Vol. 33 No. 1-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 33 No. 1

Journal of BIRDING NSW – NSW Field Ornithologists Club Inc.
Volume 33 No. December 2002
ANNUAL BIRD REPORT 2000NSW BIRDING – New South Wales Field Ornithologists Club Inc
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
President Richard Dallimore
Vice -President Elisabeth Karplus
Secretary Margot Latham
Treasurer Barrie Ayres
Annual subscription rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $33
Junior Member $15
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Editor Alan Morris
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Photographs. Front cover. Yellow -nosed Albatross, photographed by Phil Handsbro in New
Zealand waters.
Back cover. Inland Dotterel, photographed by John McLennan, near Ceduna
South Australia.
Printed by The Village ScribeAUSTRAL IA N
Volume 33 No.1 December 2002
Alan K. Morris
Alan K. Morris, 3 Murray St Bateau Bay NSW 2261
The thirty-first Annual Bird Report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 2000
and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions
of birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers,
frequency, range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to assist
readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production
of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map references in
the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days, particularly if the
records are to be used in the Australian Bird Atlas which commenced in August 1998. As
all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the exact co-ordinates for
the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same co-ordinates are provided
when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1
1Information on 401species is contained in the 2000 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 38lobservers from the NSWFOC, BMBO, CBOC,
IBOC, MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Central Coast Group of the
FOC, the Clarence Valley Birdwatchers, Eurobodalla Natural History Society, the Hunter
Bird Observers Club & the Illawarra Bird Observers Club; publications of other bird
organisations and reports and messages from Birding-Aus on the Internet. The number of
records and the number of observers continue to increase and the information provided is
greater than before. Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding =
Australian Birding; Birdline = Telephone Info. Line for the NSW bird groups; BMBO –
Blue Mountains Bird Observers Newsl; Gang Gang = News!. of the Canberra Ornith.
Group; CCBR = Central Coast FOC Annual Report; CVBR = Clarence Valley
Birdwatchers Annual Report; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; HBOC =
Hunter Bird Obs. Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings Birdwatchers newsl.; MFNCN =
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB = Manning Valley Birdwatchers;
M V BO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA = NSW Bird Atlassers; NSWFOC =
NSW Field Ornithologists Club; SOSSA = Southern Ocean Seabird Study Assoc.; TBO
= The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds Australia Newsl. Other abbreviations used include
“A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male, and “AF” for adult female, “D” for dead or beachcast,
“E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for head calling, “HS” for high school, “Im”
immature, “N” for nest, “Pr” for pairs, “RK” for road kill and “RS” for railway station.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with two new species,
the Northern Pintail & Tristram’s Storm -Petrel being added to the NSW list. In addition
a Northern Shoveler, 4th NSW record was observed near Lawrence, Roseate Terns at
Woody Point & Ballina become the 4 -5th NSW records,and new information is provided
on such rare sprecies as the Yellow Wagtail, Regent Parrot, Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
(western Victorian population?), and a Blue -winged Parrot in the Macquarie Marshes.
There was no major weather patterns this year to cause extensive seabird mortality on the
coast. However a decline in bait fish populations, particularly Pilchards, in southern
NSW waters in October -November caused a great mortality in Short -tailed Shearwaters
on their arrival off the NSW coast from the Northern Hemisphere. Other seabird species
were not affected. Elsewhere in NSW it was generally wet throughout the year in coastal
regions but in Inland NSW seasonal conditions were relatively dry overall however good
rains fell over central NSW in late October, which provided some major flooding in the
Macquarie Marshes. Here extensive nesting took place including 76,000 pairs of Ibis,
Egrets and Night -Herons in November- December. Some flooding also occurred along
the Lachlan River with nesting of ibis taking place in the Booligal wetlands.
2 December 2002The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow that of the Birds Australia
Checklist (Christidis & Boles 1994) including their classifcations for the Albatross species.
For each species, all observations are presented in a set order that follows generally the
order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan & Bruce (1988). Observations
from coastal regions are listed first from north to south, followed by the tablelands, slopes
and plains. Each set of observations is separated from those of other regions by semi-
colons. The locations given in Appendix 2 are identified with these regions. However, in
order to take account of the now six annual bird reports, it is necessary in the text to refer
to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie as the “Hunter Region”,
Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”, the County of
Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to Springwood as
“Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as “Illawarra” and
Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas coincide with the reporting
areas of their reports.
2000 saw the passing of a number of regular contributors and in particular mention must
be made of Betty Stokes whose name figures in the 1983 Report and continues right
through to the 2000 Report. On 23 August Peter Davie died, former chairperson of the
NSWFOC and regular contributor to these reports since the 1980 Report. Their good
company, enthusiasm for birding and skilled observations will be greatly missed. Early
in 2001 Janet Houghton, long term resident of Coombie HSD Roto, retired with her
husband to Tuross Heads. Her regular detailed reports from the isolated Coombie property,
which is adjacent to the south-west corner of Yathong Nature Reserve, will be sorely
missed! New contributors to these Reports in 2000 included Cindy Ryan, Craig Arms,
Robert Quinan, Robin Benson, and Tony Peri. Alan Rogers, first editor of the NSW Bird
Reports which commenced in 1970, continued his run, along with the current editor, of
contributing to every report.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to
identify or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to
the Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are
unable to assist to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS
office for assistance.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 3ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
I would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time and for Greg Clancy, Chris Chafer, Stephen Debus and
Rod Gardner who reviewed the draft. I would also like to thank Stuart Fairbairn who
prepared the production and layout of this issue of the journal. For the assistance and
committment of these people, I am extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae I Bunjalung NP 16 Jan & 2 Chaffin Swamp Tucabia
20 May (CVBR), J at Iluka NR 23 Apr, 2J at Mogul Stud W of Taloumbi 24 Jun, A+3Y
Diggers Camp II Nov (GC); 2-3 Tuross Heads all year, I Blackfellows Point 26 May
(ENHS); 12+ Canyonleigh 10 Aug (KM), a new location for this species in the Illawarra
Region; 5+ Munghom Gap NR 8 Oct (TS), eastern edge of wild range; 4 birds on nests
found in the Macquarie Marshes Sep (PRa); Tracks & signs in 7 of 10 comparments in
Binya SF, 3 Binya SF 12 Nov (KH).
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2 chicks nr Dandry Rd Pi lliga NR Oct (JSq); I Goonoo SF
Mogriguy 13 Jan, 20 May (JPe); 1 3 km NW Rankin Springs 20 Feb (LN), 1 at mound
Taleeban Res 3 Aug & 28 Oct at mound (DMo,JCo); 2 Glenlea Section, Yathong NR 24
Jun (JBk), no birds were seen at Coombie HSD Roto but on 26 Apr an old mound was
found prepared ready for the nesting cycle to commence after wet weather was received
(JHo). Average year.
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura Iathami Max 3 Grassy Head Apr -Jun, uncommon
on the coast in the Macleay Valley (KS); Continues to expand range on Central Coast
(CCBR); 3 Wollongong Uni. Campus & Bot. Gardens May & 18 Aug (RTu), Mt
Kembla Jan -Sep (ER) first found nesting locally in 1994, Mt Keira Archery range & Mt
Keira 4-11 Nov (JB I,LP,RMg). The Wollongong population appears to be consolidating
its range.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis Located at 4 sites in the Lower Mcaleay Valley Jan –
Mar, and Summer Island 10 Sep (KS); 2+ Fosterton Loop 2-16 Jan & on 30 Sep (HBR);
5 Peats Ridge 22 Jan (CCBR); 3 Forest Glen 19 Oct (DMa);5 Moruya 18 Aug (ENHS);
Present Capertee Valley 9 Feb & 25 Mar (BC,RT), I Katoomba Mar (CPr), 2 Woodford
6 Mar (GOk), 3 Cooyal 22 Mar & Glen Davis 12 Apr (KS), 6 locations in Goulburn
River NP Dec (RT); I 44 km W of Gunnedah 19 Mar (KS); Present Lake Burrendong 27
Jan -4 Feb (CDa), 1 Rawsonville Rd Dubbo 20 Mar (KS); 2 Buckingbong SF 13 Feb
(NSm), I Narrandera 3 Sep (NJ); 4 Belah HSD Gunderbooka NP 22-24 May, common
around Louth 24-5 May (AM). More records than usual reflecting good seasonal conditions
4 December 2002Brown Quail C. ypsilophora Max 9 Bundeena-Marley Royal NP 12 Feb, max 16 Red
Hill, Beacon Hill 11-21 Feb & 6 incl. 2A+2Y on 19 Nov (AB,BC); 2 Rewa HSD
Hermidale 29 Aug (JA); 2 Kiacatoo 30 Aug (JA), Fivebough Swamp 24 Dec (KH).
Some interesting Sydney Region and far western records.
King Quail C. chinensis HC Pelican Is, South West Rocks 30 Apr (KS); Max 4
Arrowfield 23 Feb -18 May, when one was taken by a Brown Falcon (HBR); Max 2 Pitt
Town Lagoon 1-9 Jan, 6 Nov & 27 Dec (KB), 3 Coastal Walk, Royal NP 16 Jan (PH).
More records than usual.
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata Max 10 Geneebeinga Wetlands, Casino 12
Aug -9 Dec (ABi), 30-40 Ellis Swamp Tucabia 19-20 Aug (RBw); 5 Tarro Swamp 17 Jan
(GC), present at the Wetland Centre Shortland all year, max 68 on 6 Aug, small numbers
also reported from Seaham Swamp NR, Harrington, Minmi & Cundletown. Chicks were
at Shortland 3 Jan, Minmi 12 Feb & Antenae Swamp, Sandgate 7 Nov (HBR); Present
Monkeygar wetlands Macquarie Marshes all year max 80-100 on 24 Jul -26 Sep & 64
southern Macquarie Marshes 23 Aug, A+4Y 19 Dec, N+ I 2E 20 Dec (PDb,RJ). Consistent
with recent status although numbers lower than usual in the Tweed, Richmond & Clarence
River Valleys.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni 40+ Tyndale Feb, 100+ Grafton 19
Feb & 40+ on 18 Nov, max 36 Cowans Ponds 2-19 Feb, present near Lawrence 24 Jun –
30 Sep, max 220+ on Sep, present all year Coutts Crossing max 380+ 19-24 Aug, 65+
Brotherson Swamp 5 May (GC), present all year Jacana HSD Clarenza, max 28 on 11
Jan (EW); Present all year lower Hunter Valley, max 32 Pambalong 19 Mar, Rathluba
Lagoon 17 Apr & Doughboy Hollow 20 May, smaller numbers at Landsdowne &
Hannanvale in the Manning Valley (HBR); 17 Pughs Lagoon 6 Mar, 80 on I May & 100
9 Jun, 9 Yarramundi Lagoon 5 Apr, 80 Powells Lagoon Richmond 7 May (DP,EV,KB);
25 Ulabah HSD Coolah 5 Jan (BP); 150 Tomingley 27 Jul (IF), 2 25 km S of Nyngan 18
Nov (ED); 12 Koonandan 17 Nov (PD), max 25 Fivebough Swamp 3 Nov -24 Dec
(KH,MS); 10+ Clifton Downs 28 Aug (DMa). Widespread across NSW in this wet year.
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata Small numbers Casino wetlands all year (Gosper
& Holmes 2002), 16 Clybucca 29 Jan (KS), max 17 near Wauchope 7 May -8 Jul (ABi);
2 Alumny Creek 30 Sep, 2 Macksville 2 Sep (GC); Present all year Shortland WC, Market
Swamp Sandgate & Newcastle Uni Swamp, max 50. Also present Dungog 6 Jan & Ash
Island 5 Mar, A+2Y Kooragang Is 27 Feb (HBR); 2 Catherione Field 31 Dec (TS); Max
5 Fivebough Swamp 29 Oct- 3 Dec (KH,MS). Average year.
Blue -billed Duck Oxuyra australis A+3J Round Swamp Casino 11 Mar (Gosper &
Holmes 2001), rare visitor to Northern Rivers; 1 Meadow Flat 15 Jul (CM); I Goulburn
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 5Dam 17 Jan (RPo); 20 prs Litle Llangothlin Lagoon 5 Jan (JCe); 10+3J Gum Swamp,
Forbes 14 Apr &2A+5J on 3 Jun (AM,TS); AM Terrigal Ck Macquarie Marshes 25 Nov
(RJ); Present all year Leeton STW, max 8 on 16 Jan (KH), 3M, F Fivebough Swamp 31
Mar (MS), Dry Lake, Narimba HSD Darlington Point Oct (BM). Average year, numbers
1 1
lower inland.
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Present all year Colongra Lake, max 20+ on 27 Jul (CCBR);
2A+2J Boxvale Track Mittagong19 Aug (BHa), unusal location; Rylstone Dam 23 Apr
(AB), 22 Lake Wallace, Wallerawang 15 Oct (PDb); Monkeygar Ck wetlands, Macquarie
Marshes 26 Jan (RJ).
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 5 on Kooragang Is 27 Feb -10 Mar (HBR); 3
Ettamogah Dam 1-31 Jan (MHe); 2 Lake Cowal 21 Oct (Birdline); 2 Monkeygar Ck
Macquarie Marshes 26 Sep (RJ). Average year reflecting good seasons inland hence few
birds in eastern NSW.
Black Swan Cygnus atratus 720 Pambalong Swamp 4 Jul (HBR); Present Tuggerah
Lakes all year max 2354 in Feb but only 33 in Brisbane Water at the same time (CCBR);
500 Tuross Lakes Nov (ENHS). Typical year.
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides AF Tullymorgan 20 Aug (PWa), very rare
on the North Coast; 2 Tarro Swamp 17 Sep, equally rare in the Hunter Valley (HBR); 2
Bicentennial Park 30 Dec (TW); 30 Lake Wollumboola 2 Dec (DMc), large number for
site; 4 Monkeygar Ck Macquarie Marshes 11 Aug & 2 on 26 Sep, 2A+6Y 9 Oct (RJ); 2
Gooralgool Lgn Cuba SF 4 Aug (EWh). Some unusual coastal records.
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 155 Brisbane Water in summer count 7 Feb (CCBR); 2
Tamworth STW 21 Mar (JPt). The high number of Mallards in Brisbane Water is cause
for concern.
Australasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis Max 15 Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 12-28
Aug (GC); Max numbers for the Hunter include 18 Kooragang Is 10 Mar, 13 Pambalong
NR 13 Jun & 12 The Wetland Centre, Shortland (HBR), 6 East Gloucester Swamps 29
Apr (LJ); 10 at mouth of Wyong Ck into Tuggerah Lake 29 Jun (CCBR), unusual location;
22 Pitt Town Lagoon 7 May (CG); 50+ Tallawarra 27 Feb (DG), 340 Fivebough Swamp
16 Jan (KH).
Northern Shoveler A. clypeata AM at Kalangadoo, km south of Broadwater Creek
north of Lawrence 12-28 Aug (GC), 4’h NSW record, accepted by BARC.
6 December 2002Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present all year Hunter Valley max 400 Ash Island Ponds 9
Dec (HBR); 2M Quipolly Darn, claimed to be 1″ record for dam 15 Jan (IDo), AM
Kootingal STW 22 Mar (GMi).
Northern Pintail A. acuta AM in full breeding plumage Cowan Ponds 3-10 Aug
(DB,EW,GC,MB,TW), accepted by BARC, first NSW Record, and 2nd Australian record,
the 1st record being in Western Australia July 1986.
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Only small numbers reported in the
Hunter throughout the year with 1-5 birds present at Shortland WC, Kooragang Is &
Morpeth (HBR); Tuggerah STW 29 Jan, only Central Coast report (CCBR); Present
Pitt Town Lagoon 9 Jan -7 May, max 16 on 7 May & max 20 from 10 Oct -17 Dec (EV,KB),
3 McGraths Hill 4 Apr & 2 Bi-centennial Park 5 Apr (SWi); 8 Tallawarra 27 Feb (DG),
1 Lake Wollumboola 18 Mar (CC); 6 farm dam W of Glanmire 15 Jan (AB), unusual
location. Few coastal records in 2000.
Hardhead Aythya australis 124 Tuggerah STW on 6 Aug, high number for this site
(CCBR); 700 Fivebough Swamp 18 Nov (KH), record count for site.
Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Round Swamp, Casino 27 Feb (Gosper & Holmes
2002); Present Prospect Reservoir 24 Ju-21 Oct, max 30 on 24 Sep (DMc,EV); 23
Wingecarribee Reservoir 29 Jan & 5 on 13 May (AD,BD); Max 20 Lake Wallace,
Wallerawang 15 Oct -I Dec (PDb,CPr), I Spring Ck Reservoir, Orange 10 Dec (BHu); 1
Monkeygar Ck wetlands, Macquarie Marshes 26 Jan & 2 on 19 Dec (RJ); Dry Lake,
Narimba HSD Darlington Point 1 Oct (BM), 1 McKennas Lagoon 3 Oct (MS), 6 Booligal
wetlands 6 Dec (JB). Numbers higher in coastal and near coastal areas than usual.
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor Angels Bch Ballina 23 May & Cabaraita Beach
Kinscliffe 8 Jun (CW), extreme northern records; Nesting Boondelbah Is 23 Mar, and
HC or seen at Port Stephen/Nelsons Bay Feb (HBR); 2 Berrys Bay Sydney Harbour 21
Mar (ED) & 1 on 3 Jul (DM,RG), 5 North Botany Bay 21 Jul (DMc); Many chicks
Tollgate Islands 14 Nov (ENHS), a known nesting site.
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 2 off South West Rocks 17 Jan (KS); 3
Mistral Pt Maroubra 4 Jun, 1 on 13-18 Jun, 1 on 3 Jul (RG), 3 Magic Pt on 12-13 Jun
(EV,RG), off Long Reef 10 Jun & 18 Jun (MR); off Wollongong 25 Jun & 28 Oct
1 1
(PM); 2-3 off Eden 10 & 30 Jul (ENHS). Most ever records!
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus Im off South West Rocks 11 Jan & 2
on 20 Aug (LMc); 1 off Swansea 5 Aug & Im off Newcastle Baths 2 Oct (HBR); 1
Soldiers Pt Norah Head 14 Jun & 1 57 km E of Norah Head 5 Aug (CCBR); Max 2
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 7Magic/Mistral Pt Maroubra 18 Jun -10 Sep (DK,EV,RG); 2 off Wollongong 13 Jul, on
26 Aug (JJ,PM); 4 off Eden 29 Apr & I on 10 Jun (ENHS). Widespread along the coast
but numbers down overall.
Northern Giant -Petrel M. halli 1 off Swansea 5 Aug (HBR); 1 57 km E of Norah
Head 5 Aug (CCBR); 1 off Mistral Pt Maroubra 19 Apr, 12-13 Jun, 1 Jul (EV,RG); 1 off
Wollongong 13 Jul (JJ); 3 off Eden 29 Jul (ENHS). Average year.
Cape Petrel Daption capense Max 3 off South West Rocks 12 Jun -2I Aug (LMc); 26
off Swansea mostly east of Norah Head & The Entrance 5 Aug, I each on 8 Oct & 4 Nov
(HBR); I Long Reef 10 Jun (MR), 1 Mistral Point Maroubra 11 Aug & 11 Oct (RG); 1
off Wollongong 25 Jun, 3 on 28 Aug, 7 on 28 Oct (PM,RMc); 8 off Eden 29 Jul & 5 on
25 Sep, off Batemans Bay 20 Aug (ENHS). Average year.
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata I 10 km SE Port Stephens 18 Oct (HF); 1 off
Sydney 12 Feb (AP); 1 off Wollongong 26 Feb (PM); I off Batemans Bay 16 Jan (PM) &
19 Nov (DW). Numbers increasing, 26 -30th records.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera Max 3 off Swansea, mostly off Nortah
Head & The Entrance 5 Aug -4 Nov (HBR); Present off Sydney all year max 40+ on 12
Feb (AP,RMc,TQ), 66 off Mistral Pt Maroubra 30 Jun & 8 on 1 Jul (EV); off Wollongong
Jan -Aug, max 250 on 22 Jan the highest number recorded for the Region (JJ,PM); 16 off
Eden 29 Jan & 20 on 29 Apr (ENHS); 100+ off Batemans Bay 19 Nov (DW). Average
White -headed Petrel P lessonii 3 off Sydney 12 Aug, 10 Sep (RMc); 3 off Wollongong
26 Aug (PM). Numbers down on previous year.
Providence Petrel P solandri 20 off South West Rocks 15 Jul & 10 on 21 Aug (LMc);
Present off Swansea 5 Aug -4 Nov, max 19 on 5 Aug (HBR); Present off Sydneyll Mar –
1 I Nov, max 100 on 10 Sep (AP,RMc,TQ), 3 off Magic/Mistral Pt Maroubra 2 5-6 Apr,
1 on 30 Jun, 1 17 Aug (RG,RMc); Present off Wollongong 25 Mar- 26 Aug, max 30 on 10
Jun (CB,JJ,PM); 7 off Eden 29 Apr & 3 on 29 Jul (ENHS). Average year.
Kermadec Petrel P neglecta I off Sydney 8 Apr (AP), referred to NSWORAC.
White -necked Petrel P cervicalis Point Danger, Tweed Heads 29 Jan -6 Feb (EKI);
1 1
off Long Reef 12 Jan (MR); 2 off Sydney 8 Apr (AP); I off Wollongong 22 Jan, 2 on 26
Feb (PM); off Batemans Bay 15 Jan & 12 Feb (PM). Numbers continue to increase.
Black -winged Petrel P nigripennis I at Pambula 14 Mar (ENHS), a quiet year.
8 December 2002Gould’s Petrel P leucoptera 10 km off Newcastle Nov. The breeding success on
Cabbage Tree Is for 1999/2000 season was 57%, a very good result, also a pair nested on
nearby Boondelbah Is. Once again 100 near fledged chicks were transferred to Boondebah
Is in March in attempt to further establish this as a second breeding site. In late 2000
Gould’s Petrel became the first bird in Australia to be downlisted because of conservation
action. It is now classified as “Vulnerable” instead of “Endangered” (HBR); off Sydney
12 Feb (DH); off Wollongong 22 Jan (PM); 2 off Batemans Bay 16 Jan (ENHS,PM).
Breeding birds obviously forage south to Batemans Bay.
Broad -billed Prion Pachyptila vittata off South West Rocks 9 Jul (LMc); off Long
1 1
Reef 17 Jun (PDb), first records for some years.
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata 1 57 km E of Norah Head 5 Aug (HBR); 1 off
Sydney 11 Jun, 6 on 12 Aug (RG,RMc), 1 off Magic/Mistral Pt Maroubra 12-13, 19 Jun
(EV,RG); Present off Wollongong 24 Jun -26 Aug, max 265 on 25 Jun (GB,JJ,PM); 8 off
Eden 30 Jul, off Batemans Bay 20 Aug (ENHS). A good year for this species.
Fairy Prion P turtur Present off South West Rocks Jun -15 Oct, max 1000+ on 15 Jul
(LMc); beachcast The Ruins, Booti Booti NP 13 Jun (HBR); 300+ off Norah Head/
Soldiers Point 11-14 Jun, 3 beachcast Terrigal, Killcare & Umina Beaches 12-13 Jun,
commonly seen 57 km E of Norah Head 6 Aug (CCBR); Present off Magic Pt/ Mistral Pt
Maroubra 3 Jun -21 Oct, max 500+ on 12 Jun (DM,RG), 40+ off Sydney 12 Aug (RMc);
Present off Wollongong 13 Jul- 28 Oct, max 45 on 26 Aug (JJ,PM,RMc); Present off
Eden 30 Apr- 29 Oct, max 200 on 30 Jul, 50 off Batemans Bay 20 Aug, beachcast
Burrewarra Point 12 Oct, 400 off Tuross Heads 8 Jun (EA,ENHS). Average year.
Slender -billed Prion P belcheri 2 off Sydney & 1 off Mistral Pt Maroubra 11 Jun, 2
Magic Pt Maroubra 12 Jun, 15 off Sydney 12 Aug (EV,RG,RMc); 30+ off Wollongong
13 Jul, 4 on 26 Aug (JJ,PM); 7 off Eden 30 Jul, 2 off Batemans Bay 20 Aug, 1 beachcast
Burrewarra Point 16 Oct (ENHS).
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis beach cast Flat Rock Beach Ballina
4 Mar (JH); I off Sydney 11 Nov (RMc), referred to NSWORAC. Both records accepted.
Black Petrel P parkinsoni 50 km E of Norah Head 4 Nov, first Central Coast record
(CCBR); 2 off Batemans Bay 15 Jan (PM). Overall numbers continue to increase in
NSW waters. This may well be due to improve conservation measures on the New Zealand
breeding Islands however the species is susceptible to by catch in longline fishing. In
2001 they will be removed from the BARC Review List (only for NSW), they have
already been removed from the NSWORAC Review List.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 9Westland Petrel P westlandica off Sydney 8 Apr (AP), referred to BARC.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas I offshore Nobbys Head 26 Mar (HBR)
2nd Hunter Record; I Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 & 24 Feb (RG), 3 off Long Reef 24 Feb
(MR); 2 off Wollongong 26 Feb (PM). Average year after a poor two years, 36 -40th
records (cf.1998 & 1999 Reports).
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus J blown ashore to Grafton & Ulmarra
May, taken into care (GC); 3000+ off Stockton Beach 30 Jan (HBR), large number for
Region; Departed South Coast at Eden 29 Apr, arrived at Eden 25 Sep (ENHS), the
number of chicks reared during Jan -Mar on Montagu Island were equal to the best years
since 1984 (Fullagar & Heyligers 2001).
Buller’s Shearwater P bulleri 1 off Muttonbird Is Coffs Harbour 8 Jan (DM); 1 E of
Norah Head 8 Oct, off Soldiers Pt Norah Head 29 Oct (CCBR); Max 3 off Long Reef
8-13 Jan & 3 on 24 Feb (MR), max 2 off Mistral Pt/Magic Pt Maroubra 14, 27-30 Jan &
3 on 7 & 18 Mar, 1 on 7 Oct, 2 on 31 Dec (DMe,RG), 1 off Sydney 12 Feb (DH), ; 1 off
Wollongong 3 Jan & 25 Mar (CLo,RMc), 1 Wattamolla Pt Bulli 1 Jul (SAs); 1 off
Batemans Bay 15 Jan & 12 Feb, 2 off Eden 30 Jan (EA,ENHS). 18 records in one year –
numbers in NSW waters continue to increase.
Flesh -footed Shearwater P carneipes 60 off Sydney 11 Mar (TQ), present off Mistral
Pt until 12 Apr, max 10 on 6 Mar (RG); off Wollongong Feb -Mar, max 50 on 26 Feb
(RMc); 5 off Eden 30 Jan, unusual record (ENHS).
Sooty Shearwater P griseus 1 Newcastle Harbour II Jan (HBR); I E of Norah Head
8 Oct (CCBR); Single birds seen off Mistral Pt Maroubra 14 Feb, 24 Mar, 11 Oct & 27
Nov (RG); 6 off Wollongong 26 Feb (PM).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris A great mortality occurred off the east coast of
Australia in October & November with perhaps many hundreds of thousands of birds
found dying on NSW beaches including 8200 beach cast South West Rocks on 25 Oct,
averaging 1822 per km (KS), 5800 Bonny Hills to Port Macquarie 20 Oct (ABi), 30
beachcast between Red Rock to Corindi 11 Nov (GC); 100 beachcast Fraser Beach (I
km), 400 North Birdie Beach (2 km) 15 Oct, 310 beachcast in 2 km of Tuggerah Beach
22 Oct, and smaller numbers at other beaches (CCBR); 37 beachcast Long Reef 17 Oct
(RT); Wrecks reported on South Coast beaches Sep -Dec (ENHS). Subsequent research
showed that Pilchard numbers had fallen drastically in SE Australia in spring and thus
many Short -tailed Shearwaters died of starvation on their way to the breeding grounds in
southern Australia, other shearwater species did not appear to be affected (Morris 2001).
Departure: 1 off Norah Head 22 Apr (CCBR), but at Mistral Pt Maroubra I on 27 May
December 2002
10& 2 on 1 Jun (RG), 1 off Wollongong on 27 May (PM). Arrival: 100+ Mistral Pt 12 Sep,
large numbers passed close inshore this year including 12000 Mistral Pt Maroubra 27
Nov (RG). Breeding: The number of chicks reared at Montagu Island Jan- Mar were
equal to the best years since 1984 (Fullargar & Heyligers 2001) while the numbers reared
in Jan -Mar 2001 was just slightly down on the 2000 figures (Fullargar & Heyligers
2002) so that the mortality in Oct -Nov 2000 appeared to have little impact on this breeding
Fluttering Shearwater P gavia 1800 Mistral Pt Maroubra 4 Sep (RG); 40 of Wollongong
25 Mar (RMc); 200+ off Tilba Lake 2 Jun (ENHS), highest count on South Coast. Small
numbers all year off Sydney
Hutton’ Shearwater P huttoni Max 2 off Swansea 5 Aug -4 Nov (HBR); 10+ Soldiers
Pt Norah Head 29 Oct (CCBR); Present off Sydney on 12 Feb -11 Nov, max 1000+ on
10 Sep (AP,DH), 120 off Mistral Point 16 Jan , unusual summer count, 1850 on 7 Sep
(RG); Present off Wollongong 26 Feb -13 Jul, max 70 on 25 Mar (JJ,PM,RMc); 20 off
Eden 30 Jan & 8 on 30 Jul (ENHS).
Little Shearwater P assimilis 1 beachcast Flat Rock Ballina 3 Jan (JH); 1 off Eden 29
Oct (ENHS). Average year.
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 3 off South West Rocks 15 Jul, 3 on 29 Oct &
I beachcast Stuarts Point Oct (KS); Max 7 off Swansea 5 Aug -4 Nov (HBR); Max 3 off
Norah Head/Soldiers Pt 2 Jul -4 Nov (CCBR); Present off Long Reef 24 Mar -2 Jun (MR),
Present off Magic/Mistral Pt Maroubra 22 Mar- 22 Nov, max 4 on 18 Jun (DM,EV,RG),
Present off Sydney 8 Jul -9 Dec, max 16 on 12 Aug (AP,RMc); Present off Wollongong
22 Jan -28 Oct, max 37 on 26 Aug (JJ,PM RMc); Present in the South Coast in offshore
waters all year, max 7 off Batemans Bay 19 Nov, beachcast birds at Barragoot Beach 9
Nov & Tilba Beach 11 Nov (ENHS); 1 caught off Wollongong 9 Jul, banded at Malabar
29 Aug 1958, 41 years after banding and estimated to be 50 years of age by plumage (LS)
oldest known albatross.
Wandering Albatross D.e.antipodeanensis Magic Pt Maroubra Jul (EV); 2 off
1 1
Wollongong 26 Aug (PM).
Northern Royal Albatross D. e. sandfordi off Wollongong 29 Oct (CB); off Eden 30
1 1
Jul (ENHS). Both records referred to NSWORAC.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris Max 4 off South West Rocks, Grassy Head &
Scotts Head 15 Jul -29 Oct (LMc); Max 24 birds off Swansea 4 Aug -4 Nov (HBR); Max
6 offNorah Head/Soldiers Pt 11 Jun- 4 Nov 35 & 55 km E of the Entrance 4 Nov (CCBR);
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 113 off Long Reef 3 Jan (MR), present off Mistral Pt/Magic Pt Maroubra 14 Feb -23 Dec,
max 60 on 12 Jun & 200 on Jul (DM,EV,RG), present off Sydney 20 May -9 Dec, max,
20 on 8 Jul (AP,RMc), 40 off Wattamolla 1 Jul (DSm), 1 off Cape Banks 9 Dec (DMe);
Present off Wollongong 24 Apr -26 Aug, max 30 on 10 Jun (CB,JJ,PM). Commonly seen
throughout the year on the South Coast.
Campbell Island Albatross D. m. impavida 4 Im 35 & 55 km E of The Entrance (CCBR);
6 off Wollongong 24 Apr, 10 on 27 May, 2 on 13 Jul, 17 on 26 Aug (JJ,PM).
Shy Albatross D. cauta cauta 1 off Swansea 5 Aug (HBR); 2 Norah Head 11-14 Jun
(CCBR); 1 off Long Reef 8 Jan, 20 on 2 Jun (MR), 4 off Mistral Pt/Magic Pt Maroubra
2 Jun, 30+ onl Jul, last seen 29 Oct (EV,RG), 2 off Wattamolla Jul (DSm), 4 off Sydney
12 Aug, 2 on 10 Sep, A+lm on 9 Dec (AP,DH,RMc); Present off Wollongong 22 Jan -28
Oct, max 20 on 28 Oct (JJ,PM,RMc); Common visitor on the South Coast 30 Jan -15
Dec, max 300 off Eden 25 Sep (ENHS).
Salvin’s Albatross D. cauta salvini 1 off Eden 30 Jan, 25 Aug & 2 on 28 Oct, 1 off
Batemans Bay 20 Aug (EA,ENHS).
White -capped Albatross D.c.steadi off Wollongong 13 Jul & 12 on 26 Aug (JJ).
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma J off Sydney 8 Jul (AP); off Wattamolla 15
Jul (DSm), off Wollongong 13 Jul & & 22 Jul (EV,JJ). All referred to NSWORAC.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchus Max 20 off South West Rocks Jun -29 Oct
(LMc); 30 off Swansea on 5 Aug & 1 on 4 Nov (HBR); Max 11 off Norah Head/Soldiers
Pt 10 Jun -23 Jul (CCBR); Present off Sydney 20 May -1 Nov, max 30 on 8 Jul (AP,RMc),
Present off Mistral Pt/Magic Pt Marounbra 9 May -30 Oct, max 38 on 10 Aug (DM,EV);
Present off Wollongong 25 Mar -12 Aug, max 50 on 10 Jun (CB,PM), 9 off Sandon Pt
Illawarra 20 Jul (DG); Common winter vistor on South Coast 30 Jan -25 Sep, max 20 off
Eden 10 Jun (ENHS).
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 off Wollongong 22 Apr, 1 on 7 Jun, 1 on 10 Jun, 1 on 13
Jul, 1 on 25 Jun, 115 Jul , 2 imm on 28 Oct (CB,JJ,PM,LS); 2 off Eden 29 Apr, 1 on 28
Oct (ENHS). The most records in any one year since first reported in NSW in 1963.
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Max 3 off South West Rocks May -29 Oct
(LMc); 17 off Swansea/The Entrance 8 Oct & 9 on 4 Nov (HBR); present off Sydney 3
Mar -20 May, 12 Aug -9 Dec, max 8 on 11 Nov (AP,RMc); Present off Wollongong 3 Jan –
24 Jun, 26 Aug- 28 Oct (CB,GB,RMc); Present off Eden 30 Jul -28 Oct, max 15 on 25
Sep, off Burrewarra Point 19 Nov (ENHS).
12 December 2002Grey -backed Storm- Petrel 0. nereis I off Sydney 11 Jun (RG); 2 off Wollongong 13
Jul (JJ); Referred to NSWORAC.
Tristram’s Storm -Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami 1 off Sydney 8 Oct (AP), accepted by
BARC as the first record for NSW & Australia. This bird breeds on islands in the Leeward
Islands Hawaiian Chain.
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 8+ off Swansea/The Entrance 5 Aug
& 8 Oct (HBR); Present off Sydney in small numbers 12 Aug -9 Dec (DH,RMc); Present
off Wollongong 22 Jan -28 Oct, max 12 on 28 Oct (EV,JJ,RMc); Present off Eden 30 Jan,
30 Jul -28 Oct, max 15 on 25 Sep, 16 off Batemans Bay on 20 Aug (ENHS);
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica off Sydney 9 Dec (AP), referred to
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda beachcast South West Rocks 23 Mar
(ABi); I Jimmys Bch Hawksnest 16 Apr (AY); 1 off Long Reef 9 Mar (MR); Im off
Batemans Bay 12 Feb (PM). Average year 47-506 records, cf I record in 1998 & nil in
White-tailed Tropicbird P lepturus 1 off Sydney 8 Apr (AP), a quiet year!.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator 100+ off South West Rocks 9 Jul (LMc); 2
beachcast Birdie Beach Munmorah SRA 12 Nov (CCBR); 300 off Mistral Pt Maroubra
20 Jul (RG); Numbers on the South Coast down on previous years, max 50 Burrewarra
Point Aug (ENHS).
Masked Booby Sula daciylatra Point Danger, Tweed Heads 9 Nov (EK1), accepted
by NSWORAC as the 5th record for NSW.
Brown Booby S. leucogaster Im at Maroubra 18 Apr (RG), off Sydney 26 Oct (AP),
fewer records than usual.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 39 in Jan (CCBR).
Breeding: Small numbers Newcastle Water Res 29 May & Market Swamp, Sandgate 8
Nov (HBR), 20+ nests Ourimbah Ck Chittaway & nesting Wyong Ck, South Tacoma but
no count made (CCBR); 4 nests Banar Swamp, Condobolin3 Jun (AM).
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 100 in flight over Broadwater
Crk, Lawrence 12 Aug (GC). Breeding: Nesting Market Swamp, Sandgate 8 Nov (HBR);
6 prs Mirrabeena Res Landsowne 14 Sep (DMc), 10 nests Coopers Island 15 Jan (ENHS),
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 1375 nests Gum Cowal, Oxley HSD Warren 17 Feb (RJ), 725 nests Macquarie Marshes
Oct -Dec (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Black -faced Cormorant P fuscescens Present all year Twofold Bay, max 80 on 30 Jan,
1 Potato Pt Bodalla 5 Apr, 1 Mystery Bay 7 Jan (ENHS). Average year.
Pied Cormorant P varius Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 86 in Sep (CCBR); 84
Lady Robinson Beach, Kurnell 5 Nov (AB). Breeding: Max 7 N South West Rocks 3
May -4 Jun (KS); 19 nests Newcastle Water Res 20 May (HBR); 160 prs nesting Colongra
Swamp Feb -Apr (CCBR); 300 prs Oleopoloko Lake 25-27 May (AM).
Little Black Cormorant P sulcirostris Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 602 in
Oct, which is higher than usual (CCBR). Breeding: 50 Nests Market Swamp, Sandgate
Apr, nesting again on 8 Nov (HBR), 75 nests Gum Cowal, Oxley HSD, Warren 17 Feb,
3 nests Macquarie Marshes 10 Aug, 20 Bora Ck Macquarie Marshes 28 Sep (RJ), 725
nests Macquarie Marshes Oct -Dec (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Great Cormorant P carbo 42 flying south at Clarenza 19 Oct (GC). Breeding: 21
nests Newcastle Water res 20 May, nest building Shortland WC mid -May (HBR); 40
nests Banar Swamp, Condobolin 3 Jun (AM).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus Present all year Tilba Lake, max 200
Nov, a large number (ENHS). Breeding: 25 nests on Big Snake Is Wallis Lake 5 Mar
(HBR); Nesting Ramsay Is Blackalls Bay 569 A+ 250 nests 9 Feb, 60Y+6N On 21 Apr
(CCBR); 400 prs nesting Five Islands NR throughout 2000 (MSh); 5000 pr nesting
Mandalay HSD Peri Lake May & 1000+ prs Dry Lake near Packsaddle May (AM).
Lesser Frigatebird F aerial Im off Iluka Bluff 27 Jan (HW), off South West Rocks
14 Mar (KS); off Forster, succesfully attacked a Crested Tern (AB i). More records
than usual.
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 79 Lake Illawarra entrance 13 Feb (BO),
large number for site.
Little Egret E. garzetta Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 36 in Jan, reflecting a
successful nesting (CCBR). Breeding: 6 prs nesting Shortland WC Nov (HBR), 8 nests
Curly Is Chittaway Point 6-31 Dec (CCBR), 100 nests Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec
(Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra 2 Broughton Is 17 Feb & 2 Boondelbah is 23 Mar (HBR);
Report along the South Coast, most southerly records being Wallaga Lake 31 Jan & 16
14 December 2002Sep (ENHS), with 9 reported at 4 locations 11-12 Nov elsewhere on the South Cost north
of Wallaga Lake (Crowley 2002).
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica Breeding: 2 nests Whitton Punt Res 28 Nov
Great Egret A. alba Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 41 in Jan higher than usual
(CCBR); 20 Yallah artificial wetland 14 Dec (DG), largest gathering reported for the
Illawarra Region. Breeding: 6+ nests Lawrence 9-18 Nov (GC), 26 nests Shortland WC
Nov (HBR), 1300 prs Macquarie Marshes NR 19 Oct -31 Dec (KA).
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Waldrons Swamp 26 Aug (ENHS), unusual location;
1 nestling banded Macquarie Marshes 2 Dec 1998 recovered Mt Isa 17 Dec, 1376 km
North & another banded same day, seen at Townsville 2 Dec 2000 (RFo). Breeding: 3+
nests Lawrence 18 Nov (GC), 21 nests Shortland WC Nov (HBR), 20200 nests Macquarie
Marshes Oct -Dec (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Cattle Egret A. ibis 1400 roosting Pelican Is South West Rocks 26 Feb (KS); 9 Centennial
Park, Sydney 27 Oct (WBy), unusual location; Cobbora 20 May (JPe); 10-15 Bilbul 14
Jun (JCo). Arrival: Present on the South Coast 5 Apr- 9 Oct, max 50 Moruya 19 May
(ENHS). Breeding: 100+ Casino Jan, new colony (Gosper & Homes 2002), 2000+ nests
Lawrence 9-18 Nov (GC), 430 nests Seaham Nov, 276 nests Shortland WC Nov (HBR),
150 nests Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Striated Heron Butorides striatus Nesting Chittaway Point East 2 Jan & again on 10
Dec, J at Chittaway Point 14 Feb (CCBR); 1 Bicentennial Park 18 Oct (RT); Recorded
on South Coast throughout the year, most southerly records being Potato Pt Bodalla 12
Jan & 22 Aug (ENHS).
Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus Max 16 roosting Pelican Is South West
Rocks Apr -Oct (KS); 60 flying over Pambalong Swamp 26 Jan (HBR); 2 Meadowbank
Park 21 Apr & on 21 Nov (AB), max 9 roosting Mitchell Park, Cattai all year (BC).
Breeding: 15,500 nests Macquarie Marshes NR Oct -Dec (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Macquarie Marshes was the only breeding location in 2000.
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Nesting Richmons Pk, Casino Jan- Feb, Lismore
STW Nov Gosper & Homes 2002); 2 Central Colo 30 Oct (KB); i on farm dam Kiah,
Eden 24 Feb (JMo); 1 Bora Ck, Macquarie Marshes NR 3 Jan (RJ); Max 5 Fivebough
Swamp 12 Nov -24 Dec (KH,MS), record count for site.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 15Black Bittern Li/ay/col/is 1 Grassy Head Feb & 24 Jul, 1 Millbank 5 Mar & 2 Temagog
Oct -Dec (KS,ARi), 1 Booyong FR Alstonville 3 Dec (DC); 1 Rathmines 13 Feb,
Kooragang Is 9 Mar, 2 Paterson River Gresford 10-16 Oct (HBR); Chittaway Hall Res
29 Jan, Tuggerah Straight 20 Mar, Lees Res Chittaway 20 Oct, nesting Wyong Ck
1 1
South Tacoma 22 Nov, 1 Mill Ck Dharug NP 23 Dec (CCBR); Max 2 Mitchell Park
Cattai all year (EV,TQ), max 2 Luddenham 20 Feb -16 Apr & 12-19 Nov (BE,JDv,TQ,TS),
Deep Ck Belrose 17 Oct (DPr); Swan lake 29 Nov & Cudmirrah 29-31 Dec (KM).
1 1 1
More records than usual.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptdus Casino Golf Course Swamp 30 Dec 99 –
Jan (DC), I Tomago 31 Jan (Finegan & Roderick 2002), Newcastle Uni Wetlands 6 Dec
(HBR); N+4E Wingecarribee Swamp Nov (MKo) first breeding record for Illawarra
Region, Woonona 6 Dec (KM); Little Llangothlin Lagoon 5 Jan (JCe); 2 Rowe’s
1 1
Lagoon, Collector 12 Nov & 24 Dec (HPe,PDb); 2 Macquarie Marshes North 11 Aug &
1 Monkeygar Ck wetlands 19 Dec (RJ) & 1 on 28 Oct (DGe); 3 Avalon Swamp, Finley
26 Aug (JMc), Lake Cargelligo STW 19 Oct (SMu), max 2 Fivebough Swamp 24 Sep –
25 Nov (ALv,KH,MS), 1 Booligal Wetlands 3 Nov & 6 Dec (JB). More records.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Present all year Geneebeinga Wetlands, Casino max 25
(ABi), 23 Casino Golf Course Swamp & 27 on 12 Aug (DC), 8 Kempsey 9 May (KS),
present Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 12 Aug -30 Sep, max 43 on 14 Aug (GC); max 9
Pambalong Swamp Mar -Aug, 15 Lenaghan Drive Swamp Minmi 21 May, a few at other
locations (HBR); 4 Cecil Hoskins NR Nov (CC); Bega 27 Sep (GLC); 2 Mother of
Ducks Lagoon, Guyra 4 Jan (JCe); 25 km S of Nyngan 18 Nov (JC); 15 Fivebough
Swamp 16 Sep (MS); 1000 Carrypundy Swamp Aug (IMc), 4+ Bourke STW Sep (RL);
100+ Mossgiel 29 Aug (CBOC). Breeding: 3000 nests Booligal Wetlands 3 Nov, but
only 750 by 6 Dec (JB), 3900 nests Macquarie Marshes Nov -Dec where nesting was
successful (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 100+ Kincumber tip 25 Sep (CCBR). Breeding: 6+
nests Lawrence 9 Nov; 12+ nests Rowe’s Lagoon, Collector 24 Jan (GC), max 750 nests
Booligal Wetlands 2 Nov -6 Dec (JB), 2940 nests Macquarie Marshes Sep -Dec (Kingsford
& Auld 2002)
Straw- necked Ibis T spinicollis 14 on Split Solitary Island 25 Jul (GC), unusual
location; 300-400 Coombie HSD Roto 27 Aug, only present during good seasons (J Ho);
Breeding: 13000 nests Booligal Wetlands 3 Nov -6 Dec (JB), 31,225 nests Macquarie
Marshes Sep -Dec (Kingsford & Auld 2002).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia Max 104 Pambalong NR Jan -Mar & 60 Seaham Swamp
NR 5 Mar (HBR) Breeding: 6 nests Monkeygar Ck wetlands Macquarie Marshes 7 Jan,
16 December 200210 prs Bora Colony 28 Sep -10 Oct & 60 nests Monkeygar wetlands, Macquarie Marshes
Oct -Dec (RJ), 80+ active nests Hanwood 15-30 Sep (GC), nesting Hawkesnest 19 Nov
(HBR), 4N Booligal Wetlands 2 Nov (JB),
Yellow -billed Spoonbill Pflorvipes 27 at Cundletown 20 Jan, a large coastal concentration
(HBR); 4 Greendale 28 May (TS), largest number reported for Sydney Region this season;
Breeding: 10 nests Bora Ck, Macquarie Marshes 28 Sep (RJ); 2 nests Whitton Punt Res
28 Nov (CDa).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus NB North Coast records not included
except where breeding. 1-2 at Ash Island Ponds throughout the year, Shortland WC Nov,
Hexham Swamp 7-12 Dec, Black Hill 14 Dec & Pambalong NR 15 Dec (HBR), between
Muswellbrook & Singleton 26 Apr (JHa). lmrn Narran Lake NR Jun & Imm 25 km N
of Bourke 12-20 Aug (AM,PB), most westerly records for NSW. See Baxter et al (2001)
for extra-limital records in South Australia and south-west Queensland in the same period!
Breeding: Nesting Coraki, Mongogarie & south of Cedar Point (Gosper & Holmes
2002), 2A+3J Waterview Heights 2-19 Feb & 3J same place on 29 Jul, A+ Im Swan
Creek 25 Mar, nesting Urunga Aug (NC), 2A+J Brothersons Swamp, Coutts Crossing
12-24 Oct, Im flying South Boambee 29 Oct, A+2J Bunyip Ck Grafton 18 Nov (GC,TW);
2A+J Harrington 11 Jan (CH), 2A+J Ash Island 22 Jan (HBR). There seems to be at
least 11 breeding pairs in NSW.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus North Coast records not included. 4 pairs present around
Harrington and nest with young at Cundletown 5 Oct (HBR), 1 Ash Island 27 Aug (GM);
1 Little Beach, Bouddi NP 29 Mar, 2 Lower Mooney Ck 5 Sep, 1 Daleys Point & Avoca
Lagoon Aug -Sep, 2 Mooney CK Brisbane Water NP 7 Sep (CCBR) more Central Coast
records than usual; Narrabeen Lake 28 Jan -14 Feb (AMc,BC), Lane Cove River,
1 1
Lane Cove 20 Feb -7 Apr (AB,SMI); Single birds Dalmeny Feb (CPr), Kiola 24 Jan
(PM), Nandunga Lake Narooma 25 Jan (PV), Moruya Heads 25 Feb & 5-16 Dec,
Wagonga Inlet 17 Apr, Mossy Point 21 Apr, Wallaga Lake May -Nov, Kianga 7 Oct,
Coila Lake 5 Dec (EMHS,GLC), more South Coast records than usual. Breeding:
Estimated 100 Ospreys (32 breeding pairs) in the NPWS Mid -north Coast Region from
Grassy Head, south to Hallidays Point, with 31 nesting events fledging 28 young (8 prs
raised 2 young, 12 pairs raised 1 young, 11 not successful), the results from 14 other
nesting events not known (ABi,AP), cf. 40 pairs in 1999 (Morrris 2002)
Letter -winged Kite Elanus scriptus Rankins Springs 23 Sep (BM). Only record,
however good seasonal conditions in the Channel Country & the Gulf, meant that there
would be few birds in NSW in 2000.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 17Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata Present at 22 locations in the North cost Region
including 2A+Im Clybucca 29 Jan, 2A+ Im Crescent Head West 21 Feb, A+N Frederickton
4 Nov & 2A+N Temagog Nov -Dec (KS), 2A+2J Maria River NP Kempsey 5 Feb (GC),
1 Wauchope Oct (Griffiths et al 2002); 2A+J Wyee Point 1 Feb, 3 Carey Bay 24 Jun
(HBR); Present Central Coast all year at 15 localities, with N+3Y Wyoming 2 Jan, J inj
Horsfield Bay 21 Jan, 2A+2J Killcare Heights 17 Feb, 2A+2J Murrumbubng HSD Mardi
28 Nov (CCBR); Present at 22 Sydney Region sites including 4 crashing into eucalypt
crowns to catch Phasmids at Blaxland 20 Jan (GT), and nesting Newmans Rd Glenorie
29 Oct, A+2J 26 Nov (CG,EV), 2A+2Y Marayla 7 Oct -7 Dec (AB,KB); 2 Barren Grounds
NR near rangers residence 3 Dec (DMc), 2″d record for site, nesting Nowra Dec (per
AM), most southerly breeding record for NSW; Springwood Feb -Mar & mid Jun
(CT,MLy); Loomberah, Tamworth 20-27 Aug (GG). The most ever records, some
interesting western records and it is obvious that this species is extending its range
throughout metropolitan Sydney, moving closer to the City along the Lane Cove Valley.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 2 Port Macquarie Jan -Dec (AB i), Jacana HSD
Clarenza 8 Jan (EW), 1 Maria River SF 9 Jan (AM), Old Station section Skillion NR 23
Feb, 1 Port Macquarie 18 May, 1 Moonee Crek Estuary 25 Jul, 2 Born Born SF 17-21
Oct, A Grafton 10 Dec (GC), South West Rocks 6 Mar, Euroka May (KS), Grassy
1 1 1
Head 19 Aug (ARi); 1-2 Cundletown all year, N+1Y 21 Oct, El!along 18 Jun (HBR);
South Windsor 22 Jan & 29 Feb (CS,WS), North Richmond 27 Jan (DPo), McGraths
1 1 I
Hill 5 Apr (KB), 1 Vineyard 9-16 Apr (Birdline), 1 Bushells Lagoon 3 Jun (TWa); 1
Rouse Hill 8 Jun (TD), 1 Cammeray 25 Jul (AB), 1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 9 Sep (BC), 1
Lower Portland 19 Sep (KB), i Catherine Field 31 Dec (TS); 1 Bomaderry Creek 3 Feb
(RJo), Vincentia 27 Feb (RJo), Sanctuary Pt Jervis Bay 4 Mar (AB), Booderee NP
1 1 1
Jervis Bay 6 Jul (JCI), 1 Huskisson 2 Dec (MJa); 1 Broulee 2 Jan (AT), I Malua Bay 18
Jan (DHu); 1 Nelligen 8 Dec, 1 Mogo SF 15 Dec (ENHS), 1 Yanbulla Ck Genoa 10 Dec
(BS); Lapstone 4 Feb, Blaxland 26 Feb -31 Mar, Blayney 9 Jun (Birdline), Glen
1 1 1 1
Alice 6-20 Aug, 1 Goulburn River NP 15 Dec (GT,RT,TQ), 1 Laidley HSD Rylstone 10
Sep (AM), 1 Capertee valley 3 Oct (DGe), 1 Coco Ck Glen Davis 16 Dec (PDb); 1
Kentucky late May (JNo); 1 Goonoo SF 13 Jan (JPe); 1 Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar -3 Apr
(EN); 15 km E Balranald 22 Feb (ASt). The most records reported and it is of interest to
note that this bird is being reported in increasing numbers areas from where there have
been long term observations made which in coastal areas must indicate that the population
has increased. One could speculate as to whether they have become more common because
they are major predators of juvenile Noisy Miners which have increased in urban and
semi-rural areas.
Black- breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Kiah (South Coast) 15-29 Jan
(JMo), notes provided, well out of range but seen a number of times; Jarmans Swamp,
18 December 2002Wanaaring 25 May, I south Fort Grey, Sturt NP 30 Apr, on nest 15 Aug (AM,RCk), 1
Hungerford 20 Sep (PDb), 2 Bulloo Overflow East 23 Sep (CR). Average year.
Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Flat Rock Gully, Cammeray 1 Sep (AB), I Castle Hill 21
Oct (Birdline), rare Sydney records; 3 North Dubbo 5 Aug (EV); 1 Whitton 5 May (DGr),
max 6 Leeton Tip 26 Jun -3 Jul (KH).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur Indus 2 Samurai Bch, Port Stephens 1-4 Jan (RCr);
Comerong Island 3 Dec, 4th I llawarra record (CB). Breeding: 2A+N Harwood Bridge 28
Aug -11 Sep, 2A+N Wooloweyah Village 25 Mar (GC).
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus One eating a Rock Dove at Shortland WC 16 Apr (HBR);
Flat Rock Gully Res, Northbridge 6 Aug (AB), unusual location. Breeding: Nesting
Old Bar 17 Jun, Ash Island 15 Jul, Tea Gardens 4 Aug, Harrington 7-10 Sep (HBR);
N+2Y Colongra Swamp 20 Aug (CCBR); 2A+2J Tuross Heads Feb (ENHS); N+Y
Blowering Dam 28 Jan (WL).
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Birds were taking eggs & young from
Cattle Egret rookery Seaham Swamp NR during 99/00 breeding season (HBR); took
Cattle Egret Dooralong 9 Jun (LE); with Cattle Egret McGraths Hill STW 26 May
(DP), 1 took Swamphen same place 12 Aug (CM); 22 birds seen at 12 locations on 11-12
Nov during South Coast Shorebird Survey (Crowley 2002); Im Spring Ck Reservoir
Orange 10 Dec (Bhu), rarely seen in Orange District. Breeding: 2A+N+J 5 km N Kyogle
1-6 Oct (ABi), A+N Lower Southgate 13-14 Aug, 2Y on 30 Sep, A+N McPhersons
Crossing 6-25 Aug (GC); Nesting Dudley 30 Apr, Quorrobolong 29 Jul, nest building
Lake Liddell 26 Oct, 2A+J Dawson River mid Oct (HBR);. A+2 flying juveniles Tuggerah
Bay 9 Jan (CCBR); 2A+J Tuross Estuary 15 Jan -8 Apr, J at Durras Feb, J Wallaga Lake
25 Nov (ENHS).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimillis 1 6 km S of Kyogle & 8km NW Casino 2 Oct (DC),
1 on fence post Kungala 11 Nov (GC); Single birds in Hunter Region Jan -May and Oct-
Nov, 2 Bayswater Colliery 12 May and single birds 3-16 Aug (HBR); Richmond Turf
Farms 25 Mar -16 Jul (AD,EV), 1 Bakers Lagoon 16 Jul (EV); 1 Wattamolla Royal NP 1
Sep (SAs); 1 Perthville near Bathurst 21-29 Mar (HK), 1 Glen Davis 9 Sep (AS), 1
Dunedoo 12 Oct (AM); 3 near Temora 29 Sep (KH); Pinegrove HSD Tullamore 21-24
Apr (JG), 1 Goobaguthrie Tk Condobolin 2 May (DP), 1 Gilgandra 5 Aug (EV), 1 Collie
11 Aug (DGe), nesting 20 km W of Coonamble 18 Aug (RMc), 2 Nyngan 24 Sep (CBOC);
J Binya 6 Feb, 1 Fivebough Swamp 21 Jun (MS), 1 Tuckerbil Swamp 1 Oct, 2 displaying
Binya SF 28 Oct (KH); 6 Louth-Tilpa area 25 Mar & 24-5 May, 3 Peri Lake NP 25-27
May (AM), 4 8 km N of Louth 3 Jul (LJ); Coolamon HSD Wilcannia, Mossgiel &
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 19Toms Lake Tk Booligal 1-8 May (DP), Willandra NP 24 Aug (1B), Matakana 20 Oct
1 1
(PO). Good seasonal conditions with some birds spilling over to the coast.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans eating Darter at Bushells Lagoon 28 Apr (PB).
Breeding: carrying nesting material Barlings Swamp 30 Nov (ENHS); Nesting Rowes
Lagoon, Collector 24 Jan (GC); Pair displaying Fivebough Swamp 2 Oct (KH).
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus Nesting Shortland WC Nov -Dec & raised 2Y
(HBR); Reported from 10 locations on the Central Coast, no breeding records but I was
seen to pursue an Eastern Rosella at Mangrove Mountain 26 Nov (CCBR); Recorded on
15 occasions in the Willoughby Municipality, at least 2 breeding pairs, took a Spotted
Dove at Jannali 15 Jul (SAs); Present all year South Coast from 7 locations (ENHS).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Grassy Head 30 Apr -May & 28 Jul (ARi,KS);
1 1
South Swansea 11 Jun (AM), I flushed from Spotted Turtle -Dove carcase Tuncurry 5
Sep (GC), 1 Hallidays Point 11 Dec (PL); Commonest Accipiter on the Central Coast,
reported from 20 localities, food items include eating rabbit Dog Trap rd Ourimbah 19
Aug, with Antechinus Mangrove Mountain 14 Oct, no white morphs (CCBR); Reported
from 9 Sydney region localities including a white morph at Mitchell Park, Cattai 9 Jan
(CJ,EV); Reported from 10 Illawarra Region localities including white morphs at Dunmore
9 Jun (PN) and Kiama 18 Jun (JBi); Reported from 7 locations on the South Coast, all
grey morphs from 30 May -25 Nov, being often repeat locations and one white morph at
Brogo 25 Jan (ENHS,PV); Woodford 28 Jan (CPr), 17 km N of Orange May (CD),
1 1 1
Hazelbrook Mar & May (JD), I Sun Valley 29 May (LR); 1 Borah Res SW of Barraba 4
Sep (RWa), Barraba Caravan park 4 Sep (RL); 15 km N Lockhardt 9 Jun (MRo); 40
1 1
KM SW Euabalong 21 Apr (JCh), Mt Bingar Rd Cocoparra NP 14-16 May (JSI); these
latter three records represent exceptional inland occurrences.
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus A+J at Bulga 21 May (HBR); Reported
from 16 locations on the Central Coast throughout the year, nesting Murrumbung HSD
Mardi 2 Oct -Dec (CCBR); Lady Carrington Drive, Royal NP 7 Oct (EN); eating a
1 1
Common Myna at Figtree 23 Aug (KM); took Red-rumped Parrot at Capertee 12 Jun
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Kooragang Is mid Mar & nesting Maudville 20
Apr (HBR), 27 together at Booral 2 May (LC); McGraths Hill STW 15 Jul (PC),
1 1
Bobbin Head KCNP 5 Aug (SM), 1 Curra Moors Royal NP 8 Jul -12 Aug (AB,APe); 1
with Ring-tailed Possum Shipley Plateau 7 Jul (CPr); 10+ NE of Cooma 6 Apr (CP);
N+2E northern marshes, Macquarie Marshes NR 24 Jul (RJ).
20 December 2002Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides North Coast records include Banyabba SF, Coutts
Crossing, Orara River, McPhersons Crossing & Scotts Head (GC); N+ I Y Bayswater
Colliery 2 Dec, 151 Hunter Breeding record for 15 years (HBR); I Castlereagh SF14 May
(ML), 1 Castle Hill 31 May (Birdline), 1 Bushells Lagoon 3 Jun (TWa), I Royal NP 8 Jul
(AB); N+J Mogo SF 22 Oct, 1St breeding record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 1
Woodford 18 May (MK), 6 Capertee Valley 30 Sep (EV).
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 took a King Quail at Arrowfield 18 May (HBR), N+J
Woodlands HSD, Rawdonvale 19-27 Oct (BH).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis N+Y Dungog 12 Jan (HBR); Reported from 13
Central Coast locations throughout the year, prey items included Crested Pigeon & a
Magpielark at Yarramalong 23 May & an Eastern Rosella Kulnura 14 Oct, no breeding
records (CCBR); N+Y Blowering Dam 28 Dec (WL); Present Coombie HSD Roto Jun –
Jul (JHo).
Grey Falcon F hypoleucos 2 Willie nr Quambone May (BJ,RJ); Jacks Ck Cocoparra
NP 27 Jul (AMa); Reported from Coolabah (Birdline), Wanarra Ck White Cliffs 26
May (CA), Fort Grey Camp, Sturt NP 3 Jul (LJ), Grasmere 23 Aug (DMa); 2A+Im
1 1
near Mount Manara 24 Apr (RCk). More records than usual.
Black Falcon F subniger 1 Urunga 1 Dec (GBe); 1-2 Bayswater Colliery Mar -Sep, 1
Muswellbrook 12 May, 1 Scone 6 Jul (HBR); 1 Pughs Lagoon Richmond 9 Jun (DPo);
2 Goollooinboin HSD Glen Davis 23 Apr (AB), 1 Glen Alice 1 Sep (FV); 1 Gundagai 31
Mar (RT); 2 Gooloogong 9 Jun (AR); 1 Terrigal Ck Sandy Camp 19 Mar (JMI), 2
Pinegrove HSD Tullamore 21-24 Apr (JG); 1 Parkview HSD Boorooban 5 Mar (MP), 1
Deniliquin & 1 Hay late Apr (RCI), 2 Oxley HSD Oxley 15 May, I Toopuntil HSD Oxley
24 May (JB), Im Brobenah Airstrip 3 Jun, 1 Waddi & Willbriggie 13 Jun (JS1), I Tuckerbil
Swamp 23 Jul, I Yarrabimby 18 Jun, I Binya 23 Sep (KH); 2 12 km NW Louth 25 Mar
& 10 others in NW NSW 20 May -1 Jun Intl Peri Lake NP (AM), Sturt NP late Apr
(RCI), 1 Nundoora CK Milparinka 26 Aug (DMa)I Wompah Gate, Tibooburra 21 Sep
(PDb); 2 Coombie HSD Roto May -16 Aug, possibly nesting (JHo), Kaleno HSD
1 1
Cobar 2 May (DP), Mossgiel 19 Sep (CBOC). The most records ever published for this
Peregrine Falcon F peregrinus I swooped on Glossy Black Cockatoo flock at Valla 9
Mar (GC); I seen from a dentist’s chair at Glebe 10 Jan (AR), 1 of 18 observations in
Sydney’s central and northern suburbs (AB); took a Wonga Pigeon in a backyard at
Springwood Jan (ZE). Breeding: Nesting Ilarwill Quarry 28 Aug (GC); N+3Y Bennetts
Head 11 Aug -30 Oct (HBR); Nesting Goulburn River NP 17 Dec (RT).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 21Brolga Grus rubicunda 4 Chaffin Swamp Tucabia 20 May (CVBR), 2 N of Ulmarra 5
Jun, Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 12 Aug, present Lawrence 12 Jun -31 Jul, max 82
on 12 Apr (GC,ID,MB), 2 Arndilly HSD Tullymorgan 30 Sep, 2 Diggers Camp, Yuraygir
NP 11 Nov, 1 Bunyip Ck Grafton 18 Nov (GC); 1 flying over Mangrove Mountain 8
Sep, 1″ Central Coast record since 1867 (CCBR); 3 Paddy’s Cowal, Gin Gin 11 Aug
(DGe), I Monkeygar Ck Macquarie Marshes 26 Sep (RJ); 7 Tuckerbill Swamp 22 Mar,
max 16+1J 5-10 May (AMa,MHe), 3 Round Hill HSD Murrami 25 May (PD); 3 Cuttaburra
Ck Wanaaring 22 Aug (PB), 3 Clifton Downs 28 Aug (DMa), 2 Nerrowie Ck Hillston 30
Sep (CBOC). All records published.
Buff- banded Rail GalUranus philippensis Reported from 12 North Coast site but no
breeding records. Reported from a number of Hunter Region sites including Tuncurry
5 Sep (GC), 2 Warabrook 19 Nov, 2 Ellalong 19 Dec & 3 Shortland WC 6 Mar, 2A+3Y
Swansea 21 Dec & 2A+N Boondelbah Is 23 Mar (HBR); Present all year Central Coast
at 14 locations, with breeding reported from A+2Y Berkley Ck Berkeley Vale 12 Nov &
A+3Y Wingello Ck Wyoming 3 Dec (CCBR); Reported from 9 Sydney Region sites
Feb- Oct, but no breeding records; 2 Robertson 6 Mar (CC), rarely recorded in the Southern
Highlands, 1 Wigram Rd Thin-oul 25 Oct (PY), 1 Cudmirrah 11 Nov (KM), 1 Windang 4
Dec (DG); Montagu Island 27-31 Mar (Fullagar & Heylitgers 2001), Merimbula
1 1
Lake 24 Sep (SRa); 1 Mother of Ducks Lagoon Guyra 4 Jan & 26 Nov (GC,JCe); 3 Lake
Wallace, Lithgow 30 Nov (CPr); Upper Manilla Jan (RWa); Monkeygar Ck Macquarie
1 1
Marshes 31 Jul, N+6 eggs Bora Ck Macquarie Marhes 10 Oct (RJ); 1 Bilbul 8 Jun (JCo),
Campbells Swamp Griffithl8 Jun (BM). More records than usual.
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis HC Port Macquarie 12 Apr -4 May (ABi), Jerseyville
12 Sep (AB1,KS); 1 Tuncurry 5-8 Sep (GC); 1 seen then killed by cat Davistown 10-21
Jan, Chittaway Point 26 Sep (CCBR); Homebush Bay 18-22 Oct (RT), 2 Magic Pt
1 1
Maroubra 7 Oct -3 Nov (RG), Bicentennial Park 22 Oct (RT), 2 Oxford Falls 25 Nov
(AR); Barren Grounds NR 14 Mar & 7 Apr (RBo,RJo), HC Dunmore 28 Mar (RJo);
1 1
1 Katoomba 12 Mar, 1 Hazebrook 20 Mar -4 Apr (TH), 1 Lawson North swamp 24 mar
(CPr); Wonga Wetlands Albury Dec (PMe). Average year, all coastal records except
for the Albury observation.
Bush -hen Amaurorrnis olivaceus Peter Finn WR, Kyogle 9 Apr (DC), only report
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla Pelican Is South West Rocks 25 Jun & 2 on 15-17
Sep (KS,PRa), Clarenza STW 21-22 Oct (GC); 2 Tarro Swamp 17 Sep, Ash Island
1 1
19 Oct (HBR); 2 Yarramalong 28 Feb, A+3Y Tuggerah Lake foreshore, Berkeley Vale
10 Feb (CCBR); 1 McGraths Hill 7 Sep (KB), 1 Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 30
22 December 2002Oct (Birdline); 2+ Wonga wetlands Albury Dec (PMe)1 Fivebough Swamp 29 Oct (KH);
Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar -2 Apr (EN).
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea 1 Pelican Is South West Rocks 12 Feb -1 Mar
(KS); 1 Ash Island 5 Feb, I Shortland WC 6 Mar (HBR); 2+ Wonga Wetlands Albury
Dec (PMe); 1 Fivebough Swamp 3 Sep & 3 Dec (KH), 2+ Deniliquin District 16 Dec
(MH); 2 Caryapundy Swamp, Tibooburra 29 Aug (DMa), 4 South Myers Tk, Sturt NP 20
Sep (PDb). Widespread across the State.
Spotless Crake P tabuensis Lismore STW 21 Oct -21 Dec (Gosper & Holmes 2002);
J Belmont Swamp 20 Feb, 1 Ash Island 4 Mar, 2 Old Bar 12 Sep, 1 Kooragang Is 23 Oct,
1 Morpeth STW 8 Nov (HBR); 1 Warriewood Wetlands 25-26 May & 13 Dec (BC,BWa),
1 Maroubra 11 Jun (RG), 1 Eastlakes 16 Jul (DM), 1 Jacksons Swamp Leetsvale 5 Oct
(KB); 1 roadkill Batehaven 30 Mar, 1St record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 2+ Wonga
Wetlands, Albury Dec (PMe); Fivebough Swamp 25 Nov (KH), 2+ Deniliquin District
16 Dec (MH). Some inland records.
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis I Pambalong NR 28-31 Dec (HBR), unusual
location; 1 Coombie HSD Roto in garden 13 Oct (JHo). Only one coastal record due no
doubt to good seasonal conditions inland.
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 2 Barringun, 103 km N of Bourke 12-20 Aug
(JMc,PB), 3 Clifton Downs 28 Aug (DMa); 1 between Dareton & Buronga 6 May (BMc).
Average year.
Little Button -quail Turnix velox 2 Jamberoo Jan (CRu), 8th Illawarra record & most
easterly reported in 2000; 2 Lomandra HSD Griffith Oct (JB), 4+ Boorooban-Hay 16
Dec (MH); 2 Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar -3 Apr (EN); Present Oakleigh HSD Coolabah
21-24 Apr (DMa), 3 Peri Lake 25-27 May , 5 25 km W of White Cliffs 28 May (AM), 2+
Urisino HSD Wanaaring 31 Aug (DMa).
Painted Button -quail T varia I Temagog 30 Jan -20 Feb (ABi,KS), RK Pacific Hwy
Tabbimoble I Feb, 2 Mt Skillion, Skillion NR 16 Feb, 4 Skillion Flat 10 Mar , F Coutts
Crossing 9 Aug, AF RK South Grafton 12 Oct (GC); 4 Cos’s Gap 16 Apr, Appletree
Flat 10-12 Jun, 1 Aberdare SF 24 Jun, 2 Jerrys Plains 29 Jun, 1 Martins Creek 5 Aug, 3
Bulga 10 Sep, N+2E Lake Liddell 26 Oct (HBR); 2 Dickson Rd Res Jilliby 30 Jan, 2 inj
Berkeley Vale Mar, AF McPherson Rd Mardi 7 Apr (CCBR); 2 Mitchell Park, Cattai 9
Jan & 29 Jul (EV,MH)1 Mahons Ck Rd Yarramundi 30 Jan & 10 Apr (DPo), F Kellys
Bush, Hunters Hill, 2 Scheyville 23 Jul & 1 caught & banded 10 Sep (JDu,MR); 3
Nepean Dam firetrail 14 Mar (CC), 2 Barren Grounds NR 15 Mar (RBo), 2 Wollongong
Bot . Gardens Oct (MJ), I Wollongong Uni Oct (BB), 1 Balgownie Oct (WE); 2 Newnes
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 23Forest Rd Clarence 13 Feb (ID), 1 Glen Alice 5 Mar, 5 on 19 Aug, 3 on 30 Sep
(DGe,EV,RT), a+J Wentworth Falls 22 Mar (CPr), 3 Rylstone Dam 22 Apr (AB), 1
Goulburn River NP 14 Dec (RT); 10 in grass at Duri 4 Jun (AH); Present Lake Burrendong
15 Mar- 26 May (CDa); 5 Weddin SF 15 Jan (HP), 2 Jindalee SF Sep (Leavesly & Tidemann
2001); 2 Gulpa Island SF 16 Dec (MH); 3 Coombie HSD Roto in hopbush 9 Mar, on the
extreme western limit of range in NSW (JHo).
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax Female seen N of Ivanhoe late Apr (RC1),
only record.
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 3F,IM Boorooban 30 Mar -2 Apr (JG), 10
Boorooban-Hay 16 Dec (MH).
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 16 Jerseyville 3-28 Sep (KS); 66 Pambalong
NR 10 Dec (HBR); 7 Warriewood Wetalnds 13 Oct (BC); 2 Fivebough Swamp 16 Jan &
18 Nov (KH). Departure: 1 Bunning Ck Yarramalong 1 Mar (CCBR), 3 Richmond 12
Mar (DPo). Arrival: 8 Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 12-28 Aug (GC), I Gap Bluff,
South Head 26 Aug (FOC), Pelican Is South West Rocks 29 Aug (KS), McGraths Hill
1 1
STW 31 Aug (KB), 1 Newstead Pond 5 Sep (ENHS). Generally later arrival dates than
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Pelican Is South West Rocks 18 Apr (KS); 5+
Harrington 6-11 Sep, max 359 Hunter Estuary 14-15 Oct (HBR); Congo 22 Oct (ENHS);
I Nericon Swamp, Griffith 9 Jan (BM), 5 Fivebough Swamp 16 Jan (KH). Summer
wader Count Feb: 237 Hunter Estuary (HBR). Winter wader Count Jul: 5 Hunter
Estuary (HBR).
Bar- tailed Godwit L. lapponica Max 2001 Hunter Estuary 11 Nov & 250 Swan Bay
14 Oct (HBR); Max Tuggerah Lakes 283 Mar & 55 Brisbane Water 2 Dec (CCBR); 230
Francis Bay, Cabarita 2 Oct (RT), Pitt Town Lagoon 16 Oct (KB); 105 Wallaga Lake
21 Nov (ENHS), 259 reported from 8 locations during the South Coast Shorebird Survey
11-12 Nov (Crowley 2002). Summer Wader Count Feb: 190 Tweed, 27 Clarence,
1340 Hunter Estuary, 192 Tuggerah Lakes, 12 Brisbane Water, 70 Parramatta River
(CCBR,HBR,Wilson 2001), Winter Wader Count Jul: 37 Tweed Estuary, 174 Clarence,
370 Hunter Estuary; 16 Brisbane Water, 54 Narooma, 27 Shoalhaven (CCBR ,ENHS,GC,
HBR,Wilson 2001).
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Max 86 Hunter Estuary 9 Dec (HBR); 2 Dee Why
lagoon 6 Feb (EN), unusal location; 13 Moruya Estuary 11-12 Nov (Crowley 2002).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 61 Tweed Estuary, 28 Hunter Estuary, 9 Brisbane Water
24 December 2002(HBR,Wilson 2001). Winter Wader Count Jul: 3 Clarence Estuary, 19 Hunter Estuary,
9 Brisbane Water (CCBR,GC,HBR).
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis 2 Homebush Bay 4 Feb (BD), rarely reported so
far up the Parramatta River; 60 Tuross Heads Nov (ENHS), 94 reported from 4 locations
during South Coast Shorebird Survey 11-12 Nov (Crowley 2002). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 101 Tweed Estuary, 38 Clarence, 578 Hunter, 17 Tuggerah Lakes, 41 Brisbane
Water, 20 Potato Pt Bodalla (CCBR,ENHS,HBR,Wilson 2001). Winter Wader Count
Jul: 30 Clarence Estuary (GC), 143 Hunter Estuary, 16 Tuross Estuary & 15 Potato
Point (ENHS,HBR,Wilson 2001).
Common Redshank Tringa totanus Pelican Island, South West Rocks 14-27 Sep
(Shingleton 2001), accepted by NSWORAC as 1″ Record for NSW. Seen by many
observers, thanks to Ken Shingleton.
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 4+ Broadwater Swamp Lawrence 12-28 Aug, 3
Lawrence 14 Aug (GC), 17 Pelican Is South West Rocks 3 Dec (KS), 6 Geneenbeinga
Wetlands, Casino 19 Dec (ABi); Max 176 Hunter estuary 22 Jan, also 15 Morpeth STW
16 Dec (HBR); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 11 Sep (KB); 1 Wollumboola 15 Jan & 27 Dec
(CP,DMc); 81 Fivebough Swamp 16 Jan & 4 on 22 Oct (KH), Nericon Swamp 18 Jun
(BM). Summer Wader Count Feb:. 117 Hunter Estuary (HBR). Numbers down on
previous years.
Common Greenshank T nebularia Max 333 Hunter Estuary 9 Dec, 1 Denman 8 Sep
(H BR); Max 24 Tuggerah Lakes Mar (CCBR); I Tilba Lake 15 Sep -30 Nov (ENHS).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 112 Hunter Estuary (HBR). No inland reports in 2000.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola 1 Pelican Island, South West Rocks 12-13 Feb (KS); 1-2
Pambalong NR 23 Feb -3 Mar, 1-5 on 10-31 Dec (HBR); 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 9 Feb & 2
Sep -27 Nov (EV,JRg,KB); Nericon Swamp, Griffith 9 Jan (BM), Fivebough Swamp
1 1
16 Jan (KH). Average year but numbers down at Fivebough Swamp.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Max 66 Hunter Estuary 19 Mar, 3 Harrington 1-3 Dec
(HBR,CBOC); I The Entrance 29 Oct, Is’ record in 9 years; 1 Botany Bay 9 Jan (KB).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 44 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Clarence Estuary Jul (Wood 2001), foraging
1 1
on lawn in park at Dunbogan 29 Dec (GC), Rainbow Reach 26 Nov (KS); Chichester
1 1
Dam 31 Jan, 1 Harrington 8-9 Sep & 3 Dec, 1-3 Kooragang is 14 Oct -8 Nov, 1 Ash
Island Ponds 17-30 Dec (HBR); 1 Botany Bay 1 Jan (KB), 1 Audley Royal NP 12 Mar
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 25(MHa), 1 Bicentennial Park 18-22 Oct (RT), I Silverwater NR 7-8 Dec (AM,PS); 2 Lake
Conjola 2 Dec (MJa). Average to good year.
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes. 40 Iluka Boat Ramp 18 Nov (GC); Max 21
Hunter Estuary 11 Nov, 37 Swan Bay 15 Oct, 26 Lemon Tree Passage 10 Apr; 15 Cockle
Channel, Brisbane Water 2 Dec (CCBR); Moruya Heads 6 Sep & 4 Wallaga Lake 25
Nov (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 18 Hunter Estuary (HBR). Winter Wader
Count Jul: 7 Swan Bay, 2 Hunter Estuary (HBR).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 29 Long Reef 31 Mar (AB) & 33 Tuggerah Lakes
Feb (CCBR).
Great Knot Calidris tenuiroslris 2 Iluka Bluff 19 Jan (CVBR), North Ck Ballina 27
Sep (JH); Max 27 Hunter Estuary 19 Mar, where present all year in small numbers except
for May, 25 Stockton Sandspit 17 Sep (HBR); Max 4 Picnic Pt The Entrance 26 Sep -20
Nov (ABe,CCBR); 1 Long Reef 3 Jun (TW), 1 Shell Pt Botany Bay 14 Oct (DH), 2
Penrhyn Rd Botany 20 Oct- 7 Nov (BC,CG,DM); 2 Comerong Is 18 Mar (CC), one of
which was colour -banded in Queensland, 6 Lake Wollumlboola 15 Jan & 2 on 4 Nov
(CC,RBo); 2 Potato Pt Bodalla 6 Sep & Moruya Heads 16 Sep (ENHS). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 14 Hunter Estuary (HBR). Winter Count Jul: Clarence Estuary
(GC), Hunter Estuary (HBR). More records than usual
Red Knot C. canutus 13 Pelican Is South West Rocks 11-18 Oct (KS); Present Hunter
Estuary 16 Sep -9 Dec, max 400 on 14-15 Oct on passage, when 12 at Swan Bay (HBR);
Present Tuggerah Lakes 17 Sep -Dec, max 11 in Oct, numbers much less than other years
(CCBR); 23 Penrhyn Rd Botany 21 Oct (CG); 20+ Lake Wollumboola 27 Dec (DMc);
30 Wallaga Lake 30 Sep (ENHS). Arrival: Shoalhaven Heads Sep (CPr), 200 Hunter
1 1
Estuary 16 Sep (HBR), 1 The Entrance 17 Sep (CCBR); Passage migrant to the south in
spring, numbers much lower than usual.
Sanderling C. alba Max 19 at Harrington 10-23 Dec, Stockton Beach 13 Aug & 25
Nov (HBR); 1 Long Reef 11 Sep (MR); 1 Lake Wollumboola 6 Dec (DG); 1 Bermagui
16 Apr, 6 Potato Pt Bodalla 23 Sep (ENHS).
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 6 Pitt Town Lagoon 11-15 Oct (KB). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 60 Hunter Estuary (HBR), 126 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR). Numbers well
down on previous years.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 1 Long Reef 2 Apr (MR); 1 Lake Wollumboola 15
Jan & 3 on 19 Mar (CP,GRi) & 1 Comerong Island 8 Feb (JCe), largest number recorded
in the Illawarra Region. Fewer reports than usual.
26 December 2002Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata 4 Geneebeinga Wetlands, Casino 11 Mar & 16
on 19 Dec (ABi), 150 Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 28 Aug (GC); 200 Tarro Swamp
30 Jan, 45 at Kooragang is 31 Aug (HBR); 4 Potato Pt Bodalla 24 Dec, rare on the
South Coast (ENHS); 15 Fivebough Swamp 22 Oct (KH), very low count. Arrival: 10
Pitt Town lagoon 30 Aug (KB), 4 Pelican Is South West Rocks Sep (KS), 2 Tuggerah
Lakes 7 Sep (CCBR), 2 Pitt Town Lagoon 9 Sep (RT). Summer Wader Count Feb: 42
Parramatta R (Wilson 2001). No birds Tuggerah Lakes because the Lake levels were too
high and so no muddy margins.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Max 400 Hunter Estuary 22 Jan & Stockton Sandspit
on 30 Dec (HBR). Arrival: 10 Pitt Town Lagoon 30 Aug (KB), 4 Shoalhaven Heads 1
Sep (CPr), 12 Mason Park 13 Sep (RT). Summer Wader Count Feb: 330 Hunter Estuary,
67 Tuggerah Lakes, 37 Parramatta R (HBR,Wilson 2001). Winter Wader Count Jul:
Clarence Estuary (GC). Numbers well down on previous years.
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis M Pambalong NR present 26-31 Dec, AF seen
on one occasion (HBR); I Halls Ck Tamworth 12 Feb (SH); 1 Lake Cowal 21 Oct (Birdline);
AM Fivebough Swamp 6 Nov (MS).
Comb- crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea Reported throughout the year on the North
Coast, max 15+ Smiths Lake, Moonee 25 Jul (GC), breeding records for Macleay Valley
include A+3J Clybucca 24 Jan & A+2J Frederickton 9 May (KS); 1-5 present Mandalong
Swamp 5 Jan & 18 Nov, max 15 John Browns Lagoon Mar -May (EV), also reported
from Hillville Dam, East Maitland, Maitland, Lenaghans Drive Minmi, Tarro Swamp,
Johns River and Harrington being more sites than usual in the Hunter Region (HBR);
Evans Swamp, Dooralong 27 Apr- 16 May (CCBR,LE), 1″ Central Coast record for 11
years; I Yarramundi Crossing 27 Oct (CPr), I Kellyville 24 Nov -11 Dec (ARo,KB,TD),
a rare record for Sydney.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius Coffs Harbour Crematorium Mar -Aug, escapee
from Coffs Zoo (GC); 1 Swan Bay 14 Oct (HBR); 1 Saratoga Jan & 3 11 Oct (Morris
2002b), 2 St Huberts Is all year, 2A+2Y 30 Jan & A+2Y on 28 Oct- 31 Dec, 2 Cockle
Channel Brisbane Water all year, HC Daleys Point Aug -Sep (CCBR); Narooma SF
Office all year (ENHS); HC Bellevue Park HSD Kingstown Nov (RSc); HC Willala
Hills Boggabri Jan (DPa); Karoa HSD, Terridgerie 4 Oct (DCa); HC Bourke early Apr
(per DMa).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus 1 Sandon Estuary 8 Jan & banded A observed
24 Jun (banded Nambucca Heads by D. Secomb on 14/3/1986) 15 Jul, 2A+J Wooli 29
Feb, seen again 29 Nov, 2A+N+E Redbank R Red Rock 11 Nov (CVBR,CW,GC); 2
Harrington- Old Bar all year, nesting 20 Feb (HBR). Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 27Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris Present all year on the beaches of Myall
Lakes NP, max 22 on 20 Jan (HBR); 10 Lake Conjola 18 May (KM), a large number for
the site. Breeding: 2+N Dart Is & N+2E Hickey Is 12 Sep, N+2E Redbank R Red Rock
11 Nov & 3 runners from 2 separate pairs on 29 Nov (GC); nesting Stockton Beach 11
Nov & Forster 13 Aug (HBR); A+ I Y Chittaway Point 25 Oct -6 Dec (CCBR); 2A+2Y
Lake Conjola Nov (MSh); Reported from South Coast all year particularly from Tuross
Heads, Potato Point & Tilba Lake, with max counts of 8,10 & 6, breeding records Oct –
Dec from Bermagui, Tuross Heads & Wallaga Lake (ENHS), 47 from 12 sites during
Shorebird Survey 11-12 Nov (Crowley 2002). Summer Wader Count Feb: 7 Brisbane
Water, 4 Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Max 9 Woody Head 22-24 Apr (GC), nest at South
West Rocks 10 Jan, 1+ juv fledged (KS); Nesting Boondelbah Is 23 Mar (HBR); Max
14 Toowoon Bay Reefs 18 Feb -21 Apr (CCBR); Max 16 Long Reef 9 Apr & 12 on 13
Apr (EV,NM), max 7 Magic Pt Maroubra 9 Jun -13 Aug (AR,RG); 2A+J Montague Islanmd
22 Dec (ENHS), 64 reported from 12 sites during Shorebird Survey 11-12 Nov (ENHS).
South Island Pied Oystercatcher H. finschi One present all year Patches Beach Ballina
& 2 on 20 Apr (BT,JRe,PH,RB), I Evans Head 1 Apr, different bird (BT).
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 40+ Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 28
Aug (GC); 200 Ash Island Ponds 17 Apr (HBR); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max
44 Jan, 53 Colongra Swamp Jan -Feb (CCBR); Present all year Bicentennial Park max
162 on 16 Mar (NH); 10 nests Fivebough Swamp 2 Oct, J present 6 Nov (KH,MS).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 48 Tweed Estuary, 525 Hunter Estuary, 34 Tuggerah lakes,
209 Parramatta R (HBR,Wilson 2001). Winter Wader Count Jul: 140 Tweed Estuary,
53 Clarence, 158 Hunter, 21 Parramatta R (GC,HBR,Wood 2001).
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus A Swan Bay 16 Sep -29 Oct, A Kooragang
Is NR 11 Nov -9 Dec probably the same bird (HBR); 2 Im Tuggerah Bay at North
Chittaway, Chittaway Point & Chittaway Bay 2 Oct -31 Dec, 3rd -4th records for Central
Coast (CCBR); Lake Wollumboola 26 Mar (JP) first record for Shoalhaven area, and
1″ Regional record since 1981; Tuckerbill Swamp 17 Sep (MS).
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Max 104 Hunter Estuary 11 Nov
(HBR), 2 Junee STW 17 Oct (NSu), 200+ Carypundy Swamp 27 Aug (DMa). Winter
Wader Count Jul: 6 Hunter Estuary (HBR). Few birds in the Hunter Esrtuary in the year
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Max 15 Pelican Is South West Rocks Oct -Dec
(KS), Bellbrook 23 Oct (MHz); 30 Harrington 10-11 Dec (EV), max 104 Hunter
28 December 2002Estuary 11 Nov (HBR); max 6 Mason Park Concord 2 Oct -19 Nov (NH,RT), numbers
declining each year? 26 Penhryhn Rd Botany 3 Nov (BC), 4 Pitt Town Lagoon 16 Dec
(KB); Mystery Bay 7 Jan (ENHS), declining on South Coast. Arrival: Mason Park,
1 1
Concord 2 Oct (RT) Summer Wader Count Feb: 15 Hunter Estuary (HBR), 26 Central
Coast (CCBR), 100+ Comerong Island (JCe).
Grey Plover P squatarola I Long Reef 22 Jan (MR); 1 Comerong Is 6 Feb & 1
Shoalhaven Heads Sep (CPr); Womboyn Lake entrance 30 Aug (BJ); Moruya Heads
1 1 1
5-6 Sep (ENHS). Fewer reports than usual.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 15 Redbank R, Red Rock 11 Nov (GC);
Max 33 Hunter Estuary 9 Dec (HBR); Minimum 8 nesting attempts Karagi Pt The Entrance
by 12 adults in fenced Little Tern colony, numerous chicks seen 13 Nov -31 Dec (CCBR);
133 at 12 sites reported during South Coast Shorebird Survey 11-12 Nov, with nesting at
5 sites (Crowley 2002). Summer Wader Count Feb: 50 Tuross Heads & 50 Potato Pt
Bodalla (ENHS).
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 8 South West Rocks 5 May, max 19
Ryans Cut 12 May -31 Aug (KS); Present Stockton Beach 6 May -3 Aug, max 43 on 3
Aug, 3 Ash Island Ponds 4 Mar (HBR); Reported from 4 sites on the Central Coast 9
Mar- 13 Aug, max 18 Blue Bay 27 Apr (CCBR); Reported in small numbers 1-6 from 5
sites on the South Coast from 6 Jan -2 Jul (ENHS); Fivebough Swampl6 Jun (MS).
Arrive: 5 Comerong Is 26 Feb (CPr). Departure: 5 Toowoon Bay Reefs 13 Aug (CCBR),
North Ck Ballina 27 Sep (JH), Woody Point 28 Oct (CVBR). Winter Wader Count
1 1
Jul: 16 Tweed Estaury, 9 Sandon, 22 Swan Bay, 30 Stockton Beach, 17 Tuggerah Lakes,
6 Durras Lake (CCBR,GC,HBR,ENHS,Wood 2001).
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus 6 Woody Point 19 Jan & 6 on 28 Oct (CVBR),
Swan Bay 15 Oct & I Stockton Sandspit 30 Dec (HBR); 1 Lake Wollumboola 27 Dec
(DMc). Summer Wader Count Feb: 57 Clarence Estuary (Wilson 2001).
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii Max 12 Woody Point & Back Beach Rock
Platform, Woody Head 19 Jan -23 Apr & max 12 from 7-28 Oct (AM,CVBR,GC);
Boatharbour Kurnell 9 Sep (PB); Lake Wollumboola 15 Dec (DG). Summer Wader
Count Feb: Clarence Estuary (Wilson 2001).
Inland Dotterel C. australis 2+ Hay Plains 30 Mar -2 Apr (JG); 22 km N of Tibooburra
30 May (CA), 2 Mt Arrowsmith HSD Milparinka 28 Aug (DMa).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 29Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops Notable records include 26 Ash Island 17
Apr, 60 Pambalobng NR Dec (HBR); 19 Mason Park, Concord 2 Apr (AB), 25 Pitt
Town Lagoon 29 Jul (MH).
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubricollis 3A+J Broulee Beach 9 Feb (AT), 2A+N Berrara
Beach Nov (MSh), nesting Monument Beach 31 Dec (KM); Reported from 11 South
Coast beaches throughout the year with nesting reported from Saltwater Ck Ben Boyd
NP 2A+J on 3 Jan & nesting 24 Sep, 2A+2J Tilba Lake 5 Nov, 2A+2J Cape Dromedary
11 Nov, & 2A+3J 18 Dec (Crowley 2002,DMi,ENHS,GLC).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 1-2 reported from Shortland WC &
Pambalong NR Jan -Mar, Oct -Dec (HBR); 2 Tuggerah STW 28 Feb (CCBR); 4 Mason
Park, Concord 30 Jan (CA), max 7 Pitt Town Lagoon 15 Oct -17 Dec (EV,KB) including
one on eggs 16 Oct, first County of Cumberland breeding record for some years. Fewer
coastal records than usual indicating good seasonal conditions inland.
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor Singleton 26 Jul, Medowie 19 Dec, 13A+2J
1 1
between Largs & Morpeth 25 Dec (HBR); 1 Bunning Ck Yarramalong 29 Nov, 3rd Central
Coast record (CCBR); Max 6A+4J Cornwallis Lane Richmond 7 Jun -30 Dec
(AD,EV,RMc,TW); At Coombie HSD Roto no birds this year in large numbers, other
than 2 at Rocky Tank 25 May (JHo), 4+ Mungo NP 15 Sep (SS), 15 Willandra NP 30 Sep
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella Present Boorooban-Hay 16 Dec (MH); Common
Clifton Downs and Bulloo Overflow 30 Aug (DMa), common Tibooburra 20 Sep (PDb);
30+ Mossgiel 29 Sep (CBOC).
Great Skua Catharacta skua Arrived Long Reef 6 Apr & 31 May (MR), Mistral Pt
Maroubra 28 Oct (DM), present off Sydney 11 Jun -10 Sep (AP,DH,RG); Present off
Wollongong 26 May -26 Aug (GB,PM); Present off Eden 10 Jun -29 Oct, max 5 on 30 Jul,
Montague Island 12 Jul & Batemans Bay 20 Aug (ENHS). Departure: off Eden 29
1 1 1
Oct (EA).
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus 2 off Ballina 30 May, a late date (CW);
Newcastle Harbour 11 Mar, max 5 off Swansea/Norah Head 8 Oct -4 Nov (HBR); 11
Mistral Pt Maroubra 8 Mar (RG), Im beachcast Palm Beach 26 Oct (Birdline); Present
off Wollongong Jan -22 Apr max 25 on 25 Mar & Oct -Dec (PM); Present offshore
waters of the South Coast Jan, 29 Oct -19 Nov (ENHS).
30 December 2002Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus Lower Myall River 25 Sep (HBR); Max 35 Mistral Pt
Maroubra 20 Feb -8 Mar (DM,RG); off Wollongong 11 on 26 Feb, 5 on 22 Apr (PM); I
off Eden 30 Jan (ENHS), few South Coast records. Arrival: 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 8 Sep
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus Max 15 Mistral Pt 30 Jan -22 Mar, on 6 Nov
(DMe,RG), 1 off Sydney 20 May (AP), late date; 10 off Wollongong 26 Feb (PM).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Im Long Reef 10 Apr (EN), North Botany Bay 30 Jul
( OAR K), 2 sub -ad Henry Head, Botany Bay NP 3 Nov (BC); 1 Sandon Pt Thirroul 17 Jan
1 off Bellambi Point 9 Jul (GB); Max 2 Eden/Twofold Bay 29 Apr -29 Oct, no
records north of Eden on South Coast and numbers fewer than usual (ENHS).
Kelp Gull L. dominicanus 2nd Year bird Point Danger, Tweed Heads 6 Jan (EKI); J
Soldiers Point 22 Apr, 3’d Central Coast record (CCBR); Imm Jibbon Head 9 Apr (MLa),
Present off Magic Pt Maroubra 29 Jan -23 Dec, 108 records during 2000 (RG); Resident
at Wollongong -Port Kembla max 6 on 25 Mar (RMc).
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica Reported from the Hunter Region Jan -Mar, Oct -Nov,
max 7 Stockton Sandspit 19 Nov (HBR); 1000+ appeared to be nesting near Dry Lake,
Packsaddle as many juveniles present 28 May (AM), 80+ Bulloo River Overflow 12 Aug
Caspian Tern S. caspia Reported from the Hunter Region all year, max 12 Swansea 16
Apr (HBR); Reported from Tuggerah Lakes all year max 57 on 22 Feb, including 42 at
South Tacoma (CCBR); 80+ Bulloo River Overflow 12 Aug (NBa).
Roseate Tern S. dougali 1 Woody Point. Bundjalung NP 27 Jan (HW) & 1 Patches
Beach, Ballina 1 Apr (BT), both accepted by NSWORAC, 46 -5th NSW records.
White -fronted Tern S. striata Max 4 Stockton Beach 7-15 Jul (HBR); Long Reef,
1 1
off Sydney 12 Aug (NM,RMc), max 32 Mistral Pt Maroubra 9 Sep (DM,RG). Arrival:
2 off Wollongong 22 Apr (DH), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 27 May (RG), 2 Long Reef 31
May (AD), 6 Soldiers Pt Norah Head 4 Jun (CCBR); Present South Coast 2 Jun -11 Dec,
max 13 off Eden on 10 Jun (ENHS). Departure: 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 19 Oct (DM), 1
off Wollongong 28 Oct (RMc), 2 Tilba Lake 11 Dec (ENHS), a very late date.
Common Tern S. hirundo Present Hunter region Jan -19 Mar, 30 Sep- Dec, max 100+
Harrington 10 Dec (HBR); Present Central Coast Oct -Dec, max 1000+ Soldiers Pt Norah
Head 29 Oct (CCBR); Present South Coast 26 Sep -17 Oct, max 10 Dalmeny 26 Sep
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 31(ENHS). Arrival: 4 Newcastle Harbour 30 Sep (HBR), 1 Mistral Pt Maroubra 5 Oct
(RG), 12 Penrhyn Rd Botany 14 Oct (DH).
Arctic Tern S. paradisea 1 Long Reef 7 Jun (MR), 1 Magic Pt Maroubra 12 Jun
Little Tern S. albifrons Departure: 24 Tuross Heads 26 Mar (ENHS), Toowoon Bay
5 Apr (CCBR). Arrival: Lake Wollumboola 17 Sep (JP), Wallaga Lake 18 Sep (ENHS),
2 Picnic Pt The Entrance 4 Oct (CCBR). Breeding: 50 pr nesting Bongil Ck Sawtell
(PWo), Nambucca Heads 15+ prs (MSm); Manning Point 83 prs, Farquhar Inlet 37 prs
(HBR); 20 prs Karagi Pt The Entrance (CCBR); 40 pr nesting Towra Pt Botany Bay Oct –
Dec (PHu); 60+ pairs Lake Wollumboola, 90 nests by 31 Dec (DMc), 9 pis Lake Conjola
(MJ); 27 pr nesting South Tuross Nov -Dec (RK), 17 prs Bega R Mouth (MW), 14 prs
Wallaga Lake, 5 prs Wallagoot Lake (ENHS) Estimated 368 prs nesting in NSW and
367 chicks subsequently fledged by early 2001 cf. 130 prs in 1998 & 170 prs in 1999.
Fairy Tern S. nereis I Tuross Heads 15 Jan (ENHS) & 1 Harrington 12 Dec in Little
Tern colony. Records accepted by NSWORAC. Since 1994 there have been annual
occurrances in NSW.
Sooty Tern S. fuscata Chittaway Point 31 Dec (CCBR), more seen early Jan 2001 at
The Entrance (CCBR); 1 Long Reef 13 Jan, 13 Feb, 2 on 21 Mar (MR), 1 Mistral Pt
Maroubra 14 Feb (RG), 12 off Sydney 12 Feb & 2 on 11 Nov (AP); 7 off Wollongong 22
Jan, 4 on 26 Feb (PM); 3 off Batemans Bay 15-16 Jan, 15+ on 7-12 Feb & 1 on 19 Nov
(DWe,PM). More records than usual.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 2 Ash Island Ponds 27 Sep, Ellalong Lagoon
29 Oct (HBR); 6 North Chittaway 19 Oct (CCBR); Yarramundi Crossing 27 Oct (CPr);
1 Barlings Swamp 13 Sep (ENHS), unusual location; Small numbers nesting Mother of
Ducks Lagoon Guyra 4 Jan (JCe); 40 arrived Fivebough Swamp 3 Sep (KH). More coastal
records than usuual.
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus Im Woody Point Iluka 3 Feb (AM),
Macksville STW 2 Oct (RMc), 2 South West Rocks 30 Nov (KS); Present at the mouth
of Newcastle Harbour Mar -9 Apr, max 38 on 19 Mar (HBR); Im Towra Spit, Botany Bay
5 Jan (KE), 1 Long Reef 6 Jan (MR); 1 Lake Wollumboola Jan & 3 from 2-27 Dec
(DMc,RBo); 2 Fivebough Swamp 6 Nov (MS). Average year.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus 1 Ballina 3 Jan (GH), 1 off South West Rocks 17 Jan
(KS), 1 Cape Byron 5 Feb (HW), 1 Fish Rock, South West Rocks 2-8 Mar (LMc), Im
Woody Head 21-23 Apr (GC); Mistral Pt Maroubra 1320 Feb (RG), 4 Long Reef 22-
32 December 200231 Mar (MRo); 7 off Wollongong 26 Feb (PM), 151 Regional record since 1987; J off
Batemans Bay 7 Feb (PM). More records than usual.
Black Noddy A. minutus 2 Woody Point, Iluka 15 Jan -7 Feb (AM,CVBR,HW), 1 Fish
Rock, off South West Rocks 14 Jul (LMe). Average year.
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 3 off Fish Rock, off South West Rocks 28 Feb- 10
Mar (LMc); 1 off Long Reef 22 Mar (MR); 1 Brush Island Ulladulla 8 Feb (PM), 2 off
Wollongong 25 Mar (RMc); 5 off Batemans Bay 7-12 Feb (ENHS,PM). Numbers continue
to increase.
White Tern Gygis alba 1 off Long Reef 21 Mar (MR), 4 off Sydney 8 Apr (PC); 2 off
Wollongong 25 Mar (RMc); 1 off Batemans Bay 15 Jan (PM). Numbers continue to
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela Present North Coast all year, max 32 Coutts
Crossing 30 Oct & 20+ feeding on Camphor Laurel berries at Orara R Karangi 12 Jul
(GC); Nesting Dungog 21 Jan, 151 confirmed breeding for Hunter Region for 15 years
(HBR); Common across the Central Coast in small numbers max 20 Mobbs Rd Terrigal
7 Oct (CCBR); 1 Mogo Camp, Yengo NP 3 Jun (JC), 1 Cliff Drive Freemans Reach 9 Jul
(RCI), unusual locations; Recorded at 11 sites in the Illawarra Region including 2 Picton
on powerlines 18 Aug (CC) most western limit of range for the Region; Recorded in
small numbers 1-4 all year South Coast, with the most southern record at Wallaga Lake
Feb (ENHS); Katoomba 19 Jan (CPr), Blackheath 28 & 30 May (GJ).
1 1
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis Blackheath 6 Mar- 1 Apr (GJ), there
is a continuing expansion into the higher sections of the Blue Mountains.
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 2 Grassy Head 19 Feb & Apr (ARi), South West
Rocks 10 Mar (KS), Port Macquarie 5 Apr (AB1), on road Woody Head Bundjalung
1 1
NP 7 Oct (GC), 1 Woody Head 28 Oct (CVBR); 1-2 Chichester Dam 31 Jan, Mount
Vincent 1 Feb, Belmont South 6 Apr, Cape Hawke 15 May & 16 Dec, Wang Wauk SF 3
Aug, Harrington 30 Sep & 1-3 Dec, Summer Hill Oct & Booto Booti NP Oct (HBR);
1 1
1 Wonga Hill HSD, Lisarow 6 Mar- 18 Apr, I Ourimbah Ck Rd Ourimbah 20 Mar, 1 Sun
Valley Rd Erina 24 May, 1 feeding on ground with Brush Turkey Narara 5 Aug, 1 Paul
Oval Gosford Aug -Sep (CCBR); 1 Mirraben Res Lansdowne 11 Sep (RWi), 1 Mitchell
Park, Cattai 5 Nov (JCe); Toolijoa 24 Feb (CP), Balgownie & Mt Pleasant 4 Mar
1 1
(TE), 1 Curramore 2 Nov (KM); I Wallaga Lake Jan, Lilli Pilli 7 Apr & 1 flew into a
window at Tomakin 17 Apr (ENHS); flew into window Daruka, Tamworth Feb (JMy).
More records than usual. The Tamworth record is exceptional.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 33Spotted Turtledove Streptopelia chinensis Present Queanbeyan all year (KW,MLu),
no previous reports for this site.
Common Bronzewing P. chalcoptera 2 Im Mangrove Mountain 18 Apr, eastern edge
of range (CCBR); Primbee 30 Apr (RI), unusual coastal record; 45 coming to drink at
one waterhole, Goonoo SF 27 Feb (DGe).
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans Im M in remnant heath Tuncurry 4-7 Sep (GC), 1-2
Belmont Swamp Jan- Mar, Oct -Nov (HBR); 1 Tuggerah Bay 9 Jan, 20 Feb & 3 Dec, 1
Bombi Rd McMasters Beach 13 Nov (CCBR); 1 Maroubra Beach 21 May (RG) first
local record for many years, Mulgoa 19 Aug (MH), 2 Red Hill, Beacon Hill 4 May &
9 Dec (BC); 1 Pierces Pass, Blue Mtns NP 11 Oct (Birdline), 1 Ulan 7 Dec (RT), western
limit of range.
Flock Bronzewing P histrionica 6 South Myers Tk, Sturt NP 5-19 Sep (PDb,ST), only
Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 3 West Wyalong cemetery 5 Aug (EV); 1 Wymba
HSD Warren 3 Jan (HJ); Max 5 Binya SF 6 Feb -27 Feb (KH); Common Peri Lake NP
25-27 May & Mutawingie NP 31 May (AM); Small flock at House Tank, Coombie HSD
Roto Nov (JHo).
Peaceful Dove G striata On the Central Coast reported from Jilliby, Mangrove Mountain
& Somersby throughout the year (CCBR); 2+ Scheyville NP 13 Mar (AB); Thirroul 27
May (MMo), unusual location, escapee?.
Bar -shouldered Dove G humeralis Nesting Balickera 6 Nov, 1″ confirmed breeding
record for Hunter Region for 15 years (HBR); Widespread across the Central Coast,
nesting successfully throughout the year at Mangrove Mountain (CCBR); 3 Chiltern TI
Ingleside 16 Mar & 14 Apr (BC,LH), 1 Bantry Bay, Frenches Forest 10 Apr (BC), 1
Maralyla 10 Jul (KB), 4 Shaw’s Ck Yarramundi Sep (CPr), 2 Laughtondale Sep (KB), 3
Prospect Reservoir 24 Sep -2 Oct, Mitchell Park Cattai 14 Oct (EV), Redhill Res
1 1
Oxford Falls 19 Nov (AB); 2 Bellambi 10 Jun (JWy), 6 Windang Peninsular 19 Mar -6
Aug (DWi), continue to expand southwards along the coastal heaths and dunes; Boers
Hd Rock, Katoomba 29 Jul (CPr); I Binya SF 21 Mar (KH); 1 Lerida Tk Cobar 2 May
(DP), Winter -spring visitor Coombie HSD Roto where nested (JHo). Continues to extend
range in Sydney and Illawarra Region.
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca 2 at seperate locations Goulburn River NP
14 Dec (RT), western limit of range.
34 December 2002Superb Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus superbus Gloucester River Camp, Barrington Tops
NP 1 May (LC); Im flew into window Umina 11 Apr (CCBR); I Ku-ring-gai Council
Nursery Mona Vale 24 Oct in Ficus hilli (RRa), I Castlecrag 25 Oct -5 Nov feeding in
Port Jackson Fig (AB,LCa).
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina 1 Sea Acres NR Port Macquarie 12 Jan,
19 Feb & 8 on 9-10 Dec (ABi,EV), 3 Peter Finn WR 12 Mar, 2 Cambridge Plateau Picnic
Area, Richmond range 12 Mar (DC), 2 Andersons Sugarloaf 28 Dec (MVBO). Within
known range, note no reports from southern NSW.
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 2 Peter Finn WR Kyogle 12 Mar (DC),
Grassy Head May (ARi), max 6 Millbank May -Jul (MVBO), Port Macquarie 19 Feb &
9-10 Dec (ABi,EV), 1 Tapin Tops NP22 Apr (ABi); 2 Copeland SF 20 Mar (HBR); Im
nursery at St Ives 15-23 Oct (RRa), Im Castlecrag 29-31 Oct (AB,PMo), possibly same
bird, 5th County of Cumberland record.
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Reported from 9 locations in the Hunter
Region Mar -Apr, 31 Aug -Dec, max 50+ Copeland SF 20 Mar (HBR); Fewer numbers
Central Coast in 2000, present Apr, Sep -Oct, max 90 Ourimbah 3 Apr (CCBR); Taronga
Zoo 29 Apr (DH), 30 Lane Cove West 8 Oct & 20 Nov, 4 Gladesville 27 Oct (AB), 25
Prospect Reservoir 21 Oct (DMc), 8 North Sackville 31 Oct (KB); Small numbers South
Coast Feb, 4 Oct -2 Dec, the most southern birds being at Tuross Heads on 2 Dec (ENHS).
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 3 Gibson Way, Willie 24 Nov
(RJ), rarely reported from this area; 48 near Louth 25 May & 20 on 8 Jul (AM,LJ), 20+
Wilcannia 22 Aug (DMa), 80 Bourke 26 Aug (JF).
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus 2A+DY Laguna 12-13 Feb (HBR);
Widespread across the Central Coast, max 100+ Somersby 9 Jun, 2A+J Somersby 22
Mar & 2A+J Mangrove Mountain 20 Aug (CCBR); Present in Sydney’s northern & eastern
suburbs all year, max 40 Flat Rock Gully Cammeray 13 Jul (AB) & 80 Eastlakes, Central
Sydney 23 Jul (DM). The largest group reported State-wide, was 200+ flying east over
Blackheath 21 May (1E).
Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami Reported from 24 North Coast locations all year
including 2+J Coats Crossing 7 Apr -28 Nov (GC), max 8 Millbank, max 6 Temagog &
max 8 South West Rocks all year (ABi, KS,MVBO,MHz,PR); 8 Wallingat SF 28-29
Dec (HBR); Reported from 9 locations on the Central Coast in small numbers, 2A+J
Mangrove Mountain 15 Oct (CCBR); Reported from 15 locations in the Sydney Region
including 2 Garrigal NP 8 Aug (RC); Reported from 5 location sin the Illawarra Region
max 12 at Jervis Bay NP 8 Jun (MHo); Reported from 15 locations South Coast all year,
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 352+J Coila Creek 2 Jan (ENHS,MHo); 2A+2 Im Kangawalla via Glen Innes 21-24 Apr
(GFi); 8 Rockview HSD Glen Davis 3 Mar (BP), 2 Front Valley Rylstone 3 Apr (ML), 2
Cox’s Gap Wollemi NP 17 Apr (DGe), 7 Kings Tablelands Mar (CPr), 2 Wentworth Falls
May (TKd), small numbers, max 7 at 6 locations in Goulburn River NP 11-29 Dec
(HBR,RT); 4 Trinkey SF Apr (JPe); 300+ at various waterholes Goonoo SF 27 Feb
(DGe), 8 on 5 Aug (EV), 7 Manna Springs Binnaway Sep -Nov (MOh); 2 Jimbro Ck
Naradhan 20 Jan (EAt), 2 Binya SF 11-26 Mar & 19 Aug (KH,JB,MBr), 3 Brobenah 14
May (PD), 4 Mt Brogden 11 Aug (LHa), I Quarry Rd Nericon 27 Aug (LHa). More
records than usual, particularly for the Riverina Region.
Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalonf imbriatum 2A+2Y Laguna 17-19 Mar & 15 on
13-15 Oct, 12 Ellalong 23 Oct (HBR); 2 Pennant Hills park 11 Jun (NH), nesting Wheeney
Ck, Upper Colo 12 Nov (TQ); 30 Rockview HSD Glen Davis 1 Jul (BP), large number
for this site, 2 Kandos 23 Apr (AB).
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita 250+ Apple Tree Flat 10-12 Jun (HBR),
large number for Region (HBR).
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 2 Ballina 2 Dec (Gosper & Holmes 2002),
10+ Port Macquarie Mar -Jun (ABi); 100+ Yarrandi, Scone 26 Jan (HBR); Common on
the Central Coast, including 60+ Umina Beach 13 Apr (CCBR); Reported from 5 locations
in the Illawarra Region, including 50+ Lake South 27 Feb (DG); Moruya 16 Oct (ENHS);
6 Bective Jan (EFa); 8 flying along Billabong Ck Kikabel HSD Holbrook 29 Dec (HJ);
20+ Tocumwal 8 Feb (RWd). Still expanding their range.
Little Corella C. sanguinea 100+ Tooloom, where resident since 1998, 6 6km S Kyogle
2 Oct (DC), 10+ Port Macquarie Mar -Jun (ABi); 150 Toronto Apr (HBR), high number
for Hunter Region (HBR); 40 East Gosford 7 Jan -14 Feb (CCBR); 500 Richmond Turf
Farms 7 May (EV), large number for Sydney; 25 Shellharbour 10 Jun (CC) & 65 Primbee
3 Feb (RI); Reported from 7 locations on South Coast max 26 Batehaven 5 Mar (ENHS).
Coastal populations continue to expand.
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Betric HSD Temora 11 Jun (JB); 2 Pineview
HSD Fifield 21 Apr (JMG), 2 Pinegrove HSD Tullamore 21-24 Apr (JG), 2 Yellow
Mountain, Bobbadah 2 May (DP); 10 Willie HSD Warren 20 Mar (RJ); 7 Kamarah 15
May (KH), 50 Griffith Gc 24 May (JSI), 2 Pulletop NR 8 Jul (PMr), eastern edge of
range; 18 together at Yathong NR 1 Jun (AM), 25 Fordsons Tk Cobar 25 Sep (CBOC).
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haemadotus 150+ Courts Crossing 6 Jan (GC), large
concentration; Unprecedented numbers 50+ at Katoomba & Wentworth Falls 16 Feb -30
36 December 2002Apr, feeding mainly in Banksia serrata & at garden bird feeders (CPr); 2 Ogunbil,
Tamworth 19 Sep (BR).
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus Nurragingy Res 4 Sep (EV),
1 Duck River Silverwater 2 Oct (RT); 8 Austimer 20 Feb (JBi), 50+ Bulli 20 Jun (BHk),
Thirroul 26 Aug (MPo), large numbers for the Illawarra,; 2 Ogunbil, Tamworth 12 Sep
(BR). Some unusual locations.
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna Present in small numbers on North Coast
throughout the year, max 30+ Euroka 3-18 Jan (MVBO), 15+ Collambattai 15 Feb
(GC); Present on the Central Coast Jan -Jun, Oct -Dec, max 12 Sutton Res Bateau Bay 15
Apr, fewer numbers than usual (CCBR); 100+ Kurnell 13 Jun (PDb), 1080 roosting at
Turramurra 24 Jun (TW) and 250 roosting Pennant Hills Res 5 Aug (NH), 50+ Liverpool
2 Aug (IB) & 16 Westmead 6 Aug (DPo); 100+ Wollongong Bot. Gardens May (MJ),
60+ Toolijoa 21 May CPr); 7 Wollar Rd Cooyal 22 Mar (KS); 4 Ogunbil, Tamworth 12
Sep (BR), 3 Tamworth 24-26 Nov (GC); Present Lake Burrendong 27 Jan -20 May (CDa).
Large concentrations in Sydney & Wollongong.
Little Lorikeet G pusilla 70+ Moonee Creek Res 25 Jul (GC), unusually large number
for a coastal area; Max 200+ Bulga 16 Apr- 21 May (HBR) & smaller numbers at Aberdare
SF, Quorrobolong & Singleton May -Aug feeding in flowering Spotted Gum Eucalyptus
maculata (HBR); 4 Barren Grounds NR 19 Jan (RBo); Max 10 Tuross Heads Feb -Jun,
only South Coast records (ENHS); 3 20 km NW Finley Jul (ET), unusual location.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii AM 15 km NW Cowra 17 May (IF), 2 Wallerawang
22 Jul (CSh) unusual location, 3 Cowra 5 Aug & 30 on 20 Sep (EV,SF), 10+ Spring
Forest HSD Koorawatha 30 Sep -3 Oct (AR), 6 Canowindra 9 Oct & 16 10 km north 9
Oct (JMG); 2 Weddin SF 15 Jan (HP), 27 Temora 15 May (KH), 9 Betric HSD Temora
11 Jun (JB), 30 Jindalee SF Sep (Leavesly & Tidernann 2001), 3 10 km S of Temora 23
Sep (GBa), 2 Old Junee & 14 Marrar 10 Oct, 2 Marinna & 4 Wantabadgery 12 Oct (MC),
12 Temora 19 Oct (PO), 15+ 8 km W Cootamundra Nov (BP), 30+ Coolamon & Back
Mimosa Rd Temora 26 Dec (MC); 4 Tooraweenah Rd Coonamble 22 Apr (FOC), 25
Dandaloo 23 Apr (IF), 22 Boomulla HSD Warren 23 May (RJ), 4 Paddys Cowal, Gin
Gin 11 Aug (DGe), 6 Terridgerie 18 Aug (RMc); 2 Narrandera GC 7 Feb (RWd), 7
Leeton 20 Feb, 40 Ariah Park 21 Mar & 26 Aug, 9 Fivebough Swamp 3 Apr (MS), 16
Koonadan 16 May (PD), 8+ 20 km S Deniliquin late Apr (RCI), 12 Walsh Shed,
Colleambally 25 Jan & 25 Jun, 18 Coleambally 25 Jun (BM), 30 20 km NNW of Finley
Jul (ET), 13 Brobenah Airstrip 26 Aug (KH), 7 Whitton Punt Res 16 Sep, 4 McKennas
Lagoon 3 Oct (MS), 25 40 km W of Darlington Point 30 Oct (PB), 2 Yanco 4-6 Nov (10),
6 Narrandera 9 Nov (NSm); 2 12km NE Coolabah 24 Apr (DMa), 20 Gunderbooka NP
10-11 Jun & 19-20 Sep (PD,IF), no previous records for this area.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 37Regent Parrot P anthopeplus 2 Boree Creek cemetery 8 Jun (MRo), well east of usual
King Parrot Alisterus scapularis Present Nangar NP Nov (JF), western limit of range.
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 10 Moonee Beach May (SK); Present Ellalong 31
May -29 Jul, max 90 on 19 Jun, max 15+ Aberdare SF Jun -Jul, max 20 Pelton Jul, max 30
Quorrobolong 4 Aug -19 Aug, max 20 Martins Creek 23 Jul -27 Aug, 30 Morpeth Jun,
1-5 at Bulga 16-17 Apr, Swansea South 11 Jun, North Arm Cove 22 Sep & Whitebridge
27 Aug (HBR), best Hunter numbers for many years; 5 Sutton Res, Bateau Bay (CCBR);
12 St Ives 6 May (RCI), 2 Merrylands 23 Jul (DM), max 2 Seven Hills 17 Sep -14 Oct
(EV), 25 Mahons Ck Red Yarramundi 17 Sep (DP), 10 Prospect Res 24 Sep (EV); I
Primbee 22 May & 28, 12 km SE Nowra 23 May (SK); 28 Jervis Bay NP 8 Jun (SK); 4
Tathra 23 Sep & 5 Merimbula 25 Sep (GLC); 10 Cowra May & 6+ 30 Sep (SF,SK),
Coolah Tops 26 May (DGe), 40 near Glen Alice 10 Jul (RT), 10 Capertee Valley 29 Jul
(DPo), 20+ Glen Alice 6 Aug (TQ), 3+ Laidley HSD Rylstone 9-10 Sep (JBo); 10 Tarcutta
May (SK); 10 Mendooran May (SK); 6 Charcoal Tank NR 27 May (DPk); 15 Round Hill
NR 23 Aug (HK). Arrival: 6 Wisemans Ferry 16 Feb (CCBR), 15 10 km W of Eglington
28 Feb (DWa), very early dates. Departure: 2 Seven Hills 14 Oct (EV). More records
than usual.
Eastern Rosella P eximius 55 together drinking from one waterhole, Goonoo SF 27
Feb (DGe); 2 Sandy Camp HSD Quambone 25 Jul (RJ), western edge of range.
Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus 2 sthn section Macquarie Marshes NR 6 Jan (RJ), I
Terridgerie Lagoon Baradine 22 Apr (FOC). Both records on the south-west edge of
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 6 Whitlam Centre, Liverpool 5 Aug
(JC); 2 at Five Dock Golf Course 20 Sep (RT), interesting Sydney City records; 70+
Picton Golf Course 18 May (CC), 20 Canyonleigh 26 May (KM), high numbers and
gradually extending into the eastern Illawarra Region;
Mulga Parrot P varius 8+ Charcoal Tank NR 5-6 Aug (EV), eastern edge of range.
Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus Max 90 Eulo Rd Colleambally 6 May -Jun (BB);
Small flocks Tongo Ck, Wanaaring and large flocks Perie NP 25 May , 50+ Cobham
Lake 28 May (AM); First return to Coombie HSD Roto 17 Sep (JHo), only small numbers,
300 Kajuligah NR Ivanhoe 24 Sep (CBOC). Fewer reports than usual.
38 December 2002Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 2 Fort Grey 28 May & 4 Lake Pinnaroo, both
Sturt NP 3 Jul, 6+N Sturt NP 10 Jul (CA,LJ,JM), 2 Urisino HSD Wanaaring 31 Aug
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema cMysostoma Royal NP 26 Jan (DSm); Tilba Lake
I 1
23 Jun (ENHS); 2 southern Macquarie Marshes 23 Aug (RJ), rarely recorded so far east;
1 2.5 km SE Camerons Corner, Sturt NP late Apr (RCI), 3 Border Downs HSD Milparinka
25 Aug (DMa).
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 5 Howes Valley 2 Apr, 1 Apple Tree Flat 10-12 Jun
(HBR), Bulga 25 Apr (EV); 2 Mahons Ck Rd Yarramundi 10-29 Apr (DPo); Barren
1 1
Grounds NR 16 Jan (JBi), 1″ local record for some years; 2 Glenowlan Rd Glen Alice 10
Feb, 6+ Capertee Valley 25 Mar , 2 Coco Bridge Capertee 25 Apr (BC,LC), 2 Lake
Burragorang 23 May (RT), max 10 Spring Forest H SD Koorawatha 30 Mar, 10-12 Jun &
30 Sep -3 Oct (AR), 2 Munghorn Gap NR 8 Oct (TS), 4 5 km W of Glen Davis 22 Oct
(AMn), 4 Red Rock Ck Garden of Stones NP 17 Dec (PDb), White -box Camp, GRNP
29 Dec (HBR); 16 Kwiambal NP 2-12 May (JH), 2 Borah Res Barraba 11 Sep (ARh);
Present Lake Burrendong 27 Jan -4 Feb, 20 Mar & 14 Apr (CDa), 2 Nangar NP Nov (JF);
4 Back Creek SF 4 Aug (EV); 5 Weddin SF 15 Jan (HP); 3+ Trapyard Dam, Merriwindi
SF 28 Oct (RB); 4 Goonoo SF 13 Jan (JPe), 8 Camp Pincham , Warrumbungles NP 26
Mar & 5 on 27 Oct (AQ,CA); Max 7 Binya SF 6 Feb -26 Mar & 11 on 19 Aug
(KH,JB,MBr), 12 Mt Brogden 11 Aug (LHa); 1 Coombie HSD Roto 14 May, well west
of normal range.
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 2 HC 4 km sth of Bundeena, Royal NP 16 Jan
(PH), however there have been no actual sightings at this site for many years (SAs); 2
Little Forest 29 Jan (KM), max 3 Barren Grounds NR 13-25 Mar (BC,BE); I Merimbula
Airport Jan (ASu).
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus A near Collambattai 25 Feb (GC); Lisarow 17
Sep (CCBR), 5th Central Coast record. Fewer reports than usual
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Im Blackheath 13-17 Feb (CPr); Present Coombie HSD Roto
9 Aug -3 Nov, where J fed by Red -capped Robin (JHo). Departure: Ballickera 23 Apr
(HBR). Arrival: 1 Burrendong Dam 24 Jul (CDy), 1 McGraths Hill STW 13 Aug
(CM), 1 Tuncurry 4 Sep (GC), 1 Summer Island 7 Sep (KS), Nethercote 16 Sep (BJ),
Mangrove Mountain 30 Sep (CCBR).
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus 2J Mountain View near Grafton 19 Feb (GC);
Kentucky Feb (JNo), unusual location. Departure: Copeland SF 20 Mar (HBR),
1 1
Mangrove Mountain 8 Apr (CCBR), Meringo 23 May (ENHS), a late date. Arrival:
1 1
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 39Mangrove Mountain 16 Sep (CCBR), Pelican Is South West Rocks 25 Sep (KS),
Nethercote 28 Sep (BJ).
Fan -tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis J fed by White-browed Scrub -wren at
Green Wattle Creek 15 Oct (HBR);
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans 2 Lake Liddell 26 Oct (HBR); Rockview
HSD Glen Davis 3 Mar & 1 Oct (BP,EV), 2 Munghorn Gap NR 8 Oct (TS), 2 Capertee
Valley 30 Sep -30 Dec (EV,ID); 1 Buldobney SF Albert 23 Apr (JMG), 1 Tarcutta Res 30
Sep (SSt); I Five Mile Ck Cocoparra NP 27 Feb (BM), 1 Binya SF 2 Dec (KH); 4 Belah
HSD Gunderbooka NP 21 Mar- 3 Apr & 1 on 23 May (AM,EN,JMI), 3 Glenora HSD
Louth 19 Aug (RMc), 1 Mutawinji NP 31 May (AM); 1 Whoey Tk, Round Hill NR 20
Oct (SMg). Good spread of records.
Horsfield’s Bronze- Cuckoo C. basalis J being fed by Variegated Fairy- wrens Cattai 9
Jan (EV); Flock of 7 Cobham Lake 27 May (AM) and common throughout north-west
NSW; J sheltering in a Boxthorn in Great Cumbung Swamp, Oxley 23 Jun (JB).
Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus A at nest of Yellow Thornbill Apple Tree Flat
GRNP 30 Sep (HBR); J being fed by 2 Brown Thornbills Mowbray Park, Lane Cove 20
Oct (AB), near City record.
Little Bronze- Cuckoo C. minutillus 2 Temagog Jan, I Nov -Dec (HMz), 1 Glenugie
Peak 19 Aug (CVBR); HC Clarenza 20-21 Oct & at Wooli 29 Nov (GC); Mitchell
Park, Cattai 13 Nov (DH), an extension of range, the normal range reaches south to the
Macleay Valley.
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Present South Coast Jan -9 Feb, 8 Oct -Dec,
most southern records were 1 Bermagui 15 Oct -31 Dec (ENHS,JHo) & Pambula 4 Oct
(SRa); I Mudgee 6 Dec (DGe), 1 Redhill HSD Wollar 19 Dec (RT); 2 Gowrie near
Tamworth Jan & 1 South Tamworth Feb (JMo,LHu), 2 present Tamworth area including
Bective, Currabubula & Ogunbil 25 Nov -30 Nov (EFa,IDo,LHu); 1 Dubbo 11 Dec (JPe);
1 McPherson Range, Leeton & Lake Wyangan 16-21 Oct (LHa) western edge of range.
Departure: A+J Chittaway Point 16 Mar (CCBR), Im Katoomba 30 Mar (CPr), 2 Hunters
Hill 3 Apr (TKa), I Woodford 20 Apr (RH). Arrival: Toronto 30 Aug (Birdline), Neutral
Bay 4 Sep (DD), Pymble 6 Sep (DMc), Wyee Point 9 Sep (CCBR), South West Rocks
1 Oct (KS). Breeding: J being fed by Blue -faced Honeyeaters Levenstrath 12 Dec (WT),
3 Hunter Region reports of J being fed by Red Wattlebirds and being fed by Little
Wattlebird (HBR), J in Red Wattlebird’s nest 20 Dec (CCBR).
40 December 2002Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 18 roosting in Moreton Bay Figs at
Dungog 25 Dec (CM); 4 Balls Head Res 4 Nov (EN); present South Coast 1-10 Jan, 13
Sep -31 Dec, the most southern record being 14 at Wallaga Lake 15 Sep (ENHS,JHo);
Tabberatong, Bathurst 14 Oct (SF), unusual location; Warraderry SF 11-12 Nov (GF).
Departure: HC near Beranghi Trig, Crescent Head 4 Mar (GC), Burwood 16 Mar (AB),
J Lawson 2 Apr (RJy). Arrival: Toronto 30 Aug (HBR), Mosman Bay 2 Sep (WBa),
Berkeley Vale 6 Sep (CCBR), Hazelbrook 10 Sep (JD), Barraba 11 Sep (RWa), 1 Moruya
13 Sep (ENHS). Breeding: J being fed by Pied Currawing at Rathmines Jan (HBR),
2J at Westleigh 7 Jan (AR), Wyoming 12 Jan (CCBR), 2 J in Blue Mountains 16 Jan
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Reported from 9 Central Coast sites throughout
the year (CCBR); 1 Deep Ck Narrabeen 29 Apr, 1 South Ck Narrabeen Lagoon 4 Oct &
18 Dec, max 2 Red Hill, Beacon Hill 27 Oct -9 Dec (AB,BC); Barren Grounds NR 13-
19 Feb (LJ,RBo), previously recorded at Barren Grounds in 1992; Macquarie Marhes
24 Nov (RJ), extension of known range westwards.
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 1 Byabarra 12 Jan (EV), max 4 (2A+2Y) Millbank Apr –
Oct (ABi,MVBO), Scotts Head 16-17 May (GC), perched above Kookaburra remains
1 1
Nambucca Heads 14-18 Oct (GBe); 1 Laguna 8 Jan, Glenrock SRA 19 Jan, Salamander
Bay 28 Jan, Congewoi 20 Apr & 21 May, New Lambton Heights 8-12 Apr, Eleebana 23
Apr, Balickera 2 Oct, Wallingat SF 28 Dec, 2 Killaben Bay May, Nested unsuccessfully
Blackbutt Res May -Nov (HBR); HC Mangrove Mountain 16 Feb, Berkley Vale May,
HC McMasters Beach 9 May, HC Tapley Rd Lisarow May, HC Worley Ck Res 27 Jun –
Sep, HC Niagara Park Aug -Sep, 1 inj holding Flying Fox Cullens Rd Avoca Beach 11
Sep, with Flying Fox Avoca Beach 18 Sep, Woongarra 24 Oct, Woodbury Pk
1 1 1
Tuggerah 6 Dec (CCBR) the most ever records for the Region; Max 2 Mitchell Park
Cattai 12 Jan, 12 Mar -2 Apr, 26 Nov (DH,EV,JCe), Baulham Hills 17 Jan (AB), HC Mt
Riverview 20 Jan -Feb, May (HN), 2J Beecroft 11-24 Feb & 1 eating Ringtail Possum 12
Mar (LJ,SE), Freemans Reach 19 Feb (RC1), Cremorne Pt 22 Feb (WBa), HC
1 1 1
Lindfield 25 Feb (PR), 1 Forstville 25 Apr (Birdline), max 2 Royal Bot. Gardens 1 May –
29 Jul (ALe,BE,HR,ML,TQ), 1 Crows Nest car park 1 May (PB), 1 Glebe 12 May (TP),
1 North Turramurra 24 May (HJ), 1 Garigal NP St Ives 10 Jul (EN), 1 Blaxland 20 Aug
(GT), 2 North Sackvi Ile 9 Sep (KB), 1 Warriewood Wetlands 13 Oct (BC), 2 Cumberland
SF 5 Oct (KB), 1 Whale Rock Res Epping 28 Oct (CG), RK Berowra 9 Dec (EV); 1
Wollongong Bot. Gardens 30 Jun (JC1); 1 Rosedale Feb, HC Burrewarra Point 31 Mar, 1
Dampier SF 11 Apr, recorded regularly in Bodalla, Mogo, Tallanganda SFs (ENHS);
with Kookaburra Springwood Ck Faulconbridge 29 Jan (CM), HC Fitzgerald Ck
Warrimoo 1-20 May (TK). Interesting range of food items.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 41Barking Owl N. connivens Ellangowan SF 20 may (Gosper & Holmes 2002), 2
Busbys Flat & 2 Urbenvil le Village 17 Jul (DC), few reports for North Coast; 2 Mount
Pleasant 17 Jan (SB); HC Surf Beach 30 Mar, Clydebrook 31 Mar (ENHS); roosting
1 I
Imbota NR Armidale 7-8 Dec (SD); Glen Alice Feb & 2 on 22 Jul (CSh,RT), HC
Blackheath 16 Apr (GJ), HC Hazelbrook 24 Jul (TH), Top Tk Limekilns Nov (RGo);
1 1
Roper St Albury Dec (MHe); The Aloes, Pilliga East SF 20-22 Apr, HC Rocky Ck
1 1 1
Bore 22-23 Apr (AS), 2 Baradine Ck Baradine Oct (DJ); 2 Murray Rd Griffith 23-25
Jun (BM); I Belah HSD, Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar -3 Apr (EN). More records than usual.
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa HC Minyon Falls, Night Cap NP 22 Feb (DC), Tullamore
HSD, Pappinbarra 8 Nov -31 Dec (PVh); 1 Gloucester Tops Apr, 2 Boarding House Dam,
Watagan NP 14 Sep (HBR); Observed Wyong, Strickland & McPherson SFs Mar,
McMasters Beach May, Ourimbah 23 May, Hillview HSD Yarramalong 16 Jul &
1 1 1
13 Oct, HC Worleys Ck Res & Matcham Aug -Sep, HC Palmdale 25 Aug -24 Oct, 2A+2Y
Katandra Matcham 29 Oct, 1 s’ Central Coast breeding record (CCBR); 1 Jamberoo Pass
29 Feb (Rio); Bendetherea 25 Feb, recorded regularly in Bodalla, Dampier & South
Brooman SFs (ENHS); Glenbrook Creek Sep (RT).
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae Grafton backyard 26 Feb (RMi), 2 foraging in
Spotted Gum Forest Cambridge Plateau Picnic Area, Richmond Range NP Apr (DC);
HC Byabarra 14 Apr (ABi), Woodlands HSD Rawdonvale 19-27 Oct (BH), RK Fern
Bay Nov, Medowie Dec, RK Fullerton Cove 17 Dec, 2 Wallingat SF 28 Dec (HBR);
1 1
roadkill Calga Roundabout F3 14 Jul, 2 HC McMasters Beach 30 Jul, HC Worleys Ck
Res & Little Beach Valley, Bouddi NP Aug -Sep, 2 HC Mill Ck Dharug 23 Dec (CCBR);
Gees Lagoon 22 Jan & Central Colo 22 Jan (EV), RK St Ives 26 Jun (NB), 15 km
1 1 1 1
N of St Albans 9 Jul (birdline), Lady Carrington Dve Royal NP 12 Nov (PC); Reported
from Bodalla, Boyne, Dampier & Mogo SFs (ENHS).
Barn Owl T alba
Durroughby 17 Feb (HW), 21 road kills on the North Coast 19 Mar-
30 Nov, I collided with house South Grafton 25 Aug, 2 South West Rocks 3 Sep & 15
Oct, on fence post South Grafton 10 Dec (GC,KS); Widespread across the Hunter
Region & 36 injured birds were dealt with by Wildlife Carers (HBR); In contrast there
were no records for the Central Coast (CCBR); Eastern Creek 23 Apr (EV), Pughs
1 1
Lagoon Richmond 5 May (DPo), 1 at sea off Wattamolla Royal NP 3 Sep (DSm); 1
Potato Pt Bodalla 30 Jan, Tilba Lake 2 Jun, 30 Sep & 11 Dec (ENHS); 1 Lawson 10 Mar
(RH), Many hundreds between Dubbo & Trundle due to a mouse plague 15 Jun (birdline);
Griffith 21 Jan (SCh), HC Lomandra HSD Griffith Apr -May (JB), 6 Grong Grong 3 Jul
(LJ); 1 Coombie HSD Roto 15 Aug (JHo), 1 Willandra NP 24 Aug (JB), 1 Mungo NP 14
Sep (SS).
42 December 2002Grass Owl Tyto capensis Roadkill 32 km N of Grafton Jan (ASt), 7 flushed during
lucerne mowing Runnymede Flats, Cedar Point Sep -Oct (Gosper & Holmes 2002);
Baltimore 18 Aug (DGe), most unexpected record, not known from the Central West for
many years.
Marbled Frogmouth P ocellatus 2 calling Nightcap NP 17 Feb (HW). Only report &
within known range.
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis HC Beranghi Trig, Crescent Head
I Mar, I Coutts Crossing 27 Nov (GC); 1 Craven SF 19 Jan, HC Laguna 22 Jan & 12
Feb, 3 Balickera 2 Oct (HBR), 1 Woodlands HSD Rawdonvale 19-27 Oct (BH); 3 Berowra
Heights 16 jan (TQ), 1 Central Colo & Gees Lagoon 22 Jan (EV), 1 North Sackville 19
Sep (KB), 1 Field of Mars Res Ryde 25 Oct (BMc), I North Sackville 26 Nov (KB); 1
Yalwal 24 Feb (KM); I Broulee 18 Feb (ENHS); 1 Glen Davis 16 Mar (JRo); 1 Blue
Gum Swp Ck Blue Mountains NP 17 Nov (GT). Departure: 1 Braunstone 18 Mar
(GC), 1 Fosterton Loop 1 Apr (HBR), Dampier SF 11 Apr (ENHS), Arrival: I Sackville
9 Sep (KB), I Oxley Park, Tamworth 21 Sep (JBp).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 1 Taleeban Res 26 Sep (SC); 3 while spotlighting Sturt NP
east late Apr (RCI), I Tibooburra 23 Sep (PDb); Present Coombie HSD Roto Aug -Dec
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 2+2Y Oyster Cove 10 Oct (HBR),
coastal breeding records are unusual.
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Largest concentration: 350 West
Head KCNP 12 Feb (HR), 100 Binya SF 24 Jan (KH), 400+ Bateau Bay 27 Dec (CCBR).
Departure: 20+ Warkworth 16 Mar (HBR), 6+ Clarenza 25 Mar (GC), 12 Katoomba I
Apr (CPr), 3 Ilford 3 Apr (HR), 3 ahead of storm front 16 Apr Levenstrath (WT). Arrival:
10 Mogo SF 19 Oct (ENHS), 80 Gwandalan 24 Oct (CCBR), 10 Levenstrath & 20 South
West Rocks 26 Oct (KS,WT), 20+ Fullerton Cove 31 Oct (HBR). Arrivals fairly
synchonised this year.
Fork- tailed Swift Apus pacificus 50 2 km S of Pambula 5 Nov (JBo); 1 Dubbo 6 Feb
(DGe); 1 E of Coolabah 19 Mar, 2+ Belah HSD Gunderbooka NP 21 Mar (AM), 30
Cobar 3 Apr (DH). Few records in recent years.
Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguineae Apparently resident in Redgums along
Peri Ck near Whitecliffs 25-27 May (AM).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 43Forest Kingfisher Todirarnphus macleayi A at nest in arboreal termites nest in dead tree
at Port Macquarie 29 Sep (GC), where present Feb -Sep (ABi); I Thornleigh 26 Nov
(B ird ine).
Red -backed Kingfisher T. pyrrophygia Arrival: 4+ Sep Mungo NP 14-17 Sep (SS).
Sacred Kingfisher T sanctus 1Maroubra 10 Apr (RG), unusual location. Departure:
1 Glebe 3 Apr (AR), 1 Davistown (CCBR) & 1 Walenda HSD Ivanhoe 1 May (DP).
Arrival: Wonga Hill HSD Lisarow 12 Sep (CCBR), Towra Point NR, Mt Annan Bot.
Gardens & Whitton Punt Res 16 Sep (ALe,GT,MS), Tullys Hill Narrandera 17 Sep (KH),
Tathra 20 Sep (GLC); Overwinter Records: 2 Willie Retreat 21 May (AM); 2 Coogee
Cliffs 8 Jun (MI), 1 on wires at Tahmoor 20 Jun (CB), 1 Stockton Sandspit 3 Aug (AB).
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus 50+ Wingen 12 Mar (HBR); 18 Anges Banks NR
10 Sep (DMc). Departure: 5 Mangrove Mountain 14 Mar (CCBR), I Stannix Park 25
Mar (AD). Arrival: 2 Combell near Casino 23 Aug (GC), Millbank 4 Sep (MVBO), 6
Carrabear SF Gulargumbone 6 Sep (JPe), 3 Mulgoa 9 Sep (MH).
Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 20+ Harrington 1-3 Dec (HBR); 2A+J MIA SF
Leeton Jan (AB), western breeding record. Departure: Temagog Pt Mac leay River &
Chittaway Point 10 Mar (CCBR,GC), 12 North Richmond 12 Mar (DPo), Mitchell
Park Cattai 26 Mar. Arrival: 1 Bellingen 17 Sep (CA), 1 Wallaga Lake 18 Sep (ENHS),
Port Macqarie 24 Sep (ABi), Locks Lane Tamworth 25 Sep (LHu), 2 Broadwater Ck
1 1
Lawrence & Saratoga 30 Sep (CCBR,GC).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor HC at Beranghi Trig, Crescent Head Mar, HC Iluka NR
23 Apr, 1 Woodford Island May (MOs), 1 Port Macquarie 3 Apr, HC Tapin Tops NP 21
Apr (ABi), HC Scotts Head 16 May, HC Yessabah 3 Sep (GC), 3A+Im Boorganna NR
19 Dec (JC); Avon River SF 19 Jan, Copeland Common 19-20 Mar, Copeland SF
1 1 1
20 Mar, 1-3 Waitui 15 Apr & 30 Sep -2 Oct, 1 Harrington 6-11 Sep, 1 Woko NP 2 Nov, 1
Problem Creek Stroud 27 Nov (HBR), Cabbage Tree Is 19 Sep (NC); Farr St Rockdale
1 1
9 Apr, taken into care by WIRES (DJ), 1 calling & recorded Cattai Creek 6-7 Aug (H Wo)
but not seen; 1 Mt Keira 23 Apr (DFr), 8th Regional record.
Rufous Scrub- bird Atrichornis rufescens HC Brindle Ck, Border Ranges NP 26 Jun
(DC), HC Surveyors Ck Gibraltar Range NP 29 Jul (GC); 6 seen or HC Gloucester Tops
area Jan, on 5 Mar, 2 on 4-25 Sep (HBR). All known sites, although there are few
published records for Brindle Creek.
44 December 2002White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis Present all year Binya SF Griffithin
small numbers (JB, KH); 1 Bennetts Tk Gunderbooka NP in Belah 24 May (AM); Present
Coombie HSD Roto all year (JHo), 2 Kaleno HSD Cobar 2 May (DP).
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 8 Laguna 26-28 May, 10 Gloucester
Tops 1 Oct (HBR); 4 Doudles Quarry Ck Glenquarry 27 Jun (CC), 1 Waterfall 11 Jul
(DH); 1 Durras Jul (ENHS); 2 Mount Piddington 3 Dec (TQ); 2 Coolah Tops NP 21 Apr
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus Some North Coast coastal records include: Banyabba
NR 14 Aug, 1 HC between Pillar Valley and Glenugie 14 Sep, 1 Bom Born SF 16-20 Oct
(GC), 2 resident Temagog (MHz); 1 Mangrove Mountain 25 Jun, first report since 1993
White -winged Fairy -wren Malurus leucopterus AM 38 km N of Barraba 26 Oct (RWa),
eastern edge of range; Present Tuckerbil Swamp, Leeton 2 Apr (KH), eastern edge of
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus Reported on the Central Coast at Colongra
Swamp Res, Tuggerah Bay, Cockle Bay NR, Mangrove Mountain, Woongarrah,
Gwandalan, Chain Valley Bay & Bunning Ck Yarramalong throughout the year (CCBR);
1 Magic Pt Marounbra 9 Jul (DK); 4 Bulli 24 Jan (RTu), unusual location; 5 Tomakin 18
May (ENHS); Present hanging swamp near Wentworth Falls Lake Feb (CPr).
Grey Grasswren Amytornis babartus 4+ Teurika HSD Tibooburra 29 Aug (DMa).
Known site.
Spotted Pardalote Pardalotus punctatus Arrived Coutts Crossing 28 Mar and departed
21 Aug (GC).
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus Arcoola Creek Sturt NP 30 May (AM),
within known range.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Max 6 prs Barren Grounds NR 13 Mar,
7 Jul & 5 Aug (BC,CC,RT).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Kandos Weir 17 SEp (FV), HC in Mellong Ranges
near Three Ways, Wollemi NP 2 Dec, both records a northwards extension of range, see
1999 Report (HBR); 2 Lady Carrington Drive, Royal NP 7 Oct (EN); Recorded on
South Coast at Bodalla SF 27 Jan & 24 Feb, & Mt Dromadery Jan (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 45Rock Warbler Origma solitaria 6 Glenbrook 13 Feb (TQ); Regularly reported from
Big River Camp, Goulburn River NP, most north-west site reported in 2000 (HBR), 3
Pagoola Tk Gardens of Stone NP 15 Jun (BC).
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrhropygia Killingworth 7 Sep (HBR);
HC Bushells Ridge 9 Nov (CCBR); Chiltern Tk Ingleside 16 Mar (LH), Red Hill,
1 1
Beacon Hill 4 May (BC), Little Marley, Royal NP 28 Jun (BC), Kenthurst 10 Jul
1 1
(KB), 2 Berrilee 26 Oct (DMa); Budderoo FT 18 Feb (RJo), 2 Barren Grounds NR
Mar (RBo); 1 Port Macquarie HSD Glen Alice 3 Jan (DGe), 2+ White Box Camp GRNP
27 Mar (HBR), I Ilford 24 Apr (PDb), I Lake Burragorang 21 May, 1 Mount Banks 22
Jul (BC), I Nepean Lookout 14 Oct, 4 locations Goulburn River NP 10-14 Dec (RT); 2
Mundoonen NR 26 Nov (MJo); 2 Pindari Dam 11 May (JH). All recordS within known
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 3 Chacoal Tank NR 3 August (EV); 1 Stackpoole SF 3 Sep
(CF); 1 Glenlea Section, Yathong NR 1 Jun (AM), 2A+3 1m Coombie HSD Roto 3 Nov
Striated Fieldwren Calamanthus fuliginosus 4 Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP (GLC), known
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus Max 8 55 km NE Broken Hill 28-31 May(RB) a
known site, 4 Teurika HSD Tibooburra 29 Aug (DMa).
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2+ Scheyville NP 13 Mar (AB); 1 Castlereagh
NR 6 Aug (DPo), 3 Shanes Park Blacktown 8 Oct (EV); Present Buldodney SF 21-24
Apr (JG); Lomandra HSD Griffith Dec, western edge of range at this site(JB).
Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris 2+ Courts Crossing 4 Apr -21 Nov (GC); N+2E Lake
Liddell 26 Oct, eastern edge of range (HBR).
Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster 2 Saratoga Wetlands 2 Feb, 24 Jun & 2 Dec,
St Huberts Is 23 Jul, more records than usual for Central Coast but birds do not stay at
any one location (CCBR); Silverwater NR Homebush Bay 30 Jan (AM), 4 Careel Bay
24 Oct (BC), Mason Pk Concord 21 Oct (DMc).
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca Reported from Jerrys Plains 10 Sep & Redmanvale
29 Oct, eastern edge of range (HBR); 2 Currajong SF 9 Nov (MC).
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea 1 Mowbray Pk, Chatswood 15 Oct & at
Bicentennial Park, Homebush Bay 25 Oct, rare at these locations (DF,SWi);
46 December 2002overwintering at Araluen 14 Jul (ENHS). Departure: Castlereagh NR 31 Mar (CPr).
Arrival: Glen Davis 26 Aug (CPr), Tuncurry 3 Sep (GC), Nethercote 8 Oct (BJ).
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 3+ Capertee/Glen Davis Rd 12 Apr
(KS) Most easterly report.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis 1 Waratah 8 Feb (HBR), unusual
eastern record.
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata Nesting Lake Liddell 26 Oct (HBR);
Nesting in Swamp Oaks Casuarina glauca around the shores of Tuggerah Lake at 5 sites
Jan -Feb, 8 Sep -31 Dec (CCBR).
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus 2+N Mitchell Park Cattai 25 Nov (NH); 5+
Leeton Sep (10); Many in Bimble Box woodland Gunderbooka NP, presumably because
of good seasonal conditions 22-24 May (AM), western limit of range.
Little Friarbird Philemon citrogularis 8 Martindale 22 Apr & on 29 Jun, 6+ Wyee
Point 5 Sep, 1 Bunnan18 Sep (HBR); 2 Lake Burrendong 27 Jan -4 Feb (CDa).
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phtygia 2 Whiporie 30 Jul -14 Aug (JCa), Temagog
5-7 Oct (HMz); 20 Howes Valley 20 Apr (PSe), 4 South Swansea 20-21 May feeding in
Swamp Mahogany E. robustus, 35 Aberdare SF 18 Jun -9 Jul, max 63 including 2 nests
Quorrobolong 29 Jul -19 Aug, 13 Ellalong 13 Sep all feeding in Spotted Gum (HBR); 4
Sun Valley Rd Erina 20 May feeding in flowering Swamp Mahogany (CCBR); 2 Bermagui
25 May -2 Jun (BJ), feeding in Coast Banksia B. intergrifolia, Batemans Bay 18-19
Oct, 1 Moruya 9 Nov (ENHS); 4 Bellevue Park HSD Kingstown 1 Nov (PDa), 10A+3N
Carlowrie Rd Kingstown 8-28 Nov (AL); Present in the Capertee Valley all year, although
no records for Apr or Jun, max 50+ Port Macquarie Rd Glen Alice 8-9 Jul & 150 Capertee
Valley 7 Dec -29 Dec (CSc,DGe), 9 Munghorn Gap NR Cooyal 12 Mar (MR), 8 20 km
NE Rylstone 1-5 May (JAn), 2 Cox’s Ck Rd Rylstone 17 May (CSp), Old Ford Res
Megalong Valley 4 Oct, 2 Tumbarumba Cemetery 29 Jul (LC); 4 Ashford-Emmaville Rd
15 May (BWm), 8 Barraba Apr & 1 Black Springs Barraba Sep (JWa), 6 Nangarah Rd
Barraba 10 Sep, 1 Borah Res Barraba 11 Sep (ARh), 15A+3N Coonoor TSR Barraba 25
Nov (BWm). Good spread of records but no large concentration outside of Capertee
Valley and no Central Coast reports this autumn/winter.
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 2A+2Y in nest Wisemans Ferry 6-13 Nov
(KB), rare breeding record close to Sydney.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 47Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys 20+ Mirrambeena Res Lansdowne Jan -Sep (DMc),
new site.
Yellow -throated Miner M. flavigula 3 Mudgee Airport 7 Dec (DGe), an extension of
range eastwards.
Lewin’s Honyeater Meliphaga lewinii 2 Goulburn River NP, western edge of range
10-14 Dec (RT); 2 Tallanganda SF 11 Dec (MMO, rare in this locaility.
Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops Migration started early in the Blue
Mountains from 4 Mar at Blackheath, but first noted Springwood 14 Mar and finished
late on 23 May (CPr), max 900 per hr passing north at Govetts Leap 17 Apr (NH).
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis in Coast Wattle Acacia sophorae at Turners
Beach, Yamba 25 Mar, 1-2 Dart is 5 Jul & 8 Oct, 2 Hickey Is 12 Sep & 8 Oct (GC), 2+
Yamba 24 Sep (ABe), Sandon River 15 Jul (CVBR). Usual and only sites for NSW.
White -eared Honeyeater L. leucotis 6+ Wingen 3 Sep (HBR).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 4 Girrakool Picnic Area, Brisbane Water NP
17 Jun (CCBR), rare at this location; 2 Manly Dam Res Allambie Hghts 21 May & 1
Benowie TI, Berowra Valley 15 May (AB) winter visitor in small numbers to Sydney’s
northern beaches area.; 4+ Narrow Neck, Katoomba 21 May -19 Jun also Kings Tableland
21 Jun, feeding in Banksia ericfolia flowers (CP). Winter visitor to coastal areas in small
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus 1 Binya SF 21 Mar- 2 Apr (KH); Present in
mallee SE Mutawinji NP 23 Aug (IMc); 2 Mungo NP 16 Sep (SS).
Grey- fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 10+ Boorungie HSD Grasmere 22 Aug (DMa);
6+ Glenlea Section, Yathong NR 22 May -2 Jun (AM,JBk), 6+ Round Hill NR in wheatfield
2 Jun (AM), 20 Nombinnie NR (Sth of railway line) 10 Aug (PM).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Common Royal Camp SF 29 Apr & 4 km NW Tabulum
14 Jul (DC), 3+ Boothby’s Ck near Southgate 30 Sep (GC), unusual location; 4 South
Swansea 27 Jul (HBR) autumn/winter visitor to this site; Autums/winter vistor to Central
Coast some years Hawkhead Drive Bouddi NP 4 Jun, 2 Patonga Rd BWNP 22 Jun &
16 Jul, 1 Mangrove Mountain 20 Jul & 1 Tuggerawong I Aug, I Warrah Trig BWNP 19
Aug (CCBR), more records than usual; 14 Barren Grounds NR 1-5 May (DGe), unusual
at this site, 2 Booderie NP 6 Jul (JC1); Malua Bay 15 Mar (ENHS); Small numbers
Katoomba May & Hassams Walls 2 Jun (CP), unusual locations.
48 December 2002White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus Shortland WC 4 Jan, 10 Apr & 6 Jul, 2
Cundletown 30 Mar (HBR), all records well out of known range; Evans Rd Toukley
East 3 Aug (CCBR), rare winter vistor to Central Coast; 2 Berkeley Pool 2 Feb (CC) & 1
Warilla Grove 17 Feb (CB), 6 Dapto 4 Jul (DG), 5 Wollongong TAFE Oct (JRb); 1
Burrewarra Point 14-16 Jun (ENHS); Overall there would appear to be a push into
coastal areas particularly the Illawarra Coast.
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 15 4km NW Tabulam 14 Jul (DC),
HC Purgatory Creek 29 Jul (GC); Max 20 Aberdare SF 24 Jun- 9 Jul & on 23 Sep, 20+
Green Wattle Creek 12 Aug, 1-5 Broke Rd 10 Jun, Quorrobolong 4 Aug, Martins Creek
13 Aug, Honeysuckle Creek 10 Sep & Bootawa 27-28 Nov (HBR); 4 St Albans Common
11 Sep (JDu); 2 Myalla HSD Glen Alice 2 Jan, 2 Clandulla SF 3 Jan (DGe), 2 Neoka
HSD Capertee 5 Mar, 4 Glen View HSD Glen Alice 6 Apr (DGe), 10 Pt Macquarie Rd
Glen Alice 8 Jul (MR), present Lake Burragorang 21 May, present at 4 locations Capertee
Valley 26 Mar & 8-10 Jul (MR,RT), 4 Rockview HSD Glen Davis 2 Oct (LJ); 2 Borah
Res Barraba 11 Sep (ARh); 4+ Camp Pincham, & 2+ White Gum Lookout, Warrumbungles
NP 9-12 Dec (AM); Kikabek HSD Holbrook 29 Dec (HJ).
White-naped Honeyeater M lunatus Recorded at Dungowan & Ogunbil Mar (AA,BRe),
autumn western movement.
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 1 in mangroves Magnolia Ave Davistown 29
Oct, 1 s’ Central Coast record for 6 years (CCBR); 1 Marley Bch, Royal NP 15 Apr (BC)
not previously recorded in RNP. Present all year Bicentennial Park, max 5+ Homebush
Bay 13 Sep -18 Oct (RT), lesser number than usual, 1 Towra Point NR 16 Sep (GT);
Present Oakleigh HSD Coolabah 21-24 Apr (DMa), 4+ Gunderbooka NP 22-24 May,
Algoomie Ck Sturt NP 30 May (AM), these 3 records are at the western limit of range in
NSW; around homestead Coombie HSD Roto & in the Kijinney Ranges Apr -25 May
(JHo), south western limit of range.
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta I Wollar 1 Jan (DGe), 3 Capertee Valley at 2
locations I Oct (U); 1 S of Narromine 6 Jan (DGe), I Jindalee SF Sep (Leavesly &
Tidemann 2001); 1 74 km NW Wyalong on Condobolin Rd 7 Jan (DGe); Present Binya
SF 23 Jan, 23 Sep -31 Dec max 11 calling birds 2 Dec, 1 Kalinda Rd Griffith 22 Nov
(JSe,KH), 2 Hulme’s Rd Leeton 2 Dec (KH), Wanganella 16 Dec (MH); 2 Belah HSD
Gunderbooka NP 23 Mar- 3 Apr (EN), reported from Oakleigh HSD, Coolabah 21-24
Apr (DMa), I Packsaddle 16 Aug (AR); 1 feeding in mistletoe at house tank, Coombie
HSD Roto Apr (JHo), 2 Paddington SF 27 Sep (CBOC).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 49Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera I Tallangandra SF 1 Mar, 1 Burrewarra
Point 5-15 Jul, 2 Mt Dromedery 27 Aug (ENHS); I Mount Banks 22 Jul (BC), 20+ Mt
Piddington 3 Dec (AQ). All within range.
New Holland Honeyeater P novaehollandiae 1-5 at Harrington 7-10 Sep (HBR),
unusual so far north on coast.
White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 2 Broulee Oct -Dec (ENHS), most
southern location in 2002.
White -fronted Honeyeater P albifrons Common Mutawinji NP 31 May (AM) feeding
in Eremophila sp; Present all year Coombie HSD Roto, with A+2J on 19 Apr (JHo),
common Round Hill NR 2 Jun (AM), 2+ Meryula HSD Cobar 25 Sep (CBOC).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P melanops in heath near Mara Ck 25 Mar, Lake
1 1
Arragan 24 Jun, 3+ along Sandon Rd 24 Jun, all Yuraygir NP (GC); 1+ Awabakal NR
Aug & Booti Booti NP 29 Dec (HBR); Resident at Munmorah SRA, Norahville Heaths
and Brisbane Water NP (CCBR); Max 60+ Bundeena-Marley Royal NP 12 Feb -15 Apr
(BC,BW), good return after bushfires.
Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris Winter visitor to Courts Crossing 7
Apr -30 Aug (GC).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 6+ Ingalba NR 31 Oct (JB); McPherson Range,
Lake Wyangan 21 Aug (LHa); Algoomie CK Sturt NP 30 May (RB); 2 Round Hill NR
Oct (CBOC). Fewer reports than usual.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 50+ 60 km W of Tibooburra 17 Aug (AM), 4+ Glenora
HSD, Louth 19 Aug (RMc), 22 km W of Wanaaring 22 Aug (PB). Numbers down over
the previous year, cf 1999 Bird Report.
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Present on the Central Coast all year
except Dec, reported from 28 locations, the most records in any year, max 20 Tuggeranong
Aug (CCBR); 4+ Irrawong Res Warriewood Aug (BC); Present South Coast in small
1 1
numbers Jan -21 May, 3 Aug -Dec, as far south as Wallaga Lake (ENHS); 2 Myalla HSD
Glen Alice 2 Jan (DGe), present 2 locations Goulburn River NP 10-14 Dec (RT); I Ogunbil,
Tamworth Nov (BR). The latter 3 records represents the western limit of range..
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor Many between Wilcannia & Broken Hill 3 Apr
(DH), many Peri Lake, Whitecliffs area 28-31 May (AM); 2 Mungo NP 17 Sep (SS).
Fewer reports than usual reflecting good conditions in Central Australia.
50 December 2002Orange Chat E. aurifrons 4+ Hay Plains Apr (PM), M,F Tuckerbill Swamp 17 Sep
(MS); Common in saltbush around Dry Lake, Packsaddle 28 May (AM); 4+ Mungo NP
16 Sep (SS).
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons 5 Forster 3 Mar (HBR), a locality not normally
mentioned for this species.
Gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis 4 north of Tibooburra 20 Sep (PDb).
Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans 1 Scheyville NP 3 Jun (TWa), 2A+N Leets Vale 19
Nov (SM), now rare in Sydney Region.
Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor 2 Woodlands HSD Rawdonvale 18-27 Oct (BH); 3
Castlereagh NR 5 Apr & 1 on 6 Aug (DPo,KB), 2 North Sackville 31 May (KB). Winter
visitor to Sydney Region.
Red -capped Robin P goodenovii AM Clarenza 17 Oct (GC); Max 9 Bulga throughout
the year (HBR); Mitchel Park Cattai 24 Apr (PDb); 2A+N Goolooinboin HSD Glen
Davis 16 Dec (PDb); 4 Jindalee SF 3-4 Jul (SG).
Flame Robin P phoenicea Mooney Creek, Brisbane Water NP 22 Apr (DPo);
1 1
Wilberforce 28 Jun (KB), Rookwood Necropolis 21 Aug (VC); Kentucky late May
1 1
(JNo); 9 Braidwood 7 Apr (CP); AM East Dubbo 4-9 May (DGe). Winter Records in
South West Plains: Arrived Tullys Hill Narrandera 10 Jun (KH).
Rose Robin P.rosea Winter vistor to the lower Clarence Valley, arrived South Grafton
29 Apr, departed Coutts Crossing 9 Aug (GC); 2 Montagu Island 27-31 Mar (Fullagar &
Heylitgers 2001); AM Kwiambal NP 10 May (JH), 1 Quipolly Dam 20 May (IDo); 3
arrived at different locations Dubbo District 22 Apr (DGe), 2 Lake Burrendong 22-26
May (Cda), consistent with known winter records.
Pink Robin P rodinogaster Bodalla SF 2 Apr (ENHS), within accepted range.
Hooded Robin Melanothyas cucullata Many reports from Hunter Region including 11
Bulga 16 Apr, N+2E Lake Liddell 26 Oct (HBR); Many reports from the Capertee
Valley incl 2A+J on 30 Dec (ID), 2 Springvale HSD Koorawatha 10-12 Jun (AR); 2
Strickland HSD Gumin Gumin 28 Oct (RB); 2 Gulpa SF Deniliquin 30 Oct (PB), Nested
Binya SF 2A+J 2 Dec (KH).
Pale -yellow Robin Tregellasia capito Kings Ck Wauchope 26 Feb (GC), 2+ Washpool
NP 15 Apr (CVBR).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 51Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Resident Gunderbooka NP, western edge
of range (AM,EN); Pair present in mallee at Round Hill NR 2 Jun (AM) & in mulga
Coombie HSD Roto 9 Aug (JHo), western edge of range in NSW.
Southern Scrub- robin Drymodes brunneopygia I Round Hill NR 2 Jun & 13 Jun
(AM,MC), only reports.
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii Reported from Watagan Mountains and East Watagans
8 Nov (HBR); 2 Excelsior mine, Thirroul 13 Jun (MMo).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis Reports from the east of the Region
at Balickerae, Bulga, Congewai Creek, Redmanvale, Quorrobolong, Rutherford, Singleton
Army Base & Wingen (AB, HBR); 1+ Leets Vale 30 Nov (SM).
Chestnut -crowned Babbler P. ruficeps 10+ Culgoa NP 21 Aug (CE), north-east edge
of range.
Hall’s Babbler P halli 2 groups near Belah HSD, Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar- 3 Apr
(EN), 4+ Rainbar HSD Wanaaring, 8 40km N of Bourke 7 May (JMc), 5 30 km SW
Bourke 5 Sep (MC). All within known range, the observations at Gunderbooka NP confirm
one earlier sighting and represent the only observations east of the Darling River.
Eastern Whipbird Psophodes olivaceus Windang 19 Jun & Conniston Beach 22
1 1
Jun (DWi), indicate recent expansion into coastal dune forest of the Illawarra, partially
due to bush regeneration of such sites.
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 3 Mt Sugarloaf 20 Jul, 3 Putty 28 Jul, 3
Laguna 25-26 Nov (HBR); I Popran NP 21 Aug, also Mangrove Mountain, Lisarow &
Daleys Point Aug -Sep (CCBR); 1 Grays Point, Royal NP 5 Mar (BF,JFo), 1 Forest Glen
19 Oct (DMa); 2 Diamond Fields Rd Glenquarry 27 Jun (CC); Recorded Bodalla SF 27
Jan -24 Feb, 3 Clyde Mountain 28 Jun, I Potato Pt Bodalla 7 Jul, 3 Bolaro Mountain 13
Jul, Bermagui 17 Sep (ENHS); Nowendoc late Feb (Mpe); 2 Rylstone North Jan
1 1 1
(DGe), at 2 locations Blackheath 8 Feb (CPr); 1 Dunns Swamp, Rylstone 18 Mar (RHi),
1 Bungonia SRA 11 Jun (ML); 3 pr Rocky Ck Bore Pilliga East SF 22-23 Apr (AS).
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 2 Boorungie HSD Grassmere 23 Aug (DMa),
2+J present in mallee SE Mutawinji NP Aug (IMc) new site; Present in mallee Coombie
HSD Roto 24 Apr (JHo) & Yathong NR 2 Jun (AM).
Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum 2 Mt Arrowsmith HSD Milparinka 24 Aug
52 December 2002Chesnut -breasted Quail -thrush C. casteanothorax 4 Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar -3 Apr
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculus frontatus 2A+J Scheyville NP 12 Mar (AB); Reported
from 7 location sin the Illawarra region including? at Cordeaux dam 18 Jun (CC), a new
location; at Limbri 8 Jun, was observed removing a Kurrajong seed from ripening pod
and holding in in bill – seed eating not usually reported for this species.
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis Binya SF 2 Apr (KH), eastern edge of range.
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 2+ Sharpes Creek 16 Jan & 5 Gloucester Tops
1 Oct & 26 Nov both Barring Tops NP (HBR); 1 Mt Dromaderry Jan & 27 Aug, 1
Bermagui 17 Sep (ENHS).
Red-lored Whistler P rufogularis No reports for 2000.
Gilbert’s Whistler P inornata 1 HC Spring Forest HSD Koorawatha 30 Mar, 2+ 30
Sep -3 Oct (AR); 1 Capertee Valley 5 Aug (DG) & 1 Rocklands HSD Glen Davis 25 Oct
(VP), eastern edge of range see 1999 Report; Goonoo SF Dubbo 7 Aug (EV); Weddin
1 1
SF 15 Jan (HP), 4 Charcoal Tank NR 5 Aug (EV), Ingalba NR 26 Dec (MC); Woggoon
1 1
NR, NE Condobolin 23 Apr (JMG), 2+ Gulpa Island SF 16 Dec (MH); in mallee
Yathong NR 2 Jun (AM), Warraway Trail Nombinnie NR 9 Dec (JB). More records
than usual.
Golden Whistler P pectoralis 4+ in mallee Yathong NR Jun (AM).
Rufous Whistler P rufiventris Departure: 2 Walka Water Works 6 May (HBR). Arrival:
Nethercote 17 Sep (BJ), Mason Park Concord 18 Sep (AB).
Grey Shrike -thrush Colluricincla harmonica Castlecrag Escarpment Res Castlecrag
29 Mar (AB), few remain in the Willoughby Municipality reserves.
Little Shrike -thrush C. megarhyncha 1 Orara R Coutts Crossing 7 Jun (GC), 11 Grassy
Head 12 May & 23 Jun, 1 South West Rocks 1 Sep (KS), 1 Tullamore HSD Pappinbarra
28 Nov (PVh), normally not observed south of Bellinger River on Coast (Morris et al
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Im South Tamworth 1-14 Apr (TBOC),
rare western record. Departure: Faulconbridge 8 Apr (CM), Belmont Swamp 11 Apr
(HBR), Brouleee 16 Apr (ENHS). Arrival: 1 Angourie 11 Sep (GC), Mt Annan Bot
Gardens 16 Sep (AL), Bouddi NP 20 Sep (CCBR), Nethercote 2 Oct (BJ).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 53Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus Southern records including the Hunter Valley &
southwards: 1 Minmi 3 Oct, 1 Moto 15 Oct, Renwick SF 22 Nov (HBR), 2 Woodlands
HSD Rawdonvale 19-27 Oct (BH); 1 South Tacoma 29 Oct, 5th Central Coast record
(CCBR). Departure: Copeland SF 20 Mar (HBR), Grassy Head 29 Apr (KS)
1 1
Arrival: 1 Angourie 11 Sep (GC)
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis 2 Peter Finn WR Kyogle 12 Mar (DC); in swamp
forest Angourie 12 Sep (GC).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula AF Mowbray Park 20 Oct, unusual location
(AB). Departure: Clarenza 25 Mar (GC), Broulee Apr (ENHS), Hat Head NP
1 1 1 1 1
May (KS), HC Congewai 21 May (HBR). Arrival: Mangrove Mountain 14 Sep (CCBR),
Bermagui SF 22 Sep (GLC), Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 30 Sep (GC).
Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca AM Tullamore HSD Pappinbarra 8 Nov -31 Dec (PVh),
Pr Nulla Nulla Picinc Area, Werrikimbe NP 23 Dec (KS); Im Mangrove Mountain 22
Apr (CCBR); 1 Glenbrook 13 Feb (TQ), I Chilten Tk Ingleside 16 Mar (LH), I Long
Reef 17 Mar (MR), Yarramundi Crossing 27 Oct (CPr), Berrilee 26 Oct (DM); F
1 1
Barren Grounds NR 19 Mar (APe), AM Bulli Pass Res 21 Oct (JBi), AF Keiraville 5 Nov
(ME) ; AM Capertee Valley 1 Oct (EV); 2 Garawanga HSD Nimmitabel 6-7 Nov (CBu);
AM Darula, Tamworth Mar (JMy).
Restless Flycatcher M. inquieta Rare on the Central Coast Mangrove Mountain 15
May -27 Jul, Lees Res, Chittaway 22 Jul, last report 1996 (CCBR); Emerton 2-25
I 1
Apr (RC), 2 Pitt Town Lagoon NR 7 May (EV) & 1 Bushells Lagoon 3 Jun (TWa), rare
in Sydney region; Picton Golf Course 18 May (CC), rare in the Illawarra.
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons 1 12 n.m. off Sydney 11 Mar (TQ); 1 in Pohutukawa
Trees Metrosideros excelsa at the lighthouse buildings on Montagu Island 27-31 Mar
(Fullagar & Heylitgers 2001); Winburndale NR 15 Jan (AB). Departure: Katandra
1 1
Res, Matcham 9 Apr (CCBR), Stockton 23 Apr (HBR), Lilli Pilli 26 Apr (ENHS),
1 1 1
Bawden Bridge, Orara R 29 Apr (GC), Marounbra 6 May (RG), Kentucky late May
I 1
(JNo), well west of normal range. Arrival: 2 Angourie 11 Sep (GC), 2 Hat Head NP 26
Sep (KS), Palmdale 29 Sep (CCBR).
Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa Winter visitor to Willoughby LGA reserves 29
Mar -8 Oct (AB); 15 Binya SF 6 Feb in one group in mallee (KH).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus Springwood 2 Mar (EM) and 2 Wentworth
Falls Lake 29 Mar (MSw). Southern records: Moruya 14 Feb -16 Mar, Moruya
1 1
Heads 16 Apr (ENHS). Western records: Oakey Ck Barraba mid Feb (JWa),
1 1
54 December 2002Nemingha mid Feb (AA), Windy Stn HSD Pine Ridge 20 Feb (ID). Arrival: Harrington
1 1
14 Jan (HBR), a very early date, Mossy Pt Maroubra 7 Feb (PM). Departure: 6 Black
Neds Bay 11 Aug (HBR), 1 Norah Head 25 Sep (CCBR), 1 Cumberland SF 12 Dec (IJ)
a very late date! Drongos appear to be arriving earlier in coastal NSW, staying longer and
extending further south and west each year.
Barred Cuckoo- shrike Coracina lineata 2A+J Moore park NR, Old Grevillea 27 Mar
(DC), 2-3 Port Macquarie 9-10 Dec (EV); Harrington 14 Jan (HBR); Surfers Rd
1 1
Thirroul 25-26 Nov (IMc), referred to NSWORAC and accepted as an extension of range
southwards, 2″d record for the Region. There is a previous record for Sydney in 1886!
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike C. papuaensis 2 Penrith 29 Jul (MHi), 2 Mulgoa Valley
19 Aug (MH), 2 Stannix Park 2 Sep (AR), 2 Mitchell Park Cattai 14 Oct (EV); Burrewarra
Point 18 May (ENHS);
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris 1 Bodalla SF 27 Jan -24 Feb, 2 Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 14
Dec (ENHS), most souhern records reported. Departure: Collombatti 10 Mar (GC),
Murrumbung HSD Mardi 23 Mar (CCBR). Arrival: I South West Rocks 4 Oct (KS), 1
North Sackville 8 Oct (KB), Warrumbungles NP 10 Oct (AM), Nethercote 16 Oct (BJ).
Ground Cuckoo- shrike C. maxima 1 Sandy Hollow 2 Nov (HBR); 5 5km N of Mudgee
12 Mar (MR); 3 Loomberah, Tamworth 20 Jan (GMi), 5 Borah TSR Babbaba Feb (RWa);
7+1 Im Rawsonville Rd Dubbo 20 Mar (KS); 2 Tullamore 21-24 Apr (JG), 5 4km W of
Coonamble, 2 Quambone & 3 Willie Retreat 21 May (AM,CA,RB); 2 Goobaguthrie
Tank, Condobolin 2 May (DP); 2 Belah HSD, Gunderbooka NP 25 Mar -3 Apr (EN),
reported from Oakleigh HSD Coolabah 21-24 Apr (DMa), 4 Glenora HSD Louth 19 Aug
(RMc), 5 Urisino HSD Wanaaring 31 Aug (DMa); 2 Cowary HSD Wilcannia & 2 Mount
Kew HSD Wilcannia May (DP), Yathong NR Jun (AM). Another good year for this
1 1
species, no records for Jul, Oct or Dec.
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii Arrival: 1 Dragon Cowal Collie 8 Aug (DGe), 1
Fivebough Swamp 5 Sep (MS), many males Binya SF 23 Sep (KH). Coastal records
include: AF+J Jerseyville 6 Feb (KS), F Tullymorgan 30 Sep, F Alumny Creek 18 Nov,
AM Clarenza 19 Oct (GC), AM Tullamore HSD Pappinbarra 8 Nov -31 Dec (PVh);
Nesting Hexham Swamp 3 Jan, 2A+DY Bolwarra Dec (HBR); Reported on the Central
Coast from Tuggerah & The Entrance 16 Oct -16 Dec, first records since 1997 (CCBR);
1 Mason Park 2-18 Oct (RT), 1 Shanes Pk Blacktown 8 (EV), 2 Richmond Turf farms
10-14 Oct (EV,KB), 5 Greendale Rd Greendale 26 Oct (TS), AM Chatswood West 26
Oct (AB), 2 Tench Res Penrith (NP), AM Glenorie 26 Nov (EV); 2 Avondale 20 Aug
(DG), 2 Thirroul Beach Oct (JBi); AM Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 7-11 Nov (DPk);
AF Wentworth Falls Lake 27 Oct (CPr). The most coastal records for some years.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 55Varied Triller L. leucomela Pair sharing nesting duties in wattle Woody Head 8-9 Oct
(GC), pr Jubilee HSD Willarwarrin Oct -Dec (MHz), seen at Tullymorgan, Woody Head
& Iluka Mar, Oct -Nov (CVBR); Copeland Common 19-20 Mar, 1-2 Harrington30
Sep -11 Dec (HBR); HC but not sighted Woy Woy GC 3 Nov, close to where seen in
1991 (CCBR).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Present throughout the year on Central Coast,
albeit only a few winter records (CCBR); HC Lomandra HSD Griffith May & Oct (JB);
1 Mountain Tk Gunderbooka NP 23 May (AM), I Urisino HSD Wanaaring 31 Aug (DMa);
Coombie HSD Roto 23 Nov, calling at house tank (JHo), the latter 3 records at the
western limit of range and reflecting good seasonal conditions inland in autumn and
winter. Arrival: Nethercote 28 Jul (BJ).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis 10 nests in the colony at Booti Booti NP late Dec (HBR);
2 Tuross Heads Feb -Mar, Wallaga Lake Aug, 2 Bermagui 18 Sep (ENHS), seen daily
1 1
Tathra 19-27 Sep (GLC), 2 AM Eden 17 Feb (MDo), in fruiting Moreton Bay Fig
Moruya 28 Sep (GC). Continues to increase in Far South Coast.
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Southern Coastal records: 5
Culburra 14 Feb (CC). Departure: 4 Budgewoi 11 Apr (CCBR), 2 Woody Head 21 Apr
(GC). Arrival: 2 Harwood Island 28 Aug (GC), 2 Sackville 2 Sep (KB), 2 Budgewoi 6
Sep (CCBR).
Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus Arrival: 10+ Tallegar SF Gulargumbone
6 Sep (JPe), 10+ Spring Forest HSD Koorawatha 30 Sep -3 Oct (AR).
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 1 Shanes park Blacktown 8 Oct (EV), 1
Sackville 11 Oct (KB), unusual by itself. Arrival: 20+ Merri Merri SF Gulargumbone 6
Sep (DGe), 50+ Dubbo 7 Sep (JH).
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus 100+ Bulga 21 May (HBR); 1 Camelia 16 Dec
(CG) unusual location. Departure: 4 Colongra Lake 1 Mar (CCBR). Arrival: 6
Norahville heaths 6 Sep (CCBR), Nethercote 3 Sep (BJ) NB: Only the coastal population
migrates, presumably moving to inland Australia.
Little Woodswallow A. minor 4 Mt Gunderbooka 25 Mar -3 Apr (EN), 4+ Mt Arrowsmith
HSD Milparinka 24 Aug (DMa).
Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus 5 Roselle Park, inner Sydney 6 Sep (TK).
Pied Butcherbird C. nigrogularis 2 Gunning TSR 7 May (MF), rare in this location.
56 December 2002Grey Currawong Stepera versicolor 10 Budderoo Trail, Barren Grounds NR 5 Aug &
2 Cordeaux dam 7 Aug (CC); 1 Tallaganda SF 28 Mar, 6 Bodalla May, 1 Batemans Bay
15 Aug & 18 Sep (ENHS), 1 Wyndham 24 Sep (GLC); 2 Sofala 21 Apr (PDb).
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus AM Byabarra 20 Dec (JC); AF Problem Creek
Falls, Stroud 27 Nov (RJk), furthest south recorded in NSW.
Forest Raven Corvus tasmanicus 2 Hungry Head 24 Oct (AR); Bombah Point, MLNP
30 Apr & Mungo Brush 25 May (HBR).
Little Raven C. mellori 20 near Scone 29 Jun (HBR); 12 Kangaloon 27 Jun (CC); 16
Meringo 29 Jun, 2 Wallaga Lake Oct (ENHS). Some interesting eastern records.
Torresian Crow C. orru 4 Seaham 24 Apr (EV), southern limit, 45+ at Tuncurry 3 Sep
(GC), large concentration.
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica present Liddell Power Station Dec 1999 to 30 Aug 2000,
where photographed. It has not been seen since. Investigated by Dion Hobcroft who
viewed the photographs and discussed with the staff at the Power Station.The bird was
considered to have been ship assisted, no submission was made to BARC.
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos 14 Toolijooa 28 Apr (CPr), gradually
extending northwards in the Illawarra.
Apostlebird Struthidea cinerea 5 Mitchell Park Cattai 18 Apr (NH), 6 Mt Druitt TAFE
6 Apr, 7 Emerton 20-25 Apr (RC), 6 Mt Druitt Shopping Centre 10 May, 4 Bidwill 7 Jul
(MHi),. Apparently present in a number of western and north-western suburbs of Sydney,
are they increasing?; 10 8 km NW Mudgee 5 Mar (DGe), eastern end of natural range in
central NSW.
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris 1 Wagonga Scenic Drive Narooma 7 Oct, 1 Mt
Dromaderry Oct (ENHS).
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus 1 brown bird Orara R Couts Crossing 7
Jun (observers first record for this site), brown birds also at Karangi, Moonee Headland,
Scotts Head and on Camden Head (GC); 1 Cattai NP 11 Oct (KB).
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus Dungowan near Tamworth 23 May (JDn),
western edge of range.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 57Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Im Upper Manilla 13 May (JWa), eastern
edge of range; Willandra NP HSD 24 Aug -13 Sep (JB,JHn), previously seen at same
place by latter observer in Oct 1978.
Singing Bushlark Mirafra javanica Richmond Turf farms 21 Sep (KB); 4 Capertee
Valley 25 Mar (BC), 3 7km E of Wollar 27 Oct (HBR).
Skylark Alauda arvensis Max 3 Tilba Lake 12 Aug -11 Dec (ENHS).
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla (lava 2 Ash Island Ponds 9 Feb -1 Apr (AS,HBR), record
accepted by NSWORAC, 4’h record for NSW, last record same site in 1998. This would
appear to be a regular location for these birds.
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Many records for the Hunter Valley, particularly
Jerrys Plains, Martindale, Appletree Flat & Denman areas, and Kooragang Island, max
20+ latter location 23 Apr & 20 May (HBR); Nesting Bushells Lagoon 3 Jun (TWa),
Bicentennial Park Homebush 12 Nov (AB); 3 Albion Park Jun (NBo); 65 Cullane HSD
Tamworth 16 May (JWe).
Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 7+ Red Hill Reserve Beacon Hill 24 Apr & 2
Bicentennial Pk Homebush 12 Nov, (AB), rare Sydney rcords; 3 near Yantabulla 22 Aug
(PB) & 4 Belarbon Tank Cobar 2 May (DP), western limits of range and apparently still
extending westwards.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta Bundarra TSR Armidale 6 Jan (JCe); 4
Capertee Valley 25 Mar (BC), 20 Red Rock Ck Glen Davis 23 Apr (AB); 6 Nemingha
Apr (GO); 4 Borah Ck Barrabah 21 Apr (JWa); 20 Macquarie River Dubbo 31 Jan & 2
Dubbo North 21 Mar (DGe,KS); 40+ Castereagh R Coonabarabran 21 Apr (RC1), 70+ 4
km E of Binnaway 21-25 Apr (AS); 20-30 Ashford Rd Kwiambal NP 11 May (JH); 2
Terridgerie Lagoon 10 Oct (AM); Warren STW 17 Nov (JMc); 4 Gunderbooka NP 23
Mar -4 Apr (EN), 31 km N of Bourke 7 May (JMc). The Gunderebooka & Bourke
records are most unusual and reflect the good conditions inland.
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata 2+ Carwong SF 4 Jun (Gosper & Holmes
2002); 15 Yengo NP Jun, 9 at Bulga 10 Sep (HBR), 4 Bulga 21 May (EV) easterly
records; 2 Cut Hill Rd Cobbitty 28 Jun (DH); 2+N Jingo Ck Eden 11 Oct (SRa); Small
numbers Gunderbooka NP (EN); & Holy Box Well Mossgiel 2 May (DP), western edge
of range in NSW.
Beautiful Firetail S. bella Nesting Curra Moors, Royal NP 8 Jul (AB); 20-30 Barren
Grounds NR 16 Jan -5 May (BC,DGe,JBi,RB,RJo), 3 Maddens Plains 15 Apr (GB); 1
58 December 2002Capertee Valley 11-12 Jun (JCe), 1 Pagoola Tk Gardens of Stone NP 15 Jun (BC), western
edge of range.
Nutmeg Mannikin Lonchura punctulata 10 Duck Ck Auburn 9 Jul (BWa), flock Derby
St Silverwater 8 Oct (RT).
Chestnut- breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax 25 Kinchela 19 May & 25 Pelican is
South West Rocks 27 Jul (KS), Present Broadwater Swamp, Lawrence 16 Sep (CVBR);
Widespread in the Hunter region, max 50+ Stockton Borehole Swamp 3 Jun (HBR);
reported from Ourimbah F3 Roundabout & Tuggerah STW, known sites & 11 Berkeley
Vale HS Swamp 11 Jun (CCBR); Widespread in the Hawkesbury Marshes, including J at
Bushells Lagoon 3 Jun, 100+ Windsor 23 Jun & 30 Penrith Lakes 17 Aug (MH,TWa,WS);
I Glen Davis 22-31 Jul (JHa); 1 4 Km E Binnaway 25 Apr (AS), the latter two are very
unusual records.
Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 3 Kensington Pond, Centennial Park 8 Aug (AB), present
Maroubra Mar- Jul (RG).
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 30 Bolwarra Feb, 1-2 Shortland WC 4 Jan,
Martindale 22 Apr & Korragang is 14-23 Oct (HBR); 60 Figtee 9 Jun (KMc), possibly
making a comeback in the Illawarra, largest number recorded for Region!; 8 Tilba Lake
15 Apr & 11 Dec, 5 Meringo 20 Jun, 6 Wallaga Lake 13 Sep, I Moruya 12 Dec; 2 Mother
of Ducks Lagoon Guyra 26 Nov (GC); 4 Katoomba 27 Jan (CPr); 30+ Griffith town area
24 May -30 Jun, feeding on seeds of Liquid Amber (DMo).
Yellow -bellied Sunbird Nectarinia jugularis I in garden 15 km SW of Macksville 24
Nov -7 Dec (G.Bedggood 2001).Previously reported Nov 1985 -Jan 1986 and Nov 1986
AF Hawkesnest and AF Stroud 10 Dec 1985.
White- backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus 20 Macleay R South West Rocks
21 May (PRa); 3 Denman 21 Apr, 2 Howes Valley 23 May, Bulga 30 May, max 4
Martindale 28 Mar -17 Nov (HBR); 14 Tullys Hill Narrandera 22 Apr (KH); Nested
Coombie HSD Roto Nov (JHo), 20+ Mungo NP 14-17 Sep (SS).
Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 21 nautical miles off Sydney Heads heading
south 9 May (AP)
Tree Martin H. nigricans 2 feeding young in Fairy Martin’s nest Lake Wallace 29 Feb
(CPr). Arrival: Nethercote 30 Jul (BJ).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 59Fairy Martin H. aerial Arrival: 4 Tuggerah STW 22 Jul (CCBR), 11 Eastlakes 23 Jul
(DM); 2 Fivebough Swamp 6 Aug (KH).
Clamorous Reedwarbler Acrocephalus stentoreus 45+ Fivebough Swamp 16 Jan (KH).
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis Nesting Boondelbah is 23 Mar (HBR); 4
Tuggerah Lagoon 16 Dec (CCBR); I+ Penrith Lakes 31 Oct (JM), McGraths Hill 16
Dec (KB).
Little Grassbird M gramineus Nesting Boondelbah Is 23 Mar, 1s1 confirmed Hunter
Region nesting record for 15 years (HBR); I Long Swamp 23 Jan & Bermagui 15 Sep
(ENHS), uncommon South Coast.
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Arrival: Coombie HSD Roto 30 Jul (JHo),
Willandra NP 24 Aug (JB), 2 Bulga 10 Sep (HBR).
Silvereye Zosterops lateralis 250+ heading north Kempsey 23 Jun (KS).
Russet -tailed Thrush Z. heinei 1 Byabarra, Wauchope 11 Jan (DPe), HC at Iluka NR
23 Apr & Yessebah 11 Mar (GC), 1 Grassy Head 25 Apr & 19-21 Jul (ARi), 1 South West
Rocks Jun (KS); 2A+J Sharpes Ck Gloucester Tops, P’ confirmed Hunter Region
breeding record (HBR), Gloucester R Cam, Barrington Tops NP May (LC).
1 1
Common Blackbird Turdus merula N+2Y Maitland I Dec, 1st confirmed Hunter Region
breeding record (HBR); AM Mangrove Mountain 22 Jun, only Central Coast record
(CCBR); in garden Currabubula 12 Nov (I Do), record for site.
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis A recent invasion down the Richmond Valley from
Queensland, 2 10 km W of Grevillea 8 Jul, 1 2km W & 6, 1 km W of Wiangaree 13-21
Aug, 5 8 km S of Kyogle 16 Nov (DC), many records for the lower Clarence Valley
including nesting Clarenza 18-22 Oct (GC), now present at 18 locations on the Mid
North -coast, from Taree to Kempsey (ABi); Present at Cobargo 18 Oct (BJ); 20 Kerrabee
16 Apr, the is the most western record up the Gouldburn River valley (HBR); Wallaga
Lake Sep & 2 East Bega, the most southern South Coast record (ENHS,GLC); 4+
Coolamon Apr (RR); 25 km S of Golgongon 24 Apr (DMa), these latter two observation
s are unexceptional!! This bird continues to expand its range and now occurs widely in
the Tamworth area as well.
Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae Junenile found injured on road near Manilla (SD).
This wrongly reported in the 1999 Report by the editor as a Powerful Owl.
Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata Wollongong Bot. Gardens Dec (MJ), 1′
record for the Region.
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 3 Stratheden 25 May & Tatham 27 Jul (Gosper
& Holmes 2002).
Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis Two reports were published
in the 1999 Report however, no submissions were made to BARC and so the reports
remain unconfirmed.
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Casino STW Jan & Oct (Gosper & Holmes 2002).
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis 1 Casino 5 Jan & another Namoona 12 Dec
(Gosper & Holmes 2002).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae 50+ flying south over Coomba
Park, Wallis Lake 14 Sep (MV), largest aggregation reported for NSW.
Grass Owl Tyto capensis 22km N of Barham 22 Dec (ET). Unusal record for South-
West Plains.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 2 Geeneebinga Wetlands Casino 18 Dec (RHe).
Unusual east of the Great Divide.
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 3 on a wreck at North Bay 25 Dec -1 Jan 2000
(RJo), rare vistor to Lord Howe.
Lord Howe Island Woodhen Gallirallus sylvestris One couple saw 10 birds on the
Golf Course during a 9 -hole circuit Jan (Rio).
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 61Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus near swampy area at eastern end of airstrip
25 Dec -1 Jan 2000 (RJo).
Whiskered Tern Chlidonius hybridus picked up dead 29 Dec 1999 on golf course,
local Clive Wilson claimed that it been present for over two weeks previously. Possible
1′ record as not listed by Hutton (1990).
Shining Bronze- Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus at North Bay 25 Dec -1 Jan 2000
(RJo), irregular visitor.
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis near Power Station 25 Dec -1 Jan 2000
(RJo), rare vistor to Lord Howe.
Herald Petrel Pteradronza arminjoniana off Sydney 10 Sep (AP), unfortunately no
submission made to BARC.
Soft -plumage Petrel P mollis 3 off Wollongong 26 Aug (PM), no submission made to
Blue Petrel Halobaena caerula 2 off Batemans Bay 15 Jan (ENHS), no submission
made to NSWORAC.
Fulmar Prion Pachyphylla crassirostris off Wollongong 28 Oct (PM), no submission
made to BARC.
Newell’s Shearwater Pujfinus newelli report off Sydney 10 Nov (DH), was withdrawn.
Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca off Wollongong 20 May & 7 Jun (CLo,LS), no
submissions made to NSWORAC.
Black- bellied Storm -petrel Fregretta tropica off Wollongong 28 Oct (RMc) no
submission made to NSWORAC.
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa Oakleigh HSD Coolabah 20-24 Apr
(RC), no submission made to NSWORAC.
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica A report of one at Stockton was withdrawn.
62 December 2002South Polar Skua Catharata maccormicki. Reported from off Batemans Bay 7 Feb &
12 Feb (PM) but no submission made to BARC.
Squatter Pigeon Geophaps scripta A report of 2 at Barraba 20 May (TBO 807-38)
was withdrawn.
Baxter, Cl.,. Reid J.R.W. & R.P. Jaensch. 2001 “First South Australian records of the Black -necked Stork
Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus and occurrence of vagrants in south-western Queensland. South Aust.
Ornith. 33, 164-169.
Bischoff, A., Lutter, H., & Debus, S.J.S. 2000 “Square -tailed Kites breeding on the Mid -north Coast of New
South Wales”. Aust. Birdwatcher 18, 233-240.
Christidis L. & W.E. Boles 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories “,
RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Crowley, M.A 2002 “2000 Eurobodalla Shorebird Survey”. Nature in Eurobodalla 15, 62-65
Finegan A. & M. Roderick 2002 “Distribution of the Australasian Bittern in the Lower Hunter”. Report to
the Kooragang Wetland Rehabilitation Project and Port Waratah Coal Services by SWC Consultancy.
Fullagar P.J. & P. C. Heyligers 2001 “41” Annual Survey of Shearwaters Breeding on Montagu Island 27-31
March 2000. Nature in Eurobodalla 14, 64-67.
Gosper, D. & G Holmes 2002 “Status of birds in he Richmond River district, New South Wales, 1973-2000”
Corella 26, 89-105.
Griffith, I-1, Lutter, H, Rose, A.B. & S.J.S. Debus 2002 “Breeding and Diet of a pair of Square -tailed Kites
Lophoictinia isura on the Mid -north Coast of new Soth Wales”. Aust. Birdwatcher 19, 184-193.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 “The Birds of Sydney” Surrey Beatty Ltd, Chipping Norton.
Hutton, 1 1990 “Birds of Lord Howe Island, Past & Present”, Ian Hutton, Coffs Harbour.
Kingsford R. & K. Auld 2002 NPWS. Unpublished data
Leavesley A & C. Tidemann 2001 “The Birds of Jindalee State Forest, NSW” Canberra Bird Notes 26, 1-8.
McAllan, LA. W. & M.D. Bruce 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working List”. Biocon Research
Group, Turramurra.
Morris, A.K. 2001 “Seabird Mortality”. The Bird Obs. 809, 34.
Morris, A.K. 2001 “New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1998” Aust. Birds 33, 101-166
Morris, A.K. 2002 “New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1999” Aust. Birds 33, 173-245
Morris, A.K. 2002 “Conservation Status of the Bush Stone -curlew in the Brisbane Water Area”. Report
prepared for Gosford City Council by Conacher Travers Pty Ltd.
Morris, A.K., McGill A.R. & G Holmes. 1981 “Hand/ist of Birds in New South Wales”. NSWFOC Dubbo.
Morris, A.K. 2002 “Central Coast Bird Report 2000”, CCFOC.
Palliser, Tony. 2002 “Tristram’s Storm -Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami off Sydney, New South Wales: A new
Bir for Australia”.Aust Bird Watcher 19, 215-218
Shingleton, K. 2001 “Common Redshank at South West Rocks, NSW”. The Bird Obs. 809, 38
Stuart, A. 2001 “Hunter Region of NSW 2000 Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers Club.
Wilson, J.R. 2001 “Population Monitoring Counts for Winter 1999, Summer 2000 and Winter 2000” The
Stilt 38, 64-69.
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 63List of Observers APPENDIX I
AA Annabel Ash
AB Andrew Burton
ABe Allan Benson BJ Barbara Jones CWa C. Ward
ABi Tony Bischoff BJo Bill Johnson DA Debbie Andrews
AC Ashley Carlsson BM Bill Moller DB Dick Branch
AD Arron Davies BMc B. McLean DC David Charley
AH A. Haskins BMo Brian Morrison DCa D. Campbell
AL Andrew Ley BO Bruce O’Brien DD Dick Dallimore
ALe Alan Leishman BP Barry Pascoe DF David Frew
ALi Ann Lindsey BR B. Reed DFr D. Fischer
ALv Adam Leavesly BS Bob Semmens DG Dennis Gosper
AM Alan Morris BT Beau Tottenham DGe David Geering
AMa A. McCashney BW Bob Way DGo D. Goldrick
AMc Alan McBride BWa B. Ward DGr Dot Green
AMn Alan Mann BWm Beth Williams DH Dion Hobcroft
AP Tony Palliser CA Craig Arms DJ Deltas Johnston
APe Tony Peri CB Chris Brandis DJo David Johnson
AQ Annie Quested CBu Charles Buer DK David Koffel
AR Alan Richards CC Chris Chafer DL Daniel Larkins
ARh Anne Richards CD C. Dwyer DM David Metford
ARi Alan Richardson CDa Chris Darwin DMa David Martin
ARo A.E.F. Rogers CDy Chris Davey DMc D. McKay
ARu A. Russell CE C. Eddie DMi Derek Minter
AS Allan Stuart CF Colin Forbes DMo Dennis Moretto
ASt Andrew Stafford CG Chris Gladwin DP David Potter
ASu Aiden Sudbury CH Clive Hudson DPa David Paull
AT A. Taylor CJ C. Jowett DPk David Parker
AY A. Yasuda CLo Carl Love DPo Dean Portelli
BB Betty Bradney CM Clive Meadows DPr D. Price
BC Bruce Cox CP Chris Presland DSm David Seims
BD Brian Downer CPr Carol Probets DW David Webb
BE Brian CR C. Ryan DWa David Watson
Everingham CRu Cedric Rutledge DWi D. Winterbottom
BF Brian Forgan CS Colin Scouler EA Eric Andrew
BH Betty Hudson CSh Chris Shinton EAt E. Atkinson
BHa Brian Hales CSp Carmel Spark ED Em Dunkley
BHk Brain Hardacre CT Chris Todd EFa E. Fair
BHu Brian Huxtable CW Chris Watts
64 December 2002EK Elisabeth ID Irene Denton JMa Jenny Madeline
Karplus IDo I. Donaldson JMG J. McGuiness
EKI E. Kleiber IE Isobell Evans JMI John McLennan
EN Ted Nixon IF Ian Fraser JMo J. Morris
ER Elizabeth IJ Ian Johnson JMy J. Meyer
Roberts IMa Ian McAllan JN J. Nankervis
ET E. Thomas IMc Ian McKinley JNo J. Norton
EV Edwin Vella 10 Ian Oag JP Joy Pegler
EW Eric Wheeler IW I. Wall JPe Julie Peet
EWh Eric Whiting JA Joan Adams JPt J. Peattie
FV Fred Van Gessel JAn J. Anderson JR Judith Russill
GB Graham Barwell JB John Brickhill JRb Jim Robinson
GBa Geoff Barrett JBi John Bissett lfte John Reidy
GBe G. Bedggood JBk Jack Baker JRg J. Rogers
GC Greg Clancy JB1 John Blomstedt JRo J. Rolfe
GCI Grahame Clark JBn Jenny Bounds JSh J. Shapiro
GFi Garry Fisher JBo J. Boyce JSI June Sell
GG G. Garradd JBp J. Bishop JSq Julie Squire
GGr G Graves JC John Carpenter JT Janet Theiring
GH Glenn Holmes JCa Janet Cavanaugh JWa Jenny Watts
GEle G. Hellyer JCe J. Clifton -Everest JWe J. Wheeler
GJ Gillian Janus JCh J. Christie JWy Joan Wylie
GLC Gould League JCI Jean Clarke KA Kristin Auld
Camp JCo Jan Condon KB Keith
GM G. McCathy JD J. Dark Brandwood
GMi G. Mitchell Dn J. Dunne KE Keith Egan
GO G Olde JDu John Duranti KH Keith Hutton
GOk George Oaks JDv J. Davidson KL Kerry Lowis
GR Greville Reidy JF Jim Francis KM Kevin Mills
GRi Gerry Richards JFo Judy Forgan KMc Kevin McGregor
GT Graham Turner JG J. Goldie KS Ken Shingleton
HBR Hunter Bird JH June Harris KW K. Walter
Report JHa John Hall LC Laurie Conole
HF Harry Foran JHn Jim Hone LCa Lorraine Cairns
HK Hugh King JHo Janet Houghton LE Louise Evans
HP Heather Pittar JHs Janet Hosking LH Lauris Hopkins
HPe Harvey Perkins JHu Jason Hutton LHa Louise Harrison
HR H. Roberts JHy J. Hayes LHo Lorraine Howell
HW Hans Wohlmuth JJ J.Jenkins LHu L. Hutchings
H Wo Hal Wootton JM Jane Miller LJ Lorne Johnson
IB Ian Bailey JMc Julie McEnally LJo Lorraine
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.I 65LM L. McIntosh MVBO Macleay V. PV Phillip Veerman
LMc Lawrie McEnally Bird Obs PVh Peter Van Haeff
LN L. Nevison NB N. Brimington PV1 P. van de Linde
LP L. Pincus NBa N. Bardisey P Wa P. Walbridge
LR Lalla Reeves NBo Norma Bourke PWo Peter Woodall
LS Lindsey Smith NC Nicholas Carlile PY P. Youll
MB Margaret Branch NCI Nicola Clark RB Robin Benson
MBr M. Broughton NCr Neville RBa Richard Baxter
MC Marjorie Crompton RBo Raoul Boughton
Cochrane ND N. Dreyer RBw Roy Bowling
MF Malcolm Fyfe NH Nick Hodges RCI Reg Clarke
MH Michael Hunter NL Nevil Lararus RCk Rohan Clarke
MHa M. Hamon NM Norma Maxwell RCo R. Coveney
MHe Mathew Herring NP N. Plummer RCr R. Crombie
MHi M. Hitchen NRu Neil Russill RF Richard
MHz Matthew Hinze NS Neville Fackender
MI Mike Isbell Schraeder RFo Bob Forsyth
MJ Michael Jarman NSm Nella Smith RG Rob Gardner
MJo M. Johnson NSu N. Summerell RGo Roger Gould
MK Michael Kearns NT Nicki Taws RH Rosemary Hunter
MKa Mark Karla PB Philip Brook RHe Roslyn Helmsley
MKo Mary Knowles PC Pierre RHi R. Hine
ML Murray Lord Charboneau RI Ron Imisides
MLa Margot Latham PD Peter Draper RJ Ray Jones
MLo M. Lagoni PDa Paul Davies RJk Richard Jenkin
MLu Maria Lukacs PDb P. Drake – RJh Richard Johnson
MLy Mark Ley Brockman Rio Richard Jordan
MMf M. Moffat PH Phil Hansbro RJy R. Joyce
MMo Mike Morphett PHu P. Huntley RK R. Kelly
MMx Max Maddox PL P. Lee RL Russ Lamb
MO Max O’Sullivan PM Peter Milburn RMc R. McGovern
MOh Mike O’Halloran PMe Peter Merritt RMg R. McGarva
MP Margaret Pointer PMo P. Moffitt RM i Roger Millard
MPe M. Peattie PMr Patty Moller RMo Rob Morrow
MPo Martin Potter PN Peter Nolan RMu R. Mulholland
MR Michael Ronan PO Pat O’Malley RPo Ross Pointer
MRo M. Rofe PR Peter Roberts RQ Rod Quinan
MS Michael Schultz PRa Peter Ramm RR Ralph Reid
MSh Michael Sharland PS Phil Straw RRa R. Rapmund
MSw Mary Jane Shaw PSe Peter Settle RS Ray Stokes
MV Maret Vesk PT Paul Taylor RSc R. Scott
66 December 2002RT R.J. Turner SJ S. Jones TP T. Peach
RTu Roger Truscott SK Simon Kennedy TQ Trevor Quested
RW R.Wall SM S. Madden TS Tony Saunders
RWa R. Watts SMI S. Mulvenna TW Tom Wilson
RWd R. Wade SMu S. Mugford TWa Trevor Waller
RWi Ron Wilson SRa Sue Romane VC Viv Colman
SAs Steve Anyon- SS Stephen Seymour VP Vicky Powys
Smith SSt Steve Stepinson WBa W. Bannister
SB S. Boxsell ST Sue Taylor WL Bill Lewis
SBI S. Blanchflower SWi Sheila Witt WS Warren Sweeney
SC Sue Chittick TD Tony Dymond WT Warren
SD Stepen Debus TE Terry Edwell Thompson
SE Stephen Edwards TH Timothy Hyde ZE Zena Eaton
SF Stuart Fairbairn TQ Trevor Quested
SG Sue Guiffre TKa Tom Karplus
SH Sandy Hunt TKd Trish Kidd
TN Ted Nixon
Aberdare SF Cessnock H 32 55 151 21 Back Beach HdWoody HdNC 29 22 153 23
Aberdeen H 32 10 150 54 Back Creek SF Wyalong SWS 33 43 147 25
Albion Park 1 34 34 150 46 Badgery’s Creek 33 54 150 45
Alumny Creek Grafton NC 29 38 152 58 Bakers Lagoon 33 35 150 46
Andersons Sugarloaf NC 30 47 152 33 Balickera 32 45 151 43
Angels Bch Ballina NC 28 53 153 35 Ballimore CWS 32 12 148 54
Agnes Banks NR S 33 39 150 42 Balls Head Res GreenwichS 33 51 151 11
Appletree Bay KCNP S 33 27 151 04 Balranald FSWP 34 28 143 33
Apple Tree Flat, Denman H 32 27 150 43 Banar Swp, Condobolin CWP 33 15 147 03
Araluen SC 35 38 149 49 Bantry Bay, S 33 47 151 14
Arcoola Ck Strurt NP FNWP 29 23 142 15 Banyabba SF & NR NC 29 21 153 00
Arrowfield H 32 27 150 50 Barlings Swamp SC
Ashford NWS 29 20 151 06 Barraba NWS 30 22 150 38
Ash Island Ponds H 32 52 151 43 Barragoot Beach SC 36 28 150 08
Austimer 34 18 150 55 Barren Grounds NR 1 34 38 150 40
Avalon Swamp, Finley SWP 35 33 145 37 Barrigun FNWP 29 01 105 43
Avoca Beach & Lagoon CC 33 26 151 32 Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 I I
Avondale 34 31 150 45 Baulkham Hills 33 46 151 00
Avon River SF H 32 08 151 50 Bawdon Bridge, Orara R NC 29 33 152 48
Awabakal NR Belmont H 33 01 151 41 Bayswater Colliery 32 25 149 58
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 67Bective Res, Tamworth NWS 30 58 150 47 Booyong FR Aistonville NC 28 52 153 27
Bectric HSD Temora SWS 34 32 147 15 Borah Res Barraba NWS 30 36 150 36
Beecroft S 35 45 151 03 Border Ds HSDMilparinkaFNWP 30 22 141 04
Beelbangera SWP 34 15 146 06 Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56
Belah HSDGunderbookaNFNWP 30 33 145 48 Boxvale Tk Mittagong I 34 28 150 32
Bellevue Park HSD Brindle Ck, Border Rnges NC 28 22 153 03
Kingstown NT 30 30 151 05 Brisbane Water CC 33 29 151 24
Belarbon Tank, Cobar FSWP 32 00 144 58 BroadwaterSwp LawrenceNC 29 35 153 08
Bellambi I 34 21 150 55 Brobenah Airstrip SWP 34 29 146 21
Belmont Swamp H 33 02 151 40 Brogo SC 36 31 149 49
Bendalong I 35 14 150 32 Broken Hill FSWP 31 56 141 29
Bendethera SC Brotherson Swamp NC 29 50 152 54
Bennetts Head, Forster H 32 10 152 32 Broulee Beach SC 35 51 150 10
Berara Beach 1 35 12 150 33 Brush Island, Bendalong 1 35 32 150 25
Berkeley Ck BerkeleyValeCC 33 21 151 27 Buckingbong SF SWP
Berkeley Vale HS SwampCC 33 21 151 27 Buldobney SF Albert CWP 32 31 147 11
Berkeley Pool 34 29 150 51 Bulga H 32 29 151 01
Bermagui SC 36 25 150 03 Bulli 1 34 19 150 55
Benowie Trail Berowra S 33 40 151 05 Bulloo Overflow FNWP 29 45 142 42
Berowra 33 37 151 09 Bundeena, Royal NP S 34 05 151 10
B erri lee 33 37 151 05 Bungonia SRA CT 34 52 149 57
Berrys Bay, Sydney Hbr S 33 50 151 15 Bunning Ck YarramalongCC 33 12 151 15
Berrie HSD Temora SWP 34 32 147 15 Burrewarra Point SC 35 50 150 13
Bicentennial Pk HomebushS 33 50 151 05 Busbys Flat, Casino NC 29 02 152 47
BicentennialResNaremburnS 33 49 151 26 Bushells Lagoon S 33 34 150 48
Bidwill 33 44 150 47 Bushells Ridge CC 33 11 151 28
Big Snake Is Wallis Lake H 32 14 152 30 Byabarra, Wauchope NC 31 33 152 33
Bilbul, Griffith SWP 34 17 146 10 Cabarita Bch Kingscliff NC 28 17 153 56
Binya SWP 34 14 146 21 Cabbage Tree Island H 32 41 152 13
Binya SF Griffith SWP 34 14 146 18 Calga Round -about F3 CC 33 26 151 14
Birdie Beach Nth MSRA CC 33 12 151 36 Cambridge Plateau picnic
Blackbutt Res Lambton 32 57 151 42 a.Richmond Range NPNC 28 28 152 43
Blackfellows Point SC 36 10 150 07 Camden Head NC 31 45 152 51
Black Neds Bay, Pelican I-1 33 06 151 38 Camerons Corner Sturt NPFNWP 29 00 141 00
Black Springs Rd, Camelia S 33 49 151 01
Barraba NWS 30 25 150 35 Cammeray S 33 49 151 12
Blaxland S 33 34 150 36 Campbells Swamp, Griffith 34 13 145 58
Blue Mountains NP CT 33 39 150 39 Canowindra CT 33 29 148 44
Boarding HsDam WataganU 33 00 151 24 Canyonleigh I 34 36 150 13
Boatharbour, Kurnell S 34 03 151 08 Cape Byron NC 28 38 153 28
Bolwarra H 32 43 151 33 Cape Hawke H 32 14 152 34
Bom Born SF Grafton NC 29 45 152 58 Capertee Valley CT 33 06 149 59
Boomanulla HSD WarrenCWP 31 28 147 44 Careel Bay S 33 37 151 20
Booligal Wetlands SWP 33 52 144 52 Carey Bay, Valentine H 33 01 151 38
Boonanaghi SF NC 31 05 152 36 Carlowrie HSD KingstownNT 30 31 151 07
Boonelbah Island H 32 43 152 14 Carrabear SF Coonamble CWP 31 06 148 04
Booral H 32 28 151 58 Carrapundy Swamp FNWP 29 10 142 35
Boorganna NR ComboyneNC 31 36 152 34 Casino STW NC 28 52 153 03
Boorungie HSD GrasmereFNWP 31 28 142 26 Castlecrag S 33 48 151 13
Booti Booti NP, Castle Hill S 33 44 151 00
The Ruins H 32 20 152 32 Catherine Field S 34 01 150 52
68 December 2002Caves Beach. Swansea H 33 07 151 39 Coroki NC 28 59 153 17
Cecil Hoskin NR 1 34 32 150 24 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
Cedar Point NC 35 51 150 10 Cowans Ponds RcsGraftonNC 29 43 152 55
Centennial Park, Sydney S 33 54 151 14 Cowra CT 34 01 148 40
Chaffin Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 42 153 08 Cox’s Ck Rd Rylstone CT 32 55 150 04
Charcoal Tk NR, Cox’s Gap Wollemi NP H 32 27 150 15
Wyalong CWS 33 53 147 02 Crows Nest 33 51 151 12
Chatswood West S 33 47 151 09 Curly Is Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 27
Chain Valley Bay CC 33 10 151 34 Craven SF 31 10 151 55
Chichester Dam H 32 10 151 40 Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59
Chiltern Tk Ingleside S 33 41 151 15 Cudmirrah I 35 13 150 32
Chittaway Bay CC 33 19 151 27 Culgoa NP FNWP 29 05 147 05
Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 28 Cundletown 31 53 152 33
Clandulla SF CT 32 52 149 56 Currabubula NWS 31 17 150 13
Clifton Downs HSD Currajong St Coolamon SWS 34 35 147 20
Wanaaring FNWP 29 24 144 45 Curramore 34 37 150 49
Clybucca NC 30 54 152 55 Curra Moors, Royal NP S 34 10 151 03
Clydebrook SC 35 43 150 II Cut Hill Rd Cobbitty S 33 59 150 40
Cobham Lake, PacksaddleFNWP 30 08 143 04 Cuttaburra Ck WanaaringFNWP 29 43 144 20
Cockle Bay NR CC 33 29 151 24 Daleys Point CC 33 21 151 21
Cockle Ch Brisbane WaterCC 33 29 151 22 Dandaloo CWP 32 16 147 37
Coffs Harbour North NC 30 18 153 07 Dandry Rd Pilliga NR NWS 31 07 149 15
Coila Lake SC 36 02 150 06 Darlington Point SWP 34 35 146 00
Coleambally SWP 34 49 145 51 Dart Island. Yamba NC 29 25 152 18
Collie CWP 31 10 148 17 Daruka, Tamworth NWS 31 02 150 57
Collombatti NC 30 56 152 43 Davistown CC 33 29 151 21
Colongra Lake CC 33 11 151 32 Deenderrah HSD,
Colongra Swamp Upper Manilla NWS 30 33 150 36
Reserve CC 33 12 151 33 Deep Ck Belrose S 33 42 151 16
Comerong Island 34 52 150 43 Denman H 32 23 140 41
Condobolin CWP 32 51 146 51 Dickson Rd Res Jilliby CC 33 14 151 23
Congewai 32 59 151 18 Diggers CampYuraygirNPNC 29 48 153 17
Coniston Beach 34 26 150 54 Dooragan NP NC 31 40 152 47
Coolah Tops NP CT 31 45 150 02 Dooralong CC 33 11 151 21
Coolabah FNWP 31 02 146 42 Dorroughby NC 29 40 153 20
Coolamon SWS 34 49 147 11 Doughboy Hollow 32 38 151 10
Coolamon HSD WilcanniaFSWP 32 12 143 47 Dragon Cowal, Collie CWP 31 30 148 03
Cooma ST 36 14 149 07 Dry Creek, Parkville H
Coomba Park, Wallis LakeH 32 15 152 28 Dry Lake Packsaddle FNWP 30 06 142 06
Coombell NC 29 01 152 58 Dubbo East CWS 32 15 148 35
Coombie liSD Roto FSWP 32 50 145 21 Dubbo, Macquarie River CWS 32 15 148 45
Coonabarabran NWP 31 16 149 16 Dubbo North CWS 32 14 148 36
Coonamble CWP 30 57 148 24 Dunbogan NC 31 40 152 39
Coonoor TSR Barraba NWS 30 17 150 47 Dungog H 32 24 151 46
Coopers Island SC 36 04 150 04 Dungowan NWS 31 13 151 07
Cootamundra SWS 34 38 148 01 Dunmore 34 36 150 56
Cooyal CT 32 27 149 45 Dunedoo CT 32 01 149 24
Copeland Common H 32 00 151 52 Dunns Swamp,WollemiNPCT 32 53 150 17
Copeland SF H 31 58 151 47 Durras Lake SC 35 38 150 16
Cordeaux Dam 34 23 150 48 East Gosford CC 33 26 151 20
Corindi NC 30 01 153 12 Eastlakes 33 56 151 13
Cornwallis Ln Richmond S 33 36 150 46
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 69Eden SC 37 04 149 54 Goollooinboin HSD
Egl ington CT 33 46 149 36 Glen Davis CT 33 09 150 09
Ellalong H 33 21 151 20 Goonoo SF Mogriguy CWS 32 05 148 50
Ellis Swamp, Tucabia NC 29 40 153 07 Gooralgool Lgn Cuba SF SWP 34 35 146 05
Emmaville NT 29 27 151 36 Gosford CC 33 26 151 02
Erina CC 33 26 151 25 Goulburn Dam ST 34 44 149 40
Euabalong, 40 KM SW SWP 33 22 145 58 Goulburn River NP CT 32 18 150 04
Euroka NC 31 07 152 48 Grassmere HSD WilcanniaFNWP 31 20 142 40
Euroka Camp, GlenbrookS 33 47 150 36 Grassy head NC 30 48 152 39
Evans Swamp,Dooralong CC 33 11 151 21 Grays Point, Royal NP S 34 05 151 08
Excelsior Mine Thirroul I 34 19 152 54 Great Cumbung SwpOxleyLSWP 34 20 144 02
Faulconbridge CT 33 42 150 24 Green Cape, Ben Boyd NPSC 37 24 150 03
Figtree 1 32 25 152 52 Green Wattle Creek H 32 40 151 38
Fivebough Swamp,LeetonSWP 34 23 151 05 Grevillea NC 28 26 152 48
Fivedock 33 52 151 47 Grong Grong SWP 34 44 146 47
Five Islands NR PtKemblal 34 27 150 56 Grono Fm Rd WilberforceS 33 34 150 51
FiveMile Ck Gulpa SF Denniliquin SWP 35 45 144 57
CocoparraNP SWP 34 08 146 36 Gum Swamp Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59
Flat Rock, Ballina NC 28 53 153 36 Gundagai SWS 35 04 148 06
Flat Rock Res CammerayS 33 49 151 13 Gunderbooka NP Bourke FNWP 30 35 145 45
Flint & Steel Bch KCNP S 33 35 151 17 Gunning ST 34 48 149 15
Forest Glen S 33 33 151 01 Gwandalan CC 33 08 151 35
Forestville S 33 46 151 13 Hannam Vale H 31 43 152 35
Forster 14 32 10 152 32 Harrington H 31 53 152 41
Fort Grey, Sturt NP FNWP 29 04 141 14 Hat Head NP NC 30 56 153 03
Fosterton Loop, Dungog H 32 20 151 37 Harwood Bdge ClarenceRNC 29 35 153 16
France Bay, Cabarita S 33 51 151 07 Harwood Island NC 29 26 153 16
Fraser Beach MSRA CC 33 12 151 35 Hassans Walls, Lithgow CT 33 30 150 07
Freemans Reach 33 34 150 47 Hawkhead Dve BouddiNPCC 33 32 151 20
Front ValleyHSDRylstoneCT 32 57 150 06 Hawkesnest H 32 35 152 10
Fullerton Cove 11 32 51 151 45 Hazelbrook CT 33 44 150 26
Gap Bluff, South Head S 33 49 151 16 Henry Hd,
GarawangaHSDNimmitabeIST 36 33 149 17 Botany BayNP S 33 59 151 14
Gardens of Stone NP CT 33 15 150 12 Hexham Swamp H 33 50 151 40
Gees Lagoon, Colo S 33 27 150 50 Hickey Island, Yamba NC 29 26 153 21
Geneebeinga Wetlands NC 28 51 153 03 H ill v iewHSDYarramalongCC 33 14 151 18
Girrakool, Hillville Dam 31 58 152 22
Brisbane WNP CC 33 21 151 16 Holy Box Well, Mossgiel FSWP 33 07 144 32
Glanmire CT 33 26 149 41 Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05
Glebe S 33 53 151 12 Horsfield Bay CC 33 29 151 17
Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12 Howes Valley H 32 51 150 50
Glenbrook Creek CT 33 45 150 36 Hungry Head NC 30 31 153 01
Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17 Huntingdale HSD
Glenlea Unit Yathong NRFSWP 32 34 145 30 Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 08
GlenlolanBrdge GlenAliceCT 33 02 140 09 Huskisson 35 02 150 41
Glenora HSD Louth FNWP 30 08 144 48 Ilford CT 32 58 149 51
Glenugie Peak NC 29 47 153 01 Iluka NC 29 25 153 22
Glenview HSD Glen AliceCT 33 03 15010 Iluka NR NC 29 24 153 22
Gloucester East Wetlands 32 01 151 58 Ingalba NR SWS 34 30 147 28
Gloucester R Camp,BTNPH 32 05 151 30 Inverell NT 29 46 151 09
Gloucester Tops BTNP H 32 05 151 35 Irrawong Res WarriewoodS 33 41 151 17
Golgolgon FNWP 30 22 146 56 Jacana HSD Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58
70 December 2002Jacks Ck Cocoparra NP SWP 34 08 146 13 Lake Cathie NC 31 36 152 52
Jacksons Swp Leetsvale S 33 25 150 57 Lake Conjola 1 35 15 150 27
Jarmans Swp Wanaaring FNWP 29 42 144 08 Lake Liddell II 33 25 151 01
Jerrys Plains 32 30 150 34 Lake WallaceWallerawangCT 33 25 151 04
Jerseyville NC 30 56 153 02 Lake Wooloweyah NC 29 30 153 30
Jilliby CC 33 14 151 23 Lake Wollumboola I 35 00 150 46
Jindalee SF Wallendbeen SWS 34 29 148 02 Lake Wyangan SWP 34 14 146 01
Jingo Ck Eden SC Lane Cove R Lane Cove S 33 48 151 13
John BrownsLgn MulbringH 32 53 151 31 Lansdowne 31 47 152 32
Johns River 34 24 152 43 Lapstone 33 55 150 49
Jubilee HSD, Largs 32 42 151 06
Willarwarrin NC 30 55 152 36 Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06
Junee STW SWS 34 55 147 35 Lees Res Chittaway CC 33 19 151 25
Kaleno HSD Cobar FSWP 31 48 145 19 Leeton Tip SWP 34 33 146 24
Kamarah SWP 34 10 146 48 Leets Vale 33 25 150 57
Kandos CT 32 52 149 58 Lemon Tree Passage H 32 43 152 02
Kangawalla Glen Innes NT 29 45 151 44 Lenaghans Dr SwpMinmiH 32 51 151 37
Kandos Weir CT 32 53 149 58 Lerida Tank Cobar FSWP 31 34 145 39
Karagi Pt The Entrance CC 33 20 151 30 Levenstrath NC 29 49 152 56
Karangi NC 30 15 153 03 Lilli Pilli SC 35 47 150 13
Karoa HSD Terridgerie CWP 30 53 148 29 Limbsi NWS 31 03 151 10
Kars Springs 31 54 150 34 Lindfield S 33 47 151 10
Katandra Res Matcham CC 33 25 151 23 Lismore NC 29 48 156 17
Kellys Bush 33 41 151 10 Little Beach, Bouddi NP CC 33 30 151 25
Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49 Little Langothlin Lagoon NT 30 08 151 47
Kerrabee 32 24 150 19 Lomandra HSD Griffith SWP 34 12 146 06
Kiah SC 37 06 149 52 Long Reef 33 45 151 19
Kiacatoo SWP 33 03 146 46 Loomberah, Tamworth NWS 31 14 151 02
Kiama 1 34 41 150 51 Louth FNWP 30 32 145 47
Kianga, nr Narooma SC 36 12 150 17 Lower Mooney Mooney CkCC 33 29 151 12
Kikabel HSD Holbrook (10k W) 35 42 147 16 Lower Myall River 32 09 152 09
Kilicare Heights CC 33 31 151 23 Lower Portland 33 27 150 54
Killingworth 32 57 151 32 Lower Southgate NC 29 36 153 02
Kinchela NC 30 59 152 59 MachinsCrater Blue MNPCT 33 50 150 34
Kincumer Tip CC 33 28 151 23 Macksville NC 30 42 152 56
Kings Creek, Wauchope NC 31 28 152 43 Macquarie Marshes,
KingsTableland KatoombaCT 33 28 150 15 North CWP 30 24 149 29
Koonadan SWP 34 29 146 21 Maddens Plains I 34 16 150 55
Kooragang Island 32 53 151 47 Maitland 32 44 151 33
Kulnura CC 33 14 151 13 Malua Bay SC 35 47 150 13
Kwiambal NPAshford NWS 29 08 150 59 Mandalong Swamp H 33 07 151 27
Kyogle NC 28 37 152 59 Manly Dam Res,
Lady Robinson Beach Allambie 33 46 151 14
Kumell 33 58 151 09 W Binnaway CWS 31 05 149 22
Laguna 33 59 151 08 Matcham CC 33 25 151 26
Laidley HSD Rylstone CT 32 56 150 02 Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11
Lake Arragan NC 29 34 153 20 Mara Ck Yuraygir NP NC 29 29 153 21
Lake Burragorang CT 34 10 150 20 Marayla 33 36 150 54
Lake Burrendong CWS 32 41 149 11 Maria River NP NC 31 13 152 55
Lake Cakora, Brooms HdNC 29 36 153 20 Market Swamp, SandgateH 32 53 151 42
Lake Cargelligo STW SWP 33 18 146 22 Marley Bch Royal NP S 34 08 151 08
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 71Martins Creek Maitland H 32 34 151 38 Mount Manara FSWP 32 45 143 24
Merrowie Ck Hillston SWP 35 26 145 18 Mount Piddington CT 33 36 150 15
Mason Park, Concord S 33 56 151 05 Mount Pleasant 1 33 25 150 51
Matakana FSWP 32 59 145 54 Mount Warning NP NP 28 24 153 16
Maudville, Gloucester H 32 03 151 48 Mount Vincent H 32 37 151 05
McKennas Lagoon SWP 34 26 145 31 Mowbray Pk, Chatswood S 33 48 151 09
McMahons Point 33 15 151 13 Mudgee Airport CT 32 37 149 45
McMasters Beach CC 33 28 151 27 Mulgoa Valley 33 50 150 38
McPherson Range, GriffithSWP 34 15 146 04 Mundoonen NR ST 34 50 149 02
McPherson SF Kulnura CC 33 15 151 10 Munghorn Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50
McPhersons Crossing NC 29 49 152 55 Murrumbung HSD MardiCC 33 18 151 15
McPherson Rd Mardi CC 33 17 151 24 Muswellbrook H 32 16 150 53
Meadowbank Park S 33 49 151 04 Mutawinji NP FNWP 31 15 142 51
Meadow Flat CT 33 27 149 56 Muttonbird Is Coffs Hr NC 30 18 153 08
Medowie li 32 44 151 52 Myalla HSD Glen Alice CT 33 01 150 10
Mellong Ranges CT 33 15 150 41 Mystery Bay SC 35 50 150 13
Mendooran CWS 31 49 149 07 Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00
Merimbula SC 36 54 149 54 Nangar NP CWS 33 22 148 57
Merri Merri SF Collie CWP 31 40 148 18 Nangarah Rd Barraba NWS 30 23 150 36
Merrylands S 33 50 150 59 Narara CC 33 24 151 45
Meryula HSD Cobar FSWP 31 32 146 03 Narimba HSDDarlingtonPtSWP 34 35 149 48
Mill Ck Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 02 Narrabeen Lagoon S 33 43 151 13
Minmi 32 51 151 37 Narrandera SWP 34 43 146 35
Minyon Falls,Nightcap NPNC 28 34 153 24 Narromine CWS 32 14 148 16
Mirrambeena, Narrow Neck, Katoomba CT 33 43 150 13
Lansdowne 33 58 150 58 Nellingen SC 35 39 150 05
Mistral Point, Maroubra S 33 56 151 15 Nemingha NT 31 07 150 59
Mogo SF SC 35 47 150 08 Nericon Swamp Griffith SWP 34 13 146 02
Mogo Camp, Yengo NP S 33 19 151 04 Nethercote SC 32 53 151 42
Mongogarie NC 28 57 152 56 Newcastle Baths H 32 55 151 47
Monkeygar Ck wetlands Newcastle Water Reserve H 32 53 151 42
Macquarie Marshes CWP 30 54 147 29 NewnesForest RdClarenceCT 33 11 151 33
Moonee Beach NC 30 12 153 19 Newstead Ponds SC 35 56 150 08
Mooney CkBrisbane WNPCC 33 39 151 12 Niagara Park CC 33 23 151 21
Moore Pk NROIdGrevilleaNC 28 26 152 52 Nightcap NP NC 28 34 153 24
Morpeth STW 32 44 151 37 Nobbys Head Newcastle H 32 56 151 47
Moruya SC 35 55 150 06 Nombinnie NR MatarankaFSWP 32 55 145 53
Moruya Heads SC 35 55 150 09 Norah Head CC 33 17 151 35
Mossgiel FSWP 33 16 144 34 Norahville Heaths CC 33 23 151 33
Mossy Pt Broulee SC 35 49 150 10 North Arm Cove H 32 40 152 02
Mother of Ducks Lagoon NT 30 14 151 40 North Ck Ballina NC 28 51 153 34
Mount Annan, North Richmond S 33 37 150 43
Bot Garden S 34 03 150 46 Nowendoc NT 31 32 151 43
Mt Arrowsmith HSD Nowra 34 52 150 36
Milparinka FNWP 30 09 141 44 Nulla Nulla Camp,
Mount Banks CT 33 33 150 22 Werrikimbee NP NC 30 38 152 29
Mount Dromaderry SC 36 18 150 01 NurrangingyRes DoonsideS 33 46 150 51
Mount Druitt S 33 47 150 49 Nyngan CWP 32 34 147 12
Mount Ettalong CC 33 30 151 20 Oakleigh HSD Coolabah FNWP 31 03 146 53
Mount Gunderbooka FNWP 30 35 145 45 Ogunbil, Tamworth NWS 31 19 151 17
Mount Keira 1 34 24 150 51 Old Bar 31 58 152 35
Mt Kew HSDWilcannia FSWP 32 00 144 11
72 December 2002Old Ford Res Megalong VCT 33 44 150 14 Rainbow Reach MacleayRNC 30 54 153 00
Old Junee SWS 34 50 147 31 Rankin Springs SWP 33 59 1.45 55
Oleopoloko Lake Peri NPFNWP 30 42 143 40 Ramsay Is, Blackalls Bay CC 33 30 151 21
Ourimbah Creek CC 33 19 151 25 Rathluba Lgn Maitland H 32 45 151 38
Oxley liSD Oxley SWP 34 12 144 04 Rathmines H 33 02 151 35
Oxley IfSD Warren CWP 31 09 147 30 Rawsonville Rd Dubbo CWS 32 08 148 27
Oxley Park, Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 55 Redbank River Red RockNC 29 59 153 14
Oyster Cove 32 44 151 57 Redhill HSD, Wollar CT 32 23 149 57
Packsaddle FNWP 30 08 142 06 Red Hill, Beacon Hill S 33 45 151 15
Paddington SF Cobar FSWP Redmanvale H 32 33 151 34
Paddys Cowal, Gin Gin CWP 31 55 148 06 Red Rock NC 29 59 153 14
Palm Beach 33 36 151 20 Rewa HSD Hermidale CWP 31 35 146 33
Palmdale CC 33 19 151 23 Renwick SF H 32 27 152 03
Palmgrove CC 33 19 151 18 Richmond S 33 36 150 45
Pambalong NR Minmi H 32 53 151 38 Rockdale S 35 49 150 13
Pambula SC 36 57 140 52 Rockview HSDGIen DavisCT 33 09 150 08
Parkview HSD BooroobanSWP 34 56 144 45 Rocklands IISDGIenDavisCT 33 09 150 01
Parkville 31 59 150 52 Rookwood Necropolis S 33 53 151 03
Paterson River 32 35 151 35 Rosedale SC 35 49 150 13
Patonga Rd BrisbaneWNPCC 33 34 151 16 Round Hill HSD,
Peats Ridge CC 33 19 151 14 Murrami SWP 34 26 146 18
Pelican Is, Round Swp, Cedar Point NC 35 51 150 10
Sth West Rocks NC 30 55 153 02 Rouse Hill S 33 39 150 52
Penrith Lakes 33 43 150 41 Rowe’s Lagoon Collector ST 34 54 149 31
Penryn Rd Botany 33 58 141 12 Royal NP Ldy Carrtn DveS 34 06 151 03
Pen Lake NP FNWP 30 18 143 05 Rozelle Park S 33 52 151 09
Perthville, Bathurst CT 33 29 149 32 Rutherford H 32 43 151 32
Peter Finn WR, Kyogle NC 28 38 152 54 Ryans Cut,
Picton 34 11 150 17 Crescent Head NC 31 08 153 00
Pindari Dam NWS 29 23 151 15 Rylstone Dam CT 32 48 150 00
Pinegrove HSD TullamoreCWS 32 08 147 33 Sackville S 33 29 150 54
Pineview HS Fifield CWS 32 45 147 32 Saltwater Ck BenBoyd NPSC 37 10 150 00
Pitt Town Lagoon S 33 36 150 50 Samurai Bch Pt Stephens H 32 44 152 08
Pokolbin SF H 32 46 151 12 Sanctuary Pt Jervis Bay I 35 02 150 46
Pt Danger,Tweed Heads NC 28 12 153 34 Sandon Pt Illawarra 1 34 20 150 55
Popran NP Peats Ridge CC 33 22 151 12 Saratoga CC 33 28 151 21
Port Macquarie HSD, St Albans Common S 33 07 150 58
Glen Alice CT 33 00 150 03 St Huberts Island CC 33 29 151 20
Potato Pt Bodalla SC 36 11 150 08 St Ives S 33 44 151 10
Powells Lagoon RichmondS 33 36 150 45 Sandon River Yuraygir NPNC 29 41 153 19
Primbee 34 30 150 52 Sandy Hollow H 32 21 150 25
Problem Creek, Stroud H 32 24 151 58 Scheyville NP Windsor S 33 38 150 54
Prospect Reservoir 33 49 150 53 Scotts Head NC 30 34 153 13
Pugatory Creek NC 29 28 152 28 Sea Acres NR NC 31 27 152 56
Pughs Lagoon Richmond S 33 36 150 45 Seaham Swamp NR H 32 40 151 44
Pulletop NR Griffith SWP 34 03 146 11 Seven Mile Beach NP 1 34 50 150 45
Putty 32 57 150 41 Shane Park Blacktown S 33 47 150 52
Putty Beach Killcare CC 33 32 151 21 Sharpes CK Gloucester TpH 32 04 151 41
Pymble S 33 45 151 08 Sherwood NC 31 04 152 44
Quambone CWP 30 56 147 52 Shipley Plateau CT 33 39 150 14
Quipolly Dam NWS 31 34 150 44 Shortland WC N 32 53 151 41
Quorrobolong H 32 55 151 22 Silverwater NR S 33 49 151 03
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 73Singleton H 32 34 151 11 Tench Reserve Penrith S 33 47 150 41
Skillion NP Kempsey NC 31 02 152 44 Terridgerie Lagoon NWP 30 53 148 49
Smiths Lake, Moonee NC 32 23 152 30 Terrigal CC 33 27 151 27
Sofala CT 33 05 149 42 Terrigal Ck Sandy Camp NWP 30 52 147 44
Soldiers Pt Norah Head CC 33 17 151 33 Tuerika HSD Tibooburra FNWP 29 15 142 33
Somersby CC 33 22 151 17 The Entrance CC 33 21 151 30
South Brooman SF SC 35 32 150 14 Thirroul I 34 19 150 55
South Ck Narrabeen Lgn S 33 43 151 16 Tibooburra FNWP 29 15 142 32
South Myers Tk Sturt NP FNWP 29 16 141 59 Tilba Lake SC 36 18 150 37
South Tuross Estuary SC 36 03 150 07 Tilpa FNWP 30 57 144 24
Spencerville NC 30 55 153 03 Tollgate Islands SC 35 46 150 14
Spring Ck Resv, Orange CT 33 24 149 10 Tomago H 32 49 151 45
Spring Forest HSD Tomakin SC 35 50 150 10
Koorawatha CT 34 01 148 40 Tomingley CWP 32 34 148 15
Stackpoole SF SWP 33 57 145 43 Toms Lake Tk Booligal FSWP 33 40 144 48
Stannix Park S 33 31 150 51 Tongo Lake & Creek FNWP 30 30 143 14
Stockton Borehole SwampH 32 53 151 23 Toopuntil HSD Oxley SWP 34 20 143 58
Stockton Beach H 32 53 151 47 Toolijoa 1 34 46 150 46
Stockton Sandspit H 32 52 151 44 Tooloom NC 28 30 152 26
Stratheden NC 28 48 152 57 Toowoon Bay Reefs CC 33 21 151 30
Strickland SF Narara CC 33 22 151 19 Top Tank Limekilns CT 33 16 149 45
Strickland HSD, Toronto H 33 01 151 35
Gumin Gumin CWP 31 18 148 57 Toukley East CC 33 17 151 33
Stuarts Point NC 30 50 152 09 Towra Point NR S 34 02 151 11
Summer Hill H 33 57 151 08 Trapyard Dm,Kennibri NWP 30 47 148 58
Summer Is Jerseyville NC 30 58 152 58 Tuckerbil Swamp,
Sun Valley Rd Erina CC 33 28 151 23 Leeton SWP 34 27 146 21
Surf Beach SC 35 45 150 12 Tuggerah Beach CC 33 18 151 34
Surveyors CkWashpoolNPNC 29 31 152 18 Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 39
Sutton Res Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28 Tuggerah Lagoon CC 33 18 151 25
Swan Bay, Port Stephens H 32 43 152 00 Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26
Swansea H 33 05 151 38 Tuggerawong CC 33 17 151 29
Swansea Heads H 33 05 151 40 Tullakool Salt works SWP 35 24 144 12
Sydney Pelagic S 33 50 151 20 TullamoreHSDPappinbarraNC 31 23 152 30
Tabberatong, Bathurst CT 33 15 149 45 Tullymorgan NC 29 23 153 07
Tabulan NC 28 53 152 54 Tullys Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 28 146 29
Tahmoor I 33 13 150 36 Tumbarumbah SWS 35 47 148 01
Taleeban Res SWP 33 53 146 28 Tuncurry H 29 57 152 29
Taloumbi NC 29 34 153 16 Turners Beach, Yamba NC 29 28 153 23
Tallaganda SF SC 35 58 149 30 Tuross Heads SC 36 03 150 07
Tallawarra I 34 30 150 49 Tuross Lakes SC 36 04 150 08
Tallegar SFGulargumboneCWP 31 08 148 10 Twofold Bay SC 37 07 149 55
Tamworth NWS 31 06 150 57 Tyndale NC 29 31 153 13
Tapin Tops NP NC 31 40 152 09 Ulabah HSD Coolah CT 31 41 149 42
Tarcutta SWS 35 17 147 44 Umina Beach CC 33 32 151 31
Tarro Swamp H 32 49 151 40 Upper Manilla NWS 30 43 150 40
Tatham NC 28 55 153 09 Ursino HSD Wanaaring FNWP 29 43 143 45
Tathra SC 30 45 149 59 Valla NC 30 36 153 01
Tea Gardens H 32 40 152 09 Vineyard S 33 38 150 50
Temagog NC 30 59 152 34 Wagonga Inlet SC 36 13 150 07
Temora SWS 34 27 147 31 Waldrons Swamp SC 35 51 150 10
74 December 2002Walenda HSD Ivanhoe FSWP 32 37 144 23 Wisemans Ferry 33 23 150 59
Wallaga Lake SC 36 22 150 04 Woggoon NR CWP 32 47 146 57
Wallerawang CT 33 35 150 03 Woko NP 31 50 151 52
Wallingat SF 32 20 152 26 Wollar CT 32 23 149 57
Walsh Shed Coleambally SWP 34 47 145 58 Wollongong 1 34 26 150 26
Wanaaring FNWP 29 42 144 09 Wollongong Uni.
Wanarra Ck White Cliffs FNWP 30 56 143 20 Campus 34 25 150 22
Wang Wauk SF 32 15 152 15 Wollongong Pelagic I 34 26 150 56
Warabrook Newcastle H 32 53 151 41 Womboyn Lake entrance SC 37 15 149 55
Waratah H 33 56 151 46 Wompah Gate,
Warilla Grove 34 33 150 52 Tibooburra FNWP 29 00 142 15
Warkworth 32 55 151 02 Wonga Wetlands, Albury SWS 36 06 146 52
Warraderry SF Grenfell SWS 33 43 148 12 Woodford CT 33 14 150 29
Warrah Trig,BrisbaneWNPCC 33 33 151 17 Woodford Island NC 29 30 153 10
Warriewood Wetland S 33 41 151 17 Woodlands HSD,
Warren STW CWP 31 44 147 43 Rawdonvale 32 00 151 24
Washpool NP NC 29 18 152 24 Woody Head Yuraygir NPNC 29 22 153 22
Watagan SF & NP 33 00 151 25 Woodbury Pk Tuggerah CC 33 18 151 24
Wattamolla, Royal NP S 34 08 151 07 Wooli NC 29 53 153 14
Wattle Flat Royal NP S 34 05 151 03 Woolooware Bay S 34 03 151 09
Wentworth Falls lake CT 33 42 150 22 Wooloweyah NC 29 28 153 18
West Head Kur-ringai CNPS 33 34 151 19 Woongarra CC 33 12 151 28
Whale Rock Res Epping S 33 46 151 04 Woonona 34 21 150 54
Wheeney Ck Upper Colo S 33 28 150 05 Worley Ck Res
Whiporie NC 29 18 152 58 Mangrove CC 33 18 151 10
White Box Camp. Wyamba HSD Warren CWP 31 42 147 35
Goulburn River NP CT 32 17 150 03 Wyee Point 33 07 151 31
Whitton Punt Reserve SWP 34 31 146 11 Wyndham SC 36 55 149 39
Willie Retreat, M MarshesCWP 30 54 147 29 Wyoming CC 33 25 151 20
Whitebridge 32 58 151 43 Wyong Ck South Tacoma CC 33 17 151 27
Whoey Tk Round Hill Wyong SF Jilliby CC 33 16 151 21
NR FSWP 32 57 146 09 Yallah 1 34 32 150 47
Willala Hills, Boggabri NWS 30 50 149 47 Yalwal 1 34 56 150 23
Willandra NP Homestead FSWP 33 13 145 06 Yantabulla FNWP 29 21 145 01
Willbriggie Swamp SWP 34 28 150 52 Yarramalong CC 33 14 151 16
Willurah HSD Conargo SWP 35 00 145 06 Yarramundi Crossing S 33 37 150 40
WindyStnHSD Pine RidgeNWS 31 59 149 32 Yarrandi, Scone H 31 59 150 45
Wingecarribee Swamp I 34 34 150 30 Yellow Mtn Bobadah CWP 32 29 146 46
Wingello Ck Wyoming CC 33 24 151 21 Yengo NP north H 33 06 151 06
Windang 34 32 150 52 Yessebah NC 31 05 152 41
Wingen 31 54 150 53
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 75RARE BIRDS IN NEW SOUTH WALES IN 2000
Keith Brandwood
121 George Street, Wilberforce NSW 2756
The tenth report of the NSWORAC details 17 submissions considered by the Committee
as well as three submissions dealt with by the Birds Australia Records Committee (BARC)
relating to records in NSW. Together with the 263 cases already dealt with previously
(Brandwood 2001) this brings to 285 the total number of cases resolved. Of the 285
cases considered, 181 have been accepted, 56 not accepted and 46 not confirmed. As at
31 December 2001, 324 submissions have been received.
The objective of the Committee is to provide an informed, discerning and impartial
appraisal of claimed records of birds rare in NSW and Lord Howe Island. The membership
of the Committee for 2000 was R. Cooper (Chairperson), K. Brandwood (Secretary), D.
Hobcroft, A. Lindsey, A. K. Morris, A. Palliser, R. Turner & A.E.F. Rogers.
The Review List was adjusted from January 1999 to remove Black -winged Petrel &
Common Noddy. These species were removed because in the ten years up to 1999, each
species was generally recorded annually often with multiple sightings. The White -chinned
Petrel will be removed from the list from 2001 for the same reason. The current Review
List was re -published in the newsletters of the contributing bird groups in NSW during
the year 2002.
During the winter of 2000 the seas were more warmer than the previous year so that there
were fewer sightings of seabirds from the far south but more tropical rarities were noted.
The Committee continued to work closely with Birds Australia Rarities Committee
(BARC), and four submissions relating to reports received in 2000 for species on their
Review List were referred directly. Three determinations were subsequently received of
which two were accepted (the Northern Pintail, 1′ record for NSW and for Australian
and the Northern Shoveler, 4th record for NSW) ) and the other one was not accepted.
The quality of submissions continues to improve which is indeed encouraging. Many of
the difficulties faced by the Committee from submissions result from very brief notes
taken from memory. It is re -iterated that the recording of rarities such as those on the
Review List will require as a minimum one or more of the following:
76 December 2002Field notes as comprehensive as possible;
Photographs and or tape recordings;
Reports from multiple persons;
The completion of a RAC report form.
A full report of each decision of the NSWORAC is available from the Secretary.
The format of this report is similar to previous reports. Again those records “not accepted”
(NA), and those records “not confirmed” (NC) will be listed at the end of the Report.
Records “not confirmed” are those where two years or more have elapsed without a
submission being received even though invited by the Secretary. The Committee would
welcome further information on any record not accepted or not confirmed and is willing
to re -open to consider data additional to that already available.
Following the name of species accepted, there will be a set of three numerals. The first is
the number of confirmed records for the species in NSW, the second is the number of
confirmed records since 1970 (when the NSWFOC Annual Reports commenced), and
the third represents the number of that species recorded in 2000. English and scientific
names used in the text are in accordance with Christidis & Boles (1994).
Those observers who record the first, second or third records for NSW are encouraged to
publish details in an appropriate journal.
Some people will feel disappointed at having their records not accepted but at the same
time do understand that it is a worthwhile exercise to have the same standard of review
applied to all records of rare or unusual species. Cases listed as “not confirmed” or “not
accepted” do not necessarily reflect mis-identification, rather that information to date is
inadequate to confirm identity beyond reasonable doubt. The support of all people in the
review system is appreciated.
Christidis L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories.
RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
Morris, A. K. 2002 “New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2000”. Aust. Birds 33,1-75
Palliser, T. 2000 “Rare Birds in 1999” Wingspan 10, 26-29
Palliser, T. 2002 “Tristram’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami off Sydney, New South Wales: A new Bird
for Australia.” Aug Bird Watcher 19, 215-218
Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata 4.1.1.
Case No 310 relates to the sighting of an adult male Northern Shoveler first observed on
12 August 2000 on a wetland associated with a large tidal lagoon at Kalangadoo, km
south of Broadwater Creek, north of Lawrence in northern NSW. The bird remained in the
vicinity until 28 August during which time it was seen by many observers (Palliser 2002).
Although many reports exist for this species it was the first submission made to the National
Committee (BARC Case No 307). This is the 4th NSW record, the last confirmed record
was of one adult male bird being shot near Louth by duck hunters in March 1975.
Northern Pintail Anas acuta 1.1.1.
Case No 346 relates to the sighting of an adult male in full breeding plumage at Cowan
Ponds, 4 km west of Grafton NSW on 3 August, and the bird remained there until 10
August 2000. The bird was well watched and photographed during its short stay. This was
the second confirmed record for Australia, the first having been recorded in WA in July
1986 (Palliser 2002).
Mottled Petrel Pteradroma inexpecta 19.18.1
This case No 318 details the sighting of a petrel from land 1.2 km north of Tweed Heads
on 18 December 2000 at Point Danger. The observer noted the white underwings with a
thin black trailing edge and a black diagonal line across the underwing coverts. The belly
was mottled mid grey, the remainder of the underparts white.. Upperparts were grey with
a dark “M” across the upper wings. The dark belly patched identifies this bird as a Mottled
Petrel. The observation is consistent with the known occurrence, the birds generally being
seen from October -April in pelagic waters.
Blue Petrel Halobaena caerula 26.17.11 (1999)
Case No 341 details the observation at sea of two Blue Petrels off Wollongong on the
usual pelagic trip on 3 July 1999 in NSW, and becomes the first live record of this bird
seen at sea in NSW waters. Subsequently there were ten other separate records for this
species during July in NSW in 1999. One of these two birds was captured with a net, used
for this purpose and was banded. A detailed description was supplied which noted the
diagnostic white tip to the tail and a dark cap extending onto the neck in a well defined
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 20.18.2
Case No 314 details the finding of a beachcast specimen, subsequently lodged in the
Australian Museum, 4.5 km NE Ballina on 26 February 2000. Photographs and
measurements together with a description identified this specimen as a White -chinned
78 December 2002Case No 315 details the observation of a large dark petrel observed at sea, 26 nautical
miles east of Sydney on 11 November 2000 by a number of observers. The observer
detailed an all black colouring, bulky size, large bone coloured bill with no black tip,
and white chin which are characteristics consistent with the description of this species.
All previous records have been for the period June to February (no January records),
with most observations in September to November. As White -chinned Petrels have been
reported on an annual basis in recent years, some times with multiple sightings, and with
more than 10 records in the past ten years, the Committee has decided to remove the
species from the Review List from 2001.
Grey -headed Albatross Diomedea chrysostoma 25 10.1
Cases Nos 338, 339 & 340 relate to submissions to the Committee of details of the
catching and banding of three birds off Wollongong between 1989 and 1998 by the
Southern Ocean Seabird Survey Group. All three birds were juveniles and while no details
of plumage were provided, the measurements submitted for all three birds were consistent
with those of a Grey -headed Albatross.
Case No. 313 details the sighting of this species on a pelagic trip, 2 km east of Wollongong
Harbour on 27 July 2000.The bird was observed by multiple observers for a period of ten
minutes. The bird was in company with Black-browed Albatrosses, the most likely species
with which it can be confused. The submission detailed the all black bill, a grey hood
extending down to the upper breast, and an underwing without any pale areas. The all
black bill and dark underwing point to this bird being a juvenile. All previous observations
have been mostly for the period May -September, and this record is consistent with that
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica 12.12.1
Case No 329 details the sighting of this species on a pelagic trip out of Sydney on 9
December 2000. The bird was attracted to a slick put down by the observers and circled
the boat giving many observers a good view. The reported smudgy demarcation between
the black on the breast and the whiter lower belly is not the classic black belly associated
with this species however the patchy white underwing with extensive black border rules
out Wilsons Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus. The trailing feet, which are the most
important feature in separating this species from the White -bellied Storm -Petrel F
gral !aria, were clearly visible to the observers. All previous records are mostly for the
period September to February, and this observation is consistent with that pattern.
Tristram’s Storm -Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami 1.1.1
Case No 330 details a large, “all dark” Storm- petrel that was encountered during a privately
organised pelagic excursion off Sydney on 9 October 2000. The confiding nature of the
Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 79bird allowed ample opportunity for observers to scrutinise, make notes and obtain a
photographic record of the encounter. The resulting supportive material and careful
elimination of similar species resulted in unanimous acceptance by the BARC (Palliser
2002). First record for Australia and probably for the Southern Hemisphere, BARC Case
No 305.
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 6.5.1
Case 316 details an observation of this species from land at Point Danger, north of Tweed
Heads on 9 November 2000. The bird was sitting on the water with Australasian Gannets
Morus serrator, preening and bathing. The yellow bill and eye, the black facial mask,
and the black tail, primaries and secondaries were noted and the remainder of the plumage
white, identified this bird as Masked Booby. This is the first confirmed record in NSW
since 1985. All previous records have been for the period September to May, and this
observation is consistent with that pattern.
Common Redshank Tringa totanus 1.1.1
Case 311 provides details of the first confirmed record for the Common Redshank in
NSW. It was initially found in a freshwater swamp near Jerseyville and then moved to
brackish swamp on nearby Pelican Island, near South West Rocks. The bird was seen and
photograph by many observers and the description supplied covered all the major
identification points such as colour of legs and base of bill which were orange red, and
there was a broad white trailing edge to the wings when seen in flight.
Roseate Tern Sterna dougalii 5.5.1
Case No 312 details the sighting of this species on 2 April 2000 at Broadwater NP where
it was found roosting with 500 Common Terns S. hirundo and 50 Little Terns S. albifrons.
The notes taken at the time of the observation detail the bill size compared to the Common
Tern as being thinner and very pointed, the upper parts as light grey with no contrast
between the back and the rump. In flight the white trailing edge to the wings and the lack
of any significant dark primaries, together with a long forked tail are all consistent with
this species. This is the second confirmed record since 1976, all previous records have
been for the period August -January.
Fairy Tern S. nereis 8.8.2
Case No 324 details the sighting of this species at Harrington Spit on 21 December 2000
at the Little Tern breeding colony The bird appeared to be paired up with a Little Tern
which has been the case on two other occasions in the past at Bournda on the NSW South
Coast cf 1998 NSW Annual Bird Report. The observer provided details on the orange bill,
orange legs and the white forehead and lores which separates the species from the Little
Tern. Another bird was present at Tuross Heads on 15 January but as it was in same area
80 December 2002where they have regularly occurred and have bred, the Committee was of the view that no
submission on the Tuross Heads bird would be necessary (Morris 2002 in press).
Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 4.4.1
Case No 309 details the sighting of two Yellow Wagtails at the Ash Island Ponds on 20
February 2000 and they subsequently remained at this site until 20 April 2000 where they
were seen by many people. One bird was observed at a distanced of ten metres for a
period of five minutes. The observer was able to indicate the differences between this
bird and the Grey Wagtail M.cinerea and the Citrine Wagtail M. citreola, thus eliminating
these two species. The bird was approaching full breeding plumage and was thought to
be of the race simallina due to the very light eye -brow. Yellow Wagtils have been recorded
at this site now on four occasions, being present from January to April.
Greater Frigate- bird Fregetta minor One at sea off South West Rocks 16 December
2000 (Morris 2002). Case No. 319. NA
Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia esculenta, Two small swiftlets at Connells Point14 March

  1. NA by BARC Case No 261 (NSWORAC Case No 345), see Palliser (2000).
    Pink Robin Petrioca rodinogaster Single brown bird reported from North Rocks 6
    October 2000 (Morris 2002). Case No 317. NA
    Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 8182 December 2002Australian Birds Vol 33 No.1 8384 December 2002Volume 33 No AUSTRALIAN BIRDS December 2002
    I .
    A. K. MORRIS New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 2000 1
    K. BRANDWOOD Rare Bird Report for NSW 2000 76