Vol. 29 No. 4-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 29 No. 4

Journal of the
The object of the Club is to promote the study and conservation of Australian birds and
the habitats they occupy.
President Stuart Fairbaim
Vice -President Penny Drake -Brockman
Secretary Sheila Witt
Treasurer Cindy Ryan
Annual subscription rates(due 1 October each year):
Adult Member $35
Junior Member $20
All members receive a bimonthly Newsletter and the journal Australian Birds,
and are entitled to attend the Club’s regular monthly meetings and field excursions.
Correspondence should be addressed to:
PO Box Q277, Queen Victoria Building, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Australian Birds invites original articles and short notes on
birds, especially those relating to field observations in New South Wales.
Line drawings and good quality photographs are welcome.
Please refer to Advice to Contributors, inside back cover.
Editor Peter Roberts
Production Stuart Fairbaim
Cover Photo Front: Intermediate pale- phase Red -footed Booby at Pt Kembla.
Photo Lindsay Smith
Back: Fiordland Penguin
Photo Courtsey of Taronga Zoo
Please address manuscripts to the Editor at:
33 Carlyle Rd, LINDFIELD NSW 2070
ISSN 0311-8150
Printed by The Village Scribe, 56 Thompson Street, Drummoyne 2047AUSTRALIAN
Volume 29 No.4 June 1996
Australian Birds is afflicted by a chronic shortage of copy, and the time has come to
consider a drastic change to its production schedule.
Volume 29 Number 1 came out in September but with only 16 pages, all the material to
hand. In December, with Number 2 overdue and almost no copy, Stuart Fairbairn came to
the rescue with a much -needed Index for Volumes 11 to 20. At the last moment some
very welcome contributions enabled Number 3 to reach the printers almost on time, in
March and the Bird Report for 1994 makes up Number 4.
That will clear the way for Volume 30, with Number scheduled for September; but with
only one article in hand your editor is seriously concerned about his ability to produce a
magazine of the expected size every three months. IfAustralian Birds is to continue as a
quarterly the present indications are that it will be drastically undersized or perpetually
Because I can give no assurance that a 28 -page magazine can be produced every three
months, the Committee has agreed that future issues need not keep strictly to the traditional
quarterly schedule. Thus, Vol. 30 No. (and following issues) will be published when
enough suitable contributions are received, and not necessarily in June, September,
December and March. It is expected that the Annual Bird Reports will continue to appear
in June each year.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 61SQUARE -TAILED KITE: A CORRECTION
The editor regrets that in the paper ‘Further observations on the Square -tailed Kite’ by
S.J.S. Debus (1996 Aust. Birds 29, 44-53), the following sections were accidentally omitted
during the production process.
Top of p. 47, insert:
21.10.95, 1415-1815 h. At 1422h, soon after my arrival, the male Kite circled low over
the nest patch and surrounding area (including houses) for 5 minutes then departed. There
was no further activity until 1730 h, when both Kites arrived from the north-west and
landed on the nest one after the other, amid chittering by the male and squealing by the
female (see Calls, below).
Bottom of p.49 to top of p.50, text should read:
The male Kite then soared up in spirals to a great height over the nesting area, to perhaps
1000 m, and commenced an aerial display. In circling flight he performed continuous,
fluttering short -amplitude beats while uttering the rapid ee-ee-ee… squeal, in a display
which combined visual and vocal elements. Despite the height (i.e. distance) the calls and
movement were clearly audible and visible though not as striking as the undulations,
flash- pattern and calling of a displaying Little Eagle.
Two sections of repeated text should be deleted:
Top of p. 48, first three lines.
Top of p. 51, first three lines.
Alan K. Morris’ and Andrew Burton
‘ Wombat Street, Berkeley Vale 2261
2703/4 Francis Street, Chatswood 2068
The twenty-fourth Annual Bird Report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1994
and summarises the more significant observations of birds during that year.
The main aims of the NSW Bird Report continue to be:
-To record reported observations of species accidental or rare to NSW;
-To record observations which more precisely define the normal distributions of
birds within NSW; and
-To record observations which may indicate changes in species’ numbers,
frequency, range and movements.
The format maintains the conventions established in the 1985 report. The Location
Guide, at Appendix 2, lists locations not referred to in the 1991-1993 reports. This guide
is intended to assist readers to better determine the general location of reported observations.
The production of future reports will be greatly assisted if observers provide location
map references in the manner set out in the Appendix. For those unable to cope with this,
an accurate description of the location of the sightings to the nearest town is essential.
Note that co-ordinates are not provided for observations attributed to other Regional
Information on 402 species is contained in the 1994 Report. This information was
gleaned from 58 sources including 294 observers from the NSWFOC and the CBOC; the
Annual Reports of the Canberra Ornithologist Group, Eurobodalla Natural History Society,
the Hunter and Illawarra Bird Observers Clubs; and publications of other bird organisations.
The number of records and the number of observers providing information is greater than
for any previous reports but there are now four other annual reports to draw upon.
Abbreviations for these organisations are as follows: AMSR = Australian Museum
Specimen Record; ARA = Aust. Raptor Assoc. Newsletter; Gang Gang = Newsl. of the
Canberra Ornith. Group; CBOC = Cumberland Bird Obs. Club Newsl.; ENHS =
Eurobodalla Nat. His. Soc. Annual Report Nature In Eurobodalla 1994; HBOC = Hunter
Bird Obs. Annual Report; ISBR = Illawarra-Shoalhaven Region Ornithological Report
for 1994; MDBWP = RAOU Murray -Darling Basin Waterbird Project; MVB = Manning
Valley Birdwatchers Newsl.; MVBO = Macleay Valley Birdwatchers; NSWBA = NSW
Bird Atlassers Newsl.; NSWFOC = NSW Field Ornithologists Club Newsl.; QOS =
Queensland Ornith. Soc. Newsl.; RHR = Regent Honeyeater Recovery Effort Newsl.;
TBO = The Bird Observer: and Wingspan = RAOU Newsletter. Other abbreviations used
include “A” for adult, “AM” for adult male, and “AF” for adult female, “D” for dead or
beachcast, “E” for eggs, “HC” for heard calling, “N” for nest, and “P” for pairs.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 63A number of unusual or otherwise significant records were received with two new
species being added to the New South Wales list in 1994, being the American Golden
Plover seen at Bryon Bay in November and a Bridled Tern off Wollongong on 27
November, yet to be confirmed. Other significant records are as follows: A Fiordland
Penguin at Congo Beach on October, injured and subsequently relocated to Taronga
Zoo where it still can be seen, 3rd NSW record; a Black Petrel off Wollongong 27 Feb,
17th NSW record and a Kerguelen Petrel off Nowra 4 Aug, 12th NSW record, both still
to be confirmed; a Light -mantled Sooty Albatross off Wollongong 9 Sep 12th record; a
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel off Wollongong 25 Sep, 6th NSW record; a Red -footed Booby,
blown ashore at Port Kembla 3 Jan, 2nd NSW record; the largest irruption of Letter –
winged Kites for 17 years, breeding in the Riverina but with a number of records elsewhere;
a Brahminy Kite at Frenches Forest 22 Jan, was the first record for the County of
Cumberland since one was found nailed to the door of a settler’s hut in the 1790s; Fairy
Terns nesting at Wallagoot Lake, 3rd confirmed record and 1st breeding record for NSW:
and many passerines moved towards the coast because of drought, especially White-
browed and Masked Woodswallows.
The main climatic feature of NSW during 1994 was the continuing drought across
NSW. Rainfall in eastern NSW was below average so that the situation was ripe for
major bushfires. The fires came with a vengeance in January 1994, when over 300,000 ha
of forest, mainly National Parks and State Forests were ravaged by 588 bushfires. Bushfires
continued throughout January and February and conditions remained dry for the remainder
of the year. No doubt the bushfires destroyed the habitat of many birds but particularly
Glossy and Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoos and this factor was the possible reason for the
presence of these birds in urban bushland parks and reserves not normally frequented by
such large cockatoos. Some black cockatoos also came after the fires to feed on the opening
seed cones! The drought meant that not only the inland wetlands dried up but the water
level in the coastal lakes fell and became more saline. This was particularly the case for
places like Lake Macquarie, Lake Illawarra, Lake Wollumboola and Tuggerah Lakes.
Lower water levels in coastal lakes meant that some sea grasses came within the grazing
range of ducks and swans. This factor accounted for large numbers of Black Swans and
Chestnut Teal in coastal lakes. For the third year running there were no tropical cyclones
or heavy onshore rain depressions off the NSW coast so that there were no major seabird
The operations of the RAOU and the NSW Ornithological Records Appraisal
Committees continue to run smoothly and assist the editors of this report in reviewing
rare or erroneus records. Their assistance is greatly appreciated because of the level of
credibility that is now placed on sightings of an unusual nature.
64 June 1996The scientific and English names used in this Report follow that of the new RAOU
Checklist (Christitis & Boles 1994). All observations are presented for each species in a
set order. The order follows the order of Regions in the State (see Appendix 2). The
observations for the Northern Rivers will precede any of those for the Mid -North Coast,
followed by the remaining coastal Regions to the south and then the tablelands, then the
slopes etc, and each set of observations for each Region are divided by a semi -colon. As
pointed out previously, the Central Coast is not a region, it consists of the local government
areas of Gosford and Wyong and is part of the Hunter Region. The Sydney Region is
broadly based upon the boundaries of the County of Cumberland.
Finally a plea for all those people who find dead birds, which are either difficult of
identify or unusual. When such specimens are found, seek to have the specimen sent to
the Australian Museum for identification. If local wildlife carer groups like WIRES are
unable to help, take or send the specimen to the Museum, or contact your local NPWS
We would like to thank all those members who submitted their reports promptly
so enabling this report to be produced actually on time. We would also like to thank the
following people who reviewed the first drafts viz Chris Chafer, E.S. Hoskin, I. Hutchison,
Ian McAllan and S.J. S. Debus. Stuart Fairbairn and Peter Roberts assisted in the production
and layout of this issue of the Journal. For the assistance and committment of these people,
we are extremely grateful.
Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae 2A,6J Between Brooms Head and Taloumbi 2 Aug, 6
Coldstream R, Tyndale 21 Aug, A+4 chicks near Taloumbi 29 Sep (EW);
Observations closest to Newcastle include 1 15km S of Merriwa 1 Jul (lMc), 2 at
Bylong & 1 Cassilis 3 Oct, 12 near Wollar 22 Sep (HBR); 77 Cobham Lake 11
Oct (AB), largest concentration reported; A+21 chicks Coombie HSD, Roto Jul
and all subsequently survived (JHu). No further records for the Northern Rivers
Region will be published unless they occur outside of the range as indicated in
this and previous reports.
Australian Brush -turkey Alectura lathami 1 Thornleigh 8 Oct (DBe), 1 Normanhurst 19
Oct (BSa), 1 Gordon 19 Oct (BH), can these all be the same bird?; 1 near Mt
Keira 5 Mar & 1 Dec, continues a precarius hold in Illawarra Region (ISBR); 2
Ferntree Gully Res, Rylstone 22-26 Jul (MP), 2 imm Wattle Grove HSD, Rylstone
29 Jul (MS), western limit of range in NSW.
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata 2 at different mounds Loughnan NR 2 Apr (AR) & 19 Oct
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 65(PE); Small mound found on Coombie HSD, Roto 26 Jul but very dry winter and
mound not worked again (JHu), 2 Mallee Cliffs NP 10 Sep (CC,JC) & 7-18 Nov
(Ellis 1994); Estimated 500 pairs remaining in NSW (DPr RAOU Cons. Notes
Stubble Quail Coturnix pectoralis 1 Limeburners Creek NR 19 Feb, 1 Hungry Head 27
Apr and 3 Pelican Island, Macleay Valley 29 Dec (ABi,KS); 4+ Warkworth 15-
20 Feb (CCh); 1 Powells Lane, Richmond 19 Nov (Thu); 4 Swamp Rd, Dunmore
10 Jan & 1 road kill Jamberoo (ISBR); 1 Tilba Lake 25 Oct & 10-28 Dec (ENHS).
There are few published coastal records.
Brown Quail C. ypsilophora Max 6+ Bakers Lagoon 13 Feb -19 Nov, 2 Pughs Lagoon 21
Aug (AB,JDu); 4+ calling Tinda Creek, Putty (JDu); Present 10km N of Leeton
18 Feb -13 Mar (DS).
King Quail C. chinensis 2+ Bungwahl/Horse Point Dec (HBR); HC Kooragang Is 7 Feb
(HBR); 1 Bakers Lagoon 3 Mar (Thu) & 7 on 31 Dec, max 3 Pitt Town Lagoon
17 Jan & 6 Apr (KB).
Magpie Goose Anseranas semipalmata 72 Sandgate & 92 birds Shortland WC 21 Mar
(AB), 5 Seaham NR 14 Jun (HBR). These are regular sites in the Hunter Valley,
information from other locations are invited; 50 Willencorah HSD, Willie, 4
Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone and 200+ in northern Macquarie Marshes NR 4
Feb (RJ).
Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae 2 Yellangalo HSD, 12 km SW Gunning
31 Oct (CBN 19,74), possible escapees from a wildlife park.
Plumed Whistling- Duck Dendrocygna eytoni 10+ Wollumbin 8-10 Apr (Wingspan 14,10),
50+ Murwillumbah 10 Apr (JH), present Clarence Valley all year max 500
Clarenza 25 Aug (EW); 180-200 Doughboy Hollow, Singleton 23 May -15 Jun
(HBR); Max 100+ Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 27 Feb -29 May (JDu,EV); 21 Junee
STW 25 Jul, 300 Lake Cowal 17 Dec (MDBWP); Max 150 Buddah Lake, Trangie
22 Jul & 15 Nov (JHo,MDBWP); 50+ Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 2 Mar (KH).
Wandering Whistling -Duck D. arcuata 2 Casino Swamps 20 Mar (ABi) & 23 Aug (KF),
max 59 Macksville STW Mar -8 Oct (DS,ABi,BS); Max 50 lower Hunter Valley
wetlands throughout the year (HBR), 2A+3Y Market Swamp, Sandgate 21 Mar
(AB), 10+ Stockton 27 Mar & 20 Nov (ID,HBR); 6 Coomaditchy Lagoon 1 Apr
(LS), first record for Illawarra Region (ISBR).
Blue -billed Duck Oxyura australis 2 Wollongong Botanic Gardens 15 Jan, second coastal
Illawarra Region record (ISBR); 3 Beardy Waters Dam, Glen limes 3 Jun, 5
Little Llangothlin Lagoon 15 Jul (JCr); Max 102 Spring Ck Reservoir, Orange
15 Oct where present all year (MDBWP);4 Lake Bathurst 29 May (PH); 1 Old
Quipolly Dam 16 Jan & 2 on 24 Apr (GMi,MDBWP), new location; 3 Gum
Swamp, Forbes 17 Sep -16 Oct (BC,CG), 2 Lake Cowal 17 Dec (MDBWP); 2
Booligal HSD, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Musk Duck Biziura lobata Recorded at 6 Hunter valley sites including A+J Newcastle
WR 15 Oct, first breeding record for Hunter (HBR); Recorded at 6 sites in
Illawarra Region (ISBR); 1 Lake Wollumboola 3 Nov, first record for site (ISBR),
max 3 Jellat Jellat Swamp 25 Aug -27 Sep, 1-2 Deep Creek Dam, Batemans Bay
Jan -Feb, 2 Coopers Island 13 Aug, AF Old Man Bed Swamp, Congo 25 Sep
(ENHS), more records than usual for South Coast.
66 June 1996Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa Max 5 Market Swamp, Sandgate 30 Oct -4 Dec &
Shortland WC 30 Sep & 31 Oct (KB,JC,BDo,DK,DT, PWe,HBR); 4 Spring Ck
Res, Orange 31 dec (MDBWP); 2 Lake Bathurst 29 May (PH), 8 west shore of
Lake George 17 Jul (CBN 19,74), eventually 7000 in Oct (COG); 7 Gum Swamp,
Forbes 16 Oct (BC); 2 Lake Cowal 10 Nov (MDBWP); 1 Griffith STW 3 Apr
(TP), present Lake Wyangan Drainage Res. May, Sep, Dec (PE), 3 Tombullen
Swamp 31 Dec (MDBWP); 5 STW 8 Aug & 7 Dead Horse Lagoon, Bourke 9
Aug (MDBWP), 27 Cobham Lake 11 Oct, 1 Lake Pamamaroo 14 Oct (AB), 8
near Wilcannia 7 Nov (TKy).
Black Swan Cygnus atratus 1000+ Frederickton 20 Mar (KS); Present all year Myall
Lakes, max 1000 and 500 Wallis Lake (HBR); Present all year Tuggerah Lakes,
2573 Feb (AM); 3050 Lake Wollumboola 31 Aug with up to 50 nests in Nov
(ISBR), elsewhere on South Coast nesting May -Sep (ENHS); 300 on Austcott
Storage dam, Warren 13 May (JM), large number for site.
Australian Shelduck Tardorna tadornoides 26 Bong Bong NR 9 Apr and 2 Killalea Lagoon
5 Nov (ISBR); present Jellat Jellat Swamp, Bega 20 Jan- 27 Sep, max 22 8 Sep
(BJ,ENHS), 1-3 Coopers Is 25 Apr & 3 Dec (ENHS); 2 Willencorah HSD,
Macquarie Marshes Aug- 23 Sep (RJ). 145 Lake Pamamaroo 14 Oct (AB).
Numbers increasing in South Coast Region.
Mallard A. platyrhynchos 2 Kundabung Mar -Jul (MVBO), 4 all year South West Rocks
(KS), 2M+F Kempsey all year (ABi); 2 Myall Lakes NP 5 Sep & 1 Violet Hill
18 Nov (HBR); 2 Brightwaters 12 Apr (HBR); AM McGraths Hill STW 28 Aug
Pacific Black Duck A. superciliosa Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 188 Jun, the
lowest numbers recorded for the Lakes in 6 years (AM); 400 Old Man Bed
Swamp Sep, max for site (ENHS).
Australasian Shoveler A. rhynchotis 1 Woodenbong 5 Sep (JH), 6 Micalo Island, Clarence
R 27 Sep -6 Oct (GLC); Pair Bombah Point, Myall Lakes NP 21 Sep (DT), no
previous records for this site; 50+ Minmi 28 Aug, max 100+ Stockton Borehole
Swamp Jun -Aug, and up to 50 at Irrawang & Seaham Swamps 4 Aug, higher
numbers than usual in Hunter Valley (HBR), present Tuggerah Lakes Mar -Aug,
max 8 in May, the lowest number for 6 years (AM); Max 9 McGraths Hill STW
14 Aug -10 Sep (ID,CSh), F Royal Botanic Gardens 21 Nov (RCo); 6 Comerong
Is 16 Jul (JRu,NR); 50 Old Man Bed Swamp 25 Sep (ENHS). Increased numbers
overall on coast during spring.
Grey Teal Anas gracilis Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, 2443 in Oct, the second highest
number in six years (AM); max 400 Old Man Bed Swamp Feb, and elsewhere
on South Coast larger flocks and more widely distributed than usual but no
breeding (ENHS).
Chestnut Teal A. castanea Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, many breeding records but
max was 619 in Jun well below the 2573 in 1990 (AM); 6000+ Lake
Wollumboola 3 Nov, an unsually large concentration (ISBR), present all year
Old Man Bed Swamp, max 480 25 Apr, and 250 Coopers Is Feb (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 67Pink -eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus Max 12 Tuggerah STW 20 May -31
Jul (AM,TMo), 2 Muddy Lake, Dora Creek 5-15 Jun, 2 Minmi 5 Sep, 4 Seaham
Swamp 25 Sep, Nov -Dec, 2 Belmont Swamp Nov (JDu,HBR); 2A+5Y McGraths
Hill STW 16 Mar -1 Apr (AB,DK), 4 on 10 Sep (CSh), 1 Dee Why Lagoon 30
Oct (BC), unusual location; 3 Old Man Bed Swamp 25 Sep (ENHS); 3 Beardy
Waters Dam, Glen Innes 28 Jun (JCr).
Hardhead Aytha australis 105 Nambucca Heads STW 19 Aug (DS), max for this site;
2000+ Eurundree Lake, Myall Lakes NP 7 Oct (DT cf. 1972 Bird Report); Max
22 Coomaditchy Lagoon 30 Jan -19 May (CCh); 200+ Jervis Bay Botanic
Gardens, large number with few previous records for this site (ISBR); 150+
Broken Hill STW 7 Nov (TKy), large number for this site.
Hoary -headed Grebe Poliocephalas poliocephalus 40+ Bombah Point/Mungo Brush,
Myall Lakes NP 17 Nov (HBR); Present Tilba Lake Mar -Oct max 5, 8
Blackfellows Lake 7 Aug (ENHS).
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Max 50 Grahamstown Reservoir 9 Jul (HBR);
Max 11 Penrith Lakes 31 Dec (KB); 1 Lake Inverell Oct (JM); 2 prs with young
Booligal HSD, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Fiordland Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus 1 Congo Beach, s of Moruya 1 Oct
(ENHS,Aust. Birding 9/94), later taken to Taronga Zoo where seen by many
observers. Record accepted by NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 2 birds each with egg in burrows at Seal Rocks Jun
(HBR). Northern limit of breeding range.
Common Diving -Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 1 off Wollongong 11 Jun (PH,KBr) & 23
Jul (Wingspan 9/94), referred to NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Southern Giant -Petrel Macronectes giganteus 1 off Seal Rocks 1 Jul (HBR); 1D Soldiers
Bch, Norah Head Aug (DJo); Off Long Reef 3-11 Jul (BC); 1-3 off Wollongong
11 Jun -28 Aug(KB,ISBR), fewer than in previous years; 7 off Moruya Heads 10
Jun & 5 on 17 Jul, 1 Burrewarra Point 17 Jul, 1 South Durras 21 Aug (ENHS),
white morph off Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP 28 Jul (DH), 2 off Wardens Head,
Ulladulla 29 Sep (KH).
Northern Giant -Petrel M halli 1 off Wollongong 3 Aug (ISBR).
Cape Petrel Daption capense 8 off South West Rocks Sep (JMcE); 1-10 off Wollongong
17 Jul -23 Oct (AA,ISBR).
Kerguelen Petrel Lugensa brevirostris 1 off the continental shelf from Nowra 4 Aug
(LS,Wingspan 9/94), referred to NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Great -winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 3 off Long Reef 9 Aug (MR); Recorded all
year off Wollongong Max 50+ Jan, Oct -Nov (PH,TP,AM).
White -headed Petrel P. lessonii 1 off Wollongong 28 Aug (TP), 23 Oct (PH) & 1 29 Oct
(Aust. Birding 9,12/94). Average year.
Providence Petrel P. solandri Recorded off Wollongong Mar -Oct, max 30+ 26 Jun
(AA,PH,AP) and 2 off Bellambi Point 7 Jun (ISBR).
68 June 1996Kermadec Petrel P. neglecta 1 (dark morph) off Wollongong 24 Jul (KB,Wingspan 9/
94), referred to NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
White -necked Petrel P. cervicalis 1-2 off Wollongong 23 Jan (CB,PH) and 1 27 Feb
(CB), referred to NSWORAC, the former recorded being accepted (see Morris
Gould’ s Petrel P. leucoptera During survey 12-16 Dec Cabbage Tree Island it was reported
that due to contol of Birdlime Tree & Pied Currawongs, and use of artificial
nesting chambers, breeding pairs and breeding success had increase, approx 350
pair nesting 1994/95 (HBR).
Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur 150 11/6, 50 on 24/7 Wollongong (KBr); up to 200 present
off Moruya Heads Jun -Oct (ENHS), present off Eden 23 Oct (Gang Gang 12/
94). Lesser numbers than usual.
White -chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 1 off Wollongong 25 Sep (11)) & 1 Oct
(LS) referred to NSWORAC, the former record accepted, see Morris 1996.
Black Petrel P. parkinsoni 1 off Wollongong 17 Nov (Aust. Birding 12/94), referred to
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas off Wollongong 27 Feb (RBe), accepted
by NSWORAC & 29 Oct (Aust. Birding 9/95), referred to NSWORAC but not
confirmed, see Morris 1996.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus Arrival: 1 off Wollongong 7 Aug (PH).
Buller’s Shearwater P. bulleri 1 10km off Long Reef 31 Dec (RMcG); 1 off Wollongong
27 Feb (AM). Fewer than usual but overall numbers are increasing.
Sooty Shearwater P. griseus 1D One Mile Beach, Forster 15 Nov (DT); Small numbers
with Short -tailed Shearwaters at Moruya Heads 10 Oct (ENHS).
Short -tailed Shearwater P. tenuirostris Recorded along South Coast from Jan -17 Apr,
first return Moruya Heads 2 Oct then max 50,000 by end of month (ENHS),
numbers beachcast were fewer than in previous years.
Fluttering Shearwater P. gavia Large flocks off Nambucca Heads in Nov (DS); 10,000
off Crowdy Head 6-7 Sep (HBR); 3000+ off Wombarra 26 Aug (ISBR).
Little Shearwater P. assimilis 1 off Wollongong 21 Oct (Aust. Birding 12/94); 1 Bhewerre
Beach 5 Nov (ISBR).
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 2 off South West Rocks Sep (JMcE); 1 off Long
Reef 3 Jul (BC); Max 3 off Wollongong 11 Jun -24 Oct (AA,KB,PH,ISBR); no
records Eurobodalla & Bega Shire coasts (ENHS). The huge decline in numbers
observed off the Illawarra Coast since 1988 is of concern (see Brandis et al
Royal Albatross D. epomophora 1 off Long Reef (KT) & 1 (northern race) off Wollongong
22 Aug (PH), referred to NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Black-browed Albatross D. melanophrys Present off Wollongong 22 May -27 Nov, max
120 11 Jun (AA,TP). Arrival: 1 off Long Reef 30 Apr (CG). Departure: 1
North Head 6 Nov (GD).
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 69Shy Albatross D. cauta Regularly recorded off Wollongong 11 Jun -24 Oct, max 25 on 25
Sep (AA,KB, ISBR).
Yellow -nosed Albatross D. chlororhynchos 6 off Seal Rocks Jun (HBR); Regularly
recorded off Wollongong 22 May -23 Oct max 150 on 26 June (ISBR,AA).
Buller’s Albatross D. bulleri 1 off Wollongong 13 Jun (AA), 30th record.
Light -mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata 1 off Wollongong 9 Sep (LS),
accepted by NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Wilson’s Storm -Petrel Oceanites oceanicus Recorded off Wollongong 27 Mar -27 Nov,
max 30 on 3 Aug (PH,KB,ISBR).
Grey -backed Storm -Petrel Garrodia nereis off Wollongong 24 Jul (Wingspan 9/94) &
25 Sep (AA), both referred to NSWORAC, the former accepted, see Morris
White-faced Storm -Petrel Pelagodroma marina off Wollongong 29 Oct (Aust. Birding
9/94) & 2 27 Nov (AA), 100+ pairs breeding Five Islands NR (ISBR), an increase
over previous years; 1D Bhewerre Beach 5 Nov & Pretty Beach, Jervis Bay 8
Dec (PE,ISBR).
Black -bellied Storm- Petrel Fregatta tropica off Wollongong 29 Oct (AMcB, Aust.
Birding 9/94), referred to NSWORAC but not confirmed, see Morris 1996.
White-tailed Tropic -bird Phaethom lepturus Inun on beach Booti Booti NP 12 Jan, slightly
injured, taken into care and subsequently released (DT). 53rd record, consistent
with pattern of most records Dec -Apr, but recorded throughout the year with no
records yet for Oct.
Australasian Gannet Sula serrator 250+ off Nambucca Heads 26 Aug, large number
(DS); 330 feeding offshore Forster Beach 15 Aug (AR), large number for Mid
North Coast.
Red -footed Booby S. sula 1 beachcast Port Kembla 3 Jan, first Illawarra record (ISBR)
and second NSW record, accepted by NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Darter Anhinga melanogaster Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 25 Apr, which is a
low number, but c20 pairs nested Ourimbah Creek & Colongra Swamp away
from the Lake (AM); N+4Y Centennial Park 26 Jan (TLo), 10 (5M,5F)
Bicentennial Park 5 Jun (BDo), largest number recorded for site (see Morris et al
1990), in Sydney Harbour at Chiswick 31 Jul (CWa); More regularly observed
Illawarra Region, perhaps resident lower Macquarie Rivulet and regularly
recorded Korrongulla Swamp throughout the year (ISBR); 2 nests Coopers Is 11
Feb & 20 Nov (ENHS).
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax. melanoleucos Present all year Tuggerah Lakes,
max 476 in Apr, fewer than usual (AM). Breeding: 20-40 pr nesting Shortland
WC & Newcastle WR throughout the year (HBR), 6 nests Ourimbah Ck,
Chittaway Sep -Dec (AM), 4 pairs Bellambi Lagoon 17 Nov, other known Illawarra
nest sites are Korrongulla Swamp & Dunmore Lakes (ISBR), 23 nests Coopers
Is 20 Nov (ENHS), 100 nests Lower Gum Swamp, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Black -faced Shag P. fuscescens 1 Twofold Bay 23 Oct (Gang Gang 12/94), 6th NSW
Pied Cormorant P. varius Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 49 Nov, a low number
(AM); Present Lake Illawarra Jan, max 12 Koona Bay & 14 Koong-burry Bay
(CCh), uncommon at this site.
70 June 1996Little Black Cormorant P. sulcirostris Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, numbers highest
Jul -Sep, max 1794, highest number recorded for site (AM). Breeding: 20+ prs
nesting Newcastle WR 20 Nov (HBR).
Great Cormorant P. carbo Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 139 Nov, low number
for site (AM); Breeding: 20 prs nesting Newcastle WR 5 Aug (HBR), 18 pairs
nesting, most with young Centennial Park 19 May (EHo).
Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicilatus 100+ nests Pelican Is, Booti Booti NP 19 Jan
(DT), 165 nests 2 Feb (AR), very high tides washed away many nests; Nesting
continued Blackalls Bay, Woy Woy but no estimate made (AM).
Lesser Frigatebird Fregatta ariel 1 flying north 1km inland Bundjalung NP 7 Jan (DC),
25th record, first since 1990.
White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae 300 Fullerton Cove 10 May & 200 10 Jun
Little Egret E. garzetta Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 14 Dec, lowest number in
6 years (AM); 1 North Barton Park wetlands, Wolli Creek Res, first record for
Reserve (JCa); 2 Koong-burry Bay 21 Jan (CCh) & 7 Koona Bay, Lake Illawarra
4 Feb (CBr), uncommon in Illawarra; Breeding: 10 prs Shortland WC Nov -Dec
(MMo), 7 prs nested Chittaway Point Nov- Dec, first nesting for 2 years (AM).
The number breeding in coastal NSW declined 1989-1994 (Wetlander 11,12).
Pacific Heron Ardea pacifica 1 Neutral Bay 3 Oct (RD); Common Illawarra Region 20
Apr -22 Dec, a large number perhaps reflecting coastal movement from drought
inland (ISBR); Last bred at Kerta HSD, Moruya 1991 and noticeable decline in
recent years in sightings on Moruya River flats and Mullenderee-Glendeuart
areas (ENHS).
Great EgretA. alba Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 13 in Aug, lowest number in 6
years (AM); Breeding: Number breeding in coastal NSW declined 1989-1994
(Wetlander 11,12), 20 prs Shortland WC Nov -Dec (MMo), 20 nests Lower Gum
Swamp, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Intermediate Egret A. intermedia Breeding: Number breeding in coastal NSW declined
1989-1994 (Wetlander 11,12), 30 nests Shortland WC Nov -Dec (MMo); 100
nests Lower Gum Swamp, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Cattle Egret A. ibis Present Macleay Valley all year, numbers increase Apr -Sep, max
1000 Aug (ABi); 22 Mason Park, Concord 26 Apr (JSe), 10 roosting on island in
lake, Bicentennial Park 26 May (EHo); 3 Inverell Oct (JM); Breeding: 300 prs
Murwillumbah 1 Nov (GC), Lawrence 250-300 nests 1 Nov, nesting was late in
the Hunter Valley this year because of the drought. Breeding began at Seaham
on 31 Oct (332 pairs) but did not commence at Shortland WC until late November
540 prs. Actual numbers declined for the first time (Wetlander 11,12).
Striated Heron Butorides striatus 1 Meadowbank 18 Jan (ABe), 2 Silverwater Bridge 9
Feb (KB), 1 Wolli Creek Res Apr- May (NRa), mangroves are spreading up the
Creek and hence the increased sightings plus a cleaner Cooks River, Kogarah
Bay 2 Apr (JW); Reported as scarce in the Illawarra (Gibson 1991) but seen at 5
locations Lake Illawarra and at Dunmore wetlands 13 Jul (ISBR).
Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus 50 roosting in pine trees at Collector 11
Dec (Gang Gang 2/95); 25 Morris Swamp, Balldale 24 Feb (TBO 6/94); 218
roosting Lake Cowal north 18 Nov (MDBWP). Breeding: 500 nests Lower Gum
Swamp, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 71Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 1 Macksville 6-8 Oct (AM,KS); AF Shortland WC 25
Jan (WB), 2 Newcastle WR 15 Oct (HBR), 1 Mardi 6 Nov (RW); 1 Metromix
Swamp, Cronulla 24 Oct (SAs), max 2M,1F Centennial Park 29 Oct -21 Nov
(ABe,SF,TL,AP,ARo), Macquarie University wetland 18 Dec (DL,IMc,RMu);
1 Nowra 12 Nov (JWa); 1 Deniliquin 5 Feb (CS). More coastal records than
usual reflecting inland drought.
Black Bittern I. flavicollis AM Byron Bay Beach Resort 3 Nov (PB), 1 Millbank Nov
(MVBO); N+2Y Krambach 31 Dec (RC); N+2Y Ourimbah Ck, Berkeley Vale
West 6 Feb (RW), 2 Cockfighters Bridge, Warkworth 15-20 Feb & 2 Wollumbi
Ck, Warkworth (CCh); 1 Deep Ck, Narrabeen 14 Aug (TOs), 2 Mitchell Park,
Cattai 3 Oct- 20 Nov (NHa,GR,EV,Aust. Birding 9/94). Threatened Fauna, all
records published.
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 1 Narrabeen Lagoon 14-28 Aug (AB), 1
Bushells Lagoon 1 Sep (BC); 1 Nowra Bridge in reedbeds 5 May (ISBR); 1
Tomakin 13 Nov (ENHS); 1 St Albans Common 13 Mar (RWe); 1 Leeton 23
Oct (KH). Threatened Fauna.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 60 Casino Swamps 24 May (KL) & 15 on 23 Aug and
max 4 Byron Bay STW 9 Nov (KF,JH), max 4 Kempsey Jan -Sep (ABi), 4+
Micalo Island and Maclean STW 27 Sep -6 Oct (GLC); 2 Shortland WC 12 Mar
& Oct -Dec (ALi,HBR), 50+ New Line Rd Swamp & Irrawang Swamp, Raymond
Terrace Nov (DT,HBR); Pughs Lagoon, Richmond 15 May (EV), max 5
McGraths Hill STW 30 Jul -15 Dec (KB,BC,ID,JDu,JRu,NR,PR, CSh,EV); 1
roadkill Yallah 12 Dec, first local record for many years (ISBR); 1 Beardy Waters
Dam, Glen limes 19 Jun (JCr); 40 Dubbo STW 14 Nov (JHo); c.70 Gum Swamp,
Forbes 16-29 Oct (BC,JF); 14 Harparary 20 Oct (DR); 6 Macquarie Marshes 2
Oct (GMi). Breeding: 500 nests Booligal HSD, Booligal 6 Jan (JB), 10 nests
with eggs, north Macquarie Marshes 4 Feb (RJ).
Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, 79 in Sep
(AM); 250+ feeding on mudflats at Nambucca Heads, large number 25 Jun (DS).
Breeding: 500 nests Booligal HSD, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Straw -necked Ibis T. spinicollis 980 Belmore Swamp 10 Apr (ABi), large concentration
for Macleay Valley. Breeding: 30,000 nests Booligal HSD, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia Present all year Tuggerah Lakes max 44 in Jun, numbers
lowest in 6 years (AM); 1 Iron Cove 15 Jun & 26 Sep (AFi,EK,TK) unususal
record for a once polluted urban wetland; 60 Lake Wollumboola 31 Dec (GMi),
high count for this locality. Breeding: 3 prs nesting Morisset 12 Jan (CR), first
nesting record for Lake Macquarie Shire & Hunter Region (HBR), 100 nests
Booligal HSD, Booligal 6 Jan (JB).
Yellow -billed Spoonbill P. flavipes Recorded at 14 locations in Hunter Valley, more
locations than usual, max 20+ Minmi 5 Sep (HBR); 1 flying along Elouera Valley,
Westleigh Apr (ARo); Recorded at 13 locations in Illawarra, more records than
usual (ISBR).
Black -necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Other than breeding records, no records
published for north of Manning River where more common. 1 Bunderah HSD,
Buladelah 12 Jun (PDb), 1 Girvan 27-30 Dec (JC); 1 Racecourse Swamp, Wyong
17 Mar (RP), 1 south of Stockton Ck, near Dora Creek 12 Apr (AR), 1 Berkeley
Vale, Tuggerah Lake 20 Apr (AM), 1 South Box pond, Munmorah SRA 16 Sep
72 June 1996(VM), 1 Seaham 27 Nov & 1 Irrawang Swamp Nov (HBR); 1 near F4 at Wallacia
29 Dec (AMcB); 1 Harparary, near Narrabri 18-20 Jan (DR). Endangered fauna,
all southern records published.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus There were 54+ nesting pairs in NSW in 1994 (Moffat 1996),
including 2 pairs nesting 600m apart North Bonville-Bayldon 2-3 Jun (SD), N+2Y
on disused car ferry Iluka 16 Oct (EW); Nesting Wallis Is, Wallis Lake 10 Feb
(NM), nesting Mungo Brush 12 Jun (GM), nesting Hawks Nest 22 Aug (NJ),
locals advise that these birds have nested the last 3 years but have not been
succesful in raising young as yet, southernmost nests in NSW; Barnsley 10-16
Sep, 1 Boolaroo 1 Oct (I-1BR), 1 Kooragang Island Bridge 4 Dec (JDu); 1 Yallah
Bay, Lake Illawarra 23 Jan (CCh), present for the previous 12 months; 1 Durras
Jan, 1 Brou Lake 7 Sep (ENHS). Continued expansion south.
Pacific Baza Aviceda subcristata 2 Yarravel Jan, Oct- Nov (ABi), A+J Dorrigo-Belligen
Rd 18 Jan (PB), 2 Coffs harbour 2 Feb (GB), 1 Wollumbin 8-10 Apr (Wingspan
14,10),1 Maria River 10 May (KS), 2 Moonee 4 Oct (SL), 1 Cobaki Broadwater
1 Nov (GC); 2 Taree 12 Jun (CC,JC), 1 Buladelah 28 Dec, 1 Wootton 29 Dec, 1
Seal Rocks 30 Dec (JC); 2A+2Y Pearl Beach 2 Jan (SZ), 3 Shortland Feb, 2
Belford 5 Apr taking Noisy Miner nestlings, 2A+J New Lambton Heights Aug
(HBR), 1 Bensville 15 Mar (WK), 1 Minmi 27 May (AM), 2A+Imm Tuggerah
25 Jul (ABt), 2 Wyoming 2 Oct (ABi), 1 Berkeley Vale 4 Nov (AM), N+2Y
Mardi 25 Nov (CC); 2A+2Y Pennant Hills Park 28 Jan -8 Feb (IJ,EV), Mitchell
Park, Cattai 27 Apr (NM), 3 Stannix Park 1 May (GF), 3 Humewood,
Campbelltown 1 May & 1 on 12 Jun (ALe), 3 Galston 16-23 Aug (RWk), 2
Annangrove 31 Jul -5 Oct (KB), 1 Bents Basin Rd, Wallacia 15 May (BC), 1
Campbelltown Jun (DSa), 2 West Pennant Hills 4 Jun (PB), 1 Epping 6 Jun (LJ),
2 Beecroft 11 Sep & 10 Dec (L.T), more Sydney records and locations than
previously; Juv Yallah TAFE 21 Aug (ISBR); 1 2Km NE of Stannum 26 Jun
Letter -winged Kite Elanus scriptus 5 Sandon River 12 Nov (DH), first Northern Rivers
record since 1976 (AM); 1 Christison Park, Vaucluse 29 Oct (LB), first Sydney
record since 1977 (Hoskin 1991); Breeding Hay Plains and Deniliquin 9 Apr
(PM,Wingspan 14,3), max 13A + 6 Imm + 5J in mixed flock with Black –
shouldered Kites Conargo 20 Aug -29 Oct (CG,KH,EK,TK), 14 pairs nesting
Gogeldrie Weir 25 Sep (TP), 11 Euabalong Oct & 17 Hay Plains 30 Sep -10 Nov
(Wingspan 12/94), 1 Carrathool 24 Oct (QOS 26,3). First major irruption for 17
years in NSW, but many nested in Victoria in 1993.
Square -tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura Pair present all year Kempsey-Yarravel (ABi), max
2 Nambucca Heads 25 Mar -15 Dec (DS), 1 Grafton 5 Mar (GC), 1 Jacana HSD,
Clarenza 19 Mar (EW), 1 Stuart R, Coffs Harbour 20 Jun (CCh), 1 Christies
Creek, Hastings Point 20 Jul & 1 Cudgera Ck, Pottsville 18 Aug, Dec (MF), Im
Cobaki Broadwater 11 Nov (GC), 1 Yuraygir NP late Nov (MF); 1 Limeburners
Ck NR 4 Apr (DA), 3 Telegraph Point 12 Oct (ABi), 1 10 km N Kew 24 Nov
(DS); 1 Tarro 18 Apr, rarely recorded in Lower Hunter (AR); 1 Annagrove 2
Feb, 1 Cattai 5 Mar & Oakville 12 Mar (KB), 1 Freemans Reach, Richmond 19
Feb (AB), 9 -10th records for County of Cumberland (Hoskin 1992); An
unsuccessful breeding attempt from the western Cambewarra area in spring of
1994 was followed by several positive observations of this species in early 1995
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 73(ISBR); mobbed by Masked Lapwings and Galahs, Ulladulla (after bushfires)
12 Jan (KH), 1 Moruya Heads 17 Apr (ENHS), nested Nowra 25 Sep (WWa), 2
Yambulla SF 24 Oct -4 Nov (SD,RT); 1 UNE Campus, Armidale 18 Apr (SD), 1
near Armidale SF 24 Apr (ST), 1 Tullimba HSD, Torryburn Nov (HF); 1 Glen
Davis 30 Oct (TP); Herveys Range SF (now Goobang NP), 29 Sep (TS); 2
Jindalee SF 25 Sep (Gang Gang 9/94); 1 Beni Crossing 3 Oct (AB). Threatened
Fauna, all records published.
Black -breasted Buzzard Hamirostra melanosternon 1 Hay 13 Jun (KT), referred to
NSWORAC, see Morris 1996; Nesting Sturt NP (AK) where present all year, 1
Wanaaring 9 Oct and pair nesting west of Hungerford 7 Oct (AB); 2 Mallee
Cliffs NP 7-18 Nov (Ellis 1994). Threatened Fauna, all records published.
Black Kite Milvus migrans 1 Aberdeen 25 Dec (SD); 1 between Harden-Binalong 13
Nov (Gang Gang 2/95); 1 South Turramurra 9 Jan (IMc) over forest burnt in
bushfires 2 days before; 3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 7 Aug (KH); 31 Menindee
4 Oct (AB), largest concentration noted.
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus Survey of Northern Rivers Region found 50 occupied
nests Oct (CCh); Wootton 27-30 Dec (JC), just south of normal range (Manning
River); chased by Australian Ravens at Frenches Forest 22 Jan (GH), first
Sydney record since 1790 (Hoskin 1991).
Whistling Kite H. sphenurus Nesting Forster 6 Jul & Coopernook SF 3 Nov (HBR), 11
together at Horse Point, Smiths Lake, Myall Lakes NP 27 Dec (JC); Nesting
Dora Creek 14 Sep (HBR); 1 Bicentennial Park 15 Oct (JSe), rare at this location
but with all the tree planting, rehabilitation of wetlands and removal of pollutants
from the waterways taking place, they may return as residents; Yallah 4 Feb &
Comerong Is 23 Feb (CJC), uncommon in Illawarra.
White -bellied Sea -Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster Immature South Turramurra 26 Jun & 6
Jul (DL); 1 Bingara 27 Jul (JC), 1 Quipolly Dam 3 Dec (GMi); Pair nested
Yahgunyah HSD, Quambone 19 Jun -7 Dec, reared one chick (DJ); 1 sub -adult
Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 4 Apr (KH).
Spotted Harrier Circus assimilis hum Tea Tree Swamp, Bundjalung NP 29 Sep (GC), 1
2km S Brooms Head 4 Oct (EW); 1 Woodville 22 Feb & 1 Sep, 1 Shortland WC
7 Jul & 7 Aug, Birmingham Gardens 6 Sep, Fern Bay 11 Sep, Jenys Plains 2
Oct, Newcastle WR 15 Nov (HBR), 1 Warkworth 22 Apr (PDb), more Hunter
Valley records than usual; 2 Dee Why Lagoon 29 Sep (NM), Inun Bakers Lagoon
30 Oct (BC); 1 Dunmore 10 Jan, 1 Killalea SRA 28 Aug (CBr,ISBR); 1
Eumungerie 25 Apr (SA); 1 Hillston Apr (JHu), 2 Leeton 10 Jul (KH), 1 45km E
of Hay 8 Oct (BC); 1 Burtundy HSD, Wentworth 28 Nov -9 Dec (Ellis 1994).
More coastal records than usual.
Swamp Harrier C. approximans N+2Y Broadwater NP, Evans Head 4 Jan (DG), 2+
Macleay Valley all year (KS), spent 30 minutes harassing Plumed Whistling
Ducks on dam at Clarenza 2 Sep (EW), but was not succesful in catching any; 5
Kooragang Island 20 Jan (PP), 1 Munmorah SRA 25 May (AM), first record for
5 years; 1 Dee Why Lagoon 26 Aug (TMo), 1 Wolli Creek Res 20 Nov (NRa),
rarely recorded in this location; Ferntree Gully Res, Rylstone 23 Jul (MS),
unusual location
Brown Goshawk Accipterfasciatus 1 Hallidays Point 16 Apr (MVBN 2/94); Recorded at
11 locations in the Hunter Valley (HBR) & 12 on the Central Coast where it is
74 June 1996resident (JC,AM); F Lake Heights, hunting Common Myna 31 Jan plus 5 other
records, uncommon in Illawarra (ISBR); Recorded at 11 locations in Eurobodalla-
Bega Shires all year (ENHS).
Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae 1 harassing ducks on dam Jacana Hsd, Clarenza
16 Feb (EW), 1 Goolawah 17 Feb & 29 Apr (KS), 1 white morph Kororo 8 Mar
(CSe), 1 Moonee 11 Jun & 1 trapped, banded & released Bonville 28 Sep (SL),
1 Summer Island, Macleay River 5 Aug (ABi), 1 Belmore River 13 Aug (KS); 1
Copeland SF 4 Apr (TQ), 1 Hallidays Point 16 Apr (MVBN 2/94); Recorded at
10 sites in lower Hunter Valley (HBR) & 6 sites on the Central Coast
(JC,WK,AM,MPo); 1 South Turramurra 30 Jan (IMc), 8 Feb & 30 May (DL), 1
Cumberland SF 11 Mar (DK), 1 Bantry Bay 27 Mar (BC), 1 Wolli Creek Res 30
Apr (NRa), rare in Valley but now being seen annually, Royal NP May,
1 1
white morph (PDb), 2 Taronga Zoo 11 May, 1 white morph Apr (DPE), AF Jun –
Jul (DH), 1 white morph North Epping 12 Jun (BDo), 1 Nurragingy Res, Doonside
21 Jul (EV), 1 Dural Sep (CBOC 11/94), 1 Oatley 4 Oct (DK); 8 records for the
Illawarra Region including three white morphs (GMi,EV,ISBR); 11 locations in
Eurobodalla-Bega Shires all year (ENHS); 1 white morph Canberra Botanic
Gardens 21 Mar (KH). More records than usual, could this be due to birds
wandering as a result of the drought?
Collared Sparrowhawk A. cirrocephalus Present Macleay Valley Jan -Apr, Jun (KS), pair
nested Coffs Harbour Botanic Gardens for 2nd year in a row Nov (CSe);
Berkeley Vale 19 Jun (TQ) & 18 Aug (AM); 1 Stockton Bridge 20 Jan (PP); 1
Middle Harbour Creek, Garigal NP 18 Mar (RC1), 1 Epping 4 Jun (LJ); 4 records
for the Illawarra both urban and forest (ISBR); Only record Pambula Jul, for
South Coast, where either strangely scarce or overlooked in 1994 (ENHS).
Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax N+Y Hillville 11 Feb (MVBN 2/94); 2 over Georges
R, Revesby 6 Dec (DSi); 1 eating Silver Gull Towradgi 4 Jun (ISBR). Interesting
coastal records.
Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides Present Nambucca Valley with records for
Nambucca Heads and Tewinga Jan -Dec (DS), 1 at 5 locations Macleay Valley
Jan -Aug (KS), 1 Boatharbour NR, Lismore 2 Jun (JH), present Mororo SF &
Tullymorgan 2 Oct (ALi); 6 records for the Hunter valley including coastal fringe
areas of Awabakal 15 May, Market Swamp, Sandgate 27 May, 2 West Wallsend
1 Sep, Green Point 19 Nov, Abermain 11 & 14 Dec (AM,HBR); 1 Helensburgh
10 Feb (CJC), 1 Kellyville 10 Mar (KB), 1 carrying dead corvid Penrith 20 Apr
(ARA News 16,25), 1 South Turramurra 18 May (DL,IMc); 7 records Illawarra
Region 10 Feb -8 Sep (ISBR); 1 Kurmond 3 Apr (EV). Plenty of coastal records
but none appear to be nesting.
Brown Falcon Falco berigora 1 Rawson Park, Mosman 23 Apr -1 May (RBu). Rare in
surburban Sydney.
Australian Hobby F. longipennis 1 Mitchell Park, Cattai 27 Apr (NM), 1 Wolli Creek Res
1 Dec (NRa), observers first record since Jul 1992 (Morris & Burton 1994);
Recorded at 8 locations in Illawarra Region, all single birds 4 Feb -4 Dec,
uncommon in Region (ISBR). There are few breeding records for coastal districts
so any nesting observations should be reported.
Grey Falcon F. hypoleucos 2 south-west of Parkes 31 Jul (NS), 1 Gum Swamp, Forbes 18
Sep (CG); 1 Lockhart 3 Sep (TBO 748); 1 Mt Wood , Sturt NP 22 Jul (AR); 1
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 75Burtundy HSD, Wentworth 28 Nov -9 Dec in scattered mallee and grassland (Ellis
1994). Threatened Fauna all records published.
Black Falcon F. subniger 1 51cm NW Walcha 13 Nov (GF); 1 Gum Swamp, Forbes 1 Apr
(ABe); 2 between Harden-Binalong 13 Nov (Gang Gang 2/95); 1 Deniliquin 5
Feb (CS), 1 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 6 Feb & 4 Apr, pair displaying Brobenah
10 Jul, 6 Idepto- parasitising Australian Ravens at Murramai 10 Sep (KH), 2 near
Hillston 6 Jun (CW), 1 40 km W of Lake Cargellico and 1 20km north 23 Jul
(KT); 1 Balranald 11 Jun (KT), 1 Coombie HSD, Roto 18 Jun (JHu). More records
than usual.
Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus Nested successfully on Central Coast at Copacobana,
Wyrrabalong Trig & at 2 sites in Wattagan Mountains, all raising 1 or 2Y (WK);
Pair Deep Ck, Narrabeen 3 Jul -28 Dec (BC) & 1 Dee Why 5 Sep (RA), same
pair? see 1993 Report (Morris & Burton 1995); 5 records Illawarra Region, all
single birds 26 Mar -11 Sep (ISBR); 1 swooping on European Starlings
Trunketabella 1 Jan, and present and recorded at 9 other locations throughout the
year (ENHS). 1 Tichborne 13 Jun (CG); 1 McPherson Range, 10km N of Griffith
26 Dec (JB).
Nankeen Kestrel F. cenchroides One roosting in Parramatta CBD 12-20 Sep (PRy), nest
+3Y Long Reef 12 Nov (AF).
Brolga Grus rubicundus 3 prawn farm ponds, Micalo Island 27 Sep -6 Oct (GLC); 2
Walla Walla Swamp East 23 Nov (MDBWP); 2 Baram HSD, Moree 16 Oct
(JH), 10 Old Dromana HSD, Moree 18 Oct (MDBWP); 4 S of Nevertire 14 May
(JH), 2 Willencorah HSD, Willie 23 Sep, 8 South Macquarie Marshes 14 Nov
(RJ), 4 Bogan Downs HSD, Coolabah 17 Dec (MDBWP); 12 Tuckerbil 18 Sep
& 37 on 23 Oct, max 5 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton Feb- Apr, 2 Jul -Aug (KH), 2
Lake Urana 5 Oct (CG); 35 Kia Ora HSD, Bourke 12 Aug & 2 Bourke STW 8
Aug (MDBWP).
Buff -banded Rail Gallirallusp hilippensisMax 5 Pelican Island, Macleay River Mar -Sep
(KS,JMcE), 1 Lake Arragan, Yuraygir NP 5 Oct (EH); A+4Y Lansdowne 5 Jan
(DLo), Smiths Lake 23 Sep (JDu), A+2Y Horse Point, Smiths Lake 27-31 Dec
(TN); Single birds Stingaree Point 9 Jan, Shortland WC 11 Sep -9 Oct, Stockton
31 Oct, Saltwater 6 Nov, Pokolbin 28 Nov, 1 Berkeley Vale 23 Dec (AM,HBR);
1 McGraths Hill STW 3 Sep- 2 Oct (KB,EV,PWe), 1 Cronulla HS Swamp 14 Oct
(DK), 1 Eve St wetlands, Arncliffe 31 Oct (CG), 1 Bicentennial Park 15 Oct -13
Nov (JMy,JSe); 1 Wollongong Baths 10 Feb (ISBR), 1 Nowra 8 Aug (JE); 1
Tangaratta Ck, Wallamore 2 Nov (GMi). No inland records in 1994.
Lewin’s Rail Rallus pectoralis HC N of Evans Head 6 Oct (GC); hum found dead Forster
Paradise Marina 8 Apr (AR), 1 Broken Sands firetrail, Myall Lakes NP 3 Oct
(DT); 1 cat -kill Bateau Bay 21 Sep (DJo); 1 caught by cat Terrey Hills 10 Jan
(GS), subsequently released Narrabeen Lagoon; 1 Stafford Farm, Illawarra SRA
30 Jan, 1 Mt Nebo 2 Mar & 1 Dunmore 2 Oct (ISBR); 1D Green Cape, Ben Boyd
NP 28 Jul (DH), 4th South Coast record. All the 1994 observations were within
10km of the Coast.
Bush -hen Amaurornis olivaceus HC N of Evans Head 6 Oct (GC).
Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla 1 Coffs Harbour 2 Feb (GB), 1 Clarrie Hall Dam, Mt
Warning 17 Aug (JH), 5 Macksville Sep -Dec (ABi,KS,BS,DS,JSk), present
Macleay Valley at Euroka, Maria River and Kempsey area Sep- Oct (KS), 12+
76 June 1996Micalo Island prawn farm 27 Sep -6 Oct (HM), 6 Lily Ponds, Brooms Head 30
Sep -4 Oct (RM), 3 Byron Bay STW 11 Nov (JH); 1-3 regularly seen at dam
Woodville Oct -Nov (HBR); 1 Tuggerah STW 5 Feb (RB), Max 15 Shortland
WC 2 Oct -19 Dec (CC,JC,BDo,BS,HBR), 1 Berkeley Vale 13 Oct (AM); Max 3
McGraths Hill STW 21 Aug -9 Oct (LD,EV,DK), max 2 Cronulla HS Swamp 25
Sep -2 Oct (DK), 2 Longneck Lagoon 27 Sep (KB), 2 Bicentennnial Park 2-16
Oct (ID,DK), 3 Yeramba Lagoon, Picnic Point 15 Oct (JMy), 8 Polo Club Pond,
Richmond 18-30 Oct (KB,DK), 1 Doonside 16 Oct -13 Nov (JdH,EV), 1 Penrith
Lakes 13 Nov (RT); 1 Shellharbour Goff Course 17 Sep (ISBR), 1 Cecil Hoskins
NR 23 Oct (MH); 1 Paringa HSD, Captains Flat 1 Jan (FOC); 2A+2Y Dubbo
Zoo 18 Sep (MDBWP); 2 Deniliquin 23 Oct (QOS 26,4). There is an exceptional
bias to coastal areas in 1994 suggesting a wholesale movement due to drought.
Australian Spotted Crake P. fluminea 1 Kempsey 3 Oct (KS), max 2 Jerseyville 13-30
Oct (DS); 1 Shortland WC 29 Jan, 29 Oct -25 Nov (AB,HBR); Max 33 McGraths
Hill STW 21 Aug -9 Oct (LD,DK, EV), 1 Cronulla HS Swamp 27 Sep -14 Oct
(DK), 2 Bicentennial Park 16 Oct (ID); A+2Y Loudens Swamp, Macquarie
Marshes NR 27 Jan, first breeding record for NR (RJ); Present Fivebough Swamp,
Leeton 23 Apr -24 Jul, max 7 (KH), 2 Deniliquin 23 Oct (QOS 26,4); 2 Broken
Hill STW 7 Nov (TKy). Large number for Sydney.
Spotless Crake P. tabuensis HC N of Evans Head 6 Oct (GC); 2 Myall Lakes NP 2 Oct
(ABe); 1 Shortlands WC 29 Jan, 30 Sep -30 Oct (KB,PWe,HBR), juv. found
dead Tumbi Umbi 24 Nov (DJo); 2 McGraths Hill STW 2 Oct (EV,PWe); 2A+J
Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo 16 Nov (JHo); 2 Deniliquin 5 Feb (CS) & 23 Oct
(QOS 26,3).
Black -tailed Native -hen Gallinula ventralis 1 Raymond Terrace 18-20 Nov (DHa,JMy),
rare Hunter Valley record; 1 Doonside 21 Dec (JDh), 7th record for County of
Cumberland (Hoskin 1991); 2 Quipolly Dam 30 Oct (GMi); 6 Gum Swamp,
Forbes 30 Oct (EK,TK); 280 Buronga 14 Aug (MDBWP), largest concentration
recorded for year.
Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis 1 Granites Hotel, Tibooburra 18 Apr, 1 Thompsons
Ck, S of Tibooburra 8 May, 3 White Leads HSD, Broken Hill 13 Sep (AK); 1
Menindee 20 Jul (TBO 748). Fewer records than usual.
Red -backed Button -quail Turnix maculosa 3 Bundjalung NP 1 Jan, and 3 on 7 Jan, different
locations, fleeing bushfires (DC), & 2 on 17 Sep (TBO 748). The latter record
referred to NSWORAC see Morris 1996.
Little Button -quail T. velox 1 garden at Bondi 3 Jan (PA), 1 Longneck Lagoon 26 Oct
(KB,EV), 5 -6th records for County of Cumberland (Hoskin 1991); Barren
Grounds NR 7 Dec (ISBR), 3rd record for Illawarra Region; 10 Deniliquin 5 Feb
Red -chested Button -quail T. pyrrhothorax 2 Waterfall area, Royal NP 21 May (KT), 5th
record for Co. Cumberland (Hoskin 1991); 2 Deniliquin 5 Feb (CS).
Painted Button -quail Turnix varia 3 Yessabah 15 May (KSi), 2 Yarravel Sep (ABi), AF
Yuraygir NP near Brooms Head 5 Oct (AM); 1 near Wallingat SF 25 Sep (Thu),
resident Woodville (HBR); 1 Stockyard Ck, Awaba 16 Jun, max 3 Green Point,
Belmont 25 Oct -15 Dec (HBR), 2 McDonald River, Howes Valley 14 Aug (AM);
1 Marsfield in grassy regenerating bushland 12 Jun (BDo), F Nurragingy Res,
Doonside 21 Jul -5 Aug (JDh,EV); 1 in garden Broulee 24 Sep -16 Oct, 2
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 77Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 5 Dec (ENHS); 1 St. Albans 29 Oct (CG), 1 Capertee
Valley 12 Nov (JMi); 1 Back Yamma SF 2 Mar, 2 on 1 Apr & 5 on 12 Jun
(ABe,PC,KT), 1 Tichborne 29 Oct (JF); 1 Jindalee SF 25 Sep (Gang Gang 9/94);
5+J Pulletop NR 28 Mar (PE).
Plains -wanderer Pedionomus torquatus 2 Deniliquin 5 Feb (CS); 1 Lake Mungo 17 Jul
(Aust. Birding 9/94) first record for Mungo NP.
Latham’s Snipe Gallinago hardwickii 100+ Old Man Bed Swamp 18 Sep (ENHS); 1
Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo 16 Nov (JHo). Departure: 2 Longneck Lagoon 27
Feb (Birdline). Arrival: 1 Wolli Creek Res 5 Aug & 10 Nov (NRa), very rare at
this location, 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 7 Aug (KB), 2 McGraths Hill STW 21 Aug
(KB,LD), 3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 3 Sep (KH), southern Macquarie Marshes
11 Sep (RJ).
Black -tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Sand Island, Wallis Lake 26 Nov (AR), first record
for Lake; Beardy Waters, Glen Innes 15-16 Nov (JCr), first record for Shire;
Summer Wader Count Feb: 200 Lake Wooloweyah (GC), 400 Kooragang Is
(HBR). Winter Wader Count Jul: 9 Hunter Estuary (Stilt 4/95).
Bar- tailed Godwit L. lapponica Summer Wader Count Feb: 645 Clarence Estuary, 5000
Kooragang Is, 363 Tuggerah Lakes, 302 Botany Bay, 146 Parramatta R, 316
Narooma Estuary, 30-40 Tuross Lake, 134 Merimbula Lake 14 Jan
(GC,BJ,AM,JPe,ENHS); Winter Wader Count Jul: 97 Clarence R, 260 Hunter
R, 108 Tuggerah Lakes, 161 Botany Bay (Stilt 4/95), 99 Parramatta R wetlands,
134 Comerong Is 16 Jul, 61 Narooma (CCh,AM, JRu, NR, ENHS). NSW numbers
up but down in Botany Bay.
Little Curlew Numenius minutus 10 Byron Bay 12 Oct (Wingspan 12/94), 10 South Ballina
16 Oct (PS), same birds?; 7 Kooragang Island 16-29 Oct (AB 9/94), 1 Ash Island
18 Oct (RFI); Max 3 Windsor 15-31 Oct (AR,EV, Aust. Birding 9/94); Max 8
Comerong Island 29 Oct -3 Nov (JL,ISBR). More records and more locations
than usual.
Whimbrel N. phaeopus 34 Tweed Heads Golf Course 27 Dec (BM,HM); 31 Wallis Lake
5 Jan, roosting on Little Tern breeding Island, subsequently found to have predated
Little Tern eggs and chicks 7 Jan -2 Mar (Rose 1994); 250 Fullerton Cove 14 Jan
(HBR); max 44 Moruya heads Nov (ENHS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 47
Clarence R, 35 Wooli Estuary (CCh), 29 Hunter R. (Stilt 4/94).
Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Summer Wader Count Feb: 173 Clarence
Estuary, 300 Hunter Estuary, 166 Botany Bay, 49 Tuross Heads, 60 Moruya
Heads (GC,JPe,HBR,ENHS). Winter Wader Count Jul: 47 Clarence R, 24 Wooli
Estuary, 36 Corinth Estuary (CCh), 146 Hunter R, 32 Botany Bay 28 Commerong
Is (CCh, Stilt 4/95). Summer wader count numbers down again.
Marsh Sandpiper T. stagnitalis Present Macleay Valley Jan -4 Apr & 29 Sep -Dec max 10
Pelican Is 29 Sep (KS), 40+ prawn farms, Micalo Island 27 Sep- 6 Oct (GLC); 1
Forster 26 Nov -13 Dec (AR); Max 7 Shortland WC 1 Oct -5 Nov (BDo), 20+
Minmi 12 Oct (HBR), 1 Chittaway Pt 13 Nov (AM), Present Kooragang Is 1 Jan –
19 Feb & 20 Nov -31 Dec, max 300+ Kooragang Is 18 Dec (TQ,HBR); 3 Pitt
Town Lagoon 17 Jan -3 Mar (KB,BC), max 2 Bushells Lagoon 13 Mar -2 Apr
(KB,BC), 1 Homebush Bay 12 Oct (BDo), 1 Cronulla HS Swamp 14 Oct (DK),
1 Bicentennial Park 16 Oct (ID), 1 McGraths Hill STW 12 Nov (KB), max 5
Longneck Lagoon 27 Jan, & 3 from 27 Sep- 17 Dec (KB); 1 Killalea Swamp 22
78 June 1996Nov- 9 Dec (PE,ISBR); 4 Lake Wollumboola Dec (ISBR); 1 dam near Mulligans
Flat ACT 17 Oct (CBN 20,22); 1 Hay STW 8 Oct (BC), 1 Malice Cliffs NP 7-18
Nov (Ellis 1994). Arrival: 2 adults Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 6 Aug (KH).
Numbers still increasing.
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 20-25 Miruni 12 Oct, Shortland WC 1 Oct -30
Nov, max 13 16 Oct (HBR); 40+ Berrys Bay, Lake Illawarra 2 Jan (CCh); New
Cobar Reservoir 21 Jan (AKM); Arrival: The Entrance 28 Aug (AM), Summer
Wader Count Feb: 100 Hunter estuary, 72 Tuggerah Lakes (HBR,AM). Winter
Wader Count: 17 Hunter estuary (HBR).
Wood Sandpiper T. glareola 5 Bushells Lagoon 2 Apr (KB); 2 Killalea Lagoon 19 Nov,
2nd Illawarra record; 1 Bournda 29 Oct (ENHS). Arrival: 1A Fivebough Swamp,
Leeton 6 Aug (KH). Fewer records than usual.
Terek Sandpiper Xenus terek 1 Nambucca Heads 20 Oct (DS); Present Hunter Estuary
Jan, Oct -Dec, max 55 Fern Bay 14 Jan, 1 Swansea 25 Dec (HBR); 2 Shell Point,
Botany Bay 5 Mar (We). Numbers down on previous years.
Common Sandpiper Actitus hypoleucos 1 Brooms Head 25 Jan (ALi), 1 Pelican Is, Macleay
River 26 Jan (KS), 1 Nambucca Heads 4 Dec (DS); 1 Wallis Lake 14 Jan (AR);
1 Kooragang Is 14-23 Jan, 15 Oct (HBR); 3 Masons Park, Concord 27 Mar
(AB), 1 Muddy Ck, Kyeemagh 9 Aug (RMo), 3 Yarramundi Bridge 12-31 Dec
(SA,KB); 1 Hooka Point, Lake Illawarra 2 Jan (EV), 1 Berrys Bay, Shoalhaven
Heads 16 Mar (JP); 1 Wagonga Inlet 29 Sep, 2 Long Beach, Batemans Bay 11
Dec (ENHS); 1 Lake Ginninderra ACT 12 Apr (CBN 19, 35). Numbers higher
than usual.
Grey -tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes 18 Swan Bay 24 Nov (HBR). Summer Wader
Count Feb: 20+ Hunter Estuary, 10 Tuggerah Lakes (AM). Numbers lowest for
many years.
Wandering Tattler H. incana 1 Hastings Point 31 Oct (GC).
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Max 50+ Newcastle Baths 8 Apr (HBR); 1 Bushells
Lagoon 24 Sep -2 Oct (KB,EV,PWe); 2 South Shellharbour 2 Oct (CCh); Rare
summer visitor to South Coast arrived Congo Point 10 Sep (ENHS). Summer
Wader Count Jan/Feb: 45 Norah Head, 34 Long Reef, 21 Botany Bay /Boat
Harbour, 32 North Port Kembla, 26 Bellambi Point (AB,CCh, AM,JPe).
Great Knot C. tenuirostris 1 Shelley Beach, Yuraygir NP 29 Sep (PR), 5 Nambucca
Heads Nov -Dec (DS); Max 11 Sand Is & Little Tern Is, Wallis Lake 8-29 Nov
(DT); 1 The Entrance 1 May (AMb), 4 Swansea 25 Dec (HBR); 1 Botany Bay
11-19 Sep (DH,DHa), 1 Dee Why Lagoon 30 Oct (BC), 1 Long Reef 12 Nov
(AB); 2 Moruya Heads 27 Sep & 5 in Nov, 2 Narooma 18 Oct (ENHS), 1 Lake
Wollumboola 21 Dec (ISBR). Summer Wader Count Feb: 166 Lake
Wooloweyah (GC). Winter Wader Count Jul: 28 Clarence R.(Stilt 4/95).
Red Knot Calidris canutus Present Tuggerah Lakes Aug -Nov, max 60 Sep (AM);
Nericon Swamp, Griffith 8 Sep (PE), unusual inland record. Arrival: The Entrance
28 Aug (AM), 9 North Botany Bay 9 Sep (AB), 15 Windang 17 Sep (ISBR), 1
Brou Lake same day (ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 3 Narooma (ENHS).
Winter Wader Count Jul: 30 Clarence R (Stilt 4/95).
Sanderling C. alba 1 Nambucca Heads 20 Oct (DS); 1 Harrington 4 Sep (TP); 4 Long
Reef 22-27 Feb (Birdline); 1 Lake Wollumboola 3 Jan (GMi), 1 banded bird
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 79Congo Point 24-26 Sep & 3-4 on 3-8 Oct, 1 Moruya Heads 25 Sep, increase in
sightings and numbers for South Coast, since first reported in 1986.
Red -necked Stint C. ruficollis Summer Wader Count Feb: 373 Tuggerah Lakes, 135
Long Reef, 100 Botany Bay (AB,MM,JPe), Winter Wader Count Jul: 5
Clarence R, 12 Tuggerah Lakes, 22 Botany Bay (AM,Stilt 4/95).
Long -toed Stint C. subminuta 2 Tullakool Saltworks 9 Apr (TBO 6/94), referred to
Pectoral Sandpiper C. melanotos 1 Cape Byron 7 Nov (Aust. Birding 12/94); 1 Bushells
Lagoon 2 Jan (AMcB), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 26 Jan (TP), 6 Apr, 3-18 Sep (KB),
1 McGraths Hill STW 2 Oct (EV), 1 Bicentennial Park 12-13 Nov (JMy,AR); 1
Lake Wollumboola 21 Dec (ISBR); 1 Lake Bathurst 2 Mar (Wingspan 14,3);
Max 3 Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 5 Mar -17 Apr (KH), 2 Tullakool Saltworks
Mar -Apr (PM). Average year.
Sharp -tailed Sandpiper C. acuminata Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Aug- Dec, max
1095 Nov, when on passage (AM); 90 Eve St wetlands, Arncliffe 31 Oct (CG);
485 Lake Wollumboola 21 Dec (ISBR), large number coinciding with low lake
levels; 200+ Loudens Swamp & 50 Sinclairs Swamp 27 Jan, 300+ south-east
lagoons 31 Jan, Macquarie Marshes NR (RJ); Arrival: 2 Fivebough Swamp,
Leeton 13 Aug (KH), 1 Bushells Lagoon 20 Aug (KB), The Entrance 28 Aug
(AM), Broulee 7 Sep (ENHS). Departure: The Entrance 12 Mar (AM). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 1000+ Kooragang Is, 112 Tuggerah Lakes, 15 Botany Bay,
2 Pamnatta R (HBR,AM,JPe).
Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar, Aug -Dec, max 483
Oct when on passage (AM); 2 Nericon Swamp, Griffith 22 Sep (PE); Arrival: 1
Fivebough Swamp 21 Aug (KH), 2 on 25 Aug Windang (ISBR), The Entrance
28 Aug (AM) Summer Wader Count Feb: 800+ Kooragang Is, 169 Tuggerah
Lakes, 32 Botany Bay, 127 Parramatta R (HBR,AM,JPe) Winter Wader Count
Jul: 61 Hunter R. (Stilt 4/95).
Buff- breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis
Lake Bathurst 2 Mar (Wingspan 14,3).
Referred to RAOU-RAC.
Broad -billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 2 Stockton 26 Jan (CG), 3 Kooragang Is &
Stockton 5-6 Nov (CC,CG,Aust. Birding 9/94).
Ruff Philomachus pugnax 2 Mason Park, Concord 5-16 Jan (BDo,EV); 1 Parkes STW 10
Dec, first record for District (NS).
Red -necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus 1 at sea off Wollongong 4 Oct (CD), referred
to RAOU-RAC, see Morris 1996.
Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis F Macleay River, Sherwood 24 Sep (ABi,KS).
Threatened Fauna, all records published.
Comb -crested Jacana lrediparra gallinacea Max 4 Kempsey area Feb -Jun (ABi,KS),
lower numbers than usual; Max 5 Hillville 20 Mar -23 Apr & Bootawah 22-25
Apr (HBR), 1 Krambach 31 Dec (RC); 11 C&A Dam, Mulbring 19 Jun & 20
Aug, Buchanan 25 Dec (HBR,JC).
Bush Stone -curlew Burnhinus grallarius 1 Whiporie 12 Jan (TBO 746); Nested Narooma
14 Dec but not successful, first breeding record for Eurobodalla Shire (ENHS); 1
Baram HSD, Moree 16 Oct (JH); 1 Ana Branch, Wentworth 12 Sep (NSWBA).
Beach Stone -curlew Esacus magnirostris 2 Dart Is, Clarence Estuary Feb -Jul (SAs,GC,Stilt
4/95), 3 Red Rock 7 Mar -11 Aug (JDu,CS), raising 1 chick after 7 unsuccessful
80 June 1996attempts (Wader News 6/94), 1 Chinamans Bch, Evans Head 12 Sep (JH), 1
Sandon River 6 Oct (AM), 1 Wooli 11 Oct (WL). All known sites except for
Evans Head.
Pied Oystercatcher Haematopus longirostris Nesting Plumbago Beach, Yuraygir NP &
Dart Island, Clarence River 27 Sep -6 Oct (GLC), a survey of 17km of beach
between Richmond R and Broadwater was monitored from Sep -Dec for
disturbance to Pied Oystercatchers by 4WD vehicles. 18 pairs nested, laying 39
clutches, but only 2 eggs hatched and one young reached fledgling stage, 8 clutches
known to have been lost to natural causes (high tides, winds etc), 4 clutches
taken by dogs, one destroyed by overnight partying, one by a horse, one clutch
taken by foxes, one clutch run over by 4wd vehicle and 20 clutches lost to
unknown causes (Tottenham 1995); 2+2Y Wallis Lake 15 Nov (HBR); Max 59
Towra Point -Shell Point, Botany Bay 19 Mar -11 Jun (JPe,JRu,NR), nesting at 4
locations, highest count ever; Nesting on South Coast at Wallagoot Lake 7 Dec
& Tathra 18 Dec (BJ), South Durras 5 Oct, Moruya heads Oct and Broulee Dec
(ENHS). Summer Wader Count Feb: 51 Botany Bay (We), 17 Comerong Is
(CCh), Winter Wader Count Jul: 11 Clarence R., 5 Hunter R, 59 Botany Bay,
6 Commerong Is (CCh,Stilt 4/95).
Sooty Oystercatcher H. fuliginosus Max at any site: 8 Newcastle Baths 8 Apr (HBR), 11
Long Reef 11 Mar (Birdline), 6 Black Head, Gerroa 13 May (ISBR), 9 Crookhaven
Heads Is 16 Jun (CCh), 11 Tilba Lake 28 Dec & 10 Congo Point (ENHS).
Black -winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Present all year Macleay Valley max 115
Kinchela Creek 19 Apr (KS); Up to 100 Minmi 12 Oct (HBR); 4A+J Killalea
Lagoon 22 Jan, 37 Mt Warrigal, Lake Illwarra 27 Dec (ISBR); 17 Jellat Jellat
Swamp, Bega 8 Aug (BJ), unusual location, Summer wader Count Feb: 100
Stockton Borehole Swamp & 100 Kooragang Is (HBR), 3 Tuggerah Lakes, 60
Botany Bay, 102 Parramatta R (AM,JPe). Winter Wader Count Jul: 30 Clarence
R, 190 Hunter R, 169 Tuggerah Lakes, 19 Parramatta R, 47 Botany Bay
(AM,RMo, Stilt 4/95).
Red- necked Avocet Recurvirostra novaehollandiae 100+ Micalo Island saltmarsh 27 Sep –
6 Oct (JSe); Max 2000+ Kooragang Island -Stockton 20 Jan -5 Nov
(JC,TDy,PP,BS,Stilt 4/95), max 5 Budgewoi Lake 30 Sep -15 Oct (AM,DM);
present all year Homebush Bay (AB,CCH,BDo,RMg,JRu,GTn) & 2 on 5 Feb
(EH), 2 Towra Point 26 Feb (PHo), 1 Pitt Town Lagoon 1 Aug -18 Sep (KB), 1
Bushells Lagoon 2 Oct (PWe); 3 Lake Goran 18 Sep (GMi); 8A+2Y Thurn HSD,
Quambone 25 Aug (RJ); present Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 8 May -Aug, max
600+ 8 May (KH), record number; 200+ Tareena HSD, Wentworth 14 Sep
(NSWBA). More coastal records than usual.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 5 Bushells Lagoon 2 Apr (KB), unusual for the
Hawkesbury Marshes; 72 Comerong Is 21 Dec (ISBR); 1 Warren 9 Oct
(MDBWP). Arrival: 3 North Botany bay 9 Sep (AB), 3 Picnic Pt, The Entrance
18 Sep (AM). Summer wader Count Feb: 100 Kooragang Is (HBR), 48
Tuggerah Lakes, 33 Botany Bay, 10 Parramatta R (AM,JPe).
American Golden Plover P. dominica 1 Cape Byron, Byron Bay 7 Nov (DH), record
accepted by RAOU-RAC (see Morris 1996).
Grey Plover P. squatarola 1 Port Macquarie 19 Nov (CG); 1 Harrington 15 Oct (MVB 4/
94); 1 Picnic Pt The Entrance 19 Nov (AM); 1 Long Reef 10-14 Sep (AB,NM),
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 811 north Botany Bay 19 Sep (DHa); 1 Windang 18 Sep, 2 Comerong Is 27 Sep
(ISBR); 4 Moruya Heads 24-28 Sep, 1 Congo Point 9 Oct (ENHS). Average
Red -capped Plover Charadrius ruficapillus Pitt Town Lagoon 18 Sep (KB); Summer
Wader count Feb: 23 Tuggerah Lakes, 18 Botany Bay (AM,JPe), 50 South
Tuross (ENHS). Winter Wader count Jul: 1 Clarence R, 38 Hunter R, 12
Tuggerah Lakes, 20 Botany Bay, 26 Comerong Is, 20 Tuross (CCh,AM, Stilt 4/
95,ENHS). Note that in the early 1980’s, on average 20-30 were counted in
Botany Bay in summer and 50-80 in winter, which suggests are serious decline
in the Bay.
Double -banded Plover C. bicinctus 2 Bushells Lagoon 2 Apr (KB); 40 Tullakool Saltworks
9 Apr (TVBO 6/94); Arrival: 1 Bermagui 27 Jan (ENHS), 1 Moruya Heads 13
Feb (ENHS), 1 Windang 15 Feb (CBr), 5 Picnic Pt, The Entrance (AM) & 2A+4
Im Comerong Is 19 Feb (KT), 5 Boat Harbour Res, Kurnell 23 Feb (DK).
Departure: in breeding plumage Fivebough Swamp, Leeton 13 Aug (KH), 2
Pitt Town Lagoon 20 Aug- 18 Sep (KB), 1 Congo Point 14 Oct (ENHS). Winter
Wader Count Jul: 25 Tuggerah Lakes, 88 Botany Bay, 73 Comerong Is, 60+
Lake Bathurst (CCh,PH,AM,JPe,JRu,NR).
Lesser Sand Plover C.mongolus 1+ Crowdy Head -Harrington 6 Sep -30 Oct (HBR); 40
Kooragang Is 21 mar (AB), 1 Swan Bay, Port Stephens 24 Nov (HBR). Summer
Wader Count Feb: 6+ Kooragang Is (HBR), 60 Lake Wooloweyah, 15 Botany
Bay (GC,JP); 1 Moruya Heads 3 Jan (ENHS). Numbers declining.
Greater Sand Plover C. leschenaultii 1 Red Rock 15 Sep (BC), 1 Plumbago Beach, Yuraygir
NP 5 Oct (AM); 1 Port Macquarie 19 Nov (CG); Imm Berkeley Vale 8 Nov
(AM); 2 Lake Wollumboola 21 Dec (ISBR). Average year.
Oriental Plover C. veredus 2 Teal Place Sportsfield, Woronora Heights 1-8 Oct
(DHa,WF,CSh,ARo), accepted by NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Inland Dotterel C. australis 1 Garnpung Lake 19 Sep (NSWBA), only record received.
Black -fronted Dotterel Elseyornis melanops Max 62 Bushells Lagoon 23 Apr (KB) & 13
Mason Park, Concord 29 Jun (JRu,NR), large numbers for these sites.
Hooded Plover Thinornis rubicollis 2 Newtons Bch, Nadgee NR 18 Jan (WEm,IH), 2
Cudmirrah 13 Mar (KM), 3 Cunjerong Point, Lake Conjola 21-23 Apr(VC);
Special Count 5-6 Nov:- 2 each Burrill & Racecourse Beaches, Ulladulla (DK),
6 Womboyn Beach including N+3E, 2 Saltwater Creek including N+2E, & 2
Ling Beach, both Ben Boyd NP (BJ).
Red -kneed Dotterel Erythrogonys cinctus 12 Casino Swamps 23 Aug & 2 Byron Bay
STW 9 Nov (KF), 1 Cowans Ponds, Grafton 1 Oct (SL), 1 prawn farm, Micalo
Island 2-3 Oct (MC), max 13 Jerseyville 13-30 Oct, 3 Macksville 19 Oct (DS); 2
Gloucester 1-2 Jan (RCo), few records for Mid -north Coast; 4 Tuggerah STW 5
Jun (JC), 20 Ash Is 22 Jun (HBR), 10 Kooragang Is Jul (Stilt 4/95), 6+ Shortland
WC 5 Nov (JC); Max 5 all year Homebush Bay (AB,BDo); 2 Tallawarra ash
ponds 8 Jan & inun Coomaditchy Lagoon 30 Jan (CCh); 50 Bogan Downs HSD,
Coolabah 22 Oct (MDBWP), largest number recorded.
Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 11+1Y Euroka, Kempsey 27 Aug -24 Nov and 6
Belmore Swamp 3 Oct, first records for Macleay Valley for many years
(ABi,AM,KS); Max 9 Kooragang Is Jul -18 Sep, 2 pairs nesting (HBR); Max 87
(including nesting pair 25-28 Aug), Richmond Lanes 9 Jul -2 Oct
82 June 1996(AB,BC,DK,AR,PWe), 2 Bankstown Airport 13 Aug (JD), 8 McGraths Hill STW
2 Oct (PWe); 2 Glen Davis 13 Aug (mu), 9+N2E Rylstone 21 Sep (MS); 2
Balldale 30 May (TBO 744); 16 in a group all winter Coombie HSD, Roto but
did not breed in the spring because conditions were too dry (JHu).
Masked Lapwing V. miles Max 100+ Stockton Borehole Swamp 16 Jan (HBR), present
all year Tuggerah Lakes max 104 May (AMN), numbers lowest in 6 years; 138
Powells Lagoon (KB), max 33 Parramatta R 5 Feb (EH).
Australian Pratincole Stiltia Isabella Arrival: 9 Lake Cargellico 3 Oct (CG).
Great Skua Catharacta skua Present off Wollongong 22 May -28 Aug, max 3
Pomarine Jaeger Stercorcariuspomarinus 30-50 off Wollongong 23 Jan (AA).
Arctic Jaeger S. parasiticus 1 Newcastle Harbour 22 Nov, unusual location (HBR).
Departure: McMasters Beach 15 Mar (DJo), 1 off Wollongong 22 May (PH).
Long-tailed Jaeger S. longicauda 2 off Sydney 11 Feb (AM); 1 off Wollongong 23 Jan &
27 Nov (AA,PH).
Pacific Gull Larus paciJicus 1 off Seal Rocks 25 Jun (HBR), exceptional most northern
record; Max 3 imm Penrhryn Rd, Botany 3 Jul -19 Sep (AB,BC,CG,EV), 1 Boat
Harbour, Kurnell 25 Sep (DK); Max 4 Wollongong-Windang-Geroa 22 May -6
Oct, mostly immatures (Wingspan 14,3,ISBR); max 5 Batemans Bay 3 Jul -9
Nov (Aust. Birding 9/94). Becoming more regular in occurrence.
Kelp Gull L. dominicanus Present Penryn Rd, Botany Jan -Sep, max 6 on 10 Jan (AB,DK);
10 off Wollongong 27 Nov (AA).
Silver Gull L. novaehollandiae Preying on Little Tern nests at Forster Jan -8 Feb (Rose
1994); 50 pr nesting island in Wallagoot Lake with young 30 Dec, new location
Gull -billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 20 Tweed Heads golf course 27 Dec (BM,HM);
Present all year Kooragang Is -Stockton max 40 on 22 Mar & 5 Nov (AB,BDo,
HBR); 2 The Entrance 4 Sep (AM); 1 Lake Wollumboola 3 Nov (ISBR).
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia Present all year Tuggerah Lakes, max 71 Aug (AM);
Present all year Lake Illawarra, max 35 Windang 26 Jun (ISBR); Pair nested
Wallagoot Lake, hatched 2 young 30 Dec (BJ), first nesting record for NSW
since 1974 (Jones 1995).
Crested Tern Sterna bergii 200 prs+ young nesting on small island in Wallagoot Lake 30
Dec, first mainland breeding record for NSW (Jones 1995).
White -fronted Tern S. striata 1 Seal Rocks Jun, 2+ Crowdy Head -Harrington 6-7 Sep
(HBR); 1 Mereweather Beach 31 Jul (HBR), present Central Coast Jun- 13 Aug
Munmorah SRA, max 3 (AM); 4 North Botany Bay 21 Jul (EV); Max 20 off
Wollongong 22 May -21 Oct (PH,ISBR,Aust. Birding 12/94).
Common Tern S. hirundo 800 South Ballina 16 Oct (PS), 1000+ off Cook Island 4 Nov
(GC), 56 Delicate Nobby 28 Mar (KS). Departure: 22 The Entrance 12 Mar
(AM), 1 Bicentennial Park 27 Mar (AB). Arrival: 2 Toowoon Bay 7 Oct (AM),
32 Windang 12 Oct (ISBR).
Arctic Tern S. paradisaea 2 Evans Head 7 Oct (GC,DSt), accepted by NSWORAC, see
Morris 1996.
Fairy Tern S. nereis 2 prs nested Wallagoot Lake Dec -Jan 95, and raised 3+ young (Jones
1995). Accepted by NSWORAC as first breeding record for NSW and 3rd
confirmed record for NSW see Morris 1996.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 83Bridled Tern S. anaethetus 1 off Wollongong 27 Nov (Aust. Birding 12/94), referred to
NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Sooty Tern S. fuscata J dead Forresters Beach 15 Jan (DJo), fewer numbers than usual.
Little Tern S. albifrons 250+ near Fingal 4 Nov (GC); Present Tuggerah Lakes Jan -Mar,
Sep -Dec, max 100 in Mar (AM); 133 Windang 30 Jan (CCh); Breeding: Brooms
Head 2P+1N Nov, Station Creek 3P+2N Nov, Red Rock 10P+12N Nov -Dec,
Sawtell 4P+1N Dec, Valla Beach 3P+3N Dec -Jan 1995, few successful nests
Nambucca Heads, although 10 pairs present 20 Sep (DS) & 5P+2N Nov
(CCh,RM,P.Smith 1995); 5A+4J begging for food Hastings Point 13 Jan,
Harrington 31P+62N+4J Nov -Jan 1995, Old Bar 7P+4N, nesting Forster 1 Jan –
mid Feb (commenced 13 Nov 1993, 51 nesting attempts), 8 nesting attempts
after 1 Jan, 15 eggs laid, 9 hatched, 1 fledged, 3 eggs deserted, 3 eggs taken by
Silver Gulls or Forest Ravens, 8 young taken by Whimbrels (Rose 1994), 15
Nov -31 Dec, 39N+2J, 26 nests lost to gulls and Whimbrels, and 6 runners lost to
Caspian Tern, Silver Gulls and Whimbrels, 2P +1N Yagon Beach, Myall Lakes
NP Jan 1995 (P. Smith 1995); 2 pairs nested Picnic Pt, The Entrance 19 Nov -23
Dec, each hatched 2Y but heatwave on 23 Dec appeared to have killed the young,
renesting was attempted but failed (AM). First nesting attempt on Central Coast
since 1970s (Morris 1975); Botany Bay 35P+50N+22J Nov -Jan 1995 (P. Smith
1995); Comerong Island 6P+3N Dec -Jan 1995 (P. Smith 1995); 23A+2J Lake
Wollumboola 23 Feb (RI) and 21P+22N+12J Dec -Feb 1995, Bingie Beach
1P+ IN 6 Nov, Congo Creek 1P+1N+2J Jan -Feb 1995, Coila Lake 1P+1N Nov,
Tuross Heads 21P+3N Nov -21 Dec, Tilba Lake 10P+8N Dec -Jan 1995, Wallaga
Lake 6P+2N Nov -Jan 1995, Tathra 10P+4N Dec -Jan 1995, Wallagoot Lake
4P+4N+3J (WK, Jones 1995, P. Smith 1995 (a) & (b)). Totals: 1993/94 season
227 nests and 140+ fledglings that survived and 1994/95 season 281 nest and
44+ fledglings that survived. More nesting attempts in 1994/95 but much less
success than in the previous year.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus 4 in breeding plumage Brooms Head Reef 29 Sep
(GLC); 100+ Kooragang Is 30 Sep -2 Oct (BS,HBR), 3+ Shortland WC 5 Nov
(JC,CC) & 1 Wamberal Lagoon (AM); 1 Bicentennial Park, Homebush 26 Jan
(ID), 12 Cronulla HS Swamp 2 Oct (DK), 1 Long Reef 5 Oct (TOs), 2 Bakers
Lagoon 3 Nov (BC); 20+ over irrigation Condobolin 25 Sep (CC,JC), 200 Lake
Cargellico 3 Oct (CG). No breeding reports.
White -winged Tern C. leucopterus 2 in non- breeding plumage Harrington 6 Jan (AR); 1-
2 Shortland Wetland Centre 26-31 Dec (HBR); 1 Windang 1 Jan -11 Mar
(ABe,CBr,JDu). Least number for many years.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus 1 Long Reef 29 Mar & 1 on rocks at Barrenjoey Point
May (RA). Referred to NSWORAC.
Black Noddy A. minutus 1 Iluka 8 Dec (JSt); 1 Lighthouse Bch, Port Macquarie 26 Jan
(AS); Pittwater 24 Mar (JWe), all records referred to NSWORAC, the Port
Macquarrie record accepted, see Morris 1996.
White -headed Pigeon Columba leucomela 21 Woko NP 11-12 Feb (HBR), 6 Tea Gardens
22 Jul (DT), not previously noted at this location; Max 10 Devlins Ck, Epping 19
Jun -6 Aug (BDo), 1 Artarmon 2 Jul (AB), 1 South Turramurra 19 Jul (IMc);
Recorded at 10 locations in the Illawarra Region max 50+ north Nowra 21 May
including nesting Nowra Sep, clearly this species is well established in this
84 June 1996Region (JEJSBR); 2 Honeymoon Bay, Jervis Bay 6 Jul (ISBR), pair feeding at
bird table Batemans Bay 14 Nov -15 Dec (JT TBO 751), 1 Benandra SF 7 Dec
(PE), no previous records for this location; 2 in garden Faulconbridge 25 Sep
(BPo), few records for Lower Blue Mountains.
Spotted Turtle -Dove Streptopelia chinensis 1 injured Armidale early Mar (SD), unusual
Brown Cuckoo -Dove Macropygia amboinensis Pair nested in top of staghorn fern in a
New Lambton garden and raised one young (HBR), first recent breeding record
for Hunter Valley; 1 South St. Ives 14 Feb (CRe), 1 Devlins Ck, Epping 20 Mar
(EV); 1 Rylstone 1 Aug (MS), western edge of range, 5 in one garden Bilpin 22
Sep (MCo) & 3 in garden Faulconbridge 25 Sep (BPo).
Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 2 Hat Head 16 Feb, 1 Port Macquarie 16 Apr, 1
Collombatti SF 22 May & 1 Ingalba SF 13 Dec (ABi,KS), 1 Coraki 15 Jun
(CC,JC), 2 Iluka NR 28 Sep (GLC) & 16 Oct (EW), 1 Cobaki Broadwater 11
Nov (GC); Recored in the Manning Valley at Woko NP, Kangaroo Mtn, Wingham
Brush, Copeland Tops & Lansdowne (HBR,DLo), present Seal Rocks and
Wallingat Dec (HBR); 1 Lemon Tree Jan (MC), 2 Darkey Ck, Milbrodale 8 Jul
(RHa), 1 Blackbutt Res 29 Jul -12 Sep (HBR), max 3 Katandra SR Matcham 12
Aug -4 Dec (SA,DK,DOb); 1 Annangrove 10-17 Dec (KB). More records than
Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera 1 nesting in Chough’s nest Lue 1 Oct (BDB);
160+ drinking at Salt Caves waterhole, Pilliga West SF after dusk 19 Oct (DJ).
Brush Bronzewing P. elegans Present Bungwahl, Horse Point and Wallingat Dec (HBR);
1 Dudley-Awabakal 27 Aug (HBR); M+F Bantry Bay Rd, Frenchs Forest 15
Aug (BC); 4 Barren Grounds NR 6 Feb (GW) & 1 on 30 Oct, 1 Meryla pass 16
Apr (ISBR).
Flock Bronzewing P. histrionica 200+ flying around Saloon Tank, Fowlers Gap 15 Mar
(DE), only record for 1994.
Peaceful Dove Geopelia striata Max 4 Chiltern Trail, Ingleside 3 Jul -14 Aug (AB); 2
Tahmoor 15 Apr and 1 Cedar Ck, Picton 27 Apr (ISBR); 7 near Sussex Inlet 8
Feb (KM). Nowadays rare in coastal districts.
Diamond Dove G. cuneata 1 UNE Campus, Armidale 14 Jan (SD); 1 Breakfast Ck,
Rylstone 23 Jan (MS), 2 Howes Valley 11 Sep (DK, well east of normal range; 5
Brobenah Hills 10 Sep (KH); 3-4 in garden Coombie HSD, Roto Aug -Sep (JHu).
Bar -shouldered Dove G. humeralis Max 20 Bootawah 22-25 Apr (HBR); Max 5 Chiltern
Trail, Ingleside 1 Jul -14 Aug (AB,AF), courtship display observed 3 Jul, 1
Yarramundi Bridge 31 Dec (KB); 7 Comerong Island 5 Jun & 2 Bass Point 22-
29 Nov (ISBR); Nested 3 times in garden Coombie HSD, Roto during year (JHu),
western edge of range. More locations in Co. Cumberland than previously known.
Wonga Pigeon Leucosarcia melanoleuca Present all year Wallaga Lake max 14 on 22
Jun (ENHS).
Wompoo Fruit -Dove Ptilinopus magnificus 5 Bungdoozle FR, Richmond Range SF 17
Mar (DC), 1 Wittitrin 15 May (ABi), 8 Woolgoolga Ck FR 14 Jun (JDu), 6 Mt
Browne, Coffs Harbour 30 Nov (DS), 1 Nambucca Heads 14 Dec, 6 Washpool
NP 30 Dec (DK); Max 3 Copeland Tops 14 Feb, 3-4 Apr & 20 Dec
(HBR,BH,MVBN 2/94), present Cabbage Tree Island off Port Stephens 12-16
Dec (ID), no previous records for Island, 10+ Seal Rocks rainforest 27-31 Dec
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 85(TN); Little Beach NR, Nelson Bay 29 Oct (ARo), Endangered Fauna, all
records published.
Rose -crowned Fruit- Dove P. regina 2 Lower Bobo R. Ulong 4-26 Jan (DP), 1 window
injury Tuntable Creek, Murwillumbah 12 Jun, imm Nambucca Heads 17 Jun, A
on 15 Dec (DS), A+ several HC Iluka NR 28 Sep -2 Oct (GLC), & 10 on 16 Oct
(EW), Ukerebagh Is NR 4 Nov (GC), 4 Hat Head NP 7 Dec & 3 Goolawah 16
Dec (KS); 1 Cabbage Tree Island 12-16 Dec (ID), 4+ Seal Rocks rain forest 27-
31 Dec (TN); Endangered fauna, all records published.
Topknot Pigeon Lopholaimus antarcticus 140 Kempsey Jul -Aug, roosting at night on the
bank of the Macleay River in the Kempsey CBD (KS); 100+ near Forster 31 Aug
(HBR); 100+ Pelican late Nov (HBR); 11 Bayview Golf Course 25 Nov (MRF),
unusal location; 70+ Yambulla SF 24 Oct -4 Nov (RT), 11 Kiah 12 Nov (BJ) &
42 Gabo Is (Vic) Nov- Dec (ENHS), irregular this far south.
Red-tailed Black -Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus magnificus 15 Beemery HSD, Bourke 19
May (MD), 100 Wilcannia 15 Oct (AB); 3 Mallee Cliffs NP 9 Sep (NSWBA),
well south of normal range.
Glossy Black -Cockatoo C. lathami Max 8 Limebumers Creek NR 28 Jan & 13 Jun, max
7 Maria River 10 Apr & 13 Jun, 4 South West Rocks 13 Jul, 2 Way Way SF Jul,
3 Station Ck, Yuraygir NP 30 Jul (GF), max 14 Millbank Aug -28 Nov, max 3
Hat Head Aug -Dec, 3 Indian Head 25 Sep, 3 Kallateenee Nov, 3 Maguires
Crossing 25 Nov (ABi, KS, MVBO), 2 Moonpar SF, Dorrigo 28 Mar (SD), 2
Yuraygir NP near Clarence Peak Trail 29 Sep (BMo); 3 Gloucester Bucketts
Range Jan (RCo), 2 Woko NP 12 Feb (MVBN 2/94), max 6 Wildridge HSD,
Pappinbarra 22 Mar- 3 Sep (PV1), 3 Gloucester Tops 12-20 Jun & 3+ on 3 Dec
(FV), 2+ Woko NP 11-12 Feb & 2+ Violet Hill, Myall Lakes NP 20 Dec (HBR),
Sugar CK FR, Wallingat SF 18 Dec (AB); 2 Lemon Tree 2 Feb (MC), 2 Lobster
Beach, Bouddi NP 24 Jan, 2 Pearl Beach & 3 Umina 13-18 Mar (RP), 2 near
Patonga, Brisbane Water NP 20 Apr & 2 Mt Ettalong 21 Apr (RP), 2 Simpson
Track, Yengo NP, Bucketty 7 May (AM), 3 Lisarow 18 Jul (RP), 2+ Mt Sugerloaf
20 Jul, 6+ Glennies Creek 27 Jul, 6+ Main Creek 30 Oct, 6+ Chichester Dam 4
Dec (HBR), 3 Katandra SR 11 Dec (JDu), 3 Tathra Talia HSD, Mangrove
Mountain 25 Sep (MPo); 2 Dangar Island 1 Jan (BC), 5 Hornsby 26 Jan & 4 on
10 Nov (RMa), 3 Hallets Bch, Cowan Water, KCNP 5 Feb (E1.), 5 Lower Portland
20 Feb (Birdline), 2 Middle Harbour Ck, Garrigal NP 7 Mar (BC), 2 Annangrove
5 Apr & 4 Aug (KB), 4 Pennant Hills Park 5 Jun (SSa), 2 Cowan Creek, N of
Appletree Bay Kur-ringai Chase CNP 30 May (BDo), 12+ Bobbin Head 1-22
Mar, 23 Jun (PHo,AK), 2 Jerusalem Bay, KCNP 18 Jun (AK), 2 Berowra Waters
KCNP 11 Dec (DPt). The increase in numbers in KCNP may reflect the loss of
habitat in nearby Marra Marra, Dharug and Brisbane Waters NP due to the January
1994 bushfires (AM), 2 Ebenezer 21 Aug (AB), 1 Seven Hills 11 Dec (EV); 1
Blue Gum Ck, Nattai NP 27 Apr (ISBR); HC Moruya Heads 27 Jan, 3 Currowan
SF 31 Jan, 2 Durras Feb, 1 Wandella SF 24 Mar, 22 May, max 6 Broulee 31 Mar –
31 Dec, max 5 Potato Point 10 May, 2 Blackfellows Lake 22 May, 4 Bournda
NP 4 Jun, 4 Currowan SF 21-22 Jul & 26 Oct, 2 Burrewarra Point 21 Oct, 2
Mogo SF 22 Jul & 8 Dec (ENHS), 6 Clyde River SF 2 Jan (EV), 1 Cudmirrah
NR 13 Mar (KM), 5 Kangaroo Pt, Sussex Inlet 27 Jul (DWr), 2M+2F Yurramie
SF, Pambula 10 Aug (BJ), 2 Yambulla SF 24 Oct -4 Nov (RT); Small numbers
June 1996
86Girard SF 16-17 Mar & 2 Marengo SF, Tenterfield 21-24 Mar (SD); Breakfast
Ck, Rylstone 20-27 Feb (MS), 3 Howes Valley 11 Sep (DK), 10 Carlon Farm,
Megalong Valley 2 Oct (PC), 3 Wheeney Creek 16 Oct (PB); 200 birds regularly
drinking from Salt Caves waterhole, Pilliga West SF during drought 19 Oct (DJ);
2 Mendooran 3 Apr (HP), 2 Hervey Ranges SF (now Goobang NP) 4 Apr (TS),
2 Gilgandra FR 24 Apr (We), max 205 drinking from 7 dams in Goonoo SF 29
May (AB,FOC,JHo,ABA 9/94); 2 10 km N Leeton (DS), first record since fires
of 1991. Many more records than usual, many records for South Coast. In future
a summary will be given for each Region and only new locations will be published.
Yellow -tailed Black Cockatoo C. funereus Pr nesting S of Wootton 31 Mar (HBR); Present
for 7 months Wolli Creek Valley after being first reported in 1992 (Morris and
Burton 1994), max 20 in Sep (NRa), 5 flying over Ramsgate 5 May (KW), 21
Dee Why 25 Apr (RA), 3 during mid Jun & Jul South Turramurra (Imc), 4 flying
between La Perouse and Wolli Valley over Kyeemagh 3 Sep and 10, seen
previously in Botany Bay NP near La Perouse (RMo). Groups still present in
Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs as reported in 1993.
Gang -gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum 8 Thirlmere Lakes NP 30 Jan (AFa); 22
at garden feeder Faulconbridge 20 Apr (BPo), 2+ Murrumbo Gap 22 Sep, most
northerly record in 1994 (HBR).
Long -billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris Max 2 Summer Island & Kempsey Jan- 21
Aug, 2 Yarravel 31 Aug (ABi), 1 Maclean 28 Sep (GLC); 4 Woodville 16 Oct
(HBR), possibly first record for Mid North Coast; 70+ Warkworth 17-20 Feb
(CCh), 8 on flats between Morpeth and Hinton 10 Oct (HBR), 3 feeding on
Acacia spectabolis seeds Berkeley Vale 8 Nov (AM); 3 Newport 26 Aug (GP),
13 Darval Park, North Ryde 4 Sep (EWa), 1 with Little Corellas Dolans Bay 24
Oct (PRa); 30 Jamberoo 18 Jul, max 44 Albion Park Rail 11-18 Sep, numbers
increasing in Illawarra Region (ISBR); 22 Collector 11 Dec (Gang Gang 2/95).
Numbers continue to increase in coastal areas north of Sydney.
Little Corella C. sanguinea 9 South Tweed Heads 1 Nov (GC), 3 Casino 14 Oct (ABi);
Flocks of 100+ at both Blackbutt Reserve and Shortland WC throughout the
year, with smaller numbers elsewhere throughout the Hunter Region (HBR);
400+ Longneck Lagoon 5 Feb (AB), 52 feeding on seeds of Queensland Silver
Wattle Acacia podalyricfolia, Green Wattle A. decurrans and Coast Wattle A.
longifolia Dolans Bay 24 Oct (PRa); 6 Berry Showground 2 Jan, 20+ Orient Pt,
Wollongong 23 Feb (CCh), 60+ Comerong Is 31 May, 2 Keiraville 25 Oct (ISBR),
numbers on increase in Illawarra; 6 Tuross Feb, and small numbers Moruya &
Batehaven throughout the year, 2 Bodalla 21 Sep (ENHS), 80 Lake Wollumboola
31 Dec (GMi). Numbers on South Coast continue to increase.
Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri 2 Pulletop NR 23 Sep (PE), 2 Merriwagga 27
Oct (JB); 67 Mount Hope 2 Oct (SF), all at eastern edge of range.
Sulphur -crested Cockatoo C. galerita 76 visiting a Pecan Nut plantation at Darkwood 11
Jun (DS), numbers claimed to be increasing in Nambucca Heads area; Largest
concentration reported was 250+ at Cassifis 24 Jul (HBR).
Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus 4 Old Koreelah 23 Dec (SD), well east of normal range.
Rainbow Lorikeeet Trichoglossus haematodus 4-6 Moree May -Aug (MRa);
Scaly -breasted Lorikeet T. chlorolepidotus 2 Seven Hills 28 Mar (EV), 25+ Bayview
Golf Course 3 Jul (AB).
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 87Musk Lorikeet Glossopsitta concinna 9 Kororo 20 Jan (CSe), 7 Limeburners Creek NR
19 Feb and 2 Jerseyville 22 Feb (ABi,KS), common Nambucca Heads area Mar –
Sep, max 80 in Apr; 6+ Jemmy’s Creek & Smiths Lake 12 Jun (HBR); Present
Berkeley Vale -Bateau Bay, feeding mainly in Swamp Mahogany and Spotted
Gum May (AM); 2 Wahroonga 16 Jan & 27-29 Nov (SHa), 10+ Seven Hills 28
Mar -18 Apr (EV), 4 Mawson Pk, Campbelltown 9 Sep (DK), ; 3+ Yalwal 28
May (KM); 75+ Pretty Beach, Murramurang 17 Feb (BC), present throughout
the year in coastal areas south of Moruya Heads, max 100+ Burrewarra Point
Jan, breeding recorded (ENHS); 200+ in eucalyptus woodland near Warrabah
NP, Bendemeer 10 Sep (DO); 4 Munghorn Gap NR 31 Mar -5 Apr (JBo).
Little Lorikeet G. pusil la 10+ Seven Hills 28 Mar -18 Apr (EV), 12+ Mawson Pk,
Campbelltown 9 Sep (DK). Uncommon in Sydney Region.
Double -eyed Fig -Parrot Cyclopsitta diophthalma 2 Cambridge Plateau, Richmond River
SF 21 Jan (LCo), referred to NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Australian King Parrot Alisterus scapularis 8+ Paddys Dam, Goonoo SF 23 Apr (AM),
8+ 29 May (DNHS), & 3A+Imm on 20 Nov (JHo), western records.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 50+ between Forbes and Grenfell 8-9 Jan (JDW), 15
Forbes 17 Sep (CG); 5 Junee 12 Oct (per MC), 2 35km N of Boorowa 31 Oct
(DJ), 7 Flagstaff Memorial NR 11 Nov, common Boorowa-Yass Rd 12 Nov &
6 Dec (PE), 12+ Wallendbeen 13 Nov (Gang Gang 2/95), 1 Jugiong 27 Nov
(HP), max 12 Murnimbateman 6-9 Dec (CBN 20,24), 20 Binalong 11 Dec (Gang
Gang 2/95), 20 S of Temora 29 Dec (JMy); M,F,Imm Camp Blackman,
Warrumbungles NP 27-28 May, 2 Jul (SAs,AR), first record within Park; 100+
Wangaratta HSD, Warren 23-25 Apr (11.1), Max 80 Coonamble Rd, Warren 10
Apr -8 May (JH), 2 Berida HSD, Gilgandra 24 Apr (CRy);; 2 40km N of Jerilderie
8 Mar (JB), 2 near Cuba SF 14 Apr, 2 Kamarah TSR 8 Jul (PE); Endangered
Fauna, all records published.
Regent Parrot P. anthopeplus 5 between Euston & Gol Gol on Sturt H’way 13 Sep (KB),
AM Cal Lal near Wentworth 13 Sep (NSWBA);
Pale -headed Rosella Platycercus adscitus 20km E of Narrabri 4 Oct (DR).
Australian Ringneck Barnardius zonarius 4 Port Lincoln Parrots at Cape Banks, Botany
Bay NP 2 Sep (BP), presumed escapees but 4 is more than usually seen.
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor 3 Nurragingy Res, Doonside 21-28 Jul (EV), 2 Annangrove
9 Aug (GR), 5 Mawson Pk, Campbelltown 9 Sep (DK); 6-10 feeding in Spotted
Gum, Womban 26 May (ENHS), first South Coast record for some years; 4
McDonald River, Howes Valley 26 Jun (AB). Fewer records than 1993,
Threatened Fauna, all records published.
Red -tamped Parrot Psephotus haematonotus 1 Lansdowne 2 Mar (MVBN 2/94); 3
Thirlmere 21 May, 6 Cawdor 29 May, 10 Cordeaux Heights 30 Jun & 2 Tallawarra
ash ponds 12 Nov, interesting Illawarra Region records (ISBR).
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus No birds Coombie HSD, Roto in 1994 (JHu).
Turquoise Parrot N. pulchella 4 North Arm Cove 17 Nov (AM), 2 Eurunderee Lagoon,
Myall Lakes NP 28 Dec (RC), no previous records for this site; 2 Mt Manning 26
Mar & 2 Hawkmount 5 Nov (HBR); 5 Galston 17 Oct (DR); AM Yambulla SF
24 Oct- 4 Nov (SD); Munghorn Gap NR 25 Feb (GF), present all year Glen
Davis max 40+ 21 Aug (CG,BP,EV), 2 Howes Valley 7 May (JC); Max 20
88 June 1996Backyamma SF 3 Mar -12 Jun (ABe,JF,EK,KT), 3 22km SE Eugowra 1 Mar
(KT); 2 Bendick Murrell SF 27 Mar (COG), 2 Jindalee SF 25 Sep (Gang Gang 9/
94); 2 Upper Bullawa Ck, Mt Kaputar 17 Mar (PE).
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus 1 4km S of Brooms Head 26 Jan & 1 Evans Head 12
Sep (JH), max 12 Evans Head sth, Bundjalung NP 1 Jan (DC), max 7 19 Jan -6
Aug same place, 1 Broadwater NP 4 Jan- 6 Aug (Gosper 1995); 31 Barren Grounds
NR Sep spring count (Gang Gang 11/94); 6 flushed from heathland, Green Cape,
Ben Boyd NP 14 Jan (WEm,IH), 1 Little Forest Plateau, Morton NP 11 Aug
(RH), a new location for this species.
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus 2 Edgeworth 30 Sep (HBR). Only record for 1994.
Pallid Cuckoo C. pallidus 2 Wolli Creek Valley Sep -Nov (NRa), very rare at this location;
1 High Range, Illawarra 12 Nov (ISBR). Departure: Bootawa 25 Apr (HBR).
Arrival: Rylstone 10 Aug (MS), Annagrove 24 Aug (KB), Tilba Lake 27 Aug
(ENHS), Windsor Downs NR 28 Aug (Birdline), Kempsey 6 Sep (KS),
Rookwood Necropolis 7 Sep (AB), Awaba SF 18 Sep (HBR), Nethercote 3 Oct
(BJ), Tuggerah Bay 8 Oct (AM).
Brush Cuckoo C. variolosus Unusual winter record at Wingham Brush 5 Jun (HBR); 1
Wolli Creek Res 5 Jan & 25 Mar (NRa), very rare visitor to this location; Only
recorded on South Coast at Broulee Sep, either very scarce or overlooked (ENHS).
Arrival: Nurragingy Res, Doonside 14 Oct (JdH), Nethercote 28 Oct (BJ) & 2 St.
Albans 29 Oct (CG).
Black -eared Cuckoo Chrysococcyx osculans 1 Woodville 29 Sep (HBR), possibly first
Mid -north Coast record. HC Charcoal Tank NR 15 Oct (PE); 2 Baradine 10 Oct
(DJ); Present Gunderbooka NP Sep (Ellis 1994); 2 Quamby Tank, Pooncarie 16
Sep (AA).
Shining Bronze -Cuckoo C. lucidus 1 injured Royal Botanic Gardens 28 Jan (ALe). Unusual
Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo C. basalis Recorded in the Macleay Valley Jan -29 Apr, and
2 Sep -24 Dec, max 5 Hat Head 2 Sep (KS), more observations than usual;
Bicentennial Park 7 Jul (TOs).
Little Bronze- Cuckoo C. minutillus Max 2 Kempsey & Yarravel Jan, 28 Aug -10 Oct
(ABi,KS), southern limit of distribution, 1 Maclean Rainforest Reserve 5 Oct
Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea 1 Isaacs Ridge, Queanbeyan 9 Feb (CBN 20,24);
AM along Macquarie River at Narromine Nov (JHo), rarely recorded this far
west; Departure: 1 Lake Heights 24 Feb (CJC), AM Crows Nest 30 Mar (RD),
1 Blackfellows Lake 4 Apr (ENHS). Arrival: AM Pymble 3 Sep (RC1), Cronulla
4 Sep (JF), 1 Burrewarra Point 15 Sep (ENHS), AM Mollymook 29 Sep (KH), 1
Buttaba 1 Oct (HBR), Mardi & Wyoming 4 Oct (JC,ED,PD), Port Kembla 8 Oct
(ISBR), Forster 10 Oct (DT). Some very unusal early arrivals and no pattern of
Channel -billed Cuckoo Scythrops novaehollandiae J at Hunters Hill 28 Jan (EK), recorded
28 times in the South Turramurra area 26 Oct -27 Dec, but no Pied Currawong
nests observed parasitised as in previous years (DL,IMc); 4 Bega Saleyards 4
Dec (BJ); J begging for food Capertee Valley 13 Feb (WS); 1 Bombala 19 Dec
(TBO 752). Departure: Cordeaux Heights 3 Mar (ISBR). Arrival: Wyoming
13 Sep (ED,PD), 20 Tilba 21 Sep (ENHS), Wallingat SF 23 Sep (JDu), 2
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 89Woodville 24 Sep (HBR), Curramore & Lawson 9 Oct (ID, ISBR), Kempsey 10
Oct (KS), Mt. Colah 20 Oct (per DL). No pattern of arrival and note the large
concentration at Tilba on 21 Sep.
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus 3 Gloucester Tops 19 Dec (HBR); 1 Katandra
SR 23 Aug (PN); 1 Bayview Gardens 17 Apr (PWi), known to be resident at the
latter 2 sites, 1 Deep Creek 11 Dec, this remnant population has survived the
1994 bushfires.
Powerful Owl Ninox strenua 1 Way Way SF 24 Apr, 1 Nambucca Heads 18 Oct (DS), 1
Millbank 4 Dec (MVBO); 1 Myall View HSD, Bulladelah 2 Apr (WE); 1 Lemon
Tree Jan (MC), 2 with Rock Dove Blackbutt Res 18 Jan (PL), 1 Pickettes Valley,
Avoca 6 May, 1 The Ridgeway, Lisarow 20 May (DOb), 1 injured Erina 31 Jul
(DLw), 2A Blackbutt Reserve 18 Jan, with J in Dec, 1 Cedar Brush NR 15 Oct
(HBR); 2A+Y Devlins Ck 15 Jan -15 Mar (SAs,TKy,SS) & 2A+1Y 3-19 Nov
(BC,EK), Scout Camp Ck, Thornleigh 30 Jan (DL), 2 HC Annagrove 18-19
Mar, HC South Turramurra 28 Mar (IMc), 1 Lower Portland 6 Apr (KB), 1
North Epping 10 Apr (JMt), 1 Garrigal NP near St.Ives 20 Apr (RC1), 1 Mitchell
Park, Cattai 22-27 Apr (NM), 1 Grays Point 1 May (JFo), 1 Galston 11 Jul (RWk).
M,F Coopers Ck, Maroota 27 Jul (PB), 1 Audley, Royal NP 1 Sep (ISBR), 1
Moores Ck, Garigal NP 16 Sep (BC); 1 Yellow Rock 15 Sep (ISBR); 1 Monga
SF 17 Jan, Present Currowan SF 8 Mar, 1 Tabourie 8 Mar, 1 Corunna Lake Mar –
Apr, calling Surf Beach 21 Apr, 1 Kiola SF 22 Jun, 1 Yowrie 12 Jul -11 Oct,
calling Milton 10 Aug, J Wandella SF 25 Nov, calling Durras and Nelligen 12
Dec, 7 records of sightings or calls in Narooma District Forests throughout year
and 47 records of sightings or calls in Eden District Forests (ENHS); 1 Girard
SF, Tenterfield 14-17 Mar & 1 Marengo SF 22 Mar(SD); J injured Lidsdale 12
Sep (MS). More records and locations than previous years.
Barking Owl N. connivens 1 Cundletown 3 Mar (MVBN 2/94); HC Kindarun 12-13 Aug
(DO), 1 Edgeworth 25-27 Nov, 1 New Lambton Heights 7 Dec (HBR); 1 Jamberoo
6 May (ISBR); Calling Burrewarra Point 27 Apr, Surf Beach 13 Jun, Moruya
Jun, Yowrie 27 Jul & 9 Sep, and Surf Beach and nearby Mogo SF 27 Aug (ENHS);
2+J Glen Alice 13 Aug -29 Dec (JDu,ID,Kavanagh et al 1995); 2A+J Baram
HSD, Moree 14-16 Oct (JH,Kavanagh et al 1995). More records from South
Coast than usual.
Southern Boobook N. novaeseelandiae 1 Wolli Creek Reserve 10 Jul (NRa), very rare
visitor to this location.
Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa 1 Lower Bobo River 21 Jan (DP), 1 Kookaburra 13 Mar
(KS), 3 Peacock Camping Area, Richmond Range SF 16 Mar (DC); 1 Sharpes
Ck, Gloucester Tops 3 Apr (TQ); 1 Lake Burragorang 27 May (MD); 1 Jamberoo
29 Oct (RJo); 1 Wingelo Ck, Wyoming 20 May, 1 Wambina Res, Matcham 3
Jul, 1 Maidens Brush Rd, Wyoming 12 Jul (D0b); 1 Kiola SF 11-13 Jun & 8 Sep
(COG,ENHS), Nest/roost Mumbulla SF 11 Jul, 1 confirmed from pellet analysis
Corunna Lake 14 Nov -1 Dec, calling Durras 12 Dec, and also recorded at
Currowan SF & Nelligen, 12 sightings or calls Narooma Forestry District and 50
sightings/calls Eden Forest District (ENHS); 2 Girard SF, Tenterfield 14-17 Mar
Masked Owl T. novaehollandiae 1 injured on barbed-wire fence Orara near Thora 31
May (SL), 1 roadkill Donnellyville 2 Jul (DS), 1 Cobaki 27 Nov (SD); 1 Copeland
90 June 1996Tops 4 Apr (TQ); 1 Charlestown 24 May, nesting 20 Jun (DGe,FV), 1 Pickettes
Valley, Avoca Jun (DOb), 1 injured Morisset exit, F3 Freeway 14 Jul (DLw), 1
roadkill Blackbutt Reserve 30 Jul & one Ourimbah 6 Sep (AM,HBR); 1 Currowan
SF 21 Jan & HC 14 Sep, 1 Monga SF 24 Jan, HC Tabourie 8 Mar, 1 Yalwal SF
16 Mar, 1 preying on Grey -headed Flying -foxes Conn= Lake 4 Apr, 1 Mumbulla
SF 19 Apr & he 2 Sep, 1 Murrah SF 7 May -18 Oct, 1 Dampier SF 16 Jim, 1
roadkill Central Tilba 16 Jun, HC Moruya SF 4 Jul, 1 Kiola Rest Area 26 Jul,
roadkill Mogo 2 Aug, HC Milton 10 Aug & roost tree destroyed there in Sep,
roadkill Narooma 6 Sep, HC Bermagui SF 19 Oct, 1 Dampier SF 19 Nov, roadkill
Eurobodalla Road 5 Dec, also recorded at Burner and Nelligen no dates (ENHS),
1 Eden 22 Oct (Gang Gang 12/94); 1 Girard SF, Tenterfield 17 Mar (SD). The
forests of the South Coast appears to be more important for this owls than
indicatyed by Debus & Rose (1994).
Barn Owl Tyto alba 7 found injured The Entrance 14 Aug -26 Sep, 1 injured Narara 8 Oct
& 1 Saratoga 29 Oct (WIRES), 1 in hollow Pearl Beach 7 Oct (SZ), 1 roosted
East Maitland 21 Aug & 1 roadkill Maitland 18 Oct (HBR); 1 Neutral Bay 5 Oct
(RD), 1 perched on post with dead starling in talons Mill Pond, Botany 24 Oct
(RMo), 1 Bicentennial Park 13 Nov (JMy); Roadkills Windang 25 Sep & Berkeley
16 Oct, & 1 in grassland at Dunmore 6-29 Oct (ISBR); Singles Potato Point 17
Mar, 6 Jun & 20 Sep (injured), 1 Newstead Pond 4 Oct, 1 Montagu Is 25-30 Nov
(ENHS), 1 emaciated, flew into the sea and washed back to beach, Mollymook
29 Sep (KH); 50+ 50km N of Deniliquin 7 Jul (PM), 7 roadkills in 25km on
Cobb Hwy S of Hay 30 Aug, 20 roadkills in 2km of Sturt Hwy, 70km W of Hay
(JB), 3 Conargo 4 Oct (CG); Movement towards the coast Aug -Oct, reflecting
drought conditions inland, is apparent from these records.
Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus 1 Upper Wilsons Ck, Mullumbimby 26 Feb (KB).
Note that there have been no records south of Yabbra Scrub and Lismore since
1980 (Corben & Roberts 1993, McAllan 1995).
White -throated Nightjar Eurostopodus mystacalis 2 Millbank 26 Feb (ABi,KS); A on
egg Copeland 4 Dec (JDu), 1 Myall Lakes NP 2 Oct (ABe), 5 Horse Point, Myall
Lakes NP 27-31 Dec (CC,JC,TN); 1 Mt Sugarloaf 10 Dec (HBR); 1 Taronga
Zoo 21 Nov (DH), 2 Berowra Heights 19-28 Nov (GD,TN,EV); A+E Morton
NP 17 Nov (Evison & Daly 1995), 1 Emerys Plateau, Cambewarra 30 Nov (KM);
1 hawking Surf Beach 27 Mar, 1 dead Currowan SF 13 Oct (ENHS), 1 Eden 22
Oct (Gang Gang 12/94), 2 Yambulla SF 24 Oct -4 Nov (RT); 2 Gilgurry SF,
Tenterfield 15 Mar (SD). Arrival: 1 Ourimbah on Freeway 14 Oct (Birdline).
Departure: 1 injured Narooma 8 Apr. Average spread of records, but no west of
the Divide.
Spotted Nightjar E. guttatus 1 Mallee Cliffs NP 7-18 Nov (Ellis 1994). Only record
Australian Owlet -nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 1 Pickettes Valley, Avoca Beach 6 May
(DOb), 1 found dead Patonga 25 Jun (BC), few published records for Central
Coast; heard regularly 12 km N of Griffith (JB).
White -throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Departure: Chittaway Pt 10 Mar (AM),
100+ Moruya 28 Mar (ENHS), 1 Nethercote 1 Apr (BJ), 10+ Munghom Gap NR
31 Mar -5 Apr (JBo). Arrival: 2 Warkworth 2 Oct (HBR), Limeburners Creek
NR 3 Oct (KS), Seven Hills 4 Oct (EV), Nambucca Heads 27 Oct (DS), 8 Bodalla
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 9131 Oct (ENHS), Jervis Bay 5 Nov (KB), Munmorah SRA 11 Nov (AM). Max
recorded 300+ Bonnells Bay 22 Feb (HBR). No pattern in the return to NSW in
the spring.
Fork -tailed Swift Apus pacificus 3 Goolawah 8 Jan (KS), 1 Maclean STW 5 Oct (PR), 1
Tabbimobile Floodway 5 Nov (GC); 2 Woodbeny 8 Jan, 100-150 both Mt Thorley
and Warkworth 18-20 Jan, 20+ Singleton 20 Jan (HBR); 100 Annangrove 11
Dec, 3+ Yarramundi Bridge 31 Dec (KB); 20 Bunganbil 23 Oct (KH); 10+
Gunderbooka NP Sep (Ellis 1994); Most coastal records are for Dec -Jan, inland
records are spread over a greater period.
Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus Recorded at 7 locations in the Illawarra (ISBR); 7 caught
and banded at a spring near Maules Ck, 50km SE Narrabri (DR), western range
Forest Kingfisher Halcyon macleayii Present all year Macleay Valley area, max 3 Kempsey
13 Jun (ABi,KS). Now demonstated to be resident from the Queensland Border
south to the Macleay River cf Morris et al 1981 with Gosper & Gosper 1996.
Collared Kingfisher H. chloris 9 including 2A+1Y Ukerebagh Is NR 1-9 Nov, 1 Boyds
Bay 4-5 Nov (GC), Tweed Heads Golf Course 27 Dec (BM,HM). Threatened
Fauna, these records are for known sites.
Red -backed Kingfisher H. pyrrhopygia Arrival:. 1 Peak Hill 2 Oct (TS), 1 Deniliquin 5
Oct (CG). Overwintering: Casino 20 Mar & Coffs Harbour 21 Jul (ABi), cf
1 1
Gosper & Gosper 1996.
Sacred Kingfisher H. sancta Departure: Nethercote 19 Mar (BJ), Griffith 27 Mar (JB),
Pulletop NR 28 Mar (PE), Arrival: West Wallsend 10 Sep (HBR), Wallaga
Lake 27 Sep (ENHS), Nethercote 3 Oct (BJ), Mining Rd, Myall Lakes NP 4 Oct
(DT), Annangrove & Leeton 5 Oct (KB,KH), Chittaway Pt 8 Oct (AM).
Overwintering: 1 Oyster Cove, Port Stephens 14 May, Crowdy Bay NP 13 Jun,
2 Patonga 25 Jun, 1 Careel Bay 7-27 Jul (Kb,BC), 1 Chiswick 31 Jul (CWa), 1
Limeburners Ck NR 11 Jun & 1 Mooney Mooney Ck 17 Jul (AB), 1 Moruya
Heads May -17 Jul (ENHS). All over -winter records are coastal, cf Gosper &
Gosper 1996.
Rainbow Bee -eater Merops ornatus 2 Green Point, Booti Booti NP 3 Oct (DT), rare but
expected at this location; 2 Scheyville 23 Jan (TKy). Departure: Dawsons
Springs, Mt Kaputar 17 Mar (PE), Griffith 20 Mar (JB). Arrival: Sherwood 28
Aug (KS), Nambucca Heads Sep (DS), Harrington 6 Sep (HBR), Rylstone 10
Sep (MS), Coombie HSD, Roto 18 Sep (JB), Pulletop NR 13 Oct (PE).
Dollarbird Eurystomas orientalis 15 hawking together above trees Tuncurry 16 Jan (AB);
14 circled Surf Beach and then moved south 1 Nov (ENHS). Departure:
Budgewoi 10 Mar (AM), Forster 11 Mar (DT), 1 Kalaru 13 Mar (ENHS), 1
Grose Wold 15 May (KB), Immature Mungo Brush 12 Jun (GM), both very late
dates. Arrival: Rylstone 7 Sep (MS), Paterson River 8 Sep (HBR), Ingleside &
Old Bar 3 Oct (RA,BS), Mardi 4 Oct (AM), Annangrove & Yarravel 5 Oct
(ABi,KB), Burrewarra Point 6 Oct (ENHS), South Turramurra 7 Oct (DL). Close
pattern of return except for Rylstone & Paterson.
Noisy Pitta Pitta versicolor 1 Lower Bobo R. Ulong 8 Jan (DP), 1 Dorrigo NP 3 Feb
(GB), 1 Kempsey 12 Apr, Goolawah 29 Apr & Ingalba SF 2 May (ABi,KS), 1
Iluka NR 16 Nov (CW); 1 calling Copeland 4 Dec & seen 20 Dec (JDu,HBR); 2
Girard SF, Tenterfield 15-17 Mar (SD).
92 June 1996Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae 1 lone bird 16 Jan Deep Ck, Garrigal NP,
following disastrous bushfires 1-14 Jan, but not seen or heard since (May 1996),
and possibly now extinct in this part of the Park.
White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinus 1 22 Km E of Griuffith near Ardlethan 3
Apr (1’P), extraordinary record south-east of expected range; 2 Belmore HSD,
Wentworth 15 Sep and 1 Quamby Tank, Pooncarie 16 Sep (NSWBA), 1 in Belah
Allocasuarina cristata east of Mallee Cliffs NP 7-18 Nov, Burtunday HSD,
Wentworth 28 Nov -9 Dec (Ellis 1994).
Red-browed Treecreeper C. erythrops 2 Seal Rocks 11-12 Sep (HBR), this is an unusual
record in that they have not recorded here in recent times nor in the adjacent
areas (WF pers. corn.); 2 Mt Manning, Bucketty 4 Jun (SW), Mt Vincent 17 Aug
(HBR); Recorded throughout the year at Upper Cordeaux, Mittagong, Drawing
Room Rocks, Nattai NP & Berry Mountain (ISBR); 1 Deep Creek Dam 12 Jan,
1 Dampier SF 30 Apr, 1 Yowrie 15 Jun (ENHS), 4 Monga SF 28 Aug (Gang
Gang 10/94); 2 Cathedral Rock NP 17 Jun (JDu); 2A+1Y Mt. Wilson 24 Sep
Brown Treecreeper C. picumnus Most easterly record in Mid North Coast was Woodville
24 Apr & 23-25 Sep (HBR); Most easterly Hunter Region record Mt Vincent 17
Aug (HBR).
Superb Fairy -wren Malurus cyaneus AM feeding Horsfield’s Bronze -Cuckoo chick
McGraths Hill STW 3 Dec (NB); M+F garden Coombie HSD, Roto 9 Nov -31
Dec (mu), well west and north of usual range.
White -winged Fairy -wren M. leucopterus 5-6 Tuckerbil in Lignum 23 Oct, first record
Leeton District (KH).
Red -backed Fairy -wren M. melanocephalus 2 lower slopes of Gloucester Bucketts Range
1-3 Jan (RCo), 2 Harrington 15 Oct (MVBN 4/95), 2M+1F east of Gloucester
Tops Camping Area 19 Dec (HBR), southern limits of range.
Southern Emu -wren Stipiturus malachurus 4+ Cockle Bay NR 30 Apr (TN): Towra
Point NR 13 Aug (BC), small isolated population in Sydney.
Striated Pardalote P. striatus 6 Seven Mile Beach Jan, 4 Mt Brown Res 4 May (ISBR),
few reports in Illawarra.
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Present all year Barren Grounds NR max 6
pair, 19 Feb (CBOC,PE,DT), 1 Carrington Falls 20 Feb (KM), no records at this
site since 1970, 2 Powerline Pass, Buderoo NP 3 Sep, no previous records for
this site (ISBR).
Pilotbird PycnoptilusJloccosus Recorded at the following localities in the Illawarra Region
viz Carrington Falls, Minnamurra Rainforest, Bong Bong Pass, Barren Grounds
NR, Bulli Lookout, Yellow Rock, Maldon & Berry Mountain (ISBR); Wandella
SF 8 Apr (ENHS), 2 Monga SF 28 Aug (Gang Gang 10/94).
Rock -warbler Origma solitaria 1 Wingen Maid where old nest also found, 15 Oct, most
northly extreminty of range (HBR); 2 Drawing Room Rocks 19 Apr (ISBR);
Resident Wattle Grove HSD, Rylstone, nesting in shed, eggs 26 Sep (MS).
Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Hylacola pyrrhopygia 1 Seal Rocks 12 Jun (HBR); 1 Mt
Manning 4 Jun (HBR); 2 MacDonald R, Howes Valley 14 Aug (WF), 1 Murrumbo
Gap, Goulburn River NP 22 Sep (HBR); 2 Wellingrove 24 Jul (CC,JC); 3A+2Y
Hervey Ranges, Goobang NP 3 Jan (TS). No Sydney area records received.
Shy Heathwren H. cauta 1 Pulletop NR 30 Jun (PE); Present Coombie HSD, Roto all
year (mu). Known locations.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 93Speckled Warbler Chthonicola sagittata Observed at Hallidays Point 16 Apr & Woodville
24 Apr & 23-25 Sep (HBR); Present in the Bulga/Warkworth/Allworth area of
the Hunter Valley Sep -Nov (HBR).
Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris Most easterly record in Hunter Valley was Martins Creek
1 Jun (HBR); Small flock Jamberoo 18-20 Sep & 1 Maldon 11 Sep (ISBR).
Western Gerygone Gm/gone fusca 2+ Warkworth 15-20 Feb (CCh) & 3 Sep (AM), also
Pokolbin same date. Departure: Pulletop NR 28 Mar (PE). Arrival: Buddigower
NR 8 Jul (PE).
White -throated Gerygone Gerygone olivacea 1 overwintering Longneck Lagoon 30 Jul
(JRu,NR), 1-2 Tomakin in Jul (ENHS); Departure: Bateau Bay 26 Feb (AM),
1 Scheyville 16 Mar (AB), 1 Honeysuckle Creek 1 Apr (HBR), 1 Primbee 1 May
(ISBR). Arrival: Failford 28 Aug (DT), Macksville 8 Sep (DS), Yarramalong
11 Sep (AM), Nethercote 3 Oct (BJ). There has been a marked increase of records
in recent years on the South Coast (ENHS) but a marked decline in the Sydney
Region due to loss of habitat and predation.
Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata Migration north over Nethercote was steady
21 Apr -7 May in groups up to 100 birds (BJ) but elsewhere on the South Coast
was only recorded at Kalaru 12 Jun (ENHS).
Little Wattlebird A. chrysoptera Recorded as present in towns, villages and settlements
on coastal fringe on South Coast (ENHS), on Central Coast it is a common garden
bird in suburbs (AM).
Striped Honeyeater Plectorhyncha lanceolata 2A+2Y recently fledged in casuarinas
Berkeley Vale 26 Oct (AM). First breeding observed in 7 years residence.
Noisy Friarbird Philemon corniculatus 1 Taronga Zoo 12 Apr (IMc), unusual location; 1
Gundethooka NP Sep (Ellis 1994), western limit of range at this latitude; 1 garden
Coombie HSD, Roto 14 Sep (JHu), first record for property; Nesting reported in
Eurobodalla Shire in Feb, Sep- Nov (ENHS).
Little Friarbird P. citreogularis 1 Nambucca Heads 23 Oct (DS); Max 5 Forster gardens
24 Jul -14 Aug (DT), rare in this locality, 1 in Coral Tree, North Haven 17 Sep
(MVBN 4/95); Present Ellalong 26 Sep, 2 Brightwaters 6 Jun and one dead on 4
Jun (HBR), feeding young at Budgewoi 4 Jun (mu), first record for Central
Coast (Morris 1975); Seven Mile Beach Jan (ISBR). Arrival: Coombie HSD,
Roto 28 Aug (JHu), Leeton 10 Sep (KH). Some unusual coastal records but does
not regularly occur until north of the Manning River.
Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia 2 1-2 km W of Clearfield SF 6 Jul -13 Sep
(DG), 3 Ocean Shores 22 Sep (BO); 4 Hungerford Hill, Pokolbin & 6 Broke 14
Aug (GOc,HBR); Max 4 Canyonleigh 18 Sep- 30 Nov (BV,NSt), 1 Berry 2 Nov
(BV); 2 Dampier SF 4 Jan, 1 Burrewarra Point 13 Jan, 1 Maulbrooks Road 17
May, 3 between Durras & Beagle Bay 3-4 Jul, 1 Dalmeny 15 Aug (ENHS),
6A+2J Lake Conjola 11 Dec (BV); Max 4 Coonoor TSR 37 km west of Bundarra
1 Oct -3 Nov (DO), 2 W of Bundarra 22 Nov (RHR 7/95); 2 garden Hazelbrook
2 Mar (GDk), max 40-50 incl 2A+2J (Aug), 2 nests (Nov) Capertee Valley sites,
including Warangi HSD Glen Alice, Rylstone, Rockview HSD Glen Davis, Mar –
25 Apr, 20 Aug -21 Nov (GC,SF,DGe,JMi, BP, MR,KT,PWe), Max 7 Munghom
Gap NR Mar -Apr (MR,COG,HBOC 3/94), 6 Lue 1 Oct (BDB), max 150+ Howes
Valley, incl. 57 banded 4 May -12 Dec & 2+ prs nesting Nov (RHR 1/
95,AB,DH,RHa, JC,AM,DO); Max 47 Camp Blackman, Warrumbungles NP 16
94 June 1996May -20 Oct (MIR 7/95,MC,JH,DO, AL,AR,TS,TBO 774), 2 Putty 2 May (JSp);
Max 2A+3J Norw000d Park Crematorium, ACT 4-29 Jan (BL,JBo,MC1,RHR 7/
95); 6 north of Junee 8 Aug (NP), 2 Albury 27 Aug (Wingspan 9/94); 50+
Eumungerie feeding in flowering Silky Oak 3 Nov (RNa). Best year since 1987.
Blue -faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis Max 5 Rylstone Feb -22 Sep, uncommom in
the Kandos-Rylstone area, 1 Bylong 19 Sep (MS).
Bell Miner M melanophrys Small colony Border Ranges NP on Tweed Range side of
Park 26 Dec, first record for Tweed Valley (PE); Most westerly record in the
Hunter Region is at Oakey Creek south of Milbrodale (HBR); caught in mist
net Mt Annan Bot. Gardens 29 May, the nearest colony being 6km away (ALe).
Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala Present Cobargo 3 Jul (ENHS), uncommon on
the South Coast.
Black -eared Miner M melanotis There are no known colonies in NSW (McLaughlin
Lewin’s Honeyeater Lichenostomus lewinii 1 Tallanganda SF 20 Nov (CBN 19, 75),
western limit of range at this latitude.
Yellow -faced Honeyeater L. chrysops Migration commenced at Nethercote 21-27 Apr
(BJ), but elsewhere on the South Coast commenced 2 Apr, peaking 300-400 per
hour 24-26 Apr Blackfellows Lake, then fairly constant passage until the end of
Jun (ENHS).
White -eared Honeyeater L. leucotis Winter migrant to South Coast, 150 moving over
Tilba Lake 20 Mar (ENHS).
Mangrove Honeyeater L. fasciogularis 2 South Tweed Heads 3-11 Nov (GC), present all
year in mangroves along Oyster Channel and near Rabbit & Dart Islands, West
Yamba, seen on 30 May (SAs) & 1 Oct (RBn).
Yellow -tufted Honeyeater L. melanops Recorded in the Hunter Region all year at Ellalong,
Mulbring, Buchanan, Wollombi, Pokolbin, Broke, Kindarun and Green Point
(HBR); South Coast colonies at Wandella SF, Bermagui, Tanja SF, Pambula and
Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya (ENHS); 10+ Bendick Murrell SF 27 Mar (COG);
Steamboat Ck, Cocoparra NP 15 May (PE).
Singing Honeyeater L. virescens 8+ Urana NR , west of Lake Urana 3 Jun (PE). Near
eastern edge of range in south-west NSW.
Yellow -plumed Honeyeater L. ornatus 10+ Currajong SF 13 Oct (MC), unusual at this
location; Common Coombie HSD, Roto Apr -Aug, numbers greatest since 1985
Grey- fronted Honeyater L. plumulus 1 near Yathong NR (JHu), max 8 Round Hill NR 23
Jul -12 Oct (ABe,CG,KT), 2+ adjoining Mallee Cliffs NP 7-18 Nov (Ellis 1994).
Fuscous Honeyeater L. fuscus 6-20 Woodville 24 Apr, 23-25 Sep, with dependent young
on latter date (HBR), uncommon Mid- North Coast; 1 Bomaderry Creek 5 May
(ISBR); Once regarded as a regular winter visitor to South Coast, now only a few
records per annum, including 1 Durras Aug (ENHS); Common Charcoal Tank
NR May (PE).
White -plumed Honeyeater L. penicillatus 3 North Wollongong 9 May, regular sightings
at this site (ISBR); Considered to be accidental on South Coast but recorded
Wallaga Lake 9 Jan & 20 May, Durras Apr, Tomakin 5-9 Jun, 15-29 Jul & 13
Aug, Burrewarra Point 15 Jun & 15-23 Aug which could indicate aan autumn –
winter visitor or an expansion of range (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 95Black -chinned HoneyeaterMelithreptusgularis Present Clarenza 15 Oct (EW); 3 Ellalong
2-0 Oct, 4 and nesting Buchanan 9 Sep, first recent breeding record for Hunter
Valley (HBR); Present Nurragingy Res, Doonside 11 Aug (JDh); 2 22km SE of
Eugowra Mar (KT), 4 Munghom Gap NR 31 Mar -5 Apr (JBo); 6+ Back Yamma
SF 3 mar (KT), 6 Charcoal Tank NR 10 Apr (CCh).
White -throated Honeyeater M albogularis 10+ Myall View HSD, Bulladelah 2 Apr (WE),
this record has yet to be confirmed.
Brown -headed Honeyeater M. breviostris 6-8 resident Dry Plains HSD, Cooma (JBa).
Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta 2 Wendourie Park, Mt White 17 Jul (AB), first
record for Central Coast (cf.Morris 1975); Max 3 Bicentennial Park 15 Jul -18
Sep (AB,EV), 2 Cronulla HS Swamp 28 Sep (DK), 8 Bonna Point, Kurnell 18
Jun (JRu,NR). Now recorded regularly at 3 locations in Sydney Region, so
numbers are on the increase; 2 feeding in flowering Bottlebrush Baradine 11-12
Oct (DJ).
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella pieta 2 Nambucca Heads 10-27 Nov (DS, TBO 3/95 MSe),
not recorded in general area during Atlas (Blackers et al 1984); 1 Macquarie
Park, Windsor 7 Nov (LSm), HC Penrith Lakes 31 Dec (KB); 1 Huntingdale
HSD, Glen Davis 10-21 Nov (RJo,JMi), 8 pairs, 20km W of Cowra 5 Nov (AC);
15 West Wyalong 3 Oct (TP), 2 nesting Back Creek SF, Wyalong 16 Oct (BC,CS),
max 10 Jindalee SF 30 Oct -5 Nov (Bounds 1994); 2 in mistletoe in Belah, Mungery
5 Sep (CC,JC); 2 north of Leeton 18 Dec (KH), 1 roadside vegetation Nericon
Swamp, Griffith Oct- Nov (PE); Present Gunderbooka NP Sep (Ellis 1994), 1 N
of Mt Gunderbooka 4 Oct (PE).
Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 3 Barren Grounds NR 28 Aug (ISBR).
New Holland Honeyeater P. novaehollandiae 2 Kookaburra 12 Mar (ABi); 4 Dungowan
Dam, 50km SE Tamworth (JH). western edge of range.
White-cheeked Honeyeater P.nigra 6 Kookaburra 13 Mar (ABi), 100km inland; 6
Tomerong 17 Jul (ISBR); 1 Capertee Valley 21 Nov (JMi), well west of normal
White -fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons Seen 60km N of Griffith 4 Mar (DS); Small
numbers Coombie HSD, Roto 2 Jul -31 Dec (mu), Present Round Hill NR 21
Jul -12 Oct, nesting 1-3 Oct (ABe,SF, KT); Nesting Mallee Cliffs NP 9 Sep
(NSWBA). Fewer reports than usual.
Tawny -crowned Honeyeater P. melanops Maria River 28 Jan, max 20 Limeburners
Creek NR 19 Feb -13 Jun (KS); 2+ Crowdy Bay NP 13 Jun, and 6-7 Sep, Forster
all year, nesting Dec (HBR); Regularly recorded Awabakal NR, max 8 on 27
Aug & Catherine Hill Bay 6 Aug (HBR); Burra 24 Sep (CBN 20,24), well west
of normal coastal range.
Black Honeyeater Certhionyx niger 2M Glen Davis 3 Sep (BP); 20+ Currajong SF 27 Oct
(MC); 8+ Herveys Range SF (now Goobang NP) 29 Sep (TS), 1 Macquarie
River, Narromine Nov (JHo); 4+ Old Junee 11-13 Oct, 20+ Currajong SF 13 Oct
(MC); 5M,1F 20 km W of Emmaville6 Sep (FM); 2M,F feeding in red flowering
bottlebrush Baradine 11-31 Oct (DJ), 5+ 20 km E of Narrabri 14 Oct, 20+ Baram
HSD, Moree 16 Oct (JH), AM Boggabri 26 Oct (DR); 6+ Pulletop NR 23 Sep &
1 on 13 Oct (PE), common in Griffith & Lake Wyangan Sep -Oct (PE), 10 Conargo
4 Oct (CG), 6 in a Leeton garden 15 Oct feeding in flowering Ironbark (KH); HC
Old Cobar Reservoir 22 Jan (AM); AM Coombie HSD, Roto 2 Apr & 3+ 12 Nov
96 June 1996(JHu), 100+ Round Hill NR 9 Sep -3 Oct (CC,JC,SF, CG), 2 Mallee Cliffs NP 7-
18 Nov (Ellis 1994). More records than usual and well distributed across the
Pied Honeyeater C. variegatus 2 Macquarie R, Narromine Nov (JHo); Menindee Lake
13 Oct & 3 Lake Pamamaroo 14 Oct (AB). 2 Mallee Cliffs NP 7-18 Nov (Ellis
1994), AM feeding on Eremophila longifolia Coombie HSD, Roto 12 Nov (JHu).
Scarlet Honeyeater Myzomela sanguinolenta Influx to Upper Lane Cove Valley from 8
Oct onwards when seen feeding in flowering Turpentine, possibly bred (IMc),
common along Fishponds Ck Hornsby 26 Dec 1993-1 Feb 94 (RMa), 4 St. Ives
4 Oct (RC1); 6+ Mogo SF 2 Jan (JC), 5 Croobyar SF 30 Sep, pair nesting in fire
damaged tree (KH), 1 Curramore 3 Oct (ISBR); Present on South Coast all months
except Jul & Nov but only in small numbers. Arrival: 3 Berkeley Vale 3 Sep
(TMo) where there is a definate pattern of their presence in Central Coast areas
Sep -Mar.
Crimson Chat Ephthianura tricolor 3 N of Mt Gunderbooka 4 Oct (PE), only record
received. Scarce in 1994 but many records in 1995.
Orange Chat E. aurifrons 4 Lake Cargellico 3 Oct (CG), 2M,F in tomato crop Whitton
Dec (KH) well east of usual range.
White -fronted Chat E. albifrons 2 Bicentennial Park 23 Feb (DK), max 13 Bonna Point-
Towra Point 28 May -18 Jun (JRu,NR,KT); 2 Shellharbour 5 May (KM); 1
Munghorn Gap NR 31 Mar -5 Apr (HBOC 3/94), unusual location.
Gibber Chat Ashbyia lovensis 1 Quandong 13 Oct (AB), slightly south-west of accepted
Jacky Winter Microeca fascinans Present Rookwood Necropolis 17 Sep (AB), rare in
Sydney Region.
Rose Robin Petroica rosea AF Budgewoi 27 Aug (JDu); M&F Yalwal 28 May (KM)
Arrival: 1 Munghorn Gap NR 31 Mar (JBo), 1 Annagrove 5 Apr (KB); 1
Bomaderry Creek 17 Apr (ISBR). Departure: 5 Yellow Rock 10 Sep (ISBR).
Pink Robin P. rodinogaster AF Broadwater SF, Eden 12 Jan (LH). Only record received.
Flame Robin P. phoenicea F South Turramurra 8 May (IMc), F Bushells Lagoon 7 Aug
(BC); 1 Wanganderry 29 May, 2 Powerline Pass, Budderoo NP 3 Sep (ISBR);
Pair Deep Creek Dam 30 May & 6 on 24 Jul (ENHS), AM Nethercote 31 Jul,
first record since 1987.
Scarlet Robin P. multicolor M,F Yarravel 16 Apr -13 Jul (ABi); AM Mt Annan Bot. Gardens
20 Mar (ALe), rare at this location; imm Sheaffes Ck, West Dapto 3 May (ISBR);
1 Munghorn Gap NR 31 Mar -5 Apr (JBo); 1 edge of Buddigower NR 8 Jul (PE),
western edge of winter range.
Red -capped Robin P. goodenovii F or imm on fence Micalo Island 1 Oct & Washpool NP
3 Oct (GLC); 2 Warkworth 15-22 Feb (CCh), 3 Bulga 11 Sep (DK); AM Longneck
Lagoon 5 Feb, AM 16 Mar (AB) & F 27 Sep (KB), 2 St. Ives Jul (RC1), pair
nested 3 times Doonside 19 Oct -23 Dec, all failed but was successful in Feb
1995 when one young survived out of a clutch of 4 (JdH,EV), 1 Castlereagh SF
13 Nov (RT); F St. Albans 29 Oct (CG) no previous records for this area, AM
Cook Park, Orange 16 Oct (AB); M Jindalee SF 25 Sep (Gang Gang 9/94), M
Jugiong 10 Nov (BC), 2A,J Binalong 11 Dec (Gang Gang 2/95). Some interesting
Sydney and coastal records coinciding with drought year.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 97Eastern Yellow Robin Eopsaltria australis Found in three locations Coombie HSD, Roto
all in areas of dense Cypress Pine (JHu), western limit of range.
Southern Scrub -robin Drymodes brunneopygia 3 Round Hill NR 21 Jul (KT) & 12 Oct
Logrunner Orthonyx temminckii Absent from Nambucca Heads in 1993/94, presumably
because of drought and habitat is marginal (DS); 2 Pines Picnic Area, Kiwarrak
SF 6 Apr (MVBN 2/94), 3 Bulandelah SF 31 Mar & Landsdowne SF 1 Sep
(HBR); 12 Bulli Pass 13 Feb (EV), 1 Minnamurra Rainforest 22 Feb (KM) first
record for some time, 1 Mt Nebo 2 Mar, 4 Gibson Trail, Bulli Pass 10 Mar, 2
Foxground 3 Sep, 10 Yellow Rock 10 Sep, 2 Tongarra 18 Sep (ISBR).
Spotted Quail -thrush Cinclosoma punctatum 2 Millbank Feb (MVBO); 1 Peats Ridge 12
May (RP), 2 Mt Manning, Bucketty 4 Jun (AM), present Stockyard Ck, Awaba
16 Jun, Mt Sugarloaf 25 Nov and Honeysuckle Creek Nov (HBR); 1 Mt. Ku-
ring-gai Track, KCNP 13 Mar, 2 HC 30 May (BDo), 4 Holsworthy Rifle Range
4-11 Jul (RP), 2 Grays Pt, Royal NP 25 Jul (JMe): 1 O’Hares Creek 10B Firetrail
6 Feb (KM), 1 Boxvale Track, Welby 24 Apr & 12 Dec, 1 Minnamurra Res 7
Aug, 2 Darkes Forest 29 Dec (KM,ISBR); 2 Kiola SF 24 Apr (BH) & 11-13 Jun
(COG), 2 Yadboro Valley 7 Aug (RH),2 Wandella SF 8 Apr, 1 Yowrie 4 May &
7 Aug, 5 Dampier SF 21 May, 2 daily Nethercote Sep, 1 Clyde Mountain 25
Nov, present throughout year Maulkbrooks Rd, Moruya (ENHS); 1 Mogo Camp,
Yengo NP 4 Jun (AM), AF Howes Valley 11 Sep (DK), Widden Valley 17-18
Sep, Murrumbo Gap, Goulbum River NP 22 Sep (HBR); 2 Paringa HSD, Captains
Flat Jan (FOC), pair Dry Plains HSD, Cooma 27 Jun (JBa). Good spread of
Chestnut Quail -thrush C. castanotum Max 2 Loughnan NR 8 Apr -1 Oct (PE); AF Kinchega
Woolshed 15 Sep (EB); 1 Mallee Cliffs NP 7-18 Nov (Ellis 1994). Threatened
Fauna, all records published.
Grey -crowned Babbler Pornatostomas temporalis 2 Garland Valley 11 Sep (EV) & present
Newcastle Golf Club 11 Sep (HBR).
White-browed Babbler P. superciliosus 4+ dependent young Jindalee SF 4 Nov (COG).
Hall’s Babbler P. halli Present Gunderbooka NP Sep -Oct (Ayres 1995). This record if
correct, is the first record south of the Darling River and represents an extension
of range in NSW.
Crested Shrike -tit Falcunculusfrontatus 2 Windsor Downs NR 28 Aug (DK); Max 2 in
mallee Pulletop NR 16 Jun -9 Nov (PE). Unusual locations.
Olive Whistler Pachycephala olivacea 1 Camerons Camp, Mt Boss SF 6 Jun (HBOC 8/
94); Polblue Swamp 19 Dec (HBR) the latter two locations are known for
resident populations; 2 Clyde River SF 2 Jan (EV), 6+ German Ck Rd, Dampier
SF 5 Oct, 1 Maulbrooks Rd Moruya 21 Oct (ENHS); AM Thredbo 1 Jan (SE).
Red-lored Whistler P. rufogularis 1 Round Hill NR 3 Apr (DT) & 25 Sep (CC).
Gilbert’s Whistler P. inornata 2+ Back Yamma SF 2 Mar & 12 Jun (PC,KM,KT); AM
Bendick Murrell SF 27 Mar (COG), AM Ingalba NR 27 Oct (MC); 2+ Mallee
Cliffs NP 10 Sep (NSWBA) & 7-18 Nov (Ellis 1994), 2 Round Hill NR 25 Sep
Rufous Whistler P. rufiventris Departure: Tuggerah STW 22 Mar (AB), Nethercote 27
Mar (BJ). Arrival: 3 Tuggerah STW 17 Sep (AM), 2 Broulee 28 Sep (ENHS),
Nethercote 9 Oct (BJ).
98 June 1996Black -faced Monarch Monarcha melanopsis 1 Maules Ck, 50 km SE Narrabri 6 Dec
(DR), well west of normal range. Departure: 1 Towrie 18 Feb (ENHS), Nethercote
20 Mar (BJ), Matcham 22 Mar (AB). Arrival: 2 Potato Point 21 Sep (ENHS),
Palmgrove 30 Sep (AM), Green Point, Lake Macquarie 1 Oct (IIBR), Ingleside
3 Oct (RA), Shelley Beach, Booti Booti NP 5 Oct (DT), Winston Hills 6 Oct
(BDB), Nethercote 9 Oct (BJ), 11 Oct Port Kembla (ISBR). Arrival this year was
spread over a long period.
Spectacled Monarch M. trivirgatus 2 Harrington 15 Oct (MVBN 4/95), 2 Chichester
Dam 3-4 Dec (HBR), present Seal Rocks rainforest 27-31 Dec (TN), most
southerly record for 1994. Departure: Woko NP 11-12 Feb (HBR). Arrival:
Nambucca Heads and Broadwater NP 14 Sep (JH,DS), Moonee 19 Sep (SL),
Crowdy Bay NP 15 Oct (HBR).
White -eared Monarch M leucotis A+J Woolgoolga Ck FR 24 Jan, southernmost breeding
record for NSW (Conole 1995), 3 Mount Warning 10 Apr (DS), 1 Woody Head
21 Sep (GC), 1 Iluka 22 Sep- 28 Dec (GC,PC), 1 Wardell 5 Oct (ASt), 1 Terania
Ck, Nightcap NP 31 Dec (DK).
Leaden Flycatcher Myiagra rubecula Departure: Stannix Park 30 Mar (NM), 1
Blackfellows Lake 24 Apr (ENHS), Vaucluse 7 May (LB). Arrival: Nambucca
Heads 18 Sep (DS), Potato Point 9 Oct (ENHS), Tuggerah STW 24 Oct (AM),
Nethercote 25 Oct (BJ).
Satin Flycatcher M cyanoleuca On passage at Wingam Sep, Woodville 8-15 Oct &
Garden Suburb 29 Oct (HBR); 1 South Turramurra 15 Nov (1Mc); 2M,F+J
Nethercote 31 Jan (BJ).
Restless Flycatcher M inquieta 1 Bondi 1-2 Aug (CRy), most unusual location; 1-2
Wollongong Uni 25 May -3 Aug (ISBR).
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons 28 migrating pass Mt Nebo, Mt Kembla 2 Mar (CCh);
2 in forest near Jindalee SF 13 Nov (Gang Gang 2/95), west of usual range.
Departure: 1 Deep Ck, Narrabeen 2 Apr (AB), Awabakal 17 Apr (HBR),
Burrewarra Point 18 Apr (EMHS), Winston Hills 22 Apr (BDb), 1 Bends HSD,
Gilgandra 24 Apr (JBy), well west of normal range Arrival: Woodville 2 Oct
(HBR), Nethercote 22 Oct (BJ), Palmgrove 24 Oct (AM).
Grey Fantail R. fuliginosa 67 migrating past Mt Nebo, Mt Kembla 2 Mar (CCh); winter
visitor to Griffith arriving 18 Apr (JB).
Willie Wagtail R. leucophrys 30 together in one group Penrith Lakes 31 Jul (JRu,NR).
Spangled Drongo Dicrurus bracteatus Arrival: Austinmer 12 Feb (ISBR), Long Jetty 17
Feb (AM), Lansdowne 2 Mar (HBR), Forster 9 Mar (DT), 1 Keiraville 15 Mar
(ME), 1 Moruya Heads 18 May (ENHS). Departure: Violet Hill, Myall Lakes
NP 13 Sep (DT), 1 Yeramba Lagoon, Picnic Point (JMy) & Crowdy Bay NP 15
Oct (HBR), Broulee 26 Nov, a very late date (ENHS).
Barred Cuckoo -shrike Coracina lineata 8 Port Macquarie 23 Feb (KB) & 1 on 19 Nov
(CG), present Iluka NR 16 Oct (EW), 1 Kooloobung Ck Res 26 Dec (AB).
White -bellied Cuckoo -shrike C. robusta Resident Yarravel but nesting failed (ABi),
Iluka 20 Jul (EB), nested Mororo SF 2 Oct (EW); Present Newcastle-Cessnock
throughout the year, nesting Buchanan 8 Sep (HBR); 1 Burrewarra Point 26 Jun,
1 Batehaven 29 Jun, 2 Maulbrooks Rd, Moruya 4 Sep, 1 Moruya Heads Oct
(ENHS), present Yambulla SF 24 Oct -4 Nov (RT); 5 Howes Valley 11 Sep (DK)
& Widden Valley 17-18 Sep (HBR); 6 Coombie HSD, Roto 3 Apr (JHu), well
west of normal range.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 99Cicadabird C. tenuirostris Departure: 2 Maitland 2 Mar (HBR), 1 Mandella SF 8 Apr
(ENHS), 2 Munghorn Gap NR 25 Apr (PWe). Arrival: Kempsey 25 Sep (KS),
Nethercote 3 Nov (BJ).
Ground Cuckoo -shrike C. maxima 1 Myall Lakes NP 3 Dec (HBR), well east of usual
range; 7 Old Harbour Lagoon, Eumungerie 17 Apr (JMa); 1 Lake Cowal 3 Oct
(RWa); 3 W of Condobolin 25 Sep (CC,JC); 1 North Bourke 12 Nov (PE); 4-6
Coombie HSD, Roto Feb -3 Apr, and another group 16km west of homestead
Feb (JHu).
White -winged Triller Lalage sueurii F+J Maria River 28 Jan (ABi,KS), 2 Moonee Creek
29 Oct (CSe), AF Cobaki Broadwater 2 Nov (GC), pair feeding J Fan -tailed
Cuckoo Ballina 8 Nov (KF), uncommon Northern Rivers; Present Woodville 6
Nov & Wallingat late Dec (HBR), rare on Mid -north Coast; AM Tuggerah STW
29 Oct (MC), present Belmont Swamp late Nov and in the Hunter Valley from
23 Oct (HBR); 1 Rouse Hill & AM Centennial Park 6 Nov (KB,AR), pr PGH
property Doonside 13-18 Nov (EV), 2 North Botany Bay 19 Nov (AR); Pr St.
Albans 29 Oct (PC); No birds Coombie HSD, Roto in 1994 because of drought
(JHu). More coastal records than usual.
Varied Triller L. leucomela Resident Macleay Valley with observations at Collombatti
SF, Euengai, Hat Head, Ingalba SF & Kempsey (ABi,KS), 2 Port Macquarie 5
Oct (DK), present Iluka NR 10 Aug & 16 Oct (CS,EW); 1 Taree 10 Jun (CC,JC),
1 Wingham Brush 24 Jun (JMe), 1 Harrington 23 Feb, 12 Aug -23 Dec (CS,HBR),
southern limit of range; 1 Girard SF, Drake 16-17 Mar (SD) western limit of
Olive -backed Oriole Oriolus sagittatus 1 garden Coombie HSD, Roto 20 Jun, and 2 later
in month (JHu).
Figbird Sphecotheres viridis Colonial nesting continued at Booti Booti NP Oct 1993-6
Jan 1994 when extreme hot weather caused a halt, 52 nests were recorded, the
first record for colonial nesting in NSW (Turner 1995), also nesting colonially at
Seal Rocks 17 Dec (HBR); Present all year Illawarra Region at six locations,
max 6 Primbee 1 Mar (MA,ISBR).
White -breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorhynchus 10+ Culburra Beach near Nowra
23 Mar, unusual southern record (TBO 744). Departure: 12 Toukley 1 May
(AM), Booti Booti NP 2 May (DT), 11 Shortland WC 8 May (HBR). Arrival: 2
Fullarton Cove 18 Aug (HBR), Nambucca Heads and Macksville 26 Aug (DS),
Tuggerah STW 4 Sep (AM), Coomba Park, Tuncurry 10 Sep (DT).
White-browed Woodswallow A. superciliosus Large flocks Maclean, Micalo Island,
Yuraygir NP near Brooms Head and Woodford Island 1-6 Oct (GLC), large
flocks Macleay Valley, Kempsey & Crescent Head 3-7 Oct (KS,ABi), 250 Casino
14 Oct (ABi), large flocks Jerseyville 10 & 13 Oct (DS), 300+ Clarenza 2-20
October (EW), new locality for this species, 400+ Tucabia 9 Oct (CCh); 50+
Woodville 31 Oct -6 Nov (I-1BR), uncommon Mid -North Coast; Large flocks
with Masked Woodswallows were seen in the lower Hunter Valley throughout
October including Newcastle, Maitland and Lake Macquarie (HBR), 50+ Berkeley
Vale 8 Oct (AMo), 20+ Ourimbah 2 Oct (ABi), last records for Gosford-Wyong
were in 1957; A+J Longneck Lagoon 5 Feb (AB) & many 9 Oct (EV), 500+
Annangrove 1-5 Oct (KB), 30 McGraths Hill STW 2 Oct (EV), flocks South
Turramurra 3-11 Oct (DL), 35+ Wolli Creek Reserve 3 Oct (NRa), first record
100 June 1996for Reserve since 1957 (NRa), 300+ Seven Hills 4 Oct (EV), 4 pr Concord 11
Oct (CSh), 20+ Roselands 11 Oct (BdB), 70+ Revesby 13 Oct (DL), 500+ Galston
17 Oct (GMe), 8+ Scheyville 28 Oct (BC), nesting Doonside 19 Nov -21 Dec
(EV); Large flocks Barren Grounds NR 4-7 Oct (DS), 30+ Warilla, 50+ Jamberoo
8-16 Oct (ISBR); Max 150+ Nethercote-Pambula 7-16 Oct (BJ); 100+ Howes
Valley 11 Sep (DK), 25 Winmallee 2 Oct (NKi), 30+ Mountain Lagoon & Bilpin
4-8 Oct, 100+ Mt Banks 15 Oct (MCo), 30+ Springwood 5 Oct (TS), 500+ Glen
Alice 26 Oct (DK), 60+ Wilberforce 7-8 Nov, feeding at Silky Oak Grevillea
robusta flowers (Lsm); 10 Bredbo 30 Oct (Gang Gang 12/94), 100s nesting in
the Cooma-Dry Plains area Dec (JBa); 3000+ Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone 15
Sep (RJ); Arrived Pulletop NR 15 Jul, then no more seen until 23 Sep, but no
breeding due to drought, departed Nov (PE). Exceptional coastal records.
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus Small numbers with above, Maria River, Euroka,
Kempsey and Belmore River 3-7 Oct (KS), and Woodford Island, Maclean, Micalo
Island and Yuraygir NP near Brooms Head 1-6 Oct (GLC), 50 Casino 14 Oct
(ABi), small numbers Clarenza 2-20 Oct (EW), 2 Cowans Ponds, Grafton 1 Oct
(SL), 40-60 Tucabia 9 Oct (CCh); 100+ feeding in recently burnt areas of heath,
Myall Lakes NP 4 Oct (DT); Present throughout the Lower Hunter Valley during
Oct including 10+ Cessnock 9 Oct (DS), West Wallsend, Newcastle & Kurri
Kurri, last time recorded was in 1968 at Maitland (Morris 1975); 2 Wolli Creek
Res Feb & 12 during Oct (NRa), first records for Reserve, 200+ Annangrove 1-
5 Oct (KB), 50+ Seven Hills 4 Oct (EV), 20+ Longneck Lagoon 9 Oct (DK), 6
Concord 11 Oct (CSh), 150+ Revesby 13 Oct (DL); 30+ Warilla 8 Oct, 50+
Jamberoo 8-16 Oct (ISBR); 2 Bermagui 16 Jul (ENHS), 100+ Nethercote-Pambula
7-16 Oct (BJ), first records for Imlay Shire?; 20+ Glen Innes 14 Oct (JH); 30+
Bilpin & Mountain Lagoon 4-8 Oct, 100+ Mt Banks 15 Oct (MCo), 1+ Howes
Valley 11 Sep (DK), 6 Glen Alice 26 Oct (EV), 10+ Wilberforce 8 Nov (LSm);
4 Bredbo 30 Oct (Gang Gang 12/94); 300+ Sandy Camp HSD, Quambone 15
Sep (RJ); Small numbers with above Pulletop NR 13 Oct & 9 Nov (PE).
Exceptional coastal records, presumably drought induced.
Dusky Woodswallow A. cyanopterus Summer migrant to coastal NSW, but present in
inland NSW throughout the year. Departure: Munmorah 20 Mar (AM), 2
Oakville 25 May (KB), 2 Booti Booti NP 23 May (DT), 5 Potato Point 8 Jul
(ENHS). Arrival: 3 Buchanan 13 Aug (HBR), Ingleside 14 Aug (RA), Booti
Booti NP 12 Sep (DT), Sydney Airport 26 Sep (IMc), Palmgrove (JC) &
Munmorah (AM) 30 Sep.
Little Woodswallow A. minor 2 on bank of Edward River at Deniliquin 12 Nov (TBO 3/
95 GBn); Present Gunderbooka NP Sep (Ellis 1994) & 4 Oct (PE).
Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis 1 Kookabookra 3 Apr at 900m (DS), recorded
as breeding Bungwhal & Horse Point, Myall Lakes NP late Dec (HBR); 2A+3
Im Tuggerah Jul (EV).
Grey Butcherbird C. torquatus 1 killed and ate Bassian Thrush Sep (CBOC 10/94).
Pied Currawong Strepera graculina Flock of 27 Wolli Creek Res 25 Mar (NRa), an
unusually high number.
Grey Currawong S. versicolor 1 Barren Grounds NR 29 May & 12 Jun (ISBR); Recorded
at nine sites on South Coast Feb -Sep, more records than usual (ENHS).
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 101Paradise Riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus 1 Lower Bobo River 8 Jan (DP); AF Jerusalem
Creek, Dusodie 13 Jun (HBR).
Australian Raven Corvus coronoides 1 Evans Head 7 Oct (DSt), referred to NSWORAC.
Forest Raven C. tasmanicus Present Hyland SF 21-24 Mar & Wild Cattle Creek SF,
Cascade 25 Mar (SD); Suspected of being a predator of Little Tern eggs Sand
Island, in Wallis Lake, Forster (Rose 1994), present Wallingat, Seal Rocks and
Horse Point late Dec (HBR).
Little Raven C. mellori 4 Glenquarry 7 Mar (ISBR).
Skylark Alauda arvensis HC Killalea Swamp 9 Dec (PE); 1 Bermagui in Jul, present
Tilba Lake 16 Apr -10 Dec (ENHS).
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanorhampos Uncommon in the Macleay Valley being
recorded only at Richardsons Crossing, Yarravel and Turners Flat (ABi,KS).
Green Catbird Ailuroedus crassirostris 3 Staffords Farm, Illawarra SRA 13 Jan, 2
Austinmer 25 Aug (ISBR).
Regent Bowerbird Sericulus chrysocephalus Two flocks of 60 & 69 feeding in privet
Bryerfield 30 Aug (DS); 10+ Seal Rocks rainforest 27-31 Dec (TN); AM Peats
Ridge 12 May (RP), no previous records for this site; AM Portland Head Rd,
Sackville-Tizzana 16 Oct (KB).
Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus 2M Dungowan Dam 9 Jul (JH), western limit
of range.
Spotted Bowerbird Chlamydera maculata Only one bower being used Coombie HSD,
Roto in 1994, apparently due to drought (JHu).
Singing Bushlark Mirafrajavanica 3 Bakers Lagoon 15 Dec (BC), known Co. Cumberland
Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 3 Deniliquin 4 Oct (CG), within known range but not
often reported.
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Resident in the Upper Hunter Valley extending east to
Jerrys Plains and Arrowfield where 10+ pairs nested 10 Nov (HBR); Nesting
Penrith Lakes 5 Jul (BC), 45 Richmond Lanes 29 Jun -9 Jul (AB,IMc), 100+ Pitt
Town Lagoon 26 Jun (DK) & 11 Aug (BC); 38 Killalea Lagoon 24 Apr, 25+
Shellharbour 5 May & 4 Oct, 5 Albion Park south 28 Nov (KM, ISBR). Good
numbers for Hawkesbury Valley & Illawarra.
Double- barred Finch T. bichenovii 5 6km S of Mungo Brush, Myall Lakes NP 21 Apr,
observers first park record (DT); 10 Chiltern Rd, Ingleside 26 Jul (AF); 5 Potato
Point 9 Feb, Jul & Sep, 1+ Moruya 4 May (ENHS), most southerly coastal report
for 1994; 12+ Nevertire 23 Apr (HJ); 2 10km N of Griffith 4 Sep (JB).
Black -throated Finch Poephila cincta 4+ 70 Km N of Inverell Apr (SJ), 4 Bukkalla 11
Nov (WLe). Records referred to NSWORAC.
Plum -headed Finch Neochmia modesta 20+ 10km W of Emmaville 9 Jun (JCr); 30 Red
Rock Ck, Glen Davis 21 May (AB); 50+ Upper Horton 27 Jul (CC,JC); 12 Myall
Ck Delungra 8 Oct (MC); present Moore Creek, Tamworth Feb -Dec max 17
(GMi); 11 Coonabarabran Weir 6 Apr (JH); 6 N of Lake Cargellico 25 Sep
(CC,JC). Some new locations.
Red-browed Finch N. temporalis 15 Goonoo SF 20 Nov (JHo), western limit of range.
Beautiful Firetail Stagonopleura bella Present Barren Grounds NR max 17 on 29 May
and nesting 19 Feb (DT,ISBR), 2 Carrington Falls 20 Feb (KM); 1 Pambula 25
Jul (ENHS) & 1 Nethercote 25 Jul (BJ); 1 Haphill Ck, Blackheath 18 Feb, 1
102 June 1996Hazelbrook 2 Mar & 1 5km N of Linden 26 Jun (HJ), 1 E of Capertee 30 Apr
(JRu,NR), 1 Rockview HSD, Glen Davis 7 Aug (BP), these latter two records
confirms a north west range extension.
Diamond Firetail S. guttata 1 Yowrie 24 Mar (ENHS), only South Coast record; 2+ Timor
30 May & 2+ Widden Valley 17-18 Sep (HBR); Max 19 Back Yamma SF 1-19
Mar (JF,KT); 2 w of Balranald Weir 8 Sep (NSWBA).
Chestnut -breasted Mannikin Lonchura castaneothorax Regularly reported for the
Kooragang-Fullarton Cove area and a Shortland WC 8-9 Oct (HBR), 30 Tuggerah
STW 5 Jun (JC); 100+ Richmond Lanes 9 Jul (AB); 2M+7F Lake Inverell 8 Apr
(TBO 6/940), inland extension of range; Max 8 Oct -Dec Peel River, Tamworth
Nutmeg Mannikin L. punctulata 2A+ I J Kempsey 27 Feb & 4A+4J 18 Jul (ABi).
European Greenfinch C. chloris Present Centennial Park 22 Jan (ID), 8 Penryn Rd, Botany
19 Feb (DK). Apparently this species occupies a short and narrow corridor between
the two locations. The area consisting mainly of golf courses and wetlands.
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Recorded throughout the Hunter valley at
Mayfield, Ash Island, Metford, Ellalong and 2 Shortland WC 25 Mar (HBR,
DK); 1 Lake Wollumboola 31 Dec (GMi), present Moruya-Tilba Lake all year,
max 25 Tilba Lake 21 Jan (ENHS).
White -backed Swallow Cheramoeca leucosternum 2+J Yagobie 10 Nov (ABi), rare on
North Coast; 20 Ringwood 1 Apr and 2 Bulga 11 Sep (HBR); max 3 Glen Davis
8-21 May & 7 Jul (AB), 2 Howes Valley 11 Sep (DK); 2 Bingara 27 Jul & 2
Upper Horton (CC,JC); 2 8km N of Wellington 4 Jul, 3 Bunglegumbie STW 6
Jul (AB).
Tree Martin Cecropis nigricans Departure: Racecourse Swamp, Wyong 13 Mar (AM).
Arrival: Woodbury Pk, Wyong 12 Sep (AM).
Fairy Martin C. ariel Departure: Bicentennial Park 27 Mar (AB). Arrival: 6+ Stockton
Borehole Swamp 7 Aug (HBR) & Bicentennial Park (AB), 4 Tuggerah STW 19
Aug (AM).
Red -whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 1 Coffs Harbour 1 Feb (ABi); Nesting Fairlight
12 Nov (TOs).
Clamorous Reed- warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus Arrival: Tuggerah STW 4 Sep (AM).
Tawny Grassbird Megalurus timoriensis 1 Chittaway Point 30 Aug (TQ), 1 Seaham Swamp
25 Sep (JDu); 1 Metromix Swamp, Cronulla 30 Oct (NR,JRu).
Rufous Songlark Cinclorhamphus mathewsi 1 in garden South Kempsey 25 Sep -7 Oct
(KS), first record for Macleay Valley, 1 Casino 14 Oct (ABi); 1 Woodville early
Oct, then 2 on 15 Oct (HBR), rare Mid North Coast; 1 Kurri Kurri 13 Oct, 1
Fullarton Cove 1 Oct -15 Nov (HBR), 1 edge of Tuggerah Lake, Berkeley Vale
16 Oct (AM). Unusual coastal records caused by drought.
Brown Songlark C. cruralis Max 5 Euroka, Kempsey 1-3 Oct & 1 Kinchela 9 Oct (KS),
rarely recorded in Macleay Valley, M+2F Limeburners Creek NR 3 Oct (AM,KS);
1 Goodwin Is, Forster 15 Nov (DT); 1 edge of Budgewoi Lake 15 Oct & 1 Picnic
Pt, The Entrance 20 Nov (AM,DM); 1 Bakers Lagoon 13 Feb (AB) & 3 on 3
Nov -15 Dec (BC), 4 McGraths Hill STW 2 Oct (PWe), 1 Bicentennial Park,
Homebush 16 Oct (ID), ; 1 Jamberoo Valley & Shellharbour 30 Oct (RJo). Coastal
records reflect inland drought.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4
103Silvereye Zosterops lateralis 2 Coombie HSD, Roto 27 Aug, well west and north of
usual range (JHu).
Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata 1 Scheyville 24 Apr (KE), 1 killed and eaten by
immature Grey Butcherbird Sep (CBOC 10/94), 2 Hornsby 18 Nov (RM); 7 in
garden Mt Tomah 24 Sep (MCo).
European Blackbird Turdus merula 8 prs Polblue Swamp, Barrington Tops NP May (DGe);
AM Yarramalong 10 Feb (JC); 4 Widden Valley 4 Apr (HBR), new location;
AM Inverell Oct (JM), 1 Bendick Murrell SF 27 Mar (COG); AM Narrabri 14
Sep (DR), first district record; 2 HC Spring Hill, Cocoparra NP 15 May (PE),
first park record, usually only in orange orchards and gardens; 1 Pooncarie 19
Sep (NSWBA). Continues to spread throughout NSW.
Metallic Starling Aplonis metallica 2 Bowraville 4 Mar & 1 on 28 Sep (JSk), referred to
NSWORAC, see Morris 1996.
Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Flock of 80 birds, joined by 30 more at Pearl Beach
15 Nov (SZ), large number for area; 6 Goulburn 28 Jun (JHn), this is sigificant
because they have not previously been reported in Goulburn other than single
birds, although they have been present in Marulan for some time; max 10 Moree
since May (MRa), this is a long jump from the previous nearest NSW record at
Murrurundi (see 1989 Report) but there are closer records in southern Queensalnd.
Gould’s Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera The 1992/1993 breeding population was estimated
to be 1479 birds, a decline from 2004 in 1970, with the number of breeding pairs
determined to be about 220. There was a marginal increase in the breeding success
in 1992/93 due to management action undertaken to reduce mortality of breeding
adults and fledglings viz control of Pied Currawongs and removal of Pisonia
trees in the breeding colonies. (Priddel et al 1995).
Striated Heron Butorides striatus In the 1992 Report it was claimed that the record for 12
Aug at Wolli Creek was the first record for the reserve, in fact it was the second,
the first was on 7 May 1989 at Turella.
Osprey Pandion halietus The 1993 Report listed 28 nests in Macleay Valley, this should
have said 28 nesting pairs from Stuarts Point (north of Macleay River) to Old
Bar (south of Manning River). Overall there were 57+ nests in NSW in 1993
which compares with 10 nesting pairs in 1980 (Moffat 1996).
Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus The southern breeding limit in NSW is the Manning River,
during 1993 a single immature was encountered at Wallis Lake on 22 & 24 Oct
and an adult on 22 Nov & 8 Dec (AR).
Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos 2 on tidal edge of small island in Wallis Lake 24
Nov (AR).
Flock Bronzewing Phaps histrionica 40-60 Twelve Mile Ck, Sturt NP 12 Apr, 1 32 km E
of Tibooburra, 700+ Yancowinna Ck 10 Jun. For a summary of the 1992-93
invasion see McAllan 1996.
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii 5 5km E of Quambone 4 Sep (DJ).
Black -chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis 2 at Kulnura end of Ourimbah SF 16
Dec (MIL,RL). Recorded previously at same location on 15 Feb 1980 and 30 Mar
June 1996
1041990, and these records represent the only observations for the Central Coast
(Gosford & Wyong); 6+ Charcoal Tank NR 10 Apr (CCh), western edge of
Hall’s Babbler Pomatostomus halli Recorded in Mulga groves near Ledknapper Creek
Oct (Ayres 1995).
White -winged Chough Corcorax melanohampus 4 Deepwater Rd, Milperra 21 Sep (RBr),
not at Deep Creek, Narrabeen on 24 Sep.
Wandering Tattler Heteroscelus incanus 1 5-12 Mar (Wingspan 14,3).
White-browed Woodswallow Artamus superciliosus 2 near Transit Hill feeding on
grasshoppers 10 Dec (KBa).
Masked Woodswallow A. personatus 2 with above 10 Dec (KBa).
Ayres, D. 1995, Endangered Fauna of Western New South Wales, NPWS, Sydney.
Baker, G.B., Dettmann E.B., Scotney, B.T., Hardy, L.J. & Drynan DAD. 1995, Report on the Australian
Bird and Bat Banding Scheme, 1984-95, AB&BBS, Aust. Nat. Cons. Agency, Canberra.
Brandis C.C.P., Chafer C.J. & Smith L.E. 1992, “Seabirds Recorded off Wollongong, New South Wales
1884-1990″, Aust. Birdwatcher 14, 165-179.
Bounds, J. 1994, “Painted Honeyeaters at Jindalee State Forest near Wallendbeen NSW, and their status in the
Canberra Region”, Canberra Bird Notes 20, 53-57.
Chafer C.J. 1995, The Foraging Ecology of Sooty Oystercatcher on Rocky Intertidal Shores, Thesis, University
of Wollongong.
Christidis L. & Boles W.E. 1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds ofA ustralia and its Territories, RAOU
Monograph No.2 Melbourne.
Chafer, C.J. 1995, Illawarra-Shoalhaven Ornithological Regions Report for 1994, IBOC, Wollongong.
Conole, Baverstock G.A & Holmes G. 1995, “Southern Breeding Records of the White -eared Monarch
Monarcha leucotis”, Sunbird 25, 60-62.
Corben,C. & Roberts G. 1993, “Some recent records of the Plumed Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus plumiferus”,
Sunbird 23, 61-72.
Cooper, R.M. & McAllan I.A.W. 1995, The Birds of Western New South Wales: A Prelimary Atlas, NSW Bird
Atlassers Inc., Albury.
Day, G & Evison, S. 1996, “Observations on the Square -tailed Kite in the Shoalhaven District”, Aust. Birds
29, 40-43.
Debus, S.J.S. & Rose, AB. 1994, “The Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae in New South Wales, Aust.
Birds, 28, 22-40 Supplement.
Ellis, M 1994, Report on Biodiversity surveys in Western NSW, NPWS Broken Hill.
Evison, S. & Daly G. 1995, “Do White -throated Nightjars Eurostopodus mystacalis (Caprimulgidae) Make
Scrapes for Their Egg Sites?”, Aust. Birdwatcher 16, 165-166.
Gibson,J.D. 1989, The Birds of the County of Camden (Including the Illawarra Region), IBOC, Wollongong.
Gosper, D.G. 1995, “Notes on the activities of Ground Parrots”, Aust. Birds 28, 57-64.
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 105Gosper, D.G. & Gosper, C.R. 1996, “Seasonal Status of Kingfishers Todiramphus spp in northern
NSW”, Aust Birds 29, 33-39.
Hindwood K.A. & McGill A.R. 1958, The Birds of Sydney, Roy. Zool. Soc, Sydney.
Hoskin, E.S. 1991, The Birds of Sydney, Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton.
Jones. B. 1995, “Breeding Birds at Wallagoot Lake”, Aust. Birds 29, 10-12
Kavanagh, R.P., Debus S.J.S., Rose, A.B. & Turner R.J. 1995, “Diet and Habitat of the Barking Owl
Ninox connivens in New South Wales”, Aust. Birdwatcher 16, 137-145.
McAllan, I.A.W. 1995, “Southern Records of the Plumed Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus plumiferus”, Aust.
Birdwatcher 16, 43-44.
McAllan, I.A.W. 1996, “The Flock Pigeon Phaps histrionica in New South Wales, with comments on i t s
biology”, Aust. Birdwatcher 16, 175-204.
Moffat, R. 1996, Species Plan of Management, Annual Reports for 1993, 1994 & 1995 for the Osprey Pandion
haliaetus, NPWS Lismore District Report.
Morris, A.K. 1975, “The Birds of Gosford, Wyong and Newcastle (County of Northumberland)”, Aust. Birds
9, 37-76.
Morris, A.K. 1996, “Rare Birds in New South Wales 1994”, Aust. Birds 30, in press.
Morris, AK., Tyler, V., Tyler. M., Mannes H. & Dalby J. 1990, “Waterbird Survey of Parramatta River
wetlands, Sydney, New South Wales”, Aust. Birds 23, 44-64.
Morris A.K. & Burton A 1994, “1992 New South Wales Annual Bird Report”, Aust. Birds 27, 97-139.
Morris AK. & Burton A. 1995, “1993 New South Wales Annual Bird Report”, Aust. Birds 28, 81-128.
Priddel, D., Carlile, N., Davies, A & Fullagar P. 1995, “The Status of Gould’s Petrel Pterodroma
leucoptera leucoptera on Cabbage Tree Island, New South Wales”, Wildl. Res. 22, 601-10.
Rose, AB. 1994, “Predation of Little Terns by Whimbrels”, Aust. Birds 28, 1-4.
Smith, P. 1995, Management of the Little Tern Sterna albifrons in New South Wales: Report on 1993/94
and 1994/95 Breeding Season, P & J. Smith Ecological Consultants, Blaxland NSW.
Smith, P. 1995, “The Little Tern Sterna albifrons in Eurobodalla Shire”, Nature in Eurobodalla No. 9.
Smith, P.J., Smith J.E., Pressey, R.L. & Whish G.L. 1995, Birds of Particular Conservation Concern in the
Western Division: Distributions, Habitats and Threats, NSW NPWS, Sydney.
Stewart D.A. & A.J. 1994, “Notes on the Bush -hen breeding in New South Wales”, Sunbird 24, 1-5.
Stuart, AD. 1995, Hunter Region ofN ew South Wales Annual Bird Report No 2 1994, Hunter Bird Observers
Club, Newcastle.
Tottenham, B. 1995, “4WD Impact on Pied Oystercatchers in Northern NSW”, The Tattler 3, 5-6.
Whitier, J. (Compiler).1995, Nature in Eurobodalla Number 9 (1994), Eurobodalla Nat. Hist. Soc., Moruya
June 1996
Index of Observers
AA Tony Ashby CS C. Scouler FV Fred Van Gessell
AB Andrew Burton CSe Col Sellars GB G. Bickley
ABe Allan Benson CSh C. Shinton GBa Graham Barwell
AB g A. Biggs CW C. Wilder GBn G. Banks
AB Tony Bischoff CWa C. Watts GC Greg Clancy
ABt A. Bartos DA Debbie Andrew GD G. Duane
AC Athol Colemane DBe D. Bell GDk G. Dark
AF Allan Foster DC David Charley GF G. Fry
AFi A. Filmer DE D. Eldrige GH Gerry Hopkins
AK D. Kelly DG Dennis Gosper GLC Gould League Camp
AL Andrew Ley DGe D. Geering GM G. McCarthey
ALe A. Leishman DH Dion Hobcrofl GMi G. Mitchell
ALi A. Lindsey DHa David Hair GN Gavin Newton
AM Alan Morris DJ David Johnston GNe G. Newling
AMb A. McBride DJo Dallas Johnson GOc G.O’Connor
AR A.B. (Tony) Rose DK D. Koffel GP G. Piper
ARi Allan Richards DL D. Larkins GR Greville Reidy
ARo A.E.F. Rogers Dlo Dianna Lock GS G. Stevens
ASt A. Stewart DLw Denise Lowe GTh G. Thompson
BB B. Brown DM David Macarthey GW Gordon Walker
BC Bruce Cox DO Damon Oliver HF Hugh Ford
BBb Bill DeBelin DOb Danny O’Brien HH H. Hines
BDo B. Downer DP David Page HJ Hugh Jones
BH Barbara Harvey DPE D. Pepper -Edwards HM H. Mannes
BJ Barbara Jones DPr D. Pridell HP H. Pittar
BL B. Lindermayer DPt D. Potter ID Irene Denton
BM B. Mannes DR .Del Richards IH I. Harpley
BMo Bev Morgan DS David Secomb IJ Ian Johnson
BO B. Oehlmann DSa David Sawyer IMc I. McAllan
BP Barry Pascoe DSt David Stewart JB John Brickhill
BPo B. Popple DT D. Turner JBa J. Baverstock
BS Betty Stokes DTh D. Thompson JBo J. Bounds
BSa B. Salt DWr Dianna Wright JBy J. Brierly
BV Barry Virtue EB E. Blackburn JC John Carpenter
CBr Chris Brandis ED Ern Dunkerly JCa J. Cahill
CC C. Carpenter EE E. Eakins JCr J. Crofts
CCh Chris Chafer EH E. Herbert JDh John DeHeaume
CD Chris Doughty EHo Ernie Hoskin JDi Jim Dixon
CG Chris Gladwin EK Elizabeth Karplus JDu John Duranti
CR Carl Ross EV Edwin Vella JDW J. DeWitt
CRe C. Renfrew EW Eric Wheeler JE Jacky Evison
CRy C. Ryan EWa E. Warren JF Jim Francis
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4 107JFo Judy Forgan LSm Lola Smith PLe P. Lee
JH Jean Harris LW L. Williams PM Phillip Maher
JHa Jeff Hardy MA Marc Anderson PMe Peter Mackie
JHn J. Hone MB M. Briggs PP P. Phillips
JHo J. Hosking MBn M. Branch PR Peter Roberts
JHu Janet Houghton MC Marj Cochrane PRa P. Ramm
JL J. Love MC a Maureen Carey PRy P. Jackson -Ryan
JM J. Makepeace MCI Mark Clayton PS Phil Straw
JMa Jenny Madeline MCo Miriam Cort PVI P.Van de Linde
JMe J. McEnally MD M. Denny PW P. Williamson
JMg J. McGregor ME Mary Eskdale RA Reg Angus
JMi J. Miller MF Mark Fitzgerald RB R. Buckland
JMI J. McLennan MH M. Hunter RBe Robin Benson
JMt J. Mitchell MHu M. Hudson RBr R. Bradley
JMy J. Moylan ML Marie Langdown RBu R. Burkett
JP Joy Pegler MM Michael Maher RC R.M. Cooper
JPa J. Parker MP M. Pridmore RCI R. Clarke
JR J.G. Reidy MPo M. Pointer RCo R. Coveny
JRo Jim Robinson MR M. Reidy RD R. Dallimore
JRu J. Russill MRa M. Rakhan RF R. Furster-Levy
JSe John Seale MRf M. Rofe RH R.E. Hartley
JSk J. Skinner MRo M. Ronan RHa R. Handy
JSp J. Sprott MS Malcom Stokes RI Ron Imisides
JSt J. Stevenson MSe M. Sempken RJ Ray Jones
JT J. Thomson MT M. Tink RJo R. Jordan
JWa James Watson NB N. Bardsley RL Bob Langdown
JWe J. Webster NJ Noela Jones RM Bob Moffatt
JWi J. Witt NK Norman Kurtz RMa Richard Mason
JWI J. Wiles NKi N. Kirby RMg R. McGovern
JWy J. Wiley NMa N. Martin RMo R. Morrow
KB Keith Brandwood NP N. Paul RMu R. Murray
KBa K. Bassett NR Neil Russill RN R. Newton
KE Keith Egan NRa Neil Rankin RNa R. Nagle
KH Keith Hutton NS N. Schrader ROr R. O’Brien
KL Kay Lloyd NSt N. Stephensen RP Robert Payne
KM Kevin Mills NSw N. Swanson RT Dick Turner
KMc K. McCulloch PB P. Burcher SA Sasha Adin
KS K. Shingleton PBe Peter Bergman SAs S. Anyon-Smith
KT K. Tagi PC P. Charbonneau SAs S. Anyon-Smith
KW K. A. Wood PD Pat Dunkerly SD Stephen Dehus
LB Laurie Bartlett PDa Peter Davie SE Stephen Edwards
LC o L. Conole PDb P. Drake -Brockman SF Stuart Fairbaim
LD L. Davis PE Peter Ewin SH Sue Hamonet
LH Lauris Hopkins PH Phillip Hansbro SHe S. Henke
LJ L Johnson PHo P. Holland SJ S. Johnson
LS L.E. Smith PL P. Lightfoot SL S.G.Lane
108 June 1996SSa Sandy Sansom TS Tony Saunders
ST S. Tremont VC Val Cooper
TK Tom Karplus VM V. Moult
TKy Tom Kelsey WB Wilma Barden
TL T. Lindsey WE Wal Emery
Tlo T. Longworth WEm W. Emerton
TMo Tim Morris WF W. Filewood
TN T. Nixon WK Wayne King
TOs T. O’Shea WL W. Lawler
TP Tony Palliser WLe W. Leach
TPo Tom Poynton WS Warren Sweeny
TQ Trevor Quested
Reported Location Region Co-ordinates
Lat Lon
Aberdeen H 32 10 150 54 Bombala ST 36 54 149 14
Ana Branch, Wentworth LW 34 05 141 4 Bonville NR 30 26 153 03
Armidale SF NT 30 25 151 37 Booligal HSD, Booligal R 33 52 144 52
Ardlethan R 34 23 146 53 Boorowa SWS 34 27 148 44
Ash Island, Hunter R. H 32 52 151 43 Booti Booti NP MNC 32 30 152 32
Avoca Beach H 33 26 151 32 Bowraville NR 30 38 152 53
Bantry Bay S 33 48 151 13 Boyds Bay, Tweed River NR 28 12 153 32
Baradine NWP 30 57 149 04 Bredbo ST 35 58 149 09
Barren Grounds NR I 34 41 150 43 Breakfast Ck, Rylstone CT 32 41 150 01
Bateau Bay H 33 23 151 28 Broadwater SF (Eden) SC 37 03 149 54
Bayview S 33 40 151 18 Buddah Lake, Trangie CWP 32 04 148 07
Beardy Waters,Glen limes NT 29 45 151 47 Budgewoi Lake H 33 15 151 32
Bellambi, offshore I 34 20 151 00 Bukkalla NWS 29 30 151 10
Belmore Swamp, Kempsey NR 31 05 152 55 Bulli Pass I 34 19 150 55
Belmore HSD, Wentworth LW 33 35 141 15 Bunganbil, Narrandera R 34 26 146 42
Bendick Murrell SF SWS 34 10 147 57 Burra, Coolac SWS 34 58 147 59
Bensville H 33 30 151 12 Buronga LW 34 10 142 11
Berida HSD, Gilgandra CWS 31 40 148 27 Burtundy HSD,
Berkeley I 34 29 150 52 Wentworth LW 33 45 142 15
Berkeley Vale H 33 21 151 27 Bushells Lagoon S 33 48 151 48
Berowra Heights S 33 38 151 08 Byron Bay STW NR 28 38 153 45
Bicentennial Park, Cal Lal, Wentworth LW 34 05 141 05
Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05 Cambewarra Mtn, Nowra I 34 47 150 35
Bilpin CT 33 28 150 29 Cambridge Plateau,
Binalong SWS 34 40 148 38 Richmond Range SF NR 28 28 152 42
Bingara NWS 29 55 150 35 Carrathool R 34 24 145 57
Bingie Point SC 36 01 150 09 Morton NP I 34 48 150 40
Bogan Downs HSD, Cathedral Rocks NP NT 30 20 152 15
Coolabah CWP 30 45 146 55 Charcoal Tank NR SWS 33 53 147 02
Australian Birds Vol.29 No.4
109Charlestown H 32 58 151 42 Garrigal NP S 33 43 151 14
Chiswick S 33 50 151 07 Gerroa 33 47 150 49
Christies Ck, Gilgandra Flora Reserve CWS 31 48 148 48
Hastings Point NR 28 23 153 33 Gilgai Tank, SE Cobar CWP 31 48 146 38
Clarence Pk,Yuraygir NP NR 29 35 153 17 Gilgurry SF, Tenterfield NT 28 42 152 13
Clyde River SF SC 35 25 150 15 Girard SF, Tenterfield NT 28 57 152 17
Coffs Harbour NR 30 18 153 08 Girrakool,
Collector ST 34 56 149 26 Brisbane Waters NP 33 21 151 16
Condobolin CWP 33 05 147 05 Glen Davis CT 33 07 150 17
Comerong Island I 34 53 150 44 Glossodia CT 33 33 150 47
Cook Island NR NR 28 10 153 35 Gloucester Bucketts Range MNC 32 01 151 56
Congo Pt, Moruya SC 35 57 150 12 Gloucester Tops MNC 32 05 151 30
Coomaditchy Lagoon 34 44 15-0 51 Grays Point S 34 04 151 06
Coomba Park, Tuncuny MNC 32 09 152 28 Gampung Lake LW 33 25 143 05
Coonabarabran Weir NWP 31 16 149 18 Gogeldrie Weir R 34 38 146 15
Coonoor TSR, Bundarra NT 30 17 150 47 Goobang NP, Parkes CWS 33 05 148 28
Coopers Ck, Maroota S 33 28 150 48 Goonoo SF CWS 32 05 148 50
Copeland SF MNC 32 00 151 50 Grafton NR 29 46 152 55
Coraki NR 28 59 153 17 Green Cape, Ben Boyd NP SC 37 24 150 03
Cowan Water, Griffith R 34 17 146 03
Ku-ring-gai Chase NP S 33 37 151 37 Hallidays Point MNC 32 04 152 33
Cowans Ponds, Grafton NR 29 43 152 55 Harparary,
Cowra CT 33 50 148 41 10km NE Baan Baa NWP 30 32 150 51
Crows Nest S 33 51 151 12 Harrington MNC 31 53 152 41
Cudgera Ck, Pottsville NR 28 23 153 33 Hazelbrook CT 33 44 150 26
Cudmirrah SC 35 13 150 32 Hawks Nest MNC 32 35 152 10
Cundletown MNC 31 53 152 33 Hay R 34 40 144 50
Currajong SF SWS 34 35 147 20 Holdsworthy Rifle Range S 33 59 150 58
Darkey Ck, Milbrodale H 32 46 150 55 Homebush Bay S 33 50 151 05
Darkwood NR 30 26 152 38 H oskinstown ST 35 25 149 26
Dart Is, Clarence R. NR 29 25 152 18 Horse Point, Smiths Lake MNC 32 23 152 30
Dead Horse Lgn, Bourke UW 30 08 145 48 Humewood, Campbelltown S 34 08 150 47
Dee Why Lagoon S 33 46 151 18 Hungerford Hill,Pokolbin H 32 48 151 18
Deniliquin R 35 32 144 58 Hyland SF, Hemani NR 30 15 152 25
Dorrigo NP NR 30 19 153 42 Iluka NR 29 24 153 22
Dungowan Dam, Illawarra SRA 34 27 150 45
50km SE Tamworth NWS 31 24 151 21 Indian Head NR 31 45 152 45
Dry Plains HSD, Cooma ST 36 18 149 20 Ingleside S 33 41 151 15
Eden SC 37 04 149 54 Isaacs Ridge, Queanbeyan ST 35 21 149 15
Emmaville NT 29 28 151 00 Jerilderie R 35 22 145 42
Eumungerie CWS 31 57 148 37 Jerseyville NR 30 55 153 05
Eugowra CT 33 27 148 22 Jindalee SF SWS 34 32 148 03
Euroka, West Kempsey NR 31 05 152 48 Junee STW SWS 34 55 147 35
Eurunderee Lake, Kallateenee NR 31 05 152 45
Myall Lakes NP MNC 32 30 152 22 Kangaroo Pt,Sussex Inlet SC 35 08 150 35
Faulconbridge CT 33 42 150 34 Katandra SR, Matcham H 33 24 151 23
Failford MNC 32 05 152 27 Keiraville 34 20 150 53
Fairlight S 33 49 151 18 Kiama 34 41 150 51
Femtree Gully Res. Killalea Lagoon & SRA 34 37 150 52
Rylstone CT 32 38 150 01 Kinchega NP LW 32 29 142 21
Galston S 33 35 151 05 Kindarun H 32 55 150 43
110 June 1996Kiola SF SC 35 35 150 20 Morton NP (20 km W Nowra)SC 34 52 150 20
Kookabookra NT 30 02 152 02 Mulbring 32 55 151 28
Koona Bay,Lake Illawarra 34 34 150 47 M ungery C WP 32 25 147 55
Koonawarra Bay, Munghom Gap NR, Wollar CT 32 23 149 50
Lake Illawarra 34 31 150 48 Mungo Brush, Myall Lakes MNC 32 43 152 18
Koong-burry Bay, Munmorah SRA 33 12 151 38
Lake Illawarra 34 29 150 49 Nadgee NR SC 37 29 149 58
Krambach MNC 32 03 152 16 Narrabri NWP 30 20 149 47
Lake Bathurst ST 35 04 149 43 Narromine CWP 32 14 148 15
Lake Conjola SC 35 15 150 27 Nevertire CWP 31 50 147 43
Lake Cowal SWS 33 35 147 25 Norah Head H 33 17 151 35
Lake Goran NWS 30 18 150 12 North Haven MNC 31 38 152 48
Lake Wollumboola SC 35 00 150 46 North Port Kembla 34 27 150 53
Lake Wooloweyah NR 29 30 153 20 Old Harbour Lagoon,
Lane Cove NP S 33 45 151 08 Eumungerie CWS 31 56 148 46
Lansdowne MNC 31 47 152 32 Old Koreelah NR 28 24 152 26
Lemon Tree H 33 08 151 22 Orama, Thora NR 30 25 152 41
Lidsdale CT 33 24 150 05 Orient Pt, Wollongong 34 26 150 53
Limebumers Creek NR NR 31 25 152 55 Ourimbah H 33 23 151 03
Little Llangothlin Lagoon NT 30 51 151 47 Paddys Dam, Goonoo SF CWS 31 58 148 56
Lobster Bch, Bouddi NP H 33 23 151 22 Palmgrove H 33 20 151 19
Lockhart SWS 35 13 146 44 Parkes CWS 33 08 148 10
Longneck Lgn,Pitt Town S 33 35 151 52 Peak Hill CWP 32 44 148 10
Long Jetty H 33 21 151 29 Peacock Ck,
Long Reef S 33 45 151 19 Richmond Range SF NR 28 40 152 45
Lower Gum Swamp, BooligalR 33 52 144 53 Pearl Beach H 33 33 151 18
Macksville NR 30 42 152 56 Peel River, Tamworth NWS 31 05 150 56
Maclean NR 29 28 153 19 Pelican Island,
McGraths Hill STW 30 38 150 49 Booti Booti NP MNC 32 19 152 31
Macquarie Marshes NR nth CWP 30 50 147 29 Penrith S 33 46 150 42
Macquarie Marshes NR sth CWP 31 10 147 30 Pennant Hills S 33 45 151 03
Micalo Island,Clarence R NR 29 28 153 19 Pitt Town Lagoon S 33 36 150 50
McGuires Crossing NR 31 05 152 55* Point Piper S 33 52 151 15
Maules Ck, Narrabri NWP 30 32 150 17 Port Macquarie NR 31 27 152 55
Menindee LW 32 23 142 25 Powells Lagoon, Richmond S 33 38 151 47
Merriwagga R 33 49 145 41 Quipolly Dam NWS 31 25 150 42
Millbank NR 30 55 152 35* Quandong LW 32 05 141 55
Minnamurra Falls, Racecourse Swamp, WyongH 33 17 151 26
Budderoo NP 34 38 150 43 Raymond Terrace 32 15 151 47
Mitchell Park, Cattai S 33 35 151 53 Red Rock NR 29 59 153 14
Moonee NR 30 12 153 19 Revesby 33 58 151 01
Moonpar SF, Dorrigo NR 30 30 152 40 Rockview HSD, Glen DavisCT 33 08 150 07
Moore Creek, Tamworth NWS 31 01 150 58 Rocky Ponds,
Morris Swamp, Balldale SWS 35 51 146 35 Brisbane Water NP H 33 32 151 14
Mount Annan Bot. Gardens S 34 03 150 46 Quamby Tank, Pooncarie LW 33 25 142 15
Mount Banks CT 33 33 150 23 St Albans Common H 33 18 150 58
Mount Boss SF MNC 31 13 152 22 Saloon Tank, Fowlers Gap UW 31 05 141 50
Mount Browne NR 30 17 152 01 Sandon River NR 29 41 153 20
Mount Hope LW 32 50 145 52 Sandy Camp HSD,
Mount Wilson CT 33 31 150 23 Quambone CWP 30 52 147 44
Mount Wood, Sturt NP UW 29 29 142 13 Sand Island, Wallis Lake MNC 32 11 152 31
Australian Birds Vol .29 No.4 111Scheyville S 33 38 150 54 Wellington CWS 32 35 148 55
Shell Pt, Botany Bay S 34 02 151 08 West Gosford H 33 26 151 19
Shellharbour 34 35 150 52 Wilberforce CT 33 33 150 50
Sherwood NR 31 05 152 45 Willencorah HSD, Willi CWP 30 55 147 31
Soldiers Bch, Norah headH 33 18 151 34 Wild Cattle Creek SF,
Spring Ck Resevoir,Orange CT 33 20 149 07 Cascade NR 30 13 152 44
Stannix Park 33 31 150 51 Windang 34 32 150 52
Stannum NT 29 19 151 50 Woko NP MNC 31 50 151 52
Stockton Ck, Dora Creek H 33 07 151 27 Wolli Ck Res, Turella S 33 56 151 08
Summer Is, Macleay River NR 30 55 153 05* Wollumbin NR 28 24 153 19
Sutton, Macleay Valley NR 35 15 149 15* Woodenbong NR 28 23 152 37
Tallanganda SF, Woodford Island,
35km E Bredbo ST 35 58 149 30 Clarence R. NR 29 30 153 10
Tangaratta Ck, Tamworth NWS 31 03 150 50 Woolgoolga Flora Reserve NR 30 07 153 12
Tareena HSD, Wentworth LW 33 35 141 15* Wyoming 33 25 151 20
Tathra Talia HSD, Wyrrabalong Trig 33 25 151 28
Mangrove Mountain 33 18 151 11 Y agobie NR 29 35 150 15
Terara, near Nowra 34 53 150 37 Yallah Bay,Lake Illawarra I 34 33 150 48
Terrey Hills 33 42 151 14 Yalwal 34 55 150 23
The Entrance 33 21 151 30 Yancowinna Creek UW 31 51 141 55
Thurn HSD, Quambone CWP 30 52 148 00 Yargunyah HSD, Quambone CWP 31 04 147 53
Tichborne CWP 33 13 148 07 Yarramalong 33 14 151 17
Tilba Lake SC 36 18 150 07 Yellangalo HSD,
Tom Bullen Swamp, 12km SW Gunning SWS 34 57 149 07
Darlington Point 34 35 146 05 Yengo NP, Simpson Track H 33 06 151 06
Towra Point NR 34 01 151 09 Yessabah NR 31 05 152 35
Tuggerah 33 18 151 26 Yurramie SF, 36 34 149 46
Tullimba HSD, Torrybum NT 30 27 151 13
Tullymorgan NR 29 23 153 07 Key to Regions:
Tumbi Umbi 33 22 151 27 CT Central Tablelands CWP Central West
Tuntable Creek NR 28 38 153 18 Plains
Tuross Heads SC 36 05 150 08 CWS Central West Slopes H Hunter
Tweed Heads I Illawarra LW Lower Western
Golf Course NR 28 13 153 33 MNC Mid -north Coast NR Northern Rivers
Twelve Mile Ck, Sturt NP UW 29 21 141 03
Umina 33 31 151 13 NT Northern Tablelands NWP North West Plains
Upper Horton NWS 30 08 150 26
Violet Hill, NWS North West Slopes R Riverina
Myall Lakes NP MNC 32 28 152 19
Wahroonga 33 43 151 07 S Sydney SC South Coast
Walcha NT 30 59 151 35
Walla Walla SWS 35 44 146 55 ST Southern Tablelands SWS South West
Wallis Is, Wallis Lake MNC 32 12 152 28 Slopes
Wamberal Lagoon 33 26 151 26 UW Upper Western
Warangi HSD,Glen Alice CT 33 03 150 10
Warrabah NP NT 30 35 150 53
Warren CWP 31 44 147 43
Warkworth 32 35 151 02
Wattle Grove HSD,
Rylstone CT
Wellingrove NWS 29 35 151 35*
June 1996
112Advice to contributors
Manuscripts should be typed with double spacing and wide margins at top and sides, and submitted
initially as an original and two duplicates. Tables and figures must be in the form of reproducable
hard copy, having due regard to the journal page size and format. If extensive re -typing or
drafting is required publication may be delayed or prevented. Photographs should be submitted
as glossy black and white prints of size and contrast suitable for reproduction.
Upon acceptance, it is most helpful if the final manuscripts of substantial articles can be
submittes in word processor format. The editor will advise details of acceptable formats.
Contributions are considered on the understanding that they are not being offered for publication
Authors are advised to consult a current issue of Australian Birds as a guide to style and
punctuation, which conform in general to the Commonwealth Style Manual.
Spelling follows the Macquarie Dictionary. In particular:
dates are written ‘January 1990’, but may be abbreviated in tables and figures;
the 24 hour clock is used with Eastern Standard Time, e.g.
0630 for 6.30 am and 1830 for 6.30 pm. Daylight Saving time should
be corrected to EST;
in the text, single -digit numbers are spelt out; 10 000 and larger numbers are
printed with a space (not a comma) separating the thousands;
English names of bird species (but not group names) are written with an initial capital
for each separate word.
Scientific names of bird species and their classification should follow Cristidis & Boles
1994, The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and its Territories,
RAOU Monograph 2.
References to books appear in the form
Marchant, S. & Higgins,P.J.(eds) 1990, Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic
Birds, Vol. 1, OUP, Melbourne.
and to journals as
Morris, AK., Tyler, V., Tyler, M., Mannes, H.& Dalby, J.1990, ‘A Waterbird survey of the
Parramatter River wetlands, Sydney’, Aust Birds, 23:3, pp, 44-64
These are cited in the text as Marchant & Higgins (1990) or (Morris et al. 1990),respectively.Volume 29 No. 4 AUSTRALIAN BIRDS June 1996
Editorial 61
Square -tailed Kite: A correction 62
Morris.A.K. & Burton A. New South Wales Annual Bird Report 1994 63