Vol. 4 No. 3-text

PDF version available here: Vol. 4 No. 3

Price 25c
Published by the Gould League Birdwatchers.
Vol. 4 No. 3
1st January, 1970.
Patron: ALEC H. CHISHOLM 0.B.E., F.R.Z.S.
10 Loquat Valley Road, Bayview.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Lola Smith,
84 Arabella St.,
Hon. Assistant Secretary: R. Cooke,
111 Maroubra Rd., Maroubra.
Field -day Organiser: G. Dibley,
18 Russell St., Oatley.
Observations Committee: K.A. HINDWOOD and A.R. McGILL
Photographic Adviser: NORMAN CHAFFER
Art Adviser: E.S. HOSKIN
Annual Subscription – due 1st July each year.
Single Member – $1.50; Junior Member – $1.00; Family – $2.00.
Mr. Haines asked to be relieved of the Secretary -treasurer
duties and I have taken over from him. Mr. Haines has given
a lot of time and effort to the Club since its beginning and
continues to do so as Editor of “Birds” and I would like to
put on record, the appreciation and thanks of Members, for his
work. Mr. Bob Cooke will continue to give valuable help as
Assistant Secretary.
Because of our delicate financial position, Mr. Haines
had to reduce the printing of “Birds” from bi-monthly to
quarterly, this year. We need to have a financial membership
of at least 200 to publish more frequently, so it is up to you
more Members – more “Birds”, so please advertise the Club to
any interested group you might know. Our field days are
especially helpful to beginners and very pleasant for everyone.
I would welcome any comments – criticisms or suggestionsBIRDS – 20 – January 1, 1970
from Members, so please get in touch with me by ‘phone,
42-2418 or by letter and let Mr. Haines have all of your
interesting observations. There may not be room for all
of them but I would like to see more Member’s names in
“Birds°. When we are registered as a periodical and it
should not be long now, we will be able to increase the
size and contents of “Birds”.
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
For articles to “Birds” write :-
The Editor,
Gould League Birdwatchers,
Mr. L. Courtney Haines,
10 Loquat Valley Road,
BAYVIEW. N.S.W. 2104.
For Membership fees and New Members write :-
The Hon. Secretary and Treasurer,
Mrs. L. Smith,
84 Arabella Street,
For Change of Address, complaints and appraisals, write :-
The Assistant Secretary,
Mr. R. Cooke,
111 Maroubra Road,
MAROUBRA. N.S.W. 2035.
In the article — “Early Notes on the Bird Life of the
Royal National Park”, by Arnold R. McGill, page 8, 15th line,
the word “Accidental” is printed and this should read
“Occidental” as it was originally printed. The Latin
abbreviation “sic!” in inverted commas means “so it
stands in the original”. Also, on the sane page,BIRDS – 21 – January 1, 1970
lines 23 and 24, it is written – “such as the … Fuscous,
White -plumed and Scarlet”, and this should read Fuscous,
Scarlet and White -plumed, as the words “first -mentioned two”,
one line later, refers to the Fuscous and Scarlet honeyeaters.
It is necessary to emphasize that the White -plumed Honeyeater,
now so common in many areas near Sydney, was practically
unknown near there in the 1930s and could hardly occur in
“thousands” as was quoted.
A.R. McGILL, Arncliffe, N.S.W.
Miss Noela Kirkwood of Mosman has recently returned from
a bird -watching holiday to Lord Howe Island. Miss Kirkwood
was fortunate to meet on the Island, Messrs. Smithers and Disney,
both from the Australian Museum and they were able to assist
with identification.
The following is a list of the birds observed :-
Green -winged Pigeon Turnstone
Fleshy -footed Shearwater Greenshank
Little Shearwater Whimbrel
White Tern Bar -tailed Godwit
Sooty Tern Golden Plover
Noddy White-faced Heron
Grey Noddy Masket Gannet
White -capped Noddy Sacred Kingfisher
Red-tailed Tropic Bird Blackbird (English)
Magpie -Lark
Golden Whistler
Woodhen, (found only on Mt. Gower).
An Abnormal Tawny-Frogmouth.
On 27th September, 1969 at Bayview, N.S.W. I found nearBIRDS – 22 – January 1, 1970
a lane -way of She Oakes bordering the bay, a freshly dead
Tawny Frogmouth. When examining the bird I noticed that
the left foot possessed an extra toe, small in size, which
had branched off from the outer toe. The other foot was
quite normal.
I presented the bird to the Australian Museum and it
has now been stuffed and lodged in the cabinet collections.
Rare Parrot Observed at Pymble, N.S.
Miss Stenhouse of .Best Pymble writes: –
“On 5th December, 1969 two Red -wing Parrots (a male and
female) were observed eating the seeds from the green seed
pods of Acacia saligna. The tree is on our property on a
gully of the Lane Cove at West Pymble.
A close observation was made and the birds were seen
to be in full plumage of brilliant colouring. They
remained in the vicinity all the afternoon, but were
eventually chased away by Magpie -Larks and Red Wattle -Birds.
Our English member, Elsie Worthington looks forward
to receiving our bulletin. Living in Blackpool and not
far from the sea -shore, Mrs. Worthington is able to keep
a strict watch ‘on the migratory waders.
It would be interesting to know what waders she
records near her home in a single season!
A short article published in “The Sun”, 27th November, 1969
is of interest –
London, Thursday. – Hundreds of ornithologists flocked to
Great Yarmouth, East England, yesterday to see one of the
rarest of wild birds – and found it had been killed by a
The bird, a cream -coloured courser from North Africa,BIRDS – 23 – January 1, 1970
had flown north instead of south and became only the fourth of
its type seen in Britain.
But a cat found it first on the farm where it was sighted.
And yesterday naturalists said the bird’s body was too
badly mauled even for stuffing.”
The following note is an extract from the September -October
“News Bulletin”, a Staff publication of the Australian Museum,
Sydney. –
“John Disney, while on holiday with his family up the north
coast, learnt from his cousin in Coffs Harbour, that a large
black albatross had been caught a few miles north. On invest-
igation this proved to be a Giant Petrel, which came ashore
after the recent heavy gales. It had been banded as a nestling
in February -March in the South Orkneys by the British. An
attempt was made to feed it and get it fit, but it suddenly died.
The finder, Mr. Ron Mortimer of Emerald Beach, kindly put it in
a deep freeze and forwarded it to the Museum. It must be
one of the few Giant Petrels of known age in Museum collections.”
Notes on Field to the Bulli Pass Natural Park
The excursion to the Bulli Pass on Saturday 22nd November
was led by Peter Roberts and attended by approximately 30 members.
The day was warm and sunny, a fact which no doubt contributed
to its success. It was pleasing to see how well the rain forest
had recovered after the bush fires of last year; the under-
growth was dense but the larger trees were obviously slower to
The Satin Bowerbird, sighted early, set the pattern for
many interesting observations which included Lewin Honeyeaters,
Rufous Fantails and Yellow -throated ,7Iarblers. The Brush and
Fan -Tailed Cuckoos were in full voice and their proximity to
each other provided an excellent opportunity to compare.the
songs of these two species. Among the nesting birdshseen in
the area were the Golden Whistler, Grey Fantail Yellow Robin
and Brown Warbler.BIRDS – 24 – January 1, 1970
We had lunch at Bulli beach and then moved on to the
sand dunes at Bellambi. Turnstones were working the waters
edge, a pair of Lesser Knots – surprisingly tame – and
Little Terns were of special interest. One Little Tern
was flushed from its nest; the primitive nature of the
nest, yet excellent camouflaging of the egg within it,
was intriguing.
A small party later explored a seconirain forest
in the Bellambi area. The nesting birds seen here were
the Black -faced Flycatcher and the White-browed Scrub –
Wren whose nest was in a tree stump and within six feet
of another warbler’s nest a Yellow -throated Scrub- Wren’s
nest with three eggs in it was also found. A Logrunner
was sighted towards the end of the day, bringing the final
count to 46 species. Our thanks to Peter Roberts for a
most pleasant and interesting day.
PAM COOPER, Roseville. N.S.W.
Saturday, January 17th 1970. La Perouse and Henry Head.
Meet at 10 a.m. on N.S.W. Golf Links and St.Michael’s
Golf Links Road, 9 miles from City, which is on the left, 2
miles past Yarra Junction – (Junction of Anzac Parade and
Bunnerong Rd.) and 3 miles from La Perouse. For those who
arrive at La Perouse proceed back towards City, taking first
turn on RIGHT. (Check your Gregory’s).
Bring a picnic lunch. Please note that the closest
“mod -cons” are at La Perouse.
The “La Perouse Peninsula Fauna and Flora Protection
Society” will provide each person with a sketch map of the
area showing main tracks etc. on the reverse side of which,
they would like you to write your observations and findings.
The area is likely to become the “Cook National Park”.
Your assistance in positive identification of the Flora and
Fauna of this area will be most appreciated.
Please wear good protection on your feet; thongs and
sandals are dangerous. Please bring biro. Congwong Bay is
a good swimming spot for those who would like to end the
day with a swim.BIRDS – 25 – January 1, 1970
Sunday – Feb., 22nd 1970.
Greendale, Wallacia.
Leader: Mr. A. Colemame.
Meet 9.30 a.m.
Those coming by Great Western Highway should proceed to
Kingswood and take Narellan-Camden Road and meet at Wallacia
turn off.
Those coming via Liverpool and Mulgoa Rd., turn left at
Kingswood-Narellan Rd, and meet at Wallacia turnoff. (Lunch
will be had at cars).
Anyone missing the meeting place can proceed to Wallacia,
find Greendale Road and find the party somewhere along this road.
The area is dry selerophyll forest in shale area and there
are some good fresh water dams.
Saturday – 14th March, 1970.
Quibray Bay and Boat Harbour.
Leader: Mr. A.R. McGill.
Meet 10 a.m. Quibray Bay on Captain Cook Drive about 2 miles
from last Cronulla turnoff.
Wading bird study is the main object of the excursion.
Lunch will be had at cars.
Field -days for April, May and June.
Saturday, April 18th. Meryla Pass, Morton National Park.
Sunday, May 24th. Heathcote State Park.
Sunday, June 21st. Yeramba Reserve, Picnic Point and
George’s River Park.
GEORGE DIBLEYBIRDS – 26 – January 1, 1970
Birds of Victoria. Urban Areas. 1. Gould League, Victoria
This very attractive little field guide, measuring
6,” x is the first of a series of four books being
published by the “Gould League of Bird Lovers of Victoria”.
The illustrations in colour by Margo Kroyer-Pedersen
are well drawn and the text written by a team of four,
consisting of R.W. Wheeler, M.B.E., A.J. Reid, M.J. Shaw
and J.A. McMillan is adequate.
The book consisting of 72 pages contains 22 bird
silhouettes, five two-tone figures and 123 birds illustrated
in colour. Each coloured bird plate is accompanied by a
text which covers the general habits of the bird, its voice,
flight, food, nest and eggs, when and where it nests,
behaviour, distribution and similar species in appearance
‘in the field’. The latter are coloured text figures with
“Roger Tory Peterson type pointers,” and are most useful.
One would like to see more Australian bird -guides illus-
trated in like -manner. Measurements are given in both
millimetres and inches.
The book also contains a coloured map with marginal
grids, showing the ecology of the Melbourne Area and the
best bird -watching habitats. A summary of the status of
bird sightings for the Melbourne Area concludes the book.
Although primarily written for the Melbourne bird –
watching fraternity, Sydney bird -watchers will find this
book a useful and interesting addition for their book
The “Gould League of Victoria” is to be complimented
for their initiative in producing an excellent little
field -guide.

  • L.C.H. –