 32 24 148 49 Henty SWS 35 32 147 03
Gilgai HSD Yenda SWP 34 14 146 12 Hexham Swamp H 33 50 151 40
Gillawama Res Lansdowne S 33 56 150 58 Heywood Bdg Hume Weir SWS 36 00 147 10
Gin Gin CWS 31 55 148 05 HillviewHSDYarramalong CC 33 14 151 18
Ginnindera Ck McGregor ST 35 13 148 58 Hillville Dam H 31 58 152 22
Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12 Hinton H 32 43 153 38
Glenbrook CT 33 45 150 36 Hoddle’s Track
Glen Donald HSD, Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 18
Currabubulla NWS 31 16 150 44 Hornsby S 33 42 151 05
Glenfield STW S 33 58 150 53 Howlong SWS 35 59 146 38
Glenifer NC 30 25 152 54 Hume Weir SWS 36 06 147 01
Glen Oak H 32 36 151 42 Hungry Head NC 30 31 153 01
Glenora HSD Louth FNWP 30 08 144 48 Hunter Estuary H 32 52 151 44
Glenrock SCA Dudley H 32 58 151 44 Hunter Bot.Gardens H 32 48 151 32
Glenugie SF Wooli NC 29 47 153 04 Huntingdale HSD G.Alice CT 33 03 150 08
Gloucester East Wetlands H 32 01 151 58 Hyams Bch, Jervis Bay 35 06 150 41
Gloucester Tops BTNP H 32 05 151 35 Ilford CT 32 58 149 51
Goalen Head, s. Bermagui SC 36 33 150 04 Iluka NC 29 25 153 22
Goobang NP CWS 32 59 148 34 Iluka NR NC 29 24 153 22
Goodnight nr Kyalite SWP 34 56 142 57 Ingalba NR SWS 34 30 147 28
Goolawah NC 31 15 152 58 Ingleside S 33 41 151 15
Gooloogong CT 33 37 148 56 lomar HSD Quorrobolong H 32 57 151 21
Goonoo SF Mogriguy CWS 32 05 148 50 Ironpot CK, ToonumbahNP NC 28 31 152 04
Gordon S 33 46 151 09 Irrawang Swamp 48 151 43
Gosford GC CC 33 26 151 02 Irrawong Res Warriewood S 33 41 151 17
Goulbum CT 34 45 149 43 Islington H 32 56 151 43
Gowrie HSD Tamworth NWS 31 21 150 51 Jacana HSD Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58
Grahamstown Reservoir H 32 45 151 48 Jacks Ck Cocoparra NP SWP 34 08 14 13
Gravesend NWP 29 35 150 20 Jamberoo 34 38 150 48
Green Ck Fords Bridge FNWP 29 43 145 21 Jarmans Swp Wanaaring FNWP 29 42 144 08
Green Is South West Rocks NC 30 55 153 06 Jenolan Caves CT 33 49 150 41
Green Wattle Creek H 32 40 151 38 Jerrabomberra Wetlands ST 35 18 149 08
Greenwell Point 34 55 150 04 Jimberoo SF FSWP 33 44 146 18
Greenwich S 33 50 151 44 Jindera Gap SWS 33 99 146 54
Grenfell GC SWS 33 53 148 10 Jindalee SF Wallendbeen SWS 34 29 148 02
Griffith SWP 34 16 146 02 Johns River SF H 31 24 152 43
Gulargumbone CWP 31 20 148 27 Jones Res. Rd JerrysPlains H 32 20 150 53
Gullangully HSD, Junee STW SWS 34 55 147 35
Lake Cargelligo SWP 33 13 146 27 Kajuligah NR Ivanhoe FSWP 32 39 144 37
Gulpa SF Denniliquin SWP 35 45 144 57 Kalangadoo, Lawrence NC 29 25 153 05
Gum Swamp Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59 Kaleen ACT ST 35 03 149 08
Gundarimba NC 28 52 153 18 Kaleno HSD Cobar FSWP 31 48 145 19
Gunnary TSR Booroowa ST 34 20 148 53 Kanangra Walls NP CT 33 55 150 05
Gunningbland SWS 33 06 147 57 KangatooHSD Willanthrey FSWP 33 06 146 15
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 322Karagi Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 30 Lake Wollumboola 35 00 150 46
Karuah H 32 39 151 58 Lanitza NC 29 53 153 00
Katoomba CT 33 42 150 28 Lapstone S 33 55 150 49
Kayuga, Muswellbrook H 32 12 150 51 Laughtondale S 33 25 151 01
Keewong HSD Cobar FSWP 32 21 144 59 Lavington SWS 36 03 146 57
Kelvin SF NWS 30 49 150 21 Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06
Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49 Leaders Lgn, Eugowra CT 33 26 148 20
Kendal NC 31 38 152 43 Ledknapper HSDEnngonia FNWP 29 30 146 18
Kerrabee H 32 24 150 19 Ledknapper Crossing FNWP 29 21 146 16
Kiah SC 37 06 149 52 Lees Res Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25
Kiacatoo SWP 33 03 146 46 Leeton Tip SWP 34 33 146 24
Kiama 1 34 41 150 51 Lemon Tree Passage H 32 43 152 02
Killara S 33 46 151 09 Lenaghans Dr SwpMinmi H 32 51 151 37
Killick Bch Smokey Cape NC 31 06 153 02 Leura CT 33 42 150 19
Kinchela NC 30 59 152 59 Lilli PilliTk WyrrabalongNP CC 33 17 151 31
Kincumber CC 33 28 151 23 Limebumers Creek NR NC 31 17 152 54
Kingscliff STW NC 28 15 153 34 Limri Rd Cockbum River NC 31 03 151 10
Kings Ck Swp Wauchope NC 31 28 152 43 Little Bushells Lagoon S 33 34 150 43
Kings Gap, Yarrawa H 32 23 150 32 Little Mtn GunderbookaNP FNWP 30 33 145 44
Kiola SF 1 33 35 150 20 Llandilo S 33 41 150 44
Kiora HSD Bingara NWS 29 52 150 34 Loftus S 34 03 151 04
Kirrawee, Royal NP S 34 03 151 04 Long Reef S 33 45 151 19
Koona Bay, L. Illawarra I 34 34 150 47 Loomberah, Tamworth NWS 31 14 151 02
Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21 Lom H 32 43 151 03
Kooragang Island H 32 53 151 47 Louth FNWP 30 32 145 47
Kootingal NWS 31 03 151 03 Lower Southgate NC 29 36 153 02
Koraleigh SWP 35 09 143 25 Lyndhurst CT 33 42 149 04
Kororo NC 30 15 153 07 Macksville Lake NC 30 42 152 56
Korrungulla Swamp 34 30 150 53 Macquarie Marshes North CWP 30 24 149 29
Kungala NC 29 57 153 00 Macquarrie Uni Ryde S 33 46 151 07
Kurnell S 34 01 151 13 Maddens Plains 1 34 16 150 55
Kyalite SWP 34 56 143 28 Magic Pt Maroubra S 33 57 151 15
Laguna H 33 59 151 08 Maitland H 32 44 151 33
Lake Bathurst ST 35 04 149 43 Maitland Tip H 32 44 151 33
Lake Burragorang CT 34 10 150 20 Malabar S 33 58 151 15
Lake Burrendong CWS 32 41 149 11 Mallee Cliffs SF FSWP 34 30 142 40
Lake Cakora, Brooms Hd NC 29 36 153 20 Malua Bay SC 35 47 150 13
Lake Cargelligo STW SWP 33 18 146 22 Mandalong Swamp H 33 07 151 27
Lake Cathie NC 31 36 152 52 Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11
Lake Conjola 35 15 150 27 Manning Point H 31 55 152 35
Lake George ST 35 05 149 25 Manyana I 35 15 150 31
Lake Gillawama S 33 56 150 58 Marengo HSD Walgett FNWP 30 13 148 05
Lake Gininderra, ACT ST 35 14 149 06 Maria River NP NC 31 13 152 55
Lake Innes NC 31 30 152 53 Maria River Rd CrescentHd NC 31 15 152 52
Lake Inverell NWS 29 47 151 07 Manildra CT 33 11 148 42
Lake Liddell 11 33 25 151 01 Manoora HSD Holbrook SWS 35 44 147 19
Lake McKenzie, Jervis By 1 35 06 151 41 Marley Lgn Royal NP S 34 08 151 08
Lake Stewart HSD, Marra Hall, Willi CWP 30 03 147 23
Milparinka FNWP 29 15 141 15 Marsfield S 33 46 151 07
Lake Talbot, Narrandera SWP 34 47 146 35 Maroon Lake Woodenbong NC 28 24 152 37
Lake Talpie, Balranald SWP 34 34 143 43 Maroota S 33 27 151 00
Lake Tiramina FNWP 29 25 141 05 Maroubra S 33 57 151 15
Lake Tooim, Kyalite SWP 34 48 143 28 Marra Marra NP Glenorie S 33 28 151 02
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 323Mason Park, Concord S 33 56 151 05 Mount Penang CC 33 36 151 18
Matakana FSWP 32 59 145 54 Mount Royal SF/NP H 32 10 151 20
Matcham CC 33 25 151 26 Mount Skillion NC 31 01 152 43
McGraths Hill STW S 33 37 150 49 Mount Tomah, BMNP CT 33 34 150 19
McMasters Beach CC 33 28 151 27 Mount Warning NP NP 28 24 153 16
McPherson Range, Mount Vincent H 32 37 151 05
Griffith SWP 34 15 146 04 Mt Wood HSD Sturt NP FNWP 29 28 142 14
Mt Yengo HSD, Yengo NP CC 32 59 150 51
McPherson Rd SwpMardi CC 33 17 151 24 Mudorf Swp Tibooburra FNWP 29 25 141 25
Meadowbank Park S 33 49 151 04 Mulga Valley HSD,
Meadow Flat CT 33 27 149 56 Whitecliffs FNWP 30 25 143 05
Mebben SF NC 28 26 153 07 Mulgoa Reserve & Valley S 33 50 150 38
Menindee FSWP 32 29 142 21 Mullengudgery CWP 31 41 147 26
Merimbula Lake SC 36 54 149 54 Mulligans Flat NR ACT ST 35 10 149 08
Merimbula Beach SC 36 54 149 56 Multara Tank Whitecliffs FNWP 30 25 142 55
Merrigal HSD Warren CWP 31 33 148 13 Mundoonen NR ST 34 50 149 02
Merri Merri SF Collie CWP 31 40 148 18 Mungo Brush, Myall LNP H 32 32 152 18
Merriwa H 32 07 150 21 Mungo NP FSWP 33 43 143 01
Merungle Hill, Leeton SWP 34 36 146 26 Munghorn Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50
Meryla SF 34 37 150 27 Munmorah SCA CC 33 12 151 35
Middle Ck Narrabeen S 33 43 151 15 Murdorf Swp Tibooburra FNWP 29 28 142 00
Millbank NC 30 51 152 38 Murrakool, Kyalite SWP
Mill Ck Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 02 Murrumbung HSD Mardi CC 33 18 151 15
Min MM HSD Glen Alice CT 32 59 150 07 Mutawinji NP FNWP 31 15 142 51
Mirrambil HSD Dubbo CWS 32 23 148 35 Myall Lakes H 32 27 152 25
Mirrool Creek floodway SWP 34 11 145 42 Myalstone HSD Griffith SWP 34 27 146 04
Mistral Point, Maroubra S 33 56 151 15 Mystery Point & Bay SC 35 50 150 13
Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 33 Nadgee NR, EndeavourM SC 37 29 149 57
Moama SWP 36 07 144 45 Nadgee NR, Nadgee Moor SC 37 26 149 58
Mogareka Inlet, Tathra SC 30 45 150 45 Nail Can Hill, Albury SWS 36 06 146 57
Mogo SF SC 35 47 150 08 Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00
Mogo Camp, Yengo NP S 33 19 151 04 Narara CC 33 24 151 45
Monga NP Braidwood ST 35 33 149 58 Narimba HSDDarlingtonPt SWP 34 35 149 48
Monkeygar Ck Wetlands, Narooma Harbour SC 36 15 150 07
Macquarie Marshes CWP 30 54 147 29 Narrabeen Lagoon S 33 43 151 13
Moombi Common NWS 31 01 151 04 Narrabri NWP 30 20 149 47
Moore Ck Tamworth NWS 30 59 150 54 Narrandera SWP 34 43 146 35
Moree NWP 29 28 149 51 Narromine CWS 32 14 148 16
Morisset 33 06 151 28 Nattai Dam Catchment I 34 10 150 25
Morgans Ridge, Holbrook SWS 35 42 147 24 Nellingen SC 35 39 150 05
Morpeth STW H 32 44 151 37 Nelsons Bay H 32 43 152 08
Morton NP I 34 50 150 12 Nemingha NT 31 07 150 59
Morundah SWS 34 57 146 18 Newcastle Baths H 32 55 151 47
Moruya SC 35 55 150 06 Newcastle Uni (Callaghan) 1-1 32 54 151 40
Moruya Heads SC 35 55 150 09 Newcastle Water Reserve H 32 53 151 42
Mount Arthur Coal Mine H 32 14 150 56 Newhaven Gap Sassafras I 35 11 150 16
Mt Banda Banda NC 31 10 152 20 Newmans Dam Rd,
Mt Bingar, Cocoparra NP SWP 34 07 146 14 Woolgoolga NC 30 07 153 10
Mount Canobolos SCA CT 33 22 148 58 Nightcap NP NC 28 34 153 24
Mount Dromedary SC 36 18 150 01 Ninia HSD Quambone CWP 30 47 147 42
Mt I -lay car prk BMNP CT 33 37 150 20 Nombinnie NR Mataranka FSWP 32 55 145 53
Mount Majura, ACT ST 35 14 149 10 Nombinnie NR South FSWP 32 55 145 43
Mt Knobby SFCondobolin CWP 32 46 146 58 Nombinnie SCA FSWP 32 55 145 53
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 324NoorangingyResDoonside S 33 46 150 51 Pierces Pass BlueMtn NP CT 33 44 150 20
Noorinan Mountain I 34 41 150 44 Pilliga West SF NWP 31 08 149 10
Norah Head CC 33 17 151 35 Pincham Camp,
North Bombi CC 33 30 151 34 Warrumbungles NP CWP 31 17 148 59
North Bourke FNWP 30 03 145 57 Pinecrest HSD Mt Penang CC 33 26 151 18
North Ck Warners Bay H 32 58 151 38 Pitt Town Lagoon S 33 36 150 50
North Head, Sydney S 33 49 151 17 Point Clare CC 33 27 151 19
North Turramurra S 33 43 151 08 Pt Plomer, Crescent Head NC 31 13 152 55
Nowra 1 34 52 150 36 Polpah HSD Whitecliffs FNWP 30 55 143 15
Nulla NC 30 47 152 32 Port Macquarie NC 31 27 152 54
Nymboida-Binderay NP NC 30 06 152 43 Porters Ck Dam, Nowra I 35 15 150 20
Nyngan CWP 32 34 147 12 Porters Ck Wetland, Wyong CC 33 14 151 35
Oakhampton HSD Manilla NWS 30 33 150 39 Potato Pt Bodalla SC 36 11 150 08
O’DellsCrossing, Baradine NWP 31 00 149 08 Presidents Hill Gosford CC 33 26 151 20
Old Bar H 31 58 152 35 Pretty Pine, Deniliquin FSW 35 26 144 52
Old Carabobala HSD, Pretty Bch MurramurangNP SC 35 48 150 13
Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 19 Prospect Reservoir S 33 49 150 53
Old Great North Road, Puckeys Est Fairy Meadow I 34 24 150 55
Wisemans Ferry CC 33 26 150 59 Pugatory Creek NC 29 28 152 28
Old GreylandsHSD, Eugowra CT 33 25 148 20 Pughs Lagoon Richmond S 33 36 150 45
Old Junee SWS 34 50 147 31 Pymble S 33 45 151 08
Old Man Bed Swamp SC 35 56 150 07 Pyrmont S 33 52 151 12
Oleopoloko Lake Peri NP FNWP 30 42 143 40 Quanda NR Nyngan CWP 31 46 146 42
O’Malley ACT ST 35 23 149 05 Quandialla SWS 34 01 147 48
Onepah HSD Tibooburra FNWP 29 05 142 15 Quarry View HSD,
Oolambeyan NR Hay SWP 34 41 145 18 Tibooburra FNWP 30 05 142 55
Orchard Hills S 33 48 150 46 Queanbeyan ST 35 21 149 14
Ourimbah Ck,Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25 Queens Head NC 31 19 152 58
Oxley Vale, Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 55 Queens Lake SCA NC 31 35 152 45
Paddington SF Cobar FSWP 32 10 145 1 I Questra Park HSD,
Pagoola TkGardens OSNP CT 33 09 150 04 Whitecliffs FNWP 30 25 143 05
Pallamallawa NWP 29 28 150 09 Quipolly Dam NWS 31 34 150 44
Palmdale CC 33 19 151 23 Quorrobolong H 32 55 151 22
Palmgrove CC 33 19 151 18 Rainbow Reach Macleay RNC 30 54 153 00
Pambalong NR Minmi H 32 53 151 38 Ramsay Is, Blackalls Bay CC 33 30 151 21
Pambula SC 36 57 140 52 RavensfieldHSD Tamworth NWS 31 10 150 55
Panboola wetland Pambula SC 36 57 140 52 Rawsonville Rd Dubbo CWS 32 08 148 27
Pandoras Pass, Coolah NWS 31 38 149 53 Raymond Terrace H 32 15 151 47
Parkes CWP 33 08 148 10 Red Hill, Beacon Hill S 33 45 151 15
Parraweena HSD Tamworth NWS 31 43 150 24 Red Rock NC 29 59 153 14
Paterson H 32 35 151 35 Red Rock Trig 1 34 42 150 44
Pearl Beach CC 33 32 151 16 Regenbah HSD Quambone NWP 30 55 147 36
Peel R. Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 57 Richmond S 33 36 150 45
Pelican Is Sth West Rocks NC 30 55 153 00 Richmond Park NC 28 48 153 20
Pelican Is Pt Macquarie NC 31 25 152 54 Rileys Island NR CC 33 29 151 20
Penarie FSWP 34 24 143 36 Robertson I 34 31 150 48
Penrith S 33 47 150 42 Rockley, Bathurst CT 33 32 149 33
Penrith Lakes S 33 43 150 41 Rocky Ck Dam, Lismore NC 28 37 153 20
Penryn Rd Botany S 33 58 141 12 Rocky Ck Mill, Baradine NWP 30 44 149 14
Petroi NC 30 36 152 19 Rookwood Necropolis S 33 53 151 03
Phoenix Park Morpeth H 32 44 151 37 Rosedale SC 35 49 150 13
Pi allamore NWS 31 11 151 04 Rosedale HSD Ulamambri CWS 31 18 149 21
Picnic Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 29 Roseville S 33 47 151 10
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 325Round Hill HSD Murrami SWP 34 26 146 18 Tabletop SWS 35 58 147 00
Round Hill NR Mt Hope FSWP 33 00 146 10 Tallaganda SF SC 35 58 149 30
Rouse Hill S 33 39 150 52 Tal lawarra I 34 30 150 49
Royal Bot. Gardens S 33 52 151 13 Tallegar SF,
Ryans Cut, Crescent Head NC 31 08 153 00 Gulargumbone CWP 31 08 148 10
Rye Park, Goulbum ST 34 31 148 54 Tallimba SWS 34 00 146 53
Saltwater Lgn Arakoon NC 30 04 153 04 Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 57
Sandgate SFGulargumbone CWP 31 13 148 11 Tank Paddock, Minmi H 32 51 151 37
St Ives S 33 44 151 10 Tapalin Rd Euston FSWP 34 31 144 46
Sandon River Yuraygir NP NC 29 41 153 19 Tara HSD Cobar FNWP 30 57 146 10
Sandy Ck Bigga CT 34 05 149 08 Tathra SC 30 45 149 59
Saratoga CC 33 28 151 21 Tea Gardens H 32 40 152 09
Sawtell NC 30 23 143 06 Teering, Horse Flat 1 34 19 150 13
Scheyville NP Windsor S 33 38 150 54 Telegraph Point NC 31 25 152 45
Scotts Head NC 30 34 153 13 Temagog NC 30 59 152 38
Sea Acres NR NC 31 27 152 56 Tenambit H 32 44 151 37
Seaham Swamp NR H 32 40 151 44 Terrey Hills S 33 40 151 13
Seal Rocks H 32 27 153 32 Terridgerie Lagoon NWP 30 53 148 49
Seatons Camp, Weddin NP CWS 33 54 147 56 Terrigal Ck Sandy Camp NWP 30 52 147 44
Sharpes CK Gloucester TpH 32 04 151 41 The Basin Watagan SF H 33 05 151 14
Shaws Creek S 33 39 150 39 Thegoa Lgn, Wentworth FSWP 34 07 141 53
Shell Cove 34 35 150 22 The Rock NR The Rock SWS 35 17 147 07
Shelly Bch Nth Long Jetty CC 33 22 151 29 Thredbo ST 36 30 148 18
Shephers HilICk Euabalong SWP 33 03 146 14 Thegoa Lgn, Wentworth FSWP 34 08 141 52
Shoalhaven Heads 34 51 150 44 The Rocks HSD, Tamworth NWS 31 05 151 00
Shortland WC N 32 53 151 41 Thirroul 1 34 19 150 55
Smiths Lake, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30 Thurgoona SWS 36 03 146 56
Smoky Bch Smokey Cape NC 30 57 153 04 Tibooburra FNWP 29 15 142 32
Snowy Res Seven Hills S 33 47 150 55 Tidbinbilla NR ACT ST 35 28 148 54
Soldiers Pt Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33 Tinonee H 31 56 152 24
South Tacoma CC 33 17 151 37 Tooleybuc SWP 35 02 143 20
South West Rocks NC 30 55 153 35 Toronto H 33 01 151 35
Split Rock, Warrumbungles CWP 31 16 148 57 Toukley East CC 33 17 151 33
Spokes Mountain NC 31 07 152 21 Towra Point NR S 34 02 151 11
Spring Ck Resv, Orange CT 33 24 149 10 Trapyard Dm,Kennibri NWP 30 47 148 58
Springfield HSD Goulbum ST 34 54 149 40 Trilby HSD Louth FNWP 30 38 144 56
Stackpoole SF SWP 33 57 145 43 Trinkey SF Tambar Springs NWS 31 19 150 01
Stanbridge SWP 34 31 146 13 Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06
Station Ck Yuraygir NP NC 29 56 153 15 Tuckerbil Swamp, Leeton SWP 34 27 146 21
Steurt Macintyre Dam NC 31 03 152 45 Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 39
Stockton Sandspit IL 32 52 151 44 Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26
Stockton Wreck H 32 53 151 47 Tuggerawong CC 33 17 151 29
Stoney Ck Toronto H 33 01 151 35 Tullakool Salt works SWP 35 24 144 12
Stratheden NC 28 48 152 57 Tullymorgan NC 29 23 153 07
Sunset Rock, Blue Mtns NP CT 33 45 150 22 Tumut SWS 35 17 148 13
Surf Beach, BatemansBay SC 35 45 150 12 Tuncurry H 29 57 152 29
Surry Hills S 33 54 151 12 Tuross Heads SC 36 03 150 07
Sutton Res Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28 Tuross Lakes SC 36 04 150 08
Swan Lake, Cudmirrah 35 12 150 33 Ulamambri CWS 31 20 149 23
Swansea H 33 05 151 38 Ulmarra NC 29 37 153 01
Swansea Heads H 33 05 151 40 Upper Flying Fox Creek I
Sydney Pelagic S 33 50 151 20 Upper Lane Cove River S 31 46 151 07
Tabberatong, Bathurst CT 33 15 149 45 Upper Kinchela NC 32 10 153 00
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 326Upper Manilla NWS 30 43 150 40 Weddin SF Grenfell SWS 34 01 148 01
Upper Wanandoola Creek Wells Stn Rd ACT ST 35 12 149 08
Urana SWS 35 20 146 16 Wentworth FSWP 34 06 141 54
Urana , 23 km N SWS 35 09 146 15 Wentworth Falls lake CT 33 42 150 22
Urriara HSD ACT ST 35 14 148 57 Werrikimbe NP NC 31 13 152 13
Urunga NC 30 30 153 01 Westleigh S 33 28 150 05
Vacy H 32 40 151 05 West Head Kur-ringai CNPS 33 34 151 19
Valentine H 33 01 151 38 West Kempsey NC 30 03 152 49
Valla NC 30 36 153 01 Whale Rock Res Epping S 33 46 151 04
Vickery SF NWS 30 45 150 14 Wheeney Ck Upper Colo S 33 28 150 05
Vineyard S 33 38 150 50 Whiporie NC 29 18 152 58
Wadalba, Wyong CC 33 16 151 28 White Rock, Allyn River H 32 06 151 28
Wadi, Griffith SWP 34 20 146 03 White Box Camp,
Wagonga Inlet SC 36 13 150 07 Goulburn River NP CT 32 17 150 03
Waldrons Swamp SC 35 51 150 10 Whitebridge H 32 58 151 43
Walenda HSD Ivanhoe FSWP 32 37 144 23 White Rock, Chichester SFH 32 07 151 28
Walka Water Works H 33 43 151 37 Whitta Brinna HSD, Stun FNWP 29 23 142 01
Wallaby Swamp Rd Bulga H 32 37 151 02 Whitton Punt Reserve SWP 34 31 146 11
Wallaga Lake SC 36 22 150 04 Whoey Tk Round Hill NR FSWP 32 57 146 09
Wallagoot Lake SC 36 47 149 54 Widgelli SWP 34 20 146 08
Wallarah CC 33 09 151 36 Willandra NP FSWP 33 13 145 09
Wal lerawang CT 33 35 150 03 Willandra Ck, S of Roto FSWP 33 13 145 29
Wallingat SF H 32 20 152 26 Willbriggie Swp Griffith SWP 34 28 150 32
Wallsend Wetlands H 32 52 151 39 Willi Willi NC 30 57 152 25
Walsh Shed Coleambally SWP 34 47 145 58 Willie Retreat, M Marshes CWP 30 54 147 29
Wambo Colliery H 32 05 151 00 Willow ParkHSD, Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21
Wanaaring FNWP 29 42 144 09 Wilberforce S 33 34 150 51
Wanarra Ck White Cliffs FNWP 30 56 143 20 Wilga Downs HSD, Cobar FNWP 30 45 146 05
Wangamong Ck Jerilderie SWP 35 30 145 55 Willala Hills, Boggabri NWS 30 50 149 47
Wanganderry 1 34 21 150 15 Willandra NP Homestead FSWP 33 13 145 06
Wang Wauk SF H 32 15 152 15 Willbriggie Swamp SWP 34 28 150 52
Wantabadgery SWS 35 04 147 44 Willurah HSD Conargo SWP 35 00 145 06
Wantagong HSD, Holbrook SWS 35 44 147 30 Winda Woppa Pt Stephens H 32 40 152 09
Warabrook Newcastle H 32 53 151 41 Windang I 34 32 150 32
Waratah H 33 56 151 46 WindyStnHSD, Pine Ridge NWS 31 59 149 32
Warilla Grove 1 34 33 150 52 Wingecarribee Swamp 34 34 150 30
Warkworth H 32 55 151 02 Wingello Ck Wyoming CC 33 24 151 21
Warners Bay H 32 58 151 38 Wingen H 31 54 150 53
Warnervale Airport CC 33 14 151 27 Windsor S 33 36 150 48
Warraderry SF Grenfell SWS 33 43 148 12 Wirrimbirra Sanctuary 34 15 150 34
Warrah Trig,BrisbaneWNP CC 33 33 151 17 Wisemans Ferry S 33 23 150 59
Warral, Tamworth NWS 31 10 151 53 Woggoon NR CWP 32 47 146 57
Warriewood Wetland S 33 41 151 17 Woko NP H 31 50 151 52
Warren STW CWP 31 44 147 43 Wolgan Gap, Newnes CT 33 19 150 06
Warrumbungle NP CWS 31 16 148 59 Wollar CT 32 23 149 57
Warrumbungle NP, Wollongong 34 26 150 26
Woolshed CWP 31 16 148 57 Wollongong Uni. Campus 1 34 25 150 22
Washpool NP NC 29 18 152 24 Wollongong Pelagic 34 26 150 56
Watagan SF & NP H 33 00 151 25 WombatGullyHSDRylstone CT 32 43 150 07 40
Wattamolla, Royal NP S 34 08 151 07 Womboo HSD, Moama SWP 35 53 144 36
Wattle Flat Royal NP S 34 05 151 03 Womboyn Lake entrance SC 37 15 149 55
Wauchope NC 31 27 152 45 Wompah Gate Tibooburra FNWP 29 00 142 15
Weddin NP Grenfell SWS 33 58 147 59 Wonga Wetlands, Albury SWS 36 06 146 52
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 327Wood Pt Lake Macquarrie H 33 07 151 30 Yancannia HSD,
Woodford CT 33 14 150 29 Tibooburra FNWP 30 15 142 45
Woodford Island NC 29 30 153 10 Yantabulla FNWP 29 21 145 01
Woody Head Yuraygir NP NC 29 22 153 22 Yarrada SF FSWP 34 33 145 48
Woodbury PkRes Wyong CC 33 18 151 24 Yarragee SC 35 53 150 04
Woodville H 32 40 151 36 Yarramalong CC 33 14 151 16
Wooli NC 29 53 153 14 Yarramundi Crossing S 33 37 150 40
Worridgee 34 54 150 38 Yarrandi, Scone H 31 59 150 45
Woy Woy CC 33 29 151 20 Yarravel NC 31 05 152 49
Wyalong SWS 33 55 147 13 Yarrawarrah I 34 03 151 01
Wyamba HSD Warren CWP 31 42 147 35 Yarriabini NP NC 30 47 152 57
Wybong H 32 16 150 38 Yarrobimby SWP 34 29 146 30
Wyee Point H 33 07 151 31 Yathong NR Cobar FSWP 32 33 145 35
Wyong Golf Course CC 33 16 151 26 Yelkin SF Rankins Spring SWP 33 26 146 19
Wyong Ck South Tacoma CC 33 17 151 27 Yellow Mtn Bobadah CWP 32 29 146 46
Yalda Downs HSD, Venda SWP 34 24 146 11
Whitecliffs FNWP 30 15 143 45 Yimkin HSD Cobar FNWP 31 15 146 13
Yancannia Crossing FNWP 30 15 142 45
K. Brandwood
K. Brandwood 59 Kurmond Road, Wilberforce 2756
The thirteenth report of the NSWORAC details 11 submissions considered by the
Committee as well as four submissions dealt with by the Birds Australia Records Committee
(BARC) relating to records in NSW. Together with the 318 cases already dealt with
previously (Brandwood 2005) this brings to 329 the total number of cases resolved. Of
the 329 cases considered, 218 have been accepted, 69 not accepted and 46 not confirmed.
As at 31 December 2005, 410 submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial
appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The membership
of the Committee for 2003 was R. Cooper (Chairperson), K. Brandwood (Secretary), D.
Hobcroft, A. Lindsey, A. K. Morris, A. Palliser, R. Turner & A.E.F. Rogers.
The Committee in February 2004 removed the Yellow Wagtail from the Review List from
January 2005 because there have been 16 separate records in the past ten years and
more records since then. The current Review List was re -published in the newsletters of
the contributing bird groups in NSW during the year 2005.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 328During the winter of 2003 the seas were again warm as in the previous year so that there
were fewer sightings of seabirds from the far south but more tropical rarities were noted.
The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee
(BARC), and submission relating to reports received in 2003 for species on their Review
List were referred directly. Four determinations were subsequently received of which
three were accepted and the other one was not accepted.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of
the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes
taken from memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple persons;
The completion of a RAC report form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary.
The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not accepted”
(NA), and those records “not confirmed” (NC) will be listed at the end of the Report.
Records “not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed without a
submission being received even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would
welcome further information on any record not accepted or not confirmed and is willing
to re -open to consider data additional to that already available.
Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first is
the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of
confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced), and the
third represents the number of that species recorded in 2002. English and scientific names
used in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged to
publish details in an appropriate journal.
Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same
time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of review
applied to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not confirmed” or “not
accepted” do not necessarily reflect mis-identification, rather that information to date is
inadequate to confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The support of all people in the
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 329review system is appreciated.
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and
its Territories. RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
Brandwood, K. 2001 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 1998” Aust. Birds 32, 167-
Brandwood, K. 2005 “Rare Bird Report for New South Wales 2002”. Aust Birds 33, 242-
Morris, A. K. 2006 “New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2003”. Aust. Birds 33,
Palliser, T. 2005 “Rare Birds in 2004” Wingspan 15, No 3, 38-39
Stuart, A. Editor. 2004 “Hunter Region of New South Wales Annual Bird Report Number
I1 (2003)”. Hunter Bird Obs. Club.
Soft -plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis 7.7.1
Case 371 details the sighting of a bird observed on a pelagic trip off Batemans’s Bay on 6
October 2003. The submission was accompanied by a photograph that depicts all the
salient features of a Soft -plumaged Petrel, that includes a dark eye patch, grey collar and
“M” marking on the upper wings. The photograph is depicted on the front cover of the
2003 Annual Bird Report. The bird was seen by a number of observers who all agreed on
the identification.
Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica 9.10.2
Case No. 370 reports the finding of a beach cast specimen at Flat Rock, Ballina on 12
January 2003. The specimen was photographed in situ and the remains eventually reached
the Aust. Museum in Sydney. A submission was made to BARC (their case No 373), and
accepted, it being the first confirmed record for NSW since 1996 (see below), although
there have been a number of published sightings from NSW coastal pelagics since that
time. The photograph clearly indicates that the bird is very large with a dark tipped, pale
Case 392 relates to a submission to BARC (BARC 231) about an observation off
Wollongong on 7 October 1996, now accepted.
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 8.7.1
Case No. 366 details the sighting of this species on a pelagic off Wollongong on 24 May
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 3302003. The bird was seen only briefly for approximately 20 seconds at 50m but the views
were sufficient to see the black mask and to compare it with the Australasian Gannets
which were present at the time. There were a number of observers present on the trip who
were familiar with this species, all who confirmed the identity.
Long -toed Stint Calidris subminuta 23.22.1
Case No. 373 details the observation of this species at the Ash Island ponds on 28 December

  1. The bird was seen by a number of observers over a period of three days and two
    submissions were made to the Committee. The notes included details of the long toes,
    yellow -greenish legs and the Sharp -tailed Sandpiper like plumage of the bird. There have
    been 19 confirmed records for NSW since 1981 all for the period Aug -Apr.
    South Island Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus finschi 2.2.1
    Case No 382 (BARC Case 397), details the observation of a single bird at Arrawarra
    Beach from 24-26 August 2003. The first South Island Pied Oystercatcher reported for
    Australia was seen at Robins Beach, South Ballina on 6 November 1998 (Brandwood
    2001) and throughout 1999 and 2000 at there and Patch’s Beach Ballina since that time.
    There have been occasional subsequent sightings at those locations since. This is the first
    time that the bird (presumably the same bird) has been seen away from that locality. The
    observation was accepted by BARC.
    Fairy Tern Sterna nereis 15.15.2
    Case No 364 details the breeding of Fairy Terns at Wallaga Lake in Nov -Dec whereby 13
    pairs nested, producing a minimum of 2-3 fledglings, as well as documenting the results
    of breeding at Wallagoot Lake and Lake Conjola in December 2002 (Brandwood 2005).
    A further seven birds were seen at Wallagoot Lake on 23 September and 11 birds at
    Wallaga Lake in early November where they were subsequently found to be nesting.
    Fairy Terns have continued to nest successfully on South Coast beaches of NSW right up
    to the 2005/2006 summer season.
    Orange -bellied Parrot Neophema chrysogaster 5.4.2
    Case No 368 details the sighting of this species at Maroubra on 16 August 2003. The bird
    was seen by a many observers over the period 9 August- 9 September and a number of
    photographs were taken. The photographs revealed that the bird had been colour- banded
    as a juvenile in south-west Tasmania during the previous February. All the distinguishing
    features were noted which separates it from other species and it is considered that the bird
    was an immature male bird that showed some orange on the belly. See the 2003 Annual
    Bird Report for details of other sightings at Shoalhaven Heads and Curl Curl (unfortunately
    for which no submissions to the Committee were made) that occurred prior to and after
    the period mentioned here. First confirmed record since 1986.
    Yellow Wagtail Motacilla (lava 11.11.3
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 331Case No 369 details the sighting of this species at Eastlakes Golf Course on 19 January
    2003, having been present from 18 January to 11 February 2003. Over this period the bird
    was seen my many observers feeding on a drying our marsh. The report was detailed and
    the description fitted a male bird of the race M.l: simillima because of its mouse brown
    head, upperparts, rump and wings, yellow underparts and eyebrow long and white.
    Case No 362 details the observation of this species at the Ash Island ponds during the
    period 22 January -2 April, when up to 6 Yellow Wagtails were present at the ponds. The
    description provided was for two birds seen on 4 February 2003, and of these birds one
    had a prominent white eyebrow and the other a dull yellow or lemon coloured eyebrow;
    both had lemon/yellow throats, yellow underparts, grey/green head, neck, back and rump,
    white wingbar etc. The lemon coloured eyebrow suggest that it could be of the race M.
    Case No 372 reports yet more Yellow Wagtail at the Ash Island ponds when two birds
    were observed from 26 November to 7 December 2003.Both birds had grey/green head
    and back, yellow eye brow, pale chest becoming yellow on the belly, typical of the non –
    breeding plumage of the Yellow Wagtail.. This is an earlier than usual record for this
    species in NSW as all previous records have been for the period December- April. Since
    this time Yellow Wagtails have continued to be seen during the period Nov -Apr at the Ash
    Island ponds and for this reason the birds have now been removed from the Review List.
    Case 377 Bourke Parrot Neophema pulchella Reported from near Weddin Mountain ?
    21 Oct 2003. NA
    Case 395 Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan Reported from Little Bay Sydney 14 Dec
  2. (BARC 405). NA
    Mottled Petrel Pterodrom inexpecta One on a Batemans Bay Pelagic 11 Dec 2003.
    Black -winged Petrel Pterodroma nigripenis on a Bateman’s Bay Pelagic on 10 Jan
    2003 and 9 on 12 Dec. No submissions made to NSWORAC. NC.
    Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis Reported from the Eden pelagic 26
    October 2003. NC.
    Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica Reported on the Swansea-Norah Head
    pelagic 25/10/03. NC.
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.4 332Volume 33 No. 4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS March 2006
    A.K. Morris New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2003 249
    K. Brandwood Rare Bird Report for NSW 2003 328