Vol. 30 No. 4-text

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Journal of the
Volume 30 No.4 October 1997NSW FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS CLUB Inc
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and the
habitats they occupy.
President Elisabeth Karplus
Vice -President Stuart Fairbairn
Secretary Penny Drake- Brockman
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates (due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $20
All members receive a bi-monthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box Q277, QVB POST SHOP, Sydney NSW 1230
Original articles and short notes on birds are invited for Australian Birds, especially
those relating to field observations in New South Wales. Line drawings and good
quality photographs are welcome. Please refer to Advice to Contributors, inside back
Editor Peter Roberts
Production Stuart Fairbairn
Please address manuscripts to the Editor at:
33 Carlyle Rd, LINDFIELD 2070
ISSN 0311-8150
Printed by The Village Scribe, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne 2047AUSTRALIAN
Volume 30 No.4 October 1997
Alan K. Morris and Andrew Burton
Alan K. Morris, 1 Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale 2261
Andrew Burton, 703/4 Francis Street, Artarmon 2064
The twenty-fourth Annual Bird Report covers the period January to 31 December 1995
and summaries the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
-To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
-To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
-To record observations which may indicate changes in species’ numbers,
frequency, range and movements.
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Location Guide,
at Appendix 2, lists locations not referred to in the 1991-1994 reports. This guide is
intended to assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations.
The production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location
map references in the manner set out in the Appendix. For those unable to cope with this,
an accurate description of the location of the sightings to the nearest town is essential.
Note that co-ordinates are not provided for observations attributed to other Regional
Information on 416 species is contained in the 1995 Report. This information was gleaned
from 60 sources including c.300 observers from the NSWFOC and the CBOC; the Annual
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 81Reports of the Canberra Ornithologist Group, Central Coast Group of the FOC, Eurobodalla
Natural History Society, the Hunter and Illawarra Bird Observers Clubs; and publications
of other bird organisations. The number of records and the number of observers providing
information is greater than for any previous reports but there are now five other annual
reports to draw upon (the 1995 CCFOC report was that organisation’s first report).
Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: Aust. Birding = Australian Birding;
AMSR = Australian Museum Specimen Record; ARA = Aust. Raptor Assoc. Newsletter;
Gang Gang = Newsl. of the Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs.
Club Newsl.; CCBR = Central Coast FOC Annual Bird Report; ENHS = Eurobodalla
Nat. His. Soc. Annual Report Nature In Eurobodalla 1995; HBOC = Hunter Bird Obs.
Annual Report; HBWN = Hastings Birdwatchers Newsletter; ISBR = Illawarra-Shoalhaven
Region Ornithological Report for 1995; MDBWP = RAOU Murray -Darling Basin
Waterbird Project; MFN = Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Club Newsl.; MVB = Manning
Valley Birdwatchers Newsl.; MVBO = Macleay Valley Birdwatchers; NSWBA = NSW
Bird Atlassers Newsl.; NSWFOC = NSW Field Ornithologists Club Newsl.; QOS =
Queensland Ornith. Soc. Newsl.; RHN = Regent Honeyeater Recovery Effort Newsl.;
TBO = The Bird Observer; and Wingspan = RAOU Newsletter. Other abbreviations used
include “A” for adult, “AM” for adult male, and “AF” for adult female, “D” for dead or
beachcast, “E” for eggs, “GC” golf course, “HC” for heard calling, “HS” high school,
“Im” immature, “N” for nest, “P” for pairs and “RS” for railway station.
A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with the possibility
of one bird being added to the NSW List, a House Swift. However it is understood that at
the time of going to print, the record has not been submitted to the RAOU-RAC for
review. The most notable observations were the occurrences of Red-tailed and White-
tailed Tropic- birds blown inland due to tropical lows during February and March,
particularly the cyclonic weather associated with TC Violet. These storms also produced
major seabird wrecks on the North Coast as well as observations of Lesser Frigatebirds,
Grey Ternlets and White Terns. A Blue Petrel at Jervis Bay, a Red -backed Button -quail at
Mangrove Mountain, a Little Stint at Tullakool and a Pink Robin at Potato Point were
other significant records.
The main climatic feature of NSW during 1995 was the easing of the drought, with
particularly good rains on the east coast in spring and heavy rain in south west and south
east Queensland which resulted in flooding along the Gwydir, Culgoa, Narran and Paroo
River systems in December.
The operations of the RAOU and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal Committees
continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing rare or erroneous
records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of credibility that is
now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
82 October 1997The scientific and English names used in this Report follow that of the RAOU Checklist
(Christidis & Boles 1994). For each species, all observations are presented in a set order,
a departure from previous reports. This follows the order of Regions in the State as
described by McAllan & Bruce (1988). Observations from coastal Regions are listed first
(north to south), followed by tableands, slopes and plains. Each set of observations is
separated from those other Regions by semi -colons. The locations given in the Appendix
are identified with these Regions. However, in order to take account of the five annual
bird reports, it is necessary in the text to refer to that section of NSW from Harrington
to Lake Macquarie as the “Hunter Region”, Gosford & Wyong as the “Central Coast”,
the County of Cumberland northwest to St Albans, Upper Colo, Bilpin and west to
Springwood as “Sydney Region”, the County of Camden and Shoalhaven Shire as
“Illawarra & Shoalhaven” and Eurobodalla Shire to the Victorian Border as the “South
Coast”, as these areas coincide with the reporting areas of those reports.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult to identify
or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to the
Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are unable
to help get the specimen to the Museum, contact your local NPWS office.
We would like to thank all those members who submitted their reports promptly
so enabling this report to be produced actually on time. We would also like to thank the
following people who reviewed the first drafts viz Chris Chafer, P. Roberts and S. Debus.
Stuart Fairbairn and Peter Roberts assisted in the production and layout of this issue of
the Journal. For the assistance and commitment of these people, we are extremely grateful.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 83SYSTEMATIC LIST
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 2 Murrumbo Gap, Goulburn River NP 11 Aug (HBR);
77 Cobham Lake 11 Oct (AB); Few breeding records but 1000s of adults in the
winter Coombie HSD, Roto (JHu).
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami Very common in the Gosford-Wyong area,
recorded along the coast from Patonga to Bateau Bay westwards, north to
Berkeley Vale then to Ourimbah SF (CCBR), St. Ives 26 Nov (per DH);
1 1
Jamberoo Pass 21 Jan & 1 Barren Grounds 24 Nov (ISBR); 1 Grose Valley,
Blue Mountains NP 24 Nov (per DH). The Illwarra records are the most southerly
since the 1930s, the Sydney birds are still surviving.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2A+N Tarawi NP, Wentworth 5 Sep & 8 Nov (ME,RDy),
only record received.
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis Max 4 Mangrove Mountain all year (CCBR); 3+ seen
& heard Pitt Town Bottoms 7 Jan (JDu), 3 Bakers Lagoon 24 Aug (DP), max 15
Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 8 Jan & 3 Oct (CG,EV), 2 Bushells Lagoon 16 Dec
(JD); Possibly declining Illawarra-Shoalhaven area (CCH); Heard & seen
Candelo, Eden, Jellat Swamp, Walls Flat and Wyndham 26-31 Dec (CC,JC),
few records for South Coast; 4 Kennebri 14 Apr (TQ); Minnamurra HSD,
Walget 28 Mar (TMz). Good numbers for the Cumberland Plain.
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora Common in suitable habitat in the Hunter area, recorded at
13 locations, max 20 (HBR); 6 Kurnell 6 Aug (RG), Coogee 28 Oct (RG);
1 1
Tilba Lake 8 Jan, 5 Womban 11 May, 5 Potato Point 20 Jun (ENHS); 6+ Mudgee
31 Oct & 20 Nov (JHw,MC); 2, 30 km NE Walgett 11 Sep (DS,KS).
King Quail C. chinensis 4 Hat Head NP 8-10 Oct (KS).
Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1 Crome 5 Mar, second record of this species
observed in the wild in the Illawarra (ISBR).
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 30 + Waterview Heights 21 Jan, max 25 Cowans
Ponds 25 Feb -30 May (GC); Present all year Hunter Valley at Shortland WC &
Seaham NR, max 70 on 23 Sep, 2A+2Y Shortland WC Oct (HBR,Wetlander
11:4:4); 1 Gum Swamp, Forbes 6 Aug (TBO 760,12); max 200 Terrigal Ck,
Sandy Camp Jan -Feb & max 35 north Macquarie Marshes NR Feb (RJ); 3 Whitton
28 Oct (DW), max 8 Fivebough Swamp 14 Nov -12 Dec (KH). Average year.
Plumed Whistling -Duck Dendrocygna eytoni Clarence Valley: Max 500 Waterview
Heights 5 Sep, incl. 7Y 8 Apr & 5Y Cowans Ponds 25 Feb (GC), 2A+8Y Clarenza
84 October 1997(PMg) & 2A+4Y Jacana HSD, Clarenza 27 Apr (EW), Hunter Valley: max 250+
Doughboy Hollow, Singleton 25 May (GC), lesser numbers Pokolbin Lake, Tarro
& Arrowfield (HBR); Hawkesbury Valley: max 95 Pughs Lagoon 25 Mar- 16
Jul & 33 Bakers Lagoon 17 Mar (AY,BC,DK,JDu,TKy), 12 Towlers Bay,
Pittwater 11 Dec (BC); 20 northern Macquarie Marshes NR 6-20 Feb (RJ); c150
30km E of Deniliquin 13 Oct (PM), 200 Fivebough Swamp 15 Oct (KH). Average
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata Max 24 Macksville 13 Apr -31 Dec (DS,GC), 1
Woolgoolga 22 Jul (AB); Resident Market Swamp, Sandgate max 60+ 29 Oct,
A+4J 8 Mar (BC,HBR); Royal Bot. Gardens, Sydney 16-18 May (RCo), known
to be an escapee from Taronga Zoo.
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 3AM Huddefield HSD, Darlington Point 26 Oct (DW),
I Fivebough Swamp 17 Dec (KH); 17 Cobham Lake 1 Aug (AB); 70 including
2 in breeding plumage Lake Cawndilla May (LM).
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Records for Northern Rivers incl. AM Kentucky Stud, Glenugie
10 Jun, AM Hungry Head 16 Aug & 24 Sep, 2 Lake Minniewater 18 Nov (GC),
2 Bombah Pt, Myall Lakes NP 27 Jun (DT); 30+ Burragorang Valley 15 Aug
(TS); 15 Narcur Lake 30-31 May (ENHS).
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 2 Market Swamp, Sandgate 8 Jan -6 Feb, 2 Arrowfield
11-13 Dec (CG,HBR); Present Lake Bathurst 27 May -24 Jun, max 662 on 19
Jun & max 82 Jul (CBN 20, 58-63); 2 Tullakool Evap. Ponds 8 Jan (PM), 2
Griffith STW 28 Jan & 24 Dec (AR,BC), 5 Leeton STW 27 Jan (BC); 27 Cobham
Lake I I Oct (AB); 1 Lake Pamamaroo 14 Oct (AB).
Black Swan Cygnus atratus 195+ Clarence Broadwater 13 Jul & 2000+ 22 Sep, max
2000+ with some nests Everlasting Swamp, Lawrence 3-17 May (GC), max 260
Belmore Swamp with 20 J 17 Apr -7 Jul (KS); 1000 Wallis Lake 22 Oct (MVBN
4/95), 500+ Kooragang Is 5 Mar (HBR); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max
3173 Feb, highest count since 1989 (CCBR); 120 Penrith Lakes 30 Apr (CSh);
200+ Coila Lake Jan -Feb, 300 Moruya estuary Feb (ENHS), max 1000 Lake
Wollumboola 19 Aug (ISBR); 40 prs nesting northern Macquarie Marshes NR
22 Feb (RJ); max 812 Fivebough Swamp 16 Jul. Good numbers in coastal NSW,
probably associated with above average autumn and winter rains.
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides Ash Island 31 Dec (HBR); Long Reef 17
1 1
Aug (MRo), McGraths Hill STW 24 Aug (DP); Present Jellat Swamp, Bega all
year max 20, Tilba Lake 16 Apr (BJ,ENHS)); 400+ The Morass nr Lake Bathurst
10 Mar (AB); 2 Loudens Lagoon, northern Macquarie Marshes NR 19 Apr (RJ);
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 85max 316 Fivebough Swamp 18 Mar (KH), 43 Hay STW Apr (BH); 145 Lake
Pamamaroo 14 Oct (AB). Northern limits as previously reported.
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Common breeding resident in the Gosford-Wyong Region,
mostly Woy Woy Bay, St Huberts Is, Blackwall Bay and Long Jetty (CCBR).
Pacific Black Duck A. superciliosa 1000+ Loudens Lagoon, northern Macquarie Marshes
25 Aug (RJ), good number for the site.
Australasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis 8 Macksville STW 13 Apr, max 64 Macksville Swamp
30 Apr -30 Jul (DS); Max 5 Gloucester 3 Feb -26 May (DT), present at 10 locations
in the Hunter Region mostly Jan -Jul, max 50 Morpeth-Seaham 18 Feb (HBR);
Present McGraths Hill STW 2-13 Jan, max 12 on 13 Jan & 2 on 11 May
(HW,TQ,TKy), 107 Riverstone 5 Feb (AB).
Grey Teal A. gracilis Small numbers Hunter Region, only breeding records Market Swamp
6 Feb & Shortland WC Dec (HBR); Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 832
Jan, fewer than usual and no breeding records for the Region (CCBR); In
Eurobodalla & Bega Shires, less widely distributed than in 1994 and no breeding
records, largest concentration 500+ Jellat Jellat Swamp 25 Dec (ENHS). Coastal
breeding records scarce, reflecting the general drought during the first part of
the year, and then good rains in northern
from coastal and SE NSW.
Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present Tuggerah Lakes all year, max 375 Feb, lowest count in
7 years, but many breeding records (CCBR), 250 Homebush Bay 23 Dec (KB);
75 pairs on Jellat Jellat Swamp, Bega following heavy rain, and 200+ 25 Dec
Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Macksville 30 Apr (DS), nested
Seaham NR Dec (Wetlander 12:1:9); 1 Bicentennial Park 25 Jun (KB), 3
McGraths Hill 1 Jul (TQ); Present Dairy Swamp, Bega 11 Sep- 31 Dec, with
2A+5Y 22 Sep, 2A+6Y on 23 Sep & 2A+2Y on 26 Dec (BJ,CC,JC). An unusual
number of breeding records for Bega but numbers down elsewhere in coastal
Hardhead Aythya australis 100+ Eurunderee Lagoon, Myall Lakes NP 4 Jan (DT); 15-30
all year Coomaditchy Lagoon, 20+ Killalea Lagoon 18 Nov (ISBR).
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalus poliocephalus 25 Lake Hiawatha, Wooli 10 Jun (GC),
Nambucca Heads Apr -Jun (DS); No records for Tuggerah Lakes & environs
86 October 1997in 1995 (CCBR); 35 Riverstone 5 Feb (AB), 200+ Lake Burragorang 28 Nov
(JMi); Present Tilba Lake 16 Apr -29 Jul, max 300 on 9 June (ENHS), 15 Dairy
Swamp, Bega 27 Sep (BJ); 600+ Imperial Lake, Broken Hill 13 Oct (FOC).
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Present Penrith Lakes Jan (EV), 19 Prospect
Reservoir 11 Aug (DSm), 26 Lake Burragorang 15 Aug & 40+ 28 Nov (JMi,RT);
1 Rylstone Dam 2 Oct (KC), max 30+ Lake Windamere, Cudgegong 14 Sep -20
Nov (AB,MC,JHw); Coonabarabran Weir 17 Mar (JH); on lake near Fords
1 1
Bridge 22 Apr (JMI).
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 1 South West Rocks 16 Jun & max 7 Hat Hat 1 Jul (per
KS), 220 congregated offshore Cabbage Tree Is 30 Nov -8 Dec, before coming
ashore (HBR,NC); Imm banded Lion Island NR 25 Jan, was recovered dead
between Nobles Rocks and Lake Monibeong, Vic on 2 Jul, 1048 km SW (Corella
Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Batemans Bay 11 Jun (PH), 27th
NSW confirmed record.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus 4 off Sydney 9 Jul (TQ), regularly seen
Long Reef 22 Jun -28 Sep (CM,HW,MRo), max 2 off Wollongong 28 May -27
Aug (PH).
Northern Giant -Petrel M halli 1 off Wollongong 28 May (PH), few records in recent
years perhaps indicating a decline.
Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides Long Reef 16 Jun (MRo), referred to
Cape Petrel Daption capense 2 off Sydney 9 Jul & 23 Sep (PH,TQ), 2 Long Reef 28 Aug –
Sep (MRo), 2 off Dee Why 16 Sep (RMc); present off Wollongong 28 May -22
Oct, max 10 27 Aug (PH); 6+ Batemans Bay 10 Sep (PH). This is an increase in
records over recent years.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 1 Ballina 5 Mar (JI); Present off Sydney 11
Feb -23 Apr, 23 Sep -9 Dec, max 200+ 9 Dec (MRo,PH,TQ), many Long Reef 16
Jun & 10 on 9 Aug (MRo), present off Wollongong 22 Jan -28 May, 27 Aug -1
Nov, max 50+ 22 Jan (PH); Present off Batemans Bay 8 Sep (PH). Possibly an
increase in numbers over recent years.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 87White -headed Petrel P. lessonii beachcast Crescent Head 26 Dec (KS), unusual time of
year; Long Reef 9 Aug & 28 Aug (MRo), off Sydney 23 Sep (PH); off
1 1 1
Wollongong 27 Aug, 24 Sep, & 22 Oct (AP,DH,PH,SOSSA 1/96); 5 off Batemans
Bay 10 Sep (PH). Definately an increase in numbers over previous years.
Providence Petrel P. solandri 20+ Long Reef 17 Jun (TQ), 75+ off Sydney 23 Apr & 23
Sep (PH), 2 off Coogee 9 Aug (RG); present off Wollongong 25 May -1 Nov,
max 64 (PH,SOSSA 1/96); 15 off Bateman’s Bay 11 Jun & 2 on 8-10 Sep, max
20+ (PH). As expected.
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis 1 Port Macquarie 4 Mar (DB), I Ballina 5 Mar (JI); 1
off Sydney 11 Feb (PH). All referred to NSWORAC.
Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis 1 off Wollongong 28 May (ISBR), 15 & 22 Oct (AP),
referred to NSWORAC.
Cook’s Petrel P. cookii off Wollongong 22 Oct & off Sydney 9 Dec (AP), referred to
RAOU-RAC, but records not likely to accepted.
Gould’s Petrel P. leucoptera 420 pairs nested on Cabbage Tree Island 1994/95 with 30
pairs using artificial nesting boxes & 230 chicks banded, however breeding
success was down 30% due in part to lack of food (KB,NC); 1D Cooks River,
Kyeemagh 5 Mar (RMo), 1 off Sydney 23 Apr (PH).
Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea found alive (but subsequently died), St. Georges Basin,
Jervis Bay NP Sep (SD). Referred to NSWORAC.
Slender -billed Prion Pachyptila belcheri off Wollongong 28 May (ISBR).
Fairy Prion P. turtur 10+ Long Reef 22 Jun (HW), 2 Curl Curl 2 Jul, 30+ off Sydney 9 Jul
& on 8 Sep (PH,TQ); 50+ off Wollongong 23 May -22 Oct (PH,ISBR); Max
25 off Batemans Bay 11 Jun & 8 Sep (PH) and Moruya Heads 8 Jun & 1 Dec
(ENHS). Only small numbers in 1995.
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis off Sydney 9 Dec (AP); off
1 1
Wollongong 24 Sep (DH); referred to NSWORAC.
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni First time for a number of years that there were no records.
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off Birdie Beach 14 Nov (CCBR), first
Central Coast record; 1 off Sydney 11 Feb & 23 Apr (PH,TQ). All records referred
88 October 1997Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus 800 Coogee 3 Sep & 1200 on 28 Oct (RG),
Bird Island NR population estimated at 7000 pairs, mostly Wedge -tails but some
Short -tails (CCBR). Departure: Sydney 23 Apr (PH), Nambucca Heads 8 May
(DS). Arrival: 300+ off Tweed Heads 10 Aug (AA), Nambucca Heads 17 Aug
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri 1 off Sydney 11 Feb, 23 Apr & 9 Dec (MRo,PH,TQ), 1 off
Long Reef 28 Sep (MRo); off Wollongong 26 Feb, 25 Mar, 22 Oct & 2 on 26
Nov (AP,PH). Numbers continue to increase.
Sooty Shearwater P. griseus 10+ on Cabbage Tree Is 4-8 Dec, 3 beachcast Glenrock SRA
10 Dec (HBR); 1 off Sydney 11 Feb & 23 Apr (TQ); 3+ off Wollongong 22 Jan,
28 May (PH), 5 on 22 Oct & 1 on 1 Nov (SOSSA 1/96).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris Arrival: 10 off Wollongong 24 Sep (DH), 1000s
off Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 8 Oct (DH).
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia Recorded offshore all year max 1200 Coogee 3 Sep &
1000 on 28 Oct (RG), 500+ off Dee Why 16 Sep (RMc).
Hutton’s Shearwater P. huttoni Max 11+ off Wollongong 28 Jun, 27 Aug, 22 Oct &
Nov (PH,SOSSA 1/96); 20+ off Batemans Bay 8 Sep (PH).
Little Shearwater P. assimilis 1 Ballina 3 Mar (JI); 1 Long Reef 11 Jun (MRo); 2 off
Wollongong 22 Oct (AP); D Potato Point 24 Sep (ENHS). Average year.
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans Im Long Reef 28 May & 22 Jun, 2A on 3 Aug
(AB,HW,MRo), 2 off Sydney 9 Jul (TQ) & 9 Dec (AP), Magic Pt, Maroubra
16 Jun (RG); Max 4 off Wollongong 28 Jun -26 Nov (AP,PH,ISBR). Average
numbers this decade.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophrys 2 Nambucca Heads 21 Jun (DS); Present off
Long Reef 22 Jun -28 Sep, max 50 on 22 Jun (HW, MRo), present off Wollongong
28 May -1 Nov, max 20+ (PH). Numbers consistant with previous years.
Shy Albatross D. cauta 3 off Sydney 9 Jul (TQ); max 20+ off Wollongong 28 Jan -1 Nov
(PH); 3 off Moruya Heads 16 Jun & 4 Aug, 50+ off Batemans Bay 8 Sep
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos off Long Reef 22 Jun (HW), 60+ off Sydney
9 Jul (TQ); max 50+ off Wollongong 28 May -27 Aug (PH); Max 6 off Moruya
Heads/Batemans Bay 11 Jun -10 Sep (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 89Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 off Coogee 9 Aug (RG). First reports i nce Nov 1991, 30th
NSW record.
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Max 5 off Sydney 23 Apr & 9 Dec (MRo,PH),
3+ off Wollongong 25 Mar & 26 Nov (AP,PH).
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina 500 prs nesting annually on Bird Is NR
where preyed upon by Peregrine Falcons, injured birds at Norah Head 20 & 27
Jan, Toukley 25 Oct (CCBR); Max 2 off Sydney 23 Apr, 23 Sep & 9 Dec
(MRo,PH); Max 3+ off Wollongong 22 Jan -26 Nov (AP); 12 off Batemans Bay
8 Sep (PH).
Black -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta tropica off Sydney 9 Dec (MRo), referred to
Red-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethon rubricauda Port Macquarie 6 Mar (FAWNA); IA
beachcast North Head 4 Mar (DS); 1 Armidale 5 Mar (Aust. Birding 3/95); lA
Tamworth 6 Feb (GMi), all referred to NSWORAC. More records than usual, if
accepted, 36 -39th records.
White-tailed Tropic -bird P. lepturus 18 Ballina 14-16 Feb, 2 Ballina 5-8 Mar due to TC
Violet (JI), largest concentration ever in NSW; 1 Armidale 5 Mar, released Coffs
Harbour 8 Mar (Aust. Birding 3/95); Im beachcast Coffs Harbour 13 Nov (SL);
Wentworthville 20 Nov (per DH). Most ever records for NSW.
Australasian Gannet Sula serrator 300 Hat Head 4 Jul (KS), 70+ mainly adults off Flynns
Bch, Port Macquarie 15 Jul (GC); 200+ off Birdie Beach, Munmorah SRA 26
Aug (CCBR); In contrast off South Cost beaches numbers were down, max 80
Batemans Bay Sep, pilchards reported as dying in large numbers in autumn
which may have contributed to the absence of large numbers in winter (ENHS).
Red -footed Booby S. sula J Ballina 15-16 Feb (JI) associated with TC Violet, referred to
NSWORAC, 3rd NSW record if accepted.
Brown Booby S. leucogaster 1 Im Ballina 15 Feb (JI), only record.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster F on nest Boothbys Ck, Southgate 22 Sep (GC); Present all
year Tuggerah Lakes and associated wetlands, nesting Ourimbah Ck in 3 small
colonies Jan -May, Sep -Dec max 15 prs, 2+ nests Colongra Swamp Feb (CCBR);
2+N Bicentennial Park 17 Sep (EV), 5 nests Centennial Park 25 Feb & 15 Nov’
young present 25 May (AB,CBOC 3/95).
90 October 1997Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Present Tilba Lake all year, max 300
Apr (ENHS). Breeding: 9+N in Broadleafed Paperbark Melaleuca
quinquenervia at Boothby’s Ck, Southgate 22 Sep -21 Oct (GC), 30 prs Lawrence
Dec (Wetlander 12:1:19); 40+ nests Shortland WC -Newcastle WR Oct (HBR);
Nesting Ourimbah Ck in 2 colonies Jan -Feb, Sep- Dec max 12 prs, also Colongra
Swamp (CCBR); 3+ nests Cooba HSD, Junee 28 Oct (MC); 15 prs Bora colony,
Macquarie Marshes NR 20 Feb (RJ), 300+ prs Yarrol HSD, Gingham
Watercourse 15-31 Dec (HB).
Black -faced Cormorant P. fuscescens 1 Eden Harbour 29 Jan & 8 28-31 Dec (CC,CD,JC).
Pied Cormorant P. varius 200 Booti Booti NP 8 Jan (HBR); Max 65 Tuggerah Lakes Nov
Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris Present Swansea all year, max 500 25 Mar (HBR);
present Tuggerah Lakes all year max 392 Aug, fewer than usual (CCBR).
Breeding: 15 pr Bora colony, Macquarie Marshes 20 Feb (RJ), 53 prs Lawrence
Dec (Wetlander 12:1:19), Colongra Swamp Oct (CCBR).
Great Cormorant P. carbo Breeding: 40 nests Cabbage Tree Is off Port Stephens Apr-
Nov, not previously known as a breeding location, 38 prs Newcastle WR 26 Jul
(HBR); Max 22+ nests Centennial Park 19 Mar -7 Jul (AB,BDo); 3 nests Noola
HSD, Junee 28 Oct (MC).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 4N+40J Pelican Is, Booti Booti NP 28 May
(DT); Breeding contiues on island in Blackalls Bay, Woy Woy, c. 200 P (CCBR)
and on Five Islands NR off Port Kembla also c.200 P.
Lesser Frigatebird Fregatta ariel AM Station Ck, Yuraygir NP 14 Feb harassing terns
(GC), AM Ballina 15 Feb, possibly same bird & F 7-8 Mar (JI); Hyams Beach,
Jervis bay 22 Feb (ISBR), 26 -29th records.
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 100 Belmore Swamp, Kemsey following
flooding rains 17 Apr (ABi), 50+ Ash Is 6 Feb (HBR)
Little Egret E. garzetta 1 40km E of Deniliquin 5 Oct (PM), 1 Fivebough Swamp 3 Dec
(KH), scarce now in Riverina. Breeding: 300 prs Bora colony, northern
Macquarie Marshes 6 Feb (RJ), 3 prs Lawrence & 5 prs Shortland WC Dec
(Wetlander 12:1:19), 14 prs Chittaway Point Oct -Dec (AM), 2000+ Yarrol HSD,
Gingham Watercourse 15-31 Dec (HB). Coastal colonies still declining.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 91Eastern Reef Egret E. sacra 3 Boat Harbour Res 20 Mar (JRu,NR).
White -necked Heron Ardea pacifica 181 Belmore Swamp, Kempsey following flooding
rains May (KS); Recorded at 11 sites in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven but fewer
records than 1993 & 94 (ISBR).
Great Egret A. alba Breeding: 150 prs Bora colony, northern Macquarie Marshes 9 Feb
(RJ), 50 prs Lawrence colony Dec, 30 prs Shortland WC Dec, 570 prs Wilbriggie
Swamp, Griffith (Wetlander 12:1:19), 5000+ Lynworth & Yarrol HSDs, Gingham
Watercourse Dec (HB). Coastal colonies declining further but an upturn in the
inland colonies.
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia No records for Eurobodalla Shire, first time since 1986
(ENHS); 5 Hay STW 28 Nov (PM). Breeding: 1050 prs Bora colony, Macquarie
Marshes 9 Feb (RJ) but only 150 young fledged, maybe due to pesticide
poisoning, see entry under Straw -necked Ibis, 58 pairs Lawrence, 11 prs Shortland
WC, 3076 prs Wilbriggie Swamp, Griffith, 423 prs Almond Rd Swamp, Leeton
all Dec (Wetlander 12:1:19), 1 nest Throsby Ck 7 Jan (HBR), 2000+ Lynworth
& Yarrol HSDs, Gingham Watercourse Dec (HB).
Cattle Egret A. ibis Now regular in autumn at Mason Park, max 11 3 Apr -28 Jun (NH),
max 210 Windsor/Richmond Mar -Jun, which is similar to what it was in 1977
(AB); Only small numbers at all sites in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires, and unusually
scarce Moruya flats where flocks never exceeded 20 birds cf. 200 in 1990
(ENHS). Breeding: 10 prs Bora colony, Macquarie Marshes NR 20 Feb (RJ),
1500+N Lawrence colony 4 Nov -7 Dec (GC), 540 prs Seaham Dec (MMd),
500+ prs Shortland WC (HBR), 100+ Yarrol HSD, Gingham Watercourse Dec
(HB). Coastal breeding colonies well down over previous years.
Striated Heron Butorides striatus First year since 1988 that no breeding reported for
Chittaway Point (CCBR); 1 Brays Bay, Rhodes 15 Jan (BDo), 1 Bicentennial
Pk, Homebush Bay 6 May, Meadowbank Pk, West Ryde 28 May (JSe),
1 1
Botany 13 Aug (PMe), Narrabeen 19 Aug (JR), Wolli Ck 26 Sep (NRa);
1 1
Moruya Heads Jan, most southerly record for 1995 (ENHS). Increasing numbers
on Parramatta River.
Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus 5 Meadowbank Park 21 Jan (JSe), 8 gravel
pits, Doonside 10 Mar (DPt), 6 Bonnie Vale 28 Jun & 2 Middle Harbour 10 Dec
(AB). Breeding: 500 roosting Bora Channel, Macquarie Marshes but no nests
9 Feb, 2 nests by 20 Feb (RI), 4000+ nests Yarrol HSD, Gingham Watercourse
16-31 Dec, colony damaged by hail on 26 Dec and renesting occurred in 1996
92 October 1997Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 1 Newcastle WR 18 Jan (HBR); AM Centennial Park 9
Jan (CG), 2 Central Colo 26 Nov (KB,MRo); 1 Gum Swamp, Forbes 18 Nov
(per DH); 10 counted in aerial surveys northern Macquarie Marshes 22 Feb &
30 in Dec (RJ); 1 HC in Typha sp. 20 km E Deniliquin 4 Dec, first record for
district since the summer of 1993/94 (PM). More records than 1994, a good
Black Bittern I flavicollis 1 Lynches Ck, Border Ranges NP 5 Jan (DC), nesting Macksville
Apr (DS), 2 Upper Thora Valley, Bellingen 17 Dec (HW); Carrington, Port
Stephens 9 Jul (MVBN 4/95); Lees Res, Ourimbah Ck Jan -Feb & Nov -Dec,
1 1
Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 17 Nov (CCBR), Wyong Creek 17 Nov (per DH);
1 1
Gospers Lagoon, Colo (KB), 2 Mitchell Pk, Cat- raj 7-8 Jan (GR,MR,TQ), M,F
Nepean Gorge 29 Jan (PB),; 1 Bundanon 25 Mar (PDb), 1 Tilba Lake 1 Apr & 1
10km W of Bodalla 5 Aug (ENHS). Most records ever!
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus Wallis Ck wetlands, Maitland 30 Apr (AP),
1 Gilleston Lagoon, Maitland 25 Apr & 23 Aug (HBR,TQ), 1 Hexham Swamp
23 Aug (JMh); 3 Louden’s Lagoon & Ginghet Channel northern Macquarie
Marshes 21 Aug -12 Sep (RJ); up to 5 calling in rice fields at Whitton Jan -mid
Feb, max 3 25 Sep -6 Nov, ID Hanwood 6 Nov, HC Leeton 28 Dec
(DW,KH,PG), 3 in ricecrops Tullakool 8 Jan & 6 20Iun E Deniliquin 14-26 Oct
(PM), 4 Tuckerbill Swamp 11 Nov (MSc,WM), Dec
(MFN 1/96). The most records since 1970 when the Reports began.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 10 Micalo Is 5 Feb (GC), 1 Byron Bay STW 13 Nov
(DC), 26 Belmore Swamp, Kempsey May following flooding rains (KS) & 95
on 11 Aug; 2 Birmingham Gardens 23 Feb (HBR), 2 Jones Is, Manning R 22
Sep (DLo); Max 5 McGraths Hill STW 2 Jan -23 Oct (AB,ABe,RC1,TQ), 30
Castlereagh Rd, Penrith 18 Oct, Bushells Lagoon 23 Oct (AY), Pitt Town
1 1
NR 3 Dec, 1 Riverine Pk, Arncliffe 6 Oct (RMo), 1 Cronulla HS Swamp 24 Sep-
12 Oct (RG,KC); 1D Yallah 11 Jan (ISBR); 3 Copeton Dam & 1 Bonshaw 8 Jan
(JH), rare in these localities; 5 Lake Wyangan 17 Feb (JDu), 2500 roosting
Fivebough Swamp 15 Nov, 5000+ 28 Nov & 20000 15-28 Dec (KH,MFN 1/
96). Breeding: 2000+ Yarrol Hsd, Gingam Watercourse 15 Dec (HB), colony
damaged by hail and most nests failed but renested early Jan 1996.
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Max 240 Brotherson Swamp, Coutts Crossing
12-22 Oct (GC), 300 Kooloonbung Ck, Port Macquarie (AB); 500+ roosting
Shortland WC 15 Apr (HBR). Breeding: 50 prs Willencorah HSD, Macquarie
Marshes 9 Feb (RJ), 3+ nests Noorla HSD, Junee & 3+ nests Cooba HSD, Junee
28 Oct (MC), c.100 prs Burrinjuck Dam Oct (CBN 20, 85-88), 2000+ Lynworth
& Yarrol HSDs, Gingham Watercourse 15-31 Dec (HB).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 93Straw -necked Ibis T spinicollis Common in Hunter Region, max 500 Mituni 15 Jan
(HBR); Larger than usual numbers Cumberland Plain max 145 Richmond 8 Apr
(AB); Good numbers in the Bega Valley c.100 Jellat Swamp & 450 Kalaru 12
Jun (ENHS). Breeding: 2000 prs Zoo colony, 1450 prs Willencorah HSD, 1500
prs Monkeygar Ck colony all Macquarie Marshes NR 9 Feb (RJ). While many
chicks hatched only 15 young survived due to apparent pesticide poisoning that
killed both chicks and many adults. 10000 prs nesting Gingham Watercourse
15-31 Dec, most of the colony wiped our by a hail storm and falling water levels,
so only about 300 chicks fledged, but renesting occurred in Jan 1996, which was
successful (HB).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia 26 Gilleston Lagoon, Maitland 25 Apr (TQ), 160 Belmore
Swamp, Kempsey after flooding rains May (KS), 53 Tarro Swamp 6 Apr (HBR);
Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 47 Sep (CCBR); 60 Lake Wollumboola
Jan (GMi), 22 Jellat Swamp, Bega 23 Mar (BJ), 50 Tilba Lake Jun (ENHS),
large numbers for sites. Breeding: 9N in Forest Red Gum Eucalyptus tereticornis
Alumy Ck, Grafton 29 Oct (GC), 10 pr Ashby near Yamba Dec (EW), nesting
Gingham Watercourse Dec (HB).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes Max 10 Brotherson Swamp, Coutts Crossing 5 Oct –
7 Nov (GC), large number; 1 Riverine Pk, Arncliffe 8 Jun (RMo), 17 Bushells
Nov. Breeding: Nesting Gingham Watercourse Dec (HB).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus No breeding records were received, and
records are not published for north of the Manning River where more common.
15 records for the Hunter, with increased reports in the Port Stephens -Foster
area (HBR), 1 Buladelah 15 Apr (DT), 1 near Dora Creek 12 Apr (AR); 1 Mc
Pherson Rd Swamp & 2 Dairy Swamp, Tuggerah 28 Mar, 1 Dooralong 15 Jul
(CCBR), most southerly records in 1995.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus There were 73 nesting pairs in NSW in 1995 (Moffat 1996)
south to the northern shores of Port Stephens. 59 young were known to fledge
from 31 nests, with the total number fledged estimated at 84. This is the highest
number of nests recorded in NSW and the most young known to have fledged
since records were kept c.1970. Obviously the population continues to increase
hence more records from single birds away from the North Coast. Four records
for Lake Macquarrie Feb -Apr (HBR); Patonga 21 Jan & Wybung Hd,
1 1
Munmorah SRA 29 Oct (CCBR), 1 Wisemans Ferry 22 Oct (AMb); I Durras
Lake Feb -18 Mar (WMa), 1 Tilba Lake 25 Apr (ENHS), 1 Cudmirrah 26 Nov
(per DH), Tathra 26-31 Dec (CC,JC).
94 October 1997Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata A Washpool SF 24 Mar, 2 Washpool NP 24 Mar, 2A
Waterview Heights 29 Oct, 1 Sth Grafton Water Res 30 Apr, 3 Coutts Crossing
25 Feb -15 Oct, 2 HC Newfoundland SF 24 Feb, 1 Orange Grove, Karangi 3 Oct,
1 Lighthouse Bch, Port Macquarie 18 Apr (GC), 1 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 10
Mar (EW), pair nesting Innes Gardens, Port Macquarie 4 Sep (ML,RL), 2 Coffs
Harbour Bot. gardens 3 Oct (KH), 3 Ulong 3 Oct & 1 Urunga 3 Dec (DP), 2
Telegraph Point 2 Oct & 1 Ross Glen 3 Nov (HBWN 2/14); Hunter Area records
include A+J Sharpe’s Ck Trail, Gloucester Tops 5 Feb (DPt), 2 Bunda Ck, Nabiac
10 Apr (ID), 1 Coomba Park 30 Jul (DT), 1 Coralville 5 Aug (MVBN 4/95),
A+N Roberts Brush, Gloucester 28 Oct (BV), 3A Callaghan 20 Jan, 4 Bonnells
Bay 21 Feb, nesting Hannan Vale 18 Nov, feeding young Blackbutt Res 7 Feb
(HBR); Recorded 6 locations on the Central Coast with nesting at Mardi-Tuggerah
(CCBR); 1 Pennant Hills 24 Jan (AD), 1 Richmond 17 Mar (AY), 7 Galston
Gorge 22 Apr (Birdline), max 5 Annangrove 11 Jan -29 Apr (KB), A+Im
Cumberland SF 26-29 Apr (AMb,API), Thornleigh 29 Jul (PC), Devlins Ck
1 1
29 Jul (AB), 2 Dural 28 Aug -3 Sep (GR,MR), 2 Wahroonga 3 Sep (SHa), 1
Killara GC 3 Sep (GP), 1 Bilgola 3 Sep (AMb), 2 Lady Carrington Drive, Royal
NP 14 Oct (CP), 2 Lower Colo 2 Nov (MB); 1 Mt Kembla 12 Jan (ISBR); 2
Rocky Glen HSD, Emmaville Nov, nesting Arrawarra Ck, Emmaville Nov
(ALy,SD). Reports continue to increase, so in future only summaries for Regions
will be given. It is hard to believe that Hindwood & McGill (1959) said that this
bird was an extremely rare straggler to the County of Cumberland and there had
been only 2 published records.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura 1 Ulong 23 Jan (DP), 1 Nambucca Heads 28 Feb –
Jul, 1 Macksville 22 May, A Sth Grafton 30 Jan, A Coutts Crossing 2 Apr, 1
Waterview Heights 8 Apr, 1 Tarro 11 Apr (AR), 1 Iluka Golf Course 22 Jun
(GC), 1 Jacana HSD, Clarenza 12 Mar (EW), 1 Clybucca 12 Jul (ABi), 2 nesting
Grafton (failed) Oct -Jan 1996 (Debus 1996); Wingham 14 Mar & Fernmont
1 1
15 Jul (DS), nesting Kiwarrak SF Nov (IJ), nesting Dingo Tops Nov (MVBW 1/
96); 1 Falls Creek 3 Feb, Bomaderry 5 & 17 Feb, Illaroo Rd, Nowra 10 Feb &
Flat Rock Dam 19 Feb (Daly & Evison 1996), 1 Wreck Bay, Jervis Bay NP 14
Oct (Debus 1997), 1 Vincentia 16 Nov (ISBR); 2A+J Merimbula 26 Jan (ASu),
1 Nethercote 4 Feb (BJ), first record, 1 Moruya Heads 11 Feb (ENHS); 1 Rocky
Glen HSD, Emmaville Nov, 1 Strathbogie HSD, Emmaville Nov (Debus 1996),
1 Kings Plain NP 5 Nov (JH); 1 Munghorn Gap NR 15 Jan -27 Jan (JHa,JRu,NR),
1 Glen Davis 12 Nov (TQ), 1 Glen Alice 24 Nov (Birdline), 1 Rylstone 18-22
Dec (DGe); 1 Beni Crossing, Mendooran 3 Oct (AB). Threatened Fauna, all
records published.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 95Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon Mundiwa HSD, Collerina 12 Sep
(DS,KS); 3 Waroo HSD, Hungerford 22 Apr (JDu,NM), 1 Fort Grey, Sturt NP
3 Aug (AB), 2 nesting nr Hungerford 19 Sep -7 Oct (AB,JH) on Qld border, but
feeding in NSW, Wanaaring 9 Oct (AB). More records than usual.
Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Waterview Heights 8 Apr (GC); 1 Singleton 4 Apr, 2
Aberdeen 12 May (HBR); 1 Artarmon 13 Dec (AB), rare Sydney record; 1 S of
Dartbrook 25 May (GC); 1 Tamworth 5 Feb & 1 Attunga 8 Feb (JH); 5 Leeton
tip 15 Jan, rising to 33 on 18 Apr (KH), pair nesting 18 km S Deniliquin 28 Oct
(PM), formerly much more uncommon in this area.
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus 1 Willoughby Bay 17 Mar (TW), 1 Artarmon 4 Sep (AB),
Bankstown Aerodrome 7 Apr (JD); Estimated 7+ pairs in 7360 ha Jervis Bay
NP (Debus 1997); 5 nests containing young in Menindee area 14 Oct (AB).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus Common north of Manning Valley. 2 Booti Booti NP 5-
31 Jul (DT), Hexham Bridge 13 May (HBR); single bird Brooklyn -Mooney
Mooney 21 May -11 Jun (CCBR), second Central Coast record.
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Nested Cabbage Tree Island but nest
blew down in storm killing young Oct (NC); 5 prs in 7360 ha Jervis Bay NP
(Debus 1997); 6 Im photographed together at Wallagoot Lake 29 Jul (BJ), unsual
concentration, 2 nesting records for Eurobodalla Shire Jun- Aug (ENHS); pr
resident northern Macquarie Marshes, juv seen 24 Jan (RJ).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis Jerusalem Ck, Bunjalung NP 22 Jan (DC), between
1 1
Brooms Head & Sandon 19 Aug (GC), 2 Woodville, Manning Valley 6 Jan,
unusual location, observed at 5 locations in the Hunter Valley including Newcastle
Water Res 9-14 Jan, West Mayfield Jan, Mt Thorley 16 May, Hinton 4 Aug &
9 Oct & Jerrys Plains 14 Nov (HBR,JMo); 1 Dunmore 10 Jan (ISBR), 1 Pitt
Town Ferry Rd, Wilberforce 24 Feb (BC), Fairfield Park Zoo 2 Jul (D0b);
1 1
Glen Davis 10 Mar (JMo), Glen Alice 13-14 May (EV); Jerrambomberra
1 1
Wetlands, ACT 6 Apr (CBN 20, 48); 1 Laird SF, Barraba 3 Nov (PDb); 1 Kennebri
14 Apr (TQ) over paddock with quail, 1 31(m S of Bellata 7-8 Aug (AB,SAs); 1
Haddon Rig HSD, Warren 15 Sep (AB); 1 101un NW of Brewarrina 28 Apr
(DKe); 1 5 km W of Yenda 28 Jan (BC), 1 Leeton 29 Sep (KH), pair nesting 20
km NE of Conargo Dec (PM). More records than usual and none May -Jul.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans Cabbage Tree Island 9 Dec (ID), present all year lower
Hunter Valley (HBR); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes wetlands but no breeding
96 October 1997records (CCBR); Thirlmere Lakes 29 Jul (ID); Recorded at 11 sites in the
Illawarra-Shoalhaven area but no breeding records (ISBR); 12 Lake George 25
Sep (AY).
Brown Goshawk Accipter fasciatus Present Hunter Valley and Central Coast all year but
no breeding records (HBR,CCBR); 20 records for Sydney Region and no breeding
records; 7 records for the Illawarra & Shoalhaven Region including 1 Bundanon
Res 25-26 Feb (ISBR); 10 records throughout the year for the South Coast Region
including 7+ prs in 7360 ha Jervis Bay NP (Debus 1997), Nesting Towamba &
Candelo Showgrounds, present Glen Bog SF & Wollumba 26-31 Dec
Grey Goshawk A. novaehollandiae 1 Ulong 15 Mar (DP), 1 Washpool SF 28 Mar- 30
Mar, 1 Glenreagh 15 Aug, I Coramba 24 Nov & 1 white morph Karangi 3 Oct
(GC), nesting Sawpit Ck, Border Ranges NP 7 Dec (DC); Recorded at 12 locations
in the Hunter Valley with white morphs at Swansea, Tocal & Mt Vincent, one at
New Lambton Heights was eating a Noisy Miner (HBR); Recorded at 8 locations
on Central Coast with a white morph at Mangrove Mountain (CCBR); Recorded
at 7 locations in Sydney Region throughout the year; Records for the Illawarra
& Shoalhaven area including 4 observations throughout the year for Jervis Bay
NP (Debus 1997,ISBR); Recorded at 15 loctions in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires,
including white morphs at Bega 18 May (KH) & Mogo 10 Jun (NH), Moruya
Heads 24 Mar, Congo Point 14 May, Dalmeny 29 May, Wallaga Lake 20 Sep
and Barlings Beach 2Oct (ENHS), of the 22 birds observed, 7 were white morphs
(30%); Wentworth Falls 28 Aug (TS); Meringo 21 Apr (MT); Bective nr
1 1 1
Tamworth 7 Oct (GMi), well inland; 1 white morph Bourke 2 Apr (PM) well
west of range. More records than usual, only breeding and records of birds on
the western edge of their range will be published in future. Its status in NSW
would appear to be “Moderately Common” rather than “Uncommon”. More
Grey Goshawk records are received than Collared Sparrowhawks or Brown
Goshawks presumably because observers consider this species is less common.
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrhocephalus Nesting Garfton Oct (SD); 5 records for Hunter
Valley (HBR,AM); 10 records for the Central Coast with nesting at Lisarow
Nov & Mardi Dec (CCBR); N+4J Bulli Pass 8 Jan (SAs), took Spice Finch
Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 9 Apr (TKy), 1 Castlereagh 22 Apr & 7 Sep (SW,TKy),
Mitchell Pk, Cattai 28 May (TQ), A feeding Im Scheyville NP 15 Oct (BC),
1 1
Westleigh 22 Oct (ARo), 2A+2Y Lower Portland 2 Dec (KB), 1 Primbee 11
Apr, Bellambi Lagoon 16 Jul & Killalea SRA 18 Nov (ISBR), 1, possibly 3
1 1
prs in 7360 ha Jervis Bay NP including 1 nest (Debus 1997); 8 records for
Eurobodalla & Bega Shires, including Nethercote Jan -May, chasing migrating
honeyeaters (BJ); 1 Leeton 5 Mar (KH); Nesting Broken Hill 1 Oct (NH).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 97Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax Nesting Yallambie 27 Aug (HBR) & Strickland SF Jul
(CCBR); 2 southern end of Royal NP 26 Jul (TW), only Co. Cumberland record
rec eyed; pr nesting Jervis Bay NP (Debus 1997).
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides 6 records for Clarence Valley 30 Jan -17 Dec (GC),
regularly seen Hunter Valley, recorded at 12 sites (HBR); I Berkeley Vale 22
Jan & 1 Mangrove Mtn Sep -Dec (CCBR); 1 dark morph Longneck Lagoon 13
Jan (HW), 1 Richmond 24 Apr (KB), 2 Bankstown Aerodrome 7 May (JD), 1
Royal NP 13 May (SF), 1 Homebush 24 Jun & 1 Annangrove 15 Jun (KB), 1
Cowan 12 Jul & 1 Berowra 13 Jul (BD), 1 Penrith carrying corvid 25 Jul (ARA
16,35); 11 records for Illawarra & Shoalhaven Region Jan, Jul -Nov (ISBR),
including 1 Barren Grounds NR 29 Oct (CBOC 1/96) & 1 Mt Annan Bot. Gardens
18 Nov (per DH); Plenty of coastal records particularly Nethercote and Tilba
Lake (BJ,KH,ENHS).
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 5 together Table Bay Creek 17 Apr (HBR); Uncommon
on Central Coast but nesting Mangrove Mm, raising chick (CCBR); Artarmon
1 1
30 Jan (AB), uncommon in northern suburbs; Uncommon in the Illawarra with
1 Dunmore 26 Feb & I Picton 11 Nov (ISBR).
Australian Hobby F. longipennis 1 eating a Willy Wagtail Wingham Park 22 Nov (VT);
1 Surrey Hills 26 Feb (BTh) & 1 Kyeemagh 4 May (RMo), unusual innner city
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 1 Windeyer Swamp, Raymond Terrace mid Feb (MMa), second
record for Hunter Valley, first at Bulga 1897; 2 Bourke 30 Apr (DH); Griffith
9 & 16 Apr (PC), 1 The Homestead, Darlington Point 16-18 Apr (FOC); 1 Tarawi
NP, Wentworth 7 Nov (ME). More records than usual.
Black Falcon F. subniger 1 Grafton 22 Oct harassing a Square -tailed Kite (Debus 1996);
1 Blandford 28 Oct (RMg) & Bureen 11 Dec (HBR); 1 Pughs Lagoon, Richmond
1 Apr (KB); 1 Widden Brook 15 May, 1 Beni Crossing 14 Sep (AB), 1 Capertee
Valley 14-15 Oct (Gang Gang 10/95); 1 20 km W of Manilla 3 Feb (DR), 3
Bellata feeding on Budgerigars Jul -Aug (SAs), Spring Plain HSD, Wee Waa
15 Sep (DS,KS); 1 Warrumbungle NP 1 Oct (Birdline); 1D 12 Km NW
Brewarrina 25 Apr (GW) & 1 10km NW on 28 Apr (AM), 1 Corella HSD,
Brewarrina 26 Apr (RD1); 1 between Deniliquin & Wakool 8 Jan, 1 Steam Plains
HSD, Conargo 16 Feb, 2 Yanco HSD, Jerilderie 18 Feb & 2 prs 15 Oct, 1 10km
N of Conargo 15 Oct (PM), 1 Fivebough Swamp 18 Apr, chasing Black- winged
98 October 1997Stilts 23 Apr, 1 Whitton 25 Sep & 1 Nericon 28 Dec (KH); 3 Waroo HSD,
Hungerford 22 Apr (JDu,JM1,NM), 1 10 km S Yantabulla 18 Sep (AB); 1
Coombie HSD, Roto Jul (JHu). The most records and most widespread coverage
since records commenced in 1970.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus 1 at nest Ilarwill 21 Oct (GC); 2A+ I Y Cabbage Tree Is
Oct (NC), nesting in Wattagan Mnts at Glider Pt, Warrabolong, Heaton Lookout
& Broken Back during 1995, 2 Palmers Rd, Olney SF 21 Jun (WK), carrying
possum Blackbutt Res 21 May (HBR); Nesting Lion Is Sep -Dec, Ironbark Ck,
Popran NP, Gerrin Pt, Bouddi NP, Cococabana & Wyrrabalong Trig
(CCBR,WK); 1 eating juv Brown Goshawk Freemans Reach 19 Feb (RCI), 1
Bangalley Headland, Avalon 5 Jul (BD), not previously recorded at site, took
Fluttering Shearwater Maroubra 20 Jul (RG); failed a hit on Red -whiskered
Bul Bul 24 Feb Lake Heights (ISBR), P nesting on cliffs Jervis Bay NP & P
Beecroft Peninsular (Debus 1997); Nesting Faulconbridge Aug (AT); 15km
W of Tenterfield (JM1); 1 Forbes 15 Mar (JMo); 1 Tullakool Evap. Ponds 8 Jan
(PM), killed Grey Teal Fivebough Swamp 22 Oct (KH). Some interesting prey
items recorded here.
Nankeen Kestrel F. cenchroides N+3Y Arrowfield Dec (HBR); F beachcast Cronulla 25
Sep (DSa).
Brolga Grus rubicundus 2 SW of Tullymorgan 22 Sep, present Lawrence -Everlasting
Swamp 2 Mar -26 Aug, max 52+ on 3 May, 2 Tucabia 25 Feb & 3 on 18 Nov
(GC); 2 Boroka HSD, Wee Waa 5 Jan (DR), present Macquarie Marshes max 6
in north marsh with pr nesting Eden HSD, Quambone 22 Feb & 2A+2Y Little
Terrigal Ck 22 May, max 5 south marsh in Buckiinguy Lagoon area Feb -Nov
(RJ), 2 Minnamurra HSD, Walgett 25-28 Mar & 2 11/10 (JSm,TMz), 2 Corella
HSD, Brewarrina 12 Apr (DM), 2 Lednappers Crossing, Bourke 17 Sep (AB);
Present Fivebough Swamp 2 Jan -9 Apr, max 22 on 2 Apr (BC,KH), 2 Boree
Park HSD, Yanco 1 Dec (MFN 1/96); 2 Sutherlands Lake, Fords Bridge 18 Sep
& 13 20 km N Yantabulla 18 Sep (AB), 2 Lake Bancannia 29 Sep -7 Oct (GLC);
2A+2J Lake Cawndilla May (LM). Good spread of records.
Buff -banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 1 N of Grafton 3 May, 1D Tucabia 25 Feb &
1 on 18 Nov, 1 Wooli R 18 Nov (GC). 2 Tweed Heads Golf Course 15 Jun
(BM,HM), 1 Red Rock 23 Aug (IBOC 11/95); 1 Newcastle 20 Sep (DS), 2
Hannam Vale 18 Nov (MVBW 1/96), Wallingat SF Sep, HC Shortland WC
1 1
2-3 Sep (HBR); Resident Lyons Pk, Berkeley Vale, Picnic Pt & Lees Res
wetlands, 2A+6Y Matcham 29 Oct & A+J Berkeley Vale 4 Nov (CCBR); A+Y
Dee Why Lagoon 22-31 Jan (AB,NM), 1 Richmond 5 Aug (DP), 1 Bonnivale
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 99Lagoon, Royal NP 8 Aug (KC), 2+5Y Royal Bot. Gardens 21 Jan (ALe), 2 from
23 May -2 Dec (DH,DSa,EV,JRb,PC), 1 McGraths Hill STW 15 Oct (EV); 2A+5J
Corrimal Heights 21 Feb & 1 Stanwell Park 14 Aug (ISBR); 1 roadkill nr Mogo
23 Sep, Bermagui Sep, 2A+3Y Sth Tuross 26 Dec (ENHS); roadkill Cooma
1 1
30 Jan (JBa), only inland record received. Plenty of breeding records.
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis 1 Tewinga 25 Jan (DS), Im found dead Forster 8 Apr
(AR); 1 Royal Bot. gardens 3 Apr (MHa), 1 Crosslands Res 7 May (MRo), 1
Chittaway Pt Jul (CCBR), 1 Kurnell 18 Sep (DSa), 1 Central Colo 3 Dec (KB).
Few records in recent years, should this bird be on the Threatened Species
Bush -hen Amaurornis olivaceus Studies in NE NSW in 1994/95 detailed 58 locations
where birds have been reported. The major strongholds are the catchment areas
SW of Murwillumbah, W of Brunswick Heads, N of Kyogle and SW of Ballina
(Muranyi & Baverstock 1996).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 4 Macksville 5 Jan (DS); Max 2 Shortland WC 1-13
Jan, 2 Sep -26 Nov (AB,HBR), Hillville 18 Feb (HBR); 4 Pughs Lagoon 7-8
Jan (CG), 1 Bicentennial Park 14 Feb & 17 Sep (BDu,EV), 1 Riverine Pk,
Arncliffe 12 Sep (RMo), Centennial Pk 9 Jan & 4 Nov (CG); 2 Killalea SRA
date not known (ISBR); 1 Moonee Swamp Rd, Deniliquin 7 Jan, max 3 15km E
of Deniliquin 14-26 Oct & 2 20km E Deniliquin 7 Dec (PM). Fewer records
than usual.
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea 1 Market Swamp, Sandgate 8 Jan (CG), 1 Shortland
WC 26 Nov (AB), 2 Gloucester 31 Dec (DT); Centennnial Park 2 Jan (MSy);
1 Moonee Swamp Rd, Deniliquin 7 Jan & 2 20km E Deniliquin 7 Dec (PM), 1
Fivebough Swamp 2 Jan & 3 on 24 Dec (AR,KH), 1 Tuckerbill 11 Nov (KH).
Note no records Feb -Oct.
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis 1 McGraths Hill STW 30 Jul & 15 Oct (EV); 4 Moonee
Swamp Rd, Deniliquin 7 Jan, 2 15 km E 26 Oct, 20 Km E of Deniliqin 7 Dec
(PM), Tuckerbill Swamp 15 Oct (DGr).
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 1 30 km NE Walgett 11 Sep (DS,KS); 2 Enngonia
28 Sep (PS). Least number recorded in recent years.
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa AF Mangrove Mountain 26 Dec 1994-10 Jan
in garden, record accepted NSWORAC, second Central Coast record (CCBR).
100 October 1997Little Button -quail T velox AF Wyoming garden 13 Oct (ED), first Central Coast record;
Colo River 29 Oct (CBOC 1/96); Rylstone 18-22 Dec (DGe); 40+ Kennebri
1 1
14-15 Apr (AR,BC,TQ); 3 Minnamurra HSD, Walgett 28 Mar & 3+ 8-10 Oct
(DA,ME,TMz); Max 15 N of Conargo 6-12 Oct, 6+3J 24 Oct, 10+J 4 Nov (PM).
Red -chested Button -quail T pyrrhothorax 2 Wingen east 2 Mar (PBu); Kennebri 15
Apr (AR); AF N of Conargo 18 Jan & 12 Oct, AF 30 km NW Jerilderie 23 Mar
(PM); Bourke 16 Apr (ABe); Topar 14 Apr (CG). Average year.
1 1
Painted Button -quail T varia 1 llicrn W of Mt George 3 Jan (GM), AF Sth Grafton
Water Res 30 Apr, 1D Ramornie 13 May (GC); 1 Bridge Hill Rd, Myall Lakes
NP 19 Jan (DT), 1 Millfield 19 Apr (TQ), 4 Putty 3 Sep, 2 Martins Ck 9 Sep, 2
Woodville 21 Oct, (HBR); 4 Mangrove Hill, Popran NP 28 Sep, 3 on 3 Nov,
breeding Mangrove Mtn & Mt. White (CCBR); 1 Beach Rd, Berry 11 Feb (ISBR),
Wheeney Creek 2 Jul (DMa), Royal Bot. Gardens 21 Sep (PC), Annangrove
1 1 1
5 Oct (KB), 1 Hornsby 16 Oct (RMa), 1 Devlins Ck, Epping 21 Oct (JSe), 2
Yarramundi 10 Dec (DPt), Comleroy Rd, Colo 28 Dec (ARo); Bundanon
1 1
Res 24-26 Mar (CC,JC); 1 Nerrigundah 28 Sep, 1 Bermagui Sep, 1 Broulee 3
Nov -21 Dec (ENHS); 4 Putty 3 Sep (MRo), 1 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 15
Oct (BP), 2 Leura 5 Nov (AP); 1 Brooksville HSD, Wielmoringle 12 Sep (DS,KS).
Interesting to note no records for the Northern & Southern Tablelands and the
Slopes but one for the North-west Plains.
Black -breasted Button -quail T melanogaster Mebbin SF 29 Jul (RK), record in
accordance with HANZAB, but see also Smyth & Young (1996) who show an
extended distribution for NE NSW.
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus Pr mating N of Conargo 18 Jan after thunderstorm
in previous weeks, did not breed in dry spring 1994, M+2J 16 Feb, M+4J 14
Mar, M+3J 18 Mar, 2A+2Im 26 May (latest recorded breeding for this species
in Riverina), 2A mating 26 May, AF+6J 15 Oct, 3A+M+3Im 18 Nov, 2AM+M+4J
Dec & 3 north of Wanganella 24 Sep, scarce in this area since the drought of
1994 (PM).
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 20 Market Swamp, Sandgate 30 Dec (HBR);
Cooyal Aug (NK); 1 Bendemeer nr Tamworth 4 Nov (GMi), only NWS record
this year; 1 Whitton 24 Oct (DW), 1 Fivebough Swamp 5 Nov (KH). Departure:
2 Mulbring 15 Apr (HBR). Arrival: Sherwood 8 Aug (KS), Macquarie
University 13 Aug (HW), I northern Macquarie Marshes 19 Aug (RJ), 5
McGraths Hill STW 19 Aug (KB) & Scheyville NP 20 Aug (KB).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 101Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 4 Stockton Bridge 10 Sep (TQ), 6 Harrington Feb
(HBR); 3 Fivebough Swamp 9-15 Apr, on 8 Nov, 3 on 28 Nov (KH) Summer
Wader Count Feb: 158 Clarence Estuary, 300 Hunter (GC,PS). Winter Wader
Count Jul: 38 Clarence, 30 Hunter (GC,WSGN 9/96).
Bar- tailed Godwit L. lapponica 131 Iron Cove 8 Mar (AB) large number for site but
within paramaters for the Parrmatta R as a whole, resembling the race LI.
lapponica North Botany Bay 5 & 19 Oct (FOC,GC). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 236 Richmond Estuary, 2001 Hunter, 67 Tuggerah Lakes, 194 Parramatta
R, 646 Botany Bay, 198 Shoalhaven, 46 Lake Wollumboola, 136 Merimbula
(AM,BJ,CC,CCBR,GC,GRo,JP,PS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 122 Tweed,
43 Richmond, 326 Clarence, 250 Hunter, 82 Tuggerah L., 49 Parramatta, 106
Botany Bay & 83 Shoalhaven (JP,PS,WSGN 10/96). Average year.
Little Curlew Numenius minutus I Wagstaff mudflats Apr (CCBR), first Central Coast
record; 1 15km N of Deniliquin 21 Feb -14 Mar (PM) with Banded Lapwings, 3
Fivebough Swamp 3 Dec (KH), first record for site.
Whimbrel N. phaeopus Summer Wader Count Feb: 105 Richmond Estuary, 63 Clarence,
20 Harrington, 315 Hunter, 52 Botany Bay, 2 Shoalhaven, 27 Moruya
(CCh,ENHS,GC,HBR,JP,PS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 15 Tweed, 12
Richmond, 3 Clarence, 13 Hunter & 2 Botany Bay (WSGN 10/96).
Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 330 Kooragang Is 10 Sep (TQ) & 1000 on
passage 14 Oct (HBR); Homebush Bay 23 Dec (KB); max Eurobodalla &
Bega Shires 90+ South Tuross 26 Dec (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb:
96 Richmond Estuary, 100 Clarence, 400 Hunter, 4 Tuggerah Lakes, 237 Botany
Bay, 105 Shoalhaven, 52 Moruya, 19 Merimbula (AM,BJ,CCh,ENHS,GC,JP,PS).
Winter Wader Count Jul: 48 Clarence Estuary, 12 Batemans Bay (ENHS,GC).
Numbers still declining.
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnitalis 70+ Ash Island 18 Jan (AM), 1 Micalo Is 5 Feb, 5
Broadwater Swamp 22 Sep (GC), 8 Macksville 30 Jul (DS), banded Fullerton
Cove Feb 1994 recovered Ytykkyuel, Yatukia, High Arctic Russia May, having
travelled 10,714 km (Tattler 4/96); 4 Chittaway Pt 5-22 Jan (CCBR); Max 14
Longneck Lagoon 7 Jan -5 Mar & 1 on 30 Dec (HW,KB,TQ), 3 Cronulla HS
Swamp 2 Apr (PDb), Bushells Lagoon 24 Feb & 23 Oct (AY,BC), Homebush
1 1
Bay 23 Dec (KB); Max 500 Tullakool Evap. Ponds 8-22 Jan (PM), 300 Nericon
Swamp, Griffith Jan, 32 Fivebough Swamp 28 Sep & 137 on 3 Dec (KH), 293
Nericon Swamp 29 Dec (WM). Summer Wader Count Feb: 2 Richmond
Estuary, 433 Hunter, 4 Lake Wollumboola (CC,PS). Numbers continue to
increase in NSW.
102 October 1997Common Greenshank T nebularia 208 Kooragang Is 30 Mar (HBR), max 25 Tuggerah
Lakes Nov (CCBR); 10 Sutherlands Lake, Fords Bridge 18 Sep (AB). Arrival:
2 Homebush Bay 26 Aug (KB), 5 Ash Is 9 Sep (HBR), 2 Tilba Lake 29 Sep
(ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 45 Richmond Estuary, 140 Hunter, 14
Tuggerah Lakes (AM,PS). Lower numbers than usual.
Wood Sandpiper T glareola 4 Bakers Lagoon 14 Mar, max 4 Bushells Lagoon 5-17
Mar, 19 Aug -24 Dec (BC,KB); Max 5 Fivebough Swamp Jan & 12-24 Dec
(CG,KH,MSc), 10km E Deniliquin in gravel pit 28 Oct -31 Dec, 2 Hay STW
28 Nov (PM); 1 Fords Bridge 22 Apr (JDu), 1 20 km SE Fords Bridge 15 Sep
(DS,KS). Arrival: 1 Fivebough Swamp 13 Aug (KH), Bushells Lagoon 20 Aug
(KB). More records than usual, indicatinga gradual increase in numbers.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Present Hunter Estuary Jan -4 Apr, 29 Oct -Dec (HBR),
1 Harrington 1 Feb & 30 Dec (GP,HP,HBR); Max 6 Shell Point 13 Mar- 30 Apr
(AMb,JRu,NR), 4 north Botany Bay 8 Dec (DHa). Summer wader Count Feb:
42 Richmond Estuary, 15 Clarence, 154 Hunter & 10 Botany Bay (GC,PS).
Common Sandpiper Actitus hypoleucos 2 Kooragang Is/Fullarton Cove 6-21 Feb, on
11 Nov (HBR). Lowest number for many years.
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes A banded Yamba 14 Nov 1993, retrapped Obitsu
Estuary, Kisarazu-shi, Japan 30 Aug (Corella 20, 43); Prince Edward Pk,
Cabarita 15 Apr (FC), max 30 Shell Point 13 Mar -30 Apr (AMb,JRu,NR).
Summer Wader Count Feb: 68 Richmond Estuary,37 Clarence, 38 Hunter, 7
Moruya (GC,ENHS,HBR,PS).
Wandering Tattler H. incanus 1 North Port Kembla Beach 7 & 12 Apr (Chafer 1996).
Ruddy Tumstone Arenaria interpres Summer Wader Count Feb: 11 Richmond Estuary,
23 Toowoon Bay, 34 Long Reef, 30 Boatharbour (100 on 20 Mar), 8 Bellambi
Point (AB,AM,JP,JRu,NR,ISBR). These numbers are much lower than usual.
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 1 Nambucca Heads 17 Jan (DS), 4 Stockton Bridge 10
Sep (TQ); 1 Long Reef & 2 Dee Why Lagoon 12 Nov (AB); 3 Windang 24 Sep
(ISBR). Summer wader Count Feb: 46 Richmond Estuary, 140 Clarence, 20
Hunter (GC,PS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 2 Richmond, 75 Clarence, 5 Hunter
& 2 Toowoon Bay (AM,GC,AWSGN 10/96).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 103Red Knot C. canutus Max 74 The Entrance channel 24 Sep (CCBR), 58+ New Brighton,
Saratoga Mar (SZ), unusual location. Arrival: 80 Stockton Bridge 10 Sep (TQ),
max 100 on 14 Oct (HBR), 1 Botany Bay 28 Aug (DHa) & 45 on 2 Oct (AB), 12
Narooma 15 Oct (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 4 Clarence Estuary, 15
Hunter Estuary (GC,PS). Winter Wader Count Jul: Nil. Demonstrates “a
southern passage only” bird in NSW, but fewer numbers than in previous years.
Sanderling C. alba 4 Harrington 28-29 Oct (JW,RMg), 1 Stockton 23 Nov (per DH); 3
New Brighton, Saratoga Mar (SZ), Boatharbour, Kurnell 23-29 Oct (JPe,PS);
4 Windang 30 Sep (ISBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 43 Richmond Estuary
Little Stint C. minuta Tullakool Saltworks Jan -Mar (PM), referred to NSWORAC.
Western Sandpiper C. mauri Byron Bay 14 Oct (JI), referred to NSWORAC.
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis 400 Kooragang is 30 Dec (HBR); 103 Tuggerah Lakes Oct
(CCBR); 15 Fivebough Swamp 17 Aug (KH), large number for site. Summer
Wader Count Feb: 28 Clarence Estuary, 51 Hunter, 62 Tuggerah Lakes, 135
Long Reef, 147 Botany Bay, 99 Lake Wollumboola (AB,AM,JP,PS,ISBR).
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos
7 Jan -25 Mar (AMb,ID,JSe,NH), McGraths Hill 22 Apr (LD); Lake
1 1
Wollumboola 2-10 Feb (CC,ISBR); Max 2 Fivebough Swamp Jan -18 Mar, 12-
19 Nov (DW,KH), 1 Tullakool Evap. Ponds 13 Mar (PM). Average year.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Max 465 Ash Is 11 Jan & 600+ Kooragang is 30
Dec (HBR); 100+ Buckiinguy Swamp, Macquarie Marshes 28 Feb (RJ); Max
2600 Fivebough Swamp 12 Dec (KH), 3500 Nericon Swamp 24 Dec (WM);
present Lake Bancannia 29 Sep -7 Oct (GLC). Departure: Shell Point 30 Apr
(AMb). Arrival: 37 Fivebough Swamp 26 Aug (KH), 4 north Botany Bay 12
Sep (CG), 1 McGraths Hill STW, 2 Mason Pk, Concord & 20 Lake Cargellico
15 Sep (ABe,GR,MR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 29 Richmond Estuary,
218 Hunter, 61 Tuggerah Lakes, 86 Botany Bay, 198 Lake Wollumboola
(AM,CC,GRo,JP,PS,ISBR). Good numbers inland.
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Max 1500 Kooragang Is/Fullarton Cove 17 Jan (HBR);
Present Lake Banncannia 29 Sep- 7 Oct (GLC). Arrival: Fivebough Swamp
(KH), 2 north Botany Bay 22 Aug (AB), 4 Long Reef (CG) 26 Aug. Summer
Wader Count Feb: 83 Richmond Estuary, 1520 Hunter, 127 Tuggerah Lakes,
149 Botany Bay, 15 Lake Wollumboola (AM,CC,JP,PS). Winter Wader Count
Jul: 10 Tweed Heads (AA).
104 October 1997Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 2 Kooragang Is 5 Mar (HBR); 1 Mystery
Bay 30 May (Andrew 1997), first South Coast record.
Ruff Philomachus pugnax IF Kooragang Is 18-21 Dec (ID,HBR).
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis Buckiinguy Swamp, Macquarie Marshes 28
Feb (RJ), I Brewarrina 6 Mar (JSm); 5 Fivebough Swamp Jan & M&F on 14-15
Nov (DW,KH). Threatened Fauna, all records published.
Comb -crested Jacana Irechparra gallinacea 9 Glen Ck Lagoon, Woodenbong 17 Jan
(DC), 5 Lismore Lake 12 Feb (AY), 2 Vintage Lakes, Tweed Heads Feb (SD); 2
Hillville 18 Feb, 1 Coopernook SF 9-12 Jun, 14 Nov, 1 Oxley Is 6 Apr & 1
Bootawa 6 Jul (HBR,MVBN 3/95), max 6 Colliery Dam, Mulbring 4 Feb -15
Apr (HBR). All records published.
Bush Stone -curlew Burhinus grallarius J in Davistown 13 Jan, taken into care, released
Rileys Island NR (CCBR), 3 in mangroves St. Huberts Is 16 Jul (TQ); Narooma
Oct -Dec, attempted nesting Nov but no mate (ENHS); Bukulla HSD,
Weilmoringle 15 Feb (MM); 2 Billabong Ck, Conargo 18 Jan -14 Mar, N+Eggs
16 Dec, 2 in Boree country 45km NE of Conargo where resident 24 Oct (PM), 2
Barham 18 Oct (TBO 3/96).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus neglectus 2 Dart Is, Clarence R 5 Feb, 3 Nambucca Heads 10
May (GC), 3 Red Rock 23 Jul -16 Dec (AB,BC,GC,IBOC 11/95)), 2 Tweed
Heads Golf Course occasionally (BM,HM). No sign of the Harrington or Sandon
River birds!
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris 7 feeding on Nambucca Golf Course fairways
after rain 12 Dec (DS), A banded Barry Bch, Corner Inlet Vic 13 Aug 1994,
reported Sand Is, Wallis Lake 23 Oct (Corella 20, 44), 2A+3Y Sand Is, N+1E
Godwin Is Forster 28 Oct & 12 Sand Is 14 Dec (DT); Total Central Coast
population c.5 pr, I pr north & south Tuggerah Lakes, 3 pr Brisbane Water,
nested unsuccessfully Chittaway Pt Dec (CCBR); 2 Burraneer Bay, Cronulla 15
Nov (CP), unusual location, 22 Sandringham 2 Dec (DH), 2 pr nested Towra
Spit Is but nests destroyed by predators Nov -Dec (Priddell & Ross 1996); 2P+2E
Wallagoot Lake 17 Oct (BJ). Summer Wader Count Feb: 13 Clarence Estuary,
57 Botany Bay, 9 Moruya, 8 Merimbula (BJ,ENHS,GC,JP), Winter Wader
Count Jul: 14 Clarence, 64 Botany Bay, 6 Comerong Is, 10 Bermagui, 14
Merimbula (BJ, GC,ENHS,ISBR,AWSGN 10/96). Botany Bay numbers continue
to increase, no breeding records reported for South Coast.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 105Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus 2 Forster 23 Feb, irregular visitor (AR); present
Newcastle Baths all year, max 7 on 6 Mar (HBR); Present all year rock platforms
on Central Coast, max 8 Toowoon Bay 11 Mar (CCFOC); Present all year Long
Reef, max 16 on 14 Mar (AR,HW,NM), max 8 Boatharbour 18 Feb -20 Mar
(JP,JRu, NR); 11 Crookhaven Heads 10 Feb (CC) & Tilba Lake Jan (ENHS).
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Max 72 Riverine Pk, Arncliffe 19 May -31
Dec incl 6 nests 10 Oct (RMo), 3 nests Homebush Bay 24 Nov (BDo), max 190
Homebush Bay 23 Dec (KB): 55 Killalea Lagoon 9 Apr (ISBR); max 60 Jellat
Swamp 25 Dec, high number for site (ENHS). Summer wader Count Feb: 48
Richmond Estuary, 555 Hunter Estuary, 92 Tuggerah Lakes, 8 Parramatta R, 45
Botany Bay (PS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 313 Tweed, 47 Richmond, 18
Clarence, 250 Hunter, 10 Tuggerah L, 24 Parramatta & 55 Botany Bay (Wingspan
Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus 2 Kooragang Is 9 Dec -27 Jan 96 (AR,BC,CSh);
Fivebough Swamp Jan & 4 Nov -28 Dec (KH); 160 Lake Cawndilla 24 Jan
(MM). Certainly more regular in NSW.
Red -necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Present all year Kooragang Is max
3000 Jul (TD,TQ), 14 Pokolbin Lake 4 Jun & on 21 Sep (JVh); Homebush
1 1
Bay 15 May (BDo); 30 Lake George 25 Sep (AY); Present Lake Bancannia 29
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva Departure: 3 Mason Park 4 Apr (NH). Arrival: 3
North Botany Bay 9 Sep (AB), 9 Mason Pk, Concord 16 Sep (NH). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 110 Richmond Estuary, 145 Hunter, 41 Tuggerah Lakes,
42 Botany Bay (AM,PS). Numbers declining in Botany Bay cf. 200 1983 &
Grey Plover P. squatarola 1 Nambucca Heads 17 Jan (DS); 1 Long Reef 14 Sep (AB), 2
Windang 24-30 Sep (ISBR), 3 Dee Why Lagoon 8 Oct (NM), Norah Head 26
Oct (KB); Merimbula 9 Oct (DH). Average year.
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus 43 Everlasting Swamp 17 May (GC); 55
Windang 8 May (ISBR); Nested Fivebough Swamp 26 Jan (KH). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 20 Richmond Estuary, 50+ Harrington, 50+ Hunter, 17
Botany Bay, 130 Tuross (HBR,JP). Winter Wader Count Jul: 16 Tuggerah
Lakes (CCBR), 27 Botany Bay on 31 May (AB). 50% decline at Botany Bay in
10 years.
106 October 1997Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus 13 Everlasting Swamp 17 May (GC); 1 Bushells
Lagoon Apr (KB); Recorded at 12 sites in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires, max 7
Moruya Heads Mar (ENHS); Fivebough Swamp 18 Mar & 15 Apr (KH).
Arrival: Im Congo Point 29 Jan (ENHS), Lake Wollumboola 2 Feb (ISBR), 2
Tuggerah Lakes 19 Feb (CCBR), 2 Station Ck, Yuragir NP 8 Mar (GC), 2 Mason
Park 15 Mar (NH,TOs). Departure: 1 Long Reef 26 Aug (CG), 5 Botany Bay
28 Aug (DHa) & 2 Harrington (MVBN 12/95), Bermagui 15 Oct (ENHS).
Winter Count Jul: 5 Lake Wooloweyah, 10 Tuggerah Lakes, 22 Boatharbour,
25 Bonnievale, 97 Comerong Is (CCBR,GC,JP,JRu,NR,ISBR). Winter count
50% lower than 1980s.
Lesser Sand Plover C.mongolus 40 Kooragang Is 21 Mar & 10 on 16 Dec (AB,BC); 10
Boatharbour 2 Apr & 3 on 20 Nov (AB,TQ), 3 North Botany Bay 3-17 Apr & 1
on 1 Nov (CG,GP,PMe), 1 Windang 11 Nov (EV). Summer Wader Count
Feb: 32 Richmond Estuary, 16 Hickey Is & 43 Lake Woolowyeah, Clarence
Estuary, 35 Hunter, 14 Botany Bay 30 Jan (GC,GRo,PS). Summer count 50%
lower than 1980s.
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 48 Richmond Estuary 6 Feb (PS), Lake Wooloweyah
5 Feb, 1 netted & banded Hickey Is 11 Feb, 2 Dart Is 12 Feb & 6 Woody Head
9 Dec (GC); Tuross estuary 4 Feb (ENHS). Average year.
Inland Dotterel C. australis 3+1 Im 30 km SE Hay 27 Nov (PM).
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops Only small numbers in the Hunter Valley &
Central Coast, records down 50%, no doubt due to improved conditions
throughout the State (HBR,CCBR); 60 Riverstone 5 Feb (AB), Max 11 Mason
Park 18 Apr -28 Jun (NH), 7 Riverine Pk, Arncliffe 7 Jul (RMo).
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubicollis 5 Berrara 29 Jul & 4 Cudmirrah Beach 5 Aug (ISBR),
2 Narrawallee Ck Bch 26 Nov (per DH); N+E South Head Bch, Merimbula 11
Jan & N+3E 8 Feb (BJ,JHo), N+3E Tomakin 13 Dec, recorded at 8 sites in
Eurobodalla & Bega Shires, max 3 (ENHS).
Red- kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 2 Macksville 30 Jul (DS); max 3 Shortland
WC Jan, 2 Sep -31 Dec, Irrawang Swamp 17 Oct (HBR); 7 (incl. 4 imm) Pitt
1 1
Town Lagoon 13 Feb (AB), 1 Mason Park Jun (NH). No Central Coast records
and fewer records for Hunter and Sydney Regions than usual which would reflect
improved conditions inland.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 107Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor Present Richmond 3 Sep -31 Dec, max 43A+3Y 28-
31 Dec high count (AP,CSh,KB), 2 Bankstown Aerodrome 5 May (JD); 2+5y
Munghorn Gap NR 28 Oct (JDu); A+2J Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone 20 Feb,
late nest date (RJ); 2+4E N of Conargo 16 Feb, 2+4Y S of Deniliquin 18 Mar
(PM), late breeding following thunderstorms, in many places there was no nesting
due to the drought of 1994-95.
Masked Lapwing V. miles 100+ Stockton Borehole Swamp 26 Jan (HBR), 77 Castlereagh
3 Sep (Birdline); 57 Pambula River Flats 3 Jan (BJ), large concentrations.
Australian Pratincole Stiltia Isabella 10 N of Conrago (PM), A+2Y Whitton 16 Oct (DW),
2+N 30km SE Hay 2 Dec (PM). Arrival: 16 Whitton 3 Sep (KH), 3 Yathong
HSD, Roto 9 Sep (BV), 5 20km S of Goodooga 11 Sep (DS,KS), 4 North Bourke
18 Sep (RT), 11+ S of Hungerford 19 Sep (JH).
Great Skua Catharacta skua Arrival: off Sydney 23 Apr (KB). Departure: off
1 I
Wollongong 26 Nov.
South Polar Skua C. Maccormackii 1 off Sydney 11 Feb (PH), 1 off Wollongong 26 Nov
(AP); 1 Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 8 Oct (DH), all referred to NSWORAC;
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus off Swansea 20 Jan (HBR); Max 50 off
Wollongong 22 Jan -25 Mar (PH).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 1 Chittaway Bay, Tuggerah Lakes 7 Mar, during storms,
rarely recorded in Tuggerah Lakes (CCBR). Departure: 2 off Kurnell 2 Jul
(AR), a very late date.
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicaudus 5 off Ballina 6-8 Mar (JI); 3 off Sydney 11 Feb & 23
Apr (PH,TQ), 1 off Broken Bay 19 Feb (EV), 1 North Head 9 Mar (DH), max 3
off Wollongong 22 Jan -25 Mar, 22 Oct -26 Nov (AP,PH).
Pacific Gull Larus pacificus Max 2 Im Botany Bay 17 Feb -28 Aug (AB,DHa), J Malabar
3 Jul (EV); 1 off Wollongong 28 Jun (PH), Im Port Kembla 6 Aug (EV), 1-2 Im
Windang 2 Jun -17 Dec, 1 Im Bellambi Pt 10 Sep (ISBR), 2 Im Ulladulla 19
May; Present Eurobodalla & Bega Shires 20 Jan -31 Oct, max 3 at Batemans
Bay, Bermagui, Bingie, Caseys Beach, Merimbula, Tilba Lake & Wallaga Lake
(BJ,ENHS,Aust.Birding 6/95); 1 Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 8 Oct (DH), max 7
Eden Harbour Jun -31 Dec (NJ,CC,JBo,JC). Numbers increase each year.
108 October 1997Kelp Gull L. dominicanus 3 Boat Harbour Res 20 Mar (JRu,NR), 2 Long Reef 3 Sep
(CM), max 4 north Botany Bay 4 Jul & 12 Sep (AB,GC), 23 at West Dapto Tip
6 Aug (CCh), also recorded Killalea Lagoon, Dunmore & Kiama Harbour (ISBR);
Tilba Lake 7 Oct (ENHS).
Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae 3000 nests on islands in Swansea Channel and 1000 nests
on Moon Is NR 2 Oct (HBR).
Gull -billed Tern Sterna nilotica Present all year Hunter Estuary, max 6 Stockton 11 Nov
(HBR); Berkeley Vale 21 Nov (AKM), first Tuggerah Lake record away from
The Entrance, 3 Birdie Beach, Munmorah SRA 20 Aug (CCBR); I Fivebough
Swamp 26 Aug (KH).
Caspian Tern S. caspia 30+ Stockton 22 Jan (HBR), 20+ Swansea 21 May (TQ); Max 50
Tuggerah Lakes Jan (CCBR); 58 Lake Wollumboola Apr (JP); Present
Eurobodalla & Bega Shires all year but in small numbers, max 5 Tilba lake Apr
Crested Tern S. bergii c.150 nests Moon Is NR 2 Oct (HBR); nesting Wallagoot Lake 21
Oct (ENHS).
Roseate Tern S. dougalii 1 Flat Rock, Ballina 28 Sep- I Oct (JI), referred to NSWORAC.
White -fronted Tern S. striata 2 Nambucca Heads 21-26 Jun (DS); Present Bateau Bay-
Norah Head, Central Coast 25 Jun -27 Sep (CCBR,NH); Present Long Reef to
Maroubra, including Sydney Hbr 15 Apr -24 Sep, max 30 Coogee 4 Sep
(BC,CG,HW,ID,RG,TQ); 1 Moruya Heads 16 May, 1 off Batemans Bay 11 Jun
& 2 on 10 Sep, at Congo Point 17 Dec a very late date (ENHS).
Common Tern S. hirundo 2000+ Woody Head 21 Oct (GC); Present Swansea, Stockton
& Harrington Jan -Mar, max 100 Stockton 20 Jan (HBR); Present Jan -7 Mar,
Oct -Dec on Central Coast, max 620 The Entrance 4 Jan & 1000+ Toowoon Bay
15 Jan (CCBR); Present Bicentennial Park Lake 9 on 8 Apr, 1 on 15 May, regular
location (BDo), 40 off Wollongong 22 Oct (AP); 1 Congo Pt 29-30 Jan, 3 Kianga
10 Dec (ENHS). Arrival: 2 Windang 30 Sep (ISBR). Departure: 1 Bicentennial
Park 15 May (BDo).
Fairy Tern S. nereis 2A+3Y nesting Wallagoot Lake Jan -Feb (Jones, 1995) details in
1994 Report, Wallagoot Lake 18 Oct (BJ).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 109Sooty Tern S. fuscata 100+ Ballina 14-16 Feb & 2 6-8 Mar (JI), A+2J Station Ck Yuraygir
NP 14-16 Feb (GC) associated with tropical cyclones; Single immatures Kanwal
4 Jan & Soldiers Bch 14 Jan (CCBR); 6+ off Sydney 23 Apr & 2 on 9 Dec
(MRo,TQ); 1 D 15 km S of Batemans Bay 1 Jan (AT). More records than usual.
Little Tern S. albifrons Breeding: Harrington 20+N wiped out by foxes in late Nov, 20P
again nesting late Dec (NPWS); Forster late start, 8N,12E,9Y on Miles Is 31
Dec (NPWS); 4A+2N Yagon, Myall Lakes NP 14 Jan (DT); Towra Spit Island,
Botany Bay had 22 nests by late Nov, but 37 eggs losts to Australian Ravens in
Nov, re -nesting occurred but then 41 eggs were lost to a fox, additional baiting
of foxes and ravens was not fully effective until the first week in 1996 and
eventually 22 young fledged (Priddell & Ross 1996); 32 including 10 nests
Comerong Is 8 Dec (ISBR), Lake Wollumboola 4A+2J 4 Feb -11 Mar (JP); Congo
Point 2A+2Y 29 Jan -11 Feb, Murrah Beach 3N each 2E, 10 Dec (NHS), not
previously recorded as a nesting site.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 15 Kooragang is 18 Nov & present Grahamstown
Dam 29 Oct (HBR); 4 Bushells Lagoon 4 Oct (KB), 36 Bicentennial Park 6-7
Nov (EH,MMo); 40 Fivebough Swamp 28 Aug, 10,000 roosting 28 Nov & 20,000
by 28 Dec (KH,PS), unprecedented numbers.
White -winged Black Tern C. leucopterus 1 Shortland WC 1-2 Jan (WB), 2J Harrington 6
Jan (AR), 300 Fullarton Cove 6 Feb- 10 Mar (DGe), 100+, many in breeding
plumage, some birds all whitish Everlasting Swamp 3 May (GC); 1 off
Wollongong 22 Jan (PH), 1 Windang 20-24 Jan & 12 Mar (JDu,ISBR), max 5
Lake Wollumboola 25 Jan -1 Apr (JP,ISBR); Max 7 Tullakool Evap. Ponds 8-22
Jan (PM), 30 Fivebough Swamp 12 Dec (KH), first record for site. Greatest
numbers recorded ever in NSW.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus lm Ballina 15 Feb & others 6-8 Mar (JI); 2 off Sydney 1
Feb & 23 Apr (AM,PH,TQ); off Wollongong 26 Feb (PH). Referred to
NSWORAC. The most records in any year.
Black Noddy A. minutus A Ballina 15-16 Feb and 6-8 Mar (JI), referred to NSWORAC,
21 -22nd confirmed records for NSW if accepted.
Grey Ternlet Procelsterna cerulea 59 Ballina 4-8 Mar (JI), as a result of TC Violet, the
most ever recorded together on NSW Coast; I off Sydney 11 Feb & 23 Apr
(PH,TQ), referred to NSWORAC, 21 -23rd records for NSW if accepted.
110 October 1997White Tern Gygis alba blown ashore to Mullumbimby 16 Feb (DD), 4 Ballina 5-8 Mar
(JI), from TC Violet. First records since 1989, referred to NSWORAC, 23 -24th
records for NSW if accepted.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela Nesting in Frangipani covered in Cats Claw
Creeper Macfadyena unguis-cati near Grafton Police Station 30 Jan -24 Feb (GC);
Only record for Devlins Ck, Epping was on 16 May (BDo), 6 St. Ives 28 Mar
(RC1), Artannon 2 Jul (AB), observer’s first record here, 5 Elanora Heights 22
Jul (IM), 1 Oatley Park 1 Aug (DK), 2 Grays Point 1-21 Aug (JFo), 3 Dural 1-7
Sep (AS); Recorded at 11 sites in the Illawarra Region including 1 Thirroul 3
Sep (TQ,ISBR); Recorded at 8 sites in Eurobodalla Shire Jan -Nov, max 12
Wallaga Lake Jan (ENHS); Max 3 Kurrajong 21 Oct -18 Nov (EV,RMg).
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis Nesting Newcastle suburbs Rankin Park
14 Jul & New Lambton Heights 24 Sep (HBR); 1 Lorna Pass, Thornleigh 23 Jul
(DL), unusual location; 2 Durras Lake 20 Mar (WMa), most southern record in
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 1 Hortons Ck NR 4 Feb & 1 Urunga 3 Dec (DP), 1
Booyong 12 Feb (RP), 1 Washpool SF 15-24 Mar, AM Woody Head 8-10 Dec,
HC Susan Island 5 Jul (GC), 1 Coopernook SF 9-11 Jun (MVBN 3/95), 1 Border
Ranges NP 29 Aug (IBOC 11/95), Mt Warning NP 21 Nov (BC), 2 Sea Acres
NR 31 Dec (EV); Main Creek 14 Mar, Rowleys River 29 Sep- 2 Oct, Blackbutt
Res 28 Oct & Stockrington 17 Nov (HBR); Budgewoi 17 Jun, Matcham 17
Jul, Ourimbah 29 Oct, Lemon Tree Nov & Katandra SR 20 Aug -29 Oct (CCBR),
more records than usual for Central Coast; Byrong Park, Mt Keira 12 Jun &
1 1
Minnamurra 2 Jul (ISBR); 2 Burrewarra Point 11 Feb -13 Jun (ENHS).
Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera 50+ Table Bay Creek 14-17 Jul (HBR), large
concentration; 2 West Nowra 20 Oct & 8 Nov (ISBR), eastern distribution in
Shoalhaven area.
Brush Bronzewing P. elegans 3 Booti Booti NP 12 Jan (HBR); 1 Somersby Feb (CCBR),
most Central Coast records are for coastal parks; Wattamolla, Royal NP 30
Apr (SAs); 3 Woronora R, 7 Dec & 2 Barren Grounds NR 25 Dec, 3 Conjola SF
30 Dec (ISBR); Kianga Creek Nov (ENHS), 2 near Green Cape 28-31 Dec
(CC,JC). All records within known range.
Flock Bronzewing P. histrionica 2 between Tibooburra & Wanaaring 28 Apr (DH).
Only record received.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 111Diamond Dove Geopelia cuneata Ellalong 28-30 Sep (HBR) escapee? Single SF,
1 1
Guyra 19 Apr (SD); Glen Alice 13-14 May (SA); Bullawa Ck, 20 km E of
1 1
Narrabri 7 Jan (DR), 6 Kennebri 14 Apr (TQ); 8+ Minnamurra HSD, Walgett
23-27 Mar & 1 12 Oct (GW,ME,TMz), 1 Bulgeraga R, Macquarie Marshes 19
Apr & small numbers Collerina area 19-28 Apr (AM), 100+ north-east Macquarie
Marshes 13 Jun (RJ), large number for this site; Scarce & local all year in hills
around Leeton (KH), annual visitor to the sandridges in Gulpha Is SF, arriving
16 Nov (PM); 4 Coombie HSD, Roto Jul (JHu). More records than usual.
Peaceful Dove G. striata 2 Munmorah SRA Aug (CCBR), unusual location; Recorded
around Sydney at Chiltern Trail, Ku-ringai Chase NP 22 Jan -12 Feb, 3 Jul -14
Aug (AB), Oakdale 19 Sep & 2 Norton’s Basin, Wallacia 24 Sep (TS), Agnes
Banks NR 1-3 Sep, Castlereagh 26 Dec & Mulgo 19 Dec (RT); 2 Bamerang
Dam 6 Jun (ISBR).
Bar- shouldered Dove G. humeralis 5 Grose Vale 20 Jun (TS), 2 Wyrrabalong NP north
18 Sep (LB), 1 Annangrove 18 Oct (KB), 1 Mt Pleasant 26 Feb & 3 Killalea
Lagoon 9 Jul & 18 Nov (ISBR); 2 Curramore 18 Nov (ISBR); Nested in garden
Coombie HSD, Roto 3 times Sep -Nov, rearing chick each time (JHu). Continues
to spread slowly down the east coast.
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca Capertee Valley 28 Jun (KT), western edge
of range.
Wompoo Fruit- Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 2 Lower Thora Valley, Belligen Jan (HW),
2 Allyn R Forest Park, Barrington Tops 8 Feb (DPt), Tuckean Swamp Apr,
21+ Sawpit Ck, Border Ranges NP 7 Dec (DC), Hortons Ck NR 4 Feb,
1 1
Ulong 30 Apr & 6 Mallanganee Aug (DP), Yarranbella 31 May (DS), Big
1 1 1
Scrub FR 27 Aug & 4+ Border Ranges NP 29 Aug (IBOC 11/95), 3+ Woolgoolga
Ck FR 19 Nov (BC). Barrinton Tops most southerly record for 1995.
Superb Fruit -Dove P. superbus 1 in fruiting fig, Sawpit Ck, Border Ranges NP 7 Dec
(DC); ImM Engadine 7 Apr, ImM Forestville 3 May (WIRES), JM Ourimbah
26 May & Im St. Peters 25 Jun (AM), consistent with known pattern, 2 flew into
windows and others found injured.
Rose -crowned Fruit -Dove P. regina 13 Tuckean Swamp Apr, feeding in fruiting Camphor
Laurel Cinnamomum camphora, 3 Pholis Gap, Nightcap NP 20 Oct, 2 Camerons
Rd, Lismore 29 Oct, 5+ Sawpit Ck, Border Ranges NP 7 Dec (DC), feeding in
Scentless Rosewood Synoum glandulosum, Sawtell 18 Sep (CSe), 1 Urunga 3
Dec (DP), 12 Sea Acres NR 31 Dec (EV); 2 Maxwells Camp 2 Feb, 2 Smiths
112 October 1997Lake 8 Aug, Cabbage Tree Island 4-8 Dec (HBR), 2 Hallidays Point Sep
(MVBN 12/95); Im Magic Pt, Maroubra 23 Jul (RG), F Mt Keira Rhododendrom
Garden 24 Jul (ISBR).
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus Large numbers reported this year include 300+
flying S at Coutts Crossing 12 Aug (GC), 60 Kangaroo Mountain 16 Jul (HBR);
60 Katandra Scenic Res Apr (CCBR); Flocks 40+ recorded in the Illawarra-
Shoalhaven Region at Gooseberry Island & Mt Keira, lesser numbers at 10 other
sites Jan -Mar, Aug -Dec (ISBR); Recorded at 4 sites Eurobodalla & Bega Shires
Jan -Sep, max 11 Bega River 21 Feb (ENHS).
Red-tailed Black -Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii 10 Nerringina HSD, Weilmoringle
5 Feb (MM), 80+ Turee HSD, Bourke 22 Apr (AM) & 20+ Mundiawa HSD,
Brewarrina 23 Apr (ME), 6 Bourke 18 Sep (RT) & 200 mid Sep (SD), 500 10km
E of Bourke & 70 40 km W 2 Oct (PDb), 100+ Wilcannia 15 Oct (AB). All
within known range.
Glossy Black -Cockatoo C. lathami Recorded at 12 locations on the North Coast throughout
the year max 17 Ulong 25-28 Jan (DP); Recorded at 10 locations in the Hunter
Area all year max 10+ Wallaroo SF 16 Nov (HBR); Recorded at 13 locations on
the Central Coast throughout the year, max 7 Wyoming 9 May (CCBR); Recorded
at 10 locations in the Sydney area throughout the year, mostly in the vicinity of
Ku-ring-gai Chase NP; 2 Kellets Ck, Budgong Feb & nesting Aug, 9 Bangalee
Jun, max 3 Swan Lake 2 Sep -25 Nov (ISBR); Recorded at 16 sites in Eurobodalla
& Bega Shires all year, max 7 Morton NP 7 Jul (ENHS); Coocooboonah HSD,
Emmaville 27 Apr & Willows HSD, Emmaville 26 Apr (SD), 2 Rockview
HSD, Glen Davis 15 Oct (PB), 3 Guy Fawks River NP 3 Jun (GMi); 5 Lower
Colo 14 Apr (KB), 2 Wheelbarrow Ridge, Parr SRA 12 May (BPn), 7 Comleroy
Rd, Colo 21 Oct (RMg), 3 Evans Lookout 19 Feb (TW), 3 Lower Grose R,
Grose Valley Nov (DPt); 2 Laird SF, Barraba 2 Nov (PDb); 2+ Charcoal Tank
NR 7-9 Jul (Gang Gang 8/95); Max 17 Salt Caves, Pilliga East SF 16 Apr & 15
Jul (AR,DP), 11 Kennebri 15 Apr (AR), 2 Willala Hills, Pilliga NR 16 Apr
(KD); 4 Gilgandra FR 18 Apr (LL), max 291 counted at 10 waterholes in Goonoo
Goonoo SF 27 Aug (JHo) & 132 on 26 Nov (Peet 1996); Max 7 Brobenah Hills
19 Mar & 21 Oct, 14 Tully’s Hill, Leeton 26 Mar -8 Apr (DGr,GCh,KH,PG).
Endangered fauna, only inland records published, summaries given for coastal
Yellow -tailed Black -Cockatoo C. funereus Widely dispersed in the Hunter Region, max
56 Fullarton Cove Jan (HBR); Max 9 Botany 26 Aug -1 Nov, max 25 Kyeemagh
2 Nov -5 Dec, feeding in both Pinus radiata and Banksia serrata (RMo), 31
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 113Lane Cove 9 Sep (HW), 3 Undercliffe 10 Sep (JO), 20 Epping 9 Sep (CM), 5
Kirribilli 11 Sep (CM), 8 North Ryde 13 Sep (IMm), 23 Dulwich Hill 21 Oct
(JO), many other Sydney records, 50 Bilpin 26 Mar (EV); Common on South
Coast, max 51 Burrewarra Point Dec (ENHS); 7 Kings Plain NP 10 Sep (JM); 2
Bendemeer 28 Apr (GMi), very uncommon NWS.
Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 20 Table Bay Ck 14-17 Apr & Red
Creek 28-29 Oct and 5 Goulburn R NP 4 Oct (HBR); 80+ feeding E. punctata
seeds Lemon Tree May (CCBR); 2 prs Pennant Hills Park Jan, seen regularly
(AD), 2 Devlins Ck, Epping 29 Jul -24 Aug (AB,AMb); 2 Glen Davis 17 May
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 5 Woodville 1 Oct & resident Brightwaters
(HBR); Max 60+ Umina-Woy Woy-Empire Bay & 130 Wyong-The Entrance
all year (CCBR); 10 Centennial Park 27 Jul -19 Oct (Birdline), with 2 Little
Corellas feeding on the fruits of Golden Wreath Wattle Acacia saligna at
Woolooware HS 12 Nov (GC), a similar food source used at Tuggerah Lakes
(AM), 70 Cattai 30 Dec (KB), 6 Stanwell Park 6 Nov (ISBR); 11 Cobargo Golf
Course 25 Jan & 15 Moruya HS 6 Feb, first records since 1992 (ENHS); 54
Leeton 7 Jan (KH). Numbers increasing both inland and on the coast.
Little Corella C. sanguinea 3 31cm S of Woodenbong 17 Jan & Cedar Pt, Kyogle 14
Dec (DC); Resident Shortland WC, max 150+ 29 Jan (HBR); 40+ Eastwood 5
Sep (WBr), 2 nesting Pipeclay Pt, Narrabeen Lake 7 Sep (BC); 10+ Menangle
18 Nov (ISBR), 80 Lake Wollumboola 1 Jan (GMi); 22 Moruya HS 3 May
(ENHS); 100+ Manilla 8 Feb (JH); 2 Goonoo Goonoo Aug (SD).
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri Max 20 Culgoa Downs, Collarina 18-28 Apr
(AM); 6 Mt Hope 2 Oct (CM), 6 Zara HSD, Wanganella 18 Oct (PM); 6 groups,
2-8 50-100km W of Cobar on Louth Rd 30 Sep (ARo); 40+ resident near
homestead Coombie HSD, Roto (JHu). Only large concentrations reported.
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita Max 200 Arrowfield 18 Jan & 400+ Table Bay Ck
14-17 Apr (HBR); 70 feeding on lawn Sydney Botanical Gardens 8 Aug (BDo),
48 Lake Illawarra South 11 Mar (ISBR), large numbers for urban areas.
CockatielNymphicus hollandicus 2 Blandford & 5 Willow Tree 17 Mar, eastern edge of
range (HBR); A+J Ranger Valley, Glen Innes (DS).
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus 2 Cronulla HS Swamp 25 May
(GC), 6 Meadowbank Pk, West Ryde 28 May & 10 Aug (JSe), few records for
114 October 1997Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 6+ Washpool SF 24-30 Mar, 5 Newfoundland SF
21 Feb, 2+ Bonville 22 May (GC), 2 Nambucca Heads 12 Jun -7 Sep (DS), 6+
Kororo 10 Oct (CSe); Large influx to western Lake Macquarie May -Jul, max
100+ Brightwaters associated with E. robusta flowering, 3-4 Table Bay Ck 14-
17 Apr (HBR); 2 Bombah Pt, Myall Lakes NP 26 Jun (DT), 10 Carrington, Port
Stephens 10 Sep (MVBN 12/95); Small to large flocks May -Nov Wyong-
Tuggerah-Bateau Bay with E. robusta, Blackbutt E. pilularis & Woollybutt E.
longifolia important food trees; Max 145 flying NE over Mangerton 15-21 May
(KW), 20+ feeding in Grey Ironbark E. crebra Picnic Point May -13 Aug (JP),
first time in 20 years, 40+ Cambelltown-Ingleburn feeding in Flooded Gum E.
grandis 25 May -18 Jun (ALe), 20-60 Rozelle Hospital 28 May -8 Jun (SWa),
many Beecroft PS 19-22 Jun, 2 Boronia Pk, Epping 22 Jun (NH), 30-40 Sylvania
Jul -27 Sep (PRa), 2 Eastwood 28 Aug (WBr), 200+ Como Sep -3 Oct (KC,SAs),
12 Oyster Bay 2 Oct (JWi); 10 Wollongong Bot. Gardens 3-14 Sep, 100+
Sanctuary Point 3 Aug feeding in E. robusta, 3+ Cudmirrah 24 Sep & 28 Oct
(ISBR); Present all year Eurobodalla & Bega Shires, max 200+ Burrewarra Point
Dec (ENHS), nesting Bega & feeding on ripe plums in a garden 27-31 Dec
(CC,JC); Many Glen Davis 8 Oct (NH); 2 Boggabri 9 Sep (DS); large numbers
for the Illawarra, Sydney and the Central Coast, lesser numbers on South Coast
because Spotted Gum was patchy flowering in winter.
Little Lorikeet G. pusilla 4 Ulong 28 Jan, present Hortons Ck NR 4 Feb, Whiporie 1 Apr
& Jul, 5+ Mummulgum 30 Jul (DP), 7 Booti Booti NP 22 May (DT), rare at
this location; Small flocks Central Coast 8 Lees Res 18 Mar, max 6 Cockle Bay
Jun -Aug; I North Botany Bay 5 Oct (AB); 2 Gerringong 14 Feb, 10+ Sanctuary
Point 3 Aug (ISBR) feeding in E. robusta; Nesting Broulee 16-17 Dec (ENHS);
50+ Glen Davis 29 Oct (CG).
Double -eyed Fig -Parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma 2 in Moreton Bay Fig near Clunes Apr
(A. Birding 6/95), referred to NSWORAC.
Australian King -Parrot Alisterus scapularis 50+ Charity Ck/Rocks Crossing 10 Jun (HBR),
large number.
Red -winged Parrot Aprosmictus erythropterus 40 km W of Cobar 9 Oct (ARo), extreme
western edge of range.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 14 Cowra 24 Sep (RMg), 2 Mandurama 18 Nov (per
DH); 2 Breakfast Ck, Frogmore 16-17 Apr (CC,JC), 2 Binalong & 9
Murrumbateman 10 Sep (IMm); 16 (2 grps), Warramatta HSD, Savernake Aug
(JHu); 20+ 20km W of Baradine 25 Apr (DJ), 5 Gradgery HSD, Quambone 13
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 115Jun, 2 Cherrigorang HSD, Sandy Camp 23 Jun, 5 5km NW Quambone 10 Aug,
max 21 between Quambone & Mt Harris 14-15 Aug (RJ), 2 Gulargambone
Oct (HW), 4 Narromine 8 Oct (SE); 4M+2F in Boree country 45km NE of
Conargo (the Boree is important as a summer/autumn source of mistletoe fruit
for breeding birds from areas along the Murrumbidgee River), 6A 20 km SE
Deniliquin & 10 Gulpha 27 May, 50+ mostly AM feeding on Wild Oats &
Cranesbill near Gulpha 7 Oct, 15 including young birds feeding on Native Cherry
Exocarpus cupressiformis fruits Gulpha Island Dec (PM), 20 over Fivebough
Swamp 23 Apr & 5 on 26 Aug (KH), 20+ The Homestead, Darlington Point 16-
18 Apr (FOC), max 16 Euroley 24 Oct -8 Nov, 6 Darlington Pt 12 Dec (WM), 2
Leeton 12 Nov (MFN 12/95). Good spread of records.
Regent Parrot P. anthopeplus 4 in mallee between Euston & Buronga 20 Nov (PM), only
Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans 1 of the crimson race at Leeton 5 Nov (WM).
Pale -headed Rosella P. adscitus Rocky Ck Well, Pilliga East SF 19 Feb & roadkill
1 1
5km W of Baradine 14 May (DJ), 10 Minnamurra HSD, Walgett 15-30 Mar &
5+ 6-12 Oct (ALa,DA,JSm,ME,TMz), 2 on by-pass canal 13 Jun & Ginghet
Channel 1 Oct, northern Macquarie Marshes (RJ). Western edge of range in
Blue Bonnet Northiella haematogaster 4 Somerton 15 Jul (GMi), NE edge of range; 80+
counted in 15km between Quambone & Coonamble Feb (DJ).
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 10 Morisset 9 Jul (MRo) & 30 Tahlee 9-10 Sep (HBR); 2
HC Berkeley Vale 25-26 Aug, 2 Mangrove Mtn Jul & injured Toukley 24 Jun
(CCBR); 2 Warilla 14 May (ISBR), 6 Quakers Hill 3 Jun (A. Birding 6/95); Max
250 Capertee Valley 13 May -14 Aug (Tzaros & Davidson
1996,CG,KT,PMe,RT,SA); 40+ on Kiandra Rd, between Cabramurra &
Khancoban 11 May (JB); Max 5 Torryburn 16 Aug -16 Sep, 2 E of Bundarra 9
Aug (DO); 1 Ingalba NR 23-24 Oct (MC). Threatened Fauna, all records
Red-rumped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus Nesting Kooragang Is 30 Dec (HBR);
Resident Meadowbank Pk, West Ryde max 53 on 10 Aug (JSe), large number
for Sydney.
Mulga Parrot P. varius 2+ Charcoal Tank NR 7-9 Jul (JBo); 1 Brobenah Hills 3 Dec
(DGr,PG). Eastern edge of range.
116 October 1997Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus 2 green birds Coutts Crossing 24 Apr (GC); 2 green
birds Box Head, Bouddi NP Aug (CCBR); 10+ Boorowa 16-20 Apr (CC,JC);
60+ Borah Ck TSR, Manilla 30 Apr & 40+ Deenderra HSD, Upper Manilla 19-
21 May (JW) rarely seen in this District, flock 45 km W of Inverell 2 May (DH),
45+ Bukulla, Inverell 28 May (JM); 12 Kennebri 14 Apr (TQ), Max 400,000
feeding on Sorgum between Bellata and Edgeroi 7 Jul -22 Aug (RMc,SAs,SWi);
30 between Cootamundra & Temora 9 Oct (PMi); 300+ Yagundah HSD,
Quambone Feb (DJ), large flocks Bourke area late Apr (DH), 1000s Bourke,
Brewarrina & Weilmoringle districts 19-28 Apr (AM), many flocks between
Brewarrina & Enngonia 12 Sep (DS,KS), 10-15 Gulargumbone 29 Sep -2 Oct,
200-250 Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone 2 Oct (HW); 9 Narrandera 20 Feb (JDu),
30 Lake Cargellico 30 Sep (CG), 100 in Black Box Eucalyptus largiflorens 30
Km SE Deniliquin 10 Dec (PM), largest number seen in that area for many
years, 200 Brobenah Hills 14 Oct (KH); 6+ Coombie HSD, Roto Oct (JHu).
Good year for Budgies!
Bourke’s Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii 2 Tibooburra 28 Apr (DH), 4+ Yantabulla 28 Sep
(PBr), 3 Lake Bancannia 3 Oct (DSm) & 3 Fowlers Gap 4 Oct (GLC).
Blue -winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma Boss’s Lane, Macquarie Marshes 22 May
(RJ), 1 Nyngan Sep (JPa); Max 69 Whitton 21 Aug -25 Oct (DW,KH).
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 10+ Pieces Valley, Parr SRA 10 Apr (DBs), 5 Maroota 25
Apr (BD), 7 Lake Burragorang 15 Aug (RT,TS); 1-2 birds at several locations
between Coocooboonah HSD, Emmaville and the Dumaresq and Beardy River
confluence near the Queensland border, including Willows, Rocky Glen &
Glenrock HSDs, Emmaville, also in Nov (ALy,SD), 3 MacDonald R, Bendemeer
30 Oct (RP); 13 Glen Alice 13-14 May (SA), max 20 Glen Davis 3 Apr, 23 May
& 28 Oct (BP,CG,TQ), 3 Capertee 25 Jun, 14-15 Oct (EV, Gang Gang 11/95),
2 Goulbourn River NP 25 Nov (AB); Max 32 Warrumbungles NP 28 Sep -22
Oct (KC,TW); 5 Cocoparra NP 9 Oct (PMi). Some new locations.
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus I S of Wooli R, Yuraygir NP 2 Dec (per GC); 33
counted 80 ha Barren Grounds NR Sep (RB); Wallagoot Lake 31 Jan & 9 Feb
(BJ), ID Wallaga Lake 8 May, 1 Mt Owen, Morton NP 5 Jul (ENHS), 4 Green
Cape, Ben Boyd NP 27-31 Dec (CC,JC). Some new locations.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 1 Dandura Trail, Gibralter Range NP 8 Feb (AY), 1
Yarrat SF, Taree 15 Mar (DS); A Tuggerah 31 Aug (CCBR), 3rd Central Coast
record, one unpublished record Narrara 27 Dec 1985 (RB).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 117Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus J being fed by White-naped and Yellow -faced Honeatyers at
Kendal 25 Jan (RE), another by a White -breasted Woodswallow at Market
Swamp, Sandgate 6 Feb (HBR). Arrival: Coombie HSD, Roto 22 Jul (JHu),
Lightning Ridge 7 Aug (AB), Scheyville NP 18 Aug (BC), Nethercote &
Cooranbong 25 Aug (BJ,HBR), Tuggerah 31 Aug (CCBR), Ashby & Alumy
Creek 22 Sep (GC).
Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis variolosus Webbers Ck 29 Oct (HBR), then widespread
throughout the Hunter Region; Mitchell Pk, Cattai 23 Oct (AB) and then
throughout Sydney Region; Bundanon Res 24-26 Mar (CC,JC); First return
1 1
Nethercote 11 Oct (BJ) & Burrewarra Point 5 Nov (ENHS) with marked increase
in numbers in the Eurobodalla-Bega Shires over previous years.
Fantailed Cuckoo C. flabelliformis J being fed by White-browed Scrub -wrens Ourimbah
2 Dec & Towamba 28-31 Dec (CCBR,CC,JC).
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans HC Tocal 4 Nov (HBR); Ropes Ck, Colyton
21 Dec (GT); 1 Blue Hole east of Armidale 23 Feb (DC); Max 3 Capertee Valley
6 Jan -29 Oct (CG,PD,RT), Goulburn River NP 26 Nov (AB); 2 Warrumbungles
NP Oct (Birdline); Mundiwa HSD, Brewarrina 22 Apr (ARO, in Mulga N
1 1 1
of Bourke 2 Jun (PM), 1 Mt Oxley 17 Aug (RT); 2 Sim’s Gap 29 Sep & 1
Cocoparra NP 9 Oct (PMi), Whoey Tank, Round Hill NR Oct (CG). More
1 1
records than usual.
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis Imm Chittaway Pt 5 Jan (CCBR), 1 Rookwood
cemetry Jul (BDb); Fewer records for Eurobodalla & Bega Shires than usual
and absence of records in Dec & Jan suggests early departure (ENHS).
Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus J at South Belmont being fed by 2 adults 5 Aug (HBR).
Little Bronze -Cuckoo C. minutillus proposed Kangaroo R. dam site, Nymboida Nov
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea Nethercote 27 Nov (BJ), first record in five
years, Candelo 26-31 Dec (CC,JC); Glen Innes 12 Nov. Departure: Thirroul
1 1 1
25 Feb (ISBR), Tuggerah Bay (CCBR) & Narrabeen 17 Mar (TQ), J Singleton
1 1
3 May (HBR), J Orara R, Ramornie 13 May, being fed by 3 Blue -faced
Honeyeaters (GC). Arrival: 1 Garden Suburb 11 Sep (HBR), 1 Collaroy Plateau
16 Sep (DSa), Woolwich & Lane Cove 17 Sep (EK,TK,HW), The Entrance 24
Sep (CCBR), Forster 25 Sep (DT), Thirroul 27 Sep (ISBR).
118 October 1997Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae Recorded at inner city locations such
as Surrey Hills 5 Jan & Greenwich 7 Jan (GC,EN); 1 Kalaru 13 Oct (BJ),
southernmost coastal record in 1995. Departure: Austinmer 6 Mar (ISBR).
Arrival: 2 Woodville 2 Sep (HBR), Glenbrook 9 Sep (CS), 4 Jamberoo & 2
Cooranbong 12 Sep (PO,ISBR), Mt Colah 13 Sep (DL), 5 Moruya 16 Sep
(ENHS), 2 Tamworth 22 Sep (GG), Lawrence & Berkeley Vale 27 Sep
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus 2 Pipeclay Pt, Narrabeen Lake, 31 Aug -14 Nov,
2 Bantry Bay 2-6 Nov & max 4 Deep Creek throughout year (AB,BC), Ingleside
6 Dec (BD), Loddon River 16 Oct & Gerringong 24 Oct (ISBR).
1 1
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua HC Washpool Ck, Washpool NP 27 May, HC Orara R,
Kungala 7 Jun, HC Newfoundland SF 29 Feb & 5 Apr (GC), 1 Whiporie 28
May (DP), 1 Nambucca Heads 13 Jun (DS), 2 Bruxner Pk, Coffs Harbour 10
Dec (CSe); 2 Blackbutt Res 22 Jan, one eating Dusky Moorhen, 2A+J 23-24
Sep, roadkill Hallidays Pt Jul (HBR); Woy Woy Bay 28 Jan, Im injured Niagara
Park 25 Mar, HC Ourimbah SF Oct, Mangrove Mtn Apr -Jul & Lemon Tree Jul
(CCBR); Benowie Trail, Mt. Kur-ing-gai Apr (SWa), Greys Pt Trail,
1 1 1
Royal NP 7 May & 13 Aug (TQ), I Audley, Royal NP 23 Jul (AR), 2 Garigal
NP, St Ives 11 May (RCI), M Ingleside Park 23 Jun, 1 Walter Rd, Ingleside 5
Jul, casts Upper Little Cattai Ck, Maroota NP 4 Aug, HC Cowan 5 Aug, 1
Ingleside 12 Dec, Juv McCarrs Ck, Church Pt 13 Dec (BD), J Audley, Royal NP
11 Sep (SAs), 2A+ I Y Mitchell Pk, Cattai 21 Sep -15 Oct (BC,DPt,TD), 1 Bayview
19 Sep (PA), 2 Annangrove 26 Mar -31 May, injured 27 Sep, 4 Dec (GA,KB);
Excelsior Colliery, Thirroul 26 Jan (MMp), Bundanon Res 25-26 Mar
1 1
(CC,JC), 1 Mt Keira GG Camp 20 May nesting Bangallee Res Aug (ISBR), 8
occupied territories Jervis Bay NP (4000 ha of forest, c 500 ha per territory,
Debus 1997), 3 records Currumbene SF area Jan, 1 Bid Bid Ck, Nowra 1 Apr
(ENHS); HC Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 13 Jan & 25 Aug, Boyne SF 30 Mar,
1 1
Mogo SF 8 Jun, at roost near possible nesting hole Monga SF 25 Jul, Dampier
SF 28 Sep, J Kianga Creek Nov (ENHS); Arrawatta Ck, Emmaville Nov,
1 1 1
Inverness HSD, Wandsworth Dec (SD); Euroka Glen, Blue Mountains NP,
after one adult disappeared in 1994 there was no breeding then or in 1995 although
one bird was present throughout the year (MBa). Good spread of records.
Barking Owl N. connivens 2 HC Kendal 25 Jan (RE), F Main Camp 23 Mar (Debus
1997), Rankin Park Feb (HBR); 2 resident Mangrove Mm, calling Jul -Aug
(CCBR); Stannix Park 4 Feb (RK); 2 Barren Grounds NR 25 Feb (JR), no
previous records for this site; Newholme Field Lab, Armidale mid year,
1 1
roosting in sheoak Gwydir R, Torryburn Oct (Debus 1997), HC Ironbark Ck, W
of Bundarra May (DO); HC Linton NR May & Jul, HC Warrabah NP Jul, HC
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 119Gwydir R Bundarra Jul (DO), nesting Boorolong Ck, Armidale Aug (Kavannagh
et al 1995); 2 Glen Alice 17 Feb -10 Sep (NH,SA, Kavannagh loc. cit), 2A+2Y 5
Nov -18 Nov (AP,EV); Charcoal Tank NR 8 Jul (JBo); 2 Minnamurra HSD,
Walgett Mar & 7-9 Oct (GW,ME), Pilliga East SF, Kennebri 14 Apr (TQ);
1 1 1
Back Yamma SF Dec (GF); Yarrabimbi HSD, Mt Brobenah (MSc), 2 Brewster
Weir 11 Sep (DWr). See Debus (1997) for summary of unpublished sightings.
To support the case for this species to scheduled as “Vulnerable” under the
provisions of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, it is important that
all records be published.
Southern Boobook N. novaeseelandiae Lane Cove 22 Mar (HW), South Turramurra
1 1
31 Aug called 284 times consecutively (DL), 2+3Y in garden Westleigh Sep
(ARo), 1 Cremorne 23 Sep (TW), 1 Dee Why 3 Oct (FL); Estimate 35 prs in
7360 ha Jervis Bay NP (Debus 1997).
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa Sheepstation Ck 21 Jan & Sawpit Ck, Border Ranges NP
1 1
7 Dec, Cambridge Plateau 12 Mar (DC), Ulong 28 Apr, & 19 Sep -28 Oct
1 1
(DP), HC Washpool SF 29 Mar & Washpool NP 11 Apr (GC); 1 The Ferneries,
Matcham 19 Dec (CCBR); 2A+2J Jamberoo Pass 25 Dec & nesting near Bangalee
Res (ISBR); Roosting in cave Gnaltilia Ck, Sassafras SF 9 Mar, Bodalla SF
Sep, seen & heard Bodalla & Moruya SFs Oct -Nov, Brooman & Corunna SF
13 Nov (ENHS); Jenolan Caves 25 Dec (AR).
Masked Owl T novaehollandiae HC Washpool SF 22 Mar, HC Washpool NP 23 Mar,
HC Poley Bridge, Orara R 13 Jan, 1 nr Nana Glen 30 May & I D N of
Coolongolook 31 Dec (GC), 2 Main Camp 23 Mar (SD), Whiporie Jul (DP),
1 1
Cabbage Tree Is Mar (NC); The Ferneries 19 Dec and Mangrove Mtn Sep
1 1 1
1993 not previously recorded (CCBR); Central Colo Jan (KB), Gees Lagoon,
1 1 1
Colo River 28 Oct (EV); Jervis Bay NP 10 May (Debus 1997); Currowan SF
1 1
5 Jan, 2 Boyne SF 23 Mar, HC Womban SF 26 Apr, Moruya 24 May, 1 roadkill
3 km N of Batemans Bay 9 Oct, 1 Brooman SF 17 Oct, HC Wandella SF Oct –
Nov. Murrah SF 7 dec (ENHS). A study of a radio tagged AF Owl S of
Newcastle 1994/95 found that the home range varied from 1070-1178 ha in
bushland and urban environments (Kavanagh & Murray 1996). Again more
records for South Coast than other coastal regions.
Barn Owl T alba 7 observations in Clarence Region 5 Apr- 21 Jul (GC); Only 3 records
for the Hunter area viz Buladelah 12 Feb, Ash Is 17 Feb & 1D Dellhurst 19 Apr
(HBR), no records for the Central Coast (CCBR); Maroota 31 Aug (BD),
1 1
Pughs Lagoon 19 Apr (BW), Richmond Turf Farms 22 Dec (KB); recorded at
11 sites in the Illawarra (6 were roadkills) all year (ISBR); 11 records for
Eurobodalla & Bega Shires all year, including Montagu Is late Mar & 2 roadkills
120 October 1997(ENHS); 1 Glen Davis 10 Mar (JMo); I Minnmurra HSD, Walgett 28 Mar &
10+ 6-11 Oct (ME,TMz,TWa). South Coast & Illawarra accounted for the
majority of the records.
Grass Owl T capensis Vintage Lakes, Tweed Heads Feb (SD).
Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus Mebbin SF 2 Sep (RI).
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis Upper Thora Valley, Bellingen Jan
1 1
(HW), roadkill between Coutts Crossing and Nymboida 20 Feb (SD),
1 1
Newfoundland SF 5 Apr, 1 Barcoongere SF 22-23 Feb, 1 Station Ck, Yuragir
NP 8 Mar, 1-2 birds at night Washpool SF/NP 14 Mar- 6 Apr (GC); HC Table
Bay Ck 14-17 Apr & Row leys River 29 Sep- 2 Oct (HBR), Goulbum River NP
25 Nov (AB), N+1E Old Gibber Track, Myall Lakes NP 23 Dec (DT); J Jan & A
Feb at Ourimbah, Strickland SF Feb (CCBR); Woronora River 27 Nov -7
1 1
Dec (ISBR); Recorded at 8 sites in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires (ENHS).
Departure: Nethercote 14 Mar (BJ), Glenorie 18 Mar (Birdline), Yallah 20
Mar (ISBR), Boyne SF 23 Mar (ENHS), Washpool NP 6 Apr (GC). Arrival:
Quarry Rd, Dural 18 Sep (PC), HC Burrewarra Point 19 Sep (ENHS).
Spotted Nightjar E. argus Ingalba NR 14-17 Apr (MF); Culgoa Downs, Brewarrina
1 1
23 Apr (JSm), 3+ Waratah HSD, Weilmoringle 12 Sep (DS,KS); 2+N Round
Hill NR 8-16 Sep (BV,GR); Max 8 Tarawi NP, Wentworth 1-6 Sep, 8 Nov
(DA,ME,RDy), 2 Scotia Res 6 Sep (Gang Gang 10/95).
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 2 feeding under street lights Hornsby
Heights 29 Apr (MRo), Scheyville NP 19 Jan & 18 Aug (BC), calling Westleigh
17 Nov (ARo), uncommon in Sydney.
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Largest number for season: 1000+
Nambucca Heads 23 Oct (TBO 3/96). Departure: 15 Windsor 4 Apr (KB), 10+
Nethercote 12 Apr (BJ), 2 Topar 14 Apr (CG), 6 Pilliga East SF 14 Apr (TQ), 2
Table Bay Ck 17 Apr (HBR), 4 Grafton Bridge 20 May (GC), a late date. Arrival:
12 Annangrove 13 Oct (KB), Coutts Crossing 23 Oct (GC), 2 Bulga 28 Oct
(HBR), 30 Tuggerah 29 Oct (CCBR), 10 Surf Beach 18 Nov (ENHS), Nethercote
18 Dec (BJ).
Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 6+ South Grafton Water Res 8 Apr (GC); 30 Rathmines
1 Jan, 7 New Lambton Heights 8 Apr (HBR); 1 Mt Warrigal 12 Feb (ISBR).
Only records received.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 121House Swift A. ajfinis Ballina 8 Mar during cyclone (JI), if accepted first record for
NSW, referred to RAOU-RAC.
Azure Kingfisher Alcedo azureus 1 Moira Lake, Murray River 5 Jan (PM), prior to the
1970s before Carp were introduced to the Murray River, these birds were much
more common in this part of the Murray Valley.
Laughing Kookaburra Dacelo novaegineae eating recently fledged Eastern Spinebill at
New Lambton Heights 29 Jan (BHR); 3+ Brooksville HSD, Weilmoringle 12
Sep (DS,KS), western limit.
Forest Kingfisher Todiramphus macleayii 6 Connection Ck, Crescent Head 8-10 Jun
(AB) new location, Carrington, Port Stephens 9 Sep (MVBN 12/95), further
south than usual range; Audley, Royal NP 24 Oct -24 Nov (AMb); Bombala
1 1
mid Dec (TBO 4/96); The latter two records well out of normal range.
Collared Kingfisher T chloris Cobaki Broadwater, Tweed Heads Feb -Mar (SD) &
1 I
Ukerabagh Is 15 Jun (AA). Within known range.
Red -backed Kingfisher T pyrrhopygia Arrival: Back Yamma SF 26 Aug (RW),
1 1
Lake Ballyrogan 11 Sep (DWr), 1 Waratah HSD, Weilmoringle, 1 50 km E of
Enngonia & I Rostella HSD, Barrigun 13 Sep (DS,KS). Overwintering: 2
Somersby garden May -Jun (CCBR), first record for Central Coast.
Sacred Kingfisher T sancta Departure: Lees Res, Chittaway 25 Mar (CCBR), Table
Bay Ck & Red Creek 17 Apr (HBR), Shell Point 30 Apr (AMb). Arrival:
1 1
Leeton 2 Sep (KH), 1 Yathong NR 9 Sep (AM), 3 Bugaldie 10 Sep (RMc), 1
Careel Bay 10 Sep (AB), 1 Bowraville 13 Sep (GC), Nethercote 19 Sep (BJ), 1
Tuggerah STW 21 Sep (CCBR). Overwintering: Wooli 10 Jun, Maclean 30
Jun, Bellwood Ck, Nambucca Heads 3 Aug (GC), 1 Kooloonbung Ck, Port
Macquarie 11 Jun (AB); 1 Bicentennial Park 26 Apr (SWa), 1 Kissing Pt, Putney
24 Jun & 10 Aug (JSe), Richmond 16 Jul (Thu), Mooney Mooney Ck 17 Jul
1 1
(AB); Moruya Heads 2 Jul, Mogo SF 4 Jul, 2 Bermagui 28 Aug (ENHS).
1 1
More overwintering records than usual.
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus 4 Primbee 31 Mar, first record for the Illawarra plain
(ISBR). Departure: 2 Coombie HSD, Roto 18 Mar (JHu), 3 Table Bay Ck 17
Apr (HBR). Arrival: 2 Warrumbungles NP 26 Sep (RMc), 2 Rowleys River 29
Sep (HBR), 2 Coombie HSD, Roto 4 Oct (JHu), late date.
Dollarbird Eurystomas orientalis Leeton 28 Feb (KH). Departure: Bega River 21
1 1
Feb (ENHS), Tuggerah Mar (CCBR), 2A+2 dependent young Sth Turramurra
1 1
8 Mar (DL), 2 Singleton 21 Mar (HBR). Arrival: Bundabah, Seal Rocks 13 Sep
122 October 1997(LB), Lane Cove 21 Sep (LBI), Alumny Creek & Buttaba 22 Sep (GC,HBR),
Mitchell Pk Cattai 23 Sep (NM), 2 Araluen Valley 25 Sep (ENHS), Norahville
& Mardi Oct (CCBR).
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor Hortons Ck NR 4 Feb (DP), HC Washpool SF 29 Mar (GC),
1 flew into window at Iluka Mar (ATu), 2 Tuckean Swamp Apr (DC), 1
Nambucca Heads 11 Apr & 13 Jun (DS), 3 Victoria Park NR 16 Apr (MRo), 1
Mt Warning NP 1 Sep (IBOC 11/95), 1 Sea Acres NR 31 Dec (EV); 1 Lemon
Tree, Olney SF 3 Dec (CCBR), well outside normal summer range.
Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae Last seen Deep Ck, Narrabeen Lakes after
bushfires 17/1/94 and not seen since (AB).
Rufous Scrub -bird Atrichornis rufescens 1+2 HC Gloucester Tops Beech Forest & Road
1-28 Oct (ARo,HBR).
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis Waratah HSD, Weilmoringle & 2 18
km E of Enngonia 13 Sep, 1 16 km SW of Burrawantie HSD, Enngonia, 1 13 km
N of Fords Bridge 14 Sep & 1 Minetta HSD, Fords Bridge 15 Sep (DS,KS); 1
Coombie HSD, Roto 29 Sep (JHu), in Mulga; 2 Tarawi NR 31 Aug (RDy) & 1
7 Nov (JV), Scotia Res 6 Sep (Gang Gang 10/95). More records than usual.
Red-browed Treecreeper C. erythrops Browns Knob, Newfoundland SF 28 Feb (GC),
4+ Camden Haven SF 6-8 Jun (AB); Recorded at 3 sites in Hunter Region & 3 in
Central Coast (HBR,CCBR); 2 Thirlmere Lakes 29 Jul (CRy); 2 Elmoos Rd,
Jervis Bay 22 Feb, 2 Fitzroy Falls 7 May, 2 Cudmirrah 1 Jul, & 2 Mt Murray 20
Aug (ISBR); 2 Murrumarang NP 26 Feb & 2 Moruya Heads Feb (ENHS); 1
Popes Glen, Blackheath 12 May (CSh), Airly Ck, Capertee Valley 12 May
(AB), 2 Yetholme 15 Jul (PBr), 2 Capertee Valley 3 Dec (GR,JR).
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus Most easterly Hunter area record reported was Red Creek,
Widden Valley 14-17 Apr (HBR).
White -winged Fairy -wren Malurus leucopterus Group in Lignum 30km E of Deniliquin
at Carromar HSD, Tuppal Ck 16 Feb, furthest east occurrence in the Murray
Valley (PM).
Red -backed Fairy -wren M melanocephalus 4 1 1 km w of Mt George 3 Jan (GM), small
numbers Rowleys River 29 Sep- 2 Oct & Monkerai 3-4 Oct (HBR), southern
limit of range.
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus Most westerly Hunter area record was
Stockman Ck, Awaba SF May (HBR).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 123Striated Grasswren Amytornis striatus 4 Tarawi NR, Wentworth 5 Sep (RDy), no
observations in mallee at Yathong NR since 1993.
Red-browed Pardalote Pardalotus rubricatus 2 pr nesting Yantabulla 28 Sep (BP).
Striated Pardalote P. striatus More common in Wyong Shire than Gosford (CCBR).
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus 2 Jacks Corner, Morton NP, 2 Vincentia 30
May, 10 Barren Grounds NR 26 Aug (ISBR).
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus 4 prs Jersey Springs, Royal NP 4 May (SAs), W of Mt
Keira 22 Aug, 1 Woronora River 26 Oct (ISBR); 1 Fitzroy Falls 7 May (ISBR);
Dampier SF 28 Sep (ENHS).
Rockwarbler Origma solitaria 2 Deep Ck, Garrigal NP 2 Apr (AB), closest population to
Sydney CBD?, 5 Lady Carrington Drive, Royal NP 27 Apr (AMb) & 4 Ingleside
16 Aug, not seen since bushfires of Jan 1994 (RA); 2 west of Berry 23 Aug
(RA); 3 Pigeon House Mtn 24 Jan, 4 Mt Tarn in Morton NP 6 Jul (ENHS); 5
Wingen 12 Aug (GNe) north-west edge of range, and Goulburn River NP 4 Oct
(HBR), western edge of range.
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia Table Bay Ck 14-17 Apr, Rowleys
River 29 Sep- 2 Oct & Goulburn River NP 4 Oct (HBR); 3 groups Mangrove
Trig, Popran NP 28 Sep & 2 Bombi Moors, Bouddi NP 29 Jul (CCBR);
Wattamolla, Royal NP 5 Jan (SAs), 1 Shaw’s Ck, Yarramundi 3 Apr (RT), 2
Lower Portland 25 Apr (EV), 3 Comleroy Rd, Colo 27 Apr (AMb), Curra
Moors Trail, Royal NP (KT), 1 Chiltern Trail 12 Feb (AB) & HC Mt Ku-ring-
gai Track KCNP 11 Sep (BDo), 2 Glenbrook 1 Oct (EV); 1 Woronora Dam 24
Apr & 1 W of Mt Keira 22 Aug, 1 Cudmirrah 29 Apr, 1 Coolendel 11 Nov
(ISBR), 2 Murrays Bch, Jervis Bay NP 18 Jun (JL); Potato Point 16 Jul (ENHS),
2 Nungatta NP 31 Dec (CC,JC), rare on South Coast; Clarence Dam 2 Dec
(LH); 2 Kings Plain NP 5 Nov (JH); 1 Warrumbungles NP 29 Dep (HW); 2
Ingalba NR 23 Oct (MC). Good spread of records across a variety of habitats.
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 2 Yathong NR Apr (CBr), 4 Round Hill NR 8 Sep (AM);
Tarawi NR 8 Nov (ME). All known localities for this species.
Rufous Fieldwren Calamanthus campestris 2+ Floods Ck, Fowlers Gap 30 Sep (GLC);
Coombie HSD, Roto 12 Sep (JHu), description supplied, observer’s first record
for site.
Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus 3+ Floods Ck, Fowlers Gap Oct (GLC); 2AM in Old
Man Saltbush N of Penarie 11 Dec (PM).
124 October 1997Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata 2 Sandy Crossing, Coldstram 10 Jun (GC),
observer’s 1st record for site; 4 Scheyville NP 30 Apr -28 May (CSh,TQ), 2
Richmond 12 Dec (TS); 2 Galore Hill, Lockhart 13 Feb (PM).
Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris 8 Yallah 27 Feb & 5 on 21 Aug (ISBR).
Mangrove Gerygone Gerygone levigaster 1.51cm SW of Swansea 25 Jul (CC,JC) & 4
Swan Bay, Pelican (HBR), no records for Central Coast (CCBR).
Western Gerygone G. fusca No Hunter Region records in 1995 (HBR).
White -throated Gerygone G. olivacea 2+ Charity Ck/Rocks Crossing 10 Jun & Bootawa
6 Jul (HBR), HC Cobbity 18 Jun (TQ). Departure: Nethercote 23 Mar (BJ),
Scheyville NP 8 Apr & 2 Widden Brook 15 Apr (AB). Arrival: 8 Wallaga Lake
30 Jul (ENHS), Winmallee 31 Jul (TS), Nabiac 13 Aug (DT), Oakville 21 Aug
(AB), Broulee 31 Aug (ENHS), Tuggerah Bay Sep (CCBR), Nethercote 23
Sep (BJ).
Inland Thornbill Acanthiza apical is 2 Galore Hill. Lockhart 13 Feb (PM), eastern edge of
Buff-rumped Thornbill A. reguloides 4 Broulee 24-28 Jul & 2 on 7 Aug, uncertain status
in Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS).
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis 2 Rangers Valley 30 Dec (DS), NE edge of
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Northwards migration at Nethercote first noted
15 Apr and continued for some days (BJ).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata P nested in Swamp Oak Casuarina glauca
Berkeley Vale Sep -Nov, 3Y & 2Y raised (CCBR) southern coastal limit.
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus Major influx to Hunter & Central Coast Areas
April -August for E. robustus flowering (HRB,CCBR); Many breeding records
for Eurobodalla & Bega Shires Oct -Dec, following their return from migration
from 20 Aug onwards (ENHS); 2 Mascot HSD, Fords Bridge 15 Sep (DS,KS),
NW limit of range.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 125Little Friarbird P. citreogularis No Hunter or Central Coast records (HBR,CCBR); 10
Primbee 10 Aug (ISBR); 1 Cudmirrah 1 Jul (ISBR); 6 feeding in Emu -bush
Eremophila longifolia Coombie HSD, Roto 10 Sep (JHu), a long way from any
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 2 Whiporie Apr (DP), Macksville 20 Aug
1 1
(RHNL); max 3 south Swansea 9-10 Jul, 15-20 Morisset 9 Jul -13 Aug, Ellalong
4 Sep, 20-30 Howes Valley 23 Mar -4 Apr & 4 11-22 Sep (HBR); Max 50 Cockle
Bay NR 23 Jun -16 Aug, 1 Narrara Ck, Narrara 15 Aug (CCBR); 2 Padstow RS
29 Jul -8 Aug (DS,JCa,TQ), 1 Blacktown 11 Jun (JCe); 1 with migrating
honeyeaters Moruya Heads 6 May & 12 Oct (ENHS), Toradgi Pt, Batemans
Bay 7 May (RHNL), 2A+2Y Wimbie 13-19 Dec (SM); 8+ Linton NR & Warrabah
TSR 10-29 Mar (BWi,D0), max 24 Coonoor TSR, Barraba 30 Mar -8 Apr (DO),
& 73 birds located in 9 geographic areas in the Bundarra-Kingstown area 19
Sep -31 Dec, with 33 breeding attempts and 21 nests actually observed, 19 out of
30 nests (63.3%) fledged one young, with 28 young fledged in total
(AL,DO,BWi); Present 23 Mar -13 May & Aug -Dec Capertee Valley, including
Glen Davis, Glen Alice, Growee Gulch & Rylstone, with 260+ birds & 100
nesting attempts, 80+ young fledged and 80+ birds colour -banded Sep -Dec
(DGe,GA,KT,RT,SHa), In the Widden Valley at Red, Table Bay & Widden Cks
2 on 14-17 Apr, max 8 found 14-29 Oct (AB,HBR, PDa), max 9 Murrumbo
Gap, Goulburn R. NP 14 Jul -19 Aug (DG), 3 Mt Pomany 29 Oct (ACh); 4 pairs
in 7 nesting attempts fledged 8Y+1 Pallid Cuckoo North Watson, ACT Aug –
Dec (CBN 20, 81-83, Bounds et al 1996), Biala, 26km from Gunning 1-9 Sep
(EM); 2 Old Howell Mine, Tingha 9-17 Jan (BWi,JMe), 2 Gilgai, Inverell 8 Jan
(JH), 12 Inverell 28 May (RHNL); Max 6+N Warrumbungles NP 18 Sep -9 Nov
(AMe,GO,RMc,TW), 2 17km NE of Parkes 17 Sep (RHNL); For further details
see RHN 2/96 & Wingspan 12/96. Threatened Fauna all records published.
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis 6+ Howes Valley 21 Jan, feeding dependent
young (HBR); Chittaway Point 11-16 May (NM); UNE Campus, Armidale
1 1
11 Sep (SD), rare on Northern Tablelands at higher altitudes; 1+ Emmdale
Roadhouse 30 Jul, western edge of range except those birds in the Darling River
forests (AB).
Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys 50+ Table Bay Ck, Widden Valley 14-17 Apr, most
westerly colon- in Hunter Region (HBR); Present Harpers Rd, Darkes Forest
Jul -Oct (PRa), first time for six years.
Noisy Miner M. melanocephala Common on the Central Coast lowlands but rarely seen
on the Somersby Plateau (CCBR).
126 October 1997Yellow -faced Honeyeater Lichenostomas chrysops 300+ Fort Scatchley, Nobbys Head,
Newcastle 28 Apr, with nowhere to go, 2000 flew over Kangaroo Mtn travelling
north during 3-4 hrs 21 Apr, 1000+ travelling south at Redhead Bluff in one
hour 17 Jun (HBR); Small groups migrating through surburban Artarmon 18-26
Apr & 5-6 Jun (AB); 2 25 km N of Burren Junction 10 Sep (DS,KS).
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 1+ Cobaki Broadwater, Tweed Heads Feb -Mar
(SD), Dart Is, Clarence Estuary 12 Feb (GC).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops 2 feeding in E. robusta flowers Sanctuary Point 3
Aug (ISBR).
Grey -fronted Honeyeater L. plumulus 10+ Yathong NR Apr (CBr), feeding in Green
Fuschia-bush Eremophila serrulata Coombie HSD, Roto Jun (JHu).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 20+ Whiporie 1 Apr & 1 Jul (DP); 2+ Kurri Kurri 15 Feb
& at Swansea 25 Jul (HBR), unusual locations; Max 4 Cockle Bay NR feeding
in E. robustus Jul, otherwise normally absent from Central Coast (CCBR); 1
Barren Grounds NR 18 Jun (IBOC 9/95), present Agnes Banks NR 1-3 Sep
(RT), Buffalo Ck, Hunters Hill 24 Sep (HW); 8 Bamerang Dam 6 Jun, 4 Jervis
Bay NP 7 Jun, I Swan Lake 1 Jul & 50+ Sanctuary Point feeding in flowering E.
robusta Jul (ISBR); Present Leeton 9 Jul -15 Aug (KH), unusual location.
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 8 Kemblawarra PS 7 Aug, a new location (ISBR);
Burrewarra Point 14 May (ENHS).
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 1+ Sth Grafton Water Res 30 Apr, 1+
Glenugie SF 8 Jul, 1-2 Newfoundland SF 29 Feb -5 Apr, 1 Nymboida 7 Sep
(GC); 2 Table Bay Ck 14-17 Apr (HBR); 2 Forest Rd, Kulnura nr Ourimbah SF
19 Apr (CCBR); Lake Burragorang 15 Aug (RT), 4 Chipping Norton 20 Nov
(JD); 2 Munghorn Gap NR 14 Jan (JRu,NR), 5 between Capertee & Glen Davis
14 May (SA), 10 Glen Davis 6 Aug (ID); 2 Gilgai, Inverell 8 Jan (JH); 2 Jindalee
SF 10 Sep (Gang Gang 10/95); 2 Gulpha Island SF 5 Jan -20 Feb, 2 HC Moira
SF 5 Jan (PM), summer visitor to redgums along Murray River.
Brown -headed Honeyeater M brevirostris N+3Y Ironbark Ck, Popran NP 3 Nov (CCBR);
Recorded in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Region at Hill Top, Swan Lake, Woronora
River, Avon Dam and Canyonleigh Jul -Dec (ISBR).
White -throated Honeyeater M albogularis 5+ S of Mummulgum 30 Jul (DP).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 127Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta Regular at Swansea but small numbers Morisset
19-29 Jul, common further north (HBR); 2 Mason Pk, Concord 21-29 Aug (NH)
& 6 (2N+Y) Bicentennial Pk 17 Sep (EV); 2 Lake Bancannia feeding in Wild
Tobacco Oct (GLC).
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta No Hunter Area records since 1993 (HBR) & none
for Central Coast since 1982 (CCBR); 1 Penrith Lakes 1 Jan (KB); 2 Rockview
HSD, Glen Davis 2 Apr (PB), 20+ Capertee R, Sep (PWe), 6 Huntingdale HSD,
Glen Alice 18 Oct (PDb); 2 Narran HSD, Kennebri Oct (DJ); 6+ Ingalba NR 23
Oct -10 Nov (MC); Waratah HSD, Weilmoringle & 2 Glenalbyn HSD, Enngonia
13 Sep (DS,KS); 2 Leeton 27 Jan -11 Feb, Nericon 28 Dec (KH), 2 45km NE
Conargo 18 Feb -18 Mar & max 8 15 Oct -10 Dec, nesting in cypress pine on
latter date (JDu,PM) all feeding in mistletoe in Boree Acacia pendula.
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 2 Gloucester Tops Oct (HBR);
1 1
Wollongong Uni 12 Jul, w of Mt Keira 22 Aug & Woronora River Aug
1 1
(ISBR); Present Fitzroy Falls 21 May (CBOC 7/95), recorded at Tomerong,
Vincentia, Jervis Bay NR, Berrara May -Dec (ISBR), 2+ Numeralla 5 Oct (IBOC
11/95); Canberra Bot. Gardens 26 Sep (KH).
New Holland Honeyeater P. novaehollandiae 5 Ulong 24 Oct (DP), most northerly record
in 1995.
White-cheeked Honeyeater P.nigra 10 Jervis Bay NR 7 Jun (ISBR) & HMAS CReswell,
Jervis Bay NP (SD), most southerly record in 1995.
White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons Present 50 & 55 km E of Enngonia, 14km S of
Burrawintie HSD, Enngonia, Rostella HSD, Barrigun & Mascot HSD, Fords
Bridge, feeding in mistletoe & Beefwood Grevillea striata 13-14 Sep (DS,KS);
feeding in Wild Tobacco Lake Bancannia 29 Sep- 7 Oct (GLC); Nesting Yathong
NR 9 Sep (AM) & Round Hill NR 23-27 Sep (CSe); Present all year Coombie
HSD, Roto (JHu).
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops 3 Neutral Bay 19 Apr (VD), Bungeroo Trail,
St. Ives 23 Sep (RHn), 6 Wattamolla, Royal NP Jan (SAs), first return after Jan
1994 bushfires.
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 2 The Pinnacle, W of Armidale Jan (MDa); 2 Gilgai,
Inverell 8 Jan (JH); 3+ Lednappers Crossing, Bourke 18 Aug (RT), common 30
km S of Goodooga, Collerina to Enngonia & Fords Bridge 11-14 Sep (DS,KS),
6+ Haddon Rig HSD, Warren 16 Sep (AB), 1 Bourke 18 Sep (JH); As+Js
Coombie HSD, Roto Aug -15 Nov (JHo), 10 Round Hill NR 23 Sep (DSm), 2M
128 October 1997Wanganella 24 Sep, max 4 in flowering mistletoe in A. pendula 20 km NE
Deniliquin 5-26 Oct & 10 30km N of Moulamein 27 Oct -9 Dec, including 2
pairs nesting (PM), 1 Brobenah Hills 14 Oct (KH), 2 Wamoon 15 Oct (MSc), 5
Leeton 4 Nov (KH), Griffith 2 Dec (WM); Present Lake Bancannia 29 Sep- 3
Oct (GLC); Small numbers Buronga & Dareton 4-7 Nov (Wingspan 12/95);
More records and further east than usual.
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 4 30 km N of Moulamein 27 Oct (PM); 6M+1F Mascot
HSD, Fords Bridge 14 Sep (DS,KS); 200 between Broken Hill & Tibooburra,
mostly near Salt, Cobham & Bancannia Lakes Oct (DSm), Sunset Strip,
1 1
Menindee Lake 13 Oct & 3 Lake Pamamaroo 14 Oct (AB); Small numbers
Buronga & Dareton 4-7 Nov (Wingspan 12/95), including AM Dareton 31 Oct
(TBO 754).
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Common in Hunter area but no records
Feb -Apr (HBR), however on the Central Coast present all year, with small
numbers in E. robusta in winter at Cockle Bay & Narrara, in Sep feeding in
flowering bottlebrush even in street trees & by Oct transferring to paperbarks
and eucalypts (CCBR); Petersham RS 29 Jul (ID), very unusual location;
Recorded Eurobodalla & Bega Shires south to Nethercote Jan -Apr, Aug -Dec in
small numbers up to 5 birds (ENHS); 2 Capertee R 26 Oct (GA).
tricolor AM Gerroa Aug -Oct (FP), first Illawarra record;
Jindalee SF 10 Sep (IMm), common Junee district Oct -Nov (MC); 4 northern
Macquarie Marshes 22 Jan & 2 Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone Nov (RJ), & 4 on
15 Sep (AB), small numbers Collerina District 19-28 Apr (AM), 4
Gulargambone 1-2 Oct (HW); 6 Yathong NR 9 Sep (DWr), 200 Lake Cargelligo
23 Sep -I Oct (CG), 10 Round Hill NR 23 Sep (DSm), 100’s between Griffith &
Rankins Springs 29 Sep (PMi), many Leeton District Sep (KH), 15+ Oaklands 7
Oct (TBO 3/96), 18km S of Deniliquin 24 Oct, 2 nesting 30 km N of Moulamein
27 Oct (PM), 2M,F,3Y Tuckerbil Swamp 26 Nov (DW,MSc); 2 2km N
Yantabulla 18 Sep (AB); 3 groups Coombie HSD, Roto 7-15 Sep, Oct (JHu).
Good influx into the Western Slopes & Plains.
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 4 12 km NW Brewarrina 28 Apr (AM); Nesting Bourke 18 Sep
(JH); 3 Lake Cargelligo 30 Sep (CG), 2+3Y Tuckerbil Swamp 26 Nov (KH), 10
A+J in thick cottonbush 30 KM SE Hay 27 Nov, very scarce in this Region since
dieback of Bladder Saltbush Atriplex resicaria in the 1980s (PM).
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons Most Hunter area records for Ash Is-Kooragang Is, nesting
Jan -Mar, but 1 Belmont Lagoon 22 Jan, 2 Woodville 12 Nov & 6+ Birmingham
Gardens 23 Feb, most unusal location (HBR); No Central Coast records since
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 1291979 (CCBR); 2 Mason Pk, Concord 5 Jul (NH), 10+ Towra Point NR 27 Dec
(GC); 1 Hooka Pt, Lake Illawarra 4 May, 4 Killalea Lagoon 17 Dec (ISBR), 64
Lake Wollumboola 22 Jul (JP); Recorded in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires only at
Bermagui, Bournda, Potato Point, Tilba & Wallagoot Lakes max 8 (ENHS); 2
Lake Jindabyne 23 Jul at 920m a.s.l. (RMo); 6 Macquarie Marshes NR 22 Feb
& 8 on 1 Aug (RJ).
Gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis 1 Quandong, Broken Hill 13 Oct (AB), outside of Atlas
range (Blakers et al 1983).
Jacky Winter Microecafascinans 2 Mirrabeena Pk, Milperra 29 Jan (JCa), Majors Bay,
Concord Aug (DS), present Rookwood Necropolis 7 Sep (AB); 1 Avon Dam 14
Dec (ISBR). Decreasing in Central Coast, Sydney and Illawarra.
Flame Robin Petroica phoenicea 34 in groups of 2-4, Gloucester Tops 8 Apr & 2 on
Oct, 1 Crowdy Bay NP 4 May (HBR); AM Forest Rd, Kulnura 19 Apr (CCBR),
3rd CC record; 3 Bushells Lagoon 17 Jun & on 19 Aug (KB), Castlereagh 26
1 1
Dec (RT), 1 Londonderry 28 Dec (GT); 1 Tilba Lake 18 Mar (ENHS), AM
Nethercote 5 Aug (BJ), AM Myrtle Mtn, Yurammie SF, Im Towamba 28-31
Dec (CC,JC); 10+ Ponderosa near Nundle 28 Jan (GMi); 2 Widden Valley 17
Apr (AB), 1 Pierces Pass 21 Oct (RMg); 20+ in one paddock Binalong 22 Jul
Rose Robin P. rosea Arrival: Pennant Hills Pk 17 Apr (BDo), Green Wattle Ck 23 Apr
(HBR). Departure: Pennant Hills Pk 6 Aug (BDo), Westleigh 9 Aug (ARo),
Newcastle 20 Aug (HBR), Nethercote 23 Aug (BJ).
Scarlet Robin P. multicolor AM Moorland 18 Nov (MVBW 1/96); Most Hunter Valley
records are for the forested mounatins to the west and south-west (HBR); AM
Castlereagh SF 11 Nov (DPt); 1 Albion Park 13 Aug (ISBR); 2 possibly nested
in small patch of Murray Pine Callitris sp, Gulpha Island SF 18 Jan, and again
Oct -Dec (PM).
Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii AM Nambucca Heads GC 9 May (JH), AM Collombatti
30 Jun & 30 Jul (ABi), 2 Redmanvale 28 Oct (AM), Bulga 29 Oct (EV); AM
Mitchell Park, Cattai 29 Oct (DP), Castlereagh 26 Dec (RT); Pair nesting
Munghorn Gap NR 14 Jan, first breeding record for site (JRu,NR), 3AM
Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 2 Apr (PB), Cook Park, Orange 16 Oct (AB), rare
in District; 1 Lake George West 26 Jan & 3 Apr, 1 Melba ACT 26 Apr (CBN
20,48). Some interesting North Coast records.
130 October 1997Pink Robin P. rodinogaster 1 brown bird Potato Point 5 Jul (ENHS) consistent with
known distribution.
Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata Recorded in the Hunter Valley at Widden & Howes
Valleys, Singleton & Bulga (HBR); 2 Burragorang Valley 15 Aug (TS), 1
Gilbulla, Menangle 18 Nov (ISBR); 2+N Numeralla 4 Oct (IBOC 11/95); for
status around Canberra ACT see Graham (1996); 9+ Minnamurra HSD, Walgett
21-29 Mar & 3+ 5-10 Oct (DA,GWa,ME,TMz).
Pale Yellow Robin Tregellasia capito 6+ Barrington House 19 Feb (HBR), 2 Swans
Crossing 14 Sep (DLo), southern end of coastal range.
Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Nesting Cabbage Tree Is 4-8 Dec (HBR), first
for some time probably due to action to reduce Pied Currawong numbers.
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia A+Y Nombinnie NR 11 Sep (BV), 2+1Y
Round Hill NR 16 Sep (GR); Max 4 Tarawi NR, Wentworth 4-5 Sep
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii 2 Coopernook SF 9-12 Jun & 2 Heatons Lookout,
Wattagan SF 24 Nov (HBR); 1 Hoddles Track, Mt Keira 7 May, 2 Thirroul 13
May, 2 Mt Keira Ring Track 10 Jul & Curramore 16 Oct (ISBR).
Grey -crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis 14 Gloucester 3 Feb (DT), 5+ Wattagan
Ck, Laguna 28 Jan (AM), this is southern limit of the coastal range & recorded
at 10 other Hunter Valley sites (HBR).
White-browed Babbler P. superciliosus 6 Kings Gap 2 Jan & 6 Table Bay Ck, Widden
Valley 14-17 Apr (HBR); Isolated colony on former CSIRO Research Stn, now
Lake Urana NR, where good cover exists in a sea of pasture 8 Apr (PM).
Hall’s Babbler P. halli 5+ Corella HSDF, Brewarrina 21 Apr (GM), 2+ Lednappers
Crossing 18 Aug (RT), 2 Brooksville HSD & 6 Waratah HSD, Weilmoringle, 3,
50 km E of Enngonnia, 3 and 2, 15km NW Burrawantie HSD, Enngonia, 13 km
N, 11 km W, 16 km W, & 25 km W of Fords Bridge, & Minetta HSD, Fords
Bridge 12-15 Sep (DS,KS). There being 39 birds at 11 sites in 4 days, all new
locations; Present Mootwingie NP 29 Sep -7 Oct (GLC). Some new locations.
Eastern Whipbird Psophodes olivaceus 2+ Ponderosa nr Nundle 28 Jan (GMi), NW edge
of range.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 131Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 Wallaroo SF 16 Nov, 2 Mt Sugarloaf 11
Nov (HBR), 2 Putty 2 Jan (TQ); 2 Ironbark Ck, Popran NP 2 Nov (CCBR);
Hazelbrook 11 Mar (JC), 1 Cataract Dam 1 Apr (JRu,NR), 5 Comleroy Rd, Colo
27 Apr (AMb), 1 Glenbrook 1 Oct (EV), F Lower Portland 2 Dec (KB); 2
Currambine SF nr Nowra 4 Aug (GMi), 2 Tomerong 24 May (ISBR); Recorded
at 8 locations in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires throughout the year including 2
Yurammie SF & Glen Bog SF 27-31 Dec (CC,JC,ENHS); 2 Bullock Mt, Glen
Innes 28 Nov (DS); 2 Capertee Valley 28 Jun (KT), 6+ Goulburn River NP 4
Oct, 2 Widden Valley 14-17 Apr (HBR); 2 Dry Plains HSD, Cooma Jun (JBa).
Good range of records.
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotus 2A+Y Nombinnie NR 11 Sep (BV), 2+2Y Round
Hill NR 16 Sep (GR); 2A+J & IA Tarawi NR, Wentworth 3 Sep, 8-9 Nov
Cinnamon Quail -thrush C. cinnamomeum Friedslich Dam, Fowlers Gap Oct (GLC).
1 1
Chestnut- breasted Quail -thrush C. castaneothorax Dalwood HSD, Brewarrina 26 Apr
(RDi), 4 3km W of Lednappers Crossing 17 Sep (AB), outside of known range,
9 km from Cobar on Louth Rd 30 Sep (ARo).
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculusfrontatus 5 Red Gum Forest, Wyrrabalong NP 8 Jul (SW);
2 Mirrabeena Pk, Milperra 29 Jan (JCa), West Chatswood 2 Jul (HO);
1 1
Macquarie Pass 13 Dec (ISBR); 2 Culgoa R, Mundiawa HSD, Collerina 24 Apr
Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis AM Tingha Rd, Inverell 26 Nov (JM), NE edge of
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 10 singing males in Antarctic Beech forest,
Gloucester Tops 1-28 Oct (ARo,HBR); 1 Mogo SF, Braidwood 19 Apr (JC), 2
Mt Dromedary 16 Nov (ENHS).
Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis AM Round Hill NR 16 Sep & Oct (CG,GR), only
records received.
Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata Ingalba NR 14-17 Apr (MF), Im F Charcoal Tank NR 25
Aug (BC); Max 3 Round Hill NR 23 Sep -1 Oct (CG,CSe), Brobenah Hills 14
Oct (KH), 2 prs feeding young on sandridges Gulpha Is SF 26 Nov (PM); 2
Yathong NR Apr (CBr), could not be located Coombie HSD, Roto in 1995 (JHu);
2+ Tarawi NR, Wentworth 4-7 Sep, 10 Nov (JSm,JV,TMz).
132 October 1997Golden Whistler P. pectoralis imm Culgoa Downs HSD, Weilmoringle 12 Sep (DS,KS);
AM Brobenah Hills 28 May (KH). Western records.
Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: Nethercote 3 Apr (BJ), Tuggerah 9 Apr
(CCBR), Green Wattle Ck 25 Apr (HBR), 2 Tilba Lake 21 May (ENHS). Arrival:
5 Broulee 6 Aug (ENHS), Tahlee 14 Aug (HBR), Tuggerah STW 20 Aug
(CCBR), Pennant Hills Pk 10 Sep (BDo), Karuah 24 Sep (AB), Nethercote 27
Sep (BJ).
Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis Munghorn Gap NR 14 Jan (JRu,NR), first
record for site. Departure: 3 Washpool SF 24 Mar (GC), Pennant Hills Pk 27
Mar (BDo). Arrival: Millbank 17 Sep (MVBO), Pennant Hills Pk 23 Sep (BDo),
HC Hungry Head 24 Sep (GC), Blackbutt Res 25 Sep (HBR), Ourimbah 28 Sep
(CCBR), Boyne SF 29 Sep (ENHS), Deep Ck, Narrabeen Oct (IM).
Spectacled Monarch M trivirgatus I Jungs Quarry, Red Hill 15 Feb (DP), I Cabbage
Tree Is 15 Dec (ID), nesting Harrington 30 Dec (HBR), 10 Sea Acres NR 31
Dec (EV); 2 Balgownie 10 Oct in garden, 10th Illawarra record (Chafer 1997).
Arrival: I Murwillumbah 2 Sep (CSh), Hat Head 8 Oct (KS).
White -eared Monarch M. leucotis A+Im Iluka NR 20 Nov -10 Dec (BC,GC).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula AM Leeton garden 14 Nov (MSc), first record for
area. Departure: Nethercote 25 Feb (BJ), Coutts Crossing 8 Apr (GC),
1 1
Deep Ck Res, Elanora Heights 2 Apr (AB), Yarramalong 11 Apr (CCBR).
Arrival: Millbank 28 Aug (MVBO), Pennant Hills Pk & Mitchell Pk, Cattai 23
Sep (BDo,NM), Woodville & Hungry Head 24 Sep (GC,HBR), Forster & Canton
Beach 30 Sep (CCBR,DT). Overwintering: Mallanganee Aug (DP).
1 1
Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca AM Glendon Brook 26 Dec (HBR); F Long Reef 21 Oct
(PDb), AM Bantry Bay 2 Nov (BC), 2 prs Audley, Royal NP 5 Nov (EV); 2
Glen Bog SF 28-31 Dec (CC,JC); 2 nests Clarence Dam 3 Dec (LH); AM in
Willows Salix sp 40 km E of Deniliquin 14 Oct (PM), first record for Riverina.
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta Swansea 2 Oct (HBR) & Lake Heights PS 22 Aug
1 1
(ISBR), unusual locations as rarely recorded on Hunter & Central Coast but
moderately common in South Coast.
Magpie -lark Grallina cyanoleuca 100+ Richmond Turf Farms 9 Apr (TKy).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons Departure: A+2J Nethercote 21 Mar (BJ), 3 Seal
Rocks & Pearl Beach Apr (CCBR,LB), Broulee 16 Apr (ENHS), Woodville
1 1
25 Apr (HBR), 2 Barren Grounds NR 30 Apr (GR). Arrival: 2 Rowleys River
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 13329 Sep (HBR), 1 Ulong 6 Oct (DP), 1 Milperra 12 Oct (Birdline), Nethercote 29
Oct (BJ), Burrewarra Point 30 Oct (ENHS).
Grey Fantail R. fuliginosa Earliest nest Vacey 9 Sep (HBR); Recorded in the Fords
Bridge-Enngonia area 14-15 Sep at three sites (DS,KS).
Willie Wagtail R. leucophrys Good nesting season on Central Coast Sep -Nov (CCBR).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus 2A+2J Upper Thora Valley, Bellingen Jan (HW).
Arrival: New Lambton Heights 15 Feb (HBR), West Cambewarra 22 Feb (ISBR),
Tuggerah STW 24 Feb (JH). Departure: Coogee 14 Sep (RG), Wolli Ck 30
1 1
Sep (NRa), Mt White 24 Nov (CCBR), 2 Keiraville 24 Dec (ISBR). They are
arriving earlier each year and departing later, but information is lacking as to the
most southern breeding location in NSW.
Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata 12-20 feeding Small -leafed Fig Ficus obliqua
Werrikimbe 28 Feb (DS), 3 Pholis Gap, Nightcap NP 20 Oct (DC), 8 Sea Acres
NR 31 Dec (EV), 2 Harrington 18 Nov (BC).
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike C. papuensis Resident Yarravel, max 3 (ABi); Common in
the upper Hunter Valley, at Tomago 19 Nov being the closest to the coast
(HBR); Winter visitor to Mangrove Mtn Jun -Jul (CCBR); dark morph Comleroy
Rd, Colo 27 Apr (AMb) & Wheeney Creek 2 Jul (ID), North Sydney Aug
1 1
(AP), 1 Emu Plains 2 Sep (CS); 1 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 15 Oct (BP); 1
Oatlands HSD, Brewarrina 21 Apr (ARO; 2 in River redgums Gulpha Is SF
Dec (PM).
Cicadabird C. tenuirostris A+J St Ives 9 Jan (RCI), Womban Feb (ENHS). Departure:
Imm Glen Davis, Hat Head NP & Widden Valley 17 Apr (GRi,HBR,KS).
Arrival: Mogo SF 5 Oct (ENHS), Forster & Hat Head NP 8 Oct (ABi,DT), AM
Ourimbah 9 Oct (CCBR), Bendeela Pondage 21 Oct (ISBR), Nethercote 29 Oct
Ground Cuckoo- shrike C. maxima 4 Warramaata HSD, Savernake Aug (JHu), 3 10km N
of Lockhart 28 Sep (TBO 3/96); 6 Glenayr HSD, Kennebri 14 Apr (TQ); 2 Bora
HSD, Brewarrina 20 Apr (ARO, 3 Turee Hsd, Bourke 22 Apr (AM), 2 nesting
Haddon Rig HSD, Warren 15 Sep (AB), nest composed almost entirely of cotton
balls, 1 Lednappers Crossing 18 Sep (RT); 5 N of Wentworth 3 Jan (BMc), 5
Coombie HSD, Roto Jul (JHu). Average year, no records Oct -Dec.
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii 12 records for Clarence Valley 22 Sep -18 Nov (GC),
more records than usual, 22 records for the Macleay Valley Sep -Dec max 3
Rainbow Reach & Pelican Island 12 Oct (ABi,KS,MVO) scarce in this area;
134 October 1997Widespread in the west of the Hunter area and seen in the east at Shortland WC
29 Oct (EV) & Ash Is 29 Sep (HBR), no records for Central Coast (CCBR); 12
records for Sydney Region 10 Oct -29 Nov including Burragorang Valley,
Dulwich Hill, Lane Cove, Pughs Lagoon, Richmond, Scheyville, St Albans &
Mitchell Pk (AB,CG, DH,EV,NM,TS); Dapto Nov, Kanahooka 17 Nov,
1 1 1
Gilbulla, Menangle 18 Nov, 2 Jamberoo 20 Nov, 3 Werri Lagoon 7 Dec (ISBR);
AM Bemboke 28-31 Dec (CC,JC); Arrived Warrumbungles NP 3 Sep (RMc) &
Leeton 27 Aug (KH). More records for Sydney and the Illawarra than usual.
Varied Triller L. leucomela Present all year Nambucca Heads, Hat Head, Crescent Head
and Millbank max 2 (ABi,DS,KS), 2 Yarranbella 31 May (DS); 2 Harrington 30
Dec (HBR).
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus Kookaburras observed raiding nests at Mangrove
Mm (CCBR); Arrived Nethercote 17 Sep (BJ), but elsewhere in Eurobodalla &
Bega Shires recorded all months on or near the coast (ENHS).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis Colonial nesting: 8N Mungo Brush 1 Jan & 7N 5 Dec, 3N
Santa Barbara, Booti Booti NP Jan & 39N Oct -Dec, IN Violet Hill, Myall Lakes
NP 15 Jan, IN Seal Rocks 15 Jan, 6N Tuncurry TAFE 26 Nov, IN Moto Farm
28 Nov & 6N Harrington 3 Dec (DT), for full report see HBR.
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus Recorded as being noticeably less
in the Coffs Harbour, Kempsey & Nambucca areas in 1995 (BT,DS,KS); Pr
feeding J Pallid Cuckoo Market Swamp, Sandgate 6 Feb (HBR). Departure:
Wyong 18 Mar (CCBR). Arrival: Chittaway Pt 2 Sep (CCBR), Ash Is 9 Sep
(HBR), Dee Why 24 Sep (CM).
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus Mixed flock of 500+ with White-browed
Woodswallows at Almuny Creek 22 Sep (GC), only North Coast record; 10+
Gilbulla, Menangle 18 Nov (ISBR); 10 Pilliga forests 2 Oct (GMi); Present and
nesting Ingalba NR 8 Nov (MC); 10+ Gulargambone 29 Sep (HW); 100+ Fowlers
Gap 29 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus 5000 Yarrawa 11 Dec, 8 Jerrys Plains 28
Oct (HBR), only Hunter records; 20 Sth Turramurra 17 Oct (DL), only Sydney
record cf 1994; 50+ Capertee Valley 18 Nov (EV); “many” Warrumbungles NP
3 Sep (RMc); Common at Inglaba NR with nesting in all stages 8 Nov (MC);
max seen 500+ northern Macquarie Marshes Oct (HW).
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 135Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Recorded Harrington in Jun, an unusal winter record
for the coast; 6 Mirrabeena Pk, Milperra 29 Jan (JCa), unusal location.
Departure: Ravensdale 28 Mar (CCBR), 2 Cumberland SF 26 Apr (NM), 6
Vincentia 30 May (ISBR). Arrival: Primbee, Bournda & Nethercote 27 Aug
(BJ,ENHS,ISBR), 3 Cumberland SF 3 Sep (PC), 4 Wolli Ck 23 Sep (NRa).
Little Woodswallow A. minor 6+Mt Oxley 17 Sep (RT), present 40 km NE Walgett, 35
km SE Goodooga, Birrie R, 40 km NW of Brewarrina, Mundiwa HSD & Culgoa
Downs HSD, Collarina and Minetta HSD, Fords Bridge 10-15 Sep (DS,KS);
Present Mootwingie NP 29 Sep -7 Oct (GLC).
Grey Butcherbird C. torquatus Common and nesting around the southern shores of
Tuggerah Lake Aug -Nov (CCBR).
Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis Resident Central Coast at Tuggerah-Wyong,
nesting Oct and Dooralong-Lemon Tree (CCBR), southern coastal limit of
Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Common, and the only host of the Channel -billed
Cuckoo on the Central Coast (CCBR).
Grey Currawong S. versicolor 2 Table Bay Ck, Widden Valley 14-17 Apr (FV,HBR); 3
Sublime Pt, Bulli 8 Jan (SAs), Seven Mile Beach NP 30 Apr, Mt Keira 29
1 1
Apr, W of Mt Keira 22 Aug, Woronora River 26 Oct (ISBR); Winter migrant
1 1
to South Coast including Moruya 3 May, 1 Nethercote 22 May & 29-31 Jul,
Tomakin Jun (BJ,ENHS); 1 Mt York 2 Apr (VG), 3 Clarence Dam 3 Dec (LH).
Table Bay Ck is near the northern limit of distribution.
Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus F or J Barrington House 19 Feb, Telegherry FP 10
Jun & 3+ Gloucester Tops 28 Oct (ARo, HBR).
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 1 3km N of Wang Wauk R, S of Nabiac & 1 1 km N
of Karuah 23 May (GC), most northerly coastal record in 1995.
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus Present Forster 5 Apr, 15 May & 5 Jun, 20+ Yurran Ck
Dorrigo and Dorrigo to Deer Vale 5 Aug (DS); Present west of Armidale to
Boorolong SF and Ellersleigh HSD, Balderslie Rd, NW of Armidale (SD); 3+
Manobalai NR 14 Dec (HBR).
Little Raven C. mellori Max 86 Blackfellows Lake 25 Apr & 88 Bega Jun -26 Jul
136 October 1997White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhamphos Berkeley Vale in garden 22 Feb
(CCBR), unusual location; 18 Nurragingy Res Doonside 20 Jun & 17 25 Oct
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris Mangerton Park 9 Jul (ISBR), first record for
this location.
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus 2 Gilbulla, Menangle 18 Nov, 3rd record
for County of Cumberland.
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata 3 30km NW Moulamein 15 Mar (PM); 4-5
Emmdale Roadhouse 30 Jul (AB), western edge of range..
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica I Cornwallis Rd, Richmomnd 8 Jan (AB) & 2 15 Oct
(EV), Castlereagh 23 Dec (RT). Rare in Sydney.
Skylark Alauda arvensis Present Lowlands 8 Jan -14 May max 14, presumably present all
year (AB), 3 Bankstown Aerodrome 5 May (JD), 4 Eve St, Arncliffe 20 Oct
(PN); 2 resident Tilba Lake (ENHS). Few records compared with the distribution
as per the Atlas (Blakkers et al 1984).
House Sparrow Passer domesticus AM at nest in sticks beneath Osprey’s nest, Woodford
Island 20 Sep (GC).
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata 70+ Millers Forest 8 Jul, an unusual Hunter Valley
location, 6-20 Pokolbin Lake 9 Apr & 21 Sep (HBR,JVI); 120 Lowlands 14
May (AB); 15 Frazer Ck, Albion Park, 4 Killalea Lagoon 30 Jul (ISBR).
Double -barred Finch T bichenovii 4 Meadowbank 4 Jan (HJ), 2 Riverine Pk, Arncliffe 8
Jun (RMo), 2 Bicentennial Park 24 Apr & 12+ on 10 Jul (RMk,SWa); 4 Green
Cape Lighthouse 29 Jan (CD), most southerly coastal sighting in 1995, 4 Kalaru,
Bega 2 Aug -30 Nov (MH), 6 Bemboka 29-31 Dec (CC,JC); 20+ northern
Macquarie Marshes 23 Jun (RJ); 6 Jindalee SF 19 Sep (Gang Gang 10/95); 1
Coombie HSD, Roto 2 Feb & 2 on 15 Nov (JHu). Disappearing around Sydney
and the Central Coast but seemingly expanding their range southwards and
Black -throated Finch Poephila cincta No records for 1995.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta Resident Capertee Valley, incl. 30 Glenview
HSD, Glen Alice 18 Oct & 100 Glen Davis 17 Apr (EK,GRi,JDu,PDb), 7 Table
Bay Ck, Widden Valley 15-16 Apr (HBR), first record for location; 2+ Cherry
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 137Tree Hill, Inverell 19 Feb (JH), 12+ Coonabarabran 17 Mar, nesting (JH), 30
Warrumbungles NP 15 Apr (ABe), 5 Baradine Ck, Baradine 17 Apr (PDb); 6+
Wingen 24 Aug (GNe); 6+ Minnamurra HSD, Walgett 25-29 Mar (DA,JSm), 2
Yargunyah HSD, Quambone 19 Apr (DJ), Little Terrigal Ck, Macquarie
Marshes 15 Sep & present Bourke STW 16 Sep (AB), 6 Lightning Ridge 31 Oct
(TW), several flocks Macquarie Marshes, max 30 Jun & Nov (RJ); 2 Wanaaring
14 Apr (ABe).
Red-browed Finch N. temporalis 6 in garden Savernake Aug (JHu); 20+ garden Marinna
HSD, Junee 15 Oct (MC), not normally in this location; 10 Gulpha Is SF 18 Jan
(PM), greatly increased in the Redgum forests of Denniliquin in the past 10
years, 1 Tuckerbill Swamp 15 Oct (WM).
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata 1 Collum Collum HSD, Baryulgil 17 Mar (GC);
Max 6 Howes Valley 9 Apr -7 May (HBR); Canyonleigh 15 Dec (ISBR); 100+
Glen Davis 1 Jul, a large number (CG,TQ); 47 Warrumbungles NP 28 Sep (KC).
Some large concentrations.
Beautiful Firetail S. bella 2 Wattamolla 5 Jan (SAs) & 1 Curra Moors Trail, Royal NP 25
Jun (KT), early return after Jan 1994 bushfires; Max 20 Bundanon Res 25 Feb –
26 Mar (CC,JC,PDb), max 4 Barren Grounds NR 20 Aug -24 Nov, Jervis Bay
NR 7 Jun, 1 Conjola SF 29 Oct (ISBR); 1 Pigeon House Mtn 24 Jan, 2 Nethercote
21 Mar, 2 Mt Tarn, Morton NP 6 Jul (BJ,ENHS); 2 Edith Falls, Hazelbrook 12
Mar (RT), 2 Jamieson Valley 18 Mar (CC,JC), 4 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 2
Apr (PB).
Nutmeg Mannikin Lonchura punctulata 4 Boambee 28 Mar & West Kempsey 29 Oct
(ABi); 40+ Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 9 Apr (TK), 60 Undercliff 10 Sep (JO),
max 57 Mason Pk, Concord 21 Aug -16 Sep (NH).
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin L. castaneothorax Max 80+ mostly young birds, Lawrence
3 May -2I Oct, 31 Everlasting Swamp 17 May (GC), 50+ Doughboy Swamp,
Clybucca 25 Jul & 50+ Belmore River 17 Oct (ABi,KS), 20+ Gloucester 5 Aug
(DT); Recorded at 10 locations in the Hunter Area including Dora Creek, Fullerton
Cove, Newcastle WR, Walka STW, Tomago, Kooragang and Stockton Borehole
Swamp, breeding at the latter site (HBR); On the Central Coast recorded at
Tuggerah STW, Bateau Bay, Matcham, Ourimbah & Mangrove Mm (CCBR); 8
Longneck Lagoon 13 Jan (HW), 4 Dunmore 26 Feb (ISBR); 2 Peel R, Tamworth
Apr (GMi), most western record this year.
European Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Present Moore Pk GC 11 Jan (AB), 2 Centennial
Park 27 Sep (DS), I Wolli Ck, Earlwood 15 Oct (NRa), AM Botany 21 Aug
(PMe) & Nov (CG). A small population manages to exist in the south-eastern
suburbs of Sydney.
138 October 1997European Goldfinch C. carduelis Small flock Bloodtree Rd, Central Mangrove 29 May
(CCBR), o nly record for central Coast in recent years; 5 Kogarah 1 Aug (PRa);
12 records from Illawarra-Shoalhaven Region where fairly common (ISBR);
Still confined to Jellat Swamp, Kiora & Tiffia Lake in Eurobodalla & Bega Shires
(ENHS), and showing no indication of expanding range; 3 Ponderosa nr Nundle
28 Jan (GMi).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternus Resident Bulga, max 3 on 30 Apr (EV);
4 Bourbin Ck, Capertee valley 13 Jun (AB); 8+ Manilla 15 Feb (JH); 4 Ingalba
NR 14-17 Apr (MF); 2 Leeton 21 Jan (KH), 20 Widgelli 24 Nov (WM); Topar
14 Apr (CG).
Tree Martin Hirundo nigricans Departure: Tuggerah STW 9 Apr (CCBR). Arrival:
Box Head, Bouddi NP 7 Aug (CCBR), Nethercote 27 Aug (BJ).
Fairy Martin H. ariel 10 overwintered Shortland WC, 6+ Coopernook SF 9-12 Jun (HBR).
Departure: Tuggerah STW 7 Apr (CCBR). Arrival: 2 Glen Davis 12 Aug
(ID), Mason Pk, Concord 13 Aug (JSe) & 25 by 21 Aug (NH), Teralba 16 Aug
(HBR), 4+ Almuny Creek 19 Aug (GC), Tuggerah 2 Sep (CCBR).
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus Forster 19 Dec (DT), first record for site;
Present Swansea, Black Neds Bay and Dora Creek (HBR); 2 Grays Point 13
range in Sydney area?; 4 Lake Wollumboola Jan
(GMi), 3 Culburra 27 Oct (BC). Note southwards extension of range from Sydney
cf. Bird Atlas (Blakkers et al 1984).
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis Present Shortland WC 29 Oct -31 Dec, max 20
& Ash Is 5 Mar (HBR); 3 Dee Why Lagoon 14 Oct (AP) & 19 Nov (AB),
South Ck, St Marys 26 Dec (RT).
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi Unusual Hunter area records include 3 Old
Bar 5 Oct & 2 Warners Bay 11 Oct (HBR), no Central Coast records; Present
Bega, Bemboka, Kameruka, Nigera, Walls Flat & Wyndam on the far South
Coast 26-31 Dec (CC,JC), unusual in this Region. Arrival: Calling Yoogali 13
Aug (KH), 2 Capertee Valley 12 Aug (JDu), 2 Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 15 Oct
Brown Songlark C. cruralis AM Smithtown 8 Jan, max 4 Belmore Swamp 9 Jan -12 Mar
(ABi,KS); 1 Bakers Lagoon 13 Feb (AB), 3+ Cornwallis Rd, Richmond 15 Oct
(EV), Swamp Rd, Jamberoo 20 Nov (ISBR).
European Blackbird Turdus merula 3+ Bloodtree Rd, Central Mangrove 29 May (CCBR);
2 Bluegum Ck, Chatswood West 13 Dec (AB), new location?; 1 Towradgi 5
Jan, 1 Bellambi Lagoon 16 Aug, 1 Killalea SRA 18 Nov, 2 Gilbulla, Menangle
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 13918 Nov (ISBR), this species appears to have finally invaded the coastal region of
the Illawarra Plain; 3 Table Bay Ck, Widden Valley 14-17 Apr (HBR), this is a
worrying record!; AM Wilcannia 30 Sep (ARo). Still expanding its range in
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 3 Coolongolook 19 Sep (DS); 4 Quipolly Dam 23
Sep (GMi), 1 Nemingha 25 Nov (CRo); 2 Glendeurt 18-20 May & 16 Jun, 2
Batemans Bay 10 Sep, eradication programme begun by Eurobodalla Shire in
1994 has been suspened (ENHS). North, northwest & southern expansion
continues, see Martin (1996) for projected range.
Grey Falcon Falco hypoleucos Bogan Gate Rd, Forbes 10 Sep (PH).
Bush Stone- curlew Burhinus grallarius 2 Coororan Lake, Lightning Ridge Sep (MA).
Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae HC Coutts Crossing 23 & 26 Feb, 16 & 19 Mar, HC
Moonee 2 Feb, Newrybar Swamp Jun (GC), Cobaki, Tweed Heads Nov
1 1 1
European Goldfmch Carduelis carduelis The record for Lake Wollumboola 31 Dec, should
have been for Numbaa.
Australian Wood Duck Chenonetta jubata AM Golf Course Mar (JH).
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 10+ off Balls Pyramid 26 Feb -5 Mar (FOC).
Black -winged Petrel P. nigripennis Observed at Neds Beach, Muttonbird Point and nesting
Clear Place 26 Feb -5 Mar.
White -bellied Storm -Petrel Fregetta grallaria off Balls Pyramid 26 Feb -5 Mar (FOC).
Buff -banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis 2 Airport area 26 Feb -5 Mar (FOC), 2 on 14
Oct (ID).
Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis I North Bay , 2 Old Settlement Beach 1-4
Mar (FOC).
140 October 1997White Tern Gygis alba Young recently hatched 26 Feb -5 Mar (FOC), 40+ 20 Oct (ID).
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus 2 Edies Glen, Transit Hill 1 Mar (FOC).
European Starling Sturnus vulgaris only seen 26 Feb -5 Mar (FOC).
Andrew, A.E. 1997 “Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus at Mystery Bay NSW”, Nature in
Eurobodalla No 10.
Ayres, D. 1995 Endangered Fauna of Western New South Wales. NPWS, Sydney.
Baker, G.B., Dettmann E.B., Scotney, B.T., Hardy, L.J. & Drynan D.A.D. 1995 Report on the Australian
Bird and Bat Banding Scheme, 1984-95. AB&BBS, Aust. Nat. Cons. Agency, Canberra.
Bounds, J., Brookfield, M. & Delahoy, M. 1996, “Observations of a breeding colony of four pairs of
Regent Honeyeaters at North Watson, Canberra 1995-96″, Canberra Bird Notes 21, 41-45.
Brandis C.C.P., Chafer C.J. & Smith L.E. 1992. “Seabirds Recorded off Wollongong, New South Wales
1884-1990″ Aust. Birdwatcher 14, 165-179.
Christidis L. & Boles W.E. 1994 The Taxonomy and Species of Birds ofA ustralia and its Territories,
RAOU Monograph No.2 Melbourne.
Chafer, C.J. 1996 Illawarra-Shoalhaven Ornithological Regions Report for 1995, IBOC, Wollongong.
Chafer, C.J. 1996 “Foraging behaviour of the Wandering Tattler and a review of records from the Illawarra
Region”, Aust. Birds 30, 17-20.
Chafer, C.J. 1997 “Spectacled Monarch in the Illawarra/Shoalhaven Region of New South Wales”, Aust.
Birds 30, 51-52.
Cooper, R.M. & McAllan I.A.W. 1995 The Birds of Western New South Wales: A Prelimary Atlas NSW
Bird Atlassers Inc., Albury.
Daly, G & Evison, E. 1996 “Observations on the Square -tailed Kite in the Shoalhaven District”, Aust. Birds
29, 40-43.
Debus, S.J.S. 1996 “Further observations on the Square -tailed Kite”, Aust. Birds 29, 44-53.
Debus, S.J.S. 1997 “A Survey of the Raptors of Jervis Bay NP”, Aust. Birds 30, 29-44.
Debus, S.J.S. 1997 “The Barking Owl in New South Wales”, Aust. Birds 30, 3.
Debus, S.J.S. & Rose, A.B. 1994 “The Masked Owl Tyto naovaehollandiae in New South Wales, Aust.
Birds 28, 22-40 Supplement.
Ellis, M 1994 “Report on Biodiversity surveys in Western NSW’, NPWS Broken Hill.
Gibson,J.D. 1989 The Birds of the County of Camden (Including the Illawarra Region) IBOC,
Gosper, D.G. & Gosper, C.R. 1996 “Seasonal Status of Kingfishers Todiramphus spp in northern NSW”
Aust Birds 29, 33-39.
Graham, W. 1996 “The Status of the Hooded Robin around Canberra, ACT’. Canberra Bird Notes 20, 49.
Hindwood K.A. & McGill A.R. 1958 The Birds of Sydney Roy. Zool. Soc, Sydney.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991 The Birds of Sydney Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Jones, B. “Breeding birds at Wallagoot Lake”, Aust. Birds 29, 10-12.
Kavanagh, R.P., Debus S.J.S., Rose, A.B. & Turner R.J. 1995 “Diet and habitat of the Barking Owl Ninox
connivens in New South Wales” Aust. Birdwatcher 16, 137-145.
Kavanagh, R.P. & Murray, M. 1996 “Home range, habitat and behaviour of Masked Owl Tyto
novaehollandiae near Newcastle”, Emu 96, 250-257.
Martin, W.K. 1996 “The current and potential distribution of the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in
Australia”, Emu 96, 166-173.
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 141McAllan, I.A.W. 1995 “Southern records of the Plumed Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus plumiferus” Aust.
Bird Watcher 16, 43-44.
McAllan, I.A.W. 1996 “The Flock Pigeon Phaps histrionica in New South Wales, with comments on its
biology”, Aust. Bird Watcher 16, 175-204.
McAllan I.A.W. & Bruce M.D. 1988 “The Birds of New South Wales, A Working List”, Biocon Research
Group, Turramurra.
Moffat, R. 1996 Species Plan of Management, Annual Reports for 1993, 1994 & 1995 for the Osprey
Pandion haliaetus NPWS Lismore District Report.
Morris, A.K. 1975 “The Birds of Gosford, Wyong and Newcastle (County of Northumberland)” Aust. Birds
9, 37-76.
Morris, A.K. 1997 “Rare Birds in New South Wales 1995”, Aust. Birds 30, 1-13.
Morris, A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler. M., Mannes H. & Dalby J. 1990 “Waterbird survey of Parramatta River
wetlands, Sydney, New South Wales” Aust. Birds 23, 44-64.
Morris A.K. & Burton A. 1995 “1993 New South Wales Annual Bird Report” Aust. Birds 28, 81-128.
Muranyi, M & Baverstock P.R. 1996 “The distribution and habitat preference of the Bush -hen Amaurornis
olivaceus in North-eastern New South Wales”, Emu 96, 285-287.
Peet, J. 1996, “Glossies in the Goonoo Forest”. The Bird Observer 765, 17-19.
Priddel, D. & Ross, D. 1996 “Monitoring of Little Terns Sterna albifrons in Botany Bay, Seasons 1993/94
to 1995/96″. Report prepared by NSW NPWS for Federal Airports Corporation.
Smith, P.J., Smith J.E., Pressey, R.L. & Whish G.L. 1995 Birds of Particular Conservation Concern in the
Western Division: Distributions, Habitats and Threats NSW NPWS, Sydney.
Smyth A.K. & Young, J. 1996 “Observations on the endangered Black -breasted Button -quail Turnix
melanogaster breeding in the wild”, Emu 96, 202-206.
Stuart, A.D. 1996 Hunter Region of New South Wales Annual Bird Report No 3 1995 Hunter Bird
Observers Club, Newcastle.
Tzaros L. & Davidson I.R. 1996 “A Report on the Winter Survey of the Swift Parrot in Victoria”, Mel-
bourne, Dept. Nat Res. & Env.
142 October 1997APPENDIX
Index of Observers
AA Tony Ashby BV Barry Virtue DP David Page
AB Andrew Burton BW B. Wood DPh D. Phillips
ABe Allan Benson BWi B. Williams DPt D. Potter
ABi Tony Bischoff CBr Chris Brandis DR Del Richards
ACh A. Champion CC C. Carpenter DS David Secomb
AD Andrew Debus CD Chris Doughty DSa David Sawyer
AL Andrew Ley CG Chris Gladwin DSm David Siems
ALa A. Langdon CM C. Meadows DT D. Turner
ALe A. Leishman CP C. Pritchard DTh D. Thompson
ALi A. Lindsey CRo C. Robertson DW Daid Webb
AM Alan Morris CRy C. Ryan ED Ern Dunkerly
AMb A. McBride CS C. Scouler EH Ernie Hoskin
AMe Andrew Mellor CSe Col Sellars EM Edith Medway
AT A. Taylor CSh C. Shinton EV Edwin Vella
AP Tony Palliser CT Chris Tzaros EW Eric Wheeler
AP1 Angela Plant CWa C. Watts FC F. Czwalinna
AR A.B. (Tony) Rose DA Danielle Ayers FL F. Laughlin
ARf Alan Retief DB Don Bassett FP F. Povah
ARi Allan Richards DBs Don Beasley FV Fred Van Gessell
ARo A.E.F. Rogers DC David Charley GA Graham Alcorn
AS A. Sandford DGe D. Geering GC Greg Clancy
ASu A. Sudbury DGr Dorothy Green GCh Garry Chambers
ATu Tony Tubini DH Dion Hobcroft GF Graham Fry
AY Alan Yuen DHa David Hair GG G. Garradd
BC Bruce Cox DJ David Johnston GLC GouldLeague
BDb Bill DeBelin DJo Dellas Johnson Camp
BDo Brian Downer DK D. Koffel GM G. McCarthey
BJ Barbara Jones DKe David Kelly GMi G. Mitchell
BM B. Mannes DL D. Larkins GNe G. Newling
BMc B. McLean DLo Dianna Lock GO G. Olde
BP Barry Pascoe DM Don Mannix GP G. Pittar
BPn Brett Pengilley DMa David Martin GR Greville Reidy
BT B. Tottenham DO Damon Oliver GRi G. Richards
BTh Brian Thompson DOb Danny O’Brien GRo Geoffrey Ross
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 143GT Graham Turner JSe John Seale NH Nicholas Hodges
GW Greg Wallace JSm Jo Smith NM Norma Maxwell
HB H. Blackburn JV James Vale NR Neil Russill
HJ Hugh Jones JVh Jack Verhagen NRa Neil Rankin
HM H. Mannes JW Jenny Watts PA P. Antcliff
HO Harry O’Donovan JWi John Witt PB Paul Burcher
HP H. Pittar JWn Jill Warner PBr Phillip Brookes
HW H. Wohlmuth KB Keith Brandwood PBu Phil Burrell
ID Irene Denton KC Keith Corbett PC P. Charbonneau
IJ Ian Johnson KD Kay Durham PCa P. Cannon
IM I. Mathews KH Keith Hutton PD Peter Disher
IMm I. McMahon KS K. Shingleton PDb P. Drake -Brockman
JB J. Beruldsen KT K. Tagi PDe P. Derbyshire
JBa J. Baverstock KW K. A. Wood PG Phillip Green
JBo J. Bounds LB Laurie Bartlett PH Phillip Hansbro
JC John Carpenter LBI L. Bloom PM Phillip Maher
JCa J. Cahill LD L. Davis PMe Peter Mackie
JCe J. Creswell LH Lauris Hopkins PMg Peter Morgan
JD Jim Dixon LJ L. Johnson PMi Peter Milburn
JDu John Duranti LL Lois Laughlin PMo Peter Morris
JFo Judy Forgan LM Lisa Menke PN P. Niall
JH June Harris MA Mark Allaway PV1 P. Van de Linde
JHa Jeff Hardy MB M. Briggs PO P. Osborn
JHo J. Hosking MBa Michael Baker PP P. Pruckner
JHu Janet Houghton MC Marj Cochrane PRa Peter Ramm
JHw John Howe MCa Maureen Carey PRo P. Roderick
JL J. Love ME Murray Ellis PS Phil Straw
JM J. Makepeace MF Malcolm Fife PW Peter West
JMa Jenny Madeline MG M. Gibson RA Reg Angus
JMi J. Miller MH Michael Hickie RB Raoul Boughton
JMI J. McLennan MHa M. Harwood RBe R. Benson
JMo J. Moylan ML Marie Langdown RBi R. Bilney
JMn J. Meynell MM Michael Maher RC1 R. Clarke
JMt John Martindale MMa Max Maddock RCo R. Coveny
JO J. Ogier MMo M. Monroe RD R. Dallimore
JP Joy Pegler MMp M. Morphett RDi Rob Dick
JPa J. Parker MRo M. Ronan RDy R. Dayman
JPe Julie Peet MSc Michael Schultz RE Rosemary Eyles
JR J.G. Reidy MSy M. Sykes RG R. Gardiner
JRb John Robertson MT Macomas Taylor RHa R. Handy
JRu Judy Russill NC Nicholas Carlile RHn R. Handfield
144 October 1997RI Ron Imisides SD Stephen Debus TOs T. O’Shea
RJ Ray Jones SE Stephen Edwards TN Ted Nixon
RK Rod Kavanagh SF Stuart Fairbairn TQ Trevor Quested
RKo R. Kooyman SH Sue Hamonet TS Tony Saunders
RL Bob Langdown SHa Shirley Hanke TSt T. Stansfield
RMa Richard Mason SL S.G.Lane TW Tom Wilson
RMc R. McNaught SM Stephen Mugford TWa T. Waters
RMg R. McGovern SW Shiela Witt VD Val Dallimore
RMk R. McKenzie SWa Susan Waddell VG V. Gardiner
RMo R. Morrow SWi Steve Wilson VS V. Stephen
RP Robert Payne SZ S. Zucker VT V. Taylor
RT Dick Turner TD Tony Dymond WB Wilma Barden
RW Bob Way TKy Tom Kelsey WBr Bill Brimble
SA Sasha Adin TM Tim Morris WK Wayne King
SAs S. Anyon-Smith TMz Terry Mazzer WM Bill Moller
WMa Warren
Reported Location Region Co-ordinates
Lat Lon
Agnes Banks NR CC 33 39 150 42 Bilgola CC 33 39 151 20
Allyn River FP Blackfellows Lake SC 36 10 150 07
Barrington Tops NC 33 07 151 25 Blandford CWS 31 48 150 54
Alumy Creek, Grafton NR 29 39 152 57 Boatharbour, Kumell CC 34 03 151 08
Annangrove CC 33 40 150 57 Bola Ck, Royal NP CC 34 10 151 02
Back Yamma SF CWS 33 20 148 13 Bombah Pt, Myall LakesNP NC 32 30 152 18
Bamarang Dam SC 34 54 150 31 Bonnie Vale CC 31 36 152 50
Bangalee Reserve SC 34 51 150 31 Bonny Hills NC 31 36 152 50
Bantry Bay CC 33 47 151 14 Boorolong SF & Ck
Barham SWP 35 38 144 08 23km W of Armidale NT 29 59 151 26
Batemans Bay SC 35 43 150 11 Boothbys Ck, Southgate NR 29 35 153 01
Bective NWS 30 58 150 47 Booyong NC 28 47 153 37
Bendemeer NWS 30 52 151 09 Borah Ck TSR, 22 km N of
Bega SC 36 41 149 50 Manilla NWS 30 34 150 38
Bellata NWS 29 55 149 47 Bora HSD, Brewarrina NWP 29 26 146 33
Bellwood Ck Boree Park HSD, Yanco SWP 34 36 146 25
Nambucca Hds NR 30 39 152 59 Boroka HSD,
Bemboka SC 36 38 149 34 Wee Waa 15SE NWP 30 13 149 27
Bendemeer NT 30 53 151 09 Botany CC 33 57 151 12
Berowra CC 33 37 151 09 Bourke NWP 30 05 145 56
Big Scrub Flora Reserve NC 28 38 153 20 Breakfast Ck, Frogmore CT 34 06 148 43
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 145Bringelly CC 33 56 150 44 Cooba HSD, Junee SWS 34 58 147 52
Bray’s Bay, Rhodes CC 33 50 151 05 Coocooboonah HSD,
Brooman SF SC 35 29 150 17 Emmaville NT 29 25 151 35
Brotherson Swamp, Coolongolook NC 32 13 152 19
Coutts Crossing NR 29 50 152 54 Coombie HSD, Roto SFWP 32 50 145 21
Broulee SC 35 51 150 10 Coocoran Lake, Lightning
Bruxner Pk, Kororo NC 30 15 153 06 Ridge NWP 29 25 147 50
Buckiinguy Lagoon, Cootamundra SWS 34 38 148 01
Macquarie MarshesNR NWP 31 03 147 01 Corella HSD, Brewarrina NWP 29 37 146 25
Bugaldie NWS 31 07 149 07 Cowan CC 33 36 151 10
Bukulla HSD, Weilmoringle NWP 29 20 146 53 Coutts Crossing NC 29 50 152 54
Bukkulla NWS 29 31 151 08 Corunna SC 36 17 150 06
Bulga CC 32 39 151 01 Cronulla CC 34 04 151 09
Bulgeraga R, Macquari Culburra SC 34 56 150 46
Marshes NWP 30 54 147 34 Culgoa Downs, Collerina NWP 29 31 146 37
Bullawa Ck, Narrabri NWS 30 23 149 53 Cumberland SF, Pennant
Bundacree Ck, Nabiac NC 32 08 152 21 Hills CC 33 45 151 02
Bundabah, Seal Rocks NC 32 36 152 32 Curl Curl CC 33 47 151 17
Bundanon SC 34 51 150 32 Currumbine SF, Nowra SC 34 57 150 37
Buronga SFWP 34 10 142 11 Dalwood HSD,
Burraneer Bay CC 34 04 151 08 Brewarrina NWP 29 27 146 27
Burrawantie HSD, Dareton SFWP 34 06 142 02
Enngonia NWP 29 11 145 23 Dartbrook NC 32 09 150 51
Burren Junction NWP 30 07 148 58 Deniliquin SWP 35 32 144 57
Burrinjuck Dam ST 35 00 148 35 Devlin’s Ck, Epping CC 33 45 151 05
Cabarita CC 33 51 151 07 Doonside CC 33 45 150 52
Cabbage Tree Is, off Dora Creek CC 33 07 151 27
Port Stephens NC 32 41 152 13 Dulwich Hill CC 33 55 151 09
Cabramurra ST 35 56 148 23 Dunmore CC 34 36 150 56
Camden Haven SF NC 31 39 152 46 Durras Lake SC 35 38 150 16
Candelo SC 36 46 149 42 Edgeroi NWP 30 07 149 48
Capertee CT 33 09 149 59 Elanora Heights CC 33 42 151 16
Capertee Valley CT 33 06 150 13 Ellalong NC 32 55 151 18
Castlereagh CC 33 40 150 41 Engadine CC 34 04 151 01
Cataract Dam CC 34 16 150 48 Enngonia NWP 29 19 145 49
Caves Bch, Swansea CC 33 07 151 39 Eurunderee Lagoon,
Centennial Park CC 33 54 151 14 Myall Lakes NP NC 32 31 152 20
Central Colo CC 33 25 150 47 Evans Lookout, Blue
Chipping Norton CC 33 55 150 58 Mountains NP CT 33 39 150 19
Clarence Broadwater NC 29 26 153 08 Everlasting Swamp,
Clareville CC 33 38 151 19 Lawrence NC 29 31 153 04
Clybucca NC 30 56 152 57 Emu Plains CC 33 45 150 40
Cobham Lake NFWP 30 09 142 05 Fairfield Park Zoo CC 33 53 150 57
Cocoparra NP SWP 34 08 146 14 Fishponds Ck, Hornsby CC 33 42 151 05
Collum Collum HSD, Fivebough Swamp,
Baryulgil NC 29 13 152 36 Leeton SWP 34 32 146 26
Comba Park, Forster NC 31 11 152 31 Fords Bridge NWP 29 45 145 27
Comleroy Rd, Colo CC 33 27 150 43 Forestville CC 33 46 151 13
Como CC 34 00 151 04 Forster NC 32 10 152 32
Conargo SWP 35 18 145 11 Fowlers Gap FNWP 31 05 141 42
Conjola SF SC 35 10 150 29 Freemans Reach CC 33 34 150 47
146 October 1997Gerrin Pt, Bouddi NP CC 33 32 151 23 Kingstown NT 30 30 151 07
Gibralter range NP NC 29 31 152 19 Khancoban ST 36 13 148 08
Gilbulla, Menangle CC 34 07 150 45 Kings Plain NP,
Gilleston Lagoon, Wellingrove NT 29 34 151 22
Maitland NC 32 45 151 32 Kissing Pt, Putney CC 33 50 151 06
Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 12 Kororo NC 30 16 153 08
Glen Ayr HSD, Kennebri NWS 30 47 149 02 Kumell CC 34 01 151 12
Glenbog SF SC 36 45 149 30 Kyeemagh CC 33 57 151 09
Glenreagh NC 30 03 152 59 Lake Bancannia NFWP 30 48 141 52
Glenrock HSD, Lake Cargellico SWP 33 18 146 22
Emmaville NT 29 18 151 33 Lake Cobham NFWP 30 09 142 05
Glenugie NR 29 47 153 01 Lake Hiawatha NC 29 49 153 16
Goodooga NWP 29 07 147 27 Lake Jindabyne ST 36 24 148 38
Goonoo Goonoo NWS 31 18 150 54 Lake Wyangan SWP 34 13 146 01
Gospers lagoon, Colo CC 33 26 150 43 Lednappers Crossing NWP 29 32 146 01
Gradgery HSD, QuamboneNWP 31 14 147 50 Lawrence NC 29 30 153 06
Grose Vale CC 33 35 150 40 Leeton SWP 34 33 146 24
Grose Valley CT 33 35 150 20 Linton NR NWS 30 27 150 52
Growee Gulph CT 32 37 150 04 Lion Island CC 33 34 151 19
Gum Swamp, Forbes CWS 33 23 147 59 Loddon River CC 34 17 150 53
Guy Fawkes River NP NT 30 05 152 22 Lower Colo CC 33 26 150 50
Gwydir R, Bundarra NWS 30 11 151 04 Lowlands CC 33 33 150 47
Haddon Rig HSD, Lynworth HSD, Gingham W. NWP 29 14 149 22
Warren CWP 31 27 147 53 McCarrs Ck, Chuch Pt CC 33 39 151 16
Hannam Vale NC 31 43 152 35 Magic Point, Maroubra CC 33 58 151 15
Hexham Swamp NR NC 32 50 151 40 Majors Bay, Concord CC 33 51 151 06
Hickey Is,Clarence River NC 29 26 153 22 Malabar CC 33 58 151 15
Hooka Point L. Illawarra CC 34 29 150 50 Mallanganee NC 28 54 152 43
Homsby Heights CC 33 40 151 06 Mandurama CT 33 39 149 05
Hundersfield HSD, Mangerton CC 34 26 150 52
Darlington Point SWP 31 34 146 00 Manilla NWS 30 45 150 43
Hungerford, QLD NFWP 29 00 144 24 Marrina HSD, Junee SWS 34 51 147 39
Hungry Head NC 30 31 153 01 Maroota CC 33 28 151 00
Innes Gardens, Mascot HSD, Fords Bridge NWP 29 24 145 23
Port Macquarie NC 31 26 152 55 Mason Park, Concord CC 33 51 151 05
Inverness HSD, Maylands HSD, Brewarrina NWP 29 24 146 41
Wandsworth NT 30 04 151 31 Mebbin SF NC 28 28 153 10
Ironbark Ck, Merimbula SC 36 53 149 55
W of Barraba NWS 30 13 150 45 Merringina HSD,
Jannali CC 34 01 151 04 Weilmoringle NWP 29 12 147 03
Jenolan Caves CT 33 49 150 01 Middle Harbour CC 33 48 151 14
Jerrys Plains NC 32 30 150 54 Minetta HSD,Fords Bridge NWP 29 43 144 45
Jersey Springs, Royal NP CC 34 06 151 03 Minnamurra HSD, Walget NWP 29 42 148 18
Jervis Bay NP SC 34 54 150 35 Mogo SC 35 47 150 08
Jones Island NC 31 50 152 36 Mongo SF, Braidwood ST 35 30 149 55
Kalaru, Tathra SC 36 44 149 56 Moorland NC 31 48 151 39
Kameruka SC 36 44 149 53 Moruya Heads SC 35 55 149 09
Kangaroo Creek NC 29 51 152 55 Mt George NC 30 53 152 11
Karangi NC 30 15 153 03 Mt Harris NWP 31 18 147 40
Kenebri NWS 30 47 140 01 Mt Keira CC 34 24 150 51
Kianga SC 36 12 150 07 Mt Kuringai CC 33 39 151 08
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 147Mt Oxley NWP 30 12 146 14 Ross Glen NC 31 39 152 44
Mt Pomany CT 32 40 150 19 Royal Botanical Gardens CC 33 52 151 13
Moulamein SWP 35 05 144 02 Rozelle CC 33 52 151 10
Mummulgum NC 28 51 152 48 Sandringham CC 34 01 151 08
Mundiwa HSD, Collerina NWP 29 36 146 36 Sandy Crossing,Coldstream NC 29 46 153 06
Murrumbateman ST 34 58 149 02 Santa Barbara, Booti
Murwillumbah NC 28 20 153 24 Booti NP NC 31 15 152 32
Nabiac NC 32 06 152 23 Sawtell NC 30 22 153 06
Nambucca SF NC 30 38 153 00 Sea Acres NR,Pt Macquarie NC 31 28 152 56
Nambucca Heads NC 30 39 153 00 Seaham NR NC 32 40 151 44
Nana Glen NC 30 08 153 01 Seven Hills CC 33 47 150 56
Narrabeen Lake CC 33 43 151 13 Sharpe Ck Trail,
Narran HSD, Kenebri NWS 30 44 148 58 Gloucester Tops NC 32 04 151 41
Nemingha NWS 31 07 150 59 Single SF, Guyra NT 29 59 151 24
Nericon Swamp, Griffith SWP 34 13 146 02 Somerton NWS 30 55 150 37
Neutral Bay CC 33 50 151 13 South Grafton Water Res NC 29 44 152 54
Newfoundland SF NC 29 55 153 10 Spring PlainsHSD,
Newnes SF CT 33 20 150 15 Wee Waa NWP 29 57 149 19
Noola HSD, Junee SWS 34 39 151 35 Station Ck, Yuraygir NP NC 29 57 153 15
North Port Kembla Beach CC 34 29 150 55 St. Georges Basin CC 35 08 150 36
North Richmond CC 33 35 150 42 St Ives CC 33 44 151 10
North Sydney CC 33 50 151 12 St Marys CC 33 46 150 47
Numeralla SC 36 11 149 21 St Peters CC 33 55 151 11
Nurragingy Res, Doonside CC 33 46 150 51 Stannix park CC 33 31 150 51
Oatley CC 33 59 151 05 Stockton Bridge NC 32 53 151 47
Oyster Bay CC 34 00 151 05 Strathbogie HSD,
Padstow RS CC 33 57 151 02 Emmaville NT 29 28 151 29
Penrith Lakes CC 33 43 150 41 Surry Hills CC 33 53 151 13
Petersham CC 33 54 151 09 Swan Lake SC 35 12 150 33
Picnic Point CC 33 59 151 00 Sylvania CC 34 01 151 06
Pierce’s Pass,Blue M. NP CT 33 34 150 20 Tabbimobile NC 29 12 153 16
Pokolbin Lake NC 32 46 151 18 Table Bay Ck,
Ponderosa NT 31 28 151 14 Widden Valley CT 32 42 150 21
Pottsville NC 28 23 153 34 Tamworth NWS 31 08 150 55
Prospect Reservoir CC 33 50 150 34 Tarro NC 32 49 151 40
Pughs Lagoon, Richmond CC 33 36 150 45 Telegraph Point NC 31 19 152 48
Quandong, Broken Hill SFWP 32 05 141 55 Temora SWS 34 27 147 31
Ramomie NC 29 39 152 48 Tewinga, Macksville NC 30 38 152 55
Ranger Valley, Glen Innes NT 29 32 151 43 Thomleigh CC 33 44 151 04
Rankin Park NC 32 56 151 41 Topar SFWP 31 47 142 13
Rankins Springs CWS 33 50 146 16 Toukley CC 33 16 151 32
Ravensworth NC 32 37 151 03 Towamba SC 37 05 149 42
Red Ck, Widden Valley CT 32 43 150 20 Towlers Bay, Pittwater CC 33 37 151 17
Redmanvale NC 32 33 150 54 Tuckabia NC 29 40 153 06
Richmond CC 33 36 150 45 Tuckerbil Swamp, Leeton SWP 34 27 146 21
Riverine Pk, Arncliffe CC 33 56 151 08 Tullakool Salt Works SWP 35 24 144 12
Rocky Glen HSD, Tuncurry NC 29 57 146 06
Emmaville NT 29 20 151 33 Turramurra CC 33 44 151 08
Ropes Ck, Colyton CC 33 47 150 48 Victoria Park NR NR 28 54 153 25
Rostella HSD, Barringun NWP 29 02 145 37 Vintage Lakes,
Round Hill NR, Mt. Hope SWP 33 00 146 10 Tweed Heads NC 28 11 153 32
148 October 1997Violet Hill, Key to Regions:
Myall Lakes NPNC 32 28 152 19
Undercliffe CC 33 56 151 09 CC Central Coast
Walgett NWP 30 01 148 07 CT Central Tablelands
Wallaga Lake SC 36 22 150 04 CWP Central -west Plains
Wamoon SWP 34 32 146 19 CWS Central -West Slopes
Wanaaring NFWP 29 42 144 09 NC North Coast
Waroo HSD, Hungerford NFWP 29 05 144 41 NFWP North Far -west Plains
Warrabah NP NWS 30 13 150 49 NT Northern Tablelands
Waratah HSD, NWP North West Plains
Weilmoringle NWP 29 07 146 28 NWS North-west Slopes
Woronora River CC 3400 151 03 SC South Coast
Warrumbungles NP NWS 31 18 149 00 SFWP South Far -west Plains
Washpool NP NC 29 25 152 20 ST Southern Tablelands
Washpool SF NC 29 15 152 22 SWP South-west Plains
Waterview Heights NR 29 41 152 53 SWS South-west Slopes
Watson, ACT ST 35 14 149 09
Wattagan Mountains NC 33 00 151 25
Wattamolla, Royal NP CC 34 08 151 07
Weilmoringle NWP 29 15 146 53
Wentworthville CC 33 48 150 58
West Dapto CC 34 29 150 47
Westleigh CC 33 43 151 04
Wheelbarrow Ridge,
Parr SRA CT 33 23 150 50
Whitton SWP 34 31 146 11
Widden Bk, Widden Valley CT 32 25 150 23
Widgelli SWP 34 20 146 08
Wilcannia NFWP 31 33 143 22
Willows HSD, Emmaville NT 29 30 15140
Wingen CWS 31 54 150 53
Wirrimbi NC 30 40 152 46
Woody Head, Bunjalung NP NC 29 22 153 22
Woolwich CC 33 51 151 10
Wreck Bay, Jervis Bay NP SC 35 10 150 41
Wyndham SC 36 56 149 39
Wyrrabalong NP north CC 33 17 151 33
Yantabulla NFWP 29 21 145 00
Yarrabimbi HSD,
Mt Brobenah SWP 34 30 146 30
Yarrat SF, Taree NC 31 50 152 26
Yarramundi CC 33 37 150 40
Yarranbella NC 30 42 152 48
Yarrol HSD, Gingham W.C. NWP 29 13 149 19
Yenda SWP 34 15 146 11
Yetholme CT 33 27 149 49
Yurrammie SF SC 36 53 149 45
Yurrum Ck, Dorrigo NR 30 21 152 35
Zara HSD, Wanganella SWP 35 10 144 42
Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 149150 October 1997Australian Birds Vol 30 No.4 151152 October 1997Advice to Contributors
Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins at top and sides, and
submitted initially as an original and two duplicates. Tables and figures must be in the
form of reproducable hard copy, having due regard to the journal page size and format. If
extensive retyping or drafting is required publication may be delayed or prevented. Pho-
tographs should be submitted as glossy black and white prints of size and contrast suit-
able for reproduction.
Upon acceptance, it is most helpful if the final manuscripts of substantial articles can be
submitted in word processor format. The editor will advise details of acceptable formats.
Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not being offered for publication
Authors are advised to consult a current issue of Australian Birds as a guide to style and
punctuation, which conform in general to the Commonwealth Style Manual. Spelling
follows the Macquarie Dictionary. In particular:
dates are written as 1 January 1990′, but may be abbreviated in tables and figures;
the 24 hour clock is used with Eastern Standard Time, e.g.
0630 for 6.30 am and 1830 for 6.30 pm. Daylight Saving time should
be corrected to EST;
in the text, single -digit numbers are spelt out; 10 000 and larger numbers are
printed with a space (not a comma) separating the thousands;
English names of bird species (but not group names) are written with an initial capital
for each separate word.
Scientific names of bird species and their classification should follow Christidis & Boles
1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds ofA ustralia and its Territories,
RAOU Monograph 2.
References to books appear in the form
Marchant, S. & Higgins, P.J.(eds) 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic
Birds, Vol. 1, OUP, Melbourne.
and to journals as
Morris, A.K., Tyler, V., Tyler, M., Mannes, H.& Dalby, J. 1990, ‘A waterbird survey of
the Parramatta River wetlands, Sydney’, Aust Birds, 23:3.
These are cited in the text as Marchant & Higgins (1990) or (Morris et al. 1990), respectively.Volume 30 No. 4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS October 1997
A.K. Morris & A. Burton
New South Wales Annual Bird Report 81
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