Vol. 31 No. 4-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 31 No. 4

Journal of the
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
President Elisabeth Karplus
Vice -President Stuart Fairbairn
Secretary Penny Drake -Brockman
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $20
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and are entitled to attend the Club’s
regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box Q277, QVB POST SHOP, Sydney NSW 1230
Editor Peter Roberts
Production Stuart Fairbaim
Cover Picture
Front: The late Keith Hindwood after whom the Eungella Honeyeater was named.
Back: Grey Shrike -thrush nest in old nest of Superb Lyrebird.
ISSN 0311-8150
Printed by The Village Scribe Pty Ltd (02) 9428 1753: PO Box 1224 Lane CoveAUSTRAL IAN
Volume 31 No.4 April 1999
For several years the volume of contributions being received has left the Editor unable to
maintain the former quarterly schedule, and now the Committee of the Field Ornithologists
Club has reluctantly agreed that Australian Birds will cease publication, at least for the
forseeable future, with Volume 31. The present volume will be completed with the issue
of a Supplement containing the seventh Report of the Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committee and an Index to Volumes 21 to 31.
The New South Wales Annual Bird Reports and the Reports of the Ornithological Records
Appraisal Committee will continue to be published although the format and mechanism
are still under discussion.
Australian Birds had its beginnings in July 1967, published in alternate months under the
title Birds. The first four issues were edited by Peter Roberts, after which the task fell to
Lawrence Courtney Haines who continued until Volume 6. Alan Morris edited Volume 7
to 16; with Volume 9 the journal changed to a quarterly and assumed its present title.
Volumes 17 to 22 were produced by Terence Lindsey, after which Alan Morris edited
Volumes 23 to 26, and the present editor produced Volumes 27 to 31.
The Editor takes this opportunity to express his sincere thanks to all the ornithologists
whose contributions have made the journal possible, and particularly to those whose
efforts have kept it afloat during the last few difficult years. I am also deeply grateful to
the numerous referees whose mostly unthanked work has done so much to guide me and
to improve the quality of the various articles; to Pierre Charbonneau and his helpers who
have worked hard behind the scenes to distribute the magazines; and to Village Scribe the
printers who have spared no pains to smooth my path. Last, but certainly not least, I must
acknowledge the encouragement and the labours of Stuart Fairbairn, far beyond anything
that could be reasonably be expected of a Production Manager.
Peter Roberts
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 85NEW SOUTH WALES ANNUAL BIRD REPORT 1996
Alan K Morris, 1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale . 2261
Andrew Burton, 703/4 Francis Street, Artarmon 2064
The twenty-fifth Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December 1996
and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
To record observations which may indicate changes in species numbers, frequency,
range and movements
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 Report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists all locations mentioned in the text. This guide is intended to assist
readers to better determine the general location of reported observations. The production
of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location map references in
the manner set out in the Appendix. This is more important these days, particularly if the
records are to be used in the Australian Bird Atlas, which commenced August 1998. As
all records submitted to the Australian Bird Atlas must contain the exact co-ordinates for
the sites in which the birds were seen, it would help if the same co-ordinates are provided
when submitting records to the NSWFOC Records Officer.
Information on 374 species is contained in the 1996 Report. This information was gleaned
from about 100+ sources including 272 observers from the NSWFOC, CBOC, IBOC,
MFNCN, MVBW & COG; the Annual Reports of the Central Coast Group of the FOC &
Hunter Bird Observers Clubs; publications of other bird organisations and reports and
messages from Birding-Aus on the Internet. The number of records and the number of
observers continue to increase and the information provided is greater than before.
Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding,
Birdline = Telephone Info. Line for the NSW bird groups, Gang Gang = Newsl. of the
Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl., CCBR = Central
Coast FOC Annual Report; HBOC = Hunter Bird Obs. Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings
Birdwatchers Newsl.; MFNCN = Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB =
Manning Valley Birdwatchers; MVBO = Macleay Valley Bird Observers; NSWBA =
NSW Bird Atlassers; NSWFOC = NSW Field Ornithologists Club; SOSSA = Southern
86 April 1999Ocean Seabird Survey Assoc.; TBO = The Bird Observer; Wingspan = Birds Australia
Newsl. Other abbreviations used include “A” for adult, “AM” for Adult Male, and “AF”
for adult female, “D” for dead or beachcast, “E” for eggs, “GC” for golf course, “HC” for
heard calling, “HS” for high school, I-ISD for homestead, “Im” immature, “N” for nest,
“Pr” for pairs and “RS” for railway station.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received but no new birds
were added to the NSW List with the possible exception of the Manx Shearwater claimed
to be seen off Wollongong in October. This record has been referred to the Birds Australia
RAC who have subsequently advised that no submission has been made and the record
remains unconfirmed. Again the most notable observations were seabirds including a
Soft -plumage Petrel, Herald Petrel, 70+ Mottled Petrels 27 October to 20 November off
Sydney & Wollongong, 140 Streaked Shearwaters throughout the year, an extraordinary
number, although most were associated with the February storm event on the North Coast,
a Light -mantled Sooty Albatross, 5 Red-tailed Tropicbirds and 21 White-tailed Tropicbirds
(the Tropicbirds were associated with both the February and May storm events).
There were two major weather patterns that caused extensive seabird mortality in NSW
in 1996. The first was in mid February when a strong High c. 1032 hPa was fairly stationary
to the east of Tasmania, directed strong winds of up to 30 knots onto the North Coast. The
second was from 2-5 May when a strong High up to 1034 hPa to the east of Tasmania
directed an easterly airflow onto the coast which connected with a Low off Townsville
which moved south on 2 May turning the winds to the north-east; this system formed a
block to any birds attempting to migrate north and turned them back onto the coast thus
resulting in some major seabird wrecks. The heavy rains of January & February on the
Northern Tablelands, North west Slopes and South-east Queensland saw major flooding
along the Narran & Gwydir Rivers producing major waterbird breeding events in the
Gingham Watercourse and Narran Lakes.
The operations of Birds Australia and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or erroneous records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
The scientific and English names used in this report follow those of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order
that follows generally the order of Regions in the State as described by McAllan & Bruce
(1988). Observations from coastal regions are listed first from north to south, followed
by the tablelands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is separated from those of
other regions by semi -colons. The locations given in the Appendix 2 are identified with
these regions. However, in order to take account of the five annual bird reports, it is
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 87necessary in the text to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington to Lake Macquarie
as the “Hunter Region”, Gosford & Wyong local government areas as the “Central Coast”,
the County of Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to
Springwood as “Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and the Shoalhaven Shire as
“Illawarra” and Eurobodalla and Bega Shires as “South Coast”, as these areas co-incide
with the reporting areas of these reports.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to identify
or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to the
Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are unable
to assist to have the specimen taken to the Museum, contact your local NPWS office for
We would like to thank all those people who submitted their reports promptly so enabling
this report to be produced on time. We would also like to thank Stuart Fairbaim who
prepared the production and layout of this issue of the journal. For the assistance and
commitment of these people, we are extremely grateful
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Taloumbi 21 Jan (EW) & 2 on 17 Aug, A+8Y Maclean
9 Jan, A+1Y S. of Brooms Head 17 Aug, 1 Brooms Head 9 Nov, 2 feeding on fruits of
Geebung Personnia stradbrokensis & Styphelia viridis ssp breviflora near Minnie Water
15 Jun, 1 Shark Bay, Bunjalung NP 17 Nov (GC); 4 Murrumbo 1 Aug & I in Nov, 3
White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 17 Feb & 22 Jun (HBR), 6 Munghorn Gap NR 4-
6 Oct (ASt). Known locations but the Munghorn Gap & Goulburn River NP are the
closest wild populations to Sydney.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata roadkill Goonoo SF 20 May (ME) Coolbaggie NR Jul
1 1
(IH); Erigola Mining lease 27 Nov (MFN); on mound Round Hill NR 21 Apr (BF).
1 1
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami Nesting mound Ramornie 24 Oct (CBr);
East Maitland garden Jul (HBR); Common breeding resident on Central Coast, max 15
Pearl Beach 15 on 17 Mar (RP); 1 Central Colo 26 Jun (KB), J in garden North Epping 18
Dec (JHo); Mount Keira 28 Apr (SB). Central Coast population increasing.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 1 Maria River 21Jan, 1 Belmore River 8 Feb & 2
Kinchela Ck (ABi,KS)); 30+ Powells Lane, Richmond 3 Mar -13 Oct (EV,JDu); 2+ Jellat
88 April 19992 Jan (JC), A+2Y Nethercote 5 Jan & 6+Nov-Dec (BJ); 2 White Box Camp 12 Jul & 1
Honeysuckle Ck, Wollemi NP 7 Oct (HBR). Present Baan Baa 8 Sep (DMa). Good numbers
Richmond -Windsor floodplain.
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora 2 Magic Point, Maroubra (RG), unusual location.
King Quail C. chinensis Bundjalung NP 31 Oct (RJo); AM North Head 6 Mar (per
AM). Few records.
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 2 Swan Creek 14 May, 6 Carrs Creek Jun
(MBu), South Grafton 12 Jul (MBe); 10 Seaham 28 Sep (AP), 50+ Shortland WC all
year, 4A+11Y 5 Feb, 2 Asgh Island 7 Jan (HBR,Wetlander 12:1:19); 1 Millingandi,
Pambula Jul -Dec (BJ) vagrant?; Max 8 Gum Swamp, Forbes 6 Aug -29 Sep (IF,SC); 50+
including 7 prs nesting Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB); 4+ nesting Narran Lake
Nov (Ley 1998), first breeding record for site; max 6 Fivebough Swamp 16-17 Mar, 4 on
26 Oct & 5 on 24 Nov (KH,MSc). Hunter population appears to be self sustaining, North
West Plains population increasing.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Present all year Clarence Valley max 500
Jacana HSD, Clarenza 10 July (GC,EW); max 200 Doughboy Hollow 16 Jun -2 Sep
(GO,HBR), 2 Belmore River 8-29 Feb (KS); Max 70 Pughs Lagoon Richmond 3 Mar -19
May (AY,JDu), 25+ Gross Wold 17 May (RT); 54 Junee STW 5 Jun & 86 from 25 Nov –
10 Dec (MC); 800 Gingham Watercourse Jan -2 Jul (AL,HB); 200 Fivebough Swamp 26
Oct (KH), 20 Campbells Swamp 24 Feb (BM), 5 Wamoon 25 Sep (GSc). Numbers
increasing Junee & Moree District.
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata 10 Bunyip Ck, Trenayr 30 Nov (GC), East
Kempsey 24 Feb, 6 Jabiru Wetlands 6 Mar (ABi), max 40+ Macksville 12 Apr, 2 Jul -7
Sep (ABi,KS,GC,PCo); Max 20+ Shortland WC/Market Swamp/Newcastle WR all year,
including 2A+5Y Market Swamp, Sandgate 3 Mar, 8 Tarro Swamp 13 Oct (EV,HBR).
Numbers remaining about the same.
Blue -billed Duck Oxuyra australis 22 Dangars Lagoon 5 Jul (HW); 3 Gingham
Waterhole, Gwydir Wetlands 30 Jan (AL); 40 Lake Wyangan 26 Jan (DSe), 3 Fivebough
Swamp 4 Feb (KH), Max 42 Campbells Swamp 26 Jan- 6 Jul (BM);
Musk Duck Biziura lobata F Cowans Ponds 7 Sep, AM Minnie Water 27 Jul, max 2
Hungry Head 28 Feb -27 Sep (GC); Max 75 Grahamstown Reservoir 14 May, but also
recorded in the Hunter Region at Ellalong, C&A Dam, Pokolbin Lake, Mungo Brush
(HBR); 2+ Penrith Lakes 8 Feb (RT), 7 Burragorang Dam 14 Feb (HJ); 40+ Salt Lake,
Nadgee NR 17 Feb (Dia). A few remain in the Clarence area and good numbers on
Grahamstown Reservoir.
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 89Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa Max 120 Gingham Waterhole, Gwydir Wetlands 8
Mar -14 Aug (AL); 200+ Back & Clear Lakes, Narran Lake NR Jun -Aug (Ley 1998); 1
Leeton STW 26 Jan (PDb), 10 Lake Wyangan 26 Jan DSe), 11 Campbells Swamp 26 Jan
& 5 on 28 Apr (BM); 50 Lake Wyara 15 Apr (BF), 2 Fowlers Gap 23 May (APo); 20
Lake Cawndilla 10 Feb (MM). Average year, good numbers for Narran/Gwydir wetlands.
Black Swan Cygnus atratus Nesting Micalo Island 100 birds present 23 Feb (JH); Present
all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 3234 Dec, with 1002 Budgewoi Lake, highest count in 8
years (AM); 623 Fivebough Swamp 7 Apr (KH).
Australian Shelduck Tardorna tardonoides 2 Roshell HSD, Muswellbrook 16 Dec (MP),
unusual location; 1 Pitt Town NR 22-30 Dec (EV,KB); AM Tallawarra Ash Dam 17 Apr
(PMc); 3 Holbrook 19 Feb (HJ); 575 Fivebough Swamp 7 Apr & 374 on 26 Oct (KH),
A+5Y Berembed Weir (MSc).
Cotton Pygmy- goose Nettapus coromandelianus Mooney Mooney Ck, Brisbane Water
NP 2 Jun (WK), record acccepted by NS WORAC.
Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa 300+ Teralba/ Stockton Borehole Swamp 2 Jul
(HBR), hign number.
Australasian Shoveler Anas rhynchotis A+10Y Chaffin Ck, Tuccabia 10 Oct (GC), few
breeding records for North Coast; 40+ Morpheth STW 14 Aug (ARo); 14 McGraths Hill
STW 17 Mar (EV), 10 Pitt Town NR 25 Dec (EV); 50 Dangars Lagoon 5 Jul (HW); 489
Fivebough Swamp 21 Jul (KH). Fewer in the Co.of Cumberland in 1996.
Grey Teal A. gracilis 233 Ash Island 6 May (HBR); Max 4938 Fivebough Swamp 7 Apr
& 5245 on 21 Jul (KH).
Chestnut Teal A. castonea 700+ Teralba 2 Jul & 200 Stockton Borehole Swamp, present
Ash Island all year, max 685 on 6 May (HBR) high numbers for the Hunter Region; Max
39 Fivebough Swamp 7 Apr (KH).
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Small numbers Hunter Region all
year, including 19 Morpheth STW 14 Aug (ARo) & 2+2Y Seaham NR Jan -Feb (HBR);
2 McGraths Hill STW 24 Dec (TW), 2 Pitt Town NR 21 Dec (KB), only a few Sydney
records; Resident Bega Cheese Factory A+7Y 8 Feb, A+3Y 18 Dec, 2 Jellat 14 Feb (BJ);
present all year Narran Lake NR, max 6000 May (Ley 1998); 1500 Campbells Swamp 6
Jul (BM); 50000 Lake Cawndilla 10 Feb (MM). Some good numbers on the Darling/
Narran River wetlands.
90 April 1999Hardhead Aythya australis Good numbers in the Hunter Region during winter including
1000+ Teralba & 500 Stockton BS 2 Jul (HBR); 45 Dangars Lagoon 5 Jul (HW).
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus 1 Nambucca Heads STW 13 Apr
(DS); 300 Grahamstown Res 17 May & 200 22 Aug (HBR), high number for lower
Hunter Region; 50 Dangars Lagoon 5 Jul (HW).
Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 8+ Walka Water Works Nov, 40+ Glenbawn Dam 7
Oct- 16 Dec (HBR,MP); 2+ Penrith Lakes 8 Feb (RT), 20 Burragorang Dam 14 Feb (HJ);
11 Wingecarribee Dam 21 Apr & 1 Fitzroy Reservoir 21 Apr (CJC); 2 Wallis Dam,
Capertee Valley 17 Mar (PDb), 30 Windermere Dam, Mudgee 8 Oct (NH); 3 prs nested
inIcl. 2A+2Y Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (AL,HB); 2 Clear lake, Narran Lake NR
Feb (Ley 1998). Some large concentrations but few breeding records.
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 30 swimming in Port Stephens Sep (HBR).
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Wollongong 22 Jun (LS), 28th
NSW record, consistent with known of mainly winter occurrence.
Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus 1 beachcast Yamba 14 Sep (RM); 1
Norah Head 24 Jun (DH); Max 11 Coogee 10 Jun -22 Oct, including 1 white morph
Mistral Pt Coogeel6 Jul (RG), off Sydney 14 Jul (PH); beachcast Burrill Lake beach
1 1
25 Jan (AM). Fewer records off Sydney & Wollongong than usual.
Northern Giant Petrel M halli Mistral Pt, Coogee 12 Jun (RG). Only report for 1996.
Cape Petrel Daption capense beachcast Anna Bay 21 Oct & Birubi Point 24 Nov
(HBR); 1 Long Reef 26 Sep & 10 on 22 Oct (MR), max 7 off Sydney 8 Jun -31 Oct
(AMb,DH,PH), 2 Mistral Pt, Coogee 20 Oct (RG); Max 80 off Wollongong 29 Jun -28
Sep (AP,PH); Eden 4 Nov (AWe). Average year.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera max 2 Ballina 15 Feb- 9 Mar (Izzard 1997);
6+ off Port Stephens 3 Mar (HBR); Max 15 off Sydney Apr -Jun (DSm); max 30+ off
Wollongong 28 Jan -14 Apr (PH). Average year.
White -headed Petrel P. lessonii Mistral Pt, Coogee 16 Aug (RG), max 12 off Sydney
14 Jul -7 Sep (AP,PH), Max 5 off Wollongong 24 Mar- 28 Jul (PH). Scarce but regular
visitor, more records than usual.
Providence Petrel P. solandri Coogee 30 Apr (RG), max 50+ off Sydney 14 Apr -Jun
(DSm); 100+ off Wollongong Feb -Jun (SOSSA). Average year.
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 91Kermadec Petrel P. neglecta Magic Pt, Maroubra 16 Jun (RG), dark morph off
1 1
Sydney 6 Oct (AMb); 2 pale morphs off Wollongong 28 Apr (PH). More records than
usual, all referred to NSWORAC.
Herald Petrel P. arminjoniana pale morph off Wollongong 28 Apr (PH), referred to
BARAC, 461 record if accepted.
Soft -plumaged Petrel P. moths off Wollongong 27 Oct (AP), referred to NSWORAC
& accepted as 4’h record.
Mottled Petrel P. inexpectata Max 8 off Sydney 31 Oct -3 Nov (DH,KB); 60 off
Wollongoing 27 Oct & on 24 Nov (AP). Extraordinary numbers although in Nov 1984
a similar irruption occurred, records accepted NSWORAC.
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis 1 off Wollongong 28 Jan (PH), 18th NSW record,
consistent with known occurrence.
Black- winged Petrel P. nigripenis beachcast Spoon Bay, Wamberal 12 Jan (AM) &
1 1
off Sydney 14 Dec (AP), both records accepted by NSWORAC.
Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera 303 young fledged Gould Is NR 1995/96 season & 3Y
banded Boondelbah Island (NC), a good result!, J Nelsons Bay 22 Mar (IN); off Sydney
10 Feb, 31 Oct & 5 on 14 Dec (AP,DH,ID, RT); 2 off Wollongong 25 Feb, 27 Oct & 4 on
9 Nov (AP,PH). Numbers are now increasing!
Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata 3 off Wollongong 22-28 Sep (AP), later dates than
Fairy Prion P. turtur Arrival: 100s off Birdie Bch, Munmorah SRA 11 Jul (AM); Max
20 off Sydney 8 Jun -14 Jul; Max 30 off Wollongong 28 Apr- 29 Jun (PH). Average year.
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 3 off Sydney Heads 7 Sep & 1 31 Oct
(DH); off Wollongong 28 Jul & 22 Sep (AP,PH). More records than usual all referred
Westland Black Petrel P. westlandica off Sydney 9 Jun (PH), 6 Oct & 31 Oct
(AMb,DH); off Wollongong 28 Jul & 27 Oct (AP). More records than usual, records
referred to BARAC, not determined at time of printing.
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni Max 2 off Sydney 31 Oct -18 Nov (DH,KB); 3 off Wollongong
9 Nov (AP), average year.
92 April 1999Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomeleas 4 Tweed Estuary 16- 24 Feb (AB), max
105 Ballina 14-25 Feb, 10 1 Mar, 1 15 May, 3+ Point Danger 21 Feb (Izzard 1997); 1 off
Sydney 10 Feb & 14 Apr (DSm,ID); off Wollongong 28 Jan & 14 Apr (PH).
Extraordinary numbers, and numbers increase each year.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 10000+ feeding flock heading north off
Iluka 17 Nov (GC); 4000 off Coogee 14 Sep (RG), a large number for Sydney; 1 off
Wollongong Jun (SOSSA Noll), a late date.
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri 3 off Tweed Estuary 24 Feb (TA), max 5 Ballina 16-24
Feb, 1 on 9 Mar, 6 on 3 May (Izzard 1997); 1 retrapped Gould Island NR Jan (NC); 2
Long Reef 27 Oct (TW), 1 off Sydney 31 Oct & 4 on 14 Dec (AP,DH), 1 Mistral Pt
Coogee 27 Sep & 10 Nov (RG); 1 off Wollongong28 Jan (PH). Most ever records in one
year, numbers gradually increase each year!
Flesh -footed Shearwater P. carneipes max 9 off Ballina 13-25 Feb (Izzard 1997); 100+
off Port Stephens 3 Mar (HBR); 2 Mistral Pt, Coogee 2 Nov (RG); common offshore
Wollongong max 60 Feb (SSOSA).
Sooty Shearwater P. griseus beachcast Angourie Bay 9 Nov & Corindi Beach 10
1 1
Nov (GC); Breeding Gould Is NR Dec (HBR); Long Reef 21 Dec (JDu), Max 4 off
Sydney 14 Apr (DSm), 1 Mistral Pt Coogee 2 Nov (RG); 1 off Wollongong Jun (SOSSA).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris Some late Sydney records including 1 Mistral
Pt, Coogee 10 & 16 Jun (RG).
Manx Shearwater P. puffinus off Wollongong 27 Oct (PMi), referred to BARAC,
however no submission made so that record remains unconfirmed.
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia off Sydney 10 Feb (RT), 180 off Coogee 10 Jun &
15090 on 20 Oct (RG).
Hutton’ Shearwater P. huttoni 10 Mistral Pt, Coogee 7 Oct (RG); 1 off Wollongong
Feb (SSOSA).
Audubon’s Shearwater P. lherminieri off Wollongong 27 Oct (AP), referred to
BARAC, but no submission made so that record remains unconfirmed.
Little Shearwater P. assimilis 1 Ballina 24 Feb (Izzard 1997); 1 beachcast Birdie Bch,
Munmorah SRA Jan (AM), off Wollongong 24 Aug & 3 on 24 Nov (AP,DH). Average
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 93Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans Max 7 Long Reef 13 Apr -26 Sep (MR,TN);
max 30+ off Sydney Jun -18 Nov (AP,AMb,DH), highest number for any location in
NSW in recent years, max 3 off Coogee20 Aug -20 Oct (RG); 1 off Wollongong 8 Jun
(D. e. antipodens is) I on 29 Jun (D. e.gibsonii), 4 ad gibsonii 14 Jul, 12 on 24 Nov (AP,PH).
Royal Albatross D. epomophora “northern” form off Wollongong 22 Sep (AP). Average
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophris 5+ feeding behind fishing boat Nobbys Head
18 Jul (DT); 1+ Blue Bay & Toowoon Bay 20 Jul (CS); max 30 Long Reef 13 Apr- 12 Oct
(MR,TQ), max 10+ off Sydney 14 Apr -18 Nov (AP,DSm), max 62 off Coogee/Malabar
7 Jun -20 Aug (RG), max 22 North Head 7-19 Aug (HW); 10+ off Wollongong Mar- 24
Nov, D. m impavida seen on 6 occasions (AP,PH). Numbers greater than in recent previous
Shy Albatross D. cauta Long Reef 8 Jul (MR), max 2 off Sydney Jun -14 Dec (AP,DH),
max 9 off Coogee 20 Aug -20 Oct (RG); max off Wollongong May -24 Nov, race
1 1
salvini on 22 Jul (AP,LS). Average year.
Grey -headed Albatross D. chrysostoma 1 off Wollongong 11 May & 23 Jul (AW,PH),
J caught & banded off Wollongong 28 Sep (PH), records referred to NSWORAC. 19′-
21″ records if accepted.
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchus Max 6+ Norah Head & Bateau Bay 20-24
Jun (DH,JDe,MP), 120+ off Sydney 8 Jun- 14 Jul (PH), max 39 off Coogee/Malabar 7
Jun -20 Aug (RG); 100+ off Wollongong 28 Apr- 29 Jun (PH); 172 Green Cape 21 Apr
(JI). Numbers higher than recent previous years.
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri off Wollongong 26 May (PH) & 22 Jun (LS). Average
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata off Sydney 23 Jun (RHu),
referred to NSWORAC.
Wilsons Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 20+ off Sydney 14 Apr & 15+ 31 Oct
(DH,DSm); Max 8 off Wollongong 24 Mar -28 Apr, 2 on 28 Sep & 20 on 9 Nov (AP,PH).
Consistent with known occurrence.
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 1 off Port Stephens 3 Mar (HBR); 50+
off Sydney 7 Sep- 6 Oct (AP,AMb); Max 2 off Wollongong Jun -28 Sep (PH). Average
94 April 1999Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica off Sydney 9 Jun (PH), record accepted
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubicauda Ballina 15 Feb & 4 on 4 May (Izzard
1997), Im Forbes River, Birdwood 8 May, died 10 May (BMc); 1 North Wollongong 4
May (LSm); Im blown inland to Moree 8 May (SMH 4/6/96). Increased records consistent
with 1995.
White-tailed Tropicbird P. lepturus A off Tweed Estuary 24 Feb (TA), 4 Ballina 15
Feb, max 14 on 3-4 May (Izzard 1997), on 18 May (LHa); beachcast Conjola Beach
1 1
15 Jan (AM). Increased records consistent with 1995.
Australasian Gannet Morus serrator 100+ mostly adults off Yamba 9 Jun (GC); 50 off
Stockton beach 5 Mar (HBR); 550 off Coogee 1 Sep & 900 on 14 Sep(RG), largest
number seen near Sydney in many years.
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 1 Byron Bay 25 Apr (PO), 1 Ballina 23 Feb & 1 on 5
May (Izzard 1997). Consistent with known distribution.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster 2 nests Boothbys Ck, Southgate 9 Mar, 1 nest Susan Is 3
Oct (GC); 2N Newcastle Water Res 10 Feb (BC), Jun & Aug (HBR); Resident Tuggerah
Lakes/Brisbane Water, nesting all year Ourimbah Ck, max 16 nests 24 Nov & 2 nests
Colongra Swamp (AM); 2 nests Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB), 200 prs nested
Narran Lake NR Feb -Apr (Ley 1998).
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 5 nests Lawrence 25 Oct, 1+ nest
Boothbys Ck, Southgate 9 Mar (GC); 30 nests Toronto 25 Nov (AM), & nested Shortland
WC & Newcastle W.R. throughout the year(HBR); Resident Tuggerah lakes, max 586 in
Aug, 2 nests Ourimbah Ck Jan, 200+ nests Colongra Swamp Sep (AM); 300 nests Gingham
Watercourse Jan -May (HB).
Pied Cormorant P. varius Pokolbin Lake 6 Jan & 2 North Rothbury 10 Jun, ususual
locations; Resident Tuggerah Lakes, max 96 Sep, 60 nests Colongra Swamp Sep (AM);
3 prs nesting Centennial Park 8 Jul (PR), 2 prs nesting Bi-centennial Park 7 Aug (JR,NRu);
2 Jellat 4 Jan (BJ), unusual location; 750 prs nested Narran Lake NR Feb -Jun (Ley 1998).
Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris 10N+Y Lawrence 9 Mar & 25 Oct (GC); Nesting
Newcastle Water Res Jan (HBR), 15 nests Toronto 25 Nov (AM); Resident Tuggerah
Lakes, max 544 Sep, 100+ nests Colongra Swamp (AM); Nesting Penrith Lakes 8 Feb
(RT), first breeding record for site; 30 pr nesting at Millingandi adjacent to Merimbula
Lake 29 Oct (BJ), first nesting record for Bega Shire; 2500 prs nested Narran Lake NR
Feb -Jun (Ley 1998).
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 95Great Cormorant P. carbo Nesting Newcastle Water Res Jun -Aug (HBR); Resident
Tuggerah Lakes, max 214 in Sep (AM); 400 prs nested Narran lake NR Feb -Jun (Ley
Australian Pelican Pelicanus conspicillatus Nested all year Pelican I, Wallis Lake max
103 nests (DT); 200 prs continue nest Blackalls Bay, Woy Woy (AM), 250 prs nesting in
7 colonies on 4 islands, Five Islands NR Jan & 875 prs Oct- Nov (SOSSA 8/97,LS).
Numbers at coastal breeding colonies continues to increase.
Great Frigatebird Fregata minor Ballina 4 May (Izzard 1997), accepted by
NSWORAC., 4th NSW record.
Lesser Frigatebird F. aerial 12 Ballina 3-4 May (Izzard 1997), consistent with known
pattern of occurrence.
Little Egret Egretta gazetta Breeding: 5 nests Shortland WC Oct -Dec (HBR), 10 nests
Toronto 25 Nov (AM); 11 nests Chittaway Point Oct -Dec (AM); 2000 nests Gingham
Watercourse Jan -May (HB); 7 nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 29 Dec (KH). Coastal
breeding population continues to decline, good news for Gwydir wetlands.
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica Nested Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB), no
numbers; 500 nests Gulpha Island Nov (PM), 5+ pm nesting Whitton Punt Res 24 Nov
Great Egret A. alba 24 Merimbula Lake 5 Aug (BJ); Breeding: 36N+Y Lawrence 9
Mar, 35 nests 25 Oct -4 Nov (GC); 58 nests Shortland WC (HBR), 36 nests Toronto 25
Nov (AM); 50 prs nested Narran Lake NR Feb -Mar (Ley 1998), 4000 nests Gingham
Watercourse an -May (HB); 98 nests Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 29 Dec (KH).
Intermediate Egret A. intermedea Breeding: 3 nests Lawrence 9 Mar & 2+ 25 Oct
(GC); 20 pairs Shortland WC Oct -Dec (HBR); 2000 prs Gingham Watercourse Jan -May
(HB). Coastal breeding continues to decline.
Cattle Egret A. ibis 15 Inverell 14 Aug (AL); Breeding: 2000 nests Lawrence 25 Oct –
4 Dec (GC); 150 nests Seaham NR 8 Dec (BC), 220 nests Shortland WC Oct -Dec (HBR),
22 nests Toronto 5 Nov (AM); 100 prs Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB), 67 nests
Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton 29 Dec (KH). Coastal colonies declining, more nests inland
than usual.
Nankeen Night -Heron Nyticorax caledonicus max 50 roosting Sportsman Creek 18
Jul -15 Aug (GC); Roosts Shortland WC, max 30 on 30 Sep (HBR); 12 roosting Mitchell
96 April 1999Park, Cattai 21 Apr (EV), 26 roosting Noola HSD, Junee 13 Jan (MC); 6000 nests Gingham
Watercourse Jan -May (HB), only breeding reported in 1996.
Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus Gospers Lagoon, Colo 28 Jan (JDu); 4+N Gingham
Watercourse 19 Jan -May (AL,HB); Seen & heard Whitton 3-4 Jan (DWe,KH). Average
Black Bittern I. flavicollis J Boatharbour NR 24 Mar (11-1), 1 Orara R, McPhersons
Crossing 7 Aug (GC), Urunga 26 Mar (AB); 2 all year Ourimbah Ck, Chittaway
(AM,ABe,JR), 1 Palmdale 10 Jan (JC), 1 Mitchell Pk, Cattai NP 10 Feb -8 Dec (PDb), 1
Stannix Park 23 Feb (JSe). Average year.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptdis Richmond River, Lismore 20 Nov (RP);
1 1
Myall Lakes NP Mar & 9-20 Oct, Newcastle WR 6 Jun (HBR); Bicentennial Park 10
Feb (BDo), 1 Pitt Town NR 21 Jun -29 Jul (DPo,KB); ID Dunmore 1 Jun (MRo); 1 Roses
Lagoon 29 Dec (RJa); Present Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB); Max 4 Leeton 8-12
Jan & on Dec, Fivebough Swamp 26 Oct (KH), calling in rice crops Koonadan 9
1 1 1
Feb (KH,MSc), 1 Whitton 1 Mar (DWe), 1 Tuckerbill Swamp 24 Mar, 6 on 24 Aug & 19
Oct (MSc), HC Wamoon 20 Nov (MSc). More records than usual, largest population
would appear to be in the South West Plains Region.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 1 on floodwaters Ulmarra 8 May (EW), 6 Cowper 27
Jun -2 Jul (GC,EW), max 52 Everlasting Swamp 11 Jul -15 Aug, 18 Longhole Lagoon,
Tucabia 3 Dec (GC), max 10 Belmore Swamp 3 May -2 Jun, 5 Hat Head 15 Sep (KS); 31
Shortland WC 5 May, 6+ Cundletown 2 May, 4 Cedar Hill 14 Apr (HBR); 2 Pitt Town
NR 19 Feb, 21 Jun -18 Jul (AR,BC,DPo); 2 Jellat Jellat Swamp 2 Jan (JC), 2 Penuca 16
Nov (BJ); 1300 nests Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (AL,HB); Nested Narran Lake NR
Feb -May (Ley 1998); 1000 Tuckerbil Swamp 26 Jan (PDb), 7 Fivebough Swamp Oct
(KH). More records than usual.
White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Max 250 Cowans Ponds 7-21 Sep (GC), large number
for the Clarence Valley; Breeding: 24 nests Lawrence 9 Mar & 7+ on 25 Oct (GC); 11
prs nesting Noola HSD, Junee 13 Jan (MC); 500 nests Narran lake NR Feb -Jun (Ley
1998), 5000 prs nesting Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB); 33 nests Almond Rd
Swamp, Leeton 29 Dec (KH). Good nesting in the North West Plains.
Straw -necked Ibis T. spinicollis 1200 Kinchela 22 Jun (KS); 102,000 pm nested Narran
Lake NR Feb- Jun (Ley 1998), 100,000 nests Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB). Good
nesting in the North West Plains.
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 200+ Long Hole Lagoon, Tucabia 3 Dec (GC), large
number; Present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 40 Sep (AM); Breeding: 9+ nests Alumy
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 97Creek 6 Sep, 6 on 20 Sep & 3+ 30 Nov (GC), 50 nests at Maclean 23 Feb (JH), ; I pr
nesting Clarencetown 8 Dec (BC); 150 prs nested Narran Lake NR Feb- Jun (Ley 1998),
50+ nests Ginham Watercourse (HB); 300 nests Gulpha Island Nov (PM).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes 50+ nests Gingham Watercourse Jan -May (HB); 20
nests Gulpha Island Nov (PM), no breeding reported elsewhere.
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Only breeding records are published
for north of Manning River. N+2Y Palmers Is, Yamba Aug, Woodford Is Jun (young
disappeared), Corindi Oct- Nov (1 young fledged), 2A+J Brotherson Swamp, Coutts
Crossing 8 Nov (GC). AM Coutts Crossing caught and ate Australian Bass Percalates
colonorum 21 Oct, and AF caught & ate small Long -finned Eels Anguilla reinhardti 5 &
10 Dec (GC); Buladelah 17 Feb, 2 Myall lakes NP 25 Apr (HBR); Present Gingham
Watercourse Jan -May (HB). No records for Lower Hunter and Central Coast in 1996,
population may be retracting.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus No comprehensive count of nesting pairs in 1996, howeverthere
were 20 nesting attempts between Tweed & Clarence Rivers with 24 young fledged (RM);
Nested Tanilba Bay, south Port Stephens 20 Jun -14 Jul (SCh), nested Tuncurry in Norfolk
is Pine but failed 23 Sep (DT), Speers Point Sep, Belmont 6 Sep (HBR); Present
1 1
Brisbane Water all year, nesting unsuccesfully at Kincumber Meadows May -Aug
(AM,ARo,DGe,RP,JM1), most southern nesting site in NSW in 1996; Oatley 1-14 Jun
(JMo), 1 North Head 8 Jul (SC); 1 Ulladulla Harbour 27 Jul (COG), 1 Swan Lake 14 Apr
& 22 Sep (KM); 1 Windermere Darn, Mudgee 11 Oct (TW); 1 Barwon R, Collarenebri 9
Mar (AL). More records continue to be received away from the North Coast.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subscripta 29 records for North Coast throughout the year at 14
locations north of Hat Head (GC) including, 2A+2Y Kendal 28 Jan (RE); 16 records for
Hunter Region including breeding at Coralville 11 Feb, Im 13 Mar & 2A+1Y Apr (SDu,
MVB2/96) & 2A+1Y Carrington Apr (AM,DT,GP,HBR); Present Central Coast all year
at 11 sites but no breeding records (CCBR); Present Sydney Region at 12 sites all year,
with breeding reported for Cumberland SF 2A+Im 17 Nov
(BC,CSh,DG,EGe,GR,IJ,KB,RBo,RMc,SH); 4 The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 7 Mar (DJ),
an interesting inland record.
Square- tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 2 nesting Grafton Aug -Oct, A Coutts Crossing 4
Mar & 2 Nov, Station Ck, Yuragir NP3 Dec, A Bonville GC 19 Apr & North Brother
1 1
Mountain 20 Dec (GC), 1 S of Port Macquarie 20 Jan (ABe), 1 Urunga 13 Jul (EB), 2
Kempsey-West Kempsey all year (ABi,KS), Hungry Head 25 Sep (MD), Ulong 20
1 1
Sep (DP); Nesting Coopernook 29 Oct, first conformed breeding for Hunter Region (IJ);
2 Wilberforce 23 Feb & 3 Apr (AY), 1 Annangrove 3 Apr (KB), 1 Shanes Park, Blacktown
98 April 199924 Mar (EV), 1 Cape Solander 22 Jun (TQ), 1 Broulee 4-6 Jan (HW) & 11 Aug -24 Nov
(GC1), 1 St Georges Basin 15 Sep (GB), 1 Maddens Plains 22 Sep (LSm); 2 Strathbogie
HSD, Armidale, Bundarra 23 Feb (AL); Munghorn Gap NR 26 Oct (BW); Nesting
1 1
Dandry Rd, Coonabarabran Sep -Oct (GC,JDa), Goobang NP Sep (NSc), Sth of Texas
1 1
in NSW 10 Apr (JC); Narromine 7 Oct (WS). The most ever nesting reports received in
one year, Endangered Fauna, all records published.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon 3 nr Broken Hill 6 Jul (KJ), 1
Whitecliffs 19 Sep (ABe); Yathong NR 26 Aug (Birdline). Consisitent with previous
Black Kite Milvus migrans Nemingha 9 Mar (JH); feeding on roadkill Rufous Bettong
1 1
Aepyprymnus rufescens Kempsey 27 Apr (PO), Pulganbar Ck, Fineflower 30 Nov (GC);
1 Scone 26 Oct (HBR); 1 Freemans Reach 7 Sep (BC); 1 Pearce’s Pass, Blue Mountains
16 Nov (TS); 1 Yass 27 Jan (KH); 1 Grenfell 27 Apr (JBo); 3 Leeton 9 Mar, 40-50
Hanwood 26 May (KH). More coastal records than usual.
Brahminy Kite Haliastur Indus 2 near roadkill Water Rat Hydromys chrysogaster Ilarwi II
12 Dec, nesting Harwood Bridge Aug & South Grafton Jun (GC). I Smiths Lake 12 Sep
(HBR), furthest south record in 1996.
Spotted Harrier Circus approximans over dunes Urunga 28 Feb (GC), lbetween
Sandon R and Brooms Head Jul (Sm); 1 Booti Booti NP 22 Mar (DT); 1 Eldersleigh 14
Apr (TN), 1 Woodville 6 Apr ,1 Raymond Terrace 16 May, 1 Gungal 26 May, 1 Shortland
10 Jul, 1 Hexham Oct & Jerrys Plains 25 Nov (HBR),; 1 Glenfield 19 May (CG), I
Kellyville 26 Jun (RBo),1 Pitt Town NR 4 Jul -6 Jul (BC,EV,RBo), 1 Bakers Lagoon 18
Jul (BC); 1 Racecourse Bch Ulladulla 15 Jan (AN); 1 Bega Jan (MW); Bundarra &
Tentefield 11 Apr (JH), Elsinore 8 Apr (DMa), 1 Torryburn 9 Apr (JC), 2 Manilla 10 Mar
(JH) & I on 29 Sep (CW); 1 Lake Goran 9 Sep (JC), 1 Wilga Valley, Gunnedah 6 Sep
(JC); 1 Temora 29 Sep (ID); 1 Leeton 9 Jun (KH); 1 Broken Hill 10 Sep (RT). More
records than usual and the most ever coastal records, but no records for Aug & Dec.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans 3 Hexham Swamp 21 Apr (HBR), usually only single
birds; 1 Windermere Dam, Mudgee 11 Oct (TW), unusual location.
Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus Three breeding reports viz N+Y Ashtonfield 8 Dec
(HBR); Nesting Canton Beach 25 Sep (AM), N+2Y Cattai NP 28 Nov (BC).
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae Only breeding records and records of birds on the
western edge of the range are published. Resident Central Coast, reported from 8 sites
(Morris 1997); Reported from 8 sites in Sydney Region including 2A,N+1Y Cobbity 7
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 99Sep -9 Dec (EV,IB); Reported from 5 sites in the Illawarra; Regular at Bega, Merimbula,
Wallagoot, Eden and Nethercote (BJ); 1 Willala Hills 5 Sep (JC).
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrocephalus Nest Capertee Valley 22 Nov (RT); N+2Y
Leeton 5 Dec (KH), I took a Yellow Rosella Whitton Punt Res 24 Nov (PG); Nest Stephens
Ck Reservoir 10 Sep (RT).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Nesting Yamba 14 Aug -1 Nov (GC), coastal nesting
now rare; I feeding on carcase of wallaby Violet Hill Rd, Myall Lakes NP 27 Aug
(MVBN 4/96); Kellyville 2 Apr (KB), unusual location.
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides 30 records at 10 sites on North Coast throughout
the year (GC,KS); took a Feral Pigeon Oatlands, Parramatta & ate in top of Bunya Pine
15 Jun (KBg), 1 Bass Hill 10 Aug (EV), I Cowan 2 Aug (PBr); 9 together Manilla 11 Oct
(RWa); N Rocky Waterholes, Narrandera 15 Sep (NJ). Status on North Coast well
Brown Falcon Falco berigora Nesting near Kungala 27 Nov- 14 Dec, nestling fed an
Eastern Blue -tongue Tiliqua scinoides (GC).
Australian Hobby Falco longipennis Nesting in Forest Redgum Eucalyptus tereticornis
Cowans Ponds 7 Sep (GC); chased a White -throated Needletail at Warkworth Feb
1 1
(HBR); I caught Red -capped Plover Fivebough Swamp 15 Sep (KH). Unusual prey items
for the Hobby.
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 1 Narran Lake NR 5 May (AL); 1 Mootwingie NP 16 Sep
(JR). Only two records.
Black Falcon F. subniger 1 Kooragang Island 19 Feb (AR), 1 Yarrawa 21 Jul & 5 Aug,
1 injured Adamstown 11 Sep (HBR); 1 Capertee Valley 16 Mar (PDb), 1 Kandos 4 Apr
(LP); Roses Lagoon, Collector 23 Mar (PH), Hoskintown Jun (DH), Goulburn 17
1 1 1 1
Jul (KJ); Forbes 10 Jun (AR), 2 Backyamma SF 5-8 Apr (JBo); 2 Nericon Swamp 26
Jan (AR), 2 Pretty Pine 14 Dec (ABe); 2 North Bourke 17 Aug (ARo). More coastal
records than usual.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus 2 Wantabadgery 12 Apr (MC), unusual location.
Breeding: Booti Booti NP Jul (DT); N+2Y Deep Ck, Narrabeen 23 Oct -21 Nov (BC),
Vaucluse 23 Oct- 31 Dec (LB), 2A+2Y Dellhurst 4 Nov (HBR), nesting Willala Hills 5
Sep (JC). Interesting breeding records from locations not previously mentioned.
Brolga Grus rubicunda 2 Palmers Is 14 Aug, 2 Woodford Is 14-28 Nov, Max 37
Everlasting Swamp 11 Jul -15 Aug, max 31 southof Lawrence 6 Jun- 21 Nov, 15 Brushgrove
100 April 199920 May, 2 Callioppe 9 Mar, 14 north of Ulmarra 20 May, 2 Southgate 2 Oct, 2A+J
Tucabia 2-10 Oct, 2 Station Ck, Yuraygir NP 2 Feb, 1 Corindi 9 May (GC), 2 Broomes
Head 12 Jan (JPy), 23 on floodwaters at Cowper 9 May & 3 on 2 Jul (EW); 2 25km NW
Bourke, 32 73 Km NW Bourke 9 Jun (MC), Fords Bridge 17 Aug, 17 61(m NW Bourke
(ARo), 2 Narran Lake NR Oct (Ley 1998); Max 82 Tuckerbil Swamp 18 Feb -28 Apr
(KH,MN,MSc,PG), 2 Fivebough Swamp Apr (PHo), 40 Koonadan 16 Jun (MNe). The
two main populations in NSW appear to be Clarence Valley and Griffith-Leeton
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus phillipensis Woodford Dale 27 Jun, Lawrence 9 Mar
1 1
& 14 Nov, roadkill Coutts Crossing 6 Jul, HC Station Ck, Yuraygir NP 26 Feb, HC
Blue Lake, Yuraygir NP 10 Nov, J Glenreagh 16 Dec, roadkill Sawtell 18 Apr, 2 Urunga
26 Sep (GC), reported all year Macleay valley ABi,KS,GC); Max 2 Shortlands WC 23
Apr & 15 Nov, 3 Green Point 26 Dec, 2+ Gould Island NR 13-16 Dec (HBR), 1 Harrington
18 Aug (BP), I Hannan Vale 3 Nov (DLo,MVBW 4/96); Resident Central Coast, reported
from 9 locations including breeding Berkeley Vale 21 Nov (CCBR); Resident Royal Bot.
Gardens, young present Jan, Sep & Dec (AB,HR,SK, MRi,PBr), Hyde Pk, Sydney 17
Sep (CS), Castlecrag Gols Course 25 Apr (Birdline), 2 Pitt Town NR 21-22 Dec
(ABe,BC); Swan Lake 7 Apr (km); 2a+4Y Bay Drive, Bega 21 Jan (BMe); 2A+2Y
Oasis HSD, 20 km SW Dubbo Dec (JF); 15 Gingham Watercourse Jan -May, Nov
(HB,MHu), Willala Hall 3-10 Sep (WR); 2 Moira Lakes Apr (TBO 764). Reported
from 34 locations of which only four are west of the Great Divide!
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis HC Maria River Rd 8 Jan (ABi,KS), HC Belmore R, Hat
Head NP 17 Oct (GC); Max 7 Glenrock SRA 27 Aug -10 Sep, 2 Morisset 6-17 Aug, max
2 Belmont Lagoon 1-15 Sep (HBR); 3 Mill Ck, Dharug NP 25 Apr (EV); heard then
seen Penuca Swamp 12 Oct (BJ). All coastal records in 1996 and none at sites mentioned
in the 1995 Report!
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla max 5 Pitt Town NR 19 Feb, 21-29 Dec
(ABe,AMb,BC,KB,SA); Fivebough Swamp 29 Jun (MSc). Least number of records
since 1987!
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea J Tomago 24 Apr (HBR); 2 Pitt Town NR 19
Feb, 21 Jun -22 Dec (ABe, AR,DPo,SA), Dee Why Lagoon 27 Oct (TW); Present Narran
Lake Apr -May, nesting NR Oct (Ley 1998); 5 Tuckerbil Swamp 27 Jul (MSc). Records
throughout the year.
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 Harrington 18 Aug (BP); 1 Norah Head 22 Sep (DH); 1
Pitt Town NR 19 Feb (SA), 2 Cronulla HS Swamp 16 Dec (JF). All coastal records in
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 101Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis 20 Lake Wyangan 27 Jan (PDb), 40
Fivebough Swamp 4 Feb (KH).
Australian Bustard Ardeotus australis AM in display Girilambone 20 Jul (GPO; 5
Fowlers Gap 23 May (APo), 2 20 km NW Bourke 18 Aug (ARo). Low numbers again in
Little Button -quail Turnix velox Gloucester Tops 16 Nov (JDu), Copeland Tops 25
1 1
Dec (DPt); Gwabegar 26 Jun (RT). Poor season for this species.
Painted Button -quail T varia found dead Oxford St City 15 Sep (DH) & found dead
1 1
Cremorne 6 Oct (MRu), Wentworthville 12 Sep (BMc), interesting inner city records;
2 Pilliga East SF 5 Oct CG) western edge of range.
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 8 12 km SW of Hay 23 Mar (KH), 2A+4y
Conargo 7 Dec (PM). Fewer records than usual due to drought in Riverina for much of
the year.
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 7 Gingham Watercourse Nov (MHu). Departure:
Woodville 17 Mar (HBR), Mill Ponds, Botany 27 Mar (PMc). Arrival: 2 C & A
1 1
Dam, Mulbring 11 Aug (EV), 1 Manly Dam 14 Aug (DSy), Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 31
Aug (AM), 4 Tuckerbil Swamp 21 Sep (MSc), Fivebough Swamp 29 Sep & 25 Nov
(KH,MSc). No large concentrations reported.
Black- tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Max 379 Hunter Estuary 6 Feb -3 Mar (DGe,EV),
Swan Bay 30 Oct (HBR); 2 Nericon Swamp 26 Jan (PDb), 2-3 Fivebough Swamp 29
Sep -14 Dec (DWe,KH). No Clarence Estuary records.
Bar -tailed Godwit L. lapponica Max 3100 Kooragang Is 13 Dec (HBR); Max 158
Merimbula 11 Mar (BJ); Summer Wader Count: 162 Richmond Estuary (DR), 1500
Hunter Estuary (DGe), 381 Tuggerah Lakes (AM), 313 Botany Bay (JP), 238 Parramatta
River (JR,PS). Average year.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 10 Sandon 17 Aug (GC); 160 Fullerton Cove & 21 Fern
Bay 18 Oct (HBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 54 Richmond Estuary (DR), 75 Hunter
Estuary (DGe), 47 Towra Point (PS).
Eastern Curlew N. madagascariensis Max Hunter Estuary 600 on 2 Nov (HBR);
Meadowbank 4 May (JR); Summer Wader Count: 98 Richmond Estuary (DR), 343
Hunter Estuary (DGe), 307 Botany Bay (PS); Winter Wader Count Jul: 201 Kooragang-
Stockton (DGe), 61 Botany Bay (PS). Average year.
102 April 1999Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis Max 100 Micalo Island 23 Feb (JH), Everlasting
Swamp 11 Jul (GC), 8 South West Rocks 24 Feb (ABi,KS); 10+ Ash Is & Fern Bay Oct
(HBR); 1 North Entrance 27 Oct (SE), I Tuggerah Dairy Swamp Nov (AM); 70 Back
Lake Mar, 200 Back & Clear Lakes Oct, Narran Lakes NR (Ley 1998); Present Fivebough
Swamp Jan -Apr max 91 on 4 Feb, arrived 3 Aug, max 360 on 14 Dec (KH), 300 Nericon
Swamp 26 Jan (PDb) & 130 on 3 Oct (per MHu); 1 22km SE Fords Bridge 12 Oct (ID).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 131 Hunter Estuary (DGe). Numbers overall continue to
Common Greenshank T nebularia 100 Kooragang Is 10 Mar (ABe) & 350 on 13 Dec
(HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, 31 Aug -1 Dec, max 22 The Entrance 27 Oct
(AM); 95 Tuckerbil Swamp 24 Mar & 9 on 29 Jun (MSc), large number inland. Summer
wader Count Feb: 35 Richmond Estuary (DR), 102 Hunter Estuary (DGe), 22 Tuggerah
Lakes (AM). Numbers slightly up on previous years.
Wood Sandpiper T.glareola Pitt Town NR Jan & 3 Nov (KB), 2 Bushells Lagoon Jan
(KB) & I from 12 Nov- 14 Dec (CSh,Dha,EV,RT); 2 Fivebough Swamp 27 Jan, 21 Apr,
31 Aug & 3 on 26 Oct (FOC,KH). Numbers lower than usual.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 10 Myall Lakes NP 25 Apr, 60 Fern Bay 18 Oct, wirth
no records in the Hunter Estuary from 18 Apr to 21 Sep (HBR). Summer Wader Count
Feb; 79 Richmond Estuary (DR), 94 Hunter Estuary (DGe), 9 Shell Point (PS). Numbers
down on previous years.
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Jerseyville & Rainbow Reach 4 Feb
1 1
(ABi,KS); 1 Stockton 21 Jan -5 Mar (HBR); 1 Yarramundi 29 Feb- 17 Mar (HP,KB); 1
Barham 22 Sep (PD). Lower numbers than usual.
Wandering Tattler Heteroscelus incanus 3 Hastings Point 19 Oct (JDu) & 1 on 7 Dec
(TA), Angourie Bay 9 Nov, Plover Is, Sandon 9 Nov (GC); Hungry Head 18 Feb
1 1 1
(KS). Average year.
Grey -tailed Tattler H. brevipes Present 20+ Stockton 21 Jan, 4 Harrington 14 Oct, 12
Lemon Tree Passage 7 Aug & Swansea 10 Nov, 20+ Tahlee 21 Apr (HBR); Toowoon
Bay/Norah Head all year max 11 on 10 Nov (AM). Summer Wader Count Feb: 94
Richmond Estuary (DR), 10 Hunter Estuary (DGe), 147 Botany Bay (PS).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaeria interpres Present Toowoon Bay/Norah Head all year, max
24 on 10 Nov (AM); Fivebough Swamp 4-7 Nov (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb:
50+ Newcastle Baths (HBR), 44 Botany Bay (JP).
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 103Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 6 Joss Island 14 Jul (DR); 12 Kooragang Is 3 Jun
(DGe) & 50 19 Oct (HBR), 3 Harrington 14 Oct (MVBW 4/96); 2 North Botany Bay 2
Feb (DHa). Summer Wader Count Feb: 18 Richmond Estuary (DR), 40 Hunter Estuary
(DGe). Numbers down on previous years.
Red Knot C. canutus Arrival: 5 Chittaway Bay 16 Sep (AM),17 North Botany Bay 20
Sep, 1500 Stockton 21 Sep (CG). Max Count: 121 Tuggerah Lakes Oct (AM), 23 North
Botany Bay 12 Oct (RG); 2000 Kooragang/Stockton 22 Sep (DGe,HBR).
Sanderling C. alba 2 Harrington 18 Feb & 8 on 27-29 Dec (AB1,EV,HBR). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 51 Richmond Estuary (DR). No reports from Newcastle -Wollongong
which is unsual.
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Present Hunter Estuary all year max 100 on 7 Mar; Max
5 Fivebough Swamp 16-29 Jun (MSc). Summer Wader Count Feb: 45 Richmond Estuary
(DR), 20 Hunter estuary (DGHe), 143 Botany Bay (PS). These are not all the records but
coastal numbers are very much down on previous years.
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta 1Pitt Town NR 8 Oct (KB), referred to NSWORAC.
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotus 1 Kooragang Island 1-30 Jan, max 5 16-17 Nov, 1
Shortland WC 4 Dec (HBR); 1 Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 3 Feb (ID), 2nd Central Coast
record; Max 5 Pitt Town NR 28 Nov -29 Dec (AP,BC,KB), 1 Mason Park 24 Mar (CSh),
1 Newington A.D. 27 Apr & 18 Nov (CSh); 1 Fivebough 27 Jan -7 Apr, 7 Nov & 3 on 24
Nov (KH), 4 Nericon Swamp 23 Nov (BM). More records than in previous years.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata 228 Kooragang island 20 Apr (HBR); 246
Tuggerah Lakes Oct (AM), max 47 Mason Park 9 Jan (NH); 2000 Narran Lake NR Oct
(Ley 1998); Max 1822 Fivebough Swamp 26 Jan -4 Feb (KH,PDb), 2000 Nericon Swamp
27 Jan (CG); c37000 Lake Cawndilla Feb (AM,PM); Arrival: Fivebough Swamp 24
Aug (KH) &1 Homebush Bay 24 Aug (Birdline), Tuggerah Bay 17 Sep (AM). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 31 Richmond Estuary (DR), 200 Parramattta River (JR), 44 Botany
Bay (PS). Some very large numbers Jan -Feb inland.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea banded Ta-Tu-His Taichung, Taiwan 10/9/88 caught
in a mist nest & released during feeding ecology studies at Ballina 18 Jan (DR); 10 Swan
Bay 30 Oct (HBR); Max 120 Tuggerah Lakes Oct (AM); Departure:1 Fivebough Swamp
1 Apr (CB). Arrival: 1 Fivebough Swamp 3 Aug (KH), 3 Tuggerah Bay 23 Aug (AM).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 112 Richmond Estuary (DR), 2637 Hunter Estuary (DGe),
68 Botany Bay (PS), 150 Parramatta River (JR,PS). The Hunter Estuary is a very important
summer feeding site in NSW.
104 April 1999Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Collaroy Beach 27 Oct (TW).
Ruff Philomachus pugnax 2 Stockton Borehole Swamp 3 Dec (HBR).
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis Ash Island 10 Dec (DG); 2+ Gingham
Watercourse 7 Jan & 5 in Nov (MHu); M Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone 31 Dec (DG);
Pair Fivebough Swamp 7-8 Jul (KH), Tuckerbil Swamp 24 Nov (MSc). Average year,
all records published.
Comb -crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea Recorded at 12 locations on the North
Coast north of Hungry Head all year (GC); Max 10 incl.Imm C&A Dam , Mulbring 2
Jun -Oct (CG,EV,HBR), 3 Coopernook 29 Oct (IJ); 1 Pitt Town NR 22-30 Dec & Turnbulls
Swamp 24 Nov (ABe,KB), Lower Portalnd 29 Oct & 18 Nov (KB).
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius Lake Cathie Apr (DWi HBWN 4/96); HC
Tanilba bay 5 Oct, 2A+2Y Lemon Tree Passage 18-21 Oct (HBR); HC Narara Creek,
Narara 7 Oct (VM), 2 Davistown 22 Jun (AM) & 1 Davistown garden 19 Oct (GS), 2 St
Huberts Island 2 Jun (EV); injured Condell Park 28 Apr (DJo); Narooma Nov &
1 1 1
3km E of Nelligen 9 Nov (ENHSN 11/96); Present Wamgaretta HSD, Warren 20 Aug -5
Oct, Merrigal HSD, Collie (HA Conargo 23 Mar, Euroley 20 Oct -7 Dec (KH),
1 1 1
2A+2Y Barham Oct -12 Dec (TBO 776), 2 Lake Urana 11 Aug (MSc). The most records
since reports began in 1970, note that Port Stephens & Pittwater/Brisbane Water appear
to have viable populations.
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus 2 Dart Island 14 Jul (DR), 2 Sandon River 2 Jul –
19 Nov (EW,GC), 2 Red Rock 3 Oct -21 Nov (GC,KH), max 2 Urunga 2 Jul -3 Dec
(ABi,HW), 2 Nambucca Heads 10 Feb (GB). This information would indicate that the
population remains at 6 pairs in NSW (presumably the Tweed Heads pair are still present).
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 12 Clarence Estuary 14 Jul (DR), N+1E
Brooms Head 9 Nov, but disappeared (GC); 11 recorded along the beaches of Myall
Lakes NP 26 Jan, 11 Oyster Cove 12-29 Oct (HBR); 16 Brisbane Water 22 Jun (AM); 46
Botany Bay 18 Feb & 49 on 1 Jul (PS) numbers slightly down on previous years.
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Max 8 Newcastle Baths all year (HBR); 9 Norah
Head 8 Jun (AM), 12 Blue Bay 9-10 Nov (DM), 19 Long Reef 15 Jul (ARo), 13 Boat
Harbour 2 Feb (JP); 13 prs nested Five Islands NR summer 1995/96 (LS SOSSA 16);
smaller numbers eslewhere.
Black -winged Stilt Himatopus himatopus Max 160+ Everlasting Swamp 11 Jul -15 Aug
(GC), max 130 Belmore Swamp 20 Jun (ABi,KS); max 372 Hunter Estuary Feb (DGe);
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 105max 122 Tuggerah Lakes Mar -Oct, 5 prs nesting Chittaway Pt Nov -Dec (AM); Max 36
Mason Park, including nesting 6 Oct & 3Y 5 Dec (BC,NH), max 320 Bicentennial Park
21 Jan (KB); Max 346 Fivebough Swamp on 7 Apr (KH).
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus 2 Kooragang Island 1 Jan -6 Feb (HBR); 1
Chittaway Bay 27-29 Sep (AM), first Central Coast record; 10+ Gingham Watercourse 7
Jan (AL,HB); 21 Fivebough Swamp 21 Jul -10 Oct (KH), fust winter record for this location.
Average year.
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 40 Joss Island 14 Jul (DR); Present
Stockton 10 Mar -21 Sep, max 4500 3 Jun (DGe,ID,CG); 2 Blue Bay, The Entrance 6
May (DM); 2000 Lake Goran 9-13 Sep (DH,DMa); Many Gingham Watercourse 7 Jan
(AL), 930 Narran Lake NR Dec (Ley 1998); max 520 Fivebough Swamp 14 Dec (KH); c
18000 Lake Cawndilla Feb (AM,MM). Plenty of birds present in NSW but no breeding
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Max 50 Hunter estuary 19 Oct (HBR); Fivebough
Swamp 4 Nov (KH); Arrival: 3 North Botany Bay 8 Sep (Birdline), 1 Fivebough Swamp
7-21 Nov (KH). Summer Wader Count Feb: 94 Richmond Estuary (DR), 42 Hunter
Estuary (DGe), 8 Tuggerah Lakes (AM), 52 Botany Bay (JP,PS), 20 Parramatta River
(JR). Numbers down on previous years.
Grey Plover P. squatarola 1 Ballina 28 Sep (BT); 3 Aslings Beach, Eden 14 Nov (BJ).
Fewer records than usual.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus Nesting Lake Arragan, Brooms Head, Red
Rock & Station Creek 9 Nov -10 Dec, 8 nests in all (GC); 50+ Ash Island 20 Apr & 20+
Harrington 31 jan (HBR), N+2E Kooragang Island 10 Feb (BC); 1040 Poloko Lake Jan
(per MHu); c5000 Lake Cawndilla Feb (AM). Some good numbers at inland lakes.
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 60 Richmond Estuary 25 Jun (DR), 1 in
breeding plumage, Back Bch, Woody Head 17 Nov (GC); 14 Coon Is, Swansea 1 Jun
(AM); 17 Toowoon Bay & 22 Pelican Point 8 Jun (AM,JV), 2 Long Reef 2 Sep (NM),
max 67 Botany Bay Jul (PS); 145 Comerong Island 24 Jun & 52 Windang 8 Jul (CJC);
Max 5 Fivebough Swamp 7 Apr- 24 Aug (KH,MSc). Arrival: 1 Lake Tabourie 23 Jan
(AM), Boat Harbour 2 Feb (JP).
Lesser Sand Plover C. mongolus 19 Woody Head 17 Nov, 3 Iluka Bluff 17 Nov (GC),
Hungry Beach 9 Nov (ABi); Max 35 Kooragang Island Feb -Mar (HBR), 2 Stockton
Borehole Swamp 3 Dec; 1 Blue Bay 27 Oct (SE); 4 Boatharbour, Kurnell 4 Jan (JP), 3
North Botany Bay 12 Mar (PMc), 1Long Reef 24 Sep (NM). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 22 Richmond Estuary (DR), 30 Hunter Estuary (DGe). Numbers continue to decline.
106 April 1999Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 14 Woody Head 17 Nov, Station Creek 22 Dec,
2 Red Rock 21 Nov & 14 Dec (GC); 3 Dee Why Lagoon 2 Feb, 1 Long Reef 5 Feb (BC).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 39 Richmond Estuary (DR).
Oriental Plover C. veredus 8 Warn gate, Sturt NP 8 Oct (RJo), only record, referrd to
Inland Dotterel C. australis 2A+2Y Kyeemah HSD, Hay 14 Dec (AM); 100 in one
flock,Shirt NP, 20km N of Tibooburra 27 May (APo). Only records received.
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops 27 McGraths Hill Stw 6 Apr (ID), 34
Parramatta River wetlands 18 Jul (PS), 16 Mason Park 11 Apr (TW), some large numbers
for the Sydney region.
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubicollisl Conjurong Point 15 Jan (AM), Meroo Beach 29
Dec (Mhi), only records.
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus; Max 7 Everlasting Swamp 11 Jul -15 Aug
(GC); Max 22 Ash Island 19 Apr- 3 Jun, 2 Market Swamp, Sandgate 16 Jan (HBR);
Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 1 Dec (JC) 2 Bushells Lagoon 14 Dec (CBOC). Few coastal
records in 1996.
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor Max 9 Richmond 22 Sep- 3 Nov (EV), Quakers
Hill 15 Dec (SA); 2 Manildra 8 Sep (RT); 100 northern end of Narran lake NR, nests &
young Mar (Ley 1998); 70+ south of Hay 14 Dec (RBe), 30 Steam Plains 13 Nov (DWe).
Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum 2 Pitt Town NR 28 Nov -14 Dec
(BC,CG,PC,RT), record accepted by NSWORAC.
Australian Pratincole Stiltia isobella I Fivebough Swamp 20 Feb (MN); 2 Sturt NP 7
Oct (ID). Only reports received.
Southern Skua Catharacta skua 1 North Head 19 Aug (HW), max 2 Coogee 13 Jun- 1
Sep (RG). Few records received in 1996.
Pomerine Jaeger Stercorcarius pomerinus 109 Ballina 13-25 Feb, 9 on I Mar, 6 on 9
May (Izzard 1997); 1 Mistral Pt, Coogee20 Oct (RG); 50 off Wollongong Jan (SSOSA).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 246 at Ballina between 10 Feb & 9 Mar (Izzard 1997);
North Head 24 Jun (DH), late date, killed Silver Gull Larus novaehollandiae 28 Oct
(RG). Arrival: 1 Nine Mile Beach 11 Sep (HBR), 1 Mistral Pt, Coogee 6 Oct (RG).
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 107Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus Max 3 off Sydney 10 Feb (RT) & 31 Oct -14 Dec
(AP,DH); 3 off Wollongong 28 Jan -28 Apr, max 2 between 9-24 Nov (AP,PH). Average
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Max 3 North Botany Bay 18 Feb -12 Dec
(BC,CSh,RG,SF,TN), Kurnell 22 Jun (ID); Im Windang 14 Jan (EV), 3 off Wollongong
May (PH); 11 juv Eden 6 Aug & A 13 Oct, A Merimbula 13 Jun (BJ). Numbers continue
to increase.
Kelp Gull L. dominicanus 1st year bird Ballina 23 Feb (Izzard 1997); 2 Long Reef 7
Oct (CM), 3 North Botany bay 10 Nov (RG), Max 10 off Wollongong 28 Jan -24 Mar
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica Present Kooragang Island all year, max 38 on 7 Apr
(DHa,HBR); 1 Birdie Bch, Munmorah SRA 11 Jul (AM); Present Gingham Watercourse
Jan -May (HB).
Caspian Tern S. caspia Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 23 in Oct (CCBR), down
on previous years.
Crested Tern S. bergii 3000 prs nesting Cook island NR 17 Feb (TA); 500-600 prs
nested Big Is No. 2, Five Islands NR Jan (LS).
White -fronted Tern S. striata Arrival: 2 off Wollongong May, max 22 Coogee 28
May -27 Sep (RG), Departure: 10 Wollongong 22 Sep (GB), 5 Toowoon Bay Reefs 25
Sep (AM)
Common Tern S. hirundo Common Newcastle Harbour Jan -Mar, 10 Nov -Dec, max
250 On 4 Dec, 50+ Harrington 31 Jan, 6+ Myuna bay 8 Dec (HBR); Only recorded
Toowoon Bay Reefs Nov (CCBR); 61 Coogee 20 Oct (RG), 8 Long Reef 27 Oct (TW).
Overal numbers lower than usual.
Arctic Tern S. paradisea 1 Long Reef 29 Sep (MRo), only record.
Little Tern S. albifrons Breeding: 1 nest Brooms Head 9-14 Nov (GC), 5 nests Station
Ck 17 Oct & 14 nests by 14 Nov, foxes took most of the young & only 2 fledged (GC); 4
nests Red Rock 8 Nov, high tides wiped out nests (DBu,GC); 2N+3Y Little Gibber, Myall
lakes NP 28 Dec & failed nests Miles Is, Forster 10 Dec (DT), Nested Harrington from 22
Oct, max 200 A+72Y on 27 Dec (HBR); Nested Botany Bay 15 Prs; 17 prs nesting Lake
Wollumboola 15 Jan (AN), foxes destroyed most nests, 2 pr nesting Lake Conjola 15 Jan
(AM), eggs disappeared; 4 nests Mogareka, Bournda NP all destroyed 17 Jan (BJ).
108 April 1999Fairy Tern S. nereis Breeding confirmed at Mogareka near Bournda NP, 5 prs nested, 7
young hatched, all destroyed 17 Jan (BJ).
Sooty Tern S. fuscata 1 off Sydney 9 Dec (AP); 1 off Wollongong 22 Sep (AP), fewer
records than usual.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida Nesting Dangars Lagoon 14 Jan (AL); nesting
Mother of Ducks Lagoon, Guyra 6 Mar (JH); Nested Gingham -Watercourse Jan -May
(HB); 4000 Nericon Swamp 26 Jan (CG).
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus 1 The Broadwater, Clarence R 9 Mar (GC);
30+ Newcastle Harbour 21 Mar- 7 Apr (HBR); 30 Towra Point NR 14 Nov (KE), 2 Pitt
Town NR 8 Dec (EV); Present Gingham watercourse Jan -May (HB); 3 Tullakool Salt
Works 21 Dec (PM). Large number for Botany Bay.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus 2 off Tweed Estuary 24 Feb (TA), Nambucca Heads
25 May (DS), record accepted by NSWORAC.
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna caerula 1 off Wollongong 11 Mar (CL), referred to
White Tern Gygis alba 1 blown inland Tyalgum 8 May, but later died (DD); 1 beachcast
Avoca Beach 3 May & 1 Norah Head 5 May (DJ) both died; 1 Long Reef 2 May (MR); 1
off Wollongong 11 May (PH). All records referred to NSWORAC.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela N+1Y Chaffin Ck, Tucabia 2 Oct (GC); 19
Cooranbong 21 May (JV), 50 Manning Point 5 Sep (HBR); 70 Erina heights 28 Jul (EV),
I North Richmond 10 Jun (CG), 1 Kurrajong Heights 16 Aug (ARo); 1 Ulladulla 2 Jun
(PDb). Some large concentrations, Sydney urban records not published.
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macrophygia amboinensis 2 feeding on Breynia oblongifolia
berries Mangrove Mountain 29 Oct (MP), Castle Hill 18 Jun & Blaxland 2 Mar -24 Nov
(PSm), in Jacaranda Tree Lapstone, observer’s first record for area 4 Sep (RT), increased
numbers in Co of Cumberland and Lower Blue Mountains; 4 feeding on Inkweed &
Tremaspera at Lilli Pilli, Bega Mar (DLa).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 3 Bilambil Creek 7 Oct (TM), HC Woolgoolga FR
26 Oct, Belmore R, Hat Head NP 16 Oct (GC); Woko NP 16 Mar, Telegherry Forest
1 1
Park 7 Jun, Sandbar & Smiths Lake 12 Sep, 1 Main Creek 3 Nov, 1 Kangaroo Mountain
21 Nov, 1 Newcastle GC 14 Dec (HBR), 3 Millbank 28 Aug (MVBO), 1 Kiwarrack SF 7
Nov (ML), Dooralong 25-27 Mar (DW), Newcastle GC 14 Dec (HP), Harrington 29
1 1 1
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 109Dec (EV): 3 Katandra Res 28 Jul (EV), 1 roadkill Chittaway 12 Aug (AM), 1 Berkeley
Vale Industrial estate 17 Nov (JW); 1 Sth Turramurra 26 Apr (DL), 1 Wattle Flat Royal
NP 18 May -3 Aug (EH,JR,NRu,PC). Increased reporting rate in the Hunter Region.
Brush Bronzewing Phaps elegans Booti Booti NP 9 Jan, Belmont Lagoon 21 Jul
1 1
(HBR); Olney SF 26 Feb (DJ); Norah Head 22 Sep (DH); Bantry Bay 4 Oct (BC),
1 1 1 1
Mona Vale Rd, French’s Forest 6 Oct (GSt); I Faulconbridge garden I I May (Bpo).
These records indicate the northern range in NSW.
Common Bronzewing P. chalcoptera feeding in Royal Bot. Gardens 4-18 Apr (ALe).
Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 40+ Alumy Ck, N of Grafton, large concentration.
Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata 7 Glen Davis 21 Jul (KJ); 3 Bingara 9 Apr (JH); 6+
Willala 7-9 Sep (DMa), Salt Caves, Pilliga East SF 5-8 Apr (ALi); 2 Kentucky SF 27
Jan (IG); 4 Tully’s Hill, Narrandera 22 Feb, max 7 Brobenah Hills 9 Jun -4 Aug, 7 Leeton
8 Jul (KH); 2 Mathoura Apr (TBO 764), 2 Colinroobie 9 Jun (KH); Present Coombie
HSD, Roto Oct- Dec (JH). Widespread in eastern NSW in 1996.
Peaceful Dove G. striata 1 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 22 Jan (EW); Present Central Coast,
recorded at Wyong Creek, Dooralong Creek, Somersby & Mangrove Mountain (CCBR);
Mt Riverview 20 Nov (TS).
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis 1 Rileys Island NR 11 Aug (EV); 3 Agnes Banks
NR 11 Mar (TS), 1 Lower Portland 20 Oct (KB); 6 Terragong Hillls (CJC,MRo); 1
Bermagui 23 Jan (ED); Nested 3 times in garden Coombie HSD, Roto Sep -Dec (JH),
western edge of range.
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca Nesting Mangrove Mountain 13 Nov (MP);
Superb Fruit- Dove Ptilinopus superbus roadkill Pacific Palms 19 Apr (DT); Im injured
Doyalson 23 May (DJ); IF Royal Bot Gardens 23 Apr (ALe),1D Marsfield 27 Apr (DH),
imm Peakhurst 28 Apr (DJo), ImF Mitchell Park 11 May (JR), Im injured Willoughby 18
May (WIRES). More records than usual but consistent with known pattern.
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus regina 2 HC Coramba NR 9 Feb, HC Bruxner
Park 13 Oct, HC Belmore R, Hat Head NP 16-17 Oct (GC), ID Federal 29 Mar (RM),
10+ Sea Acres NR 28 Dec (EV); Im feeding in Mulberry Tree, Berkeley Vale Industrial
Estate 17 Nov (JW); Im taken into care West Chatswood 7 Nov (WIRES), J Como 23
Nov (JPa); 1 Rose Valley 26 Aug & I hit window Mt Kembla 9 Sep (WE).
110 April 1999Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 3+ Way Way SF 2 Mar, 3 Millbank 8 Jun &
Hat head NP 15 Sep (ABi,KS,MVBO), Boorganna NR 27 Oct (MTo); Max 6 Copeland
1 1
SF 28 Sep -7 Dec (EV,JDu), 4 Copeland Tops 22 Dec, 5+ Alleyn River FP 11 Aug, 1
injured Tomago 27 Jul (HBR); A feeding in Mulberry Tree, Berkeley Vale Industrial
estate 13 Nov (JW), first Central Coast record; 1 injured East Chatswood 6 Nov (AB), 1
Kurrajong 8 Nov (KB). Some unusual southern records.
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus 600-800 Wooyung-Uki 25 May (TA); Present
Gosford/Wyong Mar -Sep, max 100 betwen Gosford & Ourimbah 22 Apr feeding on
Camphor Laurel seeds (AM); 15 South Creek, Narrabeen 21 Sep (BC), 20 Bass Hill 22
Jun (EV); 2 Wallagoot 4 Feb (BJ). Many records for Hunter & North Coast.
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus funereus Max 49 Umina 17 Jul(PB);
There was a very pronounced movement into Sydney’s urban parks, gardens and bushland
reserves this winter including some interersting inner urban locations viz: 4 Balmoral
Beach 26 May (RH), 7 Sydney Harbour Bridge 14 Jun (AP), 28 Watsons Bay 17 Jun
(MRi), 30 Lane Cove 30 Jun (HW), 6 Vaucluse 10 Jul (LB), Taronga Zoo 5 Aug (DH),
30 Rockdale 12 Aug (DT); max 45 Botany 29 Aug -27 Sep (CG), 78 Matraville 23 Aug
(PRm), 8 Bradleys Head 9 Sep, feeding on Old Man Banksia Banksia serrata (BH); 50+
Orange 7 Sep (JLo).
Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami 2 Taloumbi 9 Nov, 5 Coldstream 15 Jun & 27 Jul, 2
Coutts Crossing 2 Apr, N+I Y S. of Grafton 31 Jul -11 Sep (AF completely yellow in
colour), 3+ Kangaroo Creek Jan, 6 Kungala 29 May (GC), 2 Maria River Rd 14 Jan, 3
Millbank Jan -5 Mar, 4M Wittitrin 25 Apr, 2 Yessabah 25 Apr -16 Jun, Arrakoon 24
Aug & 5+ Urunga 22 Sep (ABi,KS,MVBO), 2A+1Y Kendal 8 Feb (RE),3 Wedding
Bells SF 7 Aug (IJ); 2 Howes Valley 26 Oct & 10 Nov (EV), 2 Gloucester Tops 28 Dec
(MLo), 1 Booti Booti NP 26 Dec (EV), 2 Heaton SF 3 Jun, 2 Awaba Aug (HBR); Present
Central Coast at 14 locations, with juveniles present Mangrove Mountain Aug -Sep, &
Mill Creek Jan (CCBR); 2 Lapstone Jan & Mar, 2 Woods Res, Grose River 11 May (RT),
max 7 Blaxland 21 Feb- 15 Mar (PSm,TS), 2 Norton’s Basin, Wallacia 25 Feb (TS), 2
Berowra Waters 10 Jun (TW), A+J Cowan 12 Jun (PBr), 2 Appletree Bay 23 Oct (SLo),
17 Upper Colo 22 Dec (MRo); 8 Bomaderry 19 Jan & 6 Tomerong 21 Aug (Pbr), 2
Callala Bay, Jervis Bay 18 Aug (WS), 3 Cudmirrah 22 Sep (KM), 2 Termeil 31 Dec
(MHi); 6 Bournda NR 2 Jan (JC), 3 Brooman 18 Jan (JG), ; 4 Guy Fawkes River NP 19
Sep (JA); 2 Kings Tableland 8 Feb (HJ), 2 Linden 6 Mar (WS), 2 Oatley HSD, Rylstone
4 Apr (LP IBOC 5/96), 2 Linden 11 Aug (WS), 2 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 14 Jul -7
Dec (BP,EK,JB,TKa), 2 Mt Solitary, BMNP 7 Dec (TS), 3 Katoomba 28 Dec (API), 4
Clarence 29 Dec (DPt); AM fed AF, who went to a hollow, Jacks Ck, Liverpool Ranges
18 May (JC), 4 White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 8-10 Jun (HBR); 50+ Swagers
Bore 7 Apr Pilliga West SF, & 12 Alloes Well 6-7 Apr (JWn) & 2 Salt Caves 5-8 Apr
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 111Piilliga East SF (ALi), 15+ 3 locations in Pilliga NR, Pilliga East SF & Willala Hills 7-9
Sep (JC); Max 265 came to 11 waterholes in the Goonoo SF 3 Mar (TBO 7/96), 2 Conimbla
NP 26-28 Apr (JBo); Max 11 Brobenah Hills 22 Feb -26 May , including Tully’s Hill
(PG,KH,MSc), 8 Jimberoo SF 24 Aug (EA).
Gang Gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 3 Howes Valley 14 Sep (HBR), most
northerly record.
Galah Cacatua rosiecapilla 60+ Ellalong 19 Feb, a large coastal flock, nesting Wallsend
Nov (HBR).
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris Recorded Coutts Crossing, Cowans Ponds,
Sawtell & South Grafton all year, max 7 25 Feb (GC,WT), 3 West Kempsey 1 May
(ABi); 22 including 2Y Brightwaters 6 Mar (HBR), 10 Pennant Hills16 Jun (VS); 40+
Menangle 10 Aug(GB); 50 Leeton Golf Course 7 Dec 7 Dec (MSc). Many coastal records,
numbers continue to increase in Hunter and North Coast Regions.
Little Corella C. sanguinea Recorded Cowans Ponds, Coutts Crossing & Urunga all
year max 6 on 25 Sep (GC), 4 West Kempsey May (ABi); 4 Tumbi Umbi 18 Feb (GC);
60 Kogarh 2 Feb (JWi), 84 Caringbah 7 Sep (PRm); 4-500 Dubbo 25 May (IR). Coastal
spread continues.
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Goorianawa 26 Aug (DJ); 2 pr east of
Narran Lake NR 19 Sep (AL); Some eastern records.
Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus 6 Cowra 8 Nov, unusual at this site (IF); 10 Spicers
Creek 5 Apr (JR).
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 9 Pilliga East SF 6 Oct, unusual
so far west (CG).
Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna Max 4 Coutts Crossing 7 Feb- 24 Mar & 27 Dec
(GC,SC); Present Feb -Sep Central Coast, large flocks April -May max 100 Bateau Bay,
feeding primarily in Blackbutt & Swamp Mahogany, nesting Black Mtn, Ettalong Sep
(CCBR); 3 Conjola SF 27 Apr (KM); 6 feeding in Plum Tree in garden Bega 2 Jan (JC);
20+ Cassillis 23 Oct, 3 Wingen 20 Jun & 6 Sep (HBR) , 7 Rosedale HSD, Ulamambri 19
Dec (AM).
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 25 Morisset 4 Mar (HBR), large number for coastal site.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 12 Boorowa 13 Jan (DK), 5 Carcoar 18 Nov (IF),
100 Cowra 12 Oct (NLo); AM Goulburn 31 May (Aust. Birding 6/96), 40 Yass 18 Oct
112 April 1999(EK,Tka), 3 Murrumbateman 19 Oct (TQ); 3 Ingalba NR 8-22 Apr (MC), 100+
Wallendbeen 21 Sep (IF); Max 17 Bouwick HSD Mt Tenandra 5 Feb -16 Apr, 10
Warrumbungle, Tooraweenah 16 Apr & 7 The Ranch HSD, Kennebri 12 Apr (DJ), 3M
Warren 2 Feb (HJ) & F 5 Jul (KJ); 3 13km E of Hermidale (KS); max 10 Leeton 25 Feb –
23 Mar (MSc), Max 18 Steam Plains 31 Jan -11 Jul, 7 Colleambally Rice Mill 18 Jul & 15
on 13 Aug, 1 Emery Rice Shed 24 Jul (BM), 1 Ardlethan 15 Jun (EA), 84km E Narrandera
22 Jun (NJ), 4 Ariah Park 10 Aug, 17 Wamoon 14 Aug, 3 Narrandera 4 Oct, 7 Whitton
Punt Res 7 Dec (MSc), 6 Euroley 2 Nov (KH), 6+ Goongumbla HSD, S of Hay Nov
(PM), 13 incl J, Gulpha SF 14 Dec (RBe).
Red- winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus Turrill 7 Oct (HBR), southern edge of
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 4 Clunes SF 19 May & 4 Aug (LC); 1 Wyee Point 8-9
Jun (MR); 1 injured North Tacoma Jun (DJo); max 10 Greystanes 13-18 May (EV), 2
Holdsworthy 14 Jun (MDa), 4 Quakers Hill 25 May (SA) & 22 Aug (JHa); 14 Appin 19
May (DSe), 6 Primbee Golf Course 4-25 May (CCh,CGo); 8 47 km NW Armidale 10
May, 5 near Barraba 16 May, 2 Torryburn 23 Jul(D0); 7 Weddin Mountains 20 Jul
(COG); 20 Charcoal Tank NR, 18-19 May & 27 Jul (RPa,COG), 7 Cowra 20 Jul (COG);
10 Albury 2 Aug (ABs), I Ingalba NR 27 Aug (DWe); 7 Parkes 2 Jun (NSc). Good spread
of records, note the regular use of the inland nature reserves.
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 2 Sydney City Centre 6 Sep (DH); 3
Primbee Golf Courae 27 May (PMc).
Mulga Parrot P. varius 6 Charcoal Tank NR 6 Apr -19 May (JR,RPa), most easterly
location in NSW in 1996.
Budgerigar Melopsitticus undulatus 3 Capertee valley 23 Apr (SB); Common in the
Junee District in Jan, small flocks >30 birds at Junee Reefs 21 Jan & 10 Reefton SF 12
Apr, Ingalba NR 24 Jan, Ariah Park 29 Jan (MC), 40+ 10km N of Holbrook 31 Aug (IH);
20+ Goorianawa 16 Apr (DJ); 50 Lake Wyangan 27 Jan (CG), 500 Whitton 25 Feb (DWe);
6 Wilcannia 9 Sep (RT); Small number Coombie HSD, Roto Oct- Dec (JHu).
Bourke’s Parrot Neosphotus bourkii 50 20km w of Mootwingie NP 23 May (APo).
Only record received.
Blue -winged Parrot Neopsephotus chrysostoma 2 W of Mootwingie 6 Apr (RMc), only
record received.
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 20+ Mayll Lakes NP 23 Mar (HBR), Mogo Camp,
Yengo NP 28 Jan (DMa) & 1 on 4 May (WK); 2 Yarramundi 29 Jul (Dpo); 1 Attunga SF
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 11326 Jun (Mto); 6+ Capertee Valley 23 Nov (RT), 40+ Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 24 Mar
(BP), 4 Munghorn Gap NR 26 Oct (PW), 2 Goulburn River NP 9 Jun -23 Aug (HBR,RP),
1 Murrumbo 15 Aug (HBR); 520+ Bundarra 16 Apr (Jma), 6 Abingdon 8 Apr (TN), 2
Gilgai 8 Apr (JC), 20+ Warrabah NP 29 Sep -3 Oct (CW),; Max 8 Warrumbungle NP
woolshed 24 May -27 Jun (KS,RT), 12 Aloes Well 5 Apr (JWn) & 6 Salt Caves, Pilliga
East SF 5-8 Apr (ALi), 2 15 km W of Mullaley 6 Sep (WL). Good year.
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 6 Yuragir NP 25 Feb (JH), flushed from wet heath
Freshwater Beach, Yuraygir NP 10 Nov (GC); HC Mt Tianjarra 16-18 Mar (Gang Gang
5/96), 1 Morton NP 29 Dec (DOc); 7 between Nadgee R & Salt Lake, Nadgee NR 17 Feb
(Dia), 2 Green Cape 4 Nov (LR), all records published.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus Richmond Hill 24 Mar (JH); Sarah’s Knob,
1 1
Woronora 6 Oct (Birdline).
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus Arrival: 1 Fivebough Swamp 9 Jun (KH); Deanderra HSD,
Manilla 28 Jul (JW,RWa), Capertee 16 Aug (JDu), Green Wattle Creek 17 Aug (HBR),
McGraths Hill 22 Aug (Birdline), Longneck Lagoon 25 Aug (JDu), Lawrence 13 Sep
(GC); Lemon Tree 21 Sep (Jca)Euroka 27 Sep (KS), Nethercote 30 Sep (BJ), typical west
to east arrival pattern.
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus Y fed by Grey Fantail Mulgoa 22 Feb (RT),
Seven Hills 5 Dec (EV). Departure: Nethercote 16 Feb (BJ), Tahlee 21 Apr (HBR).
Arrival: Shortland WC 5 Sep, very early date! (HBR), Kempsey 18 Oct (KS), Glenbrook
21 Oct (CS), Woologoolga Creek 26 Oct (GC), Nethercote 3 Nov (BJ).
Fantailed Cuckoo Cacomantisflabelliformis 1 Coombie HSD, Roto 18 Oct (JHu), western
edge of range.
Black- eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans Scheyville NP 28 Aug (Birdline); Glen
1 1
Davis 7 Dec (CG); Pilliga East SF 6 Oct (CG); 2 Mootwingie 6 Apr (RMc); 2 Coombie
HSD, Roto 20 Sep, im 9 Dec (JHu). Average year.
Horsfield Bronze- Cuckoo C. basalis J being fed by Superb Fairy -wren Shortland WC
Jan (HBR).
Shining Bronze- Cuckoo C. lucidis Only three records North Coast Autumn -Jun viz
Orara R 20 Apr, Sawtell 21 May & Harrington 8 Jun (GC,KS); J being fed by Yellow
Thornhill Shortland WC 2 Oct & adult being fed by another Tahlee 30 Oct (HBR).
Little Bronze- Cuckoo C. minutillus 1 Kempsey 4 Oct (KS), 3 Purgatory Ck, E of
Jackadgery 30 Nov (GC).
114 April 1999Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea J being fed by Red Wattlebird Warners Bay 2
Feb (HBR); J being fed by Little Wattlebird at Wilberforce 30 Apr (AY) J fledged from
Little Wattlebird nest 8 Apr, departed 8 May (GR); 1 Warrumbungle NP 9 Nov (RMc);
Departure: South Grafton & Southgate 9 Mar (GC), New Lambton 4 Apr (HBR). Arrival:
1 Hunters Hill 8 Sep (CG), Tuggerah 11 Sep (AM), 1 F Kempsey 12 Sep (KS), 1 Taronga
Zoo 13 Sep (DH), Woy Woy 15 Sep (JMI), Kahibah 19 Sep (HBR), Mullumbimby 29
Sep (GC).
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythops novaehollandiae 2 Glen Ayr HSD, Kennebri 5 Oct
(TQ), HC 6 km W Bourke (TK); Arrival: Toronto 4 Sep (HBR), Balgownie 6 Sep
(WE), 1 Kempsey 12 Sep (KS), 1 Glenbrook 13 Sep (CS), 1 Balgowlah 14 Sep (NM),
Levenstrath 16 Sep (GC), Matcham 18 Sep (AS), Surry Hills 24 Sep (DH), Nethercote 14
Oct (BJ), Breeding: J being fed by Pied Currawongs Mitchell Park 10 Feb (FOC), 2 ditto
Berkeley Vale 20 Dec & Forresters Beach 30 Dec (CCBR), 2 fledged from Currawong’s
nest Mosman 26 Dec (MLo) & 1 Cumberland SF 8 Dec (NH), 2 ejected 2 Pied Currawongs
fledglings from nest Sth Turramurral6 Oct , 2 prs Pied Currawongs with 3 juv 4-18 Jan
Wal lac ia (DL).
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus Resident Gosford/Wyong, recorded at 7 sites
all year (CCBR); Old Heathcote Rd, Waterfall 30 Jun (AP), was the most southern
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua Pillar Valley 18 Jun, HC Newfoundland SF 2 Feb (GC);
1 Glendal;e 9 Jan, 1 Buttai 27 Feb & 5 Mar, The Basin, Olney SF 16 Mar, Allworth 31
Jul, Blackbutt Res 23 Nov, HC Hallidays Point 4 Jun, 1 injured Swansea 12 Aug (HBR),
HC Korsmans, Myall Lakes NP 2 May (DT), Dudley 1-16 Jun (KBu); HC Ourimbah
1 1
May & 21 Jul (DOb,JV), Murrumbung HSD, Mardi 4 Feb (JC), HC Mt Ettalong 4 Feb
(JM1);1 Annangrove 5 Apr (KB), 2 Mitchell Park 10 Feb -24 Aug, 3 on 5 Oct (EV,RT),
2A+2Y Epping 2 Sep -3 Nov (EV,TQ), Curl Curl Ck, Manly Dam 26 May (BC); HC
Glenbrook Ck Gorge 31 May (not heard by observer between 1984-1990, but now heard
most years) & HC Fern Ck, Kedumba Valley 10 Oct (PSm), 2 Cattai Ridge Rd, 0′ Hares
Ck 2 Jul (Dob), AM Currency Ck, Wilberforce 11 Nov (PBr); 2 HC Munghorn Gap NR
27 Jan, 4-6 Oct (ASt,BC); , 1 Bangor 29 Mar (KCo). Good spread of records.
Barking Owl Ninox connivers 1 Banyabba NR Oct, 2 Bungawalbin NR Aug; 1 Arcadia
Mar- May, 1 Seven Hills 15 Jun, 1 Eastwood 29 Oct in garden (EH) 1 Freemans Reach,
Windsor (no date); Gerringong 27 Jun (JPa); Puddledock Apr, 2 Boorolong Ck,
1 1
Yarrowyk Apr & with 3 young Oct- Dec; 2+2Y Glen Alice 27 Jan, Oct -23 Nov (Debus
1998,BC,EV,RT), 1 Mudgee 13 Oct (TW); 1 Tumut District SFs 1-10 Nov (Gang Gang
2/97); 1 Alloes Well 4 Apr & 5 Oct (ALi,CG,JWn) & 2 Salt Caves, Pilliga East SF 5-8
Apr (ALi), 2 Bugilbone 8 Apr & 1 resident Kelvin (AH); 1 Narran Lake NR 7 Apr -1 May
(AL); 2 Griffith Jun (Debus 1997). Now Scheduled as Endangered Fauna, all records
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 115Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa 1 Sharpes Ck, Gloucester Tops 17 Nov (JDu); 1 Pickettes
Valley 26 May, 2 Wyoming 26 May & Grahame Drive Bouddi NP 18 Aug (CCBR);
Annangrove 20 Jun (KB); Thirlmere Lakes NP 30 Oct (MTo), Wolery WR Jamberoo
1 1
2 Nov (RJo). Fewer records than in recent years.
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae HC Coutts Crossing 26 Feb & 15 Apr, Pillar Valley
18 Jun, Kungala 22 May (GC), HC Burrawan SF 19 Dec (RJ), Cobcroft Rest Area,
1 1
Werrikimbie NP 7 Sep (DP), Resident pr Jesmond (RP), 1 Wingham 22 Sep, injured
birds taken into care from Glendale 22 Feb, Stroud 6 Jun & Williamtown 3 Oct (HBR);
roadkill Ironbark Rd, Popran NP 26 Sep (RW); Bomaderry Creek 2 May (JPa); Nerriga
1 1
20 Jun (PMi).
Barn Owl T. alba Recorded Coutts Crossing, Grafton, Kungala & McPhersons Crossing
28 May -27 Nov (GC), taking Bentwinged Bats from cave Tintenbar 2 Nov (AF);
Recorded at 9 locations in the Hunter Region Apr -Nov, and another 13 birds were found
injured and taken into care, 10 of these in Sep (HBR); 4 records Gosford/Wyong May –
Sep (CCBR), 1 roosting George St, Windsor 3 Jul (RBo), 1 Silverwater 13 Aug (JD), 1
Quakers Hill 25 Dec (DPt); Bommaderry Ck 25 May (CCh); Griffith 20 Oct (M1-lu).
1 1
Grass Owl Tyto capensis 1 Kooramba HSD, Boggabilla May, N+4Y Merinda HSD,
Wee Waa (Debus et al 1998).
Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus 3+ Terrania Creek 13 Oct (BC), within known
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mysticalis. 1D Byron Bay 15 Jul (RM), late
date. Western records include:1 Newnes 21 Jun, 2 Munghom Gap NR 27 Jan (BC).
Departure: Nethercote 6 Feb (BJ), HC Westleigh 8 Feb (TK), roadkill Buccarumbi 20
Apr (GC); Arrival: Jamberoo & Nethercote l4 Oct (BJ,RJo), Hat Head HP 15 Oct (GC).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus 3 Pilliga NR & Pilliga East SF 7-9 Sep (JC); Mt Brobenah
20 Apr (BM); HC Coombie HSD, Roto 11 Sep (JHu).
Owlet Nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 1D Lilli Pilli Track, Wyrrabalong NP 13 Aug
(CCBR); Curra Moors, Royal NP 22 Mar (JN), some unusual coastal records.
Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 10+ Chatham 16 Nov (MMa), 50+ Station Creek 3-10
Dec (GC); 6+ Carlingford 2 Mar (TD), 6+ off Sydney 14 Apr (PMi), 2 Bilgola 13 Sep
(AMb); 3 Beehive Mtn, Bundarra 5 Apr (JC); 20+ Salt Caves, Pilliga East SF 5-8 Apr
116 April 1999White- throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Departure: Nethercote 26 Mar, 40
Bilgola 26 Mar (AMb), 5+ Coutts Crossing 31 Mar (GC). Arrival: 2 Pilliga East SF 5
Oct (TQ), 2 Belmore R, nr Hat Head NP 16 Oct (GC); Nethercote 29 Nov (BJ).
Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaeguinea Nth Brother Mtn 20 Dec had a 450 mm
long Yellow -faced Whip Snake Demansia psammophis in bill (GC).
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayii Bass Hill 9 June -17 Aug (EV,DMc), unusual
vagrant to Bass Hill.
Red -backed Kingfisher T pyrrophygia 1 Wilbriggie 16 Jun (PMo), I Yenta, Griffith 26
Jun (CG), 2 Wamoom 9 Nov (MSc), most furtherly east records in 1996 and winter
records inland are unusual.
Sacred Kingfisher 7′. sanctus 2 Surry Hills Police Station 15 Nov (DH). Departure:
Winston Hills 12 Mar (BDb), Arrival: 1 Lemon Tree 5 Sep (Jca); 1 Leeton 19 Sep (KH);
Norah Head & Devlins Creek, Epping 22 Sep (DH,TW), 2 at hollow South Grafton 23
Sep (GC), Scone 25 Sep (HBR),1 Coombie HSD, Roto 18 Oct (JHu). There were 6
over -winter records in the Hunter, 3 on Central Coast and 6 for Sydney, which is more
than usual.
Collared Kingfisher T chloris Estimated to be 16 prs present in the South Tweed Estuary
6-10 Oct (AM).
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus 2 Bilgola 10 Mar (AMb), 2 Capertee Valley 17
Mar (PDb). Arrival: 3 Willala 8 Sep (CC), 1 Tullys Hill 14 Sep (KH), 6 Booti Booti NP
19 Sep (DT), 6 Colo 21 Sep (MT).
Dollarbird Eutystomas orientalis Gwabegar 6 Oct (CG), unusual location. Departure:
1 Singleton 2 Mar (HBR), 2A Coutts Crossing 8 Mar (GC). Arrival: Spencerville 7 Sep
(MVBO), Chittaway 24 Sep (AM), Urunga & Hungry Head 26 Sep (GC), Booti Booti NP
27 Sep (DT), Middle Harbour Creek 2 Oct (BC), Bega 22 Oct (BJ).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor HC Coutts Crossing 30 Mar, Coramba NR 9 Feb, Terrarania
1 1
Creek 13 Oct (BC), HC Woolgoolga FR 26 Oct (GC); 3+ Copeland Common 5 Oct -28
Dec (Jdu,MLo), Copeland Tops 16 Nov- 22 Dec (HBR); 1 Lemon Tree 5 Jan (JCa), 1 Gap
Ck FR 27 Apr (PO); The Lemon Tree record is unusual in that the bird was preasent so
far south in summer, usually such records are in winter.
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens HC Dandahra Ck 22-24 Nov & Surveyors
Ck 24 Feb, Gibraltar Range NP (GC), within known range.
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 117White -throated Treecreeper Cormobates leucophaeus 1 Narrandera Common 11 Feb
(RWa), western record.
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis 6+ Gunderbooka NP Sep (WB), only
record received.
Red-browed Treecreeper Climacteris erythrops 2 Oatley HSD, Rylstone 4 Apr (DP
IBOC 5/96); Large numbers Bungongo SF 1-10 Nov (Gang Gang 2/97).
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus Cobbity 21 Apr -9 Jun (EV), numbers have drastically
declined in Sydney Region.
Splendid Fairy -wren Malurus splendens 1 Pulletop 8 Sep (BM), 1 Cocoparra NR 8 Nov
(EWh), within range.
Grey Grasswren Amytornis barbatus 2 groups Tereika HSD, Tibooburra 13 Apr (BF).
Large- billed Scrub -wren Sericornis magnirostris 2 Ferntree Gully, Rylstone 9 Apr
(KCh), western edge of range.
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygio Bucketty 4 Feb & Killingworth
5 Oct (HBR); 2 Warrah Trig, Brisbane Water NP (PR), Cattai Ridge 28 May (GT),
1 1
Westleigh 4 Dec (ARo), observer’s first record for area; White Box Camp, Goulburn
River NP 8-10 Jun (HBR); 2 Warrumbungle NP 24 May (KS); 1 Inglaba NR 15 Sep
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 2 Charcoal Tank NR 18-19 May (RPa); 2 imm in mallee
Coombie HSD Roto 11 Apr (JHu).
Striated Fieldwren Calamanthusf uliginosus 2 Mt Tianjarra 16-18 Mar (Gang Gang 5/
96), known site.
Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 5 Shanes Park, St Marys 11 May (EV), 2
Llandillo 28 May (GT), 6 Scheyville NP 7 Sep (EV); few sites remain in Sydney Region.
3 Deanderra HSD, Manilla 14 Jul (JW,RWa).
Western Gerygone Gerygone fusca 1 singing Brobenah Hills 29 Jun (KH); 10 Bulga 8
Sep (EV), 1 Glen Davis 7 Dec (SF), 2 Broke 8 Sep (HBR), the latter record is the most
easterly reported in 1996.
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea Boorooban, western edge of range 27 Oct
(JNe). Departure: 1 Lake Macquarie 22 Mar (HBR). Arrival: 1 s of Mullaley 3 Sep
118 April 1999(JC), Wingen 6 Sep (HBR), Colo 7 Sep (RMcG) & Taree (DT), 12+ Bulga 8 Sep
1 1
(EV), 4 Chittaway 19 Sep (AM) & Nethercote (BJ).
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis Pilliga East SF Dec (JE)
Buff-rumped Thornhill A. reguloides Nesting Bulga 14 Sep (HBR) & Mangrove
Mountain 21 Sep (MP).
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 2 Munghorn Gap NR 4-6 Oct (ASt),
most easterly report.
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata 2 Griffith Dep Ag 29 Jul (Pmo); Coombie
HSD Roto 25 Mar (JHu), extreme western edge of range in NSW.
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis N Capertee Valley 23 Nov (RT),
eastern edge of range.
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata Nesting in Forest Red Gum Eucalyptus
tereticornis Woodford Is 2-10 Oct (GC); 6 nests in Swamp Oak Allocasuarina glauca
Berkeley Vale-Chittaway Sep -Dec, generally rearing 2-3 young each attempt (AM).
Little Friarbird Philemon citreogularis Myall Lakes NP 30 Oct (HBR); 2 Bega 6 Feb
(Dia); 4+ Coombie HSD Roto 14-30 Oct (JHu).
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 12-15 Howes Valley 14 Apr (RHa), 1 Stockton
Ck, Morrisett 27 Apr (MRo), 4 Wyee Point 18 May -4 Jun (DGe,MR), 4 12 km SW
Merriwa 19 Jul, 5-7 Oct (HBR,IMc) ; 1 Cockle Bay NR 30 May -17 Jul (DGe), least
number on the Central Coast for 8 years; 2 1 km W of Picton 29 Oct (MTh); 2 Shoalhaven
Heads 28 May (DTh); Max 30 Munghorn Gap NR 9 Mar -6 Oct, nesting 21 Aug
(ASt,DGe,MRo), 1 Newnes 27 Jan (BC), 4 Mudgee 9 Mar -5 Apr (MR,TQ), 3 Meroo nr
Mudgee 30 Nov (MC);, 10 Goulburn River NP 8 Jun -23 Aug (Ali,AS,DG) & 5+ 12km N
on 25 Jul (NS), 16+8N Capertee Valley 20 Aug -7 Dec (CG,DGe,ID,JDa,RT), Tongo
SF 28 Jul (PBu), 2 Kedumba Valley, Lake Burragorang 10 Oct (PSm), 2 Spring Forest,
Koorawatha 8 Jun (SM); Gwydir R 6 Mar (DO), max 5, 15km SW Fernleigh HSD,
Blackville 26 Apr -21 Aug (JRo), 6 Barraba area 5-18 Jul, 6 Narrangah Ck, Bundarra 10
Aug (DO), max 5 Copeton Dam 8 Sep -8 Oct (BG). Some new locations, Goulburn River
NP appears to be a regular site.
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanosis 4 Garland Valley 28 Apr & 30 Jun (EV);
Chittaway Point 31 Mar (AM); 1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 3 Jan (PR); 2 Books Ferry 8 Mar
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 119Lewin’s Honeyeater Meliphaga lewinh 4+ Swan Rocks, Mt Kaputah NP 25 Jun, western
edge of range (RT).
Singing Honeyeater Lichenostomus virescens 2 Woodsreef 7 Apr (JH).
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 1 Yamba 24 Jul (EB).
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus 20+ Pulletop NR 6 Jul (BM).
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 15km N of Coombie HSD Roto all year (JHu), I
Round Hill NR 19 Jul (KJ).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus Small number Cockle Bay NR 30 May -6 Jun (DG),
unusual location; 2+ Blaxland Apr- May (PSm), where a winter visitor, recorded most
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptis gularis 1+ HC S of Grafton 10 Feb & Lanitza
21 May (GC); 2 Duck Ck, Auburn 11 Dec (BW); 1 Ravensworth SF 23 Apr (HBR); 6+
Gilgai, Nth Bundarra, Ashford, Bukkalla, Nullamanna, Yarrowyk & Bundarra 6-9 Apr
(JC); 3+ White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 8 Jun -12 Jul & 2 12km N 25 Jul (HBR),
2 Munghorn Gap NR 27 Jan (RW), 2+ Backyamma SF 4-8 Apr (MF), Conimbla NP 26-
28 Apr (JBo), 4 Dog Trap Hill, Yeoval 8 Oct (JC); 4 Baan Baa 8 Sep & 4 Leard SF 6 Sep
(JC); Ingalba NR 27 Aug (KH).
Brown -headed Honeyeater M brevirostris 15+ including juvs, Queens Lake (DLo
MVB 2/96); Present Munmorah SRA Oct (AM), 2+ with nesting material Mangrove
Mountain 14 Aug (MP).
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 16 Bicentennial Park 7 Aug (JR,NRu), 12+
Homebush Bay 6 Oct (BC), increased numbers in the Parramatta River wetlands and
adjacent areas; 1 Mootwingie NP 16 Sep (ABe), futher west than usual.
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta 1 Blackville 28 Dec (PDb); 10 (incl 1 im) Rockview
HSD, Glen Davis 27 Sep -7 Dec (AR,BP,SF), 3 Munghorn Gap NR5-7 Oct (ASt); 3+
Ingalba NR mid Nov (MC); 1 Oasis HSD 20 km SW Dubbo 28 Nov (JF); 3 Pilliga East
SF 5 Oct (CG); Max 2 Brobenah Hills 22 Sep -10 Nov (KH), 2 Griffith 27 Jan (PDb) & 20
Oct (MHu), north Griffith 8 Sep (EA), 4 Goonumbah HSD, S of Hay Nov (PM); Pr
feeding in Amyena quandong in Mulga Cobar 9 Sep (RT).
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 10 Gloucester Tops 28 Sep (EV),
Barrington Tops 2 Oct; 1 White Box Camp, Goulburn River NP 8-10 Jun (HBR), very
unusual location.
120 April 1999White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra 3 banded at 860 m alt at Dundarra Gully,
Washpool NP 24 Feb (GC), rare at this altitude in NE NSW.
White- fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons Nesting Mootwingie NP 4 Oct (ID); Feeding in
Box Mistletoe Coombie HSD, Roto 18 Mar, feeding in Eremophila opposigblia & serrulata
Jun -Sep (JHu), 20+ Round Hill NR 19 Jul (KJ) & 14 Sep (JR)
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Present Munmorah SRA, Wyrrabalong,
Bouddi & Brisbane Water NPs all year (CCBR); 2 Kings Tableland, Wentworth Falls 26
Mar (PSm).
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger I Cowra garden 8 Apr (AC); 6+ Salt Caves 5-8 Apr
(ALi) & 2M Pilliga East SF 5 Oct (CG); 30+ Charcoal Tank 15 Mar- 19 May (JLe,JR,RPa);
3 Tully’s Hill 11 Oct (CLi); 5+ Olive Downs, Sturt NP 27 May (APo), 2 40 km NW
Louth 18 Aug , 2 9 km N Cobar 19 Aug (ARo), 20+ Gunderbooka NP 1 Sep (WB), F
Mootwingie 4 Oct (ID); Present Coombie HSD Roto Sep (JHu) feeding in Eremophila,
many Round Hill NR 14 Sep (JR). Continuing the increased reporting rate of 1995.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 10+ Broken Hill 5-8 Apr (RMc), 10 50 km N Broken
Hill 27 May, 2 Olive Downs, Sturt NP 27 May, 6 80km E Tibooburra 29 May (APo), 4
Gunderbooka NP 1 Sep (WB), 1 Mootwingie NP 16 Sep (JR) & AM 4 Oct (ID), AF Jump
Up Trail, Sturt NP6 Oct (ID). More records than usual.
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Present all year Central Coast, feeding on
flowering Blackbutts & Melaleucas Jan -Apr, Swamp Mahogany May -Aug & Bottle Brush
& Blue Gum Sep -Dec, normally absent winter (CCBR); 4+ Blaxland Feb & Nov,
considered to be a passage migrant (PSm); 2 Sawn Rocks, Mt Kaputah NP 25 Jun (RT),
4+ Willala Hills 4 Sep (JC), rarely recorded so far west.
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor I Curl Curl Lagoon 19 Oct (NM); AM Brobenah
Hills 22 Sep (KH); Pr Coombie HSD Roto 8 Apr & many Sep (JHu). Few records for
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 12 Kyeemagh HSD, S of Hay 14 Dec (ABe)
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Max 2 Rainbow Reach 2 Apr -5 Oct (KS), 6+ Lake
Cathie (DWi,HBWN 4/96), these are the two most northly populations in coastal NSW;
55 Ash Island 18 Apr (HBR), good number.
Scarlet Robin Petroica multicolor 2 Wyee Point 22 Jun (HBR); AM Wolli Creek, Turella
8 Apr -11 May (NR), AM Shanes Pk, St Marys 11 May (EV), F Bass Hill 13-23 Jun
(EH,AP), some interesting Sydney records; I Gulpha SF 24 Mar (KH), most westerly
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 121Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii 4 Bulga 30 Jun (EV); AM Mt White May (JMg),
second Central Coast record; Attunga SF 26 Jun (MTo); AM east of Albury 26 Apr
Rose Robin P.rosea 2 arrived Westleigh late Jun, departed 12 Aug (ARo), 2 Scheyville
NP 7 Sep (EV); Im Euroley 11-19 Aug (KH), first Leeton District record.
Pink Robin P. rodinogaster AM Tallanganda SF 25 May -2 Jun, F 28 Jun & 2 prs 30
Nov (BH,DH,PH,TQ), AM Khancoban 26 Apr (RC). Records within known NSW range.
Flame Robin P. phoenecia Winter Records: F Woodford Is 18 Jul, F McPherson Crossing
26 & 31 Jul (GC), 1 Wantabadgery 28 Apr (MC); 2 Bushells Lagoon 12 May (EV), 2 Pitt
Town NR 27 Jun (KB); 4M+3F 4km E Narrandera (NJ) & 12M+ I F Brobenah Hills 8 Jul
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata Recorded Gungal, Battery Rocks, Wingen, Bulga
& Singleton in the Hunter Region 26 May -18 Dec (HBR); AM Jilliby Cemetary 22 Apr
(VM), first record for Central Coast in 10 years!; Declining status in the New England
District, seen only Hillgrove SF, Gara Reserve & Strathavon HSD, Armidale in 1996
(Fitri & Ford 1997); 2 Tallawang nr Gulgong 8 Oct (JC), 2 Glen Davis 23 Nov -7 Dec
(GMe,SF); 2 W of Marulan 18 Oct (JC); 2 Backyamma SF 5-8 Apr (JBo); 8 Brobenah
Hills 4 Aug (KH,BM).
Southern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Scenic Hill, Griffith 4 Oct (JSI), western
limit of range.
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii Recorded in the Hunter Region at Copeland Tops,
Copeland, Coopernook SF & Telegherry Forest park (HBR).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 4 Bagotville 23 Mar (JH), uncommon
in this area of the North Coast; Nesting Beresfield 8 Nov, furthest east Hunter record
Hall’s Babbler P. halli 6+ 3 km E Fords Bridge, 5+ 10 km N Fords Bridge 17 Aug
(ARo), 5+ 12 km SE Fords Bridge 24 Aug (NCh).
Spotted Quail- thrush Cinclosoma punctatum Mt Seaview 29 Apr (KS); 2 Murrumbung
Hsd, Mardi 14 Dec (JC); 1 Blaxland 27 Jan & 18 May (PSm); 4 Warrumbungle NP 24
May (KS). Not previously recorded at these sites.
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus Pr 8km N Gol Gol 8 May (KS).
122 April 1999Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum 10+ Sturt NP 27 May (APo), M&F The
Granites, Sturt NP 5 Oct (ID).
Chestnut- breasted Quail- thrush C castaneothorax 2 18km N of Cobar 11 Apr (BF), 1
Cobar 15 Sep (ABe), Whitecliffs 19 Sep (JR).
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculusfrontatus Only Central Coast record Mangrove Mountain
17 Dec (KP); 2 Yang Yang Res, Maude 7 Feb (PG); 1 6 km W of Bourke along river 17
Aug (ARo), some interesting western records.
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis 2 Backyamma SF 5-8 Apr (MF).
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea caught & banded Pappinbarra SFC 10 Jun
(DGe); Careys Peak 4 Aug, 2 Gloucester Tops 28 Sep (HBR); HC Barren Grounds NR
13 Aug (KS); 1 Tallangandra SF 25 Apr (PH), 1 Khancoban 26 Apr (RC), 1 Tumut
District SFs 1-10 Nov (Gang Gang 2/97).
Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis Round Hill NR 14 Sep (JR). Only record received.
Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata 2 Backyamma SF 5-8 Apr (MF),13 Warraderry SF 7 Apr
(GF), Conimbla NP 26-28 Apr (JBo), Coolbaggie NR Jul (IH), Charcoal Tank NR 6
1 1
Apr (JR); I Ingalba NR 27 Jan & mid Nov (MC); AM Gulpha SF 24 Nov (KH) & 14 Dec
(AM); AM 201cm N Gol Gol 8 May (KS), 3 Round Hill NR 14 Sep (ABe).
Golden Whistler P. pectoralis AM Euroley 11 Aug (KH), winter visitor.
Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: 1 Mitchell Park 8 Apr (EV). Arrival:
Mulbring 11 Aug (EV).
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Departure: Nethercote 27 Feb (BJ), 3
Canton Beach 30 Mar (CCBR), 4 Cumberland SF 6 Apr (CSh), Goolawah 15 Apr (KS),
Eccleston 28 Apr (HBR). Arrival: Mangrove Mountain 28 Aug (MP), Hat Head 15 Sep
(KS), Homebush Bay 22 Sep (CSh) & Awabakal NR (HBR), Hungry Head 26 Sep (RJ),
Nethercote 10 Oct (BJ).
Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus 1 Gloucester Tops 28 Sep (EV), 1 Copeland Tops 5
Oct (FOC), feeding young at Harrington 27 Dec (EV)2 Wallingat SF 26 Dec (EV), Bass
Hill 12 Oct (DMc); 1 Currarong 21 Mar (JWa), 1 Balgownie 20 Sep (WE). Two Illawarra
records in one year is most unusual.
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 123Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula N+2E Woodville 18 Feb (HBR), a late date.
Departure: 2+ Canton Beach 30 Mar (CCBR. Arrival: AM Coutts Crossing 11 Sep
(GC), South Creek Narrabeen 21 Sep (BC), Canton Beach 25 Sep (AM).
Satin Flycatcher M. cyanoleuca AM Munmorah SRA 9 Mar (CS), Bass Hill 12 Oct
(DMc), 2 Lane Cove NP 12 Oct (LH), AM PGH Gravel Pits 28 Oct (EV), Newington
A.D. 18 Nov (CSh), AM Westleigh Dec (ARo); 2M, F Newnes 26 Jan (BC), Lawson
1 1 1
12 Oct (TS), 3 nests Clarence Dam 17 Nov (LH); 4 Captains Flat Jan (AR).
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta 1 Lemon Tree 11 Mar (Jca), only Central Coast record.
Rufous Fantail R. rufifrons A+2Y Nethercote 25 Mar, late breeding date (BJ). Departure:
Blackbutt Res 7 May (HBR). Arrival: South Grafton (GC), Mangrove Mountain (MP) &
South Ck, Narrabeen 3 Oct (BC), 1 Newcastle Uni 10 Oct (HBR), 2 Bass Hill 12 Oct
(DMc). Arrival very syncronised across the State.
Grey Fantail Rhipidura fuliginosa 1 40 km W of Bourke 18 Aug (ARo).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus hottentotus Southern records: Batemans Bay 9 Jul (RT),
2 Sth Moruya Heads 16 May (KH) & 9 Jun (NMo), Ben Boyd NP 26 Jun (BJ). Inner
Sydney Records: Surry Hills 13 Aug (DH), Bondi Junct 30 Aug, Lilyfield 6 Sep,
Arrival: Long Jetty Jan (DM), Garden Suburb 25 Jan (HBR), Departure: Dee Why
1 1
Lagoon 15 Sep, Cockle Bay NR 30 Oct (JMI), Dellhurst 15 Dec (HBR). Breeding: A+J
Valla 9 Feb (GC). Only breeding record received.
Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata 2 Pottsville 7 Dec (TA), Harrington 26 Dec
White -breasted Cuckoo- shrike Coracina papuaensis Recorded at 8 sites across the
Hunter Region all year; 2 Mangrove Mountain Jul (MP); 2 Schofields 7 Apr (EV),
Stannix Park 11 May (RT), Scheyville NP 7 Sep (EV), 1 Lower Portland 8 Sep (KB), 1
Surry Hills 13 Sep (DH), 1 dark morph St Albans 3 Nov (CG).
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Arrival: Milbrodale 20 Sep (HBR), Ukerabagh Island 8 Oct
(AM), Hat Head 27 Oct (KS), Nethercote 6 Oct (BJ), St Albans & Mill Ck Dharug NP 3
Nov (CG,CCBR).
Ground Cuckoo- shrike C. maxima 2 Backyamma SF 5-8 Apr, 3 Conimbla NP 26-28
Apr (JBo); 3 Glen Ayr HSD, Kennebri & 1 Pilliga (CG,TQ), 3 Willala Hall 7 Sep (WR);
9 Colleambally 20 Apr (BM); 3 Coombie HSD Roto 10 Feb (JHu).
124 April 1999White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii Present Macleay Valley 2-7 Feb, 5-10 Oct (ABi,KS);
Common Hunter Region 5 Oct -31 Dec, in goups up to 25-30 birds at 11 sites, earlier
2A+2Y Hexham Samp NR 16 Jan (HBR); Pr nesting Wilberforce 14 Dec (RT), 1 Vineyard
11 Feb (EV); Arrival: 2M Brobenah Hills 22 Sep (KH) & Scone (HBR), AM Ermington
20 Sep (JHa) & 10 Oct (NP), 1 Scheyville NP 12 Oct & 1 PGH Gravel Pits Doonside 28
Oct (EV).
Varied Triller L. leucomela 3 Ukerabagh Island 8 Oct (AM), 1 Terrarania Creek 13 Oct
(BC), AM Iluka 25 Jul & 19 Oct (BC,EB), M&F Angourie 23 Jul (EB); 2 Copeland
Tops 3-5 Oct (FOC,HBR).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus 2 Yanco Silos 10 Jul (KH); Coombie HSD
Roto 24 Jan -10 Feb (JHu), some unusual south west records.
Figbird Sphecotheres viridus 200+ Roberts Ck, Woodford Island 13 Jun (GC), 5 nests in
Coral Trees Mungo Brush 14 Dec & 48 nests Booti Booti NP (DT).
White- breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus 5 Bayview 3 Feb (DK), 2A+1Y
Bakers Marina, Pittwater 10 Mar -28 Jun (AMb,IM), 2 Long Reef 1 Oct (MR), 2A+2Y in
Norfolk Is Pine Dee Why Beach 29 Sep -26 Dec (JCe,NM), no previous records for these
sites and represents a dramatic increase in the southern expansion of its coastal range;
Departure: Booti Bootu NP 25 Apr (DT), Norah Head 26 Apr (MR), Fullarton Cove 3
May (HBR), Pittwater 28 Jun (IM). Arrival: 2 Shortland WC 8 Aug (I-1BR), The Entrance
12 Aug (AM).
Masked Woodswallow Artamus personatus 30+ over Armidale 28 Nov (AL), no other
White-browed Woodswallow A. supercilliosus 4 Ash Island 21 Sep, 1 Fennell Bay 30
Oct (HBR); 300+ over Armidale 28 Nov (AL). Generally absent from NSW in 1996.
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Basically absent from Hunter Region coastal areas
2 Jul- 7 Aug and the Central Coast 4 May -24 Sep (CCBR,HBR); 5 Coombie HSD Roto
14 Oct (JHu).
Little Woodswallow A. minor 5 Coombie HSD Roto 25 Jan & 20 Oct (JHu). Only
Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis Freemans Reach 18 May (RF), unusual
Sydney Region record.
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus AM Copeland Tops 17 Nov (EV).
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 125Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 1.5Iun below Middle Bend, Gibraltar Range NP
Feb, close to E limit in this area (GC).
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus HC Ebor Falls 22 Jan, HC Thungutti Camp, New England
NP 21 Jan, HC Yellow Rock nr Urunga 27 Sep, Belmore R, Hat Head NP 16-17 Oct, 2
Ryans Cut, Crescent Head 18 Oct & 1 Port Macquarie 12 May (GC), resident at Hungry
Head, Nambucca Heads & Valla (Secomb 1997); 12 Gloucester Tops 19 Feb (AR), 2
Upper Monkerai 5 Oct & 10+ Wallis lake 26 Dec (HBR).
Torresian Crow C. orru 1 Seaham NR 16 Jun (EV)
Regent Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus chrysocephalus 10 (all brown birds) Paterson 2
Nov (HBR), most inland record for the Hunter Region; 30 Milina Rd Matcham 28 Jul
Satin Bowerbird P. violaceus 1 Armidale 21 Aug (AL).
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata 6 bowers known Coombie HSD Roto (JHu).
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica 10 Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 12 Oct (EV), 2 Capertee
Valley 20 Jul (SF) & many Glen Davis 23 Nov (GMe); 8+ Kyeemagh HSD, S of Hay 14
Dec (AM).
Skylark Alauda arvensis Ash Island 24 Aug (HBR).
House Sparrow Passer domesticus Nesting beneath Osprey nest on pole at Woodford
Island 25 Oct -12 Dec (GC).
Eurasian Tree Sparrow P. montanus 10+ Cowra 26 Apr (JBo), known site.
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Present in the Hunter Valley at Arrowfield, Bunnan &
Dallw000d, with small numbers on Kooragang Island 2-12 Mar (HBR).
Double- barred Finch Taeniophygia bichenovii Decidedly uncommon on Central Coast
in 1996, only 2 records, 4 Wyrrabalong Trig May (AM) & resident Mangrove Mountain
(CCBR); 3 Homebush Bay 12 Dec (BC); Seen regularly Tura Beach, Merimbula &
Pambula all year (BJ), max 26 Kalaru 5 Jan -1 Jun (MH); 20 Rocky Waterholes, Narrandera
9 Mar (NJ), 2 Coccoparra NP 16 Feb (SC), 12 Narrandera Rifle range 4 Aug (NJ). Southern
& western limits of distribution.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 15 Battery Rocks, Merriwa 27 Apr (ASt); 200
Capertee Valley 30 Mar -7 Dec (CG,TQ,SB), N+5E Rockview HSD Glen Davis25 Jan
126 April 1999(NH), 10 Kandos STW 4 Apr (LP IBOC 5/96); 11 Manilla 3 Nov & 1 Eumungerie 21
Nov (JW,RWa), Max 100 in 10 locations on the North-west Slopes 5-9 Apr (JC); 12
Bugaldie 8 Apr (ALi), 2 Gum Swamp, Forbes 14 Jan (DK). Good spread of records.
Red-browed Firetail N. temporalis 20 Rocky waterholes, Narranderra 22 Sep (NJ).
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata 2 Cobbitty 9 Jun (EV); 4 nests in one tree
Capertee Valley 23 Nov (RT).
Beautiful Firetail S. bella 1 Maddens Plains 17 Mar (Dwo); 1 Wombeyan Caves 23 Mar
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax Max 5 Woodford Is 25 Oct -12
Dec, 11+ feeding in Green Panic Panicum maximum near Lawrence 4 Dec, 10+ N of
Brushgrove 8 Nov, 250+ near barley paddock Southgate Creek 25 Oct (GC), Recorded
throughout the year in the Macleay Valley at Kempsey, Frederickton, Kinchela & Clybucca
max 50 (ABi,KS); Max 25+ Kooragang Island 21 Jan -28 Jul, Shortland 5 Feb & Oct, Ash
Island 3 Jun, 10+ Harrington 31 Jan (HBR); Present Tuggerah STW Mar- May (AM);
10+ Castlereagh 11 Jan (RT), 5 Hickey Park, Penrith 15-17 May (PSm), 300 Pitt Town
NR 18 May -18 Jul (BC,CSh), 170 Cornwallis Rd, Windsor 20 Aug (ID); 6 Copeton Dam
4 Apr & 4 Gilgai 6 Apr (SD). Good spread of records, Central Coast numbers are down.
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 20 Fivebough Swamp 15 Jun (KH).
Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Port Botany 2 Sep (Birdline), 2 North Botany Bay 23
Nov (DH), 2 Eastlakes 13 Oct -23 Nov (DH,RG).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus Present Hunter Valley at Warkworth
(JC), Denman, Kerrabee, Goulburn River NP & Arrowfield (HBR); 20+ Salt Caves, Pilliga
East SF 5-8 Apr (ALi), 6+ Leard SF 6 Sep (DMa).
Welcome Swallow Hirundo neoxena 500+ Everlasting Swamp 17 Jul (GC);
Tree Martin H. nigricans Arrival: 30+ Nethercote 7 Aug (BJ)
Fairy Martin H aerie! Arrival: 6 Cowper 25 Jul (GC), Shortland WC 7 Aug (HBR), I
Fivebough Swamp 10 Aug (KH), 12+ Tuggerah Dairy Swamp 12 Aug (AM), 1 Bugaldie
11 Aug (RMc), 2 Fivebough Swamp 10 Aug (KH) & 6 Capertee 17 Aug (mu).
Red -whiskered Bul Bul Pycnonotis jocosus Recorded Coffs Harbour 15 Oct -5 Dec
(GC), Boambee, Sawtell & Bellingen Sep (ABi,KS,DS), 2 Fernmont, Bellinger River 16
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 127Nov (PR); 1 Forster 21 Jan (DT) second record for location; 2 Belmont Lagoon Apr &
Dec (HBR). The northern range is obviously extending.
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis Southern records: Present Chittaway Point
Sep -Oct (AM,EV); 1 Tallawarra 13 Apr (CBr).
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Arrival: Capertee 17 Aug (JDu), Bulga
8 Sep (EV) & Broke (HBR).
Brown Songlark C. cruralis 2 Glennies Creek 12 Apr; 2 Bugaldie 28 Aug (RMc). Few
birds in NSW in 1996.
Golden -headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis 3 Junee STW 5 Jun (MC);
Silvereye Zosterops lateralis 10+ Coombie HSD Roto Jul -Aug (JHu).
Russet- tailed Thrush Zoothera heinii 2 Copeland 28 Sep & 17 Nov (BC,JDu), 2
Warakeila 27 Jul (HBR).
Bassian Thrush Z lunulata garden Earlwood 20 Feb (EV).
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 1 on back of horse at Nabiac 16 Feb, 4 Buladelah 8
Dec (GC).
Gould’s Petrel Pterodroma gouldii beach cast Neds Beach 13 Apr (DD)
Little Egret Egretta gazetta Airport 12 Apr (DD)
Cattle Egret Ardea ibis 6 Airport area 9-14 Apr (DD)
Swamp Harrier Circus approximans 1 Rabbit island 10 Apr (DD)
Buff- banded Rail Gallirallus phillipensis 5 throughout 9-15 Sep (AM)
128 April 1999Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 2 Neds Beach 9-14 Apr & 10-14 Sep
Wandering Tattler Heteroscelus incanus on rocks 13 Apr (DD)
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata airport 10-14 Sep (AM)
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 1 airport, irregular visitor 10-14 Sep (AM)
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris I airport 23 Mar (EW)
Double -banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 5 airport, late date 7-14 Sep (AM)
Black -faced Cuckoo -shrike Coracina novaehollandiae town area 10-14 Sep, rare
visitor (AM)
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 20+ airport, rare visitor 10-14 Sep (AM)
Christidis L. & Boles W.E. 1994 “The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories”,
RAOU Monograph No. 2. Melbourne.
Debus, S.J.S. 1997 “The Barking Owl in New South Wales”, Aust. Birds 30, 53-80.
Debus, S.J.S., Mcaiejewski S.E., & I.A.W.McAllan 1998 “The Grass Owl in New South Wales”, Aust.
Birds 31, 29-45.
Fitri, L.L. & H.A.Ford 1997 “Status, Habitat and Social organisation of the Hooded Robin Melanodryas
cucullata in the New England Region of New South Wales”. Aust. Birdwatcher 17, 142-155.
Izzard, J. 1997 “Ballina NSW Seabird Report 1996”, The Petrel 1996
Ley, A.J. 1998 “Waterbirds at Narran Lake Nature Reserve, New South Wales in 1996” Aust. Bird Watcher
McAllan, I.A.W. & Bruce M.D. 1988, “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working List”. Biocon Research
Group, Turramurra.
Mills, K. 1997 “Expansion of the range of the Crested Pigeon”, Aust. Birds 31, 12-20.
Morris, A.K. 1997 “Central Coast Bird Report /996”,CCFOC
Secomb, D. 1997 “The Forest Raven on the NSW Coast”, Aus Birds 31, 21-28.
Stuart, A. 1997 “Hunter Region of NSW Bird Report”. Hunter Bird Observers Club.
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 129APPENDIX I
List of Observers
ABe Allan Benson CG Chris Gladwin EA Enid Atkinson
ABi Tony Bischoff Cgo Carl Gosper EB E.H. Blackman
AC Athol Colemane CL Carl Love ED Ern Dunkley
AF Andrew Fay CLi Chris Lill EG Estelle Geering
AH Annabel Hoskins CM C. Meadows EK Elizabeth Karplus
AL Andrew Ley CS Colin Scouler EV Edwin Vella
ALe Alan Leishman CSh Chris Shinton EW Eric Wheeler
ALi Anne Lindsey CW Chris Watts Ewh Eric Whiting
AM Alan Morris DBu David Burns GB Graham Barwell
AMb Alan McBride DD Doug Davidson GBe G. Bedggood
AN Alan Norman DG Dennis Gosper GCI Grahame Clark
AP Tony Palliser DGe David Geering GF Graham Fry
Apl A. Plant DH Dion Hobcroft Gme G. Meek
APo A. Poore DHa D. Hare GN Greg Newling
ARo A.E.F. Rogers DJ Dellas Johnston GO G. Olde
ASt Allan Stuart DK David Koffel GP Graham Pittar
AW Alex Watson DL Dariel Larkins GPf Gil Pfitzner
Awe Andrew Wegner DLa David Latham GR Greville Reidy
AY Alan Yuan DLo Dianna Lock GS Garren Staines
BC Bruce Cox DM Don Moulton GSc Gerry Schultz
BD Brian Downer DMa David Martin GSt G. Stevens
BDb Bill De Belin DMc D. McKay GT Graham Turner
BF B. Fletcher DO Damon Oliver HB Howard Blackburn
BG B. Goodyer DOb Danny O’Brien HBR Hunter Bird Report
BH Barabra Harvey DOc D. O’Connor HJ Hugh Jones
BJ Barbara Jones DP David Page HP Heather Pittar
BM Bill Moller DPo David Potter HR H. Roberts
BMc B. McLean DR David Rohweder IlW Hans Wohlmuth
BMe B. Messenger DS David Secomb IB I. Bailey
BM1 Barabra McLaren DSm David Seims ID Irene Denton
BPo Beryl Popple DSy David Sawyer IF Ian Fraser
BT Bo Tottenham DT David Turner IG Ivan Gugger
BW Bruce Ward DTh Dennis Thorpe IH Ian Harpley
CB Chris Brandis DW Dave Weston IJ Ian Johnson
CBu Colin Butson DWe David Webb IM Ian Matthews
CBr C. Bryant DWi Don Whitfield IMc Ian McAllan
CCh Chris Chafer. DWo David Winterbottom IN Ian Nowacki
130 April 1999IR I. Riach KS Ken Singleton NJ Neville James
JA Jenny Attreed KT Kaji Toji NLo N. Love
JB Jenny Bounds KH Keith Hutton NM Norma Maxwell
JC John Carpenter LB Laurie Bartlett NMo N. Montgomery
JCa John Carey LC Laurie Conole NP N. Parsons
JCe J. Creswell LG Lucas Grenadier NR Neil Rankin
JDa J. Dark LH Lauris Hopkins NRu Neil Russill
JDe John De Heume LHa Libby Hall NS Natasha Schedvin
JDu John Duranti LM L. Moran NSc Neville Schraeder
JE Jan England LP Les Potter NSt N. Staun
JF Jim Francis LR Lyn Roberts PB Peter Beard
JFa Judy Fraser MBe M. Bellamy PBu Phil Burrell
JG J. Gibson MBu M. Bultitude PBr Paul Burcher
JH June Harris MC Marjorie Cochrane PC Pierre Charboneau
JHa Jeff Hardy MCa Mike Carter PCo Peter Coxon
JLe John Leonard MD Matthew Debus PD Peter Disher
JM Jane Millar MDa M. Daniels PDa Peter Davie
JMc Julie McEnally ME Murray Ellis PDb P. Drake -Brockman
JMg Joan McGregor MF Malcolm Fyfe PG Phillip Green
JMI John McLennan MH Michael Hickie PH Phil Hansbro
JMo Judy Moylan MHi M. Hicks PHo Phillip Homburg
JN J. Nowaczyk MHu Michael Hutchinson PM Phillip Maher
JNe John Nevison ML Marie Langdown PMc Paul McDonald
JPy J. Playter MLo Murray Lord PMe Peter Mackie
JR Judith Russill MM Michael Maher PMi Peter Milburn
JRo J. Rose MMa M. Marriott Pmo Pat Moller
JSe John Seale MN Mark Nolan PO P. Osborne
JSI June Sell MNe Michael Newman PR Peter Roberts
JV Jack Verhagen MP Margaret Pointer PRa Peter Ramm
JW J. Witham MR Michael Ronan PSm Peter Smith
JWa Jim Wallis MRb M. Robinson PW Peter West
JWi John Witt MRi M. Richmond RBe Robin Benson
JWn Jill Warner MRo Mark Robinson RBI Roger Boland
KB Keith Brandwood MSc Michael Schultz RBo R. Bourne
KBg Kim Burgess MT Maureen Tyler RC Dick Cooper
KBu K. Buckner Mto Michael Todd RE Rosemary Eyles
KC Keith Corbett MVBOMacleay V. Bird RG Rob Gardiner
KCh Kerry Chafer Obs RH Robyn Hill
KE Keith Egan NC Nicholas Carlisle RHa R. Handy
KM Kevin Mills MW M. Wilson RHu Rod Hunter
KP Kaye Pointer NH Nick Hodges RJ Russell Jago
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 131RJa Roger Jaensch SC Shirley Chittick TKa Tom Karplus
RJo Richard Jordan SCh Staurt Chapman TM Tim Morris
RM Bob Moffat SDu S. Dundon TN Ted Nixon
RMa R. March SE Stephen Edwards TS Tony Saunders
RMc R. McNaught SF Stuart Fairbairn TW Tom Wilson
RMg R. McGovern SH Shirley Hanke VM Vince McKenzie
RP Pobert Payne SK Sue Kitchen VS Val Stephens
RPa R. Parker SLo S. Love WB Walter Boles
RT R.J. Turner SM S. McInerney WE Wal Emery
RW Rob Way TA Tony Ashby WK Wayne King
RWa R. Watts TD Tony Dymond WL Bill Lewis
RWe Roy Wade TH T. Hunt WR W. Reeves
SA Sasha Aldin TQ Trevor Quested WS Warren Sweeney
SB S. Bosanquet TK Tim Kenny WT W. Thompson
Reported Region Co-ordinates
Location 1st Long Barren Grounds NR I 34 38 150 40
Bass Hill S 33 54 150 56
Adamstown H 32 56 151 42 Bateau Bay CC 33 23 151 28
Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 11
Agnes Banks S 33 39 159 42 Bayview S 33 40 151 18
Allyns River Forest Park H 33 07 151 25 Bega SC 36 41 145 50
Allworth H 32 33 151 58 Beehive Mm, Bundarra NT 30 06 150 51
Angourie Bay NC 29 29 152 22 Bel more Swamp NC 31 05 152 55
Anna Bay H 32 47 152 17 Ben Boyd NP SC 37 09 150 00
Annnagrove S 33 40 150 57 Benerembed Weir SWP 34 33 145 53
Appin 1 34 I I 150 47 Bermagui SC 36 25 150 03
Ardlethan SWS 34 23 146 53 Bilambil Creek NC 28 14 153 27
Ariah Park SWS 34 21 147 12 Bilgola S 33 39 151 20
Arakoon NC 30 53 153 04 Bingara NWS 29 55 151 35
Arrowfield H 32 27 150 50 Birdie Bch,MunmorahSRA CC 33 12 151 36
Ash Island H 32 52 151 43 Blackalls Bay, Woy Woy CC 33 29 151 20
Attunga SF NT 30 55 150 55 Blackbutt Reserev H 32 57 151 42
Ashford NWS 29 20 151 06 Blackville NWS 31 39 150 15
Avoca Beach CC 33 26 151 32 Blaxland S 33 34 150 36
Backyamma SF CWS 33 20 148 13 Blue Bay CC 33 21 151 30
Bagotville NC 28 59 153 23 Boambee NC 30 20 153 05
Ballina NC 28 53 153 56 Boatharbour NR NC 34 03 151 08
Balmoral Beach S 33 49 151 15 Bombah Pt, Myall Lakes H 32 30 152 18
Banyabba NR NC 29 21 153 00 Bomadeny Ck, Nowra I 34 51 150 35
Barham SWP 35 38 144 08 Bondi S 33 54 151 16
Barraba NWS 30 22 150 38 Boondelbah Island NR H 32 43 152 14
132 April 1999Boorowa CT 34 27 148 44 Charlestown H 32 58 151 42
Boothbys Ck, Southgate NC 29 37 153 05 Charcoal Tank SWS 33 53 147 02
Booti Booti NP H 32 30 152 32 Chittaway Point CC 33 19 151 28
Bouddi NP CC 33 31 151 34 Clarence CT 33 28 150 13
Botany S 33 57 151 12 Clarencetown H 32 35 151 47
Bourke FNWP 30 05 145 56 Clarence Broadwater NC 29 25 153 08
Boumda NR SC 36 48 149 55 Clybucca NC 30 56 152 57
Bouwick HSDMt Tenandra NWS 31 11 148 47 Cobar FNWP 31 30 145 50
Bradleys Head S 33 51 151 14 Cockle Bay NR CC 33 30 151 22
Brisbane Water CC 33 29 151 21 Cocoparra NR SWP 34 08 146 14
Brobenah Hills SWP 34 29 146 21 Coffs Harbour NC 30 18 153 08
Broken Hill FSWP 31 56 141 29 Coldstream NC 29 35 153 08
Brooman SC 35 29 150 17 Colinroobie SWP 34 25 146 34
Brooms Head NC 29 37 153 20 Collarenebri NWP 29 33 148 34
Broulee SC 35 51 150 10 Col leambal ly SWP 34 49 145 51
Brushgrove NC 29 34 153 04 Colo S 33 26 150 50
Bruxner Park NC 30 15 153 06 Colongra Swamp CC 33 12 151 33
Buccarumbi NC 29 51 152 36 Comleroy SF S 33 24 150 50
Budgewoi Lake CC 33 15 151 32 Comleroy Rd, Colo S 33 27 150 43
Bugaldie CWS 31 07 149 07 Como S 34 00 151 04
Bugilbone NWS 30 02 148 44 Conargo SWP 35 18 145 11
Bukkula NWS 29 31 151 01 Conimbla NP CWS 33 52 148 25
Buladelah NC 32 24 152 12 Conjola SF I 35 10 150 29
Bulga H 32 29 151 01 Conjurong Point I 35 16 150 32
Bundarra NT 30 10 151 04 Coogee S 33 56 151 15
Bungawalbin NR NC 29 03 153 18 Cook Island NR NC 28 10 153 35
Bunjalung NP NC 29 21 153 04 Coolbaggie NR CWS 31 58 148 43
Bunyip Ck, Trenayr NC 29 37 152 58 Coombie HSD, Roto FSWP 32 50 145 21
Bunnan H 32 02 150 35 Coon Is, Swansea H 33 04 151 38
Burrawan SF NC 31 34 152 46 Cooranbong H 33 04 151 26
Burragorang Dam S 33 57 150 25 Copeland Common NC 32 00 151 52
Burrill Lake Beach 1 35 22 150 26 Copeland Tops NC 31 58 151 50
Bushel’s Lagoon S 33 34 150 48 Copeton Dam NWS 29 55 150 58
Byron Bay NC 28 38 153 38 Coralville 3! 52 152 38
C & A Dam, Mulbring H 32 53 151 31 Coramba NR NC 30 13 153 01
Calliope NC 29 40 153 03 Corindi Beach NC 30 01 153 12
Campbells Swamp,Griffith SWP 34 13 145 58 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
Canton Beach CC 33 16 151 32 Cowans Ponds NC 29 43 152 55
Cape Solander S 34 01 151 14 Cowper NC 29 35 153 05
Capertee valley CT 33 06 149 59 Cowra CT 33 50 148 41
Captains Flat ST 35 45 149 25 Cremome S 33 51 15114
Carcoar CT 33 37 149 08 Crescent Head NC 31 12 152 59
Cassilis CT 33 01 149 58 Cudmirrah 1 35 13 150 32
Castle Hill S 33 44 151 00 Cumberland SF S 33 45 151 02
Castlereagh S 33 40 150 41 Cundletown H 31 53 152 33
Castlereagh NR S 33 41 150 45 Curl Curl Ck, Manly Dam S 33 47 151 15
Cattai NP S 33 33 150 54 Curramoors, Royal NP S 34 10 151 03
Cattai Ridge S 33 33 150 56 Currarong I 35 02 150 49
Cedar Hill H 32 53 151 38 Dandahra Ck,Gilbraltar NP NC 29 29 152 25
Central Colo S 33 25 150 47 Dandry Rd, CoonabarabranCWS 31 13 149 18
Chaffin Creek,Tucabia NC 29 42 153 08 Dangars Lagoon NT 30 41 151 31
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 133Dart Is, Clarence River NC 29 25 152 18 Goulbum River NP CT 32 18 150 04
Davistown CC 33 29 151 21 Grahamstown Reservoir H 32 45 151 48
Deanderra HSD, Manilla NWS 30 34 150 36 Greendale S 33 56 150 40
Deep Ck, Narrabeen S 33 42 151 15 Green Cape,Ben Boyd NP SC 37 24 150 03
Dee Why Lagoon S 33 46 151 18 Green Point H 33 28 151 21
Denman H 32 23 140 41 Grenfell CWS 33 53 148 10
Doonside S 33 45 150 52 Grose Wold S 33 38 151 41
Doughboy Hollow H 32 38 151 10 Griffith SWP 34 17 146 03
Dubbo CWS 32 15 148 35 Gulpha Island SWP 35 50 144 59
Duck Ck, Auburn S 33 50 151 10 Gulpha SF SWP 35 45 144 57
Dudley H 32 59 151 43 Gum Swamp, Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59
East Chatswood S 33 48 151 12 Gunderbooka NP FNWP 30 35 145 45
Eastlakes S 33 56 151 13 Gwabegar NWP 30 37 148 57
East Maitland H 32 45 151 36 Gwydir R, Bundarra NWP 30 11 151 04
Ebor Falls NT 30 24 152 21 Gwydir Wetlands NWP 29 15 149 20
Eden SC 37 04 149 54 Hallidays Point H 32 04 152 33
Eldersleigh H 30 37 151 20 Hannan Vale H 31 43 152 35
Ellalong H 32 55 151 18 Hastings Point NC 28 23 153 34
Emery Rice Shed SWP 34 57 145 50 Hay SWP 34 29 144 52
Erigola Mining Lease SWP 33 50 146 24 Hermidale CWP 31 33 146 44
Erina Heights CC 33 26 151 25 Hickey Pk, Penrith S 33 46 151 41
Ettalong CC 33 21 151 20 Holbrook SWS 35 43 147 19
Euroka NC 31 07 152 48 Holdsworthy S 33 59 150 58
Euroley SWP 34 37 146 24 Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05
Everlasting Swamp NC 29 32 153 04 Hornsby S 33 42 151 04
Federal NC 28 39 153 28 Hoskintown ST 35 25 149 26
Femleigh HSD, Blackville NWS 31 42 150 17 Howes Valley H 32 51 150 50
Fivebough Swamp SWP 34 32 151 05 Hungry Head NC 30 31 153 01
Fowlers Gap FNWP 31 04 141 43 Iluka Bluff NC 29 24 153 22
Forbes CWS 33 22 148 02 Ingalba NR SWS 34 30 147 28
Forbes River,Birdwood NC 31 21 152 20 Inverell NWS 29 46 151 09
Fords Bridge FNWP 29 45 145 27 Ironbark Rd, Popran NP CC 33 20 151 10
Forster H 32 10 152 32 Jacana HSD, Clarenza NC 29 43 152 58
Freemans Reach S 33 34 150 47 Jacks Ck, Liverpool Range NWS 31 43 150 36
Frederickton NC 31 02 152 52 Jamberoo 1 34 38 150 48
French’s Forest S 33 45 151 13 Kangaroo Creek NC 29 52 152 55
Freshwater Bh,YuraygirNP NC 29 55 153 05 Jellat SC 36 43 149 53
Gerringong 1 34 45 150 50 Jellat Jellat Swamp SC 36 44 149 55
Gilgai NWS 29 51 151 06 Jersey Springs, Royal NP S 34 06 151 03
Gingham Watercourse NWP 29 12 149 19 Jerseyville NC 30 55 153 05
Girilambone CWP 31 15 146 55 Jilliby CC 33 14 151 23
Glen Ayr HSD, Kennebri NWP 30 47 149 02 Joss Is, Clarence River NC 29 28 153 19
Glenbrook S 33 45 150 36 Junee SWS 34 55 147 35
Glendale H 32 58 151 38 Kalaru SC 36 44 149 56
Gol Gol FSWP 34 13 142 13 Kandos STW CT 32 53 149 58
Goolawah NC 31 13 152 57 Kangaroo Mountain H 32 13 151 03
Goongumbla HSD Hay SWP 34 55 145 30 Katandra SR CC 33 24 151 23
Goonoo SF CWS 32 05 148 50 Katoomba CT 33 42 150 18
Goorianawa CWS 31 16 148 53 Kedumba Valley CT 33 49 150 22
Gould Island NR H 32 41 152 13 Kellyville S 33 42 151 56
Gospers Lagoon, Colo S 33 26 150 43 Kelvin NWS 30 49 150 21
134 April 1999Kempsey NC 31 04 152 49 Menangle 34 08 150 45
Kentucky SF SWS 35 50 146 34 Merimbula Lake SC 36 54 149 54
Kerrabee H 32 24 150 19 Meroo nr Mudgee CT 32 38 149 38
Khancoban ST 36 13 148 08 Meroo Beach 1 34 49 150 36
Kinchela NC 30 59 152 59 Micalo Island NC 29 28 153 18
Kincumber Meadows CC 33 29 151 23 Middle Harbour Ck S 33 48 151 14
Kings Tableland CT 33 28 150 15 Miles Is, Wallis Lake H 32 11 152 30
Kiwarrack SF H 31 59 152 27 Millbank NC 30 55 152 35
Kogarah S 33 59 151 08 Mill Ck, Dharug NP CC 33 23 151 02
KoorambaHSD, Boggabilla NWP 28 41 150 20 Millingandi SC 36 53 149 51
Kungala NC 29 57 153 00 Mitchell Park S 33 35 151 53
Kurrajong Heights CT 33 32 150 38 Minnie Water NC 29 46 153 18
Kyeemagh HSD Hay SWP 34 43 144 52 Mistral Pt, Coogee S 33 56 151 15
Lake Arragan, Yuraygir NP NP 29 34 153 20 Mogareka SC 36 42 149 58
Lake Burragorang; CT 34 10 150 20 Mogo Camp, Yengo NP S 33 19 151 04
Lake Cathie NC 31 36 152 52 Moira Lakes SWP 35 57 144 57
Lake Cawndilla FSWP 32 28 142 14 Moonan Flat H 31 56 151 14
Lake Conjola 35 15 150 27 Mooney Ck, Brisbane
Lake Goran NWS 30 18 150 12 Water NP CC 33 26 151 15
Lake Tabourie 35 23 150 25 Moree NWP 29 28 149 52
Lake Wollumboola 35 00 150 46 Moruya SC 35 55 150 06
Lapstone CT 33 55 150 49 Moruya Heads SC 35 55 150 10
Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06 Mosman S 33 50 151 14
Leard SF NWP 30 34 150 08 Mount Keira 34 24 150 51
Leeton SWP 34 33 146 24 Mount Tenandra NWS 31 12 148 44
Lemon Tree CC 33 08 151 22 Mt Tianjarra, Morton NP 35 11 150 18
Levenstrath NC 29 49 152 56 Mudgee CT 32 37 149 45
Lilli PiIli, Bega SC 35 47 150 13 Mulgoa S 33 50 150 38
Lilli Pilli Track, Mullaley NWS 31 05 149 56
Wyrrabalong NP CC 33 18 151 31 Munghom Gap NR CT 32 23 149 50
Lilyfield S 33 52 151 10 Mungo Brush H 32 43 152 18
Linden CT 33 43 150 30 Murrumbateman ST 34 58 149 02
Long Reef S 33 45 151 19 Murrumbo CT 32 23 150 13
Long Hole Lgn,Tucabia NC 29 40 153 07 Murrumbung HSD, Mardi CC 33 18 151 15
Long Jetty CC 33 21 151 29 Myall Lakes NP H 32 27 152 25
Louth FNWP 30 33 145 07 Nabiac NC 32 06 152 23
Lower Portland S 33 27 150 54 Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00
Macksville NC 30 42 152 56 Narara Ck, Narara CC 33 24 151 45
Maclean NC 29 28 153 19 Narooma SC 36 15 150 07
Maddens Plains 1 34 16 150 55 Narran Lakes NR NWP 29 45 147 25
Manildra CT 33 12 148 42 Narrandera Common SWP 34 43 146 35
Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43 Nelligen SC 35 39 150 05
Mangrove Mountain CC 33 18 151 11 Nemingha NC 31 07 150 59
Manning Point H 31 52 152 42 Nerricon Swamp SWP 34 13 146 02
Maria River Rd NC 31 13 152 55 Nerriga SC 35 07 150 05
Market Swamp, Sandgate H 32 53 151 42 Nethercote SC 37 01 149 50
Maraylya S 33 36 150 54 Newcastle Water Res H 32 53 151 42
Marsfield S 33 49 151 07 Newfoundland SF NC 29 55 153 10
Mathoura SWP 35 49 144 54 Newington Armament Dp .S 33 50 151 03
McGraths Hill CC 30 38 150 49 Newnes CT 33 11 150 13
McPhersons Crossing NC 29 49 152 55 Noola HSD, Junee SWS 34 39 151 35
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 135Norah Head CC 33 17 151 35 Rockview HSD,Glen Davis CT 33 09 150 08
North Epping S 33 45 151 06 Rosedale HSD,
North Head S 33 49 151 17 Ulamambri CWS 31 18 149 23
North Tacoma CC 33 19 151 26 Rose’s Lagoon. Collector ST 34 54 149 31
Norton’s Basin,Wallacia S 33 51 150 37 Round Hill NR FSWP 33 00 146 10
North Botany Bay S 33 58 151 12 Royal Botanical Gardens S 33 52 151 13
North Brother Mountain NC 31 39 152 47 Sackville S 33 29 150 54
North Rothbury H 32 42 151 21 St Albans S 33 07 150 58
O’Hares Creek 34 13 150 52 St Georges Basin 35 07 150 38
Olney SF H 33 05 151 15 St Huberts Island CC 33 29 151 20
Ourimbah CC 33 23 151 03 Salt Caves, Pilliga East SF NWP 30 45 149 18
Ourimbah Ck, Chittaway CC 33 20 151 25 Salt Lake, Nadgee NR SC 37 28 149 58
Pacific Palms H 32 20 152 32 Sandbar 32 23 152 32
Pappinbarra FSC NC 31 16 152 25 Sandon River NC 29 41 153 19
Palmers Is, Yamba NC 29 25 153 16 Sandy Camp HSD
Pambula SC 36 57 149 52 Quambone CWP 30 52 147 44
Parkes CWS 33 08 148 10 Sawn Rocks, Mt Kaputah NWP 30 08 150 04
Pearce’s Pass CT 33 33 150 19 Scheyville 33 38 150 54
Pelican Is, Wallis Lake H 32 19 152 31 Schofields 33 42 150 52
Pelican Point CC 33 18 151 34 Sea Acres NR NC 31 27 152 56
Pennant !fills S 33 45 151 03 Seaham NR NC 32 40 151 44
Penrith Lakes S 33 43 150 41 Seven Hills 33 47 150 56
Penuca Swamp SC 36 45 149 55 Shanes Park, Blacktown S 33 47 150 52
Pickettes Valley CC 33 27 151 25 Shell Pt, Botany Bay 34 02 151 08
Picton 34 11 150 17 Shoalhaven Heads 34 52 150 45
Pillar Valley NC 29 46 153 07 Shortland WC 32 53 151 41
Pilliga NWP 30 23 148 55 Smiths Lake H 32 23 152 30
Pilliga NR NWP 30 59 149 28 South Ck, Narrabeen 33 43 151 15
Pilliga East SF NWP 30 45 149 18 Southgate NC 29 37 153 05
Pilliga West SF NWP 31 03 149 10 South Turramurra 33 45 151 06
Pitt Town NR S 33 36 150 50 South West Rocks NC 30 53 153 02
Pittwater S 33 37 151 18 Spicers Creek CWS 32 13 149 01
Plover Is, Sandon River NC 29 41 153 20 Spoon Bay, Wamberal CC 33 25 151 27
Point Danger NC 28 12 153 34 Sportsman Creek NC 29 30 153 03
Pokolbin Lake H 32 46 151 18 Stannix Park 33 31 150 51
Poloko Lake FNWP 30 41 146 11 Station Creek NC 29 56 153 14
Popran NP CC 33 22 151 12 Steam Plain SWP 35 03 145 22
Portland Hd Rd, Sackville 33 29 150 54 Stephens Ck Reservoir FSWP 31 53 141 33
Pottsville NC 28 23 153 34 Stockton Borehole Swp H 32 53 151 48
Puddledock NT 30 24 151 44 Stroud 32 25 152 58
Pulganbar Ck, Fineflower NC 29 27 152 40 Suny Hills S 33 53 151 13
Pulletop NR SWP 34 03 146 II Surveyors Ck,GibraltarR NC 29 31 152 18
Purgatory Ck, Jackadgery NC 29 28 152 38 Swan Lake 35 12 150 33
Quakers Hill S 33 44 150 53 Swansea 33 05 151 38
Queens Lake NC 31 37 152 47 Tahlee 32 40 152 02
Racecourse Bch, Ulladulla 35 23 150 28 Tallanganda SF ST 35 58 149 30
Ramomie NC 29 39 152 48 Taloumbi NC 29 34 153 16
Red Rock NC 29 59 153 14 Tanilba Bay, Pt Stephens H 33 43 152 02
Reefton SWL 34 16 147 27 Taree 31 55 152 26
Richmond Hill NC 28 48 153 20 Telegherry Forest Park H 32 20 152 05
Rockdale S 33 27 151 08 Teralba 32 58 151 37
136 April 1999Terieuka HSD,Tibooburra FNWP 29 15 142 33 Warrumbungle NP CWP 31 18 149 00
Termeil I 35 29 150 21 Watsons Bay S 33 51 151 16
Terrania Creek NC 28 37 153 18 Way Way SF NC 30 48 152 58
Texas NWS 28 52 151 08 Weddin Mountains SWS 33 58 147 59
The Jump Up, Sturt NP FNWP 29 15 141 57 West Kempsey NC 31 05 152 49
The Ranch HSD, Kennebri NWS 30 42 148 57 Westleigh S 33 43 151 04
Thirlmere Lakes NP 1 34 14 150 13 White Box Camp
Thungutti Camp, New Goulbum R NP CT 32 17 150 03
England NP NT 30 29 152 23 White Cliffs FNWP 30 52 143 03
Toowoon Bay CC 33 22 151 30 Whitton SWP 34 31 146 11
Torrybum NWS 30 27 151 13 Wilberforce S 33 34 150 51
Towra Point NR S 34 02 151 11 Wilcannia FNWP 31 33 143 22
Tucabia NC 29 40 153 06 Willala Hall NWP 30 50 149 52
Tuckerbil Swamp SWP 34 27 146 21 Willala Hills NWP 30 51 149 46
Tuggerah Lakes CC 33 20 151 29 Williamtown H 32 49 151 49
Tuggerah Dairy Swamp CC 33 17 151 25 Willoughby S 33 48 151 12
Tuggerah STW CC 33 18 151 26 Windermere Dam CT 32 48 149 48
Tullakool Salt Works SWP 35 24 144 12 Wingen H 31 54 150 53
Tullys Hill, Narrandera SWP 34 28 146 29 Wingham H 31 52 152 22
Tuncurry H 29 57 146 06 Wittitrin NC 31 05 151 38
Turrill CT 32 08 149 51 Windsor S 33 37 150 48
Tweed River Estuary NC 28 11 153 32 Winston Hills S 33 46 150 59
Ukerabagh Island NC 28 13 153 33 Woko NP H 31 50 151 52
Uki NC 28 25 153 19 Wolli Creek S 33 56 151 08
Ulladulla SC 35 22 150 29 Wollongong I 34 26 150 56
Ulmarra NC 29 37 153 03 Woodford Dale NC 29 32 153 06
Ulong NC 30 15 152 51 Woodford Is, Yamba NC 29 30 153 10
Upper Colo S 33 26 150 44 Woodsreef NT 30 23 150 47
Urunga NC 30 30 153 01 Woody Head, Yuraygir NP NC 29 22 153 22
Valla NC 30 36 153 01 Woolgoolga NC 30 07 153 13
Vaucluse S 33 52 151 15 Woolgoolga FR NC 30 07 153 08
Violet Hill Rd, Myall Wooyung NC 28 28 153 33
Lakes NP H 32 28 152 19 Woronora S 34 03 151 02
Vineyard S 33 39 150 50 Wyee Point CC 33 07 151 31
Wahroonga S 33 43 151 07 Wyoming CC 33 25 151 20
Wallacia S 33 53 150 38 Yanco Silos SWP 34 36 146 19
Wallagoot SC 36 47 149 56 Yamba NC 29 26 153 22
Wallenbeen SWS 34 32 148 09 Yang Yang Res, Maude SWP 34 34 144 16
Wangaretta HSD, Warren CWP 31 27 148 04 Yarramundi S 33 37 150 40
Waterfall S 34 05 151 00 Yarrowyk NT 30 27 151 21
Wantabadgery SWS – 35 03 147 44 Yass ST 34 50 148 55
Warkworth H 32 35 151 02 Yathong NR FSWP 32 22 145 30
Warrabah NP NWS 30 13 150 49 Yengo NP H 33 06 151 06
Ward Gate, Sturt NP FNWP 29 00 148 55 Yessabah NC 31 05 152 41
Warwick Farm S 33 55 150 57
Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 137THE BIOGRAPHY BEHIND THE BIRD:
8/119 Shannon Street, BOX HILL NORTH 3129
The naming of a new ornithological species, particularly at the present time in
Australia, is quite an event. Equally significant is the story behind the naming of a new
species in the past. Whenever a person’s name has been incorporated it is of interest as to
why it was used. This usually occurs with specific names, for example Dasyornis
broadbenti, the Rufous Bristlebird, was named after Kendall Broadbent (1837 – 1911)
field naturalist and collector, while Charadrius leschenaultii (Greater Sand Plover)
commemorates J. B. Leschenault de la Tour (1773 – 1826), French collector and botanist.
At times this applies to the generic name, for example, Lathamus discolor (Swift Parrot)
named in honour of Dr John Latham (1740 – 1837) English ornithologist, an important
figure in early Australian ornithology. In rare instances both genus and species are named
after persons, for example Ashbyia lovensis (Gibberbird), commemorating Edwin Ashby
(1861 – 1941), an ornithologist of South Australia, and the Rev. James Robert Beattie
Love (1889 – 1947), who collected birds for Ashby.
At present approximately 90 species of Australian birds carry the names of individuals
who have made memorable contributions to Australian ornithology. Bird names used
here follow those of Christidis and Boles (1994).
Honeyeaters had been observed in the Eungella rainforests inland from Mackay
(Old) and it was assumed that they were Bridled Honeyeaters, then known as Meliphaga
frenatus. During a museum expedition in 1975, Walter Boles and Wayne Longmore
noticed that these birds were different; their investigations led to the discovery of an
entirely new species. Their report of the event was published in the Emu in June 1983,
naming the bird Meliphaga hindwoodi. Although the name of the genus has subsequently
been changed to Lichenostomus, the specific name hindwoodi will stand, under
international rules of nomenclature. Extracts from that historical report are presented
“The first specimen of M hindwoodi was collected on 5 April 1975 during a faunal
survey of eastern Australian rainforests conducted by the Australian Museum and
Queensland Museum ” (Longmore & Boles 1983). During fieldwork from 29
November – 8 December 1978 and from 5 – 7 May 1980 other specimens were collected
138 April 1999by N. W. Longmore and W. E. Boles. Both ornithologists had observed and handled
other species of thefrenata-group and, “The marked differences in plumage colour and
markings, size, bill colour and calls prompted us to separate it as a distinct species”
(Longmore & Boles 1983).
It is considered that when environmental conditions forced the rainforest to retreat,
populations of the frenata-group, “became isolated in more favourable refuges where
they differentiated into the present day species. (Longmore & Boles 1983).
THE NEW SPECIES Meliphaga hindwoodi sp. nov.
Holotype: .. Collected at Massey Creek, Clarke Range, Queensland …., on 7 December
1978 ….The name hindwoodi is given in appreciation of the lifetime’s study of
Australian ornithology by the late Keith Alfred Hindwood (1904 – 1971). It is also
proposed that the English name be Eungella Honeyeater.
“Eungella” (pronounced “yun-gella” with a hard ‘g’ as in gift) is an Aboriginal word
meaning “mountain of the mists” which refers to the area around the township of
Eungella (Dalrymple Heights) in the Clarke Range’ (Longmore and Boles 1983).”
Holotype is the original, or ‘type’ specimen, from which the description of a new
species is made.
sp. nov. is an abbreviation of the Latin for ‘new species’.
Keith Alfred Hindwood, ‘Lofty’ as he was affectionately known (“Spurwing” 1971)
because he was 19Icm high, was born in the Sydney suburb of Willoughby on 3 July

  1. He was educated until the age of 14 years at North Sydney Public School. In 1928
    he set up a wholesale stationery and printing concern which he ran until he retired in
    Hindwood published his first article in Emu, the journal of the Royal Australasian
    Ornithologists Union in 1924, the year he joined the RAOU, and a further two articles in
    1926 (W- hit tell 1954). Then, from 1930 until the final posthumous publication, ‘Bush
    Curlews Attachment to a Locality’ Birds 1971 6:18-19, not a single year passed without
    some articles, papers or books appearing over his name. Forty seven years, surely an
    outstanding example of his devotion as an amateur to ornithology. His contribution to
    his home state of New South Wales alone is exceptional (McGill 1980).
    A competent photographer, examples of his work appeared in many publications, mainly
    the Sydney Mail, and in 1931-32, under the pseudonym “Oriole” he wrote a column
    `Nature Notes and Studies’ for The Land newspaper (Hoskin 1996).
    Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 139He collaborated with a number of notable authors, illustrators and photographers to produce
    several books, and at the time of his sudden death many intended projects remained
    unfulfilled (McGill 1971).
    Invariably, in his many obituaries, he is described as someone who willingly gave of his
    time, and shared his experiences and bird -lore whenever he was approached for assistance.
    The historical side of ornithology interested him greatly (Chisholm 1971, Hoskin 1996)
    and he published his findings in a number of very valuable papers in the Royal Australian
    Historical Society Journal, Emu, The Australian Zoologist and the Proceedings of the
    Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. Here again, his kindness and readiness to
    help others were always evident and the present author has reason to remember, with
    gratitude, his encouragement and guidance with work in this field.
    In 1930 the Australian Museum recognized his expertise by creating him an Honorary
    Ornithologist (Cooper 1971) and later a Research Associate, thus benefiting from his
    knowledge for more than forty years. Ornithological organizations also honoured him
    with life memberships and fellowships. He was President and a Fellow of the Royal
    Zoological Society of New South Wales, President and a Fellow of the Royal Australasian
    Ornithologists Union, a Corresponding Fellow of the American Ornithologists Union
    and a Life Member of the NSW Gould League of Bird Lovers. He was awarded the
    Australian Natural History Medallion in 1959.
    Hindwood died on 18 March 1971 whilst bird -watching in the Royal National Park, New
    South Wales. ‘Such might be assumed was the way he would have wished it and in such
    a place’ (McGill 1971).
    It is impossible to compress the numerous achievements of Keith Hindwood into a brief
    article and anyone seeking further details should consult Cooper (1971), Hoskin (1996)
    Kloot (1995 or McGill (1971). In the light of his extensive contribution to Australian
    ornithology, it is fitting that his name should be perpetuated in one of our recently
    discovered birds.
    I thank Ken Simpson for assistance in writing this article, and Wayne Longmore
    for his valuable comments.
    140 April 1999REFERENCES
    Chisholm, A. H. 1971, ‘Their work will live on’, Newsletter, Royal Australian Historical Society, 104, 7.
    Christidis, L. & Boles, W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories,
    RAOU Monograph 2, Melbourne.
    Cooper, R. P. 1971, ‘Obituary Mr K. A. Hindwood’, Bird Observer 474, 4-5.
    Hoskin, E. S. 1982, ‘Bibliography of K. A. Hindwood’, Manuscript in possession of Author.
    Hoskin, E. S. 1996, ‘Hindwood, Keith Alfred (1904-1971)’, in John Ritchie (Gen. Ed.) Australian
    Dictionary of Biography, MUP, Melbourne, 14, 455-456.
    Kloot, T. 1995, ‘Whittell (1618-1950) Supplemented: Additions and Emendations to H. M. Whittell’s The
    Literature of Australian Birds’, BOCA Report No. 6.
    Longmore, N. W. & Boles, W. E. 1983, ‘Description and systematics of the Eungella Honeyeater
    Meliphaga hindwoodi, a new species of honeyeater from central eastern Queensland, Australia’, Emu
    83, 59-65.
    McGill, A. R. 1971, ‘Obituary’, Emu 71, 183-184 and Plate 1.
    McGill, A. R. 1980, ‘Keith Hindwood’s contribution to NSW ornithology’, Aust. Birds 15, 1-4.
    Sibley, C. G. and Monroe, B. L. Jr. 1990, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, Yale Univ.
    Press, New Haven.
    “Spurwing” [Debert, J.] 1971, ‘By the wayside’ (reprinted from Cape Hawke Advocate), Aust. Birds 6, 8-9.
    Whittell, H. M. 1954, The Literature of Australian Birds’, Paterson Brokensha, Perth.
    About the Author:
    Tess KLOOT is a bird -watcher who also enjoys writing
    about birds and people. Her biographies have appeared in
    the Australian Dictionary of Biography and she is currently
    working on a series ‘The Biography Behind the Bird’.
    Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 141BIRDS FORAGING FOR CICADAS AT PRIMBEE, NSW
    Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong,
    Northfields Ave, WOLLONGONG 2522
    Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) are well-known as a source of food for many species of
    birds. At least 90 species of birds in Australia have been documented as feeding on one
    or more species of cicada (Barker and Vestjens 1989 & 1990; Moulds 1990; Lepschi
    1993 & 1997; Frith 1995 & Gosper 1996). Less information is available, however, on the
    techniques of capture of cicadas by birds (although see Woodall 1994) or on assemblages
    of birds feeding upon cicadas at the one locality (although see Gosper 1996). This note
    describes the foraging behaviour of 7 species of birds observed foraging for cicadas in a
    council reserve in southern Wollongong in December 1995 and January 1996.
    Perkins Beach Recreation Reserve, Primbee (34°31’S, 151°53’E) is bounded in the north,
    south and west by urban and industrial areas. Most of the vegetation of the reserve is
    heavily disturbed, and also with dense infestation by bitou bush Chrysanthemoides
    monilifera subsp. rotundata, an introduced weed. Observations of foraging birds were
    made in two general habitat types; coastal scrub of coastal tea -tree Leptospermum
    laevigatum, coastal wattle Acacia sophorae and coastal banksia Banksia integrifolia, with
    a substantial component of either live or dead (herbicide treated) bitou bush; and coastal
    woodland dominated by blackbutt Eucalyptus pilularis, bangalay E. botiyoides and swamp
    mahogany E. robusta, with little bitou bush.
    Except where otherwise indicated, the species of cicada predated was most likely to have
    been white drummer Arunta perulata. Several individuals of this species were captured
    and identified, but it cannot be stated categorically that all observed instances of predation
    concerned this species. Accounts on the foraging behaviour for each bird species are
    given below.
    Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides
    A cicada (possibly sand fairy Cicadetta areuarai) took flight from coastal spinifex
    Spinifex sericeus grassland probably due to close approach by the author. A Nankeen
    Kestrel, resting on a fencepost a short distance away, took flight seconds after the cicada,
    and immediately began chasing it. The cicada successfully evaded the Kestrel for between
    30 seconds and one minute, by which time the pursuit had taken both animals well out to
    sea and to a considerable altitude. After capture, the Kestrel held the prey item in its
    talons and consumed it on the wing.
    142 April 1999Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata
    Red Wattlebirds were observed hunting cicadas in coastal woodland. Birds seemed
    to systematically search the trunks and inner foliage of trees for cicadas, flushing the
    cicadas in the process. The Wattlebirds would then pursue the cicadas on the wing.
    Dismantling and consumption of cicadas was not observed.
    Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus
    Butcherbirds also took cicadas in coastal woodland, with a typical pouncing
    approach. Birds would fly directly from a perch and while on the wing take cicadas from
    the trunk or branches.
    Pied Currawong Strepera graculina
    Currawongs were observed at the site only rarely, in coastal woodland. On one
    occasion an adult Currawong was searching the trunks and branches of trees and shrubs,
    and as prey was detected it flew and grabbed the prey (a cicada) from the trunk before the
    cicada could take flight. After killing the cicada by banging it against a branch while held
    in the bill, it was fed to a begging juvenile. Pied Currawongs have also been observed
    catching cicadas on the wing in northern NSW (unpub. data).
    Australian Raven Corvus coronoides
    Ravens hunted for cicadas in the more open coastal scrub environment. Birds
    (either singles, or groups of two to three) would typically perch on the outer foliage of the
    taller shrubs (usually coastal tea -tree), and searched for prey from this position. Ravens
    would move their head from side to side to detect prey either by sight and/or sound (?).
    Once prey was detected, the bird would plunge down through the foliage of the shrub to
    take the cicada from the surface of the trunk or branch. The cicada would then be banged
    against a branch while held in the Raven’s bill before being swallowed. Cicada remains
    were also observed in the pellets of Ravens at Perkins Beach, mixed with seeds and other
    animal remains.
    House Sparrow Passer domesticus
    Sparrows fed on cicadas captured in the coastal scrub community. The technique
    utilised by sparrows to capture cicadas was not observed, although on several occasions
    birds were seen carrying recently caught (and still buzzing) cicadas in the bill while on
    the wing. The birds would then land on the ground and kill the cicada. The cicada would
    either be turned on its back and struck several times by the point of the closed bill, or held
    in the bill and hit against the ground.
    Common Myna Acridotheres tristis
    Mynas also were not observed capturing cicadas, however, an individual was
    observed carrying a recently caught cicada (still buzzing) while flying from the reserve
    into suburban Windang.
    Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 143In total seven species of birds were observed feeding on at least two species of cicada at
    Perkins Beach over the summer of 1995-96. The techniques utilised to obtain cicadas,
    including the method of searching and also that of capture, varied between species.
    This information was collected while the author was in receipt of an APA(I)
    postgraduate award supported by the University of Wollongong, Dept. of Public Works
    (NSW) and NSW Agriculture. Larry Monaghan (Wollongong City Council) facilitated
    use of the reserve. Dennis Gosper also provided some useful comments on the manuscript.
    Barker, R.D. & Vestjens, W.J.M. 1989, The food of Australian birds. I. Non -passerines, CSIRO,
    Barker, R.D. & Vestjens, W.J.M. 1990, The food of Australian birds. 2. Passerines, CSIRO, Melbourne.
    Bowerbirds Sericulus chrysocephalus and other bowerbird species (Ptilonorhynchidae)’, Sunbird 25: 44-
    Frith, C.B. 1995, ‘Cicadas (Insecta: Cicadidae) as prey of Regent
    Gosper, D.G. 1996, Insectivory in the Figbird in northern New South Wales’, Sunbird 26: 36-38.
    Lepschi, B.J. 1993, ‘Food of some birds in eastern New South Wales: Additions to Barker and Vestjens’,
    Emu 93: 195-199.
    Lepschi, B.J. 1997, ‘Food of some birds in southern Australia: Additions to Barker and Vestjens, Part 2’,
    Emu 97: 84-87.
    Moulds, M.S. 1990, Australian Cicadas, NSW University Press, Kensington.
    Woodall, P.F. 1994, ‘Regent Bowerbird feeding on a Greengrocer Cicada’, Sunbird 24: 44.
    About the AUTHOR:
    Carl Gosper is a post- graduate student of the University of Wollongong.
    Carl’s interests include the interaction between birds and bird- dispersed
    introduced plants.
    Royal Botanic Garden, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney 2000
    At Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve, New South Wales on 7 October, 1998 at 15:30 hours
    a Grey Shrike -thrush Colluricincla harmonica was flushed off the used nest of a Superb
    Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae. The nest which appeared to have been recently used
    was the usual bulky structure that Lyrebirds build. It was situated on a rock ledge in a
    vertical sandstone rock face about 2 metres above the ground and was well sited with
    smooth vertical rock face above and below the ledge which would provide good protection
    from predators (See back page). The rock face and nest faced south-east, well protected
    from the prevailing winds and weather. The nest was observed from a distance of about
    50 metres for about 20 minutes but although the Shrike -thrush remained in the adjacent
    area it did not return to the nest during this time. The nest was not inspected at this time.
    At 17:00 hours Julie Dale, Graham Fry, Joy and John Ross and myself inspected the nest
    and found it contained a single egg. No measurements were taken but the egg was estimated
    to be 25-30 cm in length and oval in shape; the background colour was creamy -white
    with a pink lustre,and it was marked with bold brown/mauve blotches especially around
    the large end. The bird was not in attendance during this inspection. The above description
    of the egg was compared with Beruldsen (1980) and found to match description of Grey
    Shrike -thrush eggs published in that reference.
    The nest was inspected on the following day (8 October 1998) at 15:30 hours and found
    to contain two eggs. Both eggs were of similar appearance and size and considered to be
    Grey Shrike- thrush eggs. As we left the area on that day no further opportunities were
    available to follow up these observations.
    Grey Shrike- thrush are recorded as nesting on a cliff or creek bank ledge (Beruldsen
    1980) and also in some man-made structures. In some areas old babbler nests are
    refurbished (Boles 1988). I have been unable to locate any previous records of Grey
    Shrike -thrush re -using Superb Lyrebird nests.
    Beruldsen, G.R. 1980, A Field Guide to Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds, Rigby, Sydney
    Boles, W.E. 1988, The Robins and Flycatchers of Australia, Angus & Robertson, North Ryde.
    Hugh A. JONES
    3 Stafford Place, TURRAMURRA 2074
    Over the Christmas period in December 1997, five White-browed Scrubwrens
    Sericornis frontalis, possibly an adult pair and three immature offspring, were observed
    in a garden bordering Billabong Creek, Holbrook. The property, “Kikabel”, is
    approximately 10 km west of Holbrook on the Culcairn road. It is not known how long
    the birds had been present but they were observed in the garden over a period of several
    Scrubwrens inhabit ‘close and usually moist shrubberies, along creeks or the sides of
    ridges …’ (Schodde & Tidemann, 1986) and the shrubby habitats within the garden and
    along the neighbouring creek provide suitable habitat. Sections of Billabong Creek are
    bordered by dense clumps of reeds (Phragmites), shrubs (mostly Callistemon and Acacia)
    and dense grass with an overstorey of river red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) but
    much of this appears to be sub -optimal habitat for Scrubwrens.
    Although White-browed Scrubwrens are found on the foothills of the western slopes and
    have been reported from the district (Cooper & McAllan 1995), there are no continuous
    tracts of woodland or forest with a srubby understorey in the district; suitable habitat
    exists as scattered islands on the tops of a few ridges and hills, or as narrow bands of
    riparian vegetation along creeklines that are occasionally punctuated by stands of remnant
    woodland. The creek flats and the surrounding hills are mostly either farmed or grazed by
    sheep or cattle.
    It appears that this family of Scrubwrens has used the riparian verge along the creek as a
    corridor to disperse into the cleared agricultural country of the Holbrook-Culcairn district
    from suitable habitats further upstream. Apart from creeklines, the nearest suitable bushland
    is c. 25km distant from “Kikabel”.
    The presence of the Scrubwrens in otherwise unsuitable habitat stresses the importance
    of well -managed creek lines in agricultural regions as both corridors and refuges for
    wildlife. Several other birds that have been regularly observed on the property are only
    ever seen in the mature woodlands adjoining the creek. These birds include the Crested
    Shrike -tit Falcunculusfrontatus, Peaceful Dove Geopelia striata, Common Bronzewing
    146 April 1999Phaps chalcoptera, Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus, Superb Fairy -wren Malurus
    cyaneus, Red-browed Firetail Neochmia temporalis, White- -wi nged Choughs Corcorax
    melanorhamphos and Boobook Owls Ninox novaeseelandia all of which are sensitive
    to fragmentation and degradation of understorey habitats. It is interesting to note that
    Fisher and Goldney (1997) identified a very similar avian community in riparian strips
    through grazing land near Bathurst. These authorities noted that the White-browed
    Scrubwren was an ‘unexpected inhabitant’ of these edge habitats.
    Cooper, R.M. & McAllan, I.A.W. 1995, The Birds of Western New South Wales. A Preliminary Atlas. New
    South Wales Bird Atlassers Inc., Albury.
    Fisher, A.M. & Goldney, D.C. 1997, ‘Use by birds of riparian vegetation in an extensively fragmented
    landscape,’ Pacific Conservation Biology 3: 275 – 88.
    Schodde, R. & Tidemann, S.C. (eds) 1986, Readers Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds. 2nd edn.
    Readers Digest, Sydney.
    About the Author:
    Hugh JONES has been a member of the FOC Committee. He
    has a special interest in conservation and has served as the Club’s
    representative on the Nature Conservation Council.
    ‘1 Bowman Street Mortdale 2223
    2P0 Box 844 Spit Junction 2088
    On 23 December 1998 during one of our regular twice- weekly visits to Towra Spit Island,
    Botany Bay, to monitor progress of the Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) colony the following
    event occurred.
    While counting the number of Little Terns present a recently fledged 18 day old chick
    flew with other adult tems from the beach. The juvenile Tern was immediately pursued
    by a Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae ), seized mid air and carried offshore followed
    by three more Silver Gulls. The Little Tern fledgling was dropped into the water about 30
    metres from the island. Squabbling amongst the Silver Gulls caused the fledgling to be
    seized repeatedly by the four Gulls. Shortly after one of the Gulls carried the fledgling a
    metre or so above the water and dropped it again.
    Immediate action taken by Webb, returning to our boat, which was moored a hundred
    metres down the beach while Egan kept the attacking Gulls under observation. During
    this time the Gulls were positioned in a circle around the Tern which was floating on the
    waters surface. All of the Gulls appeared to be pecking at the fledgling. Upon arrival of
    our boat at the attack scene the Silver Gulls abandoned their victim and left the Little
    Tern chick floundering in the water. Webb immediately retrieved the chick and returned
    to shore. There was no visual evidence of injury to the fledgling other than some dishevelled
    plumage. Upon release the fledgling ran to cover.
    We know that Silver Gulls are predators of pre -fledging Little Tern chicks, evidenced in
    many published papers. However, to our knowledge no observations have been made of
    a Little Tern fledgling being taken whilst airborne. We are sure that without our immediate
    intervention the fledgling would not have survived the concerted attack by the Silver
    K. A. WOOD
    7 Eastern Ave, Mangerton 2500
    Observations suggest that there was a large influx of Musk Lorikeets Glossopsitta concinna
    in mid -coastal New South Wales in 1995. This report is intended to document the largest
    invasion reported in this State for more than a decade.
    Requests for sightings throughout New South Wales were published in Newsletters of
    NSWFOC (Issue 153, Feb 1996), Cumberland BOC (Vol 17, No.4, Jan/Feb 1996),
    Illawarra BOC (Issue 188, Feb 1996) and The Bird Observer (No. 761, March 1996). All
    sightings reported to the author are included here. Sightings along the coast between
    Newcastle and Ulladulla are listed in Table 1; the only other observations received were
    c.20 birds at Batemans Bay on 12 March (A. Burton in litt.), c.15 near Moruya on 28 May
    (N. Montgomery in litt.), four birds in the Widden Valley on 15 April (S. Hamonet in litt)
    and about 10 birds at Lue, feeding in mugga gum Eucalyptus sideroxylon for some seven
    days in October (A. Mills in litt).
    Table shows that a clear majority of Musk Lorikeets were concentrated between
    Newcastle and Ulladulla from March to October. Morris and Burton (1997) reported a
    similar seasonal pattern of abundance in their 1995 Annual Report. Notable sightings in
    their report between Newcastle and Ulladulla are included in Table 1.
    Some observers with comprehensive historical records commented independently on the
    influx. Pegler (in Morris & Burton 1997) recorded the species at Picnic Point for the first
    time in 20 years while at Mangerton, the author observed the species in that suburb for
    the first time since commencing observations there in 1981. Hamonet (in lilt.) advised
    that the Hunter Bird Observers Club have held 10 camp -outs in the Widden Valley since
    1979 and during the 1995 camp in April, the species was first recorded (c. 4 birds).
    Likewise, at Sanctuary Point, Mills (NSWFOC No.152) reported hundreds of Musk
    Lorikeets feeding in swamp mahogany in August; an unusually high number of birds.
    Table shows that the Musk Lorikeets fed on nectar or pollen from a range of plant
    species. Indeed, when historical records in previous Annual Reports of the NSWFOC
    since 1974 are combined with those in this report, 11 eucalypts are mentioned as providing
    food. Only four eucalypts are mentioned more than once: swamp mahogany (4 times),
    spotted gum Corymbia maculata (4 times), mugga gum twice and bangalay twice E.
    botryoides .Other species mentioned are turpentine Syncarpia glomulifera, silver banksia
    B. integrifolia, rough -barked apple Angophora floribunda and the introduced coral tree
    Etythrina x sykesii (see also Wood 1992).
    Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 149Inspection of NSW Annual Reports since 1974 suggests that Musk Lorikeets invaded
    certain areas of New South Wales in 1980 and 1984. In the former year (1980), there
    were influxes on the New England Tableland from March to May and in the Shoalhaven
    area from October to November (Lindsey 1981). In July and August 1984, Chafer advised
    of a large influx of “probably several thousand birds” in the Nowra-Berry area (Lindsey
    1986). Hindwood (1939) documented a large influx into Sydney suburbs from April to
    October 1938, and provided additional remarks about the abundance of the species in
    Sydney in earlier years. In 1938, the Musk Lorikeets fed on nectar from swamp mahogany
    and grey ironbark E. paniculata.
    In New South Wales, the Musk Lorikeet irrupts erratically in local areas in autumn, winter
    or spring (not in summer). Based on limited data available, most food in New South
    Wales is taken from spotted gum and swamp mahogany trees.
    I wish to thank all observers who responded to requests for information and the two
    anonymous referees who commented on the manuscript.
    Hindwood, K. A. 1939. ‘Nectar -feeding Birds near Sydney’, Emu 39: 40-44.
    Lindsey, T. R. 1981. ‘N S W. Bird Report for 1980’, Aust Birds 16: 1-23.
    Lindsey, T. R. 1986. ‘N S W. Bird Report for 1984’, Aust Birds 20: 97-132.
    Mills, K. 1995, ‘Use of Swamp Mahogany Trees by nectar feeding birds on the South Coast’, NSWFOC
    Newsletter No. 152, Dec 1995.
    Morris, A. K. & Burton, A. 1997. ‘N. S. W. Bird Report for 1995’, Aust Birds 30: 81-149.
    Wood, K. A. 1992. ‘Cockatoos, parrots and Lorikeets eating food from introduced trees and shrubs in the
    Illawarra region’, Aust Birds 25: 79-81.
    Kevin Wood is a long time member of the FOC and a regular
    contributor to Australian Birds. He has a special
    interest in birds of the Illawarra district.
    150 April 1999Table 1. Sightings of Musk Lorikeets between Newcastle and Ulladulla in 1995
    Date 1 No. of Location2 Activity Tree species Reference
    Mar -Oct 3-20 Cudmirrah (SC) feeding Corymbia maculata K. Mills in litt.
    Banksia integrifolia
    26 Mar 3 Yowie Bay (S) unknown R. Salpeter in litt.
    May -July 100+ Brightwaters (CC) feeding E. robusta Morris&Burton(1997)
    May -I3 Aug 20+ Picnic Point (S) unknown Morris & Burton (1997)
    15 May c. 70 Mangerton (W) flying north K. A. Wood
    15 May 30+ Primbee (W) unknown R. Imisides (IBOC No. 182)
    19 May 5 Mangerton (W) flying K. A. Wood
    20 May c. 40 Mangerton (W) flying north K. A. Wood
    21 May c. 30 Mangerton (W) flying K. A. Wood
    27 May c. 40 Yowie Bay (S) unknown E. bottyoides R. Salpeter in litt
    29 May -18 Jun 40+ Ingleburn (S) feeding E. grandis &
    E. citreadora A. Leishman in litt.
    c. 8d Jun 20-60 Rozelle (S) feeding E. botryoides S. Waddell in lift.
    19-22 Jun “many” Beecroft (S) feeding E. crebra Morris & Burton (1997)
    Aug 5-30 Pearl Beach (CC) feeding E. piperita &
    Syncarpia glomulifera S. Zuker in litt.
    3 Aug 10 Gwynneville (W) unknown B. O’Brien (IBOC No.
    3-5 Aug 100s Sanctuary Pt (SC) feeding E. robusta K Mills (NSWFOC No.
    Aug- Sep 100-200 Oyster Bay (S) feeding and J. Blackburn and
    Erythrina x sykesi iS. AnyonSmithpers.com.
    c. 10 Sep 30+ Sylvania (S) feeding E. pilularis P. Ramm in litt.
    Sep -Oct 100 max. Pearl Beach (CC) feeding Syncarpia glomulifera S. Zuker in litt.
    16 Sep many Currarong (SC) feeding E. robusta C. Brandis (IBOC No.
    2 Oct 12 Oyster Bay (S) unknown J.Witt (NSWFOCNo.152.
    10-23 Oct 10-30 Cumberland SF (S)unknown A. Burton in litt
    9 Nov 3+ Nowra (SC) unknown K. Mills in lift.
    1 Listed in chronological order 2 S = Sydney, W = Wollongong, SC = South Coast, CC = Central Coast
    Australian Birds Vol 31 No.4 151152 April 1999P
    IIVolume 31 No. 4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS April 1999
    A.K.MORRIS &
    A. BURTON New South Wales Annual Bird Report for 1996 86
    Tess KLOOT The Eungella Honeyeater 138
    C. R. GOSPER Birds foraging for cicadas 142
    A.J. LEISHMAN Grey Shrike -thrush nesting in old Lyrebird nest 145
    Hugh A. JONES White-browed Scrubwren in the Holbrook district 146
    Keith EGAN &
    Greg WEBB Silver Gulls attacking fledged Little Tern 148
    K. A. WOOD An influx of Musk Lorikeets between Newcastle and
    Ulladulla in 1995 149
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